#and yuumori makes you absolutely love william
always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
It really is my firm belief that most well-written medias will have you love the protagonists equal to or more than the side characters. So shoutout to Bamco for making every single i7 character lovable in the sense that they all drive me equally insane
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shreddedleopard · 9 months
for yuumori asks: 1, 13, 21 :)
✨ From Yuumori ask game here
Ahh thank you so much for the ask!! ☺️ (and for creating this wonderful Yuumori themed game too!!)
Oh god, these questions were harder to answer than I expected, once I sat down to think about them 😆 but here goes:
1. Favourite Character (s)
I’d love to say something quirky or unexpected, but honestly it’s a toss up between William and Sherlock for first with Louis close second.
William // I think to take a villainous character from an existing story and write them from a perspective which makes them as relatable and their intentions as understandable as William’s is absolutely brilliant. William is a character who I find more interesting and more wonderful the deeper I delve into him; it feels like there’s constantly a new element of him that makes me go 🤯 and I love this. I also find that I relate to him in certain ways, too. I think he’s very cleverly written so as to have many different facets of his personality which are relatable.
Sherlock // I love how Sherlock retains a lot of his original ACD character traits but also has specific elements which make him feel as though he very much belongs to Yuumori. I think his flaws and vulnerabilities are written honestly and again in a very relatable way, and I find myself also relating to Sherlock but in a different way to William. He’s funny, too; I will always gravitate to characters that make me grin or laugh aloud when reading ☺️
As an aside, I find it difficult to separate both of these characters for first spot because it’s also their relationship and connection which I adore in Yuumori; I feel like amidst a backdrop of drama, life and death situations and change on a grand scale, it encourages us to celebrate the joy of the everyday, specific ways we connect with other people and find things in common.
Louis // I enjoyed Louis’ character in the manga, was drawn in by the soft and gentle aspects of his character brought out by the English VA in the anime, but Ikkei Yamamato’s portrayal of him in Morimyu sealed the deal for me. Louis’ balance between his vulnerable and honest emotions he wears on his sleeve for William mixed with the stoicism and guardedness he strives for the remainder of the time intrigues me no end. He’s a character I’d love to explore more in writing, too, especially post time-skip. I think it’s sometimes overlooked how he, in the end, clung on to his composure and strength where William and Albert crumbled, and how he probably makes an excellent leader, but I think the anime stopping where it does is to blame for this. He’s very much my go-to type of character.
2. Favourite Arc
Wow this is so difficult because I absolutely charged through the manga when part 1 was already complete, so a lot of it blurs into one big mess when I think about it haha. I would maybe have to say The Final Problem arc, as the way suspense was built during this had my heart absolutely racing. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be a monthly reader not knowing the fate of the characters for months after that fall. The Two Criminals is perhaps a close second, because I thoroughly enjoyed Milverton’s character and almost wanted more of him vs. William/ Sherlock. When Sherlock ate that sandwich and drank that tea like he gave zero shits about Milverton’s little game, it did things to me. I think it was the moment Sherlock’s position as joint top favourite character was cemented 🤣
3. What I’d like to see as another OVA
I mean … I feel like the Durham Date is kinda the ultimate here, right? 😆 I would love to see this animated. But also, the storyline where William is kidnapped in earlier chapters is a favourite. I love how it shows William’s absolute dedication to his goal — he shrugs his mistreatment and injuries off as if they’re nothing, not caring for his own well being providing his plan succeeds. But not only this, his damn acting. I was so worried for him when he was shouting for Louis in the carriage, my heart was in my throat, only for him later to be like 😏 everything went as planned. When I realised he’d played me, the reader, too, I was shaking my fist at him (affectionately 🤣). I would like to see this performance animated, thank you.
This was so much fun, thank you again! 🥰
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Thanks so much @user-needs-new-hyperfixation for sharing your fic"The First Poem". It's one of my fav sherliam fic until now.... And imagine my surprise when I read that one of the thing that inspire you to wrote this fic is that one scene from Vanitas no Carte.....💐🌷🌺
Can I ask for advice if you don't mind? My friend wants to write rare pair from Yuumori, between Mycroft and Hudson. So somehow they got into relationship between those 3 years gap, and when Sherlock & William got back to London, miss Hudson found out that she got pregnant.... Now, my friend knows that I ship Mycroft and Albert but still want to ask my opinion on her fic. What do you think? Does that plot seem ooc to you? Is it possible in au?
Sorry for my long ask....
Having now been reassured that the friend is cool with this, I can answer haha! (Thanks for that!)
(Sorry for my long answer! 😅)
First off, thank you so much for reading my fic! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!! 😊
Even though I obviously very much ship Mycroft/Albert, I do also really really like Mycroft/Hudson. I think it's as valid as any of the other side pairings: Sherliam is the big essentially canon ship and everything else is just kind of taking little crumbs and running with them, and that's great and fun and I love doing it, haha!
I've written random posts before about how I think Mycroft and Miss Hudson could have a very...idk, mature? romance. They're both very independent and well into adulthood. I think they would be really forthright and have a good idea of what they want from life, and, in a relationship context, from each other. I tend to think they'd avoid a lot of the drama that comes with younger romances (*affectionately side-eyes Sherliam's theatrics*).
Also I always think they'd be really good parents because they've already been parenting Sherly together for years. 😆 (I kid, they're definitely both more older siblings to him. Regardless, it's a cute part of their bond.)
I think them growing closer together during the timeskip years is a very realistic possibility. It's canonical that they were there for each other in their grief at least to some degree, with the adorable milk tea thing and whatnot. It's sweet to imagine them discovering something new and joyful together while they comfort each other.
I don't know how familiar you and your friend are with the Victorian Era, but the one caution I'll give just in case is that if an (I'm assuming) unmarried pregnancy is treated in a Victorian-setting fic the way it would be in the modern day, it would absolutely take me right out of the story. Being unmarried and pregnant then was A Big Deal, with relatively few options for how to proceed (here's an article about one of those options: TW for mentions of rape and suicide). So, if the fic isn't a modern day AU, I would want to see those problems at least be acknowledged. Most likely it would put the couple in a position where a quick wedding makes the most sense. (Of course, if the idea is that they actually got married during the timeskip, disregard all this lol!)
Anyway, I would actually love to see more Mycroft/Hudson fics in general, so I'm eager to see what your friend comes up with! I don't think there's anything ooc about the pairing at all -- at least, no more so than any of the other ships besides Sherliam. In fact, I could probably even argue that Mycal (at least with the way most of us like to write Albert 😅) is much more ooc from a canon perspective. I'm always delighted to hear about (new?) people making fic for our lovely little fandom, and I wish your friend all the best with their writing!!
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I totally agree with you, I still can't believe what I read in this chapter.
I always told myself that sherliam is canon (in my heart) and that it will always be implied until the end, I never imagined that there would be something so explicit about them.
Sure, Bond is in the series, and Bond is trans. But queer characters are not unique to Yuumori, shonen also have queer characters. But a gay couple. Even more, that the main couple is gay. That's unheard of.
Overall, what I find most impressive is the reaction of Sherlock, who denies absolutely nothing. However, the same situation happened to him with Irene, where Hudson and Wiggins imagined things, and each time, he denied all with great vehemence. This time nothing at all. Yuumori never fails to shock me.
Sherliam has always been written and portrayed as a romance, and I've written about how that works with specifics that a bunch of times, which is why I just linked to my Meta Masterlist earlier.
Did I think they were ever going to make that explicit? Er. Well. No. Not even as explicit as it has been. Even if I've been insisting Sherlock has been canonically queer since he told John, "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in women. That's more your area,” in regards to his potentially be attracted to Adler. But Sherlock being queer and single and Sherlock being queer and...not...are very different things to portray.
That said, I don't want to say it's unheard of. First off, I'm not as well versed as I'd need to be to make that declaration...but second, Nabari no Ou is shonen, and while Yoite is intersex, he also appears to be a boy, and he and Miharu are at least as difficult to read as completely platonic as Sherlock and William. I'm sure there are more.
I think it's more a Shonen Jump thing more than it is a shonen thing, and while Jump SQ is a Shonen Jump magazine, it's also true it's targeted at an older audience and has a number of series edging on seinen like YuuMori. So, I guess I can see that.
I love YuuMori. I'm very impressed with it. But we don't have to say what it's doing it unheard of and unique to appreciate what it's done.
Anyway, it's very interesting that a big part of what the creators said in that Manga Dojo interview was that they specifically designed these character to avoid the common portrayals of them because they wanted to stand out, even if it was risky. I think you can see that through a lot of choices they've made in the series.
Including what they've done with Sherlock and William's relationship.
I'm excited to see what else they have in store for us.
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rosesrflo · 2 years
Hello ! I've recently finished watching yuumori and was really hoping to see HC about several of the characters. I really love Liam btw ... That man has me wrapped in his fingers I swear 😳! Could I please request (if you have time ^^) Sherlock and Liam ( add anyone else you want too , ) with a s/o who has terminal illness and hasn't told them because they don't want to worry them but they catch them while taking them at some point ?
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Feat; Sherlock, William (MTP). Genre; angst no comfort
Prompt; ❛❛Why didn’t you tell me?!❞ Warnings; fainting, GN!reader, bleeding
Desc; IN WHICH your illness begins to take a toll on you more and more, until one day your little secret gets uncovered by the one you didn’t want to find out.
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Good luck slipping past this man and his range of medical knowledge, you saw how he examined that corpse on ‘The Noahtic.’
But say you did manage to hide your illness from him.
He may have suspected something was going on with the consistent doctor appointments or maybe the ‘cold medicine’ you always kept from his reach might have gotten him thinking as well.
Despite him questioning all these things, he didn’t overthink it.
Until you suddenly collapsed in the middle of a case.
You were brought along like usual to investigate a scene but it turns out the criminal snuck back into the scene to get rid of evidence, a stupid move, really. Because now you, John and Sherlock were sprinting on their heels.
Long distance running and straining your body in general had its consequences, it seems like you had forgotten until it was too late.
The moment your body began falling, Sherlock froze in his tracks to catch you. He’d probably examine your state but it was no use with how shaky his hands were.
Is absolutely terrified for your well-being, luckily John is a seasoned medic fresh from war - like he did when he first met Sherlock, he’d check your pulse then examine your physical state.
You hadn’t sustained any injuries and nothing was wrong with your respiratory system, one thing irked him though; why was your heart racing so fast?
They’d ask you about it later, it’s probably nothing.
“(y/n)…What a joke!” Sherlock grinned, throwing back his head in an amused manner. There was absolutely no way you were truly ill, right? if you wanted to trick him, you’d have to try a lot harder than that.
You swallowed thickly, “Sherly it’s not-it’s not a joke.” The words rolled off of your tongue in such a way that he paused.
He felt his lips part slightly, Sherlock was never good with relationships and he found himself calling you a blessing for staying by his side, you had grown on him and the idea of you no longer being with him terrified him to no ends.
But now possibilities have become reality.
“How much longer do you have?” “Eight months.”
Reaching out to comfort you or Sherlock, you didn’t know - you just wanted him except he..stepped back from your outstretched hand, “Please don’t go, i just didn’t want to be a burden to you.“
His eyes burned with something you couldn’t recognise.
“If you didn’t want to be a burden, you should’ve told me before!”
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Like Sherly, he’d have his suspicions, only instead of brushing it off he’d try to test his theories out.
Since Louis was sick when he was younger, Will would notice the smallest things you do that his brother had done.
From the random attacks to the constant coughing, it scared him a lot more than most would think it would. To go through the pain of not knowing if someone you love was going to make it through the night.
You often deny his subtle observations when questioned.
One night when William was out later than usual, you gave up trying to hide everything, coughing up blood into a handkerchief became a nightly routine for you when no one was around.
Cringing at the sight of blood, your hands folded it and threw it in the bin.
Well, it was a bit of a surprise when Louis fished out a bright red stained handkerchief from the trash, he’d asked William about it and his first thought went to his subordinates that were most likely using it to dress their wounds.
Your lover waved it off, but when he observed it more closely, a sudden thought flashed red flags - isn’t that the handkerchief that (y/n) always tucked into their coat?
Don’t be surprised when you find it laying on your desk along with William leaning casually against your doorframe.
“A lovely handkerchief, shame there’s blood on it, I wonder how that happened.” William flashed you an almost unnoticeable look, you could’ve sworn his eyes glinted for a second.
Your fingernails dug into your palms.
William uncrossed his arms and gently grabbed your hands, wiping the blood spilling from your skin with his own hands, “You’re hurting yourself, dear…however, I must say, your blood looks awfully similar to that on the handkerchief.”
Your pupils dilated a large extent, his red eyes flickered to your horror filled face. “You knew.”
Once you stated those words it was all over for you, “Knew what? That you’re sick? That you lied to me?” Something in his expression was unusual, it was unfamiliar, it was not a face William would make.
The two of you stood in silence as he looked at you, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I’m sorry.” God knows that neither of you would forget this moment until the day you died.
Which came far sooner than anticipated.
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i’m sorry that this came out way more angsty/vague that expected, but I didn’t really know how to write it, enjoy anyways! - I hope you have a good day/night though <3
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hello! I saw that you write yuumori oneshots and that requests are open! Can I request Albert James Moriarty x reader arranged marriage where the reader belongs to corrupt family and she wasn't exempted to the bad reputation and when they got married the whole Moriarty fam especially Albert is planning to treat her cruelly but realized she wasn't evil as the rumours make out to be and albert eventually retreated the plan and realized reader is also just a victim of the corruption and he started to warm up to her and has come to love her, I hope this makes sense! Thank you so much and sorry for the long request :))
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Warnings : one implication of sex, marriage of convenience, this is not proofread, reader identifies as female!
Genre : fluff (but there’s like 10% spice near the end)
Word count : 2.2K words
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting! It took me quite some time to think of a plot for this, since I struggle a bit with gendered readers🫣 Since it’s a oneshot and not a ficlet, it’s not too detailed or too long, but I hope that’s alright. I really hope you enjoy reading this, anon! 💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“Brother… are you sure you want to go through with this?”
The eldest of the three stopped in his tracks, turning around to face his youngest brother, whose face openly showed the hesitance he seemed to currently feel.
William glanced at Louis, before nodding and replying in his stead. “I think what Louis wants to say… we’re not exactly looking forward to you chaining yourself in a marriage that you don’t care for. Trapping you like this was never in our plan.”
Albert couldn’t help his expression from softening as he regarded his two younger brothers look so worried. With one gnawing at his lower lip while the other looked infinitely saddened by what was to happen, it selfishly made him happy to see them both so concerned for his happiness. A surge of affection threatened to swallow him whole.
Shaking his own, Albert reached out to fondly pat their heads. “We all knew it was going to happen eventually. Nobility always end up marrying within each other. It’s the only way they can keep their lineage so snotty and stuck up.”
“But there are no haughty parents to pressure you into this,” Louis protested weakly, still stubbornly trying to make him see sense, “There’s no reason why you should follow such traditions.”
Albert sighed, “Much as I dislike the idea of marrying into a vile family whose cruel reputation precedes them, and whose daughters reign above the aristocracy as the absolute worst, it can’t be helped.” He glanced at his pocketwatch, eyes widening for a second before he went on. “A few hours remain, but my resolve hasn’t wavered. I’d rather have a daft, callous woman who wouldn’t care for interfering with my life as my wife, than have someone nosy enough to spoil our plans.”
They noticed the way his footsteps began to hurry as he walked across the hallway to their personal wing. William inhaled sharply, knowing that nothing would deter his brother once his self-sacrificial nature was at play. In that manner, he reminded him all too much of his own self. “How do you intend to put up with her then?”
“Rotten attitude will only be met with complete neglect, of course.” With a shrug, Albert opened his bedroom door. His voice was icy as he spoke again. “I no longer have the patience to entertain unfounded conceit and rude brattiness. I’m sure you’ll find yourselves pleased to do the same.” He smiled slightly, his eyes kinder this time as he nodded at them both. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be getting ready in a few. I advise you two to do the same, given that the wedding is in a few hours.”
And gently clicking the door shut behind him, he seemed to put an end to this discussion. Standing still in the hallway, the two younger brothers glanced at each other, sharing a look of understanding. They too would be sure to express their absolute disdain in their complete and utter ignoring of her presence. They would not stand to tolerate the cruelty of nobility under the same roof. They’d make sure to tamp some manners into her, or leave her to whine alone into the dark. It was the least they could do for their beloved older brother who was willing to go to such lengths to protect them.
Perhaps Albert had been too short-sighted, because he certainly hadn’t foreseen this. It threw a wrench in their plans, and disturbed the entire image he had formed in his head of the following years. It turned out, as a matter of fact, she was far lovelier than he expected her to be.
It wasn’t that he’d been unaware of her physical attributes; she was a rather beautiful young woman. He’d thought that he would’ve easily brushed her looks aside, had they been her only charms. However, her reluctance to marry that he’d once written off as another haughty act of hers, only turned out to be for the same reasons as his own second thoughts.
“You… do not wish to room together either?” He’d arched his brow at that, watching as she firmly nodded.
“I apologize if that offends you. However, surely by now you must be aware of the influence my parents have had on all the decisions leading up to this. As such, I still do not know you, though we are married by law.”
“And in the eyes of God as well, should He exist, that is.”
She’d cocked her head at him. “A cynical comment befitting of the situation. It seems both you and I are in the same predicament.” Hesitating for only a few beats, she’d offered him a slight polite bow. “My apologies for what my parents have subjected the both of us to. I’ll be off to bed now.”
And without further ado, she’d left him astounded that very first night. She was far from what he’d expected her to be, and it left him with a certain feeling of curiosity that threatened to ask her to come back and speak with him a little more. But no matter; it was clear that they’d have plenty more time to do so in the future.
“And… you do not wish to sire an heir at the moment?”
Her words caused Albert to stiffen in his office, where he’d invited her in. That particular line of questioning was one he’d been hoping to avoid; after all, he had little interest in bringing a child into this rotten world, and none at all in having one from a loveless marriage that could only serve as a way to pin him down.
He cleared his throat. “Not exactly. Is there a problem with that?”
His wife’s shoulders seemed to sag with relief at that, a small smile on her face. “Oh, thank goodness. No, I believe I agree. Though would adoption be out of the question as well?”
Albert was now positively stunned. That question seemed far too good to be true. Surely she wouldn’t…?
“I would like to adopt. Sometime in the future.”
Her smile bloomed into a radiant grin that had his heart stuttering in his chest rather against his will and better judgement. “Then we’re in agreement.”
All plans to ignore her presence in the manor were now thrown out of the window. There was absolutely no way he could be so cruel so as to neglect someone who seemed to cradle such rare light within their palms and their heart. He’d have to remember to inform his brothers that the plan was off, and that there no longer was any need to viciously push her away.
“You’ve barely touched your soufflé. Should I take it’s not to your liking?” Albert asked her over breakfast weeks later, watching as she nibbled at her food.
Vehemently shaking her head no, she turned to Louis. “My compliments to you. It’s as delicious as always.” Facing Albert at the head of the table, she gave him a weak smile that resembled nothing of the captivating one she’d been blessing him with for the past few weeks of getting to know each other. “There’s just been a lot on my mind.”
Concern on his features, he set his cutlery down. “If you wish, tell me what has your mind preoccupied. I would do all I could as your husband to fix things, even if I am so in name only.”
His words seemed to strike a cord in her, and she visibly winced. The two younger brothers sitting at the table shared a look, before William pushed his chair back and stood, a kind smile on his face, having picked up on the growing tension in the room.
“You’ll have to excuse us, but it seems we’d left some work unfinished in the office. I do hope you feel better, my lady.”
Louis offered a nod in her direction, quick to leave behind him. Albert focused entirely on his supposed wife, who seemed to have a troubled expression.
“That’s just it, isn’t it?” she sighed, before she continued, “As we’re only married to please my parents and our status, I know nothing of any previous… paramours.” Her eyes grew determined as she seemed to come to a decision. “I do not wish to come between two lovers. If you had someone you held dear to you, then I will turn a blind eye to any dalliances.”
A feeling akin to horror mixed with intense admiration built up inside Albert’s chest. How had he failed to notice such a detail? He’d thought he’d gone to great extents to line up their schedules these past few weeks in order to spend more time getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes, to understand how their minds worked and what their personalities were comprised of, but the subject of love had not once been broached. Of course she’d have doubts concerning his fidelity, and of course this alarmingly kind woman would believe that he did not owe her any of it.
“I’ve had none,” he firmly said, “And I do not intend to have any. Even if it had started out as something dictated by nobility, I will not have our marriage turn into one of begrudging civility.”
She floundered for a second, struggling to find a reply to that. “But surely… Lord Albert—!”
“Please,” he interrupted, “Call me Albert. Though I will not force my status as your husband on you,” he paused for a second, the words bubbling forth from his lips before he could stop them, “I would like it if you grew to like me as one.”
Visibly swallowing thickly, a glimmer of what looked like understanding and fondness flashed in her bright eyes. Before he could retract his bold statement, she nodded in agreement.
“I would very much like the same. You do make it rather easy, after all… Albert.”
Before long, they’d been married for 3 months, and 3 months it had been of peace and tranquillity spent together. Though it had only been little over two months since Albert had decided to formally court her, as he probably would have done first under different circumstances, he couldn’t deny the blooming feelings of affection and quite possibly love.
It was that very feeling that had him asking her out on a lovely jam-making date at a strawberry farm, whose fields he now lay sprawled in, with her leaning back against the trunk of an old willow tree. Positively beaming and damp with a little sweat in the sunshine, she looked the picture of ethereal beauty as he looked up at her from his position on his back.
“I’m glad you smile more often than you did at first.”
She chuckled, “Well, pardon me for having not felt the happiest to have been forced into a marriage I hadn’t asked for.”
Albert stilled, glancing up at the sky for a brief moment. “Don’t worry, I’m not blaming you for that.” He shook his head, looking back at her. “You’ve already told me enough for me to detest your parents.”
Shrugging, she slid to lie down beside him, clearly not minding any grass stains on her clothes. “I don’t particularly hate them for bringing us together in that manner, though.” With a certain twinkle in her eyes that he’d grown to look forward to, she boldly reached out to take his hand in her smaller ones. “After all, I get to do this without receiving any judgemental looks in town.”
“The privilege that comes with being married, I suppose.” The mischievous look in his eyes matched hers. “I could kiss you and no one would bat an eye, now, would they?”
She arched her brow. “I think I would.”
“I’d rather your eyes be closed when I kiss you,” he softly said, thumb reaching to delicately press against her soft lips, not caring that their color slightly stained his skin. “If I do.”
His grin had her rolling his eyes. Childish.
“You’re a horrid tease,” she grumbled, before very gently leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, so impossibly fast that by the time Albert’s eyes had grown wide with surprise, it was already over. The effect it had on his heart, however, was anything but, leaving it racing in his chest and his cheeks warming at the whirling thoughts of her lips molded softly against his.
“I think we should get home,” he managed to breath out.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she glanced around, “I thought you quite liked the sunshine here.”
A small kiss landed on her hairline, before he murmured against her skin, his low voice stirring something in her belly; something that wasn’t foreign anymore, after having spent so much time together recently. “Yes, but I happen to like the idea of being with my wife tonight even more. Do you think you would like that?”
Perhaps it was the way Albert had called her his, or perhaps it was the insinuation behind his words, or perhaps it was the sultry, dark look in his emerald eyes and the inviting smirk on his face—for whatever reason it was, she found herself even more eager than she’d previously been to enact some of her recent nightly dreams.
And with a slight tug at his dark locks to pull him in once more, she sealed it with a more daring kiss—the first of many of that incredibly special night with her beloved husband, now rightfully claimed as truly hers.
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Taglist: @sherlockscumslut @lilias-highlights @whitecelluyu @wifeofkyojuro
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lnkedmyheart · 3 years
Perks of reading the Yuumori manga Part 3
Lets get the cons out of the way first cause I have issues with some parts but I have to gush about the perks later.
The whole thing with James in a dress makes absolutely no sense to me. Why bring back that thing if its never acknowledged or relevant. It just feels weird and shoehorned in considering Irene Adler is supposed to be dead as a doornail and considering how famous an actress she was she would have been remembered well enough to not be forgotten a few years after her death. It makes no sense. She wasn't just a random nobody or someone known only to a select few people. She had her face on walls and billboards everywhere. It was also a weird thing to see all of a sudden after seeing Bond insist that he is a guy, never dressing as a woman before or after this 2 panel event and getting irritated at people mentioning the "woman disguised as a man" part multiple times. Like...wtf? See, I'd be on board the nb/fluid thing if Irene showed up more but that wasn't the case. Its never implied that Bond wants to return to being Adler or whatever nor is it even remotely explored. Idk what that even was. Just put Moneypenny in a dress and add Bond to the panel??? How hard is that?? Its not like Bond or rather Irene even contributed to the section in any way. Just rubs me the wrong way.
(rereading the chapter in context I actually like this part to some extent even if I feel a bit weird about it. For one, Bond still seems somewhat pensive about bringing back Irene and doesn't let anyone say that name and everyone makes a point of remarking that Moneypenny disguised as Bond is a very unconvincing man because that's what Bond is. Bond is a man and Moneypenny being a woman isn't able to pull it off. I still don't like the idea of bringing back a famous face at all because its so illogical but yea okay)
The writing feels pretty weak post fall. I dunno why that is. Its not the MI6 thing, that's super interesting and it was great finding out more about Moran and his deep devotion to William. But something about it just feels...odd. I mean Holmes and Moriarty are both supposed to be dead now so maybe the writer is struggling with keeping it as tight as the earlier arcs. It feels kind of messy right now.
Now onto the actual perks cause there are so many.
Moneypenny/Moran had moments and it makes me so happy.
John making eye masks for himself and Sherlock to hide their identity as thieves. Absolutely adorable.
John the lady killer has GAME. Like he's probably on par with Bond and Moran. Mary really made an honest man out of him. I mean...made him more honest???
Sherlock just constantly using "John in a wet see through cotton shirt" as his secret weapon to distract the ladies.
Sherlock actually admitting his emotional immaturity and just flat out telling John he sees him as a friend.
Mary not being a shrinking violet. She still faints but not because of the list but rather the stress. Immediately proceeds to deduce everything at the crime scene impressing Sherlock so much he almost immediately approves of her.
John and Mary are the best ship. They are absolutely adorable and deserve to be super happy.
Just how well developed Mary is in her arc. Also I love Hudson. She is peak waifu for me. I am not even ashamed of using that word.
The full letter. Holy shit that letter.
William is whipped just as bad as Sherlock. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
He fucking has visions of Sherlock smiling and winking at him when asked why Sherlock...bish...you whipped more than whipped cream.
Just Sherlock using a violin as an ashtray...
The fact that 221B is magically clean and tidy the night William shows up despite being a mess throughout the previous arc.
Bond calling those nosey ladies kittens. I too would have swooned.
The way EVERYONE left William to deal with his admirer.
Billy is adorable and I wish we got more of that sweet crazy boy.
Mycroft just very nearly breaking down.
The Moriarty brothers hugging. GOD!!!
James really living upto that James Bond reputation of the future movies.
Just...just Moran and how much he loves William. 😭😭😭
Wtf was even Watson's mustache. WHY??? ALSO Sherlock's ugly fake mustache...OH GOD MY EYES! IT BURNS BUT i can't stop cackling either so...
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alphardofthealley · 3 years
thoughts on the yuumori S1 dub
I'm not really one to watch dubs, but when the characters are canonically british, this one is a godsend I never knew I needed (๑˃ᴗ˂)
a brief overview:
thoughts on their voices in english
very nice parts ❤️
parts that were changed — which worked
parts that were a bit wrong
anticipations for the s2 dub!
﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡
thoughts on their voices in english
british accents!! thank you
absolutely loved:
john is just stellar! his voice fits perfectly — I cannot emphasise just how right it sounds, 10/10 casting (〃ω〃)
sherlock’s voice is deep oooh — he sounds like a sherlock, if you get what I mean
miss hudson!! she has just the right amount of snark: in ep8, her “Mr Watson is a down-to-earth gentleman — unlike you” cracks me up every single time 😆
william and louis are quite cool — I think their voices fit very nicely
young william is so cute!
albert sounds posh: a bit like aziraphale from good omens, idk
moran sounds… older than I thought, or rather more like his actual age (35)
didn’t manage to hear enough of fred to form a solid opinion, though I suppose that’s to be expected
sometimes it feels like in an effort to keep up the accent, the ends of some sentences get garbled
very nice parts ❤️
please do watch them, it adds another dimension to the anime :3
ep6: sherlock and william's first encounter on the noahtic — william's part was especially *ahem* blush-inducing (〃ω〃)
ep10: sherlock and john’s argument — the sheer emotion! I liked it better than the jp version
ep11: william’s “unmistakably” and sherlock’s “obviously” — the attitude in those lines
ep11: sherlock’s apology to john — it feels more awkward and heartfelt! I like it better than the jp version as well
Aside: Mycroft is a Sir?! ohoho
parts that were changed — which worked
<spoilers for the dub!>
Sherlock’s overall attitude
He’s generally more subdued in the dub, in contrast to JP Sherlock who goes from 0 to 100 real quick, and is also very loud about it. Still, I really like his laugh in the dub — it’s quieter yet mirthful, and so openly joyous! x)
Sherlock calls William by his first name before calling him “Liam”
It is a change from the source material, but I think it adds a bit more nuance to this interaction:
The scene:
Sherlock calls William “William” when he suggests that they have a contest of deduction; William accepts
Then Sherlock argues with the Yard officers, saying they’ll solve the case in 48 minutes, and looks to William for confirmation, saying “Right, Liam?” — from now on, he calls him “Liam” as usua
I see it as that Sherlock was trying to feel out their relationship at the start: after all, he’s only met William once, and is not entirely sure how the man will react
Moreover, it’s not a major concession: it’s still very informal to call someone by their first name in that era, especially when they haven’t given you express permission to do so (like John to Sherlock) — notice how Sherlock never calls Miss Hudson and Lestrade by their first names, despite knowing them for much longer than William
And once William accepts his offer, Sherlock goes one step further and gives him a nickname, hence matching up with the source material; in the end, the level of familiarity is unchanged
I think this is what’s going to happen in the official english manga translation as well, though Volume 5 (with the back half of the Two Detectives arc) hasn’t been released yet
"Come and catch me if you can, Mr Holmes"
I actually like how they tweaked the lines here, so that the flow of the conversation made just a little more sense:
The scene:
William tells Sherlock it’s his job to prove he’s the Lord of Crime; Sherlock then asks him what he would say if he were the Lord of Crime
Then William says “Come and catch me if you can, Mr Holmes”; Sherlock laughs; William is all like, “Yeah I thought you’d derive satisfaction from that” /smiles/, and the scene continues as in the original Japanese version
I think it makes a lot more sense this way — like it sets up a pretext for William cracking a “joke” out of the blue, with someone he’s still unfamiliar with
Though I was (still am) a bit frustrated about why they changed a line that’s already in English, come to think of it, if you were to write their dialogue purely from an English point of view, this is exactly what William would’ve said
Like in Japanese, we’re able to excuse some technically odd lines in English due to the mix in languages (see also: Sherlock’s “Why me?” in the Final Problem arc)
So part of me appreciates that they made this choice
Though I'm not sure why the back part of William’s line sounds distorted? It’s like he tried to stop himself from laughing as he said it, and for some reason they chose not to re-record the line 😥
*An aside on Louis's name
The dub also led me to agree that his name should technically be spelled “Lewis”:
I think it’s because of the way it’s pronounced in the dub — “Lew-is”, and not “Loui-s”, which would be a bit closer to the actual French pronunciation
Still, it feels more fitting that all three brothers have the names of kings — the name Lewis can feel a little common when placed alongside names like William and Albert
parts that are a bit wrong
and here are some gripes I need to get off my chest haha
Episode 8: Miss Hudson refers to John as “Mr Watson” — but presumably she would’ve known by now that he’s a doctor, and so she should’ve referred to him as “Dr Watson”
Victorians were very particular about titles (in the Sherlock canon, Holmes always called Watson a doctor too)
Episode 8: At the crime scene, Drebber was referred to as “a lord” when he should be called “an earl” instead:
"He is an earl" — ok
"He’s Lord Drebber" — ok
"He’s a lord" — not quite
Though they did use the proper term afterward...
Episode 11: William shouldn't be called “Lord Moriarty”, as that form of address is reserved for Albert, the oldest son
Instead, William should be addressed as “Mr Moriarty”
Carried over from the JP version: The royal cyphers on the policemen’s helmets are wrong!
Tumblr media
(screencap from S1 ep11) (sorry john, I couldn't find a better image)
Notice the “E R II”: This is Queen Elizabeth II’s cypher, not Queen Victoria’s...
finally, some anticipations for the s2 dub!
I wonder how they’ll handle the king of bohemia’s voice! his “good night, mr sherlock holmes” was very nice in jp — I wonder if they they can top that? :3
and seeing (hearing?) how they cast moran’s dubbed voice, I wonder how they’ll handle patterson, who’s even older than moran 🧐
will herder have a german accent? oooh
...will we ever be ready to hear the final episode in english ( ; ω ; )
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
alright it’s time for as requested part two of rowan reads the original sherlock holmes and compares it to yuumori
i finished a study in scarlet and holy shit was yuumori accurate to it
obviously they changed the case so that... well, moriarty was involved, and they didn’t go into detail on why drebber was an a-grade piece of shit (lol i wasn’t expecting the mormons but it was a great perspective actually doyle went big brain time on that one lmao) 
Hmmm i mean the other main difference is that Watson Is Gayer In The Original but yeah obviously that’s for a reason and the reason is william james moriarty
I have some highlights of “oh my god I need to see yuumori sherlock do this right now because he Absolutely Would” and they’re WILD
So yuh here are your Sherlock Moments
-when watson asks stamford why he might not want to board with sherlock bestie went “he’s a little queer” and watson was basically like “i like that in a man :)” like i am Fully Aware that’s not what queer meant back then but it’s FUNNY alright
-stamford is also like “yeah i mean he’s the kind of guy who would probably perform human experiments on his friends without telling them”
-watson walks into sherlock’s lab like hello new roommate :) and the dude immediately starts SCREAMING
-he’s all I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT LOOK and fucking stabs himself and drips the blood in a container, yeah yeah it makes a reaction and he’s like I AM GOING TO SOLVE ALL CRIMES EVER ACTUALLY wait who are you
-watson moves in with this dude and is like “oh wow im really interested in this guy but im Polite so i cannot ask him anything” so he starts snooping around trying to figure out what sherlock does for a living?????? like he couldn’t just fucking ask???? and he’s like wow he has these clients and he kicks me out of the house every time they come over i Really Don’t Want To Think He’s Fucking Them
-obviously, and to watson’s embarassment, he wasn’t. sherlock is a virgin and it is very clear
-watson describes sherlock in the most homoerotic way possible i don’t even know how to describe it bestie goes on about his hands for a full paragraph it’s really gay man
-he’s also like “i don’t know i really think hes on drugs i would say he’s on drugs but also he’s like this all the time and he might just be mentally ill” lo and behold it was both
-m o t h e r f u c k e r  d o e s  n o t  k n o w  w h a t  t h e  s o l a r  s y s t e m  i s
-and when asked why he doesn’t know! he’s like my dear watson! i simply cannot be bothered! my brain is filled up with more important things! 
-watson compares him to some fictional detective that edgar allan poe made up and sherlock is like HIM OH MY GOD DO NOT COMPARE ME TO THAT MOTHERFUCKER I AM BETTER THAN THAT
-it’s honestly really cute watson apparently will sit and listen to him play the violin and like request pieces and stuff and yeah sherlock can play those fine
-but most of the time if he picks it up on his own sherlock will just start plucking it with his fucking hands while slouching in a chair and sitting like L Death Note and playing random notes that Vibe 
-watson HATES it
-watson once picks up this paper sherlock has lying around about yknow. deduction and all that and how you find things out and watson is like “this is Bullshit who wrote this what the fuck this is the most unrealistic thing i’ve ever read” and then sherlock is like I Wrote It Shawty and watson is like. um. oh haha i take back everything
-lol he was like “ahahahhaa my deductions” and watson was like “but How Did You Do It” and he’s like “I WANT TO LOOK COOL WATSON DONT MAKE ME RUIN IT BY EXPLAINING”
-GHHHHHHHHHH BESTIES when sherlock was Infodumping to watson About Crimes watson was like “oh my god that’s so cool bestie!” like Once and watson described it like “i was complimenting him like he was a girl and i called him beautiful and he blushed” LIKE DUDE THATS GAY
-that one time sherlock yelled “THE PLOT THICKENS” and lestrade was like “i t  w a s  t h i c k  e n o u g h  a l r e a d y”
-dude thinks he’s wrong ONCE and has a mental breakdown in front of the entirety of scotland yard before like five seconds later realizing that he was not, in fact, wrong
I’d say that the main difference between him and yuumori sherlock is that og sherlock has a massive fucking ego and yuumori sherlock is very loud but has no ego at all. Og sherlock will brag about how smart he is to anyone who will fucking listen. Yuumori sherlock will only boast abt his intelligence around Moriarty because he knows they’re both mindfucking
Other than that... I honestly cannot come up with significant differences between them. You can really tell how similar they are especially with the sign of mary episode- dude was just like >:((((( the entire day because watson has a fiance and then he walks in on a dead body and goes now hERES SOME FUN
He’s very accurately and enthusiastically portrayed, as far as I can tell, and I think that’s really epic. I love him. I might kin og sherlock too guys ngl
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infinitebells · 4 years
Hi! I discovered your account after finishing Yuumori and I absolutely fell in love with your writings. I guess I read all them already <3 I didn't ask for any request before so I'm sorry if I did something wrong but would you consider writing any nsfw with Albert Moriarty with dirty talk during sex *-* I wouldn't mind if you do separate nsfw stories on dirty talk theme with William and Sherlock also hihih Thank you for your efforts, I love following your acoount!!
i’m so glad you like my works, it means the world <3 and yes i can definitely do that! i’m going to do head canons for each of the boys just because it’s easier for me to organize my thoughts that way, so i hope that’s ok!
✧ he can’t do anything except praise the living shit out of you
✧ you’re his everything, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t let you know that every minute he’s in bed with you
✧ cannot stop telling you how good you feel clenched around him or how well you’re doing for him
✧ his favorite nicknames for you in bed are ‘love’ and ‘darling’ because he is a gentleman who knows how to treat you right
✧ he’s vocal in bed, so expect praise from him or any form of positive dirty talk whenever you’re with him
✧ he cannot get enough of you, so he’s most definitely going to tell you that
✧ he isn’t necesarilly very vocal in bed, but when he is he’s sharp with his words
✧ he switches between praise and mocking
✧ he knows that you thrive on his praise, clinging to him tighter when he’s whispering how happy he is that you’re so wet for him
✧ however, he loves the way you unconsciously clench around him when he teases you for how easily you get off to him
✧ favorite phrases include “you’re already this soaked for me love?” and “if you’re already cumming this much and i’ve only just slipped in, you’re in for a wild ride”
✧ has no qualms teasing you in bed, but also loves reminding you how perfect you are for him
✧ he will tease the fuck out of you, mocking you until you’re begging for release
✧ he’ll have three fingers shoved deep inside of you, pressing harshly into that one spot that has you seeing stars, murmuring about how tight you are
✧ he combines his teasing remarks with slow thrusts to make you suffer even more
✧ he knows you get off on his comments, and he knows not to take it too far
✧ but he just loves telling you all the dirty things he wants to do with you while in public
✧ your bright red blush only spurs him on to continue, and he’ll have you practically dripping through your panties before finally relieving you
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seeingteacupsindragons · 11 months
I woke up a couple hours before my alarm this reason for absolutely no reason and ended up contemplating, what else, story things and writing things.
(I have a one track mind. The only song it knows is "Writing?")
I've been editing this current draft since my CP got me notes back in March, and then picked up the editing when I got back from Japan in April. I'm almost done, but it has been taking the vast majority of the brain space I have for writing at the moment because I'm working so intensively on fixing things.
But while I was waiting for notes back, I was at loose ends with nothing else to work on, so I drafted about 25k words of the Next Thing (Avel's book). I’m very excited for it, but I’ve reached a point where I needed to unknot some things to continue in a useful way (instead of just wasting time writing junk that will never contribute to the story and just gets cut later anyway), and I don’t have tons of capacity to unknot what I have of that book when I'm trying to unknot a completely different story with different characters in a different subgenre with a different setting about different things and, well. Yeah.
But despite that, I still mull over it occasionally without assigning tons of brain power to it, and I realized this might end up helping before I get back to it, because I’m really thinking about what things excite me about this project and thus what things to focus on and what plot choices will emphasize and show those off best. What kinds of things will actually contribute to the story arc.
Still not outlining, but brainstorming slowly because I’m not just working at it in an excited rush, and it seems to be working on. Like “hm maybe that bit should go because if I want the story to be about passion and sacrifice and what is worth doing what you love that part was going on a different tact. Or I could make that bit go like this and it could fit in better?” Etc.
YuuMori has actually been exactly what I've needed in this regard: it's a very focused story. It knew from the start what it wanted to be about and what it wanted to say about what, and it really committed to that in a very clear way very fiercely without too much meandering or wandering off in other directions.
And as I was considering that...well...doesn't that structure really reflect William, in many ways? He's so focused on his goal and his plan that he has very little time for other things, like...figuring out who he is. Obviously YuuMori is more expansive than he and really digs in and does several things at once at all times, but the focus, the goal, that reminds me of him in some ways.
Compared to something like JR, which I also love dearly, but is very slow and meandering and wanders off and discusses ten different things in one short story, it feels very different. But JR is also lead by Seigi, and Seigi's arc is learning about the world and exploring it and himself, and the exploratory meandering also suits that and the kind of story that JR is.
But I've always had a problem with pacing and meandering and never getting to the point. I don't need JR's help with that. But this draft I'm editing now is the first time I've ever gotten notes back that aren't about the f'king pacing and meandering, so even though getting there wound up with 100k words in my Scrivener trash, I have gotten better at it.
And I know it's because I spend so much time thinking about the way YuuMori does it (and talking about it).
Anyway, perhaps this overlap and break from Avel's book means I won't end up with 100k words in the trash because I'll have better focus and a better ability to execute because I've thought through options in advance.
We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for listening to this morning's writing rambles.
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I've been meaning to ask your opinion on this for a while, and since we're both bored it seems like a good time. (Still just Yuumori related, I'm a one-trick pony.)
Chapter 34 heavily implies that Albert had heard about William via rumours about the court case, and manipulated circumstances to get him into the orphanage he helped at so that they would meet.
But in light of chapters 62 and 63 that doesn't seem to me to make sense? When we see Albert's perspective it's more that Albert was at the absolute end of his rope, and then William miraculously appeared to him with the answers he'd been searching for. The court case is mentioned in 63, and Albert might have been excited to hear that this was that child, but it didn't seem like he set out to find him. Which do you think is the truth?
So, we actually see Albert looking up the information about William in Chapter 63.
Chapter 63 opens with Albert seeing William and Louis and hearing, from the nun, that there is a rumor about William having raised a trial and won it all by himself. Then Albert stumbled along William's little cult session, and then Louis and William go to get more information on Albert from the nun.
Meanwhile, Albert has gone to the library, researching this rumor to find out more about them (and I really love that). So, he hadn't actually heard it before he saw them, but he did know all of this before he reached out to them for help and adopted them and offered Louis anything. Basically, it clarified that they'd actually met more than one time before they got adopted.
In chapter 34, Moran is like, hey, you said you just...ran into them at a charity. You really heard this plot and thought it was incredibly well-crafted and set your sights on the creator, didn't you?
And Albert doesn't really answer, says it was so long ago he doesn't remember.
And the truth seems to be, that, well: both. He did run into them accidentally, but that trick of fate was followed up with him learning about William's brilliance—not just his ideals—and wanting William to work with him because of those ideals and brains, through this court case.
Of course, Albert and Moran's relationship is such that Albert is not likely to give Moran a lot of insight into the very fraught and distraught emotional state he was in at the time. They're sorta family, but they tend to be at odds a lot of times and Albert is very closed off even for the Moriarty brothers. So he would probably just. Let Moran think of Albert in the worst light—and hey, it's not exactly wrong, either.
(Especially once you factor in Albert's mega guilt issues)
So, it's important to remember that the implication in chapter 34 was actually two very specific characters interacting, and it was an implication born of a conversation. And while it wasn't a lie, it didn't quite show the whole truth of the scenario, either.
Anyway, that's what I think.
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So I Heard People Wanted My Thoughts On Chapter 57
So here’s 1151 words on it that cover at least a little of what I think everyone wanted. No, it’s not under a read-more; what do you think I am, considerate?
The newest chapter of YuuMori was far from uneventful, but at the end of it, all I can think about is Louis (okay, and William, a bit, I’m worried about Liam). A lot of time was spent establishing the new normal for House Moriarty in light of William and Albert being removed from the game board, and oh.
Leadership looks good on Louis.
In a way it did not on either of his brothers.
Not that William (or Albert) were bad leaders, because they were not. They were entirely competent. But I don’t think either of them especially enjoyed it. Albert performed that role because he was expected to and it was his obligation as a member of the nobility, but he fell in line with whatever William or even Mycroft wanted him to do exceedingly easily and typically looked for William to give him orders or advice. He had absolutely no initiative whatsoever.
William was very, very good at the role, and William is a possessive mastermind with goals and a plan, who takes people’s loyalty with pleasure, but I still don’t think he actually wanted to be a cult leader. As soon as Sherlock showed up, all he wanted to do was run away from that entire mess because he found someone who could be his equal partner and he wouldn’t have to keep giving instructions and taking charge of everything. The entire thing was a burden he really did not handle well emotionally. William was a very good leader, but leadership was not good for him. And that’s kind of a sticking point.
Louis wears it so naturally.
See, the thing that’s becoming very apparent about Louis now is that he is far healthier and more stable and better equipped to handle the burdens and responsibility of leadership of a New World Order than William or Albert ever were. He is not going to shatter into pieces like William did. He is not so shapeless that he needs someone else to give him strength and direction like Albert did.
He is everything his brothers could not be.
But you know, Louis has on the surface absolutely no reason to be stable and secure and capable. The way you get stable, secure, capable adults is primarily by raising children with love and stability and security and trust in their abilities. Louis was raised a food-insecure orphan who lost his home, who nearly died of illness, who suffered abuse and child labor. That environment fractured William.
Louis is older now than William was (and I would kill to see a more direct comparison of what William would’ve been able to manage with another two years of some kind of maturity that Louis now has, but frankly I don’t think it matters to the narrative, so we won’t), and him being older is maybe part of it.
But I think mostly it’s that Louis had a William to give him love and stability and security and to trust in his abilities.
William turned himself into a lightning rod for abuse to ensure Louis had a figure he could always trust and rely on, so Louis could how to trust other people, so he could delegate and so he could learn to reach out and connect with others. William’s sort of shitty at all of those things.
But Louis listened to and relied on his older brother, trusted his older brother more than himself for a long time, although William certainly encouraged Louis to grow his own spine and confidence in himself and his abilities—William gave him that, too.
William gave more than ever should’ve given to Louis, since he was still protecting Louis even as fully grown adults, trying so hard to keep Louis safe. But when it became apparent that Louis was ready to take on more responsibility, more tasks, and took the initiative to demand he be given them, William conceded and trusted his brother and gave him more.
Moneypenny has this bit where she is musing about Louis that echoes Mycroft last chapter—Louis was always as capable of as William ever was, but he hid in William’s shadow so thoroughly, no one could see his potential. But it was always there, ready and waiting.
And, well.
William could see it. William always did. Louis was always who William intended to leave his world to. Louis was the seed he protected and preserved and nurtured so it could bloom after he razed the world down. Like those giant sequoia trees that need forest fires in order to reproduce and grow because their seeds don’t release otherwise. Like the humans that repopulate the world after the death of the gods in Ragnarok. Like a phoenix rising from William’s ashes (I’m sorry the phoenix thing really kills me on account of all the fire in this series and most especially how they were reborn in fire as Moriartys all the way back in chapter one).
(I could very seriously keep going on and on like this, but I will leave it there for now)
William grew up strong but inelastic and brittle as hell. Louis is tougher than that. He can handle the work required of him now. William served the purpose he intended and handed everything to his brother to inherit, everything his brother was always intended for.
And I hope he gets to see that, one day. But I’m intensely curious as to how that’s going to work out, and it depends a lot on what’s been going on with Liam for the last three years. Liam has spent his entire life destroying himself for others, but…
No one (with the possible exception of Moran, given the fact that Moran is Weird and didn’t quite match up with anyone else, and also plot reasons) needs Liam anymore.
Not that they wouldn’t let him have a role in their lives; they’re all quite fond of him. But they don’t even really know him because he would never let them. And they have Louis now to give them direction and purpose.
I don’t think Liam being needed was good for him. He gave and gave and gave when he was needed until there was nothing left for him. It would be dangerous for him to go back. But he also devoted his entire life to that dynamic and refused to allow anything else to grow. What would he even do there?
I don’t know. I have a lot of trouble imagining what would happen if he threw himself into that group again. Too much has changed, and it’s better for all of them. All three Moriarty brothers are in much healthier places with environments they need to grow and stretch into themselves and their potentials, now.
But Liam’s life is going to have to be something very different.
He could never take away what makes Louis shine brightest.
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Time for a post absolutely no one but me cares about, but I spent like an hour at 4am thinking about this, so someone else is going to have to read it. And I really wanted to put these thoughts about writing into shape, even if this is also about anime.
I got asked what a deuteragonist was the other day, and I already answered that, but now I can’t stop thinking about who the deuteragonist is changes a story, and yes, this is going to be about YuuMori, this is what media is for me, something to strip mine for parts and tear apart until I see how its heart beats.
So in YuuMori, Sherlock is the antagonist and deuteragonist at once, which I said was a little odd, and it...kind of is, but it’s hardly unprecedented. For the kind of story YuuMori is, it was exactly the choice that needed to be made.
YuuMori is made up of a lot of stories and a lot of themes and a lot of characters, but at its core, the story of YuuMori is about a man who loved people so much he destroyed himself in an attempt to protect them.
(Like, whether or not this was a wise decision, or an effective decision, is something you can debate, although the series at this point seems to be leaning heavily into “while this was at least somewhat effective, it’s awful and tragic and you will ruin yourself doing it” but we have two more chapters for that to be fully answered)
That’s William’s story. And since he’s the protagonist, that’s YuuMori’s story.
Sherlock and William’s story is one of two kindred souls stuck at war neither of them actually wants to be at, and with Sherlock as the deuteragonist, it also becomes the major story of the series. It is a chase, a story of equal matches on either side of an argument, two people who are nearly the same making terribly different decisions and terribly similar decisions at once.
And the most major themes of the story start to revolve around questions about justice and atonement and salvation and fate vs. choice and friendship.
But what if someone else were the deuteragonist?
What about Louis? Louis is William’s brother, so close they’re practically twins, but he’s so receded in YuuMori. If he was instead the second most central character, The Story (because this is still A story in YuuMori, if one in the background and not really addressed or told, because Louis is practically irrelevant) becomes instead the story of two brothers who went through tragedy and hellfire together to protect each other.
I don’t especially like comparing YuuMori to either of these series, but it would be more like FMA than Death Note, suddenly. And with Louis fulfilling the role of a deuteragonist, YuuMori could (would?) be about what a family is and what can break it and how to hold onto something that might not even be there anymore and mutual sacrifice. And all of these themes are still in the series. But they’re not given near as much prominence as the others. And some of the themes Sherlock carries so well, like the fated thing William and Sherlock have going on, would either fade into the background, or Louis would have to be an entirely different sort of person. It wouldn’t work with him who he is, whether he maintained his relation to William or not.
And what if Albert was of secondary importance to the story? Then The Story becomes instead of fire and water (that everyone keeps comparing William and Sherlock to), fire and ice, Liam full of all the warmth Albert lacks, two people with the same goals who approach it entirely differently, one figure with desires without anything concrete to root them in and another who can give them shape and form--but both are, in a way, both for each other, aren’t they? And the story would be about why people make choices, what is a human soul, what people do to each other to achieve what they want and how they hurt each other in the process.
And again, all of these things are already there, if you look for them, but they’re not the main threads the story is answering.
And if the deuteragonist was Moran, the story becomes about a commander and his solider, of devotion and loyalty to a common cause and a shared belief in something so strong can bring both to misery. A story about what those things mean, about how far people are willing to go and why. A story of someone who was once a leader finding someone to follow, throwing out questions of what leadership is, what it should be.
Fred and William are the only members of House Moriarty with warmth, with the softness for others, and their story being The Story could be one that finds support in that, finds strength in caring through all the darkness they go through, and it could be a story about whether or not that’s enough to carry on.
I don’t think anyone else in the story is quite prominent enough or tied closely enough to William for me to properly imagine them in that role, but that could just be a lack of imagination on my part.
But the way this one change would bend the entire story and warp it into something entirely else with a different message, with a different focus, is so fascinating to me.
And the thing is! Most of these themes are also carried through with Sherlock as deuteragonist well, in some way. All of this stuff is already there, all of this stuff is something Sherlock sets in sharp relief because he is William’s mirror foil and so many of these facets of William that others bring out, he was specifically designed for.
And, well. He was the character shaped and chosen by the author for this role, too. Of course he manages to carry all of the themes of the story on his shoulders. If he didn’t, the author would need to keep working until he could.
But mirror foils aren’t always in a story. And even comparing Albert and Louis as deuteragonists and the stories they would tell that way is interesting.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part six (aka me losing my mind over the final problem)
Hi, I am once again reminding you all that I've formed a parasocial relationship with the crackhead detective 👍 This made me overly emotional for the fact that he didnt even die
But like
hhhmmmmmmmm those were certainly an interesting 14 pages
Yeah, I already made a post about how the final problem relates to yuumori's final problem and how incredibly sexy it is but yes now I'd just like to relay to you how absolutely heart brocken i am over this lol I will eventually get to reading the post hiatus stories i just. I haven't emotionally recovered from this yet
Yelling below the cut somehow this reaction feels longer than the story itself. but it's about half cracking jokes and half sobbing so be prepared
I mean, starting off strong with "well yknow since i got married my and sherlock's Very Intimate Relations had to be modified and all but we hadnt seen each other in a while so it was kind of jarring to see him crawling in my second story bedroom window clutching Wounds and closing the shutters absolutely fucking wasted losing his mind over some dude named moriarty"
We've been over this but. Oh my god why are they gay
I just like????? Imagine how fucking bizzare that would be to just see your old homie crawl into your window bleeding on your floor and asking to exit the other way in case he's followed like "hey bro can we Talk i hope you're not busy" WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, SAY HE IS? Imagine watson just like "no dude I'm fucking busy go get killed"
But legitimately. That's certainly something. And like, I see a lot of books starting like this lmao but. Holmes's stuff usually starts off kind of easily with watson going "yeah so lately ive been Experiencing Sherlock Holmes" and spend 20 minutes on exposition with them having a Conversation but no. mans just fucking escaped a hitman and went directly to his boyfriend's house having apparently Never Before In His Goddamn Life mentioned his actual nemesis to this guy. How the FUCK has watson never heard of him before.
Im also loving how he calls moriarty a "mathematical celebrity" awhi;grih;oaewhhta;ioh;iaewh;ii;oewh;eh;rg mans just. ok lol hes a Math Celebrity that had to quit his math teacher job because EVERYONE JUST KNEW HE WAS A CRIME LORD LIKE THEY TOOK ONE LOOK AT HIM AND WENT MANS DEFINITELY HAS BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT I DONT WANT HIM TEACHING HERE
But yeah, it was interesting to see what the big deal about og moriarty was... especially since the deal simply did not deliver. There was not really a big deal. It's like reading the first chapter of a book and immediately skipping to the climax. Everything is so hyped up and clearly having been building for years and you just get like NO CONTEXT. I swear Moriarty wasn't goddamn mentioned any time before this. He's just suddenly the big guy and watson has just never fucking heard shit about this guy.
What's so funny about this whole situation is that I just. Cannot objectively know anything about Moriarty at all because sherlock just... does not go into what this dude's alleged crimes even were, other than. The fact that he like. Does them. He's just really involved in crimes. How? Why? For how long? In what way? For what purpose? NO FUCKING CLUE HE JUST. HE JUST DOES. And there's nothing to really suggest that Moriarty was honestly a really evil guy. They're all like trust me he was just. he was just really bad but show absolutely No examples of being such. The most evil thing we saw Moriarty do personally was call sherlock stupid for letting him get into the apartment. And even then he immediately followed it up with complimenting him lol
yeah, my impression of Moriarty was like. I expected him to be worse, honestly. I expected him to be like a cartoon villain because he was kind of made out to be one and then he's just honestly a really polite and refined guy?? Mans strolls the fuck into 221B like hi shawty and it is Not like yuumori obviously man's holding a gun but like. What the fuck they are just. They have never met before but They Clearly Have and it's. its so weird
Like honestly I don't dislike og moriarty. He's really what william tried to be (and fucking failed, but beside the point) but like. Dude's so powerful and for what. He just walks into the apartment with No Pretense like why sherlock holmes is that a revolver or are you just happy to see me oh my goodness you are a dolt why would you hold the gun that way. disgusting. disgraceful. dreadful. Oh my god. I love him I'm sorry
abngnahhghifeah;iewh and Why does sherlock describe him like that hes like "MANS A REALLY REFINED LIZARD /pos" HIEHIFEHW:HGIHOEWFEEW FOR WHAT. FOR W H A T
baaaaaaaaghhhhhh but likeeeee they went STRAIGHT to "you know what I'm here for" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "yeah" "mhm" "damn well it really do be like that sometimes" "ur really smart by the way" "im fucking aware let's kill each other as we both Thought in our Minds" "yes lets" AHDHDHDHDFS WTF THIS IS INSANE
But damn uh. mutual destruction my beloved this is very different from sherliam but im not. im not. opposed to it tucks hair behind ear
I just. Holy shit they really went "if you destroy me I will ensure that we both go down hand in unlovable hand" "I wouldn't mind that"
Annnnd I just noticed that the actual lines for this part kind of. that kind of happened in chapter 31 when sherlock was like i would Gladly die to take down the lord of crime and william was like. hahahah yeahNO NO NO NO
And then watson is like wowww that was cool you wanna spend the night and sherlock is like "UNFORTUNATELY BESTIE I AM BEING FUCKING TRACKED DOWN ID LIKE YOU TO NOT DIE WITH ME"
This bit gave me a Moment Moment because oh my god. Then watson is like "no shut up i'm coming with you i don't care" and i just had to Take A Minute because THEY SWITCHED PLACES AAH SHERLOCK IS TRYING TO KEEP WATSON SAFE NOW AND WATSON IS NOW MORE RECKLESS BC OF HIM AND. AHHHH
Completely random but. How sherlock still refers to 221B as "our rooms" to watson even though watson hasn't lived their in years........ shawty i am emotional.........
But. Ok as funny as this is. They have this fucking Conversation on the train to switzerland where sherlock is like "I have not lived in vain" and watson is like "YOURE NOT DYING" and hes like "i have not lived in vain. like i said. this will not be a bad way to die" UHHHHHH DAMN SHAWTY
hhhhhh and it just Gets. it. it. it Gets. These fuckers get to switzerland and they stay in a hotel and then leave for reichenbach but watson gets this goddamn letter telling him that hes needed at the hotel to basically save this lady's life. And he doesn't. Like. he doesn't even want to go he's like FUCK IT SHE CAN DIE IM NOT LEAVING YOU but sherlock convinces him to go fULLY KNOWING THE LETTER WAS FUCKING FAKED BY MORIARTY JUST AS A PLOY TO GET HIM ALONE
God I just. Wow sherlock really did that huh. He really went and did that. And I went over it in the post about this compared to yuumori but it just RUINED me how watson just. Never saw what happened and there's just so little information about it that all they have is these assumptions and pieces that just suggest that these guys met up, walked up to the goddamn waterfall having a nice civil conversation about how talented and smart they both were at this and how they revealed their methods to each other and complimented them because of course they did
And they just sat up there talking to each other so long and Moriarty legit waited politely or even possibly was the one that suggested he write a letter to watson in which sherlock just went "damn lol moriarty's pretty nice actually anyway uhhhh sorry watson ily ✌" and just like. left it up there in his damn cigarette box
But just like. damn the insinuation that moriarty just sat there and watched while he wrote that entire goddamn letter, sealed it up, and then got up and went alright buddy let's go but it makes no goddamn sense if they wanted to actually kill each other and assure they themselves would survive I could name like 23 different ways they could have managed it so easily and they Didn't. they were really set on mutual destruction huh. There's no way they were even trying to do anything but Die Together at that point and that's Something huh
It absolutely baffles me how they could say that these guys had plummetted like, holding each other tho. Like. ok lol but How Do You Even Know
It was certainly a ride. But the fact that Watson had to actively try to think like Sherlock to figure out what happened in the scene was just. The cherry on top. Especially after they'd consciously started to switch roles in this i just. Damn.
In conclusion uhhhhhhhh gay people real I suppose
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty) Characters: William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty), Sherlock Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty) Additional Tags: Intense Yearning, literally just chapter 53, but i make the letter longer and gayer, and they kis :), GOD LIAM IS SO WRONG IT'S FUNNY, get this dude some THERAPY, fair warning this is my first story for this fandom, but trust me i've been writing this same kind of thing for years, I really just took the letter and went what if it was three full pages, it's honestly really hard to make this gayer than it already is, i just grossly overdescribe their feelings, graphic depictions of emotion, HES SO FUCKING OVERDRAMATIC, and FOR WHAT, trust me i'll be hanging out in this fandom, Pining, you know. pretty basic pretty classic yuumori fic but like, they're gay people ok, barely anything changes from the canon except for it being more explicitly romantic, in liam's pov obviously, this absolute SAPPY BULLSHIT, and yes it's angsty of course it's angsty, but like. this is 53. you know what you're getting into Summary:
So he's got a bit of a love letter. So he's got a bit of a, suicidal. So he's the most repressed motherfucker in all of great britain and has been doing a bit too much murder lately. This is fine.
(basically just the director's cut of chapter 53)
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