#another drawing i did for another friend for Christmas :D
froggyy · 10 months
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thats a queer right there
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valkyriepirate · 2 years
Newt Scamander x Reader One Shot- Christmas at Hogwarts
Summary:  Christmas has come and the students at Hogwarts have returned to their homes for the break. All except you, a Seventh Year Muggleborn staying at Hogwarts for the holidays. It’s Christmas Eve and you’re feeling quite lonely- that is, until your friend Newt Scamander finds you in the dining hall by the fire. Soon you realize that Christmas may be far more magical than you’d hoped. 
Warnings: Fluff overload. :)
Word count: 3.6k words 
A/N: I know I’m posting this fic wayyy after Christmas, but it’s always Newt Scamander season in my heart and I couldn’t resist. ;D
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#5- Christmas at Hogwarts
The fire was your only company in all of Hogwarts that night.  
It blazed and crackled in the grate, warm and inviting as a dear friend. You scooted closer, shivering even underneath your thick coat. Your hands seemed incapable of warming up. No matter how close you held them to the fire, the warmth declined to accompany you for long. It was too painful a reminder of your family; like them, the heat pushed you away if you got too close, threatening to sear your skin. Yet too far and it felt like there was not a fire burning at all.  
You swallowed your respite. It was Christmas Eve, and Hogwarts was decorated beautifully- golden tinsel strung along the window frames, evergreen wreaths with large acorns and red bows adorning the doors, and even an enormous pine tree set up in the corner, clothed in a myriad of twinkling lights and shining ornaments. But the décor was just another reminder of how alone you were. Everyone in your House had returned home to loving families and abundant gifts for Christmas- all except you.  
You pulled your (Y/H) scarf tighter, rubbing your face with the soft cloth as you tried to thaw your freezing skin. You refused to let any tears fall. Yes, you were alone, but it was Christmas. There was solace in the good memories you had of years past, and no matter how desolate things seemed, you always felt that the magic in the air was stronger this time of year.  
You had taken to drawing miniature snowmen in the fireplace cinders with your wand when you felt it: something small and warm brushing against your leg. Startled, you looked to the side but saw nothing. Then the same sensation rubbed against your other leg. As you turned, a furry little creature poked its head out from underneath your coat. It looked like a fluffy platypus, with a pink bill, pale feet, and tiny curved claws.  
“Well hello, little fella,” you said, scooping the creature into your hands. It was incredibly soft. “Where did you come from?”
The creature purred as you stroked it tenderly, gazing up at you with shimmering black eyes. You laughed in delight as it scurried up your arm and snuggled between your scarf and your neck.
“Cold, are you?” You tucked in both ends of your scarf, creating a scooped blanket for the creature. “There. Is that better?”
It nuzzled into your neck and you laughed again as its fur tickled you. It was possible it escaped from one of the classrooms, but you didn’t feel the need to return it anywhere- at least, not for now. You felt the weight on your heart begin to lessen. Maybe you wouldn’t be so alone on Christmas Eve after all.  
You craned your head around at the familiar voice. You hadn’t heard anyone enter the main hall- in fact, you had been sure you were the only one left in the whole building. As you wondered who it could be, a boy with a swath of ruddy hair emerged from the hall.
“Teddy? Don’t be a scoundrel. I better not catch you stealing any-” The boy stopped when he saw you. “Oh. (Y/N). I didn’t know you were here.”
“I didn’t know you were here either, Newt,” you said, a smile creeping up your face. The presence of your longtime friend was an even greater relief to your solemnity. “What are you doing here?”
He shifted, pulling at his bright yellow Hufflepuff scarf. “I-I came to find Teddy.”
“He’s with me,” you said, patting your scarf. “But I mean, why are you here- not at home with your family? It’s Christmas Eve.”
He didn’t speak for a long time. Eventually he said, “I... may have missed the last train.”
You gaped at him, a disbelieving laugh escaping your lips. “You missed the last train? How?”
He wouldn’t meet your eyes. It occurred to you that maybe he had been withheld from boarding for an unknown reason.  
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I guess it’s just nice not to be alone.” When he didn’t reply, you offered, “Want to sit with me?”
His eyebrows twitched up as if you’d given him an umbrella on a bleak rainy day. Newt was undoubtedly much different than the rest of your friends- he was so incredibly gentle and humble in a way that was rare to find in anyone else. He was always generous in his kindness, but the moment even the smallest kindness was offered him back, he was so unprepared that it almost made you want to laugh.  
He came and sat down a little ways away from you. You patted the floor next to you, beckoning him closer. “Come here. You’ll feel the fire better.”
It was impossible to tell if the redness on his cheeks was a blush or the glow of the fire. Slowly, he scooted to sit next to you.  
“He’s taken a liking to you,” he mumbled. “Teddy, I mean.”
“I think he’s taken more of a liking to my scarf. I can’t say I blame him.”
Newt smiled briefly, staring at the embers on the ground. “Nifflers may pride on materialism, but they know a pure heart when they see one.”
Something about the words warmed your insides. “Where did you find him anyway?” you asked.  
“You could say he’s a family pet.”
“Oh. Your mother keeps magical creatures, right?”
“She breeds Hippogriffs,” said Newt. “Some of the other creatures are...adopted family members.”
You gazed contentedly into the fire. “That sounds nice.”
Newt stole a glance at you, playing with the rim of his cloak. “If I may ask... why are you here, (Y/N)?”
It was your turn to run short of words. The truth was that you were a Muggleborn and your family vehemently disapproved of magic. Some of the professors at Hogwarts had hexed them for years into believing that you went to a boarding school like any other, but last year the truth got out. Your family ordered you to stop attending Hogwarts. When you refused, they said you could stay- so long as you didn’t return home.  
You still loved your family and missed them dearly. But you couldn’t deny the magic in your veins. You couldn’t leave Hogwarts behind, not when it had been your second home for so long. Not when it meant saying goodbye to the friends you had made.  
Instead of saying any of this, you gave Newt an encouraging smile and said, “I couldn’t make it home for the holidays.”
A comfortable silence passed between you two, broken only by the crack and snap of the logs in the fire. In that moment it seemed you had bonded in a way you never had before. There was something about being alone together on a holiday when you were meant to be with everyone that united your shivering hearts. You thought that if it had to be anyone here with you tonight on Christmas Eve, you were glad it was Newt Scamander.
“(Y/N)?” said Newt after a while.
He seemed to be treading carefully. “How would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me?”
You blinked at him before breaking into a grin. “Do you really mean it?”
“Well, only if it’s something you’d like to do-”
You laid an excited hand on his knee. “That sounds wonderful. What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
Newt appeared so startled by your touch that he sat frozen in place as you jumped up and bounded down the hall. You stopped at the doors and turned back to face him. “Come on Newt, don’t be a slowpoke,” you said, a teasing tone sliding into your voice. Teddy the Niffler chittered in agreement.  
Blushing deeper, Newt pushed to his feet and followed you down the hall. “Don’t you turn against me now, Teddy.”
If it could have been possible for a Niffler to snicker, he would have. You laughed at the two of them. “Race you to the front gates!”
Newt didn’t have time to reply before you took off. Smiling to himself, he ran after you, the sounds of laughter and clicking soles on stone floors filling the lonely castle with a beautiful kind of music.  
The snow had been falling heavily since morning and was settled so thickly across the cobblestone pathway that you felt like you were walking on cotton candy. You were still panting and flushed with heat from your sprint throughout the castle, and the frigid air blowing your hair away from your face was more welcoming in that moment than any fire could have been. Your breaths came out like transparent white clouds as you turned around and triumphantly pumped your fists in the air. “I win!”
Newt, panting just as hard and clutching his side, nodded fervently. You wanted to giggle again at the sight of him- one pant leg rolled a bit higher than the other, his scarf tossed askew around his shoulders, his cloak hanging crookedly around his body. You had to resist an urge to ruffle his already messy hair, which was quickly becoming powdered white with snow.  
You peeked inside your scarf to check on the Niffler. “You alright in there, little buddy?”
The creature’s eyes were wide with exhilaration. He gave you a sweet kiss on the chin and you laughed as its ticklish fur caressed your skin.  
“He’d prefer to be carried all day if you let him,” Newt said, crunching across the snow to you. “Though I’d be careful. He tends to steal shiny things.”
“This little guy, a thief?” you scratched his soft belly. “That couldn’t be.”
“Have you lost anything?”
You playfully bumped him with your elbow. “Got nothing to lose. Come on, we’d better go before they douse the lanterns.”
The snow proved as deep and noncompliant as it looked from afar as you and Newt treaded along the path. Each of your steps sank down until the snow was nearly to your knees, making every few steps quite arduous work. Newt came up with the brilliant idea to magic the both of you a pair of snowshoes, and from then on the going was far easier.  
The two of you were chatting about your semesters, your midterm exams, and your plans after Hogwarts when you reached the hilltop that led down into Hogsmeade village. It looked like a Christmas town, with slanted rooftops layered with snow, light gray smoke trailing from chimneys, and sparkling green-and-red lights along the storefronts. You even spotted a few decorated Christmas trees in windows and in front of squat buildings.  
By then the cold had seeped back into your bones and left you shivering to your core. Newt, dressed similar to you, was clenching his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering. Nothing in the world seemed more appealing right then than to huddle up in one of the Hogsmeade pubs next to a fireplace, preferably with a cup of something hot. But an idea had crept into your mind.  
“What’s that?” you gasped.  
Newt furrowed his brow, searching the scene below. “What?”
“That, down there.”
“The village?”
“No, to the left of it.”
You stepped backward as he stepped forward to see. “The forest?”
“Next to the forest.”
“I’m not sure I understand-”
Newt was cut off as a huge, crude snowball hit him clean in the back with a splat! He jumped, whirling around questioningly, one hand already on his wand. Then he saw your impish grin.  
“Does this mean war?” he asked rather timidly.  
You scooped up more snow and rolled it into a ball. “This means war.”
Newt dove as you aimed the next snowball at him. He gathered one and took aim at you, though his force was poor. The snowball came just short of your feet.  
“Afraid to hit a girl, Scamander?” you teased. “I’m sure Teddy could throw harder than that.”
“I’m only afraid it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me,” he said as another of your artillery smacked him on the shoulder.  
“This should be an easy win then!”
The two of you ran down the hill, peppering each other with snowballs, dodging and rolling in the snow, the sound of your laughter sweetening the lonely night air. The ice was numbing your fingers and your sides were aching with exertion, but you didn’t care. You hadn’t had this kind of fun in a long time.  
You darted to a nearby tree to restock when a cluster of snow larger than your head exploded upon the side of your face. You looked up, mouth open, and stared in disbelief at the Hufflepuff.  
“Sorry!” Newt said quickly, eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I-I didn’t realize-”
He was cut off as you whipped out your wand and, grinning from ear to ear, lifted a mountain of snow into the air above his head. With a flick you let it drop, effectively drowning him from head to toe in a small avalanche.  
He burst from the little mountain, sputtering and shaking snow out of his eyes. “You cheated,” he gasped. “Magic.”
“Whoever said there were any rules?”
You granted him a moment to pull himself out of the snow and get back on his feet. He gave you a playfully hesitant look. In the next moment, his wand was in his hand and a fleet of snowballs were soaring towards you.  
You retaliated to match, sending torrents to meet him and diverting his attacks. He’d finally begun to give the competition you were looking for.  
You slipped as he used magic to shift the snow beneath your feet, seeing that he was rolling a snowball large enough to cloak the forest. While he was distracted, you caused a ball to hit him in the back of the head, impeding his focus. In one fell swoop, you made a gust of wind knock him to his knees and destroyed the giant snowball before it could approach you. You waved your wand vivaciously and tiny snowballs about the size of chocolate frogs ambushed him from all sides.  
Newt struggled beneath the attack, but he was unable to gather his wits in the firefight. At last he shouted, “You win! You win! I surrender!”
With a swish the ambush ceased. You strode toward him, tossing your scarf over your shoulder in victory. “I win for the second time tonight, Scamander. You’re off your game.”
Newt looked like he was trying not to smile. “Consider it Christmas spirit. I’m feeling gracious.”
You reached out and dusted some of the snow from his hair. “Perhaps. Or perhaps that’s just an excuse.”
“Perhaps.” His voice turned quiet. You were suddenly aware of how close you two were.  
“Well, as the winner, I should get some kind of prize, don’t you think?” you said.  
He’d been staring at the ground, avoiding prolonged eye contact as he usually did, but now his gaze snapped up to meet yours. “Yes. I suppose so.”
Your heart had begun to thump erratically and you weren’t exactly sure why. It cut through your puckish bravado, stilling your thoughts and making them run wild all at once. He was close enough that you could smell the comforting scent of the fire sunk into his cloak and see the remains of snow still stuck to his eyelashes.  
Newt wasn’t looking at your eyes anymore. He was looking at your lips.  
He’s my friend, you thought. He had been for years. But if he was simply that, why were you suddenly feeling this way?
Your head leaned closer to him ever so infinitesimally. His did the same, as if compelled by some external power. Perhaps it was the magic in the air or even the spirit of Christmas, but you didn’t allow yourself to think about what you did next.  
You took him by the scarf and kissed him.  
You felt a flicker of surprise go through his body, and if you were being honest, you were surprised too. But in the next moment his stiffness melted away and he sank deeper into the kiss. One of his hands came up to cup your face ever so delicately as if you were a dream made of snow that would swirl away in an instant.  
It seemed that you two stood there for hours, yet once you pulled away it felt that less than seconds had passed. You and Newt appeared to be locked in place by each other’s gaze, breaths coming short in little white clouds. He was blushing so profoundly that his cheeks were almost as red as his hair. He took a shaky breath and leaned forward again, and you could sense the insatiable desire that had now awoken within him, how one kiss seemed to open doors to a million thoughts and longings the both of you had stored so deeply within that you hadn’t ever acknowledged it.  
Your lips had barely met for the second time when something furry barged its way in front of your face. Both you and Newt stumbled back, startled. Then you erupted into laughter.
“A jealous one, are you?” you snatched Teddy from where he’d run atop your head and poked him in the side. He warbled indignantly.  
Chuckling, you looked back up at Newt. A grin was plastered on his face that was so broad you truly believed it had the capacity to light a shooting star.  
You stepped closer to him and set Teddy on his shoulder, wrapping the Niffler up in Newt’s scarf. Your fingers lingered on his chest for a moment before you turned your eyes to the ground, feeling heat sweep your cheeks.  
“That was a pretty good reward,” you said bashfully.
“You should win more often,” mumbled Newt. You two would have probably stood there smiling at the ground like idiots for the rest of the night if Teddy hadn’t released a chirp of impatience.  
“He must be cold,” Newt bundled the Niffler underneath his cloak.  
“To the village?” you suggested.
“To the village,” he agreed.  
You two set off on the path you’d been on before, and even though it had to be nearly midnight by now, the moon and stars seemed to shine brighter, and the Christmas lights decorating Hogsmeade Village twinkled with greater joy. As you walked, you felt Newt’s hand brush yours. You slid your fingers into his and the connection sent pleasant shivers up your arm.  
You came upon a homely pub with a sign out front that read THREE BROOMSTICKS INN. Newt held the door open for you and the delicious scent of peppermint eggnog and baked frosted pastries wafted out to the street.  
Despite how quiet the street had been, the pub was bursting with customers, all huddled in groups or pairs, all sipping some heavenly hot beverage that warmed your stomach by its very smell. Deep-bellied laughter echoed off the wooden beams of the arched roof. A cozy fire crackled in the great hearth.  
You ordered two hot butterbeers and sat on the floor in front of the fire. Newt sat next to you, and as soon as he did Teddy scampered out of his scarf and into your lap.  
“Traitor,” Newt whispered, but his voice was so innocent it made you grin.  
The butterbeers came round and you wanted to bathe yourself in its warmth. As the two of you took blessedly long sips, you sighed and rested your head on Newt’s shoulder. Earlier tonight, you had been sitting and staring at a similar fire, thinking about how you’d be alone on Christmas Eve. And while all your friends and house mates would be surrounded by family tomorrow morning, opening their gifts, you knew that you had gotten the best gift of all.  
“Thank you, Newt,” you murmured.  
He blinked. “For what?”
“For being you,” you said. “For being here when no one else was.”
He was quiet for a long time. Eventually he said, “Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
“Merry Christmas, Newt.”
The two of you sat by the fire so long that you had nearly drifted to sleep on his shoulder. The other customers were singing carols and clinking glasses, and in that moment, you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.  
The next thing you knew, Newt was gently nudging you awake. You looked up, rubbing sleep from your eyes, at a bundled, slim young man with a head of dark hair covered by a winter hat. Perhaps you were just incredibly sleepy, but he had a striking resemblance to Newt.
He knelt to get on your level. “What am I going to do with you, Newt?” He ruffled Newt’s hair. “Missed the train? Really?”
Newt just smiled. “You came back for me?”
“I can’t very well leave you here for Christmas, can I?” The young man turned his eyes to you. “I’m Theseus. Newt’s brother.”
“(Y/N),” you said.  
Theseus looked between you and Newt, a sly grin creeping up his face. “Would you like to come with us?” he asked.  
“Come with you? Where?”
“Home,” Theseus said simply.  
You glanced at Newt. He was staring at your lips again. He looked up to meet your eyes. “Please,” he said quietly.  
You thought you might melt into a frosty puddle right there on the floor. “I would love that. Very much.”  
“Alright then.” Theseus offered you a hand and pulled you to your feet. He patted his brother’s shoulder. “Left in Hogwarts on Christmas. Just like my brother. Shall we?”
You slung your arm around Newt’s. “We shall.”
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guppyfish77 · 9 months
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Another year Another summary of Art! An Entire Year of Submas lets gooooooooooo!!!! This year I feel like I really pushed myself when it comes to illustrations and I feel like I've learned a lot! But at the same time I feel a little tired, next year I think I wanna relax and experiment a bit more, I gotta learn to loosen up! Might get more art out if I do :p
I also feel the Submas grip ever so lightly relaxing (unless they decide to do Unova remakes haha XD), so I might introduce some of my numerous ocs in 2024! I'll probably start with the conductor oc ;]
Thank you for all your support! (you are all very nice! ToT), I still have a good amount of submas stuff planned in the works so look forward to that (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
If you are interested, I also have some commentary and behind the scenes for some of my submas illustrations! I wanna talk about it and now seems like a good time to do so now that the year is over! (Beware! its going to be long!)
All titles are linked to the original post
Lunch Break
hoho! This one is the sort of AU thing in which the only thing that changes is that I give Emmet a Victini friend (not a part of his team, I dubbed them the "victory duo" because Emmet likes winning and Victini is the Victory Pokemon), I planned out a few wordless comics regarding the idea, they were all very lighthearted slice of life kind of stuff, usually Victini causing some mischief and the brothers having to deal with it
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and here's the thumbnails for this piece! I played around with various angles but decided to keep it simple and choose a straight on angle. It was originally a snack break and Emmet sharing a granola bar with Victini, but as I was planning it, submas unexpectedly showed up in the Pokemon Anime where they were serving ekiben, after learning about it it quickly turned into a lunch break! (how fun when new information lines up with an art piece you are working on hoho! ^ ^) After studying what foods Ekiben usually have in them (there was quite a variety!) I took what I learned and try to make the food look like the gear station logo :D
In the background there are children drawings because in the battle subway one of the trainer classes you can face off against are preschoolers, and I thought at least one of them would share their drawings with the subway bosses (and of course why wouldn't they hang it up?), there is also a trophy in which you can get in the players room if you beat the subway bosses on the super trains (one day, battling competitively is not my forte), I did my best to make Emmet's office feel lived in by adding a little bit of clutter (like adding a note) but overall very organized
(hey hey that joltik mug looks familiar in the corner there, its the same one Rei is holding in the christmas drawing)
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Bonus Emmet and Victini Drawings
aw come on dude, not on the trains!
ah this one, it gave me quite a bit of frustration! This piece I used to challenge myself on perspective, and challenge me it did! The version you see now is I believe the 6th iteration of this drawing! The reason for restarting so many times is because I originally wanted it to be in 3 point perspective, but I couldn't get it to look right so its now in 2 point... Haha Some valuable lessons learned there!
This illustration was inspired by the history of New York Subway Trains and Graffiti! I read about it when I got to visit the New York Transit Museum and found it super interesting!! Then I went I gotta do something with this! Since Unova is based in New York after all!
I got so many subway surfer comments, they don’t know I forgot subway surfers existed while making this and that I am a huge nerd lmao
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I had a lot of fun designing the graffiti on the train (yes it says among us) stylizing the fictional letters was so fun! I studied some graffiti to see how they do it, I could've pushed the graffiti style more but then it would be illegible! I also mixed in elements of Grafaiai graffiti, and trainer that is running away is the artist trainer class in SCVL because they are graffiti artists! And the train that got graffitied is the Wifi Train, due to BW (and the DS) servers being shut down, I doubt that train gets used much anymore, which makes it a perfect target!
hohoho! This was a fun one! I'm not sure how many of you guys read my tags, but in there I did state that this piece was based off the fact that model trains are powered by electrifying the rail it runs on (very low watts mind you) and the fact that Joltik eats electricity, but thats not the only inspiration, it was also inspired by those videos of cats laying on the layout and derailing the train!
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Theres quite a variety of thumbnails for this idea (including a comic!), and the idea was there in 2022, but this year I decided to fully commit to it! I started rendering the top right one and almost finished it, but it felt really boring to me, so I switched it up and made some thumbnails in a new perspective and viola! thats what ended up being finished!
The train that is being derailed are Sanriku Railway Type 36s, based off a model train I have in my collection! (While sharing this fact on the original post Haiku Bot detected it as a Haiku?! and this art went out of my target audience, that certainly was a day (⊙□⊙;))
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Also I straight up put a picture of Thomas the Tank Engine in the background, I'm not sure if people noticed cuz its quite blurry, the fact that nobody said anything means I probably would’ve gotten away with it before sharing this fact, so hehe :3c
Unexplained Melancholy
eyy! this one! It started out wholly different
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It was originally me dropping Warden Ingo in various natural landscapes around Hisui as I didn't feel like drawing anymore linear perspective (ah, but heres the thing, all environments require a little bit of perspective lol), and it was just going to be Warden Ingo hanging out in a lush forest, specifically by the train rock that was shown in his concept art! but after sitting on it, I realized I could do something more with it! by making it a snowy environment I could make callbacks to Emmet's coat being white! hence the "SNOWY!!!" being scribbled there, that was added like weeks afterwards, Then I realized I could push it even more by making the whole environment about Emmet's colors! So the new thumbnail is in color because thats whats its about!
The moon smile thing was stumbled on by complete accident, while working on it it felt empty there and I added Emmet's smile to fill the space before going "moon!!!"
The piece is also a sort of a parallel to last years piece “I am Emmet, I wish for Ingo and I to be a two-car train once more” composition wise, sort of, I tried to at least 👍
Black Tower and Whitetree Hollow
Ah! I was quite proud of this one! Black City and White Forest are some of my favorite places in Unova mainly because the parallels are so very cool!
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As the thumbnails suggest it was all going to be in complete black and white, as I was working on it though I could not help but add some values in there so yup! I quite like both compositions but the perspective won me out, plus that one focuses more on the characters than the other one (as much as I love backgrounds, it really is supposed to be about Emmet and Ingo U_U)
Being places of duality and having a battle challenge in there, it really fit them!
Emmet drops the hottest single of all time 🔥🔥🔥
Not really much to say about this one since it was very much done on a whim, but
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its not the first time I drew Emmet with his hat backwards, I did this little doodle around the same time I did the train graffiti piece, been wanting to do something with this silly idea, and when I heard that audio, I went :o
Following Some Rumors of a Time Machine
the finale! I decided to choose Area Zero because its a very cool place! I am inspired by cool places! and I decided to give it my all for this one!
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The thumbnail I made was more for jotting down the idea, and the landscape was going to be more eyelevel? Later I decided to make it so you were looking down into the crater and you get to see the fog blocking the crystal caverns, to show that Emmet was going deeper into Area Zero and the Deepest part is his destination (the time machine, not the underdepths, I didn't know about that yet haha!) I was always going to make Emmet encounter a Slither Wing, with it being based off Volcarona, a gen 5 pokemon :]
Anyways, That's all I have to say! I hope you found it interesting! (and enjoyed my varying quality in sketches and thumbnails XD) Thanks for listening! see you in 2024! ✌
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richmond-rex · 9 months
I was tagged by super talented @eve-to-adam! Thank you <3
How many works do you have on AO3? I've got 19 fics currently on ao3 (but I always think about deleting some of them so that number may go down).
What fandoms do you write for? Currently I only write historical RPF, but I've got two Still Star-Crossed stories on my profile as it stands. It was very fun to write them but the show wasn't renewed and eventually my passion ran out.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Draw Your SwordsBlooming (modern AU) We Sang of Roses (modern AU) A Royal BedJoy on Earth
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Though not always successful (I'm kind of a forgetful person, sorry!) I try to respond to comments because I like to acknowledge the person's effort in commenting. It's very easy to simply read and leave a like/kudos, but leaving a comment sometimes after you're still processing a story or when you're naturally very shy takes a bit more from you. So I like to acknowledge that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably To love God is to love a sinner, but some stories have ambiguous endings such as The Relentless Weight and more recently, The Hour of the Wolf.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably my no-plot-only-fluff fic, White Christmas
Do you get hate on fics? Not frequently, thankfully, though that's probably because the readership I get is so small. I did once get a comment saying my story was too cheesy, and another one once berating me for describing Elizabeth of York as 'blonde' (a herald who witnessed her coronation described her hair as 'light yellow'; so please don’t tell me I’m wrong ♥)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do (though not frequently), which is considered controversial because I write about real (albeit historical) people. Sex is part of the human experience and it can tell us a lot about the characters and the relationships, so I try to feel less guilty about it. I also like to take smut as an exercising in writing: to test how far I can get in evoking a sensation without getting into more explicit territory is always a challenge.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? In terms of different fandoms? I don't remember ever doing that. I have mixed different eras, though.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not a fic per se, but once I did share an AU with @harritudur and another friend. It was very fun :D
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I do love to explore the relationship between Henry VII and Elizabeth because it was so unlikely to have happened in the first place, let alone succeed. I find it very touching! I do have other ships, though.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It's not a WIP that I have posted anywhere but I did start writing a oneshot that I wanted to dedicate to a friend about the relationship between Edward IV and George of Clarence! It did feature a few unexpected people too.
What are your writing strengths? Probably dialogue and themes. It's difficult to say, I pick my writing apart so much when I'm in the process of writing it, once I publish it's very hard for me to go back and confront myself. It all kind of turns into nebulous territory.
What are your writing weaknesses? Many, many things but scene transitions are probably at the top of the list! That's why my story chapters usually all take place in a single scene.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a bilingual person I find it important to portray this completely unique experience of mixing two languages as they come (if the character in question is multilingual). It's not a popular view, though I do think people should get more comfortable with not understanding word-by-word everything that ever comes across the page. The strangeness of being confronted with a language that you do not know is a part of a different kind of experience and it can only enrich your reading. Of course, all should be within reasonable limits: information that is essential to the overall story should be in the language the story is set in.
First fandom you wrote for? I think it was Star Wars but I can't remember if I actually published it anywhere. I was very very young lol
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Blooming has a very dear place in my heart, it was the first fic I actually felt like accomplishing myself in terms of achieving the characterisation I wanted for my characters and creating a narrative that made sense for their development.
I think most people have been tagged already, but I'm tagging @harritudur, @heartofstanding and anyone else who feels like joining in the fun! x
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jessysapphireblue · 10 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 4
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As on today! A day with The Sniper God itself! Usopp shall enter!
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Door 4: What´s your wish?
 You loved your magic. You did. honestly. But being woken up by others when you finally sleep after a restless night and powers working up, was not ideal. Dressed in a shirt, pants and being barefoot, you tapped to the kitchen, getting something to drink when you saw the Sniper writing something.
“Wow! You look horrendous” “You also don´t look like a fresh spring flower and we still accept you” “OI!” “You reap what you saw”, you yawned and grabbed a cool bottle of water from the fridge before sitting across form Usopp. “Uwhaa! It´s under zero and you still drink cold water?! My nose freeze just seeing this” “Ugh. I´m dead tierd. I couldn´t sleep the whole night just 3 hours ago I fell asleep and then I wake up hearing the others yell at Luffy yet again”
“It´s Luffy” “I know I know”, another yawn escaped you while you stretched, drinking water as you looked at the paper. ”What are you even writing?” “A Wish List!”, he proclaimed. “A Wish List?”, you asked, taking one finished paper. “Yes. I saw how the kids in town wrote and drew stuff on it and threw it in a box. Adults can then pick a random list and get stuff for the kids. But! For us, I make it a little different. We all write our wishes on a paper and then we fold them, mix it and everyone gets a random paper. and This means” “We get what we can from the list. Not a bad idea” “Haha! I am God Usopp after all!”
“No more captain, hu~” “Why, I am known as God now, my dear magical friend” “Well, and I´m a Goddess newly proclaimed by the marine...I want Jewel of the Sea back!”, you whined and looked at the empty list. “If you want, you can already start on one”, smiled Usopp. “Really? But I have no idea what to write” “You have nothing to wish for?” “No. My magic allows me good as everything...and my dream already came true 2 years ago when you gave me freedom and friendship to the death!” “Now by the second one-” “You still would. As I would for you” “I wish for a memory removal when you get it. I did not needed to know what you two do in the night” “Usopp, please” “These pics will haunt me forever!”
Sighning you looked at the empty sheet. “My wish...wishes” “Books perhaps`?” “Only with Robin! She get the best books” “Jewlery or so?” “Nah, have more than enough, as well as clothes” Looking at Usopp, he sighed. “At least something you´d like” You thought about it as “Usopp, you shall hand me a pen” “Oh got something”, smirking, he handed you a pen as you began to write.
“Done”, you beamed and folded the paper up. “Did you put your name in it?” “Oh why of course”, you smiled and he took both back. “USOPP!!! COME IT`S SNOWING!”, Luffy bursted through the door when he saw you two sitting there. “What is all this?” “Wish list!”, both of you said. “Wish list?” “Yes. You write or draw your wish on it, fold it and later on we each pick one card as we try our best to get what stands on it” “Jessy already finsihed hers” “Ok”, Luffy snatched it and opened it up. “LUFFY!!!” You simply laughed as Usopp wanted to get it back but luffy stretched his arm away with Usopp wrapped in so he could look at your list. “Ok! I take it!”, he beamed at you. “Hun, this is not choose it. Let destiny choose”, you smiled, “And with your luck, you will choose me” “Ok!” He folded it back before lieing it on the table and released Usopp. “Thank you!” “Sure. But Je?” “Hm?” “You still get that christmas kiss from me”, he grinned before walking out.
“Wrapped him around your finger, I see” “What is with you and Kaya~” “wefrhfffjerifuhwiu Shut up!!”
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
digimon secret santa exchange!
happy holidays and merry Christmas, @digitalworldbound i'm your secret santa for @digisecretsanta's gift exchange event! <3 i know you love 02, so i hope you enjoy 700 words of teenage takari being a chaotic duo~ (ft. older bros, yamato & taichi)
Or: Chaotic besties Hikari and Takeru have their older brothers wrapped around their fingers.
Thunk. Floosh.
Several seconds of silence ensued. Two pairs of eyes met, pooled with mirth and perhaps a little bit of regret. Takeru blew out a giggling sigh, which was a mistake on his part because it sent a puff of flour through the air.
Flour, which caked both of their faces. Because Hikari, in her attempt to measure the amount they needed for the cookie recipe she’d found online, had accidentally tipped the entire bowl, and now they were both covered in it.
And so was the kitchen counter. And the floor. 
“Oops,” Hikari whispered, although her expression threatened to break into a grin.
“Oops,” Takeru echoed with a tiny, held-back smile of his own.
“I don’t think that was supposed to happen,” Hikari said.
“...probably not.”
Hikari whisked her gaze around her kitchen, knowing that this mess was mostly her fault but finding it funnier than anything else. So when her composure broke and she finally began laughing, she couldn’t find it in herself to stop.
“You—you look ridiculous,” she gasped out as she doubled over in a fit of giggles.
“Me?” Takeru didn’t even sound offended—just equally entertained by their predicament as he, too, collapsed with laughter. “You look ridiculous! It’s in your hair!”
One of Hikari’s hands found the top of her head, making Takeru laugh harder because she’d only made it worse.
A doorknob jostled. Hikari and Takeru froze at the sound, meeting each other’s gaze again, and Hikari whispered in horror, “Uh oh.”
“We should hide.”
No sooner than Takeru suggested it did they follow through, but neither of them had time to find good hiding places—instead merely settling for ducking behind the counter—before the Yagami apartment door opened and two boys stopped in the entryway to remove their shoes.
“We’re back,” Taichi’s voice called, followed by the sound of shuffling. “There was a long l—oh. Where’d they go?”
“Gotta be here somewhere,” came Yamato’s voice. “Their shoes are still here.”
“Yeah, I see that. I have eyes.”
“Just making s—” Yamato stopped talking, and his footsteps came to a halt as well. Then, in a quieter voice: “...what the hell?”
Hikari bit her lip to keep her laughter at bay. She stayed hidden with Takeru as Taichi voiced his confusion about Yamato’s words, before probably seeing the kitchen for himself.
“Oh my god.”
Yeah. They were so screwed.
“What even happened in here?” Taichi went on. “How d—wait. Hikari, Takeru, I can see you.”
It was only when he stepped around the counter that Hikari started giggling hysterically again. She gave her brother what was supposed to be an guilty look—but, in all honesty, was more cheeky than anything—before drawing herself up to her full height.
“Hi, Nii-san,” Takeru said humbly to Yamato as he stood by Hikari’s side.
“What did you do?” Yamato asked.
“We were…” Hikari paused to scan the flour-covered kitchen with sheepish eyes. “...making cookies?”
“Cookies,” Taichi echoed, deadpan.
“Uh huh,” Takeru said with a firm nod. “Cookies.”
Yamato gave Takeru a hopelessly fond look. “Kiddo. We told you we’d be back from the store to make dinner tonight.”
“I even recruited Yamato so Kaa-san wouldn’t kill us with her monstrous cooking,” Taichi added.
“But…” Hikari trailed off as she glanced at her best friend, who pouted. She took this as an opportunity to show off her best pout, too, aiming it at her older brother. “...we wanted something sweet.”
“Hikari. It’s like, four-thirty. We’re going to be cooking soon.”
Yamato and Taichi shared an exasperated look, which almost elicited another stray giggle from Hikari. Almost. She was still pouting, after all.
“Fine,” Yamato caved, surprisingly before Taichi. He sighed. “After dinner.”
Taichi’s expression turned sour. “Dude!”
“What? I can’t say ‘no’ to that face,” Yamato said and pointed at Takeru’s masterful puppy eyes.
Her brother, however, looked back at Hikari. Her pout deepened, and for a few seconds, Taichi stood strong. But only for a few seconds.
“Ugh, fine. Fine, we’ll make cookies after dinner,” Taichi relented with a sigh of his own. “Now help us clean up.”
Hikari’s pout disappeared in an instant, replaced by a grin.
She waited until both of their brothers’ backs were turned before she gave Takeru a victorious fistbump. 
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secret-strawberry · 2 years
tagged by @palewhitehorse to do these! thank you!!
What book are you currently reading? like 3 at once that I got for Christmas but mostly The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. it's a comedy spy novel which doesn't sound like a genre i'd be into but so far i am enjoying myself a lot i think it's hilarious lol
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? this has made me realize that i don't think i saw any movies in the theatre this year?? what??? well. i've been watching the Scream movies for the first time at home and i like them!
What do you usually wear? i'd say a hoodie and jeans is my go-to
How tall are you? 5'6!
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? virgo; i was born the day hurricane katrina started
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? i use L online now which my discord friends call me sometimes. yes i got it from death note but I like it as a second name because it's very gender
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i wouldn't say i'm completely grown up yet but no, my plans have changed quite a bit from when I wanted to be a pediatrician. i want to be a psychologist now :)
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? nope! i had a crush on this guy a while ago after we talked for like an hour while waiting in the airport but it left once i realized i didn't actually know much about him- i think my mind constructed someone to fixate on because it was bored 💀
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? i'm going to half-copy vi and say i'm good at editing prose/writing essays but i'm horrible at following through with projects due to losing interest/motivation </3
Dogs or cats? in theory, cats, but i've never had one so i couldn't say if i'd end up preferring that to dog ownership
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? hmmm. i like this line from my poem "On Love that will Outlive Me" about a girl who takes on the ocean as her (metaphorical?) lover: "I suppose I was selfish in choosing you. When I'm gone, I will not feel the loss of it." But I don't really have favorite lines individually; usually what I'm most proud of is a paragraph of nice description or a piece that ties up a theme neatly. My favorite piece I did this year (technically still a WIP but) is a short story called "Someone Still Loves You" because it explores the concept of community grief.
What’s something you would like to create content for? as you can probably tell by my ao3 lol i love writing for light and L because their relationship is so weird that it's fun to explore. also, i feel comfortable with their characters because i know them well (or i like to think i do)-- so any franchise that matches those two qualifiers i would love to dive into as well (house md, for example!)
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? sherlock holmes is my current fixation; it's not as intense as my House M.D phase but lately I've been really interested in reading all of the original stories and watching CBS' Elementary. i think i'll probably do Columbo next.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? i'm not sure, i guess my birthday? i didn't end up celebrating because it was right around the time that 2 of my close friends moved away and i had to cut off another one ,,, yikes
What’s a hidden talent of yours? not sure if this qualifies as a talent but people always seem shocked when they find out i know American Sign Language (HUGE hyperfixation during middle school, i went through 5 courses online and self-taught)
Are you religious? not anymore!
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? mm peaches (i'm playing animal crossing)
these questions were great :D i'm going to tag @ceeingstars, @bemorekleinman, @akireu-13, @mxoreo, and @random-blep if y'all feel like doing this, but no pressure!
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five good things
I'm off work for three whole weeks now (I save my leave up so that I can take a good long time off at this time of year because I know I'm going to need it), and then for my first two weeks back I'll be working at home because I have a database-wrangling task to do and I can concentrate so much more easily at home.
I have a study at long last! We finished it last weekend, and I've spent a good bit of time in it and somehow I feel a lot more motivated to do stuff when sitting at a desk (except this afternoon but never mind, we can't have everything). Photos when I've sorted out everything that's going on the walls - probably at the end of next week, as I won't have the chance before because...
...tomorrow I am heading off to Heathrow and early on Wednesday morning I have a flight to Hamburg to spend a week with my lovely friends who live deep in the Schleswig-Holstein countryside. HOORAY! It's really crept up on me, but I've just packed my case and everything fits (so far) and it only weighs about 15kg out of my baggage allowance of 23kg. A minor miracle. Keeping my fingers crossed that the baggage handlers' strike today and tomorrow doesn't have too much of a knock-on effect on my bag going with me on Wednesday, and that the Border Force strike doesn't have too much of an effect on me clearing passport control when I come back next Thursday as I forgot I was coming into terminal 5 rather than terminal 3 and only have an hour between my flight arriving and my coach leaving, OOPS.
I have rediscovered the scarves I was knitting for our local homelessness charity while I was off work sick seven years ago (sigh), and found that I still had yarn for three more scarves, so I'm in the middle of making them. It's a super simple pattern, extra chunky wool and big needles so they're knitting up nice and quickly and it's extremely therapeutic. I dropped the first batch (two carrier bags full) into the charity's community cafe/warm space in town last week, and they wouldn't let me go without taking cake with me, as 'nobody leaves here empty handed' in the founder's words. They do fantastic work all year round and quite honestly the guy who founded it deserves a knighthood. I'll be going back in the new year with more scarves. :D
I've finished all my festive fic challenges, plus another prompt-fic, and am hoping for plenty of inspiration while travelling/waiting for my flights/etc. I suspect there will be at least one lazy, quiet afternoon while staying with my friends, so am hoping to get some knitting and writing done.
Not to mention studying, as I've got a bit to catch up on and an assignment to start thinking about. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed as I'm really struggling to remember the terminology, but I had a tutorial on Saturday and the tutor explained a few things in a way that finally made them make sense - and she also said that there have been a few people feeling overwhelmed in the forums, but that it's pretty usual for this part of the course as we've had so much new information piled on us in a short time (I'm already 50% through the course, more or less O.O ) - so I went and checked out the forum threads and found lots of encouragement from the student buddies, who have studied the course before, and the teaching staff - one of the prior students said she never did memorise all the terminology and was using crib sheets right up to the final assignment. Which is reassuring - and at least I can do that with this course, since none of the assessment is in real time.
I have the Job Number Two Christmas party this evening - which is a treat for the staff of both estates, laid on by the family we work for/the estates (my other job is local authority so we don't get a paid-for do - but this one is always rather nice), and is taking place in the main location which is a real honest-to-god castle that has appeared in many film and TV productions :D :D :D Drinks in the Long Drawing Room at 7, and dinner in the Great Hall at 7.30. I feel properly fancy every time XD The missus is giving me a lift there and back too, so I can have a couple of glasses of wine, which tends to take the edge off having to talk shop all evening (I usually end up sitting with one of my volunteers, or with one member of the family or another, and I don't know anyone well enough to talk about anything else XD it's usually entertaining sitting with any of the family though).
ANYWAY. Festive greetings to all of you, a very happy Hanukkah to those of you who are celebrating, and Solstice blessings and a Merry Christmas and all good wishes to everyone else. :D
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winterwrites23 · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
tagged by @pricillapeaches
What book are you currently reading?
I'm currently reading Between Worlds: Folktales of Britain and Ireland by Kevin Crossley-Holland. I'm looking for cool lore to put in my story.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
The only movie I saw this year was Wakanda Forever. It was alright, almost cried 3 times though haha.
What do you usually wear?
Single colour t-shirts with a jean jacket over it, jeans and sneakers. Though, I've been wearing sweaters these days because we're finally having cold weather here. We're in December and yet this week it was raining and I was like "Québec wtf???" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
How tall are you?
5'3" and the shortest among my friends.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? 
I'm cancer and I can proudly say that I share a birthday with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
Name only. However, I can think of at least 3 nicknames people use. One from my mom, another from a childhood friend and the other from my best friend. Though the latter is basically my name but said with a heavy Québécois accent lol.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
When I had hope and dreams, I wanted to be either a veterinarian or study biochemistry. But then Life™ happened and it kicked me into industrial design. I liked it and decided to stay, even though I had (and still do) no idea where I want to work afterwards.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope, and not interested in having one (probably never will lol). And no crush either atm.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Paying attention to details in manual projects and having a social life lol
Dogs or Cats?
Doggos for life.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Probably the drawing of the Cabane à sucre with Canada and the Uk+Ireland bros because I couldn't get de la tire d'érable this year. Also, it was a nice way to destress from school.
What’s something you would like to create content for?
More drawings of scenes from my story.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
The Mandalorian my beloved. Though the last few days, I've been listening nonstop to HTTYD soundtracks and am currently looking for fics of it xD
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
The winter we're currently having. We used to have snow starting in November (sometimes in October!) and so far, we only got 2 days of snow and a week of icy rain. I really hope we'll have snow for Christmas this year.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Dunno if it's a talent but I can dislocate the joint of my thumbs at will.
Are you religious?     
I don't consider myself a practitioner anymore, but I do think I'm a believer to a certain degree.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
The motivation to finish writing the next chapter -.-
tagging: @atsushis-fangs if you're interested :D
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— after Chad Bennett’s “Silver Springs”
I bought my mother The Dance for her birthday the year I got into pop music. I wasn’t allowed to watch MTV most likely because it was too sexy and irreverent, but one day I got tired of being in the dark when a boy said Dookie.
I didn’t know my mother listened to pop music because she listened to NPR. She considered herself pretty centrist. I popped grapes as she drove me to the bus stop while Steven Inskeep interviewed an animated representative. Lessons in illuminating, interrogating, or mollifying lies. We only had 30 seconds left until the bus came. Another day where I never knew what was next. It was a battle of interruptions and I wanted to listen to Y100.
Everyone was tired of Beavis and Butthead. I still could do an impression of Beavis and would pull the back of my shirt onto my head to say cornholio. Everyone laughed or told me to f*ck off. I had no idea what I was doing. I was just trying to get boys to like me in the worst possible way.
The boys must have known something that I did not know.
Peter Jennings said Congress wanted to rid the world of Beavis and Butthead. They would rally from time to time.
I used to gift my mother portraits of our family depicted in front of our house. Everything, including our bodies, was constructed out of boxes. Just in case anyone would forget, I identified a mother, father, son, and god with terrible penmanship and indicating arrows. Dots for eyes, one above an up-slanted eyebrow, nails for hands, roof unfinished. I didn’t know how to draw and my mother later discouraged me from pursuing a career in the arts.
My mother said Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac were her favorite bands. That fall I wanted to dress up as a hippie for Halloween. My mother asked her best friend to send her bell bottoms with all kinds of patches on it. One patch had a peace sign, and another had a happy face from what I remember.
I drew them all over my margins and on the brown paper that covered textbooks. I didn’t know the origins of this sign. I didn’t know that Gerald Holtom wanted everyone to read the letters N and D into the symbol that originally stood for nuclear disarmament. I did remember one boy telling me that the symbol was fascist. I did remember thinking he was an *ssh*le and then wanting to jump into the TV screen to escape his lies. It would be better there, and I could learn about everything.
The boys must have known something that I did not know.
A few months before I bought my mom The Dance, another boy from a stricter family than mine lent me his copy of Dookie. I wondered how he got this tape because both our parents hated cursing in music which is why they sent us to Catholic School.
Twenty years later, and five years after my mother’s death, a member of my family would yell shut up you f*cking liberal b*tch to a newscaster on NPR.
I heard boys say Green Day Rules on the bus but I couldn’t remember what they said sucks. I liked the Elton John song on the Lion King soundtrack. I thought the piano was moving because I played it. Middle C, but the wrists are wrong! Life swoons in epithets. I learned enough to pound along. I kept my mouth shut because I misheard Day as Bay.
I did not know their f*cking rules at all.
In the mid-90s my father was always traveling to Green Bay, Wisconsin. He gifted me a keychain of a football embossed with the letters GO PACKERS.
I don’t know how to invite anyone to this poem, because I was obsessed with the line from the song, I found out what it takes to be a man/Mom and Dad would never understand.
These misunderstandings between Bay and Day were apparent in my composition. I went to the psychiatrist to interpret patterns like any other art f*g in Catholic School.
I starred as Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer in the Christmas play. My mother couldn’t attend because she was recovering from chemotherapy.
It’s a story that’s told every holiday gathering. My father is exhausted from bringing my mom home from Pennsylvania Hospital and I come off the Bryn Mawr bus to remind everyone that I’m Rudolf. My mom remarks O Yea I Forgot to Tell You, and this is where my father goes CONK! To describe how my mother passed out. And everyone chuckles.
This story is told over and over so that the sting of the grief softens. The way the body has been thought of as a system that needs continuous repair. The hospital, chemo, vomit, sallowness, weight loss mitigate symbols within a sphere of knowledge. Illness, care, and survival involve symbols that have the strength to evade meaning but the sting remains.
I have told friends that grief is a monster. That’s the only thing I can really say about it. It’s not a monster with recognizable scales, but a deadening shadow akin to what I picture as an angel of death. Except no letter to save the day.
I struggle to write about my mother, my father, my family, my solitude, my rage. Those long bus hours, the moments I was told not to cry, not to act out, to pray, to feel shame, to suck it up, you have to suck it up, as she would say as a lesson from firsthand experience, probably from chemo, and to be good, to be so f*cking good, like a god everyone wants to be.
“I just wanted to be wanted” like a bad Frank O’Hara misquote, like his acolytes, like the other men writing like him. 
I often misinterpreted goodness with disappearance.
Every time I left the house, my mother, like any other, would say, Be Good!
[via: Verse of April]
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you lefty eyebag. I will do a simple greeting as well 😅
Everything is falling into place. Now I just need to get more bins.. I feel that the pantry needs better organization. I love it here. I live alone (with 2 cats) and it's a studio apartment. So it's small, it's about 400 square ft.
Yeah, when I did it before, I think I almost got an eye infection because of it. So that scared me and I went back to wearing glasses. What I really want is lasik but I guess I will just be half blind forever lol
I really love Ten Days, especially the interaction between R and her best friends.
You're already thinking ahead for valentines? Will it be fluff? Angst?All the above?
I'm like your husband, I just pack for the days and not bring extra. Then when I get to the place, and I am missing something, I just buy it. I like traveling light and usually I just bring a backpack and a small suitcase if it's a longer vacation.
Well maybe since it will be a very early flight, Emily might just go back to sleep and not ask you for stuff. Do you guys always go to California for Christmas?
To answer that question, yeah I'd still do it. I think I would still like to pleasure them and give them a good time. It's not that I don't want to have sex, I also don't think I have a low sex drive.. 🤔
Also, you're not like my type! You're not even funny! Ahahahahaha just kidding. But that's mostly the personality I'm into. I also like women who can cook, because that's the way to my heart lol
I'm trying to decorate my place to look cozy but yet modern. I was going to try doing a minimalist approach, but I like collecting things. I'm looking for a rug to place in my living room area and I'm trying to decide if I want to get a coffee table or just leave it as is with the entertainment center. Then once I get a TV, I will either hang the vinyls on the wall around the TV or above it if I don't mount the TV.
How about you? Can I ask how you do your pantry? I know you said you do the FIFO thing, but how do you keep it from looking like the items are just not thrown in there??
Hm, I'm trying to think of other things to ask, but I am drawing a blank at the moment 😅 oh! Actually, why do you say Cheerio at the end of every post? At first, when I read your stuff, I thought you were from England because of that hahaha
Hello you square framed righty eyeball!
Good afternoon! Sorry i fell asleep very early last night. How are you today?
ah i see, ur place sounds nice. I'm glad it slowly sounds like home for u n ur cats :)
yeah it scared me too when that happened., I actually wants to do lasik but it must be expensive. So if i have the money, i would rather have the surgery for my hearing. :D
aaw i'm glad u love Ten Days. haha yeah, I try to make all the interactions between R and her bestfriends or Wanda and hers funny. I meant there are always bestfriends are like the "angel" and the "devil" (not in a bad way) in real life. one who is calm and make u think n another one is the type life the heck out of it, yolo and go take the risk and I'll be with u n when both of them meet, it's always funny.
I always imagine Natasha and Yelena are kinda like in Ten Days. So i had fun writing them together.
The funniest part writing it is when R n Wanda do things to make their plan work n thinking that the other fall for it but still followed by the sexual tension between them n they dont realize it. :D
Well, the fic that i mentioned earlier was just an idea n the more i think about it, i think it fits for Valentine's theme. Well, u know me, most of the stories i write are fluff with some comedy in it. n probably put a little pinch of angst/comfort. hahaha. i think the more u read my work, the more u understand what i meant. hahaha
ah i see. well i used to be like that, light traveler. but the older i get, the weirder i got.hahaha. when traveling, i want to relax without worrying about not having enough clothes or shoes got wet n not having any footwear to wear or wasting time looking for place to buy extra clothes or whatever u need that u decided to not bring when u can actually could bring it. :D u know what i meant. that's why i always pack extra or so called "over pack" lol
well, i hope em will go back to sleep soon but i doubt it. with all the commotion with security check in n stuff, i bet it will wake her up.
this is our first time travel to ca for christmas because we just moved in Oklahoma. we used to live in CA.
ah i see.. so it's like yeah u like sex but if don't get sex u r not worried or care either?
hahahaha okay, whatever u say. I still think that sounds like me, plus i can cook. lol. JK.. i bet i made u laugh just now, that's the proof i'm funny. :D
your decoration style sounds cozy. i like it. i like minimalist and also rustic. i like dark colors and i love it when there is a lot of wood element or wood color too. I don't like it too bright, so i try to use darker color.i dont mind light color but not too bright. i love hanging pictures or art or photography and shelves.
for the pantry, i categorized them. the bottom i put like the ziploc bags, flours n other things that i rarely or occasionally use. then the two shelves that r reachable i put things that i always use. one shelf i put the dry food and can food together (left for dry food like noodles, pastas or mac n cheese and seasoning stock, right for the cans) for the cans side then i divide some part for the canned soup the other part is for beans (my husband loves beans so we stock some.) and also for canned tuna or chicken n some extra space i would put some of our sauces stocks.
the other reachable rack i put em's snacks n our snacks. but all the sweets or candies i dont want her to eat them often i put it on the top to hide it together with some grilling n smoker utensils or our pizza scooper n other stuff. i hoped it helped :D
hahaha cheerio! i actually love that words n how the brits say it. i love british accent. n i hv been put that on my every post since my first fic to make it as my "signature", hoping that when people read it somewhere it will remind them of me or my fics. :D
onetime one of my friend/mutual recognize the anonymous ask i sent because i intentionally put the "Cheerio" at the end which is make me happy. hahaha.
i love that some people n friends comment that they like that i put that word. some follower said that it gives them good vibes when ever they read it at the end of the post. or when i posted that i was going to take a break from writing, n they said that they will miss the "cheerio" haha. n it made my day reading those sweet comment :D so yeah, thats why the word is always there :D
next question?
Cheerio! :P
0 notes
myyoungroyalsblog · 3 years
Young Royals fic rec
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*Note: I have a lot of unfinished fics in my subscriptions but since there are over 200 fics there from other fandoms too I won’t be able to add those (for now), when they are finished I’ll edit this one or do another post in the future!
*Also couldn't find some of these writers here on tumblr, if you know tell me and I’ll add their @ beside it!
*Another note: I have read every single Young Royals fic (except the explicit ones haha) and even if they aren’t listed here it doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy them! 💜
remember me
Completed, 14 works, 32.696 words
Takes place when they are still at Hillerska: 3, 1, 13, 14, 4
Future/Living together: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Order in which I read them: 3, 1, 13, 14, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
By @lovingwriterr Post season 1 how they get back together and how their relationship grows throughout the years (there a spicy parts haha but also a lot of fluff, angst and hurt/comfort, this entire series is just amazing and so well written)
firsts (erik lives universe)
Not completed, 2 works, 8.751 words
By @omgcmere First fic is an AU where Simon gets to spend the weekend with Wille at Hillerska and second one is a New Years Eve fic (both super adorable and fluffy I swear)
the Icarus to your certainty
Not completed, 3 works, 22.020 words
By @aro-of-artemis First fic is an AU of what if in the beginning of episode 3 Wille let Simon say what he thought about the kiss (short but really really sweet) Second fic a continuation of the previous one; Wille spends the weekend in Bjarstad with Simon, Linda and Sara (too much wilmon fluff and domesticity omg also Linda being best mum as always) Third fic a continuation of the previous one; Linda once again being best mum and Erik being best bro (so much more fluff but also angst and hurt/comfort)
5 times the students of Hillerska didn’t realize Wille and Simon were together + 1 time they definitely did
Not completed, 6 works, 17.212 words
By @piratebingo First fic is the main one and just like the title says lmao, hilarious and so so adorable (the other five are alternate endings to the previous situations where people weren't that dumb and catched on, super fun read and so much wilmon fluff in all the fics)
i ask nothing of you
Completed, 7 chapters, 43.900 words (part of a series that’s not finished)
By @prince-simon Post s1 and after the holidays, we see how Wilmon get back together and it's just the cutest story with a rollercoaster of emotions (also the ending chapter is just wonderful it makes me feel free and at peace idk why lol)
when I said I wanted you to get along (this isn’t what I meant)
Completed, 7 chapters, 27.334 words (part of a series that’s not finished)
By @skateboardtotheheart AU where Erik lives and gets to meet Simon and they get along really well, both enjoying teasing the shit out of Wille lmao (heartfelt story super duper cute)
and that has made all the difference
Completed, 2 chapters, 7.048 words
AU where Wille goes to Simons home at the end of episode 3 (Erik lives) and we see how their relationship grows up until Christmas break (just plain adorable and fluffy)
only fools remain sane
Completed, 11 chapters, 40.504 words
By @ishotforthestars Fake dating AU but of course they are pining for each other lmao and Simon is also staying at Hillerska right next to Willes room (angsty and fluffy and loooots of pining but a happy ending :D)
call me up late
Completed, 20 chapters, 29.135 words (part of a series that’s not finished)
By @royalwilmon Wrong number AU and it's a texting fic, that's how they get to know each other (Prince Wilhelm is homeschooled but Simon goes to Hillerska, and it's just a cute fluffy fic with angst too but just very sweet, clearly showing us how they fall in love via words, also look out for the hilarious drawings afakshdkdk)
favourite crime
Completed, 2 chapters, 16.754
By @lovelysarcastic Best friends AU but they still go to Hillerska (miscommunications, lots of pining and fluff... Oh and of course these two idiots being in love lol this fic will make you feel things)
ties and tribulations
2.424 words
Erik goes to parents day and Linda helps him do his tie (really really sweet and they talk about Simon and Wille, this story makes you want Erik alive in the series even more so he can meet Linda and Simon ToT)
and now your song is on repeat
3.011 words
By @bishoprose Future fic where we see 3 instances where Simon sings and Wille absolutely swoons and one time Wille sings and Simon loves him for it (they are together here and domestic af they make your heart melt)
eyes full of stars
3.540 words
AU where Erik goes to Hillerska after the parents lunch and meets Simon (they both embarrass Wille a lot lmao super fun read)
a small act of defiance
3.029 words
By @sunsetcurveofficial Wille paints his nails with Simons help (super duper cute rebellion fic, makes you want to see this happen in season 2)
nothing else i could do
1.693 words
By @aro-of-artemis Simon shows up at Hillerska wearing eye liner and Wille really really likes it (adorable story)
and they were roommates
28.525 words
By @toffeelemon AU where Simon is Willes roommate at Hillerska and how season 1 would pan out, and the near future too, such a beautiful journey to read (ending always brings a tear to my eye, in a good way haha)
kiss me (like you wanna be loved)
2.890 words
By @aro-of-artemis AU where Simon is a waiter at a Masquerade Ball at the palace and meets the prince behind the mask (too freakin adorable)
you’re the one that I love (and I’m saying goodbye)
6.138 words
By @prince-simon AU where at the end of episode 3 Simon stays to comfort Wille and takes him to his home (hurt/comfort but it hurts so. good. And the comfort is *chefs kiss*)
space buns and a smile
6.578 words
By @charliespringsdimples AU where Simon is a singer and starts uploading music videos to youtube and Prince Wilhelm is a fan, basically a story of how they met (this is such a comfort fic like it's just so lovingly sweet and super super super fluffy afakdhdkdk I love it so much)
under your touch, I bloom
4.234 words
Flower shop AU where Prince Wilhelm keeps going to Simons flower shop (also sort of a band AU lmao super sweet read like it’s just pure adorableness)
(it feels good) to be alone with you
5.560 words
By @prince-simon AU where in the first ep Wille doesn't eat beside August and it's basically a rewrite of episode 1 with so. much. fluffy. wilmon. (So much pinning and gay disaster Simon lmao it just makes your heart flutter)
2.901 words
By @xpetriichxr Wille spends a weekend in Simon home, set after episode 5 and AU where the st wasn't leaked (domestic wilmon and so much fluffiness, also pet names hehe)
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
@thosearehisfish Here you go babes
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fluffyydumplings · 3 years
Chocolate, You are Late
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Pairing: hoseok x reader
Summary: Agagagaga! Another day of boring old college! Well.. Today is a little different. White sweater, black-rimmed glasses, heart lips and cute bangs different. Fishing hell, why does Jung Hoseok have to be your partner for this stupid little project. Why can’t you go back to staring at him from afar? Ughhhh... Fish! Fish! Fish! Speaking of Jung Hoseok, where the fish is he?
Genre: fluff / crack / friends to lovers / pinning / crush!au / idiots in love / college!au
Word Count: 1.2k
Warning: profanity / consumption of food (chocolate to be exact)
A/N: Mother fucking jay: ‘Happy 500 followers and Merry Christmas!’.. Ahhaaa, you never knew this day would come. Didn't you? Ahhahaa, well here it is. Jung Hoseok is all yours for today :].. I’m writing this before I actually write the actual fic. But I’m pretty sure this one is going to be so sweet it’ll make you want to barf. No heart aches for today, I guess :) @jayhopely - And now you know what the mbti question was for :D Inspired by this
Mood board
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Tikidey Tik Tok Tok.. 6 pm
Tikidey Tik Tok Tok...6:20 pm
You never expected to have such close connections with your all-time fascination, Jung Hoseok. The genius who seems to know the answer to every question there is to answer - the one with the pretty yet adorable face. He could cut you in half with his knife-like jawline or blind you with his radiant smile.
‘6:22 pm..’ you smile awkwardly at your glistening cup of coffee.
‘Oh.. Hi, Hoseok.. What’s up, dude..’
‘You’re late.. We were supposed to meet up at 5:55 pm.’
‘Oh.. You forgot, dude. Nice!’
Your favourite drink unfortunately doesn't answer you back. What a shame..
Smiles awkwardly for the seventh time... Fish you, Jung Hoseok! I hate you even more now! How rude! Eeeeeek!
‘Oh.. Y/N, I’m sorry for being late. I got caught into a bit of traffic..’ he smiles, teeth showing and cheeks pinched to the side.
Ever so charming.. Aren’t you, Jung Hoseok? Aren’t you.. Ughhh..
Your fucking smile!!! TAKE MY NON-EXISTENT SOUL!!
‘Huhh..’ you look slightly over to his way, a stiff smile in return.
‘Help me with mixing these,’ you direct at the tubes of red and green paint on the table, his hands unconsciously brushing over yours.
Heart.. Ahahaa.. Why are you like THIS What the FISH EWWWW EWWWWW
The same feeling you had when you realised your eyes were lingering a bit too much on that little sunshine shorts, named Hoseok.
‘So.. I really like the way this person acts, I think they are cute, and they are very attractive to me. What is that supposed to mean?’
Please don't say what I think it is! Pleeeassseeee! Pleeeease!!
‘That is what one would call a crush.’
Fish You!!!!!!!
‘It’s probably nothing.. Bye!’ you waved your hands up in the air, trotting away as quickly as you could.
EWWWWWW! Fish You!! Fuck You!!!
‘Too light,’ you comment, using your paintbrush as a pointing stick.
‘Too dark,’ your pointing stick of doom returns.
What? It was necessary.. The candy cane painting you were to copy had to be perfect, alright!! P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!
‘This?’ he looks for your approval, eyes shimmering with desperation.
‘Oooh.. Nice, you did a wonderful job! I think you’re getting better!’ you cheerfully exclaim.
‘I don’t know. I plan on dropping this art course soon..’ as he coats the canvas in green, he confesses.
‘Oh.. Why is that?’
‘I don’t think I’m getting any better. Even after two years.’
‘Hey.. Hey, you don’t have to be good at something to enjoy doing it. You can struggle to draw stick men, for all I know. But if you enjoy it, just go for it.’
‘Everyone else is so good at it though.’
‘Who cares about everyone else?’ you roughly sketch the candy cane out.
‘I really suck though.. Like, seriously.’
‘Everyone sucks, Seokiee.’
A blush creeps up his cheeks. Could it be? Could it be?!
His hands accidentally quiver, messing the painting up.
‘Oiiiii.. The lines.’ you frown slightly.
‘Sorry... See, I suck.’
‘Dude, we can just cover it up with more paint. No worries.’
‘Wouldn’t that make it bulky?’
‘We aren’t painting frauds.. Whatever you call them... It doesn’t have to be perfect. Plus, I’m sure a little overlaying would simply add more personality to the painting.’
You have a way with words, he is impressed.. More than impressed..
‘Time?’ you swing over closer to his side, eyes focused on the hands of his watch.
A pause-
‘You smell like chocolate.’
Ughhh.. What the fuck?
‘Oh.. Do you not like chocolate?’
‘I do.‘
‘I was late because I grabbed some,’ he brings out a bar like one would bring out a gun.
‘If I had left a few minutes earlier, the traffic wouldn’t have been so terrible,’ he smiles, he always does.
You’re an ANTI-ROMANTIC! Say it again, you bitch! A- N- T- I- R- O- M- A- N- T- I- C-!
‘Chocolate?’ he breaks off a piece and offers it to you.
Like chocolate binding together in a pot, perhaps that day he was offering over to you a small piece of himself.
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*ding dong*
On the sofa..
‘He should have received it by now. I’m pretty sure.. Yeah.. Yeah....’ you gently pat yourself on the head.
‘Oh.. What in the world is this?’ Hoseok creeps over the package dropped at his doorstep, almost as though a spider would jump at him if he didn't.
He picks the package up with one finger, the cardboard box dangling from a piece of yellow tape.. He can’t afford to lose a whole hand!
‘Oh.. What is this?’
Marching over to the table, he carefully dissects it open with his handy-dandy box cuter. (nicknamed: Mr fuzzy not so fuzzy sharpie sharp sharp)
‘A box of chocolates..’ his teeth shows.
He’s happy to receive gifts.. He loves affection.. He loves love..
He doesn't remember it being Valentine’s day or anything.. But, okay..
It’s Christmas, actually. The ground is covered with an unholy amount of freaking snow and his hands are freezing. But, okay...
‘Oh.. What is this?’ there was something else in the box.
He doesn't hesitate now that he knows a bomb or grenade isn’t hidden in there, ready to blow him and his house up in seconds.
‘It’s shaped like a cup of chocolate,’ trailing his fingers over the cleanly-shaven piece of paper, he opens it.
Dear Hoseok,
It’s me, Y/N.
The holidays are here, and I wanted to give you something. (In return for your help with the project, of course.) You seem to like chocolate, so yeah, I decided on this gift. It’s simple, but I hope you like it.
Ah, yes. One more thing. You did a great job with the painting, I’m proud of you.
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‘Sweet, where are you?’ he presses the phone close to his ears.
‘Traffic, Hoseok.’
Instead of a frown, he hands a box wrapped in red and green paper over to you.
‘Chocolate, You are late.’
‘I know, Hoseok.. Traffic.’
‘Now that I think of it, that rhymes.’
‘Oh.. What rhymes?’
‘Chocolate, You are late.’
‘Ha.. Reminds me of when we first met two years ago,’ he giggles, taken back to where he first interacted with you.
‘That’s true, it does.’
‘Now.. Now.. Is there actual chocolate in here or are you messing with me, you evil little chocolate latte..’
‘Cocoa mix, chocolate kisses, and...’ he pulls something out of his sweater.
‘It’s.. It’s.. Oh, it’s that bar from two years ago.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘Here, have some.’
This time around, he breaks half of the bar off for you. After all, over time, you have become his other half. Not a dot in his life, and instead everything he could wish for and have.
Doses of shy smiles, sparkling eyes, hidden glances and held back shots of laughter. Love isn’t so bad after all.
‘We both should stop arriving in late.’
‘I always come in early, Mr Latte.. You’re the one who’s always late.’
‘Okay.. Okay, you win.’
‘I was only five minutes late by the wa-y,’ he shoves a piece of chocolate into your mouth, some clinging to your cheeks.
‘I could have choked on that.’
‘Hush.. Hush.. You’ll choke if you keep on talking.’
‘Shut up, Mr Latte.’
‘If it takes a kiss to make you shut up, then so it be.’
Maybe love is terrible after all... Loud and clear, bitch!
A- N- T- I- R- O- M- A- N- T- I- C-
Ewww.. Ewww.. Eww.. Jung Hoseok!!!!!! Fish you! Fuck You!
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dangerous-mess · 3 years
Holiday Troubles
Characters: Aizawa, trans male reader
Contains: Unsupportive family, transphobia, homophobia, misgendering, mentions of a deadname (D/N), mentions of religion and praying, mentions of dysphoria, angst, hurt/comfort, angst with fluff ending. This was written mainly as a comfort fic during the winter holidays but wanted to post this here (originally posted on AO3). Please read with caution as this content may be triggering for some
Word Count: 2K+ 
The holidays were always rough for you, being not only gay but transgender as well. There were the off-putting tension and feelings every time you walked in the room, and the side glances and judgemental glares that were shot your way if you were even caught wearing something feminine and not masculine. Mostly from your parents and family, feeling the obligation that you had to follow gender norms in the hope to not only pass but to be taken seriously in your own identity.
The holidays got a little easier once you married your now husband. He made visiting your family a bit easier and made the holidays in general, more enjoyable for you. This year, unfortunately, he had meetings and a nightly patrol that he couldn’t get out of, so you were left to go to the Christmas family gathering by yourself.
The day came, and needless to say, you were a nervous mess. You dressed up in a suit, something masculine of course to appease your family and keep those comments at bay. Though, you knew you weren’t in the clear as there was still a high chance of being deadnamed and misgendered by family who were unsupportive or others who just didn’t try. Your husband, Shouta, let you know before he left early that morning that if you needed anything at all to give him or Hizashi a call and they would come and get you in a heartbeat. He said Hizashi, just in case he couldn’t be reached, which was fine with you, Hizashi had become a close friend to you.
You arrived at your parent's house a little later than they asked, just cause you were nervous and needed more time to prepare for this evening. You knocked on the front door, adjusting your suit as you waited for someone to open the door, only to be greeted by one of your younger siblings. They gave you a big hug, before dragging you inside where you were greeted by family. Your grandmother was the first to deadname you. She called out as you talked to your uncle, a devious smile on her face as the name rolled off her tongue. You cringed hearing it and so badly wanted to correct her, but if your mother caught wind that you did, who knows what drama may pursue. You endured the conversation with her, as she made sure to drop in your deadname every chance she could get.
“Honestly D/N, you really should stop playing dress up and realize that you are a girl. Your husband would be so much happier to have a wife who knows her place and not some confused girl.”
You took a deep breath and bid your goodbyes to your grandmother as you went to find someone else to talk to. Eventually, dinner was called, and you all gathered around and your grandfather said a prayer. You looked down at your feet the entire time, not really wanting to participate in the prayer. Soon it wrapped up and a line formed into the kitchen to get food. After everyone got food, everyone gathered around and talked, telling stories of things that happened within the past year in their lives, as well as asking questions to others to get the latest scoop. You just decided to eat silently, trying to not participate in the gossip fest happening before you.
“So Y/N, how are you and your husband doing?” Your dad asked before he took a sip of a beer. You held up your pointer finger, signaling that you needed a moment as your finished chewing food before you smiled and spoke.
“Oh, we are doing well! He sends his deepest apologies that he couldn’t make it, hero duties called.” You smiled, taking a quick glance around the room. Some whispers were exchanged, knowing it was about you and Shouta. It was clear that besides your family not supporting your identity, they also did not support your marriage to a hero. Especially a hero who was supportive of you and your identity.
“Honestly, how she manages to keep such a hero man, is insane. Like who would wanna marry some confused lesbian?” One of your aunts spoke out. You gripped your glass tightly, biting your tongue, not wanting to start any issues.
Other family members chimed in to add on to your aunt's comment and soon it became too much. You quickly excused yourself and went to the bathroom farthest away from your family. You pulled out your phone and texted your husband. You told him that you needed him or Hizashi or someone to come to pick you up, as you originally walked, as it was nice earlier prior to the sun setting. You quickly got a reply, saying your husband was on his way, and that he was getting someone to cover the rest of his patrol. You felt a bit bad to interrupt and have him leave his patrol, but god you just needed him right now more than anything.
You hid amongst the rooms as you waited for Shouta to send you a message or signal that he was here. Your mom called out your name, walking down the hall looking for you. The smile on her face dropped as she saw you and grabbed your arm.
“Come on Y/N, we are about to exchange gifts. Stop trying to hide and be nice and spend time with your family. It took a lot of work and effort to get everyone here, like your grandparents who haven’t seen you in ages.” Your mom aggressively whispered at you, as she pulled you towards the living room. You stayed silently, hoping that your husband would be here soon.
Your mom let you go and pointed to a chair near the tree. You sat down and were handed some gifts. You slowly opened them, trying not to draw attention to yourself. The first gift was in a gift bag, and opening it exposed a colorful piece of clothing. You pulled it out and it was a sundress. Although you didn’t mind breaking gender norms, dresses were never your thing, they held too many bad memories and made you dysphoric. You frowned, not having the energy to fake a smile. You felt your mind start to spiral before a voice pulled you out.
“Oh, D/N do you not like it. I made sure to even get the right size and everything. I thought you could put that on and surprise your husband when you go home. Imagine how he would react to see his wife, finally coming to terms with herself.” Your grandmother called out, staring at you the entire time. You went to open your mouth when another voice spoke up.
“Actually, I think my husband looks handsome and perfect just the way he is in the suit he is wearing, but thank you. Maybe we can save the dress and give it to one of my students, I know one of them would get much better use of it.” Shouta’s voice boomed out, making a hush fall across the room. You never heard the front door open, but then again Shouta was very good at staying silent. You looked at your husband, feeling all your emotions and feelings starting to rise to the surface. You caught a dirty look your mother gave you as you stood up and made your way over to Shouta.
He held out his hand as you got closer and held it tightly, quickly bidding goodbye for you both as he quickly led you outside to the car that was waiting outside and still running. “I had Hizashi drive me over, hope that’s okay.” You just nodded at him, not letting go of his hand until you got into the car. As soon as you and Shouta were in the car, Hizashi sped off.
“Heya listener, how did it go?” Hizashi asked out, peeking into the mirror looking back at you.
“I lasted longer than last year, so that’s a new record at least.” You joked, trying not to cry. At least not now, you had to make it until you were home and in bed, with your husband holding you close.
Hizashi talked most of the ride home, while Shouta kept glancing back at you. You tried to listen to what was being said, but you couldn’t focus, so you just looked out the window, slightly dozing off. You woke up to the feeling of being carried, your eyes adjusted as you saw Shouta was carrying you into the house and to the bedroom. On any other occasion, if he was carrying you like this you were bound to tease or crack a joke or something, but in this moment you just stayed in his arms, gripping onto him tightly. Once you both got to the bedroom, he helped you undress and slip on something comfy. After he finished helping you, he quickly changed and climbed into bed, pulling you close to him and holding you tightly.
For a while, you just laid there in his arms, fighting back the urge to scream and cry. Though, after he comforted you and let you know it was okay to be upset and that you could let it all out. In which you did, you sobbed in his chest for what felt like hours. You screamed and sobbed and let out all the feelings you bottled up for the few hours you were at the family gathering. Eventually, you ran out of tears to cry and were only left with your own thoughts. You were overthinking, mostly dwelling on the words your family spoke out to you this evening, and couldn’t help but question if it was true.
“Sho...I’ve got to ask you something, kind of important.” You gently pushed away and sat up in the bed, looking at him. He stared at you, and nodded, letting you know it was okay to continue on. You took a deep breath and went for it, “Am I enough for you? I brought a lot of baggage and trouble into our relationship and I know it can’t be easy for you dating me, specifically with the backlash and comments that get made by my family and others about me transitioning and just. If you were with anyone else, I feel like you won’t get all this drama and I’m sorry I’ve brought so much of it onto you Shouta.”
You watched as his facial expression changed and you quickly looked away, finding interest in anything that wasn’t his face, afraid of what his reaction not only meant but the words that were about to follow. “Y/N, please look at me.” You slowly looked up and he placed a hand on your cheek. “I love you Y/N. I love you for you, you are my husband and I won’t want anyone else besides me. You are more than enough for me. And we both have a lot of baggage but that doesn’t change my feelings for you, we can work through it all together. I meant what I said in my vows and at our wedding and I still stand by it. Forever and always.”
You fiddled with your fingers before speaking up, “I love you Shouta so much, I’m just afraid one day I won’t be enough, cause as silly as it is, I don’t feel masculine or manly enough, that you’ll find more of a ‘real’ man one day and just leave me behind.” Tears filled your eyes and you looked down, just wanting to hide under the blankets.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are absolutely masculine and manly enough. I will never find anyone else or more a man than you. You are all I want, and all I need. I love you so much, don’t ever doubt my love for you, cause it is never-ending sweetheart.” Shouta spoke out, lifting your head up and placing a small kiss on your forehead before pulling you into his arms, holding you close. You just stayed there close, as Shouta whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
Shouta always made the holidays more bearable, but he also made life in general easier. He made waking up a little easier and helped with your hectic thoughts to calm you down. He truly was the love of your life and the best you could ever ask for. You couldn’t have gotten any luckier to have a husband as sweet and perfect as you. He may not be the number one hero to the rest of the world, but in your eyes and his heart, he was, he was your number one hero.
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doctorbeth · 5 years
Stripes the 50 year old tiger
This will be a longer post, because it’s all about the details, and there was a lot of going back and forth with photos and emails to get Stripes and his stripes just right.  So be sure you’re comfy when you sit down to read it. :-)
Stripes person first wrote to me back in December about her tiger, Stripes, and his companion RedEye the snake.  Both were starting to feel their age, but as she said,
“ As you can see Stripes is in the most need of repairs. Personally, I’m guessing that a full recovering is needed, but I’m certainly no expert and will follow your advice.  Here are some pics which show Stripes fur disappearing and soon he will be bald.  Amazingly he has no damage that I can find. His ears need some stuffing, but they have never been tall, firm standing Teddy Bear ears.”
Here are the diagnosis photos she sent:
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As you can see, his belly section was pretty good, but his furry parts were wearing and fading.  His person really wanted his fur recovered, in an orangier rather than tanner fur, and she opted for him to have a spa too.
Here he is in his bubble bath:
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Once he was dry, he got restuffed and of course, got a heart with a bit of his original stuffing.  Here’s his heart being made:
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Then it was time to choose furs.  As some of you know who’ve been reading for a while, usually with tigers we use a solid fur of the preferred background color, then add the stripes by hand afterwards.  Here were the best fur options:
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His person opted for the orangier, furrier one.
Stripes got recovered, and some smaller wounds on his belly were sewn.  Then, it was time for hand striping.  I did some basic  striping, and then sent photos for feedback:
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His person’s first response was:
Beth, you’ve made me cry at work.  I’m absolutely over the moon with Stripes new look!!!  Holy cats he’s looking beautiful!!  You are AMAZING!
But I was asking for striping feedback, and she happily provided it:
The stripes.  Thank you for being so conservative. :) I would like to add some more stripes. I’ve included an updated pic that shows where I would like some stripes added.
Tail:   Could you put 2 stripes in a ring pattern around the tail? They continue the black spots you started. I also noticed with other Gund tigers that the ring was painted at a slight angle or sprayed as 2 “halves”, not a straight ring that looked like a raccoon’s tail. (pics)  I know that there was more black at the tip of the tail, but I don’t think the whole tip was black.
Back Leg:   I’ve continued your 3 spots into stripes.
Body:  I’ve added 2 stripes, but if you will notice stripe #2 is in the shape of a ‘V”. (I remember this detail as a child)  The stripes do NOT have to line up with the fabric underneath.  They didn’t before.  :D
Face: I’ve added a short stripe above Stripes’ right eye. This detail always gave him a slight serious look without being mean. (not a lot of slant to the line, if any) I have always loved this detail about him.  And I’ve elongated the stripe on his forhead.
Beth, I’m pretty sure we will be adding some more stripes to the back, especially his head but I thought we might tackle this bit first.
She closed with:
Again, I just absolutely can’t thank you enough for your beautiful and loving work on my best friend. I have been showing people the before and after pics for the last 5 hours.  I’m so happy!!!
So back to drawing stripes on Stripes I went.  Here are the next batch of photos:
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Stripes person was thrilled:
Stripes looks spectacular!!  I mean he is just awesome with the stripes that you’ve filled out.
She wanted just one more stripe.  She sent a photo, but it was in another format, so I won’t put it here, but she also described what she wanted very well:
So I just have 1 more stripe for you.  If you look at my pic, you will see that I’ve drawn a line over the small black dot that is on his forehead.  In the last pic you sent me you can still see that it’s just a spot and not a stripe.  Could you lengthen that spot into a stripe for me?
Please note the position. When you are seated facing Stripes, this stripe includes/starts at the black spot and runs towards the right.  You have a pretty stripe that’s higher on the head already placed on the left so this one goes off to the right and is the same length as that one.
Adjustment made, I sent another photo (you can see the printout with her line instruction next to him):
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Her response:
Perfection Achieved!  I’m so so happy!!!!   How many exclamation points can I put in an email to show you how perfect Stripes is!!
So Stripes got packed up and headed home to a grateful human and snake.  Here he is at home with his pal, RedEye:
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His person was soooo happy!  She wrote a very long thank you, with a history of Stripes and RedEye, and I don’t want to edit it, so I’m copying it entirely here for you to read.  But you can skip it if you want and just know she was happy!
Hi Beth,
Sit back and relax.  This may be a little bit of a long happy read.  :D   Please feel free to use any content or pics from my emails for your blog.
I waited anxiously for Stripes to arrive.  Yes, my husband signed for the box and I couldn’t wait to get home!
And so the moment has arrived.  I brought Stripes best friend Redeye in from the bedroom to help me open the package. We open,  I close my eyes dig in past the packing peanuts and pull out our best friend.  Oh My Goodness!  He is beautiful! bright! and colorful! He practically glows! I see his face. Yes, yes! It’s Stripes!  I see the same face I’ve gazed into and loved for 50 years. And that’s when the tears start. Crying, mouth open in shock but my husband says he’s never seen me happier.  ..After many long years, I can finally cuddle my friend again.
Beth you have given me back something I thought I would never have again.  I love Stripes so, but I couldn’t, didn’t dare to pet him or cuddle him. I had to be so gentle, so afraid that I was doing more damage to him. But now all that is over!  I can sleep with my buddy by my side. I can take him on vacations again!  I’m tearing up just writing this.  I can’t express my joy…absolute joy over the work you have done. Stripes looks like a beautiful and bright toy again.  Thank you Beth.  Thank you so very much.
…And I’ll be sending Redeye to you some time in February.  I’ll be sure to email you first to start the process.
And here’s a little history about Stripes.  Stripes was a Christmas present in 1969. I have always loved tigers and I was in deep love the moment I saw him. He has enjoyed play tea parties with me, and watched drive-in movies sitting in the back window. He has looked over the candy hauls that I collected during Halloween and been in a beautiful oak tree during the crisp dry autumn. (Carefully placed on a towel, but he needed to experience a tree. He is a tiger after all.)   He has been with me in Japan for a year and traveled all over the US northwest  looking out of a train window. And he has done all these things with Redeye by his side.
--But let’s face the facts, in the last few years my friend was disappearing before my eyes. There was good fortune that his seams were okay but the fur was coming off. His stripes were completely gone in areas. He was looking more yellow everywhere. And I dared only to pat him. That’s when I began to search for help to restore my friend and so I found Realms of Gold on the internet.
Beth has been wonderful, corresponding with emails and working out details by sending pictures back and forth. She listened to my input and was absolutely amazing at applying the stripes in the right places. We actually discussed exactly where to put them.  :D  I trust Beth’s skills so much that I will be sending Stripes best friend Redeye along soon.  He was amazed and so happy with Stripes look, that he can’t wait to go to Realms of Gold!
Okay Beth, this may be a little serious but I wanted to express my honest feelings, and let you know why this has been so important to me.
With my 2 stuffed animals loosing hair and looking tired a sobering thought occurred to me. If something happened to me, what would happen to them? We have no children to give them to. We can’t donate them because being so worn out, no one would take them. And the thought that they might end up in a garbage bin was too much. Of course for me, my goal was to pet, play and enjoy them again.  That goes without saying.  But now, seeing Stripes beautiful bright colors, I am happy and secure in knowing that years from now, I can donate or will him to a children’s home where he will continue to be loved. (I have several friends who grew up in orphanages and we think it’s a wonderful idea.)
Thank you so much Beth!!!!!!
I don’t know about all of you, but that made me smile all day. :-)
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Interrupting my usual broadcast of DW fic to bring you another British gay mess: Please enjoy my first attempt at Caroline/Gillian! And as if I haven't got enough WIPs on, this is gonna be four parts, as it turns out! I don't know why I'm like this :D Anyway here we are due to popular demand!
Gillian takes Caroline up on her offer of moving in together and pooling their resources. A month has gone by and Caroline is surprised at how easy and comfortable life on the farm has become. The arrangement works for both of them: Gillian's financial struggles are a thing of the past and while it isn’t exactly the traditional family set-up Caroline would have wanted, Gillian turned out to be exactly what she needed in a partner to help raise her daughter. Adding romance to the otherwise perfect set-up is a pipe-dream on the headteacher's part, but the more time she spends with the sheep farmer, the more drawn she is to her. Rating: M (language & sexual themes)
Home Is Not A Place - Part 1: The Dinner
“For goodness sake,“ Caroline groaned, as she stepped out of her SUV and right into a puddle. Resigned to her changed situation, she decided from now on she would have to switch shoes after work, from her favourite heels, to a lesser loved pair. There was no two ways about it. But at least then there would be absolutely no danger of ruining a two-hundred pound pair of Jimmy Choos, upon her arrival at Greenwood farm. Of course she wouldn’t mention this to Gillian, God no, otherwise her Christmas present to her might end up a new pair of wellingtons.
In the open court yard of the farm, the wind was biting cold and encouraged the headteacher to hurry up the stairs to the relative safety and comfort of the house. Caroline cursed under her breath as the wind wreaked havoc with her hair, and the cold crept up her legs, underneath her woefully-inappropriate-for-farm-life pencil skirt. The British weather was really giving its all this year to live up to its reputation. Well in the grip of Winter already, it only took Caroline to stay late at work by an hour - like today - and night had already fallen. Preparations for this year’s Nativity were gathering steam and - being the hands-on headmistress she was - there was no way Caroline would allow the theatre department to shoulder the burden all on their own. Working late would usually have required a lot of planning for a single parent such as herself, but things had gotten a lot easier, recently.
“Hiya Caz,“ Gillian called from the lounge, when Caroline closed the front door of the farm house behind her and smiled at the chipper greeting.
“Hiya!“ She called back and pushed her soaked shoes into a corner. With any luck, Gillian wouldn’t spot them and she could deal with them later. The sheep farmer would only get suspicious if she lingered in the hallway for too long. “Evening,“ Caroline smiled as she stepped into the living room. Flora and Calamity were sitting on the sofa in front of the tv, dressed in pyjamas. She walked over to them, pressing a kiss to her daughter’s head and then, for good measure, repeated the gesture on Calamity. The girls were the closest of friends and since Caroline and Flora had moved in at the farm, they had become closer still - almost like real siblings - and Caroline had found herself treating them as such with increasing frequency.
“Wet out, is it?“ Gillian smirked, observing Caroline’s dishevelled head of hair, drawing her attention. The sheep farmer was leaning against the kitchen counter, mug in hand, assessing her over the rim of it.
“What’s this?“ Caroline raised her eyebrows, as she spotted two - and only two! - places set at the kitchen table, complete with wine glasses.
“Girls have eaten. Just having a bit of telly before bed,“ Gillian explained, nodding towards the pre-schoolers that were engrossed in their cartoons. “Lasagne is in oven, thought you might be hungry, with your long day n’all.“
“You made lasagne?“ Caroline asked, though it sounded more bewildered than she had intended. It wasn’t uncommon that Gillian would cook for all of them. She was the one at home, her work was here, it made sense. Caroline was a woman of science, of hard facts, so she liked things to make sense. But for some reason, coming home to Gillian Greenwood - who had cooked for her and looked after her daughter - was still something of curiosity, despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Caroline was still not quite used to it, no matter how much sense it made.
Caroline had managed to convince Gillian of the sense behind them pooling their resources not long after she had floated the idea for the first time. Her and Flora moved in at the farm a month ago, and much to everyone’s surprise - and her mother’s dismay - it worked surprisingly well. This was not the first time she had come home to a cooked meal, it was becoming a regular occurrence, so Caroline was at a loss as to why this time, it felt different. Perhaps it was the absence of Raff and Ellie who - as Caroline now remembered - had been invited to Ellie’s mother’s to parade around the little one. Perhaps it was because there were only two places set at the table. Or perhaps it was the warmth of Gillian’s chuckled as she replied:
“Well, had to make something.“
“You really didn’t have to, I don’t… expect to come home to a home cooked meal every day,“ Caroline felt obliged to state, just for the record, though she knew that Gillian would do whatever the bloody hell she wanted anyway. It wasn’t like Caroline - or anyone else for that matter - had any bearing on what this infuriatingly independent and bull-headed woman did or didn’t do.
“Nice though, innit,“ the sheep farmer shot back with surprising enthusiasm. “Guess that was part of the deal. Least I can do, mind the kids and cook you some tea.“ She gave a shrug like it was nothing; when to Caroline, it was a huge deal. This wasn’t something she would have admitted to, of course; just as she wouldn’t have admitted that there was something very appealing about coming home to Gillian.
“I’m not expecting you to pretend to be my stay-at-home housewife or something, Gillian,“ Caroline tried to brush it off with a joke.
“You better not. Cause that’s not me,“ Gillian retorted with good-natured humour, and it struck Caroline that she was a far cry from the tense, short-fused woman she’d met seven years ago. It was moments such as these, that the headteacher realised how much she had changed. Healing would be too strong a word for it; Caroline couldn’t imagine how anyone could possibly heal from what Gillian had been through, but she seemed to be doing, better. She seemed more comfortable in her own skin, and more comfortable with her life. Secretly, Caroline hoped she had contributed to her wellbeing in some small way; even if it was just by giving her the security that she wouldn’t have to give up the farm.
“Don’t I know it,“ Caroline chuckled. “Wine, too, is it?“ She picked up the bottle on the table and checked the label. It was one of her favourites and for a moment, she wasn’t sure whether Gillian had remembered, or if they’d still had that bottle lying round somewhere. “Is there a special occasion? One month since we moved in?“ It wasn’t like she had been counting…well, she had. But only to be able to lord it over her mother about how long they had managed to stay under the same roof, without tearing each other’s heads off…or each other’s clothes…she added as an after thought. But only for her own amusement, not for public consumption.
“I guess I just…wanted to say thank you…for agreeing to this,“ Gillian huffed, suddenly appearing self-conscious, as if she wondered whether she had made a mistake. Caroline felt guilty immediately. For someone with self-esteem as fragile as Gillian, doubts came quickly, and cut deep.
“It was my idea! It’s to both of our advantage. I couldn’t have carried on the way it was, particularly now that our parents aren’t…able…to help as much as before…“ Caroline was quick to assure her. It had made a lot of sense, and she was glad she had managed to persuade Gillian of the proposal’s merit. Even once their parents had volunteered the money to pay for the work on the roof, it didn’t change the fact that Gillian was barely breaking even financially. Certainly not with the sheep that had escaped a few months ago, and once Raff and Ellie moved out - which was only a matter of time - they wouldn’t be contributing anymore, either. Gillian needed someone with her, and Caroline was more than happy to be that person, for numerous reasons. Some of them she cared to discuss, like the practicalities of it, some she would keep to herself, thank you very much.
“Just wanted to say, I do appreciate it, Caz,“ Gillian interrupted and held her hands up, as if she just had to get that out there - and would shut up now that it was said. “And I hope you’re not gonna regret it.“
“Gillian, we’ve known each other seven years now,“ Caroline couldn’t help but point out, as she set the bottle of wine back down on the table. “Yes, we’ve had our ups and downs, but all things considered, I think we’re about as steady as our parents, don’t you think?“ She gave her a soft smile. They really had come an incredibly far way since they first laid eyes on each other. To this day, Caroline was still embarrassed about her behaviour on the day they’s met, and was beyond relieved that with time, Gillian had come to see the funny side of the whole thing.
“Suppose so. Just without the sex,“ Gillian snickered and took a sip of her tea, hiding her grin in her mug as she seemed to relax again.
“I don’t want to think about our parents having sex, thank you very much!“ Caroline exclaimed, mortified, and quickly turned to check the girls hadn’t accidentally overheard. To her relief, she found them still very much engrossed in their tv show.
“God no. I don’t know if they still can, I mean, at their age…“ Gillian huffed, matter-of-factly. “And with his heart too, better mind his blood pressure hadn’t he… Mind you, probably wouldn’t be worst way t’go. Right in throes of…“
“Yes, right. That’s it, change of subject please!“ Caroline shook her head vehemently and Gillian laughed.
“Go and get changed, didn’t mean to ambush you, it’ll keep.“ She gestured to the oven. “I’ll get little ones in bed.“
“If you’re sure.“ Caroline glanced at the clock. She hadn’t realised how late it was. “How about bath time?“
“All this fun stuff you miss out on when you work late. It’s done and dusted. Go on. You don’t wanna be throwing lasagne down that fancy blouse o’ yours,“ Gillian observed, nodding towards her cream blouse.
“Right.“ Caroline gave a soft smile and watched the sheep farmer gulp down the rest of her tea, before sitting it down in the sink.
“You want me to make you a cuppa first?“ Gillian asked, seemingly confused as to why Caroline hadn’t taken her up on the offer yet, instead lingering in the kitchen.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll have wine if that’s going,“ Caroline answered quickly, snapping out of her moment of marvelling at how bloody perfect life was right about now to retrieve the corkscrew.
“Well, you know where everything is by now, don’t you. It’s your home too,“ Gillian observed, with an ease that astounded Caroline, that Gillian didn’t seem to think anything of. She just headed to the sofa where she put an arm around each of the girls from behind. “Right you two monsters, show’s over, off to bed wi’ you,“ she announced, leaving Caroline to forget all about the wine. She just watched the display of perfect family life in awe.
“Is it bad that I’m sort of looking forward to Raff and Ellie moving out?“ Caroline mused, watching Gillian’s reaction over the rim of her wine glass. “With the baby and everything, the walls aren’t exactly thick.“
“You knew that before moving in,“ Gillian pointed out. She wasn’t unkind about it, she was amused if nothing else.
“Yes, and I’m not complaining. I just didn’t think I’d be doing this still, at gone fifty, I mean…I’m just glad Flora is through the worst of it now.“ Even now, there were still times where Caroline wondered whether she was too old for all this. She had two grown up sons, starting again with Flora and doing it all on her own had been tough. Thankfully, finally, she wasn’t alone anymore. It wasn’t exactly the traditional family set-up she would have longed for, but she knew Gillian would be everything Flora needed in a second parent. She could also be everything Caroline needed in a partner, but that was just wishful thinking on the headteacher’s part. She would content herself with the way things were, as it was shaping up to be everything she wanted, just sadly minus the romance.
“Nowt saying William or Lawrence couldn’t have started early,“ Gillian retorted and Caroline laughed:
“William? Please!“ They were on their third glass of red and Caroline was feeling warm and relaxed. Her reactions had lost the restraint and reservedness she usually maintained with people, even the ones closest to her. “And Lawrence needs to seriously work out whatever he is doing with his life. And with Angus!“ She had often wondered about his relationship with his best friend. At this point, things could go either way.
“Fair. Not much of a chance of getting knocked up there,“ Gillian chuckled.
“Raff’s done alright though, hasn’t he. Becoming a dad so young and still seeing through his education and getting a good job at the end of it, it’s quite the accomplishment,“ Caroline smiled and delighted in the way Gillian’s face brightened with pride.
“He’s a good boy, our Raff,“ she commented, and Caroline was determined to push the matter over the finish line:
“That’s a credit to you. He couldn’t have done it without your support,“ she added kindly, as she put her cutlery down. Dinner had been a delight, but then by this point, Gillian could have probably fed her anything and she would have thanked her with a dreamy eyed smile. Caroline felt the warmth radiating from her cheeks; a combination of wine, the fire going in the adjoining room, and her own conflicted feelings towards her step sister. For the sake of her own sanity, she refused to refer to her as that whenever possible, particularly in her own head.
“More like in spite of me,“ Gillian huffed, her mood swinging like a pendulum. She had been much more steady in recent years, but that wasn’t to say she was free of the crippling self-doubt that always chose the most inopportune moments to rear its ugly head. “Never would’ve happened wi’ someone else. Not like your boys went and knocked up their girlfriend, is it.“
“Don’t be ridiculous,“ Caroline cut in quickly, but Gillian just downed the rest of her wine and carried on:
“You know it’s true, ‘as bad as his mother’ is what they were saying, and if they weren’t, they were thinking it.“ She gave a bitter laugh that stood in stark contrast to the carefree atmosphere they had enjoyed.
“You have many flaws, Gillian, it’s part of your charm, but being a bad mother? That’s certainly not one of them.“ Caroline was quick and decisive, in intervening. There had been times where she had been quite happy to shoot a snide comment her way herself, but not anymore.
“Hm.“ Gillian’s response was minimal, which indicated to Caroline that she hadn’t listened or taken in what she’d said.
“It’s not!“ She insisted firmly.
“Alright!“ Gillian exclaimed, exasperated.
“Do you think I’d have come here, to live with you, having you help look after my daughter, if I didn’t think you were a good mother and a good person?“ Caroline leaned forward onto her elbows, regarding the farmer with a stern look that she had perfected in many years of teaching.
“’suppose not.“ Gillian folded, just as one of Caroline’s six-formers would have done.
“Well then.“ The headteacher straightened herself up again and proceeded to divide the rest of the bottle in between their two glasses.
“Their faces. When you told them.“ Gillian suddenly burst out laughing and Caroline grinned, recalling the conversation in vivid detail. The pendulum that was Gillian’s emotional well-being, had swung back around.
“Of all the stupid, stupid videos Lawrence has done… that would have been the moment to capture,“ she shook her head to herself, remembering how comical and surreal the whole thing had been.
“It was your Mum more than me Dad, that face she pulled!“ Gillian couldn’t stop laughing; it was infectious and prompted Caroline to launch into a scarily accurate imitation of her mother:
“Caroline, you can’t really be considering moving to a farm, and HER farm of all places. Is that any way for Flora to grow up? What if she…catches something or…“ Caroline could hardly breathe for laughing. “Honestly Mum, what is she gonna catch? Fresh air?“
“Touch of the common farmer, more like,“ Gillian grimaced, but she didn’t seem to care, not really.
“Like she’s never stayed here herself.“ Caroline rolled her eyes at the hypocrisy.
“I think she was more concerned with me, than the farm,“ Gillian pointed out, taking a deep breath to calm herself down - but her face continued cracking up and gave her away.
“Well obviously.“ Caroline just waved it off. They were both used to her mother’s strong opinions, and readily chose to ignore them.
“What will you be doing with Gillian around all the time?“ Gillian tried herself at Celia’s accent which caused Caroline to launch into another laughing fit.
“I don’t know, Mum, maybe we will have a wild sapphic love affair,“ she reprised her witty response with tears of laughter in her eyes.
“You nearly gave her a heart attack an’all,“ Gillian snickered.
“Well, it’s none of her business.“ Caroline took a deep breath, regaining some small measure of self control. “And really, she only has herself to blame. If she hadn’t been on at your Dad about lending you that money, and then telling me they wouldn’t be picking up Flora anymore, none of this would have happened.“
“So really, we should be thanking her, shouldn’t we.“ Gillian grinned after brief contemplation. “To your mother.“ She raised her glass and Caroline toasted her:
“I’ll drink to that.“
The evening wore on, and just as they contemplated opening a third bottle, Raff and Ellie returned with the baby, who was sleeping soundly in his car seat. Thank God for small favours, Caroline thought. They had cleared up from dinner and were lounging on the sofa with the telly on.
“Mum. Caz. Alright?“ Raff greeted them.
“Had a good evening?“ Gillian asked, looking around.
“Yeah great thanks,“ Ellie smiled in response and made her way up the stairs with the little one.
“You watching University Challenge, Mum?“ Raff asked, bemused, as he noticed the program they were watching.
“Through no fault of my own!“ Gillian was quick to point out. She shot Caroline a look who was sitting to the other end of the sofa.
Caroline considered it a safe distance, but not as safe as the other sofa would have been. It was one small thing she allowed herself. It was innocent enough, and Gillian didn’t seem to think twice when their legs intertwined on the two-seater.
The sheep farmer carried on explaining their television agreement to her son: “We compromise, see, she gets to watch something she wants and then I get to watch something I want.“
“Trust her to chose the most obnoxious thing she can possibly find, just to wind me up,“ Caroline interjected but without averting her eyes from the screen. She mumbled the answer to yet another obscure question under her breath.
“Sounds about right,“ Raff chuckled and Gillian leaned over the back of the sofa to slap her son’s arm.
“Remember, it’s a school night,“ she pointed her finger at him.
“Bit rich coming from you.“ He eyed their empty wine glasses. “I feel like the alcohol consume in this house has sky rocketed in the past month.“
“Yeah, well, got to knock ourselves out somehow between the baby crying and you two going at it,“ Gillian quipped, and returned her attention to the television as well.
“You’re just jealous cause you haven’t go a fella right now,“ Raff teased.
“Yeah well, I’m over that for the time being,“ Gillian gave a dismissive wave of her hand.
“Think you’ve finally gone through all the eligible bachelors in West Yorkshire?“ Caroline saw an opportunity to jump in and tried her best to keep the smallest twang of jealousy from her voice.
“And some of the ineligible ones too,“ Raff added, with a smirk.
“OI!“ Gillian exclaimed, shooting him a glare and kicked Caroline’s leg for siding with him.
“I’d better see if Ellie needs some help…“ Raff was quick to make his escape.
“Yeah, you’d better,“ his mother shouted after him.
“I have to say, you have come a long way since we met. From having three blokes you’re shagging staying over in this place,“ Caroline couldn’t help but comment, recalling the fateful night their parents had gone missing and they had stayed at the farm with Gillian’s three merry men - Paul, John and Robbie - all crammed onto these sofas.
“Bet you wouldn’t have come to stay then, would’ya,“ Gillian hummed, her voice surprisingly neutral.
“Could have joined that exclusive club,“ Caroline smirked, the alcohol loosening her tongue enough to make a joke, one too close to the truth for comfort. She forced herself not to think about what else she could be doing with her tongue right about now.
“Caz!“ Gillian exclaimed, and the headteacher couldn’t quite tell whether she was offended, self-conscious or flattered.
“It really is easy to tease you,“ Caroline back-peddled to safer waters.
“Yeah well, you’re living with Yorkshire’s greatest slapper so jokes on you,“ Gillian huffed. “Watch your f-bloody University Challenge.“
“Hm, yes, what will people think,“ Caroline chuckled and did as she was told.
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