#but what we do know gives md a bad feeling
joeey-dee · 1 year
How to you feel about Nyssa or Nyssa x Sara (idk their ship name)
Also your fic “Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came come fly, un-die, be born again.” Was amazing and left me in SHAMBLES (but in a good way, if that makes sense.)
Have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for your question.
Oh boy… I might make myself very unpopular with my opinion but here goes, lol.
I’m not a fan of Nyssara to be honest. But to be fair we did not get a lot of information about it and a lot was left open to interpretation. My issue with the ship is the same as the ones I have with both Olicity and Avalance, it is also very toxic and they tried to sell it to us as something positive.
Nyssa’s behavior was textbook stalker and very ‚if I can’t have you so can no one else‘. This is scary and not love but obsession. It is dangerous and there are no excuses for her actions. She tried to kill Sara’s family, just because Sara left her. And most of the fandom excuses her behavior with the way she was raised and things like that. But that is no excuse for the way she acted. If a woman gets murdered, or her family, by her ex who had a bad childhood, would people also make excuses for that person? 
Another issue I have with the ship is that Sara didn’t really have a choice. Nyssa „saved“ her but at the same time she damned her by taking her to Nanda Parbat instead of letting her go home. Sara was thrust into the League because of Nyssa and the only „protection“ she had was Nyssa and Nyssa’s feelings for her. In a way she was back to where she had been on the Amazo, keep Nyssa’s favor and affection or deal with the consequences just like with Ivo. So I have mixed feelings on whether Sara actually loved Nyssa or it was closer to Stockholm syndrome and survival instinct. And yes, Sara clearly states that she loved Nyssa but she also claimed Ivo was not evil. There was a serious issue with the power dynamic in their relationship and that is never a good thing.
Like I said I have mixed feelings and am not entirely sure about this relationship, because there is very little information we have about it, and most of what we know is Nyssa’s point of view, which I do not trust. The way she saw it might not at all be the way Sara saw it. 
I have serious issues with the way the movie and TV industry is romanticizing toxic and abusive relationships and selling them as perfect and something to aspire to. It is dangerous and makes me very uncomfortable.
I do like Nyssa’s character and her as a person, I think she was very interesting and had a lot of potential and a great story arch, but I don’t think she and Sara were a good fit or brought out the best in each other. 
Aw, thank you so much for that compliment! It makes perfect sense and I’m so happy you shared that with me and liked the story! It means the world to me. I’m a sucker for Ollie and Tommy’s friendship, throw Sara in there and it’s my dream team, lol. 
Thank you, you too!
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shiplessoceans · 9 days
Moments in House MD that made me absolutely feral as an O.G fan that watched it as it aired back in the naughties, shipping House/Wilson hardcore and not realising I was queer:
1. Wilson loudly reciting a poem to House as he enters the hospital lobby which contains the line: "His manly chest, his stubbled jaw, everything about him leaves me raw.'
2. The look on Wilson's face when a random clinic patient gives House advice about his date with Cameron.
"Do her....or you're gay."
*cue Wilson looking to the side like...wait a minute...*
3. House: "They were not Prada! you wouldn't know Prada if it stepped on your scrotum."
4. Wilson: "House I believe you're a romantic, you didn't just believe him, you believed IN him! Wanna come over tonight, watch old movies and cry?"
5. House (yelling across a crowded lobby to Wilson): "How long can you go without sex?"
6. The look on Wilson's face when he gets a masseuse for House (!) and she massages his hand, causing him to begin moaning orgasmically.
7. Stacey: "What are you hiding?"
House: "I'm gay... Oh that's not what you meant! But it does explain a lot thought. No girlfriend, always with Wilson..."
8. House watching Wilson sleep on the couch in his apartment, then quietly erasing a voicemail from a real estate agent saying Wilson's apartment application for a new place went through.
9. Wilson, explaining his infidelity during his previous marriage, to Cameron when she's feeling awful because she considered cheating on her husband while he was dying:
"Well my wife wasn't dying, she wasn't even sick. But I met someone who made me feel...funny. Good. And I... didn't wanna let that feeling go."
The lack of pronoun haunts me to this day.
10. Gay male patient harassing House and questioning why he won't treat him:
Patient: "Because you're a closet case?" (Eyeing House and Wilson who have just emerged from House's apartment)
Wilson: "Uh...we're not...together..."
House: "He is so self-loathing."
11. House nearly kills himself to attempt to prove there is no afterlife, Wilson waits over his bedside and then calls him an idiot and orders him extra pain medication. House's response is:
"I love you."
12. House: "Big romantic weekend in the Poconos could change everything."
13. Wilson refusing to participate in a board vote to oust House from the hospital and consequently losing him job for House. Wilson's furious with him over being put in that position but forgives House easily.
14. Wilson (speaking to House about dating a woman eerily similar to House): "Why not? Why not date you? It's perfect! We've known each other for years, we put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We're a couple!"
House: "Are we still speaking metaphorically?"
15. (Less than a minute later when House keeps trying to convince Wilson he and Amber are a bad idea).
Wilson: "Wait a minute, every time I agree with you, you come up with a new argument. What are you trying to avoid?"
House: *Stares at Wilson with the most meaningful eye contact to ever eye contact*
Wilson: "Oh! Well if you'd looked at me with those flashing eyes before I was involved (clicks tongue)."
16. To Wilson's new girlfriend in a threatening, 'stay away from my man' voice:
House: "Give him back his sweatshirt... Pit stains don't become you."
17. House: "This isn't just about the sex! You like her personality! You like that she's conniving. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves..."
*tense pause*
House: "Oh my god. You're sleeping with me."
*flees restaurant*
18. House: "I have really gotta get you laid. If I have to plough that furrow myself, so be it."
19. Wilson: "I have a headache."
House: "We don't have to have sex, sometimes it's nice just to cuddle and talk."
20. (To a bellboy at a hotel House is staying at, while gesturing to Wilson)
House: "After he and I have sex, I'm gonna slit his throat and disembowel him in the bathtub."
21. House going to interview all of Wilson's ex wives to figure out how best to break him and Cuddy up when they aren't even dating. The look on his face when Bonnie explains how good at sex Wilson is? Priceless.
22. House: "Probably my deep and very unconscious desire to get Wilson into my bedroom."
22. House: "If you're coming back because you're attracted to the shine of my neediness. I'd be fine with that."
23. House borrowing money off Wilson in increasing amounts to test the limits of their friendship. He later admits to Wilson that: "Maybe I don't want to push this til it breaks".
24. House being convinced the male CIA agent who approaches him in season 4 is a stripper and sitting on a bench saying:
House: "You wanna close that door?"
CIA agent: "Why?"
House: "Well I assume you're gonna drop trou at some point during the dance, I don't see why I should share."
25. Wilson: "I want a threesome"
House: "Shouldn't we try a twosome first?"
26. All of that episode where House is talking to Dr Nolan and says Wilson is not a consolation prize. Legit became convinced halfway through that this was going to be House realising he's in love with Wilson and wants to keep living with him.
27. House hiring a P.I. to stalk Wilson after they've had a falling out to see if he misses him. The P.I. clocks this immediately and treats the case like that of a scorned lover needing to know if the other party is pining and if theres anything that can make him come back.
28. Wilson proposing to House in a restaurant to throw a wrench in his plans to date their neighbour.
29. Wilson got mad that Cuddy hurt House. So he bought her dream apartment out from under her in sheer spite and moved into said apartment with House.
30. Wilson being indecisive and unable to buy furniture for himself because of a flimsy sense of self and an inability to figure out who he is and what he wants. House teases him about this and challenges him to buy one peice of furniture that says something about who Wilson is.
The peice of furniture Wilson buys?
A piano organ for House.
31. House: "You were thinking about Wilson while were were having sex? That's cool so was I."
32. Wilson: "If things go wrong, I just want you to know..."
House: "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me? Everyone just kind of assumed it."
33. Cameron: "Where do you put the cane?"
House: (referring to Wilson) "If he buys me dinner he can find out."
34. That gay as fuck ending, fuck I'll never be over it.
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just-a-jock · 7 months
Doctors appointment
You’ve always hated the doctors office and appointments. Something about waiting around, taking off work early or even entirely just to be told to get some rest always bothered you. After getting your new insurance your friends and family kept pressing for you to get your yearly physical and ended up crumbling to the pressure. You looked online for the first appointment that wouldn’t interior your work and found a 7PM appointment with Dr.Hendrix.
You were happy to find an appointment outside of normal working outs and shocked to even see it was available but you immediately booked it. Cut to today where you are walking into the clinic, Hendrixxx MD. You saw on the sign sounds more like a porn studio than a doctors office. After checking in, the abnormally attractive nurse showed you to the patient room.
As you sat down you looked around the room filled with pictures of insanely buff gay men all partying
“All my patients, aren’t they attractive”
You jump in the chair from being surprised and then turn around and see the attractive 20-something in doctor getup.
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“Hi, my name is Dr. Hendrix. I’ll be helping you today” he said we a confidence of a high school jock. He reached out to shake your hand as you see his shirt strain with every movement clear sign of someone who buys their shirt once size too small.
“It’s nice to meet you” you respond shyly as he smirks
“Now let’s see you’re here for your physical…. Okay can you please change out of your clothes and into this” he said rummaging through his drawer until he pulled out a small beige color brief.
“Uh…. What is that. I’m not putting that on” you respond with a bit of worry and shock
“This is standard for any physical preformed in my clinic. I have to inspect your body and skin and I can’t do that with your clothes on. If you don’t want to then we can cancel this appointment but you will be charged the channel fee which is 200% of the service without insurance” he responded smirking almost like he’s said this exact spiel before.
“And how much would that be” you respond
“Well a normal physical here cost $550 per session so you would have to pay $1100.”
You swallow knowing you don’t have enough in your savings to pay that. After sometime you decide what’s the worse that can happen you do have to get a physical anyways and you are already here. You grab the pair from his hand as he smirks watching you walk to the small bathroom in the office.
Inside you start to change out of your clothes and take a glance at the brief before you put it on. The material felt like spandex very similar to the speedos those annoying instagays wear while at the beach. On the top right corner near the groin you noticed the brand name “Jake”. Finally you put the briefs on, feeling the slick Lycra material against your skin especially against your cock making you shiver.
As you walk back in the exam room you see the doctor smile.
“Great, please sit down and we can begin” he said patting on the examination chair
As you sit down on the cold table as Dr. Hendrix looked over your body and going back and forth from his clipboard. He begins touching your body all over specify your biceps, pecs and abs. You were about to say something until…
“So unfortunately you do have a condition called male hypogonadism. Basically your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone.”
You look at him with shock. You have always been healthy and your precious doctors have never mentioned anything about low testosterone.
“ just to confirm I’m going to need to take a look at your testicles” he said
“What? No, why?” You replied in shock and confusion
“Due to your testicles being the center of testosterone production it would give me a better picture”
After taking sometime to ponder you decide to go with it as you wanted to avoid anything bad in the future. You pull down the briefs and let him inspect your private area. You looked at the ceiling trying to avoid eye contact while examined your parts. You felt like he was down there for a while until you felt a sharp pain right in your balls. Quickly looking down your eye widen seeing a needle being struck inside your sack. Inside the syringe was a semi-viscous off-white liquid being slowly pushed inside. Before you’re even able to react the entirety of the needle has been injected into your balls. You finally push back the doctor and fall back onto the chair quickly pulling up the briefs.
“WHAT THE FUCK, what did you put into me” you scream at him as he gets up from the ground with a smirk
“Calm down, I injected you with a testosterone booster to help your body produce more testosterone naturally”
“I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO THAT, I’m going to fucking report you to the medical board and get to clinic closed” you said putting your hands on the side of the chair about to get up
“You really can’t make this easy” he replied as he pressed a button underneath his desk. 4 clamps came out of the chair you were sitting at and locked themselves around your wrist and legs. You fight against the restraints but seem to be holding you tighter the more you fought.
“Now that I finally have you settled I can explain to you the procedure. Normally have plenty of guys coming to my office looking for testosterone boosters to help them bulk up but you just wanted a regular check up. Well I couldn’t have someone like you be a regular at my clinic and representing my work so I decided to change you to be more like the others that come out of her”
“ You won’t fucking get away with this freak, let me go!” You shout at him and simultaneously asking for help.
“Oh but I had even a better idea. My clinic finally got access to a trail run of this new medication which is Testosterone replacement therapy and that’s what I inject in you. Basically the medication is mixed with DNA and injected into the subject. Slowly the medication will rewrite the subjects DNA into the provided template. Of course I wanted to try this out first so I decide for you to be my test dummy.”
Your eyes widen as you realize what he is doing to you.
“Haha yes I inject some of my semen inside your testicle and soon the process will start wor…”
“AHHHH” you screamed as he was caught off. You immediately starts to feel a sharp hot heat radiating from your cock and balls. “Fuck fuck what did you do to me” you say with your eyes closed. Your body starts to involuntarily start to buck in the air.
“I guess the show has started” he responds smirking and siting back in his desk chair
With the repeated bucking in the air you start to notice your cock get insanely hard straining against the speedo. Your balls start to pull like they have their own heart beat. Slowly your cock starts to expand past it’s normal hard state creating a noticeable bulge in the speedo, the growing balls behind it don’t help in hiding it either as it continues to push your cock to forefront of the brief creating a perfect outline of your cock. You feel inside your ball changing as if your old cum is being destroyed. Your cum factories are being invaded and being modified to produce a foreigners substance. The pulsing starts to increased as you knew it has finally taken over and has started to produce the new boosted testosterone. The hormones starts to travel through your body ready to modify the rest to the provided template
“Please…. Stop..” you’re able to squirm before the change continue on.
Next your body hair starts to fall out leaving your body smooth like those typical gay fuckboys you see all over the beach. Though you notice certain areas actually increase in volume and of course the typical fetish zones. Your armpit hair starts to puff up becoming dark and noticeable from a far. And lastly you lock down as your pubes starts to climb up like ivy on a wall until they rest just above the briefs taunting anyone looking at your cock.
As your body hair finishes up the hormone start to target the main cause of gay desire, your muscles. Slowly your legs start to inflate growing large and strong like you have been doing squats since your teenage years along with your ass growing outwards and making your seat a little more comfortable. You do notice your hole slightly relax cementing yourself as the perfect verse . Your biceps grow along to match your new legs until they are the size of footballs. Next you feel the changes concentrate on your core as a set of washboard abs start to manifest on the service of your stomach perfectly completing the exposed pubes from before. You even notice them growing a little more upwards to perfect the change. Lastly came the beautiful set of pecs which started to pump outwards matching the pulses of your balls. They finally create a nice shelf over your abs as your nipples darken and start to point outward. The changes to your muscles settle as your body looks identical to the hot doctor in front of you. You open your eyes and look around thinking the changes are over until your balls start to pulsate once again. The sensation travels up your body until your head feels a massive pressure. Slowly your bone structure starts to morph mimicking that of the doctors. Your lips plump outwards ready to introduce every and all cocks it can find. Your cheekbones move upwards giving you a sharp face and a semi permanent smile. All the fat melts away from your neck leaving behind a jawline that can cut glass and a prominent adams apple. The changes settle thinking the last of it has happened and pleading to the doctor to change you back.
“Please please, I don’t want this. I want to be me” you beg of him
“Oh don’t worry, you’re going to love your life after a while and you won’t even remember your old one” he said pressing another button as the restraints pull you down forcing you to lay backside to the chair as you stair at the ceiling. You hear him opening his drawer again and rummaging around until he starts to walk over to you.
“Now this is the final step before you become the perfect clone” he said placing a pair of oil spill colored glasses. You scream as he slowly places the glass onto your face until they sit perfect. You immediately quiet down as he smirks know it’s working.
Your eyes are forced open as inside the glasses start to display videos of memories foreign to you. All you can do is grunt trying to fight back from these new memories forcing them selfs inside your brain replacing your old. Your mind is completely enthralled and you almost don’t notice the doctor has pulled down your speedo and whispers something under his breath
This will help the reprogramming along. He places something over his….. your cock. You start to freak out knowing the reprogramming has started to take effect your mind not being able to between him and yourself. As he ticks the speedo back into place you notice this foreign object get right around the base of your cock and slowly start to buzz creating an orgasmic feeling making your mind even weaker and more susceptible to the brainwashing.
Your mouth opens as the video starts to play more explicit images and videos. Guys fucking, partying, doing drugs everything typical of a circuit party gay. The buzzing gets even stronger during these parts causing you to moan. Soon your cock starts to produce precum creating a large wet spot at the front of the cream colored brief. Finally with the last of the programming finishing up you finally see
With that your body shakes as your cock shoots loads of your old cum all over the inside of your speedo which is quickly soaked up. The doctor finally releases you from the restraints as your body gets up you realize you can still hear, feel and see everything but your body does not respond to your thoughts.
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“It worked perfectly. You’re a 1 to 1 replica of myself. Now the technology of the reprogramming is still in being worked on so I’ll need you to keep the glasses on for now. Understood”
“yes” your body responds in a foreign voice and against your will
“Great, now here are my keys and I booked you.. I mean me a flight to Hawaii. I’m going to need you to post content on our profile and make sure to tell guys about our clinic. Now enjoy”
Your body leaves the room still in your speedo. The nurse at the front smirks knowing what just happened.
A few weeks later you are staying at a resort working out in the complimentary outdoor gym. You noticed some guy keeps looking at you throughout your workout. He finally comes up to you while you’re working on the dumbbells
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“Wow you’re built as hell bro. Got any tips?” He asked
“Haha come to my room and I can show you” I replied smirking as he got the hint.
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
A Hard Week
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❀ Mommies!WandaNat x Little!Reader (F)
❀ Stress, MD/LG themes, slight coercion but good coercion, baby talk, little reader, slight psychotic break but just a breakdown, crying, cuddling, poly relationship
❀ Request: A fic where reader is having a really bad week and just breaks down one day because she’s so anxious and stressed. Wanda and Nat see this and takes the time out to help her get little and let her relax. 
❀ A/N: Request sent in by @fragilepuppi! Thank you for your kind words, and I am thinking about moving the toy lion, the scarlet witch and the tiny wardrobe to Tumblr again! But thank you for the super kind words and thank you for reblogging and being so interactive with my stories:) Gif by me:)
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Finals week. The dreaded week in college where professors become serious, strict, and pushy. The week where they don’t care about your mental health, only your grades. You, an overachiever is their most vulnerable target for pushiness. If they say to redo it, you don’t ask why, you find what you did wrong on your own and fix it yourself. Feeling like an inconvenience if you ask for help. 
It was taking a toll on you, and Wanda and Nat could tell. You would shut yourself in your room for hours on end, studying and taking notes like a machine. But you aren’t a machine, you needed to eat, drink, shower, and sleep. And you did none of that. You pushed your own needs away to keep your head in the game to get a good final grade. It was your last year after all, before you got your degree!
Every hour, Wanda or Natasha would come in with a new glass of water and some snacks wanting to make sure that you were getting what you need. But to their disappointment they found a full plate and a half drunken cup of water, the ice fully melted and condensed onto the outside of the cup. As your music blasted into your headphones, they could only do so much. They would give you a kiss, and watch you for a few minutes before closing your door and waiting for the next hour to arrive. 
“Im really worried about her, she is pushing herself to the limit and we haven’t seen our little girl in a while.” Wanda says to Nat as they cuddle on the couch. They were so worried about you, and only wanted to see you happy and not stressed. Natasha agrees, sighing as she holds Wanda to her chest. 
“I know hon, I just want to scoop her up and hold her until she falls asleep. There are more empty coffee cups in her trash than empty water bottles. This week is killing her.” 
Wanda sighed into her girlfriends shirt and Watched the slideshow of pictures that filled the TV screen when it turned off. The pictures of you three made her smile. Your eyes were bright and full of emotion, not tired and emotionless. Your smile was genuine, not a simple acknowledgment of Wanda or Nat when they come into your room. 
“I hate how much she loves to work. She works too hard, and I don’t know how to help her. I know this week is important to her, but even with the coffee she still looks exhausted. I want our little girl back.” Natasha nods and kisses Wandas forehead, and thinks of a plan to help you take a break. 
What the women were not expecting was you to come out of your room. Tears were pooled in your eyes and you looked so tired. They sat up a little bit and looked at each other, knowing that they need to bring their little out of her shell. “Hi Angel, its good to see you out of your room.” Wanda says, reaching out her hands to you. 
As you see them happy to see you, the dam breaks and you let out a small sob as tears fall down your cheeks. Wanda gently pulls you to sit in between her and Nat and she rubs your back to comfort you. 
“Oh angel, shh, its ok, your mommies are here.” Wanda whispers, looking to Nat with the look. She reaches into the drawer next to the couch and brings out your teddy bear pacifier. She doesn’t push it on you just yet, wanting you to come out when you felt ready. 
“Doll, can you tell us what’s wrong?” Natasha asks you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I- I just can’t t-t-take it anymore. Mr. Jordan j-just wants to see me suffer. He doesn’t want m-me to succeed.” Your tears fall onto your shirt, and you clench your fists in your lap. “He told me to redo a paper four times, and I still can’t tell what’s wrong with it. I ran it th-through grammar check after grammar check and he just throws it in his digital trash bin like its a line scribbled by a 2 year old. I- I want to quit school, Im so done!” 
Wanda looks down at you with sad eyes, and says “Its alright Angel, can you tell mommy what you need?” She tries to coax you into your little space, knowing you need it more than they do. Natasha lays you back on the couch and cups your cheek. “You can trust us, doll. Can you talk to your mommies so we can help?” 
Their voices become a little higher, the type of tone they talk to you with when you go into your little space. You subconsciously took note of this, and the little voice inside your head whispers for you to let go. You curl in on yourself as you let your little space take over. 
“Wanna cuddle... M-maybe baf?” Your pronunciation is a little wonky, now that you are falling into your little space by the second. Nat smiles and shows you your paci. Your eyes light up and you happily open your mouth as she puts the binkie to your lips. Wanda smiles and kisses your forehead as you lay against her, Natasha pulling you both into her lap on the big couch. 
“Such a good little doll, your mommies got you, you’ll be ok.” Natasha whispers, running her fingers through your tangled hair, being careful not to pull too hard on getting the knots out. Wanda gently tickles your arm to relax you, and your eyes become heavy. 
“Seepy, so seepy…” You whisper passed the pacifier in your mouth, and Natasha looks down at you. “Sleep little doll, we’ve got you, and you’re in a safe place. Not even mean Mr. Jordan can get you here.” She smiles at your little giggle, knowing that your professor is your biggest enemy when you are little. 
As the two women calm you down and wipe your tears, Wanda uses her telepathic powers to start the bathtub from the couch. Your ears perk at the sound of the running water, but you fall back asleep in her arms. “We’ll get you in the bath when you wake up, doll. Ok?” You nod in your sleep, sniffling every now and then but finally able to calm down in your mommies arms. 
It was just what you needed in the hardest and most stressful week of your college life. Relaxing in your girlfriend's arms in a mental place that makes you feel safe. You are so grateful for them, and couldn’t thank them enough. Well, maybe when you are back in your big space you could find a way to thank them. For now, you are happy and getting better, just as your mommies wanted to help you. 
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angelflms · 1 month
Okay, so I have been thinking so much about this (I have been talking aloud to myself for like ten minutes bc I've invested myself wayyy too deep into this), but I think I know why Miguel bothers me so much despite being my favorite character.
The writers suck.
Now, I know I don't have screenwriting credibility and I'm merely just a girl and I know that perhaps they can't cram all of this shit into the show and make room for literally everyone else, BUT I think the reason why so many people don't like Miguel as a character is because he doesn't have much of a character to work with. So whenever he does something that shows character (the Mexico storyline, the Stanford storyline), no one feels bad for him. I think that maybe if he had definitive arcs for each season, while weaving it better into Robby's arcs (since they're foils and tethered to each other), he would actually be likeable. So I wanted to show you what I feel like I would do to write Miguel's post school fight arc. Feel free to tell me your opinions. (buckle up, this is a long one)
similar to what we see
but we actually get to be more into Miguel's mental response to the aftermath
I dont' think they went enough into his feelings with everything and that everything went a bit too fast (for Miguel) during the season.
perhaps they could've gone deeper into his PTSD, similar to what they did with Sam.
but instead it preventing him from going to school, it prevented him from doing karate all together.
it was clear early on that karate and Johnny slowly became all that Miguel cared about.
Johnny was sending mixed signals and Kresse's entry into CK was conflicting as their ideals were different.
Johnny made it clear that CK's mottos are a way of life, so Miguel was moving the exact way one would in karate irl.
Karate was his life. And it nearly ended it as well.
I don't believe Miguel would immediately still want to be so gung-ho about joining karate again after nearly dying from it.
Johnny would lose Miguel's trust and would fight for it back. He already lost Robby. He can't lose Miggy too.
Miguel doesn't want to be around him for now, despite feeling bad for pushing him away
When finding out he was paralyzed, it hurt to find out, but at the same time, with his conflicited feelings about karate, he would feel a bit relieved.
I like to think that when the surgery worked, everyone was happy but Miguel because now people are going to expect him to want to go back to doing karate.
Eventually he and Johnny have a heart to heart and make up, though he's still a little bit hesitant on trusting him
he does reluctantly join Eagle Fang and he tries to make an effort to train again and get past his fear
Though things still feel like what it was like at CK, which isn't something Miguel is enjoying
Plus him being the only shot they have for the All Valley is putting presure on him, mainly due to Johnny
The scene where he tries to kick but fails happens
He falls and flashbacks of the school fight happen
He gives up and says he isn't doing karate anymore
That is until the finale fight when CK comes in and fights the EF/MD kids and Kyler beats him up
he remembers why he started karate in the first place and starts fighting again
He chooses to do karate again
Again similar to what we see (Johnny and Carmen, the intro to Kenny, etc)
I think he still feels weird about being back in the world of karate and latches onto Daniel more as a sensei now with the conjoint dojos situation (he's a lot softer on him knowing his situation)
Which pisses Johnny off and makes him jealous (he just misses his kid ya know?)
He tries to make an effort with Miguel but he grows more distant after hearing Daniel's side of the events during TKK
This season could heavily parallel s2 with Kiaz as they're on the opposite sides of the coin now with Robby being with CK and Miguel learning more Miyagi-Do techniques
This could also bring more tension with Lawrusso because of how they're both treating and training him and how Johnny thinks Daniel is taking Miguel away from him
(maybe a fight scene about this idk)
Perhaps Miguel starts feeling bad about pushing Johnny away as he very much still cares about him and sees him trying
Daniel does talk to Miguel about how Johnny does care about him and how he's beaten up about everything and how he wishes he could change everything
This will make the whole "I love you" "I love you, too Robby" scene a lot worse
Miguel feels lost again
The sprain he gets during the All Valley was the final straw for him as he has a panic attack and in a heap of emotions, he leaves for Mexico, not just to find his dad, but to genuinely run away from everything
Also throughout this season, I really wanted to see more of Robby being guilty for what he did during the fight but pushing it away until he sees what Kenny does to Anthony and realizing that history is already about to repeat itself
Also also we do see Miguel talk about collage but brings up that he wants to become a PT (did I take this from someone who reblogged my other rant, yes) and probably want to go Boston University (they have a PT degree program)
Same as we see for the most part
I was hoping Miguel would bring up the whole "I love you" situation but he never did and I wonder why
I wish we saw bits of the car ride home from Mexico and the awkwardness between the boys (there's a good ao3 fic that does this pretty decently)
Perhaps Robby can tell that something is off with Miguel though and tries to spark conversation but the latter refuses to talk to the former because of the school fight
I think the break up should still happen
Both because with everything going on with him, the breakup would just be another stab in the chest, but also because that fucking scene was so good!! Like idk if Mary and Xolo get their flowers for that scene but I'ma need them to get their flowers for that scene
Now he's just this ball of emotions
Johnny still wants to push for the boys to be close since he's caring for both of them now (and ofc the baby) so like in the actual s5, he still tries to get them to talk
Now I would've preferred a heart to heart reconciliation (similar to samtory s6) but since the dudebros would think that's too soft and this is a fighting show, the balcony scene would be fine
Though I do think in a later scene, Kiaz should have a more emotional talk with each other
Miguel just talks about how hard it has been since the school fight and how everything keeps on changing and everything gets a lot for him
Robby tells him that he gets it and confesses how guilty he feels for being the one to put him in the hospital
And then I feel like the rest of s5 can go the way it did
i don't know. maybe this is too convoluted but I do think that the lack of characterization and constant mischaracterization of miguel diaz is due how poorly the writers went about him post s3a imo. i think they could've done something great with him in a way people felt for robby you know? they always randomly bring things up as a way to say "hey he has trauma too" but it's always at the most inopportune times and it always comes off half-assed instead. i love miguel so much because of his happy-go-lucky energy but he has so much wasted potential which is wild to say when he's the main character.
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bigtittiecomitte · 28 days
What are your thoughts on this video?? This was recommend to me and I watched it and I didn't really care for it..maybe it's just me but it feels like this person seems more salty about V not getting together with N instead of giving actually criticisms of why he didn't like the finale, in fact I've seen most people act act this way when it comes to the finale..it's been mixed since it released and more people have lately been finding reasons to find Nuzi *Problematic* and a bad ship with saying the whole N is dating is "sister" (Cyn) because of Uzi and the solver being in one together in the same body even though that's NOT the case!! Idk, part of the reasons I was never able to fully ship Envy was because of some of the toxic fans and V fans and how they treated Uzi as a character..even after the finale Uzi is still getting undeserved mistreatment and hate and it's truly unfortunate. People need to see and realize that although Nuzi is canon people are still allowed to ship whatever they want canon or not, and just because Nuzi is canon doesn't mean anybody can be a dick and jackass. People also shouldn't be sending threats to Liam and Glitch because of the finale, yes the finale was flawed but that doesn't make it okay to to doxx or hass the studio or creator, MD is Liam's show and he should allowed to do whatever he wants with this show, I've said this in my own post but I think many in this fandom truly took this show for granted and didn't really deserve it..although I'm grateful for Murder Drones and will forever cherish it as it's my comfort show, this fandom is truly a mess and I know that's all fandoms..but the MD community is just so toxic and I wished it was a much better and healthier fanbase. :(
I saw the video and holy fuck Media Literacy is DEAD
I’m all for hearing people’s opinions but it really does piss me off when people just start saying crap without properly understanding the characters they’re talking about
For anybody not wanting to check out the video, basically the guy is saying that N and V should’ve gotten together and N and Uzi should’ve just stayed friends or even have a “sibling dynamic” (pretty much stuff we’ve already heard before lol). The issue is that if you have been watching the show with your two eyes you would know that N and V getting together in the end would actually be WORSE for N and V
N and V’s relationship is very catered to the past, present and future. In the past, N and V had a thing for each other in the manor (maybe even dated) then we have the present where N and V are now genocidal robots with the intent of killing worker drones for oil. N still has a crush on V prior to meeting Uzi while V tries to protect her and N by continuing on their path of death due to her trauma of Cyn and everything that happened in the manor, she tries pretending to forget his name and hides secrets from him, which makes him upset and lash out on her. Then we cut to the future, N and V are now friends and living in the bunker with the rest of the worker drones, they’re healing but they’re doing alright now that there’s finally no hiding secrets from one another
The problem with a lot of people complaining that Envy should have been canon instead is the fact that their entire relationship throughout Murder Drones is all about moving on and the fact that not all romantic relationships end with them being happy together. N and V could never have what they had in the manor again because not only have they moved on from each other but they’re also building up their platonic relationship brick by brick. N and V were never proper friends and never got the chance to rekindle until Uzi came along, which another thing I want to talk about
I see so many people hating on Uzi for being the reason as to why N and V didn’t become endgame but if it wasn’t for Uzi. N and V would’ve never ended up where they are today like if they never met Uzi then they would just end up killing all the worker drones and dying after all the oil is gone, N and V wouldn’t even get to rekindle their relationship because it would be stuck to how it was before Uzi came along. The reason as to why Nuzi became endgame and not Envy wasn’t because Liam favoured one ship than the other but because N and Uzi were actually communicating. They were friends and understood each other’s trauma and feelings, which is what made them work. N and V didn’t have that until N lashed out on her and she got her character growth
The only part I can somewhat agree with is that we should have seen V apologise to the real N (she did apologise but it was to a fake N instead) but I’m at least happy that real N was there to know that she was being sincere with her words. They’re all traumatised characters, none of them deserved what they went through
He says that Uzi should’ve stopped having a crush on N which leads to N and V getting together and I just full on stopped the video because how are you seeing the interactions between N and Uzi and thinking that Uzi should have just stopped having a crush on him when N’s feelings for her were also the same, them not being canon would have actually made no sense because of all the moments we had got of them, hell even them implied to be dating in Episode 7 lol. N and V getting together in the end would have been way more rushed than the ship of what some envy shippers actually claim to be rushed
Not only that but him calling V “jealous” of N and Uzi being in love because apparently that’s what she wanted with N, like hell did V tell you that? She’s happy for them even if she doesn’t look like it (I mean I don’t like seeing couples in public either lol)
Nuzi being canon doesn’t mean you have to stop shipping other ships that you find better and it’s totally ok to be disappointed that Envy wasn’t the main ship. But it doesn’t give people the right to just make fake screenshots of Liam’s twitter and blaming Nuzi shippers for the reason as to why Nuzi became canon (apparently we all did a meeting and pay for Nuzi to be canon lmao). Remember that fanfiction and fanart exist my dudes, support your local AU’s too
Basically Envy is a very tragic ship and it was always written that way and guys please stop mischaracterising V it hurts
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hannahssimblr · 1 month
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Before I wake up, I hear buzzing in my dreams. I’m standing ankle deep in water in my back garden. Clontarf. It’s green and filled with algae so viscous that I cannot see the bottom, and there are crocodiles. I don’t see them, but I know they’re in there, lurking, waiting for the chance to lunge at me and have my left leg like a chicken drumstick. It all makes sense in the dream. My phone is buzzing. Why do I have my phone with me? Who is ringing me when there are crocodiles in my garden? 
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“Mmph!” Jen tosses yesterday’s vest across the tent at me, and it startles me awake. 
“Your phone. Your alarm or something. It’s going off.”
“I don’t have an alarm.”
“Uh, well, then it's ringing.” She yanks the covers over her ear and settles back to sleep. 
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I press the green button. “Yeah?”
“Hello!” the voice on the other end is loud, cheerful. Too cheerful for- I check the time on the screen, -ten minutes past six in the morning. 
“Have I woken you up?”
“...it’s fairly early.”
“Oh, sorry. It is already after seven where I am.”
I sigh and sit up, noticing all the places where my body hurts. “Who's this?”
“Jonas!” He says, “Jonas Osterhausen? Remember? We have been emailing?”
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“Oh… yeah, yeah, of course. How are you doing, man?”
“Good, thank you. I was wondering if you received my most recent email. I haven’t heard from you.”
“Um, no, when did you send it?”
“Friday afternoon.”
“Right, well, I’m actually at a festival. I haven’t had internet access. Are you- is everything ok?”
“Yes, I was just once again checking about the deposit. My cousin is at the moment looking for a room, and he is ready to pay now, so I thought that if you had changed your mind-”
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“No.” I say, “No, no, I still want it. I’m sorry I haven’t sent the money, but I’m actually selling my car next week. There’s a buyer. I just need to get back to Dublin to do it. Don’t worry, I’m coming back from my holidays on, like, Wednesday, I think. If you could hold off giving the room to your cousin, I…”
Jonas is chuckling, “Yeah, dude, it’s cool. I’ll keep the room for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Okay, enjoy your festival. It was nice to talk to you over the phone like this. You’re much different when speaking English.”
I rub my eyes. “Yeah?”
“Your German is pretty bad, man.” The line goes dead midway through his belly laugh. 
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The sleeping bag crinkles as Jen turns over to regard me. Yesterday’s makeup smudged, black and blue and glittery, down her face. “Was that your new housemate?”
A pause. “So you’re actually going.”
“Of course.”
I can’t read her expression. “Oh, right.”
“You knew that.”
“Yeah, I just thought… never mind.” She flips over, settling back in with a yawn. “Did you kiss Evie, by the way?”
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I haven't forgotten what I did. Accompanying the memory is a strange, gnawing feeling in my guts, like I have done something irreversibly fucked up. “Maybe.” I say.
“Oh, dear.”
“How’d you know?”
“When we met you two at the market, you just looked like you’d been kissing. I can’t explain it, but you had those mad, black pupils.”
“Maybe we were doing MD.”
“You weren’t.”
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“Okay, well, whatever.” I plonk back down onto my sleeping bag and shut my eyes against the rising sun, glowing through the walls of flimsy nylon. But just as I am drifting off, I hear her stir again. 
“Tell me what it was like.” She whispers. 
“It was fine. None of your business.”
“Right. I was just asking because-”
“Go back to sleep, Jenny.��
“No, like, because I just needed-”
“Shh! Sleeping.”
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“Fine, fine. I’ll talk to you later,” she huffs. "Remind me."
And we try our best to sleep for a few precious hours, before the campsite comes to life around us once again and another day begins.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Sicktember 2023: 16 (USWNT)
Consulting the Internet/Web MD
“Kellll,” you whine, stretching out her name, “I don’t feel well.”
“Alright, Dr. Seuss,” she jokes, leaning on the edge of the table next to you, “what’s wrong?”
“Everything hurts and I think I’m dying.”
“Calm down, drama queen, let’s go one at a time.”
“Fine, for now.”
“Sor- really, Kelley? Are we just listing body parts?”
“Yeah, I don’t know how to deal with a sick child. But you interrupted my stalling, so I still don’t know what to do.”
You give her a minor side eye, “I’m 20, that’s not a child. And I can take care of myself, I just need someone to feel bad for me.”
“You’ve seen the way everyone on this team treats you- sorry, Shorty, but you’re a kid.”
It’s quiet for a moment.
“I still want sympathy, though.”
“Fine, fine. I’m sorry you feel sick, is there anything I can do to help?”
You pause for a moment, thinking, “can you go to the store and get me medicine? My card’s on the desk.”
Both you and Kelley know that she will be putting it on her own credit card, but you still felt the need to offer. 
Kelley nods, standing up and taking a step before pausing and turning back,
“What kind of medicine, what’s even wrong with you?”
“Oh. I don’t know, I’ve never actually taken care of myself.”
“Okay, no worries, I’ll look it up,” there’s a minute, the only sound is the typing of the keyboard on Kelley’s phone due to her refusal to turn the ringer off. 
“According to this, you have,” she squints at her phone, “network connectivity problems. Whatever that is.”
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Mark Sloan- Try Again Pt2
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“What’s going on?” Mark says walking into the room where I’m about to have an ultrasound
“I might be miscarrying” I tell Mark as Callie holds my hand in hers and Mer holds my other hand
“You're not miscarrying” Lucy replies
“Well then it’s an ectopic….”
“It’s not a molar pregnancy is it?” Mark asks making me worried
“Why don’t you let me have a look and we can figure out what’s going on”
“Who are you first and what are your credentials?”
“Lucy Fields, Harvard MD, Duke 0BGYN resident now a Maternal-Foetal Medicine fellow at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Damn good at my job. Who the hell are you”
“For god sake just stick the thing in me and tell me the bad news”
“Everything’s going to be ok” Callie says squeezing my hand.
Lucy turns the screen towards us
“There’s your baby, there’s the yolk sac. Everything looks good. Your still to early on to hear a heartbeat, but at your next appointment you will be able to”
“But the bleeding?”
“Your a doctor, you should know that many woman experience spotting early on in their pregnancy, it doesn’t mean they’re having a miscarriage, however better to be safe than sorry. I’ll go and get that appointment arranged while you get changed”
“Thank you” I smile at Lucy as she leaves
“Here let me help you”
“I’m capable of getting off a bed Mark” I comment
“Sorry, just want to help”
“I know I’m sorry I’m just cranky today”
“I’m gonna give you two some time to talk”
“Thanks for coming with me Callie”
“That’s what friends are for” Callie smiles at me before leaving the room
“I’ve got to go. Everything’s fine in there and I can’t wait to have a niece or nephew” Mer says placing a kiss on my forehead. I watch her leave and then go to try and untie the back of the gown but I can’t seem to undo the knot
“Can you erm…” I ask turning around so my back is facing mark
“Oh yeah sure” I feel his hands undoing the knot
“I feel like Im having dejavu” I joke back to what got us into this predicament making Mark laugh
“Just this time I’m undressing you for a different reason. There” I turn back around to face Mark. We look into each other’s eyes, as if we’re having a moment, but before anything could happen I clear my throat
“I erm need to get changed”
“Oh right yeah. Erm I’ll just, I’ll go” Mark leaves the room letting me get dressed. What am I doing? I’ve already let Mark back in once and look how that’s ended up? Granted he’s always going to be in my life now.
I finish getting dresses and leave the room where Mark is still stood outside of
“I thought you would have go back to work by now?”
“Are you ok?” He asks
“I erm…”
“And don’t lie. I know you” tears starts to threaten to spill
“When I saw the blood this morning I was so scared. I’ve always wanted to be a mom and after we broke up I thought I’d never get the chance. I just couldn’t stop thinking the worst, like if I lost this baby, I don’t know what I would do. It’s not like I have a partner i could try again with and…”
“Ok woah slow down. Come here” Mark pulls me into his chest “shhhh” he strokes my hair “we’re fine. Everything’s fine. Come on let’s go grab something to eat”
“Ok” I sniffle
“Anything you fancy?”
“Baby would quite like a pizza with fries”
“Hmm they would would they?” Mark laughs. He goes to pull away
“Wait, I’m not ready to let you go yet. Just, hold me for a little longer”
“Of course. I’ll hold you for as long as you need.
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
How do I decide a career field?
I mean my entire self esteem, self worth and self confidence is destroyed. I hate myself. I don’t think I’m capable of doing anything. I like art, even though it’s very hard for me to do I’m pushing myself to explore as much as I can. I am thinking of going into data analysis but it’s so overwhelmingly scary for me.
I have an MD, but i can’t pursue it because of my mental health issues.
Okay so I might not be the best person to talk about this, because I figured out that career just isn't important to me when I'm just trying to survive, so I don't think any field is worth chasing or putting effort into, for me at least! Job is just something that gives you the means to get survival resources and that is it.
Otherwise I really relate to what you're saying, I also don't feel like I'd be good at any field, don't feel like I'm made for anything and can't see myself doing anything specialized seriously. It's also very difficult to choose a field when you've never gotten to try bunch of things, never had experience doing stuff and you don't really know what you'd enjoy, what you like, or at least what doesn't feel too stressful, overwhelming and impossible.
It's incredibly impressive that you have a MD, that alone signifies great endurance, persistence and intelligence on your part, and it's awful that mental health issues prevent you from doing anything related to it (I feel the same tho, my degree is in the closet, never seen or used at all lol)
I think the best way to decide is to talk to people who work in various fields and ask them what their day-to-day work is like, and figure out where you see yourself, where you fall in easily, or at least what seems doable, not too stressful, not overwhelming. What doesn't make you hate yourself. I'm just doing cleaning but I couldn't be more pleased because it's very obvious when I've done well and it's so low stakes that pretty much nothing can go wrong. Nobody ever complains either. In fact yesterday I got a text message from a client saying I did amazing, I mean that kind of stuff is ideal to my mental state.
I think we're raised to believe that our career needs to be something very significant, something that creates a place for us in the world, the proof that we're useful to society and that we made something out of ourselves! We need to show off our success and our identity needs to be tied to what we do. And we need to be good at it and make a difference in the world with it.
Well in the current capitalistic climate, this is bullshit. The only socially useful jobs are the ones which get no recognition, no social acceptance, no praise, no acknowledgment, in fact you're looked down upon if you just do manual jobs that are incredibly necessary to keep the society going.
The jobs where you can reach high success and high paycheck - are the ones that make rich people richer, and that is not what I'm about. I mean it's not what anyone really wants to do, but it's the only thing that is considered successful and admirable, and I hate it, don't want to participate in it, makes me want to run away from capitalism.
And also it's a myth that you need to be really good at your job because people do bad jobs constantly and get paid and they don't feel bad at all, lots are bad on purpose and use their jobs to do evil, and get away with it, so there's no pressure to be perfect at your job. If it gets done thats all that matters.
So if you can find anything that just fulfills the purpose of getting your survival resources to you, go for it. If you feel like data analysis is what makes you pleased and happy, go for that. If art makes you feel good, you can do that too! You don't have to have only one job, you can change jobs multiple times during your life, it doesn't need to define who you are, you are not here to serve the society, you're here to survive and you can do your job for yourself only. It's supposed to serve you, not the other way around. You don't exist only to do your job. You exist to be safe, and happy, and fulfilled, and safe. A job is supposed to do this for you, and it doesn't matter which one, as long as you're not being tormented by stress and fear, it's fine.
So what I'm trying to say, the world should not pressure you into making a quick decision, you should take your time trying out stuff and finding what works for you, and what doesn't make you feel awful about yourself. And also if it helps, everyone has a sort of a low confidence when only starting! Everyone is bad at everything when they're starting. Confidence will come with experience, when you see yourself getting better at something trough the years, you will get a chance to gather some faith in yourself and know you're doing well. You can follow any interest you have, regardless of how well or bad you're at it, as long as it can secure you some income. It's okay to be bad at first too because everyone is kinda bad at first.
Also, I've seen some people incredibly confident in their work while doing an awful job at it, it was pretty scary. Like they were doing active harm to society and didn't understand how anything actually worked but boasted about how capable they are because they were picking up a high paycheck. When I think there's people like that, and then others are worried about not being good at anything, it makes me stunned. I truly believe that no matter what you do, you'll never do as much harm as some high-paid people out there.
I hope you don't have a horrible time deciding anon! It's a difficult spot in life for anyone, so don't worry if it takes a bit of time or if you choose something and then quit, it just brings you a step closer to what you actually like doing, and it's a good thing to try things out and pick out the one that works best for you.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
I think the House pfp makes me like you a lot more, lol. /srs
We love our very problematic but extremely, sometimes painfully, unflinchingly honest and mostly accurate portrayal of (SPOILERSSSSSS) canon ASPD. Tbh, one of the few accurate portrayals I've seen and the only one that doesn't cover it up with "but he's a good person" or "but they learn to love and change their ways and no longer are like that yay they're cured" or pair the representation with a side of demonization. Special interest infodump below:
We know House does bad things, but in light of that, the show forces you to stare in the face the questions: What does it mean to be a bad person? If it's your intentions, do your bad actions not matter? If it's your actions, do your intentions not matter? Does the effort not to hurt people in spite of your pain and trauma and maladaptive worldview not matter, no matter how hard you try, if you fail? How many failures is considered "being human" and how many makes it "being a bad human"? Does a good or bad person even exist with how fluid and nuanced life and human nature is? Can you, as a fellow flawed human, define a good or bad person and if so what gives you the right? The show demands you look at this man with low empathy and learn to feel for him whether you like it or not. And so many prosocials completely misunderstand the show and paint him as the antagonist when the entire point of the show is (imo) to humanize the people you shove into the "bad" box. Also hhhh I hate the people who say "House is autistic that's why he acts like this!" Nope nope nope he is literally diagnosed with ASPD. Do I think he's got autism too? Possibly, but I think he may understand social cues, body language, subtext, etc too well for it to be that. I would personally guess ASPD+ADHD+MDD. One of his major specialties is dissecting the social boundaries not because the doesn't understand them, but to show the blind spots they leave, the disservice they do us. He knows what he does is against the norm, he knows he doesn't speak like the people around him and he knows how to do it right. He just *doesn't* because he finds value in removing that and finds no value in others' opinions on him. He knows he is seen as terrible and does not care to change it, not because (imo) he was not accepted as a person but because he was traumatized against people as a whole. See also, MIA and unknown father, questionable mother, shitty stepfather, and all the things he hints at but does not tell us outright. House is a lot of things, but socially unaware is not one of them, and whilst there are autistic people like that who are prosocial, I think the show addressed this clearly in the early episode of the autistic (they used the n*zi term but I will not) child who gives him the PSP or gameboy or whichever it was. House sees some of himself in that child, but it is clearly addressed that it's not quite right - that House relates but does not seem to click properly with being autistic. However, in the "soci*path" patient episode, House heavily struggles to separate himself from her, and finds himself repeatedly coming up empty on reasons they aren't the same. In fact, when he finds out it is reversible, it seems to me like he is simultaneously glad to have figured out the puzzle - and maybe to save her from his suffering - and distressed and jealous that she gets to get out of this. She will get to meet people who did not know her that way and be like them and feel like them and feel like one of them. Unlike in the autism episode, the characters around him seem to believe he has it as well. If he is autistic, he has ASPD as well - diagnosed in fact.
It's such a damn good show.
You did not ask for my (as restrained as possible) infodump about House, MD but you activated my special interest trap card.
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mwagneto · 9 months
sherlock & co. review from an insane person (me) coz this is like. the 25th? sherlock adaptation i've checked out so ofc i have opinions on everything ever. and ik ppl who work on indie podcasts browse tumblr sometimes so just in case you work on this DON'T click keep reading, this post is not for youuu shoo. thanks x
ok so far it's like. fine? which is lowkey sad coz i wish it was smtg i really liked but it hasn't gripped me yet which is a shame but yknow. early days. i'm giving it time since it's only 15 episodes so far
my main issue is like. i really wish it wasn't so obviously influenced by bbc but it just so clearly is which is a shaaame like it's better than bbc in every aspect but yknow. not a high bar to clear. like it kinda feels like they liked a lot of things abt bbc and set out to fix the bad parts (h&w friendship being nonexistent, the mysteries being shit) but just kept the rest? in some places keeping things that were invented by bbc which is. baffling tbh
i'm not really picky when it comes to h&w personalities like i think it's fine to just do whatever you want w them, i think it's really fun when an adaptation gives them different personalities than what you're used to but, and this is where it feels far too bbc-ish for comfort, i just don't like it when sherlock is a cunt for no reason? like. he's not a mean person he's only mean in bbc coz moffat thought house md was cool and ripped it off. can we stop making him mean pleeeease 😭 he's just some guy..................
h&w relationship wise it's like... ok so i tend to go into adaptations with a fully clean slate so like i never let my general attachment to them influence how i view them in specific adaptations, the work itself needs to sell me on both the characters and the relationship and like... here neither of those really happened yet which makes me sad coz i think by now it should've but i'm giving it time. at least they're friends and i like that watson is useful for cases/knows things holmes doesn't sometimes coz thats like. such an essential element to sh stories for me and a loooottt of adaptations tend to just completely forget it so that's a win but idk if anything they're too tame? like i dont expect a romance but they can't just be casual friends they need to be bat shit crazy about each other. to me. but like maybe that'll develop over the rest of the podcast we'll see
kinda related to that point but case-wise i think holmes is a bit too ahead of everyone else sometimes which isn't inherently a problem but it does once again smell of bbc which like. noone should ever emulate moffat writing don't do that 🙏 god bles. but i've been able to solve every case along with/before the mcs which is like. thee point of mystery stories for me so yea i really like the stories themselves so far, especially the way they manage to make them solvable even without visuals or narration. OH and i almost forgot but i rly like the soundtrack, i love it when sh soundtracks have a heavy emphasis on violins coz. yknow
howeverr i am on my hands and knees begging them not to give watson a girlfriend tho like please oh myfffucking god . obvs watsonlock doesn't usually factor into my enjoyment of adaptations given that like. y'know. out of the hundreds out there theres only two where either of them is even gay so it's not something i expect nor require but like. to me it is essential that these two ppl are insane abt each other and don't really have anyone else, definitely noone important. like even the rdj movies got this despite ritchie's obsession w the 2 men 1 woman dynamic so idk why i'm constantly having to wage a war against random unnecessary romances for either watson or, god forbid, holmes. when the only interesting relationship either of these men have is with each other. that one granada holmes quote about them choosing not to include mary coz holmes and watson dont need anyone else etc etc. like i seriously dislike it when they introduce anyone else like cmonnnnnn thog dont care
anyway tldr. i guess if asked to pick a short description i'd say. promising? i hope it's gonna be good in the long run. the way they do mysteries is already something i like so. i hope they keep that up and i hope the h&w relationship evolves into something i enjoy coz so far i'm like. i can see the bones of smtg i'll potentially like but it's not there yet. but also like. this is an indie production i'm listening to for free so ion wanna rip into it these are mainly just what i liked/disliked based on the preferences i developed with this one quick trick (grow up completely insane abt sherlock holmes -> consume every adaptation that you can get your paws on -> no profit)
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Hi! So I've got a question, what are your opinions and thoughts on the YouTuber, "Vanitymoth" he's kinda a Murder Drones reviewer and has done a couple of content related to the series, I'm interested if you heard of him or see his contact and I wanted to know your thoughts, it looks like he'll also be reviewing EP 6 which is probably gonna be negative because that's just how he is unfortunately.
And that's honestly my main issue with him, now it's fine having opinions and being honest and not sugar coding anything, but it just feels like this dude is negative about almost everything he reviews (somebody even pointed that out in his comments+ community post and said that's just how he rolls) he isn't fun, funny and just not entertaining. And he's also kinda boring to listen to as well, imo and just not very fun to watch, he also made a horrible and trashfire review of Lackadaisy. It also feels like him and others are kinda turning on Murder Drones and are disliking it because of it's story direction...and it makes me wonder sometimes, is MD REALLY a bad show and not as good as we thought, and do fans just have their rose tinted glasses on and are only trying to see the positive side and ignore criticism? Do you believe the show is good, or is it going downhill like others have been saying? I'm still new to the show myself and wanted to know your thoughts on this, it kinda does feel sad people are turning on MD (people still wanna compare it to shows like HB, some have said it's going downhill and turning bad like that show) as I think it's still a unique and watchable show and it honestly deserves it's love and support, it's not perfect..but I still feel saddened it's being hated and torn apart now by some, especially by some toxic fans, fans on reddit and Vanitymoth himself. :(
Honestly that guy probally has a very biased opinion on the show at this point. It never feels like he gets satisfied with anything from the show anymore. (And i really feel like it has something to do with Nuzi )
And all the bad reviews i have been seeing can be resumed to a simple "Its not the same thing that used to be" or "this is not the direction i wanted" tbh
I guess they thought Liam was a edgy guy who only enjoys creepy and meta dark edgy stuff. They din't expect to the guy to be an actual writter lmfao
Am i saying this show is perfect? Ofc not. But all the reviews i have seen so far from the people who dont have any weird bias are saying this episode was one of the most greatest yet, im not a writter but i can totally agree with that, in the same way i agreed with them with how "home" really was one of the weakest/most confusing
I honestly don't think majority of these guys are giving genuine criticism, they just really weren't expecting to the show to go to such an emotinal direction.
If you ever see any blog or post with a person giving GENUINE criticism feel free to send it to me to talk about it! But for now i cant really take those guys seriously, they all sound so petty and childish
Even the comments of his community post are saying "if you dont think this episode was good idk what to tell you" lmfaool
Also, If they really think dead end was a weak episode they are INSANE these people are blind hello?????
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pep-the-artemis · 7 months
What I think Murder Drones needs to be a perfect show for me is two more episodes (so ten episodes total not including the alluded series 2) or to make the episodes like 5-10 minutes longer. I know with indie productions more episodes is difficult but MD needs it but I have a few reasons defending my position.
For one, all the characters are well written with very fun and interesting dynamics to the point an episode centred around any one of the core cast would be wonderful. But due to MD being so plot heavy (a prerequisite of an 8 episode structure), we don't get much time to sit back and enjoy the characters and to watch them grow. Extra time given for the characters to just exist would do wonders for the show.
(spoilers ahead from this point on)
Secondly, there is a notable shift from episode 2 to 3, the plot really suffocates imo. in episodes 1 and 2, I feel they really struct a great balance between plot and character development. The episodes are slower giving more time to the side characters. The action scenes are coddled by slower scenes of self-reflection and character development, which is a concept Miyazaki argues is very important. In episode 3 and beyond, I feel the plot takes a stronger lead with basically every scene directly advancing the story causing the show to feel much faster and the side characters to become neglected (rip Thad, your cool kids shin dig will be missed). Stories speeding up is not uncommon nor inherently bad and basically universal but I still feel with Murder drones its jarring.
Thirdly, some parts just needed way more time to flesh out imo. The biggest offender for me was Uzi becoming a 'murder drone' for lack of a better phrase (I know its canonically called 'Absolute Solver' but she was already one of them way before gaining the wings and lust for oil). The show had a full episode basically dedicated to her transformation but then no more, the next episode we're just supposed to presume that she had gained control over the changes to some level of competency and had come to terms with the implications (not going into the implications of becoming a 'blood thirsty' creature was so underutilised it caused me to spend over 6 hours writing a short story just about that concept alone). We need time to see her adapt and come to terms with the implications imo, I think its so important it could have its own dedicated episode.
As I said earlier, there isn't much that can be done, I'm really crying into the wind here. But I still think its sad and I want to be sad about it but you can't cry on social media so you have to express your emotions in a different manner. I wonder will anyone agree?
ps. I chose two extra episodes because i felt you could add two episodes to the show without any drastic changes to the other episodes. I feel more episodes (although lovely) would be a lot more to ask of Glitch and would also require a more substantial restructuring of the series.
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vase-of-lilies · 11 months
How about a one shot of mommy getting mad at mama because when we pout mama all of a sudden forgets the rules. Oh, no ice cream before bed? Forgotten. Only 30 minutes of tv time ? Nope . Baby’s in the corner for saying no when told to clean toys ? No she’s not. Only three sweets a day? Never ! Baby’s not allowed on mama’s motorcycle? Well, just this once ( this was mommy’s snapping point, at mama of course. Because we didn’t know any better ) for the tiny tiger au please :)
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What Rules?
Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader (f) x Mama!Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Heavy MD/LG, dark AU, Nat is defiant and mad at Wanda, literally Nat is a menace and honestly it takes after Tiny lol, rule-breaking, mentions of spanking
A/n: I love this, omg. I feel like because Nat grew up in such a tight-knit childhood, she would be SO lenient with rules when Wanda wasn’t watching 😂 I LOVE this request AHHHHH Thank you for sending it in! And thank you for the kind words!
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Natasha was never able to do what she wanted when she was young. Being in the widow program was a torturous process and was under a hawk-like rule enforcement. So whenever she could, she would let you have some leniency with the rules that Wanda and her have set for you.
Those rules and punishments were posted on the refrigerator door;
No big girl words (cussing) - Soap in mouth
Clean up toys after playing and put them in their home - In the corner in time out for 10 minutes
30 minutes of TV a day - No TV for 24 hours
No sweets before dinner or before bed - No sweets for 2 days
Not allowed on Mama's motorcycle while in little space - 10 spanks
You were very obedient when you should be! But of course, when on the days you were fussy or didn't get enough sleep, these were the days you pouted. Your mommy was not happy when you were not happy so she allowed you to break some of these rules to cheer you up.
On a cloudy Tuesday morning, you woke up very grumpy. Wanda couldn't tell if it was a bad dream, hunger, or just plain old defiance that you woke up with, but she was quick to soothe you as she did every morning by feeding you.
This morning, however, the usual things didn't help you. Wanda was perplexed so she requested Nat to help you instead. When she came into the room she frowned as she saw you sniffling with your lion clutched to your chest.
"Hi my little love, whats going on today?" Nat asks, sitting down on your bed next to her wife. You didn't answer, your only response was whimpers of distress as you hid your face against Leo's head. Your mama gently tickles your arm and looks to Wanda, silently letting her know she can do what work she needs to do today.
"How about we have some play time? Do you want to play with your legos?" Your eyes lit up at the sound of playing with your new Lego set Uncle Tony bought you. It was the set you had always wanted; a lego vase with more blocks to make four (4) flowers to go inside of it. Wanda was against it at first, knowing that you like to suck on things, but you promised that you would have your paci when you played so you kept the legos out of your mouth.
Natasha helped you read the instructions while you built, and Wanda worked on her laptop in the mushroom tent in the corner of your room. She was contemplating telling Bucky about you, knowing that his health has gone downhill since your "death." Wanda still cares about Bucky and knows when you are in your adult head space you miss him greatly. But now wasn't the time.
Wanda's head snapped up at the sound of clapping from you, your little vase of Lego flowers now complete.
"Good job, Tiny! Look how pretty!" Nat said, giving your hair a little ruffle from her hand. You giggle in response and stand up with Leo, leaving the mess of extra pieces and wrapping on the floor.
Wanda follows you with her head as you walk out of the bedroom and then looks back at her wife, trying to find an explanation as to why you didn't clean up.
"What was that about? She needs to clean up her mess," Wanda states, closing her laptop and getting up from the mushroom tent. "You knew that, love..." She folds her arms as Nat stands as well.
"I just wanted to give her a break, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'll have her clean up later, ok?" Natasha made the excuse, knowing exactly what she was doing by allowing you to break this rule. She kisses Wanda's head and then her lips, saying softly, "Get some work done, ok? I know you have been real busy with Y/n, so take a much needed break."
Wanda smiled at her wife, leaning her forehead against Nat's chin, sighing in relief. "Thank you, love. And please, keep her in line, ok? I don't want any more rules to be broken."
Her wife only nods and kisses her head once more. Gently, Nat pats Wanda's bum and she chuckles as looks down at the mess you made. Ignoring it now, she goes to the living room where you are sat on the couch watching [enter favorite cartoon], the volume on low.
Nat sits down next to you and lets you cuddle against her, your paci in your mouth and Leo in your arms.
Thirty (30) minutes go by, and you stay as still as possible. You didn't want to remind your mama of the time limit. However, she already knows this limit doesn't apply to you today. She smiles as she pulls you into her arms and you lay against her chest. Your eyes are glued to the TV, the soft colors of the cartoon occupying your brain.
An hour and a half later, you have now fallen asleep for your daily nap and Wanda was confused as to what Nat was doing. She heard the TV going for much longer than thirty (30) minutes and came to check on you. You were in and out of sleep, still watching the TV as you tried to stay awake.
Wanda sat next to you and put your head in her lap, brushing a very obvious ice cream stain from your chin. Nat was no longer watching you as she left you to watch TV to go work on her widow gear. She came in through the backdoor and smiled at her wife on the couch, not paying attention to Wanda's angry face.
"Hi, love! Is she asleep for her nap yet?" She asks, starting to clean the two ice cream bowls in the sink. Wanda nods and looks down at your sleeping face in her lap, sighing as she shakes her head in disappointment.
"I have a little bit more to work on, are you going to be good?" Wanda asks her wife this time, the redhead responding with a small chuckle and a nod.
"Of course, I only want the best for all of us." She says softly, tucking a third chocolate bar behind the coffee maker to hide it. She plans on giving it to you after your nap, and one more right before bed.
"Ok..." Wanda says hesitantly, laying your head back on your pillow and laying a soft blanket over you. "I love you, tiny, sleep tight." She whispers, kissing your head.
After your nap, Nat is there to greet you with not one (1), but TWO (2) chocolate bars! Today could not have been better! You ate the sweets with a smile on your face, sighing as you finished the last square. "Nummy..." You say, looking up at your mama.
"Why don't we do something else? What ever you want to do, love, just name it." Natasha said, knowing full well that you would want to break another rule.
Immediately you think of what you want to do. "Bike! Bike!" Nat smirks and nods softly. "As you wish! Let's go before Mommy sees!"
You nod and stand up, holding Nat's hand while you walk to the garage. Wanda was suspicious, so she checked on the cameras to see what you were doing. She was furious when she saw you on top of your mama's motorcycle, pretending to drive it. Your caregivers agreed to have this rule for your safety, and Nat was going completely against it.
Stomping to the garage, Wanda slams the door open. You jump and your eyes widen as you see your mommy in the doorway. Tilting your head, you look back to your mama, curious as to why Wanda was so angry. Nat let you do this, so it wasn't really breaking a rule, right?
Wanda makes her way over to you on the bike and lifts you off of it, gripping your wrist and pulling you back inside. Nat instantly follows, stopping Wanda before she is able to punish you.
"Wanda! Wait! It was my fault, don't punish her, she didn't know better." Nat's words make Wanda freeze.
"You allowed her to get on your bike?? First, you don't put her in time out for not cleaning up, and then you let her watch an hour and a half of TV. And don't think I didn't see the ice cream stains and the chocolate wrappers in the garbage can. Now this? What has gotten into you??"
Wanda removes you from over her lap and lets you sit on the couch. Watching your mommy stand up, she approaches your mama. "I understand that this is hard with Bucky trying to get to us. But we run a tight ship here and I need you to bring all hands on deck. If this happens again, there will be more consequences."
Natasha sighs and nods in understanding. "Can I at least give her the last chocolate bar? I promised her she could have it after she brushes her teeth..."
Wanda presses her hand to her head and looks up at Nat. "You know the goddamn answer to that."
The two women laugh together, moving to the couch to give you a stern talk about Mama letting you break the rules.
"Remember, even if Mama or Mommy says you can break a rule, tell her you want to be a good girl. Do you understand, Tiny?"
You nod, still confused about what happened today. Your mind was clouded and you just wanted to be with your mommies now, and that was what they gave you. All the attention you could ever need.
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majorbaby · 10 months
as someone who has Feelings about House (I was watching it when I became disabled so oof), do spill the House takes?
Gregory House is a relic of early 2000s, vaguely Dane-Cookian, edgelord-style comedy so it's somewhat amusing to watch tumblr blorbify him. It gives me the sense that people are unaware that he's the type to unironically say, "I'm not racist, I hate all races equally". Blorbofication seems to to really rely on projecting on a character, or identifying with them, and House is a character who should be blorbofied with care. Of course you can identify with a character that makes poor choices and behaves badly while simultaneously condemning those actions IRL, but honestly, there seems to be a lot of irony-turned-sincere in the "asshole (affectionate)" sector of various fandoms these days and the push to rehabilitate House in fanwork so that he's a better person leaves me with a lot of questionmarks.
the rest of this is beneath a cut because it got super super long, sorry about that!
Here's one thing I do like about him: sometimes his unabashed assholery allowed House to do and say more progressive things than any heroic protagonist could ever say on television at the time, because radical speech is almost always an affront to the status quo. House could be pro-choice, staunchly atheist and practically allergic to any kind of traditional romantic relationship, and this was all acceptable to audiences because House is intentionally written as an asshole.
He's still an asshole though, in plenty of ways that aren't cute or excusable. The show and the character are plenty misogynist, racist, homophobic and yeah, House is disabled himself, but he's also ableist towards his patients. I'm not pointing these things out to say "don't watch this show because it's bad" but they're also unavoidable truths about the show. It's not subtle at all either, and it extends to production. House MD is famous for its wacky plotlines and doctors committing all kinds of medical malpractice or outright felonies, with the exception of Foreman who got less material because, as House would put it, "black guy". This kind of works out for Foreman because by virtue of getting much less material beyond "only sane man" or "voice of reason" or "endlessly patient with his racist boss", he's the most normal of the cast, and it made sense for him to succeed Cuddy at the end of the series. Every woman on the show exhibits saint-like patience towards him. Cuddy, Cameron and Thirteen could've collaborated to quietly murder this guy and I'd be shocked (well. would I??? this show did some truly wacky things) but I can't say I'd feel a terrible amount of sympathy.
The issue I have with a lot of the recent fic and headcanonry around the show is this "healed by love" trope that I keep seeing pop up. House's most basic traits are that he's 1) brilliant and 2) an asshole. The show asks over and over whether or not House will ever change, and the answer is always no. If he's rehabilitated, he is no longer Gregory House. Like, write what you want but why write House if he's not going to be an asshole? Or if you are going to rehabilitate him, understand that there's 8 seasons of television that deliberately, consistently portray him as being a lost cause in terms of positive character development. I've seen the claim that he's "good disabled rep" and like, on its face I agree with that. House is in pain 24/7, his brain functions differently from other people, he struggles in social interactions, he wants to be loved in spite of knowing he is hard to love, he tries to do better but he repeatedly fails. All of these experiences have a place in fiction, but rehabilitating him revokes that place.
More specific to my own blog, I've encountered a few posts comparing beejhawk to hilson and that's on its face ridiculous. Even if we disagree that Hawkeye is a good person, MASH frames him as a good person whereasHouse is a bad person who is framed as a bad person. I'm more ambiguous towards the Wilson-BJ comparison, but at least Wilson is canonically shown to possess some of the traits that are commonly assigned to BJ within fanwork. House and Hawkeye on the other hand... like Hawkeye and Wilson have more in common with one another, Wilson being compassionate and communicative towards his friends and patients, including House when House isn't being particularly likeable (there actually might be a bit of BJ in House, lol).
imo, it's part of a trend of homogenizing ship and character dynamics, molding characters/ships/settings to certain popular tropes rather than the other way around across fandoms... to what end, I have no idea. I'm of the opinion that nothing in fanfic presents any kind of real-world "risk" in comparison to mainstream media, but it seems to me that presenting all the big gay ships as being "the same", essentially inventing new gay stereotypes is something we maaaay want to move away from. Or at least ask ourselves why we do this with gay men specifically.
okay MASH/perils-of-gay-fandom tangent over. basically, House is a mediocre show, albeit with some very good acting. it offers great fodder for fanwork because the characters are all some kind of hot mess (except for Foreman), it's got plenty of sex and drugs, and despite the fact that every medical drama to ever exist has contained all of these elements setting each other off, there's still a societal expectation that doctors and nurses have their shit together. these are people who are responsible for human life, so they can't possibly be sex-having, substance-abusing, hot messes, right?
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