justanobsessedpan · 1 month
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Inspired by this post ( @ilovemesomevincentprice ). Quote by Vincent Price
@totallysilvergirl @helloliriels @dontfuckmylifewtf @sussexinchelsea @loki-lock @topsyturvy-turtely @matixsstuff @ohlooktheresabee @boredsushi @ohmrshudsontookmyskull @nathan-no @astudyin221b @oetkb12 @psychosociogentleman @darkkitty1208 @zira-and-crowley @beesholmes @mydogwatson @liv-olive-oliver @tiverrr @peanitbear @sunshineinyourmind @a-victorian-girl @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @weeesi @strawberrywinter4 @iheardyou
(Any changes to the taglist, just tell me! <3)
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Romans 12:12 (NKJV) - rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;
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Reason to Live #8842
 Continuing to work hard towards my future goals.  – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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dunesofpriam · 7 months
Denying that "intentions" anthropomorphizes nature is, in fact, disingenuous. Sexual reproduction came about as a form of ancient immune system, and is an accident of biology, like literally all biology. There is no "intention" there, only history. Do not twist the world to your ideology. Learn to think critically. Do not fall back on god.
I disagree. And I think you're only making this point because it has intersected with your beliefs about gender ideology.
If someone said to you in unrelated conversation that the purpose of legs is to get you around, or the purpose of lungs is to breathe, I severely doubt you would be making this much of a stink over it in that case.
So again, I think that you are being disingenuous in your argument, actually.
Also, the argument was never about anthropomorphising nature. It was erroneously claiming that "intent" was being ascribed to God. Don't go moving goalposts, now.
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infernaljazzman · 8 months
Just me or is knowing it's the middle of the week and its almost over the only reason I'm continuing with all this.
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newvillainontheblock · 8 months
Sorry to say, but CD went no screens from the stress of his grandparents taking them to trial in an attempt to seize his house and pokémon.
They have no idea this is going on. Although viscous-protector seems to be looking into it for now...
CD HAS NO IDEA EITHER???????????????
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fanofcoconuts · 10 months
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arsenicflame · 1 year
thought i actually had a good handle on it in comparison to thw start of the week i mean. i was doinf ok but i literally cannot stop shaking
i want him to leave me alone!!!!!!!!! its been like 8 fucking years leave me alone!!!! im not that 15 year old kid you took advantage of any more WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME im fucking tired i can't live my life looking over my shoulder waiting for you to appear i know youre watching ne again now what will it takd for you ro leave me alone?????
i don't even know why
i know i wad a fucking idiot getting into this. i know. but you should have known better. and i don't understand why when i finally did realise how fucked id gotten why you didn't get that message. or do something then. theres nothing desirable about me to you know i donr understand. i don't. understand.
i want you to die. i want you to kill me. i want this to be over with one way or another and i dont think it will be while one of us lives and i think two solid years of trying mproved me incapable of doing it with my own hand
if you want me dead. do it. i think id submit to anything you wabt to di to me if it meant you left me alone. i donr know.i jusr. donr understand and im tieed and you terrify me and last time you said you just wabt to talj but novody follows soneone through several accounts across the internet for this long because they jusy want to talk
you scared me even back then you know?
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Chapter 2
Beck's POV
"What the fuck is this?" I softly exclaimed, taking in the view of Studio 2. I was in shock really, someone really did a number on this place. The table was covered in small bits of trash and potato chip bags, the rug looked like it went outside and played in Shrek's swamp, and the ashtray definitely has black & milds in it judging by the smell of the room. I shut the door and checked the time. I still had a few minutes to salvage this and get a better room before Camila gets here. There is no way I am letting her go near that room.
I begin my short trip back to the office with a small laugh. "I'm glad I got here first," I thought to myself. Rounding the corner I am immediately met with the sight of Camila. Before I could form a thought, I could hear her voice, "Beck!" Her pace quickened towards me. Camila is one of those few people whose energy will consume the room. Instantly I could feel the effect and found myself growing more excited for the work day. "How are you, Camil-," I was abruptly cut off by her body slamming into mine as she wrapped me into a tight hug. I felt myself sink into her embrace and I can't help but take a deep breath, finding more comfort in the soft smell of her perfume. The brunette then peeled herself off of me and adjusted her purse back into place. With excited eyes she responded, "Beck, I am so glad to be back! Today is going to be so much fun! But lead the way and we can catch up." Her smile was truly infectious, I began to open my mouth but was cut off again. "So tell me, how are you? What's new, what's been going on in your world?" I chuckled and pointed at the office just behind her. "Well Camila, I don't really have any updates for you," I trailed off and guided her small frame to turn towards the office. "But, we have a situation in Studio 2 so I need to get us into a different suite before we shoot the shit." Camila laughed and tilted her head back, her brown eyes noticeably scanning the upper portion of my body. Instinctively, I averted my eyes over to the office door. I looked back to the brunette next to me and her eyes were still trained on my own. "What was that?" I thought. Abandoning that thought, I opened my mouth to speak. "So, okay, just give me a few minutes. We should be able to get into another room with no problem, cool?" She nodded softly back to me. I couldn't help but stare back at her for a second too long. Finally I break free of her gaze and turn the door handle.
I stepped into the office and the door closed softly behind me. The young woman at the desk turned her eyes to me expectantly. "What do you need, Miss Adler?" Her voice was soft and held a helpful tone. I didn't bother to sit, I figure this won't take long to smooth out. "Right, so Studio 2 is a total mess. I'm hoping that Miss Cabello and I could get another suite for todays session. Also I imagine you probably want to tack on a fee to whoever had that room last." The young woman looked at me, then back to her computer screen. Her hand guided the mouse and clicked a few times, the room was otherwise silent. After a few moments she took in a swift breath and trained her attention back to me. "I see. So yes, we can get your party into another suite. It seems like the issue here is that a cleaning crew has not been scheduled to Studio 2." She clicked the mouse a few more times and turned back once more. "Okay, Miss Adler. Looks like we can get you into Studio 6 and the availability is open for the rest of the day. You can find it in the wing opposite to the previous suite. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" She questioned, smiling slightly and adjusted her posture to face me directly. I returned her smile, "No, thank you though. That is all I needed Ma'am!" She looked pleased and nodded gently. I turned and quickly exited the room.
"Okay! We are all set!" I cheerfully exclaimed. Camila quickly turned to me and offered a satisfied smile. "Alright so we are going to be down here somewhere," I gestured down the adjacent hallway and Camila followed my lead. Her voice emanated from behind me, "So what was wrong with the other one you had?" I chuckled at her question. "Well," I started with an exhausted tone. I was about to continue my explanation when I noticed we had reached our destination. "Oh shit, here we go. This is us." Both of us now trained our eyes to the plaque reading 'Studio 6.' I turned the handle and glanced into the studio. "Okay, this one will do," stating my satisfaction for the room. I ushered the brunette into the room and followed suite, heading straight for the workstation. "But anyways, when I went into the other studio, it was completely trashed. Like disgusting." The room was filled with Camila's laughter. "What? What was wrong with it?" She quipped, still chuckling as she waited for a fuller description. "So basically, there was garbage all over the lounge. It smelled like an ashtray, and the poor rug needs a baptism performed on it." We shared a moment of laughter at my description.
I plopped my frame into the rolling chair, immediately feeling eager to work. Like a captain at the helm of a ship. Fully in control, the course ahead at my mercy. "I love this job," I thought to myself and let out a content sigh.
I looked over to Camila, also making herself comfortable on the couch in the back of the room. She returned my gaze and asked, "So, what has been going on in Beck's world?" Her tone was neutral and she leaned back into her seat. I turned my eyes to the floor and thought for a few moments.
"Well, not too much. I explored the city a bit, you know L.A. is something new to me." I chucked. She nodded with a small smile, waiting for me to continue. "It's kind of funny, you really can buy anything here. The shopping is on another level, but besides that, I've just been holed up in the hotel working and hanging out by the pool. I know, I should probably do some sight seeing but that's just not my thing," I shrugged, showing my lack of interest. "What about you? What have you been up to lately?" I questioned the brunette. She adjusted herself, sitting forward a bit. Her voice was soft as she spoke, "Besides working, I got to see some old friends. I was telling a few people a while ago that I would be back in the city for the album so I try to get together with some friends as long as I can fit it around the schedule." Camila chuckled. "It can be challenging though, everyone is so busy working on some project or they are tied up with their own jobs." I nodded in the affirmative and agreed, "Yeah, the people here live fast and die hard, huh?" We laughed at my observation. "Oh for sure! They say New York is the city that never sleeps but L.A. is the city that never stops working!" I could feel myself grow more comfortable as we laughed and joked about nothing important. The brunette offered me a sincere expression, "But you really should get out and meet people, Beck! If you'd like, I could take you out to meet with some friends. It would be fun! Have some drinks, talk, and let loose." I pondered over her offer. "This could be a good thing. I could do some networking," I thought to myself. I smirked and met her gaze once more, "Thanks for the offer. I would like that, Camila." She looked satisfied with my answer, then suddenly her face lit up. "Oh my God!" She exclaimed. My confusion was painted across my face now. "You can meet Taylor! You will love her! She will love you!" Her excitement was boundless. The Latina was practically bouncing out of her seat, her arms outstretched from her body conveying her confidence in the matter. I couldn't help but laugh. Camila really is the life of every space she inhabits. "Taylor Swift?" I half questioned and half exclaimed. The brunette nodded back to me excitedly. "That sounds great! I'd love to meet her! Just let me know the time and the place. Also what to wear because I want to kill the first impression." She was amused, the sound of our laughter went on, then was replaced by a soft sigh from the young woman. "Sure thing, Beck."
I realized we were all caught up now. It was probably time to get some work done. "So, let's get to it then!" I spun in my chair a few times. I could hear Camila stand from the couch and she made her way over to the workstation I was now setting up for our session. "I still want to learn how to do what you do," She spoke with a tone of wonder. I chuckled shortly. "You could do it, for sure. You certainly have the ear and a touch for detail," I assured her. She looked to me, I assume for encouragement. I faced her, looking up slightly as she was bent at the waist, resting her hands on the mixing console. "Really, it's easier than you think. A lot of this stuff looks crazy but it is just a tool. Think of it like an instrument. So, here's an example. Go ahead and push these all the way down," I pointed to the gain controls. She followed my instructions and asked for the next step, "Okay, what next?" She was very focused on the board now. "Alright so you just turned down all of our gain levels. So no sound is feeding out of the system."
I pushed my chair back and stood up, motioning for her to sit. With a couple of excited steps that might as well have been a happy dance, the brunette seated herself and bit at her lip. Her smile was contagious, I couldn't help but be happy for her in this moment. It reminds me of my first time, only that I was more eager to impress and almost paralyzed by the fear of failure.
"Alright, so the ball is the mouse. It is a bit weird but also kind of cool," I laughed as she played with it a bit, getting somewhat more familiar with it. I moved around her chair to get closer to the monitor. "So, right here is the list of our tracks. Double click on any one of those," I pointed at the list on the screen. She clicked onto the first in the list and the track was loaded onto the screen. "This is so cool! So how do I play this?" Camila was bubbling over with excitement at this point. I chuckled but was quick to answer, "Alright so go ahead and double click this. This is always going to take you to the beginning of the first measure." She did as I instructed and turned to me for the next step. I leaned down onto the edge of the mixing station to get a better look at the words on the top of the screen. "So now we are going to make sure that our output from the computer is being received. So click this and then click the tab that says input slash output." I watched as Camila successfully opened the settings. Everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be. "Alright, so everything is good on our end, I had already hooked up to the console but we always have to double check everything before we get started. So let's double check that our gain levels are still all the way down." She looked back to the knobs she previously adjusted. "Okay, check!" The brunette exclaimed. I chuckled, "Alright, then let's play something. Exit out of our settings and go back to the track overview." I noticed she struggled a bit to retrace her steps, but she got back to the right place after a few moments. "Okay, so the space bar is going to be our stop and go, same as you would do in a DAW on your laptop. So, when you are ready you can press the space bar and then we are going to adjust the gain levels so that we can hear what we are playing." Camila whipped her head to me, our faces were now only inches apart. I couldn't help but notice our proximity and the detail in her eyes. "That's it?" She questioned, a hint of surprise in her voice. I nodded and stood up straight, turning my attention back to the board. "Go ahead and then slowly turn up each gain. Not too much at first, we want to hear the track and then we can take it higher." The brunette turned back to the monitor and pressed the space bar, she looked slightly confused for a moment that there was no sound. Then she shifted her focus to the knobs. "She looks so nervous," I thought. I watched as she cautiously pushed at one of the knobs. Suddenly, we could hear the track playing. "Okay, so do that with the rest but keep this one a bit lower than the others. That is your mic, and we do not need much there until we set it up with your volume range." She was really taking control now and she played with the knobs.
I stepped back and pulled out my phone. Quickly, I snapped a few candid shots of the focused young woman and called to her, "Camila!" She looked up to me and pulled her hands back like she had done something wrong. I laughed and pointed to my phone, "Smile for the camera, Miss Producer!" She looked relieved and turned in the chair. The young brunette offered a few different poses and we laughed together. I could tell she was feeling quite accomplished and far more capable of taking on something new. I walked back over to her with my photo album opened, ready to show her the pictures. "Let me see! This is so much fun!" Camila exclaimed. Handing over the phone, I watched as she carefully examined all of the pictures, a small smile adorning her face.
I walked around her and reached down to pause the track that was still playing over the speakers. The only sound left in the room was her soft giggle. I turned to ask of the Latina's opinion. "So, what do you think? Not too bad, right?" She looked up to me, her eyes were lit up with excitement. "I love it! I felt like I was in my own world for a second," she boasted happily. I laughed and felt a bit proud of the brunette in that moment. "You really are a natural, Camila." She made a pose, feigning confidence, which gained a good laugh from the both of us.
Before our conversation could carry on, my phone began to ring, the sound emanating an alarming tone throughout the room. Both sets of our eyes locked on to the device still in Camila's hands. The latter swiftly handed the phone over to me, the name on the screen is admittedly one I would prefer not to hear from. I grumbled and looked to the brunette in front of me, "Let me take this call and then we can get started." My tone was less than enthusiastic. It was obvious that Camila has sensed my disdain and her face turned to one of understanding, with a small nod to accompany. I walked past the Latina and accepted the call as I pushed my way through the door. I leaned back against the hallway wall and greeted the voice in my phone, "Hey Jess, what's up?"
** Author's Note**
Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter :) the next is going to be from Camila's POV once again!
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yamimichi · 1 year
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trianarocks · 2 years
 I started crying into his chest “Don’t leave me Harry. I need you” I said well crying “Leave you? I would never because here’s a secret’ he paused and looked around before continuing ‘I need you as much as you need me. If not more babe” he said “ how? How do you need me babe?” I said “ your the only one who lets me be mad” he says I hug him tighter crying harder and he hugs me back. I know he loves me but sometimes I get scared like I feel like he doesn't and that scares me. It shocked me to my core though when I found out that he liked me. I remember it so well "Harry stop it" I said laughing so hard "nope never not doing that no no no!" He replied laughing even harder. He took my hat again and put it on top of his "Harry!" I shouted well laughing a couple minutes later we were walking through the forest with a beautiful sunset shining across the snow "Hey y/n what if I told you I loved you?" Harry asked "Um wow uh I don't know" I said "mhm. Well' he said and then paused 'I love you" he continued "do you love me to becau-" All of a sudden I interrupted him with a kiss on the lips "I agree" I said "I love you too" I said "would you like to be my girlfr-" I interrupted him with a kiss on the lips again "yep" I said. I remember that day like it was yesterday it was so romantic well until I ruined the romance but me and Harry still go on walks in the woods especially in the winter and those are our dates because it's nice and quiet. I all of a sudden remembered how I forgot to give Harry his kiss after our fly on the broom! I always give Harry a kiss after he takes me flying! So I take my head out of his chest and he started laughing "why are you laughing?" I asked "because you hahahahaha have shirt marks on hahaha your face" he said laughing "ok well ignore that" I said and then I gave him his kiss "ah so you just remembered" he said "mhm" I said "well then I just remembered this!" He said getting his book I just gave him out "I need to read this book so why don't we read it together I mean after all we both are amazed by creatures" he said "sounds good" I replied "Chapter 1 Unicorns: page 1: Ability's "The unicorn has magical powers, heals sickness, has the power to render poisoned water potable. Page 2: they have big appetites and eat grass, plants, flowers and berries" he said. After that we walked outside in the forest. Leaves all over the ground with beautiful colours on them and a cool breeze hit my face and my y/h/c hair was blowing everywhere "it's so beautiful the forest" Harry said "yes espeacially the sunset" I replied "yeah" he said "I love you babe" I said "I love you too" he replied. Me and him got down and laid in the leaves watching the sunset sky turn into night sky. Once it was night we walked back inside to his dorm and cuddled up some more well he was reading his favourite book. I was bored so I decided to take his glasses and run off with them and he chased me through the common room until I ran into my best friend Hermoine's room and jumped on her bed and me and her were having best friend cuddles waiting for Harry to find me and then I fell asleep.
(Harry's side of the story (switch over))
I was looking everywhere for y/n and then I found her with Hermoine. I looked around for my glasses and noticed them in her hand. I was about to snatch my glasses when all of a sudden I hear "Harry don't! She's sleeping." Hermoine whispered, I looked over to see that indeed she was sleeping and I then carried her in bridal style to my bed and cuddled with her and not long after I feel asleep. (To be continued)
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Lonely heart broken soul#6
Ruriko was now listless, sitting on her bed and stares out the window. The rain that started outside, now heavy enough to leave streams of water on the windows. It almost seem to resemble tears to an extent, the thunder in the distance along with flashes of lightning made all this seem unreal. Ruriko may seem content and calm on the outside, however on the inside she was beyond stressed out.
The events leading up until now, seemed so sudden. Everything from the accident to mutating into this feline humanoid, even meeting the four Hamato brothers was beyond unexpected.
Her thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on her door, leading her to jump to her feet."Uh come in."
It was just Michelangelo who came to check on her, he was worried more out of the four. He was like a little brother to Ruriko, he was so sweet and the way he wants to go out of his way to impress and show off was adorable to her.
"Sooo how you doing?. I decided to take my turn to check on you. My brothers are just finishing up some tech stuff. Boring stuff actually, uh so you seemed bored so heres some video games and comics."
She takes the items from him and simply smiled, albeit a shy smile."Thank you Mikey. These look entertaining."
Sitting on her bed, she leafs through the comics in hopes to tame her thoughts. Somehow Mikey saw how anxious she was. After a moment, he came back with a warm beverage in his hand and places it on her nightstand. The comic she was reading happened to be his favourite, he enthusiastically tells her about the first time he discovered the comic series.
While Ruriko sips on her drink, she noted him getting ready to leave already. It was getting late and finally decided to ask him,"Do you have a place where you live?."
Mikey stopped a second then nodded,"Shell yeah!. Me and my bros live underground. Its kinda because we mutants, not many really fully accept us yet."
Ruriko could see right through his mask of happiness, seeing that hint of hurt was enough of an answer."Well even if I was not a mutant, your appearance or even that of your brothers do not faze me."
He actually had a genuine smile, that even the cheshire cat would be envious. Once she placed her empty cup down, he gave her a bear hug that he saves for his brothers,"Thanks lil sis. You the best."
Ruriko was a little confused for a moment,"Lil sis?."
Mikey chuckled sheepishly as he placed her back on her feet,"Well you sweet like a little sister. You also don't mind my wild energy, so I call you lil sis."
Ruriko then thought a moment,"Well If that title makes you happy, then Im happy too."
After the short time they spent together, Ruriko realised it may not be too bad having to stay under the brothers close watch.
[Apologies for my having disapeared. Im around, just needing recovery time. Decided to finish up this chapter I halfway typed. Reblog with comments if you really enjoyed it.]
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8235
  Keeping the tempo going. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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rakonteur · 2 years
i’m not saying move back towards life, i’m saying the future isn’t elsewhere. we’re locked in a spaceship, h of h, we have nothing but continuing
Anne Carson
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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scootdoesart · 2 months
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I finished dungeon meshi and I just need to doodle the sillies being silly to cope
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