#ans there's also just... what kind of story would I even place them in?
clouds-oc-corner · 6 months
started rotatinf my little guys again, specifically the high school crew, and I think I should introduce some magical element to their world tbh. I don't know if I can write a straight up highschool drama hfhfhdh
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
I was just catching up on your most recent fic after a busy week and saw your AN and came here looking for more clarification.
I guess I don’t understand why you felt the need to take it upon yourself to write something that you knew would get the attention of the people you were satirizing. Your whole stance on fan fiction (based on your own personal statements in both your asks and your ANs) seems to be that if people aren’t doing it the way you personally like, they shouldn’t be doing it at all. You keep saying you want people to just talk to you about it but why should they when you haven’t extended that gesture to them?
Also it’s very odd of you to be speaking for an entire group of people you yourself do not identify with. To what end exactly? So you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you fandom correctly while everyone else doesn’t? Did someone come to you and ask you to advocate for them? It just doesn’t make sense why you felt like this was your responsibility to correct or something.
It kind of reeks of moral (and fandom) superiority, like you’re just doing the most to educate people (which is. Not a thing we need in fandom spaces) and keep them on your straight and narrow instead of letting fandom works be what they are which is, for most people, a fun, exploratory way to engage with the source material. Your GOTCHA attitude towards readers who were enjoying your “bland” fic was very shocking. It does come across like you just want to embarrass people who enjoy those types of stories and tropes and make yourself feel enlightened and better than them because you thought outside the box.
I don’t know. The idea of using these tropes as a tool to spring “THIS WASN’T REAL” on readers is fun but I think it would have been much better if you hadn’t actually been making fun of other people. That kind of spoils the whole experience of your fic. I’ve been a fan of your writing and art for a long time and I do genuinely understand the desire to have people write more of what you want to see/write things that feel more in-character, but the approach here is confusing and off putting and it’s pretty disappointing to see you openly hurt people just because you like dicking around and can’t just scroll past stories/ideas/headcanons you don’t agree with.
Anyway I doubt any of this will change your mind about what you did and I doubt you’ll even care about what I have to say about it. It’s hurtful and upon deeper inspection and reading and rereading the fic and your AN and asks, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the intended targets. This is kind of word vomit at this point as I try to get my thoughts out but you asked for the people you were criticizing to reach out so here I am. Discouraging and disappointing but I hope you found what you were looking for I guess.
see thats like. completely antithetical to the point ive been reiterating for like a week. i CANNOT stop anyone from writing and i dont want to this is not the take away and it never has been. if they want to write fifteen fics like that to spite me then good on them i really just
cannot keep saying enough that i dont want anyone to STOP writing. this was just me kind of screaming in the dark because i see the exact same patterns repeated over and over. you should never ever stop creating because some fucking nobody is frustrated with the content produced en mass for free as a hobby. there is no actionable Thing that can take place here i cant stop anyone from writing any of this i just kind of wanted some people to Think about what they were reading. ive gotten messages from people saying they didnt like the initial tone of the story before chapter 4 but kept reading it because they were desperate for content. thats nuts to me! but i also understand that those people just have very little to choose from. if anything i want MORE people to write
like i keep saying again and again i do not want and cannot stop anyone from writing whatever they want. im not your mom! and to a certain degree, this did come out of nowhere there was no big thing that set it off, it was just me being obscenely frustrated.
and what i am REALLY frustrated about is how presumptuous youre being! i do feel bad that i hurt people and i decided basically a day after i posted the chapter i would never do something like this ever again. theres just too much room for misinterpretation. you are actively reading me as malicious like we can just talk in dms. "im so disappointed in you" YOU DO NOT KNOW ME. THAT is the shit that is getting to me youre acting like i am incapable of acknowledging how i know this fic could have been interpreted. its up now i made my bed im not going to plug my ears and pretend a public vent wouldn't catch people unawares. i am no stupid and do not treat me as such
i am actively choosing not to post most of the asks i get in FAVOR of this because they are dumping on the kinds of fics i dont even necessarily like and i think that's just adding on. again this is why i spoke about braid tropes used, shit that could basically be applicable to any fandom, and not a particularly fic. i didnt want to go into someones comments or dms and say hey! your fic is personally, to me, bad and hard to read, might you explain yourself? like theres nothing TO explain its aet it just exists how it is. there was no nice way of doing this kind of thing, but itd be so sweet if people didnt call me a friendless clout chaser and do some "you'll never work in this town again" shit.
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god-of-my-world · 2 years
Everything you need to know about Hello Charlotte: Delirium!
I played delirium ages ago and, between the short length and non-canonical status, forgot about it :( It definitely has less to offer than the other main games in the series, but there is absolutely some worthwhile stuff in it.
Firstly: Delirium was released in 2017, right between ep2 and ep3. It does not exist within the main timeline, and is instead an AU, where Seth (and puppeteers as a whole) does not exist. It takes place shortly after the events of ep1, and follows a Charlotte who lacks her usual morality and kindness.
Just like the first game, this one is a little tricky to analyze in the main continuity because of it’s AU status. However, looking at the time it was released, it’s safe to assume ep3 was in development and that this is at least mostly in-line with the world and mechanics of ep3 and all it entails (in regards to Charles, mother, etc etc)
I’ll point out the most important takeaways here, but keep an eye out for future posts where I will comment on some specific lines/screenshots :)
As far as we can tell, all of the same rules of the House apply in this world. While  it’s never specified, I would read this as a random channel, spotlighting one of the many Charlottes made by Mother. She’s likely a defective vessel, like Q84, and for that reason doesn’t have a puppeteer.
She probably also doesn’t have the parasite, as she (again, like q84) shows no inclination to fit the expected proper behavior. (Once again, a lot of speculation. Sadly, that's the brunt of what I’ll have to say on this game.)
What we do know is that:
the tenants exist (unlike in ep2, where Scarlotte made them into delusions) and Charlotte is on good terms with them.
Charlotte has the oracle, and unlike Scarlotte, does not seem to have trouble using its power.
Charlotte has the best relationship with Anri (they’re dating!) and interestingly, Anri’s design is the most different from her true realm design, even though the other characters look relatively the same.
Charlotte has some level of self-awareness in regards to Scarlett, the endless/repeating nature of the House and the “god of this world”. more on this later.
As mentioned above that Charlotte has the Oracle’s power, she uses this to transport to “another world”. For now, I would picture this as a different channel, like the ones Charlotte goes through in the first episode.
Charlotte is either functionally or completely immortal. She shows no averse reaction to both being experimented on by the workers, nor by losing her hand, which immediately grows back. (It’s interesting that she heals rather than switching to new bodies like Q84, but I don’t know if that actually has any significance.) I assume she can’t die until her story in “finished”.
We have a new character to the series, in Osiris. He doesn’t appear in any other game (due to Charlotte finding him in in the new world) and liek many other characters, has a symbolic name. Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld. I currently haven’t found any significance for the choice of name except that at the end of the game he controls and destroys the mechanical network, reminiscent of a reaper-like figure.
This Charlotte cannot rewind- most likely due to the absence of Seth, but it also raises questions as to whether or not she has a soul cube. In it’s place as the save file is “memory”. This probably ties to the earlier point about her immortality!
Like most of ane’s games, it dips into commentary about consumption, technology, and capitalism. This game the most out of the three brings technology into the discussion, especially with Osiris who is an AI and the constant presence of Binary as the main language in the other world. This is definitely a concept that will earn a post of it’s own, but the world constant unsuccessful attempts at creating life that ends up being little more than moving meat is definitely connected to an important theme of HC; creation, godhood, and the meaning of sentience and souls. (Think about Felix, Vincent, basically everything in the house.)
Sadly, I couldn’t find any more books in delirium to add to my list, but it was worth the replay. I recommend giving it a go! It’s pay-what-you-want on itch.io!!
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starlytenight · 9 months
Really random but I using metas offhand comment Abt his age during chapter 7 (49,986 sinve it was his birthday in the flashback) ans his commsnt about he liked the rainbow lolipops when he was young (I used the "on time" age which is 350) and when the lolipops were made sfter quick research, which is 1969 to say that time on his birthday was 52305 and now I will as I adanve re reading the story try to find galactas time of sealing (with happy au we know meta would've been a baby)
I know obviously this is inaccurate but I just wanted to have a bit of fun jokingly say asmr takes place whenver I find out his current age which I belive is mentioned when he finds out he's older than galacta LOL (Im forgetting rn)
So at the time of them meeting gardy the year is 52305 !!!!!
You're also presuming they're using Earth time/years---every planet has its own time cycle. Earth cycles the sun in 360 days but did you know it takes about 248 Earth YEARS for PLUTO to cycle the sun? Your age on Pluto would be drastically different if you were living there and following the timescale over there.
Time is relative to which planet you're on so calculating a species' age is a bit more difficult from not only what they are, but WHERE they're from too. xD It's why I never specifically mention any months/years beyond vague timeframes/scales because that would be a nightmare to fully upkeep.
Let's not even get started on Galacta's "freezing" in time thing. xD
But yeah, there's no "year" of note since it wasn't on a specifically disclosed planet and it could have been any year on any world on which they met. It was just some random planet they happened to be on that happened to have already invented lollipops of their own kind, which can happen.
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thatsanswitch · 2 years
tell me more about the ghost that lives in your house
Okay, I am SO late to answer this, I am so so sorry, I literally never check my inbox akdhksjdks
So this ghost is a bitch, okay? I don't know what her problem is, with me specifically, but I hate her. I tried to like her! I tried to be indifferent, but she is petty and mean. She's an old lady, I've seen her a couple times, and we have a theory she's the one that had the house built. I don't know her name though, so we just call her the old lady. Or bitch.
At first she was just loud, and kind of annoying. Opening doors, stomping around in the middle of the night, whispering. She'd take things and they'd appear days, or weeks later in the middle of the room. Fun stuff.
It all started changing when we brought in this haunted doll (whole other story, also a bitch) ans after we got rid of the doll, the old lady never calmed down. She shut my cat in the closet many times, would open the doors and let our dogs outside (I watched her open a latched door, our front door, and let our dog out) open every cabinet in the kitchen, trap people in the bathroom, stand in my room in the middle of the night, etc. One day I was walking by a cabinet, and it opened and a box of woodcarving knives flew out at me. And thus began my longstanding battle with this stupid fucking ghost.
Okay, listen. I know you don't cuss out ghosts, if you fuck with them, it's only going to get bad. But I was nice up until this point! I treated her with respect and she threw knives at me! So yeah, I called her a bitch. She opens my closet door and whenever I ignore that she opens the door to my room. She knocks down the shower curtain rail while I'm in the shower. She repeatedly open and slams my bedroom door. SHE STILL LOCKS MY CAT IN THE CLOSET, SHE EVEN SHUT HER IN MY DRESSER DOOR WHEN WE WERE GONE ONE DAY. We used to have this thing, called a secretary, that had these big glass doors on it. Well she liked to open these doors whenever she was upset. She also had this fun game where any time I bent down around the secretary, she'd open the doors and try to hit me.
Yeah, well, one day she fucking succeeded. I bent down to pick up something that had dropped, ans I tried to stand up fast so I wouldn't get hit. According to my mom, who witnessed this whole thing, the taped shut door swung open so fast, it was like someone slammed it open, and it stopped right in time for me to hit the back of my head, really fucking hard, right on the corner.
The ghost gave me a concussion. I am not even joking, I had a legitimate concussion. I had really bad headaches and sensitivity to light and sound for a solid three days, it hurt to think, it hurt to exist (more than usual), it was awful. I also had a huge bruise on the back of my head, and a lump. A week later she dropped a heavy room divider on me, thankfully I caught it before it could also give me a concussion.
The last time she did something physical to me specifically, was about two months ago, when I was in the shower and it felt like something scratched my back, and I had five scratches across my back. She hasn't quieted down, but she has more people to fuck with, so I'm less of a target.
And old lady bitch, if you're reading this, give me my fucking charger cord back you cunt. I hope this place burns after we leave, maybe then you'll finally fucking move on.
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joanie-writes · 2 years
Omg just saw ur asks are open LES GOOO
OKAY SO IF U WANT COULD U LIKE WROTE LIKE Reader who occasionally does tarot and such and like Arthur maybe like asking for a reading and READER FINDS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR THEM THROUGH THE READING AND HOW THE SITUATION WOULD UNFOLD
Tysm for the request, this was fun to write; got to pull out my own (cat themed) tarot cards for this bad boy
The Lovers
Seventy-eight cards, half a million possibilities.
Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
From the moment you stepped foot into the Van Der Linde camp, you'd been a whirlwind. Originally you were brought in for your ability to pickpocket and charm anybody out of their money, but you had come with so many other pleasant surprises as well, to Arthur's discovery. For example, you could shoot with the best of them, even teaching him and the other boys a new flourish that you'd learned from a man on your travels to Brazil. That was another thing you had surprised the gang with, your rich collection of stories from all over and your knowledge on seemingly everything. Arthur had also happen to notice something else about you, but no matter. 
You had just finished one of your famous storytelling's, leaving Jack in amazement, Micah swearing that wasn't true, and Arthur in awe. "Pardon me, but I need another drink." You announced with a smile and got up from your place next to Mary-Beth. Admittedly, Arthur had watched you get up to admire your figure, but he also happen to notice a small box tumble out of your coat pocket while you did. 
While the others continued their chatter around the fire, Arthur got up to retrieve the box, it looked important. As he picked it up he discovered that it was a box of cards, but not like the ones he was familiar with. Instead of aces and spades on the front, there was a sun, moon, and stars. Were they supposed to be a child's deck or something? 
As you turned around from the crate of drinks, you nearly bumped right into Arthur, startling you. "Oh, hey Arthur, sorry." 
He waved a hand, "Don't worry, I just wanted to give you your cards back, they fell out of your jacket." 
You took the deck from his hand, grinning. "Thank you, I would've been so sad if I lost them." You looked up at him while you tossed the box in your hand before putting it back into your pocket. You handed Arthur a bottle of beer, as a thanks in a way, making him smile.
"What kind of cards are those? I've never seen a deck with the sun or anything on it." He tilted his head in wonder.
"They're uh, tarot cards, do you know what that is?" You asked, taking the deck out again to show him properly. Arthur shook his head no, examining the box a little closer. 
You took a few cards out of the box, the fool, and the emperor. "They're used for fortune telling, every card is unique with it's symbol and meaning. Like, if I pulled the fool here for, Micah, then that would make a lot of sense, or the emperor for Dutch." You chuckled, carefully placing the cards back in the box. 
"Huh, how come you carry them on you?" Arthur questioned, an amused (but curious) smile on his face. 
"Never know when you're gonna need to know the future, Arthur," You smiled cheekily, putting the deck away for now, "how about I give you a proper three card reading tomorrow, I'll cleanse them and everything." 
Arthur really hadn't grasped the purpose of the so called tarot cards you spoke of, but if it meant he got to spend some one on one time with you then he'd pretty much be willing to do anything. He also wanted to know how the hell you washed a deck of cards?
"Yeah, why not, sounds like fun." He replied, a hot blush forming on his face as you said, "Perfect." And left by playfully tapping his nose, then making your way back to the fire.
It was the next day, nearing the late afternoon. Arthur still wasn't back at camp and you were beginning to worry that he'd forgotten about the reading. You'd gone through the trouble of dragging a small table outside of camp, along with a couple chairs and even some of your special candles. 
Arthur had caught your attention the second Hosea introduced the two of you. He seemed so, special, compared to everybody else. He had this aura of goodness around him that you picked up on immediately. The silent strength and at the same time this impish nature in which he possessed intrigued you. And you wouldn't lie, he was also very good looking. 
You sat by the scout campfire, tapping your foot and waiting, growing antsy. The sound of horses brought your gaze up, a grin replacing the frown that had settled on your face. Deciding against approaching him, you continued waiting, hoping that he hadn't forgot, or maybe just didn't care. But alas, after he had gone into his tent for a few minutes, appearing with his hair fixed, his face cleaned of dust, and a fresh shirt, he came over to you. Your racing mind put to ease, now it was only your heart racing.
"Afternoon, sorry I was out all day, Bill led us into a right old mess." Arthur explained, his cheeks dusted pink. 
"Don't worry about it, you still up for that reading?" You raised your brows, standing up and waving the deck.
Arthur smiled softly, nodding before he spoke, "'Course."
You took Arthur's hand, causing the pink to turn beet red as he followed you along, he composed himself enough to ask, "Where'd you learn this magic card business from?" You laughed at his name for it, guiding him to his seat before taking your own.
"I stumbled upon a few metaphysical books when I was young, and then I met this woman named Julia from Italy who was an expert on this, she actually gifted me this deck." Arthur laughed and shook his head, expecting no less than another one of your oddly specific stories. "It's much better to be gifted a deck rather than buying one, better karma means more truth." You informed him, shuffling the cards with skill that Arthur had only seen at a high roller poker table once. 
"Ah, so I'm getting the best of the best here, huh?" He joked, smirking and watching you closely. 
"That's what you lot signed up for when you brought me on, isn't it?" Arthur barked a laugh, crossing his arms and relaxing into the flimsy wooden chair as best as his wide frame could. 
You both quieted down as you took a deep breath and shuffled through slower. Focusing on which cards buzzed in your hands, which ones stuck out. One at a time, you placed three cards faced down on the table before setting the rest of your deck down. Arthur's gaze mulled over the cards before lifting back up to you, patiently awaiting for whatever you'd say next. 
"Alright, this first card represents your past, Arthur." You flipped it over, revealing the wheel of fortune. "Is that bad?" Arthur asked timidly, his finger drumming along his forearm in anticipation. 
"No no, this is the wheel of fortune, it means a cycle of change, so I from my interpretation, that could mean that some big change from your past altered the course of your life and lead to something good, does that resonate with you?" 
"I suppose, running into Dutch and Hosea was pretty life changing, I don't even think I'd be alive without them." Arthur shook his head softly, thinking back on the past and how different things could have been. 
You nodded along to his words, taking in everything he had to say. "I'm glad, well next is the present, so you got, eight of pentacles," Arthur leaned forwards, his large hands resting against the table, "this usually alludes to working towards a goal, a pursuit, and it's paying off but you're just not quite there yet."
He nodded and you could see him processing your words, taking it in and applying it in his head. 
"And last but certainly not least, your future." You flipped the card, your face becoming heated at the picture of Adam and Eve. "The lovers." Arthur rubbed his thumb in his fist, glancing from the card to you. 
"You got a special somebody Arthur? This card means a relationship or something of the sorts is on the horizon for you." You busied yourself with cleaning up the cards, giving them a quick shuffle before placing them in the box once again. You silently prayed that he wasn't about to go on about some other person he'd been admiring, the very thought crushed you. 
"Well, I was hoping that would be with you." Arthur admitted, chuckling as you stopped moving just before you were about to blow out the candle. 
"What?" For once you were at a loss of words, unsure of what to say at the moment.
"Could I take you out sometime? Just the two of us. It's just, I've never been so, interested in somebody before I met you, and I well, I think you're great." Arthur's voice lowered towards the end of his sentence, ever so gently taking your hand into his on the table. 
You stood up, Arthur joining you as you held both of his hands now. The hands you would soon become so familiar and comforted by, the hands that at that moment held so much excitement and admiration. "I would love to. I think you're amazing, Arthur, I really do." He blushed at your words, the both of you slowly leaning towards the other.
His lips pressed to yours as yours pressed to his, officially signifying that the future was here, the present fleeting with every second passing.
Joined hand in hand, you two now the lovers personified, you both walked back to camp in bashful silence, only interrupted by a question Arthur just couldn't seem to drop, "So, how did you manage to wash a deck of cards?"
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Hi! Love your writings! Reaction from both brothers and side characters of Female Gangster MC. Like they just found out
ANS: So, this My first request I ever made. I hope I did you justice with this Anon and also Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like my writing <3
If want to send request feel free to send them :3
Warning: Mention of Guns, Blood, Killing, Violence, Taking the fall for someone, and PTSD.
The Brothers and Dateables + (Luke platonic) finding out that F!MC use to be a Gangster
“MC, what’s this” Lucifer points at a scar on her chest, what looks like a stab wound.
“It nothing Lucifer, its just…. It just a remainder not to disobey orders….” She trails off, starting to tear up “it my fault, I got to reckless and almost someone I care about killed” she places a hand on the scar try to keep it together and not show weakness Infront of the Avatar of Pride.
Lucifer slowly took off one of his gloves, and walk closer to MC, and place his hand over hers
“Scars are nothing to be ashamed off, you did it to protect someone you care and….” He places his hand on her chin and lean her head back to met his black and red glance. “Your safe here, you don’t have to worry to go back to that life anymore”
You just the tears fall as your face soft and embrace him, feeling safe knowing that you don’t have hide you past to him.
“This all your Mammon!” she angerly whisper in his ear, and groan at her pestering.
“ShHH! Quiet, they’ll hear us human-” then you smack him slightly on the back of his head.
“Whoops, you called me human again”
“Hey! Do you really need to- WAIT there’s a car over there” him point out, and quickly book it to the park vehicle and see that it isn’t lock, however?
“Crap! The key isn’t here” he tries to look around, but quickly push to the passenger, and MC sat the driver sit and open up under the steering wheel.
“Why do I have to do everything around here!” she grabs and cut two wires and start hot wire. In second the car starts up and she buckle her seat belt. “Mams, you guys can survive a car to the face?”
“Yeah…. Why- wait!?! What are you-”
“Buckle yourself in!” She quickly steps on the gas, the demons been chasing them heard the engine, but quickly get hit by the car. As the human and avatar of greed make their escape.
“WHAOOO! I have fun thrill in months” as MC enjoy the adrenaline, Mammon looks over to the human that he was suppose to protect, in amaze and fear. He makes a mental note that Lucifer isn’t the only he shouldn’t just provoke.
“This is impossible!” Levi is struggling with a level from a game from the human world that he just bought, while MC behind him, trying to hold her laughter.
Is a mock version of gang game and Levi, is at the level of the game where to rival gangs are fighting each other for territory?
“You’re focusing on the grunts and not the ones who are hiding from afar- look” she grabs the control from Levi and start playing the level like it was nothing, as she explained how and why he keep dying, all the while Levi is both shock with how MC can play and concern about the implication of how she gotten the knowledge.
“There, now you just have to escape, I never good with car chase, only driving really fast- Huh…. Levi was wrong?”
Levi snap from his train of thought and grab the controller from her, and finishing the level.
“MC, were you-”
“Yeah, but left that behind me.”
MC and Satan are watch Mammon and Levi being strung up by Lucifer from afar.
“I’m surprise, that you’re not phase about this” Satan asks looking over to her, watching why she not reacting on the display of punishment Infront of her.
“EH… I’ve seen worst”
“Really? What worst then this”
“Being killed-”
“What!?! That’s not punishment!”
“You didn’t let me finish, watching someone being killed Infront of you is worst. It’s a way to learn to obey your boss and survive in world”
She looks on to the demons being strung, while Satan is still letting the information sink in, who know that the human was brought to hell, has already lived in one.
“I’ve been meaning to asks darling, where did you get your scars?” Asmo asks MC as he and her are taking a bath together.
“Which one?”
“Well…. All of them”
“Ah…. All of them are from fights that I got to”
“Why would you go and get in to fights, you’re to precious” Asmo cooed them move closer and grab her hand, and start scrubbing her arm. She laughs as she is tickled by his action.
“You know, for a bunch of demons. your all nicer than other humans back home” pauses for a moment, by continue with a giggle.
“Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. As long I’m here no one will ever lay a finger on you again” and that’s a promise he made to you and himself.
“I’m glad you like it Beel” MC made Beel a homemade dish from the human world to calm the hungry demon.
“Its so good, I like your cooking”
“Nah…. You would like Sal’s cooking, he’s the one who taught me how to cook this”
“Maybe, if we go to the human world, you might think he’ll cook for me and my brothers”
“Yeah totally! He loves my friends…...but he can’t”
“Why? Did he leave or something?”
“His at prison, he took the blame for me. And said you should get out of this life….. I guess cooking isn’t the only thing I learn from him” she laughs to hide the fact she misses her mentor.
Beel quickly engulfs her in bear hug, and rub her back.
“Is okay, maybe we can visit him someday”
She sighs and let the tears fall as she return the hug.
“I-I’ll like that, thank Beel”
“You’re still up” MC asks Belphie who is standing at the doorway at her room.
“Sorry, I was waiting for you”
“Really why?”
“You been having nightmare with some men with guns, I figure to help you” she let out sharp gasp and turn away from Belphie.
“I’m sorry to keep you up-”
“No! I already cause so much pain; I want to help you to keep those nightmares away. Like I promise.”
She looks back with her eyes widen and clenching his pact mark on her wrist. She hastily grabs his hand with her head hang low.
“P-please…. Make the nightmares go away….”
“Anything for you, I’ll keep the nightmares and the bad men away”
“You like what you see” Diavolo spoke behind MC startling her, Diavolo was shock to her reaction almost bumping into crown in display.
“Oh, I-I wasn’t planning to steal this I swear-”
“Calm down, I trust you. Sorry for startling you.”
“You trust me, even with my background” she mutters, and look directly at Diavolo’s eyes to see if his lying or not.
“I didn’t look in to your past, only your connection with Lilith. I believe in Demons, Angel, and Humans can have second chances. If you’re a good person now, as long you learn from your past. I don’t see to bring up old scars”
“Thank you, My lord”
“Please, Call me Diavolo”
“I don’t think Lucifer will like that”
MC is inside Barbatos room, helping him clean, to the surprise of the demon butler seeing that he didn’t help in clean. But he can’t refuse the human.
But then she stops and look at the door she uses in going back in time in the time of the “Incident”
“Barbatos, can you see any path where I stayed in the human world and never came here in the first places”
“I’m afraid, I am forbidden to use my powers like that, why may I ask what makes you think of that?”
“I think, I got the luckiest path. And I’m thankfully for this. I think I’ll be in the side of the road-”
Suddenly Barbatos places a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at the demon.
“Its better not to think of what could’ve happen and focus on your presents self”
“Simeon, am I bad person?” She asks while Simeon is writing a draft of his story.
“No, why do you ask?”
“You’re the closes person to being pure and good, is it good for me to threaten people even though I was just following orders”
Simeon stop writing and put the quill down, and look over to MC.
“Did they threat you?”
“Did you, like doing things like that to other?”
“No!” she quickly sat up to that question.
“Are you willing to do that again?”
“Then you’re a good person.”
Solomon and MC are at purgatory hall practicing spells for class, when MC spill the potion on to herself, then she starts taking off her shirt, leaving Solomon blushing and turning his back to give her some privacy.
“MC!?! Warner me next time, before you start striping.”
“Sorry, force of habit”
“What you always spill potion on yourself all the time, back home” she looks with bows rise up.
“Oh… No, every time I get back home from a job, I’m usually covered in blood and I don’t want to leave any evidence behind”
“W-what exactly, are those “Jobs” of yours?”
“I you know shady things, if you can keep secrets about yourself. Then I have secrets of my own” she smiled teasing him.
But to him, its no tease.
“Luke, little advise from me. Don’t be like Mammon or Me” MC and Luke watches Mammon, Levi and Solomon playing poker in class waiting the bell to ring.
“I know Mammon shouldn’t be followed, but you’re a good person I don’t see why you rope yourself with him.”
“Oh sweetie, I’m just nice to people I care about. I don’t care for others outside my gan- never mind”
“Wha-” then the bell rings, and Mammon rushes and grab MC by arm and dragging her out the classroom.
Leaving Luke confuse and worried.
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spyrkle4 · 2 years
An update for Heroes of Flowers since the Tempest of Hearts almost is over
it’ll be awhile... not like 2 months long but like a couple weeks hopefully until the next HOF update (im thinking maybe September?)
And thought I’d share some of what’s coming up and what’ll happen!
If you’d like to prefer being kept in the dark I’ll put it under a “read more” n.n
So Phase 3 (Which will be after the interlude story) will be the end of what I’d call the “main” story of HOF and it takes place during the fugitive arc in the show timeline... tho im not doing the fugitive arc plotline bc Snooze would get conked on the head with a broom by an angry Ari everytime he went into the Lucky Cat and also I’d like to keep my braincells
(Tho Chief Cruz will be a part of Phase 3 even if he isn’t the “big bad”... but like in the “ok grandpa let’s get you back to bed” energy everytime he rants about superheroes and supervillains XD. Not rly but I think you’ll like how I write him)
Phase 3 instead covers an arc I’ve dropped hints of... which I like to call the Galaxian arc since the big bads of that are the Galaxian Pirates, my own little supervillain team. Not stating that my og arc is gonna be better than canon (even if the bar is low) but I hope you guys enjoy (I shall be posting their refs as they show up tho so you’ll like em).
Like I said, not saying im better than canon (which is a loaded subject tbh im not going into that), but I had a fun writing my own little twists to the latter half of Season 2 and I hope you enjoy them! 
But there’s an interlude fic before that which’ll be called Heroes of Flowers: Curtain Call and it follows the aftermath of COM and be mostly focused with the Fern fam, with the nerd gang (+ Ari) getting a break in the bg. It’s basically the calm before the storm 
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It’ll also be the canonical debut of Jackie the emotional support Rabbit, an OC I’ve drawn before but he hasn’t shown up in HOF yet. (A bit of trivia about him tho is he’s based off of a Pokemon character of mine, Jackie the Buneary from one of my stories LPM), this drawing is from the cover of Curtain Call and this is all you’re getting of it for now 
(Jackie isnt one of the main characters of HOF but he is one of my favorite side characters to write, his debut sidenote is kind of later in the story, but I hope you’ll enjoy CC! It was fun giving the Ferns the spotlight, something that miiight’ve carried over in FFP because I had way too much fun writing my emotional support found family)
Phase 3′ll be called Fallen From Power and it’ll be posted after Curtain Call but wait there’s more!
I’ll also be posting a side-story called Heroes of Flowers: Karmi’s Spots which will have Karmi having her own adventures outside of SF featuring a lovable spotted family in Camden and two OCs that may or may not be related to some canons.
KS was really self-indulgent/fun, I enjoyed writing all the shenanigans and it’s also a crossover with an underrated TV show I really like. Tho dw I tried my best to be noob friendly (if you haven’t seen the show), but I can always go into details in the ANs, still hope you enjoy it!
there will be some references to Fallen From Power in it, I’ll be sure to mention which chapter the reference is at the start of each chapter if there is a reference so you don’t get spoiled if you haven’t seen said chapter... tho ur free to take the spoilers out of context I’m not one to tell people how to read n.n; 
unsure how i’ll update but im thinking of doing an every-other week thing, one week I’ll post for FFP and one week I’ll post for KS!
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you’re hyped to see what I have in store. I had a lot of fun writing these 3 future installments and I’m excited to share them with you guys!
I just had to talk about the future of HOF since after TOH (and I mean Tempest of Hearts, not The Owl House, so many people get them mixed up its so funny XD), hope you guys have a good one!
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20moonchild21 · 4 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 9
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x female!oc
very grumpy Tae, threats, flashbacks of abusive past, mentions Hybrid auction, traumatized Jimin and Tae, trust issues, mentions of blood, mentions of eating disorder
[author] ⇉ please, read!
Okay, I swear I absolutely love Tae, but he just fits in that grumpy role. I actually want to upload all the other chapters so badly all at once, but I can’t!!!! You and I have to be patient a little while longer!
While waiting for my next update on Wednesday, you could actually check out my favorite author @starlightauroras-main. She wrote that really cute story Inferiority complex. I love it so much, and you definitely have to read it too!
Also, check out my other inspirations below this chapter. Like always, my message board is open for recommendations, wishes, criticism or whatever it is on your heart.
I also want to thank you guys so so so much for always leaving me so much likes and those super cute comments. I swear, I see all of them and they make me so proud and happy, but unfortunately, I cannot answer all of the comments. I wish I could!🥺 💜
PS: People often ask me what 𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 actually means, so here is the answer:
Sehnsucht is a German word (I am from Germany, lol), and it stands for „the inconsolable longing in the (human) heart for we know not what ; a yearning for a far, familiar, (non-) earthly land one can identify as one‘s (n.)“
Kind of cute, don’t you think?
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 8 ||| chapter 10]
“Okay, everyone needs to calm down.” She took a deep breath, as she closed her eyes.
“We are calm.” Jungkook piped in from beside her, as him and Jin and sat down next to her on the table. “You – You are the one who makes a scene.”
The girl chuckled nervously, before she opened her eyes to look at the boys. Jungkook had laid his head down on his hands, that were rested on the table. His ears hung loosely bedside his face, while his big, brown deer eyes were looking up at the girl, eyebrows cocking up. Jin beside him had wrapped both of his hands around the hot mug that was filled with coffee, while he cocked his eyebrows up as well.
“Oh my god. I am really making a scene?” She whined while her eyes moved away from both of her Hybrids over to the white tiger, who’s eyes were flickering between the girl and the other two boys.
When his eyes met the girl’s gaze properly, he stopped fiddling with his fingers. A heavy shed of red started spreading over his cheeks, before he quickly shook his head and dropped his eyes. After she had brought him and his brother breakfast, Jimin had carefully asked if he was allowed to leave his room. Taehyung on the other hand had refused to leave his bed. When she had offered Jimin to take a seat at the table, he had looked at her with wide eyes but not taken her offer. He rather stood next to the table, watching the scene in front of him.
“Why are you so nervous, Hope?” Jungkook had lifted his head and was now leaning it on his hands. “You are so smart.”
Hope chuckled at his innocence. She had told them roughly why it was so important to her that her term papers would be free of any mistakes, but she doubt that they had really understood the how much of her future depended on this.
“Thank you, Kookie.” She drover her finger through the thick hair at the back of his head. “But this is really important. If I made the smallest mistake, it might be that I can’t be a lawyer, which means that I can’t defend Hybrids in front of the Judge, you know?”
Jungkook just hummed, as he moved his head against her hand, getting himself a nice massage.
“What – What is a – a lawyer?” The girl moved her eyes away from the bunny.
Jimin was still fiddling with his sleeves, but he was now looking at the girl, his cheeks still covered in red.
“Do you know what a judge is, Jimin?” The girl asked the white tiger, as she kept driving her hand through Jungkook’s hair. Jimin thought for a moment, before he quickly nodded. “A lawyer is someone who tries to convince the judge, that the one who is accused should not be punished. I want to try to convince the judge, that human should be punished for hurting a Hybrid in any way. This is why this term papers are so important to me because if I made any mistakes, they won’t allow me to defend any Hybrids.”
“But she is the smartest girl in the world.” Jungkook had opened his eyes and was now looking sharply at Jimin, almost snapping at the tiger. “That’s why she is going to be a lawyer.”
Jimin, who seemed to be pretty intimidated by the bunnies words, wrapped his tail tightly around his left leg, before he nodded quickly. Hope nudged Jungkook’s arm slightly, gesturing for him to not sound so harsh.
“Don’t worry, Hope.” Jin put his mug back on the table. “You checked your terms several times. There is no chance you made any mistakes.”
The girl took a deep breath and nodded. Jin was right. She had read over the cases so many times, making sure that there was not a single detail left that would cause any problems. She had checked her terms for grammar mistakes or wrong spelled words. It must be bulletproof.
“You are right, Jin.” She whispered and placed her finger at the ‘send’ button. “I will send it out now.”
Jungkook grabbed the girl’s arm, before pulling it down and took her smaller hand in his, squeezing it slightly. She looked one last time towards the leopard, getting an encouraging nod from. With a last, deep breath, she bundled up all her effort and finally pressed her finger onto the mouse.
“You did it.” Jungkook whispered, before he stood up and wrapped his arms around the sitting girl.
“Are you a lawyer now?” Jimin piped in with a small voice.
“Not yet, Jimin.” She watched the tiger, as he carefully walked around the table to take a look at her laptop screen. “It needs time. The committee needs to read my whole term, then they need to check my arguments if they are true or not and then they will decide if I can be a lawyer or not.”
Jimin kept staring at the screen, his eyes flickering over the symbols and letters. Somehow, he reminded her of Jungkook, who would always have the same sparkle in his eyes when he learns something new.
She sighed, as she laid her head on Jungkook’s head, who had leaned his head against her shoulder. It seemed like Jin had accepted the fact that the tigers would be staying with them for a certain am out of time, but she also hoped that Jungkook and the both other Hybrids would get along the time they would be staying here.
She felt her heart tighten when she thought about the two tigers. Where would they go after Taehyung’s injuries were all good again? She didn’t even know what had happened to the two tigers. What if their owners were the same kind as Jin and Jungkook’s old owners? What if they were looking for them and punish them for running away. What if someone would caught them strolling around the streets without someone to look after them? They would immediately lock them away or even worse.
“You are spacing out again.” Jin’s chuckling voice was ripping her out of her thoughts. “What are you thinking about?”
“I – ehm – I” All the three Hybrids were looking at her now. “I was thinking about – ehm – Taehyung. I haven’t looked over his arm yet. Do you think he would allow me to change his bandage, Jimin?”
She felt a slight vibration going through her shoulder, as Jungkook growled at the black tiger’s name. Since Taehyung had showed off his fangs the previous, Jungkook had never left the girl’s side again, too scared that the tiger would hurt her.
Jimin meanwhile, had taken a small step back. He started fiddling with his fingers again, eyes flickering around the ground, before he slightly shook his head.
“I – I don’t think so. He was pretty angry this morning.” He whispered, not looking up. “I am sorry for him. He is scared and unsettled. He – he would never hurt someone on purpose. He –“
“He threatened us with his fangs.” Jungkook quickly interrupted him, pressing his eyes together. “Hope just wanted to help him.”
“I know.” Jimin’s sad eyes were looking up at Jungkook, ears flat against his head. “I will try to talk to him later. But I promise that he would have never hurt you.”
“Don’t worry, Jimin.” Hope tried to friendly smile at him. “It takes time to fully trust someone, but I understand. He will warm up eventually. But I need to change his bandage, or else the infection could get worse.”
To her surprise, Jimin’s mouth lifted up. He smiled happily, before he nodded quickly. He turned around and run down the hallways, entering his and Taehyung’s room. When he was gone, Jin stretched himself. It looked kind of funny, because he not only stretched his arms over his head, he also stretched his ears and tail way from him.
“I will cook something for lunch.” He announced, before he stood up and grabbed his mug.
“Since you started cooking for us I gained weight, you know?” The girl laughed, as she rubber her belly to support her statement.
Jin just shook his head and walked into the kitchen, starting to prepare lunch. The girl smiled at Jin’s eagerness to cook for the three, and now the five, of them. She could see the happiness in his eyes, when he set up he table or when her and Jungkook tell him how tasty his meals are. She was glad that thing with him had turned out in a good way.
“Jungkook.” She mumbled against the bunny’s hair. “Can you try to be nice to them. Jimin is trying really hard to be good. I think you scare him away sometimes.”
“Good, he better is.” Jungkook mumbled back, and she could clearly hear the amusement in his voice.
“Please, Kookie.” She tried again, nudging his arm slightly. “I don’t want them to feel not welcome here. Can you try for me, please?”
The bunny didn’t answer. He just kept his eyes closed, burring his face against her shoulder, mumbling something she couldn’t understand.
Just in that moment, the sound of an opening door rang through the apartment. Jimin came out of the room, pulling a crumply looking Taehyung behind him. Both tigers made their way down the hallway, before they stopped in front of the table, where Hope and Jungkook were still sitting. The girl smiled up at them, before she carefully pushed a protesting bunny from her shoulder and stood up.
“Jungkook, why don’t you and Jimin ask Jin if he needs help, while I change Taehyung’s bandage?” She asked nicely, before she grabbed the first aid kid from the cupboard on the wall.
Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other for a few seconds, before both nodded shyly. Jungkook started walking first, but not before he made a V-sign with his fingers, pointing at his eyes and then at Taehyung’s eyes. Jimin flashed Taehyung a look as well, before he trailed after Jungkook into the kitchen.
Taehyung didn’t hesitate, as he pulled himself a chair back and sunk down on it. He laid his injured arm onto the table, turning his head away from the girl, nose trails went wide. The girl sighed, but sat down next to him, gathering all the supplies she would need on the table. She didn’t tried to start a conversation, she just took off the used bandage and started cleaning up the scratch.
As the wet clothed touched his swollen and sensitive skin, the tiger hissed slightly. He slowly turned his head in her direction, opening his mouth so she could clearly see his fangs. It was just now that she actually was close enough to look at them properly.
From the thick root all the way down to the razor thin and sharp tip, the bright white the stood out from the red gums. They were definitely longer than his front teeth, maybe by one inch, which meant that he could easily cut through her skin.
“I am not scared of your fangs, Taehyung.” She simply stated, looking back down and not stopping to whip the cloth over his injury.
The black tiger didn’t response. Instead, he started laughing quietly and shaking his head. He leaned his elbow that was not injured on the table, before he put his head in his hand, still looking at the girl. He lifted his lips even more, showing her the whole length of his carves, while licking his lips over them.
“Is that so?” He laughed, making Hope looking up once again. When she was directly looking into his deep brown eyes, he started talking in a lower voice again. “Why are you lying to me? I can smell your fear. I can sense your heart beating in fear. I can see the fear in your eyes, little human.”
The way his breath was tickling her ear in combination with his very deep voice, were indeed making her heart beat faster. She gulped slightly and moved her eyes away from Tae’s eyes, looking over to the kitchen, but she couldn’t spot Jungkook or Jin….or even Jimin, who would gave her a safer feeling.
“What?” Taehyung had noticed her desperate attempt to look for help. “Do you want to call your little bunny for – ouch!”
He hissed sharply, as she whipped the wet cloth harder over the sensitive skin. He was right, his sharp fangs were somehow intimidating her, but she wouldn’t let him threaten her like this, and she would definitely not allow the tiger to talk about Jungkook as weak.
“I am really sorry.” She hissed back, throwing the clothe away and opening the tube with salve. “I am just trying to help you, Taehyung. But if you don’t like my help, my front door is always open. You can leave anytime you want to. I won’t force you to stay.”
Taehyung hissed again when she applied the salve without take much care. She didn’t want to hurt him at all, but his attitude was getting on her nerves. Taehyung closed his eye tightly, before he bit the inside of his cheek hard, a growl raising up his throat.
“Oh believe me, little girl, if it wasn’t for Jimin, I would leave immediately.” He opened his eyes, staring directly into hers, whispering in his deep, low voice again. “I am warning you, don’t push me too far. I am not scared of a leopard and a bunny, and I won’t hesitate to hurt them, if they try to harm my brother in any way.”
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“So Jimin, how did you come to New York?” Jin put the noodles into the pot, before he closed the lid.
Jimin and Jungkook had asked the older boy if he needed some help, while Hope wrapped up Taehyung’s arm. He gladly told them to cut all the vegetables into small pieces, while he would prepare the sauce and noodles.
“I – ehm –“ He coughed, before he started talking again. “Me and my brother are Bengal Tigers. We are from Korea, but they took us to New York because of an auction.”
Jin didn’t miss the way his voice went quieter with each word. When he looked over his shoulder, he saw how his ears were flatly pressed against his black hair, while he had wrapped his tail around his leg. He know exactly how Jimin must feel. When he was younger, his old owner had bought him at an auction in Korea as well.
“What is an auction?” Jungkook laid his knife down and was now looking with wide eyes at the tiger and then at Jin.
It was the first time since the previous night that Jungkook actually tried to talk to Jimin. The bunny had told Jin the night before about his concerns. Jungkook was a nice guy. He never meant to be mean or offended to someone, but his fear about the Hope getting hurt, or that she would like someone more than him was too much for him to handle.
“Human organize auctions to illegally buy rare Hybrid breeds.” Jimin whispered, not looking up at the bunny. “They locked us in a cage, so that all the visitor can look at us. My brother wanted to protect me, as one of the visitor tried to inspect my tail, but the guards stopped him. They – they hurt him badly.”
Though Jin had never been at an auction, he could feel the pain that the younger tiger went through. He knew what it felt to be helpless if a person you love was hurt by a human. He shivered at those memories.
“The girl –“ Jimin started after a moment of silence. “Have you always been living with her?”
“No.” Jungkook had taken his knife again, cutting the cucumber furiously. “She found me first. A few weeks ago, she took me in. She gave me food and something to drink and a bed to sleep. Later, she bought Jin from our old owner and took him in as well. She didn’t even request something in return, she just gave us anything we could have ever asked for.”
As he spoke, his voice held a tone of bitterness. Though Jungkook had come far since he was taken in here, the past was still sitting in his bones. He didn’t want to admit it, but Jin sometimes noticed how he would wake up in the middle on the night, scared and confused. Jin wanted so desperately to help him, but he had no other choice than to be there for him as much as possible.
“Thank you for letting us stay with you.” Jimin suddenly said. He turned around and looked at Jin. “I know that you don’t like us here, especially if my brother behaves like this, but – but –“
“It’s okay, Jimin.” Jin stepped forward and laid a hand on the younger boy’s shoulder. “Just a few weeks ago, we were in the same situation as the both of you. We know what you are going through, and we were glad that Hope took us in without any conditions.”
The three boys kept preparing their lunch for another few minutes, still talking about their lives, when suddenly they head the loud noise of a door slamming, followed by a long silence. Jin was about to look what was going on, but Hope was already walking into the kitchen. She flashed the three boys a sad smile, before she washed her hands in the sink.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook’s eyes help panic, as he watch the blood falling down in the sink. “Did he hurt you? I swear if he –“
“No, it’s okay. His wound was bleeding pretty bad, but I wrapped it up so it should be okay.” She dried her hands and turned around. “But he is still pretty unhappy with everything.”
She leaned herself against the counter, wrapping her arms around her waist. Jin didn’t need to ask her if anything was okay, he could smell it in her aura, that she as battling in her head. He knew how much she wanted to help Jimin and his brother, and that Taehyung was rejecting her help was really nudging at her bones.
“Don’t chew your lips, Hope.” Jin bend down to pull the plates out of the cupboard, before he pushed them into the girl’s arms. “Jimin, do you want to join us at the table or are you eating with Taehyung?”
Jimin’s eyes flickered from the stack of plates towards the hallway. He sighed, before he told them that he would eat with his brother. Jin nodded and prepared two plates of food, before adding two bottles of water onto the tray. He passed it to Jimin who politely bowed his head, as he made his way into the room.
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“Don’t you want to try, Tae?” Jimin asked his brother, who sat arm crossed beside him on the bed. “It’s really good and look, I cut the vegetables.”
The black tiger breathed out hard, but eventually he grabbed the fork that laid next to his plate and began to eat. He wanted to spit this food out so badly, but he had to admit that it really did taste good.
“Who does this human girl think she is.” He put his plat back down on the tray, slamming fork down next to it. “She hurt me on purpose, Jimin. She asked for me to hurt her. I was just this far away – only this far away from ripping her throat out. Pathetic human.”
Jimin didn’t respond. The older tiger just kept shoving his fork around his plate, not looking up at his brother. Tae was irritated by this behaviour. Normally, they both would avoid to have contact in any way with human. They both shared the same opinion on them, which was why he couldn’t understand how Jimin could hang around with that girl all day long.
“Jimin?” Tae asked annoyed when the older one didn’t look at him. “Why are you acting that way? You agree with me, don’t you?”
Jimin was still not looking at the younger one.
“Don’t you, Jimin?” Tae asked again, bit this time with a quitter voice.
“I –“ Jimin stopped, looking for the right words to continue. “I just don’t think that she is that bad. I mean, Jin and Jungkook seem to be pretty – happy? Maybe she is –“
“Nice? Kind? Different than the other human?” Tae smiled at Jimin, before his face dropped. “Forget it, Jimin. Human are all the same. I don’t trust that little girl.”
How could Jimin be so blind? Hadn’t the past encounters with human had been enough reasons to not trust those creatures again? He breathed out again, adding a growl. Just because that girl and her pets had offered them their help didn’t mean that Tae would jump into her arms.
It wasn’t that he was not thankful for her help, even when he had threatened her earlier with hid fangs. It had made him angry, that he actually hadn’t had smelled any fear at all in her scent. She hadn’t lied at all. But that didn’t change a single thing about his opinion on her. If she or her pets would do one wrong move towards Jimin or him, he could not promise anything.
He watched his brother eating his lunch quietly. It scared him that Jimin looked so pale and skinny. He had always been a skinny boy, but he had loosen a lot of weight while they were out on their own. Tae wasn’t stupid. He had noticed that Jimin had saved all the food they had left for him, so he could get healthy again. Even though Jimin was older that him by a few months, Taehyung had that urge to protect that smaller male from any threats.
He hadn’t lied earlier. If it wasn’t for Jimin, if Jimin wasn’t here with him, if he only had a responsibility for his own, he would have never taken a step inside the girl’s apartment. It was all for his brother.
“It’s just – “ Jimin was still not looking up at his brother, but Tae could clearly hear the bitterness in his tone. “Last night was the first night I actually had a proper sleep since a very long time, Tae. I wasn’t worried about you not eating enough, I wasn’t worried about you being cold, I wasn’t worried about you being in pain. Can we just – can we just enjoy the time we are allowed to stay here?”
“I don’t know about you.” Tae laughed and leaned himself back against the headboard of the bed, arms behind his head, legs stretched out wide. “But I am enjoying my stay.”
Jimin turned his head, but not saying anything. Tae knew that it was harsh of his to talk about the girl’s offers like that, but it wasn’t like he was going to stay forever. So why not enjoying this comfort for once?
“You know what I meant.” Jimin sighed, as he let go of his fork, letting himself fall back on the soft mattress. “Jin and Jungkook are actually nice to talk to. It was the first real conversation I had in a very long time. Beside, I feel really bad to use the human girl like that. Don’t you think we should show some thankfulness?”
Tae had heard a lot of stupid ideas coming out of his brother’s mouth, but this was an absolutely highlight. His whole life, human had threaten him like he worth nothing to them. They had hurt him, they had humiliated him, they had locked him up, and now he should show some thankfulness?
“Don’t be ridiculous, Jimin.” He growled quietly, closing his eyes. “It’s not like we forcing her to help us. Plus, we won’t stay long, so don’t get attached to that human or her pets.”
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[recommendations | Inspirations]
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fenristheorem · 3 years
I have a theory...
(I highly doubt any of this will actually happen, but it’s fun to think about!)
So there’s been a few theories / ideas going around about Mathieu and Huang Hua; specifically that Mathieu is working with humans to destroy or dissemble Eldarya or the guard, and that Huang Hua isn’t actually the pristine leader this season that she appeared to be in Origins.
I’ve taken both theories and combined them, and have developed an idea of what the plot of ANE could be. This isn’t at all meant to be taken seriously as I highly doubt Beemoov would write this instead of any other plots they could have developed, but at very least it’s a fun theory to think about that would likely remain very interesting if it did happen.
~ Under the cut ~
Huang Hua’s theory that I’ll be talking about.
I’m not sure who posted the idea that Mathieu is a traitor and is working with humans as that was a while back, but if someone wants to find it and add the link in the comment then that would be great! (and I will link it here, as well)
I first want to talk about the general idea of both theories and add a bit of my own perspective onto them. Huang Hua’s theory makes her seem as though she’s either drunk with power or is trying to keep the Feng Huangs in a state of power over the last of the dragons and demons / angels. Both possibilities seem very realistic as power requires responsibility from the person who holds it (and is therefore easy to lose moral control of when in the wrong hands), and it would make sense that Huang Hua would still try to look out for the Feng Huangs by keeping their opinions valuable to the many races / species of Eldarya. Also, I’m not entirely sure if it was mentioned why Huang Hua didn’t become the next Phoenix. It’s known that there are trials in order to become a Phoenix, and that Huang Hua passed some of those trials, but do we know if she passed all of them? It’s possible that her search for power within the guard didn’t allow her to pass all trials, and even if she did pass but chose to reject the title for a place within the guard, why did she choose the guard instead of her own people (in this case, if she were more corrupt this season, choosing to let someone else take to position of Phoenix and having her in power over the guard would lead to two powerful forces both under the command of Feng Huangs)? Her actions and opinions in Origins would make it seem like she took over the guard out of the kindness of her heart to allow Miiko to leave, but we don’t actually know the full story there, just the basics of what Huang Hua explained. Maybe Huang Hua actually pressured Miiko to leave, disguising her want of power in the guard as blunt honesty to Miiko explaining that she didn’t make a very good leader. As a last note, perhaps a final trial before becoming a Phoenix was to prove her unyielding loyalty to the Feng Huangs, and Huang Hua is attempting to prove her loyalty by taking control of the guard so the Feng Huangs can expand their influence across Eldarya. All of these theories and ideas are a bit out there, but we do know very little still, and at very least it’s fun to create theories like these that could hold some truth in them. Regarding Mathieu; we still don’t know much on him either, so almost anything is possible with him. The post that talked about his possible betrayal mentioned many valid points that I won’t really go in-depth about here, but I will say that it would make sense if he managed to infiltrate the guard, get into Absynthe, and then get the guard’s military leader (Lance) to train him, all while playing the ploy of the pure, flirtatious young man. It’s entirely possible that Mathieu could be playing the fool while providing invaluable information to humans that seek to destroy the guard. Once again, it’s still just a theory, but both of these theories together can provide a bit of an idea about how ANE could play out if both turn out true.
Now with that information roughly summarized, I’ll say again; don’t take my theory here too seriously, I highly doubt this will happen as there’s many other routes that Beemoov could have and probably did take when developing ANE. This is just one possibility of what could happen if everything aligns properly.
By taking these two theories into the same universe, we have Huang Hua as a leader who’s basically just corrupt and / or drunk on power, and Mathieu who’s trying to help humans destroy Eldarya, or at very least dissemble the guard. As a rough sketch, Huang Hua in this case could be the source of “evil”, at very least in a possibly debatable way. As we’ve seen with Origins, Beemoov loves to play the “no perfect right or wrong” card, as the guard had good reason to protect the crystal, and Lance and Leiftan had their own personal reasons to take revenge on Eldarya and the crystal (if they were justified in doing so depends on the audience’s perspective, but that’s besides the point right now). So it would make sense if Beemoov carried that theme into ANE (as they likely will regardless of the actual plot or if Huang Hua is an issue) by making the beloved Huang Hua not so innocent anymore, and making Mathieu (who would technically be “evil” because he’s trying to destroy / dissemble Eldarya and / or the guard) a bit of an underdog hero despite working with humans by having him help to stop Huang Hua from causing any sort of harm, by purpose or by accident. This does call into question how terrible Huang Hua could become, since it seems very unlikely that she’ll be clearly destructive / evil, but the theory on her linked earlier in this post mentions that, if it’s not just bad writing on Beemoov’s part, Huang Hua is clearly displaying some psychologically harmful tendencies that are toxic in nature to the people around her. This may not be a major threat at first glance, but anyone who’s been around someone who’s harmful and manipulative to others in real life will know that this can be a major issue in the long run for many people, and isn’t always easily detected early on. In fact, many people who have these sorts of harmful tendencies to others have a tendency to be very charming and nice at first glance because it’s the facade they hide behind. Others are less likely to call them out on any minorly manipulative or guilt trip tactics they may use because how could they be harmful when they’re such a nice person? Instead of thinking it’s something wrong with the person doing the manipulating, people will think something must be wrong with themselves for thinking that the charming person is hiding something harmful. They feel isolated when they see how nicely everyone else is treated and feel like they’ll receive backlash if they try to speak out, so they stay quiet and take any forms of manipulation or abuse in fear of calling them out and being cast out as a pariah (however, that last part is a bit more of an extreme case than what would likely be written). This has already been seen a few times in ANE between Huang Hua and Guardienne as the linked post mentioned. Huang Hua is consistently putting up a nice act, and then in the next moment is pressuring Guardienne into something she is neither comfortable with nor ready for. Again, this could just be terrible writing on Beemoov’s part, but the idea that Huang Hua could be an issue this season due to that reasoning could certainly be interesting!
Now in regards to the other LI’s (Leiftan, Lance, and Nevra), I have a few ideas on how they would fit into this theory. 
Leiftan and Lance already have a history in trying to destroy Eldarya, attempting to dissemble the guard in the process of doing so, so what if now those skills and what they learned could be put to good use? They’ve learned best how to attack the guard, but it was originally for selfish reasoning. However, if Huang Hua becomes enough of a problem to the point where she needs to be taken out of power, Lance and Leiftan now know enough of how to dissemble and attack the guard, but now they would be doing so under good reasoning as it would be in the guard’s best interest. They would be going from ex-villains to redeeming heroes by utilizing what they once used to harm others to now save them instead. 
Nevra is the only weak link I see in this theory currently, as I don’t see a good place where he fits in. However, I do find it interesting that he’s now Huang Hua’s - specifically - “right hand man”. Of course, there’s very few characters from Origins who stayed for ANE so no one else really stood a chance for the plot’s sake, but Beemoov could have brought in another new character instead to take the position instead of Nevra. Along with that, when I mentioned my theory to a close friend of mine, she pointed out that Nevra does seem to be a bit... suspicious? His current attitude has a bit of a “stay out of my business” feel to it, and while that’s understandable due to everything that happened during the White Sacrifice, he does seem to be hiding a lot of things. I have a feeling he’ll be the type of person to keep all his plans, personal or not, completely private and unknown until someone directly pressures him to explain why he’s so busy (like the conversation between him and Guardienne in episode 2 or 3, I forget which. Guardienne wanted to hang out with him and it was only after lots of pressure from Guardienne that he revealed the continuation of his old habits again). Overall, Nevra is a bit of an unknown card right now in terms of his attitude and who he is and such, but the fact that he’s kept unknown could make it very easy for him to be hiding something important. The only other reasoning I can think of that he could be working, directly or indirectly, with Huang Hua with possible harmful intentions is based on a trend with the LI’s in Origins that could be carrying on to ANE. In Origins, 3 LI’s were working for the guard, or for the “good” side, and one was an imposter who was working for the “bad” side but was acting like a friend. Beemoov could carry this imposter trend into ANE by making Nevra that imposter. Guardienne and the other 3 LI’s could realize that Huang Hua is actually harmful to the guard or something like that, and Nevra would play along with their idea while giving information to Huang Hua about any plans they may have to undermine or overthrow her. To back that idea up a bit, Nevra is the only one from Origins who worked for the guard all throughout, so due to this uniqueness of his situation (compared to the other LI’s who either tried to destroy Eldarya or only arrived after the war) this could lead to different intentions and reasoning on his part than with the other LI’s. I could easily see Nevra agreeing to help Huang Hua if her goal is to keep Lance and Leiftan undermined, as well, as he clearly doesn’t seem to like them and Huang Hua would want people to choose to follow her at the end of the day and not Leiftan or, especially, Lance.
Once again, my theory isn’t meant to be taken seriously! I really don’t think the plot will play out this way but it’s still an interesting theory that would make a very good story if executed properly.
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siarven · 3 years
Hey, you mentioned that you like all those queer hopepunk horror podcasts in some tags and I wanna know: which podcasts are you talking about? Ever since tma ended, I've been looking for a podcast that could fill its place
Hello!! :DDD
So (in true fashion of a Good Memory™) I suddenly forgot Everything, so I enlisted a friend's help! ( @followthatgoose, who has also listened to all of these, some multiple times. I'm still kind of working on them because I hit sudden No More Podcasts™ a while back sadly, and am currently back to audiobooks for the most part. But I'd trust Soren's podcasting taste with my life, sooo :D) So the proper premise-descriptions are mostly provided by them <3
- Hello from the Hallowoods (kind of like how I'd originally hoped Welcome to Night Vale would be! It's a radio broadcast-esque story about queer survivors at the end of the world, really nice mix of following the characters as they live and also their fight against the horrors of the hallowoods. It also has some of the Best Quotes and the narrator has a fantastic voice <3 fantastic vibes overall)
- The Sheridan Tapes (found footage horror (with very nice music and soundscaping), following a detective as he tries to piece together what happened to a missing horror writer. monster of the week type recordings mixed with what is happening 'real time' to characters. a lot of Very Good emotional moments. also very queer)
- The Mistholme Museum (monster of the week format combined with 'real time' moments too, an audio tour guide takes you on a tour of the mistholme museum's exhibits. there are canonically queer characters, though so far it is not as Queer™ as the others. set in australia)
- Kane and Feels (in the words of Soren, "can best be described as a Vibe that is really good to zone out to and just exist in (liminal space my beloved). it's done in a noir style (which is IMPECCABLE) and the main characters are an academic who studies the supernatural, and his ex cop friend who punches the supernatural when it is causing problems. other than having canonically stated queer characters there is also Very Nice queer subtext around the main characters (particularly kane). also the academic is named lucifer kane, i feel like that speaks for itself xD")
- The White Vault (this one isn't as queer sadly, (though it does have Two Gays later on) but it has the most fantastic creepy-horror vibes that kinda feel similar to tma's horror vibes, and it's fairly short and really cool! It's about a multi-national group (the cast being from those nationalities as well, it feels amazingly real in that sense <3) sent to an arctic outpost to repair a broken radio, and then a blizzard keeps them from returning and everything escalates in the most deliciously terrible way. I've binged it two or three times so far >:D It's currently on hiatus but we'll get a fifth (final?) season staring in October!)
- I can always and forever recommend Rusty Quill Gaming as a honorary mention, just because it's partially the same people and it's fantastic and even though it doesn't start out as horror, alex has been knew (that man just can't help himself from putting horror everywhere, it's GREAT). It's a very good time and has made me cry and there's a lot of content to listen to with familiar voices, and I love it a lot even though I'm usually not a ttrpg listener <3
Apart from these I've also heard that Old Gods of Appalachia is good (though I personally didn't like the vibes), I've listened to a big chunk of I Am In Eskew which had some extremely nice episodes and some I didn't vibe with quite as much (it also lacked the queer, if I remember right), and by the same people (and apparently very queer?) The Silt Verses, though I haven't listened to that yet. I think that one has a lot of body horror, from what I've seen, and an aro character, which makes me go very :hypereyes:, but yeah :)
I hope these help!
If anyone wants to add recs, please do!!
Also Soren / @followthatgoose wants to find other people to scream with about the sheridan tapes so if anyone following me has listened to that pls message them xD <3
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 years
Night shifts.
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Daryl Dixon x Reader Werewolf AU
You are new to the prison and Rick takes you on your first night watch shift. When something catches your eye he sends you after it. When you wake up the next morning you discover things you would have never guessed were real.
Running from walkers was not how you wanted to spend your first week alone after months of being with a group and to be fair, you were done. You were close to passing out from dehydration  when you made it out of the forest lines and onto a highway, spotting a gas station to hole up in only a minute away. running in and barricading the door with your last bit of energy, you passed out almost immediately after.
"Hey, we're here!" Glenn called out to Maggie when they passed the treelines and went onto the highway where Rick had sent them. "That old place? Are you sure there's stuff left in there?" Maggie wasn't sure about it all but at least there weren't any walkers around it it'd be easy to check out and be gone without wasting too much time. They tried the main doors but they wouldn't budge, like they were locked down from the inside so they went around to check for another entrance. With a little effort they managed to take down the door in the back and went in to scope out the place and listening in for any walkers and finding none. They felt relieved when there wasn't a fight to prepare for and started digging through what was left of the supplies in the back room, making their way to the front, towards the blocked front exit. As they expected they found nothing useful in the small gas station, but when they rounded past the last supply rack they found something they weren't expecting.
"You think she's alive?" Glenn wondered, slowly stepping forward to check for any injuries but found none. "I don't know, doesn't look like she's turning so I guess not." Maggie replied as Glenn was already close enough to shake her. As he did so, she jolted awake and unsure of anything that was going on. Maggie had her gun readied at her side and Glenn moved back to a safe distance. "What the hell?" Was all you could groggily manage to speak. The two of them asked you a few questions that you barely managed to answer and were given some water when you regained enough consciousness to move at least somewhat well again. Thanking them you asked why they were here and they explained they were just looking for supplies and the place seemed to be abandoned. "We could ask you the same, though." Glenn chimed in. You told them your story of being alone and running from walkers for a while before eventually ending up here and passing out, how you hadn't eaten anything all day and drank your last bit of water this morning.
When they finished clearing the place, Glenn and Maggie agreed to take you with them to the prison where their group lived. On the way there, which took longer than their way to the gas station, seeing what state you were in, they mostly kept quiet about their current living environment even with you asking questions every now and then. It was close to nightfall when you all arrived at the prison and you were stopped by a man in a sheriff's hat. Immediately on you and not letting you take another step onto the property after answering his questions. He sat you down and talked to Maggie and see what info she had on you ans so she repeated everything you had told her, getting approving nods from Glenn who was keeping an eye on you  while also reassuring you Rick was less scary than he currently came off as.
After all the talking you were allowed to stay under constant surveillance. This only lasted a week, after which you were allowed to roam around on your own and were set on shared watch with Rick so he could teach you all their ways in case walkers would breach the fence. During the early hours of the night nothing much happened and you had to admit the view of the forest edge looked nice under the moonlight. From time to time you heard a walker rustling through nearby bushes but Rick reassured you to was nothing to worry about until they would start to pile up on the fence. After a long stretch of silence you saw something run across the field and you shoved Rick's shoulder to make sure he'd see it as well. The moment he looked it ran out of sight towards the other side of the building before emerging on the other end again after a short moment. This time Rick saw it as well and sent you towards the fences to go check it out. You ran from the watch tower towards the edge to check out whatever it was that you saw but you couldn't get a clear look at it so after a minute of walking back and forth across fence you decided to go through them, you were armed after all.
The thing was near the treeline and wandering around, seemingly not noticing you watching it. When it ran off you were so intrigued that you followed it out into the woods, not giving a single thought to what you were even following or all the other dangers out there. you followed the thing for a while, getting a better look at it and seeing it resembled a large dog of some sort. Honestly it only reminded you of your favorite monster movies you always watched back in the day, but that was all just suits and CGI. You loved those movies, zombie movies were cool as well until you suddenly all started living in one of course. But that was different, right?? No way other monsters were real as well. you weren't gonna run into a group of murderous vampires living as cannibals, but this creature in front of you did look an awful lot like a werewolf, and not even a small one. while it was hunched over and on all-fours it still reached almost to your shoulders.
You were so deep in thought that you didn't watch your step and tripped over a branch, causing the creature to jump up and tread towards you. As you got up you couldn't take your eyes off it, afraid it would jump you so you backed up until you hit a tree. You were stuck between a large tree with no branches to climb onto, and a huge, murderous, and now that you saw it up close, clearly werewolf.It snarled at you, getting closer to sniff the air and snapping its teeth at you only an inch away from your face.This was gonna end bad.
Back at the prison, Rick was slapped across the shoulder by Maggie. "Did you really just sent the new girl after him? Are you insane?" She whisper-yelled at him. She had been awake and saw you run  into the woods after he had snuck out. "Trust me, if you saw how he's always starin' at her, you'd do the same thing. He's not gonna hurt her." The two of them discussed their views for a while with Maggie being totally against the whole idea and Rick feeling like he did a great job. "Come on, Maggie. There's no way he's gonna do anything to her. He's been staring at her like a lovesick puppy ever since they first talked." Rick tried to convince her again. "And you have to admit that she tries her hardest to be around him and actually gets along with him pretty well." He was right, Maggie had talked with her from time to time and it was clear that she liked being around him. Whenever she didn't have any tasks for the day she'd always tag along on hunts with him and she'd be the first one at the gate when he would return from an early morning run to see if he needed to be stitched up. "Fine, I'll give ya this round. But if she gets hurt, you are the one who tells everyone what happened." She jabbed her finger at Rick's chest to make her point that much more clear and returned to watch the horizon for any movement.
Both stared into the distance in peace until they caught movement  out in the field. "See? Told you I was right!" Rick called out while Maggie grabbed a pair of binoculars to get a closer look. "That's not a deer in his mouth, Rick." She spoke softly as she shoved the binoculars into his chest, urging him to take a look. It was indeed him who was walking back onto the property, probably on his way to his usual hideout. He followed his steps and tried to focus on what he was carrying that according to Maggie wasn't a deer. "Oh shit." He let out as he lowered the item and rushed off the stairs towards the abandoned back of the building. When he rounded the last corner he had almost caught un with them and saw him now carefully placing you down in the emptied shed, on top of the cloths they had put there for when he'd turn back. The pile of clothes neatly folded next to the door. He deemed the situation as safe and left back to the guard tower to finish his shift.
You woke up before the sun started coming up and were shocked to find out you weren't in the woods anymore. Truth be told you couldn't remember what happened. The creature snapped at you, looking like it was ready to chow down on you and then everything went black. Taking in your surroundings you learned you were in some kind of shed, you were on a pile of fabric and there was a pile of clothes, illuminated by the moonlight near the open entrance. Trying to get up you learned that it wasn't a heavy blanket that was on you, but an extended arm draped over your waist coming from behind you. You quietly wiggled out from underneath the arm and went to investigate. Your first move was to go outside and look where you were. You were at the prison, but on a side of the building you had never been before. After being sure you were at least somewhat safer than you expected you went back inside, passing the pile of clothes again and decided to take a look. There was a pair of boots, a larger size so you assumed they were a guy's, together with some torn and patched up jeans and a shirt with sleeves torn at different lengths. Taking away at the pile one piece at a time, you found something that you immediately recognised. "Daryl?" You said out loud upon seeing his winged leather vest. A low growl came from behind you. You had been so focused on the clothes that you hadn't realised you might had woken up the slumbering beast.
You got up and ran without thinking of it and ended up cornered within seconds, Daryl's vest still clasped tightly to your chest. Eyes wide, you couldn't cast your gaze away from the creature in front of you. Now, on its hindlegs you were able to fully take in it's size. You were even more terrified than before in the forest, this time there was really no way out. You dropped to your knees, hugging the vest of your dear friend closely and cried, begging for someone to hear you and come save you but no sound other than sobs left you. You saw the light shift in your vision and carefully looked up, seeing that your cabin partner had now sat down and was staring at you. Blue eyes staring right into yours before getting back up and crawling underneath the pile of blankets in the corner, completely covering itself except for its tail poking from underneath it all. Every time you tried to take a step closer you were growled at, louder each time until you gave up and sat back down in the furthest corner. Eyes trained on the pile, you saw every small movement that happened and every breath the beast took. Its breathing became heavier and now started to get louder and snarls and growls would come out more and more until another sound broke your concentration and had you jump up a little. It sounded like a bone snapping in half, joined with other nasty snapping and tearing sounds. The pile moved but you couldn't make out what was going on as you covered your ears, trying to block out the gruesome noises until everything stopped moving and the shape beneath the piles had shrunk to half its size. All you heard now was breathing like someone had just ran from a herd of walkers. While everything seemed safe, you were too afraid to move from your spot so you stayed. Sitting there with Daryl's vest still in your hands you waited for the sun to come up and go find your group again. You companion's breathing had evened out and you assumed they'd fallen asleep again. Gathering all your courage you creeped closer to the pile and took in its shape, making out the shape of a person and carefully taking the first blanket away, sadly not revealing anything. The next one only uncovered an arm, lazily thrown over what you assumed was a head still covered in blankets. You sat there contemplating your next move. Were you going to take away another layer or were you gonna leave this one alone and let them wake up in peace?
Yeah, you were seeing who it was that terrorised you throughout the entire night. Taking a deep breath you took the edge of the next fabric and carefully lifted it, but before you could get a look your wrist was grabbed tightly and you were thrown on your back with whoever it was over you, snarling and ready to attack. You let out a surprised yelp as you were thrown down. At least now you could get a good look at who it was, and it wasn't who you expected to see. "Daryl?" You sighed, on one hand relieved he wasn't killed like you thought before when you found his vest. On the other hand completely out of it now that you figured out his probably biggest secret. Did others know about this place? Did they know about him and weren't they afraid?
Keeping your eyes on his you had to try your hardest not to let them wander off when you remembered he was in fact still very naked. "Please," You quietly pleaded. "get dressed.." You mumbled as you covered your eyes with your free arm, making sure you wouldn't see anything and trying to make him feel maybe less uncomfortable.He grumbled something you couldn't make out before you felt him move off you and heard rustling of clothes. "Where's mah vest?" You heard him ask and moved a bit only to feel it underneath you. Sitting up you slowly moved your arm away from your face and relaxed when you saw Daryl was dressed enough to be less distracting at least. When you were about to get up to hand him his vest, he'd walked across the shed and sat down in front of you like he did earlier tonight before he has changed back. "M'sorry." It wasn't much but it was enough for now.
You handed him his vest and stayed quiet for the most part. Not knowing what to say and what could set him off like when you woke him up scared you enough to not talk to him at all except for answering his questions or comments. It took a while for the two of you to get comfortable around each other enough to go out on a morning hunt but after words could be exchanged well enough to make a plan you were good to go. You left through Daryl's secret way out and started tracking a deer that had walked close to the forest's edge. Closing in on it you came across the spot where he had you cornered and almost attacked you, causing you to stop in your tracks and freeze up all of a sudden. The area was nothing special, just a small spot with no low bushes and some large trees. The thing that set you off were the claw marks that were now as clear as day on a lot of the surrounding trees, showing just how much strength was behind those claws. You didn't hear Daryl call for you and you didn't realise he had taken down the deer by now without much of your help in the end. "Hey," He called again, not getting a reply and put a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump. "Ya alright there?" He looked concerned at first, but there was something else underneath. You shook your head to get out of your daze. "Yeah I'm good. Sorry." You apologised without really knowing what there was to apologise for. You didn't even realise you had frozen that bad. Daryl looked around him and only now really connected the dots. He let out a sigh as he walked over to you, showing you his hand. "S'normal again now. See?" He held his hand up, turning it so you could get a good look. "I aint hurtin' ya." It was more than just a statement to him. This was a promise he was going to keep no matter what would happen from now on. You accepted his words and agreed to move back to the prison with your freshly hunted deer.
After you both finished your morning routines, Daryl walked over to your cell, asking you to follow him outside. The two of you walked back to the shed behind the building and sat down to talk properly this time. It wasn't that you were scared anyone, it was more of an anxious 'what if' feeling that kept gnawing at your thoughts. How were you gonna be sure he wouldn't get angry at a wrong question or what if you couldn't agree with something he insisted was right? "Hey," was all he said to get you out of your thoughts again. "Yer almost panicking here. Ya still scared of me." It wasn't a question but more of a statement and truth be told, he was right after all. You were scared of your friend and you had no idea how to change that. You didn't want to be but the feeling was still there, it kept eating at you that there was a chance that you'd do something wrong enough for him to snap. Being unable to stop those thoughts, the tears joined rapidly after. You didn't know what t say or how to even stop crying but you knew that letting out the emotions was a good way to show that you had no clue how to handle all of this and needed the help.  Daryl wasn't sure what exactly to do but he knew that touching you wasn't going to help. He had brought his pack and dug around for some leftovers that he didn't finish before turning last night and offered what he found. You accepted the food and kept in in your lap, being unable to eat anything while you were still crying. You mumbled a thankyou and moved over to Daryl, dropping yourself onto him and letting him know you were okay with him getting closer and you weren't afraid of him touching you when he wasn't angry. Daryl was surprised with this turn of events, it was a turn for the better at least. "Can ya tell me what's up? Cus' this shows ya ain't scared of this me at least." He didn't want to pry but he had to get at least something out of you now that you had some privacy. You were still softly sobbing but it had gotten less already. Taking deep breaths helped to calm down, and having Daryl's arms around you now in a protective manner was really getting rid of most of your fear. "You scared me last night." This was the first time Daryl had to go through something like this. Yes, he had to tell others in the group about his issue and it ended in Rick almost shooting him during a full moon before Daryl saved his life, and Carol hadn't spoken to him for days after she saw him turned but she came to his cell on her own to apologise and accept him for what he was. He also hadn't attacked either of them. Not that he really touched you, but he scared you enough for you to pass out, and again afterwards in the shed enough to make you cry almost twice.
"I ain't hurtin' ya, ever." He said again, hoping to convince both you and himself because truthfully he had no idea if he was ever going to hurt her if he wasn't in control."I like you. This is all new." Small sentences were your way to go for now and Daryl accepted that immediately. He nodded and hummed in approval of your confession, hugging you a bit closer and moving to sit more comfortable. "I like ya too. Tha's why ya ended up in that shed." You let out a huff of laughter at that, making it sound like he had some other plans if you hadn't passed out. "Ya I was gonna tell ya all this, but now ya saw everythin' already.." He wanted to talk, but he had no clue where to go at all, nothing that he wanted to say felt like the right words so he opted for a question. "Wha'cha think of all this?" He motioned at the shed and the cleared off area and himself as well, hoping that your answer would spark some more conversation and solutions.
Sighing, you thought hard about your words. Some things popped into your head and before you could lose your thought again you spoke. "I'm good with it. You're good and you're you and you kept me safe, you know." He did know. He knew he kept you safe last night, but the words that hit him the hardest were the ones no one had told him before. He was still him, even if he looked different or had a second nature that could be dangerous, he was still him. "Thanks for tha', girlie." You were regaining your smile and laughed. "Yeah, my friend's a dog. what's your story huh." You joked laughing out loud. It was a sound Daryl had heard before when you and Carol were on tasks together and laugher would fill the prison hall. He couldn't get enough of it.
"So, yer okay with bein' here with me? Gotta admit ya kept me calm last night." He now wasn't looking at you but at the ground and you were sure you could see a small blush creep up on his face. "Daryl," You turned in his lap so you could look at his face properly. You took his face in your hands to make sure he wasn't going to look away. "I'll stay with you for as long as you need." You made your statement as clear as you could possibly make it, hoping he'd understand everything behind those words. "Hell, I'm just gonna say this now before I lose the courage.." You took a last deep breath and just went for it. "I've kinda wanted to ask you if you'd want me as your girlfriend, but all of this happened before I got a chance to but you have to know I still want that, even after learning all of this."
Now it was Daryl's turn to laugh happily and pull you close to him, nuzzling your cheek and accepting your request with more glee than you had ever seen on him. "I love ya." He admitted finally, kissing your cheek to not overstep his boundaries in true Daryl fashion.
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vaultureculture · 3 years
Meet my Guardians :) [part 1?]
I have been playing Eldarya ever since I was 14. For the past few years, I had been reading the story religiously, mixing in headcanons to fill plot-holes, and  fleshing out Erika until she became something entirely different. 
Her character soon split into my three mains, all of whom I will introduce to you all in this post! In my Eldarya AU, they all exist in the same universe, and the three of them play crucial roles in the Oracle’s prophecy. I will develop them more as time goes by hmhm
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Name: Monnika Defreine (she/her)
Birth date: 14th November  [  ♏︎  ]
Age: 22
Species: Faelienne (Aengel+Human)
Guard: Absynthe Guard
Familiar: Lillith (Bâkhrâhell)
LI: Leiftan (both in TO and in ANE)
Occupation in the Guard of Eel: She has taken on the role of a teacher for many children inside the H.Q’s walls. She specializes in lyrical poetry and composition. Whenever she is free from her teaching job, she adventures out into the forest to collect ingredients for ointments and potion spells. 
Sub-occupation: Trained alchemist, Oracle visualizer. Monnika has frequent premonitory dreams and visions featuring the Oracle, but she cannot understand them nor speak in their tongue. Her visual communication with the Oracle is important regardless, and she’s the most attached to it.  
Weapon of choice: Sword
Pros: Forgiving, educated, compassionate, patient, reliable. 
Cons: A push-over, easily biased, indecisive, self-victimizing, very edgy.
Monnika follows the more “canon Erika” path. She is the only one of the main three to have come from Earth through the portal we see at the beginning of the game. She is also the only one to retain an element of Aengel blood, albeit stronger than Erika’s. The option was ruled out for canon Erika, but Monnika is indeed adopted and a faelienne. She’s aware of her adoption but does not know anything else about her background, nor has she cared to know.
In her childhood, she was often reported to affect nearby light and energy sources. Her parents believed her to simply be sensitive to electromagnetic fields. This explanation is usually given to spiritual mediums: The energy they accumulate is said to be what causes paranormal phenomena around them. 
Once she crossed the portal into Eldarya, she began regulating her Maana, and her powers started manifesting more. The eventual blood transfusion and ‘soul-tethering’ with Leiftan jumpstarted a physical transformation, leaving her stuck out of her human disguise. Now, do not let her edgy appearance fool you: she is an Aengel. 
Monnika's form is inspired by traditional Seraphims— that is, ominous balls of eyes and feathers. Her blood is ancient, and her outside reflects it:  Upon transforming, all of her grows in size monstrously. She prostrates, back heavy with wings, as blazing white light fills her sockets. Her spindly fingers dig into the soil, like the feeble limbs of a black widow spider. She is one with the earth her mother bore her from; in her presence, one feels as though judgment is neigh.
There are no reasons to fear her, though, for she is kind and reserved. Monnika finds joy in tranquility and avoids company most of the time. After her initial transformation, she grew more distant, ashamed of her new condition. Her human blood keeps her from smoothly regulating her powers, so she is stuck in her angel form from the first time it occurs to the end of the War for Eldarya, before the 7-year coma. With training, she is finally able to change back to a more human disguise. 
Leiftan and Monnika are, indeed, soulmates. She always felt herself gravitate towards him and followed this attraction without remorse. Her alliance stands with Leiftan and with Leiftan only, which made her position in TO quite complicated. Her lover's crimes were heinous, but her eagerness to build bridges between them again kept her from understanding the seriousness of it all. After their coma, her spirit and trust are broken by Leiftan's distance. She's then left to pine from afar, desperately trying to comprehend how she's supposed to live with half a heart.  
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Name: Astraea Varma (she/her)
Birth date:  5th March [ ♓︎ ]
Age: 24
Species: Euryhalin nomadic mermaid
Guard: Obsidian Guard
Familiar: Thetis (Blobbiathan)
LI: Valkyon (TO) & Mathieu (ANE) 
Occupation in the Guard of Eel: Unwilling to find herself (or her peers) wounded and helpless in the midst of battle, she started working as a nurse under the protection of Ewelein. Her eagerness to learn and help others soon turned her into a sponge for medical knowledge.
Sub-occupation: Obsidian infantry soldier, Crystal fragment detector. Astraea can easily sense the presence of crystal fragments, corrupted or not. She can easily follow them to where they are, as if they left a visible trail. 
Weapon of choice: Hammer or enchanted fists. 
Pros: law-abiding, empathetic, just, optimistic, fun to be around. 
Cons: Inflexible, holds grudges, bad loser, stubborn, quick to judge.  
Astraea washed up on a small stream that crosses the forest of Eel. She was found by Ykhar and Alajéa on the noon of the same day that Monnika appeared in the Crystal Room. Astraea had no recollection of her journey upon waking up beside the fact that she was looking for something significant. She made allusions to it being noted down in her journals, all of which she lost in the last half of her trip. 
She comes from a clan of Euryhalin nomadic mermaids, aquatic creatures who can travel both through rivers and oceans according to migratory seasons. These migration patterns are marked by the moon and the stars, so these mermaids are essentially nocturnal. This is similar (if not the same, even) to the structure and tradition of Alajéa and her sister Colaïa’s clan. The likeness between Alajéa and Astraea’s experiences will eventually strengthen the bond between them, and make them grow closer than ever— despite the initial moments of sourness. The only thing that could throw a spanner in the works is Astraea's distaste for Karenn, Alajéa's best friend. The breach between them is no different in ANE, as Karenn's overall demeanor is quick to make Astraea's blood boil.
Despite being an Obsidian, Astraea fears conflict and very much dislikes harming others. She is not one to await battle with a smile, nor is she an outstanding warrior by herself. Nevertheless, it is her wit, perseverance, and fairness that landed her on that guard. Moments of doubt, like passing mists, may have clouded her self-perception; She may have broken down many times but always stood up again to dedicate more effort to her cause. She fights when necessary, using her knowledge in enchantments to gather up fists of rocks as her weapons.
Incredibly passionate about justice and discipline, Astraea held the Obsidian chief Valkyon in high regard. He became one of her confidants in the tortuous search for her memories; then, a partner to stand by as the world caved in. After the War and the 7-year coma, Astraea withdrew into isolation, grieving over the loss of her lover and mentor. The cherry tree that once was Valkyon’s shelter is now Astraea’s place of reflection— a deep, melancholic pondering only Mathieu, a new friend, and Sonzaishinai, an old friend, can get her out of. 
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Name: Hélène “Sonzaishinai” Müller(she/her)
Birth date:  20th May [ ♊︎ ]
Age: 25
Species: Nocturnal fae (moth variant)
Guard: Shadow Guard
Familiar: Skade (Owlett)
LI: Nevra (TO) & Lance (ANE)
Occupation in the Guard of Eel:  Hélène had always shown a questionable interest in the archives of the H.Q. When Ykhar offered her to work as an adjoined archive librarian, she could not pass it up. She knows the catalogue by heart and has gathered a bunch of...information that may be of use to her. 
Sub-occupation: Master archer, Oracle interpreter. Sonzaishinai has auditory hallucinations featuring the Oracle. She is able to understand her tongue and speak in the Ancient tongue of Eel, thus being able to interpret many crucial pieces of information. 
Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow.
Pros: Diplomatic, humorous, witty, loyal, affectionate. 
Cons: Hides information, violent under stress, impulsive, patronizing. 
Sonzaishinai was brought to the H.Q disheveled and delirious by a group of local Purreko merchants. They had accused her of theft (bread? a dragon tear? so they said), and she was thrown into a cell pre-emptively. Nevertheless, her worn-down state and the lack of evidence ended the trial period rather quickly. For lack of planning and information about her, she was kept in jail for an extra day. Sonzaishinai was in prison at the same time as Monnika. The 'masked man' freed both, and the girls parted ways at the Hall of Doors. 
As a disoriented newcomer, Sonzaishinai was granted shelter. She was allowed three days to recover and decide on her fate. She would either hit the road and return to her homeland or commit to becoming a productive citizen of Eel— by settling and supporting local markets, or joining the staff. Her affairs were thoroughly searched, and nothing was found but a couple notebooks filled with inscriptions in an alphabet unknown. Under questioning, Sonzaishinai soon proved to be, somehow, proficient in languages galore, many of them forgotten and unused. 
She soon joined the same recruit program as Monnika and Astraea...not without the Guard's persuasion, of course. There, Sonzaishinai and Astraea grew close beyond belief. They learned to lean on each other, bound by laughter and blind trust. Sonzaishinai considers Astraea a sister and does not hesitate to call her so— while Astraea always goes to Sonzaishinai for guidance. In ANE's weapon giving ceremony, Hélène chooses to call her new bow (it is Monnika who gets the sword) "Astraea", for she believes the younger mermaid to be her protection and good luck charm.
The nickname "Sonzai Shinai" was given to her by a guard colleague from the Jade Coast. It is a verbal expression of Japanese origin, meaning "there is not", "it does not exist". The culprit behind Hélène's telling nickname is no other than her silence: One can barely hear her arrive, and she always seems to appear as suddenly as she fades away. With time, she fully adopted the nickname, and nobody really calls her Hélène anymore—with rare exceptions.
Nocturnal faes are beings as mysterious and charming as they are dangerous. Most of them present themselves as delicate young women, who seem far too attractive or even stuck in time, never aging.  Behind their lips, however, hide sharp teeth. They are carnivorous and oftentimes conniving, some even venomous, just like the habitats or plants they frequent. It depends on the individual, of course, but they do not have the best reputation around. Whatever they really are, it is not advisable to seal deals with them. They always have a trick up their sleeve.
Although Hélène can be 100% trusted if you are her ally, she does tend to keep many things a secret. It was her that contacted Lance in TO, never telling Miiko and even asking him to take her along. She built a sense of trust between them that allowed Lance to feel comfortable enough to kidnap her in particular, hoping she'd be the one to understand his goals the most. He'd never thought that she'd know as much as him and that she'd been using him to get new leads the entire time. Despite it all, they were always capable of dialogue, which threatens to come back in an incredibly mentally stimulating way upon their new meeting. 
Regarding Nevra, Sonzaishinai had always felt a strong, nurturing love towards him. He'd proven to be an ambitious brat with too big of an ego one too many times, but his light-heartedness and genuine attachment got to her rather quickly. Upon waking up after the 7-year coma, she did not recognize the moody and regretful man before her. He'd promised to love her forever, but now she stood alone spiteful, facing empty words. Despite their falling out, she will always have a soft spot for him and won't doubt to put herself in harm's way for him.
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
What a nice day for a walk
Written for @jonahmagnusweek
Day 4 - Bones
Jonah Magnus has traveled to visit his friend in Bavaria. Unfortunately he ans Albrecht have a bit different idea about how they should spent their time togerther.
Read on AO3
To say that Jonah Magnus is not very fond of traveling would be an understatement. Even occasional rides between his Institute in Edinburgh and London are highly annoying and serve only as a confirmation that moving the Institute to more convenient place is a necessity.
However it can still be called a relaxation in comparison of making a trip abroad. Unfortunately Britain happens to be an island and so only way to travel outside of it is on the sea. Jonah hates the sea – not only the constant swinging of the ship on tides keeps making him sick. The knowledge that the hull of the ship is the only thing standing between him and the deep mass of salt water is also not helping him to feel comfortable. How could some people choose boat as their preferred means of transport and not only as last option is a mystery to him.
Although to be honest Jonah never understood the appeal of traveling in general. He won’t be persuaded no matter how much Barnabas is always urging him to join him on his vacation to explore the world. Ah, was urging him actually… it is still easy to forget sometimes...
His lack of excitement isn’t given because he wouldn’t be curious. Of course that he wants to know everything there is about the world. Nevertheless knowledge and experience are two separate things. For example Jonah would be perfectly happy left with only knowledge of the fact that the forests in Bavaria are full of fallen branches, threes, stumps and very unfit for his usual footwear. Unfortunately he gained this certain piece of knowledge the harder way.
“What’s the matter Jonah? Should I slow down? Are you tired already?” Even though Albrecht was several years older he seemed to have no problem moving on through the forest and easily avoiding all the obstacles from broken branches to hidden puddles. He and Albrecht got very different idea what afternoon walk is supposed to be.
“I told you I am not a fan of wandering in nature, Albrecht.”
“You are not? I always suspected you would be. You must have beautiful nature in Scotland. At least according to the poems.”
“Whose poems have you read?” Jonah asks even though for once he doesn’t even need a help from the Beholding to guess the answer. It must have been either Wordsworth or Coleridge. He vaguely remembers picking them up when he was bored once. It is important to note he almost immediately put them back down.
“I am not sure… But he was describing one’s connection with nature and all its beauties.” That wouldn’t be much telling even if Jonah read more than few lines.
“Well you can show me the book when we return if you have it somewhere in your library,” he suggests hopefully finally getting the opportunity to bring up the true reason behind his visit. Unfortunately Albrecht von Closen has decided instead of boasting with the library to show him the local culture and drag him all around the town, then the neighboring town and now nature. So far Jonah barely seen anything he would dare to call culture but that’s nothing he would express out loud.
Lost in the thoughts and trying to do his best not to complain Jonah barely notices when the branches under his feet stop crunching. They are also smoother as he notices when he loses his balance and falls on the ground.
The recognizable snap of breaking bone cuts the air.
And a bone is indeed broken but luckily it’s not a one belonging to Jonah. Relieved he finally decides to pay a bit of an attention to his surroundings. What at first look might remind yet another dry branch is actually part of the whole skeleton. It used to be a deer... No. It was a roebuck. The knowledge of an animal comes to his mind – of course this is the kind of information Eye decides to provide. Unlike a warning to look better where he steps.
He should probably get back on his feet and try to catch up with Albrecht but he is tired. And also weirdly fascinated by the remains of what once was majestic animal wandering through the same path Jonah walked. He wonders about its fate. Was the animal killed by a predator? Was it ill? Or did it simply die of an old age? It doesn’t matter. The roebuck is dead. It has been for quite a while. And it is perfectly natural because death is part of the life and Jonah hates it.
Yes death is everywhere and one can meet their end so easily. One moment you can hold all the power and all the knowledge of the world, and the other there is nothing and your mind, your thoughts, that all disappears. How comes that most of the people are not dreading how their whole existence will be one day completely erased? How they do it? Just living their life blissfully ignorant? How are they doing nothing about it? Jonah cannot remember a time when he was not noticing anymore.
He would love to blame the Beholding for bringing him so often information of so many ways he could die at any moment. But the truth is he has been haunted by ever-present death much longer before encountering the fears and choosing one to serve.
What else is a man than bones and flesh all put together? Same as the long dead animal in front of him. So imperfect and breakable. One can so easily end up as a pile of bones…  
As a pile of bones in ones office. As a pile of bones that used to be a friend and a lover. As a pile of bones which were price for the knowledge. As a pile of bones-…
“Jonah! Oh here you are,” Albrecht's voice brings him back to reality. “Did you fell? Are you alright?”
“Apologies as I said I am not used to walks like this very much.” Jonah quickly gets up to stand in Albrecht’s view of the remains. He cannot fully explain why. He just doesn’t feel like sharing them with his friend. What else could he offer than some comment about ‘that’s what nature is’ as if they weren’t part of it. As if the threat of sudden death is not as real for them as it was for the roebuck. He just could not understand what really those bones represent.  
“Oh no, it’s my mistake I should have noticed sooner you are having trouble to keep up. It will perhaps be better if we turned back… I really believed you will enjoy a little walk on the fresh air as much as I do.”
“No reason to be concerned. I am happy to finally see the land you wrote me so much about. Though as I said, I believe I will appreciate the beauty of it much more from the inside of your manor.”
They leave back in the direction of Albrecht’s mansion leaving the pile of bones behind. Everyone will turn into just a pile of bones one day and Jonah finds a vision of such future simply unacceptable. And he doesn’t care what will be the price for it.
“We indeed do have some nice view from there. Especially from the grand window in the library… Oh which reminds me I have books I wanted to show you. I believe I was writing you story about how I obtained them.”
“Yes that sounds familiar… I would be the most delighted to finally see them then.”
“You will just have to be really careful since they are not in the best state...”
Jonah smiles. “Don’t worry I am quite used to handling antique books and taking care of them. If you were interested I could recommend you excellent binders in case you wanted to have them rebound…”
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lambden · 3 years
fic writer review
tagged by @dameferre (on main) <3 this ended up being long so i’m throwing it under the cut! thank you for the tag, i’ve wanted to do this for a while!
tagging: @weedsinavacantlot @mosaicscale @jaskiersvalley @unyielding-as-the-sea @chubbykatsudon @ohnomybreadsticks even though I know some of you have already done this!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
78. one is anonymous right now for a flash fic challenge so it isn’t showing up. i have no fucking idea how i got here (AND i’ve deleted so many stories...)
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
542911 which is truly horrendous. somebody stop me
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
so i’ve MOSTLY written the witcher/dead by daylight/until dawn, but i have 25 fandoms with currently published works. yikes
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
-number one is a stupid fic with a polyamorous ship (+ a trans character) for a fandom i no longer care about and a book series i really hate. i regret writing it (and have said so in the notes), i was at a place in my life where i wanted to write this incredibly self-indulgent thing after diving headfirst into canon, and now rereading it with a critical eye, it just makes me annoyed.
-number two is, SOMEHOW, the geraskier scent kink fic?! i don’t understand how this has more kudos than some of my other fics!!!!! people really love smut huh
-number three is venom smut
-number four is the cave, my longest fic! it’s an until dawn fix-it that is very self-indulgent and definitely needs a total rework haha
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try to respond to all comments that aren’t anonymous! like elle said, I appreciate it more when people notice an obscure reference or something. I think the one word/emoji comments are still nice but they don’t personally have much of an impact on me. and all this being said, i am perpetually behind on my comment replies I currently have 246 to do 😔😔😔
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
it’s the one i’m publishing next week for the whataboutthebard event hehe
7. do you write crossovers? if so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i love crossovers i think theyre very fun! i wrote an (unpublished) crossover where deadpool and cable are the superhero identities of face and hannibal from the a-team. it was a birthday gift to a friend and it was VERY indulgent especially with the non-linear timeline (because cable) but whatever, i reread it recently and it still slaps
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have but nothing that really irked me so badly i remembered it, oops
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i sure do which is hilarious because as someone who is sex repulsed like 95% of the time irl... how do i keep getting away with this
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
okay no i haven’t (to my knowledge) but also someone once wrote an until dawn fic “inspired by” the cave that basically took the exact same plot and ....??? made it worse/simpler? it was hard to read so i wasn’t 100% sure but. at first i was flattered and eventually it just got annoying, even though they barely wrote anything for it
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
people have offered but none have followed through!! wah
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i’ve planned out fics with people but the writing process is difficult enough without someone else there. i would really like to get into those train fics where each author writes a different part though, i think it’d be a ton of fun
13. what’s your all-time fave ship?
it is probably, just statistically, eames and arthur. but there are so many lmao how could i choose
14. what’s a fic you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i should probably put the cave here but i’m close to the end of that one actually, just need to sit down and do it! but ‘spectacular’, the kingsman/baby driver crossover i worked SOOOO hard on, is probably not something i’m ever going to feel comfortable finishing. or if i do, i will be rewriting it so that it’s clear that i’m headcanoning baby as someone other than ans*l elg*rt (john boyega...? 👀) but yeah at this moment in time i can’t see that happening
15. what are your writing strengths?
idk.. i like my dialogue!
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
scene transitions, endings, editing out scenes that aren’t cohesive and don’t contribute anything but I love Them Your Honour, falling into the same boring writing style with each sentence having the exact same structure
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on a fic?
i think it needs to be done correctly and there has to be a reason for it
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
i dunno man... naruto maybe???? d. gray-man? sh*rlock??????????? perhaps les mis when i was a baby and literally only cared about eponine and cosette
19. what is your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
it’s really hard for me to choose only one answer here 😔 I really like my laegjarn/fjorm stuff and the ocean’s eleven fic i wrote, and i LOVE the dialogue in my veep fics <3 for dead by daylight i’m still proud of my jake/evan summer camp slasher AU! and i like most of my witcher fics, i’m really excited about some things i have in the works right now.
if you actually made it to the bottom, thanks for reading!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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Hi! There is a show: ZYW and some other guy travel for 3 days. From what I've seen, it's his morning routine to warm up his vocal cords Also ZYW is hugging trees and basically most of the time they eat lol Also they talk a lot, so I guess it should be cool to understand. When you have two minutes, could you tell us what this show is about in general? The name on youtube: 《仅三天可见》[第六期] 姜思达 周一围|一个冠军给我带来了无妄之灾 Perhaps they're visiting some place important to ZYW? Thank you so much for all your help!)
Yeah, so in brief, the show is about the host, Jiang Sida (JSD), who spends 3 days with a celebrity in each episode to try to understand them better. 
ZYW in particular is a celebrity who really interested Jiang Sida because of how quickly ZYW gained popularity after Birth of an Actor, and also because of all of the negative rumours swirling around his personal life. ZYW is often insulted by the media for being 油腻, which means greasy. Greasy is an insult used to describe older, middle-aged men who are sleazy, self-absorbed, and on the heavier or chubbier side, although sometimes this insult can be leveled at younger, in-shape male celebrities too who come off as kind of douchey. 
It’s sad because even though ZYW doesn’t often express it, you can tell that the rumours do get to him. For instance, during the first meal in the show, he wanted to use a toothpick, but he was wary about using it in front of the cameras so he pocketed it away. The host noticed this and sympathized and playfully said, “Ah, too protective of your image. Stop the camera. Let’s go upstairs to the third floor, I understand you.”
The vocal cord warm up (that occurred during the hike before that meal) happened because ZYW asked JSD “you studied production right, not broadcast? If you studied broadcast, this would be a good place to practice your sound”, to which JSD replied, “show me” (or, “give one”). ZYW proceeded to demonstrate a dantian qi exercise. 
In the voiceover during the hike, JSD  said that even though they were friendly, things were still a little awkward and distant between them since they hadn’t gotten to know each other yet. 
On the third floor rooftop, JSD opened up to ZYW about a film he wanted to write about. JSD shared his ideas to ZYW, saying that the film would tell the story of his father who spends a year away at sea fishing. ZYW then shares his feedback, saying that it’s a really meaningful story because it’s about the loneliness of a man out at sea. Basically, this conversation is what finally allowed JSD to connect to ZYW because they were finally talking about deep and thoughtful topics like the art of storytelling and life lessons. ZYW said to JSD, you need to think about what kind of perspective you want to show. Is the story about the son’s feelings about his father’s return, or is the story the father’s story at sea, and the son is just an observer meant as a stand-in for the audience? ZYW then said that he was pleasantly surprised to learn about this side of JSD because he now knows that JSD is able to understand him. He also encourages JSD to keep pursuing his dream of wanting to make this movie. It doesn’t matter whether the end result is good or not, but it’s a joy to be able wake up everyday and pursue your goal. JSD says that he spends everyday thinking about this story he’s creating, because he wants to get to know the story better since it’s still so unfamiliar and foreign to him. 
During the tea segment, JSD asked ZYW if he was bothered by the things the media says about him and he kind of just shrugs it off and says that it grounds him. They talk about how he used to love karaoke (KTV) when he was younger, JSD asked him what his wife likes about him, and ZYW said that you have to ask his wife why. ZYW mentioned how people would call him PUA, or “pick up artist”, and then JSD if those things bothered him. ZYW said that he learned to ignore those things, but they do bother his wife. The tea segment ends with them noting that it looks like it’s about to rain soon, and ZYW says, when it rains, you can choose to stand in the rain, or avoid it and go indoors. 
During the evening meal, ZYW is asked again about how he feels about what people say about him and why he doesn’t address the rumours. ZYW says that it’s pointless because his voice alone isn’t going to make all the rumours stop. JSD says that it could be cathartic to be able to yell back at people, and ZYW laughs and says it’ll only be for a moment’s satisfaction but it won’t change anything. When asked if he is a person who likes to win, ZYW said that he likes to finish things, but does that make him someone who likes to win? He doesn’t compare himself to others, but he just wants to do what’s expected of him. JSD then tells ZYW that the director of the show asked him if he was worried that netizens would accuse him of trying to use this show to try to rescue ZYW’s image (洗白, which means to “wash white”, or clear someone’s name). JSD tells ZYW that his goal is to present celebrities in an honest and genuine manner, and if it just so happens that the celebrity is actually a better person than what netizens thought, then that’s the truth and he’s not fabricating anything. 
The following evening, they have a conversation about happiness. ZYW says that he doesn’t compare between the years in his life or classify certain years or decades as being bad years or good years. He doesn’t wish to forget the bad years. He says, why would you need to forget the bad years?
By the river, ZYW asks JSD if he ever thought about what kind of animal he wanted to be. JSD says that it doesn’t really matter what animal, but if you asked him if he would rather become someone else, he’d say no. ZYW says that not wanting to be another person is a pretty good answer. 
During the final sit-down interview, JSD starts off the conversation by saying that ZYW looks relaxed most of the time, but he’s actually 绷 (”beng”) on the inside, meaning stretched-tight. ZYW asks how so. JSD says that ZYW is constantly noticing things around him, and avoiding things and people and cameras. ZYW says that it’s part of his job to notice more details more than the average person. In terms of avoiding cameras, he’s constantly being scrutinized, there are always cameras around him. Even during this interview, they have to put on a show of being relaxed in casual conversation, even though there’s a whole sea of cameras and people with mics and earpieces around them. So it’s only natural to want to try to find a balance between reel and real life by being a little aversive towards cameras and people’s scrutiny.  
JSD then says that ZYW seems like he has a lot of thoughts that he keeps to himself. JSD says ZYW is 拧巴 (”ning ba”) , which kind of means uncomfortable, awkward, restless, wanting to do something but not doing it, like for example, being uncomfortable with rumours but not addressing them. ZYW says that what’s the point of explaining? How is it meaningful? Will explaining something change you as a person? You are still you whether you choose to explain something you not. Likewise, you are still you despite the rumours. The rumours (no matter how bad they are) don’t change who you are. Only you know who you are.
This really reminds me of what Xiao Qi said in episode 64 of TRP: “If there’s anything that needs to be explained, then no matter how much you try to explain it, it’s never going to be explained away. Let them spread the rumours.”
ZYW explains that there is no way that a single word or statement from him can possibly fend off the tens of thousands of words from netizens, so there is no point. In addition, rumours are only momentary and they ebb and flow. The netizens are always going to look for a new rumour or scandal to talk about anyway, so the uproar about him is only temporary. 
ZYW also says that there will always be rumours. There’s no truth. He will never expect that a single interview can change people’s minds. First of all, the viewers can’t experience the conversation in the same way the he and JSD are currently experiencing the conversation now in this moment. The audience will be watching it through a screen. The audience will only seeing an edited recording of the conversation, but they will never be able to know or understand the “true” nature of the conversation that he and JSD are having right now because the audience isn’t here with them. This is actually some really deep and philosophical insight from ZYW lol. What is real? What is the truth? 
JSD asks ZYW is this means that he’s disappointed and lost faith with the audience. ZYW says no, this is just reality. We can only hope to influence people who are able to influence, like people in our immediate circle, but when it comes to noise or mass opinions, you don’t have control over that. 
JSD then asks about fatherhood. JSD says that most men would talk about how fatherhood has changed them. ZYW says that most of his friends talk about this, but he doesn’t. But if he doesn’t talk about it, does he think about it? ZYW pauses to reflect. In another interview, ZYW noted that all kids have their own life “scripts” that they act out and deal with (this was in response to how he doesn’t seem to be home often to be with his kid). In that interview, he said that that was the way in which he had to grow up, figuring out his own script (and essentially not relying on anyone), so he doesn’t expect it to be any different for his own child. This once again result in the media backlash against him and questioning his role as a father. Which is why when faced with this question from JSD now, ZYW has to pause to think carefully about how to answer. 
JSD asks why can’t ZYW give a straightforward answer for the audience. The audience doesn’t want to hear an answer buried in layers of meaning, but they just want a simple answer to things. ZYW says that sometimes he isn’t completely sure of what the answer to something is, and so he can’t give a straight answer. It would be easy to give the answer that the audience wants, but he needs to be able to give answer that is genuine and resonates with him. 
JSD asks how ZYW would respond if the audience calls him self-absorbed. ZYW turns the question back to JSD and asks him to provide a response for him because he doesn’t know how to. ZYW said that he would just not respond and let it pass. On top of that, ZYW says that he doesn’t think of himself as being self-absorbed at all. He’s actually dissatisfied with himself in a lot of ways, and all he wants is for the audience to not pay attention to him so that he can be peacefully left alone. 
JSD asks if ZYW is he is more afraid of being criticized or being forgotten. ZYW says that being forgotten would mean that there is a problem with his acting skills. In terms of being criticized, it would depend on the criticism. He would mind criticism towards his acting because he would want to improve any problems in craft. However, if it’s personal criticism, then he doesn’t care. 
ZYW says that someone he admires once said, it’s a complicated world out there, so find a comfortable position, change positions, and learn to live with it.
JSD’s second last question to ZYW is whether he’d rather choose a comfortable position/posture or a beautiful position/posture. ZYW said that he would choose a comfortable position. JSD asks if ZYW thinks his current “posture” looks good (i.e., if his current standing and image is favourable). ZYW asks that you’ll have to ask someone else in order to know. 
The last question asked whether ZYW can predict how this interview will be received by audience. ZYW says that they touched upon many deep topics, but it’s hard to say what kind of effect it will have on the audience, or how the audience would choose to interpret it. He’ll welcome thoughtful discussion, but it would regretful if the audience took away very superficial things from the discussion. 
JSD asks if ZYW is happy with the discussion today. ZYW says that if it weren’t for the cameras, they could have gone deeper into some topics, but because there are cameras, he has to have impose boundaries on the things he’s willing to reveal. But he says that he would be interested in having more private conversations with JSD.  
JSD ends the episode saying that ZYW is an old soul who knows himself, knows what he wants, and already has his own “world” (meaning he already has what he needs). 
lol I was at first only going to summarize the first few minutes of the episode, but I ended up watching the whole thing because I was so memorized by ZYW’s insights, so here you go, a scene by scene summary of the episode. 
For those curious, you can watch it here:
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