#andy and norman
gneebee · 1 year
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Norman Reedus, Frankie Quinones, Andy Lincoln. Walking Dead Summit
Source frankiequinones
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The best duo
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amplifiedmoan · 3 months
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iekeejkeek · 2 months
The red is coming for you!❤️🥩🎈🫀🧰🍓🍎
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You know that blue is next 💙 >:)
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rickswh0r3 · 1 year
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thevondoom62 · 7 months
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Mania across Marvel
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lanadelnegan · 10 months
Kinda wanna write a Negan x Daryl x Reader threesome 👀
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might even throw ricky dicky in there...
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omg-hellgirl · 7 days
As you know, I love your posts. Here's a thought for you: we know (some of) what he put his girlfriends through. Do you ever wonder what he must have been like with his boyfriends? Given that most people agree that he was bisexual, he must have had quite a few. That's an interesting void in his official biographies.
I don't think it was very different. Bianca once said (allegedly) that "Mick screws many, but has few affairs." Maybe I wouldn't call them boyfriends, but there is at least one account of a man that P. Andersen included in his 2012 book, Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger.
“Kevin” is the alias of a New York fashion designer who was a Stones groupie in the 1970s. He recalled that Mick was a regular at Manhattan’s gay nightclubs, including the 82 Club, Les Mouches, the Gilded Grape, and Galaxy 21 on West Twenty-third Street, where gay porn films were shown in the pillow room. At the Gilded Grape, Kevin remembered watching David and Angie Bowie, Mick, and Queen’s bisexual lead singer Freddie Mercury “whooping it up with a bunch of transvestites.”
After he’d picked the young fan’s brain (“He was superobsessed with appearance, with style. He was like a sponge”), the two started kissing and eventually wound up in bed. “Mick took the active role sexually. Basically he overpowered me in bed.”
After they woke up, Mick ordered up room service, and the two lay naked in bed eating from silver trays while, Kevin recalled, “people knocked on the door all morning long.” Whenever they bumped into each other after that encounter, Jagger “just stared blankly,” Kevin said. “Mick always pretended not to notice me.”
Although there are no extensive details of his involvement with men, Mick seems like a creature of habit and pattern, seeing how he treated all women without exception and this short account from Kevin. I personally believe there wasn't much difference in his treatment. Man or woman, he used and discarded them like a change of clothes without much thought. In my opinion, it has more to do with narcissism and arrogance than sexism.
Something interesting in Norman's book is that Cleo Sylvestre says that Mick insisted on having sex with her. Then she says that he invited her to meet his parents, which she refused for her own reasons. Chrissie Shrimpton said that weeks after she and Mick started something, Mick invited her to meet his parents. She accepted. There was no one there. Not even Chris. It was all an excuse to have sex with her. Norman does not correlate these two incidents, despite them being intimately close in date. But what makes someone read this and think that Eva and Basil would actually be home when Cleo got there? Something to think about.
Just to complete, in Andersen's 1993 book ("Jagger Unauthorized"), Bianca is quoted as saying:
"They are all nobodies trying to become somebodies," Bianca said of the women who paraded through her husband's life. "It's very strange. The mystique of women thinking they've made it if they've slept with Mick. It shows such a lack of respect for themselves. He finds it repugnant. Nothing could be less of a turn-on. "
Also from Jagger Unauthorized:
Christopher Gibbs said that often when he dined with Jagger, women who had slept with him would come up to the table and "he'd have absolutely no idea who they were. "
His treatment of Kevin, a man, seems similar to what Bianca mentions. After some sex, it's not uncommon for Mick to pull away from the woman or man. Consistent with Kevin's account. Mick didn't even remember who they were.
Just to top it off (again), David Bowie could perhaps be classified as a boyfriend and not just a one-off, but Angie Bowie makes it clear in her book that Mick is exactly like David. They would fuck anything. They couldn't get along more brilliantly than that. The men Mick was allegedly involved with, like Andy Warhol, had a professional relationship beyond sex so Mick couldn't just exclude them from his life. If there was any "boyfriend" that he didn't treat like trash, it was probably because they were part of his circle of friends and perhaps there was a professional relationship. In my opinion, it's not a gender issue at all.
Thank you for your kindness, I like chatting about this.
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oneeyedcatlover · 5 months
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this is the post in question that made me insecure… it was definitely a bold move. norman bates, madoka kaname, and laura palmer is definitely a strange combination.
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gneebee · 2 months
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archerwithangelwings · 11 months
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Norman & Andy walking through the rain together like the cuties they are
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wh0-is-lily · 1 month
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Susan Bottomly in Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Via: Twitter
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iekeejkeek · 3 months
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venuslovesong · 3 months
hey guys just need to say something..
lately i've NEEDED my celebrities crushes soooo bad.. andy samberg, jeffrey dean morgan, josh hutcherson, andrew lincoln, jared padalecki, jensen ackles, norman reedus, nick Robinson.. etc.. its been getting bad ladies.
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oryynalav · 2 years
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"The Devil's making deals now, Out there at his lighthouse, You should really stay away."
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thevondoom62 · 4 months
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Don't these fools know that CARNAGE RULES?
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