bro-atz · 1 year
at some point, we grow up
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in which: you and minjae are neighbors and grew up together not being able to stand each other, only for feelings to change as you got older
pair: minjae/gn!reader (brief moments of junmin/gn!reader)
word count: 6k
content: fluff, childhood friends, enemies to not really enemies?? (friends to lovers??? enemies to lovers???), barely friends, love triangle andioop, high school romance, kissing, one-sided crushes, love thy neighbor
apply for the permanent taglist here!
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“Hey, it’s my turn to build the castle!”
You snatched the tiny shovel from your friend, only for him to snatch it right back. Upset, you complained to his mom. “Auntie! Minjae won’t let me build the castle!”
“Minjae, it is Y/N’s turn, so give the shovel back,” Minjae’s mom came in clutch.
“But this is our sandbox, and it’s in our yard. Y/N lives next door,” Minjae said, making somewhat of a valid point.
“Okay, but you suck at building castles. If I do it, then at least we’ll have an actual castle that won’t fall apart in two seconds.”
“I’ll crush your castle in one second, then.”
That’s was pretty much how most of your childhood went: playing in the backyard with your next door neighbor, Minjae. The aunties in the neighborhood liked to joke that the two of you would grow up and get married, but they’d immediately take it back when they saw you chase Minjae around the neighborhood with a worm on a stick or a ball of mud. Minjae was also afraid of heights, and you used that to torment him whenever he was being mean or annoying by grabbing one of his shoes then climbing up a tree so that he couldn’t get it, thus earning the nickname of monkey (well, Minjae was the only one who ever called you monkey).
On your way to school, you would never, ever sit next to him on the bus. He was a popular kid, so he sat in the back of the bus. You, on the other hand, wanted to get off the bus as soon as possible, so you sat in the very first seat. Sure, you were neighbors and would play together after school, but that didn’t mean you had to be friends with him in school. Honestly, you wouldn’t even categorize Minjae as being a friend. He was a last resort— someone you tolerated just enough that you would let go of whatever grievances you have with him in order to avoid a boring day at home.
Minjae seemed to be the same way. At school, he wanted nothing to do with you. When it was time for recess, he and his friends would be on the court playing basketball while you and your friends would play on the playground swinging from the monkey bars or going down the slide or just sitting on the swing waiting for the wind to push you. Even if you both were in the same homeroom, you would keep your distance. He didn’t want people knowing he was your neighbor, and likewise you with him.
There were eleven houses on your block, and the families on the block would gather for potlucks every so often. You and Minjae were the oldest out of all the kids. The rest of the kids were younger than you by a year or two difference, but when you’re a kid, a year is such a huge difference. You and Minjae never wanted to interact with the younger kids because they were so young and obnoxious, and the two of you had more experience in life. That being said, you hated that there was no one else for you to really hang out with at those dinners.
Usually, during these dinners, the families would be busy eating and chatting in the dining room while the rest of the kids would sit in the living room, eating and talking or watching TV. The younger kids always wanted to play while the older kids opted to watch TV. The two of you would sit together— but not too close— and just watch whatever was playing in silence.
The running joke during these dinners was that you and Minjae were going to end up together (which wasn’t really refuted by the time you both entered middle school because you stopped chasing Minjae around with bugs), but you and Minjae still got annoyed by the teasing to the point where the two of you stopped hanging out after school— heck, you both had to walk home after school, but you never walked together even though you were next door neighbors. That being said, you would still reluctantly keep each other company at these stupid neighborhood block dinners.
“Dude, you’re breathing so loud. Shut up,” you told Minjae at one of the dinners while kicking his leg.
You both were in your final year of middle school. The other kids were in their own world as per usual, and you and Minjae decided to watch a movie as per usual, but Minjae was breathing too loud for you to watch the movie.
“I’m not breathing loud. You are.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
The two of you started kicking each other while yelling insults at each other.
“Do you have a problem with watching a movie silently or something? Just stop breathing for a second!” you said with complete annoyance.
“Your nose is the one that keeps whistling! Remind me to tell auntie to make you get plastic surgery— that should also help fix your ugly monkey face,” Minjae shot back.
“You’re the ugly one, mop head! If you won’t stop breathing, then I’ll make you stop breathing!”
You got Minjae in a headlock and pinned him to the ground, hoping that if you choked him hard enough that he’d stop breathing and you could watch the movie in peace.
“Ew, get a room,” one of the boys commented as he looked at the two of you.
“Shut up, Hyunwoo,” both you and Minjae spat out.
“Aw, you both are synced up and everything. You’re totally meant to be,” Sumin, one of the more chaotic boys of the group, teased.
“Bro, I will make you stop breathing, too,” you warned him.
“Ha, I’d like to see you try!”
Next thing you all knew, everyone worked together to tear you and Sumin apart. You had your hand around his neck while he had your hair bunched up in his fists. Jinsik, Sumin’s best friend, was pulling Sumin away while Yujun, one of the youngest boys, worked on getting his fingers out of your hair. Junghoon, Hyunwoo’s best friend, and Hyunwoo pulled your hands away from Sumin’s neck while Minjae had his arms wrapped around your waist and tried to pull you away that way. Hunter, Seeun, and Yechan, the other younger kids of the group, were busy laughing at the whole scene.
“You both gotta stop before the parents see, guys!” Yujun rationalized.
Reluctantly, the two of you released one another. You glared at Sumin, who responded with a stink eye. You lunged at the annoying-ass boy again, but Minjae was still holding you back.
“F— Minjae! Let go!” you nearly swore as you tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
Immediately, Minjae let go, earning a look of disgust from you.
“See? Meant to be,” Sumin teased once more.
“I’ll kill you!”
The rest of the night consisted of the other eight boys trying desperately to keep you and Sumin away from each other.
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One day on your way back from school in the wintertime, it was snowing outside. You, like an idiot, forgot to bring a scarf or a hat to protect yourself from the snow. Snow didn’t bother you like that, but it did make your hair wet, and you always got sick after walking outside in the cold with wet hair. You stood by the exit and sighed deeply before walking outside into the winter wonderland.
After two minutes of walking in the snow, your hair was covered with thick chunks of snowflakes. You brushed the snow out of your hair before it could melt when you suddenly felt something land on your head— a hat. You looked to your side to see Minjae walking right next to you bundled up in his winter jacket, his face buried in a knit scarf.
“Thanks...” you mumbled while you put the hat on properly. “I’ll return it to you later.”
“No, that’s for you. Mom made it for you and told me to give it to you. I kept forgetting,” Minjae said roughly.
“Oh… Tell her I said thanks.”
“Will do.”
After the conversation ended, you thought Minjae was going to walk ahead to maintain some distance between you two, so you were surprised to see that he was walking right next to you. You didn’t want to say anything because, while you didn’t really care for his company, it was nice not walking home alone for once. The entire walk home, you both were completely silent while listening to your own music with your own ears buds in both ears, but you kept each other company.
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High school was pretty much the same as elementary school. You thought you and Minjae had gotten closer since middle school, but he went right back to his old ways after middle school ended, but you weren’t bothered because you had your own friends and the two of you didn’t even have classes together, so you really weren’t upset that the distance between you two grew. Well, that’s how it was freshman year. Sophomore year, however, things changed.
There was a new family that moved into the block. There was an older couple who moved out— they never had a kid, so your group didn’t change— but the new family had a son named Junmin. He was in the same year as you and Minjae. You briefly interacted with Junmin at the first block party that he attended, but other than the parties, you had no real reason to interact with him.
Minjae was already on the school basketball team freshman year, so when Junmin joined the team sophomore year, the two of them immediately befriended each other. They would sit together on the bus ride home (whenever they didn’t have practice) all the time and talk and laugh while you sat elsewhere talking to some of the other kids in the neighborhood. Even when the three of you got down at the same bus stop, you would just walk home without acknowledging either of them, your headphones blasting music in your ears to make you seem like less of a dick. However, that dynamic only lasted the one semester. It was the first day of the spring semester classes that your world changed.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Junmin greeted you one morning.
He plopped into the seat and sat right next to you. Despite the fact that you had headphones in, you could still hear him. It was too early in the morning for you to react in a timely manner, so you sat and stared at him in bewilderment before responding, “Good morning…”
“Is it okay if I sit here?”
Junmin asking that question well after he got comfortable in the seat was kind of pointless, and while you didn’t really want him to sit next to you, the bus was already moving. You had no choice but to nod. You turned away from him and turned up the volume of the song you were listening to, hoping that he would get the hint and not talk to you. Even though you were listening to music on full blast and you were looking out of the window, Junmin wanted to talk.
“Y/N, I have a question,” Junmin patted your shoulder lightly, trying to get your attention.
With a heavy sigh, you paused your music, took your headphones out, and gave him your somewhat complete attention. As much as you didn’t want to talk to him, he wasn’t a bad kid, so you didn’t want to be too rude to him.
“Why don’t you ever sit with us in the back?”
“Who? You and Minjae?”
“Yeah. We’re all neighbors, after all. Sumin, Jinsik, and Hyunwoo also sit with us.”
“First of all, it’s too early in the morning to deal with all of Sumin’s screaming—”
Right on cue, Sumin laughed loudly, giving you a slight headache.
“That’s fair,” Junmin acknowledged while rubbing his ringing ear.
“And second of all, we’re not friends like that. I’ve never been friends with anyone in the group like that,” you explained.
“Is there a reason why?”
“…No. That’s just how our lives unfolded. None of us are too bothered by it.”
“Why don’t you try to be proper friends with us? It’ll be fun,” Junmin encouraged you.
“And talk about what? I don’t play basketball or watch the games, and we don’t even have classes together. There’s nothing to really talk about with all of you,” you sighed, wondering why Junmin was trying so hard to make all of you guys be friends.
“Okay, fine. But I’m sure you and I can find something to talk about.”
“Like what?”
“Um… What song were you listening to just now?”
You showed him the song, and he immediately gushed on and on about the artist. The two of you ended up discussing music the rest of the bus ride to school.
The two of you got off the bus and walked towards the building together, only to see Junmin get whisked away by the boys.
“Bye, Y/N! See you later!” he called while waving as his friends dragged him away.
You waved in response, an amused smile on your face.
Minjae, meanwhile, decided to grill Junmin as they entered the school through a different entrance.
“Why did you sit by Y/N today and not us?” he asked.
“I mean, we all live on the same block, so why not be friends?”
“You barely talk to Y/N at the block parties, what do you mean?” Sumin furrowed his eyebrows.
“I mean, like… Well… I think we—”
“Guys, get the hint. Junmin has a crush on Y/N,” Jinsik pointed out while rolling his eyes.
“Really? On Y/N?” Hyunwoo was shocked.
Junmin couldn’t even deny his feelings— his face was already bright red. He nodded, and the group immediately erupted into debates about you. Minjae, on the other hand, kept quiet. He was baffled. Why did Junmin have a crush on you, the weird kid who chased him around with a bug on a stick, the crazy kid who tried to fight him, the kid who barely talked to him? He just couldn’t imagine anyone having feelings for you of all people.
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You didn’t realize that you, Junmin, and Minjae all had lunch at the same time until you bumped into Junmin— you were with your friends, and the bell rang so you were off to your next class.
“Sorry— Oh! Y/N! You have lunch this period, too?” Junmin was mildly surprised to see you.
“Yeah, you too?”
“Hey, Y/N,” Minjae put his arm over Junmin’s shoulder, nearly knocking the boy down.
“Hi, Minjae…” you were confused— why was Minjae talking to you?
“Do you still wear that hat my mom gave you?”
You were seriously weirded out. Minjae never talked to you in school, and now he wanted to know about what clothes you wore? “Yeah, I wore it to school today.”
“I thought I saw you wearing it. My mom has another one she made for you. I’ll give it to you later.”
“Okay…? Uh�� Bye, Minjae. Bye, Junmin.”
You waved and immediately started walking to class, your friends squealing beside you.
“What’s with you guys?” you asked.
“Junmin is totally into you,” one of your friends said.
“No, Minjae likes Y/N,” another friend stated.
“OMG, what if Y/N is trapped in a love triangle? This is so cute, I’m so jealous!” a third friend added their opinion.
“Stop. Minjae’s just my next door neighbor, and Junmin lives on my block. We’re just neighbors,” you shot down their delusional theories almost immediately.
“Well, if you had to choose between them—”
“No, neither. I’m good. Come on, we’re going to be late for class.”
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The bus rides to and from school confused you. Not only was Junmin sitting by you, but Minjae was as well, which ultimately led to Sumin, Jinsik, and Hyunwoo to sit by you all. You barely talked while the rest of the boys screamed about something or the other, but you did feel a little closer to them. You didn’t know how you felt about that, but it wasn’t so bad being friendly with them.
 When February came around, your friends teased the shit out of you. They kept saying that Junmin or Minjae would bring you something for the most romantic day of the year, and that they both would compete to get you the better present. You kept telling them that no, that was not going to happen, but at lunch, Junmin approached your table.
“Y/N,” he said as he handed a tiny bag of chocolate truffles to you. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Th-thank you…” you mumbled while taking the present from him.
Just as quickly as he arrived, Junmin disappeared, leaving your friends to squeal. You tossed the chocolate into your backpack.
“Alright, ladies. If Minjae also gives Y/N chocolate, then I win the bet,” one of your friends said.
“Well I definitely lost… Can’t believe it… I thought Minjae would give Y/N chocolate first,” another friend said.
“See, I told you Junmin would give Y/N chocolate first, and I still think that Minjae isn’t interested,” the third friend said with a grin.
“Why are you betting on my life?” you asked with a sigh.
“We’re betting on your love life—”
“Nonexistent. I don’t have one, and I don’t want one, so stop it,” you said, hoping that you shut down their betting pool.
The bus ride home that day was quiet. Minjae and Junmin were at practice, and somehow, Sumin, Jinsik, and Hyunwoo all managed to get detention together. You treasured the quiet bus ride and had a peaceful time on your way home.
It was snowing when you got home. Snow in February was a little weird, but global warming messed with everything, so it didn’t surprise you anymore. You watched the snow flutter to the ground as you sat at your desk and finished your homework for the night before heading into your living room to sit and watch TV.
The doorbell from the backyard rang around seven in the evening. Mildly annoyed, you went to the backyard to see Minjae wearing his winter coat and scarf. Before you could even unlock the door, Minjae gestured for you to meet him by the sandbox in his backyard. You, completely annoyed by that point, grumbled to yourself as you wore a jacket and boots— it was still snowing outside, but you didn’t think you’d need a hat because you didn’t plan on being outside for more than two minutes.
“What is it?” you asked Minjae as you trudged through the snow.
“Here,” he held out a bag. “For you.”
“Uh, thanks?”
You took the bag from him and waved, assuming that you were good to leave, but Minjae grabbed your hand. He took the bag back and took out whatever was in it before placing it on your head.
“I told you my mom made you another hat. Try it on.”
He held the bag for you as you put the hat on properly. It fit nicely, and it was a rather cute hat.
“Tell your mom I say thanks, then,” you nodded, a small smile on your face as you appreciated the hat.
Minjae nodded. He handed the bag back to you and uttered a small “bye,” before shuffling back to his house. The bag seemed empty, so you wondered why on Earth he left you with the bag. You realized why he did when you got home— there was a tiny tootsie roll in the bag.
You sat in your room, the two chocolates in front of you. You stared at them in confusion. You were about to overthink the chocolates, but then your mother called you into the kitchen. You tossed them into a random drawer in your desk and made your way to the kitchen, completely forgetting about the chocolates.
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The rest of the year was annoying, and as was the fall semester of your junior year. Minjae constantly greeted you in the halls whenever you saw him, but it was never in a, for lack of better terms, normal way. Sometimes, he’d make monkey noises and then say that he was doing his impression of you, or he would intentionally run his shoulder into yours, and sometimes he would slam your locker shut just as you opened it.
Junmin, on the other hand, didn’t get to see you as often. His classes were always on the opposite side of the school, and he didn’t even have lunch with you. Because of this development, all of your friends “flipped to Team Minjae”.
“Y/N, face it. Minjae is totally into you,” your friend said to you while walking through the halls, moments after Minjae rammed his shoulder against yours.
“No, he’s not. He used to do this to me all the time when we were kids. This is how he is,” you said while rubbing your shoulder— the impact hurt a little, not going to lie.
“These are things that boys do to their crushes, though. Maybe he liked you when you were kids.”
“Absolutely not. He always destroyed my sand castles and…” you couldn’t think of other things he did to you because you would hold a bug and chase him around before he could do anything to you— preventative measures. “Anyway, we’re childhood friends… No, not even friends. We’re neighbors. That’s all we’ll ever be.”
Junior year meant you could drive home, so you didn’t take the bus anymore. You didn’t see either Minjae or Junmin when you got home, which was always somewhat of a relief because you were tired of seeing Minjae at school. Junmin, on the other hand, wasn’t bad. Seeing him was never irritating.
You shook your head. Why were you thinking about those boys in the first place when they didn’t hold a special place in your heart? They weren’t worth the thought. You had other things to think about, like your grades; not boys, and definitely not the neighbor boys.
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“Y/N!” Minjae called your name while you walked through the halls.
“God…” you muttered under your breath before turning to him and asking loudly, “What do you want, Minjae?”
“Come here,” he walked towards the stairwell.
Reluctantly, you did as he said and joined him in the stairwell. “Okay, what is it?”
He closed the door to the stairwell. You narrowed your eyes. What was he doing?
“I have something I want to tell you.”
“Yeah? What is it?”
Minjae took a step towards you, and you immediately took a step back. He was definitely acting weird. He kept walking towards you, and you kept walking backwards away from him, only for your back to hit the wall. Your eyes darted back and forth as he pinned you against the wall. His face was so close to yours that you felt like you could count each individual, surprisingly gorgeous, eyelash of his.
“I like you, Y/N. Go out with me,” he said quietly but not so quietly that you couldn’t hear him clearly.
“Minjae, stop messing around.”
You tried to push him away and leave, but he grabbed your arms and pinned them above your head to the wall. One hand holding your arms and his other hand pressing against the wall by your hip, Minjae said, “I’m serious, Y/N. I like you. I really fucking like you.”
Your eyes went wide— you’d never heard him say the f word before. Your heart raced as he leaned in, his lips nearly brushing past yours…
Then, your alarm went off. You sat up immediately, your forehead breaking into a cold sweat. What the fuck was that dream?!
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You couldn’t face Minjae normally after that dream ever again. You did you best to avoid him at any given moment in the day to the point where you just carried all your textbooks with you so that you wouldn’t have to stop at your locker. Your friends didn’t realize that you were trying to avoid him, so they just assumed that Minjae lost interest. At least your love life was no longer a topic of discussion within your group.
You did a good job in avoiding him until the block party. You couldn’t believe that you had to face him during the party, and it made you nervous as hell. Your heart was already fluttering before you even saw the guy. How on Earth did one measly dream make you crush on a boy that was mean to you all through your childhood?
The party was at Junmin’s house that time. Your family was the first to arrive at the party, which thankfully meant that it was just you and Junmin.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while,” Junmin greeted you with a smile.
He was sitting in the living room flipping through channels. You took a seat next to him. “I know, right? How’ve you been?”
“Busy. Practice got so much more intense now that we’re on varsity.”
“Yeah, me and Minjae.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Even the mere mention of his name freaked you out. You hated that.
“How have the games been?” you asked, desperately trying to return your heart rate to normal.
“We’re doing well this season! You should really come for one of our games. We have a home game next week.”
“I don’t know… I’m not a huge basketball fan…”
“You won’t know if you don’t try. At least come for me? Please?”
Junmin stared at you with the most adorable puppy dog eyes, making your heart flutter. Unable to deal with his cute face, you nodded, his eyes immediately sparkling after.
He held out his pinky.
You locked your pinky with his.
Even when Minjae arrived at the party, you didn’t realize, nor were you bothered by it. It had just been so long since you had seen Junmin that the two of you talked the entire night. Minjae didn’t even approach the two of you because he had no idea what you both were talking about.
“They’re so cute together, aren’t they?” Minjae heard the aunties talking.
“They are! It would be so cute if they started dating.”
“Can I tell you ladies a secret?” Junmin’s mom approached the women. Minjae, still within earshot, heard Junmin’s mom say, “Junmin’s liked Y/N for a while. Hyunwoo’s mom told me.”
“Why Hyunwoo’s mom?”
“Because Hyunwoo can’t keep a secret.”
Minjae frowned. He had no idea that Junmin was still into you like that. With a shrug, he walked away from the gossiping aunties and hung out with the other boys, leaving you and Junmin to talk the rest of the night.
And lo and behold, the aunties spoke the ship into existence. After you promised Junmin that you’d go to the home game and followed through with your promise, Junmin was delighted. He asked you out that night after their school won— you both were walking back to your car, and he asked you when you got to your car. He was ecstatic when you said yes, but he didn’t kiss you. No, he hugged you, told you that he’d text you about taking you on a date, and left to get into his own car.
Your relationship with Junmin lasted the rest of your high school lives. You went to every single basketball game, you both took turns driving to and from school, and he even took you to prom. Your first kiss happened during your senior year homecoming, and, well, progressed to be more intimate as time went on.
Junmin made you completely forget about your brief crush on Minjae, so when you met them at the games, you talked to Minjae normally. Minjae, on the other hand, distanced himself, using the excuse that he hated romance as a reason to keep away (not that you cared about the justification).
When the three of you graduated, the aunties wanted the three of you to stand together and take a picture. You wrapped one arm around Junmin’s and leaned into him, Minjae standing awkwardly next to you.
“What are you doing? Come here,” you stretched your arm out for Minjae and linked arms with him.
Minjae ears went red, and his face turned a dusty shade of pink. Nonetheless, he kept his arm linked with yours, and the huge gap that was between the two of you disappeared. The pictures turned out great with all three of you standing near each other with wide smiles on your faces. The pictures were so good, in fact, that you didn’t even notice that in one of the pictures, Minjae was looking at you longingly despite the fact that he was standing right next to you.
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After you graduated from college, you decided to go home for a couple of months. You were tired from studying and just wanted a little break before starting to work. Also, living rent free didn’t sound too bad, and you missed your mom’s cooking. So many reasons to go home.
Being home, though, you were worried about running into Junmin. The two of you broke up the first year of college because long distance wasn’t working out for the two of you. There weren’t any hard feelings, but Junmin did find a new significant other, so you didn’t want to interact because you were completely and utterly single.
Since you had nothing to study for and no work to do, you found yourself wondering what to do with yourself. So, one day, you laid down in the grass in your backyard and just stared at the sky. You thought about how simple life used to be and thought about what you did as kids to pass the time. Sure, there was the sandbox, which Minjae’s mom got rid of the second all the kids on the block went to college, and there was a park nearby, but that definitely wasn’t all of it. You were thinking about it so hard that you didn’t even realize someone had approached you, their head moving over you and blocking the view.
“Jesus!” you sat up immediately, nearly screaming. “Minjae! You scared the shit outta me!”
“Sorry,” Minjae apologized, although he didn’t sound sorry in the slightest. “Mind if I join you?”
You patted a spot of grass next to you, Minjae promptly sitting there. The two of you sat in complete and utter silence. The sound of the wind and the birds filled the silence, but for some reason, it just made you even more aware of the fact that you didn’t even know what to talk to Minjae about. So, you laid back down in the grass and stared at the sky. Minjae mirrored your actions.
“What are we looking at?” Minjae asked, being the first one to break the silence.
“Well, I was thinking more than looking…”
“Thinking about what?”
“About how we used to the pass time as kids. Like, other than the sand pit and the park, what else did we do?”
“You would steal my shoe and climb up a tree so that I couldn’t get it because you knew I was afraid of heights,” Minjae responded almost immediately.
“Oh, right,” you couldn’t help but laugh. “I did use to do that, didn’t I? Are you still afraid of heights?”
Minjae didn’t respond, making you laugh harder. You sat up and clutched your stomach as you laughed your ass off. Minjae sat up too, a small frown on his face.
“Come on, it’s not easy to get over a fear…” Minjae pouted.
“No, you’re right,” you agreed as you wiped tears from your eyes— you laughed so hard you started crying. “I’m sorry for laughing.”
“That’s okay.”
You stood up and held your hand out to help Minjae up. After dusting your pants off, the two of you walked to the neighborhood park. You sat on the benches near the basketball court and continued talking.
“Do you still play basketball?”
“Not competitively, but for fun, yeah.”
The two of you talked about very surface level things, but your conversation stretched out and kept going and going. You never realized you could talk to Minjae for so long, but the two of you weren’t children anymore. You grew up, and with growing up comes different conversations.
Both of your families ended up having dinner together, his parents grilling you about job prospects and your parents with him. By the end of the exhausting interrogative dinner, you and Minjae stood outside on the deck. It was pretty dark outside, and the only thing to illuminate the area were the porch lights of all the houses.
“Did you hear about Junmin?” Minjae asked tentatively.
“Yeah… I mean, good for him. He’s a nice guy,” you said with a sigh.
“What about you?”
“What about me what?”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
You burst out laughing. Hearing those words from Minjae’s mouth was so foreign, and you never ever thought he would say that phrase to you.
“What’s so funny?” Minjae looked at you with concern.
“No, it’s just— You sounded almost like an ex-boyfriend,” you explained after calming down. “But, no. I’m not. Are you?”
“I mean, I am an ex-friend that is a boy,” Minjae mumbled, but you didn’t hear him. Louder, he answered your question, “No, I’m not either.”
“Why not?” the words flew out of your mouth.
“What do you mean why not?” Minjae asked with a laugh. “I just never found someone that I really liked.”
You nodded— it was the same for you after you broke up with Junmin.
The two of you went silent. The only thing you could hear were the buzzes of grasshoppers and cicadas. From inside the house, your mothers were looking at your backs.
“Remember when we used to say that these two would get together?” your mom whispered to Minjae’s mom.
“Yes, I do… Do you think they will?”
“Maybe… Should we keep watching?”
“I don’t see why not.”
The two of you were unaware that your mothers were watching you— your backs were still facing them as Minjae spoke softly.
“I have something to tell you.”
Your mind immediately flashed back to the dream you had about him, and memories of crushing on Minjae flooded your brain. You felt your face heat up as Minjae turned his entire body to face you. He didn’t take a step towards you like he did in the dream, but he did scoot the tiniest bit closer to you.
“Remember when you and Junmin started dating?”
You were not expecting him to say that. Your heart calmed down slightly, and you nodded in response.
“Well, back then, right before you two started dating, you came to watch our game for the first time. My heart skipped a beat because I thought that you came to see me even though I knew you were there because he asked you to come… And I kept thinking about how nice it would have been if you were there for me and not him…”
Your jaw dropped. Was Minjae… Confessing?
“I don’t even know when I caught feelings for you, Y/N… All I know is that whenever Junmin talked about you, I’d get annoyed, so I’d annoy you. I liked when you gave me your attention, and when you started avoiding me—”
“You knew I was avoiding you?” you interrupted.
“Of course I did. You’re not as subtle as you think. I don’t know why you were, but I decided to lay off because I thought you were upset with me. I didn’t want to upset you…”
Empty noises left your body. You didn’t even know how to respond to that revelation with anything other than the truth.
“Seeing you with Junmin was hard… I kept wishing I was him…”
“Tell me something, Y/N. Did you hate me back then?”
You had to tell him the truth. “No...” you bit your lower lip and looked down. “I avoided you because… I had a crush on you… And we grew up together so I thought it was weird and that I shouldn’t have been looking at you like that…”
“So you didn’t avoid me because you hated me?”
“I hated you when we were kids, but I never avoided you when we were kids.”
Minjae bit back a slight laugh. He smiled with relief, and your heart raced. He had the same face he did when you were younger, but he looked so much more attractive now, like he grew into his features. You felt your heartbeat louder when Minjae leaned into you.
“Y/N, I have something I want to tell you.”
God, your dream was happening. Your high school dream was coming to life.
“Yeah? What is it?”
“I like you.”
He reached out and cupped your cheek, your face instantly heating up.
“Can I take you on a date sometime, some place?”
This was so much nicer than your high school dream, to say the least.
“I would like that.”
“And… Would it be okay if I kissed you right now?”
“I would really like that…”
Minjae couldn’t help but smile. You felt his hand snake around your waist and pull you even closer to him. Your hands rested on his shoulders as he brought your face towards his, his lips brushing against yours.
This time, you didn’t wake up— you were awake, and this very real Minjae was actually kissing you. The first kiss was soft, but the second was passionate, desperate. His hold on you got tighter, and he kissed you as if he was trying to make up for lost time. Butterflies filled your stomach. When his lips trapped your lower lip and sucked lightly, you felt the world spinning. He leaned into you and kissed you harder, both of his arms around your waist. Your hold on his shoulders was weakening— the more he kissed you, the more your mind went blank.
Yet, when he released your lips and moved back, you leaned towards him wanting more. You moved your hands so that they held onto his neck and pulled him towards you again. His lips were addicting, and you wanted more of him. But, he kept making little comments in between the kisses.
“I like you, Y/N.” Kiss. “I seriously like you.” Kiss. “I like you so much.”
He tried to kiss you again but you covered his lips with your hand and said, “Shut up. Do you have a problem with kissing without talking or something?”
“No, monkey.”
“Monkey?!” you slapped his shoulder. “If I’m a monkey, then you’re still a mop-head.”
“I’ll be your mop-head,” Minjae rubbed his nose against yours lightly. “And you’re my monkey.”
“Don’t make me put you in a headlock.”
“Minjae!” you gasped, your face immediately heating up.
“I’m kidding! Just kidding,” Minjae laughed at your red face and hugged you.
You hugged him back and sunk into his warmth and familiar, natural scent. And when he leaned back to look at your face, you kissed him quickly, smiles blossoming on your face, then his.
You both finally turned towards the house to head back inside, only to see your moms and dads watching the whole scene unfold with popcorn in their hands. The two of you immediately separated, the two of you now completely embarrassed.
“See, we told you that you’d end up together!” Minjae’s mom said with a laugh.
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
When the girls get into a fight and the boys are watching all around them
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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dipperscavern · 5 days
Ya know... I had a funny feeling I did 😭✋ #andioop #dreamfacereveal🤪
- 🩵☕
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feayva · 11 months
i kinda have very important tests next week and haven’t studied at all… oh well
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and I oop-|#heartstopper #cast #andioop #funny #trendingshorts #shorts #foryou #exposing via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIc1atA-OlE
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blackswanndraws · 2 years
i should probably link my brozawa fic here lol
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fuckoffpaul · 4 years
Not only did Janelle and Kaysar immediately clock the fact that Cody was trying to get rid of them and save themselves. Now Janelle is out here getting dirt from the newbie girls and Kaysar is out here getting dirt from the newbie guys. Like Cody’s crusty runner up self really thought he could get out two ACTUAL BB icons week one?? I think not sis. 
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beewitch4 · 2 years
“You’re watching a ten hour Victorious dissertation because tumblr told you to.” 😳😳😳
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hirayaart · 4 years
2 weeks and a stiff neck later—I finally finished the six fanarts challenge 💕
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“Tell me, princess. When did you last let your heart decide?”
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“I can never live up to Tony...”
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“Even if I lose this feeling, I'm sure that I'll just fall in love with you all over again."
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“I am Jasmine Masters, and I have something to say.”
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“Girls have to be strong to protect the men they love.”
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A dear friend wanted to see how she looked as a drawing 💛 we’ve known each other since uni, and even while we had to separate ways in life we haven’t grown apart.
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Now that this is done I’ll be answering some requests outside of the challenge, and coloring the doodles I’ve already posted up here 💕 next online challenge is this May for Moms Made Fullmetal hosted by @waddiwasiwitch 😍 hope you’re excited for a flood of Fullmetal Alchemist!
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retrouvel · 5 years
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Have some Morston???
Commence art-style crisis
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bigbrotherstan1 · 5 years
Bella is currently having a meltdown watching Nick cuddle with Analyse 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Me: *with the BIGGEST “And I oop...”*
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
Livia, Pierre and Mozart and Minako squabbling with Uru and Ura. Freya and the others jumping in or recording
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna
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thatelvenkid · 5 years
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I know it cannot be, but I wish I could go to where you have gone. How I wish I could join you there. ❄️
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murdered-crows-blog · 5 years
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A h, i made this shitty comic yesterday. Enjoy
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sparkleeemarkleee · 4 years
ok so lately i’ve only really focused on nct but i tried checking out other boy groups and ngl MCND has caught my attention the only thing that makes me wanna hold back is the fact that my fave boy is an actual baby as a 2004 liner 😳😳
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absolute-art-attack · 5 years
Woke: I have the same birthday as The Umbrella Academe.
Broke: I have the same birthday as a child who lost his mother, and became his fathers least favorite person in the same day, just by being born.
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