#eye puns as a coping mechanism
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The always amazing and talented @lustylita drew this captivating and mesmer-eyes-ing Theia for my birthday! I am blown away and I will forever be floored by this breathtaking image. Theia is from my fanfiction, The Demon of a Thousand Eyes. It's on AO3 with the same name, or the Tumblr masterlist can be found here.
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issdisgrace · 11 months
Slashers with a person who uses comedy to cope with stressful situations? Like cracking jokes when they literally just fell down the stairs or nearly just got mugged and makes a pun out of it. Specifically Asa or Jesse please I’m desperate for them. Please and thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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At first Asa was put off by the fact that you used humor to cope. But slowly over time it became a weird thing he loved about you. Also your way of coping rubbed off a little on him and on the rare occasion he will crack a joke or two about him being an orphan.
Bo will forever give you the side eye when you use humor to cope. It doesn’t matter how long you are togeather. He will always think that you using humor to cope is weird. But his mindset is very why joke about when you can just not in-knowledge it and push it deep down inside.
Jesse is very much of a toss up. At times he doesn’t care about the fact you use humor to cope. And can/will find your jokes about whatever situation funny. But then other times he is worried that you use humor to cope because it isn’t a all to health coping mechanism. And will ask you if your alright or to stop.
Lester doesn’t mind that you use humor to cope. In fact Lester is right there with you using humor to cope. Lester really started using humor to cope when he realized that his parents hitting him and his brother was not normal. It helped him a lot to deal with the abuse and it still does to this day.
Michael quite literally doesn’t pay any attention to the fact you use humor to cope. He met a couple of people when he was in the Smith’s Grove that used humor to cope with the fact they were in the sanitarium.
Otis is no stranger to using humor to cope with things. When he was a child that was how he coped with a lot of things. But then as he got older he started using torturing and killing people as a way to cope with things. So he doesn’t mind at all about the fact you use humor to cope with things.
Patrick doesn’t notice at all. He is in his own little world. He probably won’t even catch on to you using humor to cope unless someone directly says something about. And even then he kinda just shrugs it off and is like eh everyone copes differently.
This poor baby doesn’t understand at all. He has never been exposed to people using humor cope with stressful/difficult situations. So he is really really concerned for you. He sits you down is like why are you joking about this, this isn’t funny. You need to stop.
Vincent doesn’t bat an eye at you using humor to cope at first. But then you continuously use humor to cope with stressful and/or difficult situations. And he becomes concerned to the point he sits you down is like please stop baby it’s not healthy way to deal with your emotions all the time.
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luckyfox3000 · 10 months
Hello my friends! New Promt! Ps. Pick a dc character you want me to fit in a promt. (I like asking questions)
Dick Grayson had no idea what was going on.
Nor did he want to know.
It all started when Bruce informed the family that a recently orphaned Danial Fenton would be coming to stay with them.
Did it bother him? No! Dick was looking forward to having another sibling (dont say he's not Bruce, for God's sake, he has black hair and blue eyes), the only problem was with Damian.
Dick and the family had worked hard to show Damian that everyone was equally loved and that he wasn't getting sent back to the league for simple mistakes.
Dicks biggest achievement was getting Tim and Damian to get along, though they made a rather terrifying duo.
But anyway, that wasn't the point.
The thing was when the boy finally arrived, other then a scowling Damian, everything was fine.
The boy, Danial who liked to be called Danny, was shy and sweet in the beginning and quite nervous to be around the family, but once he warmed he was cracking jokes and puns like their was no tomorrow.
Dick thought it was a bit odd that Danny was so cheerful after just losing his family, but, everyone has their own coping mechanisms, and as long as he didnt decide to pick up a furry costume and prance into the night to fight crime, Dick would support.
Oddly enough, Tim, Damian, and Danny were the ones to get along best, and Dick found it absolutely adorable (at the time. Never mind, no matter their plans, their still cute), though he heard Jason mutter something along the lines of "God damn it, they've band together, we're all doomed."
Which Dick thought was a bit of an exaggeration.
So what if they smiled when news came of lexcorp blown up, and their funds and stocks drastically decreasing.
So what if they sat together laughing adorably (or in Damians case a small warm smile), while surrounded by sheets of paper detailing plans to destroy the league of assassins (Did Danny figure out their identities???)(they called somone named Jazz for advice, should he be concerned?)
So what if when Dick decided to surprise them and barged into their game room to find several assassins and Slade wilson on the floor, tied up masterfully, unable to move a muscle and knocked out while the boys played video games.
It didn't matter, they were adorable.
So why was Dick so frightened now?
Good question.
Dick might have miscalculated.
Feel free to use or add on!
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br4inr0tx · 10 months
headcanons for dating sheriff newlon?
Yes ofc! Since I just watched the movie I have a pretty good grasp on him already, and I’m excited to write for him! I’m from Massachusetts so idk..I kind of resonate with this movie lol.
Tw - MASSIVE THANKSGIVING 2023 MOVIE SPOILERS, manipulation, loss of loved one, cannibalism(?).
Eric Newlon…
• Sheriff Eric Newlon. The good looking, friendly and dependable guy. He loves those who are close to him, and does anything he can to help a person out. He’s honestly, a great guy.
• Though as we all know, he has an intense sense of revenge from a woman he loved very much.
• No matter how you identify he at first would use you as a coping mechanism for Amanda’s death. It might be the smallest thing, like the same name, same laugh, same eyes, same personality..something about you just reminds you of a good time back in his life, and he can’t seem to let it go.
• The guy is manipulative, and it’s easy for him to pull the strings. If you don’t already like him, he can easily make you fall in love and join his side with the snap of his fingers.
• He’s genuinely charming, down-to-earth and caring anyway. Why wouldn’t you want to be with him?
• I’d assume you’d help him get through cases and cope with his loss in return. If he REALLY likes you that might not matter, but if it’s a genuine connection just someone caring about his well being is enough.
• I think Eric would also like someone who’s willing to talk about revenge. He’s bottled his feelings for so long, so someone that is willing to listen to and discuss harsher topics he’d enjoy; mostly for his own comfort
• He showers you in compliments pretty often. Sometimes he even babies you. It’s just a habit he can’t help but indulge in!
• Eric helps through hard times too. Though, watch out if it’s an issue with another person. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it out alive, especially considering how hellbent Eric is on the whole "revenge" gig. (I need a dollar for every time I say revenge.)
• He’s a pretty creative guy as we know. I’m not just talking about kills either. Dates and gifts are very creative and thoughtful, within reason an budget of course. I’d like to think giving gifts is as simple as you’d think either. He’d be the type of boyfriend to hide it in a funny spot or specific area for you to have fun finding.
• So, I’m not sure if this is just an act in the movie to get Jess in his side, but he seems really protective. Not just because he’s a cop either. If anyone talks shit about you he’d be one of the first people to stand up for you even if you don’t need it. Golden Retriever boyfriend mentality.
• Now..considering the more John Carver side of things..
• He wouldn’t kill you, he’d just let you enjoy the show. You’re technically a part of this now.
• Though be weary. Even if he acts nice and does nice things for you, he’s EXTREMELY hostile (pun intended) in his John Carver persona. Don’t do anything funny like escaping if he chases you, he won’t hesitate to hurt you just to put you back in place. Sometimes living with the pain is more harsh then just dying, remember that.
• Even if John Carver is a bit mocking, it’s in no way fake love. He’s simply giving you a happy thanksgiving with a glass of revenge, for the both of you.
• Also, remember how I mentioned he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone that harms you? Well, they’ll be guests at the table on the livestream! Now everyone’s together, on the day of togetherness.
• Overall, you fill in the void he was missing after Amanda’s passing. That’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate you for you, I’m saying that you keep him from going absolutely insane and killing everyone in Plymouth there and then.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
LAES Earth Canon Info
Updated - 9/7/24
Earth's likes:
Barbie movies
Tiny things
Love stories
Phantom of the Opera
Broadway shows/musicals
Lilac flowers
The Powerpuff Girls
Hair accessories and makeup
Tim Allen
PB&J's and grilled cheese sandwiches
Playing with makeup sometimes
Mac n cheese
Soap Operas
Learning other languages
Chinese dramas
Lethal Company, even though it scares her
Garlic bread
Baking sweets
Earth's dislikes:
Bloodmoon (based on the way she acts towards/with them)
Eclipse (also based on how she speaks to/acts towards him. She gave him chances to be better than he was currently being, and instead of trying, he opted to keep being a jerk) ((This is subject to change))
Dora the explorer
Sleeping while shrunk down (it feels restrictive to her)
Sad movies/shows
Bugs (They freak her out. More specifically, she doesn't like ants and spiders)
Unlike Sun and Moon, Earth is capable of eating food (partial retcon. Sun and Moon have apparently started eating food)
She used to prepare food for the creator and have dinner with him
She primarily works with children who have disabilities, and children who require more one one one attention
She has a system/database thing in her head that’s loaded with nothing but puns and jokes
She prefers baths over showers
Earth is a silent rage sort of person when she gets angry
Earth has ADHD
She uses a lot of emojis when texting
Her comfort/coping mechanism is saying “pretty ballerina” and/or singing Barbie Girl
She has 5 journals that she's written in as a coping mechanism
Earth starts her days off with morning yoga (the yoga involves screaming), then from there, she goes to work at the daycare. After she's done for the day, she cleans up the daycare, then goes home and cleans every square inch of her room/Monty’s house. After that, it's bedtime, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she may go cook an entire meal
She's a clean freak like Sun, and she needs to start her day off by screaming like Lunar
She's pansexual. Maybe demisexual. We're not sure about the specifics yet. She's more drawn to a person's personality than their gender or appearance (according to info in a video, she doesn’t really identify as anything and is more or less unlabeled) (<- according to Solar, she's probably pansexual)
Earth has very good balance
Earth has been ice skating
She watches Bluey
Earth has eagle eyes
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gareleia · 7 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
next: part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
An AU my friend and I fleshed out a bit while chatting, where Athena and Hermes become Telemachus' god parents (pun intended)
first of all, the AU is called that cause Athena, as a goddess of arts and crafts as well as arts of war would totally knit socks and/or sweaters for Telemachus. I literally do not care that it's probably always too warm in Ithaca, it DOES HAPPEN and he PUTS THEM ON or ELSE
also, she's his great great auntie (cause hermes is the great great grandpa) DUH
and she would try to teach him crafts too, like:
Athena: think, Telemachus, think! Telemachus: BUT I CAN'T DO THIS STITCH
and then there's crying and Athena has to deal with it even though she's emotionally constipated and had definitely taught Odysseus some unhealthy coping mechanisms in his youth (and now she's forced to realize that, maybe Penelope even elaborates on it for her)
meanwhile, Hermes HATES being called grandpa (but secretly learns to enjoy it sometimes)
he's the type who teaches Telemachus all the "wrong" (read: fun) things in life, like talking to girls, playing pranks, lying out of his ass to get out of trouble, etc.
and then BOTH get in trouble with Athena, while Penelope just shakes her head at all of them.
Hermes obviously runs off, leaving Telemachus to deal with the scolding alone
Telemachus: hears giggling from behind a tree Telemachus: GRANDPA, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LEFT ME THERE! ( -`д´- ) Hermes: Awwww, now, now, champ! Don't you remember the first thing I ever taught you? Come on, gimme lesson number one! Telemachus, sighing heavily: 'Every man for himself'
Hermes gives Telemachus lessons on what Not To Do. And he gives those lessons hands on.
Hermes: I subscribe to practical learning!(´∀`)b
And that's their go-to excuse for when Athena finds them
Telemachus: Heeeeey, Athena? Theoretically— Athena, already popping a vein: What. Did. You. Do? ༽◺_◿༼ Hermes, from the bushes, with tears in his eyes (probably from laughing): He's going to the run, run Angel~
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penvisions · 1 year
the melting point {chapter 11}
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader)
Summary: You share the hardest parts of your path with Frankie and offer understanding to his own. 
Word Count: 5.1k 
Warnings: narcotics, recreational use of narcotics, addiction, recovery, nicotine, cigarettes, mentions of smoking, descriptions of injuries, blood, gun violence, brief description of a shooting scenario, readers past is revealed, medical jargon, trauma, ptsd, ptsd triggers, reference to use of alcohol, alcohol used as a coping mechanism, emotional vulnerability, kissing, Frankie’s skilled mouth, baking puns to lighten the mood??
A/N: HEAVY CHAPTER!! please, please proceed with caution, while the chapter is balanced it is very emotionally heavy. i do not take anything described in this chapter lightly, having been a victim in a school shooting myself at a young age, i still carry it with me to this day and it affects how i feel about crowds and small spaces. readers past is something i’ve had to deal with but thankfully there were no deaths in my experience. 
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist 
Frankie was seated at a booth in an empty diner. He had been sitting there alone for hours, staring into the mug of black coffee the waitress was kind enough to refill before it was truly empty. After the third time, she had brought over a plate of toast, to help settle his stomach. It was late, well past midnight.
Midnight. Midnight.
He could’ve sworn he was supposed to be somewhere, but his mind was so foggy from the hours-long conversation he had with someone he had never thought he would encounter again. They had gone in circles, only to come to a mutual understanding of what happened. But it still didn’t take any of the emotions away; if anything it had brought them all back to the surface. There was so much pain, remorse, regret, weakness, desperation filling him to the brim and his mind had flowed out along with what he couldn’t handle. Down the river and into the whitewash that was the rapids of his life. One mistake after another, one bad move after another…
‘I just…I kinda like you and want to see where this goes beyond today?’
‘I’d be up for that, because I kinda like ya too.”
“Fuck!” Frankie stood with a jolt, rustling the table in front of him with the movement. He took his wallet out and fished out a bill, threw it down on the table before he peeled out of the diner.
A shuffling sound roused you from your deep sleep, but your eyes were still too heavy to open. You lifted your head from where it rested on your arms atop your pillow. You had collapsed onto the bed on your stomach, hips canted up slightly as your legs spread in a way to relieve tension on your injury and you had scrunched a pillow underneath your arms and laid your head atop them. Your hair was loose and long around your face, fanning out over your bare shoulders. There was the sound of the cats chittering at someone and you lifted your head up more to peer through the open bedroom door. You saw the shadow of someone standing in your living room through bleary eyes.
The shadow moved a bit and the bill of a cap was visible. You deflated back into the mattress, knowing you were safe, and sleep curled its tendrils around your mind and pulled you back under. You hummed into the quiet as you felt warm arms wrap around your middle. One had moved underneath you, brushing the bare skin of your chest in passing as the other laid gently on your back. You felt a nose nuzzle into your hair, near your neck and a gentle kiss was placed there before a head rested on the pillow beside you. Legs carefully situated around yours, skin on skin where they touched just slightly.
“Lo siento, estoy aquí ahora, cariño.”
You were already too far down underneath the hold of sleep, a quiet murmur leaving your lips at the words before you were out completely.
Frankie lay there, down to his shirt and briefs. He cuddled around you as close he could without agitating your injuries or waking you up completely. Guilt and shame eating away at him in the darkness of your room. He watched the shadows of the cats as they jumped up and settled around you both for some sleep themselves. A sigh heaved itself into its chest and caught, choking him as he realized you felt good in his arms. You were good. He was good with you. You were good together.
The sun was just beginning to rise for the day, casting gentle light into the bedroom where it seeped in from the other rooms of your space. Frankie lay awake, his mind not letting him fall into a slumber that was really sleeping. He was watching the way your lashes fluttered as you dreamt in your sleep, you had been snoring lightly, though he was sure you would deny it should he feel like he could tease you about it. Words and apologies and reasons flitted across his mind, mentally exhausting him as he had no clue what to actually say to you once you were awake. He had seen the bottle of vodka, emptied, on the coffee table. He had seen the bottle of your pain medication next to it. The smooth cursive of your writing turned messy and illegible to him on a notepad beside them both, recipes and ideas for the bakery scribbled out in your altered state.
You had numbed yourself in his absence.
Because of his absence. When he had specifically promised his time to you.
But it had been the page that had been torn out and crumpled that worried him the most, thrown in what he could only picture was a moment of overwhelming emotion. It had been on the floor, beside your dead phone, halfway under the coffee table. The words ‘I’m sorry’ scribbled all over the page, filling it until there was no space with overlapping letters. The words of Tom echoing in his ears, ‘Kids tend to end up in graves around her’.
Frankie worried his bottom lip between his teeth, his heart stuttering and his chest getting tight when you shifted in your sleep with a tiny huff. Your face scrunched up in a rather adorable way before a sneeze racked your body. What wasn’t adorable was the spray of blood that resulted from the sneeze. With a rather loud groan you were opening your eyes and bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of your nose to stop any flow of blood that may follow.
“Fuck,” You shimmied from the blankets, oblivious to the man beside you. Frankie had moved away from you in the night, especially when you had begun to shift a lot, seemingly unable to get comfortable. You were rushing to the joined bathroom and Frankie averted his eyes at your naked form. He wasn’t sure were you stood, where he stood….
The sound of the water was a quiet hush that allowed him to recenter. The blood spotting his face was cold, the spray of it causing unwanted memories to blip in his mind but he pushed them down. He was safe in your room, safe in your bed, safe with you. He startled when you called his name, bringing him out of his thoughts.
You watched him from the doorway to the bathroom, arms pulling on an oversized t-shirt. He could see the flash of tan lace you had pulled up your legs to cover yourself and he felt a strike of arousal. You slowly made your way back to the bed, sitting gingerly on the edge of it, eyes on him the whole time.
Your face felt weird from the sneeze and your mind foggy from the night before, but you were sure you weren’t hallucinating the handsome man in your bed. The one that had stood you up for your date last night. Your heart was torn between being angry that he had made such a big deal about showing you how serious he was about this then bailing and wanting to melt at the prospect of him using the key for the first time and slipping into bed with you.
You didn’t say anything as you leaned over him a little, placing a hand on his chest to balance yourself as you reached over with a damp washcloth and wiped the blood from his face with the other. Your skin tingled where your hand rested on him, despite only feeling the heat of him through the shirt. His eyes tried to catch yours but you ducked your head as a deep blush rose to your cheeks. You were about to pull the washcloth away from him but a hand came up to grasp your wrist gently.
He didn’t say anything as he brough his other hand up and notched a finger underneath your chin to tilt it up. His brown eyes caught the light and turned amber in the morning sun, causing your already fast heartbeat to pick up at the sight of this beautiful man in your bed. His eyes were worried, as you chanced making contact with your own. You could feel tears race down your cheeks as you watched the emotions swirl in the brown depths. You were overwhelmed, your own emotions a whirlwind.
“Tell me you didn’t change your mind,” Your words were whispered, your fear of breaking the moment all too real. Vulnerability winning out against the anger and worry and had turned into hurt. Tears continued to fall, your face growing hot with them and your breathing beginning to shift into a weird staccato as you tried to keep yourself together. “Please tell me, Frankie, please tell me you still want me.”
When he was silent for a beat too long, you were ducking your head, eyes clenching shut and you drew in a shuddering breath. You had never felt so willing to ask such a question, for once you didn’t dwarf your needs and worries in favor of someone else. You’d reached your melting point and you needed to know if redemption was possible. Because you wanted it, by god did you want it, to be redeemed and feel like you were worthy of good things. Of being good with the man who made you feel like you hadn’t in a long time. To be wanted by him just as much as you wanted him.
During a time past, you might consider this pathetic, but circumstances change. People change you, people become more important than coming across as weak and vulnerable, the love you have for people changes you.
“I need to-“
He swallowed the rest of your words as he kissed you, his tongue delving into your open mouth and tangling with your own. Both of his hands came to cup your face, his fingers light on your cheeks and you melted into him. You kissed him back fully, taking what he was willing to give. Worried it was fleeting.
When he pulled back, he had tears of his own shining in his eyes.
“Of course I want you. Oh, sweet girl, you’re one of the only things I’ve ever wanted this much.”
Your heart swelled at his words, warmth flooding your entire body and making you feel wanted. But his actions had wounded you, brought up feelings of inadequacy, and while realistically a part of your brain knew it wasn’t intentional, it did send a message. It did lend to facts that had to be faced, questions that had to be answered. For both your sake.
“Then….then why do you make me feel like you don’t?” You couldn’t look at him, gently leaning back from him, your hands wringing in your lap. Frankie sat up from the pillows, reached out and pulled you to lay along his side. It took a minute for you both to get comfortable, his right arm around you as you leaned heavily into his side with your head resting high on his chest. His hand traced up and down your back smoothly, comforting. “I understand, please don’t mistake that, but…I just, I just need reassurance and I know that’s too much for some people and I-“
“No, no, sweet girl. It’s just that…I’m bad at this, I realize that. But please don’t let it make you feel like I don’t want this.” He sighed, jostling you with his breath. “I know words are just words, but querida, I really do care about you.”
“You stood me up, I called and texted and felt so foolish.” You hid your face in his chest, smelling the scent of him that was a combination of something woodsy and warm. Reminiscent of early autumn hikes in the forest, it smelled like home. “I feel like a damn fool, Frankie…I waited up for hours, wondering if you were okay…”
“I wasn’t okay. I’m still not okay. I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay, sweet girl.”
“You will be, you are.” You reached a hand out and gripped his free one that had been resting on his middle. You intertwined your fingers with his own, his hand dwarfing yours. You worried your bottom lip between your teeth as you contemplated your next words. Not wanting to make him feel seen or that he was transparent with the things he was hesitant to share with you. “Recovery isn’t linear.”
“…you know.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, an understanding. He knew that you knew. You knew about the parts of him that he tried to hide and cradle in his own hands, that he tried to resolve in the form of swapped vices and managing triggers. He worried for a second, panicked really, that you were about to tell him that it was something you could help him with. While it would be appreciated, he didn’t want to drag anyone down with the gritty details of what exactly he dealt with.
Of course you knew he was in recovery, you had seen it enough times out in the field, with your friends, with your family. His triggers, the smoking having replaced some other vice, the way his nose would twitch when he was agitated, the way his fingers would tap when he was anxious. The meetings he wouldn’t tell you details about, the way he was hesitant with certain foods, with certain places. The way he devoured anything sugary and inhaled fruit anytime it was in front of him.
All signs of someone fighting a battle that would take the rest of their life to overcome. You had been present and a part of the recovery when the battle was lost, both on the clock and off…
“Frankie, I was an EMT for a decade. I didn’t want to pry because you hadn’t said anything, and your business is your own. I’m not one to shoulder their way into anything, I’ve been humbled beyond comprehension on that, believe me.” Self-depreciation saturated your words, turning them bitter in your mouth. You weren’t brave enough to glance up and peak at Frankie’s expression, but you felt him tense up as you lay against him.
Your name sounded in the air, bathed in a tone you had yet to hear from him. You tensed at it, not sure what was going to happen next.
“It’s not an excuse. I was getting you flowers down the way last night when Alexia’s mother approached me. Didn’t even know she was still in town after all these years. She spooked me to hell and back, my mind went blank. Nothing was anything and before I knew it, I was running.”
“Frankie, you don’t…”
“I do, I do have to. I want to. I want you to know.”
You pushed your cheek into his chest, hiding your face. Not sure if you were ready for what he was going to say. Would she want to be a part of his life now? Would she want to see her child? Frankie’s daughter was only someone you interacted with once, but you weren’t willing to share her with the woman who walked out on her. You weren’t willing to experience the heartbreak it would bring Frankie to share her.
You listened. You took what he wanted to say and you held it close. You grasped it and kneaded it into yourself the way you worked bits of chocolate and fruit into dough. You folded the hard pieces of him into yourself and took them on, helping to soften the burden of them. You gave them a smoother edge so that he could handle them easier.
He explained the last night he had her, what her name was. He explained the challenge of attempting to raise Alexia together and get clean at the same time, how it was easier for him to let go of the substance than it was for her even throughout her pregnancy. That she never seemed genuinely excited at the prospect of their child and what they created together. He told you how he had offered her his hand in marriage and how she had said no.  
How determined he was to be a good father, to provide everything for his child. To offer her anything she might want or need or even think about in her life, how he wanted to be able to give her the time he had to devote to work in order to prove to her.
“Our bill was settled when I dropped her off yesterday.”
Your hand had been tracing patterns across the fabric of his shirt stretched over his chest. You fingers stilled for the barest of seconds before continuing their movement but you were aware that he caught the action. There was a question in his words that you knew was aimed directly at you, he was looking for confirmation of a hunch he had. You hummed a curious sound, knowing you weren’t fooling anyone.
“Thank you,” He murmured lowly, his chin resting atop your head for a moment before he laid it back against the pillow.
“…I wanted to.” You spoke carefully, unsure if you had stepped over a line. “You said you were worried about the bill and how she was so excited. That you didn’t want to let her down and her miss out on being away with her whole class.”
“She drew you something, we brought it the other day before everything hit the fan. I brought it with me, it’s on your fridge.”
“She’s sweet. Thoughtful like her father.”
“She’s a lot of things I’m not too. And so genuine in them. So understanding and forgiving, so easy going. So eager to try new things and to get out of her comfort zone.” He fell silent. You could sense he was thinking something over. He clicked his tongue before his next words. “I told her about you. About liking you and taking you out on a date.”
“Oh?” This curious sound was genuine. You felt your heartbeat quicken at his words, nervous.
“She was so excited she wouldn’t have to give up treats from the bakery because I would be dating someone else and was sure you’d be upset about it.”
“She is smart. I would definitely cut you off from treats if you dated someone else.” You quipped, words holding no real heat as you chuckled at the stern look you pictured her pinning him with as they talked this over. He huffed a quiet laugh.
You listened as he told you how he lost his license, due to his addiction. How it scorned him to this day that he let it take such control over his life and how sometimes it’s all he wanted still. You were quiet, letting him get it all out, not pressuring him with comments and thoughts you had in response. How he worked so hard to get it back and took every class and course they offered him to keep up to date with protocol and regulations, so he could keep flying the way he always wanted to.
You cuddled closer to him, trying to melt into him as he talked, offering him comfort in a quiet way as spoke. His voice would crack every so often as emotion got to be too much for him. He would clear his throat and hold your back firm so as to not jostle you too much when he did so. He fell quiet and you both just took the moment for what it was, not saying anything as you both processed the steps you were taking together.
“Tell me.” You felt his arm tighten around you, pulling you closer to him. A kiss was pressed to the top of your head. Followed by another and another, his facial hair hushing against your curls as he rested his face there. “You know about my worries. Tell me about yours. About what Tom was talking about, please. If you still want to, I’ll listen. I’m here, I’m with you, I’m trying. You have me.”
“You…you won’t like me anymore…”
Your name was a whisper, a plea.
“You, um, you heard the nurse mention a shattered hip?”
“I did, you were so overwhelmed, and I was not having the best day so I didn’t ask. I don’t like I’ve ever faced so many goddamn triggers in the same day as yesterday, but we’re focusing on you right now. You are important. You mean so much to me.” His hand trailed down to grip your waist, warmth seeping into you underneath it. It gave you the courage to continue, his quest reserve calming you. “I hadn’t wanted to get into anything heavy with both of us so worked up. I know better than that now, too much experience with doing the opposite.”
Quiet enveloped the room for a moment, the both of your just laying with each other. The morning sun rising and bringing light to the new day, revealing the world much the same way you were both revealing things about yourselves to each other. Memories and emotions flooded you, and you tried to concentrate on the best wording to explain the worst day of your life to someone who wanted to help you bear the weight of it.
“It got shattered when I got hit by a round from an automatic assault rifle. I was the first on the scene of a shooting and had run into the shooter in the building. I think we both startled each other. But he had the upper hand to my pistol.
He, uh… he was young, maybe late teens? I don’t even remember that now, it was about six or so years ago now. But I remember what he looked like, what he was wearing, the expression on his face…the blood splatter that marked his entire body. The squeak of his shoes as he ran down the halls of the building and stalked from room to room, leaving bloody footprints in his wake…
It was a school, an elementary school. I don’t remember the motive, I don’t remember the time of day the call happened, but I remember feeling the fear and anger emanating off of him, the heaviness of the air all throughout the building, it was suffocating. It was terrifying. I remember how warm the blood was as I tried to stop the bleeding on more than five children, only successful with two of them…
They were so panicked, they had been so scared, so worried about their parents and friends not knowing they loved them…. asked me to save them, to help them, but I couldn’t. Those guns do so much damage, they do too much damage to fix. I- I tried, I did everything I could, and it wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t enough, all of my training and all of my experience and I couldn’t save those kids while they begged me and pleaded with me to help them. It doesn’t matter how many people I had saved until that point, I had failed them, I didn’t do my job. I couldn’t do my job.
I was put on medical leave for the duration of my recovery, the shooter passed away during his. My shot had been placed well, but it had taken too long for him to succumb to it, allowing him to fire shots into two more classrooms before he collapsed. I needed multiple surgeries to repair my hip and ended up getting a replacement a year down the line. That’s why I don’t bear as much weight on it, it’s…foreign to have something so vital taken away from you and replaced in the wake of such an emotional tragedy.
I lost more than just a part of myself mentally that day, but physically as well. And it’s a constant reminder every time it twinges, or I feel the dull ache that never seems to quite go away.
I was put on suspension pending two investigations that went to trial. One from the shooter’s parents for wrongful death and one from the parents of one of the children I couldn’t save for failure to administer appropriate medical treatment. I got harassed and blamed for the death of the shooter who had done the killing and then called a killer myself. I had been painted in the same light as the shooter, as if I was the one that pulled the trigger and fired on those innocent children.
Everyone was looking to place the blame in the wake of his death. And it landed on me.”
You were crying, tears dampening the fabric of Frankie’s shirt. You felt your bottom lip trembling, sure you had stuttered over words and that your voice was an octave higher than normal. Your hands were shaking too, but Frankie had on in his grip and was holding it firm, his warmth seeping into you, grounding you as you shared with him the worst chapter of your life.
Your ears burned in the silence that followed your words. All you could hear was the blood rushing in your veins and the faded memories of gunfire. The gunfire hushed and was replaced with quiet murmurs of consolation from the man cradling you. Frankie pulled you carefully over to lay atop him completely, both of his arms wrapped tight around your frame. His chest was rising and falling in a way that mimicked yours, telling of the tears he was fighting back. You buried your face in his neck, hand going to rest over his beating heart to ground you.
Your name fell from his lips as he buried his own face into your hair.
It was hours later, you having trusted the shop to Louise for the day. You had baked enough stock for her to get through yesterday and today, business picking up enough to warrant double batches of everything. You had an untouched Sunday paper from the past week on the kitchen island, secured underneath the leather journal you kept all your recipes in. You admitted to Frankie over getting coffee brewed that you were afraid of reading the blurb that had been written about your bakery in the article about the first summer farmer’s market. The second had gone as well as the first. You had more applicants, more business, more interest in the things you created and were willing and happy to share with the world.
He carefully pulled you into his arms and leaned against the counter, the sound of the coffee pot brewing turning into background noise. You had been feeding the cats their dry food, their chittering and meows filling the air in such a domestic way. Your back was warm against his chest and he reached for the paper to hold it in front of both of you. He read the words printed on the pages to you, his lips close to your ear as he did so. The praises printed in ink felt were comforting coming from his lips, his smooth voice giving them life that you refused to give them yourself. He placed the paper back down on the counter and made sure it was safely tucked back so as to not get ruined. His arms came back around you and he spun you so you were facing him.
He was about to say something but you leaned up and captured his lips with your own. Your hands coming around his shoulders. Before you could register where his own were wrapping underneath your bottom, he was lifting you to carefully set you on the island. He leaned into your space, delving his tongue into your open mouth and pulling a moan from your chest. His fingers trailed featherlight paths across your skin underneath your shirt. Sparking warmth and tingles in their wake.
You took a moment to catch your breath before you mouthed at the hinge of his jaw, tongue trailing the shell of his ear. You placed sucking kissed down the column of his neck and revealed in the feeling of him hardening against you where he was pressed to you as closely as possible. He vocalized his appreciation at your attention, his hands continuing their exploration and coming to thumb at your nipples.
You arched into him even more, a gasp smothered into his heated skin.
“I’m falling for you.”
All you could do was hide the wide grin that broke out over your face in his neck, tightening your arms around his neck.
“I’m going to take you against this counter and then again in your bed. We’re going to go to the store to get stuff for dinner and I’m going to take you back to mine. Where I’ll take you again and again until you’re satisfied.” His words rumbled in your ear, causing pleasure to settle between your legs and you tightened your thighs around his waist, grinding yourself against him.
“I’m going to show you just how much you mean to me, over….and over….and over again.”
He kissed you deeply, again and again until the coffee was finished brewing. He stepped away to ready two cups and handed you one. He watched as you cupped both hands around the ceramic, taking his own in one and bringing it up to sip. He reached out and trailed his index finger along the front seam of your underwear as he bracketed himself back between your dangling legs. Your eyes widened and you whimpered into your cup at the pleasure that sparked. Legs opening more as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Just enjoy your coffee, sweet girl. Let me take care of you.” He was placing his own mug back down on the counter. Watching the way you watched him as he lowered himself to his knees. He leaned close and licked a hot line to mimic his finger just seconds before. His large hands gripped your waist and pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, his tongue hard and flat against the front of your underwear. He looked up at you, seeing the way your fingers were white where they gripped your coffee. He pulled away for the barest of seconds.
“Drink, sweet girl. And I’ll do the same.”
previous chapter || next chapter 
@tanzthompson @clevergirl74
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Uhh if you’re available, can you do the turtles’ s/o as a jiganshi (a Chinese zombie girl) and how they would react if she could fight?
Also I love ur fanfics omg❤️❤️
Hello! I did a little bit of research before writing this, if I have gotten anything wrong or if this offends anyone, please let me know so I can fix it! I did play up the supernatural aspect more, mainly the addition of super strength that most forms of zombies seem to have.
I wasn't sure which version you wanted, so I went with the Rise!Turtles, hope that's okay!
The Turtles with a Jiganshi s/o
Neon Leon
It's not every day you meet an undead person-
Much less end up with one as your s/o
Leo was admittedly shocked at first when he first met you
He ended up making jokes ofc- his go to coping method when something unexplainable happens.
"Pleased to eat you! Get it, cause you're a zombie!"
"...I actually don't eat people-"
Slightly awkward first meeting aside,
You two ended up getting along great!
Sometimes you'd even help him with his zombie puns!
Since you sleep during the day,
You often end up spending time with Leo during his insomnia fueled late nights
You try to help him sleep, but when that fails, you two are happy spending time with each other.
Sometimes, he ends up having to wake you up during the day for various reasons
Enemy fights, watching a movie, pizza dinners-
Whatever the reason, he'd usually say;
"Hey, does waking you up count as raising the dead?"
He has a point though...
Leo thinks that you're cool!
Though, he never expected that you could fight
Not that he doesn't think you aren't strong or anything-
It's just that, as a Jiganshi, your limbs are incredibly stiff.
He's seen you struggle to bend down to pick something up
And you literally have to hop everywhere because you can't bend your knees enough to walk.
So, when he saw you literally leap to his rescue, he was worried to say the least.
"Wait S/O don't-!"
Only- you're actually fighting these yokai with no problem???
While you may not be able to walk or run- your hops are incredibly strong
You're spinning with your arms straight out like some sort of zombie fan, smacking opponents away with surprisingly strong blows,
Leo's sitting there with his jaw hitting the floor
By the time you're finished smacking those yokai unconscious, Leo's barely gotten up
Who could blame him? He's in shock
"... you can weaponize the t-pose???"
He's not wrong though.
After his initial shock,
He's absolutely thrilled!
Not only can you fight, but the way you fight makes for a fun experience!
He definitely asks you to fight with them more often
Overall, you two end up having a blast!
Don Tron
Donnie couldn't believe his eyes when he met you
You are literally something from myths and fiction
A creature of science fiction even!
A living corpse!!
Of course, he had to speak to you-
And also ask some incredibly personal questions
"How is it that you're unable to walk, but can still hop?"
"Do you eat people and/or brains??"
"How did you reanimate???"
Donnie pls-
Q&A first meeting aside, you both end up bonding quite well!
You do answer any questions you can, and he does tone it down if it ever gets to be much
He's just excited!
As a Jiganshi, you're pretty nocturnal
Which works well with Donnie, as he usually stays up late building or just surfing the internet
When he found out that you usually sleep in a coffin, he was horrified
How could you sleep in something so uncomfortable??
He immediately built you a rather spacious coffin equipped with the softest sheets and pillows
It's like sleeping in a silky soft cloud!
Because you have to hop everywhere, and can't really lower your arms, he builds some mechanized leg and arm braces for you!
While it's still hard to actually bend your limbs, it does help a lot
Now you can actually walk!
It's still easier for you to hop everywhere though, but you appreciate the gesture and use the braces every now and then.
Like Leo, Donnie never really expected you to be able to fight.
It's not really something he ever really thought to think of- rightfully so
But one day, during a fight with the purple dragons- Donnie's tech had been turned against him
His brothers were still on their way, and Donnie was struggling against the onslaught of his own inventions.
Just when he thought he was about to be hit with his own weaponized drone-
You appeared from seemingly out of thin air-
Thankfully you had gone with him to receive a supposed 'Genius Award' (which ended up just being a trap set by the Purple Dragons)
You plummeted from the sky after leaping into the air, crashing down onto the drone-
It shattered
Donnie doesn't know whether to be impressed or devastated over the destruction of his beloved drone.
Until he realized you were quite literally fighting and smashing his battle made weapons with scarily ease
Effectively crumpling them like they were nothing but foil paper.
After the battle, and a few tears over the loss of his tech, Donnie was going a mile a minute
"How were you able to stop my tech so easily?"
"Due to always having to hop, have you somehow gained enough strength to leap that high?? Or is that a supernatural side effect???"
"Do you think you could possibly stop an oncoming vehicle-"
You may or may not end up fighting more often or getting roped into strength tests.
Mystic Mike
We all know Mikey is terrified of ghosts-
When he first met you, he had mistaken you for one
He may or may not have shattered nearby windows by shrieking
After clearing up the misunderstanding, and informing him that you were actually a Jiganshi, he's much calmer!
Though, at first, he's still a bit scared
"You won't try to uh- eat me- right?"
"Oh, don't worry, I don't eat people!"
"I eat the qi (life force) of others!"
W h a t
After an existential crisis, and many, many reassurances that you wouldn't eat his qi (or his loved ones qi), you and Mikey get along well!
Mikey often hops along with you!
You both have challenges involving how high or far you can jump
Of course, you always win
Mikey does beat you during flips or harder parkour though.
Out of all the brothers, despite his fear of the paranormal, Mikey has no problems seeing you eat
He walked in on you once draining the life force out of a creature, and just smiled and asked;
"Hey, do you wanted to watch movies after you're done? I got the blankets and pillows ready :3"
Very supportive
When you first end up fighting in front of him, Mikey isn't actually surprised at the fact that you can fight
What surprises him is how well you can fight
He always knew you were strong, small instances of accidentally cracking the ground or chipping the wall never went unnoticed by him,
But you were surprisingly quick with your movements.
You're hopping around rapidly, confusing your opponent's then knocking them off balance
"Go S/O go!"
Mikey's cheering on the sidelines, watching you go
And of course, he's always there to watch your back just in case
Not that you need it often
But it's still nice to have him be there!
You two enjoy fighting together
Mikey often flings enemies towards you, which you knock aside or crash down on
The scariest part is that you two are usually smiling or laughing so sweetly with each other.
If this was an anime, would both have starry eyes and flowers surrounding y'all
Enemies sprint away
Big Red
Raph couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw you
You were just minding your own business, hopping along
The hopping might've been excused as something normal, maybe you just had a lot of energy
Or maybe you were doing some sort challenge
Y'know, something believable
But there was also the fact that you are a sentient zombie
Then again, Raph had seen stranger things in life.
After getting to know you, Raph fell hard.
If you ever get tired of having to hop around everywhere, Raph will gladly carry you!
Or if you have trouble reaching anything, he'll make sure to get it for you
Very kind and considerate
Not that he doesn't think you can do things on your own,
After all, he knows you're more than capable of handling your own
But it's nice to have help every now and then
And if it ever gets to be much, let him know!
He won't get offended and backs off
Just wants to make sure you're doing alright ^^
Being the big ol' worrywart that he is,
Raph is concerned about you being anywhere near a battle
Much less being in one.
He won't lie,
He never expected that you could fight so well
You have trouble grabbing snacks that are too high or low for you to reach
So how would you fare in a fast pace battle??
It was a huge shock for Raph when he first saw you fight
"Wait- S/O get outta of here! It aint safe!!"
Genuinely thought he wouldn't be able to reach you in time
You were about to be sent flying!
But you ended up sending the mutant flying instead???
Cue Raph staring, frozen, in shock
Turns out, you're more than capable of fighting
And damn can you fight!
You're dodging and weaving,
Getting mutants to accidentally hit themselves instead
Then hitting them with a powerful flying kick!
Raph's jaw drops as the mutant goes flying through a wall
After the fight, he profusely apologizes for thinking you couldn't fight
"I really hope I didn't offend ya! I swear that wasn't my intention-"
Very sweet and genuinely worried that he offended you
After that, he's never once doubted you couldn't hold your own
In fact,
You two often fight together!
You both end up causing a bit of property damage...
But you two are smiling at the end of the battle,
So, no worries about the rubble around y'all!
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed ^^
This was my first time writing about another cultures folklore creature that I wasn't super familiar with (ex: the kitsune), so I hope I did alright.
If I wrote anything wrong, please let me know! I did my best to include some of the details I read when researching the Jiganshi
Reblogs appreciated :3
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The always lovely, skilled, and talented @hurthermore drew this sweet, almost cornea art of Theia and Al for my birthday! Thank you so much for this, luv, and keep doing everything you do! She always has her eyes on him, her 'mon point focal', so it's only fitting all those eyes would be looking his way!
Theia is from my fanfiction The Demon of a Thousand Eyes. It can be found on AO3 or on my Fanfiction Masterlist.
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togepies · 1 month
oc swipe right or left!! (i'm changing it up a little bc i don't like smash or pass djklajd but you do you ofc!!! ♡)
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
tagged by @miss--river, thaaank you!
tagging with zero pressure as always: @noirapocalypto (officially!), @stormsofasorceress, @sammysilverdyne, aaand if you wanna do this...YOU!
I already did Wren so...
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Vex Bailey
age: 31
height: 5'8" (~172cm)
eyes: naturally brown
hair color: changes all the time- usually something fun
gender: non binary
pronouns: they/them
sexuality: aro/ace
✅ Pros!
they are so super smart
incredible memory- won't forget anything
can fix your tech
always listens to music with headphones
genuine & sincere
has fantastic coping mechanisms
will give you their pickles
open and understanding
❌ Cons...
arrogant, blunt, and condescending at times...particularly when they are explaining something
incredible memory- won't forget anything
a little TOO independent
obsessively clean...so much so that you can't own a pet :(
loses track of time wandering the city, won't come home, and won't call you
blanket stealer
absolutely will not cuddle
master of puns
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Number 4.
Jay again
The blue ninja must suffer!
Jay + Gagged
Ironic :)
Jay's friends called his babbling obnoxious. Master Wu called it distracting. Nya called it cute.
Jay called it a coping mechanism.
And right then, he needed all the coping could get.
So he chatted.
As the Sons Garmadon chained him to a support beam, he commented on ever aspect of their outfits. He talked about the most boring ninja missions the team had ever been on. He explained the plot of not one, not two, but twenty-three Starfarer comics. He told the absolute worst jokes in his entire pun arsenal. He launched rapid fire questions at the guards without waiting for an answer.
Jay had long since perfected his act: pitching his voice perfectly to be as squeaky as possible, wearing them down, letting his words grate and grate and grate until the henchmen would rather face the wrath of their higher ups than listening to his drone. If he was talking, he was in control.
And besides all that, if he didn't focus on something random to babble on about, the reality of his situation would set in.
And then he would panic.
And there would be no coming back from that.
Luckily, with the SoG, he was chill as could be. And they were close to breaking-- he could see it in their eye twitches. Soon he would be home to brag about his 'daring' escape to his friends.
He miscalculated.
"ENOUGH!!!" one of the guys roared.
"Nah, I'm not done! There are still seven steps left in Kai's hair care routine. You definitely need that, dude. I can see your split ends from all the way over here. In fact, as you walk closer, I can see even more-- hey hey wait what are you doing?! What are you doing?!?!"
The thug tore Jay's ninja mask off his face, ripping it in two ragged pieces.
"Dude! Not cool! You know we have those custom made, right? You can't just-- MMMFFPH!"
Taking advantage of Jay's chatter, the man roughly shoved a wad of blue fabric into his open mouth. It hit the back of his throat, triggering his gag reflex.
Before he had time to spit it out, the thug slammed the back of Jay's head against the metal beam. Stars popped in front of his eyes. Dazed, he couldn't even struggle as the rest of the mask was tied across his mouth. The man tightened the knot, painfully tying in some of Jay's curly hair in the process.
He rammed Jay's skull against the metal beam once more for good measure, and walked away, chuckling.
Jay tried to make a noise around the wad of slowly moistening fabric. He choked.
Tears filled his eyes as he gagged. Jay breathed rapidly through his nose, desperate not to throw up; it would have nowhere to go.
His jaw already ached, and drool was starting to slide down his chin from him inability to close his mouth or move his lips.
And then he realized how quiet it was.
They were not going to let him go. Who knew what they were going to do with him now. He was trapped. A prisoner.
Trapped trapped trapped trapped trapped trapped trapped trapped trapped--
Jay screamed through his mask, high and reedy. The SoG guards just laughed. He thrashed, feeling his chains tug at his wrists.
His breath quickened, sharp and shallow though his nose. No no no no he was going to hyperventilate-- but now he was only panicking more!
Jay groaned through his mask, choking again.
"Shut it," the other guard scoffed. "Next time we'll cut out your tongue."
Jay squeezed his eyes shut and let tears slide down his face.
Silent. And powerless.
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fox-pr1nce · 4 months
aaaah!! thank you so much for answering my questions! i come to you with more!! >:D
how did alice come out to andrew and ashley as trans/nonbinary? what is their least favorite school subject? what did andrew and ashley do to celebrate their birthday? how did they react to the cultist neighbor summoning the entity?
and alice looks so cute in their prom outfit!! i wonder if andrew and ashley noticed their scars...
thank you for listening and reading all this ^^; i hope you have a great day! :D
-- coff-in
Hello again! ^-^ Thankyu very much for the questions, and I hope you also have a wonderful day! <3
1) I think they came out to Ashley first, but it wasn’t super serious? Dramatic? They were in the locker room around the middle of junior year and were just like “I think I’m nonbinary.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
I think with Andrew it was slightly different. After school, Alice tugged on his sleeve (a habit of theirs when they want his attention) and told him then. Andrew and Ashley asked if Alice wanted to change their name, to which they said no. “B/c it’s too much effort, and besides I like my name.”
2) Least favorite school subject would probably have to be P.E. or government/economics. Bro’s the kind of person who can’t do more than 1 push-up to save their life.
3) Alice doesn’t want to burden their siblings, especially Andrew, so they never ask for much. “I’d rather you guys be here with me enjoying yourselves than go through the trouble of getting me a present.” Ashley will pester them regardless until she gets “an actual answer” out of them. “Fine fine, if there were any material gift I’d want, it’d be a music cd or some art supplies. … Or that choker necklace I was eyeing at the mall the other day.” From that point she’d convince Andrew (not that he needed much convincing) to go get at least one of those items. Alice def grabbed all those gifted cds before they escaped the apartment.
I also like to think the trio would go to the store to get some cheap boxed cake mix + frosting, and make a cake at home.
4) Their goth ass was fascinated. Scared, but extremely curious. Alice def poked the cultist’s soulless husk like “lol is u dead?” They noticed the husk still breathing, but they brushed it off thinking they were just imagining it. They grabbed the demon book before leaving as well.
Alice was more down for cannibalism than either of their siblings anticipated. “What? Don’t act like you haven’t at least thought about what humans taste like. You think we could get at the bone marrow? I heard human flesh smells like chicken when you cook it. Or was it pork? I don’t remember.” Ashley’s glad Alice is on board, while Andrew becomes more and more concerned every day :)
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Bonus lore under the cut! Pun unintended. Under the cut since it is a sensitive subject.
Andrew and Ashley are aware of Alice’s unhealthy coping mechanism, but they feel lost and frustrated because they don’t really know what to do about it. They don’t want to yell at Alice, Renee already does that those few times she sees the scars. And they can’t keep Alice away from sharps, since when Alice loses access to one thing they just… get creative, to say the least.
Luckily, Alice doesn’t feel the need to relapse unless they’re having a really bad breakdown/meltdown, or having a super bad depressive episode. And these sorts of events are pretty spaced out.
I will note, the scars in the prom dress drawing were due to a certain incident involving a really bad breakup.
I’m highly tempted to draw some Alice ✨angst✨
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So, for a couple of years now, I've been reading the old X-Men comics of the 70s & 80s, and a few recent issues from '87 have given me a great idea for an AU.
Dazzler!Izuku 😀
So, Izuku is born with a quirk that allows him to transform sound into photonic energy. Anything from generating benign blobs of light that move, pulsate, and change color in relation to whatever music he's listening to (tho, this can be weaponized too; during the sludge villain attack, Izuku overwhelms the villain's eyes with a fantastic light show that leaves him catatonic), to concentrating a single, loud noise into a laser beam that deals concussive damage.
Izuku would, of course, gravitate towards Present Mic as a mentor. And he would team up well with Jirou.
So, what do you think?
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO, SCHOOL AND MY MENTAL HEALTH FUCKED ME OVER. I have had half of this in my queue for about 3 months, ya bitch was just burnt tf out 💀
But dude, I absolutely fucking love this 😭😭
Heads up, my knowledge of physics is limited so I’m not going to be talking much about the actual details of his quirk until after I learn more about it, but I hope you enjoy!!!
Izuku who makes physics jokes.
He has shirts with physics puns on them. A shirt that says, “the photon checked into the hotel and was asked if it had any bags, it said, “no thanks, I’m traveling light!”
Reminds me of the time I was dual enrolling and in my psychology class, I said, “I once asked the librarian if she had a book on Pavlov’s dog and Schrödinger’s cat. She said it rung a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not!”
I thought I was so funny, but everyone else hated me.
Izuku is that kid. He does that shit
Inko loves it, she thinks her son is hilarious. Mic loves it. The little lister is so smart! Nezu has a goddamn field day. Aizawa is so tired, but secretly likes the jokes. He face palms every time and acts like it’s the end of the world, but he does like them. Midnight thinks it’s great, she asks izuku for more jokes/puns all the time. Mainly to annoy Aizawa. But still. BRUH, MISS JOKE. SHE LOVES THIS LITTLE SHIT. I honestly feel like all might wouldn’t understand most of them, but he’d love them anyway.
Izuku: I was studying frequencies, but now my brain Hertz.
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He accidentally freaks people out the first few weeks in the dorm because they’re not used to it/expecting it.
The number of times mina asks for mood lighting
I really want to drive home that he makes an unholy amount of puns
He doesn’t even try to, it just happens so naturally. Shouto has theorized that it’s a secondary quirk.
You have spoken directly to my soul with mentor mic (and Jirou/izuku friends)
They’d all work so well together though
Mic brings him to Put Your Hands Up Radio not only to work with his quirk, but to help with his nerves
It is no secret that izuku is a nervous lad, but I raise you, mic was also a nervous lad (personal headcanon, but you cannot tell me that lad doesn’t have generalized anxiety)
Mic helps izuku gain some coping mechanisms (or coping mic-anisms if you will (thank you, thank you))
Mic is a nerd, izuku is a nerd, Jirou is cool, but a nerd. Jirou, similar to Aizawa, rolls her eyes at the physics puns, but does she think they’re funny? Yes. Yes, she does. They defends izuku when people mock his puns
Mic couldn’t be prouder of his children
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was kinda short 😅
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rubypasha1 · 5 months
Headcannons for the readers in my fics
Feel free if you have any questions related to them or anything else to do with my fics. Happy to answer!
Stolen Souls
Green thumb
Can cook like a chef it’s so good
Book worm
Socially anxious
Kids: loves em
Shows affection through gift giving and paying attention to small details
Ex-older sibling
Coping mechanism is work and hobbies
Green thumb!
Easily manipulated
Little shy
Cat and dog person, more dog person
Can withdraw herself to try and protect her feelings
Has died before
Wife material
Girlfriend material
Liked watching her friend play video games
Not a party person
Absaloutely terrified but hopeful
A spider in a graveyard
Student of Spiderman, unofficially adopted by he and Deadpool.
The latter gifted her a knife
Can’t bake for shit but cooks okayish. Lasagna is amazing.
Traumatized by experience of being experiment on to aquire powers
Slightly Arachnophobia
Cheats at Uno, doesn’t care if she wins the only worse torture is scrabble
Loves carnival games
Puns are life
Has kissed her nemises
Willing guardian of three crazy super powered kids
Pretty serious but uses jokes as a distraction/to aggravate enemy
Sleeps in odd positions + glows
Kiss under her jaw by the neck and she melts
Odd relationship with symbiote
Can be bashful/shy when genuine and romantic shows of kindness are given.
Workaholic in rehabilitation
Tech savvy
In the very thin line between morally true and an overworked superhero
Has multiple eyes- not good with bright light
Will hang upside down and glow like a disco ball- with bribery
Self conscious and using her superhero identity - Starspider - as a coping mechanism
“Stop flirting with me!”
Rainbow lightning
Set the sails
Half blind and missing half a leg
Grew up in war
Has the skills and experience to be a doctor but doesn’t like to be called one due to respect and . . . stuff
Eats 1 or 2 meals a day
Green thumb- medicine and poison
Numerous war crimes
Body and face heavily scarred but not self conscious. She’s proud of her scars
Subconsciously hates clear skies
Has never killed anyone (they don’t deserve that mercy)
Good fighter, will dislocate your joints
Okay with tying patients down
Will hunt people down so they take their medicine
People on her island live and fear her
A certain marine tries to make her life horrible - regrets if later
Kids: Okay
Makes medicine, ointments, salves, creams.
Carving wood is side hobby
Do not touch her books
Okay cook
Hates marines and the world government
Doesn’t smile, mainly looks neutral or angry
Slight aggressive but mainly when provoked
Deeply traumatized
A victim of war
Is an amazing gambler, it’s just luck she wins 90% of the time even when she doesn’t know how to play
Addicted to weed (but not in the way you think-)
Is kind in a “I will beat/restrain you so that you won’t die” kind of way
Made a deal with the devil and lost, now his brother calls her angel
Fought in a fighting ring
Loves pies
Has lost so many people she’s subconsciously afraid of making connections continuously trying to see new people she makes friendships with as only patients but inevitably fails and becomes so protective to others it’s seems as extremely aggressive but she has to because people DONT BLOODY LISTEN
Okay shooter, not that great but can somewhat hit a target sometimes
Highly respected on her island
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exmcrtis · 11 months
you can sit beside me when the world comes down...
(a general overview of what my muses have been up to post-event)
ARTEMIS has mostly been laying low. she was unaffected by the destruction in town, but the emotional damage was enough to convince her she needs to keep her head down, and she's been spending more time at home or at work. she's been feeling more and more lonely these days, and as a result has decided to stop using physical intimacy as a coping mechanism. long story short, she's a reformed hoe.
BELLA has been splitting her time between jerico, the cruz-duttons, and her friends, but has mostly been with jerico. his injuries have worried her enough that she's in full-time panic mode, but is doing her best to hide it from everyone. she's also formed a new friendship with jessie, one that she plans to hold near and dear. just don't tell other people that she has a heart, she'll probably kick you in the shins.
CAIN suffered an eye injury during the earthquake, and has been sentenced to wear an eye patch for the foreseeable (pun intended) future. not being with val during the ordeal freaked him out, and they have been shacking up at his place for the past couple of weeks. he really only leaves the house to go to work, but he's been rendered useless since he needs both eyeballs in order to do his job properly. just call him captain cain and slap a pet parrot on his shoulder.
EZRA did not attend the event, as the idea of being around that many people freaks her out. she happily stayed at home with her books, but often visits the large cracks in town to inspect them. can usually be found staying out dangerously close to dark, but thinks nothing of it.
HALLEY sustained sprains to both her wrist and shoulder, but is otherwise unscathed. she's still quite emotionally stunted when it comes to her family situation, but chooses to distract herself by visiting mo as often as possible. she also spends a lot of time with zarina and knightley, but still doesn't fully open up about her feelings. she also confessed her feelings for saffron and doesn't regret it, but the very thought of liking someone that much terrifies her.
LAVENDER hasn't been doing so great for the past couple of weeks. the disappearance of her mother has left her feeling like a shell of a human, and no matter how much she tries to distract herself, she just can't shake it. she spends most of her time at work or around town, no longer feeling like the commune is home. however, she has no plans of moving out, so she's stuck in a limbo state currently.
LEIA was beebopping around until the earthquake hit, and then she scrambled home. she visits draven and salem more often than not, wanting to make sure that draven is okay despite how heavy things are at home.
LUCA has been hovering around parker as often as they'll let him. he didn't attend the event, but seeing so many people grieving and recovering makes him tense, so he's been spending most of his time at work. he does regular check-ins with all the weirdlings, and while he wants to pretend that he has no feelings, his concern for his little siblings for all intents and purposes outweighs any façade that he tries to put on. basically, this is the best time to try and befriend him.
ONDINE has been trying to adjust to life in town rather than the commune. her life has been uprooted in every sense of the word, and it's caused a lot of trust issues to develop that weren't there previously. she's made quick friends with celia, a good thing considering she's been bringing joei to work with her, and has begun settling into the idea of being around people outside of the commune. ondine wants to believe that she and joei are safe now that there's some sort of separation from absinthe, but she can't help but feel paranoid that something bad will happen at the drop of a hat.
PRUDENCE is living in a current state of grief and sadness. the loss of minnie hit her hard, so she's been trying and failing to find as many distractions as possible. she hasn't been sleeping much (if at all), and the exhaustion is starting to show. conrad's offer for her to stay over at the greene residence whenever she wanted has been accepted every single day since the earthquake. she's started to feel like a burden as of late, but she continues to show up at mason and conrad's door on a daily basis. she worries that she's overstaying her welcome and is waiting patiently for the day when they kick her out. spends most of her time crying but has become a pro at hiding it.
SALEM sustained some pretty serious burns from her shoulder down on her left side. in the past couple weeks she's visited the clinic a few times to make sure she's taking proper care of herself, but unless she's there or at work, she's spent most of her time at home. though draven tries to fuss over her, salem still keeps her focus on him, trying not to think too hard about what happened to her. however, she plans to cover up for quite some time, not wanting to draw attention to her burns. garnering extra attention is too scary.
SARE has spent most of her time working. she tries to check in with spencer even more now, not wanting to feel like a helicopter sister, but also wanting to make sure her little sibling is doing okay. she's finally coming around to the idea of having a closer relationship with sycamore, but she's choosing to take that one step at a time.
VIOLET has been a worrying mess since the earthquake. she's been trying to give saffron space, but has done at least one check-in (even if it's met with a grouchy attitude). she knows how worried rex is and has been spending as much time with him as possible so she can keep both of their minds at ease.
WOLF has been coping with his injury by cracking jokes and annoying arty. his hand was crushed badly by debris, and he anticipates that it'll never gain its full functionality ever again. while it's been extremely painful to deal with, his aversion to going to doctors (and being touched, for that matter) has made him refuse to go to the clinic. he will continue to cope with humor.
WYLIE is doing the worst of them all. minnie's death has left her feeling like she barely exists, and she cries most of her days away. she has stopped going to work all together, and when she is around other people, she mostly stays quiet until someone addresses her. wylie feels like there's no point to life anymore, and has no idea how to channel any of her emotions. coping mechanisms don't currently exist, and being around her can only be described as 'miserable'. she misses the love of her life.
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neverlearnedtoread · 11 months
The Dragon Republic
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐; rin making bad decisions like they’re going on sale at the market, arms full of regrets, guilt, mistakes, and self-destructive coping mechanisms: i can fit in one more
Oh?? 👌😉😏
rf kuang gave us an unflinching exploration on the cycles of violence and oppression, dissected the ever-escalating chain of vengeance, and the good good of eastern-inspired mythology?? like ma’am.....the good food im eating at your feast.....ive been so hungry
the lore deserves its own point. it was so effortlessly woven into the story, especially the way it tied into certain characters’ backstories. i can’t say much more because spoilers but if you like integrated worldbuilding and you like chinese-inspired magic systems get over here!!
the friendships. namely rin 🤝 kitay. miss kuang you know what really matters, and its not 10398 handsome men, its one ride-or-die bff holding you back or yeeting you into the midst of battle as needed
grimdark, but not oppressively depressing? im not sure how to describe it..the story gives you enough adrenaline to power through with the sheer speed of reading to find out what happens next, but doesn’t pull its punches. i think its partly that rin herself ploughs through the narrative like she’s trying to outrun the events, giving the reader the momentum to move with her
No.. ❌🤢🤮
i took a screenshot when my friend and i were planning to do a buddy read together. the trigger warnings took up an entire page. do not screw around with this. there’s no shame in tapping out for any book, but especially this one
some characters die, and i specifically blame rin for it. i mean there were a lot of other factors, but in the spirit of the phoenix herself i am choosing to close my eyes to the rationality of working through my feelings of grief in a healthy way and plunge straight into being pissed off about it, forever. *wipes tear* just like rin taught me
did suffer from a bit of middle book syndrome, at least to me. i mean, i finished an 800~ page book in 8 hours of reading time, so maybe don’t believe me, but the first half of the book dragged more than i remember the poppy war did. i will admit a lot of that was because rin was in no position to be a rational, active protagonist. the narrative needed her to flounder, and she did.
Summary: Rin goes unhinged 2: water dragon boogaloo (ive tried and tried to write an actual summary for this book but i don’t think i can top this throwaway line i wrote as a placeholder)
Concept: 💭💭💭💭💭 Where to start? There are historical influences, commentary on social issues and the impact of violence on communities both physical and otherwise, the slow and terrible descent of a beaten-down protagonist. Basically a checklist of stuff I like exploring in high fantasy settings!
This is the second book in a trilogy - spoilers ahead!
Execution: 💥💥💥💥 Rin doesn’t like politics, and I think that made the narrative drag a lot initially as the moving parts tried to be interesting but through Rin’s jaded lens were stripped of their veneer. Kuang was more than ambitious with her sophomore book, and I know that she was open about struggling with the pacing of TDR while she was writing it - still, I think there’s more than something to be said about shooting for the stars! I didn’t think any part of the book dropped the ball, but the nature of all the heavy topics it was trying to handle became a hefty meal to swallow
Personal Enjoyment: ❤❤❤❤ Like I said, I read this book over 3-ish days in 8 hours. The library copy I had said it was 800 pages. I felt as powerful as Rin when I finished. The first half was a little dead in the water (which is a pun, yes, how many damn times did someone fall into the water and nearly drown in this book?? smh) but nothing I couldn’t handle with a little exasperation at Rin’s...*gestures* mental landscape. But when we reached the lore about Su Daji, and the Trifecta, and their chosen gods....i broke into a flat-out sprint. I was naruto-running through the plot.
Favourite Moment: it’s a battle to the death between the scenes with the trifecta backstories and the rin 🤝 kitay scenes
Favourite Character: chaghan, because i loved his backstory so, so, so much....also I didn’t know that handholding scene in the mountains was like. canon. and not fanon. rin really looked homosexuality in the eye and said ‘huh?’ with her whole chest.
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