#another well done/reassuring hand đŸ„ș
shadowdaddies · 3 months
Can I request a drabble of Lucien comforting a reader who feels burned out and wishes for someone to comfort her when she cries without calling her weak or pushing her to solve the problem?đŸ„Č
yes, I needed this today (and I need Lucien in my life)đŸ„ș💜
What I Need
Lucien x Reader
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Your throat grew impossibly tight, head falling into your hands as you collapsed onto the floor against the foot of your bed. Tears welled, breaths uneven as the panic surged within you. 
The room spun, and you forced your eyes open to try to ground yourself to your surroundings. Running your hands through the cool, soft carpet beneath you, you watched the flames dancing in the hearth. Quiet crackling embers reminded you of your mate, providing a brief reprieve before your heart began to ache for his presence.
Today had been too much to bear. Tasks and responsibilities were thrown at you left and right, everyone telling you how things should be done and how quickly. Heart pounded in your chest at the mere thought of everything left to be done, and the impossible expectations with which you were facing.
As though he felt you through the bond, Lucien winnowed into the room, his steps soft against the carpet before taking a seat next to you. Your head fell instinctively to his shoulder, soft lips pressing against your hair as your mate’s hand found yours, fingers winding together. 
Peace that you only found with Lucien flowed through you, every muscle and bone in your body relaxing with reassurance that everything would be okay. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he murmured, breath warm against your skin, thumb softly stroking the back of your hand.
Following a deep inhale, you blew a long breath, lip wobbling as you clutched Lucien’s hand tighter in your own. “It’s just too much,” you whispered. “The constant demand from everyone, and they think they know better, what needs to be done. It’s just so overwhelming, Luc.”
The tears you’d been holding back fell down your cheeks to Lucien’s vest, your body curling into his. His hand released yours in favor of wrapping around you, pulling you into his lap as he held you close. “Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked, red hair falling like a curtain around you, shielding you from the rest of the world while he kept you warm.
A soft smile found its way to your lips, your own arms winding around your mate’s waist. “Just hold me, please,” you whispered, looking up to his striking features. His lips found yours in a gentle kiss, patient and passionate as your body melded to his. 
“Can I make you some dinner? Maybe run a bath?” he murmured against your lips, the taste of cinnamon invading your senses. You nodded numbly, allowing Lucien to lift you in his arms to set you on the plush mattress. 
He turned towards the bath, your hand reaching out to catch a toned arm as you pulled your mate back to you. “You will join me, won’t you?” you whispered, mouth curling up into a sly smile that Lucien reciprocated. 
“Of course, my little vixen,” he promised, pressing another kiss to your lips before setting off on his most important task of every day: loving you.
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
a star in the making ~ harry styles
word count: 2382
request?: yes!
“Heyyy how are u? So I wanted to request an X factor Harry X reader where Y/n and Harry are dating and she goes to the X factor with him for support? I just want smth cute with this bc I've never seen one like thisđŸ„ș thank you♄”
description: in which she goes to support her boyfriend when he auditions for a reality singing competition, both of them unaware that he’s about to become one of the biggest musicians in the world
pairing: harry styles x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mainly fluffy as hell, rpf tho so if you don’t like that don’t read
masterlist (one, two, three)
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His hands were shaking as they approached the venue for the auditions. There had to be hundreds of people waiting outside. People just like him, hoping and wishing that they would be good enough to advance forward in one of the biggest singing competitions in the world - The X Factor.
His mum had suggested he should audition for the show. Harry loved to sing, and he was a fantastic singer. His mum was always pushing him to enter talent shows or any other opportunity to show off his voice. Harry knew he could sing, but he never thought he’d actually be good enough for The X Factor.
Until his girlfriend joined his mum’s side.
He had met (Y/N) in school and fell for her almost immediately. It was one of those teen relationships where they were all over one another and never wanted to be apart. Everyone said it would never last, that it was just young love that would fizzle out by the time they both graduated. Neither of them ever took that to heart because, even if it was true, they were okay with enjoying their time together now.
The first time (Y/N) heard Harry sing was in the shower. She had slept over to his place (in the spare bedroom, as per Anne’s rules) and woke to the sound of water running and Harry’s voice singing a Stevie Wonder song. She nearly jumped on him the second he stepped out of the bathroom to tell him how good his voice was. After that, (Y/N) pushed Harry just as much as his mom did to convince him to try out for The X Factor. With two of the most important people in his life convinced he would do well, Harry finally gave in and signed up for auditions.
(Y/N) took hold of Harry’s shaking hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re gonna do great!”
“There’s so many people here,” he said. “They’ll never choose me.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” she said. “Besides, it doesn’t matter if you make it through. The fact that you even came for auditions is a huge achievement. You should be proud of yourself.”
Harry smiled as she squeezed his hand again.
When they called him in for his audition, he was beyond nervous. His shaking had escalated to a point where he was sure he wouldn’t even be able to sing. (Y/N) and Anne stood backstage to support him. (Y/N) gave him a peck on the cheek for good luck before he took stage.
Harry was painfully aware of how bad his audition was going. He sounded nervous, and he could not stay on key to save his life. He could feel his face and neck burning with embarrassment. He wanted to disappear on the spot and never be found again.
But then Simon Cowell did the unthinkable and let him start his audition over. “Choose a different song,” he had said. And when Harry looked over at (Y/N), smiling supportively back at him, he knew exactly what song to choose.
“Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?”
It went much better this time, but he was still shocked when he was given the pass on to bootcamp. He was so excited that he didn’t even stay on stage to hear the end of Simon’s sentence. He ran to (Y/N), taking her into his arms and spinning her around as she and Anne cheered for him.
“I told you you could do it!” (Y/N) said. “You were so good, baby!”
“I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
Anne cleared her throat and was raising a playful eyebrow at her son. Harry put (Y/N) down to hug her as well. “You know I couldn’t do it without you too, mum.”
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” Anne said.
Harry turned back to (Y/N). “Can you come to the bootcamp, too? Do you think school will let you be away for another few days?”
“I can’t see there being an issue if I’m away supporting my boyfriend on a reality TV show. I’ll catch up if I have to.” She cupped his face and planted a big kiss on his lips. “I’ll be here to support you as long as you want me to.”
And she kept that promise. After a lot of convincing, (Y/N)’s parents agreed to talk to the school to let her take time off so she could go to the bootcamp. It was very needed, because Harry’s nerves only grew as the bootcamp arrived. He wasn’t sure how it was going to go. He couldn’t dance at all, and he had a feeling his nerves weren’t going to help him learn. (Y/N) tried to reassure him, but he couldn’t shake the pessimistic feeling that he had going into it.
And he was right. He tried not to look too disappointed when he was eliminated from the show, but the second it was just him and (Y/N), he let his emotions out. (Y/N) hugged him tightly as he cried into her shoulder.
“You did so good, babe,” she said. “You made it further than you expected!”
“I know,” Harry said through his tears. “I just got my hopes up a bit that I’d go a bit further. Getting to bootcamp and then getting eliminated, it feels more humiliating than if I had been eliminated from the auditions.”
(Y/N) cupped his face and forced him to look at her. “Listen to me, you should not be humiliated. You did so well! The fact that you got past the auditions is a huge achievement. Actually, the fact that you auditioned at all is an achievement. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am, and I know your mum will be, too.”
Harry nodded, but he wasn’t completely feeling it. He just wanted to go home and lay in bed for hours until the disappointment wore off. They were about to leave when a producer called out to stop them.
“We have an idea,” he told the two.
The idea, it would seem, was to match Harry up with four other contestants that had been eliminated from the solo rounds. Four other guys that were close enough to Harry in age, named Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. They all had the same look on their faces as Harry did - a little dejected, but also a little hopeful about this pairing.
“We’re thinking you could be the big boy band for this generation if things go right,” Simon was telling them. “I’m talking Backstreet Boys for the 2010s. If you are all interested, that is.”
“We’d be stupid to say no,” Louis pointed out.
“Great! We’ll have you all enter as a band. You can talk amongst yourselves and come up with a name. No rush, though. You can let us know whenever you come up with something.”
He left the five to talk amongst themselves then. It was a bit awkward to say the least. They were five young men from different parts of the UK, having come to The X Factor to audition as solo artists, only to be put together in a band with four other strangers. Harry fidgeted with his hands a bit before (Y/N) took one of them in hers, hoping to relieve some of the awkwardness for them.
“Well then, lads,” Niall said. “Seems we’re a team now.”
“Seems so,” Zayn agreed. “How are we feeling about this?”
“I’ll take it over being eliminated again,” Liam said. “Worth a shot, right?”
“Maybe it’ll work out better than you all expect,” (Y/N) suggested. “For all you guys know, you’ll be the next big thing. Stars in the making.”
Harry chuckled. “Yeah, maybe. Or maybe we’ll get booted after two rounds together.”
“You’re such a Debbie Downer,” (Y/N) said. “Don’t get down on yourselves yet. You don’t know what’s gonna be in store for you.”
Harry’s body ached and his eyes were burning in a way that made him want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week straight. As much as he had been dreading the end of his almost two year long tour, and as much as he didn’t want that fun and excitement to end, he knew he needed the rest. Especially after giving it his all during the last few shows of the tour. His legs were so sore that he felt like he could barely make it to his hotel room without collapsing onto the hallway floor and falling asleep right then and there.
(Y/N) walked by his side, one arm around his waist, basically assisting him to get to his room. She giggled up at his sleepy face. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I feel like it,” he mumbled. “It was a really good show, though.”
“It was fantastic, baby. You gave them all a show they’ll never forget.”
Harry smiled to himself. A show he’d never forget, either. A tour he’d never forget, in fact.
And, just like when he auditioned for The X Factor, (Y/N) had been with him every step of the way. It was safe to say they had beaten the claims that their relationship was just a high school fling, by a very long shot.
When they got to their room, Harry swiped the key card and nearly fell into the room. (Y/N) laughed as she closed the door behind him and started shedding herself of her heels and dress. “You should really just go to bed, love. You look so tired.”
“I need a shower first. I can’t get into bed after being all sweaty.”
But that was only half of the reason Harry was adamant on showering before going to bed. Despite being so exhausted, Harry had one last big plan for the night.
He quickly showered, opting for cold water in hopes it would wake him up a bit more. He had no idea what he was going to say when he went back out there. He had prepared about ten different speeches in his head leading up to this moment, but none of them were coming to him in that moment. He felt more nervous than he had been all those years ago when he walked into The X Factor auditions, with (Y/N) at his side giving him all the reassurance he needed.
He got out of the shower and quickly towel dried as much of his hair as he could. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants and took the little box he had taken into the bathroom with him from the counter. When he stepped back out into the hotel room, (Y/N) was laying on the bed waiting for him. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, her favorite pajama alternative. Her eyes were closed, but the second he entered the room she opened them and smiled at him.
“Feel better?” she asked.
“Still tired, but much more refreshed.”
Harry crossed the room and knelt down next to the bed. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. “What are you doing, you weirdo?”
“Remember when we first got together, and we had that type of teen relationship that was so intense that we never wanted to be away from one another?” he asked. “Where people told us we shouldn’t be so stuck to each other because it likely wouldn’t last?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “How could I forget? I swear, it’s like everyone was rooting against us back then.”
“You wanna know how I knew they were all wrong? Even when we were still teenagers?” (Y/N) hummed in response. “Because you gave up weeks of school just to come support me when I started the show. You gave up so much time that the school threatened to hold you back because they said you’d never be able to catch up, and even then you tried to convince your parents to let you stay for the rest of the show.”
(Y/N) smiled at the memory. “Because I wanted to be there. I wanted to watch you every step of the way, right up until the finale. I would’ve, too, if my parents hadn’t gotten so upset over me almost flunking out because of it.”
“That’s how I knew you were my endgame. Because you could’ve watched the show at home. Or you could’ve not supported me at all and just thought I was being stupid for wanting to audition for the show. But you didn’t. You insisted on being there for me, even after I told you that you didn’t have to be. People don’t do that unless they really love someone.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow. “Where are you going with this, Harold?”
Harry put the open ring box on the bed next to (Y/N). Her eyes widened as she slowly sat up. Harry watched her every movement as he asked, “(Y/N), will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in her eyes immediately. She nodded, unable to form any words.
“Yeah?” Harry asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Yes, you idiot,” she finally managed. “Of course I’ll marry you. Oh my god, yes!”
The force of Harry’s lunge to hug (Y/N) knocked them both back onto the bed. He kissed her so passionately it made both of their heads spin. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her, never wanting to let him go.
Until she realized - “Oh, the ring.”
Harry sat up, allowing (Y/N) to do the same, and took the ring from the box. He gently placed it on her ring finger. (Y/N) took a moment to admire it before she was the one to jump on Harry and push him down onto the bed. He laughed as she kissed all over his face, leaving his lips for last so she could take her time there.
“I love you so much,” she said.
“I love you more,” he responded. “I’ve loved you since we were 16.”
“That’s so close to being that one song you and the boys did.”
Harry chuckled and pulled her into his arms.
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lullaebies · 4 months
For Aegon III/Jaehaera's requests: Aegon being nervous because Haera is having their first child and heir after a decade.
He can hear her screams of pain from behind the doors of their shared chambers.
He starts to pray the gods, despite Baela and Viserys' tentative reassurances then Haera calls for him and Aegon's feets lead him in front of the doors; the guards try to stop him and he orders them to not touch him.
They woke the dragon and the dragon will be protective of his mate and hatchlings.
When he enters, he is quick to be by Jaehaera's side
"My king you shouldn't-"
"I can and I will"
They had their baby boyđŸ„ș and you bet that Aegon cries for the first time out of happiness, then Haera is there like: "Give him to me! he's mine!"
And doesn't allow anyone to touch their baby and you vet Aegon will wash his baby boy, much to the horror and amusement of the masters, midwives and Aegon's siblings
Aegon paces around the hallway in an attempt to calm down. He has been banned from his bedchambers for the better of half an hour now.  The Grand Maester and his accompanying midwives have tended his wife as she gave birth to her firstborn; their firstborn.
He is not a religious man, by any means of the word, but he prays under his breath. The gods had long forsaken him, laughing as they planted him on a throne of swords that had cost him nearby everything. But his wife had a woman of more faith, despite all she had been through herself. If the Seven are true to them, they would protect her.
Aegon hopes so, begs so, his stomach turning up and down. The toll of the birthing is clearly heard beyond the doors that separate them. Jaehaera is eight and ten, and they both grew plenty since their wedding, but she has remained a smaller woman to this day. Her pregnant belly had been big for her frame, he can’t help the dark thoughts his mind leads him to.
“You are going to have to breathe, dear brother,” Viserys tells him. “Births do not ever sound pleasant. This is a fact of life.”
Yet they never sounded so difficult for Larra, either, he wants to say, but he only frowns. If it wasn’t for the fact Lady Larra Rogare had left court a year prior, he may have said it aloud. Little Aegon, Aemon, and Naerys were left alone with only their father. The pit in Aegon’s stomach grows exponentially. This is a possibility, for Aegon too, and he had never trusted his odds.
Baela takes him by the shoulder. If it wasn’t his sister, he may very well flung that hand away. “You are going to look more dreadful than your wife when she gets out of that room,” she says straight to his face. “Calm down. I have done as much twice. Rhaena had done so six times. Your little wife will manage, she’s resilient, for all it’s worth.”
She’s neither you nor Rhaena. Resilient Jaehaera had been, but it hasn’t been without struggles. Aegon doubts she had ever said as much to anyone else but him, but this court had been a lonely place for her besides for him. She’s been changing it, step by step, and now labouring to change it definitively, but how alone must she feel in that room? 
Another pained wail comes from within the room. I can’t take it anymore.
“I am entering,” he finally says, escaping his sister’s grip. There are protests from all sides when he steps away from his siblings and to his Kingsguards. The bumbling fools in their white capes move to not allow him to enter, citing the instructions of the Maester, but he glares them down. He’s a full head taller than both, with a crown on his head. He has abandoned the days the Keep could rule him when he fired Lord Torrhen Manderly. “You serve the maester or the King, now? Move aside, or else.” 
The doors to the room open for him while Jaehaera is pushing, forehead wrinkled and sweatied as she does. All her attendants turn to him, but he ignores them and their words entirely.  Aegon only needs a few long steps to reach his wife, sitting beside her on their very bed. 
Jaehaera lifts her eyes to him, panting as he wipes her forehead and moves silver strands from her red-hued face. Grand Maester Munkun swallows as he moves to him. “Your Grace, you shouldn’t like to stay. Births are stressful occasions—”
Aegon does not listen to a thing the man says. “Aegon,” Jaehaera pants, fingers coming to clutch his sleeve. He gives her his full palm to squeeze. 
“—To both parents
” The Grand Maester slowly falters in his words.
“As I’ve noted,” Aegon answers, cutthroat. “I can stay and I will. Now mind your Queen before I find someone who does.”
The old man gulps in response, and scurries to his seat at the edge of the bed nodding. Aegon fixes the pillows under his wife’s head. The calls to push are difficult on his wife for a while, and he feels her using all her strength, the squeeze on his hand a testament to all her efforts.
Their child’s cradle is ready, standing by the window and illuminated by the sun. So many blankets woven for a child not yet born are laid within. Jaehaera had been waiting on the babe for so long, talking to her belly at times even, hoping the little one would hear. 
In comparison, Aegon had been almost afraid. He had worried and angered and anxiously dealt with the idea of a child coming under his wing. Broken wings, by most accounts. He has never known how his siblings had been able to heal the way they were, raising their own family in swift pursuit. Jaehaera’s losses, his losses, had made them become ghosts in the shells of their bodies for the longest while.
But he had grown into this shell, just as he had grown into his crown, and now it is their turn to rebuild. 
Jaehaera lets out a sharp yelp of pain, and Grand Maester Munkun lifts his head. “The babe is crowning,” he looks to the midwives. “Prepare the bath!”
Aegon squeezes his wife’s hand harder. Jaehaera’s eyes are bleary from tears of effort, but he feels he is the one who is in whirls of uncontrollable emotions. Jaehaera inhales in determination, readjusts her position and groans loudly one last time.
A babe’s cries deafen all other voices in the room. 
“It’s a boy,” Munkun announces to the room amidst cries of new life, and then looks at him. “A  healthy prince, Your Grace. An heir for the Iron Throne.”
Grand Maester Munkun is holding their son. Aegon doesn’t know how long he has been waiting on letting his tears fall. It could be from the moment he has been told Jaehaera’s water broke, and it could be from moons prior, when he had been first told Jaehaera is with child. There is some spell cast on him when he sees his boy writhe for attention, tufts of silver hair sticking to his head. It’s my

The umbilical cord is cut, Jaehaera, despite her pain and fatigue, rises into half-sitting in a bolt. “He’s mine,” she yells at the Grand Maester, paralysing all attendants in the room. Queen Jaehaera, as the court knows her, hardly ever raises her voice. “Give him to me!” 
It’s their boy, first. Before he is an heir, before he is thrust into his royal position, it’s their son.
Aegon comes up from his place, and takes his son from Grand Maester Munkun before he could give him to any of the midwives. He is a big baby, eyeing Aegon with a stare of indigo. He has small, pouty lips, and squishy cheeks as red as all of his body is.
“Our son,” he says, placing the boy in her arms. Jaehaera holds him close to her chest, and finally, the stress on her face dissipates. Tears escape her eyes, but she smiles so widely. “He has your nose.”
“Hello. I am your mama,” she tells the newborn softly. The babe’s cries calm as they speak. Aegon brings a hand to caress his face. Does he recognize their voices? Aegon hasn’t spoken to him during the pregnancy as much as Jaehaera, but the nights he did, does the boy recall them? Aegon had been so afraid for his upcoming arrival, but now he has him and he can’t look away. “And this is your papa.”
It’s my family. 
And he loves it, so dearly, he will never let it go.
“Congratulations, little brother, and good sister,” he hears Baela’s voice from behind him. Both her and Jaehaera look up to her. His sister is mindful of their space, but ogles the little boy with a grin. Viserys is further back, trying to catch a glimpse of the child too. “The midwives are afraid to ruin the moment, so I must. Our prince needs to have his first bath before the water grows cold.”
Jaehaera licks her lips, rather hesitant to give the boy away. They share their reservations with only their eyes. Aegon thinks for a moment and kisses his wife’s temple before looking at all the attendants in the room. “Bring the bath here. I’ll do it.”
There are many variations of his title that come about in exclamation. ‘Your Grace’, ‘Your Highness’, ‘Your Majesty’ and so on and so forth, all complaints and concerns and whatnot. None of it matters, not even a smidge, when Jaehaera smiles at him, and gives him their boy in full trust. He holds him, swearing his arms would be secure for the boy evermore.
Because I am your father, above all else.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
more with singleteenmom!reader x Steve harrington!! Please! We all need it!!
I’ll be happy to! Here’s another little blurb because my heart is warm for dad Steve đŸ„ș also I applies I might’ve gotten a little carried away.
You better believe Steve is so involved with baby girl from the moment he meets her.
Early in your relationship, every time he comes over, he’ll just pick her up and kiss her all over her face until she’s shrieking and giggling with joy.
“How’s my favorite girl?” he’d ask.
You joke that Steve is only dating you for the baby cuddles although you don’t mind one bit because you can’t help but fall in love with him just a bit more every time you see him with her.
Steve wants to help with everything. Feeding her, baths, bed time, although his first time changing a diaper, he was so confused and worried.
She’s at the stage where she’s a lot more active and fussy when it comes to having her diaper changed because she just wants to be on the go. The pure worry on his face when she’s throwing a fit crying is heartwarming, but a bit hilarious.
“What’s wrong? I’m not hurting her am I?!”
You obviously reassure him that it’s not him, she just hates staying still for a diaper change at the moment.
“Hey, it’s okay sweetheart. I know this isn’t fun, but I’ve got you, yeah? I’ll get this done and over with soon alright? Wanna hear a funny story? So yesterday Dustin thought it would be funny—“
You just might be a bit amazed as you watch your daughter’s howls slowly turn into sniffles as she becomes enraptured about Steve’s story about Dustin’s latest prank on his friends. You’d never seen her so calm for a diaper change.
It’s a new task and he’s a bit clumsy at first, but soon he gets the hang of it. When the diaper is on and her onesie back on, he picks her up, wiping her face of her tears.
“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
She immediately melts into his shoulder, her head falling into the crook of her neck, her eyes drooping.
“Ah that looks like the problem. It’s time for someone’s nap isn’t it?”
Steve is always so cute asking if he can do something. He looks at you, asking if it’s okay if he rocks her to sleep and really, how can you say no? You settle him with her pacifier and the little stuffed bunny she likes to have and leave him to it.
He sits down in the rocking chair, placing the pacifier in her mouth and she instantly starts sucking on it.
“Do you want your bunny too?”
Her little hands grasp it, holding it to her chest between him and her.
“Would you like to hear a story?”
Her head now resting on his chest, she sleepily gazes up at him, fighting sleep as hard as she can.
“Okay. Well, once upon a time there was a little princess. She was tiny, but she was mighty. That’s because her mommy, the Queen had raised her to be. Unfortunately, the evil King had no interest in his daughter the Princess which I personally think is a shame because the Princess happens to be the most amazing little person. So is her mommy. Then, along came a peasant boy. He wasn’t Royal. But he instantly fell in love with the Queen. He loved the way her smile lit up her face every time she smiled. How sweet and kind she was to others. How even though the peasant thought he had no chance with her, she gave him a chance. He was the happiest guy ever. You wanna know why? Because she is the best thing ever to happen to him. You are too, my little princess.”
Steve glanced down and noticed she was fast asleep on his chest, but he couldn’t help but sit there a little longer to rock her before taking her to her crib.
Little did he know that you’d been outside the door listening to it all with a smile on your face and love in your heart.
Bath time is always interesting with babies. But if Steve gave her a bath? He made it a whole production.
“Now what is Mister Ducky doing huh?”
She’d babble back at him, still not entirely fluent in actual English, more so baby chatter.
“Did he really? He had no business doing that to Mister Cow.”
You laughed as you handed him the baby shampoo, eyeing the bath toys your daughter was playing with.
He would gently wash her hair, making sure to keep any suds out of her eyes as she happily played. Usually you could tell when she was over bath time because she’d start to fuss, tears coming soon.
As soon as the last suds were rinsed out of her hair, Steve would pick her up and wrap her in her towel.
“Hey, none of that okay? See, it’s over and we can get you into your pajamas all nice and warm okay squirt?”
Steve loves buying her things. Frankly, you can’t get him to stop. He spoils you and your baby girl way more than he should, but he happily does it.
One day, it might be a stuffed animal, one that she loves to play with.
Another time, it may be a book. He knows how much you like to read to her. Your little girl loves being read to, so books are always part of the gifts. Sometimes, he evens asks to read them to her. When he isn’t, he’ll sit in with you while you read to her. Besides, if Steve is around, your little girl wants him near.
Speaking of, she grows so attached to Steve that every time he comes over, she’s going to him. First, she crawls her little tushy off—the proper way, unfortunately not backwards much to Steve’s disappointment (just kidding)—and raise her hands to be held.
“Teve! Teve!”
As she grows, she’s always pulling herself up by his pant legs. Her vocabulary has been growing with her motor skills and it transforms to, “Teve, up!” when she wants to be held.
It seems like in a blink of an eye that she’s toddling to him, her steps still a bit awkward, but she’s on the run towards him when he comes over, a big smile and arms raised to him.
Steve was there for her first steps because of course he was. He’s always with you or you’re both always with him. Whether it comes to him coming over, the three of you going out or even hanging out with his other friends and children, you spend a lot of time together.
You just happened to be at a party/get together that Nancy Wheeler was throwing at her parents’ house. Not like a high school party, but just one with good food, good friends and plenty of fun. Everyone is there from her and her boyfriend Jonathan, Robin, all six kids and of course, you, Steve and your little munchkin.
Of course, they’d all met you and your daughter before but Steve loves to show her off as she’s his own which honestly, she might as well be. He’s as involved and proud of her like she is. You wish she was his, but you know she is his daughter in every way that counts.
He’s toting her around on his hip, occasionally letting her roam free with the kids to entertain her as she’s definitely into her exploratory “let’s get into anything we can get our hands on” phase.
“Steve! I think she’s trying to walk!” Dustin exclaims.
He turns around, along with you as you watch your little girl pull herself up on the coffee table that’s in front of the couch in the basement of the Wheeler house.
You’re both ecstatic as you watch her walk, still holding onto the table, as she takes steps.
Steve crouches not too far from her, holding his arms out.
“Can you come here sweet girl? Can you come see Steve?”
She looks at him hesitantly, as if afraid to give up the hold and support the coffee table gives her.
“You can do it, you don’t need that ‘ol coffee table. Come see Steve. I’ll give you cuddles.”
She giggles, letting go of it, taking one tentative step, then another.
“That’s it! You got it! Just a few more steps!” He’s beaming so much now. Even if she were to stumble and fall on her butt now, he would be so proud of the baby steps she’s taken.
But she keeps going and with one, two, three more steps, she stumbles into his arms where he scoops her up with joy.
“You did it! My baby girl did it!”
He lifts her into the air and she squeals, everyone else who’d witnessed it too, cheering and awwing at the sight.
He kisses her cheek and she replies by putting her mouth on his nose making him laugh even harder—with joy, excitement and pure love for her, you and all of his friends.
“Thank you for the kiss. Can you give mommy one too?”
He bends her to you where she leaves a sloppy open mouth kiss partially on your cheek.
“Now, how about some ice cream huh?”
“Steve, you’re cleaning her up if you get her as messy as last time!” you holler after him.
Which of course, he doesn’t mind. The most mundane things are the best time as long as he’s with you and his munchkin.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
more fluff with poly!sethxreaderxpaul with their baby! i love them sm!! đŸ„șđŸ„ș
they're the cutestđŸ„ș
"pretty girl," seth's soft voice pulled you out of your sleep. you let out a low groan, rolling over as you blearily knuckled at your eyes as you woke yourself up.
"'s wrong?" you murmured, sitting up to see paul standing in the doorway with your baby and seth sitting next to you with the pump.
seth smiled softly at you, "you gotta pump," he murmured, knowing how irritated you'd be in the morning if you woke up with sore boobs from not pumping all night.
you groaned softly, nodding as you took the pump from seth, allowing him to help get you situated. paul came over a moment later, sitting down next to the two of you with your sleeping newborn in his arms.
"when did he wake up?" you asked softly, looking up at paul who offered you a small smile.
"just a few minutes ago. just wanted to be held," he reassured, leaning over to press a soft kiss to the crown of your head and you nodded, smiling at your sleeping baby.
seth got up, stretching his arms over his head once he finally got the pump set up and turned on. he was pretty religious about keeping you on a good pumping schedule, having alarms and reminders constantly going off on his phone every few hours to remind him to remind you to pump. you were grateful for the help, seeing as you probably would've forgotten about it yourself if you didn't have him there to help you.
"want anything from the kitchen?" he asked you and paul and you giggled, shaking your head.
"it's the middle of the night seth." you whispered, giggling again when he rolled his eyes at you playfully.
"‘s not making me any less hungry." he teased before heading into the kitchen to grab a snack for him and paul while you relaxed into the bed, turning your attention to your baby who whimpered as he subconsciously adjusted himself in paul's arms.
you peeked up at paul who offered you a small smile, "you feeling okay?" he asked softly and you nodded, letting out a sigh as you got the pump switched to the other breast.
"jus' tired." you explained and he nodded, leaning over to press another soft kiss to your forehead.
the three of you had worked out a pretty solid schedule. paul and seth alternated getting up with the baby in the middle of the night while they only woke you up when you needed to pump or feed him. it worked out quite well so the three of you could get relatively decent amounts of sleep throughout the night which was much needed, especially since you were still newly post-partum.
"just a few more minutes and then you can go back to bed." he reassured and you nodded, smiling at him.
"you two are the best." you whispered as the third member of your trio came back in with a box of cheez-its that had you giggling.
seth playfully rolled his eyes at you as he got back in the bed, allowing you to lean into his side as he munched on the cheez-its, "you want any?" he asked and you giggled, nodding as he put a cheez-it in your mouth before doing the same for paul, all three of you laughing softly at the situation.
the pump let out a soft beep, letting the three of you know that you were done with this session. you let out a soft sigh of relief as seth helped you take it off, "look at you go mama!" seth cooed excitedly as he held up the bag of milk you'd pumped, "such a good job." he smiled as you giggled, leaning over to press a soft kiss to your temple before taking the pump and all its parts to the kitchen so he could get it cleaned for you.
paul chuckled, rolling his eyes, "can i see him?" you asked paul and he nodded, handing you your baby who let out a little whimper when you transitioned, quickly calming down when he realized he was in your arms and not a stranger's.
"i think he should stay in here for the night if he's been fussy." you said softly to paul who nodded.
"you wanna try laying him down in his crib for a little bit then?" he asked and you nodded, allowing him to take your baby back, quickly setting him down in the bedside crib you had set up.
thankfully, he didn't seem to upset about the change, only whimpering for a few moments before falling back asleep in the crib. seth came back in then, quickly climbing back into bed with you and paul, "he staying in here tonight?" seth asked when he noticed your baby sound asleep in the crib next to paul who nodded.
"mhm," you hummed as you laid back down, taking paul's hand and tugging him to lay down with you as you curled into seth's chest.
both boys let out breathy laughs at your sleepiness, allowing you to get comfortable before all three of you drifted off.
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darling-wendy · 1 year
rei and miri's physicality: a chronological analysis (part 2)
Part one is here.
I accidentally missed this one from episode 3, and I am kicking myself because it is such A Moment, so I'm putting it here since I maxed out photos in part one.
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Miri insists that the whole family sleep together, and what are Rei and Kazuki gonna do, say no? This moment is later referred to by both Miri and Rei, so it clearly left an impression. I genuinely wonder if they ever did it again or if the one time was so impactful. Anyway, I die at Miri's tiny fingers being curled around strands of Rei's hair.
Episode 7!
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I think this is the only time we see Rei carrying Miri to the outside of the apartment as they're leaving the house, and I don't think Kazuki has done it either, so it was probably him trying to save time by running down with her since he believes they're running late for daycare.
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Just more of Miri casually climbing on Rei again. After Rei heeds her comment (by ordering fries lmao. Rei, you disaster), she beams and clings harder.
Side note, it's funny how the cat shirt is clearly an indoor garment for him. He was sleeping in it and stopped to change into the purple shirt to take Miri to daycare despite running late (or so he thinks). He then he changes back into the cat shirt after they return.
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In contrast to episode 3, this time when Miri climbs in the tub to sleep with Rei, he lets her. She probably wanted company after Kazuki "abandoned" them (and perhaps Rei did too).
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Miri nuzzles Rei's hand in the cutest, softest, and most heart breaking way when he touches her head and asks if she's sick, and I hate that I don't have a gif of it to put here.
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Once again, Rei picks her up so carefully :<
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And this time he doesn't change his shirt. He just wraps Miri in a blanket and runs to Kyu đŸ„ș Look at his face, he's so worried about her.
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Kazuki returns and finds them like this and it's so soft. Rei fell asleep kneeling at Miri's bedside, holding her hand. That's not a comfortable position to fall asleep in, even for Rei. The doctors probably reassured him that it was a typical cold that little kids will often get, but he was so worried, he kept a vigil by her bedside.
Episode 9! A big chunk of the episode is dedicated to Rei getting comfortable to open up more emotionally and have more confidence in his ability to be there for Miri. And then it culminates in the parent-child race.
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Little kids using their whole hands to hold a couple of their dad's fingers is a very specific uwu button, but it sets me off every time. Not only was this moment referenced in the OP, it's also one of the only ones that's a direct scene lift
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I love that they writers had the two of them hold Miri by the hand and carry her. That's such a gooey parent thing and I love to see it. I always wondered if it wasn't technically cheating, but never mind that, Miri got her medal lol.
Side note, Rei and Kazuki simply looking at each other and knowing exactly what they're both going to do--and them dusting all the others despite having fallen well behind--is so dear to me. Partners in work and childcare.
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Piggyback! Now Rei has carried her in all possible ways. Not sure why Kazuki apologised for having Rei carry Miri when the stuff he's holding looked way more cumbersome to me lol. I personally thinks Rei enjoys carrying Miri around, especially when she's sleeping. Just a hunch.
Episode 10! A bittersweet one. Though not in terms of physicality for these two. Rei doesn't hug Miri to hide tears the way Kazuki does. He instead just lets his sadness show openly (well, openly behind Miri's back).
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But back on topic. We get yet another instance of Miri's favourite way to rouse Rei out of sleep lol. I know it's Rule of Funny, but seeing Rei get more flustered by a pre-schooler jumping on him than by him walking into a hail of gunfire is golden. It also makes sense given his upbringing.
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These are from two separate scenes, but I'm putting them together since they're so similar. The first one in particular is so sweet to me because Rei typically has both hands in his pockets. Here it's like he left one out so as to let Miri still have an outlet for the skinship that she loves to initiate. She's always mentioned how cool it is that Rei is so good at games, but the second one has more pure adoration than any other time. And Rei, more open with his emotions, is soaking it up. (Lol poor Kazuki)
Episode 11! Miri and Rei don't have have contact in the actual timeline of the episode's events, but we do get one amazing flashback.
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I've gone back and forth between deeming this a flashback of unseen events and as a representative image of a concept Rei was thinking about. It kind of has the same filter as one of the quick flashbacks Kazuki has later in this scene. So, fuck it. It's a flashback. They swung her around again because she loved it so much the first time (and they're enjoying it too).
Episode 12!
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Ten seconds in, we get one final 'Miri jumping on Rei to wake him up' gag to play us off lol. Great work, guys.
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Miri helps Rei cook French toast for breakfast again, and this time they get Kazuki approval. High five~
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I'm spit balling here, but my read on this is that Rei thinks Miri is asking that Rei pledge he cut his pinky finger if they break their promise. That's a thing the yakuza still do for infarctions and the only other time I've heard 'kejime' come up in a similar context was Higurashi, when Shion was being made to rip off her fingernails in penance. And it would perfectly explain Kazuki's reaction lol.
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Another 'people's hands feel warm' moment, I'm sure. Once again, look at the size difference between their hands! 😭
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Into the future, they remained sleeping buddies. And it's all the more significant that he's letting her rest entirely on his left arm. Rei has gone from sleeping in the bathtub in paranoid fear of ambush to napping in the open with his only working arm being restricted and probably gone numb from Miri lying on it. They're free đŸ„ș
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
I’m baaaaack!!
Oh I’ve missed your writing, I just got dragged off due to some stuff irl and having a mini hyper fixation on Eddie Munson-
How are you dear? đŸ„ș everything okay? Drinking water and eating food? I hope you are!
Would love to see if you could possibly do hcs of all the different ways LJ would comfort you and show you how much he loves you as well as how he’d react to his s/o having gift giving and physical touch be her main love languages!
- đŸ©¶ Anon
Laughing Jack comforting a reader who has gift giving/touch as a love language!
i have one other request in the inbox asides this one but i think imma save it for later since im!! tired.. im doing okay-ish? ups and downs, i will admit the past few weeks i havent been feeling right/like myself but im sure its just a funk or something.. gotta drink more water, though </3 hope you enjoy this anon!
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jack is very very clingy himself, like in an emotional sense but also a physical sense... if it were efficient he would wrap himself around you and not let go but unfortunately a lot of things in life would get inconvenienced
a majority of that clinginess comes from his abandonment issues, with only a portion just being a part of his personality
very verbal in wanting to keep you around, and while he may not out right say or ask it, i think sometimes he needs some reassurance from you that youre not going to be going anywhere
will take any chance he can to sling his arm around you, usually just draping it over your shoulders lazily while you guys hang around one another
i dont think hes opposed to hand holding, either.. he has very large hands and theyre warm... sharp claws, though
if anything you might have to ask him to give you space because he wants to spent a lot of his free time with you (and hes got a lot of free time if youre the one in possession of that little box of his); i think sometimes he can get a little overwhelming/overstimulating... i love him but personally i think he could be a little much every now and then
loves leaving you notes, usually leaves some candy with them. typically leaves them in places where he knows you'll find them, like by your keys or at the front door... likes leaving them when he knows youre about to leave for work or any other outing... will still leave them if hes the one leaving for something, although its rare that he needs to head out for something and admittedly i cant think of anything he would need to do/get done that would require him to leave briefly
looooooooooves showering you in affection, especially if you guys are in a romantic relationship; peppers you in kisses and snuggles into your cheek.. hugs, lots of hugs. will take any chance he can get to snake his arms around you. please cuddle him
so i think its safe to say that the physical touch bit is more than satisfied, on both ends
as for gift giving, i gotta say my brain is a little melted so i can tell whos giving and whos receiving, so lets do both!
if youre the one giving gifts to jack hes going to be totally over the moon...! a present? for HIM? is it christmas? is it his birthday? ...i dont.. think he has a birthday, actually... but that aside i think he would adore nearly anything you give him since hes totally obsessed with you. likely keeps it within close reach, be it in his own space, his box, or even in his hair since that functions as a means of storage in my silly hc!!
if hes the one giving gifts i think he would try to slink around to figure out what you like.. if its something more than candy then maybe... this would be one of those rare chances where he leaves the house for something, making sure not to be seen of course. which is easy when he can turn into a puff of smoke at will. honestly knowing him hes probably not going to be able to hold himself back from the gifts, so prepare to wake up to a whole pile of them in the morning... might try his hand at wrapping them but due to his claws theres some holes and slashes... but its the thought that counts..!
though if he needs to hide anything for occasions like birthdays hes not going to be able to keep it a secret... if he doesnt blurt it out hes going to be really antsy and keep checking where ever hes hiding the gifts to see if theyve been found or tampered yet
adding this in because i forgot comforting the reader!! right before i was about to hit post!!
if youre feeling anxious about him leaving or being upset with you i think he would reassure you to the best of his ability
tries to keep the mood light, likely cracks jokes while hes holding your hands... might be slightly rocking your hands back and forth or side to side
looks like the type to kiss tears away... though hes gonna have the be careful about it given that cone nose of his... though him attempting to be gentle while keeping his determination to pepper your face with pecks might be enough to crack a smile from you
literally will not leave you alone until youre smiling
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midknightwritings · 1 year
can I request shimeji alkaloid or crazy:b? I like your idea of shimeji of Valkyrie and knights... (灏Âș‿Âș灏)♡ it's so cute and precious. Hopping to see your ideas for either of those two units since they are both some crazy batch of idols . ♡(ÓŠïœ–ÓŠïœĄ)
(*3)/ïœžâ™ĄHope you have a good day and good gacha too.
- honey🐝
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Alkaloid as shimeji buddies !!
Synopsis : What would the members of Alkaloid be like as your little shimeji buddies ??
Era : N / A
Warning/s : N / A
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Hiiro / Aira / Mayoi / Tatsumi
A/N : HI HONEY 🐝 !! Thank you so much đŸ„ș I’m super glad that you liked shimeji Knights and Valkyrie <333 For this one I did Alkaloid but once I’m done with all the other requests I might do Crazy:B if that’s ok with you~!! :D
I hope you have a good day and good gacha too !! I'm sorry that this took a while to finish <3
Hiiro Amagi :
There’s never a dull moment with Hiiro around !! He’s just so friendly and loves to chat with you~ The two of you would often chat through the night if you’re not careful though
 If Hiiro does notice how late it got, he would apologize profusely for keeping you awake. Please reassure him that it’s ok !!
He’s surprisingly a really good study buddy !! Even though the material’s new to him, he would look at the various example questions and learns quickly !! He would happily help you through it all !! It’s quite cute seeing him so concentrated as he studies the question at hand because he’s just so determined to help you out~
If he notices you starting to overwork yourself, he will physically drag your cursor away and minimize your tabs himself. This is his way of saying “go take a break for a while!” which ends up with the two of you either casually chatting or doing something else together such as watching youtube videos, scrolling through social media, etc.
Hiiro used to go up to the screen and place his hands on it as a way to comfort you but, at some point, you placed your finger on top of his tiny hands which surprised him !! He looked at your finger and gave you a big smile and said “Look !! Now we’re holding hands~” This later became a habit and now he would unconsciously put a hand on the screen [ even if he’s doing something else ] so that the two of you can "hold hands" !!
He’s super fond of your affection and would always reciprocate with twice as much !! He absolutely adores your headpats the most and would often take your cursor and put it on his head if he ever wants them <3 Hiiro sometimes hangs from your cursor as you bring him to another spot on your screen~ He’s just a fan of holding your cursor as a whole because it’s another way of him feeling close to you :)
If you’re both doing your own work, it ends up with you checking up on him instead of the other way around because he tends to get tunnel vision if he’s too focused on a particular task. So please make sure to snap him out of it so that he can relax for a while !! Though, if you get intense tunnel vision as well, this somehow snaps him out of his own solely because he wants to make sure that you're not pushing yourself too hard !!
Hiiro’s quite active as a whole~ He tends to move around your screen a lot [ especially when he’s doing things for you such as helping you find your files, moving your folders, etc. ] and he also climbs the side of your screen with ease !! Most of the time he hangs out on the top of your app windows because he’s at eye level with you~
He also participates with you when it comes to your hobbies !! He’ll protect you/your character when you’re playing video games [ and yes! He’s a very good partner !! Hiiro always got your back <3 ], he’ll talk to you when you’re both watching TV shows or movies, etc~ He just loves to do things with you <3 
Hiiro wants to make sure that you’re safe every time you use your computer so he ends up becoming your personal antivirus protector !! You’ll never get a virus ever again with Hiiro around~ He’ll also steer you away from any sketchy websites or ads that you might come across... Hey !! Don’t click that link! It has 4 virus’ attached to it so it’s better to go to this site instead~
When it comes to feedback, Hiiro's quite straightforward about it~ Sometimes his bluntness makes him sound harsh, but he has no intention of being that !! He just wants to help you and see you improve so please don't take it wrongly !! Hiiro’s always by your side every time you turn something in, having a mini celebration with you through the screen <3
Aira Shiratori :
He’s your #1 fan !! Aira's always cheering you on whether you’re playing a video game, doing your assignments, drawing, or when you’re doing any of your hobbies !! Sometimes you can see him in the corner of your screen holding up glowsticks of your favourite colour as if you’re an idol yourself <3
Whether you’re into celebrity news or not, you’ll somehow always be in the loop because of him~ Aira somehow knows all the juicy celebrity gossip that’s going around at all times and he would often end up rambling about the latest scandal or news. Like, have you heard ?? The lead singer of this band was seen with someone else going to a fancy restaurant after their live performance !! Apparently they’ve been childhood friends but some people say they’re actually partners~
Aira created a nickname for you based on your username on social media~ Though, he would sometimes come up with his own unique ones just for you and, if you do the same thing for him, he will definitely get flustered and try his absolute best to calm himself down [ though he would definitely fail~ ]
You both love watching TV shows, movies or videos together in general !! You would often freak out over your favourite characters/celebrities together and would sometimes tease each other about it too. Like c’mon !! Your favourite character was so cute during that one scene~ Aira definitely saw you swoon !! Huh ?! What do you mean he also swooned when HIS favourite character showed up ?! T-that totally didn’t happen !!
Sometimes, you both would ramble to each other for so long that you wouldn’t realize how much time has passed. This leads to accidental all-nighters but you both don’t mind !! Aira genuinely enjoys listening to you ramble about the things you’re interested in and he also really appreciates when you listen to his rambles as well <3 He used to be very shy about it but you gave him so much confidence that he would now directly go to you whenever he wants to talk about something !!
Aira always keeps you company when you’re logged in, even when you don’t necessarily talk all the time, he’s still by your side through everything !! He’s always ready to drop whatever he’s doing in order to help you if he notices you struggling in any way, shape or form~
If you ever need primary sources for your assignments, Aira can easily find them and wouldn’t hesitate to give them to you~ Here !! Have this interview from 5 years ago translated to your native language by Aira himself <3 Oh? You want to know the opinion of the author when they wrote their book? Here it is~ It’s from 8 years ago at around the time when they completed their book, it’s just what you needed right~?
He actively makes sure that you don’t overwork yourself and would often tug at your cursor to get your attention if you’re too focused on your work. He also gives you reminders for any important upcoming dates so that you both can make a schedule that works for you together !!
If you ever feel overwhelmed or stressed in general, Aira would do his best to comfort you. He knows that he’s limited to the screen but he would talk to you to try and distract you from any negative thoughts, listen to you if you want to vent, and would even hug your cursor as an act of comfort. He hopes that it’d help you feel more at ease <3
Aira gets super shy and flustered when you give him affection !! He tries to look cool in front of you but his facade instantly breaks the moment you give him a headpat. The first time you said, “I love love love~you !!” Aira.exe has stopped working~ It took him an hour to be able to look at you again without getting flustered !!
Mayoi Ayase :
Honestly, you wouldn’t see Mayoi on screen as much but that doesn’t mean he’s not there !! You’ll somehow notice quality of life improvements that originally weren't there before such as files seemingly appearing when you needed them, keyboard shortcuts, apps already being up-to-date even though you never updated them yourself for months, etc. Huh
? Since when were you logged into this site? You haven’t touched it in literal years let alone actually remembered the password !! How convenient though~ You needed it to finish your project after all~
As time goes on though, you might catch subtle glimpses of purple on the edge of your screen which suddenly disappears before you could call out to him. Please be patient though~ He’s trying his best !! And don’t worry, he’ll definitely appear when the time comes :)
Once you’re both acquainted though, and he’s comfortable enough to show himself to you, Mayoi's genuinely such a caring little buddy !! He easily notices when you’re feeling down, even if you try to mask it, and would gladly sit and listen to you vent. He understands those types of feelings and would try his best to help you through them. Mayoi will make sure that you know you’re never alone !!
Mayoi’s such an amazing teacher if you’re struggling with your work !! He would often tailor his teaching style to whatever works best for you in order to make sure that you’re able to understand the content !! Are you a visual learner? Mayoi will show you the steps on screen, so follow along ok~? Are you an auditory learner? He’ll make sure that his explanations are recorded so you can always go back to them at a later date~ You’re a kinaesthetic learner? Go grab a piece of paper and he’ll give you bulletpoint explanations to make the information easier to remember !!
He gets very skittish and super flustered if you show him any sort of affection. No matter how many times you do it, he’ll never be able to get used to it. Mayoi doesn’t really like anything physical, like headpats, but he’ll definitely melt on the spot with any sort of words of affirmation. He would often hide in one of your folders in order to re-cooperate before going back to you. That doesn’t mean he hates it though !! He’s just not used to receiving them in the first place.
He doesn’t like watching you overwork yourself so he would secretly force-quit the app you’re using [ after saving your progress of course~ ] and would use that as an excuse for you to go and relax while he “fixes” the problem for you. Oh? The app seemingly works again exactly after an hour every time? Well
 After an hour break, you’re feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work !! So that’s perfect in your eyes~
Mayoi also makes sure that you get a proper night’s rest and would often remind you of the time. If he notices that you have an important due date coming up, he’ll actively help you even more so that you’ll be able to finish early~ Sometimes, when you’re logged off, Mayoi will continue working on minor details so that you’ll be ahead in terms of progress on the next day.
He enjoys watching you play games or do your hobbies and isn’t necessarily an active member during them. Though, he’ll sometimes give you tips and/or feedback if you’re struggling with a certain aspect or level~
If you want feedback on your work, Mayoi would be very blunt. Please don’t misconstrue his words though !! He means no harm, he just wants to make sure that everything’s up to your standards !! He genuinely wants to help you~ Mayoi would sometimes give you alternative solutions when necessary so rest assured, you’ll be proud of your work in no time <3
Mayoi would also create a schedule for you and would include breaks in between each work session so that you’ll never get burnt-out. He would often update this schedule even without you knowing so that you’d have one less thing to worry about !!
Tatsumi Kazehaya :
He’s the type to give you those Facebook mom good morning posts. You know, the ones with the pink background, glitter and butterfly gifs and sparkly font? Yeah those~ Tatsumi would probably have the image open so that it’s one of the first things you see when you log into your computer !!
An amazing tutor !! Tatsumi’s so understanding and patient and he’ll gladly give you various types of explanations just in case the first one doesn’t stick. He’ll guide you and make sure that you understand each step before slowly stepping back when he feels that you’re getting the hang of it. At the same time though, he’s still there if you still need any help or guidance.
He prefers being an observer when you do any sort of hobbies because he loves seeing the way your eyes light up with passion for the things you do. Tatsumi would also go out of his way to ask questions regarding your hobbies just to see your face light up as a wide, bright smile graces your features <3 Tatsumi adores listening to you ramble about your passions~
If you play video games though
 For the safety of the characters in the game and Tatsumi, please don’t make him play racing games against you. He’s single handedly the best and worst racer you’ve ever known. With his speed, you’re surprised that he didn’t submit any of his times to speedrunning websites considering that he beats the world record as if he’s taking a casual drive around the track. [ You tried submitting one of his times once but the moderators thought that you were cheating and didn’t accept it. If only they knew the truth though
Tatsumi would actively make sure that you take breaks when you work and that you go to bed at the right time~ With all his help and guidance, you never really had an instance where you had to pull an all-nighter anyways !! Sometimes he would feel a bit down that he had to stop you for these sort of reminders late into the night but if you reassure him that it’s ok, any sort of negativity would immediately be washed away as he wishes you a good night and sweet dreams !!
He’s not as active as he wants to be because sometimes his leg pains would act up and he would need to sit down and just re-cooperate. Sometimes this causes him to rest in the most awkward spots on your screen but he’d be deeply moved if you carefully pick him up and place him down in his favourite spot. He would thank you with such a soft, but loving, smile that you couldn’t help but smile back <3
Tatsumi’s always willing to listen to your rants and vents !! He would also try his best to give you advice because he’s so worried for you :( He doesn’t like seeing you sad and his heart will 100% shatter into tiny pieces if he ever catches you crying. In times like that, he wishes that he could comfort you outside of the screen but, since he can’t do that physically, he resorts to using words instead. He hopes that his words are able to resonate with you and make you feel better~
You’ll never forget anything ever again with Tatsumi around !! He’s very organized and helps manage your schedules and due dates. He does this as a way to help you avoid burn-out and overworking yourself, especially during the busier months of the year. He updates your schedule regularly even after you logged off to the point where you now don’t really worry about adding or editing things yourself.
Tatsumi would also organize your folders and desktop just in case it starts to get messy~ This is because he doesn’t want you to get frustrated over the fact that you can’t find your important files so, he would either find them for you or guide you to where they’re at !! Over here~! He moved your presentation to this folder since it's one click away rather than five~
He’s so fond of your affection and would not hesitate to reciprocate them !! If you give him words of affirmation, he’ll give some to you too~ If you give him a headpat, he’ll pet your cursor !! He always has a soft smile, accompanied by a very light blush on his cheeks, and he’ll sometimes fondly chuckle at the fact that you’re just so adorable and; “What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you” <3
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atinyniki · 4 months
soft thoughts on Nat? (that valentine's gifft makes ne wonder)
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authors note: this is literally the cutest ask ever omfg
 also ive never done soft thoughts on anyone before
?! heheh im excited (also this might be super inaccurate bc im kinda projecting but
 wtv) anyways this one is probably going to be long-ish, but it can be read as gender neutral. (i got help from zehina and kylei too btw :P) also normalize men being soft in relationships please!!! they don’t always have to be the tough guy :3 i hope most of it is right @writingforstraykids hehe :3
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nat has to love cuddles. it’s the same thing over and over again. you’re sad? “come cuddle đŸ„ș” you’re tired? “come cuddle đŸ„ș”. she’d give the best cuddles too, which leads me into the specifics
 nat would hold you close to her and fondle your hair while cuddling. if you’ve read her fics, that’s one of the things she talks about most. just laying down with her while she massages your scalp and rakes her fingers through your hair like agh đŸ„ș💕 she’s so cutie
another thing, nat really hates when someone is in pain. if an anon mentions that they’re upset, she always asks what’s wrong. and she’d do the same to you, so so so incredibly caring. she’d always ask about your day, and you could talk for hours on end, but she’d pay attention the whole time. and if you asked her to recite everything you just said, she’d parrot it right back 💕
when you have a tummyache, nat would kiss and rub your cute lil tummy till you’re content. she hates seeing her baby in pain, and does anything she can to make you feel better. just imagine small little pecks across the soft skin, her nose nuzzling into your plush with every kiss đŸ„ș
nat gives compliments. a lot of them, to just about everyone she knows. but what if you were to turn the tables? she’d get so blushy, trying her best to stay composed. if you were to shower her with compliments, she’d get so red. especially when in public. just small gestures to show your affection and some praises thrown around here and there is enough to get her all warm and fuzzy đŸ„ș💕
nat cares deeply about every one of her friends, so what’s to say she wouldn’t care for her lover the same? of course, she shows everyone so much love, but once you’re the one being treated this way, everything changes. everything she does and says comes directly from her heart, and she’s never afraid to show you how genuine her words are.
nat is godly at aftercare. there’s nothing she loves more than taking care of her love. she always makes sure you go to the bathroom after and runs you a bath. even after a soft scene, she will always reassure you and make sure you know how much she loves you. her heart just about bursts whenever she hearts your heavy breathing and soft snoring as you fall asleep in her arms đŸ„č
when it’s gloomy out and you want to go outside, the two of you will drive around for hours. nothing is better than spending time with your lover, and long drives with the light pitter-patter of the rain in the background also gives you some more time to talk to eachother. when she’s driving you, she likes to intertwine your fingers with hers and place her hand onto the gear stick, just to feel you close to her. and since you’re traveling so much, you normally try a new place to eat! kind of like a special occasion â˜ș
kissing nat is so sweet too. with the small pecks here and there, as well as the steamier moments you have with her, you will always be able to feel how much she loves you. kissing is never exclusive to just the lips either, and i’m sure she’d kiss all over your face if she had the chance 💕
it’s basically impossible to hide your feelings from nat, considering how attentive she is. if you talk or text a specific way, she can tell exactly how you’re feeling just based off of that. this ties back to the point about comforting. she’s constantly checking up on you, providing as much comfort as she possibly can. she never wants her baby feeling upset đŸ„ș💕
nat is an amazing artist. if you’ve ever seen her art, you’d know. imagine going on a nice picnic date, feeding eachother fresh fruits and doing silly poses while sketching eachother. bonus points if it’s springtime, picking flowers and braiding them into her hair đŸ„ș you could be there for hours with her and never get bored, not when you’re in your lovers arms with the light breeze brushing against your cheeks >//<
kisses were already mentioned, but lazy/sleepy kisses deserve their own section. you both work hard, as one does, and sometimes it’s hard to talk to eachother when you’re drained of all energy, and so is she. so what do you do? you hop into bed with her and curl into her, planting lazy kisses to her face while half-asleep. there’s something about these kisses that are so intimate, recharging you after such a long day. the two of you end up getting so comfortable that you just fall asleep in eachothers arms, lips still brushing against each others đŸ„ș
pda with nat sounds soooo sweet. just holding hands while in public or linking arms? kisses to the cheek while walking and talking? hugs while you’re at small gatherings and watching the smile grow on her face? she’d get soooo giggly and so so happy. we all know how cuddly she is, so chances are she’d do it right back to you :3
being with nat will always feel like a dream. at some points, you may even think she’s too good to you, because that’s just how amazing she is. she loves with her entire heart, and she’s damn good at it too. you will never feel neglected or unwanted with her, not with the amount of attention and love she gives you. with all the constant reassurance, the compliments, and the sweet gestures, there’s no doubt that she loves you hehe <3
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
I see your request is open and I'm excited to make one â€ïžđŸ˜­ can I request how ateez would react on trying period cramp simulator?? Like their s/o brought them the device and forces them to have a taste of how it feels to be at the verge of dying every once a month đŸ€§
ateez reactions to a period cramp simulator
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genre: full crack, lmao
word count: 0.7k
warnings: mentions of a pain kink, cursing
authors notes: lowercase intentional. thank you so much for requesting, honestly you made my day this was such a good idea of yours! i really enjoyed writing this, the thought of it is so freaking funny to me idk why 😭 anyways i really hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
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i can just imagine his face dropping when you tell him what that device in your hand was for. you can see his fear building in his eyes. he would throw some excuse at you like "oh yeah for sure i will do that but uhh maybe another time? i'm too busy atm baby" or "nah i'm tired rn, but it sounds like a great idea don't get me wrong *eye twitch*" obviously you don't give his excuses the time of day, walking over and pulling his shirt up, telling him "well my period comes at inconvenient times too. when nature calls you'll just have to deal with it-" "YEAH BUT IT ISN'T NATURAL FOR ME??"
he thinks you're joking at first ngl. he lets out a soft little chuckle at your idea, but when he sees you're actually serious all laughing stops. will hold your hand and squeeze it extremely hard like its a birth simulator instead of a period one because he is ✹STRUGGLING.✹ afterwards he will probably be like "babe, i had no idea this was so painful đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș" and proceed to buy you mountains of chocolates, flowers, sanitary products, everything. he's so supportive <3
baby asks what he has done wrong 😭😭 like, what has he done to deserve this?? but you have to reassure him like "noooo, you didn't do anything wrong i was just curious and wanted to try it." he's giving you the biggest, most adorable puppy eyes he could ever muster but he eventually lets you have your little experiment. and regretfully so. i feel like yunho has pretty good pain tolerance but still, he has never had this amount of pain in that specific area so he's amazed
"no" "yes" "no" "yes" "i'm not doing that" "yes you are". it will take a lot of bickering before yeosang gives into you, rolling his eyes when you sort out the device on him. you start on the lowest setting but because he was arguing with you before you turn the pain level up, and up, and up. "yeah its not that ba- ah!" he winces as it gets worse and worse. "there is no way you go through this every month??"
gets all pouty and starts whining when you put the device on him. "y/nnnn ahh have a not been a sweet boyfriend to you? treated you right? why must i suffer????" when you finally turn on the simulator, at first he's like "...oh... yk what i think i can do this actuall- LORD HELP ME" you'd think those rock hard abs of his could withstand the pain but man is trying to fight back tears over here-
mingi thinks he is going to die. his pain tolerance is not that best so this simulator thing is pretty unbearable for him. at some point you gotta take pity on the guy and low the pain because you can see in his eyes that he's hurting so much <///3 after this littel experiment is over, he is panting and glaring at you. "right, no cuddles for you for the rest of the week!" this little protests literally lasts an hour, tops
"so what you're saying is that you have a pain kink" "wha- wooyoung!" "why else do you want me to do this?" he laughs his obnoxious hyena laugh ily wooyoung and he's obviously teasing you and turning it into a joke but there's no deny the trace of hesitance in his eyes. anyways long story short, you have to tackle and restrain him to put the device on. you don't know if he's being his super dramatic self or if he is in actual pain but he is not having a good time, nope. he's definitely gonna get you back for this one.
would probably laugh and shrug. he likes a good challenge and i feel like he has good pain tolerance too?? so he's like "sure, why not ig?" but as the cramps start to increase in frequency and pain, in his mind he starts to regret his decision. his face is blank for most of the time because you're just staring at him waiting to see his reaction. he sorta purses his lips and mutters "are we done yet?" and you smile and shrug "nah we still got the highest setting to go." oh shit.
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idv-brainrot-go-brr · 1 year
Hi!! So happy to see you back đŸ„ș May I request Naib relationship hcs both sfw and nsfw with gn reader? Tysm <3
Relationship headcanons sfw & nsfw
Character(s): Naib Subedar Content: relationship headcanons sfw & nsfw, (gn) reader
Honestly? Dating him has good and bad sides
on the plus side he is very protective, if you manage to get him to care about you this man will fight tooth and nail to keep you safe. No matter what needs to be done, he will do it without hesitation
on the downside he went to war at a very young age. Not only is he traumatized from the battlefield, from the gunshots and from losing his comrades, no, but he is also traumatized because ever since he left he hasn't seen his family once. Everything that meant something to him before he joined the army seems to far away that it might as well have been another lifetime. That child, who embraced his mother that day as he signed himself up to become a pawn for a foreign government, was no longer
anyway, back to the trauma. He has a lot of that
If you're looking for emotional maturity, he probably isn't gonna be your guy. He learned to deal with his problems himself
dealing with them in this case meaning ignoring them and trying to move on with life
spoiler alert it doesn't work very well
You need to be prepared that sometimes he will randomly become distant or quiet while he tries to get emotions under control that he can't even put into words
Maybe one day you can offer comfort and it will help somewhat, but until then all you can do is give him space
right okay back to the non-trauma episodes
I think he would just really like to be around you as much as possible. Imagine a dog. Not a golden retriever. A German shepherd, maybe.
Not overly enthusiastic on the surface level, but definitely just glad to be around
This isn't what most people will want to hear but this man doesn't strike me as particularly much of a dom
in fact, he doesn't strike me as particularly experiences
then again, he also doesn't strike me as particularly experimental
I think it'd be hard for him to imagine that the same hands that killed so many people could potentially be able to provide gentle touches, bring pleasure to another person
You'll have to teach him
He doesn't know shit, I mean it
definitely more on the sub side of things, I'm sorry
definitely scared if he's doing it wrong but also doesn't want to ask so he'll need a lot of unprompted reassurances
praise kink
what I mean to say is that this man has a raging praise kink
has probably never heard of most terms, positions or dynamics but he is eager to learn and eager to please
also a pretty fast learner, so I doubt it'll be much of an issue
probably a fan of the cowgirl/reverse cowgirl position if he's the one to top
when he's the one to bottom, I think he'd enjoy anything as long as you look at him
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adorecline · 2 years
Omg I just read your Getting Older imagine and I absolutely loved it. Maybe you could do another one sometime soon where it's another ryan and blake x daughter reader but she's been an actress since she was very young acting in a bunch of TV shows and movies, and recently her new movie that has become a series just came out and they are all proud of her. Or even one where she is an actress as well but she meets Walker Scobell but she is older than him but he like has a cute little crush on her and she is like one of his idols.
i love this idea! i hope you like it! <3
The Crush {Ryan Reynolds x daughter!reader}
summary: y/n attends the premiere of The Adam Project with her mom and dad, and meets her dad's costar who also happens to be a big fan of her (and has a huge crush on her)
I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work on here or any other websites. no translations either. likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Liked by maya_hawke, and 879,828 others
yourusername: who's ready for #theadamproject ??
user01: you look so pretty y/n đŸ„ș
user02: it's giving very much blake
| yourusername: she did raise me after all :)
user03: so excited for this movie
vancityreynolds: i have to admit i am quite ready for this movie :)
| yourusername: haha dad...you're so funny!
| vancityreynolds: why thank you, daughter â˜ș
user04: you and your mom always have the best dresses i swear 😍
maya_hawke: you look gorgeous y/n!
| yourusername: thank you, maya! ily!!
y/n posed for the photographers on the red carpet. She stood up straight and looked in everyone direction hoping she was somewhat giving all the cameras a smile. She was close to the end of the carpet and she could go meet her parents inside the theater.
y/n waved to the photographers letting them know she would be walking off. She stopped by the railing that held back screaming fans to take some pictures and sign autographs.
When she was done, she started to make her way into the theater, but was stopped by a boy with blonde hair who she recognized as Walker Scobell, her dad's costar of the movie.
"Hi y/n." Walker smiled a bit shyly.
"Hey Walker. It's so nice to meet you finally." y/n smiled back happily.
"It's nice to meet you, too." Walker said. y/n noticed him fidgeting with his fingers a bit. "I'm a big fan of you and your work. You are an amazing actress." He complimented her.
"Thank you so much." y/n beamed at his sweetness. "That means a lot."
"It's true. I've seen like all of your movies." Walker admitted. "You're one of my idols actually. You're just such an amazing actress. You're so talented and you're really pretty, too." His cheeks flushed after he finished.
"Woah there, Kid!" Ryan said walking up to them. "I like you, but slow your roll with my daughter." He joked making Walker's cheek grow even more red.
"Oh my god." Walker mumbled covering his face with his hands to hide his cheeks.
"I'm just messing with you, Walk." Ryan laughed patting his back.
"I was gonna ask for a picture, but now I'm too embarrassed." Walker shook his head smiling nervously.
"No! It's okay. Let's take a picture." y/n reassured him. "Dad, stop making him nervous."
"Okay, I'm sorry." Ryan jokingly raised his hands in defense. "Here, I'll take the picture for you." Ryan held his hand out and Walker gave him his phone.
y/n wrapped her arm over Walker's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her back. y/n crouched down and leaned closer to him. Both y/n and Walker smiled towards the camera while Ryan sang in a high voice "Cheese!" He snapped a couple pictures before giving Walker his phone back.
"Thank you, y/n." Walker said to her. "It was really nice meeting you."
"You too! I cant wait to see your movie," y/n replied. "My dad has told me great things about."
"Oh, thank you." Walker eyes lit up. "I should probably go find my dad now." He said pointing to the doors behind them.
"We'll see you later, Walker." Ryan said as he left. He waited until Walker was gone then turned back to y/n. "I knew he had a crush on you."
"You're so mean." y/n laughed shaking her head. "Come on, mom is probably wondering where we are."
"Actually, she's probably thankful for the break from us." Ryan said.
tags: @thollandgf
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milky-fixx · 1 year
For Ukitake of Bleach acclaim, pws, Tati wati đŸ„ș
tw/cw: 18+ only, blowjobs, creampies, sex toys
jushiro ukitake;
📝 = why they're on Santa's naughty list this year
Let’s get this straight--Ukitake would not be on Santa's naughty list of his own fault. In his younger days, maybe. But as Captain of the 13th Division? He’s a respectable, responsible man.
His partner on the other hand? A terrible influence. He’s unable to resist their whims. Due to a series of actions that may or may not have been initiated by them, he landed firmly on that list this year.
Reason one: Accepting a blowjob right before a Captain's meeting.
“Ah, my love,” Ukitake murmurs. “I’m going to be late.”
His hand tangles in your hair. He means to pet your head, to reassure you of a job well done, but when you swallow him deeper, he tightens its grip. He lets out a strangled grunt.
“My love,” he says again, more urgent now. “Please.”
Staring up through your lashes at Ukitake’s strained face, you release him with a pop, strings of saliva connecting your mouth to his length. 
His cock throbs at the sight. 
“But Jushiro~ We just got started.” 
You purse your lips, batting your lashes at him. 
Ukitake’s conflicted. His gaze darts between your parted mouth, pink and glossy, ever the invitation. Then to the Hell Butterfly which sits perched on his desk, waiting patiently. 
“It’s... not right,” he argues weakly, dabbing at the sweat on his brow. But you look so eager to please, so eager to relieve some of his stress. He sighs, knowing he cannot resist. Leaning back against his desk, he parts his legs slightly. He shoos the butterfly away, his back obscures the sight of you from his open window. 
Ukitake arrives to the meeting late with a full-body flush, explaining briefly that he had another flare-up of his condition. No one thinks to argue the excuse, even if his hakama seems to be put on backwards. 
Reason two: Fucking on his work desk.
Ukitake muffles a groan against the side of your neck as his cock sinks into you. There is no greater bliss, he thinks, than to be joined with you so intimately. Your walls seem to suck him in, urging him to go deeper, to fill you even further. He is powerless to resist, his hips canting against yours, your moans and his entwining to create a symphony of desire. 
He fills you with his seed with a shudder, his muscles pulled taut, every fiber of him thrumming in ecstasy. By the time he pulls out, his spend is so substantial that it trickles out of you, some drops landing on the important paperwork he set aside. 
“That... might be a problem,” he says sheepishly. 
Reason three: Leaving a toy inside you as he tries to catch up on paperwork.
“Jushiro... Jushiro, please.”
Ukitake’s quill briefly pauses, as if he is considering your pleas, before it continues moving across the page. As yours pleas continue though, he sighs, stopping entirely. He gives you a rueful smile. 
“I thought this would help satiate your urges until I finished, dearest?”
Your legs squirm around the makeshift cock. You had been going at it for several minutes, but were nowhere near completion. The ache between your legs merely increased in intensity. 
“N-Need you, Jushiro. Need you—mm—i-inside me,” you say with a broken moan.
Ukitake appraises the paperwork before him, but his gaze keeps drifting back to you. His mewling, needy spouse. What kind of husband would he be to deny you in your time of need? His hand is already undoing the ties to his hakama as he approaches you. Surely... not one fit to be a Captain... He had a duty to his work, yes, but an even greater duty to fulfilling your needs.
Or, in your case, just filling you.
(The thing with Ukitake though--Santa loves him enough that he still leaves him a present. No coal for this man.)
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macabrecake · 2 years
hey cake - your ideas stuck in my head, so can I request a small blurb with Leon and fem reader, him admiring her as she rides him and he’s absolutely obsessed with it
Deadass giggling and kicking my legs as I read this you have no idea how excited I am for this one cause this idea in particular has stuck with me for SO long! I gotchu bby y'all buckle up I'm going all in. And it's gonna be re6 Leon cause hubby (I've missed him đŸ„ș)
Warning: minors steer clear of this or Saddler will add you to his plaga army.
"Are you sure about this, Leon?"
The question shifts his smirk to a much softer smile, one that he only reserves for you, as he eyes your bare, timid body sitting on top of him. Both of you tucked away together in the comforts of your shared bedroom. He's gotten a break from work before being shipped to Tall Oaks within the week.
And he knows exactly how to spend his free time.
"Trust me, it'll be fun. I promise." The agent reassures while his large hands sweetly stroke and gently squish your plump thighs and hips. The warmth radiating from them offering a welcomed sense of comfort to easily help you relax more. But some doubts still plagued you.
"I know it'll be fun, but..." You trail off quietly, trying to find the words while subconsciously hugging yourself a little tighter. Luckily, Leon is amazing in terms of reading body language. When the idea was previously tossed around- you did worry about a few things. Somehow accidentally hurting him or just the whole experience going south since you've never done this position before.
Yet you're always so eager to please.
He adores that endearing quality about you as he sits up and gently takes hold of your chin so you'll look up at him, and his cheeky little smile. "You always look beautiful beneath me. I can guarantee you're gonna look just as beautiful up here too."
You're unable to fight the small giggle that falls from your lips, or the blush that rises in your cheeks and travels down your neck to your collarbone at Leon's gorgeous voice speaking so sweetly like that.
Practically melting in his lap when you haven't even hopped on his dick yet.
The blonde chuckles before stealing another kiss then softly bumps his nose with yours, your own secret little love language between each other. "We'll go slow, ok?" He says quietly, those deep sky blue eyes holding your gaze with nothing but pure patience and love.
It tells you all you need to know.
Once you give the ok, cause he's a man of consent no matter what, Leon places his hands back on your hips and carefully guides you down onto him. Then...
His deep groan mingles with your soft whimper once he finally bottoms out inside you. The feeling of your heat wrapping around his cock so tight like this was absolutely divine he was almost worried he'd cum right then and there. Leon manages to steel himself however as his head falls back against the pillows with a sharp exhale. His hands suddenly clamping down on your hips a little rougher as he sets a slow pace as promised.
Not that you're complaining at all in the slightest, if anything it pulls another moan from you as your walls twitch and squeeze him more when he starts moving, not realizing any of those delicate spots even existed until now. "Leon.~"
The golden blonde picks his head up to gaze at you, that devilish smirk making a reappearance as he gleefully eyes the blissed out state you're already in. But who could blame you, really? The view you had was pretty damn spectacular as well. Battle scars from the hell he's been dragged through over the years and won every time so he could lay here with you now, cold blue eyes staring at you playfully but still so warm, the fucking washboard abs and pecs. Just Leon Scott Kennedy in all his natural glory. "You ok, honey?" He can't help but tease a little.
Only to snicker when you glance away with a shy smile and bite back a soft mewl, after all this time together and you still get flustered around him. He loves it. But you're hiding from him, thinking he doesn't see the way you hold yourself so your breasts don't bounce or allow yourself to get too loud.
It earns you a soft disapproving sound from Leon as his hands move away from your thighs to take your hands from your chest, intertwining your fingers with his, and holding them down at your hips. "Don't be shy, sweetheart. I wanna see." He encourages, tone soft like his thumbs that rub the back of your hands. The gesture makes your heart flutter and eventually loosen up completely.
Giving the man a sight that he fully believes could rival the seven wonders of the world.
Once you caught the rhythm, you fell into it perfectly. Leon could practically see the confidence in you build up as you stopped covering your sounds and yourself altogether. Letting your tits bounce, your head slightly fall back with another moan just for him, as your hips roll and grind down to meet his thrusts in your own sensual dance. Getting lost in it all. That's what he was after. That's what he wanted to see. And he was right- you truly looked so goddamn beautiful like this.
It excited him so much, Leon's chest actually tightened up for a moment. He doesn't care if it sounds cheesy or cliché but it stole his breath and somehow made him fall even harder for you. Leading him to wonder if maybe there really is a God that sent him this angel as a gift for all the hardships he had to endure. If that's to be the case.
Then it was all so worth it.
Suddenly his gaze locks on yours when he finds you staring at him, clearly you're feeling good. But you still seem a little worried if you're doing a good job for him or not. Fuck, if you only knew. "That's it, baby girl." Leon praises you breathlessly with a rather dopey little grin- completely awestruck by you. Your sounds acting as his favorite song, that he's no doubt recorded once or twice.
That blissfully shy smile you give him, so proud of yourself for just making him happy like this. Mixing with the clear view he has of his lower abdomen and cock being heavily coated in more of your slick as he reappears then quickly disappears back inside your gushing pussy to stretch you again. And again. And again. As if you never want him to leave. Jesus Christ, he won't be surprised if his heart explodes at this rate.
"Goddamn, I love you." The blonde groans, receiving a light squeeze from your dainty hands and a whisper back in reply, "I love you more."
That's it for him, the final nail in the coffin. He's desperate to watch you cum now as he bolts upright to wrap his arms snug around your waist and bounce you harder in his lap. "Mmh~ Oh fuck!~ Leon!~" Given how he smiles against your lips says it all- It's official. This is his new favorite way he likes to have you. Always. "Keep screaming my name, sunshine." Leon lovingly growls as he presses his forehead against yours. Blue eyes lit with a firey hunger.
"We've got all night.~"
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
1) how are you holding up, hon?? Are you good? I hope you’re doing well đŸ„ș❀
2) Request for blurb night!!
If you’re feeling up to it, I’m thinking a spicy blurb with a WHOLE lotta tension featuring the lovely lovely Elliot, with a best friend!reader using the quotes “are you blushing?” And “here, let me help you”!??? Maybe getting ready for a party?!?? Up to you!! Do whatever you want, take full reign!! :D luv ya!!
I am holding up okay. Much better since I changed my major. I have a better and different outlook on life now and now I feel I really can prioritize my health and things that bring me joy (like this). HOW ARE YOU???
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"Do another spin for me." Elliot orders from the bed, tossing his arms behind his head as he watches me spin in my dress, my hands holding the dress up to my chest as he watches me carefully.
"Is it cute?" I ask nervously, flattening my hands against the tight material as I analyze every little detail in the mirror in front of me. I can see Elliot's eyes trailing over my frame- shamelessly.
"Uh, yeah- sure, cute." He scoffs, his hands rubbing over his face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I whip around, my eyes thinning as I glare at him, waiting for him to make some lame joke.
"I'm saying that it's more than just cute." He rebuts, sliding to the edge of the bed as he reaches his hands out towards me. I step between his legs, allowing him to look over my dress up close and personal, his lip tucking between his teeth. "It's not one of those dance costumes your mom used to dress you in- it's a hooker dress."
"Elliot, take that back!" I shove him playfully and he catches my wrists with his fingers, forcing me to stay close to him.
"It's a compliment?" He offers bashfully with a cringed smile before he cracks a smile, reaching up to cup my jaw, squishing my cheeks between his hands. "Seriously, you look great." He reassures, his typically blood shot eyes clearer than ever as he looks up at me. "Are you blushing?" He gasps but I just push him away once more, ignoring the heat that's rising to my cheeks. He falls back onto the bed dramatically.
"No, I'm fuming cuz you called me a hooker."
"A hot one!"
We continued to get ready in almost complete silence, only Elliot's quiet humming filling the room as I tended to my hair and subtle make up, catching his gaze in the mirror every once in a while.
"Here, let me help you." He offers, stepping up behind me to sweep my hair away from my neck, taking the necklace clasps from me as he clips it behind me. I watch him in the mirror as his eyes linger at the expanse of my exposed back, his tongue sweeping out to wet his lips.
"Is it okay?" I ask carefully, snapping him briefly out of whatever trance I seem to have him under.
"Yeah." He whispers hoarsely before clearing his throat and he takes a hefty step back from me. "Is there a reason you're getting all dressed up for this party? Typically we just smoke a ton of weed and hang in the back." He asks, reaching up to rub nervously at the back of his neck and my head tilts at him.
"You mean is there a who?"
"Yeah." He mutters, all of his cockiness and playfulness gone as he looks back and forth between my eyes, shoving his hands in his pocket as I sway teasingly back and forth.
"Maybe." I draw out, watching his brows lift in shock, his lips parting but no words come out- just silent confusion. "Why? Does it matter?"
"No, not at all." He quickly responds, shifting awkwardly in his spot as his eyes flicker between mine and the floor, a dead give away that he's lying.
"No?" I ask, stepping closer to him with a teasing smile, reaching out to shove his shoulder, trying to break whatever tension that has come between us within the last two minutes.
"What if we just stayed in tonight?" He asks suddenly and I freeze, looking down at my completely done up outfit and I scoff incredulously. That is until he takes a step closer to me, his eyes once again trailing slowly down the front of my frame. My body feels as if it could combust under his heated gaze, knowing there's truly nothing 'friendly' behind his mischievous eyes. "Yeah? Would that be okay with you?" He asks again and I give him a shameless nod, my eyes not leaving his as my breathing seems to catch in my throat and suddenly I'm all too aware at the lack of space between the two of us.
"Then I'm going to need help getting out of this dress." I whisper breathlessly, catching him totally off guard as he stutters a bit, a bright grin taking over his expression moments later.
"It would be my fucking pleasure."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @starlightandfairies
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becauseplot · 4 months
finished ep 12 of osnf. much sleepy. oughh.
Okay not nearly as many thoughts as last time (I blame the fact that I stayed up late then woke up early to watch this episode, am eepy) but I still got a few!
Alright first of all was Cellbit TRYING to kill them with that encounter at the beginning. SIR. WHAT WAS THAT. He really threw everything at them, the creatures just kept coming and coming. For a while I thought that he was trying to set up for some dramatic entrance where another character (a new NPC maybe) would run in to join the fray and help them out because there were just SO MANY OF THOSE FUCKERS WHAT THE HELL.
Poor Ceasar being scooby-doo chased around the field by the mist trying to shoot the creatures away from his friends while repeatedly getting punched in the back of his head. Joui fighting for his life (literally) trying to get that stupid ass murderdog off of him that wouldn’t let up—even when IT WAS CUT IN HALF, IN HALF—and nearly dying to it (thank god Calango remembered the armor stats hhhhh). And the crazy contrast between Bagi(Liz) rolling several extremes while Rakin(Thiago) rolls nothing but fails because he was trapped and to escape he needed a strength test and his strength stat is s h i t.
But MAN that 2 on strength he rolled trying to save Joui. Thiago struggled the whole fight to free himself from the snake-thing but the moment he saw Joui about to die, he was able to find it in himself to rip that monster off of Joui. Not even joking, I was so relieved. I don't know what I would have done if Joui died. Cried probably. Cried a lot. Joui spent that whole fight yelling at his friends to just run, just get out of there, because he would rather die than watch his friends die again, and so soon after the Nightmare... Hhough Jouiiiii ;-; Wrapping him up in a blanket you're so good sweetheart, you're so good, your friends care about you so much, I know you can't stand to see them hurt but they don't want to see you hurt either.
Anyway uh. The Jeniffer cow lived* but Murilo/the Collector did not, rest in peace my dude. And all evidence suggests the Gatekeeper as the culprit in the murders. And Joui (Luba!!) pointing out how the Gatekeeper told them it was okay to use fire! Man that was a GOOD catch.
But... How did the Gatekeeper know that Thiago wouldn't light up immediately? Bc if he did then the mist would've descended and he would have to figure out how to sneak away during the fight to kill the Helper. And it seems kinda awkward for the group to immediately encounter the mist before even getting to know the town. In any case I'm glad Thiago didn't try to smoke right away, for those story-reasons.
*Side note: real fucking funny how Cellbit said he and Guaxi talked off-stream to discuss how Arthur would react to certain things so that Cellbit's NPC-ing of Arthur for this episode would be accurate, and Arthur proceeded to spend the whole episode fretting over the fucking cow. Like his friends come stumbling out of the woods, two of nearly dead, the other two not much better off (well Thiago was fine bc of his op shield lol), and he's more concerned about the cow. I know that was probably just to set up for him staying with the cow for most of the episode so that he could take a background role but that's so fucking funny. Arthur is just kneeling by the cow "đŸ„ș oh Jennifer....." And of course Joui, angel that he is, puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder and reassures him that they'll find help for Jennifer while he himself is like. Actively bleeding out. 10/10 rp I'm so happy to know that this is character-accurate for Arthur lmfao.
Or perhaps Joui/Luba's theory about what the Gatekeeper told them about fire is wrong, and this is just a coincidence. iirc, the Gatekeeper never told them that it was okay to use fire, he just said it was okay to smoke. Then again, it's apparently his job to tell the new Ignaros not to use fire, period, so the fact that he didn't bring that up is suspicious. Maybe he was trying to be subtle about it, as part of an alibi? If he told them outright that fire was okay, that would put him under suspicion, but if he skirted around the details, or just failed to mention, well...that's also suspect, but it's safer, a detail that's more malleable if he has to defend himself from accusation.
That is to say, if this really is all the Gatekeeper's doing. Someone could be setting him up. If he was really trying to get away with several murders, then why leave the front door to his tower open? Why not destroy the bloody clothes, or bury them out in the woods or something? Liz pointed out the fact that no body in Santo Berco suspects each other, as they all trust each other, but come on man, it's murder 101, you destroy the evidence. Idk he might just be a real shitty murderer. Besides, what motive could he have? I guess that'll be explained, if he really is the murderer. And where did he go? It doesn't seem like he left willingly—not being around to ring the bell would attract a lot of attention to himself, and the door was wide open—or maybe he was in a rush? Questions, questions.
Poor Blacksmith. Things aren't looking too good for you, my man.
In any case, the real Door Final Boss is coming up. Thiago and Ceasar, hope your kicking legs are ready. (Tbh I completely forgot about that little black card thing, thank god Liz/Bagi didn't lmao. Such an inconspicuous little thing to carry so much plot significance...)
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