aratilightwood · 4 years
Alastair and Ariadne stop pining over your love interests, and start talking to each other challenge.
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julemmaes · 5 years
C’mon, lick it // part two
Thomas Lightwood and Alastair Carstairs modern au
Everyone else, enjoy it!:)
Word count: 6,146
“I can’t believe those two are becoming old dudes.” Matthew sighed taped to Christopher’s side. They were in front of the entrance of James and Cordelia’s building ready to go and buy the noodles that the blond craved so much, but they had been there for more than five minutes and Thomas was beginning to suspect that soon they would all be going home.
“Leave them alone Math, they are not old.” Christopher replied yawning.
Thomas chuckled when he saw Matthew’s cautionary look, but he felt his eyelids heavy as well and in three seconds his mouth also opened wide and made a noisy sound.
“They just have a job that starts very early, unlike ours.” Lucie defended her brother and her best friend by trying to make it clear to Matthew that ordinary people with office jobs had to wake up at six, unlike people who worked in bars, like her and Math, who could go to sleep at the time the others were getting ready .
“About jobs that start very early.” Thomas intervened by smiling displeased, putting an arm around Alastair’s shoulders, who was rubbing his hands trying to warm up a bit. He found it ridiculous how his boyfriend so stubbornly refused to buy a pair of gloves.
“No. You’re not going anywhere.” Matthew snorted laughing, “And while I have not yet fully accepted your dyed blond there…” he continued nodding to Alastair with his chin, ‘It was just a phase.’ defended the guy, interrupting Math “…I would not want to stay alone with Mr. In Love and Miss. I Still Sleep With My Puppet. I could use real men.”
“The hell Math! It was supposed to be a secret!” Lucie whined, dodging Christopher who tried to stop her and hitting the boy on the shoulder. He snorted again, pushing her back to her place place. The Lightwood between them was holding back a laugh at the ease with which his friend had moved his cousin.
“Shut up, Lulu, everyone knows you’re still a child.” Matthew smirked, calling her with the nickname he knew only her father could use, looking in front of him and waiting for her to answer in kind.
“I’m sorry, but I also have to go in an hour early tomorrow and your mother might kill me if I’m late.” Alastair apologized by speaking quickly so that the bickering didn’t drag on, trying to look really sorry and not show how excited he was to finally go home.
“I’m too tired for a noodles party. Forgive me.” Thomas tried to save his boyfriend by directing Math’s anger toward him, and so it was, because it was as if Alastair hadn’t even spoken when Matthew turned to Thomas and was as disgusted as he had been before when he looked at James said, “No fuck you, I’ll never forgive you, asshole.”
“God, what am I gonna do now?” Thomas cried out in a desperate tone, Lucie slightly jumped at the sound, smiling broadly, “I will never recover from this terrible insult.” Lucie burst into laughter and when Thomas took Alastair’s hand in his starting to walk back to their apartment, Kit greeted them.
“Night night.” Lucie murmured with a half-smile on her lips, as if the fact that they were leaving weighted more on her than Matthew. Well this is really weird, thought Thomas looking at her, before turning and shouting over his shoulder, “Good night, everybody.” Alastair pushed him, as if to remind him what time it was (and that they had already screamed enough) and waved his hand in the direction of the trio, saying with a lower tone of several octaves “Night.”
“I hope you choke in your sleep, traitors.” Matthew cried as he stepped towards them, but staring at the window of James’ apartment. Then he looked at his wrist carelessly, “It’s only three damn, and we’re already so few.” Thomas chuckled interlacing his fingers with Alastair’s.
They walked for a while in silence, as they used to do when they came home after movie night. They lived only ten minutes from their friends’ apartment and driving to cover a so little distance and then not finding any parking was not a thing that tempted either of them.
Thomas was thinking about what he would cook the next day for lunch and was going to ask the other what was better between chicken and a omellette, even though he knew that Alastair would always choose meat over everything.
Alastair gripped his hand tighter, drawing his attention and when he turned around Thomas was grinning from ear to ear, Alastair’s gaze darted away, “Thank you.”
Thomas’ head tilted to the side, “For what?”
“For lying.” he shrugged “I know you don’t work tomorrow.” He kept on looking in front of him, if his cheeks were red only for the cold or even for the embarrassment Thomas couldn’t say. He smiled more widely. Sometimes it was so hard for his boyfriend to say simple things like thank you that he knew that when he did it for such petty things it was only because he was training for when he would really apologize.
“Ah, yes.” Thomas moved a hand in the air, “Of course. And then I’m dead on my feet, too.” he sent another smile his way, hoping to charm him, but Alastair almost seemed to refuse to look at him and Thomas realized that something was wrong because something in his tone seemed completely off when he replied, “Sure.” Alastair face scrunched up.
“What is it?” Thomas asked, curious to understand what was going on in his little head.
“I don’t know. Cordelia seemed distracted tonight.” he answered casually, kicking a bottle that was on the sidewalk, “And Matthew in desperate need of distraction.” he continued by squeezing his eyes when a bus lit up his face.
Thomas was happily surprised, it was not an everyday thing to hear Alastair speaking so friendly of his Matthew. Even when things started to go really well between the two them, Matthew had been hesitant and it had taken a couple of years and a move to convince him that they were made for each other, “Matthew is always in desperate need of distraction.”
“True, but tonight it was notably. Maybe with Christopher in a relationship he feels very lonely.” He hypothesized, finally looking up at Thomas’ face, whose eyebrows shoot up at the sound of his words.
“And since when do you care so much about Math, exactly?” Thomas asked sincerely interested in knowing what had changed in his vision of the blond boy.
“I’m not a heartless being, you know?”
“Still. You’ve never gotten along and it’s strange to see you worried about him.” Thomas said shaking his head still a little unconvinced.
“Oh God, I’m not worried.” Alastair exclaimed like he seemed disgusted just by the idea of it, “I’m just saying that maybe we should do something to distract him.” He said, trying to make it look like it was a normal daily thing he did, plan to cheer up Matthew, failing miserably.
“We?” Thomas asked, trying to get confirmation of what he had just heard, looking like an old man who found out that Santa really exists.
“If you don’t stop being so surprised about this, I’m gonna slap you.” Alastair warned him in a threatening tone as a shiver passed through his body. Thomas left his hand, hugging him, but keeping walking.
“As if you could reach me up here.” Thomas joked with a smirk.
“You’re… you-” the voice came out muffled, hindered by his boyfriend’s jacket, which pressed on his chin. Not that he minded, he was already feeling better than a few minutes before and could feel his fingertips start to regain sensitivity.
“Irresistible? Awesome? Too handsome for this world?” proposed Thomas hopefully, receiving a elbow straight to the ribs.
“Unbelievable.” said Alastair scowling, but still being slightly amused.
If to Alastair the others had seemed to be completely done with life and ready to sleep for eternity, Thomas was the exact opposite. He seemed to be kvelling out of every pore and the way he was jumping around, bouncing him around like a puppet, took a little of his concern away.
“Unbelievably handsome, you mean.”
“No, I meant you’re unbelievably stupid.”
Alastair shook his head, grinning, “Either way, if you don’t want to do something all together, you guys could always bring him out. You four could do a thing, like in the old days.” he proposed, shoving him off and putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Shortly after, he felt Thomas’ hand slipping into his own and smiled, holding his fingers hoping to warm up even more.
“A foursome thing you say?” Thomas asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement, “I didn’t know you were into these kind of things.” Thomas looked at him winking, but the smile died on his lips when he saw the grin on Alastair’s face.
“I swear to God, if you don’t stop talking shit, I won’t let you sleep with me for a week.”
Thomas scoffed, “You wouldn’t last that long. You’d miss me too much.”
“Two weeks, then.” returned Alastair, not at all frightened at the idea of actually spending two weeks without being able to sleep in Thomas’ arms.
“Wanna bet?” he asked him laughing, probably still thinking he was joking.
“You know I never back down.”
Thomas got serious, pulling his hand out of Alastair’s pocket and, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, offering it to his boyfriend. “Deal?”
“Deal.” said Alastair without blinking, turning to him and shaking his hand.
“What does the winner get?” Thomas asked without letting go.
“Don’t know.”
“How about…” Thomas pretended to think about it, but the grin on his lips implied that he had kept that particular punishment for a special moment. And it had arrived. It wasn’t strange that they were betting with each other, “The loser does the laundry for a whole month?”
“Yes please. I hate doing laundry.” said Alastair, hinting at nothing more than no intention of losing.
“Oh I know, that’s why it’s gonna be so much better when you drag yourself out of our room to come on the couch because you’re gonna miss me too much.”
“Believe it all you want.” Alastair said, “And don’t think you’re the only one sleeping on the couch. We’ll do a day each.” he added. Thomas was quite gigantic, and he would certainly sleep all curled up on the couch, waking up with an absurd stiff neck, but he also knew that he would never let him sleep on the couch for two weeks. Even because Thomas would lose.
“Maybe we should seal it with a kiss.” Thomas leaned down, taking a step towards him so that now they’re faces were just mere centimeters apart. Alastair felt the hairs of his arms standing up and tried to convince himself that it was the cold, like every time they were out and Thomas insisted on touching him.
“You are insufferable.” he smiled, brushing his lips with Thomas’.
“And you’re irresistible.” Oh my god.
“What’s up with all your flirty little comments tonight?” he shoved him by the shoulder, always keeping him close to his body, not wanting to let him go yet. Their hands still clasped together.
“I studied the adjectives dictionary and thought I should share my new knowledge.” Thomas said, lowering the tone of the voice, looking at him as if his life depended on it.
“Stupid.” breathed Alastair, licking his own lips. Thomas’s gaze snapped down at the movement of his tongue and a guttural sound shook in Alastair’s chest, “I, for example, would have used witless.”
“Kiss me.” Thomas ordered him in a sensual voice and Alastair found himself thinking about what his mother would believe if they arrested him for obscene acts in public, if he had stripped him and taken him right there.
When they got home, the warm air that came from inside invaded Alastair to the bones and he closed his eyes beading of that familiar smell that was a mixture between his and Thomas’s.
He was about to take his shoes off when Tom looked out of the kitchen, handing him a black bag that smelled awful. He wrinkled his nose, slightly turning his head away to escape the smell. And here goes the dream, he thought sighing.
“Would you mind taking the garbage out?” he asked him with a hopeful smile, already wearing slippers. “It’s been there for two days and it’s starting to smell so bad that if a bear came into the house, I wouldn’t be so surprised.” he said seriously.
Alastair raised an eyebrow, taking back the keys he had just laid and the dripping sack. He wrinkled his nose again, “There are no bears in London.”
“Whatever.” he heard the other says as he closed the door behind him.
He started humming, thinking about the closing of the case he and Charlotte were working on right now. He’d been working for a little over a year at a law firm in the City, and this was the first major case she’d ever entrusted to him so far.
He went down the last flight of stairs opening the door to the back of the house, but heard a loud noise coming from the main entrance so, after having arranged the bag so that it could not be moved by the wind, he went to check what was happening.
Once again in the fresh air of a sleeping London, he saw a person trying to get up and stopped at the last step, hesitating, trying to see if it could have been someone dangerous or if they only needed help.
The figure before him grunted, swearing immediately afterwards and with a movement too fast for what seemed his physical condition, he stood, staggering.
Alastair was left breathless, and all he saw was red. A red that had tormented him for years and that occasionally appeared in his worst nightmares, “Charles.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Alastair felt himself die a little.
It had been months since he had last said his name and years since they had seen each other.
He knew that he had moved to a small town near Basingstoke, but he had also explicitly asked Matthew not to tell him anything else and that time the boy had just nodded, without saying any jokes as usual.
He was wearing a suit and tie, and to unknown eyes he might have seemed fine, but (god damn him) Alastair knew him, and saw what was under the abnormal amount of alcohol he ingested. He knew that something serious had happened if he was in London. In front of the apartment he shared with Thomas. And yet, even though he knew it was something bad, he didn’t care.
He’d already given him too much, he didn’t even deserve a minute of his time. At the sound of his voice, Charles’ eyes snapped at him and Alastair felt compelled to step back, resenting him being so close. His hands started shaking and he stared at him with his eyes wide open. He knew he looked ridiculous, but he couldn’t hide the shock of seeing him there.
He was about to go back, inclined not to start a conversation with the boy who stood before him and Charles had such glossy eyes that to Alastair they could only remind him of all the times he had been forced to lock himself in a room with Cordelia, to spare her the sight of an alcoholic father. He nodded his head as a sign of greeting, his lips reduced to a thin line, turning and grabbing the door handle-
He closed his eyes and his breath became ragged. He felt his throat burn and he forced himself to wear the mask he had not touched in recent years and that had made him become someone he was not, made him become a monster.
“Alastair, I…” Charles took a step towards him, putting one foot on the first step, and Alastair’s back slammed into the frozen glass of the door when he tried to walk away. Charles halted, clenching his jaw.
Taking a deep breath, and another, then another, Alastair managed to talk, “What are you doing here?”
Charles seemed to relax, but he still came down the stairs, swinging before he grabbed the railing, “I wanted to see you.”
Alastair almost laughed, but he was able to detach himself from the door, carrying both hands in his pocket, closing them into fists, “How do you know where I live?” He asked in a dry tone, looking him in the eye.
“My mother told me.”
“You’re drunk.” Alastair stated, his gaze never leaving Charles’.
“I wanted to see you.” Charles repeated, as if those five words justified everything. As if he hadn’t made Alastair go through hell the whole time they were together and even after, when he tried to undermine his relationship with Thomas.
“It’s been four years.” his expression hardened.
“Rebecca left me.” one hiccup, and then Charles was holding back the vomit. Alastair turned his attention to the buildings around him, trying not to feel pity for the other.
Did she find out about your secret life and that you were lying to her all this time? , he wanted to ask him, but he just swallowed. He heard Charles sighing with relief and hoping he wouldn’t throw up, he turned to him again, “I didn’t know you were with anyone.” he said instead.
“Yes, because you didn’t bother to ask yourself how I was after you broke my heart.”
Alastair made a choked sound. He couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t do anything. You built a life in a house of cards without thinking that the wind could blow too strong.” he told him approaching him enough to smell his cologne. The scent threatened to cloud his brain, bringing up too many memories.
Charles stood still, looking up at him, smirking, “How poetic you’ve become.”
“I’ve always been poetic, but you told me to be quiet because you were afraid someone might hear us.” Alastair raised his chin in defiance, and was satisfied when Charles did not answer him. He stood up straight and in a much less confident voice than he would have liked, he turned and pulled the keys out of his pocket, “Now excuse me, but I really have to go.”
“Sure, you’ve always been good at running away when things get tough.” Charles laughed, laughter devoid of all fun.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He whispered looking at the wood and glass in front of him, trying to focus on the brown streaks and not on Charles, “I didn’t run away because things had become difficult. I left you because you didn’t see me.” he took a small break, “You didn’t want to be with me and that… What we had was anything but healthy, Charles.” He ended up holding his fingers around the keys.
“And that-” another hiccup, “Lightwood is good for you, isn’t he? He treats you well. Do you still push him around, like you used to? Do you boss him around?” Charles asked, with a tone that made Alastair realize he knew he had struck a nerve. “That’s why you’re together, right?” something in Alastair’s chest took life and a feeling that had been dormant for years came to the surface. A feeling he chose to ignore completely.
Alastair didn’t even look at him and opened the door, he growled, “Go away. And don’t come back, or I’ll call the police.” When he came into the house for the second time that night, the heat didn’t warm the frost in his bones, and neither did the cheerful tone of his boyfriend when, leaning against the back of the couch, he said, “Finally, I was going to come down and rescue you.” Alastair didn’t answer right away, he was looking for an excuse, whatever was good to justify the fact that he was out for ten minutes.
He couldn’t have started a discussion right now. Not that Thomas would be mad at him, no. He probably would have consoled him, but in that moment he just needed to be alone and think about what Charles had told him. Convince yourself it was bullshit.
Thomas realized that something had changed in his boyfriend’s mood because he asked him, “Hey, everything’s all right?”
Alastair quickly recovered, blinking and starting to undress, “Yes, yes.” he said distractedly. “I’m just tired.” he took off his shoes, entering the kitchen to get a glass of water. His throat was so dry that it was beginning to hurt.
“Are you sure?” he heard Thomas scream in a worried tone from the living room, then that spark in his voice came back, “Are you already considering how bad laundry would be, for a month?”
He drew two glasses before he thought it safe to speak without his throat, now no longer made of sandpaper, being torn. He came out of the kitchen, heading towards their bedroom, “Sure. ‘Night Tom.” Alastair said to him, rubbing his hand on his face.
“Good night, Alas.” he heard him say. A break, then, “I love you!” said loud enough for night bus drivers to hear it.
“I love you too.” he whispered before closing the door behind him.
Thomas kept tossing and turning on the couch. The blanket he had chosen was making his arms itch and he could not find a position where all parts of his body were on the cushions and his neck was not bent in an uncomfortable position. Changing the blanket was not possible because entering their bedroom risking waking Alastair up was not even an option.
In the morning he would have had an important trial and had to be rested. Thomas was going to throw everything on the floor and settle down, there, when the sound of something falling out of the apartment door and a muffled fuck drew his attention.
His eyes moved quickly to the end of the hall, where Alastair slept undisturbed, “What-?” Thomas stood up when he heard another noise and then someone knocking so softly on the door that for a moment he thought he had imagined it.
He walked slowly to the hall, looking for something to defend himself, in case whoever was behind the door tried to harm him. He looked through the peephole and almost sweared.
He only saw the red hair, but it was enough to recognize the figure of Charles Fairchild. He sucked in a breath taking his keys and opened the door glaring once more at the door down the hallway, pushing back every rational thoughts in a box and ready to do everything in his power to prevent Charles to get to Alastair. The blood already boiling in his veins.
As soon as he was outside the apartment, he regretted opening the door. Charles was obviously drunk.
Thomas clenched his jaw, trying to control his tongue, who threatened to spit insults at him every second he spent staring at the brother of one of his best friends.
“What are you doing here?” he asked in an icy tone.
Charles chuckled, closing his eyes with an almost relaxed expression, “Funny.” Thomas raised an eyebrow, “What?” he asked. “No, I don’t care.” he told him by raising a hand in front of him, blocking anything else he had to say.
He closed his hands in fists, carrying his arms behind his back, insisting not to hit him unless absolutely necessary. His eyes widened, shocked by his own thoughts, opening his hands and crossing his arms on the chest.
The others would have been ashamed of him, because he was not violent, he was the gentle one, he repeated himself in the head like a mantra.
Yet kindness was the last thing he could summon as he watched Charles stare at him with a half-open eye and smelled like beer. “You have to leave before Alastair hears you.” he ordered without so many words. Saying his boyfriend’s name in front of him left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“And why would I do that?” Charles asked, ridiculously, staggering forward.
One thought brushed Thomas’ mind, “Does Matthew know what state you’re in?”
“Matthew.” disgust transformed Charles’ face, “He doesn’t even know I’m back.”
Thomas almost flinched away. He could have never spoken of his brothers and sisters with so much hatred in his voice and he knew that the relationship between Charles and Matthew was anything but fraternal, but he did not think that the oldest despised Matthew so much. That’s why he couldn’t control himself when he said to him with a strong tone, almost spitting, “Go away.”
Charles looked him in the eye and with the more serious expression than he had until then, said, “Make me.”
Thomas grabbed him by the shoulder and pulling him he behind began to descend the stairs quickly. Charles was having a hard time keeping up with him, and a couple of times he went and slammed into his back, but Thomas didn’t feel anything, and he didn’t move a half inch. He heard Charles swearing again and thought that he had never heard him say a dirty word until that night, “Okay, okay, calm down. I’m leaving.” Charles said yanking his jacket out of Thomas’ grasp.
“If I see you even a hundred meters from this house, I swear to God, I won’t be so forgiving, and the next place you’ll find yourself is prison.” he warned him without a glance, as he dropped him to the ground just outside the building.
“You’ve become such an asshole Lightwood, you were so kind before.” Charles bit and stood up and rubbed his wrists, “I remember you playing in our garden with Matthew and Christopher.” he chuckled for the thousandth time, “And after a few years, James came along. How cute you were.” he said with a sincerely happy smile.
“I’m serious, either you leave in five minutes, or I call the police.” he warned him one last time.
“Funny.” Charles repeated.
A vein popped out in Thomas’s neck while he yelled, closing the distance between the two of them, “What?!” He asked, “What by God’s grace do you find so amusing in all of this?”
“You spend so much time following his orders, you’ve become just like him.” hissed Charles, a chill ran down Thomas’ spine.
Everything stopped, “What are you talking about?”
Charles puffed, like he was bored with that conversation, like whatever he was talking about, the whole world knew, “Alastair.”
Thomas stood motionless, “I still don’t understand.”
He was ready to hear some bullshit, Charles wasn’t in a position to have such a serious conversation, and he couldn’t think clearly. For that it took a while when the other resumed speaking, it took a few seconds to really understand what he had just said, “I know him. He doesn’t really love you.” he hiccuped and stopped, “That’s always been the case between you two. You going after him like a lost puppy and he putting up with you because having someone around him is convenient.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Thomas draw in a slow and steady breath, shaking his head.
“Oh my God, you’re starting to scare me.” Charles let out a disbelieved laugh.
Thomas couldn’t hold it anymore, “Go away.”
Charles raised his hands as a sign of surrender and began to walk backwards, looking much more sober than he really was. He smiled, “You should be careful. You could get burned.” Thomas didn’t answer.
And he didn’t answer him when Charles turned around and walked towards High Holborn and said, “Goodbye, Thomas.”
When he opened the door for the second time that night he sighed, hoping that Charles would not come back to annoy them because he didn’t think he could handle a mental blow like the one he just suffered.
They had overcome that problem years before, and Alastair absolutely didn’t need certain doubts to resurface, so he let a smile open on his lips when he heard his boyfriend calling him from the room in an alarming tone, “Tom?” sleep laced around his words, “Thomas, is that you?”
He crossed the apartment, opening the door slightly, leaning against the door frame. He forced the corners of his mouth to turn up, “Yes Alas, don’t worry.” he said, leaning his head against the wall, “I just heard a noise and went out to check that everything was okay.” he closed his eyes, tired from everything that had just happened.
“And was everything alright?” Alastair asked, raising on his elbows. His hair was all messed up and a particular tuft was pulled up, he kinda looked like a rooster. Thomas looked at him and chuckled, nodding, “Yes, nothing to worry about. It was just Petunia.” he murmured referring to the one-legged squirrel who always managed to sneak into the stairwell of their building.
They looked at each other for a while in silence. Thomas was deciding whether or not to tell him, maybe he should let it go. Their lives were going great now, they didn’t need to ruin their night because of this. He would have told him about it another day.
Alastair’s eyes narrowed, questioning, “Do you need anything?”
Suddenly, Thomas couldn’t control what came out of his mouth, and before he knew it, he was moving toward the bed, “It wasn’t petunia.” He sat down, never looking away from Alastair, whose eyes were focused on Thomas’s hand, who was holding the blanket between his fingers, “It was Charles.”
Thomas waited for Alastair to realize what he had just said. It gave him time to decide whether or not to talk about it, but the only thing he said was, “You just lost the bet.”
Thomas’s chest tightened in a press, his eyes threatening to water, “Alas.” his hand lingered between them, resting at the end on Alastair’s arm, who slowly escaped his touch, as if not to offend Thomas, “I don’t want to talk about it now.” he whispered finally, his eyes welled up, mirroring Thomas’.
“You met him when you came down to take the garbage down.” Thomas understood with horror, holding his breath. Alastair’s body fell all the way back on the bed, and he brought an arm to cover his face, but Thomas heard it anyway when he said, “I don’t want to talk about it now.” he took a trembling breath, “Please.”
“Alright.” Thomas laid down next to him, taking him in his arms, while Alastair set himself up so that his back was crushed against the other’s chest.
“I love you.” Thomas said in his ear, putting his cheek on his shoulder, “You know that, right?”
“Of course I do.” answered Alastair, staring at the void before him, “I love you too.” he said before closing his eyes.
“I don’t think you should go to work in your condition.”
“And what condition would I be in exactly, Thomas?” telled Alastair, anger flashing in his eyes.
That morning they woke up and very quietly did what they did every other morning. Alastair had gone to take a shower while Thomas was making breakfast, both were so thoughtless that they looked like two walking dead men. This was at least until Thomas had pointed out that he was not well at all and that he could not face hours of trial, even risking compromising the case.
“You’re obviously in shock from meeting Charles and going to court with your ex’s mother doesn’t seem like the best way to deal with it.” Thomas answered him by getting up from the stool and approaching Alastair, who in the meantime was tying his tie in front of the mirror they had arranged at the entrance.
“And let’s hear it, what would be the best way to do it, hmm? Sit on the couch in pajamas all day feeling sorry for myself?” he made a sound of exasperation, bending his tie and clenching his fist, trying to calm down. Thomas went next to him, taking the garment from his hand and placing it back behind his neck, smiling amused, with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not working today, and you know I would stay here with you. We could talk about it.” he told him, focusing on the knot instead of him, knowing full well how much he hated being looked at during these conversations.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” grunted Alastair, minimizing the matter at hand as usual.
“Yes, there is.” Thomas answered, walking away to see the final result. Alastair bit out a thank you.
“No, there isn’t.” huffed Alastair, “It just happened that Charles came back to see how my life was going and to make sure you and I were still together. This is what happened.”
“We need to talk about it because if he told you half the things he said to me, that means you’re gonna let the hate eat you up until it’s too much and you’re gonna convince yourself that what he said is true and you’re gonna walk away from me. And I’m not gonna let that happen,” Thomas said.
Alastair, who was in the middle of pouring himself a glass of water, stopped, laying it all in the sink and drew all his attention to his boyfriend, “What did he tell you?”
Thomas, seeing that he had finally gained ground with that phrase, did not miss the opportunity, “Will you call to get off work today?”
“What did he tell you, Thomas?”
“Will you call?”
“Yes, fuck, yes. I will call.” he answered exasperated, leaning on the table with both hands, staring out the window. “What did he talk about?”
“He thrust high school times in my face.” he saw Alastair lean even more, “He told me that I’m your dog and that you only play along because you need company, in a nutshell.”
“You know it’s all bullshit right?” when Alastair spoke his voice was pained, desperate.
“Do you?” Thomas asked again, “Because I know you, Alas. And I know you know I love you, but I also know that you’re probably wondering how it’s possible after everything you’ve done.”
“I love you too.” rushed to say Alastair completely forgetting what else his boyfriend had said, as if he were afraid that if he didn’t say it, Thomas would leave.
“I know.” Thomas approached him, putting his hand on his forearm, making Alastair turn to him, “I know, and everything that happened at school doesn’t matter. We’ve already had that argument. We’ve already solved everything.” he said with a hopeful look. But he saw in Alastair’s eyes how deep Charles’ words were already planted.
“Yes I know,” Alastair said despite everything, “All that crap about the child with a sad childhood trying to cope with it by taking it out on others. I do remember that one.”
“It’s not crap. It’s the truth.” he said to him as a reprimand, holding his arm slightly, “I chose to be with you. And I choose it every day because every day you give me a chance to see what a great person you are and how much you’re actually worth it. The others may not see you as you really are, but I do.” He touched his cheek, smiling.
Alastair looked at him for a few seconds, and then closed his eyes kissing him. Thomas was right, they had already addressed the subject too many times to return to it now.
“Now why don’t you call Charlotte and tell her you’re not going to work so we can get in bed and do nothing all day?” Thomas reminded him when they broke off, and he was still crushed against him.
“You are insufferable.”
“I made you coffee.” Thomas walked away from Alastair, approaching the stove, “Here.” said turning a teaspoon of sugar in the coffee. He offered him the dripping teaspoon, because he knew how much it bothered Alastair to waste even a drop of that gift of the gods, as he called it, “C’mon, lick it.” Thomas whined when Alastair stood still before him eyeing him with a look of pure love.
Alastair’s smile turned into something else, while with one hand he took the cup and the spoon from Thomas’s hands and with a sensual tone said, “I thought I’d lick something else actually.”
Thomas yelped when Alastair picked him up from the ground, with a bit of difficulty, and brought him into the room laughing. He threw him on the bed before jumping on his boyfriend’s body.
Yeah, fuck Charles.
taglist (if you want to be added just dm me and consider it done, same goes for the ones who want to be deleted)
@tyherondaletrash @clara-sm @cordelia-carstairs-owns-me @tessaherongraystairs @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @thecerridwen @stitch-kiss @alastairlightwxod @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea
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Scythes And Stories Chapter 2 - The Shading Of The Sky
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The sun set over the magnificent castle, shining in opal whites, scarlet reds, and deep deep golds. The castle of Vesperum, capital of Solis. Crown jewel of the world, supposedly. Rich, vibrant, and full of life, where everyone’s needs are cared for. All of this was said, but not all of it could possibly be true, Princess Ariadne thought melancholically as she sat in her bedroom. “If Solis is as perfect as everyone in the castle seems to claim, then why do I see so much suffering, not even including my own. I see the poor crying and desperate for sustenance. All of this, while the rich and ignorant fill their bellies with decadent meals and recline on satin chaises. I see the beautiful landscape razed to create room for the invasive spread of buildings our city’s population requires, while the buildings already standing are falling. And, I suppose, I do see my own pain.” Ariadne thought. “I sit here, day after day, trussed and dressed up and presented like a prize peacock. I’m nearly 18 and I have yet to do one thing of value my entire life. I cry out to do something, anything, but my life is one of silk, and just as flimsy and gaudy as such.”
“Miss Ariadne?” echoed a call from just outside the door. It was Rose, Ariadne’s nursemaid since birth, who had since changed into Ariadne’s only constant source of support, comfort, and a shoulder to cry on. Stifling her exhaustion, Anna stood and swung open the fine oak door of her bedroom. The rest of Ariadne’s room was just as opulent as the door. A fine four poster bed, piled with velvety pillows. A wardrobe full of the finest clothes. A rub from Stellae, the finest producers of textile products in the world. “Why do you look so troubled Ariadne?” Rose asked, settling into the comfortable armchair by the window to catch a brief respite. “Have your parents done something again?” Ariadne’s mother and father’s faces briefly flashed before her eyes. Her father’s stern gaze and neatly trimmed beard, mouth shouting she was a disappointment. Her mother’s amber eyes, those same ones now in Ariadne’s own head, sad and woeful. These visages dissipated quickly, but not before Ariadne’s throat closed. “Oh, you must not have heard yet. Not surprising, it’s a very recent development.” Ariadne choked out, close to breaking. Rose stood and drew Ariadne into a hug. “What happened, Ria?” Rose asked, using the nickname few had ever used. Ariadne lifted her head and stared out the window, wishing to be anywhere but here.
“I’ve been engaged to Commander Charles.” she whispered, tears brimming on her eyelashes, hovering, and cascading down.
Mouth open wide in horror, Rose gasped. “Your parents cannot be serious? You’re not even 18 yet, how are they even considering this? And Commander Charles is… a qualified but questioning option.”
“I believe their chosen words were ‘You will never amount to anything without a man and large coffers.’”
“That is ridiculous. You are strong and could easily make your own way…” Rose trailed off, realizing quickly the problem. Ariadne’s parents did not know Ariadne had been training with a variety of weapons since a young age. They did not know she spoke several languages and loved to read, and was a master of poisons. They didn’t know she had taught herself, had not cared enough to pay attention. And they especially did not know Ariadne had no intention of marrying a man ever in her life.
“I am so sorry my Ria. I am so, so unbelievably sorry. If there was any movement I could do to stop this, I would. But-”
“I know, Rose. It’s ok. I am barely in a position to help myself. I guess this is my fate, isn’t it? Everybody has to deal with things they dislike in life, and this is my lot. However, this doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Miss Ariadne, sometimes I believe you are too wise and nihilistic for your young age.”
“I sometimes think that too. But what can I do about it? If my parents will not hear or see me, I’ll be loud and brash and sad in my own head.”
A half hour and several nostalgic conversations later, Ariadne was curled up under her covers, staring out the window. The sky was sprinkled generously with stars, glowing white against the black and indigo shading of the sky. A soft breeze drifted in, smelling of the ocean. Ariadne was supposed to draw her curtains and shut her window at night, but she refused. “I will not be cut off from the outside world any more than I already am.” she told Rose before freeing her for the night. Now, she found herself unable to find peace within her own head, instead allowing the thoughts she never allowed in daylight to surface. “Somewhere out there, there must be a chance. A chance for me to love who I do, and be content in it. A chance where I don’t have to marry a commander who is a war criminal and a menace to people less fortunate than him, stealing and taking what little they do have. A chance for me to be, for once in my lifetime, happy.” Ariadne drifted off soon after, into a restless sleep filled with dark shadows, gleaming scythes, and ancient storybooks.
Ariadne startled awake in the dark of the night, eyes searching for the source of the disturbance. It didn’t take long. There was a lithe figure on her windowsill, silhouetted in the light of the stars and moon. The two stared at each other for a moment that hung suspended in time. And then, the figure moved. Ariadne scrambled backward and off her bed, thumping onto the rug and attempting to run for the door. She made it a few feet before the figure caught her. Wheeling around, Ariadne grabbed her hidden dagger from under her nightgown and brandished it. “Get back.” she snarled, not allowing fear to lace her voice. “Well well.” a voice emerged from under the hood, smooth and confident. “Who would’ve known. The little Princess knows how to use a dagger.”
“Don’t call me Princess.” Ariadne sniped back, not yielding an inch.
“I think I will continue to.” the figure said, a smile in their voice.
“Who are you, and why are you here?” Ariadne asked, swallowing hard.
“That’s a fascinating question.” the figure replied. “Why don’t I let you answer.”
It was at this moment the figure threw back their hood. Revealing a face Ariadne would’ve never, ever expected to see. It was a woman, no a girl. She couldn’t be much older than Ariadne. A beautiful, stunning girl with raven black hair and eyes as piercing and as blue as ice. Ariadne froze in that moment, dagger still clutched in hand. The woman strode closer and stopped just in front of Ariadne. Heart pumping suddenly very fast, Ariadne raised her gaze to the woman. “You didn’t answer my question.” she gritted out, trying to calm her racing head and heart.
“That is quite true, I didn’t. Which is exactly why things are about to get so very interesting.”
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jessamine--lovelace · 5 years
Can I get some ariadne x anna headcanons 🧡❤️
ok so spoilers ahead, if u didn't finish chog don't read I'm warning just to be sure
anna doesn't believe Ariadne when she tells her she ll win anna back. she doesn't let herself hope because she knows it would only bring more heartbreak
she doesn't believe until one day, when ariadne starts leaving roses at her door
when she brings her gifts and asks her to tea and other outings
Anna still doesn't want to let herself hope, but seeing Ariadne smile at her and talk to her and straightforward flirt with her.... this slowly melts Anna's heart
Anna said she never courts dull girls, but for the first time ever she is the one being courted and it's such a new thing for her she finds herself looking forward to what ariadne will do next
it's a long and excruciating road for them but they make it work. and if Anna sometimes plays hard to get just to test Ariadne s patience because she finds Ariadne cute when she s mad no one has to know
they go into missions(patrols whatever) together and it's the best thing. they watch each other's back and if the night is quiet and no danger seems to be around they'll spend the night patroling and talking and laughing about everything and nothing at all
ariadne finally succeeds into wining anna back after a long time(read: Anna stops playing hard to get and admits Ariadne succeeded like 2 months ago but was too stubborn to admit it so soon) and they become the power couple™
sometimes they sneak out (bc being the inquisitor's only daughter makes it hard to get out the house by your own terms) and anna takes Ariadne to some of her bohemian places and she presents ariadne as her partner which makes everyone shocked bc anna never settles and look at her now with a whole girlfriend being in love
they babysit little alexander together and Cecily is so happy to see her daughter being happy
i think I have more but I can't form words rn so ask me tomorrow and I'll continue maybe
or ask for any other headcannons ;))
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cordeliascortana · 4 years
yes I will connect every single taylor swift song to book characters
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
That anon is right with that quote from ivy being fitting for Magnus, but ivy as a whole is for sapphics, sorry I don't make the rules. Anyway, ivy as annaxariadne (even tho i have mixed feelings for this ship)
The sapphics can have it 😎🌈
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Cordelia ships Anna with Ariadne. That whole “I covered it up” situation was about an AnnaxAriadne kiss. Remember the fanart Cassie posted months ago?? THAT WAS IT!
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merry-thieves · 4 years
So, I finally finished my Thomastair-scenes-series. The question now is which ship I’m going to do next. I could do Jordelia, AnnaxAriadne, JessexLucie or any other TLH ship. Any wishes?
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suchalovelydisaster · 4 years
Tumblr media
An aesthetic board for @fieryfantasybooklover‘s AnnaxAriadne AU “Scythes and Stories!”
I linked the fic to the image but it also right here! This fic is INCREDIBLE and she has been working really hard on it! I am so proud of her, so if y’all want to go give her some love that would be great! Obviously, no pressure but if you want an amazing fantasy au, this is it!
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AnnaxAriadne fic coming tomorrow.
Hello lovely people! 
I know you must be sick of me by now, but I have another Shadowhunters Short Story coming tomorrow. This one is about Anna and Ariadne 4 years post CHOG, they are married now and the story is about them adopting and raising a baby. It is split into two parts, tomorrow is part 1, then part 2 will be a few days or a week after that. 
I plan to upload part 1 tomorrow morning at approximately 10:00 A.M. GMT, I hope you’ll enjoy it and here’s a snippet to enjoy in the meantime!
Shortly after The Lightwoods leave, Ariadne goes back to bed for a while, utterly exhausted, while Anna happily settles into the rocking chair in Benji’s nursery, with Benji in her arms.
“Sweet baby Benji, I love you so much.” Anna whispers as she gazes down at Benji and he looks up at her with his huge brown eyes. “You have no idea how happy you make your mama and I, your mama has gone through so much and through it all she has wanted children so very much, now we have you Benji and you have made your mama the happiest lady in the land, and of course I would be lost without you, you and your mama. I know you are going to grow up with so many questions about your adoption and your birth parents, you will have trauma that I cannot understand as someone who was not adopted, but your mama was adopted too and she will able to understand and help you, but I promise I will also always be there to support and love you, you are one of the only boys I will ever love Benji, along with your grandpa and Uncles, and your Great-Uncles.” Anna brings Benji close to her and kisses his forehead.
A few minutes later Anna is pulled from her thoughts by a knock on the door. “Well now who could the be my sweet Benji, hm? Do you suppose your Uncle Kit forgot something? He would forget his head if it were not screwed on.” Anna lightly laughs, standing up with Benji still in her arms and making her way to the door.
When Anna answers the door she is greeted by a grinning Matthew bouncing on the balls of his feet, James next to him also smiling, Christopher looking around him absentmindedly, Cordelia next to James, her arm linked through with his, gazing up at her husband with adoration, and Thomas, his hand on Matthew’s shoulder trying to calm him down, with Alastair standing by Thomas’ side.
“Anna!” Matthew cries in delight. “Can we meet our nephew?”
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aratilightwood · 4 years
Imagine if Ariadne spent CHOI developing a witty and healthy friendship with Alastair, instead of pining after someone who doesn’t want her... sounds more appealing.
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julemmaes · 5 years
The Noodles Series, masterlist
Summary: the gang always spend the night together, different house every time. After a particularly tiring week they decide to do leave the city for a few days, but not before having spent some nights alone with their better halves
part one: pas des crêpes, jordelia
part two: c’mon, lick it, thomastair
part three: alone together, fairondale
part four: little black dress, arianna
part five: screaming to the stars, gracestopher (COMING SOON) (I know we have like zero (just the carriage scene and not even written, just mentioned) content on them, but I kinda wanna see why the fuck these two end up marrying each other so, not fully against the couple)
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aratilightwood · 4 years
Ever think how Magnus, Alastair and Ariadne could relate to each other on another level? Despite their obvious differences, they're all in love (will be in love) with a tall, white lightwood they've fall head over heels for
Where in an alternative universe, the three of them meet up every month at 'book clubs' to offer insight, support and advice over their significant others.
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aratilightwood · 4 years
With all the chaos and controversy surrounding that leaked AnnaxAriadne snippets, I forgot how much time passes between CHOG and CHOI. And you know what really annoys me? Given the nature of these snippets, they imply that Ariadne spent the past four months pining over Anna’s attention, dances and kisses. Like, I know she resolved to “win” Anna back at the end of CHOG. However, I didn’t think it’d be to that extent. For the first few weeks after finishing CHOG, I felt excited over the prospect of it. But now, after seeing Anna’s treatment of Ariadne as a result of it, I’m disappointed and afraid. It doesn’t seem healthy... but toxic.
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aratilightwood · 4 years
Headcanon that (1) James calls Cordelia by her Persian name when he talks to her lovingly, (2) Thomas calls Alastair by his Persian when he talks to him lovingly and (c) Anna calls Ariadne by her Indian name when she talks to her lovingly.
Or, you know, scratch that completely and have James, Thomas and Anna refer to their significant others by those names ALL the time.
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aratilightwood · 4 years
These letters CC’s releasing on Instagram imply that Matthew’s known about AnnaxAriadne for a while, and... I’m shooketh.
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