#annonie rambles
anonnie-in-wonderland · 3 months
While I’m here I should bring up while I wrote even more on the next chapter of Home Calls the Heart, I’ve actually gotten a bit distracted (but for the best reason 😭) soon after coming back to it because life has actually been picking up and going well lately. Busy, but well. After battling mental health issues, physical illness and every crazy thing life has thrown at me in the last almost two years I don’t know what to do with all the new developments. Don’t wanna jinx it but I’m…happy? 🥹 which….honestly does not reflect in the next chapter of HCtH cause I put baby bun through it and I’m sorry axgchjfk
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redvexillum · 1 month
hi, currently devouring your works, rly delicious! i see you're focused on your other works, but wanted to ask if you're planning to update 'signal' in the next few month? im absolutely hooked on this work, thank you sm for writing it!
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Awww, that brought a smile to my face! I'm glad you're enjoying my story! Always lovely to know!
I'm not sure if you're an exclusive Vox x Reader reader and I know I threw a mini temper tantrum about some Vox x Texas Roadhouse debacle - BUT, i normally post as soon as I write and realize that I burn out very easily that way. I don't know when the next chapter of Signal will be posted but I am writing it right now - slowly but surely! Once I finish Caught (my other long fic), all my attention will be on Signal as I do not like having multiple long fic running at the same time haha! ((Sorry for the rambling, annonie!))
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itskateak · 3 years
Good ol' Andy already fucked up on the choreography of the Broadway revival, tbh. He changed a LOT, also Misto's number, and personally, I don't like it at all :/ keep the complete original choreo by Gillian Lynne or give me death akskdjfkskd
I hadn’t seen the full revival when I made my first post, but I found a bootleg shortly after.
IF it had been any other show, the choreography would be great. Objectively, it’s very well done.
But it’s not any other show. It’s Cats. And Gillian’s choreography is classic and iconic. There is NO reason to mess with it like he did.
I’ve worked with Andy and he is a fantastic choreographer. Genuinely nice guy. Down to earth, easy to work with, and just all around great teacher.
But if you’re gonna do Cats…you gotta DO Cats. With Gillian’s choreography.
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anepiphany · 4 years
Ugh I love your vibe
wait hold on my heart
okay oh my gosh thank you hehe that is one of the most sweetest things ever and i really really appreciate that!!! (naljdnvfakec i literally cannot stop smiling lmao) i love u anonnie <3 i hope you have a great day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time of day it is where you are :)
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softyn · 4 years
pleaseeeeee do it, i do own an android as well 😭😭😭 i'll gladly tell you the apps i use, don't let your android drag you akshsjwksksj btw you're so nice i love you 🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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starrysamu · 4 years
So we're sharing our bad experiences with men? Okay so this is not about my romantic life (coz I've never had one?) But it's about my father. HE JUST WON'T ACCEPT CHANGES! He would never change himself for the better, even if it's for him! He's a misogynist imo and a guy who'll judge everything/everyone on the basis of their age, not words or actions or thoughts! And here I am in quarantine with my fam. Plz suggest me somethings to develop my relations with my dad and maybe change him a bit😕
omg I JUST SAW THIS. (when are we not sharing bad experiences with men though ...) 
eeee i hope you see this, i’m so sorry my response is late! i sort of know how you feel? but like i always had trouble communicating with my parents and what really helped was some distance - i had to go to uni for them to become more open minded. i’ve heard a lot of people have similar experiences, but i’m not sure if ur exactly in that position 
so i think mainly communication is soooo important!!! make your thoughts clear and articulate! i’m a really emotional person and when i get frustrated i just start crying which makes my argument super devalued (EVEN THOUGH IT REALLY SHOULDN’T BE!) so remain strong !
i’m sure you also have to deal with the “elders are always right” sentiment, but  it’s okay for you to question them (and i see that you already are!). it’s especially hard to speak to parents when they have it engrained in them to think as so, but what worked for me is just slipping in new ideas to them in day to day conversations. just like subtle concepts if we’re talking about something, calling them out if they said something problematic (ofc i’m still learning too) 
it took a super long long time, but if u just begin to chip at it slowly, slipping new ideas and thoughts to them throughout ur conversations, you’ll eventually start to make a dent. don’t get frustrated if you don’t make progress!! as much as they don’t seem like they’re listening, they are - even if they’re stubborn. 
i know this all seems kind of self-explanatory, but this is just what i’ve seen working for my dynamics. if you ever need to vent or talk though i’m always here for you !! 
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anonnie-in-wonderland · 6 months
sort of back?
Been having some health issues that have impacted things and made it harder to do adulting things let alone write, but I’m slowly feeling better so fingers crossed!
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rintarhue · 3 years
I'm always in the mood for Tendou, so,,,
Tendou really likes to watch you when you watch a favorite movie of his lol he's one of those that wants to see how you react to his favorite scenes and lines. Tendou is always happy when you enjoy the movie, BUT when you turn to him in the middle, shocked or excited, or just so so happy, that you have to express it to him personally, it makes him wanna cry. He just adores you so much! When you do turn to him, he'll immediately grab your hand ❤️✨
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ultrakdramamama · 7 years
Sorry I’ve hardly posted anything for the last two days…especially today 😳 I’ve been watching Twin Peaks with my son. We rewatched the old show last week and I kinda half payed attention while I was on the computer, since I had already seen it twice before. But then we started watching the new episodes…jfc they are even crazier and more convoluted than the original show…but it’s fun…and we watched all 12 of them. Now we are all caught up and will have to wait until the next show airs on Sunday so I promise I’ll post some decent stuff this afternoon. 😅
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babiemochie · 5 years
If you wanna share some about your project I'd love to read it 👀 I like hearing people talk about BTS in an academic setting but your not into that it no biggie
owO annonie asked about the project ???
Sorry this took so long!! I am officially finished with Undergrad, and that’s why I’m getting a chance to respond now.
I would love to share! It’s going to go under a Keep Reading so that I don’t ramble on and mess up everyone’s dash if they are not interested, because it’s rather lengthy.
So I conducted a content analysis on BTS’ lyrics and music videos, and some performance videos to try and look at how they have changed their presentation of masculinity over time. Last semester I had to go through a lot of literature trying to piece everything together, ranging from basic Gender Theory to articles about how western viewers perceive K-pop.
Interestingly enough, I found absolutely nothing in my lit review that was just. How different groups present masculinity or femininity. There were articles about how western fans saw Asian men in general, what they thought about men wearing makeup, and there were articles about the economic piece of k-pop. But there was nothing that was like, “these men are openly presenting their emotions” or “these men are openly addressing the complications of presenting multiple identities.”
That’s what I ended up doing with my research. I looked at 52 songs, and analyzed the lyrics of those songs. For the songs that had music videos or short films, or performance videos, I watched and took notes on their presentation in those.
Essentially my findings were pretty self-explanatory to an already invested ARMY: they started off presenting themselves in the western hegemonic ideal and now six years later they are presenting themselves in a transcultural masculinity, but with a softer Korean masculine frame.
(Western hegemonic meaning: quite aggressive, reluctant to show emotions, and unrelentingly heterosexual. Transcultural masculinity with softer Korean masculinity: pulling various elements from various cultures [like the western ideal] and combining it with their own form of masculinity which is softer and more open to showing a broad range of emotions to come up with a more mixed presentation.)
You can easily see this is you look at the differences in their debut concept photos, and the concept photos from Map of the Soul: Persona because the difference is so strikingly different.
But! This is where it got interesting! Even though their images and presentation have changed drastically, their main message has not. Their first song No More Dream was about finding your own path and discovering your own dreams. Paradise from Love Yourself : Tear is about realizing that a dream can be found in anything, even if it is just getting through the day, because happiness is what matters.
That’s what Bangtan is about. Giving their audience reassurance, motivation, and encouragement.
So. That’s the main idea of my research, except. My research paper ended up being 50 pages, even though I cut out entire sections for the sake of time. Basically, I managed to choose one of the few majors that would let me go off using my academic voice about BTS and then that major said “yeah sure. this one seems worthy of a degree.” Although my advisor was absolute garbage, my research was entertaining.
Another thing to thank Bangtan for if I ever got the chance.
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irageneve · 6 years
Just passing by to tell you your Juzen is so pure and I don't even ship it 😭 Bye!
aww thank you dear annony!! I’m glad to hear that tehehe
i’m always aiming to show how amazing this relationship can be once they get to understand each other, because even if jokes and bickering are fun they mean much more than that. there’s much more to Jumin than bossiness and cats and much more to Zen than narcissism and tsundere, so through my art I’m trying to give them all the love and support they fucking deserve and that I know they would give each other in a fair and balanced way. I tend to go really deep into characters (what)
thank you again for passing by and letting me know that
even if you don’t ship them I hope you’ll continue supporting me, my juzens and my other arts! have a great day/night and sorry for rambling lol
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yourjughead · 7 years
This Girl
Jughead x Reader
Requested:  “ Can you please write me a smut with jughead?? I don’t care what it’s about. Anything as long as it’s super smuttyyyyyy. Thank you!! (I love your writing😍😍😍😍)” by havensmommy12417 combined with “A jughead fic with another serpent girl would be nice. Like she would give him shit and stuff but would really care for him and would reluctant about him being of it. Idk just a idea” by annony.
Warnings: Smut and fluff.
Based off the episode where FP is released from prison and Betty and Jughead throw that party for him in the bar. 
A/N: requested months and months ago lol sorry.
Jughead POV “Hey there Jug, how are things?” yn threw herself down next to me on one of the benches at the empty quarry. “Nothing much ynn” I had lot of on my mind and while I loved talking with my Serpent partner in crime, I didn’t feel a lot like talking. “Really? You weren’t in school, so where’d you hide the body” i smiled at her humor. “Nah its nothing, its just Penney” yn rolled her eyes at me. When i told her what I did, to say she was furious would be putting it lightly. “I told you so, such a witch” “There’s good news though…” “Really? Not a lot of that floating around this side of town” “My dad is getting out” “Oh my god Jug that’s amazing!” her voice reverberated off the walls of the empty quarry. She hugged me tightly, the smell of her perfume coursing through me. I’m happy she was the first person I told, it was nice to get a definite positive reaction. “So why are you hanging out here by yourself loner?” she separated from me again. “I was just thinking about what my dad is going to say when he finds out about Penny.” “Not going to lie to you jug, he’s probably going to be super annoyed-” i looked away from her. It was the truth but i didn’t want to hear it. She took my hand in hers and rubbed the back of it. “-but it’s going to be alright Jug, you’ve gotten through worse” i gave her a small genuine smile. This girl. This girl is as tough as the old boots she wears and just as reliable. My phone buzzed. “Oh bettys home from school…I should go tell her” “You should” yn gave me a smile that didn’t seem to be all there. - “That’s great news Juggy!” betty grabbed me into a hug after I told her the news outside of Pops. Shes awesome. “Why-why do you smell like perfume?” “Oh, must have happened when i told yn earlier, anyway-” “You told yn before me?” she interrupted me, pulling back from me slightly but still holding my arms. “Yeah…she came to check on me when I wasn’t in school, nothing major” “Mmmkay” she didn’t seem to convinced. Veronica and Archie seemed to be in an argument as they both came up behind us. I can’t wait to tell them, Archie will be happy for me while Betty seemed to sulk. “Umm I just remembered I have to do something, I’ll catch you guys later.” before i could object she took off. Ill just have to talk to her later. ~ 3rd Person. You and Toni were busy working your bar shift. Mopping up spilled drinks while the Whyte Wyrm hummed around you both. Betty walked in, with all eyes on the girl next door. You didn’t mind Betty, you had a neutral relationship, nothing crazy. Still you didn’t want to spend any time extra around a northsider than you had to, in the nicest way possible. You left the bar as Betty stepped to talk to Toni. As much as you tried to not listen you couldn’t help but overhear Bettys plan. You shook your head, neither Toni or you and many  of the girl juniors took part in that part of the initiation. You were all trying to phase it out of style and this northsider planning to do it wasnt going to help the cause. ~ Jughead POV My dads party was in full swing, it was so great of Betty to organise it and wow she looked great. Seeing her look so amazing made Pennys words harder to block out. “Hey Jug great party” the sight of yn caught my breath. She looked utterly stunning. “Listen Jug i have to warn you abou-” “-Jug! Come on Karaoke is starting” Kevin cut off yn and dragged me away. Wait what was she going to say?! Warn me about what?! ~ I broke my dad’s heart, I just broke my dad’s heart and now I just broke Betty’s heart. I can’t believe she thought that was a good idea. She broke my heart. I let her walk away, I made her walk away, it’s for the best and that hurts the most. I slid down the side of a car once she had gone and let the cold travel through me. What an absolute mess I have made. I wanted to scream and shout and physically tear my world down around me just so it could match what I felt was happening. “Jughead? Is there a reason that your sitting by my car-” she laughed but then saw my face fully and changed her tone “-Jug what’s wrong?!” I hadn’t even realised I was crying, I could feel the cold from the ground quickly being replaced by YNs warmth as she sat next to me. She slung an arm around me and pulled herself closer. “Tell me what’s happened” and I did simply that. I just rambled and rambled until my hand she held stopped shaking. I could tell this girl anything. “Sweetie its okay, it’ll be okay, you can fix things with Betty and I’ll help you with Penny” “No no I can’t drag anyone else down with me, especially you” “You’re not dragging me down if I go choose to go with you Juggy” she continued to rub the back of my hands while she spoke softly. I pulled a hand from hers and replaced it on her cheek, pulling her in slightly to kiss her tenderly. In that moment I forgot I was on the freezing cold floor of a car park outside of a bar, I was just completely melted into her aura. Then it stopped. “Juggy what are you doing?” she suddenly pulled from me and the cold air returned. “I-I-I-” “You just broke up with your girlfriend and as much as I want this to happen, I can’t have you waking up tomorrow and thinking oh god what a mistake” “I don’t think this is a mistake” i pulled her back in and it really felt like it killed her to tear back away from me. Tears started to form in her intoxicating eyes as she stood from the ground and backed away. Another broken hearted casualty. “Umm I have to- I have to go back to work and- Umm you should go home and text me when you get there and- and I’ll talk to you soon- im so sorry” her voice broke more and more with every word before she put her hands to her mouth and took off back to the bar. Back to the cold i had chosen to surround myself with. ~ 1 week later- Night - Third Person “Who is it?” you replied to the knocking on your trailer door but got no answer. You pulled the door open, a hand hovering over the bat by the door. Jughead let himself in, closing the door behind him without taking his wild eyes off you. He came chest to chest with you walking you back until you found your back against the back wall. “This isn’t a mistake” his warm breath sent shivers down your spine with his wicked smirk helping it along. A gaspy breath left you the moment his hands grabbed your hips and then it was taken away when Jugheads pressed his lips hungrily against yours. Your arms went around his neck and he reached to his hair, ripping off his beanie and then sent his hands to your ass to lift you. A whimper left you as you wrapped your legs around his waist and were pushed harder against the wall. His lips ran down to mark your neck hungrily as your fingers coursed through his raven locks. “Wait wait Juggy, what about betty?” you tried to gain as much awareness of the whirlwind situation as possible. “She’s not you, she was never you and I’ve always wanted you, I’m just sorry I took so long to realise it” his sincere eyes made your heart crumple and you both kissed again more gently.   “I’d follow you anywhere Juggy, I’ll help you with this Penny situation but just- just not tonight” your ran a hand through his hair again, tugging the back of his hair teasingly, his grin grew and he met your neck hungrily once again. The whirlwind countiuned as you found yourself thrown onto the bed and quickly stripping off any betraying fabric that would separate the two of you. His hands ran rampant all over every inch of our body which you simply craved. His teeth tenderly sinking into your chest encouraged by your soft moans. Your own hands helped Jughead to be guided into you. You both release groans and moans at the feeling of Jughead entering you. After adjusting he began moving slowly, picking up the speed as he went. He buried his face in your necks as your nails dug into his shoulder blades. Jughead sent one hand tracing around your thighs, the other bent and holding him up above your head. Your back arched further with every movement and groan that left Jughead. The feeling of your walls tightening around his member sent him into overdrive as he hit his peek, shouting your name and collapsing slightly on top of you. Only not pulling out and continuing to move sloppily until finally you hit earth shattering status shortly after with the band snapping, sending you swearing and screaming Jugheads names as your high is ridden out. Jughead rolled over next you in a huffing mess. He pulled your trembling body into his and covered you both before taking a moment to catch his breath. “Wow i regret that” you hit him into the chest at his breathless “No I really don’t, maybe we should do it again ynn-ie” you giggled at him while he rolled into you, kissing your neck. You pushed him back playfully before burying yourself in his chest, allowing him to wrap an arm around you. “Well that was fun but we really should try and sort this thing out with Penny” you sat up only to be pulled back down by Jughead. “Mmm tomorrow” he hummed against your skin with closed eyes as he traced little circles on the small of your back. This Girl is all Jughead could think of.
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chokemeseokjin · 7 years
I have nothing interesting to ask--I'm sick and my brain is mush rn. Did something happen to lower your mood or it's a 'depression sneak-attack' kind of deal? If the first, wanna talk about it? If the second... actually. Either way, what is your Dream Date with Jin? (Is your Dream Date with Wonwoo any different?)
annonie the fact u sent me a message whilst ur sick is so lovely thank u sm, pls get lots of rest and have some soup or hot tea! 💓
quite a few things have happened recently to lower my mood yeah :(( it just all seems to be piling up and i can’t do anything about it :(((
oooooo omg my dream date with jin would be my dream date that i’ve had since i was like 12! going to some deserted place in the middle of no where and sitting together somewhere clear so we can see all the stars really clearly and just talk and stargaze! sounds lame af now i’ve written it out lmao 😂 mmmm i think mine with wonwoo would be different bc i know he loves books and i do too so i’d love to go to a bookstore with him and walk round for ages and then go somewhere and read together, very peaceful and cosy 💗
(((sorry for rambling)))
honesty hour 👀 anon or not I have to answer
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Maybe a dumb question, but where did you learn how to do this? I've been really struggling with anatomy and watercolor and I know it's all about practice, but do you have any advice other than that? I don't even really know how to start.
Hey annonie!Well, I never really had any art class or anything but what always helped me was observing other artists who are good at things I’d like to improve in and try their techniques (as for watercolor @danicasills does amazing watercolor pieces on youtube which always help and inspire me)I really have a lot to learn with watercolor still so I don't know if I am in any way qualified to give advice on it- but so many YouTube tutorials out there can help you get a start on different techniques so USE it. We have so much free educational content on YT so why not make use of it?As for anatomy: personally, I reccomend 1) to get an anatomy book and simply study it, and by that I mean like actually read some things and try to re-draw the examples in it.It doesn’t have to be an anatomy book for doctors but there are enough for artists out there too.2) Carry around a sketchbook and observe the people around you, try to do quick sketches of the people around you on the train, in a cafe, etc. draw things you want to improve in OFTEN & LOOK AT REAL LIFE EXAMPLESIknow having to hear "just practice alot" is kinda tiring but it is one of the main keys for improvement. I think what helps a lot with not getting frustrated is not trying to improve in everything all at once. take little steps and focus on one or maximum 2 things at once you want to get better in. Once you’ve mastered that you will feel like you accomplished something and are motivated to move to the next challenge :)I hope this helped a little sorry it got so rambly ^^"I wish you all the best on your art journey!!!
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softyn · 4 years
I'm reading all your messages from the poll and you're making me smile a lot omg 😔😔😔 y'all are super nice and i wish i knew all your users so i could send you all the love y'all deserve ✋😭 Thank sm for sending them, tbh it's the motivation i needed to keep updating the au, i'm sorry if they're short or i barely post anything, but i have a lot of online exams lately and they keep me busy 🤧 love you tonssss 🥰🥰🥰
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dong-hyucks · 8 years
Requested Characters: Reader / Sungjong (Infinite) Genre: Fluff, soulmate!au Word Count: 1.4k Request: Promot: soulmate au where everyone has a watch w/ a time that indicates when theyll meet theif s/o A/N: we had to do this as a scenario and not as a ‘prompt scenario’ (although there really is no difference??) sorry annonie ;-; also tbh this was my entry for a writing contest at school lol just changed the names
Kairos || refers to the opportune time and/or place that is, the right or appropriate time to do or say something
"Half an hour," my mom said excitedly, squeezing my dad's arm. The two of them shared the same open-mouthed grins. I sighed, leaning back into the soft cushions of our couch. They'd been ecstatic all day, and for what? My birthday? I don't know why; it's a truly over-hyped day in my opinion. Ever since I was little, my parents told me I would love turning sixteen and that it would be amazing. What was so good about it? Sixteen is just an age. I'd still be in high school and I'd still be the same old Sungjong that I am now. 
They kept glancing at the door as if they were expecting something. "Are you ready?" My dad asked, practically bouncing in his seat, along with mom. "Ready for what?" I sighed, exasperated. "You always tell me that tomorrow will be this spectacular day, but you've never told me why. What do I have to be excited about?" The two exchanged a glance. "I suppose it's fine if we tell you," mom said slowly. Dad agreed, straightening his back.
"This may seem odd," he began, "but everyone receives a package on their sixteen birthday." Mom picked up where he left off, "and in that package is a watch. It's a special watch-- you can't even open the package until it's midnight." I furrowed my brows in confusion. A watch? "The watch depicts how long it'll take until you meet your soul mate. They call it the 'hourglass of fate,' which is odd since it's not actually an hourglass--"
I cut off my mom's rambling with a scoff. "So what you're saying is those stupid soul mate stories people come up with are true?" I shook my head in disbelief, "I stayed up for this... I'm going to bed." Standing up, I ignored my parent's crestfallen expressions, as horrible as it may sound, and I began to ascend up the stairs. When a familiar ring resonated throughout the house, I froze. Turning around, I stared at our front door. Who would be ringing our doorbell at midnight?
I noticed my parents watching as I got closer to the door. Standing on my toes, I glanced out of the peephole. A mailman stood outside, whistling to himself. "It's the mailman," I said, my voice going up in question. "Open it," mom exclaimed. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door. "Hello," I said carefully. The man looked down at me with a small smile, handing me the small package in his hands-- a package I hadn't even noticed before. 
"I'm assuming you're," he paused to look at the box in my hands, "Lee Sungjong?" I frowned, turning my head around to face my parents, whose grins had gotten even bigger if possible. The mailman pulled down his cap, nodding at me. "Good luck, sir." With that, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Hesitantly closing the door, I looked down at the package. It was relatively light and my name was written on it with a black marker. "We told you," dad said happily, dancing with mom in the dimly lit hallway.
"Don't tell me," I murmured to myself, "that whole soul mate watch thing; it's real?"
I spent the rest of the day thinking about that package. I couldn't sleep, I had been so focused on the package and its contents. When I went to school, I had found out that my older friends had gone through the same thing, but were told not to say anything. School had been, to put it bluntly, a complete and utter blur. When I got home, mom and dad were in the living room with their own watches from back when they were younger.
"Why does yours have scratches on it?" I inspected mom's watch with curiosity. True to my words, there were deep, jagged scratches and indents on the watch's surface. Mom chuckled to herself while dad rolled his eyes. "Your mother had tried to cut the watch off when she got it. She had been dating someone at the time and apparently he wasn't the one," he teased. Mom hit dad's shoulder gently, but she didn't deny it. "Why didn't you just take it off?" Mom laughed again, ruffling my hair. "You'll see." 
Before I knew it, time had passed so quickly.
I lay in bed, staring at the small but noticeable bumps on my ceiling. Glancing to my left, I groaned when I read my alarm clock; 10:38. Closing my eyes, I began to imagine what tomorrow would be like. Mom and dad would probably fuss over me, as usual, and my friends would probably gush over it. But to think, I'd be able to know when I meet my soul mate? That seems extremely out there in terms of logic. 
Rattling. What was that? I opened my eyes slowly, realizing that I had fallen asleep. I looked at my clock and gasped; it's 11:59! The rattling got louder, thus getting my attention. I searched my room for the source, but froze when my eyes landed on the moving package that was on my desk. That's right-- moving package. It seemed to have something living inside, something trying to escape. I stood from my bed, making my way toward the desk.
Suddenly, the box's lid popped off and a black blur flew out of the opened box. Stumbling back, I let out a groan when I hit my back on my dresser. My eyes bounced back and forth between the corners of my room, searching for the blur, when suddenly it appeared it front of me. Now that it was still, I could see that it was a watch. "It's floating," I stammered aloud, my hands gripping the edge of the dresser. "Why is it floating?" I asked myself incredulously.
Unexpectedly, the watch seemed to undo itself. When the watch was completely unlatched, it wrapped itself around my wrist. In shock, I let out a shriek. The watch's screen blinked on, and three sets of numbers appeared on it.
36 : 16 : 22
I could hear footsteps in the hall, and it wasn't long before mom and dad burst through the door. They immediately saw the watch and the opened package on my desk and gaped. "What's the time," mom asked, scrambling over a few items both I and the watch had knocked over. "Thirty-six hours, fifteen minutes, forty-two seconds-- Jinwoo! She's meeting her soul mate tomorrow!" Dad took hold of my wrist to check for himself.
"Tomorrow," I gasped, still in shock. "Oh my god," I ran a hand through my hair. I moved to sit on my bed, not trusting my legs to not give out on me. I looked down at my wrist, noticing something strange. "It's clasp is gone," I mumbled, twisting my arm to look at the accessory at all angles. "That's why my watch had scratches on it," mom explained. "It won't come off until you meet your soul mate." Dad smiled softly, "luckily for you, you don't have to wait that long. They can get pretty irritable.”
My parents are pretty excited. A lot more than I am anyway. Was I even ready to meet this person? My soul mate?
I waved goodbye to dad as he drove away. I could feel my heart beating faster and I still had an entire day left until I met my soul mate. "Sungjong," I heard one of my friends yell. I turned to see Woohyun and Myungsoo waving me over. Shakily, I made my way to the two. Woohyun almost instantly saw the watch and freaked out. "You got your watch!" He said happily. "When do you meet your soul mate?" Myungsoo asked, craning his head to look at the watch. I brought my wrist up for them to see, flushing at how much I was quivering.
"Tomorrow?!" The two said in unison. "Lucky guy," Myungsoo mumbled, eyes wide. Woohyun nodded, his jaw ajar. I looked at their wrists. "You still have yours on," I stated. They nodded, showing me their time. "I still have five years to go," Woohyun pouted. "I have a year," Myungsoo shrugged.
Tomorrow came a lot sooner than I was prepared for. I had freaked out in the morning, debating with myself whether I should dress up a bit or not, but ultimately deciding not to. If the person's really my soul mate, they wouldn't care what I wore, right? All throughout my first class, I kept glancing at my wrist, watching the numbers go down.
00 : 02 : 13
I tapped my desk as I stared at the clock. Second period didn't end for another half an hour, and I already know all of my classmates. Who was I going to meet in two minutes?
A knock sounded at the door, making me freeze. I stared at the person as they walked in, my heart racing.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm a transfer," they smiled.
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