#anthony needs a hug
I’ve seen the headcanon floating around that the isle kids don’t know what hugs/affectionate gestures are, but I feel like it would be even more tragic if they did. Taking my favorite novels only boy character as an example: Anthony knows what hugs are. He understands the concept of cuddling. But he doesn’t get it.
He knows it’s supposed to be affectionate. A show of care. But it doesn’t feel like it to him because the only one who ever hugs him and means it is Dizzy. Harriet’s pirate crew care about one another but they’re all so jaded by the isle they don’t really show it in “typical” ways. They show their care by murdering someone for you even when it’s not beneficial for them. Their love is threatening everyone who may dare to slight you, it’s choosing to not screw you over even though they could. It’s opening the door for you when you need to get away and it’s finding out what’s bothering you so they can make the problem disappear. Their care has bloodied sharp teeth and a murderous snarl, because any soft kind of caring is a weakness for your enemies to exploit.
And Anthony doesn’t mind, because it’s more than he’d dare ask for in a place like the isle. Survival goes above everything else and it’s not like he needs affection. He doesn’t even really feel the lack of it, because he cannot miss what he’s never had. But when he finds friends in Auradon (he’d like to have it on record that this was unwillingly, thank you very much) and they actually hug him for the first time when he’s upset… it’s nice. Don’t get him wrong, it’s weird, but like- he wouldn’t protest if they did it again… at least not genuinely. There will be plenty of token resistance though because Anthony has a reputation to uphold, but for those who know him, the fact that they’re still standing is proof enough of his real feelings.
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eggishere2005 · 1 year
I will defend this look till the day i die
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He's just so so goofy and she slays in every look
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
Lucy: You don't want Lockwood to die
Lucy: And I don't want Lockwood to die
Lucy: So now we've just gotta make sure Lockwood doesn't want Lockwood to die
George: Fantastic plan, but have you met Lockwood
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ilomilodailystuff · 4 months
Imagine Aziraphale asked Crowley what it felt like to fall, and when Crowley answers in all honesty but staying nonchalant, the angel's heart breaks, hating to think about Crowley being lost and suffering so much...
So one day, he sits on the couch, smiling gently at his lover and he pats the cushions, asking silently for the demon to join him. Crowley does, a bit puzzled though. But when he does, Aziraphale sits away from him at one proximity of the couch, turning to him as one thigh and knee rest on the seat.
"Lie down ?" He asks softly.
Wearing a wtf expression, Crowley tentatively lies down on the couch and is a bit surprised by Aziraphale's hands cupping his face to gently guide his head to rest against the angel's thigh. With big eyes, Crowley waits, not sure what to expect.
Then, Aziraphale delicately puts his hands flat on Crowley's chest, close to his heart, while he closes his eyes. After a few seconds, Crowley sees the angel's hands starting glow.
"Wow, wait—"
"Shh." Aziraphale hush gently, wearing a calm expression.
And, while he's a bit anxious, Crowley waits, gulping a bit. When he's feeling a sensation of peacefulness invade him, his heart is slowly warming oddly pleasantly, and it's like all the tension, the fear, the anxiety and the anger left his body. He sighs deeply, feeling empty but in the best way possible. Even bad memories became insignificant, as if far away and unreachable, unable to hurt him anymore. Crowley never felt so relaxed since... Well, he never felt so relaxed.
After what seems to be an eternity, the glow of Aziraphale's hands is fading. Very gently, the angel slides his hands away from Crowley's chest. And yet, the demon could still feel the power lingering in his heart, the peacefulness never leaving him.
Eventually, almost sleepy, Crowley opens his eyes to look up at Aziraphale.
"...What did you do ?" He asks in a whisper.
"I tried to heal your heart." Aziraphale replies softly with the most loving gaze.
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all-too-unwell-13 · 7 months
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the way these few lines give the title name a whole new meaning
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between-two-fandoms · 2 years
Fully obsessed with Lockwood and Co's most used love language being acts of service but once Lockwood discovers how much he loves physical touch its game over.
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I would like to personally thank Cameron Chapman and Anthony Lockwood for perfecting the Cold Bleak Stare of Weariness (aka ✨depression ✨) in that one deleted scene
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pentopaper23 · 4 months
News articles related to my series of modern Bridgerton one shots - Part One
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pt XII good omens sEAsOn 2 (the non-traumatic part) episode 1
Alright yes I know, I know, it's been two days since the livestream. I was reading fanfiction. Don't blame me, love made me crazy, and all that. I'm enjoying myself as much as I can before we get to the season 2 finale. But here we go, season 2, episode one, maggots:
[on reading this back after finishing, a lot of text is my being in love with Crowley. mainly, points 3, 4, 9, 14, 17, 18, yes I have issues, feel free to skip that for an absolutely concise and precise summary]
Before the livestream starts, everyone decides that there will be no spoilers whatsoever on the chat, even hidden with the black, because I have a tendency to keep clicking and revealing them. I'm sorry, temptation and all. I have emotional support fruit, an apple, two kiwis, two sapotes and two bananas.
When the livestream starts, it has to be restarted, because I am an incompetent nincompoop and have somehow managed to muck up my settings. And it is absolutely imperative that I watch the opening scene.
So then I do. And immediately have to consume my emotional support apple because I am so fucking in love with Crowley. Already? someone asks. Yes bloody already, I need that apple.
Thanks, guys. I'm broken. Crowley. Just. She looks so peaceful and untraumatised, so delighted with the plans, so full of wonder at what she's creating. Let there be light, she says, and rather than seeing Crowley turn off a streetlight with a flick of his fingers, we get to see her create nebulas. Aziraphale looks at her and he's just instantly so spellbound, and who would bloody blame him? His wings just do a slight dip of realisation that he's fucked when Crowley says the gorgeous line. Look at Crowley. Worried about the apocalypse. Smiling at Aziraphale, and we can see Azi's concern because something as pure as that has to be protected and Aziraphale knows what Heaven will do to Crowley if she dares to ask questions. Crowley is angelic and filled with light and Aziraphale sees that and tries to keep her safe with his words.
Hey spoiler alert, it doesn't work, Crowley's wings are greying even as she protects Azi and Crowley falls and I hate everything and I am filled with unbridled rage.
I am speculating how much pain and torture Crowley went through when she fell into Hell that first time. I am told to not ask questions I don't want answers to.
Maggie sells records, Aziraphale is a cutiepie, and Maggie is very gay for Nina.
Crowley is lounging on a park bench, suit and skinny tie, just being all sexy and demonic and probably contemplating nihilism.
Crowley spreads awareness about duck health. No bread, guys. Frozen peas. He also angsts a lot to Shax (whom I keep mixing up with Michael) about the meaning of life. Someone points out that this is very Barbie of him. "do you ever think about death". Ah, Crowley.
More lesbians gaying. I would kill for Nina's hair.
Aziraphale, ah I love him, absolutely fucking panics and has the loading symbol over his angelic little head at all times. FINALLY, THIS SHOW IS A COMEDY.
Crowley is leaning on his Bentley and mmmmhm his arms and his lounging and his personality I am back to crunching on my temptation emotional support apple.
Sorry back to the summary. Jim finds Aziraphale funny and says he loves him. Someone points out that this was the fandom upon encountering my dumbass self. "You're funny Asmi we love you."
Aziraphale is a little bitchy babygirl, really just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Just absolutely slaying through every Jimbriel scene. 100000/10.
Six shots of fucking espresso in a big cup. Crowley, I love you. Can I love Crowley any more than this? Yes I can. My love for Crowley is like the universe, infinite and yet ever-expanding, explosive with entropy.
Crowley holds the door open for Aziraphale and holds his plate and honestly what absolute husband (gn) behaviour.
Coffeeshop AU lesbians time.
Heaven is horrible.
There is an ethereal paper file.
Beezlebub beezles their way into Crowley's car and is very concerned in Hell about finding Jimbriel.
Nina's partner is a toxic ass don't worry about it.
Sulky Crowley says he's back and apology dance time mmmhm.
Miracle hide Jimbriel time, but they've got to be subtle. They do the miracle. Jim is glad to have friends.
They are very proud of themselves for their subtle miracle.
End of episode one. Take this screenshot.
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clairedelune-13 · 6 months
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I miss him. I need to see him with red hair again!
Oh and Crowley better get a fuckin’ hug from his husband. I need a big “I thought I lost you” Reunion Hug.
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xariarte · 4 months
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Anthony has ligyrophobia, a fear of loud noises, thanks to the Tremaine household. The reason is twofold, and the combination is why he has it and nobody else in the family does.
Firstly, to him cold, harsh words are an expression of love because it’s the tone his grandmother uses most of the time, and it’s the one his aunt uses whenever she’s not losing her voice screeching at anything and everything or trying to make men chase her (unsuccessfully). His mom’s… complicated. In the rare moments she gets out of her head enough to acknowledge his existence, she’s either blank bordering on being an okay mother or screaming like she’ll die if she doesn’t cause at least one new person tinnitus. So when they’re yelling at him, he’s done something wrong to cause them to stop showing him love. In my headcanon, Anthony’s the kid that got the most pressure put on them because, as a man, he cannot marry up in society (traditionally). Therefore, he needs to act more like a lord to compensate, which to Lady Tremaine translates to “be perfect or be worthless”. This leads to a whole slew of mental issues, most prominently crippling perfectionism and anxiety to panic attacks at the idea of being even slightly below flawlessly perfect. When grandmother’s yelling, he hasn’t been perfect, and the idea of not being perfect triggers all the issues caused by always being pressured to be perfect.
Secondly, (you’ll have to stick with me for a bit here I promise it ties back to yelling) it’s my headcanon that the Tremaines only wanted daughters so they could live the lives they’d wanted vicariously through the kids. Anthony is… not a girl. So by default he’s treated worse because his family didn’t actually want him. Aside from that, given their time period I’m betting they have some old-fashioned views about violence, used in a matriarchal way. Physical pain can be used to discipline children, and Anthony is the child who always does wrong no matter how right he did, so he’s the one at the receiving end of it most of the time. He receives truly cruel punishments for so many things without ever being told beforehand that his wrongdoing wasn’t allowed that he’s learned to just accept he’s always doing wrong in some way. After some time in Auradon he realizes the matriarchs were just looking for a reason to punish him to feel in control, and hurting the kids they were projecting on would hit a bit too close to home given their fate. The thing about it is that, whenever he was about to be dragged to his punishment, whoever would hand out the disciplinary action would raise their voice. Whether it’s one of the truly rotten cousins or sisters using the fact they can get away with it to hit him or his grandmother locking him in a closet that doesn’t have enough room for him to turn around for hours to days on end, it’s always preceded by a raise in their volume. So Anthony has started associating raising voices with extreme punishments. So if a sound gets louder suddenly, it has the same effect.
These two things combine to give Anthony Ligyrophobia, and he needs a hug
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eggishere2005 · 1 year
Some doodles to help me cope
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all-too-unwell-13 · 7 months
i've now started lockwood & co - hollow boy (book 3)!!! i managed to finish the whispering skull (book 2) and wow!!! the ending was so good.
but at the same time, omg. i never expected the ending of book 2, like his SISTER?? that's so sad.
and in book 3 when lucy describes what happened when lockwood took her into his sister's old room, i was nearly in tears. and how lucy describes the feeling of being in that room; no anger, no sadness, just solemnity.
she called it a 'place of absence,' and that's so heartbreaking because lockwood genuinely feels alone (with the exception of lucy and george ofc) but he's just on his own, in family terms, i mean. like he's got no one left.
i think that's another reason i love the trio's friendship, because they really are each other's found family; lockwood's parents and sister are dead, lucy's mum was horrible and george's family never liked how interested he was in the problem.
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im-fruity-and-bored · 8 months
Okay but can we talk about how happy I am about all the huskerdust?
No spoilers, but it does mention some… feelings that the ending of Good Omens 2 may cause. It also mentions the finale of Supernatural but the show is so old that I don’t really think it counts as a spoiler- if you’re on Tumblr you probably know of the injustices of that ending. But in case you somehow live under a rock, the mention is also very vague and only about my feelings on it. I know it’s just small little moments and hints at it being canon but AH- I’ll take anything I can get after that Good Omens 2 finale, because THAT- That was not okay 😭 I won’t leave any spoilers- Anyone who hasn’t seen it yet can just watch and suffer like the rest of us. We can all cry together 🥲
But yeah I was still reading Destiel fix-it fics because after all this time I’m STILL not over that, and now I have to cope with what’s going on with Ineffable husbands- so I really needed a win. Thank you Vivziepop. Thank you Amazon.
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lijzeil · 9 months
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Well, it's time for a relatable content. Crowley is writing his annual report. He's not doing well. And you, how are your exams, work reports, etc.?
(click for non-cropped image)
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