#answers from york
any toys for cacturne you recommend?
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Something sturdy, for sure.
Cacturne can honestly benefit from the thing it resembles--scarecrows. They get a lot of enrichment from being able to beat on something, using Needle Arm in particular. Bored Cacturne can often be seen windmilling their arms and swinging their bodies around, so if you give it a dummy or a punching bag of some variety, it can be a very enriching experience to get a lot of excess energy out of their systems. Just make sure that if you do get a scarecrow or dummy, you make it very obviously not a human/not resembling a human, or you'll reinforce a behavior that hitting actual humans isn't okay.
I've also seen people introduce RC toys to them, to simulate tracking and chasing prey. Simulating something for them to stalk is also very enriching! All kinds of foraging toys are good too, though I don't recommend soft or stuffed toys. If the material the toy is made of is soft, like a mentioned scarecrow toy above, it should be something than can easily break or tear, so Cacturne is at no risk to items stuck to its thorns. Rubber and vinyl toys are highly encouraged.
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I just noticed in Battle Nexus: New York, when Draxum was trying to convince the co. that they were trapped in a mind-illusion he asked where the turtles were: the colors of Leo and Donnie were switched. He mistook the twins' colors, that's hilarious!
They're basically identical, duh!
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you-are-constance · 3 months
how was the great gatsby musical?
overall, one of my favorite theatre experiences. to the level that i have been looping the cast recording nonstop since it came out last week
i do have a lot of specific points that i could talk So Long about with this show, most of which i'll put under a read more, but first: casting
anyway. spoilers for the great gatsby musical (things that were changed from the book for the production)
the 'main four' being Jeremy Jordan, Noah J Ricketts, Eva Noblezada, and Samantha Pauly, were all absolutely incredible. show stopping in their own ways. i was genuinely so scared that when i saw it that any of these 4 wouldn't be on, but i got so lucky and all of them were!! i am 100% convinced that many of the songs were written just to showcase certain actors voices (jeremy jordan).
let me tell you. getting to see jeremy jordan and eva noblezada live was unlike anything i've ever seen before. i was like. genuinely honored to be there. their stage presence, their voices, their acting ability, oh man... and Samantha Pauly was just incredible, and her big number was so. show stopping. Noah J. Ricketts was amazing the whole time, but his emotion in finale as he was saying the lines that are basically quoted exactly from the book... yeah i cried.
but so many other actors were also so amazing! John Zdrojeski as Tom was so good at the role, because Tom really was genuinely awful, but not in like an evil villain way, because he's much more realistic than that. i also find that a lot of times Tom is kinda seen as stupid or whatever for not noticing a lot of things going around him but in the musical he really like. could tell what was going on. and he worked his way into finding out secrets (kinda more on this later bc of my favorite song)
another main this was just. the design. Linda Cho costumes MY BELOVED im so glad she won the tony because this show DESERVED IT. it was definitely a glorified image of what those 1920s outfits would actually be, but most musical theatre isn't meant to be an exact replica of history, it's meant to dramatize it, and Linda Cho understands the assignment when it comes to costumes. the lighting and scenic design were also just incredible, especially their use of the green light shining from across the bay...
the show started out with Gatsby onstage, reaching for the green light. a set piece is moved across the stage, passing in front of him, Nick standing where Gatsby was. within that moment i was like "if they don't end the show with Nick standing there, the set piece passing in front, and leaving Gatsby behind, reaching for the green light, then what is the POINT" and then they DID and it was just as great as i'd imagined.
there were definitely changes to the story to adapt it to the stage, which i actually enjoyed (i've read the book, but didn't love it mostly due to a bad experience with reading it in school so. yeah). it is kinda more romance-centric in the first act, which i have heard people complain about, but i kinda see reasoning for it. yes, the first act is very much centered around the various relationships (especially the romantic ones), and in the second act, while certain characters (mostly gatsby) try to keep it centered on the romance, there is a much bigger, darker story going on all around them. so i really liked that meta perspective of it.
they also gave a lot more character to mr wilson (idr his first name), effectively intertwining him with both Gatsby and Wolfsheim as he, from the very beginning, plans to move him and Myrtle away from the city (its been a hot sec since i read the book, so idr if that's there but i don't think it is).
the relationship between Nick and Jordan is also taken a lot further in the musical, to the point where they are engaged, but after Myrtle's death, it gets broken off. this is because, in this version, Jordan ends up lumped in with both Tom and Daisy, in with the old money. throughout most of the show she is much more aware of society and doesn't want any part of what her role 'should' be, but when things go south, she is just as quick as the others to abandon what's 'right' in favor of what's better for her. and ik some people might not like that change but i actually did.
Myrtles character is also taken a lot further in this, which i find really fascinating. she is given her own big number right before her death as she tried to go after Tom, saying that he'll leave Daisy and marry her instead, but then she realizes she'll become just like Daisy in that situation, and the only choice is 'love or money.' she eventually decides that she wants to go back to her husband, and the moment she turns back, she is killed. this was Such a big number and, looking back, might be one of my favorites story-wise.
while i absolutely adored most everything, genuinely, the music was by far my favorite part (besides maybe jeremy jordan and eva noblezada...) a personal thing for me was that Every. Single. Song. has SUCH a good bassline. man i need the sheet music for this show. (side note: i got to talk to the show's bass player for a few minutes after the show! i was super nervous about it but im glad i did. he was super nice)
there's def a mix of more modern showtune styles, along with bringing in a lot of jazzy elements, which was GREAT. i love jazz. like i mentioned before, certain songs were definitely written for actor's voices (Past is Catching Up to Me) which is absolutely not a bad thing because they were AMAZING
two of my favorite songs were 'Only Tea' and 'Made to Last.'
only tea is when Gatsby is stressing about Daisy coming over for tea. this was hilarious. I kid you not jeremy jordan jumped a fence at the end. it was iconic. (you can Feel the nerves in just the cast recording alone).
made to last takes place in the scene in the Plaza. it's mostly Tom, revealing the secrets he learned about how Gatsby got his fortune, then Gatsby trying to get Daisy to tell Tom she doesn't love him. there are So Many Good lines in this song (everyone kinda drags Tom a lot its great) but this is where the characterization of Tom was really just. top notch. because he really is freaking Awful. but he's also smart and not going to let go of what he owns (not good that he considers Daisy a possession though...), and he knows exactly what is going to happen to Gatsby--he's not Made to Last.
(also the song Shady is iconic. spinny tailcoats)
another just. singular line that i need to draw attention to, sung by mr wilson (he has multiple songs directed to the Eyes of God), and this line is right when he decides to go after Gatsby. "God sees everything but he's slow on his commands/You've got the eyes of God, Doc/Who's gonna be his hands?"
(this line is reprised in the middle of Gatsby's song right before the gun goes off. fun fact)
i'm sure there are So Many Other Things i could talk about (i s2g i could write 13 essays about this show) but in general like. while it wasn't groundbreaking to the theatre, it was still Such a good show and absolutely deserves better yknow. attention then it's getting. like jeremy jordan is here for a Reason this is a Good show. and mostly this is my begging people to listen to the cast recoding because its SO GOOD.
anyway. if anyone has questions about specific things i am So Happy to talk but here's a lot of my more general thoughts... (god i haven't even Talked about Eric Anderson as Wolfsheim...)
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Episode 91 Nara to Neil: Is it because you know, because you know that my affection is a means to an end or do you feel something for Wynn and don't know how to say it?
Episode 95 Neil to Wynn: If this is a moment where there’s a line in the sand about us staying together, you know I’ll follow you to go die.
Episode 91 Neil to Nara: I haven’t known these things maybe for a long time, and so I just sit in inaction because I don’t know.
Episode 95 Narration of Neil by Rob: When Wynn confirms to Britta that she’s in love with Kabir, Neil goes stock still.
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apricotheart · 3 months
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@universestreasures said : Setting Prompts (49, for Yugi!) | ( setting prompts / accepting !! )
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐘𝐎𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄. Yugi had insisted on it, when Anzu had finally been able to take the time off from her busy dance season to book a flight back home. Although she'd pestered him relentlessly about their destination, he'd stayed decidedly quiet about the whole thing up until they got off the train and clamoured into a bus. Twenty minutes later, the Kyoto Botanical Garden came into view.
It had been a long time since she'd been there. Anzu could vaguely recall being on her father's shoulders as they walked beside the rows and rows of red, blooming tulips. That was back when her parents were still married; before things got messy, and her father left to pursue a higher-paying job in Osaka. She still got a card from him every year on her birthday and a call on Christmas, but other than that, their meet-ups were few and far between. Last she'd spoken to him, he was getting married again.
As Anzu followed Yugi through the entrance, she took in the sights and smells. Everything was fresh and earthy, the smell of petrichor hanging in the air and backdropped by the multitude of colourful plants and flowers in all different shapes and sizes. It made her a little emotional, actually. Not in a bad way, but because it was such a thoughtful gesture. Now that she thought about it, she had mentioned the botanical gardens some months ago in passing. At the time, Anzu hadn't really thought anything of it. Just filling the silence with conversation as they were on video call. She never expected he'd remember such a tiny detail. But then, this was Yugi. Of course he would. He was always that way.
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Without preamble, Anzu slid her arm around Yugi's shoulder and all but dragged him towards the aforementioned tulips. ❝ Let's get a picture to commemorate! The girls back in New York will love it. ❞
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tracyemptynet · 4 months
im glad the boys get a break but god if i have to sit through another interview of lavi sassing the press for 9 minutes i might not make it to the next series.
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hugheses · 5 months
hey i was reading through your blog and saw you said that the hughes have some family that live in new york… do you know where about they’re from? like the city/long island/upstate. just curious cause i’m from long island and just wondering if any of them have ever been here lol besides when they play the islanders ofc.
jim’s from hicksville (long island)! and he has like a gazillion (5) siblings… they have a cousin or two who i think live in the city (or at least work there).
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spiderwebd · 5 months
one of these days your going to come back from dumb idiot babyjail after you went to war and just describe your experiences and then say nah that's too sad so you just say hello phighting community im back from war with no context and everyone thinks your joking but you arent you just got back from a fierce battle then you reblog phighting stuff again and everything is right with the world (theres a horse as well) (he talks) (his name is mr ed)
im gonna what
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Any tips on raising an Gyarados? My Tiamat rarely does what I say & I week ago I almost got in trouble when she tried to eat my opponent's Octillery.
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Oh no!
It’s a good thing that while on my research trip to Paldea I actually happened to come into possession of a Gyarados and learned about this firsthand.
Did you raise your Gyarados from a Magikarp or capture it fully evolved? Catching it fully evolved doesn’t make it impossible to train, but it will definitely be trouble. Gyarados raised up from Magikarp are more naturally inclined to trust and listen to their trainers. Gyarados are largely solitary Pokemon, save for mating or migration when they travel in swarms, so they naturally come to respect a trainer who took care of them in their most vulnerable life stage when, by Gyarados social structure, they were considered worthless.
At the end of the day, a strong bond is what will help you the most with wrangling your Gyarados, wild caught or not. The best way to start is with recall training. Always keep your Gyarados's ball in hand as a failsafe, but try seeing if Tiamat will respond to her name. Despite their feral mannerisms, Gyarados are as bright as any other Pokemon and have been documented reacting to their trainers' voices. There have even been recorded cases of Gyarados mid-rampage, a notoriously hard thing to stop once it starts, coming to a halt when a trainer they are particularly close with calls their name.
To begin with, considering trying to eat someone's Octillery is a very big issue, you should try bonding with her outside of combat. Nothing can replace a large body of water for Gyarados, so a good way to practice recall training and give her necessary stimulation would actually be to go to a large lake or the sea and release her into the water, let her swim, then practice getting her attention. You could also try bonding with her by attempting to teach her Surf, but I do not recommend that course of action unless you have experience surfing on other water Pokemon, because you will be thrown at least once. Try increasing your bond between Pokemon and trainer in ways aside from battle if she is behaving so aggressively to other Pokemon. Enter Contests, if your region does those, or Pokeathalons if you happen to be in Johto... I wouldn't recommend Unova's musicals or Pokestar Studios as your first stop but, well, maybe. And of course, plenty of treats to go with positive reinforcement. Even an aggressive Gyarados can't resist!
When you're feeling confident re-introducing her to battle, seek out other trainers who have large, predatory Pokemon. The beautiful thing about Pokemon and what makes Pokemon battling so fantastic is almost all Pokemon engage in some form of natural sparring in the wild, but for large, carnivorous Pokemon like Gyarados, recreating these natural spars with traditionally prey-type Pokemon will absolutely activate a hunting instinct. Lots of Pokemon of this type have this problem, especially when freshly wild-caught, so I'm certain you will find other trainers of large Pokemon looking for this good socialization opportunity. From there, move on to prey-type Pokemon that exist outside of Gyarados's natural habitat, and when your Gyarados gets adjusted to that, then you can open battling to Pokemon it might pose a threat to in the wild. Ideally, the Gyarados will be so adjusted to battling that the incident you described to me will be far less likely to happen.
All in all, a balance of trust and proper socialization--and a lot of it--is what's needed to help you reel your partner in better. I'll be entirely honest, it will be a very long, tedious process, but I'm sure you are capable! You cared enough about your Pokemon to come seeking answers, after all! Best of luck!
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What’s the big controversy behind the Breakfast Club clip of Pete “supposedly” saying he’s not into African American women? Did he really say that or was it pushed to sound that way because other sources say he said he thinks black women wouldn’t want him. I just want to know your take on it honestly since you’re a fan.
Honestly idk. I had to look up what you were taking about and it looks like a pretty old clip that I hadn’t seen before, it looked like someone dug it up to make a fuss about. He was pretty young and he says stupid shit all the time. Personally I mostly just try and not focus on the stupid shit he’s said over his career cause there’s a lot of it. But that clip looks real and he did probably say that but you can see that he did immediately regret it if that means anything to you.
He’s a comedian, they all say dumb things and he says a lot more than most, especially because he got famous so young, he was 20 when snl hired him. I’m not saying that to downsize what famous people say cause it can be not okay and they they should be held accountable but also only to a certain point. I’m going to dig up every single thing a persons ever said to find something to get mad about. I’m fans of a lot of famous people and I try not to judge a lot of them by stupid one off things they’ve said.
But yeah it looks like he did say that however long ago that clip is from. But one thing I admire about him is that he is usually actively trying to get better and trying not to say dumb things on live radio even if he has in the past.
I think that answers your question for the most part. Basically he definitely did say that but it was a while ago and he was pretty young and stupid so I won’t hold that or most of the stuff he says against him. He’s a human and they fuck up sometimes.
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elliesbelle · 9 months
Hiw was the musical belle!
sgsjdhdjfj haven’t watched it yet technically, but i’m actually seated for it tbh in the theatre rn and waiting for it to play! they’re currently playing trailers
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i HAVE seen the musical in person on broadway though, absolute religious experience. thank god there’s only like three other people in the theater and we’re all spaced out cause i’m about to be BAAAAAAWLING
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mariatesstruther · 10 months
For the WIP game:
You've got me intrigued with the "maria and ellie" fic. Do you have a snippet? Is it canon compliant or an AU?
Also, I don't see the Christmas fic?!?!?! Maybe because you don't consider it a WIP yet because I know you've been sick.
I hope you're feeling better 💜
hello ameera 🥰🥰🥰 tysm, i am feeling better 🫶🏾
im glad you’re intrigued with this one! i was actually just working on this! i do have a draft, although very unedited because i’m terrible and don’t autocapitalize when i’m drafting, so be warned. it is a show/canon-compliant fic (haven’t decided if it’s a one-off or maybe the start to a whole mariaellie thing) in which ellie and maria have a meaningful one-on-one sometime shortly after ellie and joel get back, right after the end of tlou 1. i just really wanted a fic centered around the beginnings of the relationship between these two, especially addressing their conversation about joel from 1x06, because ive rewatching tlou2 gameplay and got struck by how close they seemed pre-joel’s death. i think plot-wise, it could also be an interesting start to a story about ellie finding her place in jackson under a mentorship program maria is piloting to help newcomers get acclimated to jackson. in this au, i’d imagine maria would want to mentor ellie, but ellie would need some serious convincing. here’s some snippets, i hope the it’s not too rough!
joel sending ellie to talk to maria:
“youre just too pussy to go over there and talk to her yourself,” ellie grumps, huffing down onto the couch to start pulling on her converse.
“that may be true,” joel says dryly. he doesnt look up from his stupid fucking carpentry book as he continues, “but i’m sending you anyway. have fun.”
“yeah, yeah, asshole. fuck you.”
“and try to watch your language.”
“oh, my bad! screw you! how’s that?”
maria talking to ellie:
“tommy told me yall had a hard time out there,” maria tries, attempting and failing at subtlety. it was always easier to her, both naturally and due to her career, to be more direct—but direct with ellie doesn’t always go well, in her experience. so she tries something different. “and that maybe you didn’t have the best time in school before, so. i get it.”
“yeah, well,” ellie snarks, and maria knows already that subtly isn’t the way to go with her, either. “tommy’s an asshole, and he has a big fucking mouth. you guys should find better shit to do than gossip about me and joel.”
jesus, this kid, maria thinks. the tone of her voice, honestly, is hilarious. despite herself maria barks out a laugh. “i have a feeling, ellie, that maybe you and i have the wrong impression of each other.”
“you mean you have the wrong impression of joel.”
“maybe,” maria says, which she can tell is more than ellie was expecting. “i admit, i have a lot of unresolved… feelings, i can say, about joel. i’m working on them. i’d prefer if we could focus this conversation on you and me.”
ellie seems uncomfortable at the prospect, shifting in her chair and fiddling with her long sleeves in her lap. “there isn’t really a you and me to think about.”
“there can be, if you’d like,”
“not if there’s shit between you and joel,”
“how i feel about joel has no bearings on how i’m going to treat you, ellie, and he knows that.”
“but it should. it has to. he’s my—“ ellie stops herself suddenly, cheeks going red and jaw locking in familiar tween-aged embarrassment. “he’s mine.”
“he is. and tommy’s mine.” maria decides to respond in the same way, putting things into ellie’s terms instead of her own, as juvenile as those terms sound to her ears. she’s realizing now, frankly, that this girl is quite the master at leading conversations, whether she realizes it or not. maria can’t help but wonder if it’s something she got from joel. “but they’re also each other’s, whether we like it or not. can we both agree on that?”
“i guess.”
“then it seems to stand to reason that we’ll be quite present in one another’s lives, right? whether we like it or not?”
ellie doesn’t seem to respond too well to the rhetorical questions, immediately bristling at maria’s leading on. “don’t fucking patronize me.”
“i’m not trying to, ellie. i’m trying to propose a proposition to you.”
thats’s what i’m giving for now! and i do have the xmas fic on my wip list, i just don’t have much drafted to post, at this point. it’s been hard to do anything this week on account of being sick, but i’m feeling better and writing more this week! hopefully i’ll have something soon, but i’m going to knock out the few wips i have on ao3 first.
@bumblepony ur ask is coming next bae i totally forgot i had one more thing to add to my catching fire au before i move to mockingjay!
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apricotheart · 1 year
ship meme: Anzu and Bakura.
( ship meme / accepting !! )
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vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
( I'm going with the assumption you mean Yami Bakura and not Ryou, because that's how I personally differentiate them, but if you meant Ryou, just let me know and I can answer this again! )
Most of my feelings about Anzu and Bakura come from my absolutely insane conversations about them with @godrent, so while there's not really any canon justification for them, I'm just a sucker for darker, unhealthy ships where the bad influence makes the good influence worse. There are a couple of really good art pieces I've seen on the internet of them that really tickle that need for dark ships and I always fall back on them when I need inspiration.
As far as the actual ship goes, though, I just love the idea of Bakura frequently interrupting her peaceful life to wreak havoc. Anzu is a "do no harm, take no shit" individual, but I think even Bakura would be one person that could get under her skin and make her extremely paranoid and uncomfortable. He's unpredictable and dangerous and she shouldn't be drawn to it, but she sort of is, in the same way she was drawn to Atem in the manga even after knowing he literally murdered people lmao.
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marnz · 2 years
ballet au lol 🩰
Derek is a dancer coming back from rehabbing a horrible injury (lower back?? fucked up his knee??) and has a chip on his shoulder because a) he totally has stage fright! b) has a reputation for being surly and overly intense. Pre-injury he was a rising star in the ballet company and had a lot more confidence but now he is a man humbled, quiet, relieved not to be in charge, but he also feels like he has a ton to prove! Especially since his mom and his older sister are famous dancers.
The ballet troupe is smallish and Stiles is in charge of logistics and MARKETING! Because he is a noted uncoordinated klutz. He's all about strategy and reviewing data and making things happen, and he is the absolutely bane of Derek's existence. He wants Derek in photoshoots, he sometimes coordinates with the artistic director (Lydia) on people's roles, Derek finds the way he talks about engaging customers manipulative, and tbh Stiles can be abrasive and annoying! So smart but so mean!
Derek has a recognizable everything face so once he has returned Stiles wants him to do an ad photoshoot so they can slap his picture on the side of a bus and this just makes Derek feels even more pressure. Resents Stiles for this and also because it's compromising Derek's anonymity. His only respite is teaching children's ballet classes, which is something he started doing while rehabbing his injury and also because the pay to be a ballet dancer isn't great at this small troupe!
Derek thinks once his career is over he would like to teach
But sometimes, when Derek is teaching these first graders, who do not care if he is weird and quiet, he notices Stiles watching. He thinks at first Stiles is going to want to use this for marketing but Stiles never says anything about it, just stays to watch Derek and the kids.
Then at some sort of holiday dance event Derek runs into his horrible ex, Kate Argent, who is a principal at a much larger and more prestigious company, and panics...only for Stiles to appear, wrap an arm around Derek like they're dating, and say "hey babe, who's this?"
#answered#ask meme#i do not know how ballet companies or marketing works. sorry to everyone who is like 'you are so wrong' sorry omg#teen wolf#sterek#LOOK i just think in this instance fake dating would be perfect#derek is so tongue tied and so grateful that he can't help himself melting into the arm hold and is like 'she was just leaving'#even though stiles surely knows about derek and kate's infamous and very public break up#it was a PR nightmare and stiles was an assistant at the time#so he can only be snubbing kate. and kate probably knows this. and derek does not know why stiles is rescuing him#and that night he goes home and he can't stop thinking about it. and that's when stiles goes from annoying to intriguing#meanwhile stiles had a hate attraction thing for derek since day 1 and then HORRIBLY he saw derek teaching first graders and CAUGHT FEELING#this is like a 40k fic i do not have time to write i already have 2 teen wolf wips help#also shout out to the les mis ballet/opera au that i think about daily#edit scott is also a rising ballet star and he and derek hate each other#the argents do run their own company maybe? the prestigious one? huge scandal when allison leaves it to join derek's troupe#the artistic director is thinking about making their nutcracker balanchine and derek supports this bc#he likes balanchine and he finds it classic and traditional#and stiles is like you're a fucking idiot. it's tired. it's boring. we need to do what PNWB did#we aren't a carbon copy of new york city ballet.#derek doesn't speak to him for weeks
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Watching videos about some NYC neighborhoods like "Oh. Okay. That's a nice neighborhood that is safe for everyone except Me."
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mossflower · 2 years
whatever you do. don’t apply for a uni that does interviews
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