#ans week 2024
ans-arcade · 6 months
ANS Food Week 2024
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We are happy to announce something new! We are hosting ANS Food Week 2024, from January 7th through January 13th, 2024.
It is a very open event in the fact that you can create something one-character-focused for the prompts or multiple-character-focused; it could be pairing-related (any pairing is fine) or it could be platonic. It is a fun, lighthearted, and much-themed ANS week-long event. So, have fun!
The Optional Prompt is a prompt you can fill instead of one of the day's prompts if it inspires you and the day's prompt doesn't or can be used as a Bonus Day. Do whichever you would like with it!
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Day 1: Eggs
Day 2: Garden
Day 3: Herbs
Day 4: Drink
Day 5: Vegetables
Day 6: Breaking Bread
Day 7: Dessert
Optional: On The House
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randowwriter · 4 months
A Quiet Night
My fic for today is a friendship fic! :) Obi and Zen spending some time together.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 months
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Darkcream week 2024 day 1: Eclipse
And this is dramatic, lol. It's based on a tarot card design. I have no idea what the context of the scene was I just thought it was a cool design.
Soooo ta-da?
Hope you enjoy
Original shattered dream belongs to galacii
Original cross jakei95
Original Dream by jokublog
Dark cream week by @zu-is-here
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meefy · 4 months
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@ans-arcade AnS Food Week Day 4: Drink
Wheeeee, my first time ever participating in an event on Tumblr! But I will use any excuse to draw my lovely Lata 🤭 he strikes me as someone who prefers to multitask so he doesn't need to stop whatever (more interesting) task he's up to.
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mitsukiki-festival · 4 months
Here's the interest check for MitsuKiki Week 2024. I'm kinda hitting a speed bump in figuring out what to do for this year, so some help is appreciated.
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bermudianabroad · 3 months
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February Listening
Not saying I contributed to the Tracy Chapman resurgence, but it was mighty weird playing her on loop to then see/hear her everywhere. About time she had a resurgence. Sliding into her B-sides, I hadn’t realised just how explicitly political her music was. End of Jan/start of Feb was a dark time so she lit up my long bus rides to and from work.
Dance Fever was an album I slept on when it came out. I wasn’t aware, so finding it was another bright spot in the long winter. Daffodil was one I played on repeat for hours. Not hyperbole.
Fun story behind Colin Stetson: the Boy casually thanked me for introducing him to this album and I promptly went lol wut because I’d never heard of it before. Looked it up and fell in love— somehow Stetson has Inceptioned his way into our hearts. He is his own grandfather type scenario, idk. But haunted club music? Sad trance? Melancholic rave tunes? Hard to describe.
Ane Brun: breathy and cool. Just chill and nice. Velvet is an apt visual on the album cover. Song that turned me onto the album is still my favourite— Do You Remember. A heartbreaking and triumphant banger.
Likewise, been aware of Michael Kiwanuka for a while; loved the album’s eponymous song and that’s still my favourite too. Still need to delve into his back catalogue, but another one that got me over the humour of winter. He has the promise of bright summer days (daze) in his voice. Hot, warm yellows.
@tangledupinblue8 tagging you in this since you tagged me in that, not quite the same but what I listened to lately <3
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happywebdesign · 4 months
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Bonhomme 10 ans
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race-week · 1 month
How the F1 Calendar has changed since Liberty took over
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I think it’s interesting to see the increase in double ans triple headers, I remember when that first triple header was introduced in 2018 all the media and crews were like “it’s too difficult and too draining I hope F1 never does this again”, and team members were reported as ‘looking like zombies’ in Silverstone, the third race in the triple header and now they are commonplace.
The gap between the end of one season and the start of the next has also reduced, between 2017 and 2018, there was 16 weeks off. Between the end of 2024 and the start of 2025 there’s 13 weeks.
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Summer Challenge Announcement: Obiyuki AU Bingo 2024!
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Back by popular demand, Obiyuki AU Bingo!
Sign ups for the summer challenge start today 4/24 and go until 4/28! Please send an ask to the comm if you wish to participate; we will send back a confirmation that you are signed up. You will be messaged your board assignment by one of the mods on May 1st (for non-Americans, please be aware the boards go out according to EST, so you may get yours on May 2nd). Please remember these asks CANNOT BE ANONYMOUS.
What is AU bingo?: People who are interested in joining us for the summer challenge will sign up to receive a randomly generated bingo board of alternate universe prompts. To win the challenge, make bingo! We will be doing a round up post of all the works posted in the tag each week, followed by a big round up post at the end of the challenge
Run Dates: Jun 16th - Jul 27th Sign-Ups: Apr 24rd - Apr 28th Boards Assigned: May 1st Tag: #obiyukibingo24 Medias: Fic, art, edits or playlists
All work must be your own
The main pairing is Obi x Shirayuki
Must follow the AU prompt
Must be tagged #obiyukibingo24 within the first five tags
With tumblr’s tagging system on the fritz, please also @ the obiyuki comm in your entry
No works entered through the submission box will be accepted for this challenge
Works must be posted to tumblr to be eligible as fills! They post may redirect elsewhere (AO3, ffnet, deviant art, youtube, etc) but we need a tumblr post to reblog your progress!
Please label with your AU!
All NSFWcontent must be tagged and under a Read More!
You may post more than one entry a prompt, but it will only count for that square
One entry, no matter how many AUs it is applicable for, may only count as one square
Fics must be over 500 words to count as a fill
Art does not have to be a full colored finished piece, but at least a finished sketch
Playlists must be over 8 songs.
Fill 5 consecutive squares to win!
Fill 25 to make us all very impressed. I mean really, my goodness
Be nice
Play hard
Can I base my work off of other fanworks? (aka, make fanart of a fanfic, write fanfic based on fanart, make an edit of a fanfic or write a fanfic for a playlist, etc)
This is absolutely welcome! If your medium is the same (making a fanfic of a fanfic, or fanart inspired by fanart), please check with the creator of the original fanwork, but otherwise just credit the work that inspired you.
What works are considered valid entries?
Fic, art, edits & playlists. Please note, we are looking for transformative works; please do not simply palette swap characters from the AU source, or find & replace names in their plot. Reimagine what an AU would look like with AnS character in it!
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Ces “Quelques trucs bien” s’inspirent directement des “3 trucs bien” de Fabienne Yvert, publié au Tripode. 
Pas 3 par jour pour ma part, mais une volonté régulière de gratitude et d’optimisme. 
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Aller au dernier événement du printemps des poètes sous la pluie. Pleurer à chaudes larmes pendant le débat suivant la projection du film pourtant déjà vu. M’esquiver sur la pointe du cœur avant de retrouver les mots 
Fêter Pâques et les 19 ans de ma nièce, alors que mon petit Mateo goûte du chocolat 
Être surprise par la biche traversant devant moi de bon matin : émerveillement !
Aller au théâtre à l’improviste. Passer une soirée à compter les cercueils et chanter Julio Eglisias 
Retrouver mes anciens collègues de travail pour une soirée apéro. Partager des souvenirs et des tapas 
Manger des fruits de mer sur la plage 
Visiter un jardin méditerranéen avec vue sur la mer : promenade ensoleillée 
Papoter avec mon amie C. de choses légères et d’autres profondes. Se donner des nouvelles 
M’offrir un bouquin de poésie allant dans les sens de « trucs bien »
M’inscrire à un atelier d’écriture en ligne sur le conseil d’une des abonnés de mon blog 
Entendre le chant des oiseaux à l’aube 
Inscrire mon petit Mateo à une activité nautique 
Saluer la mésange qui vient me saluer de bon matin 
M’offrir des muscaris pour fleurir ma terrasse ce printemps 
Entrevoir une biche qui osait sortir du bois alors que la pluie venait tout juste de s’arrêter et que la forêt était calme. Rester surprise moi aussi 
Consoler ma sœur d’un chagrin d’amitié. Rassurer son cœur de maman 
Attendre la pluie avec l’alerte météo. Attendre aussi le soleil qui reviendra avec le printemps 
Déposer des affaires à Emmaus et me sentir plus légère de donner 
Faire le tri à la maison : ménage de printemps 
Débarrasser le terrain des déchets, trier bois, végétaux, plastiques et ferrailles 
Reprendre les tournées en camion pour aller à la déchèterie. Retrouver ma carte perdue depuis des années 
Faire des vocalises et presque une conversation avec mon petit Mateo 
Découvrir la montagne enneigée le matin après l’orage de la nuit 
Partager un week-end entre filles : sonorités 
M’émerveiller devant les tableaux de Mucha. Avoir les larmes aux yeux devant son engagement humaniste 
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equipe · 3 months
Tumblr Hack Week, édition janvier 2024
Plusieurs fois par an, nous mettons volontairement le holà sur nos activités habituelles afin que nos ingénieurs laissent libre cours à leur imagination. Et comme la dernière fois, ils ont pu consacrer une semaine entière à la recherche de fonctionnalités dont ils rêveraient en tant qu'utilisateur. À titre d'exemple, sachez que le Patio (dont le prototype avait été révélé lors de la précédente Hack Week de septembre 2023) s'est transformé en véritable expérimentation pour certains utilisateurs !
Découvrons à présent quelques-uns des projets émergeant de cette dernière Hack Week. Certains prototypes pourraient bien arriver sur le site…
Des Blocs et du texte en mode spoiler, et même du texte centré !
Le plus étonnant, c'est peut-être bien que nous ne disposions pas encore ces outils de mise en forme. Katie a donc décidé d'ajouter la possibilité de sélectionner une portion de texte d'un paragraphe afin de la masquer sous un voile noir, dont le contenu peut être révélé d'un simple clic/appui. Avec ça, fini le spoil ! Encore mieux : un nouveau bloc Spoiler fait aussi partie du prototype signé Katie, et, enfin, la possibilité de centrer les textes en cerise sur le gâteau.
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Une multitude de nouveaux avatars par défaut
Nos avatars par défaut n'avaient pas bougé d'un iota depuis de nombreuses années (certains se souviennent probablement de celui-ci, qui a déjà plus de 10 ans). Ces avatars nous semblaient avoir bien vécu et ils méritaient un petit ravalement de façade… Alors, à mesure que l'équipe Design les remodelait, Paul en a réalisé toute une nouvelle panoplie avec un tas de variations s'accordant harmonieusement avec la dernière palette de couleurs Tumblr. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques-uns de ces bien jolis nouveaux venus, et sachez qu'il en existe encore davantage utilisant d'autres jeux de couleurs :
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Notifications et e-mails précisant l'engagement suscité par vos billets
Cette idée va plaire aux adorateurs des chiffres et de la section Trafic de leurs blogs. Daniel, @jesseatblr et l'équipe Flux & Apprentissage machine ont travaillé de concert pour concocter de nouvelles notifications Push et e-mail. Leur objectif ? Indiquer aux utilisateurs la teneur de l'accueil réservé à leurs billets sur Tumblr : combien de fois ont-ils été vus et par combien de personnes distinctes. Nous disposions d'ores et déjà de ces outils de mesure (et plus encore) pour les billets Blaze, mais pourquoi réserver ces informations à ces seuls billets ? Elles peuvent en effet s'avérer très pratiques pour les créateurs désireux de mieux connaître leur audience.
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Une nouvelle façon de naviguer sur le Web : la Palette de commande
D'autres applications disposent déjà d'une "palette de commande" utilisable via des raccourcis clavier et donnant ainsi rapidement accès à diverses fonctionnalités de la plateforme. Ainsi, en s'inspirant du sélecteur d'action existant notamment sur Slack ou Discord, Kelly et Paul ont décidé d'incorporer une fonctionnalité semblable sur Tumblr ! Utiliser CTRL/COMMAND + K sur une version interne du site ouvre une Palette de commande permettant d'accéder à votre blog, à la page Trafic, à vos dernières conversations, à la Recherche (et la liste est encore longue), juste du bout des doigts.
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Voilà qui conclut cette dernière édition.
Alors, avez-vous vu quelque chose d'intéressant ?
N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos attentes ou remarques dans les réactions ! Et pensez bien à suivre l’@equipe pour savoir si ces ingénieuses idées apparaîtront pour de bon sur Tumblr. 👋
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ans-arcade · 4 months
ANS Food Week 2024 Has Begun!
ANS Food Week 2024 has begun! We hope you are excited as we are about the coming of this event after two months!! We're excited with what you guys come up with!
Please remember to TAG US as well as to add us (ans-arcade) and the name of this event into your tags so that people will come across them. It's your way of supporting us and these events. Thank you very much!
Reminder that if you're unable to participate during the event, please don't worry, as you're free to send us late subs until March 1st.
The prompts are here if you need to have a looksee. 😉
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Day 1: Eggs
Day 2: Garden
Day 3: Herbs
Day 4: Drink
Day 5: Vegetables
Day 6: Breaking Bread
Day 7: Dessert
Optional/Extra: On the House!
Thank you for your patience and your support! We hope you have a FUN time with this event and the prompts! Good luck!
— ANS Arcade Mod Team
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randowwriter · 4 months
A Dinner Together
Here's today's fic from me; a little ZenYuki oneshot. :)
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
2023 Leo Disseminating Moon
Saturday, December 30, 23:51 UT, 24°00’ Leo
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.”
There’s a grand trine in fire signs: Moon/Leo, Mercury Rx and Mars in Sagittarius, Eris Rx ans the North Node in Aries. I foresee a ton of very loud and very dramatic whining about how shitty 2023 was to us personally! Not my idea of how to bid adieu to another calendar year, but hey, whatever floats your boat….
We may also become a little competitive about who had it worse, thanks to Mars. Some people are like that - for them, life is a race to the bottom, and they must be in the lead.
Unrelated: there has begun several weeks’ worth of a big mutable problem. Because of how slowly they move, there’s a long-lived t-square between Neptune/Pisces, Vesta Rx/Gemini, and and about-to-retrograde Juno/Virgo. Turning off and on sexually; finding that nothing is ever perfect enough for us; the ancient “madonna/whore” complex inflicted at women - all possible. We’ll have to reckon with this to February 2024.
The various faster-moving thingies moving through late Sagittarius turn the whole mess into a mutable grand cross: Mercury Rx (and direct) and Mars right now, soon to be joined by Ceres, and (later in January) Venus.
Mutable sign afflictions mean a new situation or challenge is manifesting; it’s our task to meet the challenge before it gets worse. In The Book of Air, astrologer Steven Forrest says that the strengths of the mutable grand cross are adaptability, responsiveness, and flexibility - “the ability to tweak strategies in the face of shifting realities” - that sure sounds like Neptune. There is also “the early recognition of the need to let go, to ‘die’ in some sense of the word, and simply to move on.”
If this configuration is setting you off - important placements between 20° and 29° of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, &/or Pisces - lean hard on that placement’s flexibility and adaptability - and use those signs’ relative lack of sentimentality to recognize where we need to let go and move on.
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meefy · 4 months
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@ans-arcade AnS Food Week Day 7: Dessert
This was a super fun watercolour panel redraw from Chapter 66!! The little cookies were a really great challenge to try and replicate. No wonder Lata is eyeing them like that 👀
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shi-daisy · 1 month
Future Plans
Day 2! I'll be honest this entry is a bit short, cuz I was seriously stumped but I hope you like seeing Tammy in his soldier days. Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 2- Warrior/Poet
Future Plans
The bonfire burned brightly as they gathered around it and ate some rations before sleeping, Tamlin was about to fall over if Amdras hadn't wacked him in the back of the head.
"Eat before you pass out, princey!"
"Leave Tamlin alone, Andy!" Rosencratz said as he took a sip of wine. "He saved our asses today!"
"Yeah! Just for bothering him it's your turn to talk!" Clavel told him.
The brunette twins and the rest of the squad didn't give up so he shrugged. "Fine. Once we are done with service I'll become a sentry and work until retirement, maybe get married ans have kiddo if I find the right person."
"Awww that's cute! Okay me next! I want to be a chef!" Lilianne, a blue haired blue skinned soldier spoke up. The tiny woman certainly always brought a good fight. Tamlin had no doubts she'd make honors when service finished.
"Ill cook with you Lili! What's say you, Lance? What shall you do?" A tiny male pixie spoke to their shadow wraith friend.
The tall grey skinned fae smiled. "I want to be a gardener. I love Spring! Moving here was the best decision I made!"
"I hear that!" Andras beamed, he was still pale and cold to the touch betraying his Winter heritage yet he seemed very happy to be here. "What about you, Tamlin? What shall you become after military service ends?"
What could he become? He wanted to be a traveling muscian but doubted that could come to pass before Oisin died and one of his brothers took the throne. Then he thought back to the parchments and verses that were on his pack along with weapons.
"I'd be a poet."
"A poet...That suits you, your limericks are always a riot!" Rosencratz said.
"Write about us!" Lilianne joked.
The rest of the group chuckled, approving his decision. He felt slightly bashful having a familiar moment that he sorely lacked at the manor with his blood siblings.
No matter, they'd go back home tomorrow and be done serving in two days. Tamlin intended to reward all his squadamtes upon the end of service. For now he wanted to sleep.
None of them quite heard the roaring monsters in the distance.
Death is certain as the sunset over the horizon
Today I stand before you with eyes of iron
That our farewell would come in a thousand years time
Not just as we are about to reach the end of the line
Rest well, in fields of daisies and marigolds
Until we meet again in times of old.
Tamlin finished reading as he stared at the coffins. Only he and Andras made it to the end of service alive, for the rest of the squad perished during the attack on their camp. Tamlin doubted he'd ever forgive himself for failing them. He spent his nights since swearing such a thing wouldn't happen again.
Tamlin put his feelings into reading the verse before collapsing into a fit of crying. Andras held him in a hug until he was quiet.
"That was perfect, you did very well. Come, let's go back and let the morticians do their job. I heard Prince Dorevan called the Autumn prince's to celebrate. Luce will cheer us up."
He smiled sadly. "Yes, it's been a while..."
He stood and let Andras guide him away as they left the room. With one last glance at his friends he swore he'd write them a thousand poems.
"C'mon big guy. I'll take care of you for them." Andras said as they walked away, unaware of the smiles on his ghostly friends faces.
Hopefully neither would join them any time soon.
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