#annnnyways... sad
simptasia · 2 months
also 8 years and i still havent summoned the emotional strength to revisit the star trek reboot movies
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kingdomkome · 11 months
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
An attempt at a masterlist!
Pre-K Universe (lil dabbles, fem!reader) ⚜ ⚜
More on it
More an More
Getting used to it
Uncle Soap
Uh OH???
Eeek pt 2. Pt 3 pt4 pt 5. Pt6. Pt 7
Oh no
Oh no pt2
Mister Money
Ask the Man
Be Mine
Johnny's speech
God's Grace
(I tried to organise them in order of the events going, if I made an error please let me know!! I do accept requests but PLEASE keep in mind what I have written and use that a guide for what I’m comfortable writing, they may just take a day or so to get done)
Stand Alone
1. home invasion
Sad stuff-
Adoption Au!!
Pt 1
Pt 2
Mafia AU!
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blueberry-gills · 10 days
Annnnyway. Sad stuff is put on hold. I think another person mistook me for a Water type specialist today so I'm gonna lean into the bit
Just you wait I'm gonna come back from Paldea with an team of nothing but Bruxish and Skrelp and Veluza and Tatsugiri an-
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soggypotatoes · 4 months
today was the worst day, and of my own choosing haha
I went to uni, it was nice but I felt a bit.. I'm too tired to talk about it but it was hard.. but I did a whole assignment after class which was good! and then I rewarded myself by walking round the library a bit and doing some light reading aka a book abt modern slavery and specifically reading a few chapters written by victims of sex trafficking about the brutality they experienced, and I was all 'oh this is interesting and I'm being education so I am fine to be reading this' only for me to get up and fucking..
it's like staring into a bright light for an hour and then walking around the city with the imprint on your vision that you cant quite see through, yknow? like fuck. slavery is worse than ever and I'm profiting from it. anyway. time to go to my parents place.
and they're living in a nightmare situation rn (their house usually is but it's worse than normal bc my mum's incapacitated by recent surgery but refuses to value herself so shes looking after her friends 3 dogs for a week - 3 young, energetic dogs that jump on her ((SHE HAD SURGERY SHES IN PAIN ALL THE TIME)) and poo in the house and she also already has 2 dogs to look after and my dad's a workaholic who's barely around so I'm going over to walk them bc guess what I also value others over myself anyway)
I'm exhausteddddd y'all.. but I forced myself to find peace with it. it's just, being at my parents is so hard. always takes me like a week to recover when I go there and now I have to go most days even tho my dad and brother are fully able to look after her. I'm the one with empathy so I gotta do it 🙃
ANNNNYWAYS. I feel so much better now bc housemate and I watched a media I hate together and I got to feel my anger and frustration validated. that's something I'm learning, that for me, watching happy nice things makes me feel sad and like something's wrong with me. I need to share my emotions with someone even if it's just hate watching something lmao
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eyeballcommander · 11 months
Annnnyways as fun as riling up you sad, terminally online losers is I need to finalize invasion details. Later.
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"Get to Know Me" Tag Meme
I’m just gonna copy, paste and pretend I know what I’m doing, story of my liiife. Also, we’re talking TMNT??? Have you…have you seen that one hentai comic about Leonardo & Raphael…it’s called Black & Blue…Mikey’s cool though 10/10 but Donny needs some loving poor dude. Annnnyway. (It’s available online for free go read it cough)
Three Ships: I mean I guess it’s pretty obvious I only reblog Adore Delano shit bc I’m lazy and they’re hot so anything Adore Delano. Mainly I write Adore Delano/Bianca Del Rio though. SWAN-FUCKING-QUEEN. Nough said, Emma Swan & Regina Mills. Always. Idk who my 3rd is tbh, rn I’m low key into anything with Raja or Courtney ? Idky. *looks at currently reading* Although I could write absolutely fucking ESSAYS about the throuple that is Wolverine, Jean Grey and Scott Summers. Honestly.
First Ever Ship: I honestly don’t know, probably Monica & Chandler. Super cliche I know. Yukari & Koizumi from Paradise Kiss also did a pretty fucking good number on me like I still weep. SQ was the first BIG, BIG ship though. Talho & Holland from Eureka Seven maybe even? I shipped myself with characters all the damn time though Trunks from DBZ, Tommy from Power Rangers…Mokuba from YuGiOh…I was like 7 okay.
Last Song: That I listened to? Summertime Sadness by Planleft
Can’t stand the original but this shit 😚👌🏻 chef’s kiss.
Currently Reading: Oof so. Undone by @veronicasanders & 4theloveofdrag. Just finished catching up with Single Gay Dad’s Club by Dartmouth420, which I didn’t think I’d enjoy bc ew kids but it was pretty cute I liked it a lot. Both Immortal X-Men & Night Club are my favorite ongoing comics right now but Dark Knights of Steel & Might Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 are CLOSE second.
Currently Watching: Yikes again. I’m currently through my 6th Golden Girls & Murder She Wrote rewatch, but I’m also flip flopping between the new & old episodes of the Simpsons bc it makes good background noise. Literally right this second though I’m watching Mrs Grant Takes Richmond bc I do in fact love Lucy.
Currently Consuming: My 6th cup of coffee for the day and a slice of cheese. I’m super health conscious. Closely watch my macros and whatnot obviously.
Currently Craving: Low key a day off and a beer, might try to finish my deadline a little sooner today and indulge a little.
Tag people you want to get to know better!
@glittertrail @saiphl @dakotagorgeousworld
That’s the only people I know so go for it lol.
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sunshinehighway · 4 years
end of year ee ask meme!
rules: reblog, send each other questions, and answer accordingly (in relation to the last 12 months on eastenders) 
best ben quote? 
best callum quote? 
best overall episode?
favourite angst moment? 
favourite humorous moment? 
favourite fluff moment? 
favourite family moment?
best ben outfit?
best callum outfit? 
most impressive acting by tony?
most impressive acting by max? 
favourite parallel? 
favourite location?
best hug?
best kiss? 
best fight?
pride week or wedding week?
favourite callum platonic relationship?
favourite platonic ben relationship?
favourite quote about ballum from an outside party?
favourite pre-ballum ben moment of 2019?
favourite pre-ballum callum moment of 2019?
most rewatched scene?
if you could delete one scene from this year which would it be?
three fics you love? 
three gifsets/artworks you love? 
give me three song recs for ballum! 
shout out 5 blogs who’ve made your ballum tumblr experience this year!
top 3 things you want to see from ballum in 2020?
sum up ballum’s journey (so far) in just three words? 
and some general eastenders questions:
  31. favourite female character?   32. favourite male character?   33. favourite child/teen character?   34. best newcomer of 2019?   35. best exit of 2019?   36. favourite storyline of 2019?   37. a character or pairing that you’ve changed your opinion on in the last year?   38. best dressed? worst dressed?   39. favourite stunt of 2019?   40. annnnnd one of the long term viewers: three most ground-breaking moments of the decade? 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 4 June ‘21
“Look out my window and Louis Tomlinson outside”, said the (second) luckiest man in London (first is Harry ofc), and posted a pic of himself with Louis, who is looking cute in a jersey and cap over that long long hair (looks like the guy took a couple blurry pictures out his window then ran out to accost Louis, lol.) He said, “pleasure to meet you on my road this evening” and that Louis was “a real gentleman” (and also a “gemtleman” SO TRUE whether he typed it that way on purpose or not) and “a proper amazing chap.” Also on this guy’s road? A recording studio, specifically the one Louis was pictured working at last week. Looks like Louis was with Charlie Lightening (and at least one other person, unidentifiable). Grown ass men recognizing Louis and running outside to talk to him?? This is the future louies want!
Liam woke up early and hopped straight on his discord to respond to some very sweet messages-- I hope he’s getting some enjoyment out of reading them all. I think a lot about his sister saying that he always read all the stuff fans are saying and is really affected by it and so it always makes me happy when people flood him with positive stuff. He also polled people about NFTs (yes, no, idk what that is) and said he’s going to be in Brazil at the end of the year. OoOh? Then he posted a video telling us about what he dreamed-- “now without sounding like a complete fanboy I had the weirdest One Direction related dream,” he said and that he dreamed he was arguing with Zayn over ownership of a leather jacket, and that he had a boxing match “with Tommo” and “I couldn’t hit him.” “Well at least you know I’m thinking about you, boys!” he concludes.
And, yes, the big drama and discourse of the day (™)... Zayn and Gigi had a full day of getting papped yesterday, with her- according to paps- at a vaccine shot appointment and he showing off his very stylish white tracksuit and yellow hat; and, unfortunately, ending up showing a less press-ready side as well. A short video shows Zayn shirtless and yelling at some guy who is yelling at him and pushing into his space and getting in his face (mostly a lot of “who the fuck are you” from Zayn) while PA Taryn tries to hold onto Zayn and keep them apart. The guy calls Z a f***** and Zayn repeats “I’m a f*****?!”, laughing incredulously, and now half of twitter is canceling him for using slurs, so that’s a fun day for everyone. Then ZaynWeLove you trended worldwide as fans worked to bury the video, but tabloids got wind of it anyway so that was that. According to TMZ “Zayn was smoking a cig outside Amsterdam Billiards Club in the East Village after 2 AM when a group of guys came out of Little Sister Lounge next door and an altercation ensued.” Also “sources say he was wearing [a shirt] at the billiards joint, but it's unclear exactly when or why he took it off”, haha- the attempts from everyone at a definitive shirt removal timeline are for sure the only fun part of this. ANNNNYWAY, how about that Look, he looks like a cyber cow, love that, and also: before all this, Zayn got papped, which generally means Zayn is about to release something or other, so that’s exciting.
More Holivia pics from the pub they were at last night were posted-- in these pics you can see that in fact Harry is wearing a DIFFERENT pair of stripey blue and pink shorts with the cutest cardigan with colored cuffs, also pink and blue, aww. Our lil walking trans flag/ Fine Line cover! We’re told he drank tequila and was (of course) very nice to fans and that PA Luis was sat between him and Olivia (lol). A crowd gathered outside the busy pub trying to get in to Harry, and photographed his and Olivia’s departure; they are shown cuddling a bit on the street, with Luis suddenly nowhere in sight. Very private moments not meant to be captured for the public eye, I’m sure, despite the many fans right there.
The person responsible for Other People Fund, an organization that helps people pay for therapy, told us about Harry Lambert getting some of her merch (shirts and tote bags that say ‘I think we should see other people and by other people I mean therapists”) for Harry Styles! Harry carried the tote for his walks in the park with Olivia last month, HAAAAA AMAZING. I wonder if he was sad no one managed to read the message then? The story is that the girl who makes them had made a post offering to provide Harry with a shirt after his (shirtless) grammys appearance and ended up sending it to Harry L who was like YES WE MUST HAVE THIS and bought two shirts and the tote. Maybe she should make a post for Zayn too, how appropos her messaging would be for this shirtless media moment huh? Anne Marie said the Our Song MV bts won’t be long now and “are you ready???” “No I’m not!” said Niall. A Luca Shreiner Our Song remix is out. Showtime added Louis to their pride month queer playlist and Jason Sudeikis’ show Ted Lasso wrapped its London filming- will this also mean HoliviaUK is a wrap? We can only hope.
#Louis tomlinson#zayn#liam payne#harry styles#holivia#thank you so much for the Z news heads up it can be hard to know a thing is happening when people are actively working#to keep people from finding out that a thing happened...though I suppose once TMZ got on it that was out the window#I starred out f** to be considerate but tbh- it feels weird to me. Like people calling queer a slur when it’s a full on identity and common#word#I know loads of people who self identify as fags and who use that word a lot in casual chat you know?#I’m currently reading a book that uses the word casually every couple pages right now (written by someone who self identifies as a f*****)#which really adds to the dissonance (for me) of the reaction to it on twitter#anyway which isn’t to say dudes throwing the word around as an insult in macho pissing contests is okay#tho for the record I don’t think Zayn’s use of it here is him doing that it sounds to me more like ‘omg you did not really just say that wtf#I’m more bothered by the macho pissing contest part really#if you want the book rec it’s The Freezer Door by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore#who as a side note#has been dressing in brightly colored corduroy flares with lacy collars and pearls and hats with flowers on them since like… the 90s#which is no shade @ Harry just a reminder that he's drawing on and paying tribute to a long tradition of queer culture#not inventing it#I also just read 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell which ALSO uses that word like every other page and is also very good#Sometimes you just gotta catch up on your queer lit I guess anyway there’s a lot of queer culture out there besides twitter and tiktok cult#er tiktok culture I meant but uh#you know what.... lol#4 jun 21
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skyward-floored · 2 years
I liked the First and Spirit fic it was good can we see the angsty one too?
Thanks anon :]
And let me just say you asked for it
(Nicknames; Spirit- st, First- guy from the Hyrule historia manga, Windy- ww, Slate- botw, and Era- hw (though he’s only mentioned))
(Slight violence/injury warning, but it’s mostly hurt/comfort with an emphasis on comfort so it could be worse I think. Idk. There’s barely even a plot and the ending is eh but annnnyways-)
Spirit kicked a rock from where he was sitting, watching it bounce across the ground then land in the stream nearby with a small plip.
He rested his chin in his hands, a lump forming in his throat as he tried not to think about what had happened an hour ago- but the battle flooded back into his head unbidden, and Spirit squeezed his eyes shut as the events replayed in his mind.
He didn’t even know how many wizzrobes there were around in the field; he just knew there were a lot, all blasting fire in every direction towards anything that moved.
There were flames all over the place, making the air thick and pressing, burning heat licking at Spirit’s neck while the smoke made him cough. He didn’t know where everybody else had gone-he only caught glances of other people through the smoke, occasional battle cries over the crackle of the flames.
He dodged attacks as best he could and fought back when he was able but there were just so many flames to avoid and fire truly everywhere and he was exhausted from constantly moving-
Someone shouted for him to move and he knew didn’t have time to dodge and had only just started to turn when a weight slammed into him.
A blast of heat hit his side as he was thrown to the ground and a horrible scream went up from next to him, and he looked and froze when he saw Windy lying on the ground, sprawled on his side, with smoke curling up off of his-
Spirit swallowed down the lump in his throat, slumping down on his seat. The rest of the battle had been a blur, and once it was over a swarm of Links had blocked Spirit’s view of the Hero of Winds.
Era had come over to him to see if he’d been hurt or not but Spirit had bolted the moment he’d drawn near, ignoring the calls for him to return.
He didn’t even know if Windy was alive or not.
“Hello young one.”
Spirit wearily raised his head at the familiar voice, watching as the ghost of the First Hero silently approached. He sat down on the rock next to him, and Spirit could see the outline of the stone through his slightly translucent skin.
The hero sent him a gentle smile, and Spirit felt the lump come back.
“Hi,” he replied in a whisper, and First sighed.
He shifted on the rock a bit before he turned back to Spirit, warm compassion in his eyes.
“It’s difficult to see others suffer, isn’t it,” the ghost murmured, and Spirit felt his hands start to shake.
“It was meant for me,” he whispered, “I would’ve been hit dead-on with the flames from that wizzrobe thing if Windy hadn’t pushed me, I-“
There was an annoying prickle in the corner of his eyes, and Spirit stubbornly blinked it back.
“I think... I think I might’ve died,” he rasped. “Or at least come close. Windy saved my life, he got all those horrible burns while doing it and I don’t even know if he’s ali-“
He sniffled, then immediately shrunk down away from First.
Sure the ghost liked to hear about his day, and occasionally hear him complain, but did he really want to hear him get all weepy about this stuff? He was the first hero. He was literally chosen by a goddess in person! This kind of thing probably didn’t bother him at all-
“Little one.”
Spirit startled and looked up to see First giving him an awfully sad look.
“Little one,” he repeated softly, “I went to check on the hero of Winds. He is alive, and doing substantially better. The Hero of Legend is an apt healer, as are several of the others, and their patient is young and strong. He will recover well, with likely very few scars.”
Instead of easing the lump in Spirit’s throat, First’s words only made it tighter, but now relief had joined the slew of emotions making it up. Spirit found himself wiping a tear off his cheek as he took in a shaky breath.
“Are you injured at all yourself?” First asked gently.
Spirit shook his head. “N-no. I mean, I think my arm got a little singed, but it doesn’t really hurt.”
First inclined his head and Spirit obliged with the silent request, holding out his arm. It was reddened, but not too blistered, and the ghost nodded in satisfaction.
“You were right, it isn’t too serious. You should wrap it once you return though,” he murmured.
Then he let out a large sigh, looking at the couple tears still dripping down Spirit’s face. “I wish I could offer more comfort than mere words.”
Spirit sniffled again and ran a knuckle across his eyes, mopping up his tears with his glove.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, “talking to you helps.”
“Maybe so,” First said as he glanced away. “But I think you could use a hug.”
Spirit’s breath hitched.
“I think you’re right,” he croaked.
First slid closer to him, and despite the fact that he wasn’t corporeal, put an arm around his shoulder. Spirit felt a strange cool sensation, one that made the hair on his neck stand up, but he leaned into the weird nonexistent touch anyways, tears still escaping down his face.
“It’ll be okay,” First murmured, and a muffled sob escaped Spirit.
“It was awful First,” he choked out, beginning to shake, “his scream was s-so loud, and I c-could smell it-“
Spirit couldn’t get anything else out, and First ran a ghostly hand through his hair, an ever-so-faint breeze tousling the locks.
They sat there without saying anything for a while, Spirit crying quietly while First held him in a mockery of a hug. He continued running a hand through his hair, and Spirit found himself soothed by the motion despite the goosebumps that formed on his skin.
He didn’t know how much time went by before his tears slowed, but they had finally started to wane when a shout came from the bushes.
“Spirit- Spirit, there you are! Hylia are you okay?”
He looked up to see Slate tumble out of the undergrowth, a few twigs in his hair as he fumbled out towards him with a worried expression.
“Windy’s doing okay, but we couldn’t find you and then Era said you ran off before he could even look over you and I- well I guess I assumed the worst,” he said with a nervous scratch to his neck.
Spirit swallowed the lump in his throat again and gave Slate his best ‘I’m totally fine now don’t worry about it’ look.
“I’m okay,” he managed to get out, his voice not cracking too badly. It wasn’t really a lie. He mostly just felt exhausted from the whole thing.
Slate’s relieved expression faded a bit, and he leaned forward, studying Spirit’s red-rimmed eyes and damp cheeks.
“You sure?” he asked in a hesitant tone.
Spirit gave a tiny nod.
Slate hesitated for a second, then gently approached him, getting to his knees so he was closer to Spirit’s height. He studied him, then seeing he was apparently unhurt, didn’t say anything else. He merely extended his arm towards the engineer, and after a moment Spirit took it, letting Slate tug him forward into a hug.
The champion didn’t say anything, the only noise escaping him a quiet little tune he was absently humming in Spirit’s ear. Spirit himself sniffled again and tucked himself tighter into his arms.
He could still feel First’s hand on his shoulder, and that along with Slate’s arms around him helped ease what was left of the emotions that had been plaguing him into something more manageable. He was still worried out of his mind for Windy, but he did feel better.
Spirit sighed.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, not only directed at Slate.
First made a small affirmative hum, and Slate nodded.
“No problem,” the champion murmured. “It just hits all at once sometimes huh?”
Slate stood up then, and Spirit slowly got to his feet as well, letting the champion put a hand on his shoulder.
“C’mon. We should have someone take a look at your arm,” he said, gesturing to the burn. “I know it’s not serious but it’s gotta be painful.”
Spirit nodded. Now that he’d mentioned it it did hurt a bit.
He looked back at First, who had also gotten to his feet, and gave him a little questioning look as he wiped the last of his tears from his face.
“I’ll come along, don’t worry,” First said with a gentle look. “I’m not going anywhere.”
A relieved smile settled itself on Spirit’s face, and he let Slate lead him back to camp, his hand still held comfortingly on his shoulder.
First followed wordlessly behind them, concern still glinting in his eyes.
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mediumwho · 4 years
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     HELLOOOOOOO  !!  i’m  peach  ( 20, she/her )  and  i ...  am  very  excited  to  be  here  +  to  meet  all  of  your  characters  :’)  i’ve  never  been  in  a  rp  with  this  concept  so  when  i  found  it  .................  i  felt  blessed  DFGKHJ  annnnyway  ..  i  bring  to  you  a  kinda  tired,  major  lesbian  :  jo(sephine)  price.
stats page.
wanted connections page.
wanted connections tag. ( for more ideas )
( maya hawke & cis female ) + you know josephine “jo” price, the 21 year-old animal groomer that has lived in eldstead all her life? i heard she has a tendency to be patient, humorous, stubborn & moody. the taurus has equipped book in time for the full moon
before  her  story  even  starts...
〈  ♡  her parents, lucy and william, were both born and raised in eldstead. they befriended each other in middle school and started dating in junior year of high school. they were absolutely head over heels for each other; it’s not every day that you get lucky enough to fall in love with your best friend and soulmate, after all.
〈  ♡  the lovebirds married right out of high school and moved into their own little house. there were no words in the entire dictionary that could describe how perfect their lives were. there was always one thing that william never understood ... why wasn’t he allowed to meet her family?
〈  ♡  he would soon realize that lucy was hiding her family from him due to the fact that they were all witches; she wasn’t sure how he would react and her skepticism of him was proved right when he wanted to break things off with her after meeting her family.
〈  ♡  heartbroken, lucy walked away. she wasn’t about to keep the love of her life in a marriage he no longer wanted. it was merely 3 weeks after their break up when lucy found out she was 9 weeks pregnant.
... the  story  starts  when  she’s  born...
〈  ♡  how and where she was born is completely unknown. was she born in eldstead? in a neighbouring town? across the damn country? no one knows for certain. the only thing anyone really knows is that little josephine was dropped off at her father’s doorstep with a note attached.
〈  ♡  the note read:  “josephine rose price. born september 12th at 9:41am. i hope to meet you, my love, and our daughter again some day... but until that day, i wish you all the best. with love, lucy.”   wiliam was rightfully surprised by this but he refused to turn his daughter away.
〈  ♡  jo was raised in a sweet little home in eldstead, that was located right beside a cemetery. she would often have night terrors that resulted in permanently sleeping with her father. she’d complain about seeing a “scary man with a broken jaw” in her bedroom. but this was just the beginning.
〈  ♡  to help cope with her night terrors, she turned to drawing the figures she saw. they were terrifying drawings for a 6 years old to be drawing and she’d hide this sketchbook from her father. if they scared her, they would scare him too, she thought.
〈  ♡  she’s 10 when her father first catches her sitting in front of a tombstone. “what ever are you doing, josephine?” he’d asked her. “playing with my friend!” she replied. his father, of course, wasn’t sure what to make of her response. probably just an imaginary friend is what he’d tell himself to feel better. but thinking back to his ex-wife’s family, he knew better.
〈  ♡  it takes her a little bit but one day, she realizes she can see dead people. it startles her, of course, when her classmates ask her who she’s talking to during recess. they make her out to feel like a freak-of-nature because of her gift. and the second she tells them she’s talking to a ghost, they alienate her. her only friend is this little ghostie.
  〈  ♡  little ghostie is the only “person” who seems to really understand josephine. she helped her feel less afraid of her gift & of the ghosts she sees. she told her the story of how she died and boy, did it make josephine cry. because she, too, was an outcast like josephine when she was alive.
 〈  ♡  once william figured out for certain that his daughter was a medium, he moved away with her. she didn’t have time to tell her little ghostie that she had to leave which made her extremely sad. little did josephine know: her father was actually trying to find lucy so he could give her full custody of their daughter. he figured she would have a better chance with them because they had knowledge of such things.
〈  ♡  3 years later is when he finally gives up searching for lucy and they find themselves back in eldstead; back to their home beside the graveyard. unfortunately for josephine, she, too, could not find her loved one. she searched high and low within the town but she couldn’t find her little ghostie. though she eventually stopped looking, she never lost hope that she’d one day find her true friend.
...and here’s where the story is nowadays.
〈  ♡  jo has since moved into a cute lil apartment with a view of the open water. she still sometimes experiences night terrors but she has a routine she does when she experiences them to make them more manageable. this includes drawing in that old sketchbook she had as a child ( she keeps it hidden in her nightstand ). 
〈  ♡  she got the cutest wittle puppy & also started helping out as an animal groomer at the local pet shop. and for the first time, josephine feels content with her life.
〈  ♡  also... jo has recently started looking into who her mother is; going through school records, snooping through her dad’s old stuff. she feels bad about not telling him about wanting to find her ( because they tell each other everything ) but she doesn’t want him to get upset / freak out .... sound familiar? DFJKGH
other stuff.
i feel it’s super important to note that jo knows nothing about her birth mother !! in fact, she didn’t even know it was “normal” to have a mother until a “parent day” at school when almost everyone had a mother-figure and she didn’t.
she loves skateboarding :)  and will usually go skateboarding during sunrise hours and smoke weed while watching the sunrise and draw before going to work. she doesn’t smoke enough to get super high tho so don’t report her.
btw she’s also a talented artist !! she loves to draw & will sometimes sit on the boardwalk and offer $5 drawings / portraits to make a little extra cash.
she’s highkey mad that she was the outcast growing up cause she really do be funny + has the worst best dad jokes + also cracks them at the ffffucking worst times DFGJKH you know those one’s that make you want to facepalm?? yeah, those.
also she’s more popular and liked present day. especially with all the cryptids around lately, she feels more .. accepted and less like a complete outcast.
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simptasia · 11 months
I think i remember an old post ages and ages ago where you said if anyone ever sent a threesome post daniel/char/miles you'd go insane and i can't remember if anyone did so here is that ask i'd love to hear a threesome hc between these lil guys
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it is funny how when my brain isn't fixated on something else, for whatever reason my mind settles on picturing these three people before i go to sleep. romance, mundane stuff, fucking, pregnancy
mainly fucking
it's just a comfortable groove my mind has settled into over the past t,,ten years. well. jer, bex and ken are all talented babes who deserved to be in the show more. not to say dan and miles didn't have depth. they did, but it feels like so much of their story is off screen
because it is. fucking writer's strike
annnnyways. this prompt is so very broad (specifics make me a happy sapphie), i will try to collect my thoughts as best i can
i still haven't figured out how long the time on the boat was. basically i need to figure out the time between michael's flashback in "meet kevin johnson" and when our sci team land. and with that, i have the playground for these three meeting
so information pending, i go with a month
within that month, daniel and charlotte fall in love, that much is clear. but where does miles factor into this? the writers seem to have forgotten miles should have like, some kinda feelings about these people. not romantic like i do, but Something. a science team that neither science nor teams
so miles was pulling his "i don't care about people, leave me alone" bullshit on the boat but it barely worked and dan and char hung out with him anyways. misfits sticking together kinda thing. espech cuz keamy and his friends totally woulda been awful to all of them
char takes it upon herself to be dan's carer, because Nobody Care Him, and at this point dan badly needs help. and, naturally, they fall in love and they're being all held gaze-y and touching each other a lot for a not couple. and miles and noami are like "jeez get a load of these two". anyways char loves dan but she feels that doing something about that would be taking advantage of him. what with the severe brain damage
my version of charlotte is a very sexually experienced lady (i.e a slut. i say this lovingly). miles is a slut too. so they're horny and lonely and bitter so they become fuck buddies. yeah, as far threesome shipping goes, technically char/miles is the weakest part of the triangle, so it's ironically that those are the two i have bang first
oh a good way to go about this is for me to describe how each part of the trio feels about the other
daniel towards charlotte: it wasn't love at first sight but he made eye contact just a bit too long. pure love and devotion. like, to a concerning degree. like, he would (and does) absolutely risk the lives of himself and others for her. however it's not just My Love My Soulmate My Goddess level awe, he does genuinely respect her as a human being. like, her intelligence and boldness. it can come across like he's got her on a pedestal but nah, this dude is just adoring. that being said, in daniel's eyes charlotte is perfect
charlotte towards daniel: the moment she saw him she saw this sadness in him that was sympathetic. but she didn't feel pity, just a strong desire to know this man. char has no desire to Fix Men, she went into this caregiver role out of a desire to help somebody who clearly didn't fit in with the world around him. char had often felt lost or alone in her life, so a connection was felt. plus, dan just makes everybody softer. over the weeks, the desire to just stick by him turned into affection, fondness, friendship, attraction... love. as mentioned she chose not to act on it. and on the island, after hearing that dan loves her, she still keeps it to herself. i think she was waiting for a better time, "when we're home, when things aren't so life threatening and hectic, i'll tell dan how i feel" but that time never came, not in their lifetimes, at least
miles towards daniel and charlotte: okay so these go together because they're tied up in one emotional rollercoaster. so at first to him they're just Weird Nerd and Hot Feisty British Chick. then they're those nerds that hang out all the time- oh they're into each other. whatever i guess. miles doesn't care. wish they'd bang already because they're being so cute they're annoying. man, they're cute. Wait What. No. Don't Get Attached. Love Is A Lie And Everything Dies- uh anyways. sex isn't sad. think of char while jerking off. why is faraday here, he's not even hot........ oh, actually into this. and then char isn't banging dan so she bangs miles and that suits miles just fine. and he can keep pretending he doesn't care. basically his feelings towards char is going from finding to her hot to also, liking her. and with dan, thinking he's weird but lowkey wanting to protect him (in a miles way, so sassing keamy, and supporting the rest the group in subtle, bitchy ways). and also getting a confused boner for him because dan sneaks up on people like that
charlotte towards miles: went from "oh this arsehole" to "he's funny" to "oh, oh there's something hiding under there" to "we may as well fuck". the recognition of hidden depths comes before the fucky. just like with sawyer. they're bitchy fuck buddies
daniel towards miles: daniel always liked miles, even when miles was just straight up mean. because somehow, someway, daniel always had a feeling like miles didn't really mean it. maybe it's cuz daniel has been really bullied before so he Knows things. maybe its the look in miles' eyes when he thinks nobody is looking. so, dan's feelings towards miles are relatively simple. he's always liked him and found him funny, and that can easily form into affection and loyalty, because it's quite easy for dan to like people. i submit to you, dan falling in love with desmond within a span of 2-ish hours. and trusting kate and jack within an hour. dan needs friends. if somebody is genuinely a nasty person, he's not so down
in limboverse this expands further, dan and char start from almost stratch (but with ~Soulmate Feelings~ ala kate and claire) and then one day experience a Memory Love Blast (as ya go) and then they make out and tearfully confess their love for each other
all very lovely and angsty and would no doubt be scored amazingly
miles and char get far more to their relationship in limbo, as the show decided they're friends! so i've expanded that to they're bestest friends ever. they met because char works at miles dad's museum and he introduced them. soon after they banged in the coat room
(they mistook their otherworldly "we have a connection" feelings for Intense Lust and acted accordingly. and they weren't wrong. for whatever reason i insist upon these two having great sexual chemistry. so i've rolled with that)
so they get the fuck buddy thing too but over a longer period of time and with added friendship. i love the char/miles limboverse dynamic
so! how does that become dan/char/miles?
well dan and char were already dating (from finale onwards) but the remembering thing makes the feelings even stronger. so they're basically fully committed. and char and miles had this arrangement where she and miles are always friends of course but their physical relationship only happens in between char's many, many relationships. so fully and totally in love with dan, char ponders to herself one night that this would mean never being with miles again. and she realises that makes her sad. it'd make miles' sad too but he opts to ignore that feeling because he's pro dan/char
so after thinking about it a lot she decides to sit her boys down at the kitchen table and extend an offer. she knows she's taking a risk, she worries if she's being selfish or greedy, but she has to ask. and she's basically like "dan i love you, miles i love you too, Can Miles Be A Part Of This" but more complex than that. like letting dan know that he's Enough. and miles quipping something like "wow, you'll miss fucking me that bad, huh?". i have a bagillion stories of these three in my head and they're all amazingly written, i promise
i feel the real turning point in the convo is when daniel, gears audibly turning in his head, asks "do i get to be with miles too?"
note: get to
so yeah, they become a thing. shocking, i know
ya know. i haven't even started on the sex stuff yet
now, i don't want it to come across like miles, dear miles, is some kind of fuck pet for this couple. given the races of the people involved, that'd be a bit yikes. no, Fuck Pet stuff is for the dom/sub stuff char likes to do. as i imagine these three, it's a genuine, respectful relationship. just they're all emotionally fucked up in different ways, especially miles. mind you, remembering his life will help out with miles' openness and emotional maturity
it's just that i realised that it could come across like i'm depicting dan and char as this pure breath taking love and then with miles it's like Fuck Fuck Fuck, like he's just an object. and thats not true. dan and char are also Fuck Fuck Fuck in my heart. and i love miles dearly and acknowledge and expand upon his character vehemently
heck, i think i understand his pain more than the writers do. but i have added my own interpretations. as is my right
anyways. sex headcanon lightning round: femdom char. masochist miles. obligate bottom daniel. char is insanely loud, like it sounds like she's faking it cuz it sounds that over the top. daniel is so into char's hair that it's a fetish. miles has his nipples and cock pierced. dan is great at eating pussy. miles has a filthy fucking mouth. char gushes like a goshdamn fountain because i'm driving this fucking bus
in the book of their life there would be a chapter called "Charlotte And Miles Help Daniel Discover Fetishes". daniel isn't totally oblivious (he went to oxford, he knows some things) but he's certainly far less experienced than char and miles. and he's never watched porn
so he's gonna learn some things about the world and himself. and theres also the fun of dan surprising them with what he already knows. he already fingers himself, thank you very much!
"charlotte pegs daniel and miles" feels so obvious to say, it's almost laughable. but there ya go. and thats all i can wring out of my brain for the time being. if anybody has any specific questions or statements, go right ahead!
so it all turns out great and they all end up living together and having The Best Sex Ever and they have a cat and four kids and they live happily ever after because the lost finale didn't care enough about these people to have them go into the light so They're Mine Now
thank you for your time
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nayladoodles · 5 years
Nervous Rhythm
This idea popped into my head after reading @professorflowers reverse au. Poor Zira.
I just kept thinking about how Zira would react to my au Aziraphale. My bean is extremely anxious in new places and often has anxiety attacks that are so intense he can't speak at all. Annnnyways enjoy~
Warning: Mention of anxiety attacks, panic attacks and paranoia. Self hatred and distress.
The sound of tapping drew Zira's attention as he walks past a café. He is one his own as Crowly is busy with some heaven related task or another but promised he'd be back in a week. He also promised to call and text Zira whenever he could. This left the mute demon a bit bored and all around lonely aside from Eve who Crowly left behind to keep him company. The cardinal is asleep at Crowly's apartment in his indoor garden. Zira decided a walk might help his nerves and the feeling of being stir crazy without Crowly there until Sunday. Curious about the persistent tapping coming from a table Zira wanders into the outdoor dining area.
Az nervously taps his chopsticks on the table as he waits for his sushi to arrive in a desperate attempt to keep himself calm in this very unfamilar place. New places are normally fine for him so long as his husband or friends are with him to help him around. Being thrust into a new location out of the blue without warning scares him and triggers his paranoia that something will go wrong. He could barely get through ordering food without tears. He misses his husband and has no idea where the heaven he is aside from it being somewhere in England. He's very glad he learned morse code to help Crowly when he has a really bad panic attack. Right now he seems fidgety but is tapping out his calming mantra to ease his rising anxiety.
Zira watches the man curiously wondering if he's simply practicing using chopsticks or if he has a song stuck in his head which happens to him often enough with the music Crowly listens to. The last song he got stuck in his head was called Happier by Bastille which is catchy despite being about a break up. Some people wave to Zira smiling at him. He waves back with a shy smile as he aporoaches the man tapping his chopsticks against the tabletop in a rhythmic pattern. Definitely got a song stuck in his head. Zira decides listening to the unfamiliar rhythm of the bamboo against the metal tabletop. He goes closer to the man surprised when he looks up sharply even though Zira is avout five feet away from him. Zira finally gets a look at his face and finds the oversized vintage glasses on his face very fitting. His eyes are a washed out blue/gold gradient and freckles dust his cheeks and nose some dark brown and others golden. Zira waves to the man who is gripping his chopsticks tighter the tapping having stopped when the man looked up. The man does not respond to Zira's wave making the demon a bit sad and confused. Maybe the man is shy around strangers? The chopsticks are starting to crack in the man's tight grip.
Az is so close to dropping and he can't stand the feeling. His anxiety and paranoia are suffocating him despite the mantra he taps out. He hears someone aporoaching and stops tapping his chopsticks his paranoia immediately causing him to assume he has annoyed someone and that he is going to be scolded or told to leave. Tears well up in his eyes as he struggles to rein his emotions in before he causes a scene. He can't breathe as the bamboo snaps under the pressure of his fingers.
Zira watches the bamboo snap and realizes something is off about the man. He senses a wave of negative emotions coming off him and it clicks. Anxiety. Panic. Other people are staring at the man with concern. Zira goes over to him and signs asking the man to take a deep breath. The sign goes ignored like his wave had. Zira is a bit annoyed by his attempt to help going ignored but, tries again to get the man's attention. He gets no response once again and becomes frustrated. The man needs to calm down and quickly before he ends up fainting from hyperventilation. Remembering the tapping Zira picks up a broken chopstick tapping it against the table trying to recreate the rythm he heard earlier. The man gtips his wild pale gold curls trembling and taking short shallow breaths.
This is all my fault! If id just been quiet! Now they're all mad at me! Mocking me with their chopsticks! I'm so stupid! Az thinks to himself as he hears the tapping restart. The rythm is wrong making his panic even worse as the tapoing begins to echo loudly in his ears.
"One Sunrise Special for Az?"
The waiter talking pushes Az over the edge and his wings manifest abruptly sending the sushi and soy sauce tumbling onto Zira and the confused waiter. Az stumbles to his feet fleeing the cafe not turning back tears running down his cheeks.
Zira wipes sauce off his face tears in his own eyes as the man flees crying. Was his tapping that bad? He turns to the waiter and pulls him up giving him 10£ for the sushi. Sticky and dejected Zira turns to walk back to the angel's empty apartment. Snifflingbthe demon lets his head wings pop out hiding inside them. He gets back and takes a bath sitting in the water sadly his small wings dropping as he cries. Eve flies into the bathroom landing on his head sensing his distress. He titters softly making Zira sniff again. Eventually the demon dries off draining the tub and puts on pyjamas going into the living room and sitting at the table. Eve follows him landing on the wood and nudging his hand. Letting out a soft hic Zira pets the cardinal who nuzzles into the small wings on his head. He lets Eve play with his feathers not in the mood to move. He doesn't move all night still upset the man was so distressed because of him. Frustrated he picks up a pencil and starts tapping it against the wood like the man had been doing the day before only for the rythm to be wrong. Frustrated he tries again and fails to replicate the rythm he heard. Rubbing his tear filed eyes Zira tries again and again and again. Sniffling Zira hics as he cries frustrated about being unable to help the man. He's a demon with standards after all. Being evil just isn't his forte. Laying his head on his arms he begins to tap the pencil again with Eve nestled in his hair as he snoozed. He sniffs again tears dripping onto the polished wood. As he taps the rythm is still wrong and he throws the pencil down with a frustrated sob. He hides inside his wings crying softly Eve still nestled in his hair.
"Zira?" His head snaps up and he sees Crowly standing there with his faded messanger bag over his shoulder. Zira stands and runs over hugging his angel and crying softly into his neck. Crowly hugs him back nuzzling his swan. "Missed you too." He hums rubbing the demon's back gently. Crowly lets him go pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Once he made a cup of tea Crowly settles with Zira curled up against his side as the demon taps his arm gently and rythmicly. "When did you learn morse vode Zira?" The demon starts explaining in sign wgat happened yesterday.
"...he wasn't ignoring you." Crowly says quietly. Zira sniffs still upset by it. "I mean it Zira he wasn't ignoring your attempt to help him." Zira throws up his hands frustrated. "Zira...." The demon stops at Crowly's voice getting quiet like that. He looks at him. Crowly grips his mug a bit tighter his eyes full of sorrow. "Zira that man you met wasn't ignoring you..." Zira's eyes widen as he stares at the angel beside him. "I met him on my way home. He was so scared."
Zira that little angel you met yesterday. That little angel is
B L I N D.
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chaosandmarigolds · 1 month
Goood morning! Here’s a little thing.
Okay so, Oliver is like three- and the boy has a abandonment issues (don’t ask why he just does)
So Simon notices Oliver brings his stuffed toy everywhere, and he wouldn’t mind- expect it was
One of these looking things
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Simon is like okay? To each their own but one day Ollie loses it at the park and kid loses it
So Simon is panicking because who on earth would steal that monster?
It’s worse when you come to pick Ollie up and they’re still at the park looking- so you have to go to the park
You blink as you look to the babysitter who looks sunburnt and exasperated, “Oh baby, Oh no.” You then pick up the boy and let him sob into your shoulder, mouthing to Simon ‘finally. Lets go.’
Simon…who went into ebay and bought Ollie a new one. Because he was so sad!!! What was he supposed to do??
Annnnyway that’s all!
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callmedewitt · 5 years
Happy Birthday you damn angel 🎂🎉🎈
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Before I ramble on for a minute, I just wanna thank, my beautiful star ( @toaquiprashippar ) for making this beautiful and amazing moodboard for one of our favorite people!!! It’s beautiful, just like you are, love 💜
Annnnyway.... now.... today is someone’s birthday... spoiler alert it’s Sharon’s aka @tomakeitbeautifultolive!!!
Now today is special, because well it’s your birthday, and as someone who is friends with you, I can confirm that if anyone in the world deserves an amazing birthday, it’s the literal angel of this fandom.
For anyone who doesn’t know, Sharon is one of those people, that for some reason is friends with me. Now this is novel, because trust me I’m a lot to deal with, so if my ass can be friends with her, that means she’s one of the best people around.
She listens to every word you have to say, no matter the subject. She’ll let you drone on and on about something she most likely wouldn’t care about, but since it’s you? She puts down everything and listens.
Her love and support is something a person could only dream to have, because it’s something you just don’t get every day. She’s a friend who will stick up for you when you need it most, and tell you like it is when we all need it.
She’s helped me a lot in the time that I’ve known her, and I will never ever be able to repay her. And I can already see her saying “But I didn’t do anything!” Well damnit Sharon you did... you listened, you understood, and you were there... just like you said you’d be.
Now how did I meet this amazing person? Well when I first joined tumblr (wow feels like it’s been forever hahaha) I was talking to another literal angel in @thescarletgarden1990. The conversation swayed to music, and I brought up one of my favorite bands (Arctic Monkeys) and Scarlet said “Oh! Well you should talk to Sharon, because that’s one of her favorite bands!”
And then I got anxious hahahaha. You see, I was a massive fan hers, so I was nervous to death thinking about... actually talking to her. But after a good pep talk with myself, I sent a message, and the rest is history I guess you could say.
Our long book length messages will forever be special to me, because they were us just rambling on about the things we love, hate, get just a little to excited about sometimes... Sharon you know some of the stuff hahaha. Even now with every talk I feel more and more happy to have you in my life!
You’re an amazing friend, and one of my best friends too. So thank you for being there, and being so amazing, and loving. Sometimes I really don’t think someone like me deserves to have you in my life.
One day tho, I was feeling particularly... sad, and well alone. So I was messaging Sharon, and I brought that up. I brought up how I don’t have that amazing of a social life, and sometimes I feel alone... then I asked her “Could you guys keep me company?” And well she said yes, and she’s lived up to that ten fold. She’s one of the best people anyone could ever have in your life, and I’m so lucky that she is.
SHARON.... I’m sorry (inside joke sorry lol) I Hope from the bottom of my heart you have an amazing day, week, month, year, and years. You’re an amazing person who deserves the world, and I just wanna thank you again for keeping that weird alone guy company when he needed it most.
Happy Birthday Sharon, I love the absolute fucking fuck out of you ❤️❤️❤️
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sammyoliviawatson · 6 years
30 songs
I am on a long train ride home rn so I actually have time for the tag game! Thanks so much for tagging me Sev @slightlyintimidating, I really enjoy doing them! =))) 1. A song you like with a colour in the title. “Blue Eyes” by Mika Also “Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnen” by Hildegard Knef (For me it shall rain red roses, but that sounds more graceful in German) 2. A Song you like with a number in the title. Haha - “Eins und eins, das macht zwei” by Hildegard Knef a terribly cheesy and cliché love song, but by Hildegard Knef which makes it all the better. Go check it out, this song (and Hildegard) is amazing. (The title translates to “One plus one equals two” but refers to people, as in like one plus one equals a couple/ lovers. 3. A song that reminds you of Summertime. “Escape (the Pinã Colada song)” by Rupert Holmes (maaan, that song) 4. A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget. “No sleep for the dreamer” by BOY No no no no tearing up god no why 5. A song that needs to played out loud. “Dancing Queen” by ABBA 6. A song that makes you want to dance. “Sway” by Pussy Cat Dolls My god that song the innuendo my god I need to dance a Tango to that at some point. 7. A song to drive to. Elvis. Everything by the Kind of Rock and Roll. But for the sake of this list I choose “Guitar Man". 8. A song about drugs or alcohol. What do you expect of me? I'm boring. Okay okay “Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles. 9. A song that makes you happy. Sooooooo depends on my mood. But I’ll just go with the generic “Happy" by William Pharell because it’s true too NO “Lass die Sonne scheinen" by the Wise Guys (translates to let the sun shine, and the song is about how you MAKE the sun shine in your head when there’s every weather (also emotionally) besides sunshine. This song is amazing.) 10. A song that makes you sad. “Fairytale” by Sunrise Avenue also “Ich will zu dir" by the Wise Guys (the title translated to “I want to (go) to you” aw god no that sounds awful and doesn't have half as much melancholic meaning as the German title does. It also implies “I miss you" but like in a stronger way because “I" can’t bear to be in a place you’re not in, everything draws me to you. It’s about a break-up I suppose and how one feels soon after.) 11. A song you never get tired of. Phantom of the Opera. Everything in it. 12. A song from your preteen years. “YELLOW SUBMARINE” by the Beatles. I have no idea what was on the radio when I was in my preteen years, but that was what my dad was listening to. 13. A song from the year you were born. “No Diggity” is the only song I know 14. A song you'd love to be played at your wedding. “All I ask of you” from Phantom of the Opera. Although no, actually I will probably propose with that song. Even though I don't have anyone to propose to, and I am aware that I am a cliché lesbian with that. I already know how to sing that song in its entirety…Also at my wedding I will need to hear the song “This" by Ed Sheeran. And if someone performs “Read all about it" by Emeli Sandé I will bawl my eyes out but in the best possible way.
15. A song you like that's a cover by another artist. “Crazy little thing called love” by Maroon 5. Also everything by Postmodern Jukebox. 16. A song that's a classic favourite. RETURN TO SENDER! ADDRESS UNKNOWN! THERE’S NO SUCH NUMBER! NO SUCH ZONE! by Elvis 17. A song you'd sing a duet with someone on Karaoke. PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and also RISE LIKE A PHOENIX (a good friend of mine wrote a beautiful beautiful second voice to that and we actually sang it and we also sang Phantom of the opera together although we still have to sing a duet together in front of people but I would love to do that one day!!! Our voices mesh very well together, both very classical in sound. So phantom of the opera is really perfect for us. Anyways....) 18. A song you like from the 70s. I don’t know? You expect me to know what time the songs I like are from? Well, you expect too much from me. 19. A song that makes you think about life. “What do I know" by Ed Sheeran 20. A song that has many meanings to you. Sev, I hope I may steal your song because that is also very true to me. So “I will survive” by Gloria Gaynor 21. A song you like with a person's name in the title. GRACE KELLY  by Mika HELL I LOVE THAT SONG 22. A song that moves you forward. In which way though? I shall choose “Three little things” by Jason Mraz 23. A song you think everybody should listen to. MY OWN SONGS no, joke, I didn't publish anything anywhere at all. Hm. Let me think. Okay what the hell “Das Wasser" by Wise Guys (the title just means “the water" and the song is about reaching an oasis in the desert after a long, long journey, who knows how long, maybe days, weeks, months, years even and about just jumping into that water and how that feels. I mean it’s obviously a metaphor but yeah. That song is amazing and means so much to me.) 24. A song by a band you wish were still together. You think I know that much about bands? Well, you thought wrong. Oooooorrr I could just say Beethoven to mess with you. 25. A song you like by an artist no longer living. Ummmmmm yeah I'll go with Beethoven's fifth. Or Carmina Burana? There is too much good stuff out there. No, no, I choose Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata because that piece is fucking magnificent (and I have started learning how to play it!!!) 26. A song that makes you want to fall in love. All songs. No. Sorry. I am currently in a state where I want a relationship. Sadly. I wish I could be a 100% happy single and I am 100% happy, but when I'm in a relationship I am 150% happy so - yeah. I am not a good single. Annnnyways. “Ein Kompliment” by Sportfreunde Stiller 27. A song that breaks your heart. Everything by Adele pretty much. But probably “Love in the Dark”. That might be tmi but WHO CARES the content of the song is half the reason me and my ex broke up (but like I was Adele and she was the person she’s singing about). What a self-conscious bitch with shit-ass commitment issues. Sorry. It was mostly a good relationship until the end, I just gotta bitch sometimes. 28. A song by an artist whose voice you love. Adele. And Kristin Chenoweth. And Hildegard Knef. And Marlene Dietrich. But probably most of all Ella Fitzgerald. I choose her song "Mr Paganini", it is so beautifully funny and masterfully sung. 29. A song you remember from your childhood. “Singing in the rain” by Gene Kelly. I remember dancing on the carpet in our living room to that song and them spinning so long until I would fall over from losing my balance. I was a happy child. 30. A song that reminds you of yourself. Ahahahahahaha "Glitter and be gay" from Candide, I still love Kristin Chenoweth's (and my) version most. This was soooooooo much fun I love music so much my god. And there was suprisingly much German music in there =) I’ve been listening a lot to Hildegard and Marlene lately =)
@whos-to-know, @piscesbuffy, @pixiesstolemysocks, @randomreindeer, @cassiopeiasara, @monsterintheballroom, @pandorabox82
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