#and your friend gefionne
sariastrategos · 6 months
Not sure if you're aware, but the deaf!Ben AU does have a fic written by my friend @gefionne! :D
I was not aware bless you with the cuddles of a thousand animals of your choice I’m going to go consume all 71k oh my lord thank you I’m so excited!!!
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foolishlovers · 6 months
hi jane! how are you? 💕 i looove your fic recs and i always wanted to ask for some, too... but i never knew what kind of fics i would ask for bc i'm uncreative af lol ANYWAY i've been feeling pretty low these past few days now and i could use some fluffy sweet ineffable idiots/friends to lovers fics to cheer me up..? doesn't really matter if short or long, au, fix-it, explicit or not... i'm not picky (tho i prefer longer fics) 👉🏻👈🏻 do you have some recs? or even personal faves? i'd love to see them, pretty please? (i'm also reading/have read your wip's and finished fics and i love ALL OF THEM V MUCH just so you know that!! anyway, i hope you're doing good! have a great start to the week mwah 💕✨️)
addi hi you’re are so very sweet!! i’m sending you all my hugs and i hope you’ll feel better soon 💜
here are some of my favourite idiots/friends to lovers good omens fics:
Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak by triedunture (M, 17k) "Yes, exactly. Retire." Aziraphale reaches for the last remaining tartlet brimming with summer berries. "Somewhere along the south coast, perhaps." Or: Crowley and Aziraphale learn to move in tandem.
You are HoMe (Half of Me) by angelsnuffbox (T, 28k) Aziraphale had gotten dumped, plain and simple. But that small detail wasn’t nearly as important as all the things that happened after he’d gotten dumped - such as coming to a few realisations about his best friend of sixteen years.
Hope Is The Thing With Feathers by Gefionne (M, 28k) Because they can’t see each other more than once every few decades, Aziraphale suggests that he and Crowley write to each other to pass the time apart. As quills for their letters, they exchange wing feathers: a gesture of great intimacy that Crowley is convinced only he perceives the depth of. But time will tell that it’s not just him who sees it that way.
32 Questions That Lead To Love by ffonippop (E, 32k)
”First formulated in 1997, [32] questions to fall in love is a study by psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron which took place at Stony Brook University, New York. The aim? Speeding up the creation of intimacy between two strangers.” The Cosmopolitan
Okay, fine.
Crowley was 32-Questions-That-Lead-To-Love-ing Aziraphale. Sue him.
He had no expectations, all right? Just, an innocent curiosity.
Between Comfort And Chaos by anathxmadevice (T, 45k) “And how long have you two been a couple?” “Oh, I—” Aziraphale panics. “Ha, well, that’s a funny… We’re not actually—” “We’re just friends.” Crowley says, their voice clear and calm and lightly amused, either because of or in spite of Aziraphale’s flailing attempts to divert the conversation. “Ah, yes, quite.” Aziraphale says, then takes a sip of his drink just for something to do, instead of focussing on the way Crowley said just friends, and how it causes a painful throb in his chest that he has never fully got used to. His memory can only scrabble at the edge of a time where being just friends with Crowley didn’t feel like a particular form of torture. Or, Aziraphale has been desperately in love with his best friend and housemate Crowley since they were students, but is too scared to do anything about it.
Won't You be My Neighbor? by Spiro, ProblematicPitch (T, 52k) When Mr. A. Z. Fell moves to the quiet English village of Tadfield, he expects nosy neighbors and inquiries into his eccentric, solitary life. What he doesn't anticipate is Anthony J. Crowley, the surly nuisance / next-door-neighbor, who might very well need a friend as much as he does.
Good Endings by WyvernQuill (T, 56k) A Narrative of Certain Events following the Ending of the World (Except Not Quite), as vaguely hinted at in The Slapdash and Not Very Helpful Prophetic Tidbit of Agnes Nutter, Witch (And Matchmaker.)   "Their lives are in horrible, terrible danger that only we can save them from!" Anathema held up the Prophetic Tidbit. "It says so. Right here." Madame Tracy peered at the page. Raised a meaningful eyebrow. "Dearie, as a woman of, well, considerable experience, I really don't think that's what 'the lyttle Deathe' means in this context…" "Huh." Anathema squinted. Flipped the page. Read another bit. "….huh."   (Or, alternatively: Eight - give or take - matchmakers trying really, really hard, honest; two clueless ethereal/occult beings mutually pining their endless days away; and one witch, who can't leave well enough alone when it comes to matters of the heart, no matter how many centuries ago she died.)
Barriers, and the Breaking Thereof by Cardinal_Daughter (M, 71k) Ezra Fell has long been comfortable in his loneliness. He’s content to simply run the Soho Public Library and otherwise keep to himself. However, when a handsome stranger bursts in one evening with a baby, frantic and in need of help, Ezra finds those carefully constructed barriers he’s long maintained begin to crack. Perhaps it’s time to let them fall. Human AU. Complete.
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim (T, 133k) Aziraphale finds himself in a very awkward position as some sort of spell makes everyone merely glancing in his direction instantly fall deeply and desperately in love with him. Absolutely everyone. Well, apart from Crowley, that is. And while both angel and demon search for a solution to this fairly unique problem, Crowley can’t help wondering whether Aziraphale might finally figure out some things he kept hidden for so very long. [you can request more fic recs here]
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gefionne · 18 days
Hi Gefionne!
Have you been reading any good books lately? I recently read “A River Endless” because I saw you mention it, and I enjoyed it a lot.
I noticed you have written quite a few fanfics set in a historical AU. I can only imagine the amount of research this takes and as a fellow fanfic writer I would love to hear a bit about your process when you write these.
Do you enjoy reading historical fiction in general, do you have any favorites that you would recommend?
Hello, friend!
I'm glad you enjoyed A River Endless! I also enjoyed those books, since I've been on a fantasy kick in the past 6 months. I loved fantasy most as a kid, and while I moved away from it for a while, I reread the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab and got yanked back into wanting to read fantasy.
Shades of Magic is a favorite, though iirc Schwab's first move from YA to adult fiction. It still has a very YA flavor because of that, but it's such an engaging world that I got sucked in. Totally wrote an OT3 fic based on the series when I finished it again this time lol.
Other stuff I've really liked lately:
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries and Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawlett - I really like her prose style and the books overall are whimsical and endearing.
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas - Dark academia with a supernatural twist; reread it recently.
Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan - Also YA-flavored adult fantasy inspired by Chinese mythology.
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo - I love this book. I will never stop gushing about this book. I reread it this summer because it's a creepy, humid Southern gothic that's queer af and has delicious prose.
In terms of historical fiction, I've had a lot of trouble connecting with it for quite a while now, despite having written a couple of meaty historical fics. There are some quirks of historicals that will bug me enough from the start that I can't get into them: mostly that they info dump the setting within the first paragraph with a laundry list of historical details that's like "Hey, look, I did my research!" but it actually makes the story sound like a freshman HIS101 paper, not a novel.
One of the toughest things about writing historicals is doing all that research and then judiciously weaving it into the story, not putting your whole-ass knowledge of details into every page. While of course I want to make the setting come alive with historical detail, in the end, the story is about the characters and their arc, so you have to walk this line of putting in enough detail to make it believable while not getting bogged down in the details. If a historical novel leans too hard on establishing the setting at the very start and less on introducing the characters, I tend to put it down because it seems like a book about the period, not a book about these people I'm supposed to care for. I might as well read non-fiction for that. All the historicals I've picked up lately--which, admittedly, isn't that many--have been like that, so I noped out.
My research for fics is not anywhere what would need to be done for a novel I'd be willing to query. I read 3 books about the Eagle Squadrons, watched a movie or two, and always had the internet's legion of aviation nerds at hand when I was writing my WWII Royal Air Force AU, but I still fudged enough that I'd be reluctant to do more than fanfiction with it. All historicals require some fudging, extrapolation, and creative license, but if I wrote an RAF novel, I'd have a far larger reading list.
For Limerence, the 70s English public school AU, I read a book of accounts of queer men and their experiences in public school, with some history of public school in general. Again, not half enough to float a novel, but perfectly adequate for my purposes of writing a fic for fun. The Good Omens fic that spans several historical eras is a product of internet research, and I believe one commenter found an historical misstep with tea, when it wouldn't've been available in the place Zira and Crowley currently were. I nodded to them for noticing the error, but didn't go back and fix it because while I put a lot of work into my fics and take them seriously as an art form, I'm comfortable with some anachronisms or imperfections in historical accuracy because I do, in fact, write these fics for fun around a full-time job, house, partner, and pet, and people can read them for free.
My advice for writing historical fics: pick up at least one non-fiction book about the period you're writing about, then see if you want to read more books or just chill on the internet. Decide how much you're comfortable fudging and what you need to be super accurate. Then focus on your characters and plot, using the setting to prop them up and make them come alive. The setting/time isn't the main focus, but you have to know enough about it to let your story unfold within its confines.
Anyway, this is so long and if you've made it all the way to the bottom, anon, that's lovely. I was just taking a break from my workday to reply, so it's back to the grind. ;-)
Love, Gef
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thenookienostradamus · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Okay so this one looks insanely fun; I couldn't not hop on board. Tagged by the fantastic @nocompromise-noregrets. These are some juicy questions!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 45. Oh shit I just realized I have one fic for each year of my life.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 957,606
3. What fandoms do you write for? Many of the ones I have written for I don't anymore, but I've written for some enormous fandoms like Hannibal, Tolkien/Silmarillion, Star Wars, Sherlock, and SPN, a couple biggish ones (Detroit: Become Human , Midnight Mass, and Foundation -TV), and a shitload of tiny fandoms including The Alienist (TV), The Following, True Detective, The Exorcist (TV), and Preacher (TV).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Cernunnos (Hannibal) - 1,189; Misericorde (Hannibal) - 727; Exit Music (D:BH) - 716; The Detective Doth Protest Too Much (D:BH) - 638; The Stolen Prey (Hannibal) - 579.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's super important to me to take time and thank people who have commented. Also I'm not super crazy popular so I don't get a shit-ton of comments anyway. They're all gems!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hm. Most likely Nightmare Angel, my lone Supernatural fic which nobody reads because I kill Dean and send Sam on an automobile-assisted vengeance quest. Listen, it's a book-based AU and the book isn't exactly the happiest.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably This Night at the Edge of the World, which is a surprisingly poignant modern AU take on a Star Wars crack ship. Matt the fucking Radar Technician. Who knew?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Rarely. I've gotten a couple of comments along the lines of "Why didn't you do x?" or "If this was my fic I would have..." and I've found that a lot of those come from people who are well intentioned but possibly neurodivergent, so I try to be kind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep. All but 8 of my fics are Explicit-rated. Not sure what is meant by "what kind" - but like...hopefully the sexy kind? This is a reflection of the reason why I read fanfic. If I want character development, an engrossing story, an ingenious plot, whatever, I read original fiction. If I want to read about make-believe people banging, I read fic. I don't like longfic or romance or slow burn or whatever. Reading fic, for me, is purely for horndog reasons.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I guess the closest I've come to that is the Techienician ship, AKA Matt the Radar Technician (Adam Driver's undercover Star Wars character from a Saturday Night Live sketch) x Techie from Dredd (2012) as played by Domhnall Gleeson.
11. (there doesn't seem to be a question 11) Free space! I am loving the recent proliferation of interesting, complicated female characters in media!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Uh. I think so? Not sure if it was on AO3, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Tons of them, actually. Which is weird because I typically like to write alone. But I've had some amazing collabs. I cowrote one of my Following fics with a friend (we've since lost touch). I wrote a crackfic called It's Hard Out There for a Balrog for a reverse bang, collaborating with @melkors-big-tits and his ridiculously amazing art and awesome ideas. My fave collab, of course, was the extraordinarily cracky Kylux holiday fic, Merry Huxmas, which I co-wrote with my sister, @gefionne.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Uh...I don't really have an all-time favorite. Just whatever is occupying my mind at the time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm not entirely sure I'll ever finish The Unresisting Heart, which is a Maglor/Sauron fic. It was an experiment in style and I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I'm in the frame of mind to finish. I keep telling myself I'll finish In Eorum Nominibus, my Midnight Mass Riley/Father Paul fic. But again...not sure.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization, probably. I'm pretty decent at putting together a plot with a lot of moving pieces. Dialogue. Also making things not read like fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I sometimes miss opportunities for character interiority, especially with a fast-moving plot. I try not to, but my writing is vague sometimes. I don't particularly think it's a weakness, but fic readers love flowery, pretty language and I refuse to write that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Largely unnecessary. If you do, translate. But throwing words from another language in makes you sound like a non-native speaker trying to appear cool. If you're fluent in another language, why not just write in that language, too?
19. First fandom you wrote for? Well, if you don't count Mary Sue stories written in a spiral notebook before the computer era, probably The Matrix. Revolutions, specifically. It's not posted. It will never be posted.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Exit Music. Because its totally invented AU plot went on to inspire an original novel that may or may not be published before I die. People really do not want to read "unlikeable female characters." Sigh.
Tagging some new friends, including @mycapeisplaid and @madsmilfelsen, plus some beloved old friends: @thefangirlibrarian, @niennawept, @ruiniel, @i-did-not-mean-to, @cilil, and the obligatory @gefionne because she has the same parents as I do and also because she's awesome.
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modernmythic · 2 years
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @runawaymun Thank you!!
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
I believe the name was inspired by Hayley Mills but they chose to spell it Hailey which they thought was more common when I was born. Unfortunately, they were wrong.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple weeks ago I think? Definitely when me and my dad were watching LotR (the “my friends, you bow to no one” gets me every time). But also I almost cried at pipe band practice the other day when someone told me I was responsible for the pipers messing up the rhythms. 
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Noooo, never. (Yes, of course! It’s my main form of humor.)
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
@runawaymun said vibes and I felt that. I usually just get a feeling off people. I notice how they treat me and how they treat others. Physically, it just depends on the person. But what I always notice first is how people behave.
6. What's your eye colour?
Blue-grey. Really depends what I’m wearing. Blue clothes make them much more blue.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I mean it depends on the movie? Really I just want a good ending that makes sense for the movie itself. 
8. Any special talents?
I don’t know? Not particularly?
9. Where were you born?
Charlotte, NC
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading and reading adjacent things like book shopping, book club (I’m currently hosting a LotR bookclub!), talking about books, etc. Jigsaw puzzles, writing (although I a shit at finishing anything), hiking, baking, plants (is plants a hobby?)
11. Have you any pets?
One sweet kitty named Saoirse!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I am not sporty. I was in marching band. The closest I got was horseback riding which I did a lot a kid, although I didn’t show or anything.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, English, and band class.
15. Dream job?
Commune...founder/member? I want to start a mountain commune with friends and make a living by growing things and making things. I would also love to refinish and design/build furniture.
Idk that I even have 15 mutuals lmao No pressure tags for some people, everyone else feel free to do it and tag me so I can get to know you! @twice-told-tales @themerriweathermage @spacegaysss @softlypause @gefionne @majestictolkienelves
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bighound-littlebird · 5 years
Hi I’m very new to Sansan (and GoT in general-watched it all in two months) and I’m seriously trying to read all the fics. Is there a list of the most popular/need-to-read fics? So far I’m loving everything (modern au/canon...everything!) but I don’t want to miss some of the greats!
Beyond the Ice & the Fire: How Fragile is the Heart by Caroh99
Northern Lights and Midnight Sun by Ownsariver
The Reason is You by smokingsea
The Girl From The North Country by wandering_gypsy_feet
Of Vampires and Hunters by GlowingMechanicalHeart
Sorry I'm Late by Nevermore_red
Serpentine by leighofoldstones
Wolf Bonded by purpleann
Going by emmiemac 
This Time, We'll Do Better by LadyTP
Cut It Out and Then Restart by Onborrowedwings/ weshallflyaway​
The War of Southern Occupation series by  @vermilionsunriseao3
Sevenmas by starbird1
Seven More - a continuation of Sevenmas by starbird1
Warrior's Prayer by Amuscaria
What Dreams May Come by Littlefeather
The Prophecy by LadyTP
Vile series by Simplylucia
Blood Will Out by hardlyfatal
Gravedigger (won't you dig my grave?) by ElixirBB
A Summer Wedding by Yavannie
I See You by Caroh99
Two-and-ten by SimplyLucia
The Cave by AftinBrook
Camp Follower by RedSmileyFace
Scars by the_moonmoth
Little Bird and The Colour of Fire by swimmingfox 
All The Things She Never Said (And Those She Did) by onborrowedwings
Gravedigger by kitharington
Super-Massive Black Hole by loquitur 
There'll Be Some Changes Made by SimplyLucia
Don't Look Back by emmiemac 
Blessed Be (The Third Night) by wonderland 
A Red Winter by rebbawskaced​ 
The Hound’s Reward by MrsRasputin,
Wild at Heart by Littlefeather
Her Liquor’s Top Shelf by Helholden
There’s Something Beautiful and Tragic in the Fallout by inthesnowglobe
Winter, Thy Enemy, They Friend by LadyTP
A Song of Steel by Egeriel, WIP
The Feasts of the Seven by Gefionne
Dances in the Sea by celticwanderer
The Reward by redcandle17 
The Look by LadyTP
Riot by girloficeandfire
The Grand Tourney of the Tub by Ownsariver
Blow Your Mind by The Moonmoth
Something to Worship by starbird1​  complete
Into the Wood by Walter Gilman
The Long Journey Home by Littlefeather
The Calling by wonderland
The Best Laid Plans by @naturesinmyeye
Lost Little Bird by mermaidsahoy
On the tenth night by ruebellab
The Lady of the Gift by the_moonmoth 
Lost and Found series by Nevermore_red
The Vow of Silence by Chaouen
The Exchange by Maroucia
These Scars We Wear by wonderland
Winter Roses by klained
Kindred by SmallestGrackle 
Ink & Roses by Chaouen, Kitamere
The Cleganes in Winterfell series by emmiemac
The Roots of Fate  series by Maracuya
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moonwalkingcrab · 5 years
Tagged by @dysphorie-dot-png, thank you m’dear <3
Fandoms you write for: Critical Role, Detroit: Become Human and Star Wars have been my frontrunners, but I am also working on a little something from The Untamed as a Christmas gift for a friend ^_^
Where you post: Mostly ao3, but if I get a prompt and the ficlet is short enough, then I’ll keep it on tumblr.
Most popular one-shot: How do you even define ‘popular’? 
I suppose if we are going by kudos then it is my kylux-adjacent Clydeland fic ‘Where You Lead’, I never would have thought that crackship would resonate with so many people XD
Most popular multi-chapters fic: Kylux for reals this time: ‘Friends With Renefits’, which doesn’t surprise me, it has been at the top of the leaderboard for a while.
Favorite story you wrote: I am very pleased with ‘7 Human Habits You Should Try At Least Once’, my first foray into Detroit: Become Human and outside the Star Wars fandom, the response was so sweet and so positive.
Story you were nervous to post: 'Crossroads’, probably because it’s not really fanfic as such, just straight up porn of some D&D ocs. Still, a few people responded, which was far more than I’d expected and was a really pleasant surprise!
How do you choose your titles? Generally they just filter on into my head mid-writing. I don’t really have a go-to source for titles.
Do you outline? I tend to either bulletpoint the things I want to happen and then join them all up, or write a very rough guide to what’s happening in the chapter and expand as I go.
Complete: Nearly all of my works are complete, I have a single wip that I last updated mid-2016 and have no plans to continue, but 1/60 ain’t bad XD
In progress: Just the one gift-fic right now. I try not to work on too many things at once, lest I get overwhelmed and lose motivation.
Coming soon/not started yet: I have a Modern AU Clayleb that I have some very solid ideas for, but have restarted twice already and cannot get into the groove with, so hopefully it will untangle itself soon. I also have some very specific, very smutty Shadowgast ideas that I want to at least have the semblance of a plot around.
Do you accept prompts? Absolutely! I love them, it may take a little while to answer them on occasion, but they are always very much welcome.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: The next big longfic, whatever it may be. I have scraps of ideas but nothing concrete, I just hope it comes soon.
Tagging  um.... I guess I’ll go for @gefionne, @longstoryshortikilledhim and @theweddingofthefoxes since I’m not 100% sure what writers are still hanging out round here since the purge. No pressure to fill it if you don’t wanna <3
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koujaaku · 6 years
I read Allemande and I must say, as a deaf person, you did a great job writing Ben realistically and without any ableism. I would have loved to have had a friend like (your) Hux in high school!
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No, really – thank you. this means so much to me and @gefionne
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kyluxtrashcompactor · 7 years
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                                a rec list for the people, by the people ;)
            (this rec list was assembled from submissions by Tumblr users, and                                         appear in no particular order or theme)
Rec List Part 1 / ?
Anyone But You by Zamwessell  : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply
Modern AU, College Era.  Hux has always had a plan for his life. It's going well. He's following in his father's footsteps with the College Republicans and writing for the prestigious "First Order" campus conservative magazine with his new friend Dopheld Mitaka. Until he meets Mitaka's roommate, Kylo Ren -- who is everything he shouldn't want.
Out Of The Darkness, Light by GallifreyanOmnishambles, aka @creepycreepyspacewizard : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply 
Historical AU,  1976- A brilliant would-be engineering student is forced to take up coal mining after the death of his father. 1979- The privileged son of a Tory politician runs away to join the Army. Life is not kind to either of them, or to Britain as a whole, when in 1984 the National Coal Board announce 20 colliery closures and 142,000 miners go on strike. In the middle of it all "General" Brendol Hux Jr meets Ben "Kylo" Ren.
Hux Be A Lady by Polaris : Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Warn 
Sexswap, Temporarily Female Hux 
“It’ll probably go away on its own,” said Ren, helping himself to another piece of toast in the officers’ mess.
“No, it will not go away on its own, Ren,” Hux hissed, gripping his fork menacingly. “You are going to make it go away! This is your fault!”
Ground Rule by mythbusterposey : Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply
Modern AU --  When nineteen-year-old pitcher Ben Solo is traded from his lifelong-favorite to his lifelong-rival team, he's blindsided. It's hard for him to move past the rage and betrayal from the trade, but his roommate and veteran shortstop Elan Hux quickly takes the fragile rookie under his wing. He just hadn't taken into account how hard he would fall for his teammate.
Downbeat by @acroamatica : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply 
Modern AU --  Maestro Hux is at the helm of the Erste Orden Sinfonie for their big gala concert, a programme of the most stunning piano concertos ever written. With his continued employment and the future of the whole orchestra on the line, the last thing he needs is the incredibly arrogant (but wildly talented) piano soloist Kylo Ren.
Magic To Make The Sanest Man Go Mad  by @vadianna : Rated E : Graphic Depictions of Violence
Pre-TFA, Canon Setting -- Jedi Ben Solo, handsome hero of the New Republic, accompanies his uncle Luke on a memorial trip to Tatooine. As Luke mourns his family, Ben meets local peacekeeper Major Armitage Hux. Hux is unimpressed by his reputation, and proceeds to give him a scathing lesson in galactic politics before taking him on a suicide mission.Ben falls hard.Later, spending the night apart, both hear a holotransmission from the floor of the New Republic Senate that reveals Ben's grandfather as the infamous Darth Vader. Ben does not take this well, and falls hard again.
Adrift by @lingua-mortua : Rated M,  Creator Chose Not To Warn
TFA Setting / Canon Divergent --  Force apprentice Kylo Ren is trapped in an escape shuttle with a man he deeply dislikes, piloting the tiny craft to anything that remotely resembles safety. He is nineteen years old and this is his first real taste of the galaxy. His companion in disaster, twenty-three year old Captain Hux, is mourning the loss of his first command, the Tarkin, which is currently a smouldering wreck in space following a desperate battle with pirates. When they finally touch down on a remote jungle planet, survival is the most important priority. They strip the ruined shuttle for everything they can use and start walking. Thrown together by fate and united against the harsh climate and punishing odds, the two youngsters grow closer and closer together. When they reach a settlement, they will call for help and be picked up, to go their separate ways in the vast galaxy. Is it so wrong that, for now, they feel compelled to cling to what little comfort they can find?
The Last Thing I Need Is You by @claricechiarasorcha : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply 
TFA Canon Setting (Featuring Awkward Virgin Kylo Ren and Bossy Bottom General Hux)
In which Hux discovers that maybe Kylo Ren really was raised by wolves -- because surely, everybody knows what a fuck buddy is.
Noise Resolution by @gefionne  : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply 
Modern AU -  Hux's neighbor Kylo Ren is infamous for having loud sex with a new guy every couple of days. When Hux gets fed up and files a noise complaint, an enraged Kylo confronts Hux about the report. Hux tries to protest at first but soon ends up in bed with Kylo, screaming just as loud as the boys previously.
Stars In Our Wake by @griesly : Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply
Modern AU -  As the owner of Flagship Books, Hux has his life perfectly in order until professional disappointment Kylo Ren barges into his shop and unfortunately, his life. Kylo is a terrible employee, Hux is a worse employer, and this arrangement goes about as well as you'd expect.
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Hey!! I’m a newbie to all things Kylux (and a new follower of yours, hi!), I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations? I generally prefer canon universe ones but I’m not really sure where to look!! Thanks in advance :)
Hiya!! Alright, first off, I’m so sorry this took so long! This weeks been so hectic I haven’t had time to sit down and do this until now *sweats*. I’m very very bad at saving things so I guarantee I’ve forgotten something wonderful somewhere but this is what I’ve got for you. 
And because you’re probably going to hear ‘CWU’ mentioned at some point I’ll start with this: 
Children, Wake Up series by @hollyhark (Enemies to lovers, 608k, E)
Hux follows orders and loses his way.
Give Me a Shot to Remember by decotex (Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, 55k, M)
Everyone on the Finalizer has at some point had to listen to the General and their resident Dark Lord’s flirting. They are not subtle.
Someone points out Kylo Ren’s soft spot for a certain First Order general. Hux contemplates this over vodka.
Feat. heavy drinking, a ship full of gossipers, and no subtlety whatsoever.
(and it’s sequel: A Light to Burn All the Empires)
Aletheia by @badspacebabies & @reserve (Angst, H/C, Heed the warnings, 40k, E)
“What have you been doing to me?” Hux hisses. His voice is like static: the low hum of fear and the pitchy crackle of desire.
“Everything,” says Ren.
Shades Undimmed by @longstoryshortikilledhim (Canon Divergence AU, A/B/O AU, Bounty Hunter AU, 21K, E)
Hux is a bounty hunter who teams up with renegade Jedi Kylo Ren for a hunt. They’re determined not to let their biological needs intervene with the integrity of their mission. They fail.
The Holovid List by @verybadhedgehog (Soft Kylux, 6k, E)
Never trust the IT department.Don’t keep porn on a network server. Don’t access porn on a network server.Your threat model probably didn’t account for Kylo Ren.There might be worse threats to your integrity than getting found out.
All this goes double if you wear two rank bands on your left wrist.
first order approved holidays and other thorns in kylo’s side by @lady-starkiller (Fluff, Soft Kylux, Established Relationship, 5k, M)
The First Order has but one approved holiday a standard year. Kylo and Hux have been preparing for weeks, even going so far as to dock the Finalizer in port for shore leave. Unfortunately, Kylo’s plan are soon ruined by the news that there’s an annual High Command meeting scheduled on the exact same day as the holiday.
And not even Supreme Leader Kylo Ren can get General Hux out of this meeting. Though he tries. Hard.
Luckily though, Kylo Ren finds something worthy on shore leave to bring back to Hux. A worthy gift for the only holiday in the First Order, a worthy gift for his General.
Technically, two. Though that second one is more for Kylo’s benefit, than anything else.
I need a friend who knows no mercy by @ellstra (Kidnapping, H/C, 18k, E)
First Order regulation days off are punishment for Hux. One of them turns out to be hell on Earth more than he anticipated and he reaches rock bottom in the hands of a madman who seems to know more about Hux’s relationship with Kylo Ren than Hux knows - or allows himself to admit. 
That Unsteady Afterglow series by oorsprong (Fluff, First Times, 28k, E)
Kylo Ren and General Hux finally get around to it and it’s just not that great. Maybe it’s a little embarrassing. But there’s more to life than mind-blowing sex, right?
If you’re at all interested in non-canonverse AU’s I’d say give these a try: 
stet by acroamatica (Novel/Editor AU, 17k, M)
Kylo Ren knows how to write a bestseller. All he needs is a good enough monster and a small enough town, a cast of people who are relatable but maybe not very bright, and an editor who will sit back and let him do his thing.
First Order House’s newly-promoted senior editor Hux, however, is not that editor.
(Wasn’t) Made For These Times by @celloing (70′s AU, Hippie AU, 22k, E)
Hux meets Kylo Ren in the summer of 1970, tall and dangerous looking despite the denim he wears and the hippies he hangs around with, and Hux finds he can’t stay away no matter how hard he tries.
Flyboys by @gefionne (WWII AU, Eagle Squadron AU, 301k, E) 
England, 1941 - Armitage Hux, pilot in the Royal Air Force, has finally gotten command of his own squadron. But instead of a group of well-trained British pilots, he gets twelve inexperienced American volunteers. Among them is Ben Solo, a talented young fighter pilot who would be the best in the squadron if it wasn’t for his temper. As they take to the skies, Hux and Ben find themselves forming an illicit but powerful bond against the backdrop of a world at war.
And because I guarantee you I’ve forgotten something I’d recommend anything in my bookmarks here! I also write for this fandom and I’m here if that at all interests you :)
Welcome to Kylux, hope you have a wonderful time here!
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kyluxtrashbin · 7 years
Kylux Fic Rec List! (Part 3/?) XL Edition!
I meant to do this like...4 months ago. I’m awful. Sorry. Here’s a bunch of things I loved reading. As always, mind the tags.
A Lover’s Token | @vadianna Rated: E / 6200 words Kylo gets off on physical evidence of his trysts with Hux. So he gets Hux to regularly rub him off through his leggings. He doesn't wash them. More or less.
Pretty Little Thing | @kyluxicle Rated: E / 8500 words Being a General is stressful, and when the stress becomes too much Hux goes to Kylo Ren to decompress. Sometimes decompressing means being dressed up and fucked like a whore.
The Mountebank | @kdazrael Rated: E / 15200 words For the Kylux Hard Kinks prompt: 'Broke student Kylo answers a call for medical research subjects that he finds online- $150 per visit. It takes several trips to Dr Hux's office and an inordinate number of things up his ass before he realises it might not have been a genuine advert.'
My Skin Is Theirs | @claricechiarasorcha Rated: E / 10800 words Apparently, Lieutenant Mitaka has quite the collection of saucy softcore Cadet Hux pictures. Apparently, Kylo Ren thinks this is entirely inappropriate in men of their standing. Apparently, General Hux has an idea.
Delineation | @vadianna Rated: E / 7000 words Kylo is always astonished by his visits to the specialty club in Hutt Space, even after so many trips. This time, Hux runs into an old kitonak acquaintance.Or: They have sex with an anonymous alien as a third partner.
The Immaterial Stardust of His Being | @saltandlimes Rated: E / 5200 words After a Resistance attack, Finalizer's main reactor is only hours from total collapse. Hux tries to hold his ship and crew together, while planetside, miles below him, Kylo Ren races the clock to bring back parts for the reactor and save them.
Nudge | @obsessions-and-dreams Rated: T / 2050 words Ren would nuzzle softly against Hux's throat or jaw or cheek and every time, without fail, Hux smiled or laughed. For some reason Ren liked that, and so he kept doing it. And Hux kept letting him.
The Walkout Bout | @nerdherderette Rated: M / 3300 words "No, don't want that shit." Ben doesn't want it, or need it. His years of training and a lifetime of name calling have taught him to deal with pain, especially when it came to matters regarding his face. He lays back as Hux begins cleaning the wound, the sting of the antiseptic replaced by the prick of the surgical needle entering his skin.He breathes, feeling the pull of the fast gut drawing the ragged edges of flesh closed as Hux's fingers flew. It never fails to surprise him that Hux would choose to slum away several days a week fixing up amateur boxers in a fight factory. It's nearly as surprising as the idea that someone as beautiful and talented as Hux could be interested in someone like Ben.
New Soul, Strange World | @hollyhark Rated: T / 4900 words Ren senses Hux in extreme distress and rushes to his aid, thereby discovering that Hux has a phobia of basic medical procedures due to childhood trauma. Ren deals with it, reluctantly but in a way that would make his mother proud (which he resents).
Fools of Us Both | @theearlgreyalpha Rated: E / 3750 words Somehow, Kylo had convinced them both that he was far more experienced than he was. His infatuation with Hux proved to be his downfall, running his mouth to boast about a sexual prowess he simply didn't have, and when the time came to prove it...he failed. Miserably.
Friends With Renefits | @moonwalkingcrab Rated: E / 37400 The Rules: 1. Just sex, no feelings 2. The arrangement lasts as long as is beneficial 3. Either party can choose to end the arrangement, no questions asked 4. No kissing
All The Way To Your Door | @kyluxtrashcompactor Rated: E / 44550 words Six months ago, Hux lied to his father. He said the man in the picture he pulled up on his phone was his fiancé. Hux never anticipated telling his roommate, Ben, that he had been cast as Hux's lover, but when Hux's father dies unexpectedly, he is forced to tell Ben the truth, and ask him to play the role at Brendol Hux's wake.
strange phenomenon | @brawlite & @kyluxtrashcompactor Rated: E / 65750 words Kylo Ren is haunted by recent tragedy. He answers an ad posted by one Armitage Hux for a roommate, and he thinks a fresh start will help him begin to heal. He brings next to nothing with him from the past when he moves in.Or so he thinks.
Uniform Code be Damned | @pangolinpirate Rated: E / 3700 words How long had it been since he’d been touched this way? The bitter answer that floated to his mind was ‘too long.’ Hux sighed and leaned into the knight’s touch, stretching his neck toward Ren’s lips and capturing them with his own.
Accidentally on Purpose | @onewhositswithturtles Rated: E / 3800 words Kylo has been harboring feelings for his uptight boss, Hux, over the last year but said nothing for fear of getting fired. Unfortunately one night Kylo's friends get him drunk and Kylo decides Hux should see what he's missing, and texts Hux a dick pic. The next morning when Hux tells Kylo to come to his office after work, Kylo has no idea what to expect.
Noise Resolution | @gefionne Rated: E / 5450 words Hux's neighbor Kylo Ren is infamous for having loud sex with a new guy every couple of days. When Hux gets fed up and files a noise complaint, an enraged Kylo confronts Hux about the report. Hux tries to protest at first but soon ends up in bed with Kylo, screaming just as loud as the boys previously.
Leverage | ballvvasher Rated: E / 6250 words Written for Kylux Hard Kinks prompt: "Hux, tense one evening, coms for a massage droid but accidentally sends it to Kylo instead."
Pleated Skirts and Perverts | @maps-to-nowhere Rated: E / 1000 words Ren has a talented mouth, and Hux appreciates it maybe too much.
Incense and Cinnamon | @mothdustmouth Rated: E / 49000 words Kylo fights with a broadsword at ren faires after becoming disfigured as a teenager. He's able to hide his face and stay in his comfort zone until a troupe of actors, along with one very slender Armitage Hux, start to preform at the same festival. or: Kylo is a knight and Hux is an elf.
Mr. June | @nerdherderette Rated: E / 4300 A simple loincloth barely covers the outline of his mouth-watering length, his stomach ripples with muscles Hux never knew even existed, and his chest and biceps are deliciously thick.  His hands are enormous and strong—meat hooks that look like they could span Hux’s waist.  A simple gold collar encircles the man’s neck, connected to a thin, gold chain. In short, Mr. June looks like someone who had stepped out of a holoporn, and into Hux’s wet dream.
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Tag meme
Tagged by the lovely @silivrenelya​. Thank you so much!
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people.
1. Your 5 favourite movies? This is so haaaaaard!!!!  I have hundreds of favorite movies! Hum maybe... Jaws, Aliens, Rocky (the first one), Hot Fuzz and The Empire Strikes Back.
2. Did you have a weird habit when you were younger? Do you have one now? I cut the end of my pickles. Is that weird?
3. One of your happiest memories? The trip in Japan 14 years ago with @coffee-without-a-pause​, @cyrilcyrielle​ and another friend! We had so much fun!
4. Do you have a specific song that will always remain one of your favourite? “Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio” by the Ramones
5. What job did you want to do when you were little? I guess it was changing every week. I don’t have a specific memory.
6. Do you have any role models? If so, who? No. I can admire what some people do but I don’t think of them as role models.
7. Do you have a motto / favourite quote? I use “peanuts make everything better” a lot but it’s not really a motto :D (I love peanuts)
8. For you, what is the right way to tell and/or show someone you love them? Small gestures I guess? And being supportive when needed.
9. Do you believe in spirits and paranormal experiences? Not at all.
10. What is your definition of friendship? @coffee-without-a-pause (she’s the best best friend you can imagine)
11. What is your definition of Art? Something creative which gives you emotions.
And my questions :
1. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? 2. What is your favorite classic painting? 3. Are you a fine cook? What is your best dish and can I have the recipe? 4. Best advice you’ve ever heard? 5. Do you have siblings? 6. Why did you choose this URL? 7. Could you give me a summary of what you think will happen in TLJ? 8. Do you have tattoos? 9. Do you have plushies in your bed? 10. Can you give me the URL of a very good fanfic? 11. What are you planning to do tomorrow?
And I tag @cymeteria, @eliosu, @jeusus, @gefionne, @atlinmerrick, @spin-doctor-of-crimes, @thesociallyanxioussociopath and @vadianna (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
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ellstra · 7 years
Ellstra’s May the Fourth Fic Rec
Heya friends. I haven’t had the chance to read much during the semester but I decided to make a small kylux fic rec to celebrate Star Wars Day. Here goes in no particular order.
I See the Light of Dying Worlds by @saltandlimes  1.5k, Once upon a time... General Hux tries his hardest, tries to make up for his mistakes. But there is something better for him than this dull life, this endless grind.Once upon a time... Kylo Ren leads people astray. But what happens when he finds someone who is already lost?  A cold war AU where Kylo is a ghost. A Slavic ghost *thumbs up emoji* Hux is disillusioned and tired with the world and admits he's done bad things and I'm here for that.
My Love Waits (In the Basement) by @rebelwerewolf 1.5k When there is a zombie outbreak at the Republican National Convention, Ben Hux-Solo sets out in search of his husband Armitage.  Zombie apocalypse AU which is beautiful in a rather horrifying way. 
Fill the Vessel by @gefionne 7k By ancient rite, Kylo Ren must become the Vessel, overflowing with the raw power of the Force. But the rite requires a physical act as well. The Knights of Ren, after garbing Kylo in the finest silks and jewels, seek someone to fill the Vessel intimately. To Kylo’s surprise, the Knights produce General Hux. A KHK prompt fill that turns out to be much sweeter than expected. Hux is sweet and there's some in-the-act realisation of feelings, one of my fave things. There's also a virgin Kylo in this and it's giving me life 
juxtaposition by @cracktheglasses 4k He hopes Hux makes it hurt. Hopes Hux is as mean and arrogant and smart here as he is everywhere else, the way Kylo tries to be.  trans!kylo. This fic hurts. It's visceral and touches your core. It will make you experience the feelings it describes even if you've never felt them yourself. It hurts hurts and hurts and yet you keep reading because it's just so good.
Subject by @agent-nemesis 1k An observational log by Dr. Armitage Hux.  Oviposition and mpreg, written like a research log entry by doctor Hux. It's unexpectedly good, considering it's managed to paint vivid imagery with nothing but sterile notekeeping.
Suit Porn AU by @longstoryshortikilledhim (with @bona--mana‘s amazing illustrations) 13k, series, WIP  This series is what the title promises and more. It’s witty, it’s emotional and it warms you up while holding up to its potential. There’s long distance relationship, longing, Kylo unashamedly trying to woo Hux, actual suit porn, Hux is very practical and packs up enough lube and condoms for a year long trip as he visits for the weekend... you gotta read this guys. 
You Got Flowers In Your Hair by @space-girlfriends 5k The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals or the other person can return the patients feelings.Hux didn't expect himself to fall in love with anyone, for that matter, much less falling in love with Kylo Ren. It's one-sided, too, and Hux will suffer and get better. He will. Hux is an idiot in loveTM and it's killing him, but he's General Hux of the First Order so naturally he won't face his problems (Kylo Ren) until the problem is literally balls deep in him. 
Fools of Us Both by @theearlgreyalpha 3.5k Somehow, Kylo had convinced them both that he was far more experienced than he was. His infatuation with Hux proved to be his downfall, running his mouth to boast about a sexual prowess he simply didn't have, and when the time came to prove it...he failed. Miserably. SO much second-hand embarrassment but the sweetest kind, they actually talk things out for once and it's very sweet. 
What A Thing To Misplace by GenerallyHuxurious 3.5k Kylo Ren wanted to become one with the Dark Side. So he used the Force to literally remove carnal distractions from his life. Meanwhile Hux finds a very realistic, very responsive, dildo hidden in a closet.Of course General Armitage "Sex Toy Connoisseur" Hux puts it to good use. Hilarious. It's literally even funnier than the description makes it sound, and it has the KOR being sassy and shameless sluts.
The Hitchhiker by @cylin-aka-ankamo 16k Hitchhiking can be dangerous. Picking up this hitchhiker is even more so. A beautiful play on both the reader and the OC. There's a switch of POV and a shift from who the monster is, and it keeps you want to read more and more with cleverly placed reveals of backstory. It's fucked up and psychotic and you should definitely read the tags first but if what's in it doesn't make you squeamish, you should def check this fic out! 
That’s it, lovelies. May the Fourth be with you! <3
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gefionne · 6 months
Hi! Gefionne!
I'm a fan of your work. I was just wondering if you've seen the Apple TV+ series "Masters of the Air" because I've watched the entire series, and it reminded me a lot of your Flyboys. Although the setting is World War II, and they're not English fighting pilots, but based on real-life American bomber pilots.
By the way, I just want to tell you that I really love your Flyboys. It's been years since you started it, and it's still on my mind to this day.
Thank you for such great work!
Hello, my friend! I haven't seen Masters of the Air yet, but I've been planning to! I've heard it's really great.
Thank you so, so much for reading Flyboys and for coming by to say that you still think of it! No writer could wish for more!
I'll get up on Masters of the Air now!
<3 Gef
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paintedapples11 · 7 years
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Got to give a shoutout to my friend @journey-into-chaos for their amazing R.A.F Armitage Hux cosplay. Based off @gefionne wonderful fanfic Flyboys.
This fanfic will be the death of me :))) If your into all things Kylux, check it out!
Also please give @journey-into-chaos Instagram a follow, you won’t be disappointed.
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brainyraccoons · 7 years
Song titles meme~
I was tagged by @ellstra, thank you dear! :DD
Using song titles from only one artist, answer these questions.
Guess which band I picked...
What is your gender?: Mi Amigo
Describe yourself: Wild
How do you feel?: Soft
If you could go anywhere, where would it be?: California Waiting~
Favorite mode of transportation: Pickup Truck
Your best friend: Sex on Fire
Favorite time of day: The End
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?: Waste a Moment
What is life to you?: Celebration
Relationship status: I Want You
Your biggest fear: No Money
I tag @the-pudding-is-a-lie @margotsu @memeleadersnoke @longstoryshortikilledhim @gefionne if you guys feel up for it :)
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