#anon 🦆
o-ochangx · 10 months
"Woahh for me? thanks Jake! This is so cute! I don't know why some people you're a weirdo... But you're actually a sweetheart" She thanked him and hugged the duck plushie. Skip, she returned home and entered her room. "So cutee doll... I'm gonna put you here" she said and put the plushie on her bed then she went to shower.
(Sitting on his bed the young man looked at his screen as he tried his best to control his inner demons by not just going to her house and making her his. He knew this was not appropriate, he could go in jail for this but he had no other option. No one would want to be his friend for his behaviour, and for sure you would for sure not approach him first)
Ah..she’s going to shower? God do I love her so much…(Jake said to himself)
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Anon 🦆
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themilfsland · 2 months
jus wan mommy all too myself :(🦆
You have mommy, baby ducky, isn't that enough?
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thedevilrisen · 4 months
Oooh can we get a blurb on Luke talking to Jack about nova after he meets her?
Ducky Anon!
"Luke, it's 2am where you are, why are you calling me?" Jack had spoken into his phone.
"I had to make sure Mom couldn't hear me." Luke whispered into his phone, weary of his mother sleeping a few feet away from him.
"Why Moose?" Jack spoke perplexed.
"It's about a girl." Luke admitted, he found it a lot easier over the phone than in real life.
"Oh? Look at you Lukey, finally pulling chicks!" Jack spoke, a dig at his brother's previously very non-existent dating life.
"Shut up and be serious!" Luke had hissed back through the phone.
"Right, Sorry." Jack sighed, pleasantly surprised by Luke's choice to come to him instead of Quinn or their Mother who was with Luke at the event. "Tell me about her Moose."
And the speal began, there wasn't a detail that Nova had told Luke that Luke didn't tell Jack, her birthday, her hockey division, her incredible dislike for pumpkin soup. It went for litteral hours.
"- and she has these gorgeous brown eyes and two little bits of hair that she constantly tucks behind her ear. She made a joke about being blind so I assume she wears glasses or contacts.."
"Your whipped bro."
"So what? OH! Also she loves being out on the water, she does it a lot with her dad at their home in Cole Harbour!"
"Oh and her dad is Sidney Crosby."
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wayfayrr · 4 months
Hello! So, self aware ask again. So my autistic ADHD ass often leaves the game on pause to take care of other necessities (chores, eating, ect.) and the other day I paused TotK while looking for zonite because I went “*Gasp!* I didn’t clean the dishes!” And I left to take care of it before I came back and played for a while before pausing again because “Ooo! I think my cat is outside.” Played some more and then “Shit, haven’t eaten dinner yet.” And rinse and repeats. And that’s just my everyday life. I was just wondering if the boys get upset if reader constantly leaves like that. It’s not like they’re staying or leaving for extended times, they just keep popping in and out and leaving Link on the pause screen. Especially when the pause screen is just Link chillin and watching everything in your house XD
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Tears would definitely have mixed feelings about being left afk I think, there's a small underlying bitterness that all of your tasks are apparently more important than him (not much tho and he himself knows that its something he shouldn't worry about dw) but the rest of him is so happy that you didn't turn him off, because now he gets more of an insight of how you live day to day!!!! he can see what you do and get a grasp of how to blend in when he finally decides to join you!
but other than that it's a really good opportunity for him to get his grubby little mitts into the rest of the code, he's a bit fancier than the other links. So how could he ever show up in your house unprepared!! surely if he finds his way into the internet he could arrange for a delivery or two right? being able to see your room makes it easier to figure out what to gift you too as he can find out some of your interests from looking around! he just really wants to meet your cat too hearing about it (please ONG let him pet them when he can)
tears too? out of all the links makes the biggest mess when he's out as he's got a much higher pain tolerance so he doesn't exactly notice if he's bleeding everywhere and then after that there's the hair dye to deal with
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goosewriting · 1 year
Hey I loved your baby from the future series, and was wondering if you could do mikey?? no rush tho! I love your writing style btw!
🦆 anon @duckanon
All them bebes! 🥺 (rottmnt Mikey x reader)
summary: several turtle babies suddenly appear in the lair, and they look suspiciously a lot like Mikey
relationship: Rise!Mikey x GN reader
warnings: none
word count: 2.2k 
A/N: here we go with the grand finale ✨ (welcome duckanon btw!) this one was by far the hardest to write of the four, so i really hope you like it! ♥ i had gotten an ask for mikey’s part for a reader that has been alone almost all their life and accepted that they’d never be a parent even though they really wanted to, so i incorporated that, thanks for the idea!
More “Baby 🥺” versions: Leo | Raph | Donnie | Mikey (you're here)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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On a rainy Saturday afternoon, there wasn‘t a lot to do, so you decided to spend the day at the lair with your favourite turtle. You were in Mikey‘s room, with him lying on his belly on the bed, and you at his desk. Art supplies were scattered all around the place, and you both listened to some lo-fi while very focused on the masterpieces you were crafting.
Suddenly, there was a series of zapping sounds behind you. Confused, and slightly startled, you turned around on the squeaky office chair you were sat in, and saw some yellow flickering lights above the floor, of which a turtle tot came crawling out. Before you could even process what you were seeing, the lights disappeared, and there was a new flash of yellow a couple of feet to the side. With another turtle baby. Your eyes quickly shot up in Mikey’s direction, just to make sure that he was aware of this too and you weren’t just imagining things. To your partial relief, he looked just as shocked as you.
You didn’t even get to push yourself off the chair to stand up, as you were planning to, when the new wave of zapping lights appeared above you, and you looked up in horror. Out of thin air appeared yet another turtle baby, falling into your lap. You caught it with a squeal of surprise, which was reciprocated by a gleeful one coming from the baby.
One last zap, on the bed this time, accompanied by not one but two turtles, and then the flickering lights disappeared entirely, leaving you and Mikey very confused, as you were suddenly surrounded by five little turtle lots, all stumbling as they tried to stand up on short, wobbly legs. They all looked around curiously, the one on your lap looked slightly lost, even. But when you looked at the pair on the bed, you immediately recognised two little faces ready to cause some mischief.
However the two tots skillfully manoeuvred over the bunched up blankets to reach Mikey, cooing at him and climbing into his lap, as he was trying to stand up from the bed. Of the two turtles that had appeared on the floor, one waddled towards you, holding onto your leg and squishing its cheek against your knee once it reached you, while the other swiftly made its way to Mikey, making grabby hands at him and asking to be picked up. 
In your stupor and inability to speak, you intently took in the scene. They all had yellow splotches like Mikey, and were very freckly, the one in your lap having the most. They all had one thing in common though: all five were absolutely adorable. 
Seeing that the turtles on Mikey’s lap were in essence the spitting image of the few baby photos you had seen of your boyfriend, you smiled to yourself.
“If i didn't know any better I'd say they're your kids,” you told Mikey, looking at the little turtle in your lap and smiling widely, to which it cooed and waved at you. “They look just like you!”
“We have to get Donnie here asap,” Mikey said instead, ignoring your comment for the time being, although the faintest of blushes on his cheeks did not go unnoticed by you. He somehow managed to pry himself free of the three little turtles on him, leaving them on the bed instead, three pairs of curious eyes looking after him as he left to get his brother. After he was gone from view, all three heads turned towards you in comical synchrony. 
“So…” you started, picking up the second baby into your lap that had been pulling on your trousers impatiently. “Where are your parents?” 
Wow, look at you, trying to make conversation with a bunch of kids, you thought to yourself. Except that they all pointed at you without hesitation. 
Wait what? 
As you were trying to make sense of this, let’s be honest, pretty ridiculous situation, the pair of turtles that came in together started to get rowdy. If you had to guess you’d have said they’re the only pair of twins out of the five, with how they were always clinging to each other and even the splotches on their arms and faces seemed to be mostly identical. You weren’t sure what they were fighting about, but the pushes started getting stronger and their voices louder as well. You tried to calm them down but they were not listening, and you couldn't exactly get up, as the turtle you had picked up was trying to climb onto your head, pulling at your shirt. 
Before you were able to stop them, one of the twins pushed the other off the bed, and he fell to the floor with a slight clunk. You held your breath for a second, hoping he’d walk it off, but he started crying. With a deep sigh and an “alright” that was directed more towards yourself than the turtles, you got up and brought everyone to the bed, sitting down yourself as well. You picked up the crying turtle, bringing him into your lap, and you gently rubbed his head where he hit the floor. 
“There, there,” you cooed, giving him a little kiss, and that seemed to do the trick as he calmed down immediately. The other turtles protested, trying to climb into your lap as well; they all wanted kisses.
You chuckled at the sight, feeling like a horde of puppies was about to overwhelm you. You gave kisses left and right, trying your best to get everyone an equal amount. Just as the twins had finally calmed down and were about to doze off, tightly holding onto your arm and each other, Mikey appeared again at the door, Donnie behind him. 
The purple-clad turtle took one hard look, stopping in his tracks, taking in the scene before him. Mikey gave him a friendly slap on his shoulder to encourage him to go in there and do the thing.
With a sigh and an unreadable expression, Donnie approached you and started scanning the turtles with a handheld device of sorts. The turtles were silent but curious, following his movements with interest, and so did you. 
Then, Donnie proceeded to scan you, and then Mikey. The device calculated something, and his wrist brace beeped, showing a result in text hovering over his arm, so you were able to read it from where you were sitting.
“Congrats” Donnie first deadpanned, placing a hand on Mikey's shoulder. But then a slightly amused smirk appeared on his face. “You two made me an uncle.”
“What?!” you and Mikey said in unison, shocked, looking at his wrist again. The text read: “99.88% DNA match”.
“I'll be in the lab trying to figure out how to get them back into their timeline,” Donnie remarked, leaving the room as if he didn’t just say that you were surrounded by your turtle kids from the future. 
You were holding the twins in your arms, and another that had gotten behind you was leaning against your back, tiny head pressed between your shoulders; all three were about to fall asleep. The other two turtles were on either side of you, looking up at Mikey and asking to be picked up by him when he approached you. He took one into each arm and took a long look at each with a smile. His gaze shot up to you when he suddenly heard you sniffling.  
“Whoa, you okay?” Mikey asked worriedly.
“Yeah, I'm just... Trying to process this,” you replied, unable to wipe away your tears as your arms and hands were currently cradling the turtles, so the tears freely rolled down your cheeks and fell onto your shirt.
“That we get kids at some point?” Mikey asked, almost sheepishly. You slowly nodded your head, but it turned into shaking, as it wasn’t just that. 
“More like… That I have a family at all,” you admitted. “One of my own.”
One of the turtles in your lap stirred and his little hand reached yours, holding onto your index finger. Now you were trying to hold back sobs so as to not wake them up, but you were unsuccessful. The twins blinked a couple of times, then looked up at you with a slight frown. Even the two in Mikey’s arms looked all worried that you were in distress. 
Suddenly all five turtle babies started humming. At first it was a little desynchronised, but it quickly turned into a lullaby melody, one you hadn't heard in a very long time. This made you cry even harder, and Mikey sat down on the bed, so that all five turtles could hold onto you. 
You smiled through your tears at the whole situation; they were comforting you when really it should be the other way around. Even Mikey’s hand was gently rubbing up and down your back, his brows furrowed together, trying to come up with something to say. He knew you had been alone most of your life, but he loved you so much and wanted to give you the world because you deserved it and more; it hurt him to see you thinking you couldn’t have a family of your own. 
By now the song was over, and the babies just held tightly onto you. Mikey opened his mouth to say something, when a comically loud grumble filled the room for an embarrassingly long time. You laughed, finally able to get one arm free, and brought it up to rub over your face with the back of your sleeve.
“Was that the tots or you, Mikey?” you asked with a chuckle.
“I think that was all of us,” he replied, and five little heads nodded in agreement. “How about some food, then?” They all squealed in glee, starting to climb off the bed and running around. 
To keep them apart, you decided to put stickers on their shells, like Mikey had on his plastron. They all got to choose the one they liked best, and after they were marked, the whole group took off to the kitchen.
Mikey quickly whipped up something safe for the little turtles to eat, and make food for you and himself as well. After you were all full, you went back to Mikey's room and decided to make a nap pile on his bed. 
Unable to sleep, while the rest was happily snoozing, you got up and started gathering some crayons and pencils into a box so the turtles could draw after they woke up. 
Suddenly there was that zap again, and you turned around in shock, hoping that there weren't more little tots to take care of until Donnie figured out something, but you were frozen in place as this swirl of lights was far bigger than the others you had seen. Who, or what would come in through there?!
Your mouth hung slightly agape in disbelief when an older version of none other than Mikey came hopping into your timeline, looking around until his gaze met yours. That's when behind him came another figure, and it was Leo, except that he was way taller (oh he’d love to have a growth spurt like that for sure), and he had a… mechanical arm? Just what was going on?!
This Leo first saw the nap pile and went “aww, look at them” but the older Mikey quickly shushed him. Then he turned to you with a gentle smile, his orange cloak swooshing around his ankles.
“Let's not wake them up,” he explained. “The less Mikey versions everyone sees, the better. Especially the kids.”
“Are you here to… pick them up?” you asked, unsure if you were relieved that the babies would go back to where they belonged, or sad because you wanted to spend some more time with them.
Mikey nodded with a warm smile, and held your hand. Meanwhile Leo started carefully picking up the babies from the bed. In his big arms they suddenly looked so much smaller and frail. You felt a light squeeze to your hand, so you brought your eyes back to Mikey.
“I wish the surprise hadn’t been spoiled but,” he said, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. “It’s quite the roller-coaster. Look forward to it.”
“I already am,” you admit, holding onto his hand for one more moment, then letting go so they could leave.
Leo gave you a knowing nod with his head and an encouraging smile as he stepped through the portal. Mikey turned around one last time before leaving, shooting you a wink, which you responded by playfully sticking your tongue out at him, as you would usually do. 
The lights flickered for a second, and then they were gone, leaving you standing alone in the dark room. Wiping over your face one last time to dry the remaining tears, you climbed into the bed with a sigh, and it felt much too big and empty now. You scooted closer to Mikey and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you, planting a sleepy kiss on your forehead. You sniffled into his plastron, trying your hardest to calm down and not wake him up.
Eventually, Mikey's steady breaths started lulling you to sleep, and as your eyes finally closed, you hoped to dream with five little turtles.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @Hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @xnorthstar3x, @theoriginalmintyyyshake, @dybynyght, @galaxtic-writings, @Lovestruckfictionadict, @salty-s-r, @lieutenantlashfaz, @sleebykei, @spacelesbianfanclub, @snipersiniora, @je-m-appelle-yam, @lunar-lover1, @normal-internet-user, @sleepyomeowers
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thegnomelord · 4 months
(The many holes in the tank are not my fault)
I made a very simple diagram of what would happen if humans had dick bones
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Yeah maybe bones in our dicks wouldn't be a good idea
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rodolfoparras · 8 months
Reading some Greek mythology books, cause fun. Minotaur (bottom) Price x Greek (top) civilian (that went into the labyrinth for totally unknown reasons)?
Well first of all I’m so bad at Greek mythology I had to Google it like I know the baby basics but wow there’s lots of half animal half human creatures!
Second of all Minotaur price who deeply enjoys causing havoc in the town he resides in, taking pride in the fact that no one would be able to take him down, only to meet you a civilian who reaches prices height, you who look like you could pick price up with one hand and, you who for some reason don’t seem to fear him at all and at first he doesn’t even realize how turned on he is, chalking it up to curiosity as he stalks closer to where you’re standing only stopping in his steps when he’s chest to chest, hoof to toe, feels a wave of heat washing over him when he realizes you’re almost as big as him, subconsciously squeezes his thighs together when he realizes that you surely could take him easily- could fuck him easily and there’s something primal purring inside him when he realizes just how relaxed you seem to be around him
For one second you almost fooled him, made him think the gods sent him an angel of some sort but it doesn’t take much before you change his mind, forcing him down on his knees, rough fingers yanking at nose ring before you shove your cock in his mouth
His vision starts to blurry and he pathetically paws at your hips but he’s not trying to push you away instead he’s trying to find something to keep him steady but all you offer him is the vice like grip on his nose ring as he eagerly sucks on your dick only letting him up to bend him over one of the ruins, using his horns as leverage while fucking into him and its only after the umpth round price realizes you aren’t an angel at all but hey at least you make a good match
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Inexperienced!Miguel? Oh goodness... my quack is quaking. (I have too many inappropriate duck jokes-)
Miguel knows he has a breeding kink, and hes reminded it of it everytime youre around Mayday, but hes just scared to say anything. He doesn't want to scare you off, and how could he, so inexperienced, demand you of such things?
It isnt until you have him whining and gasping, right on the brick or pleasure and tears when he starts pleading. Large hands holding your hips tentatively as you ride him, nails digging in just slightly from the amount of bliss you're nearly overstimulating him with. And he's so close, just right there,
"Please, please, let me breed you, please," He sobs, practically begging, tears running down his face, his thrust stuttering. You slow to a stop. Staring down at him, absolutely bewildered.
Immediately his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he realizes what he's just blurted out. Tears keep falling bc hes just so embarrassed, stuttering and spewing apologies and excuses. A gentle hand to his throat shuts him up real fast, and he shutters his eyes shut, preparing for some punishment. Expecting you to call him names for terrible such thinking.
"You wanna pump a baby in me, pretty boy?" You coo, and his eyes snap open. "C'mon, then, fill me up."
Miguel is sent seeing stars as you ride him with such intensity, your legs are burning. His head is thrown back, loud, almost lion like groans are falling from his lips. Your little 'thats it, baby,' and other encouragements are going straight to his dick. His feet are planted on the bed so he can thrust up into you harder and faster, crying out sayings you don't fully understand but can't wait to hear more of.
He cums in no time. You'll have to train him to hold it til you cum together, but you finish yourself off for now. After all, he's been such a good boy. And his little high pitched cries as you pulse around him, walls clenching as you reach your high are very worth it.
He won't leave your warmth, so aftercare is a bit awkward as you can't do much. He's just so clingy after spending everything he had in him, he doesn't want to let you go. Poor boy needs to bury himself in your heat and in your chest, arms tight around your waist as he keeps you impossibly close. His breathing hot and heavy as he gulps and swallows at each little flutter your cunt teases him with.
And though he's extremely exhausted, he really hasn't done this enough, but he slides a hand down to your tummy. His warm palm resting on your soft skin. He cannot wait to see you so round and full of him. It sends the blood right back down and suddenly you're pinned under one very flustered face Miguel.
His blush goes deep down his chest, eyes still in post-ogasmic haze, and he smiles lopsidedly.
" 'M gon' get you s'full," His words are slurred as he rests on his forearms. So he can be closer to you as he tries his very best to fuck into you from this position. Trying to remember how you taught hin the first time he had you pinned on the bed, your legs wrapped around his thin waist. "You're gon... be s'full." He pants, swallowing a whine as he keeps going, earning a low groan from you.
Miguel can't tell what's better; That you're letting him breed you, or that you seem to be craving him just as much as he craves you.
“"Please, please, let me breed you, please," He sobs, practically begging, tears running down his face, his thrust stuttering. You slow to a stop. Staring down at him, absolutely bewildered.”
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the-fell-family · 4 months
Have you faced any negative reactions to being percieved as a same-gender couple, or (for Aziraphale) being percieved as a pregnant man?
Yeah, it's inevitable when you live in the country. - Crowley
I don't look too pregnant yet, just a tad softer, so I haven't had any comments about it. - Aziraphale
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flimsy-spoon · 1 month
Please let me ride your fingers please Please Please I’m so desperate
I love coming home from work and seeing these kinds of things in my inbox.
Imagining having you waiting for me when I get home, desperate for my undivided attention and touch. Maybe you'd get so pent up, unable to stop from trying to finger yourself first to relieve your arousal. So lost in trying to cum on your own, you don't hear me finally coming home and creeping to the bedroom--startling you as I stay leaned against the doorframe, watching you with a smirk.
Pushing you down onto the bed further, taking your legs into my own hands and spreading them more for me. Rubbing your thighs gently before trailing a hand down to your needy pussy. Teasing your lips open as I circle my thumb around you clit.
"You know what, I'm very tired.. If you want my fingers inside you, you're gonna have to do the work."
I pull you into my lap, leaving my fingers near for you to take in. Lowering yourself until I finally slip into your hypnotizing warmth and wetness. Unable to keep still for too long, you begin to rock against my fingers as the most movement I make is a little curl of my fingers every so often.
"There you go baby, you look amazing."
I'll stay here until you're finished, letting you use my fingers, waiting patiently for your peak and subsequent afterglow.
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o-ochangx · 10 months
For Yan! Jake
*Walking alone from school when suddenly felt someone was following from behind* "Huh? That's weird I thought someone is following me? Maybe just-" Before she can finish her sentences, her 'weird' classmate, Jake appeared with a duck plushie in his hand. "J-Jake!? Don't scare me like that! I thought some psycho followed me!... Eh what's that? That duck is cute!" She squealing after slowly calm down when she saw the plushie, she likes ducks so much.
I hope I did not scare you tho *jake says as he scratches his neck awkwardly* You like it? *he asks with a smile on his face before he takes a step closer to you* I bought for you since I heard you like ducks. I hope you keep this close to you. *now who’s gonna tell you about the camera inside the duck?*
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Anon 🦆
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themilfsland · 2 months
hey 🥀, can you fight? -🦆
👀 hold your horses, baby ducky. We are friendly family here!
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frenchiepal · 3 months
Ducky babies in your post😭😭😭pla 👉🏻👈🏻did u by chance take any more pics of them?😭they‘re so fucking lovely I can‘t
hellooo fellow duckling enthusiast <33 i'm happy to present a few more pics of the ducklings and the pond where i found them! if you ever have the chance to visit "les jardins des martels" in southern france i highly recommend it🫶🏼😚
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wayfayrr · 4 months
🦆 anon is back again with another self aware ask~
So! You know how tears deliberately put himself is stardew during that one fic? Well, I had a thought… what if it was an accident.
What if he was just scanning through all your code and games trying to find a way to get out… and just accidentally plopped himself into another game on accident? Whether the game being stardew like your fic, or maybe just your “favorite” game because of all the hours you’ve played it. (Hastily hiding the log that says I have almost 1,000 hours in Genshin impact) and then he accidentally got stuck? I’m sure the coding and stuff in a game he isn’t from would be different than his own, so what if he made a minor (big) booboo and got stuck in another game?
glances at my steam library - welp, none of these seem like the nicest option for him, good luck in Phasmo link!!!
I think he'd be simply torn apart if that were to happen :c he was so so close to finally being at your side properly and now he's stuck in an entirely unfamiliar place essentially back in square one? It's soul-crushing for him.
I am actually yoinking your genshin log because while I have not played it myself some of the less cult focused sagau is what got me hooked on the au concept (if I could remember who I would tag but I can't sadly - it was like 2/3 years back now)
so what if he met up with a character that was also aware of them being in a game there?
He has things in common with aether/lumine, potentially enough even to come to an alliance to share you. They're both stranded from another world into teyvat, and they're both the player character who keeps being put through more shit than they signed up for - even if they're a little jealous of each other or have a rivalry about play times between them. It could work depending on how desperate they both are to get out.
There are also a couple other characters that I could see tears being friends with, although I'm not entirely certain if he'd be able to if they're after you too (besides the mc) - Venti is one that I could potentially see, with how tears acts towards freedom plus the fact that he spends so much time in the air? plus apples and golden apples. I think that could catch his attention.
Also albedo. Science buddies, need I say more? If I'm going off of the fics I have read he's looking for a way out too so to meet someone from another game who was so impossibly close? ofc he's going to grill him for answers, and I think that's why tears would originally get so close - before seeing what he's capable of with alchemy, and starting to mess with what could happen between that and zonai tech. (anddddd now I wanna see tears in an albedo cosplay damn it :()
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catxolotlquoise · 4 months
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little gift for @pure-vanilla-lilies
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
This has been rotting my brain for a good bit!
TW: Rimming, praise kink, grinding, Price whimpering, Trans Price (think I got it all?)
Imagine; your knee perfectly slotted between Price's legs and right against the little bare t-dick, just rubbing right with your denim jeans still on to cause more sweet pleasure to fill your sweet man. Price whimpering and grabbing your shirt while rocking his hips quickly, speeding up every so often while your hand slips down and teases his rim with one rough finger before slipping it in as your other hand delicately traces the pink scars under his pecs all of which forces a sweet and perfect moan from sweet Price. "Such a perfect and sweet man, my needy Captain" slips out from your lips in a praise filled voice as you start bouncing your knee to further help Price reach high bliss while he blesses you with his gorgeous high-pitched whines and moans...
Okay but since tcocks can be really sensitive what about having him grind down on your sweats sweet thing making a mess all over your legs literally hearing squelching sound as he rides your thigh or being between his legs using your callused finger to trace atop of his cockhead teasingly pulling the skin back and blowing cold air atop of it watching the squeak escape his lips as he claws at the sheets being so fucking greedy for your fingers your cock your mouth to the point where you’re suckling his cocklet while having your fingers buried knuckles deep inside him
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