#anti Nyssara
joeey-dee · 1 year
How to you feel about Nyssa or Nyssa x Sara (idk their ship name)
Also your fic “Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came come fly, un-die, be born again.” Was amazing and left me in SHAMBLES (but in a good way, if that makes sense.)
Have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for your question.
Oh boy… I might make myself very unpopular with my opinion but here goes, lol.
I’m not a fan of Nyssara to be honest. But to be fair we did not get a lot of information about it and a lot was left open to interpretation. My issue with the ship is the same as the ones I have with both Olicity and Avalance, it is also very toxic and they tried to sell it to us as something positive.
Nyssa’s behavior was textbook stalker and very ‚if I can’t have you so can no one else‘. This is scary and not love but obsession. It is dangerous and there are no excuses for her actions. She tried to kill Sara’s family, just because Sara left her. And most of the fandom excuses her behavior with the way she was raised and things like that. But that is no excuse for the way she acted. If a woman gets murdered, or her family, by her ex who had a bad childhood, would people also make excuses for that person? 
Another issue I have with the ship is that Sara didn’t really have a choice. Nyssa „saved“ her but at the same time she damned her by taking her to Nanda Parbat instead of letting her go home. Sara was thrust into the League because of Nyssa and the only „protection“ she had was Nyssa and Nyssa’s feelings for her. In a way she was back to where she had been on the Amazo, keep Nyssa’s favor and affection or deal with the consequences just like with Ivo. So I have mixed feelings on whether Sara actually loved Nyssa or it was closer to Stockholm syndrome and survival instinct. And yes, Sara clearly states that she loved Nyssa but she also claimed Ivo was not evil. There was a serious issue with the power dynamic in their relationship and that is never a good thing.
Like I said I have mixed feelings and am not entirely sure about this relationship, because there is very little information we have about it, and most of what we know is Nyssa’s point of view, which I do not trust. The way she saw it might not at all be the way Sara saw it. 
I have serious issues with the way the movie and TV industry is romanticizing toxic and abusive relationships and selling them as perfect and something to aspire to. It is dangerous and makes me very uncomfortable.
I do like Nyssa’s character and her as a person, I think she was very interesting and had a lot of potential and a great story arch, but I don’t think she and Sara were a good fit or brought out the best in each other. 
Aw, thank you so much for that compliment! It makes perfect sense and I’m so happy you shared that with me and liked the story! It means the world to me. I’m a sucker for Ollie and Tommy’s friendship, throw Sara in there and it’s my dream team, lol. 
Thank you, you too!
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itachi86 · 8 months
i agree with nyssa laurel doesn't deserve to wear sara's jacket
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avatarazi · 2 years
you know if they actually casted an asian actress for sara like in the comics we would've actually gotten the first queer woc superhero on live action tv and i think that's just really a big shame
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avalancehaylijah · 4 years
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my home. ❤️🏡
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leonard-cold · 3 years
Olicity and/or nyssara 😄
haha alright so fair warning i’ve only seen the first few seasons of arrow and i did tune out a lot of it while i was watching 😅 that being said oliver queen is my least favorite character in the arrowverse and i ship him with literally no one.
now for nyssara, i think they’re an interesting pairing in the sense that they had a lot of chemistry and their backstory was compelling, and i do love them both. that being said i don’t ship them in the traditional sense, meaning i don’t necessarily want them to end up together. for me that’s a relationship that was important and interesting for sara to have but ultimately it was really messy and unhealthy. now maybe if they’d been given proper time they could have overcome some of that but as it is i think sara is definitely better off now than she was when they were together.
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nyssa-al-ghulio · 6 years
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Lips of an Angel - Hinder
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abberryyang · 7 years
Thing I never get is for people who believe Sara's best time was being Canary and that she is the true Black Canary is how Sara says that The Canary was never that positive for her. An assassin is last thing BC is. There is just completely disconnect in my mind.
The Canary was never positive for her - ever.
And a lot of people can’t stand that, especially the fans who loved her character in that duration of her storyline. Listen, I don’t blame them for saying, “hey, this is when I loved the character” but they need to acknowledge that Sara hated herself during that time. Sara created orphans, widows, and was completely numb to it - a lot of this development, as a character, is completely done through exposition rather than flashbacks or just us seeing her do the actions. 
Even on the island, Sara took advantage of the Crazy Scientists infatuation for her, just so she could be safe, while she experimented on the other prisoners - as long as it meant keeping herself safe. Sara even gave away Slade, Shado, and Oliver’s location if it meant she would be safe - there is really no reason why anyone should like her character at this point in time. And honestly, that scene with the pilot was sooo forced, just so we could have Sara take in Sin, when they could’ve easily done a storyline for Laurel to adopt Sin. It just, wow.
Sometimes, I wonder if Sara really loved Nyssa or if she used Sara to ensure her safety from Ra’s. Of course, it may have developed to actual love later, but the amount of times Sara has left Nyssa “just because” VS just staying with her because Sara loves her. I just, wow, I can’t. Listen, I love Nyssara, but that is fucking problematic and is never addressed.
Sara is the definition of survival over morals. Sara has always been a character who’s motivation is her own needs, wants, and desires. A lot of times, we as an audience, along with all the characters, can’t tell when Sara is even telling the truth or a lie - she is a pathological liar when we meet her on the island and when we see her interact with her family and Oliver!
Honestly, as much as I love Sara, she is a completely selfish sister, who never deserved Laurel’s forgiveness and got it anyways. If it wasn’t for Laurel’s love of Sara, I would never, ever, like her until she moved over to Legends.
The main reason why people love Sara is because of Caity Lotz and what she brings to the character. Caity is a spunky girl, who is a tiny bad ass, with an innocent look to her, and she demands that her character is written with the justice that she always deserved but never got on Arrow. 
I just wish the development on Legends addressed her problematic behavior on Arrow, and how she’s changed from that - otherwise, she just seems like an entirely new character.
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alessandramortt · 2 years
nyssara has beloved and habibti, cc has crook and assassin, what does ava/ance have? even their terms of endearmeant game is weak af. i have to laugh
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sarathecanarybest · 3 years
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Avalance vs Nyssara in a nutshell
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rhfffas · 3 years
Arrow: The big bad foreign lesbian assassin, heir to the demon, trained since she was a kid, saved by a white straight male who was much lesser than her
Legends of Tomorrow: A literally bulletproof white straight guy was saved by two women of color
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andramaquynhs · 3 years
you not liking a/v/a (aka that ship) 👀
(TL;DR at the end bc predictably i ended up ranting)
On me not liking time becky (a/va) one bit indeed, anon. Main the reason i stopped watching the show tbh. She basically solidifies the start of and the reason why Sara became nothing more than a love interest in a show where she was arguably the lead, or one of anyway. a/va was supposed to be a side character but everything revolves around her now, both in canon and fandom, and it's tiring as all fuck for a character as bland as hers, i stg just thinking about her and ava/ance takes 5 years off my lifespan
Lot's writing was always a bit lesbo/biphobic, in particular (mick outing sara at every turn? fetisizhing the fact that 'this frilly likes other frillies'?? lot having sara sleep around on important missions?), but then it used her as queer 'rep' bc they knew Sara had a big wlw following and it somehow got even worse. Nothing says someone is your equal quite like them beating and abusing you, nothing spells romance like they undermining, belittling, discriminating and putting you and your friends in danger, being more preoccupied about your girlfriend's s*x history with men than the fact said girlfriend was fucking dying, critizing your gf's ten year old choices and her oldest friend while she was grieving him ...but it's alright bc we get to see two white women who could play sisters kiss every 5 minutes, right?
And that's all they doooo, Sara hasn't had a story arc besides being in a relationship with another woman and being dead since then. She couldn't even grieve her fucking father, we got breadcrumbs when Laurel died but we still got to see some of her reactions, season two i think was had a whole thing about her learning to accept Laurel's death, accept that she shouldn't change it even if she had the means to, and ends with her deciding to preserve the timeline as it is despite how deeply it hurt her. It was powerful, granted at CW levels and in a show with so many characters, but she had a story arc, she learnt something, she grew...she's done none of that since time becky came around, it's sad and infuriating and a lot of sara fans understandably stopped watching bc of that. I held out for Zari, Amaya, Charlie, Jax and Stein but then they were mostly gone too
And trust me, I'm aware nyssara has some issues as well, the whole conflict with Nyssa's adherence to league rules and going after Sara's family, but Nyssa was very much a product of her upbringing, it was all she knew, it had a reason, it instigated change and served the story, it resonated. and i didn't keep watching arrow but from what i've seen Nyssa grew as a character as well, she chose to stay in prison and told Sara to move on and step away from the shadows. at the very least, they had conflicting, interesting, solid foundations while ava/ance is? just there?? besides time becky belittling Sara and her team, especially the poc, especially Zari, what else does she do? she's not even shown being a good leader, she's co captain bc she's f*cking the captain who doesn't even seem like the captain anymore! Neat little exercise that works every time: picture time becky as a man......suddenly things ain't so cute anymore are they
the only good thing to come out of lot before i stopped watching is Sara going to the time becky factory world or whatever, and when someone says it must be paradise she basically goes 'is it though???' :|||| a whole ass mood bb ♥
TL;DR: time becky aka a/va is bland af and ava/ance made Sara a shadow of her previous self. her entire character now revolves around being in a relationship with an abusive, self centered, biphobic and racist woman who could be her sister, and being dead sometimes. but gay rep, yay!
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lanceava12 · 3 years
Dear Nyssara shippers,
Forgive me when I say this but like MOVE ON!!!
Nyssa and Sara are NEVER EVER getting back together.
honestly, I am getting so annoyed with ya'll hating on Sara and Ava. I have no hate for Nyssa at all she is an amazing character, but the way you guys insult and bash Ava is not cute or cool.
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itachi86 · 7 months
i 100% disagree with the statement that barry and ir*s are the most perfect couple
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I’ve spent the last few days binge reading Nysara/Avalance fanfic and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a firm nysara shipper. Like oookay maybe they had a slightly more toxic relationship but seriously they have some soulmate type energy and I vibe with it.
Also the blind devotion love is just so good. Yes please. I’ll die if you die. Love it.
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Nanda Partpat love scene on Arrow
deserved to be this
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not this
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Still can’t comprehend how the writers thought it is ok, to revolve the whole season around the League of assassins but to kill the main character who connected the story, and whose story was the League. We could have had a nice story about Canary’s training, and her flashbacks, and her love story with another woman. But of course instead the generic stereotypical heterosexual couple is more important and should be inserted in the place of every possibility to tell interesting queer couple story that is not just about the representation but really tells a human story.
Happy Pride year everyone
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nyssa-al-ghulio · 6 years
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There are only two certainties in life:
1. Arrow gets their lamps from Ikea
2. Nyssara is endgame
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