#animation and art style are getting more sloppy
thermesiini · 6 months
mannn its rough over there for dungeon meshi animeers this last episode was not very well done
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Fun Fact: Did you know that the thing holding Yamcha back as a martial artist is specifically that, despite expanding his skills and abilities, he refuses to refine his technique?
From the get-go, Yamcha is a surprisingly talented and knowledgeable martial artist. During the Tenkaichi Budokai tournaments, Yamcha is the exposition guy; He knows everybody who is anybody in the martial arts world and provides useful infodumps about the various contenders.
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But despite a clear passion for the art, Yamcha has never once made it past the first round.
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This is not for lack of ability. Yamcha may not learn as fast as Goku, but he's creative, innovative, and dedicated to his training.
It took him three more years to break out a Kamehameha than it did for Goku.
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But that's still 47 years short of the Muten-Roshi's estimate.
Yamcha's fighting style is predicated on hyper-aggression. He believes that the best defense is a strong offense. His signature technique, the Rogafufuken or Wolf Fang Fist, is an unrelenting assault of infinity strikes.
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As his talents improved, he would devise a similar technique using a remotely manipulated ki bullet. An attack so ferocious it caught God himself offguard.
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And yet. Every single time.
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The key problem with Yamcha's style is that his hyper-aggression leaves him open to counterattack. His defense is awful. This is because Yamcha spends his time working on new, more aggro techniques without refining himself in other areas.
He's ferocious. But sloppy. And we know for a fact that he's failing to polish his technique because we've seen his failures to learn.
At the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, the Muten-Roshi warned Yamcha about his wasting excess movement.
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Ferocious as he is, his moves were sloppy and easy to read. He had only intensity and aggression to carry him; He's battle-forged, not honed by discipline and martial technique. As a desert bandit who hadn't yet had a chance to study under a master, Yamcha was more of a wild animal than a martial artist.
After six years of proper martial arts training, Yamcha met God in the first round of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. At which point God had this to say to him.
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Six years later and Yamcha's still having a hard time connecting because he still fights like a wild animal. He's gotten stronger and built up his offense. But he hasn't put in the work for the rest of his technique.
Yamcha's critical weakness is that he always leaves himself open.
A weakness that would ultimately haunt him in the worst way.
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Y'know he actually wins that fight? Look at that thing trying to get away. Isn't that precious? Nobody runs from Yamcha; He will run your ass down.
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He just.
Can't guard to save his life.
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stage-of-sekai · 2 months
lesson O1: cel shading and how to achieve it.
Project SEKAI uses a unique shading method, which is a cross between rendering techniques and what is commonly referred to as "Cel Shading." Cel Shading was a term coined by animators before computer animation, who worked in "cels" or hand-drawn scenes. Because of the limitations of the time, the animators had to find a cheap and simple way to shade, resulting in the shading we see usually in modern animation.
Project SEKAI uses this style in combination with rendering tactics to create their iconic art style.
In this lesson, I'll be going over how Project SEKAI achieves that look by breaking down their Live2d models and card cutouts.
Cel Shading is the basis upon which everything in Project SEKAI is shaded. Commonly, this is seen in: Live2d models and card trims. Here are some examples.
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In both examples, you can notice the more "simplistic" style of shading. Now, the real question is: "How is this done?"
To explain this, I'll be using the card trim on the right as an example.
Firstly, artists need to put base colors under their lineart. Base colors are the bare-bones, not shaded colors. This is to provide a guideline as to what areas need what colors. Below, you can see the same Nene card trim, but reduced to its base colors.
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It is a bit sloppy, considering I made it myself, but the point is; there is still **some** shading blocked out where it's needed. For comparison, see below.
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So, now the question is: "how do I even do Cel Shading from here? I've gotten my base colors down, now what?"
And, luckily, I can share that too! First, let's start by doing the most important thing, deciding where our light source will be.
In this card, it looks to be at the top right, coming down to shine on her.
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The yellow is where I estimate the light would hit her. Now, we need to decide where our darkest areas are.
In this card, the darkest colors would be away from the light, meaning they would be to the left.
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The red is where I estimate the darkest areas would be. The areas behind her arm would also be darker than the rest of the card, since they aren't being hit directly by the light.
This understanding of lighting will help me to place my shadows and highlights later!
After this, I'd suggest putting in a new layer on top of your base colors, and clip it.
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Now, I would be sure to grab a reference. For this drawing, I will be referencing the original trim, as well as the full card. I will be using a reference window, but use whatever works for you!
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Now, we can get started! First, I'm going to block out where the **lightest** areas would be. I will be loosely following the card trim as a reference. Using the places we previously determined would be hit by the light, I blocked them out with loose colors.
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We know that these areas would be directly exposed to the light if it continued at the angle we previously determined. Now, as for the headband, I decided to block out a very light yellow color. This is because of something called ambient lighting. Ambient lighting is just when highlights have a similar color to their light source. This is seen a lot in photography, and sometimes, even in cards!
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As you can see here, the light itself has a yellow tint, so the wall behind it will also appear yellow as a result.
We can also see it in Rui's newest card!
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The light behind him is a reddish-pink, so that light bounces onto him, and makes the highlights appear that color. You can also see it on the railing and the building behind him!
Back to Nene, I then blocked out some of the darkest parts of her, based on our previous assumptions about the source of the light.
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I shaded the areas of her dress according to how the bow was shaded. Since they were in almost the same place, we can use it as a guideline. We know that the dress isn't exposed to the light, since it is in front of the bow. As for the arms, we know the arm closest to her face would be fairly far from the light source, so I blocked out a shadow there as well.
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Here, I adjusted some of the shadows, and I added some shadows to the dress. I blocked them all out in shapes, which I will go back and refine later.
I also added some shadows to the white fur on her dress. I paid specific attention to the edges of it in an attempt to make it seem "fluffier."
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Here, I blocked out more shadows of her dress based on how the light would hit her. Now, we'll move on to the hair!
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While it is messy, I wanted to ensure that the areas I placed shadows in would line up with my assumption of the light source. So, I toggled back and forth between the reference for the light source and the card itself to see where it fell. Now, with that, we are done blocking our our shading! I would suggest duplicating this layer to touch up everything to ensure you're satisfied with it.
The eyes will be a lesson by themselves, seeing as I didn't want to rush out two lessons in one and overwhelm people with so much information. This was a longer post than I anticipated anyhow.
If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a dm or an ask in the ask box! I hoped this helped at least a few people, and I will try to do weekly/bi-weekly lessons if I can!
If you found this helpful, please consider reblogging this post for more reach! I want to help as many people as I can!
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maniacwatchestheworld · 2 months
Man... So yeah... I've got conflicting feelings about Batman: The Caped Crusader... On the one hand, the art direction and the backgrounds? I can genuinely dig them! The diversity and number of people of color in the main cast? Fantastic! And I'm down for them trying out new takes on old or obscure rogues! The tone and atmosphere can be pretty good at times, and I appreciate the 1940's setting and the weird little oddities the show has because of the retro setting.
But to me, by far the most interesting thing about the show is that it doesn't really feel like a show about Batman. But rather that the show is about the systems of corruption that make Gotham the way that it is and stay that way. Batman has 0 qualms about beating the shit out of the cops, and I dig the hell out of that! Bruce often feels secondary to what Barbara, Renee, and Harvey are up to. The show feels like it's about Gotham! And what Batman is here to do and does is secondary to the other people living in it and trying to change things for Gotham. And I can dig that about this series! And honestly, seeing Barbara and Renee just being complete and utter badasses throughout the whole show and always being the best, most competent, incorruptable people in the room? Kinda delightful! Batman just gets to be a chump sometimes. And it's pretty funny to see the men go down with the easiest of punches while the ladies seem to be able to tank anything coming their way! Love that for them! But honestly... It really does seem like the show is a LOT more interested in the struggles of the poor, the people of color, and the women of the city than it is with the perspective of the rich, white, cis, male society that we usually see! So that's a direction I really appreciate with the show!
But on the negative side, BOY HOWDY does that animation look sloppy sometimes. And in fact, the animation style is often far too close to that of Scooby-Doo for my liking! When I started the 5th episode with Gentleman Ghost, I felt a little baffled because I just put on Batman... But what I was seeing looked like it was literally pulled straight out of Scooby-Doo! The only real animation details that made it NOT look like Scooby-Doo was MAYBE the eyeliner on some of the characters. And even then, only maybe. Like it's not exactly surprising, but still a bit of a bummer. :p Also this is probably just a me thing, but I wish that Batman was just more successful when it came to saving people. Like, I entirely got that they wanted this show to be for adults so they they could raise the stakes and actually kill characters off... But there are just a few instances that feel like a bummer and I wish that Batman was given a chance to save them... Speaking of... Spoilers below the cut!
Man! I'm bummed out by what they did with Harvey! He's my favorite! He's my boi! I love he! And he just gets killed off! Like... I was genuinely interested to see what they were doing with him. It wasn't my ideal direction for Harvey, but it was interesting! And I would have liked to see more of him! I would have liked to see more of the dynamic between Harvey and Two-Face! And their dynamic with Barbara was genuinely very fun to see! But yeah... They killed him off and he's very VERY unlikely to come back! I think that it would have been more interesting if they tried to keep him around. In that last episode, he asks what kind of happy ending he can have where he gets out of this. And honestly, I think that it would have been more fun and challenging for them to try and answer that question! But nah. They just killed him off. Siiiiigh... Also when thinking about the themes of the show, them killing Harvey off feels a little... Troubling... So at the very least, if Caped Crusader does return for a second season... I sure as FUCK hope that Harvey haunts the ever-loving FUCK out of the narrative! Cause honestly, I could have stood to see more of this interpretation of him! But alas! Siiiiigh...
Also lol. Apparently my prediction of the direction that they were trying to do with this Two-Face and Harvey was spot on. And that's kinda hilarious! :P
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beastabyss666 · 11 months
The new Mammon and Fizz episode has been released and I wanna put my two cents in.
The palette is oooof........ One of the most "hard to watch" HB episodes. Seriously, hasn't anyone told Vivzie that her colour choices are just utterly failed?
Mammon was simply annoying and cringe, especially considering he's one of the highest "demons". He curses every few seconds, has an Australian accent and is some kind of a rock star(because......because). Oh yeah, he's also a very bad guy, cuz he disrespects women! Also I find it funny that Vivzie said in one of her tweets that she apologizes the fans wouldn't like him, as he's "fat and ugly". In reality, he's just a typical Vivziepop-ish male character, having sharp teeth and eyes without pupils. And his "fatness" is just looking like a Christmas tree with a round body.
Overdetailed backgrounds and sloppy animation, as always. Some moments look reeeeeally stiff. Maybe Vivzie starts drawing easier backgrounds and make characters with less details so the animation was better and faster to produce? Just dreaming.......
The songs are just generic tasteless pop-stuff. Gosh, I just wish they have a better composer cuz it's tiring to hear these cheap pop tunes every time. Maybe get some real rock or something with synthesizer........ I don't know.....
The background characters in this episode look much less like some early Deviantart furry OCs or cosplay freaks, which is a real plus. Take some cuties:
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Hee hee goat boy
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Hee hee goat girl(kinda accurate to the demonology, love it).
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I really like the left amphibia girl, she's so pretty. Also yeah, bg characters really look better than in previous episodes. Almost like they were drawn by someone who actually knows their job well and doesn't make every person look like different art style or different teenager's OC.
Fizz being tired to be a clown for entertainment, having panic attacks, dealing with crazy fans and a shitty boss was honestly a good idea but the final song was just too weak to handle it. If it was done better, it would be really good.
The sigh language kid is cute and it was interesting to see a disabled person being cheered and supported by another disabled person.
Oh wow Viv made another female characters whose entire personality is being bitchy and arrogant(even to each other, though they're sisters they're calling each other whore, bitch etc.). Can't wait for the fanbase to hate these two or lust for them in the worst way possible.
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Though there were actually some beautiful and......esthetic frames.
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Am I the only one who never understood why Fizzarolli is considered a sex icon in this show? Like, yeah, Mammon said that he'll exploit his "clown employee" in every way possible and it's all for money, but I still don't get the whole "having tons of sex dolls based on him" thing. Who in sanity would buy a sex doll of Fizz? He looks like a stick with limbs and painted face, which is somehow considered sexy by Vivzie or her fans? Wouldn't it be more logical for a woman to be a sex icon? Lots of real women, including teen idols, were sexualized and fetishized for media by their producers and shown as beauty icons. But I just couldn't imagine the same with males. Like, I'm sorry, but to me Fizz who's a circus performer, celebrity and a sex icon is in the same category as Angel Dust who's a porn star, stripper and prostitute at the same time.
I'm very glad there wasn't much Blitzo.
It's funny that this girl looks like a better design for Loona than Loona herself, lmao.
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It's actually a progress to see that Vivzie didn't fetishize a romantic relationship between two men and actually showed them as a loving couple which doesn't talk about sex and cocks every five seconds. She actually has put some unexpected effort in it.
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Oh wait she didn't—
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getvalentined · 1 year
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Got through the tutorial and the first reactor mission, currently downloading the rest of the game so it'll let me play it, figured I'd give some first impressions.
The controls are decent for a mobile game, if a bit...jagged? Drag-to-move is a little wonky, turns are really slow, and there isn't always a visual cue to show that you've properly interacted with a target in battle.
I don't have a screenshot of it but I feel like the placement of the action icon outside of battle is poor; when walking around, it's really easy for me to have blocked it by accident. It's got too much padding to use the space between that icon and the edge of the screen for the drag controls when moving, but too far from the edge for me to avoid covering it up.
It gave me the tutorial on how to switch modes in battle to defend against big attacks after Barret had already been hit twice by the big attack in question.
It gave me the tutorial on combining limit breaks after both characters had already built up and used their limit breaks once earlier in the battle.
In the pre-game tutorial, the screen went black after I used the limit break and I had to restart the game, but that hasn't happened in the game proper. (Yet.)
So far the graphics seem pretty good. Obviously they're fine in battle, that's repurposed Remake models, but outside of battle they're pretty solid. The running animation is a bit slippy for everyone, they've all got a bit of moonwalking going on (especially during cutscenes) but it's not too bad so far.
I don't actually like most of the character portraits so far. The art looks unfinished, if not outright sloppy, particularly on Wedge.
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The most finished looking portrait is Barret's. Even Cloud looks kinda like a warmup someone threw color onto.
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Overall I think my issue there is that the style is really inconsistent. Line weights are all over the place with no rhyme or reason, some people get more shading than others, the light source is literally incomprehensible.
Download speed is horrible. It doesn't matter what kind of connection I'm on, it gives me about 0.01% every couple seconds. I understand this is because the servers are very busy right now, but since it has to be connected all the time this is not a good precedent.
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Hopefully that improves because I have really good internet and a pretty nice phone and these were taken a full minute apart. I can now report that if I close and restart the game it runs a little faster for a while then all but stalls out. Not feeling that.
Edit: I can say with certainty now that the game crashes out every time it finishes loading something. It crashed out:
In the middle of the gacha tutorial when I pushed the "attempt" button
When I told it to download the whole game so it would stop having to do it every time I finish something
When it hit 100% on the progress bar for downloading the whole game
In the middle of the main menu tutorial when I pushed the "missions" button
It goes black or dumps me back to my homescreen and I have to restart the game. So that bodes really well for saving progress or actually getting the things that you're inevitably going to pay for.
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jasonchois · 3 months
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[male, he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [JASON CHOI]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [CHA EUNWOO]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [MODEL/YOUTUBER]. Word is you’re [CHARISMATIC] but can also be a bit [STUBBORN] and your favorite song is [TALK BY KHALID]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [CRYSTAL COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it (rei, they/them, 25+, EST) @aurorabayaesthetic
Basic Information ✰
Full Name: Jason Choi Nickname(s): Pronouns: he/him Age: Twenty-Six Date of Birth: October 20th Sexual Preference: Bisexual Status: Single Zodiac Sign: Libra
Appearance ✰
Faceclaim & Voice Claim: Cha Eunwoo Hair Colour: Naturally Black, sometimes dyes it depending on his mood Eye Colour: Brown Height: 5'10 Tattoos: a rose tattooed on his shoulder that he got to represent his mother Piercings: Double helix piercings on his right ear, a upper lobe Distinguishing Features: Mole under his right eye. A dimple that appears on the right side of his mouth when he smiles. Style: Comfy and casual, sometimes fancy and proper if the occasion calls for it. Wears a necklace a lot of the time. One who usually prides himself on being fashionable
Personality ✰
Positive Traits: Empathetic, Independent, Intuitive, Sincere, Insightful, Romantic, Confident, Perfectionist, Calm, Flirty Negative Traits: Sarcastic, Stubborn, Blunt, Overcritical, Guarded, Gets Jealous, Can seem cold at first glance, Can be overprotective Fears: Rejection, Failure, Losing a loved one, Leaving a bad impression, Being forgotten
Likes: Dancing, Video games, Reading, Listening to Music, Motorcycles, Traveling, Spending time outside, The color blue, Photography, Animals, Collecting, Art, Writing, Learning new things Dislikes: Sweating, Insects, Loud noises, Losing control, Loneliness, Being unprepared, Ugly clothes, Sloppiness Habits: Lip biting, Lip licking, Jaw clenching, Running his hand through his hair,
Family ✰
Father: Choi Doyun Mother: Erica Collins Sibling(s): Lisa Choi Children: None Pet(s): None at the moment
Favorites ✰
Ice cream flavor: Strawberry Food: Hamburgers Time of the day / night:  Night Season: Spring/Fall Holiday: Halloween Animal: Fox bats and cats Color: Blue Scent: Vanilla and Strawberry Musician/band: Likes too many to pick
Other Information
Education: Did most of his school in Seoul before finishing up in New York City. Doesn't usually mention the schools he went to at all. Bio ✰
Jason was born in New York City to Choi Doyun and Erica Collins. His family moved to Seoul when he was 3 years old so he could learn more about his heritage there and learn the language better. His sister was born a few months later, just after Jason started school. While in Seoul, Jason found himself adoring the models on the covers of magazines and dreamed of doing that himself whenever he got the chance. He didn't think his parents would be all for the idea but it didn't stop him from dreaming even while he studied hard.
As the years went on, Jason brushed up on making a modeling portfolio as well as started uploading on YouTube. He wanted to be able to make videos that he was sure other's would enjoy. Usually it was vlog like content but he in-cooperated other activities like gaming whenever he got the chance. He just wanted to show off all his interests and hoped others enjoyed it in some way. The attention didn't start coming till he got to college which he found himself moving back to New York to finish up.
His first modeling gig came to him after he was scouted on the street by a company that he had admired for awhile. He learned a lot and even though it wasn't a huge modeling gig, it opened doors. Soon he got to appear on billboards and even magazines which he only dreamed of. Even got invites to model in runways for big names in the fashion industry. Though even with all this happening, he still uploaded on YouTube when he could, not wanting to give up on his channel and disappear on his audience.
He later moved to Aurora Bay where he resides now. He's still grinding away with his work but tries his best not to burn himself out. He's taking every chance he can to make new relationships in a new area as well as focus on keeping in touch with his family as well. He's just doing what he can not to stay in his own bubble. He's often found around somewhere or in his home.
Wanted Connections ✰
✰ Exes ✰ Flings ✰ Friends ✰ Best Friends ✰ Flirtationship ✰ Fwb ✰ Drinking buddies ✰ Neighbors
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3starjammies · 2 months
Tezuka is my favorite manga author and I find it kinda hard to describe why because I feel like normally, if you say someone is a favorite artist of yours, it means you think most of their work are fantastic, and that's not exactly the case with Tezuka for me.
Like I think he was a genius. He did so much to push manga forward in the years after WW2, he popularized story manga when before manga was dominated by comic strip style manga (from what I understand.) He wrote in so many different genres and different demographics. His art is so iconic and expressive, and he was constantly experimenting, especially with how he could utilize page/panel layouts both for humor and storytelling purposes. He had so many different ideas he wanted to get down on the page that he could barely fit them all. He was great at writing both tight short form stories and longer sprawling narratives.
And at the same time he was constantly working on several manga at the same time, as well as anime work and other responsibilities. Working on so many series at the same time, it's inevitable that many, if not all of his work is at least a little bit sloppy in execution, and given the time he was writing there's also a bluntness to a lot of his work that can feel dated. A lot of his work, especially the ones aimed at younger audiences and his earlier work, can sometimes feel like it prioritizes fitting in as many gags as possible even when it comes at the expense of the story. As more mature stories were starting to be told in manga with the gekiga movement, Tezuka tried to compete, and while I thoroughly enjoyed all of his gekiga work, it's also clear that he had trouble writing mature stories without leaning into edgy and often offensive content. And of course there's the highly offensive racial caricatures, mostly in his earlier work...
And yet despite all the flaws there's just something I find so compelling about his work. His manga are just so full of ideas I can't put them down. They always have me turning the next page to see what happens next. With so many series he worked on, of course not all of them are hits, some are duds, and only a handful are true masterpieces, but it's amazing just how many of them are still so captivating to this day. Tezuka isn't my favorite manga author because everything he writes is a perfect masterpiece, he's my favorite because I get something out of his work that I don't really get from other manga. When I read a Tezuka manga I always know it will be full of ideas, there will always be something in there I find interesting, all wrapped in the art of a true master of his craft. Maybe the average Tezuka manga is only a 7/10, but I can't stop reading them.
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wiispywitch · 7 months
Attack on Titan OC - Elijah Kaufman 🗡️🩸🍺
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♡.ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
{CW: Mentions of murder, alcoholism, spoilers for Attack on Titan}
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Name: Elijah Kaufman
Meaning: Elijah- Yahweh is my God; Kaufman- merchant
Nickname(s): Eli, Uncle Eli (by the Schuyler kids), Old drunk (by Hange and Levi)
Alias (if any): Officer Kaufman, Alvin Cochran (his fake name he uses in the black market)
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Nationality: Eldian (German descent)
Birthday: September 17th, 814
Birthplace: Trost District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: Interior of Stohess, Wall Sina (location varies)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: One-sided relations with Jacqueline Chapman
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To live the high life in wealth and completely forget the past
Goal(s): To keep his business in selling ODM-gear in the black market on top, to manipulate Nathanael and keep him on his side, to get rid of his completion, to avoid running into his moneylenders, to win Miriam’s heart, to forget about the past 
Like(s): Going out drinking and playing, hanging out at the bar with his buds, cigars, taking charge in leaderly roles, playing poker his way, Jacqueline giving him all of her attention, Miriam's baked goods, making a quick buck, hunting
Dislike(s): Being told how to do his job, strong sunlight, children, the wall cultists, his way of work being questioned, snitches, hangovers, backtalk, titans, the Scout Regiment, Dawson
Bad Habit(s): Abuses his position in power, compulsive liar, heavy drinker, gambler, quick to anger, makes promises he can’t keep, bad with money
Hobbies: Going out drinking with his comrades, picking up women, gambling
Fear(s): Dawson’s “ghost” coming back for revenge, mob bosses coming after him for payment, abnormal titans, death
Personality: Manipulative, paranoid, narcissistic, cowardly, opportunistic, charming, greedy, confident, persuasive 
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Sunflower seeds, deer meat
Color(s): Maroon 
Season(s): Autumn
Activities: Playing poker, hunting
Time of Day: Night time
Extras: Animals- deer; Drink- whiskey 
Height: 6’1” (185 cm)
Weight: 203 lbs. (93 kg)
Hair style: Wavy and greasy, always pulled back into a ponytail 
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Amber brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Shape/Build: Broad-shouldered, tall, beer-gut, heavy-built, sunken cheeks
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): He has a large bite scar on his left leg after he was bitten by a titan. Due to how often he wears his ODM-gear harness, his skin has red marks that he has since gotten used to. 
Other: Full beard and mustache, and a mean look on his face
Memory: He has a fairly good memory, but he wishes to forget about his past and does everything he can to try to forget
Sight (do you need glasses?): Slightly normal, needs reading glasses
Mental: Anger issues, narcissism, paranoia
Physical: He walks with a slight limp on his left leg after a titan attack that he barely escaped. He will sometimes walk with a cane when he’s sore, however he mostly uses his cane to gain sympathy from Miriam and her kids and as a means to get out of too much work when he really doesn’t need it as much as he claims.
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): His sleep schedule is completely disorganized. He doesn’t get much rest as he normally should, and sometimes sleeps in during the day
Allergies/Other: He is a heavy drinker and smokes frequently. Because of his excessive drinking, he is easily irritable and is prone to vomiting if he has too much. He becomes addicted to coderoin after his transfer to the Interior and often uses it to frame other potential criminals, whether guilty or not.
Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 7.5/10, as good as he is at maneuvering he is easily prone to motion sickness, and over the years his skill becomes more sloppy
Intelligence: 6/10
Martial Arts: 8/10
Battle Skill: 9/10
Agility: 5/10
Strategy: 6/10
Teamwork: 2/10
Passion: 5.5/10
Affiliation: Military Police
Former Affiliation: Scout Regiment; 97th Cadet Corps
Grad. Rank: 6th
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Deceased, left for dead and eaten by wolves
Parent(s): Johnny Kaufman (late-father), Edith Kaufman (mother, whereabouts unknown)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): N/A
Love Interest: Miriam Schuyler, Jacqueline Chapman (one-sided relationship)
Best Friend(s): Dawson Schuyler
Friend(s): Miriam Schuyler 
Enemy(ies): Dwight Oglethorpe, Dr. Finch, Matilda Oglethorpe, Taylor Schuyler, Eren Yeager
Hero(es): Johnny Kaufman
Rival(s): Kenny Ackerman, Nathanael Schuyler
“Why don't we just pretend none of this ever happened? You don't tell them what you saw, and I’ll make sure it don’t come back to bite you in the ass—because if I go down, I'm dragging you down with me. Do I make myself clear?” "You've taken everything from me and rubbed it all in my face, and even in death you just can't leave me alone...Why can't you just stay dead!!? Just leave me be!!!” "Please, spare me…You wouldn’t hurt your uncle, would ya, babydoll?”
History/Life: Elijah Kaufman is a close familial friend to the Schuyler family and military veteran. Having formerly served in the Scout Regiment most of his career, he transferred to the Military Police after sustaining a severe leg injury in the front lines. Originally born in Dauper, he lived out in the woods with his father Johnny, who was a con artist taking part in shady businesses involving selling stolen ODM-gear, and his mother Edith left them when Elijah was two. Johnny loved his son more than anything, and much to the surprise of many considering the reputation Johnny had as the local drunk and gambler with blood on his hands, he was very doting towards him. He taught Elijah how to grow up tough and rarely punished him when he got into trouble; this gave Elijah a sense of superiority and why he grew up believing he could get away with anything. To further advance their shady business, Johnny and Elijah fled to Windsor with forged identification cards and to start up a whole new life. Elijah had adapted fairly quickly, but often kept to himself whilst Johnny was running the business, and it wasn’t easy for him making friends with the local children considering he wasn’t the nicest boy. One day as he was exploring the town, he tried to steal some apples only to be caught by the shop owner. Before he was struck, a young boy named Dawson Schuyler witnessed this and quickly intervened and offered to pay, and Elijah was able to avoid getting into trouble. Dawson bought more food for him shortly after and introduced himself, and offered for him to join in on a game of catch with him and his friends. At first apprehensive, Elijah eventually decided to join in, and this began a strong friendship between Elijah and Dawson; he was shortly introduced to Dawson’s friend group, Dwight Oglethorpe, Matilda Windsor, and Miriam Florence. Elijah was infatuated with Matilda and Miriam the moment he met them, and there were times he would act quite flirty towards the both of them—Miriam always assumed he was being friendly and was very soft-spoken so she never spoke up about it, but Matilda immediately made him back off as it made both of them uncomfortable (since then, he never really liked Matilda since she was, in his words, a “loud mouth”)—despite the fact that Dwight and Matilda were already together and that Dawson and Miriam had strong feelings for each other. Dwight and Dawson had to get involved and have a firm talk with him about respecting their boundaries. Despite his unpleasant behavior, his friends have tried many, many times to give him a chance in hopes that he would change for the better, and over time he had begun to change thanks to Dawson's influence.
When he was twelve, Johnny was caught by the Military Police and arrested. Elijah feared he would be put in an orphanage as he had no other family. Dawson convinced his own family to take Elijah in to avoid being taken away, as he did not want to see his friend struggle to survive with no one else to turn to. Luckily, his family was sympathetic enough to take the boy in, and they became practically like brothers. Elijah never had any set goals for the future until Dawson began to tell him about his dream to join the Scout Regiment and go on adventures on the outside. The thought of glory and gaining fortune for such an intense task sparked Elijah’s interest. It wouldn’t be long until the two signed up for the Cadet Corps and graduated at the top of their class, and together they enlisted into the Scout Regiment just as they had promised. The harsh reality of what awaited outside the walls weighed heavily on Elijah, and he had experienced many close calls and had to witness the gruesome deaths of fellow soldiers. But he prospered on being Dawson’s right hand man when he was eligible to form his own squad unit, and he continued to fight on. Over the years, his drinking would become increasingly worse to numb himself of what he had to experience. 
Dawson and Miriam were already married before they joined the Scouts, and he was there with the family for the birth of all four of their children—Nathanael, Jane, and twins Corine and Clovis. Dawson and Miriam considered Elijah as a part of the family, and the kids loved him so much and looked forward to him coming over for their visits, referring to him as “Uncle Eli.”
However, he was not the man the Schuylers’ thought he was. He saw Dawson’s perfect life, watched him marry the woman he wanted and have four children with her. He was oh-so perfect that Elijah envied him for it. It sickened him. 
One rainy day on the 36th expedition outside of the walls, Elijah accidentally separated himself from his squad, and as a result he was caught by an abnormal titan, his horse getting killed in the process. He frantically tried to escape the titan’s firm grasp as it had bitten down on his leg, but before his leg was entirely bitten off, Dawson arrived just in time to rescue him. Despite what he had done, Elijah remembered all Dawson had stolen from him: The woman he desired, letting him have a family of his own, and now getting him in a what he now sees as a suicide mission. Elijah had finally snapped and attacked him, not realizing the titan horde that was quickly approaching their way. He was able to knock him down and choked Dawson so hard that he damaged his larynx so he was unable to scream or breathe. When he realized there were titans coming after them, Elijah stole his gear and left him behind, and didn’t look back as the titans tore his best friend apart. He fabricated what happened when he told his comrades that Dawson died trying to save him. However, anyone who really knew Elijah would know he was a coward, but they could never prove he could have had anything to do with it. 
Elijah transferred out of the scouts and into the Military Police on recommendation. He would often patrol Wall Rose so he could stay close to Miriam and the kids when they were grieving. Because of his injury on duty, he walked with a limp and carried a cane with him. His leg would begin to heal over time to the point where, minus some soreness, he wouldn’t have to rely on his cane, and he would often use his injury as an excuse to spend his day sitting around and not having to work as much and gain sympathy from others. His drinking problem would continue to get worse, and most of his income went into gambling and whatever money he did have left to relieve his needs with women. To make extra cash, he started trading ODM-gear parts in the black market, just like his father had, and taking money from his niece knowing that she wouldn't have the heart to tell him no. It wasn't until after he had lashed out on Tay that the Schuyler family had finally cut all contact with him.
He was one of the MP’s to work alongside Kenny Ackerman in the Anti-Personnel Control Squad and conspired with the kidnapping of Eren Yeager and the true heir of the Reiss family Historia. Considering Elijah has had run-ins with Eren and knowing Jane had feelings for him, he was quite thrilled in taking part in the possibility of getting rid of Eren once and for all. He forced Nathanael to help them with the threat of harming his family if he didn’t. Everything fell apart when Elijah, in his drunken state, had let it slip to Kenny that he left Dawson to die. Nathanael would later betray him and fight back with the Scouts’ aid.
Elijah wouldn’t end up getting away from the sins of his past for very long. For many years, he had hurt and taken advantage of so many people who never hesitated to help him when he was in any trouble. Yet, he still believed that he was owed something and never took a moment to realize what he had until it was too late. In the end, his own mistakes would be his downfall. 
Bonus Facts
-His voice: Japanese- Hidekatsu Shibata (Fuhrer King Bradley, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood); English- Keith David (Dr. Facilier, The Princess and the Frog)
-His design is inspired by the actor Daniel Day-Lewis
-He has a strong scent of whiskey and doesn’t really shower regularly, so his odor is quite pungent 
-He’s a Virgo.
-His alignment is neutral-evil.
-He owes so much money that he knows he can’t pay back and is on the run from loaners so he can avoid being caught.
-Eli will sometimes plant evidence to get a stronger conviction amongst suspects, and as a result many innocent people were thrown in jail all because of him.
-A lot of the new recruits are scared of him and try to avoid running into him as much as they possibly can, especially when they know he’s been drinking.
-In a modern AU, he isn’t much different from his canon counterpart but is more able to get away with his crimes much easier. He and Eren are constantly at each other's throats and when Tay reveals the extent of the emotional abuse, Elijah is thrown out and all contact from the family is cut off for good.
-His spirit animal is a black mamba
OC Profile Creato- AliceCantBeStopped; Divider- strangergraphics
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cyndernova · 11 months
Commissions! WAIT LIST
I've wanted to take commissions for a while now, and finally, I'll be getting around to doing that very soon! I haven't posted much of my art on here recently, what like one piece? That's mostly just because I'm lazy and forgetful lol, but now that I'm starting commissions soon that'll be changing unless I just keep forgetting again. For now, I will have a waiting list of 4 slots until I finally open in hopefully around a week.
Also, I'm sorry if this is all sloppy, I'm still new to this!
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Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private commissions only. This information is NOT applicable to commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes.
All prices below are base prices. Things that might increase the price are complex character designs, the number of characters, not being able to provide a good visual reference, complex backgrounds, and the amount of detail in the image in general.
Payment will be %50 split upfront and %50 after sketch approval.
If you order a sketch, you are able to add flat color for an extra $5, but shading is not an option for sketches.
✔ Will do:
Most animals
Couples/ships of any gender
Original characters
Gore (LIGHT)
Feel free to ask!
✘ Will not do:
Some animals ( need more practice on some!)
Hateful art
Imitation of other art styles or artists
Gore (HEAVY)
NSFW (for now ;p)
Humans (Temporary!)
Detailed Backgrounds (need more practice!)
Have questions? Just ask! I will get to you as fast as I can!
Want to commission me? Please fill out the form in THIS post, and email me at the address labeled in the form!
Reposts are appreciated!
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disneybuddy · 1 year
Why I really don’t like “Jellystone”
I remember when this show was first announced in 2019. I was really excited - finally, Warner Bros. was actually doing something with Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Snagglepuss, etc.! I love those characters and I think it's a shame that they don't do much with them (I love Scooby-Doo, but it's not the only Hanna-Barbera franchise they own). And the showrunner was C.H. Greenblatt, whose work I really like. And then, in 2021, the first trailer for the show was released, followed a few weeks later by the show itself.
I'm gonna be blunt here. I think Jellystone! is awful. C.H. Greenblatt claims that it's a "love letter to Hanna-Barbera" in interviews, but I'm convinced that he hasn't actually watched most (if any) of the shows that the characters in this show originated from, because it gets the majority of them completely wrong. Yogi, Huck, Snagglepuss, and Wally Gator made it through for the most part unscathed. But the others... they're basically the characters In Name Only. Hardy Harr Harr, for example, bears absolutely no resemblance to his original self. He's supposed to be a loveable sad sack. Here? He's a stereotypical cartoon old lady.
...WHAT? Who looks at this character:
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…and thinks "Y'know what we should do? Make this character a stereotypical old lady!". Whose idea was that? I want names.
Other characters fare just as bad. Boo-Boo is Yogi's conscience. He's soft-spoken, kindhearted, and tries to urge Yogi not to do things that "Mr. Ranger" isn't going to like. Jellystone! Boo-Boo, on the other hand, is a loud, obnoxious idiot just as much of a moron as most of the other characters. Half of the characters (Jabberjaw, Loopy De Loop, Squiddly Diddly) have been gender-swapped, which in my opinion is a really bad idea. I know there aren't a whole lot of female Hanna-Barbera characters, but they DO exist. You could've just used them. You didn't have to make Squiddly Diddly a stereotypical valley girl to make the gender ratio more balanced. Quick-Draw is now "El Kabong" 24/7 and his using a guitar as a weapon has been Flanderized into HIM THINKING THAT HIS GUITAR IS A SENTIENT BEING AND BEING IN LOVE WITH IT. Magilla Gorilla is Paul F. Thompkins. Johnny Quest and Hadji are a couple (y'know, despite being adopted brothers?). The Banana Splits are criminals. And Baba Looey... what's the gender-swapped Baba Looey's personality again?
The voice cast was a massive letdown too. I'm glad they got Jeff Bergman to voice Yogi again, and I also like his takes on Mr. Jinks and Wally Gator. Jim Conroy does a great Captain Caveman and an alright Huckleberry Hound. Bernardo De Paula's Mildew Wolf is decent. Everyone else... I like Dana Snyder, but his Snagglepuss impression isn't very good, and he's not even trying to sound like Bill Thompson as Touché Turtle. Much like with the DuckTales reboot, most of the other characters are voiced by celebrities, none of whom make any sort of effort to sound like the originals. Particularly bad is C.H. Greenblatt's horrid Boo-Boo, which sounds NOTHING like Don Messick. What makes it all the more frustrating is that there are so many talented voice actors out there who can do good impressions of the characters - there is no excuse to have Boo-Boo sound like that when we live in a world where Billy West and Eric Bauza exist.
Problem number three: I really don't care for the show's art style. I don't dislike C.H. Greenblatt's art style as a whole, but it really does not fit these characters. It's hard to adapt characters into your style while still making sure they look like the characters - if done poorly, it can just result in the characters looking poorly-drawn. This is one of those cases. The animation just looks crude and sloppy-looking.
And finally, I'm sorry, but I don't find the show funny. In the episodes that I watched, there was only one joke that I was amused by ("I'm a monster! A very handsome monster!"). Every episode is just scene after scene of madcap insanity. Basically what people who don't like Chowder or SpongeBob SquarePants but haven't actually watched either show THINK those shows are like. Those two shows are silly, but they have something that Jellystone! does not: WIT. They don't just have characters acting like spazzes and random weird stuff happening in the hopes of getting a laugh.
For example, there's one episode where Quick-Draw... oh, I'm sorry, El Kabong has his guitar destroyed while fighting the Banana Splits. He tries to find a replacement, but is unsuccessful. So finally he says "I'M the guitar!" and he actually turns into a horse-headed guitar... wait, WHAT?! How the heck does he do THAT? Quick-Draw isn't a shapeshifter, and there's never been any indication that this El Kabong character is either. And it's not like this is just a one-off gag and he's back to normal by the next scene, this is an actual PLOT POINT. I know I just said cartoons don't have to explain earlier, but you need to have SOME logic. Again, Chowder doesn't just have Chowder randomly gain two heads to solve the episode's conflict or have Schnitzel turn into a leopard so he can eat the episode's bad guy or anything like that.
After having to deal with people on Twitter giving me a hard time for not liking Jellystone!, most of them actually trash-talking the original Hanna-Barbera characters and shows as part of their arguments (and claiming that these versions of the characters were more "complex"... I'm not seeing it), I figured something out. This is not a show for Hanna-Barbera fans. Rather, it's a show for people who KNOW about these characters but don't actually care about them or have even watched their shows in years (if ever). Because the show actually requires you be familiar with these characters to find most of the jokes it throws at viewers funny. Boo-Boo saying "I'm being sued for malpractice!" with a dopey smile on his face or claiming that he has experience with a machete is supposed to be funny because you wouldn't expect intelligent, kindhearted Boo-Boo to say either of those things. The Banana Splits being criminals is funny because you wouldn't expect the Banana Splits of all characters to BE criminals. Peter Potamus' sidekick So-So being George Takei is funny because in the original show So-So sounded NOTHING like George Takei. Just have an iconic cartoon character say something out-of-character or do something CRAZY and presto, you've got a joke.
In other words, Jellystone!'s humor is on the same level of intelligence as the humor in that awful Boo-Boo Runs Wild short.
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mxescargot · 1 year
Be aware I am slow to respond to donation requests and cannot currently donate myself, only share.
[Profile picture description: An image of KAITO, an anime-style character with fair skin, short messy blue hair, and a headset, against a muted genderfluid pride flag background. End ID]
[Header description: a digital drawing of a glowing white butterfly perched atop the spherical knob of a brass cage. Also atop the cage is a decorative horn to one side of the knob; the entire cage is coated in a translucent, glowing white filigree pattern that varies in opacity, getting brighter towards the butterfly. End ID]
helix or leucine or kamino, they/them mostly, east asian, adhd diagnosed autism vibechecked by every autistic person i know, disabled and a mobility aid user, very queer, also a median system that mostly uses i/me dwai
tealblood, prospit dreamer, mage of light ✨
i try to put image descriptions on my posts with images whenever possible and i use tonetags when i feel like tone is unclear. posts with undescribed images are tagged #no ids
i talk in caps and i dont tag weaponry or most "creepy crawlies"; i tag arthropods as #bugs for my own usage though. most common triggers + foo d and fire are tagged #trigger, #cw trigger, or #trigger mention
im buddhist and talk abt that + my interest in other religions under #religion
my occasional vents are tagged #vent, block that if u dont wanna see them
i reclaim cripple and queer
dni in a nutshell: dont be awful or assholeish or exclusionary (esp militantly so) thanks, more detailed dni in my carrd
i draw things sometimes (usually in autodesk sketchbook) and thats under #helix draws, sloppy stuff is under #helix doodles
i dont make much music but what i do is under #helix composes even though the only thing there rn is not an original composition
i answer mostly non-askgame asks under #helix answers and other talky talking is under #helix talks
i have so many fandoms a list can be found in my carrd although it is probably not complete also i have ocs in some of the fandoms and ocs in my own universes; here is a list of most of them
my current hyperfixation is MLP:FIM, and i have special interests in biology, costuming/textiles, and linguistics as well as old sci fi, social justice, and US politics i think?
pfp by @prosekai-pride, header my own screenshot redraw from the silksong trailer
my carrd hasnt been seriously updated since i was in a big "heck yeah art is my Thing" phase sorry about that lmao
our sideblogs:
@mxescartgot - art blog
@ask-chinastuck - homestuck au askblog
@tako-luka-adventures - plush blog
some of us have personal blogs @orchid-of-kamino @cornu-of-kamino @phoenix-of-kamino @justynia-of-kamino @rarity-of-kamino @zhongyin-of-kamino
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augment-techs · 9 months
Book/Movie Diary: What I watched/read 12/2023
The Deer King: An anime that is something you would watch if you are a fan of Princess Mononoke largely for the style, and if you liked The Phantom Menace and the Fellowship of the Rings for the lore and vibes. Unfortunately, I have been reading up on all the Drakkon/Coinless Jason by @ajgrey9647 and that means I spent the whole movie expecting the stoic protagonist and pretty Doctor to beat the shit out of each other or devolve into sloppy makeout sessions. 4/5
The Man Who Came Down the Attic Stairs, by Celine Loup: A beautiful not-a-memoir in graphic novel format that the artist/author wrote as a what-if scenario covering the effects of pregnancy in the pre-War 1900s; complete with post-partum depression. It's smooth as silk with the art in stunning black and white. 4/5
Manga Classics' King Lear, by Richard Appignanesi: An interesting and visually lovely concept, resetting Shakespeare's story into a Native American vs Colonial landscape. I really wanted to like it, but I felt like it really missed the mark? 2.5/5
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 1, by Oda Tomohito: I finally get to read the first gn in the series and was not disappointed in finding that, yes, it was Tadano who made the first move, and Komi is ADORABLE. 4/5
Commute, by Erin Williams: An examination of being a woman who has experienced many assaults and the results thereof through alcoholism, poor dating choices, dissociation, and finally, motherhood. excerpts I had to write down include: -"What's your part in this abuse?" "That I kept getting drunk?" "You kept going to the gas station for oranges. They don't sell oranges at the gas station. If you want oranges, you go the grocery store. I don't know QUITE how to feel about the art style as a GN. 4/5
Stitches: A Graphic Memoir, by David Small: Sort of a twilight examination on generational trauma and mental illness through the youngest son of a closet lesbian with multiple health issues and a radiologist in a time when it was believed that x-rays could also cure rather than just provide an image of internal problems. The spooky art style made me very uncomfortable, but I quite liked it. 5/5
Literary Witches, by Taisia Kitaiskaia: A collection of witchy femme writers in a poetic presentation, done much like spellwork used through epithets. 5/5
Searching for Bobby Fischer: Just as good, and all the more better, than I thought it would be. It had taken me DECADES to finally see this on DVD after seeing part of it ONCE on VHS when I was tiny and couldn't really remember it. It's the kind of family movie that really isn't made anymore. It's quiet, it's contemplative, it's HONEST. I LOVED IT. 6/5
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space; by Amanda Leduc: Actually uses both memoir and popular culture as fairly good references to the reality of perfectionism and "the other." It used Disney, changelings, "The Bloody Chamber" and her own medical history. Must take note of this for later because it is very good. 5/5
Spit Three Times, by Davide Raviati: Yet another graphic memoir, this one laying out the growth of a teen/teens in Italy around the 1980s(?), with the author being of Romani descent. It had a lot of stuff I couldn't differentiate between euphemism and actual truth, but I'm pretty sure the extremely mentally ill girl insisting on sexual activity and getting beaten almost to death until she gave birth to a baby that a drunken teenage boy had to deliver on the fly was pretty real. I really did not understand a lot of what happened, but there was one scene that felt very honest apart from the incredibly violent one: "The only person I know who could beat off while doing the backstroke." >> THIS. This was so weird, and yet something teen boys just DO. 3-4/5
Snow White: A Graphic Novel, by Matt Phelan: A retelling of the old tale with a twist. The setting in 1920s New York, the wicked queen is an extremely popular flapper on Broadway, the dead king as a rich mogul that survived the Black Thursday crash, Snow is a boarding school girl back to see the will. We see butchers, detectives, private eyes, and the seven are all street orphans that DO chase the witch down to death. The Macy's Window was an especially nice touch. 4/5
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 2, by Oda Tomohito: -Yamai IS a total psycho at first blush, omg. Poor Tadano, he did not deserve this crap. -The Ramen Chef that shares Komi's disorder must get on GREAT with Agari. -Wow. I was not expecting Tadano to be THAT embarrassing in middle school. -Agari being both a dog-girl and an awesome, honest food critic was a nice touch. -Najimi is VERY cheap. -The dress show was not something I thought I'd see, but I'm not at all surprised that Tadano was always going to be the best choice. 5/5
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 3, by Oda Tomohito: -Chiarai, Sonoda, and Shinobino might be incredibly awkward and can't NOT end up being queer somewhere down the line, but at least they're honest with their judgement of the girls (plus Najimi) in bathing suits. -Both Komi & Tadano look awesome in yukatas. -Komi alone on the playground was so wholesome I wanna scream. -No surprise that Komi is great with babies, but it was still cute to see. -Komi continues to wear the dress Tadano picked out EVERYWHERE. 5/5
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loopy777 · 2 years
thoughts on the new avatar series?
Assuming the rumors are true (which is a big assumption with the Avatar News tumblr, IMO, but all seem to be likely guesses), I can't say I'm too excited. The brand is still on thin ice with me after LoK's writing and the Gene Yang comics, so everything new in the franchise has to prove itself to me individually. And the details of the rumors have me feeling especially cautious:
Post-LoK Earth Avatar: LoK itself already lost a lot of the artistic personality and stylings that made AtLA stand out, so I can't help but worry that going even further along the timeline is going to have everything looking just like your typical Animated New York City that we see in every single superhero cartoon. I don't know if it's going to be more realistic or go full into cyberpunk territory, but both settings are well represented in genre fiction, especially in anime, so I can't help but feel that we're going to get something visually forgettable, with its priority more about standing out from the rest of the Avatar Studio offerings than actually being a landmark animated series on its own. With gAang movies and LoK movies and live-action-remake AtLA (and possibly more if the video games and comics expand beyond cheap AtLA fan-service) all being pumped out, making Modern Earth Avatar stand out from the rest is going to be necessary to keep audiences from considering it more of the same, but that may result in it being just more of the same on a wider scale. That said, it's not an impossible task; Batman Beyond stood out with its art-deco-cyberpunk look, and a fusion like that might be a winning formula, if the Avatar Studios crew can manage it.
Post-Series Theatrical Movie: This tells me that the series is already planned to have a non-ending, just like LoK. Maybe the series will be a collection of adventures, like LoK, or maybe it will be a single adventure like AtLA. But the fact that a movie is already planned and in development tells me that they're trying not to fumble things like they did with the AtLA comics, where the cartoon ended things so definitively that the comic sequels (and perhaps the upcoming movies) had to backtrack everyone's characterization in order to tell any stories about them. Unfortunately, that means we're probably going to get a less satisfying ending which will leave the characters eternally viable for the movie and whatever other follow-ups they want to do. It probably won't be as bad as LoK, which had its number of seasons in flux throughout its production, so we won't have problems like Mako and Bolin being made for Book Air and then not having any functional role in any of Korra's subsequent adventures. There will at least be a plan to serve as a framework for the story they're going to tell, so I wouldn't expect the sloppiness of LoK, even if the story it does tell is weaker than AtLA.
Also, even though it's been expected, I can't help but look down on this upcoming series being a Paramount+ exclusive. I keep waiting for the announcement that it's shutting down; it can't be more than another one or two Star Trek bombs away from losing all subscribers, right? Does anyone else actually use that service? XD
Still, it's not impossible that I'll love this thing. Maybe the setting and art direction will find a way to wow me, and the time taken to plan everything out -- including sequels -- will mean that it can deliver as many rewarding endings as it needs to, completing a coming-of-age journey but leaving room for later adventures as well. More unlikely things have happened. But I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.
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josephthesnailshow · 1 year
Too Many Misadventures - The Last Misadventure.
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Note: this creepypasta is a fanfic for my friend @bex-saysike, please enjoy :)
Ever since I watched that episode of Prototype Fredbear’s Ask Series, one of my series, I stopped thinking about it, as the creator of that episode committed suicide, so I forgot about it entirely. Well, the memories came back.
The bad part about this is that he made an episode for a different series, and one of my friends was a victim of it.
The series the man went after is ‘Too Many Misadventures,’ and it was made by a friend of mine named Saysike123. The series featured three characters, Bex, Stacy, and Silly, and I met Saysike123 on DeviantArt. Don't worry; I will get to the episode now. I'm going to just skip the other information, as I don't want to waste your time reading this post.
Now, for the episode, it was called "The Last Misadventure," another episode that I found on the dark web, and it's the same website where the episode of my series came from. Also, no, I didn't access the dark web; I asked a friend of mine to screenshot a random episode of some series on there, and this is what I got.
There are a lot of things to talk about.
The episode started with the cover for ‘Too Many Misadventures,’ except the letters in the logo were bright and sloppy, and the quality was low, which seemed weird as the series is new; it was more recent, so it shouldn't have this quality.
Judging by the fact that this episode was made by the same guy who made the episode of my series, I assumed there would be a live-action sequence of Bex, Stacy, and Silly going nuts. Surprisingly, I saw none of that.
For a second, there was a flash of Prototype Fredbear and Shadow Fredbear standing in a dark room with their unsettling faces—the same exact photo from the previous episode I watched. The disturbing part about this is that Saysike123 and I didn't even plan to connect our universes together yet, and we didn't know each other at this time.
The main part of the episode had static covering the screen, almost like you would see on a recorded VHS tape, but thanks to a tool I used, I could see everything easily.
Anyways, after this scene, there was a quick scene with Queen Creampuff, the major villain of the series, and Silly, one of the protagonists; they were just staring at each other for a long time due to boredom. I looked closely at Creampuff’s hand, and I noticed that there was a pistol. After a minute, she pulled the trigger, killing Silly while still retaining the quality of the intro.
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The camera zoomed in on Silly’s body, like it was being recorded in real life. This wasn't very creepy, as the only creepy part about this is that they managed to accurately get saysike123’s art style right. Bex and Stacy heard the bullet, and they went to Silly’s body. They started sobbing, and Creampuff looked at the thing she caused, looking horrified and guilty.
During this scene, I found out one thing this episode and Prototype Fredbear’s Ask Series #0 had in common: these episodes have a video format, both are deleted and can't be seen again, and they both have one concept, relying on death. Unlike that episode, this one is fully animated, but not fully; everything can look like a still image, and it looks messily rushed.
I heard static in the episode, and it scared me badly. I didn't know what it showed afterwards until the screen pandered to what that was.
The image was of Bex’s decapitated head; it was inside a box, and her face was in complete fear. The fur on her body was messy, and her clothes were next to the box, completely torn and covered in dirt mixed with mud, exactly like Silly’s clothes. I won't even show the picture, as it’s a bit brutal, and there's no point in showing it as I explained it.
The image faded to black, and the next image was shown; it was Stacy, but she was run over by a vehicle, and her clothes were completely soaked in mud. I knew this was coming, as during the image fading to black, I heard a vehicle hitting something.
The episode ended, and the last image was shown; it was of my art style—not my current art style, but the one from 2020 or early 2021. The guy who made this clearly went back to memory lane and recreated my old art style.
The quality was low, and it was the same photo that flashed at the beginning of the episode, still with Prototype Fredbear and Shadow Fredbear staring at the camera.
Saysike123, if you’re reading this post of mine, this is just a thing I discovered, and I assumed that you would be interested in knowing about this episode.
Also, I looked closely at the photo that flashed but with the old art style, and it said:
“This episode might’ve not been for you, but I knew you would watch this because this is one of your friends, but I’ve been stalking you on social media since you had your old art style; I’ve been a fan of you and your work, but you never noticed me. That's why I made this episode to get your attention. Now that I've got your attention, here are my last words before I commit suicide."
“I hope you’re traumatized by my episodes; goodbye, and I hope you end up like me.”
The episode then shut off, and I'm back on my home screen on my phone as if nothing happened.
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Jackbox Games nowadays feels more corporate than binjpipe.
Warning, very, very vent-y, and heavy discussions about how capitalism is killing art & originality. This could very easily ruin your day if you aren’t mentally prepared for it.
Not as blatantly evil, of course, but corporate nonetheless. They’ve been slowly trying to snuff out the edge that they raised themselves by as Jellyvision after forging themselves for education as Learn Television. It feels like they are slowly drifting away more and more from their Jellyvision-branded humor and branding for a much more squeaky clean and family-focused image to increase profits. It’s HARD for me to even enjoy any of their newer games despite how much i want to enjoy them, because the passion i once felt just feels so vacant now and so much more artificial, which i originally just chalked up to them needing a year off to recuperate themselves from the grind they’ve been doing releasing their Party Packs yearly. But now i know it’s not stress that’s killing the originality: it’s capitalism and consumerism.
Very vent-y, if you do not feel comfortable with my opening statement: then you will probably not like what i have to say next. If you want me to go into detail about why i dislike post-2020 Jackbox; click “Keep reading” instead.
• Bomb Corp. got a patch that forcefully made it easier. Them giving Bomb Corp. a retry button is like them giving Drawful an eraser, yeah it satisfies common complaints, but it goes against the game’s core philosophy. Bomb Corp. is meant to be hard, this job doesn’t blow for nothing. I wouldn’t be complaining if it was optional, but it isn’t; you HAVE to play with nerf.
• Drawful is becoming less and less individualized the more it is stretched thin. Drawful: Animate is a waste of space, a sequel for a game who’s design does not lend itself to further installments. Drawful 2 feels to Drawful as Quiplash XL feels to Quiplash; the same game but with more stuff, and they should’ve called it Drawful remastered, Drawful+, or even Drawful XL. Drawful: Animate should’ve been DLC for the original Drawful, Drawful: Animate is even named similarly to Fibbage: Enough About You. 
Not only that: but the game’s mascot, Sexy Owl, is progressively getting the crass aspects of their design phased out. They rarely wear their bra anymore, not even in Drawful: Animate, the game’s art style is far more average than awful, with clean lines and rarely any sloppy coloring, and they get called Drawful Owl instead of Sexy Owl! Sexy Owl just looks like a regular stylized white owl now. I’m surprised that The Yetee’s plushie even included the bra!
• Job Job barely has it’s own identity despite being the most fleshed out game in their origin pack due to the sheer amount of references it has to other Jackbox properties, and Tee K.O. 2 got the identity it once had STRIPPED away for the sake of shoving recognizable characters down the throats of the public consciousness, the game which encourages you to buy shirts with your designs. 
In fact: M. Bubbles feels deliberately designed to be marketable, if the sheer amount of merch they got it anything to go by, (they got far more merch than any of their fellow Pack-mates, including a plushie & a CARD in CHAMP’D UP: SLAM DOWN! If that’s not special privilege, idunno what is!) they even showed up in a promotional sale illustration only a couple days after their game was announced! That rarely EVER happens. More and more hosts are getting bodies, to the point where the voice-only hosts are feeling like a passing fad that will soon parish.
• The plain disregard to some of their original hosts, Nate Shapiro has been reduced to a crazed conspiracy nut, Guy Towers is heavily implied to have become a capitalist, despite being strictly against it, and Buzz is just AMA (their words, not mine). And honestly? I hope Buzz stays AMA, he doesn’t deserve the treatment the other two got. 
Cookie & Schmitty? Cookie has been flanderized and is nothing but a selling point than a fun bonus, and Schmitty is half the man he used to be, but at least he still somewhat feels like himself, if not significantly watered down to not scare the kids.
• The Jackbox Party Starter is just great value The Jackbox Party Pack 3, buying the 3rd pack on sale is a significantly better deal than buying The Jackbox Party Starter. If there were games that didn’t share a pack with each other, even if it was only one of them; then you could find the value in it. Even if you buy it for the modern features or language selection: fans have already done that for you for free. 
Not to mention it’s just not a good introduction to The Jackbox Party Packs. Quiplash 3 is the only game i can see being good to get someone into Jackbox Games among the Starter selection, that is it. You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream & Drawful: Animate would have been FAR better titles to introduce someone to Jackbox Games than Trivia Murder Party 2 or Tee K.O.
• I used to like reading through their Twitter, it actually felt really charming to me how full of life their promotional images were and how much life their was, nowadays it feels more like “Hello fellow kids” and the people running it are crying for help. I barely find a promotional illustration that actually feels like there’s care put into it, it just feels like a few steps from becoming alegria.
That’s the end of my overly vent-y Talking Points as to why i don’t like Jackbox Games as a company anymore. Companies aren’t your friends, i know that fact very well. But it’s still just sad to see an indie team fall from grace and into the clammy grasps of commercialism. I get that they need to pay the bills, but why pick at low hanging fruit when you have a ladder? This isn’t a boycott or anything, i’m just getting out my emotions in a way that maybe other people who feel the same can open up discussion about how they are feeling regarding to this company.
If you disagree, then that is fine. I am not trying to convince you to hate them, and i’d love to have a civil debate with you! If you agree, tell me how you’re feeling, or what you’d like to add to the discussion, i am all ears all the same. Again, thanks for listening to my Talking Points.
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