blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
"#piss kink erasure 😔" exploding you w my mind
akshsjsjsjs somewhere, off in the far distance, the glee kink meme is turning in its grave
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porcelainvino · 3 months
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dedicated to @cryscendo :>
(inspired by “ecstasy of saint teresa” by gian lorenzo bernini / “the life of teresa of jesus” by teresa of ávila)
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
My favorite kind of pictures <3
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cryscendo · 2 months
Hi, how about an abrupt,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight for Klaine?
i bet you didn’t think i would ever respond to this!! well i will say that i kinda ran away with this plot a bit. does it fit the prompt? only vaguely. BUT it’s another thrilling installment to my angel/demon au with a bit more lore thrown in. dedicating it to you as well as @porcelainvino for their various art pieces for this au <3 hope you love it and sorry for the wait!!
Paring: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 2030
Rating: T
AU: Angel/Demon AU
fic can be read under the cut <3
There were a lot of things that turned out to be just as unpleasant about falling, not including the actual falling part.
For one, he was weaker than he used to be. He did suspect that would happen, but it still hurt his ego a bit. He used to have so much power that he often didn’t even know what all to do with it. Not that he really could do much with it anyway; the big men upstairs never allowed much fun to be had. More time was spent existing as a militant entity than was spent actually basking in the alleged splendor that was heaven.
If given the option between going back to that or experiencing the pain of falling all over again, Kurt would choose to fall every damn day.
Besides, angels don’t get to play with humans like they’re Barbie dolls. And that’s way more fun.
The man before him, unsuspecting and ignorant, saw Kurt at a bar and thought he’d be an easy target. Kurt knew he perfectly looked the part of a young man getting his first drink at a bar as a twenty-one year old. Aging was such an earthly concept and Kurt was not burdened with it. But to an older man, the illusion of wide-eyed innocence was all too compelling.
Kurt claimed he ‘knew a spot’, which was just as cliché as it sounded, but it was effective nonetheless. Apparently intelligence didn’t always come with age.
It wasn’t long after he got the man to the abandoned storage facility that he knew something was terribly, terribly wrong. Not soon enough, though, for Kurt had already made quick work of knocking the man out and handcuffing him to a chair. When he came to once more, it was in a fit of panic.
“Look, I didn’t sign up for this kind of crazy! So just let me go, okay?” The man pleaded with Kurt and it was charming if nothing else. Kurt leaned over him, one knee braced against the chair in a way that could be seen as provocative in any other circumstance.
“What, am I too old for you?” Kurt asked in a mocking whine. “I swear, I’m only twenty, maybe thirty centuries old!”
“Whatever game you’re playing here, kid, I’m not interested so just let me-”
“Let him go, Kurt,” a voice spoke up behind him. Kurt grinned as he straightened up. Of course he would show up. It was impossible for him to stay away. He made a bit of a show of turning around to face the new arrival — his favorite little angel.
He turned towards the voice, maintaining his flirty tone. “Just can’t stay away from me, can you?”
“You could say that,” Blaine replied and that’s when Kurt saw it — the glint of a blade held discreetly in his palm. He recognized the weapon, as it was a piece from Heaven’s arsenal. See, a regular knife couldn’t kill Kurt.
But that one could.
Kurt’s grin dropped as he backed away from the man strapped to the chair, and subsequently also away from Blaine. “What do you think you’re doing with that?”
“You attract too much attention to yourself.”
“Well, I can’t help but pull focus,” Kurt responded in a rather clipped manner. The man in the chair began to panic even more upon being approached by Blaine.
“Listen, man,” the guy began quickly, “you don’t need to kill him or anything! Just let me go and I’ll be on my way!”
Blaine’s eyes flickered down to the stranger, eerily calm. “You don’t need to see this,” he said simply and before the man could even begin to reply, Blaine rested his palm to his forehead, immediately knocking him out. Putting a human to sleep rather than killing them; that was so painfully just like Blaine to do.
“Why do you have that thing?” Kurt interrogated the second that the man was unconscious.
Blaine turned the knife a bit in his hand as if observing it. “Come on, Kurt, you know exactly what this is.”
Kurt maintained a semi-safe distance. “Why do you need that thing to kill me? You’ve never needed that for a demon before.” It was true. Blaine could take down a demon easily. It made them cruelly unmatched. Blaine had never threatened to kill him before, but it would be undoubtedly easy for him to do so should he want to. For Blaine, a demon is an easy target. He was an easy target.
Kurt’s grin returned. “You can’t kill me, can you?” He asked coyly.
Blaine remained serious, but Kurt could see a crack in his expression letting on that he was nervous. Kurt seemed to always have that effect on him. “Not at my rank, no,” he said simply, but Kurt knew what he meant. He wasn’t strong enough to take out Kurt. An ordinary demon, he’d have no problem. But as luck would have it, Kurt wasn’t an ordinary demon.
Kurt took a risk. He moved a few steps towards Blaine and the weapon he possessed. “You’re not going to kill me.”
“I could.”
A few more steps. “But you won’t.”
“I might.”
“But you won’t.” Kurt was directly in front of him now. He knew it was a dangerous game, but he had a point to prove. “Because if you were going to, you would’ve done it already. So tell me angel, was this a direct order from one of your bossmen, or are you just simply that obsessed with me?”
“Don’t push your luck, Kurt,” Blaine spoke, gravely serious.
“Or what?” Kurt challenged. He could feel Blaine’s steady breaths from just how close they were. Blaine’s gaze met his evenly. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it. I’m wide open.” Kurt tilted his head a fraction, his eyes alight with the rush that comes with toying with Blaine. His tone shifted into something devilishly flirtatious as he spoke again. “So, y’know, take me, I’m yours and all that.”
It was then that Blaine sprung into action. With quick work, he managed to securely grip onto the collar of Kurt’s shirt, using his strength over the other to force Kurt backwards. There was a time where Kurt may have been stronger than him. But Kurt gave all that up, and he still refused to regret it.
That didn’t mean he loved Blaine constantly using that fact against him.
Blaine got him against a wall with one particularly rough push. Kurt felt the brittle wall crack slightly behind him. Fuck, Blaine was strong.
Blaine was strong.
Once Blaine has Kurt pinned defenseless against the wall, he brings the blade down. Kurt doesn’t know whether it was thanks to adrenaline, or his own sense of speed in the face of self-preservation, but he reached up and circled his fingers around Blaine’s wrist before he could manage to connect the weapon.
The blade stilled, suspended in the air between them. Kurt imagined the scene was almost picturesque in a way — him pressed between Blaine’s firm body and the unforgiving wall, his long fingers locked around Blaine’s wrist. Angel and demon. Lovers. Enemies.
Blaine really was going to kill him.
Their shared breathing revealed the exhaustion that their overexertion had caused. Kurt knew, given his current position, he was fully at Blaine’s mercy. The mercy of an angel who just tried to kill him.
That gave Kurt little other choice. Slowly, he tugged at Blaine’s wrist until the blade was sitting just above his throat. He leveled Blaine with a steely look, deathly serious. “Well, go ahead, angel. Do what you gotta do.”
“I don’t want to kill you, Kurt,” Blaine clarified, but didn’t pull the blade away.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he bit out before he could even think to check his tone. This was, in large part, his own doing. He opened the door for Blaine to corner him, he really had no right to be upset about it actually occurring. Even in his current position, Kurt couldn’t refrain from looking down his nose at Blaine, hoping to properly demonstrate his distaste from his present circumstances. “I’m guessing you got assigned a job from one of the big men upstairs?”
“You’re lucky that it’s me and not someone else.”
“Oh yeah, I sure feel lucky.” Kurt’s fingers twitched around Blaine’s wrist as he continued to hold the blade close to Kurt’s throat. But hasn’t pressed in yet, and Kurt cannot fathom why. He has the perfect opportunity. Kurt is basically giving him a free pass, so why isn’t he going for it? “Well?”
Blaine’s grip on the weapon slacked just a bit. “Nothing is ever easy with you.”
“So why don’t you take care of the problem?”
Blaine said nothing, did nothing. He only stood and continued to watch Kurt in silence, and Kurt could practically see the flurry of thoughts swirl around in Blaine’s head. Kurt almost felt bad for the guy; he knew that he didn’t make Blaine’s job simple, and admittedly, does very little to combat that fact.
Eventually, though, Blaine shakes his head. “You’re right. I won’t do it.”
The sound of the metal blade clattering to the ground reverberated discordantly off the walls of the warehouse.
Kurt took no time to ponder Blaine’s decision to spare him. Instead, he kicked the weapon away from the two of them and then, in quick succession, flipped their two positions. Blaine didn’t put up any fight with being pushed up against the wall himself. He could break free if he really wanted to. He chose not to.
“Do you still love me, Blaine?” Kurt asked, not ready for the words to fall from his mouth before they did.
“Are demons even capable of love?”
Kurt wasn’t sure. Maybe demons who never experienced love aren’t. Love is formed from soul, grace, and humanity, of which demons have none.
But Kurt wasn’t always a demon, and he still didn’t really fit the mold of one. Fallen angels are different from regular demons. They still possess morality, at least to some extent. It was just like Kurt to never really fit in anywhere.
“Do you? Still love me?”
Honey colored eyes gazed at Kurt with something akin to sympathy, which would burn his blood if it weren’t for the fact that he so desperately needed a response.
Blaine nodded.
Kurt kissed him. He didn’t even hesitate. With Blaine pinned up against the wall, it was easy for him to leverage a searing, bruising kiss against soft lips. Blaine always tasted the same, like coffee, — such an earthly pleasure that he achieved no benefit from and only chose to indulge for its luxury — and something else a touch more divine. Kurt couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but it tasted vaguely familiar from the holy kingdom that he was no longer welcome to.
Kurt pulled away with a sigh. Blaine panted quietly, a faintly pink blush forming under tanned skin. Kurt was right about one thing, Blaine was an angel — in every sense of the word.
“I don’t suppose I can convince you to disappear for your own safety?” Blaine eventually asked.
Kurt smiled. “Not a chance in hell.”
Blaine nodded in understanding, as if he already anticipated Kurt’s response. “You always were stubborn to a fault.”
Blaine wasn’t wrong. And as much as he would love to stand here with Blaine forever, it wasn’t wise to hang around angels for too long — even if the angel in question was Blaine.
He finally stepped away from Blaine, allowing the man some space. Kurt glanced over to the man tied to the chair. He had forgotten that guy was here. He was simply a means to an end, afterall.
“You may want to wipe that guy’s mind, angel. Or else he’s going to be a real problem when he wakes up.”
Kurt headed towards the exit of the building, but not before Blaine called out to him. “Suddenly not so keen on sticking around?”
Kurt grinned, if not mostly to himself. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find me again. And who knows? Maybe you’ll actually have it in you to kill me next time.”
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klainegifs · 11 months
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fallevs · 8 months
Um I don't know about posting twice on the same day BUT, but, I would like to catch up and try to post every day until the end of the @klaineccfanficlibrary event!
spoiler: she doesn't believe what she says either
The second poem is Hey, Angel and is set the day after the prom.
Imagine Kurt in his room looking at his scepter and crown but instead of feeling bitterness about the previous evening, he simply feels happiness? love? reassurance? joy? And so he throws himself on the bed, kicks his feet in the air and blushes because oh my god he's so in love with Blaine that he needs to throw down words to express how he feels.
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Last night
you took my hand and
my demons
drifted away.
You calmed my heart.
When I saw you coming
beautiful as you are
it didn't seem possible
to me
you were holding me
so tightly.
We were dancing and
everyone was watching
But you
were only looking
at me, who only have love for you
in my heart.
How you changed my world,
you will never know.
I'm different now, you
helped me grow
angel of mine.
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angelhummel · 22 days
also i mustve been huffing literal exhaust fumes earlier bc after we got thru the first half of season 1 i had the fleetingest of thoughts that was "thank god the 'kurt's crush on finn' storyline is over" like. girl. #fakefan
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Hey guys!! I'm back with chapter 2
14 Stones Of A Curse
Chapter 2: Zircon Zephyr
Archive Warning:Major Character Death
Fandoms:Glee,Glee Klaine,Klaine-Fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel,Burt Hummel,Sebastian Smythe,Finn HudsonSam Evans (Glee)
Fic summary:It's the only way to break the curse, Kurt. Believe me.”
These were the words that had driven 29-year-old Kurt Hummel to take a long break from his prestigious job at Vogue.com and travel approximately 3300 miles. He didn't know if it was true. But if it was, will he be able to break the long impending curse of his soulmate? Welcome to the journey of Kurt Hummel discoverying his past self and his soulmate.
Soulmates and fantasy- AU and reincarnation.
Chapter 3: Zircon Zephyr
Zircon, an alternative birthstone, guides them through a story of strong friendship and love with brilliance and resilience, providing the will to overcome challenges with grace.
Chap 2: Opal Odyssey
Written for the Klaine Valentine Challenge 2024 by @klaineccfanficlibrary
Day 2 song prompt: Angel of mine by Monica
A sincere thanks to @esperantoauthor and @england-would-fall for their undying support, suggestions, crazy plot fixing discussions and of course spell and grammar check. Love you guys;)
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Rock (1996)
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daisyishedwig · 1 year
But like... What if I wrote a season 2 glee au where Kurt does actually date Sam? What if Sam didn't let Kurt talk him out of singing the duet together? What if with Blaine's mentoring he not only has the courage to stand up to karofsky, but also to ask Sam out? What if Sam alongside Finn and Puck personally fight everyone who ever looks at Kurt wrong? What if Kurt asks Blaine to help him rehearse a song to sing to his crush on Valentine's Day and Blaine fully believes it's him and waits all day for Kurt to show up and sing to him but instead it was Sam? What if Blaine starts to get really jealous and realizes he accidentally fell in love with his best friend? What if?
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kezzanza · 2 months
im not even going to pretend i know jude more than anyone else. but it's honestly so irritating how so many people (fans but haters ESPECIALLY) think they know jude so fucking well. erling gets a bild "dressing room cancer" article and it was irrelevant in weeks as it should be. JUDEE gets one and i dont think ill ever stop seeing it and its 2024. even before he joined madrid everyone and their mother said him and vini will basically blow up the dressing room. didn't happen. kylian coming soon and thats already all we hear. probably wont happen AGAIN.
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there's people crying that jude forgot bvb. i clicked on random malen post in march this year and jude was right THERE in those comments. jude forgot about bvb but when jude sent hummels "all the best mate" comment on his post about leaving the team some fans said it's pr. jude doesn't like every single bvb player. is that a crime? gio, haaland, renier, sancho were judes closest friends in bvb. those are who jude talks about most. whats the issue? they more or less still keep contact on ig or during games and they were in bvb. how can jude forget bvb if he literally talks to these guys or do the goalposts shift again?
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english media and their wish to bring down players targeting jude AGAIN. apparently jude is only liked by taa? so why do rice saka and kobbii comment on his posts? why do england training videos have an entire section thats just jude hugging people? stone stoney, shaw, konsa ... ive literally seen every single one of them hugging jude WILLINGLY for gods SAKEEE!!!
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when hes nice, it pr. he's lil broing players. he's trying to hard to be a captain. when hes the tiniest bit unpalatable, its ego and its bc he's in madrid. jude used to get in fights mid match in bvb like hes so calm right now, are being serious? jude will never be the mild and easy going black player they want him to be!!! he is not an angel and doesn't have to be. he's young and confident and loves win. he will do whatever to win. he gets very frustrated when he looses. is it a crime?? did he pick on someone else as be the reason they lost? did he say southgate is shit? did he throw a shoe at someone? GROW UPPPPPP!!
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sluttyenthusiast · 2 months
Rewatching Glee makes me realize how hateable Rachel Berry truly is, as well as Finn.
If I could rate all the characters (from the first three seasons cause only they matter) I hate from the most to the least, it'd look like this,
1) Rachel Berry, a loud mouth, obnoxious, overpreformer who assumes she's the best.
2) Finn Hudson, told Quinn's parents she was pregnant and got her kicked out, also outed Santana and got her kicked out as well, and is dating an unbearable troll.
3) Blaine Anderson, plays the victim card too much, made Kurt seem like the bad guy.
4) Quinn Fabray, a little more likable but plays the victim card as well, literally tried to get Shelby fired and have her baby taken away.
5) Artie Abrams, he's okay, sometimes just a little too much
6) Kurt Hummel, he's chill, but can have his moments.
7) Tina Cohen-Chang, I actually love her, but points taken off for the first season weirdness
8) Santana Lopez, she's a little bit of a bitch, but some of what she does is reasonable ig
9) Sam Evans, I love me some white chocolate, but fr, Sam is cool, he usually tries to look out for everyone the same way he wants to be looked out for.
10) Mike Chang, badass dance moves, and overcame his own fears of his family to do what he loves.
11) Mercedes Jones, I understand the whole debacle with Rachel Berry and I applaud her for that.
11) BRITTANY S. PIERCE, my angel baby, I love her sm and she's so smart and kind and is genuinely incredible, she's always been thought as less than or stupid just because she thought outside the box.
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porcelainvino · 1 month
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“with heaven above you, there’s hell over me”
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madas-ahatters-world · 9 months
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Hello! This is my @klainesecretsanta2023 gift for @jackabelle73. Thank you for being so patient, kind, and understanding. Hope you enjoy Journalist!Kurt, and Influencer/Single Dad!Blaine.
Wishing you a very Merry Klainemas and a Wonderful New Year! <3
Summary: Kurt Hummel, a journalist for one of the biggest magazines in Los Angeles (and a modern-day Grinch) is assigned to interview social media influencer Blaine Anderson for their upcoming article, TikTok Dads of the Year. Being the cynic that he is, and having no choice in the matter, he reluctantly hops on a plane to New York not expecting to stay more than a few days to get what he needs.
But in the few days that he's there getting to know the ins and outs of Blaine's life, and witnessing the courage and strength it takes for him to raise his children alone, Kurt finds himself royally screwed when he realizes he's falling for the dapper influencer and his three young kids.
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cryscendo · 4 months
klaine and a risky kiss between forbidden lovers…..perhapssssss…perchance……
so you said “forbidden lovers” and i heard “angel and demon au” naturally. so that’s what this is i hope you enjoy <3
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 1596
Rating: M (for minor sexual themes)
if you’d like to request a fic, check out the prompt list here!
fic can be read under the cut <3
Kurt is the worst, Blaine has decided. He’s arrogant and entitled and absolutely goes against everything that Blaine stands for.
And he’s also a literal demon from Hell. That feels important to mention.
Things have settled between Heaven and Hell in the recent decades. Which, by all accounts, is a good thing. However, that is not to say that there isn’t an undercurrent of something sinister brewing, quite literally, just beneath the surface. Hell has been a bit too quiet and that is setting off some serious red flags to the angels upstairs. So for that, many angels, Blaine himself included, have been sent down to Earth for reconnaissance purposes.
Kurt should not be here.
And not because demons shouldn’t be on Earth. That goes without saying, but they traipse the human-land all the time anyway so it’s not really worth discussing. They’re going to do whatever the hell they want.
No, Kurt shouldn’t be here. Around a collection of other angels that most definitely are not going to be too fond of seeing him. See, Kurt wasn’t always a demon. But as it would turn out, falling from grace can have some very complicated side effects.
Blaine could sense him immediately. How could he not? Kurt managed to be all around him at all times. It was as frustrating as it was intoxicating. Blaine allots himself so little decadence in his life that when Kurt enters his psyche, it becomes a bit overwhelming.
An angel’s job is to serve — to be subservient. Which is probably why Kurt never fit the mold.
But Blaine could practically taste him now. Granted, he’s had practice.
Blaine did his best to slink away from the other angels that congregated in this little run down dive bar. Hiding in plain sight; that was always the methodology. To an innocent, naïve onlooker, Blaine and his fellow men were just a bunch of guys getting drinks together. That was all just a very well-placed façade however. Blaine was working, for lack of a better term. Or rather trying to work, if it weren’t for the incessant presence nearby.
He should ignore it. He shouldn’t entertain Kurt in this way.
He found him. Kurt was tucked away in a corner at the bar, just out of sight of the tables of angels. Any of them would be able to sense Kurt if they were searching for him. He was playing a dangerous game, but Blaine suspected that Kurt already knew that.
“What are you doing here?” Blaine questioned, not interested in playing any games.
Kurt, however, didn’t seem to have the same sentiment. He merely sipped his drink casually before turning towards Blaine, haunting silvery-blue eyes meeting his own. “What, can’t a guy get a drink every now and again?”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Blaine stated, giving off an air of no-nonsense.
Kurt sighs in exasperation, rolling his eyes. “Is it such an ordeal that I should want to come see you, angel? I heard you were coming down to visit, and I just couldn’t stay away.”
“How’d you hear that?”
Kurt grinned up at him pridefully. “I happen to still have friends in high places,” he said pleasantly. “Next time you see Mercedes while you’re prancing around up there, let her know that I’d love to see her soon. It’s been far too long.” Kurt pats the open seat next to him at the bar. “Now sit. I doubt we will have long before your little friends come looking for you, and I’d really like to chat for a minute.”
Blaine considered rejecting Kurt’s offer. He most definitely didn’t need the distraction. However, after looking back at the table of angels and deducing that they had yet to notice his departure, he apprehensively sat down. Kurt looked all too excited about this.
“So I’m going to ask again, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Kurt countered, tipping his drink towards Blaine to further punctuate his statement. “I must say, angel, this isn’t really your scene. I picture you more in a white gown singing hymns in a cathedral while the heavens open up and cast a glimmering light right down on you. However, this…” Kurt tugged playfully at Blaine’s bowtie. “… is an adorable look on you as well.”
It was then that Blaine was finally able to properly take stock of what Kurt was wearing. Red and black always suited him, and it looked beautiful on him now. Black lace-up boots with black jeans only allowed for his crimson button up to stand out vividly. He looked every bit the demon that he was supposed to be. Alluring, feline, Blaine was painfully familiar with it.
“Working,” was all that Blaine offered in response.
Kurt scoffed. “Aren’t you always? That’s all you seem to do these days.”
“You know how the job goes,” reminded Blaine.
The sigh that Kurt released was one that indicated that he really did in fact know. “Well, that’s a damn shame. I’ve missed having you around.” Kurt set down his drink on the bar and moved his hand to slide up Blaine’s thigh. He looked incredibly relaxed like this, but Blaine could feel the tension Kurt was feeling from having so many angels that hated him in such close proximity. Kurt looked past Blaine towards the table and gave a brief moment of hesitation.
“You really shouldn’t be hanging out around here, y’know. It’s not safe. They’ll kill you if they see you.” Kurt didn’t let on how nervous he was, but he didn’t need to. When Kurt fell, he sacrificed a lot of his power in the fall. He was no match for an angel, no matter how coy he played.
Kurt gave a squeeze to Blaine’s thigh. “I don’t know how you stick around with that crowd. Are you not miserable?” It wasn’t a question that necessitated a response, so Blaine didn’t give one. “They’re all so truly obsessed with me.”
Blaine couldn’t help but grin at Kurt’s comment. “Well, I suppose that’s what happens when you end up on Heaven’s Most Wanted.”
“I’m wanted?” Kurt asked, obviously leaning into a teasing tone. “Well, I must say I’m flattered. But unfortunately for Heaven, I fear I am already spoken for.”
“That right?” Blaine questions, allowing himself to play along with Kurt’s game just this once.
“Oh sure. The guy is a real angel,” Kurt taunted, sparing another look towards the group of divinity, ensuring they weren’t catching wind of Blaine’s absence. They hadn’t yet, but they surely didn’t have long. Then, Kurt’s tone shifted into something far more serious and subtly desperate as he lowered his voice to a whisper. “Leave them and come with me.”
Blaine knew this was coming, but that didn’t make it any less unpleasant. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Kurt interrogated, his voice hushed and grave. The hand on Blaine’s thigh slid up to cup over his clothed crotch, though Kurt made no move to squeeze as he had been before. Kurt’s actions and his words contradicted one another, furthering the reality that Kurt was a storm of contradictions. “You can’t honestly tell me you’re happy like this? Serving a being who you’ve never met and likely doesn’t give a fuck about you.”
“Well, are you any happier now than you were before the fall?” Kurt bit at his lip then, casting a glance at the table of angels and then back to Blaine. Then, Kurt finally pushed on, giving a quick squeeze of Blaine’s cock through fabric, earning a low groan past Blaine’s lips. To an outsider, they just looked like a couple that was getting a bit too handsy in public. Unfortunately, it went far deeper than that.
Kurt whispered, his lips just a few short inches away from Blaine’s. “I could be. I miss you,” he confessed. Blaine missed him too. He really, really did. He slid a hand along Kurt’s arm, feeling the tense muscles there. They didn’t really have time for this.
“You need to make yourself disappear,” Blaine lamented a bit painfully.
Kurt bristled at his words. “Fine,” he said in a clipped tone. He pressed against Blaine’s cock with his palm again with determination, earning another muffled noise from the angel. “But understand this, Blaine, you’re going to realize that Heaven isn’t all it's cracked up to be one day, and when you do, I’ll be the one that you’ll seek out for guidance. It’s always going to be me.”
Suddenly, as if they were forced together by the magnetism of heated glances and adrenaline, their lips crashed together in a forceful kiss. It was always like this, with them saying a bitter goodbye that is sealed with star-crossed affections. That certainly didn’t make it any easier no matter how many times they played this game.
But Kurt was right. It was always going to be him.
The kiss lingered for some time. The touch, which had started off as rough and primal, melted into something a bit more gentle, emotional, intimate. Blaine allowed himself to sink into the taste of Kurt on his lips. He tasted of alcohol mixed with something venomously divine.
Eventually and far too soon, Kurt moved away. They locked eyes for a moment before Kurt finally stood.
“Well, until next time, angel,” he said simply. A hand grazed gently across Blaine’s cheek as Kurt brushed by him. But when Blaine turned to watch after him, Kurt had already done what Blaine suggested, and made himself disappear.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
can y’all recommend me the fluffiest schmoopy-est one shots you know? am currently sick and mopey rn :(
So many great fluffy one shots, I've tried to choose a selection. We have the oneshot tag and the fluff tag! But here are some. Get well soon! ~Jen
In your atmosphere  By Mistyday
AU; Kurt's an out of work actor in LA, Blaine's the boy playing guitar on the 3rd Street Promenade. Companion piece to Covered in Rain, in which we explore if it'd been Los Angeles instead of New York.
and follow up Covered in Rain by Mistyday
AU; Blaine plays guitar in a cafe, Kurt's there one day and Blaine's smitten. Inspired by a picture found on Zachary Quinto's twitter and John Mayer's Covered in Rain. A love song to New York City.
A Season of New Developments By Coffeeaddict80 @caramelcoffeeaddict
Shortly after Kurt moves into a new apartment building and meets his hot new neighbor, Blaine, he hires Blaine to photograph a huge fashion spread that he's organizing for the January issue of Vogue. In the meantime, the two men spend their free time getting to know one another better.
Blind by calliopemelpomene
Blind dates never work out. Except sometimes.
Read at:  [PDF]
How Something Like luck you are by OhQuixotica
 Kurt and Blaine have a crappy date, then make up for it on the playground, and Blaine never does find his shoes.
I thought maybe you knew by @gleefulpoppet
A sweet coffee shop meet-cute, where a stranger with gorgeous hazel eyes saves Kurt from one of his exes. Sappy trope goodness through and through.
She gave me two hearts by anna_timberlake @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
Kurt Anderson-Hummel found some reports pertaining to Blaine Anderson-Hummel about his past medical records which contained a very shocking secret. What would happen when Blaine finds it? How would they handle it together?
Us-Tube By daffodilkurt
We’re both rival YouTubers with the “anything you can do I can do better” rivalry. Whoever uploads a video first the other one makes a video exactly like it but better. Our subscribers ship us even though we live far away from each other. We have an encounter at a con one day
Sleep tips for the Chronically Nocturnal by rockitman
Kurt can't sleep and Blaine takes that as a personal challenge
Midnight by notenoughttogivebread
Written for Klaine Advent: Kurt and Blaine after The First Time.
and couldn't resist adding:
In Sickness and in… by flaming_muse
There’s just Blaine, his hot pillow, and the heavy winter clouds pressing down on his chest. Futurefic.
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