#annoying but endearing and kinda cool at the same time XD
adrift-in-thyme · 11 months
Roy and Ed have the best mentor - mentee relationship. Discuss.
Roy after thirty minutes discussing a plan: Ed did you listen to a word I said
Ed: yeah totally. I especially liked the part where you suggested we go get some sandwhiches. I heartily agree
Roy: *internal screaming*
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miyakuli · 1 year
Norn9 Var Commons
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There is a girl who watched the anime of Norn9 back in 2016 and well, the anime was pretty bad (and kinda ugly xD) but she still felt kinda interested by the characters and the universe that it stuck in her mind for a long time....especially since she had a big otp in it and the anime never made them canon at the end, the frustration....
The girl soon learned that the anime was actually a bad adaptation of a visual novel game of the same name. She wasn’t playing many at that time because the most of the VN were on PS Vita and the poor girl couldn’t afford one (and wasn’t interested either). So she waited, hoping that someday, the game will be exported on pc or a console she would possess.
And this year, her wish came true ; Otomate group brought Norn9 on switch with a fixed english translation (apparently the previous one was bad) and more contents <3
Ok first, let me be clear, yes I definitely bought the game because I NEEDED TO SEE MY OTP FINALLY BE CANON xD it was for my own mental health lol 7 years of craving guys (TTvTT). I didn’t even start by this one though to not be biased about each routes (it was my 4th routes!!! I’VE BEEN PATIENT) and well, IT WAS STILL THE BEST ROUTE IM SORRY, AKito x Nanami best pair for sure <3333
That being said, how was the game? well, definitely better than the anime xD less confusing and more focused as well...even though the story isn’t always clear and consistent :
❤ An unusual otome since it gives you the choice between 3 different heroines, each with their own LI. They each have their own characteristics and are never relegated to the background, which is really cool for their personal development. Another positive point; THEY ARE DUBBED!!! (I hate when everyone is dubbed except for the girl, it's so annoying ><) ❤ An amazing cast with endearing characters, even the most secondary or the most horrible x) ❤ A very nice chara-design and frankly beautiful illustrations. ❤A beautiful OST which I never get tired of even after 40 hours of play ;) ❤ ALL.THE.EXTRAS!!!! (mini-games + bonus dub on the illustrations + mini comics etc...) ❤ An appreciated fast skip system which, compared to the normal skip, allows you to skip all the dialogues already read at once and which saves a lot of time when you just want to unlock an ending or an illustration.
+/- I really liked the sci-fi aspect of the universe and the story brought a lot of mystery and even surprises..but still there are inconsistencies in how each routes are put together. The universe is getting a little imprecise bcs of that.
✖ The epilogue and the character of Sorata. Sorata is not a bad character but we could very well have removed him that it would not have changed anything I think. He is supposed to be the main character at first but disappears completely in favor of the heroines. And when his route comes with the epilogue, it's so rushed that we don't even have time to appreciate his arc and his role in the story. The poor kid deserved better :/ ✖ The use of first/last names in the English translation is very distracting. For example, we hear the heroine call her companion "Kakeru" in the dubbing but it will be written "Yuiga" in the dialog box. And it happens a lot and I don't understand why the translation just couldn't follow the audio dialogues… ✖ I have a pbm with Ron's route because I didn't feel any real chemistry with Nanami. It's also the only route where I didn't feel any sparks between the characters.
It took me 40h+ to finish so yeah, that's a big one ;) I'd recommend just for the heroines bcs it's a nice change to have more than one but also because the girls are adorable, smart and brave <3 It's rare for me to appreciate that much the main girl tbh!
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french)
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦: 5'4", short black wolf cut hair with curtain bangs, green eyes, light skin, curvy, gothic-like, rbf syndrome xd
𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺: shy, introverted but very goofy around close people, insensitive at times because of my bluntness, have hard time opening up to people, more of an observer.
𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮: I'm genderfluid and pansexual, my zodiac sign is Libra, my hobby is daydreaming haha.
𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴: memes, drawing, editing, writing, romance novels, ICED COFFEE WOOOO!
𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴: humans in general, mirrors, random feeling of depression and gender dysphoria.
bro you seem like such a cool person, i would vibe with you so hard, we have so much in common wtf
anyways lol i ship you with...
❧ ok lemme preface this by saying i'm not a fan of his character, and i haven't written much about him nor have i done his route, so all of this is based on the image and characterization i gave him so he'd be more,, palatable to me lmao
❧ you guys would be such a power couple!! y'all have pretty much the same aesthetic going on, like his bedroom?? edgy asf. ya know the whole "scary dog affect" someone intimidating has that gets used to protect more vulnerable people from getting messed with? well both of you are the scary dog lol no one will ever mess with the two of you, and if they dare they for sure got hell to deal with. he's also got a bit of an rbf when he's not doing that dumb little smirk, so it doesn't bother him at all
❧ he would absolutely tease you for being shy around him at first, but in an "i find you incredibly endearing and i'm enamored by you" way, never in an actually mean way. he's definitely more of an extrovert but totally respects you being an introvert and not wanting to be around and interact with people all the time. like even though he's extroverted, he does kinda keep to himself in that he doesn't talk to everyone he comes across, he's just naturally good at talking to people when he needs to
❧ absolutely loves seeing your goofy side and will immediately match the energy you're giving. when the two of you get in a silly goofy mood, there's no stopping you; y'all lowkey annoy the hell out of mikael and noel when you get like that, cuz y'all's energy just amplifies off of one another's, but they secretly enjoy seeing the two of you have fun like that, cuz really it's harmless. he loves seeing what your sense of humor is like and seeing you so carefree and full of joy, it makes him feel all soft and mushy inside
❧ one reason i chose him over some of the others i was considering is because i feel like he can handle someone being blunt and insensitive toward him; he's kind of the same way, so he understands where you're coming from, and he's also got thick skin so he can handle any harsh words you throw at him cuz he knows you don't mean it and it really doesn't bother him at all
❧ he likely wasn't the most patient when waiting for you to open up to him, but he finds the wait totally worth it cuz he really likes getting to see you reveal your true colors little by little; it's almost like a little reward for him and makes him value patience more lol. as y'all's relationship grows he becomes more able to give you the space you need to open up and become comfortable around him and others; if you're meeting someone new and you're having a hard time he'll come up next to you as a form of support and take over the conversation for you, allowing you the time to only jump in when you feel comfortable sharing something
❧ he's definitely an observer as well; it may seem like he doesn't care much about or see the importance in stepping back to take a broader look at a situation or that he's just too laidback, but he's always watching and paying attention to his surroundings, ready to take action whenever. he likes pointing out little things he sees to you, like if you're in town he'll see that some guy has his shirt on inside out and he'll point it out to you and the two of you can have a little laugh about that
❧ your hobby being daydreaming could also tie into his being an observer in that he would enjoy playing that game where you choose a random person and make up a backstory for them; his would probably get really crazy and ridiculous, but at least he's funny about it
❧ he's absolutely supportive about your gender and sexuality, any of the boys would be, no questions asked. if you're feeling invalid or dysphoric, he'll become super serious and do all he can to reassure you; he's not great at the heart to heart type stuff but you're important to him and seeing you hurting like that makes him want to do better so he'll give it his all in making sure you know he's a safe person for you to talk to about this stuff
❧ he's an aries, which has medium compatibility with libra, but the interesting thing is that those two signs are exact opposites of one another in the zodiac, so if you're a believer in the whole opposites attract thing then hey would ya look at that. this also means the two of you would balance each other out a bit, but there would also be some potential struggle in keeping ricardo calmed down? cuz like aries are all about ambition and trying new things whereas libras are more slow and steady kinda pace. so while the two of you would balance each other out, there's also plenty to learn from one another
❧ he thinks it's cute seeing you lost in a daydream and for the most part he'll leave you alone to carry on your hobby, but sometimes he just wants attention from you so he'll, as gently as he can manage, snap you out of it and instead have you tell him about what you were daydreaming about. he might even try his hand at carrying on the daydream with you, like he'll pick up where you left off and add his idea of what comes next in the story; it's basically improvising a story with you. this is mostly an activity the two of you would do on a slow day or when you're just chilling in bed with nothing else to do. on a regular day tho, he'd just leave you be and go do whatever task mikael has for him
❧ he'd be a total meme lord, keeping up with the latest trends but also having a soft spot for the older ones. he probably likes the troll face era a lot and uses those types of memes just to see people's reactions at how old they are, thinking that he just isn't up to date
❧ likes watching you draw, and sometimes he'll want to join in, but not to make anything pretty. if he sees you just doodling, he'll grab a pen or pencil and start drawing shitty sketches on your paper; he's for sure not an artist so all of his doodles are horrible and not proportional at all, but he likes seeing your reaction to the crude things he draws. he won't do this when he sees you working on a serious piece, he's an asshole but he'd never mess up your work on purpose
❧ he's not very well read so he can't do much when it comes to editing or making suggestions on your own writings, but he can beta read and give you his opinion on what you've written so far
❧ like i said, he doesn't read often but i think he could potentially develop a soft spot for sappy romance novels, or at least those weird middle age mom with a deadbeat husband erotica/romance novels. he'd never tell you or anyone this fact tho, you'd only find out after seeing a romance book under his pillow one day and you decide to leave new books on his bedside table as suggestions based on what you've read. so he knows you know about his guilty pleasure, and you know he knows you know, but it remains and unspoken thing
❧ mans has probably never even heard of ice coffee in his life but when you introduce it to him he develops a small liking for it. it's not his favorite thing ever, but whenever he goes to buy you your favorite, he'll get one for himself but only if he's in the mood which happens to be maybe once or twice a month
❧ he'd for sure complain with you about other people and how much they can suck, mostly going off of what you say as a way to show his support for your feelings
❧ you'd probably have to explain the whole hating mirrors and dysphoria thing to him, but as soon as he understands he'll support you without a doubt. he might try at first to comfort you with words but he knows that doesn't always work. i could see him installing little diy curtains over all the mirrors in his room so that when you don't want to look at your reflection he can just pull the little string and bam, mirror is covered and the reflection is gone. he's not great at comforting you with words, but his actions make up for it; it's the little things he does like the curtains over the mirror or making sure you have your comfy clothes available if you get stuck in a slump. he's not very open and expressive about his feelings, but he tries his best to convey it through his actions. at the end of the day, he loves you and would do anything to keep you safe and content
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Any hc for (non)binary brothers
You mean like...headcanons for their relationship/Demetri and Eli in general? Sure, I’ll take a stab at this! I have a bunch of miscellaneous headcanons for them anyways and have been looking for a place to put them, may as well post them here.
Fair warning that this is a bit of a disorganized mishmash of stuff I’ve thought up for them myself, headcanons I’ve seen others in the fandom make for them, and tropes that I’ve seen in fanfic that I really liked, so I kinda stole them to add to my own personal headcanon XD I may not be able to source all of them if asked...some of them I’m like “I genuinely don’t remember where I saw that, but I HELLA liked it” lol
~Demetri is like...RIDICULOUSLY good at coding. Eli is good at it too, but Demetri basically singlehandedly carried that coding competition they won. It was really more of a 70-30 effort, but Demetri consistently gives Eli 50% of the credit to try and help him feel good about himself and his capabilities. Demetri knows he did a bit more work than Eli, but he’s never once brought it up and he doesn’t plan to.
~Demetri looooooves cats. Like...the pretentiousness? The heightened sense of self-importance? The way they’re kinda misunderstood and often disliked because they can be mean, and don’t always show affection in the way people expect? The general air of annoyance and disdain they give off??? Demetri’s just like “yep, this is my animal right here.” XD Demetri doesn’t DISLIKE dogs, but he finds they can be a bit much sometimes, and likes that cats do their own thing a lot of the time.
~After getting the Hawk moniker, Eli lowkey got SUPER into hawks and birds of prey in general. Like he started watching documentaries on them and everything, and gushing to Demetri about how badass he thought they were. It even kinda verges into special interest territory (since Hawk/Eli is canonically probably autistic), although it’s not as all-consuming as some of his other ones. Back when he and Demetri are still on good terms, in the early days of “Hawk,” Eli rambles to Demetri about hawks and other “badass” birds a LOT when they’re hanging out. Eli only does this when he’s alone with Demetri because he’s a little scared to show THAT level of enthusiasm to anyone else, considering he’s trying to be a “tough guy” now. Demetri he still feels he can essentially be all of himself with, though. Demetri finds this new raptor obsession kind of hilarious but also kind of endearing.
~Demetri has a single mom who is lowkey overprotective and ends up coddling and sheltering him a lot. Demetri’s dad left when he was little, and his mom can be a bit overbearing because Dem is all she has left of his dad, in a sense. Because of this, Demetri definitely did NOT tell his mom Eli was the one who broke his arm. He said it was “some goon” from Cobra Kai, and said Eli wasn’t even there among the group that day. He knew if his mom knew Eli broke his arm, she would NEVER let Eli near him again, and would probably get a restraining order and possibly press charges. And Demetri just...REFUSES to give up on Eli, even after everything. He figures Kreese’s brainwashing and Kyler being in Cobra Kai are already putting Eli through a special kind of hell, and he wants to protect him from having even MORE things to deal with--in this case, the wrath of Demetri’s mom. And she never finds out Eli broke his arm--Demetri takes it to the grave.
~A little while after the Christmas party, Demetri and Eli resume their weekly sleepovers and try to make up for lost time. They decide not to pull out Eli’s Waterbed from storage, considering they both have pretty unpleasant associations with the waterbed after the incident at Moon’s party. They end up just sharing Demetri’s bed, like they used to when they were little and it wasn’t “weird” yet for two boys to sleep in the same bed. Maybe it’s weird now, but they figure as long as Demetri’s mom doesn’t blab to their friends or something that they’re sharing a bed, then it’s cool. Neither has any issue at all with sharing a bed, although they caaaaaan’t quite put their finger on why that is XD
~Eli actually gets nightmares about the laser tag arm incident more often than Demetri does. The fight will play out in a thousand different ways, but it always ends the same--with Eli pinning Demetri down and snapping his arm. Worse, sometimes he’ll have dreams that he’s beating up Brucks again, and then Brucks will slowly morph into Demetri, but Eli won’t be able to stop punching. He frequently wakes up panicking and screaming and crying during his and Demetri’s sleepovers, and Demetri just holds him and sooths him and wipes his tears off and reassures him that he knows Eli’s never going to hurt him again. 
~I actually imagine it’s on a night like one of these that they first get together--Eli wakes up from another nightmare, and Demetri is just hugging him really close and trying to reassure him, and at some point, Demetri just...impulsively leans in and kisses him. They both get super flustered for a second, and then Eli leans in and kisses Demetri super fiercely and before they know it, they’re making out like there’s no tomorrow. When they have to stop for breath, they admit they’ve always liked each other and just weren’t really sure how to say it. They spoon for the rest of the night, and are pretty much officially dating after that, although they’re kinda anxious about what people will think, so they keep it on the DL at first.
~Demetri has bad dreams too, but his are usually current--e.g. Eli reveals it was All An Act and he’s been spying for Cobra Kai, and doesn’t actually give a shit about Demetri. When Demetri wakes up from these at their sleepovers, he often can’t help but shake Eli awake, and rattle off a bunch of paranoid questions--”You actually like me, right? You actually wanted to be friends again, right? You don’t think I’m annoying? You don’t secretly hate me, after everything?” And this always kind of alarms Eli at first, because of how...out-of-character it is for Demetri to be that self-conscious about what people think about him, and for him to actally...well...care if people think he’s annoying XD But after a little bit Eli just puts his hand on Demetri’s shoulders and says “Demetri, I promise I want you back in my life.” And this is usually enough to calm Demetri down, because he knows it’s genuine, just like Eli’s apology at the Christmas party was.
~Eli is really, really terrified of hurting Demetri again. Sometimes Eli gets panic attacks when he and Demetri are sparring and he hits Demetri a little too hard. Demetri’s kind of come up with a “signal” for Daniel to indicate he and Eli need to take a break. Once Daniel figures out the situation, he’s more than happy to oblige. Demetri always helps Eli through his panic attacks and reassures him that he trusts him with his life now, no matter what happened before. 
~When Johnny finds out about this, he’s actually...way more understanding than anyone expects him to be, because Kreese traumatized him when he was young, too. He just kind of sighs like “Yeah, Kreese made me do some fucked up shit too, back in the day. He’s a bastard like that. You take a 10 whenever the hell you need, Hawk.” And honestly? Demetri lowkey loves Johnny for this. This may be the turning point that finally causes Demetri to view Johnny Lawrence with something other than mild to moderate disdain XD
~Demetri often makes a point of kissing Eli’s scar and telling him he thinks it’s beautiful. Hella corny, I know, but god knows Eli needs it. He kisses it in front of their friends, too, as kind of a way to reassure Eli “hey, I’m proud to be with you in your entirety, and I’m not at all ashamed of that aspect of you, even if you still are.” Eli definitely appreciates this, but he pretends he’s embarrassed by it and will often fall into a blushing, flustered mess when Demetri kisses his scar XD
I think that’s all I’ve got for now!!! I’ll post more later if I think of them!!!
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pokedash55 · 4 years
Acronix X Coffee Robot Crack AU
Click for Echo Meets Acronix Fic
To summarize//TL;DR: Acronix falls out of the time vortex at the light house a befriends Echo Zane, learns empathy and put Echo on Social media so everyone knows he exists now. 
-After he leaves echo zane with a borg watch he finds himself back in Ninjago
-Stalks borg and his fam like a creep
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-Jay introduces Echo to the dyer family
-Echo and unagami are siblings now
-Acronix is kinda like Echos big brother
-But no one else accepts this
-Zane and Pix give skeptical and menacing, “if you touch him” glares
-Unagami is confused babi and likes their new brother echo
-So Like One day it’s Borg, Pix, Zane, Jay, Unagami, Echo, and Milton dyer, and Acronix in a room together  (Fic on that later :3 )
-The whole fam
-Nixie just lingers around borg tower saying random junk sometimes
-Acronix : “You either die a villian or live long enough to see yourself become…”
-Pix: “A very annoying customer who is about to be escorted out of the building?”
-“UH NO. Wrong answer Pix (“dont call me pix”). REDEEMED. Cause I’m like… totally redeemed now”
-Just holds up a high five for the room and left hanging by everyone
-Jay’s like :Yeeeoree not part of our group”
-So like Acronix and Echo Zane are bro’s now cause I said so??
-Everyone: Nix is part of the Borg Family
-Me: Well YES, but actually no
-This isn't really a Future thing
-In this they're mostly frenemies kinda??
-But Acronix does really like him and borg tower and Borg is too nice to throw him out XD
-Acronix has zip money and doesn’t FEEL like looking for Krux rn
-Gets his morning coffee everyday bro
-Starts crushin on the Coffee manager (naming her shannon after the voice actor)
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-His routine is basically wake up, coffee, Shannon, stalk borg, watch memes, think about looking for kux than fall asleep on phone
-Posts bout his lil bro alot (echo)
-Posts about Shannon ALOT
-Many many selfies of him an his coffee
-Realizes he may need to get someplace to live since he had yet to venture for krux
-Shoot money is a thing he doesn’t have
-Borg be super kind like, “You can stay at my Newly renovated highly advanced Borg Hotel but you must get a job.”
-Acronix gestures at being one of those technology intern clerks at borg industries. “Is for me?”
-”Must get a job AND leave my family alone…. For now… please?”
-Borg is too nice to the guy who kidnapped him and is infatuated with living at borg tower
-Does borg live in borg tower?
-Gunna say he does
-Cause Acronix just LOITERS in borg tower 24/7
-Like its like hours after closing of the downstairs shop and Pix is like getting her suit on and forcefully escorting Nixie out of the premises
-So anyway Nix has to get a job
-Ugh entry level Jobs are SO beneath him.
-Pouts uwu
-Gets a job as a barista to at least have fun with someone cool
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-Ronin notices that sales have gone up in the coffee shop since Acronix has started hanging around there, because the girls think he’s pretty and he posts a lot on social media.
-Ronin wants this, but doesn’t want to have to actually pay Acronix for being a faceman.
-Hires him “as a barista”. Basically he hires Acronix to sit at the counter and look pretty, while giving the joint free advertising.
-Acronix totally doesn’t notice this and is fine with being completely exploited and underpaid.)
-Acronix X Coffee Bot! (In this she’s named Shannon)
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-Shannon is like… chill and rude, but never offensive
-Cheats in chess
-Smug about it too like deamn she mean
-Epic moves (Both spinny sign and juggling. And makes epic coffee)
-Unflinching at a fire
-Complete apathy
-Throws "Floyds"  teapot plan away immediately cause she doesn’t get paid enough for this sh*t
-Says she doesn’t drink coffee but than is seen drinking coffee that lier
-Bad habit of Ignoring stufft. Ignores the upgrade, ignores her lie detector, ignores the fact the -machine is literally ice frozen
-She wears a miniskirt and a crop top/bra thingy to WORK. On the clock! savage
-Nixie is confirmed to get crushes easily and like powerful/ mean woman (Machia)
-Also he has no shame in liking nonhumans
-Love technology so would totally vibe with her
-Robotsexual for sure
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-Since she is still A.I, so Nix’s outgoing and I don’t care i'm great loud personality would really surprise her and she’d be inspired/impressed by his lack of chill and lack of care
-She has a bit of sass and goth hot topic to her but also still has that robot innocence that would blend nicely with Acronix since he is also Abrasive and rude on the outside, but is a tad of a softy coward (He hugs his bro and cowers behind him and gets adorably defensive when he snarks at him)
-He’d teach her so much about being more alive… maybe a bad influence but she’d dig it
-He calls her Shay almost constantly
-He hates being called Nix
-Like he is a prideful warrior who expects people to use his full name in respect
-But Shannon is too cool for that
-Calls him Nix sometimes anyway
-Respects her boldness
-The audacity to do so without permission!
-Shannon owns a motorcycle because come on
-Ridin home on a sick bike together
-Stealin stuff when people aren’t looking
-Banned from Ronin thrift shop for sure (they're lucky they weren't fired after that night. But he literally can't fire shannon)
-Chill on friday nights at Laughys karaoke.
-Not singing, just laughing at how stupid other people look singing drunk kareoke
-So a jock dork egotist and a apathetic punk bot walk into a bar
-Dareth honestly doesn’t know this guy was the one sending snakes after his trophies so he just treats him like a normal costumer
-Neither of them care about Dareth’s attempts at small talk.
-Too busy loving themselves like idiots
-She kicks his ass in strategy video games and he destroys her in battle royal stuff
-Both are equally bored by like Animal crossing and other fake life games YAWN so much work
-Shannon enjoys the thrill of racing games
-Nixie plays em but it’s not his best game
-Both GEAMMERS (but in a frighteningly cool way. They somehow both avoid nerd status… nixie still a dork tho. Jock dork)
-She makes coffee art of her hubbies face.
-He gives her so much social media attention
-Acronix gives her coffee shop media rep and he loves the petty feeling of beating Wu at something
-She doesn’t quite get his excitement in it (cause she’s on neutral terms with Wu) but loves the media attention
-She doesn’t get his phrases and he finds that both aggravating and endearing
-“Um I’m Aconic”
-Shannon: “So you’ve been lying about your name this whole time?
-Acronix: “...?”
-“That's honestly sick”
-Acronix “… “
-One day they joy ride on a motorcycle
-End up loitering around borg tower
-Borg officially meets Shannon and is interested in her origin
-Her design is not like he has seen but it also seems familiar
-She says she doesn't remember much other than working for ronin
-"Ronin" borg mutters spitefully
-He has a history of y'know.. Messing with his tech (dismantling pixal and selling zane hmmm)
-Does a diagnostic code scan
-Acronix worried bout his bae and hyped he was actually invited in for once.
-Progress on that "friendship"
-He discovers her model and general code is similar if not almost exactly the same as pixal’s code
-Ronin scrapped together with some mechanical help from his friends the walkers to make a functioning robot manager with borg tech he scrounged up and a stolen copy of pixal’s blueprints ( maybe he took pictures of them when he sold her to chen) and specs so he wouldn't have to pay for multiple employees. Just having the one really efficient one would save him thousands
-So shannon is pixals sister
-And her parents are The walkers, Ronin, and borg
-The family tree only grows people
-So Acronix is apart of the ninja family now if he marries Shannon
-Here's a chart if you're as confused as I am here:
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-Anyway Shay doesn't really care much
- Her expression doesn't change
-She had never really gone out of her way to worry where she was from so it wasn't a huge revelation
-It was to nixie tho
-As the extravert he was (and has extensive experience of being a sibling) he had to make sure she got to know her new family NOW
-Like in the middle of the night now
-He never waits for things to happen
-Pix is first and she is about to power down for the night when...
-"Hi SIS!!" Acronix just screams
-"hey. I'm like your sister now." Obvi shannon is more lowkey about it
-Shannon and pixal mildly get along
-Questions her taste in men alot
-Acronix chills in the back already bored and ready to move on.
-Although he's annoyed by them, the ninja were next up
-Zane and Jay are both family now
-Shannon starting to think he's using all this to fill the void of his brother being gone.
-Cause she has no interest for or against meeting these people but Nix sees it as urgent
-But he seems happier than usual so she'll let him throw her name around for a while. She did mooch off his social media so it was only fair
-Anyway eventually Acronix does find his brother, and tries to explain this whole mess to his less-than-thrilled twin
-God once Krux gets back tho
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-“Hey bro! I married a robot she’s amazing!”
-He’s just taking selfies with her in hot topic outfits both of them
-“God no my brothers Robotsexual. My worst nightmares have been realized”
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-Krux can only stare in horror at the people his brother now considers “family”
-Wu’s students?!, Robots!?, what EVEN IS AI?!?!?
-He eventually gets over it
-eventually maybe
-At least he can admire her attitude
-Will still mess with his bro tho.
Tumblr media
-This is the worst timeline imaginable.
-But I can't apologize for art
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tumblunni · 6 years
okay to talk about EXACTLY HOW i would handle giving charon a big good boss fight and also sympathetic backstory and redemption and all that jazz
there are approximately ten million words beneath the cut, and also ten million raspberries in my shampoo, and these charon thoughts are just as sweet as that
alright so ALREADY i kinda did feel like he was sort of a friendly enemy when i first played the game?? like his Thing of being the constantly never fightable dude actually was kind of sympathetic in a way. it always just felt like he was Chilling Out and not giving much of a shit about being evil and also had nothing personal against you the player. he doesnt follow any of cyrus’s big philosophy and he’s clearly only here for the money and really phoning it in, and that kinda makes him not your enemy at all, even though he’s on the team youre fighting. Like I always found it a good establishing moment that in the Valley Windworks when they first introduce “hey this time there’s two galactic teammates here” and all, CHARON IS STANDING DIRECTLY IN EYELINE OF YOU RUINING EVERYONE’S PLANS. he’s just standing there! and of course he’ll never do anything to warn mars about you, the game just isnt programmed that way. but it fits really well with his character if you think of it as an intentional thing? just imagine this random gramps sitting there drinking tea while all his teammates actually Care About Things and Use Effort. He’s always criticizing team galactic’s plan too and like WHY IS HE DOING THAT TO YOU if not because Nintendo Wants Him To Be My Best Friend ok. Like he doesn’t fuckin trust anyone on his team so why would he spill the beans about his big secret plans he has to make money off of this villain plan and then bail before they actually do all the dumb shit with legendaries and such. Yes ok its PROBABLY just because its a videogame and they need to exposit stuff to the player that the character is probably just thinking and not saying out loud. But wouldnt it be so much better this way!!!! Also even when you finally face off against him personally in the postgame for his actual dumb money plan he’s still like ‘lol fourth wall breaking time im gonna not have a boss battle cos if you beat cyrus’s ass i aint got no chance’. Dammit nintend i still wanted to fight him but thats endearing so i cant stay mad at u! And he has several lines during it with stuff like “i like seeing children trying so hard BUT YOURE TOO LATE” and “youth like you can live in idealism but for me its all about the money”. Like man u remember that time i had a big angry rant about how his manga version was super OOC cos they didnt just choose to make him eviler but made him murder a child? like the only time anything involving children is mentioned in canon its him being mildly more polite to children!!! MILDLY FRIENDLY! LET ME HAVE THIS...
okay so YEAH the first big change would be just giving him more screentime and more fleshed out character in these early scenes. Make him a full on friendly character who is technically on the opposite side but has no beef with you and no loyalty to the greater plan of his team. So he’s just comically like “oh hi again! yeah lol today’s plan sucks huh?” and makes idle conversation while the main character villain admin of the day is actually doing important plot stuff. like have him along for everyone’s scenes not just mars at the start, dissappear for hours until the very end. And yes definately keep the thing of the game constantly lampshading that he’s a new character for the third version of the game, and everyone in the team thinks he’s useless and forgets he’s even there. it was annoying in the original game cos he actually didnt get any love from the writers themselves, but yknow you could give him an expanded role and rewrite that stuff to be more like “oh poor guy he’s the underdog”, yknow? am i the only one who felt inherantly sorry for him?? i mean he’s a tiny grandpa!!! and he looks so sad on his official art!! Oh oh and also add the additional running jokes and expanded characterization he had in his very brief anime appearance, which was honestly the only well written part of the entire team galactic arc. It fleshed out a bit of his relationship with jupiter who never really appeared alongside him in the game except to say “im not teaming up with you” at the end. Having the context that she finds him annoying cos she’s very serious and also very dedicated to cyrus so she hates this opportunistic bastard pretending to be dedicated when its an obvious lie. And also she thinks his laugh is obnoxious XD Oh also I liked how they expanded upon that one scene of Saturn being sarcastic at gramps and made it into an actual thing that him and charon most often work together and have a mutually sassy dynamic. I found it humanizing that anime saturn is very serious but can comically overreact to very minor teasing from this grandpa! I thought that was better than the games where he’s just serious or the manga where he was 100% changed to be 100% silly and kinda stole charon’s personality for reasons i will never understand.
ANYWAY! IN SUMMARY! show scenes of charon being endearing by being not really interested in the big evilness, being underdog-y by always failing at his smaller evilnesses and getting disrespected, and also maybe drop in some more interpersonal relationships between the admins to hint that charon does indeed have some friendship going on even if he’s a tsundere bitch who’d never admit it. Also maybe the other thing from the anime where they made him a cool computer guy? cos srsly it was lazy that the games just said “he’s the science” and never clarified wtf he actually does at his job. cos cyrus is already a science boss??? he kinda already did most of the big sciencey plans?? why does he need this man if its not for mechanical or legendary pokemon stuff OK HEY MAYBE COMPUTERS! also its funny to imagine him being a memey blogger but sun and moon actually made faba canonically that so i dont think you could improve on him. TAKE NOTES FROM BEAN MAN, NINTENDO
Also maybe you could hint at the rotom backstory before it actually happens? like could just show some mild implications that he is sad, cos the ‘friendly enemy’ thing would already be decent foreshadowing for him potentially having a soft spot. “Wah i am an emotionless evil money man” says local villain, while gossipping with Dawn about his coworkers and sharing lemon squares. But like I mean i don’t really want him to be LITERALLY that, i still like him being grumpy and guarded about his secret good heart. I’m just saying “friendly” as in.. sort of a disconnect between what he says his personality is and how he actually acts. The stuff he actually says is very grumpy but like.. hey he’s saying stuff to you when he doesnt need to, and nobody else on this team is casually talking to you as if youre not an enemy. Like he’s SUBCONCIOUSLY friendly and doesnt realise it? He’d never SAY “i am lonely hello please talk to me” but he’d sure as hell walk over to you and talk to you anyway. About grumpy things! Grumpily! And maybe express occasional compliments in a sort of “haha im surrounded by idiots you’re way more down to earth than all these adults who act more like children”. Cos in that fourth wall breaking moment he has, he respects that you’re a badass and decides thats why he’s not gonna have a boss fight. “You’d just kick my ass, so lol fight these grunts instead while i run away and do my evil plan” That is the kind of sympathetic charon i want!! He’s doing a douchey thing by breaking the script of how boss battles work and making everyone else fight you instead even though he knows that they’ll lose. But he’s also likeable because breaking the script of boss battles is unexpected and comedic! And he’s also accidentally being complimentary to you so its like SIMULTANEOUS JERK AND NICE AT THE SAME TIME. Thats the good stuff!! That quality grumplegramp content!!! if he got redeemed and just 100% changed his personality to lose all the sass and sneakyness then that’d be boring yo...
OKAY WHERE WAS I? Okay hey once you’ve established that, maybe now you have a basis for the sad foreshadowing!! Like you could have one scene where he’s suddenly NOT friendly, he’s not just grumpy in the funny sort of way but actually seems cold and stoic and actually does something useful to the team’s mission or whatever. Sort of a ‘whoa what’s wrong with him today’ thing and it could be subtle cos on the first playthrough you’d just think he was being a jerk cos he’s a jerk and all. but maybe it happens on a scene of team galactic doing some evil plan in eterna forest/other place that’d potentially relate to the rotom sidequest. like he’s just really fuckin depressed to be reminded of his one big failure in life. OH maybe it could actually be at the unnamed junkyard thats mentioned in his backstory but doesnt actually feature as an area in the original game? It could make sense that it’d be part of their plan cos team galactic attacks various energy sources and other technology related places to find the stuff they need to make the big world erasure machine. could just be simply them robbing some old generator parts after their attempt to take the whole power plant failed.
Oh and also maybe add a lil something to his last scene at the galactic lab? Cos like.. what we already have in the game has potential to be a moment where he did a good thing but no its not. Like when you look at it, hey he kinda helped you out here by being all “hey lol saturn the kid is here, bye im not stopping u, feel free to take the lake trio”. Even if saturn is the one who actually SAID feel free to take the lake trio and actually had a good hint at redemptiveness moment and all. Please never take that away, that was good, you just coulda had both of them do it, yknow? And we dont wanna make charon go full good guy all of a sudden when he hasnt even finished his characetr arc, so instead make it more of a moment where its like “im a bad guy but this is going too far”. Like maybe ACTUALLY HAVE A PAYOFF for the foreshadowing that he has no loyalty to cyrus and is blatantly plotting to betray him at some point. He never actually did!! He only tries to capitalize on cyrus already being defeated in an entirely optional sidequest that fails at delivering a proper payoff.
So hey! My idea! Add some complexity here by making it clear that charon is evil in a more petty and mundane way and not in a.. like.. actually dangerous way. Once things start getting actually dangerous he starts chickening out! Like he’s a jerk who does mean things to get money but he’s just MEAN and not friggin murderous or worldending. Give him a moment of “oh shit cyrus was actually serious oh god how do i get off of this train”. Like it seemed that he never really believed that team galactic would ever truly create a new world, and he certainly didnt give a shit about it, he just thought he found an easy opportunity for a paycheck in some dumbass’s deluded plan that’d never really work. But OOPS i guess it actually is happening, oh fuck! Give him a bit of a crisis where he realizes what he actually helped this man do, but not like a full on “everything ive ever done is bad and i dont wanna be evil anymore”. Not YET! Just friggin.. “oh fuck i cant spend money if the universe doesnt exist and also i am dead”. “PLEASE HELP ME CHILD, CYRUS IS GONNA TAKE AWAY THE MONEY!!” xD It’d be fitting for his character and a good light moment of comic relief after the emotional and dark stuff happening around this section of the game. Like he already kinda does that by having that scene of saturn snarking at him, but it could be even more funny! Move the first him and saturn bickering scene to earlier on and have this be like a satisfying scene of saturn actually winning? cos in the anime it was always charon being smug and making fun of him while saturn gets all grumpy about it, now it could be the reverse with smug charon having a breakdown and realising his whole money plan is in shambles and its his own fault.
Also maybe it could have additional payoff with Charon actually helping you take down cyrus? Again, not actually because he’s switched sides but because he's still evil but evil for different reasons than cyrus. That good ‘reluctant teamup with minor goofy villain to take down big actually scary villain’ thing. With the added bonus that the minor goofy villain is objectively a worse person than the scary villain and the scary villain is still redeemable, as opposed to in the manga where they used this same trope in the form of “cyrus is good now and we’re making charon the big scary villain to prove how good cyrus is cos charon is worse”. That was dumb. It was especially dumb cos WHY ON EARTH would you pick charon for this??? like they still had moments of him being comedic and wimpy yet at the same time wanted us to believe he was legitimately threatening? ANYWAY my idea for this is that charon’s computer skills could pay off and it could be something like “oh i always put a failsafe kill switch in my computer just in case i need to grab the money and run”. Like him being a paranoid untrusting selfish asshole was actually the reason he was able to save the day! Also it would explain why cyrus’s machine only fails and summons giratina in platinum version. the manga actually did say that charon sabotaged the machine so thats one actually good thing that came from it! Congrats u filled one plothole while making twenty more XD
OH and perhaps this same section could also foreshadow the rotom thing? like I was thinking about how he could actually choose to give up and let you take the lake trio and have it still be 100% in character. It could be an extension of his “shit, i didnt think things would get this serious, please save me from the consequences of my own actions!” moment. Cos I think that any normal dumb greedy money man would still be horrified at the idea of mutilating a thousand year old majestic unicorn of mythology and then flushing it down the toilet when it outlives its uselessness. Like he doesnt do it because he wants to help you save the day or anything, just cos the idea of killing the lake trio is just too evil for even him. It could be kind of a meaningful moment about how cyrus is doing all this for good reasons yet they caused him to do these actions that are even more evil than the actual dude with evil motives. And maybe you could establish this through a scene of him and cyrus inetracting, which could also help amp up how intimidating cyrus is, in preparation for the big climax? Have charon trying to wimp out of “disposing of the useless specimens”, but cyrus is having none of it. Like it could start off funny with him making up loads of other excuses cos there’s no way he’d admit he’s having Feelings and all. “Wait but let me have them! if theyre useless to you then i can just sell them right?? ha ha thats the only reason im saying this, lol you know me i’d never be swayed by any sentiment” But cyrus sees through it instantly and gets right up in his face like fuckin Raw Cold Fury, no you are NOT going to disobey me. He is PISSED OFF because the only reason he kept this useless senile old bat around is because he’s the only one in this group who isn’t a simpering moron at the mercy of their pitiful heart. If you can’t even do that, then what’s the use of you? So everything charon tries fails and all he accomplishes is getting fired on the spot for even TALKING ABOUT defying his boss. And cyrus just orders saturn to dispose of the lake trio instead. Saturn of course is smarter and says nothing in defiance, but then the both of them work together to let you take the pokemon and just act like they failed to stop you rather than doing it on purpose. And its kind of an uncharacteristically quiet and intense moment between these dudes that are usually at each other’s throats with funny banter. They’re united for a moment but for very different reasons. Charon knew that cyrus wasnt a good guy from the very beginning and he just underestimated him, and is now feeling in over his head and worried this could be the end. And saturn always thought cyrus was good but is starting to struggle with doubts. And maybe charon actually tries to warn saturn about it? Like “hey i knew this all along but i never told you but HEY CYRUS MIGHT ACTUALLY KILL US ALL” and saturn starts on his usual speech about cyrus being the greatest but he starts to question it and AAAAA! but ultimately this moment isnt the moment where he makes the right choice, and he does end up going back to cyrus and continuing the plan. and also charon is on the edge of actually doing something good and trying to stop cyrus’s big ol doom time (albiet for selfish reasons of No Money In The New World) but he also wimps out from this chance and instead decides to grab as much cash as he can and run the fuck away, as if its even possible to outrun the destruction of a whole dimension. but at least him and saturn agreed on the lake trio rescue operation, thus their moment of almost-redemption helped the player even if they didnt actually turn good. AND then you’d have the surprise moment of charon actually stepping up at the last minute and doing his thing to sabotage the machine and all. which again doesnt really solve the whole thing and doesnt really make him turn good but at least it downgrades the threat from ‘cyrus actually succeeds in destroying the world’ to ‘okay we just need to deal with a slight case of poke-hell and one collossal centipede’. Srsly man sinnoh’s plot has the highest stakes cos in platinum you straight up actually fail and cyrus actually would have destroyed the world if not for giratina! Oh and also a random note is that i think it’d be funny if charon helped you out while still running away? like you just learn about the machine sabotage being his responsibility cos it flashes his goofy hacker logo from the anime or something. Maybe instead he hacks your Poketch and is like HEY HELLO IM GONNA SPLODE THE THING BUT NOT COS IM A GOOD GUY, BTW I AM A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY PLEASE DONT LET CYRUS KNOW I DID THIS
SO YEAH! whatever! whether or not we get that added bit of teamup with charon in the climax, we’ve still given him a bit more screentime so the player actually remembers him and actually cares about doing his optional sidequest in the postgame. so him not having a boss fight would be less of a letdown and all. But having the teamup plot would be a good opportunity to turn the wifi event into not a wifi event! maybe during his panic charon drops the key to his secret lab and thats how you get it? cos really it makes no sense at all that the magic wifi gods can just hand you something you’d have no idea existed and never have an opportunity to get. none of the other wifi items are literally a thing owned by a significant character that needs to be teleported out of his pocket by plot magic! Also it sucks that a chunk of important backstory would be hidden in a wifi event so if they still wanted rotom’s alt forms to be a wifi event then JUST make it the ability to get the forms and not the charony diary bit. Cos it makes no sense that the ENTIRE REASON CHARON EXISTS is to introduce the rotom form event yet you’d have no clue he was connected to rotom until after youve already finished the event. It gave no damn indication you had to take the key to this particular dude’s lab in team galactic!! ANd click on an otherwise unmarked wall!! Put the diary somewhere else and hey there’s a Charon Clue(tm) and now you can actually find the damn event, there you go, fixed. Also annoying cos nothing in the event tells you you have to go somewhere entirely different to catch the one rotom in the game, and click another unmarked piece of scenery that only has a staticky screen to indicate rotom if you happen to be playing at night. Seriously this is why serebii.net was such a lifesaver!!
Okay so WOOP there we go, here we are at a point where the player has seen more of charon and had oppotunities to grow to like him as a character and be suspicious that maybe he could have some sympatheticness. And if he drops an Importante Key Itemme right before the end of the game then thats a hint that postgame stuff exists involving him, and at least one clue where to find it! All the rotom diary stuff would play out exactly the same except that its less of a hell to find, lol.
BUT THEN the big difference in Stark Mountain is that now you have the full context of charon’s backstory and the game actually reacts to you having that knowledge. Like maybe if you dont do that step first then either charon never appears at stark mountain until you do, or you get an abbrieviated version of the quest without the redemption plot? I was thinking actually maybe make it one of those daily repeatable quests, to avoid the player doing the quests out of order and permenantly losing the chance to redeem gramps. Like if you dont see the rotom diary then instead of a big actual quest you just get some five minute “oh we’ve seen team galactic sneaking around stark mountain, defeat them for Some Money Or Something hey thats weird that they were only stealing money hey yknow who’s all about the money? charon! maybe go follow up on his Importante Key Itemme to continue the plot.”
SO THEN once you return Emboldened By The Knowledge Of Good Gramps, you get the proper thing. And... it would actually play out totally the same as in vanilla platinum. Charon doesn’t have a boss fight, all his minions leave him and say he sucks, he gets anticlimactically taken out by someone else in a cutscene, and his last moment is someone making a crack about him being so frail and useless that the hot volcano breeze could knock him over.
Its just a fake out that its gonna have the same funny ending as every other charon appearance, and the same lack of him being remotely threatening.
and yknow how i said i hate the manga where he’s all super evil and owns three legendaries and kills a guy? okay take away all that stuff but KEEP THE MOMENT OF GRANDPA GETTING TO DO SOMETHING BADASS FOR THE ONLY TIME EVER
Maybe he surprises everybody by actually not being down for the count! And by now he’s just SO pissed off from a whole game’s worth of failing and being disrespected that he does something desperate and stupid at the last minute. If he was meant to be the dude who invented the red chain, maybe he could use it to control heatran even if looker took away the magma stone? like i feel it’d be in character for charon to secretly steal a prototype red chain for himself during the whole “oh fuck my boss is legit destroying the world i need to get out of here” thing. Grab some stuff to sell now your last paycheck is dissappearing into an ominous void, lol. He didnt expect to actually be using it, and if the actually completed red chain puts enough stress on its weilder to make them cry blood then this thing must be even more risky to use! so its a really huge holy shit moment of tiny gramps actually doing something intimidating! and his boss fight could actually be using heatran and actually having heatran get to goddamn appear in this sidequest. it was soooo underwhelming to have to return thru the dungeon a second time to actually see heatran, this time without any story stuff to break up the long walk...
also this entire thing could be a great climax to his character arc and sort of a moment of “okay THIS was actually his motivation all along!” Cos I always felt like Charon’s real motive was low self confidence? Like he’s always on about money but he seems to focus more on SUCCESS instead. Fame and success. “Ha ha i am the greatest scientist and i want people actually aknowledge me” is a thing he repeatedly brings up and also that other characters directly demonstrate in how they act towards him. It just feels like he thinks he can buy that with money if he’s failed his whole life in earning it. And the old “acts egotistical because he actually hates himself” character archetype would work really well as a sympathetic interpretation of his character. It would be like how he’s ‘subconciously friendly’. The thing he actually does (being boastful) is because of a different reason (not believing his own lies and being super insecure about his self worth), but he keeps it so well hidden that not even he realises that its really what he feels. Similar to how he acts grumpy because of a different reason, because he actually DOES want friends and he’s just guarding his emotions under a million walls cos he’s scared of being hurt again. And scared of how he knows he’s a weak willed person who might betray his friends again for his desperation for money. Which is really a desperation to feel valid as a human being, which is really just ‘i want friends’ again under another coat of paint. So depressingly he caused his own problems because of the same character trait that was once a positive in his life! I think he works well when interpreted from that angle, he’s like a dark subversion of a pokemon professor or of your classic ash ketchum figure. Like “the power of friendship” is what turned him evil, and also turned him into a guy who acted awful to his friends. And it could add to this thematic thing if “loving pokemon” was also referenced throughout his plot in a negative sense?
That’s actually one other good thing about the manga, they removed his greedy grumpyness (bad) but replaced it with the same motive as the villain of the 2nd movie (weird flex but okay). Aka “a guy who collects legendary pokemon just as trophies and has forgotten how to treat them like genuine friends”. Even if that wouldnt be his main character concept in this hypothetical rewritten game, it could still be a secondary trait that’s used to suppliment the main emotional arc. Like instead of just saying “money money money” you could flesh out more scenes of him actually talking about HOW he’s gonna get the money and what he’s gonna use it for. Via collecting all the rare pokemon, and to collect more rare pokemon. Which will somehow (in his twisted cynical perception of how the world works) make him a person of value and get people to respect him. It could also tie together pretty much every scene he already has! Cos his backstory is finding this pokemon friend... who was a rare unknown species. And maybe as a kid he decided to become a scientist initially just out of excitement to learn more about his new friend and show them to the world! But then the realities of the difficulties in being respected as a scientist gradually wore him down and he became more cynical, more obsessed with recognition, more believing that the only way to get it was by being an asshole and he’d just get taken advantage of if he kept being soft. And he started to forget why he really wanted that fame in the first place, and instead it just became an obsession, a vain hope that he’d hate himself less if he accomplished his life’s dream. When really from the player’s perspective its obvious that even if he succeeded he’d still be depressed when he realized how he’d lost everything in the process. And it’d be a more realistic sort of way he could have turned from a good kid to an asshole gramps. There wasnt any single day he suddenly made the decision to change, it was just a gradual wearing down of his morals over the years. he became more obsessed and more cynical that normal moral ways of doing things would never get him what he wanted. he started making small sacrifices to his personal sense of morality, and eventually reached the point where he’d completely abandoned it all without even noticing the gradual change. And somewhere along the way he forgot that he started this because of his pokemon friend, and discarded it as “not good enough” in favor of this vain quest to acquire a million other rarer pokemon and just friggin put them on a shelf to boast about them and feel less empty inside. And then also his redemption was a gradual change too? After he reached that point of completely betraying his own sense of goodness, he gradually got sadder and more tired with living this way. By the time you see him ingame he’s not remotely happy with being evil and he’s just a poor dude who’s deluded that being evil is the only way to escape the sadness rather than the cause of it. And thats why his whole ‘oops im accidentally subconciously befriending my coworkers and also the enemy’ thing kinda set him on the road to eventual redemption, cos its the first bit of small upliftingness he’s had in ages. sorta recharges his Ability To Care and he starts realizing what he’s doing and feeling regret. But yeah throughout the main game he never actually acts on his doubts and just repeatedly misses the chance to get redeemed and makes you Kinda Frustrated, similar to zuko or peridot’s redemptive arc? And ultimately reuniting him with his old best friend and showing him that its not too late to fix what he broke = the actual catalyst for his changes to fully stick and he completely switches to the good side.
BUT ANYWAY thats why he needs a boss fight first!
Something like 50-70 years worth of self hate and frustration from devoting himself to a super incorrect way of defeating that self hate, and sacrificing EVERYTHING for the sake of it, and being disrespected the entire time, and being terrified that you’re getting old and running out of time, and almost dying to some guy’s weird void plan, and losing the only thing you had left aka the team galactic job and a few maybe sorta kinda friends you had, and now being disrespected AGAIN by those same people you thought were friends (but never actually admitted it to them) and then also bitchslapped by a frog?? Also this place is real fuckin sweaty?? Yeah stark mountain is a great climactic point for his entire frustrations to boil over and be a bigger eruption than the actual volcano!
Thus we have Grand Dad Gets Serious And Has An Actually Interesting Boss Fight!
but also grand dad is being emotionally open and whoops accidentally might be tearing down those walls he built up around his big ol soft as fuck heart
like the battle would possibly be more ‘you talk him down into giving up, realizing he was wrong, quitting being evil, and going home to his friend that he misses so much. and finally realizing that thats actually the only way he could ever really defeat the self hate that drove him this far in the first place. also he’s not worthless and his friends always believed he was the awesome dude he always wanted to be’. Yknow, rather than actually defeating him and all. I mean you still do that but i think it’d be a case like with the giratina fight where even if you lose or run away you get the same result, just slightly altered text? Just as long as you come here with rotom in your party your victory was already a foregone conclusion. you just get a really cool boss fight as your reward, yknow? cos seriously I WAS WAITING THE WHOLE GAME FOR THAT DAMN BOSS FIGHT!!!
obligatory link again to the cool song i think is a great summary of all of my headcanons for this man’s character arc and would also be badass backing music for a hypothetical boss fight:
context: it makes more sense if you imagine it as his own internal thoughts of all the stuff he’s been running away from accepting in his own feelings. and/or what he THINKS that the player and rotom would be saying to him, so he’s shocked into speechlessness by the fact that they actually do think he deserves a second chance and has the potential to be good.
actually that could be a really good ending to the fight!!!
like when you get through to him and convince him to stand down, he cowers in fear thinking he’s gonna get the karmic payback for everything he’s ever done. and he tries to run away from reuniting with rotom. half of him is scared that his friend hates him and the other half is.. well..
i think it would be thematically appropriate to end it with a hug
just an image of this lil toy robot pokemon hugging this scared old man, and he’s just so empty and doesnt know what to say. its the last thing he ever expected. and then his shock turns into pain and sadness, as he was really the most scared that his friend actually would forgive him. that everything he ever did really was all for nothing, and he should have done this years ago and saved all that lost time. he’s so scared because he thinks he doesnt deserve forgiveness and he doesnt know what to do now its happening. so he just lets out all those tears he’s never cried over all these years, and the scene ends with him desperately hugging his best friend and never wanting to let go ever again
And then that’d be the big moment that was really the turning point for him, though of course that wouldnt be the end of his redemption and if there was any further postgame content you could show various scenes of him atoning throughout that. or just some images in the second credits scene after you beat the postgame stuff. i’d kinda like if there was some moment of him apologising to the rest of team galactic and joining them in their attempts to rebuild the team into something good. and maybe an extra postgame segment where this redeemified team goes on some bigger quest to try and rescue cyrus from the distortion world and heal his pain too. i think you could get a lot of good scenes out of a redeemed charon being along for the ride! like you’d obviously have cyrus being skeptical that this dude really has changed so much, and probably an extension of that earlier scene where he’s pissed off that the one guy he thought agreed with him about emotions being foolish is actually being the most emotional of everyone. but i think because of that they could also have scenes of relating together and actually starting to form a friendship in the end? like i can see charon feeling guilty for never trying to reach out to cyrus before, and also believing really strongly that cyrus can be redeemed cos like ‘yo i’m way worse than you and i was able to change, please believe that its a possibility for you too!’ Also cyrus likes machines so i think he’d be happy to meet rotom and become friends. And he has that whole grandpa related backstory so it might help a lot towards healing those scars and reuniting the two of them if he starts forming a friendship with a different gramps? THERES A LOT OF GOOD THEMATIC LINKS BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT TEAM GALACTIC MEMBERS THAT ARE NEVER EXPLORED IN THE ORIGINAL GAME
also in the original version of this plotline it was a fanfic/fangame idea of an alternate universe swap where dawn/lucas/other customizeable protagonist is a galactic grunt instead of the hero. so a lot of the details were different but in that version the protag was literally adopted by whichever galactic admin they picked as their main friendship route. entirely because of self indulgent ‘i wish these guys were my dad/sister/grandpa/whatever’ feels cos sinnoh helped me thru a tough time as a kid. soooo i cant really do that charon grandpa idea where he also renovates the Old Chateau into a ghost pokemon sanctuary and becomes like an actual good pokemon professor. (also rekindles his friendship with prof rowan and agatha from the kanto elite four cos thats just a random headcanon i have) BUT i could still do all that except the part where he adopts u cos canon dawn/lucas already has a mom lol. And i think it’d be more fitting of canonverse protag to adopt Cyrus? Like obv in the canonverse itd probably be the main boss of the team who gets the bigger redemption plot and is canonically the best friend EVEN THO for tumblr user tumblunni in particular it is All Grandpas All The Time. And i like the idea of Cyboy being a survivor of child abuse who tries to become a good dad just like his parents werent. But i also like the idea of dawn’s mom adopting him as her new big brother and him getting to experience a genuine loving family for the first time! I think itd work that way cos cyrus is meant to be 27 even tho he looks older, and i dont think dawn’s mom is that young and also i just see no chemistry between them as any sort of ship. (and headcanon cyrus as asexual anyway) But also the family does still keep in touch with all the other galactic friends!!!
hhhh i wrote So Many Word just about grandpa redemption holy shit i’ll probably die if i try and cover all the other teammates now
ok i will leave it here but just know i also have Deep Headcanons about all of them, even if charon gets the most. somedaayayyyay i will share with you more!!
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bluestar22x · 2 years
Hawkeye (2021) Rewatch Reaction
Hawkeye 1x01 - Love seeing what happened in the 1st Avengers movie in another pov. It is neat to have the two different viewpoints of Clint jumping off the building with it being a somber time in the movie (it looking like the Avengers are losing) meanwhile in the show Kate sees it as a kickass moment.
- I have a hard time believing a regular arrow with a tennis ball on the end could destroy a whole bell tower. How does it have that much kick? lol
- Of course they made a play for the Avengers. Cringe. Can’t blame Clint for shutting it out by turning off his hearing aid (who thought the play would be a good idea?). The song was, I admit, catchy though.
- Weirdo in the bathroom. I’ve never understood fans who overstep like that.
- Does Kate’s mom not regularly talk to her about things like her boyfriend/fiance? Lousy mom.
- I know many of the comic book fans don’t like Dad!Clint but I love him so much.
- Mmm maybe not wear the famous suit from the fishy auction.
- Nathaniel’s sleeping like the dead. Lol
- Love the dog, and I know pizza’s his thing, but giving him only pizza is very questionable.
- “Come on!” – Clint, in other words: Seriously?!
This is my least favorite episode in the series, but it wasn’t as slow as I remembered it. I just prefer more Clint and Kate’s interactions with him. I don’t care about any of the other characters but them (and Clint’s family). 
 Hawkeye 1x02
- Kate calling herself one of the best archers in the world. She’s not wrong, but her ego is so big. Jeez. Her talking to herself while going up the stairs about Hawkeye being in her home is relatable though.
- Shooting an arrow at the fire extinguisher backfired – big surprise.
- Kate’s got such a romanticized view of being a superhero. She hasn’t watched enough superhero shows and movies.
- The Ronin suit has nine lives considering it didn’t burn in that fire.
- Clint’s already being such a dad with Kate helping her take care of her cut appropriately.
- I love that Clint loves dogs.
- Clint: “Don’t lose Nate.” Also Clint: “Where’s Nate?” lol
- It’s so sweet Nathaniel used sign language to tell Clint he loved him. Loved Clint’s look of surprise in reaction and his joyful expression after. It’s so endearing how much that meant to him. :)
- Lila is the real boss of her siblings.
- I love that they kept the same actors from the movies for Clint’s family, even if the kids look older than they should because of it.  
- The flashback scene when Kate asks why Clint is hard of hearing is hilarious. None of those scenes were funny, but in sequence it kinda is. Poor Clint. He says he’s not sure, but I’m pretty sure the Endgame blast was at least the final straw. His ears were probably ringing for days.
- I’ve seen people question why he only has one hearing aid cause even if he’s completely deaf in one ear people who need them still tend to wear 2 hearing aids, but it’s probably personal choice. Probably didn’t see the benefit vs. cost of using it in a completely deaf ear. It’s not like he’s the richest Avenger.
- I do buy Clint doesn’t want the fame that comes with him being part of the Avengers (because he doesn’t see himself as a hero).
- Clint is so bored, embarrassed, annoyed, and just generally done during the Larping event. “And I fought Thanos.” Lol – I have secondhand embarrassment for him. Grills is a nice dude though.
- “Time to get myself caught” – so casual about turning himself in to criminals. Just another day at work. XD
- Jack has such a “Mr. Cool” attitude. The fight with Kate didn’t make him blink. How was the guy not a baddie?
- “Guys, I can see through the bag.” Clint, please. Smart mouth.
- Clint just casually untying himself. Lol
- “Bro I found her.” – That mob guy is funny. So’s the one who talks too much. Makes me almost forget how dumb Kate was just falling through the window like that. Getting yourself caught isn’t going to save Clint!
- Clint’s thinking great – well, this was all for nothing.
 Hawkeye 1x03
- Maya’s origin story was sad.
- The Russian dudes are having too much fun.
- Kate asking the dude what’s wrong and him complaining about his girlfriend to her like they’re friends. XD Oh. Clint’s “done” again. Lol
- Clint saying Natasha killed the Ronin. <3
- Ridiculous overconfidence for sure.
- I wish I could just jump up like Clint did off that unicorn. I’m almost half his age. XD
- Maya has some strong opinions on hearing aids.
- I love the toy shop fight scene. And the car chase. Also Clint being disappointed the classic car still got damaged. I was disappointed too. It’s pretty.
- I love that Clint’s mainly left-handed. I mean, no one who is left-handed does everything left-handed all the time. We live in a right-handed world. You learn to do some things both ways.
- The Pym trick arrow is a pretty cool nod to Ant Man. He trusts Clint enough to get him that tech.
- So interesting to have the phone call in Clint’s pov. So heartbreaking to see him tear up and hear his voice break when Nathaniel says it’s okay if he can’t be home for Christmas. It’d be Clint’s first Christmas with his family since the snap and he’s hurting so bad over the idea of maybe not making it home in time. :( Kate’s guilty expression earned a lot of points with me in this scene.
- Argh. Kate brushing aside Clint’s speech about trying to help people coming at a cost by saying there are still good things like cool costumes. She is soooo naive. It’s clear she chooses to be.
- “I’m not a role model.” But you are the best dad though. <3
- “Man, I’m in the wrong business.” Aren’t all 99% of us, Clint?
 Hawkeye 1x04
- You know what? Screw you Kate’s mom for bringing up Natasha. It’s not like your daughter has given him much choice.
- This is the turning point where I knew Kate’s mom was trouble.
- Kate’s mom and Jack talking about her like she’s not right in front of them is weird? No?
- I love that they include scenes of Clint and Kate taking care of their wounds/injuries/etc. in this series. Clint icing the joints in his favored bow arm. Realism in superhero shows for the win.
- Kate’s so sweet trying to cheer Clint up with a holiday celebration of their own. I love this scene. Top 2 favorite scene. :) (My other is the phone call with Nate cause I like scenes that hurt me.)
- Why does Clint use the Thanos mug? (Drinking from it ironically apparently.) I’m more concerned as to why Kate’s Aunt has the Thanos mug! Hopefully she’s just a sassy old cat lady.
- “You’d have to dodge.” That might be my favorite Kate quote. Lol
- Clint’s smirk when Kate’s impressed by him turning the TV off with the ornament. :D
- The end of the night got so sad. :(
- Clint saved Natasha first and she saved him last.
- Clint having to look away side to side in order not to cry. :(
- “Can I have my gun back?” Really dude?
- Kate thought the Larping was weird but now she’s all in. XD
- Yelena really had inconvenient timing.
- I really love that Kate got stuck on the line. Realism. Ha
- Oh, the parallel of Kate being thrown off the roof with Natasha’s fall in Endgame is just heartbreaking. Especially with the music being similar in both scenes (beautiful music btw). The look on Clint’s face as he makes that connection. :( That was the moment Clint realized he couldn’t lose another friend.
- The tears in both their eyes in that end scene. :(
This and episode 3 are my favorite overall episodes of the season. They have almost all my favorite scenes too.
 Hawkeye 1x05
- Kate’s finally gained some humility.
- Yelena just…cooking at Kate’s place. XD
- Clint taking his hearing aid out to talk to Nat in “private”. That speech. :(
- The writers trying to get us all worried about what he’s about to do when he just warns Maya. He ends up doing Nat proud. <3
- BTW I love Laura so much. She’s just so supportive and trusts Clint’s instincts. (Only another agent could, eh?)
- Yelena listening to Kate and checking out who hired her.
- The King Pin reveal was so shocking. Just cause I’m not used to Netflix Daredevil characters being in other Marvel shows/movies. Should have been less shocked after No Way Home, but I wasn’t.
 Hawkeye 1x06
 - King Pin’s never been my favorite villain, but he works fine here.
- “Your mess is my mess.” <3 Ah, parallel to him saying similar in Age of Ultron about the Avengers (“They’re my mess.”). Kate’s like family now. Does Clint feel responsible for everyone he likes?
- Love how Kate literally labels the trick arrow “too dangerous”. XD
- Kate’s speech of how Clint inspired her and his smile at the end. <3
- Lookin cool in that tux Clint. ;)
- *Slap – “What was that?” lol
- Random cute owl in the tree awwwwww
- Even though Clint is “only human” he still lives by action hero rules, so he’s still kinda superhuman. Ha
- The Kate and Clint shooting arrows side by side scene is so epic. Them favoring different arms to pull back on their bows just makes it even better, imo.
- Love when Clint doesn’t even look where he’s shooting. Show-off.
- “Nice shot.” “Yeah, no shit.” XD
- Kate’s mom really thought she’d understand everything she did? No, you don’t know her lady.
- The whistle. Yelena realized then Clint wasn’t the enemy. I think she already did though deep down. She was just looking for someone to blame for her pain. This scene hurts lots. 
- “I’m so proud of you.” <3
- I was so happy Clint brought Kate to his house for Christmas. Of course he did. She’s his second daughter now. :)
- And his family just takes her in as one of their own. <3
- Nice reveal of how Clint met Laura – her being an agent of SHIELD.
- Kate’s the next in line as Hawkeye ending. I wonder if Marvel will do anything more with their characters? I don’t think I’d watch Kate alone, but I’d love more of the two of them.
Final Notes: I love this show so much – of course it’s underrated just like Hawkeye himself. Could’ve used a couple more episodes personally, but the show flowed well as is. I just could’ve taken more Clint and Kate scenes.
0 notes
pixie-skull · 7 years
# 12 Post, part 2: FINALLY Top Ten 2D Animated Women’s List
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Update August 12th! Updates in bold.
So I am behind on my promise and seeing this net neutrality could happen here my top lady crushes. I try to go into detail. I have to admit number 10 going to be confusing see her movie has different animation styles, so I try find a picture of which one I like more. ON TO THE DELAYED LISTED. Reminder none of my new crushes can be made after 2016, when I graduate high school. Warning lots of breasts. Hey I am Pan, as in pansexuality, so yes I am mostly romantic, yet I want to clarify, I am not liking the characters for that. Also, I tried list movies from animated companies, or else this be Disney mostly. XD Here the RULES https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/167091245072/post-12-part-1-rules-for-animated-crush-list
10. 2010′s Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic Beatrice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1C9WtnOr7Y  So now I  said I have two styles I really like, yes this movie has 5 or 6 styles. O.O 
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So I chose this design of ALL other, maybe has a close second, yet this (due to it enhances the Souls and Demons)
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 Now on to the reasons she wins number 10. Her personality, hopeful, positive, loyal,  patient (still annoyed at Dante for what he did), honest, and just an embodiment of virtues. So besides being someone who so kind to have what happened to her is heartbreaking. Plus her overall appearance was attractive too. I am not sure why women’s almost naked I feel more comfortable seeing, yet men’s and non-binary I feel my demisexual side bit more antsy. Yes middle school me was both freaked out and at the same time enjoyed the film. Helps also I was figuring out my sexuality and came out in mid high school.  Oh and she stands ups for herself and tries not to be a prize. Unlike the video game, she is not a pushover. D: XD Also I am now sure I am asexual.
9.  2000′s Titan AE, Akima. 
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 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXmcVV3WJWwEven though this movie was hard to watch(the CGI :( ), the characters and their designs are very fun to watch. Now besides being voiced by the attractive Drew Berrymore (fun fact is bi), the haircut, and those eyebrows, there more to Akima.  I like she reminds of (the stunning) Zoe from Firefly due to both pilots (in a sense) so have the voice call the shots, she can take care of herself, knows how to fight yet be not a killer, and more. I do personally headcanon her as bi. She very low on the list for I admit I saw the movie sooner than I like to admit, so she not as much a childhood crush, as a new one. Only her animated style was constant, unlike 10. Sorry, the gif changed her appearance a bit, I know in the movie she of Asian descent.
8. Now nine was tempted to put Gwen from “Total Drama Island”, first two seasons (I have a soft spot for dyed hair and punk and goth look), until I saw this movie. (I do plan do a maybe top five of TV 2D women)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVbX1NeWY9s&t=3s1992 Cool’s World Lonette.
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 (I like how her hair so cute and messy here^ A sweet, short, messy, haircut. Also yes her body also quite nice XD ) I really find her kindness endearing such a negative world. Even though I like all eye colors, dark green eyes I am a sucker for. Also she was loving to Frank, makes hope for someone as affectionate as her. I know she Holli look very much in common, but Holli I felt lacked in such romance tenderness.
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This smile ^ so adorable.
7. 1999′s Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost  Luna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92jw0fxXca4
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(in Violet and short red hair)I could have easily put this whole band down, yet I wanted pick their second singer.  The fact she sings, plays an instrument, in an eco goth band, dyed hair, her parent helped give the band their fangs, and more, is why I like her so much. Also she drawn in this movie she more drawn with details and for that she is more attractive.https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/8/8c/New-ghrfh-the-hex-girls-24106229-720-480.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110909113258&path-prefix=protagonist < - - -  Close up on her.
6. 1993′s The Thief and the Cobbler, Yum-Yum.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZibUpH-AME&list=PL18B0CA620B61D076 and https://vimeo.com/88602144 
Shocked how few royals are on this list, especially for being a 90′s kid. So why Princess Yum-Yum, even though she a weird blend of Aladdin (I bring this up to claimed Disney and if they or if they did NOT steal from this movie) Jasmine (I also have a crush on her too) of having a voice and using her power, but sometimes seems underdeveloped in comparison. However to me that is only when compared, so she to me is still fleshed out. I am happy to see her make the band of thieves due what she says, she merciful, she helps Tack and does her fair of saving the day. Not just a pretty face, she actual does something.
5. ANY DC comics Batman adaptation of Selina Kyle also known as Catwoman.
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(^ Not to stereotype, yet this “gay” haircut I love so much on her)
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Now on to why I like her. First bonus is she cannoned as Bi as bisexuality. Now to the rest, she a character who in the grey waves of morals. She is either a villainess, anti-hero, or whatever. I enjoy also how much a tease she can be to Batman (thanks to her I can be like to my relationships too sometimes), she loves animals, she inspires me with her self defense and flexibility. Catwoman also she makes me comfortable being her dominate power force. I want to clarify I am waiting till marriage. XD I also like she kinda an example of a character, who can depicted with different racial background, body types, and more. I am aware some characters can not have such changes, yet Catwoman a positive example of done right.
4. 2003′s Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Marina. 
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Shout to @animagix101and @thenamelessdoll edits of her, if from a racebend to giving her more muscles, thank you.Now why do I like this short haired ambassador? One she stands up for what she believes in, she a quick learner, she gives off vibes like she could be bi, poly, or pan, and is fearless, yet gives mercy. Her relationship is shown on screen to grow, not just boom love, yet (I do not like Sinbad by the way, I much more like Proteus). I was tempted to give this spotlight as a tie to Moses Tzipporah, yet I know ties are not fun for most people.
3. Sailor Moon (90′s version), Michiru Kaiou AKA Sailor Neptune. 
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Now I know I am making this my 2D animated ladies from MOVIES, but she did make appearances in film. Sorry too the gif makes more pale (yes the characters in the anime are suppose to be Japanese). Shout out she also in the LGBTQ+ Community, cannoned as lesbian. Now on to why I like the Sailor Guardian of the planet Neptune? Besides having colorful hair (I am sorry dyed hair a bonus for me, like how accents are a bonus for other people), she has a colorful personality. XD She very artsy (I like people who can have a passion in something that is like theater, music, etc), romantic (like dang she and Sailor Uranus are soooooooooooooooo cute), funny, clever, and more.
2. Okay this rule is broken of only MOVIE ladies, yet this  a childhood crush since my elementary school years. 1996′s The Incredible Hulk animated Series and any other Hulk/Marvel product, Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk.
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XD Yes that scene beyond suggestive and yes her voice by the stunning Cree Summers. So what makes a delight, she can be funny and serious, an amazing lawyer (I believe the comic staff did this be part of the second wave of feminism [no hating for this, okay to be a feminist or have the ideas of one to want equality with men), confident in her body and mind, she has colorful hair, she so strong that I be happy be held by her, and more. XD It is kinda takes to her women of any height (she is “5'10" (in human form) 6'7" (as She-Hulk” according to http://marvel.com/characters/51/she-hulk)  because tall Titanesses need some love. Also yes sucker for either her She-Hulk green eyes or her Jennifer’s form with brown eyes and this cute haircut. So Bruce Banner or Hulk, can you give me your cousin’s number please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2j4_C4cvSs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbVnnImJOYc
1. 1996′s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Esmeralda. 
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So I like Disney a lot to choose ONE woman is not easy to do, yet I chose to one who I know for the fact I can say just has more to crush on. For starters her personality (seeing beauty from within a huge trait I love), spreading mercy, standing up her others, her sense of Faith (I am Spiritual, so her song to me a great representation of faith - - - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEEpavnk7Uw ), her voice (both speaking and singing <3 <3) rich (I thank real life cutie Demi Moore, in Ghost her haircut is something I want to mimic on day), and more. Looks, well as long you are not a woman who is straight and a man who is gay, I find it hard to believe you can not understand how she is a jaw dropper. I personally head cannon her Pan as in Pansexuality.
So before you assume anything, yes there one more cutie after this, why, because I like to count zero. XD
Honorable Mentions: 
Raven Darkholme  AKA Mystique (fun fact I believe she is cannoned as Bi, even though I heancanon as Pan)
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Ororo Munroe AKA Storm  (XD the Pan flag I love it)
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2001′s Atlantis: The Lost Empire Kida
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1991′s Beauty and the Beast Belle (I love her hazel eyes and dimples)
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1999′s Iron Giant: Annie 
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0. 1982′s The Last Unicorn, Lady Amalthea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-TioQfT-jg
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Even though yes she barely seems happy, just something about her that so stunning. If her indigo eyes, silver hair (I want to maybe dye my hair like her’s one day, when my hair longer), or moment of smiling.
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Okay now I looked at her physical appearance, how does Amalthea win by personality. With light spoilers (not going into detail) she starts and end the movie on a quest for herself and it is empowering to see her just do this for she wants to. Not out of love, a prophecy, nope just wanted to save more like her. She is does not give up, she goes on. Amalthea strong in her morals, she helps her friends, her arch is powerful, and so much more. PLEASE READ THE BOOK TOO! =D So I like to point out (because my sibling and I had a debate) I liked her when HUMAN and she call herself human, not sure why this confused my sibling.
*Please anyone name what traits stick out as reoccurring in my named character crushes.*
I challenge @thenamelessdoll @sailorzelda94 @myhollie1911 @cereittanyprincess15 @deanscourse ANYONE else to make their top animated women’s, men’s, non-binary, or your top animated crush list.
I want to clear up that listing women easier because men tend be less developed. So my top 10 men list be BOTH movies and TV, so I make a top 3 tv cartoon ladies.
So since I made this, I am making a top five different, details of why I like them stay the same, yet different spots
5. Maria
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4. Sailor Neptune
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3. Catwoman
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2. Amalthea (I kinda like this “mad” gif looks more like checking someone out. XD ^*_*^ )
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1. Esmeralda (I still hope to use this quote one day)
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0. She-Hulk
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maedarakat · 7 years
✍🏻 please
(Thanks!!! You didn’t include a pairing tho so I hope you’re cool with me just doing my fave boys? XD This is going to be around season 1 and maybe 2, pre-redemption Dagur bc he’s fun.)
Dagur stared at the parchment in his hands, expression extraordinarily dumbfounded. One of the Riders had just … Terror-mailed him a letter?
The Terror was even still hanging around - just out of reach and ridiculously good at avoiding thrown knives. Almost like it was waiting for a response to this drivel.
He’d of course spent a good portion of time over-analyzing it. Was it a distraction? The set-up for a trap? It wasn’t from Hiccup and it didn’t ask him to meet him anywhere though.
Nope, just inane babbling from one member of Hiccup’s little dragon-loving group. There was nothing to really do but tear it up and throw it overboard. Which he almost did, but Savage stopped him.
“If you don’t mind me suggesting, sir, this could be an opportunity? Write back and tell the boy to meet you alone if he really wants an … “ Savage peered over Dagur’s shoulder to re-read the lines that had his leader so flustered. “An arrow-launcher for Snoggletogg.”
“Arrow-launcher! As if I’d actually send anyone else a Berserker crafted arrow-launcher for anything, let alone for -” Dagur paused, mid-tirade. “Wait, is it Snoggletogg today?”
Savage shook his head. “Not for four more months sir.”
Dagur scowled, but made his decision and stormed toward his cabin. “Nobody disturb me and leave that Terrible Terror alone. I’m writing a response.”
Dear Blithering Dragon-Rider Idiot #1,
OF COURSE IM NOT SENDING YOU AN ARROW-LAUNCHER FOR SNOGGLETOGG, YOU COMPLETE MORON! Why in Loki’s name WOULD I?!? I cannot believe you’d even DARE ASK ME for such a thing?! Are you serious?!? 
Can’t you ask your parents?!?! I heard you can get a pretty nice selection at the Northern Market. None as close to the quality on my ship, so I guess you’ve got decent taste, but still - DON’T YOU EVER, EVER ASK ME FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN. 
It seriously weirded me out. 
P.S. And I hope your tree catches fire!!!!
“There, I sent it.” Dagur and Savage both watched as the Terror flew off, disappearing soon in the fog that surrounded the Berserker armada.
“What did you write?” asked Savage, nosey as ever.
“What do you think?!” Dagur snapped. “I told that rider where he could shove his stupid request!”
And that was the end of it, until the next letter came.
Dear Dagur the Deranged,
Wow, I had no idea you would be so offended? Sorry. You’re always offering Hiccup stuff and he doesn’t appreciate it, so I figured I could use some of that misplaced affection to fulfill both our emotional needs.
And also my need for a totally awesome arrow-launcher. 
You sure you don’t have a spare one? Or a broken one I can fix that’s just taking up space on your ship? I promise I won’t mind if it’s a wreck, just put a festive little bow on it or something. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Ooh, but besides all that, do you worship Loki too? I’m so happy to hear that if it’s so - it fits you! You’re clever and devious, He’s clever and devious … If you ever want to talk trickster gods and their frustrating yet endearing ways of making life interesting - then I, Tuffnut Thorston, am your man.
Also, thanks for the tip about the Northern Markets, but if my parents actually liked me enough to get me one, they’d probably make me share it with my sister. 
Do you KNOW how hard it is for two people to work the same massively destructive weapon at the same time? Trust me, the projectiles do not go where you want them to. Just ask Sven’s sheep. We all had to eat a lot of mutton that night. It was good too; I still don’t get why the Chief was so mad.
Anyway, I hope your tree catches fire too! Ours does every year, as a tribute to that time Astrid decimated almost everybody’s house with exploding dragon eggs.
Have a Happy Snoggletogg! (I’m wishing you one early, in case you manage to kill us all before it gets here. Hopefully with an arrow launcher because that would be ironic and kind of funny.) 
See you on the battlefield!
- Tuffnut Thorston
P.S. What would you like for Snoggletogg, assuming we all live to see it? I probably can’t afford or steal anything fancy, but I can always write you another poem.
Dagur was enraged. Livid. Also, more confused than ever. 
This had to be some sort of trick. Why was this crazy Rider still talking to him? It was like having a prisoner you just couldn’t make shut up.
Or resist talking back to. 
What he should do was crumple this stupid parchment up and throw it over the side. But then that Terror would hang around all day and annoy him. 
Dagur growled and ignored the strange look Savage gave him, as he ordered the man to find him better parchment and some more ink. 
He didn’t write letters that much; but he wasn’t about to send something smudged and tattered back to this dumb kid. Maybe if he wrote completely bluntly and in big letters, the Rider would get that they were enemies.
Not friends. Not … quill pals.
Dragon Rider, 
You seem to be confused, so let me help you out here. 
I’m not sending you anything for Snoggletogg, and I don’t want anything from you either. Thanks for the offer, but –
We are enemies. I want to kill you and your buddies and all your little dragon friends, including your stupid Terror that keeps dodging my knives. Actually if you wanted to send me anything, send me more knives. I’ve lost at least three over the side because of that thing. Who knew they could be so fast?!
Seriously, write to me again asking for anything, and I’ll blow up your entire house the next time I attack Berk.
- Dagur the Deranged
Dear Dagur,
Okay, I get it. I won’t ask for anything. Just surprise me. 
Some knives are totally coming your way, though. Nice ones too, with polished antler handles and sharp edges. The merchant almost sold them out from under me, but I distracted him by pointing out a rainbow and snagged you four. 
Also, if you blew up my house, you’d be doing us all a favor. It’s a total mess. I’ve been begging the local dragons to ‘accidentally’ torch it, but Hiccup keeps stopping me. It’s a shame; my mom would get a new house built and new furniture, so she wouldn’t have to clean for a while. She hates cleaning. Gets it from me. 
Oh and I guess Pop would have to drink out in the sunshine. Or the rain. He could use a quick rinse either way, he’s gotten kinda ripe since I last visited.  Pshh, Dads today, am I right?
Anyway, that last letter was so serious. Dare I say formal? You sounded like you could use some cheering up, so I wrote you a poem. 
I know it’s not Snoggletogg yet, but I’m sure we’ve missed your birthday by now, anyway. (Hey when is your birthday? Let me know.)
Here’s the poem:
There once was a rider named Hic, Whose tyranny would make you sickThough love him we will,And we follow him still,Sometimes he can be a real prick
Dagur snorted and started laughing out loud, causing a few heads to turn. He quickly caught himself and glared them back to work before turning back to the letter in his hands.
He had meant to get rid of it this time, really. But it had just been so boring today. 
He had to admit, the kid had some nice poetry. Also, the thought that he had an actual belated (or was it early?) birthday gift coming his way honestly thrilled him - especially if it was stolen. 
Because buying things with money and prestige? Boring! As a chieftain’s son,  expensive gifts had always felt like people were sucking up to him, so whatever it was had no meaning really. 
But this do-gooder dragon-rider had actually broken the law (and definitely had gone against Hiccup’s wishes) just to get him a nice gift. 
That was … That was just so … thoughtful?
He bit his lip, a little conflicted, but then shook his head to clear it. If someone was wanting to be nice to him, it didn’t mean anything. It didn’t mean he had to be nice in return. 
But maybe it wouldn’t hurt anything to keep writing back.
Thanks. That poem was pretty funny. I’ll accept those knives too, since you’re technically just paying me back for the ones I lost. I hope you don’t expect anything big in return, like mercy or extra food rations when I eventually kill and capture you all. 
I’m no good with poetry … maybe you’d like a story or something? I know some pretty scary ones. Ooh, I bet you can make that big kid with the Gronckle scream like a little girl!
My birthday is the 15th of September. 
Regards, Dagur
P.S. When’s yours? Maybe I’ll just try extra hard not to kill you that week.
Well, it wasn’t anything he’d brag about to his men, Dagur thought, watching the Terror fly off. But maybe being quill-pals with the enemy wasn’t such a bad thing.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Some more random thoughts and stuff for Completely Undeveloped Monster Petshop Game/I might end up calling it Moncrafter but I still don’t know if that sounds dumb or not. I NEED MORE NAME IDEAS!
* Monster Artisan? Monster Studio? Maybe try and think of other stuff that’s related to the alchemy crafting factor...
* And maybe there should be a catchy name for the monsters, rather than just calling them monsters? It kinda strikes me as something that’d make it TOO much of a Monster Rancher spiritual successor, yknow. That game kinda stands out in the genre for not having a name for the monsters! XD And I’ve decided that the origin of these guys is that they’re alchemically created familiars invented by rich folks with too much time on their hands. So maybe I should try and think of a more catchy way to say ‘homunculus’? Holms? Collect your holms! Craft your holms! Holm shop! Holm hugging! It could work! Also it’d kinda have a bit of sentimental attatchment for me, cos one of the hostels I used to live at was in Holmsdale Street. Homeless to holmfull! That place seriously saved my life. Alternatively, maybe ‘poppets’? Cos that’s cute sounding but it actually means the thing that pop culture calls a ‘voodoo doll’. They don’t really exist as part of vodoun religion, it was just a stupid stereotype that’s ended up engrained as common knowledge. Poppets were actually part of european and british superstition, so it sucks that nobody remembers this and you have people in those countries thinking of it as a big ol scary thing of someone else’s religion..
* I’ve been thinking about the creation methods for the holms, and thinking about it, and thinking about it SOME MORE, and seriously i’m practically writing actual petcare books in my head about these fictional critters!! I’m a lil grumpy tho cos we developed stuff a bit more and decided the plant dog would indeed have to be grass type, it’d be better to have something else be the main water type and just use the seaweed variant of the dog as the dual type crossbreed. Because it was REALLY CUTE imagining that idea of how you create them! Stirring a cauldron of magic potion until it clumps together into moss, and then refining and sieving it until you have a tiny barking marimo~ I can imagine that just a more traditionally elementally aligned version would be less endearing. Like a water type just pops out of the water and the rgass type grows in a regular plantpot. It doesn’t seem as fun as having to grow a sentient plant in a lil aquarium for dogs. ITS TWO THINGS! ITS TWO GREAT THINGS! So actually this makes me think about maybe if we make more of the creation spells involve different elements? And that could be like a positive set of elemental matchups, opposed to the negative ones in battle. So you could use your monsters to help make new monsters! And maybe the new baby dog picks up a good influence from its water type godparent, even though they don’t have any direct relation. Like, if you add fragments from parent monsters to the mixture, you get a fusion monster, but then the godparent could maybe add one extra skill inheritance, or maybe influence the stat build or personality values...?
* I was thinking that the maohs/whatever else I decide to call the grumpy fire fairies, well duh they’d be created from fire. So the alchemist crafts a candle with a special recipe, or maybe you have to write a spell in super small print on the wick? Yeah, that’d be cool, it’d be neat if they all had wildly different creation spells that all require different skills outside of just being good at magic. Hire a wandering calligrapher to assist in your pixie baking! Oh, or maybe with the positive elemental variations thing, perhaps light type monsters have really good calligraphy cos they’re the most Intelligence-specialized breed. Oh, or perhaps they’re good at helping to create dark types, cos they can cast more powerful shadows? BUT YEAH I imagined the fairy holms hatching in a weird cute way! The flame on the candle would burn continuously for several days, with the shape of the fairy growing in the centre. It would remain microscopic for 99% of its development, and then in the last hour or so the fire would blaze up to it’s full size! Keep sure to protect the workshop from this three minute doom bonfire, while also stoking it with coal so the baby grows up big and strong! By the time it subsides, you’ll have a fully formed child-sized monster, and probably half of a table left. :3 Also: imagine them chewing on logs instead of pacifiers!
* I had the odd idea that light types are created through song. Usually the holms require physical ingredients and some sort of recipe, but these ones get their reputation as holy creatures from the fact they come from nothing. There’s special hymns to summon them, and they have to be sung with enough skill, conviction, and purity of heart. So it still takes as much effort as other methods of alchemy, even though theoretically anyone could do it. Its even theoretically possible that you could summon a holy homunculus through ANY song, not just the special ones designed for that purpose. There’s tales of singing priests that’re just SO GOOD that holy beasts appear whenever they open their mouth! So they hold a vow of silence and only use this power in times of need. Though it could be considered a curse in other places, it’d suck to be a random opera singer and suddenly lose your career as a swarm of monsters divebomb the audience! And the even rarer ultimate tier legend is of the man who spoke words of such beauty that an angel appeared without even the need for song. Nobody has any record of this really happening, but it’s an enduring myth. The idea of finding that one perfect sentence that convinces gods to bend their will to you...! Or, on the other side of things, there’s the thought of someone whose intentions were so pure that even their most humble, inelegant plea for help could make the heavens cry. So yeah, a lot of potential in this idea of musical monster making~!
* Oh, and I think that after your song actually summons a light monster, they still go through the same ‘kinda like an egg without the egg’ phase that all the others do. Instead of being inside a candle or a cauldron, they’re just kinda... slowly phasing into our laws of reality. You can tell when a song summons a holy beast cos there will be a little glow in the air, like a snowflake frozen in mid-fall. And then it’ll slowly turn into a translucent outline of the monster, and then it eventually gains solidity and becomes fully aware. So they can be a little annoying because it’s completely impossible to move the egg once it’s appeared. You’re just stuck with this intangeable glowy blob that gets brighter every day- sucks if it appeared in the middle of your office! And it also means that it’s easier to accidentally create a monster. You might just not notice a speck of light that happened to land in an awkward place after your seemingly failed summoning. Then the poor lil thing hatches under the floorboards or something, and ends up wandering out all confused and becoming a scary stray monster in the woods! Homunculi aren’t really designed to be independant in the wild, they’re not merely domesticated but literally CREATED to serve humans... T_T
* OH and also the purpose of holy type holms is to be a ‘guidance’ familiar. They were crafted to be like an artificial computer that could potentially grow more intelligent than humans, and answer the great questions of the world. (Though, I mean, the equivelant of computers in an ancient magical civilization that has no idea what computers are!) These manmade angels are meant to be able to see into the future, and commune with the will of the real gods, and calculate things that aren’t humanly possible. They would be given seemingly high roles in society as advisors to great kings, with their opinions valued higher than any human in the country. But they had no real freedom, living their lives in cages with their only exposure to the outside world being their extensive programs of constant unceasing lessons in every discipline imagineable. Many of them would eventually snap under the pressure, leading to a reputation of the species as fiendish tricksters that live outside the boundaries of human morality and NEED to be restrained or else they’d be dangerous. This is likely why the rumours started of them being able to be summoned any time anyone speaks ANYTHING, with the implication that they might have existed forever and humans never really created them... So... yeah, they’re one of the few species of monster that’s actually seen some benefit from the art of alchemy becoming a hobby of the idle rich! Nowadays they’re just one in a million monsters that’re bred for status, with both their ‘holy’ and ‘demon’ reputations being long forgotten. And they get to see what it’s like to be pampered pets ^_^ Unfortunately, holy types are one of the longest living homunculi, so some elderly ones still remember those bygone eras and hold resentment towards humanity. Their secondary purpose of acting as living relics to the past... its kinda backfiring... (random idea for a boss battle, lol!)
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