AnnaRene for the ship meme pls?
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so excited for them in my rewrite ya’ll. anna’s allegiances have switched a bit and she’s even made an appearance already at the end of the lullaby arc. irene’s going to be making an appearance soon too 👀
also, i made irene tall because i already hc her as tall, but also because of my hc that her human body starts to transform into a dragon again the longer she’s in that form, so she’s growing taller and taller
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
I forgot how heteronormative the Fairy Tail fandom was back in 2015-2019, it could have been happening way before, but still.
Whenever I read fanfics religiously, I began reading Fairy Tail fanfiction years ago and it was always one of these books, that I read and it was either betrayal stories (I will not specify, some may already know) or...
Slayer Season stuff, kill me, and when reading these stories, I would see ships... I had no idea even existed but because I was dumb as hell and didn't finish the show, meaning I was walking on eggshells towards spoilers, I didn't but I remember Acnologia being mentioned and it unlocked some shitty memories.
AnnaLogia (Anna Heartfilia x Acnologia)
RogUra (Rogue Cheney x Kagura Mikazuchi
Don't know how this came to be, people see them as the Natsu and Lucy of the past but my interception being that Acnologia is a genocidal type of guy while Anna barely knows of his existence, I don't want their defenders coming after me when I say I ship AnnRene (Anna x Irene) Wait- Milfs together, Irene being with someone who won't leave her, can listen to her, while they stay in the library finding information and sharing with each other in a cottage- GUESS WHO JUST GOT A NEW CRACK SHIP- men didn't work out for Irene, so women would do much better- all in all, I understand what they're going for, but just no. Just no.
RogUra (Rogue Cheney x Kagura Mikazuchi
I don't understand. How in the fu-, I think what they were going for was how Kagura owned Yukino's life for about three days, and in the equivalent of StinYu, they needed RoguRa, They've never had any interaction, Kagura only argued with Sting over Yukino being in Mermaid Heel or SaberTooth, but even with all her interaction with men, she lacks interest in them, hell even Mashima didn't show signs of any guy approaching Kagura, fuck I might have jinxed my girl, although it pissed me off on how she got exposed to a lot of men in her "fight" against Dimaria, when Kagura is with Erza, genuinely she's more romantic with Erza instead of a MALE, Kagura KISSED Erza, KISSED!! Farther than any of the semi-canon ships can come up to, Kagura asked to be little Erza's little sister? Nah, it was avoiding her obvious wlw attraction, Rogue never interacted with her, he acknowledges her abilities, Kagura vs Millianna, he was genuine Kagura would win, I mean ofc she would, he saw her against Yukino, against Lyon and that mf is strong.
#Monet just rants
Go off queen!!
A lot of ships, specially some so-called crackships from the fandom really are rooted in heteronormativity, like with Rogue x Kagura or bickslow x lisanna (which later got more people actually putting in the thought process for their dynamic but i'm convinced it started to get lis out of the way of nalu), i don't know what kind of brain rot the early fandom had to just write "female character is hated on for no reason" or "smut that's this 👌 close to being omegaverse". I started reading ft fics in like 2014 and the first one i read was a just so full of lisanna and loke bashing cause of course they're "keeping Lucy and Natsu from being able to date each other", and today i find it so out of place cause i remember the rest of the plot was perfectly fine.
I feel like annalogia is like EndLu two electric boogaloo, like the pipeline was: nalu->EndLu ->AcnoLu (i remember seeing that being shipped)-> Annalogia
Which is objectively inferior to Annarene, like if you want to ship her with someone who's partially a dragon Irene is right there and asking for her character to do something. I'm a big fan of the possible things you can do with them even if I have never written about them besides them being funky lesbian vodka aunts in a luvia selkie au and i also love when milfs are paired together.
Shipping Kagura with any male character should be considered lesbophobia (/j). Of all possibly canon queer characters, i think she's the one where is the most explicit that she's a into women even before she kissed Erza, and has never shown the interest to men that other female characters have. To ship her with any guy, but ESPECIALLY with rogue who i think she has never had a meaningful conversation with (correct me if i'm wrong) is heteronormativity at it's finest and i have the theory it was made like that because people who shipped sabertooth members with each other were too cowardly to consider sting x yukino x rogue and Minerva was not redeemed yet. Kagura is like peak dyke activity/relatability, even if she did confuse her attraction to Erza, this woman has never non-platonically liked men in her life.
And ok i know some of these ships have shippers that actually see how they could happen or how it would work out in canon. more power to you, that's not my issue. my issue is that it's obvious many of the most accepted "crackships" were straight because the fandom couldn't even fathom lesbianism as a viable option
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cherienymphe · 5 months
I need an opinion 😭
Is nivea (the blue container) safe for the under eyes? I put it in there because it takes away the eyebags but i cant find information if can be so close to the eyes and im afraid of getting blind or something.
Help a girl out pls💀
AnnaRen on tiktok recommended an eye cream in one of her videos that she swears by. I don't think it was Nivea but she has several videos about her routines and how to look your best since I can't remember that specific one
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dragonshost · 6 years
A Scarlet Vision
This is an extension of one of my drabbles, requested by @aqua-tranquility as their giveaway prize.  I’m sorry it took so long to get this out, and I hope it was worth the wait.
Series: Fairy Tail Pairing: Anna x Irene Rating: K+ Word Count: 1,211
On FFN - link On AO3 - link
story below the cut
At long last, Anna had reached the capitol.  It had been several long, grueling weeks of travel. Travel which had tested every survival instinct she possessed as she avoided the long shadows of predatory dragons overhead, and of marauders taking advantage of the chaos and fighting to pillage as they willed.  Bandits, driven to desperation by poverty and disaster, had also dogged her footsteps the entire way.
She patted her pocket, where her keyring was hidden. Her partners had kept her safe over the journey.  Now she just hoped that it wasn’t all for naught, and that her presence wasn’t as superfluous as she feared it might be.  Dragons warring overhead, and human kingdoms fighting amongst themselves… Anna knew her magic was powerful, but she also knew its limitations.  There wasn’t much difference she alone could make to the war effort, and there was nothing her magic could do in the face of a dragon’s might.
But she had been invited, with a letter bearing the wax seal of the queen of Dragnof herself.
So Anna would see this queen, and find out what she could do to help.  Even though it had meant leaving her young daughter behind with Anna’s mother.  A war zone was no place to take a child through, after all.  Hopefully what was required of her could be accomplished quickly, and she could return to her daughter’s side.  But just in case the worst happened, and she was unable to come home… Anna had left a small inheritance for her daughter.  A silver key, for when she was old enough to bear the mantle of celestial magic.
Anna looked towards the towering city gates, a defense that protected only from human enemies.  If the rumors that Anna had heard were true, then there had never been a need to protect against dragons before now.  Indeed, that dragons had been friends of the kingdom for a long time, and were free to come and go as they pleased.
A dark shadow passed overhead, and Anna resisted the urge to dive for the nearest cover.  Dragons in this city were not uncommon, she again reminded herself, hoisting her pack and forcing her legs to propel her down the road and towards the fate that awaited her beyond the gates.
Joining the flood of refugees waiting for entrance into the city, Anna waited for some time in the hot sun, until sweat had her hair clinging to her skin, and her clothes were damp.  When it was finally her turn, she showed her letter to the guards, who whispered among themselves shortly before waving over another to escort her to the palace.  With some dismay, Anna reluctantly followed the soldier through the city streets.  She’d had no desire to visit a reigning monarch with travel dust coating her cheeks, and the stench of sweat wafting off of her, but Anna had the feeling that she would have little choice in the matter, even if she spoke up.
As she walked, she took care to observe what she could of the city, and more importantly, of its shadowed corners.  There was a lot of information to be gleaned about a ruler from the condition of the city they resided within.  Although Anna was certain she was being taken along the cleanlier, more respectable roads through the city, so she was finding it difficult to make a solid determination.
This queen was a mystery to Anna.  And she wasn’t sure she liked that.  Anna generally liked to have a sense for who she was dealing with before making promises she might not be able to keep.
She and her guide arrived at the castle’s inner wall sooner than Anna had anticipated.  After conferring with the on-duty guards there, Anna’s guide handed her off into their care and then departed back to the outer wall.
Instead of leading her towards the castle proper, Anna was somewhat surprised to find herself escorted along a path that clung to the outskirts of the towering stone wall.  It was a lovely walk, even knowing that the trees and shrubs that lined it were intended to funnel enemy soldiers into kill zones.
When they emerged from the path, Anna found herself standing in a wide expanse.  Hard packed dirt spoke of the area having a lot of traffic, and small dust clouds arose with every step that Anna took.  Glancing around, she saw small groups of people scattered about, doing what appeared to be training.  Archers let fly arrows towards targets at one end, and dummies were being hit in another. Her escort took her away from both of these, towards where a few people had gathered to watch two warriors spar.
Approaching the fighters, Anna peered into the crowd instead, searching for anyone that fit her mental image of “Queen”.  Puzzled when she couldn’t find such a person, she glanced back at her escort in askance.  Seeing her expression, he smiled slightly, and jerked his chin towards the warriors.
Only then did Anna take a closer look at the combatants, and when she did, her jaw nearly dropped.  She felt the wind knocked out of her, as if a dragon had bludgeoned her with its tail. Repeatedly.  Which was actually an observation from experience, so she knew what she was talking about.
There, fighting with a ferocious grin on her face, was the most beautiful woman Anna had ever seen.
She had long flowing scarlet hair, the shade of sunset and apples, pulled into a high ponytail not unlike the one that Anna herself bore.  Her muscles from intense training had her body into a lithe weapon, as she danced circles around her clearly outclassed opponent.  The woman’s eyes sparkled in the bright sunlight of the courtyard, lit from within by the fires of victory.
Anna wondered how it would feel to have that beautiful gaze directed at her.  Would it feel like looking into the sun, where she would have to shield herself from the brightness?
There was only one way to find out.
The fight concluded, with the crimson haired warrior’s opponent on the ground with a practice sword pointed at his ribcage.  A polite round of applause went up, and Anna joined it with enthusiasm.
It was then that the woman withdrew her sword, accepting a towel from a young page waiting in the wings.  She wiped away the sweat glistening on her sun-browned skin, her gaze sweeping the crowd.  Her hands paused in their action as she spotted Anna, and delight spread across her features.
“There’s an unfamiliar face,” the woman stated calmly, her chin lifted high.  “Might I ask your name, stanger?”
Anna felt that she probably knew exactly who Anna was, but she swallowed thickly, and approached the woman anyway, her heart in her throat and stars in her eyes.  “I am Anna Heartfilia, a celestial mage,” she said, stopping before the other woman.  “I have been summoned to an audience by the Queen of Dragnof.”
The grin spread even wider across the woman’s face, every bit as dazzling as Anna had thought it might be.  “I am Queen Irene Belserion.  Welcome to my castle, and the warfront, Anna Heartfilia.  There is much you and I need to discuss.”
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witch-bomb · 7 years
Annarene chapter is up! Next is Serenade!
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gaymirajane · 7 years
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Anna x Eileen: Red
For Anonymous
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hara-ng-etheria · 7 years
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Lucifer (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Linda Martin/Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker & Mazikeen, Chloe Decker & Dan Espinoza Characters: Chloe Decker, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Ella Lopez, Dan Espinoza, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Cain (Lucifer TV), Original Character - Elena Astopovich, Original Character - Eric Haas, Original Character - Annaren, Original Character - Morden Croft, Original Character - Remielle, Archangel Gabriel - Character, Archangel Michael, Original Character - Carl, Candy Fletcher, Original Character - Lilith Smith, Original Character - Abigail Williams Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, War, Conflict, Romance, Slow Burn, Mild Language, Thriller, Suspense, Action/Adventure, Minor Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Blood and Injury, celestials live on earth, AU Sequel to Infernal Summary:
After the events of Infernal, Chloe wakes up and finds herself in Gods' Kingdom. After reuniting with Lucifer the two of them must work together to get back down to Earth and stop Lord Croft from taking over the world with his halfbreed army.
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ao3feed-deckerstar · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tbqw9Q
by ships_sailing_in_the_night
After the events of Infernal, Chloe wakes up and finds herself in Gods' Kingdom. After reuniting with Lucifer the two of them must work together to get back down to Earth and stop Lord Croft from taking over the world with his halfbreed army.
Words: 2890, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Chloe Decker, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Ella Lopez, Dan Espinoza, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Cain (Lucifer TV), Original Character - Elena Astopovich, Original Character - Eric Haas, Original Character - Annaren, Original Character - Morden Croft, Original Character - Remielle, Archangel Gabriel - Character, Archangel Michael, Original Character - Carl, Candy Fletcher, Original Character - Lilith Smith, Original Character - Abigail Williams
Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Linda Martin/Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker & Mazikeen, Chloe Decker & Dan Espinoza
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, War, Conflict, Romance, Slow Burn, Mild Language, Thriller, Suspense, Action/Adventure, Minor Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Blood and Injury, celestials live on earth, AU Sequel to Infernal
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tbqw9Q
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dahliadear · 7 years
Prompt 31, "do they sing together", for any pairing you please ❣🌹❣
I’ll take this moment to announce that today, any unspecified pairings will be Solavellan because I’m Trash™
DWC for @dadrunkwriting - thanks so much for the prompt, @fadedforyou have some semi-domestic fluff!
It was Trini’s turn to cook for the camp–apparently even being the Inquisitor couldn’t get her out of that responsibility; not that she minded. She certainly preferred to eat her own cooking over, say, Cole’s. It would be stew tonight because she was in the mood for something warm and wholesome, and it was easier to separate the meat this way. As a hunter for her clan, she had plenty of experience cooking meat for others, but preferred not to partake out of choice.
She sprinkled a handsome helping of dill into the broth which simmered happily above the campfire while the venison roasted. Slipping some sliced carrots into the broth, Trini hummed to herself before preparing a second pot, which she would separate some broth into to soak the meat in.
“That song, is it Dalish?”
The Inquisitor looked up to where Solas was quietly slicing and chopping the rest of the veggies, having volunteered to help. The others were nowhere to be seen, probably avoiding having to lend a hand.
She smiled at him. “Yes, an old lullaby.”
“I’m quite surprised your people would sing that to children, the words I know from it are rather, ah, violent.”
“Really? Did you hear a different version in the Fade? Ours is actually quite sweet.” She accepted the finished vegetables from him and added them to the broth, before pouring a couple of ladles into the other pot and putting the venison in that. While both continued to simmer, she cleared her throat. Her singing voice wasn’t particularly beautiful, but she was well trained and practiced from performing with her clan, so she wasn’t embarrassed as she sang,
“Alan’en annaren ar my iselenan,
alan’en i iselenemah,
Sule emma lath taran suleth em
Sathan ma sil'ahn emma Irlahna”
One thousand years I wait
One thousand more I will wait
Until my love stands before me
Please answer my cry.
“There’s a couple more versus after that, but I don’t remember the words very well,” she admitted. “The gist is a woman who is waiting for her lover to return home from war. She has resigned herself to waiting forever, but there is a happy ending.”
“That is… decidedly nicer than the version I have heard.” Solas allowed, tilting his head, “Perhaps a version from the woman’s perspective. The one I know of goes like this,
“Alan’en panelanala dina
alan’en i dinemah
Emma da’lavan tela’hima rea
Elanas harthemma Irlahna?”
One thousand soldiers die
One thousand more will die
My hands cannot be cleansed
Can you hear my cry?
Trini shivered. “Yes I don’t suppose we should sing that version to children. But it’s fascinating to hear the rest of the story. Do you remember the next verses?”
Solas cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Well I don’t sing much, you see.”
“Oh please,” she laughed, grinning at him, “You have a lovely voice. Will it help if I sing with you? We can trade off the verses.”
“If you insist,” he sighed, though she could see he was hiding a smile of his own. “Then how about a round?”
“Done!” she gave both stew pots a good stir, making sure they weren’t boiling too hot and then scooted over to sit next to her lover. She started off first to encourage him, and two lines later he joined, his smooth baritone resonating with her breathless mezzo. They sat there, shoulders touching, following through the lines, while she sang about praying for her lover to survive the war, and he answered that his hands were stained by duty. All will be forgiven if he returns home, she pleaded, but he insisted that he must see it through.
They were so lost in their small reenactment that they didn’t notice the others approaching for their meal. Not until after the last lines, when the tragic hero returned to find his wife in lonely sorrow, and the loyal heroine praised the Creators’ blessings for their reunion, did Iron Bull clear his throat.
“Awwww, look at the two of you,” he cooed, “It’s so sweet I’m getting cavities.”
“I’d make fun of them,” Sera interjected, “If I understood a word of that elfy shite.”
Trini stuck her tongue out and moved the standing frame for the pots away from the campfire. “Okay dinner’s ready you lot, put something more interesting in your mouths, yeah?”
The two laughed at her and brought their mess kits forward, filling their bowls with veggie stew and venison. She too filled her bowl with stew, and re-seated herself beside Solas after he got his share. He was frowning slightly, and it took her a moment to realize the tips of his ears were a little red. Smiling, she bumped his shoulder with hers, satisfied when he leaned against her as they ate.
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the-forest-library · 7 years
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@all-these-paperback-dreams​, @heretherebebooks​, @nefertempitou​ Let’s settle  who’s the biggest Pellinor fan with the old Annaren game knife, cloth, stone!
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so-not-snow-white · 7 years
One is the singer, hidden from sunlight Two is the seeker, fleeing from shadows Three is the journey taken in danger Four are the riddles, answered in treesong: Earth, fire, water, air Spells you OUT!
Traditional Annaren nursery rhyme Annaren Scrolls, Library of Busk
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dragonshost · 6 years
Anna x Irene fluff, please? Any fluff you like.
This was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.
Anna felt like a dragon’s tail had bludgeoned her.  Repeatedly. Which was actually an observation from experience, so she knew what shewas talking about.
Long flowing scarlet hair, the shade of sunset and apples,muscles from intense training turning her body into a lithe weapon, and eyesthat sparkled in the bright sunlight of the courtyard.
Anna wondered how it would feel to have that beautiful gazedirected at her.  Would it feel likelooking into the sun, where she would have to shield herself from thebrightness?
There was only one way to find out.
So she approached the woman, her heart in her throat andstars in her eyes.
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witch-bomb · 7 years
First chapter
Next will be Annarene!
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loveandlucky · 7 years
Btw, the ship names for Irene x Anna are AnnaLeen, Annarene, and elianna. I forgot the last one.
Oh, thank you!!
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gaymirajane · 6 years
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Dragon Lesbians Irene Belserion and Anna Heartfilia 
Flag by @lgbtflags 
Dedicated to @zaltylaw
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