#anon that's not the gotcha moment u were hoping for
qu1cks1lversb1tch · 14 days
Hello! Love your writing, so yummy. I was wondering if you would take a request? I was thinking what it would be like if Lucifer was dating a fem reader who was a fox sinner and she randomly does animal like things. I think he would be so interested in the ear and tail movement and would try to see what different things cause what reactions. Foxes are very wary so I could see her jumping easily and him taking advantage of that lol 😭. Then, if he would see her like "pounce" on Angel as a prank cause they're besties. Lastly, I just know if he heard her growl, his knees would get weak (imagine them having a growling fight for some reason cause he growled at Alastor that one time 🤣💀). Anyway, I'm dragging this on, so have writing this if you do! I'd appreciate it! *mwah*
A/N— Just when I think the requests can't get any better, another wonderful anon pops up to steal the show. I LOVE THIS so much. This is more or less a small compilation 💅🏻🦋 I had to do a little research for this one, but I think it's so silly 😭💖 I hope you have a wonderful weekend anon!
Animalistic | Lucifer x Fem Fox Sinner!Reader
Warnings: Reader is a common Red Fox Sinner, swearing (I mean, seriously — it's Hazbin 🤣), Reader being a menace to society
Word Count: 696
Summary: More often than not, your animalistic behaviors take over. . .
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Lucifer watched you from afar — not in a creepy way, but in a ‘that's my girlfriend and I'm admiring her’ kind of way.
Right then, he was watching you wallow on the couch that had been placed in the lounge specifically for you, by Charlie, because you refused to sit on a piece of furniture that had the scent of the Radio Demon practically rolling off of it in waves. 
So the fucker went and sat on your couch.
The audacity. 
You were pretty pissed at the moment, which was evident by the growling and angry mumbling that became louder at times. 
He only caught a couple pieces of dialogue, like: ‘no fuckin’ respect for BOUNDARIES!’ And: ‘I ought ‘ta shit in that fuckers shoes!’ 
But it was enough to keep him attempting to hold in his laughter, which he ultimately failed in. 
You quit wallowing in attempts to get your scent to return back to the couch the moment you heard a noise. You jumped, one ear twitching while your tail lifted into something resembling a ‘u’ shape, showing you were now on high alert. 
The moment you caught a whiff of your boyfriend, you turned to face him. He was biting his bottom lip so hard to keep from laughing. 
You could only roll your eyes and stand from the couch, fixing your hair as you trotted over to hug him. “Better not be laughing at me.” You whined. 
“Your words, not you. Never you.” He replied, holding you close as you went about rubbing your scent on him as well. Just so no one would get any ideas. 
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You were watching. Waiting. 
Your tail was swishing at your side in a playful manner, just waiting for Angel Dust to walk past the dark hallway like he did every evening before bed. 
The moment his footsteps could be heard, you were prepared to launch out of the darkness — something you hadn't done in months. 
He came into your line of sight and it was go time. 
Launching out of the darkness, you easily tackled your best friend, the two of you tumbling until you landed on top, pinning two of his arms to the floor with your sharp canines on display as you grinned down at him. 
“Gotcha!” You cheered happily, your tail swishing from side to side.
“First off, ouch, that fuckin’ hurt — secondly, why the fuck can't you ever attack the short king with your midnight zoomies?”
“He's almost always asleep at this time.” You pouted removing your hands from his arms, nipping at his hand when he went to pet your ears. 
“I dare you to wake him up next time.”
You grinned, getting off completely to help him up. Oh, you would.
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Charlie approved of the relationship between you and her dad, but that didn't mean that she didn't witness some odd things whenever he decided to stay for dinner. . .
She could ignore you pouncing on him at random because you pounced on everyone except Alastor. 
She could also ignore him helping you hide snacks for later because she knew that a good snack didn't last long in the hotel. 
But it was harder to ignore you biting, growling, and scratching at Lucifer, laying on your back in his lap on your couch, with him growling playfully and running his fingers through your hair. 
It was cute in a way — her dad embracing the form you were given, and you, eager to play almost constantly. . . Except for when you were nervous or felt threatened by another demon higher on the food chain.
Though one look told her that he had hearts in his eyes. 
And you did too. Even when your sharp teeth finally latched onto his arm and you gently shook your head before releasing and bursting out into a fit of giggles that had Lucifer quit growling, instead leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
He smirked when your ears twitched and eyes crossed at the sign of affection. 
You growled in return, playfully nipping at his hand with a noise somewhere between a very fox scream and a whine. 
But it was all in fun.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hi! I saw that ur fic requests were open! If you don’t mind, can u do lee!Bakugou and lers!Todoroki and Midoriya. Bakugou keeps covering his mouth when he laughs and they want to see his face (or something like that, feel free to be creative). Ty and have a nice day ❤️
Oh this is utterly precious! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D I threw in a few tickles for Todoroki and Midoriya (and some implied Todobaku shhhh~) because it felt right :D I hope you like it!
Mild spoilers for the Laughing OVA!
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob, @baby-tickles2022, @cupcake-spice13
Bakugou covered his face a lot when he laughed.
Whenever the blonde found something especially funny, he would slap a hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking with restrained giggles. If not his hands he covers his face with his shirt, and if not that, he’ll fall into someone (usually Kirishima) and use their shoulder or chest to hide.
Midoriya found it rather endearing, laughing harder whenever Bakugou did so. Todoroki found it cute, but also confusing.
Bakugou had no problem baring his teeth on the day to day- why cover them up when laughing?
Back at the dorms and comfortably sitting in Bakugou’s bed, he felt like the time was right to ask such a question.
“Huh? I don’t cover my mouth!” Bakugou argued, irritated at the question. “Why do you even care, Icy-Hot?”
“You always cover your mouth.” Todoroki argued back. “You did it earlier.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did.”
“He’s got a point, Kaachan- you do cover your mouth when you laugh.” Midoriya pointed out. “You’ve always done that since we were kids.”
“Shut the hell up, nerd! I don’t cover my mouth! Stop accusing me of hating my face!”
The pair blinked, staring in silence.
“Neither of us said that, Kaachan.” Midoriya pointed out.
So they hadn’t. Bakugou flushed.
“Fuck…” The blonde covered his face, clearly embarrassed. Something in his tone made the pair pause, sharing a concerned look. He sounded so…vulnerable.
“Kachaan?” Midoriya asked after a moment, reaching out before stopping halfway. Hesitantly, he patted Bakugou’s knee. “Are you alright?”
“Damnit nerd, of course I’m…” The blonde paused, something in Midoriya’s gaze shutting him up. Sighing, he flopped backwards against the worn pillows behind him, tossing his arms over his eyes. “I hate my face when I laugh.”
The confession took the pair by surprise. “What?”
“Don’t make me say it again…fine. I don’t like my face when I laugh. I look like a mass murderer.” Bakugou grumbled, a hint of insecurity entering his tone. “The one time I laughed around people, someone told me I had the face of a villain.”
“What? Who said that? Where are they?” Midoriya gasped in shock, a rare flicker of rage entering his eyes. Todoroki blinked. He was learning new sides to everyone today.
“That was years ago, nerd.” Bakugou waved him off. “I’m not even that bothered by it anymore.” When they waited, he sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m still bothered. I can’t look at a picture of myself laughing without thinking about it.”
“Kaachan…” Midoriya reached out and patted his friend’s knee. Todoroki hummed in thought, not really sure what to say. Comfort…wasn’t his strong suit.
“Remember when we fought that villain the other day? The Mr. Smiley guy?” He began, earning a groan from the pair. “Don’t remind us, Icy Hot.”
“Hold on, I have a point I swear.” He continued. “His quirk was to make us laugh, right? Well…at some point while we were chasing him he got you before he got me or Midoriya.”
“I’m going to blast you into the galaxy-”
“We saw you laughing then.” Todoroki hurried up. “I saw what you looked like laughing.” He nodded. “I’ve seen many villains in our time here at U-A. You looked nothing like them.”
“Yeah!” Midoriya added, catching on. “Villains have really creepy smiles that install fear! You looked…” He paused. “Well…what did your laughing face look like?”
“Goofy.” Todoroki didn’t miss a beat.
“G-Goofy?” Bakugou sat up in shock, glaring. “Why I ought to-” Midoriya snorted, a hand slapping over his mouth as he shook with giggles. “Oi, you damn nerd, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sohohohorry!” Midoriya squeaked as Bakugou attacked, gently pushing him into the sheets as his fingers wormed along his sides. “Kahahhhahahcahhahhahan, wahhahahhait!”
“Wait nothing! You dare laugh in the face of King Explosion Murder? This is what you get!” He was grinning now- not his usual menacing one, but something much softer.
“Todoohoohohoohorohohohohohki, dohohohohoohoho sohoohohohohmethhiihihiihng!” Midoriya cried, reaching helplessly for his friend. His arm immediately retracted when Bakugou dug into that awful spot beneath his armpit, making him squeal. “Hehehehehehelp mehehehehehhe!”
“How?” Todoroki seemed genuinely lost.
“Tiihihihihiihckle hihhihiihm!”
“...Bakugou’s ticklish?” Todoroki looked at the explosive blonde, tilting his head curiously.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Icy Hot.” He replied coolly, not bothering to glare at him as he carried on his tickle attack. The rebellious side of Todoroki bloomed.
“Hang on, Midoriya!” He shot his hands out to Bakugou’s waist, squeezing rapidly. Immediately the blonde shot back with a squawk, falling into the comforter as he laughed hysterically. Now free from the other’s attack, Midoriya joined in, targeting Bakugou’s stomach and ribs. “Way to go Todoroki!”
“Gehahahahhahhhahaha! Fuuhuhuhuhuck! Stehahhahahahahhap iihihihihiihit! Dahahahahamn nehehehehhherds!” Bakugou howled, one hand slapped over his mouth while the other attempted to push the other’s hands away. Gently, Midoriya reached up and took the hand blocking his smile, holding it within his own. “Now now, don’t hide from us! Show us that smile!”
During the Mr. Smiley case, Todoroki didn’t have time to get a good look at Bakugou’s laughing face- mainly because he was too busy trying to capture the villain in question. Now, with no extra factors in play, he could finally take it in for what it was.
And god. What a face.
If Midoriya’s smile was like the sun, Bakugou’s was a burning inferno. Blazing and warm, beautiful to look at. Todoroki had no idea what that asshole from before meant when he said Bakugou looked like a villain.
To him, he looked like a god.
“Earth to Todoroki?” Fingers against his socked foot made him startle into reality, blinking as he met Midoriya’s smiling face. “Still with us?” Something in his eyes felt knowing. Todoroki felt himself blush.
“Right, where were we?” He turned back to the giggly blonde, dropping his hands to Bakugou’s hips. “Oh yeah- destroying Bakugou.”
“Gehahahahahhahaha! Ghehehehehhet ohohohohohoff! Stehahhahahahahp it Iihiihihihicy Hohohohohohoht!” Bakugou wheezed, bucking beneath him while he struggled to escape. His cheeks were aflame, eyes squeezed shut with mirth. His smile was radiant as ever, much to Todoroki’s enjoyment.
“Now get Todoroki!” Midoriya suddenly yelled, twisting around and grabbing Todoroki’s foot. The traitor! It wasn’t long before they were having a full blown tickle fight, limbs flying and giggles of various levels filling the air around them.
“STehahahahhahahap ihihiihihihit! Gehehehhet ohohohoohohff my fheehheheheheet!”
“Ahhh! Nohoohhoohohoho wahahahhahahit! Nohohohoht thehehehehere!”
“Gehahahahhahha! Shihihiihihihit! Quihihihihihihit ihihihiiht!”
It was safe to say, no one was safe.
“Ghehaha…hahah..ugh, I’m exhahausted.” Bakugou groaned, running a tired hand over his face. He was mostly on his bed, a leg hanging off the edge as he struggled to compose himself. Nearby, Midoriya had fallen off completely, curled up in a breathless ball with a giggly smile on his lips. On his otherside, he could partially see Todoroki hanging off the bed, sounding just as tired. “Yohohou two are nuts!”
“You started it!” Midoriya reminded him, yelping with a squeak when a pillow flew in his direction. “Rude!”
“Whatever.” Bakugou snorted. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice a tad quieter. “Do you…really think that? That I don’t look like a villain?”
“Farthest thing from one.” Todoroki reassured him.
“I thought you looked rather nice.” Midoriya added, grinning from across the bed. “Wouldn’t you say, Todoroki?”
Another pillow went flying at the green haired boy, then another. While the pair had their impromptu pillow fight, Bakugou felt himself relax against the bed, something warm spreading through his chest.
Not a villain, huh?
Maybe he could laugh without covering up after all.
I hope this was good! :D
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
previous ask about regulus eyes and lily’s motherhood was such a funny not obvious at all ‘gotcha’ moment 😭 unfortunately for anon you’re VERY difficult person to bait hkhjgjghtg (in a good way, of course)
generally speaking performative fandom activism is such a funny phase to live through, you just find issues to get mad at every day and make yourself miserable to prove everyone you’re morally superior than others and then you switch fandoms and people finally tell you to fuck off and not kindly. idk if marauders younger fanbase gonna stay in fandoms long enough to experience this development, but if they do. good for them, hopefully they will become less annoying
it WAS very funny nonnie, you're absolutely correct. they piss me off sometimes bc of how insistent they are but their asks??? absolutely hilarious. like u said, i'm aware they're just trying to bait me so i give them the reaction they want. unfortunately for them, i'm not dumb <3 and a few silly asks don't bother me <3
and god i know, it makes so little sense to me, bc when did fandom turn into a competition of who's more 'woke'??? i thought we were here to have fun, to talk to ppl who enjoy the same things as we do!! i'm starting to think these ppl like to make themselves and others miserable
also i do hope they experience it bc god knows they need a good reality call and i think a lot of us are tired of having to not only see but also deal with this kind of bullshit bc they keep trying to make it everyone's business
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
I’m sorry rex… doesn’t actually care for his brothers and only acts as he does to “fit in”…. You are messed up in the head. You’re hinting at the fact that if they didn’t have inhibitor chips in place that it would be acceptable for them to feel attracted to each other.
Rex’s character is driven fully on the basis that he cares about his brothers. He risks his rank and life to save echo, he feels crushed by hevy’s death even after just meeting him, and he cries in season 7 IN FRONT OF HIS COMMANDER because he is faced with killing his brothers.
You seriously scare me if you skew your beliefs to think that this thought process is okay. They are brothers, and he cares for them as brothers.
// This is the only message I'll answer about this matter, any subsequent messages about this will be deleted and if you persist in sending these types of messages then I'll have to block you. I don't want to deal with this kind of discourse in any of my blogs.
This is in response to this post.
Hello there anon, thanks for bringing this up & for the wonderful misinterpretation of my words and posts. I really appreciate that!
The post is long, so I'll put a read more here!
To start this off, what you've read is my interpretation of the canon, that's my headcanon for my take on Rex. Which as the post even starts stating, it is my biggest divergence from the canon. Also, I fail to see where I mentioned clone/clone ship in that post. Spoiler alert: I really wasn't talking about that, at all. But thanks for twisting my words in that regard, to suit your freaky narrative and skewed perception of me.
Furthermore anon, I have already addressed those points in some older HC posts of mine. Here's my introduction to this terrifying take on Rex, and would you look at that! He cares about the other clones! (this post is also a compliment to them!) He just doesn't view them as brothers, both as a self-preservation method (getting too attached to anyone in a context of war is extremely bad) and also due to the inhibitor's chip doing. Also, when I say that his views on the clones change after the chip's removal, I never said he'd start viewing them as siblings all of the sudden.
It's no different from what I've done with my Plo koon & the Wolfpack, he doesn't view them as his children (as the popular fanons entails) in order to prevent any form of attachment to them. This is my Headcanon, my interpretation.
Listen, I'm new to this RPC, and I'm certain that no one (besides those I got to plot with so far) are familiar with my style of RPing. But I have a huge aversion to any kind of unplotted pre-established relationship, even those that are canon. Because, I don't like enforcing shit that could go against someone's portrayal, and I hate having shit forced upon me. I like plotting & discussing stuff with people, I want to build stuff with my partners. That's what Roleplay is supposed to be.
I'm sorry that your reading comprehension skills rivals a toddler's, maybe you should improve that, instead of pointing fingers at complete strangers on the internet.
Also, I'd like to point you to a key detail in my Rex's rules:
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Do you see that? Can you read it? I'm not looking to write clone/clone ships. While yes, I'm open to it, if someone shows up and demonstrates interest on it. Otherwise, I won't write or post anything about it, because that's not my goal with my take on Rex. But guess what, anon? No one so far that I've come across is interested in it, and I gasp do the unthinkable! I respect their boundaries, and plot with them anything else, but romance. Ironically, I have discussed about boundaries earlier this week.
Anyway, I think I've addressed everything I wanted to. So, in conclusion: anon if you feel so fucking unsafe with my mere existence & disagreements over a popular interpretation of the canon, then please leave. Softblock me if we're mutuals, block me, do whatever you want in order to feel good with yourself. Curate your own experience. Because this blog is no one's safe space, but my own. If you're going to give me this treatment, then your presence isn't welcomed here. You'd be right, if I had ever forced that stuff upon anyone, I write with. But as it stands, that hasn't happened, and it won't happen because I always discuss & communicate with my partners. If they say no, then that's it! I know right, that's such a wild concept!
With that, I'll end it here with this meme. Because, I'm honestly sick and tired of people like you, taking advantage over the fact that English isn't my native language. Just so you can twist my words, to suit your weird ass narrative <3
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Have a good day, and happy holidays!
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vodkassassin · 3 years
Can I hope for a little cucumber plane ficlet?? If it's eating me this much idk how much it's devouring u. No pressure tho
Dw my darling anon I gotcha back ;3
“You remind me of my husband.” Shen Qingqiu says one day, out of the blue, as he’s sipping his tea and watching Shang Qinghua do paperwork.
Shang Qinghua pauses. He lifts his brush up and away from the paper so that no excess ink drops and ruins all his work, and pin his bestie with a hard look.
“I’d hope so?” He says flatly, puzzled. “Because … we are married…. How many husbands do you got, bro?”
“I think the fact that we’re married and you still call me bro is grounds for a divorce,” Shen Qingqiu promptly replies, as usual. “No, I mean, in my last life. Back in… you know. Modern times.”
Shang Qinghua is quiet. Then, “You were… married before?”
“Yeah? I’m a total catch, you’re not special.” Shen Qingqiu scoffs, and then hurriedly adds, before Shang Qinghua has the chance to pull out the Devastating Broken-hearted Puppy Eyes — don’t give him that look. his husband had coined the term, not him — “Shut up, obviously you are or I wouldn’t have married you. But, yes. you’re my second husband. If we’re counting my past life. Which we are.”
“If we’re counting past lives, from before,” Shang Qinghua says slowly, setting aside his brush, “then you’re not my first husband either.”
There is a beat of silence.
“I think I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am to hear that, considering I married you myself here,” Shen Qingqiu says, after a long moment. “But, still. You?”
“What? I’m a catch,” Shang Qinghua defends mockingly, voice dry.
“I know that, shut up,” his husband smacks out at him absently with his fan, a thoughtful look overcoming his face as he stares across the room at the wall. “What was he like, then?”
A little awkwardly, Shang Qinghua shrugs. “Um. Well. You, I guess.”
Shen Qingqiu turns to look at him, eyebrow raised. “You really only have one type, don’t you?”
“You only have one type!” Shang Qinghua raises his hands and gestures air quotes with his fingers. “‘You remind me of my past husband.’ How can I remind you of someone I’m not like? You’re a hypocrite.”
“A hypocrite who is your type.” Shen Qingqiu points out. “What did he do?”
“Nothing, he was a spoiled rich trust fun baby and I had to teach him all about memes so he wouldn’t embarrass me in public. He didn’t know memes, bro, can you believe it? Lived under a rock before I saved him. At least you know about memes.”
“I’m glad I’m apparently a step up from your last marriage.” Shen Qingqiu says, dry as a desert.
“What did your husband do?”
Shen Qingqiu pats at his lips with the folded end of his fan. It’s a tiny fidget but it’s a cute as hell habit and Shang Qinghua loves watching him. “He was still going to college, when I died. Majoring in business and management. He did something on the side to make some extra cash because he refused to let me carry us with the money I got from my parents, but he’d never tell me what it was.”
“Oh.” Shang Qinghua says. He picks up his brush again, fully intending to return to the report he was marking over, when he stops. Sets the brush back down. “Wait.”
“Hm?” Shen Qingqiu blinks at him, head tilted. Adorable as hell. Shang Qinghua shakes his head slowly.
“Bro.” He says. “Husband. Love of my life, of my — What, might I ask, was your name? Back then?”
The slow and idle flapping of Shen Qingqiu’s fan slows to a stop. “What?”
“Just — Just humor me.”
“Okay,” his husband — his husband, wait wait wait, his??? Husband??? — says, slowly, like he thinks he’s stupid. “Shen Yuan.”
Shang Qinghua picks up his calligraphy brush and throws it across the room. It paints a long, thin black line down the wall. He picks up the ink stone and chucks it after it for good measure.
“Ummm, Airplane, what—?”
“Bitch!” He says, pointing a finger at his fucking husband accusingly. “We’re both stupid!”
“Um, slut? Don’t insult me without telling me why!”
“My name back then,” Shang Qinghua wails, tugging uselessly on his own bangs, “it was Shang Lei!”
Shen Qingqiu — Shen Goddamn Yuan — blinks. And then he splutters.
“Fucking what!” He shrieks.
“I married you,” Shang Qinghua groans, bending over to slam his face into his desk, and likely getting the ink he had painstakingly brushed over the report smeared all over his face, “twice!”
It takes a while, all afternoon and evening really, for the both of them to finally calm down. They’re still mindblown when they cuddle up in bed that night, but when Shen Yuan curls in to stick the frozen tip of his nose to Shang Qinghua’s neck like the icy bitch he is and always has been, he sighs.
“It’s gotta mean something, that in an entirely new universe we still ended up together without actually meaning to.” He says, and Shang Qinghua can feel the man’s smile against his skin as he wraps his arms around him. “Are we in a goddamn soulmate fanfic or something?”
“Aw, babe,” Shang Qinghua nuzzles downward and peppers his husband’s face with kisses. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!”
“Don’t fucking tell anyone.”
“Nobody would believe me even if I did!”
“What’s that suppose to mean?!”
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I would love to read a fic where Klaus is super unwell but his siblings kind of shrug it off until he collapses and gets really disoriented/delirious - that is when everyone kind of gets super concerned and stuff. Thank u!!
This got super fluffy toward the end and it was so cute to write! Thank you so much for requesting this anon, I hope you like it! Please enjoy!
“Luther… can’t we slow down a teensy bit? Not all of us havehuge furry muscles,” whined Klaus. He felt awful – his head was stuffed and throbbing,his body was wracked with feverish chills, and all of his muscles ached. Buttoday was the day for a Very Important Bonding Exercise!
Klaus had wanted to stay home and sleep, but the look on Vanya’sface… He went with them anyway, despite feeling like complete horseshit. Itwas almost funny how they planned things. They were going on a little hike as afamily, trying to spend more time together and all that jazz. But even without theirfather looking over their shoulder, they still planned out things like it wassome sort of mission. Hell, they had meetings to plan these things! Diego hadeven scouted out the location for their hike beforehand.
It was endearing, but Klaus just wished it was any other daythey had planned this hike.
“And no one else does, Klaus! We’re just walking, we canrest when we get up to the top,” instructed Luther, his voice bordering ondefensive, probably about the furry part of Klaus’ comment. Klaus groaned andfell behind a bit to walk next to five.  Being in nature sure seemed to make him just atad less sassy – it must have been very different than the apocalypse. At themoment, the fresh air did little for him other than aggravate his sneeze.
“Ugh, I feel awful,” said Klaus. They were going up a slopeand his head was pounding with each step. His lungs were so tight, he didn’tthink he was getting much air in at all.
“Do you ever stop trying to get sympathy?” Okay, so Five’ssassiness? Not diluted as much as he thought.
He felt a little stung by his siblings’ lack of attention tohis clear suffering, but Klaus tried to brush it off. “Why can’t anyone showany love for their poor sick brother?” Klaus threw himself into dramatics,voice wavering as if he were about to cry. He saw Diego shaking his head. Helooked to Vanya who gave him a half-hearted smile and shrug.
“Klaus, just stop and tell them how you’re feeling,”insisted Ben, ever the voice of reason.
“Oh, because that’s gone so well? Klaus looked to his deadbrother. Lucky bastard. At least if you were a ghost you didn’t have to feelthis shitty.
“If you’re a ghost you have to be stuck with your brother whoconsistently makes poor life decisions.” Klaus glared at Ben.
“Hey!” It always freaked him out how well he could readKlaus’ expressions, it gave him the sneaky impression that he was some freaky telepath.Well, that would be less freaky than eldritch tentacle monster in your chest,but still. He noticed Allison giving him a weird look. He stuck his tongue outat her.
Klaus let himself fall into a steady silence after that, managingto mostly follow the conversation of his siblings. They were chatting, laughing– acting more like a family then he thinks they ever really had before.
He just couldn’t keep up with the details enough tocontribute to anything. Vaguely, he noticed that Ben’s comments to him startedgetting less reprimanding and more concerned, fading into worried looks.
God, he felt horrible. His head was spinning. If he thoughtit was difficult to breath earlier, well that was easy-peasy compared to now! Heknew that it was warm out, but his skin felt freezing, and all his shiveringjust made his muscles ache even more. When they came to a few steps of stairs,Klaus’ vision got spotty.
“H-hey guys? Can we stop for a second? I’m not feeling toogreat…” said Klaus, his voice quiet, in stark contrast of his usual dramaticlilt.
Luther glanced back at him, and then to the trail in front ofthem. “We only have a minute or two to the top, we should just go. Drink somewater or something, maybe stop smoking,” said Luther. Ouch.
His sibling knew he was sober from everything at the moment,but he couldn’t bring the energy to argue with Luther’s callous statement. Ben lookedready to throw down.
…why? Klaus stared at Ben’s angry face. He thinks that hislips were moving, but he couldn’t see what he was saying. He couldn’t rememberif that was important or not. His vision was narrowing, so he stopped, leaningagainst a tree.
His siblings kept walking. Were they going to leave himalone? Klaus felt a flicker of panic in his chest. He wanted to go home, wantedto be in bed, but he didn’t want to be alone. He tried to step forward to goafter them, but his knees buckled, and he found himself on the dirt trail.
His head swam, the dizziness not subsiding even though hewas no longer standing. It took all of his focus just to keep from throwing upas his stomach flipped uncomfortably.  
The next thing he knew, he was surrounded by concerned voices.“Klaus? Klaus, can you hear me?”
“Klaus, are you alright?”
“Dammit, Klaus!”
He whimpered. There were too many voices, they were loud andsounded angry. He tried to scoot back, but he was backed up against a tree.Trapped.
His mind flickered to somewhere else, dark, damp, cold. Hewas huddled in the corner, cold stone the only thing that ground him at thatmoment, but it was the same thing that trapped him there. The voices were callinghis name over and over, louder each time. A hand reached out to him, and heturned away.
He wanted to close his eyes but he was terrified just asmuch of not seeing the ghosts as he was of seeing them. Klaus was frozen.
A hand touched his shoulder, gentle. No, that wasn’t right,was it? The dead couldn’t touch him. And they certainly wouldn’t be so gentle aboutit even if they could.
“Klaus? Hey, it’s me, it’s going to be alright,” said the voice.Was he having some sort of nightmare?
“D-dave?” Klaus called out blindly. He wasn’t sure what wasgoing on, he could barely tell what was going on around him. Just that he feltawful like he was dying or something. “Dave, please!”
“Shit, he’s completely out of it – that fever can’t be safeat all.”
“I had no idea it was that bad…”
“We need to get him out of here, to a hospital asap!”
“I agree, we can’t risk it.”
Klaus focused in on one word, causing him to shake even more.He was trembling like a leaf. “No! No hospital, please, no hospital,” beggedKlaus. There were so many dead there, all sick or gruesome and angry. The wallswere filled with memories of overdoses and forced stays; no matter how awful hefelt, he didn’t want to be there, not while he had any sort of say in it.
He felt two pairs of hands hoist him up. He blacked out briefly,head rushing with blood as his stomach twisted uncomfortably. Klaus groaned.
“Hey, it okay,” comforted one of his siblings. He thought itwas Vanya, with such a gentle tone.
“We just need to get you back to the car, can you walk downwith help?” That must have been Diego? Klaus shook his head. It was all hecould do just not to pass out as it was.
He heard a sigh, and then a large pair of arms scooped him up bridal style. He nestled hisface into the crook of his brother’s muscles. It was oddly comforting. “I’vegotcha,” said Luther. He may be awkward at the comforting thing, but his voicewas nonetheless comforting to Klaus in his current state.
Klaus faded in and out as they returned to the van. He onlyremembered the trip in flashes – the top of the trees and the sun in theleaves, someone – Allison? – holding his hand and squeezing.
“No hospital,” he asserted as the car came into the view.Luther sighed.
“It alright Klaus, no hospital. Mom can take care of you. We’rejust going home.” Was that Five? Klaus quieted.
They got him into the car, and he quickly fell asleep onVanya’s shoulder. Five sat next to him, letting Diego drive without complaint(for once).
He had seen his family killed once, he didn’t want Klaushurt again.
When Klaus woke up, he still felt like shit. But hissiblings – all of them, not just Ben – were there for him. Five thought he wassneaky, coming in when he thought Klaus was sleeping to watch over him. When Klausgot bored of his bedrest, Vanya came in, playing songs that captivated him (oroccasionally, brought him to a peaceful sleep, which didn’t seem to offend herat all). Diego chatted with him, Luther brought him soup and tea, and Allisoneven read to him.
For once, Klaus didn’t feel like he was fucking everythingup. Maybe it wasn’t a perfect hiking trip, but it seemed like family bondingwas happening regardless.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Did someone say FLUFF?! Say no more, I gotcha! If it hasn’t been done yet, could you try something with Ashe and Lysithea with their fear of ghosts? It’d be funny to imagine him leaping into her tiny arms at the mere mention of a ghost 😝
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I’ll tell ya this much, I’ve NEVER seen that done in any imagines blog yet.
I’m glad I have the honor of doing this, because well…
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Thanks for the ask anon, I hope ya enjoy!
Post Writing Note: I was listening to the Outlast soundtrack as I wrote this and DAMN IT THAT WAS TOO FITTING, I was just as terrified writing this just as they were in this story ;-; oh god, i turned this fluff ask into a fucking horror story
Things that go bump in the Monastery (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Ashe and Lysithea are at the library late at night, and hear something…
…Despite they’re the only two there.
It was very late at the Monastery, yet the lights upstairs to the library were lit. Ashe shrugged and thought it was another student cramming for the upcoming exams. 
He had come to the library to read one of his favorite tales as a child, as embarrassing as it was to admit. 
When he entered the library, he heard it starting to rain outside, which made him sigh.
“Oh great, looks like I’m going to be here for a while…”
He continued inside and saw Lysithea reading a book, and sure enough, it was material related to their class.
“Oh, hello Lysithea.”
“Hm? Oh, hi Ashe. I didn’t think anyone would be up at this hour.”
“Same here. Need me to leave you be?”
“No, it’s fine. All I request is that you keep it down for a bit.”
“Sure thing.”
Ashe nodded and went towards the shelves to find one of the books he was looking for and-
“…Ashe, I did not take you as the type to play idiotic jokes after a polite request.”
“Uh, what?”
When she glanced up from her book, she realized nothing around Ashe could’ve made that sound.
She looked behind her and saw a book fell onto the ground.
“Oh sorry. I thought you made that noise. I think someone forgot to put a book back up properly.”
Ashe shrugged and went over to the book to put it back up. As he went back to the shelf, they heard the same noise again, only from a different location.
Both of them stiffened up and waited, but the sound did not reappear. He slowly grabbed his book and quickly walked over to Lysithea.
“D-Do you mind if I sit next to you?” Ashe said, noticing that he was becoming more tense.
She grunted in response, but truthfully she was just as tense as he was.
Once he sat next to her, the air slowly began growing more intense. Not because they weren’t saying anything, but because that noise had starting appearing again.
“A-Ashe…I swear if you’re making that noise-”
“Why would I do that? More importantly, how?!”
“Hmph! Hang on a moment.” She got up from her chair and went towards the stairs.
C R A C K !
Lightning immediately struck, scaring them almost to death, and at that moment, the candles went out.
Both Ashe and Lysithea screamed and fell to the floor.
“C-Crap, I can’t see!”
“Hang on!”
She casted a spell that acted as a floating light source, and now they were able to see. The room was far too dark for either of their liking.
They both made their way slowly to each other and started looking around.
“T-There’s…no ghosts here, right?” Ashe said shakily.
At the mention of ghosts, she immediately latched onto Ashe, shouting yet at the same time, holding onto him even tighter.
“D-DON’T SAY THAT! Ghosts c-can’t be at the monastery! I-It can’t be!”
Both of them jumped, looking around for the source. It sounded like it came from behind this time.
“H-Hey…how about we head back to the dorms?” Lysithea asked.
“No need to ask twice…!” 
They both slowly backed up, trying not to make as much noise as possible.
Once they reached the stairs, Ashe started hanging onto Lysithea. Under normal circumstances, both of them would’ve been blushing messes, but Goddess knows THIS WASN’T NORMAL.
As they walked down, the noise from earlier became louder and louder. When they reached a corner, they hesitated for a moment before turning it, seeing an empty hallway with nothing but blackness in it.
Both had shivers down their spines and slowly began walking towards the next flight of stairs.
Neither of them dared to say anything, too afraid that they wouldn’t be able to hear anything if it snuck up on them.
C R A C K !
Another bolt of lightning struck, this time so close they could feel the building shake.
Ashe screamed out, and instinctively jumped. Lysithea managed to catch Ashe, and she was barely able to hold him. The light she casted went away as soon as she did, scaring both of them even further.
“H-Hey! C-Calm down! It’s just the-”
Both their eyes went wide, and slowly turned around. 
If it was a teacher or a guard reprimanding them, that they could take.
What they couldn’t take however, was the fact no door opened behind them, despite sounding so close.
Ashe got down back onto the ground, wanting to say sorry but couldn’t find the words. 
Her voice was shaking heavily, as if she were about to burst into tears.
Ashe held her hand tightly, in hopes that would help her feel better, but honestly? He felt like doing the same.
“U-Um…n-not to w-worry! I’ll protect you…!”
She held his arm with both of hers, and both quickly walked to the stairs not bothering to be discreet. 
Instead, they ran into something.
No, someone.
They fell to the floor and slowly looked up-
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“ H e l l o ?“
(Ashe and Lysithea)
They immediately bolted for the opposite direction, tears coming out of both their faces, Ashe holding onto Lysithea’s arm.
At that moment, the figure pulled out a candle and lit it.
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“Oh…I think I scared them. Brother, I think your experiments made 2 students run away in terror.”
Seteth came out of the room, and looked down the hallway.
“Is that who I was hearing? Hm, I must apologize to them once I find out who they are.”
Ashe kept dragging Lysithea, his pure adrenaline keeping his legs from giving out. He could tell she was slowing down, but like hell he was going to! He may not know her well, but he was not going to abandon her in this goddess-forsaken place!
When they were reaching the entrance, a candle lit aflame and they turned around. It made their heart lighten up a little, but there was no time to be lost.
“PROFESSOR BYLETH!” Ashe shouted.
“A-Ashe? Lysithea? What’s going on?!”
They both grabbed onto his arms, absolutely terrified.
“G-GHOST! THERE’S A GHOST UP THERE!” Lysithea said through tears. Ashe was saying something, but Byleth nor Sothis could make it out.
Byleth didn’t have the heart to tell them it was just Flayn and Seteth up there who were making that noise, and instead offered to comfort them.
“H-Hang on, why don’t you two sleep in my room?”
“ANYWHERE BUT HERE!” Ashe finally blurted out.
Byleth quickly nodded, and got an umbrella as they quickly ran back to the dorms.
Once they reached his room, he had them sleep on his bed, using his blanket and pillow. 
They all attempted to sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen.
Ashe and Lysithea almost died as far as they were concerned, and were hiding under their blankets lying extremely close to each other, eyes wide open. Byleth was on the floor with a mere sheet and a pillow, lying awake.
(Sothis) “…Being a therapist is under your job description, right?”
(Byleth) I am going to have some VERY stern words with those two.
For once, Byleth was the one to reprimand Seteth, and both him and Flayn apologized profusely to Ashe and Lysithea. 
Sothis knows they won’t be revisiting the library for a while.
…On the plus side, the two began hanging out more after that.
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queensdivas · 5 years
Rainbow Road
“26 and 72 of the prompts with Joe?” Requested by Anon!
Alright so my dumbass got things confused because work came out of nowhere and school came out of nowhere. So I told the anon that it was about to get posted and turns out I did the Brian one first by accident cause I’m a dumbass.
Next time I won’t be so damn stupid and get my ducks in a row. If you would like to request something go for it because they’re opened. Also if you would like to be tagged in everything or specific things. Let me know! 
Hope you enjoy!
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You’d finally had a day off from teaching at NYU so you decided to have an easy day at the flame. Joe would be coming home to see you lying on the couch in his Winnie the Pooh onesie and playing Super Mario Odyssey. Yes..you maybe a grown ass adult, but has that ever stopped you. 
For the record. This was your Winnie the Pooh onesie in the beginning of your relationship, but eventually he took it because you “accidentally bought it to big.” And after he took it with him on the Bohrap Movie Tour. You were livid and flew yourself to retrieve the onesie, and to see him of course. You love Joe..till he takes your onesie. 
“Jump over the goddamn thing!” You screamed as Joe walked into the apartment and stopping behind the couch. 
“Mushroom coming into the right.” He climbed over the top of the couch then sitting down next to you. Bouncing on top of the mushroom then continuing down the street towards a building. 
“How was work?” Asking Joe as he took off his sweatshirt as you were aggressively began tapping the jump button. 
“Great. Finally got that screenplay finished and now I’m beginning to think up the cast for it now!” Pausing the game as you turned to him and pecked his lips. 
“Fantastic baby! Look at you go baby!” Smiling as you kissed him again then got off the couch to go get some food. You couldn’t decide if you wanted delivery for tonight or wanted to make something easy. You were about to ask Joe but he already took control of the WII U and began setting up Mario Kart. 
“Hey (y/n). We’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks with work and you’re on autumn break. Why don’t we order some Tai’s tonight, play a little Mario kart, and do what we do best.”
“Yes. Wait no. But yes..after the Mario kart and after the hot sex.” Cheeky devil! Grabbing the menu from the fridge as you walked over to the couch where you began reading over the menu. 
“Which sounds better. Honey chicken or spicy steak?” He thought for a moment then looked over at the menu. 
“Spicy steak definitely and make it brown rice. OH! And make sure that we get extra spring rolls.” You dialed the phone number as he began picking his characters for Mario kart. Once the food was ordered, you grabbed the controller to select your character. 
An hour passed as you two already finished the first Dolphin Shoals track for when the Chinese delivery man pressed the com button. Grabbing your phone from the table then a wad of cash. 
“Don’t you dare play without me! We’re neck and neck!” You yelled at him as you jumped over the couch then towards the door. Joe being the sneaky devil he is would play without me so he could win!
Coming back into the apartment as he grabbed a few wine coolers from the fridge. Pulling out the food from the plastic bag so you two could chow down and enjoy each other’s time together. 
But...things didn’t go exactly how you two thought it would. When you two finished your food..you both became competent, very quickly and dangerously competent. Ya both became cocky at this point. 
In between the racing map changes you two would down your food, take a drink of the wine cooler, and even the quickest bathroom break in the world. You two were trying to see how many you could win, and obviously it was neck and neck. 
Turning the wii controller slightly because you were in the habit of actually starring when it comes to video game driving. Your kart hit one of the boxes as the banana peel was selected. Realizing that Joe was coming up from last place, you released the banana when he was about to pass you. 
“HA! NICE TRY!” Crossing the finish line as you began doing a little dance in front of Joe since now you were tied. Even though you’ve ran out of maps for this Mario kart game. Being the cheeky devil Joe has always been, especially with you. He decided to pull out the wii and play the ultimate map. Rainbow road..
“You’re really going to pull out the wii? Do we even still have the wii?” Asking him as he grabbed a piece of his steak then walking over to the tiny storage closest you guys shared. 
“Yes we still do because playing wii Mario kart is still so much fun. Or are you scared pussy?” Raising his eyebrows as your lips curled then putting your hands on your hips. 
“The only pussy in this room is the one grabbing the wii out of the closet because you can’t handle that your girl is better at Mario Kart than you.” YOu were joking obviously..but ya know. When you get two cocky people in the same room and both of you hate losing 
“Game on bitch!” He began plugging in the wii as you cleared the table from dinner and grabbing more alcohol from the fridge. If you were going to win, you were going to celebrate. If you were going to lose, Joe is sleeping on the couch.. seems fair right?
You and Joe played rainbow road at a party where you guys actually first met and both of you tied. (You actually crossed first by a literal second but Joe wasn’t having it so he called it a tie.) But now every time you two need to settle a debate, he grabs the wii and you guys play rainbow road..yes you’re with a grown man slash child. 
He handed you the wii remote as you sat down on the couch, picked your character and car quickly. It was taking a little longer to load because the wii is old and you were both just so damn impatient. 
“I want you to know babe...that whatever happens. I still love you...but if you win I’m going to punch a hole in the wall.” 
“Okay Kyle.” Chuckling as the track appeared before us. Getting into sitting position then taking a quick drink of your wine cooler. 
Pressing the accelerator lightly till the light turned green and you were off. Damn it car didn’t stall you thought as you began driving faster down the first hill as he managed to zoom past you. Lifting your wii controller on the jump to get that extra speed caused you to catch back up to him. 
So many sharp turns holy shit! Hitting your first box to see that it was a red shell and Joe was getting a little ahead of you. Moving your car directly behind him then launching your shell at him. 
“GOTCHA HOE!” Laughing as he got frustrated quickly. 
“Fuck fuck fuck!” He whispered as you were bouncing on top of the wiggle track till fucking baby peach knocked you over the edge. 
“NO! SHIT SHIT!” Screaming as Joe clapped his hands and was already way pass you. Stuck in dead last place and dodging all the bananas that were left on the road. Some reason your wrist were doing one thing and your kart was doing something completely different.
Your kart smashed through the box and the rocket appeared before you. Looking over at Joe as he looked onto my screen and his eyes widened in absolute fear. 
“Comin’ for you bitch!” Slamming the button as you turned into a rocket and began plowing your way through the track! Catching up to Joe then turning back into a kart. Neck and neck again as you rounded the corner and began accelerating, making it slightly into first. 
“Face it babe! You’re not as good as SHIT!” You screamed as a blue shell smashed into you and caused you to fly off the road. Joe passed the finish line and screamed, smashing the controller into the couch and practically dancing. Looking at the time and realizing you could go to bed and be perfectly fine. 
Getting up from the couch to grab your wine cooler and leaving the room to the bedroom. Slamming the door behind you then locking it. Joe snapped back from his win to then approached the bedroom door. 
“Babe..don’t be a party pooper because you lost. Just let me in babe.” He was giggling at you. If he could burst into laughter he would because he’s such a butt hole. You grabbed one of his pillows and a very thin blanket to then open the door and tossing it at him. 
“I beat you at Mario Kart and now you’re banishing me to the couch for the night?” Groaning as you locked the door. 
“Yes. Fuck you.” You began getting undressed for bed as you heard him shifting in front of the bedroom door. Is he going to sleep in front of the doorway? The little butt hole is going to sleep in front of the door...that’s a major fire hazard. But that’s what he gets for winning. Sometimes winning isn’t always as glorious as it should be. 
Climbing into bed and turning off the light. You had to get up a little early because there’s a conference in Connecticut that you forgot to mention to Joe..since you forgot about it till now. TO then climb out of bed to open the door to him laying down in front of the door. 
“Joe..fire hazard.” He looked up to then put the blanket over his head. 
“You kicked me out of the bedroom. Fuck you.” Doing a Jim Halpert camera look then squatting down to him. 
“I also forgot to mention that I have a conference in Connecticut tomorrow and was hoping you would join me.” He stayed silent and you just gave up, walking back into the bedroom but not locking the door. 
The alarm began going off that morning for you to wake up and see that the bed was empty. Oh for fuck sake you thought to yourself as you threw off the comforter to then open the door. Marching out but tripping over him because you weren’t expecting him to still be in front of the doorway. 
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” His eyes opened with a smile on his face. You stayed on the floor with your feet on his side because it’s seven in the morning and Joe is causing a fire hazard in your apartment. He’s trying to make you feel bad for condoning him to couch which turned into the front of the door. 
“Ughh fine. I’m sorry Joe I banished you to the couch because you beat me in Mario kart. You are the supreme ruler of all Mario Kart..all hail Joe Mazzello the third..the ruler of Mario Kart.” He got up to crawl on top of you as you skinned over with a pouty face. 
“Love you babe.” He kissed your nose then pecked your lips. 
“Love you too..butt hole.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around him to pull him down into a kiss. 
Yes..you two love each other because you both are absolutely crazy...so it works nicely!
taglist: @mexifangorl @i-live-for-queen @leah-halliwell92 @brianmydear @its-funny-til-its-not @b-i-g-i-r-l-b-i @teathymewithben @mayofbrian @endlesslydead
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Feelin Confident!
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x plus size! female reader
Warning: abuse (billy’s abuse), curse words
Specifics: comedy, romance, angst, plus size reader, race neutral reader, confident reader
People: Billy Hargrove, you, Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Eleven Jane Hopper, Max Mayfield 
Words: 1,925
Requested: By anon Could you please do a plus size reader and billy Hargrove imagine where the reader is confident in her body and that surprises billy and she is close with Steve and the kids?
Authors Note: i hope i did justice with this one lol i kinda had writers block with this but i still hope yall enjoy. billy is daddy and is so hot, well dacre is. hope u all like this u guys r dah best :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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The heat was starting to get to you. Your body feeling like it was melting bit by bit. Outside the sun beamed harshly to the Earth, making a statement of how powerful of a star it really is. 
It was the summer of 1984, you were sitting, exhausted, in the living room of Dustin’s house. The other kids were there as well. 
“Oh my god this weather is going to kill me,” you complained to the world as you fanned yourself with a sports magazine. 
“Tell me about it,” Mike said as he wiped his forehead from the sweat. 
Dustin munched on his 6th Popsicle that day, “I can’t keep eating these anymore! Guys its summer we should be out there doing...well something!”
El had already made the ac units go as fast as they could with her telekinesis power along with making the fan go to the highest speed possible. Even she was desperate at this moment. You looked at the young girl and she was placing ice chips down her back and in her short, wavy hair. “Its so hot,” was all she said as she continued with her ice chips. 
“Hey maybe we can go to the park?” Suggested Lucas wiping his forehead. 
“Are you crazy Lucas,” Dustin looked back to him, “do you want us to melt for real?”
“Right, right.”
“What about going to the beach?” Will came up with this idea. You stopped fanning yourself and meditated on that thought for a while. It didn’t sound half bad. The beach was only a 45 minute drive from where you were at. It sounded so satisfying at the moment. 
“That sounds like an actually good idea Will, thanks. Okay kids get all your swimsuits ready and meet me up at the arcade, I’m gonna pick up Max and see if she’d like to come as well.”
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You got your dad’s huge truck so everyone in the gang could fit. Even Steve Harrington. You invited your best friend Steve to go to the beach as well. 
Arriving at the arcade you see another confrontation with Max and her step brother, Billy. You take your sunglasses off and rub your face from stress. How could someone treat a little girl that way? Your mama instincts were starting to control you as you went to Max. She was putting up the middle finger to his car. 
“Hey Maxy girl, whats going on?”
She rolled her eyes in frustration, “whats new? My step brother is being a huge dic* today!”
You shook your head, “I wanted to ask you, me and the kids are going to the beach, would you like to go? I got an extra swimsuit in your size in my car. I was gonna give it to my niece but I think you will like it way more.” Max thinks about it then grants you a smile and nods her head. “I’d love to go!”
“Okay well, let me get the swimsuit and give it to you so you could change in the arcade.”
You went and got her the swimsuit and she walked in to change. 
“Lets have a talk shall we Billy,” you said a loud to yourself. Seeing his car not far away you walk to his side. You knock on the glass lightly, you can already tell this boy has an attitude. Oh hel* no not with you. 
Billy pulls down the glass with an annoyed face and his shades on, “what?”
“Hey Billy hello to you too. I’m gonna steal Max for a while, um, we’re going to the beach-”
Billy then blew out the smoke of the cigarette in your face. You stared angry, and with a big sigh you licked your thumb and pointer finger, squishing the end, it goes out and the cigarette is no good no more. 
 Billy just laughs and bites his lip, “you’re gonna pay for that.”
“I’m not gonna pay for anything and plus maybe I could be saving your life. Smoking is bad sweetie, look. it. up.” You pronounced the p in up.
“Oooh fiesty, I kinda like it.”
“Anyways Billy I was asking you is she allowed to go with me, I think it will be good for her to get away from all the fiasco in her life.”
“Sure take her wherever the hel* you want to. But how do you know I didn’t want to go as well?”
Placing your hands on your hips you lean against his car, “Billy. The Billy Hargrove wants to join me and a couple of kids to the beach? Any particular real reason you really want to go?”
“Maybe its because I can get a good look at you, see you in a tight swimsuit that shows all them curves of yours-”
“I’m gonna have to stop you there buddy, you’re gonna have to earn this tree because I ain’t no branch, no delicacy,” your lips go to his ear as you lean closer to him, you whisper to him, “I am a whole lot of lovin, more lovin than you are used to.” You kinda want to hit yourself at the end because you think you set something aflame that you didn’t want to. That made Billy want you more and hot for you. 
“Fine get in the dam* car,” you finally gave in as you walk back to your truck, your hips swaying with each step you took. 
“Dam* y/n,” Billy said to himself as he watched you go. 
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The car drive was awkward...very awkward. Steve was sitting next to you in the passengers seat while Billy sat behind you. The atmosphere was uncomfortable because Steve and Billy have had fights and are not on the greatest terms. You were not there to start fights though, you were going to have a good time. You and Steve joked around like the bffs you were in the car, but as you looked in the rear view mirror you saw Billy’s face full of jealousy. He gave you a maddening glare, his jaw clenching and his piercing light eyes digging into your soul. It was like he was trying to control you. It was difficult unfortunately, he was very handsome and he knew it. He knew you were falling for his plan. The smell of his cologne and the cigarettes he smoked earlier wafted in the air and in your nose. 
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The beach was perfect, the sand was cool under your feet and it was soft. You dug your toes in it and smiled to yourself. You set all the items you brought with you down under a umbrella. 
“Okay rules for kids, don’t go too far, be careful in the water, shuffle your feet, and if you have an emergency please call either me or Steve.” You shooed them away and all the children ran to the water, their laughter being heard in the air. You chuckled to yourself seeing them have a great time. “Ugh they’re such good kids, they deserve this time off to have fun.”
“Yeah, hey are you getting in?” Steve asked, taking off his clothes leaving him in his bathing suit. 
“Of course I’m gettin in Steve, duh.”
Billy is sitting on one of the chairs, his clothes off so he’s left in his really short...shorts. This was your time to be confident. You know you would probably get looks for being your size and the swim suit you were wearing but you didn’t care. You found yourself beautiful and sexy and thats all that mattered to you. Breathing in the salty air you strip your clothes off. 
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You could care less if your swim suit showed off too much or showed some of your fat, this was you and you were going to enjoy what you got. You were gonna work it and shake it. Bending down in your tight suit you put your clothes away you smirk though hearing Steve and Billy’s breathing harden as if they are struggling to breathe. 
“Well boys I think I’m gonna go get wet, see ya.” Motioning to the water you make sure to move your hips and butt extra this time knowing the boys were watching. 
“Dam*,” said Billy and Steve at the same time as they watched your full body leave and enter into the blue water. 
“How have you not taken her for yourself man?” Billy was shocked, you were everything he needed, mature, sassy, kind, sexy, sweet, understanding, and very smart-mouthed. He liked how bold you were and independent, that just made him want you more. 
Steve shook his head, still shocked that his best friend, you, were that hot in that suit, “I’m crazy man, I don’t know what the hel* is wrong with me anymore.” Steve shrugged and ran to you in the water. Leaving Billy sitting there like an outcast. 
You two played chicken fight against Mike and El, went underwater with each other. You and Steve and the children were having the time of their lives but you felt bad. Seeing Billy all left out made you get out of the water by yourself to talk to him. 
“Hey Billy,” you said sweetly as you got closer to him. Your face and body were all wet from the water making you look more like a goddess. “You gonna go in the water?”
Billy shrugged, “and if I did who would really care.”
“I would care. I would like it if you would join us.” As you sat next to him you noticed a bruise on his face and neck. “Oh my god Billy what happened!” Your cold hands landed on his face as you brought him closer to you so you could inspect it more. 
“Its nothing y/n, nothing for you to worry about.”
“Really nothing for me to worry about? Billy just because you’re an as* sometimes doesn’t mean I want you dead! Who did this to you?”
Billy didn’t answer. 
“It was your fathe-that man again...was it?”
Billy tried looking away, his eyes getting filled with tears. “Yes.”
“God that son of a bitc* doesn’t deserve to be alive! Its terrible how he is treating you Billy, I want you to know that and understand that. I am here for you if you need anything.”
“I was um surprised.” Billy wiped his tears away, trying to change the subject. 
“Surprised? About what?”
“You, you’re really comfortable in your own skin.”
“I gotcha, you would think with how I look that I feel down everyday or I think of myself as ugly. There was a time when I was like that, but everyday I convinced myself and told myself that I was beautiful and I was enough, that helped me and made me go through tough times in my life. I think that way about you Billy, you are enough. You are always enough.”
Billy gives you boyish smile, it actually seemed genuine. 
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“Its actually really hot.”
Your hip jutted out and you looked around, “yeah it is really hot I’m like sweating-”
“No not that hot, I mean you, the way you think about your body, the way you act like you own the world...its hot. Its sexy.”
“Oh,” you flirted back pulling your bottom swimsuit higher, showing more skin. “I think you’re pretty hot too.”
“We should work something out then before anybody else gets you,” Billy’s voice was rough, it sent chills down your spine. He grinned again and gave you a wink. 
God this boy was gonna be the death of you. 
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