#anti aegon v targaryen
agentrouka-blog · 1 year
theirs many similarities between egg and dany which has lead me to believe that dany is gonna end up so deep into a prophecy that its gonna burn down her entire regime similar to how egg saw prophecy that led him to kill majority of the remaining targs ending his regime
I don't even think that Aegon V was that prophecy-obsessed. He just wanted the power of dragonflame to enforce his policy-decisions. He seems at the very least ambivalent about the prophecy aspects as late as the marriage between Aerys and Rhaella.
I suspect the prophecy-obsession was more prevalent with his children due to their closeness to the Ghost of High Heart (and whatever shred of truth or not may be attached the role of the prophecy for House Targ as presented in HOTD). Shaera and Jaehaerys II forced their children to marry each other on the word of the GOHH. Abdicated and politically unmotivated Duncan Targaryen was present during the ritual at Summerhall for some reason.
That tragedy was likely fed by several competing angles: prophetic and political. Both sides were united in the thing they wanted: the power of dragons. Both sides were obliterated in a conflagration.
So far, the political angle far outweighs any interest in prophecy for Daenerys, while that aspect is well-covered by the Stannis faction. Stannis is also ambivalent but opportunistic with regard to it, much like his own ancestor Aegon V. Dany is all about employing dragons for her political and martial ends, so far.
We'll see if that changes once she comes into contact with representatives of the R'hllor religion or gains further insight into what motivated her brother Rhaegar.
I don't really expect her ending to be primarily motivated by the desire to fulfill a prophecy, though. Too much of her arc so far has been motivated by her own sense of destiny, her own childhood trauma and her own fantasies of what a return to Westeros might mean for her personal happiness. The throne itself is her goal, and it's a painfully empty one. I don't expect GRRM to replace the inherent tragedy of this misguided personal desire with a different motivation so late into the books.
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alaynasansa · 1 year
Aegon V wanted to make his subjects obey by establishing his own version of the Terror (with dragonfire because fantasy and Targaryens)
That doesn't sound like positive foreshadowing
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theflorasdiary · 2 months
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keep this man away from all the asoiaf things out there!
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
Kinda ironic Rhaenyra gets dubbed "Maegor the Cruel with Tits", when one of his most abominable deeds was supposed to be killing his nephew- Aegon the Uncrowned- on a much smaller dragon, which is exactly what Aemond did to Nyra's child.
Meanwhile Aemond gets a nickname and a statue out of it.
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rynnthefangirl · 5 months
I love how Fire and Blood shows time and time again how Targaryen women are passed over, usurped, abused, killed, raped, and slandered, all building to Daenerys, a Targaryen woman who rises to great power while seeking justice and salvation for all those crushed beneath the oppressive systems of her world... just to be usurped and killed so that we can place a man on the throne again.
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feanoryen · 10 months
Putting Targ males into tiers based on how much I like them.
I would plant my DNA in a crime scene for them:
Aemon the Pale Prince, Vaegon, Daeron the Daring, Jacaerys, Viserys II, Aemon the Dragonknight, Baelor Breakspear, Maester Aemon, Aegon V
I would kiss them:
Aegon II (after I give him a breath mint), Aemond, Daeron II, Maekar, Daeron the Drunken, Duncan, Viserys III
My happy vitamins:
Aenys, Baelon, Laenor, Lucerys, Aegon III, Aerys I, Valarr, Daeron son of Aegon V
They interest me, but I wouldn't say I like them:
Aegon I, Jaehaerys I, Daeron I, Baelor I, Daemon Blackfyre, Bloodraven, Rhaegar
Completely neutral:
Aegon the Uncrowned, Viserys son of Aenys, Joffrey, Rhaegel, Matarys, Aelor
Love to hate them:
Maegor, Viserys I, Aegon IV, Bittersteel, Aerion Brightflame, Aerys II
Jaehaerys II
I'd pay to burn them alive they infuriate me so much:
Daemon the Rogue Prince
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allovesthings · 7 months
GRRM: I like writing characters with shades of gray.
Half of the fandom: ThE TaRgArYeNs ArE aLl MaD aNd ThE rEaL vIlLaInS.
You guys couldn't even handle Egg and Dany, two canonically pretty good rulers. People are still to this day, making the: mad queen Dany and Egg purposefully tried to sacrifice his great-grandson and granddaughter theories. How are you going to handle Rhaenyra ? I'm begging you to consider what morally grey means (hint: it doesn't mean making the choice to purposefully sacrifice your own family and/or burning an entire city to the ground).
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If HBO favors the Greens over the Blacks (probably because the Blacks are Dany's direct ancestors), I kinda fear a Dunk and Egg show playing favorites with Aerion over Egg for the same reasons. Also wouldn't be surprised if every female character in Dunk and Egg gets turned into a passive, sobbing knock-off Sansa like Alicent is in HOTD (at least book Alicent is more interesting, even though I find both versions of the character to be pretty vile people).
I'm hoping that if HBO does choose to do a Dunk and Egg show, they'll have better show runners than Condal and Hess, but I'm not holding my breath. If they choose to follow the HOTD model, here's how I think it'd go:
Maekar actually married his wife, Dyana Dayne, when she was fifteen, while he was thirty-two (don't think about the timeline, just watch the fun marital rape scenes!). Dyana is actually a repressed lesbian who's in love with her handmaid. Maekar doesn't care about any of his children, instead he's obsessed with medieval legos!
Daeron's visions make him be completely unable to have conversations with people, he just whispers ominously in a corner. Aerion isn't actually a sadistic asshole who tormented his little brother by the way. No, he's just sooo misunderstood and no one bothered to teach him that killing animals and threatening to mutilate his brother is wrong! Aemon is completely devoted to the Faith and hates his heathen family members but he still wants to be a dragon rider for some reason.
Daella wants to be a man, she hates womanhood, motherhood, and femininity! She wants to be a knight, but never actually does anything to try to pursue those dreams, just mentions it once in the first episode. Rhae exists, maybe.
Meanwhile, Aegon, despite being a titular character, doesn't get as much screen time as his more "interesting siblings". No, he's doing things, maybe, meanwhile we get to watch random rape scenes and Aerion jack off a few times. Duncan is far from your stereotypical noble knight, oh no, he's a borderline psychopath when he doesn't get his way, but somehow is still redeemable? He also actually did kidnap Aegon, Daeron didn't smuggle him out, he did this because Daella slept with him but refused to run away with him.
This is a joke post, but I'm truly genuinely scared of how HBO would handle a Dunk and Egg adaptation. Neither HOTD nor GOT are actually good adaptations, they both ignore important plot points and themes. Dunk and Egg would just become a mess of "subverted expectations" and sexist fake feminism.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
i am extremely fucking tired of people solely blaming alicent for aegon like he didn’t have a fucking decrepit, irresponsible r**ist fuckwad deadbeat for a father. vise rys is at LEAST equally but actually more responsible for aegon turning out the way he is because the man is a fucking deadbeat to children he had no problem *making* and it’s incredibly transparent of people to act like it’s all alicent’s fault. like truly knowing it all or not, it’s equally bad because he was still being a fucking deadbeat and should’ve paid attention to his kids but too many of the people who watch this show act like alicent is the devil for not personally beheading her son or something. /sigh
#tbd#anti viserys i targaryen#pro alicent hightower#alicent hightower defense squad#sorry but they made vise rys extra disgusting but also expect you to feel like he's a good man#like where were your morals and your 'my ownnnlly child' sentiments when you were regularly r-wording and impregnating someone who was#a literal child when this started#people will look at the 15 year old and genuinely act like she brought this upon herself#like good king v i serys isn't total scum for even going there with a girl as young as alicent#sorry but as far as the show is concerned esp#her motivation could literally be i want to burn vis erys and everything he cared about to the ground and i'd still support her bc#like how do u watch how the show portrays this dynamic and not conclude that she is 100% the victim here#even if u hate alicent can you stop being so fucking disgusting about the wretched bc#*the wretched situation she is in#that man was fucking foul towards his children and his parental neglect is definitely a far bigger reason for why aegon is so fucked up#anyway i just think alicent should've smothered that crypt keeper looking motherfucker while he was sleeping#(before book clowns come at me i am a book clown)#doesn't matter the show made it like that and people look at how the show made it and then say the most disgusting things about alicent.#they also act like she did nothing but she did not do nothing. she did the best she could.#and people comparing vis erys to ned stark like ned would EVER be disgusting enough to do that with a child#fandom wank#tw rape
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long-claw · 8 months
feel so bad for egg because can you imagine unlearning the targaryen mess that is "sibling incest is cool 😎", only for two of your kids to be the first ones to shag and get married (IN SECRET) since your great grandfather the unworthy died
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Actually didn't Aegon V want Jaehaerys to marry a Tully and he wanted Shaera to marry a Tyrell? They were suppose to but then they "fell in love with each other" and eloped. They went to a woods witch and then forced their own kids to marry each other. Jaehaerys and Shaera did all that incest crap. Not Aegon.
And he let them.
You could argue that he had no control over what the other kids did "for love" - not that there was much in the way of consequence even though their privilege rests on their duty - but his grandchildren did not want this. And he - the king - did nothing to prevent it.
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diamondperfumes · 1 year
“The puppet lions grow greedy and arrogant as this treasonous tale proceeds, until they begin to devour their own subjects. When the noble stag makes objection, the lions devour him as well, and roar that it is their right as the mightiest of beasts.”               “And is that the end of it?” Cersei asked, amused. Looked at in the right light, it could be seen as a salutary lesson. “No, Your Grace. At the end a dragon hatches from an egg and devours all of the lions.” –AFFC Cersei V
This passage is meaningful, yes, but it's a little irritating to see that GRRM’s hint that Daenerys is being set up to save Westeros from the destruction the Lannisters are wreaking is turned into a more generic “the smallfolk want a Targaryen restoration.” At this moment in the series (AFFC Cersei V), no one in Westeros knows that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. No one knows that there is a boy being fashioned as Aegon VI Targaryen, allegedly the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. Thus, this play is not a reference to Jon or Young Griff together with Dany, or Jon and Young Griff at all. It's exclusively a reference to Daenerys (and her dragons, and people).
Especially because Daenerys is the only one who actually successfully hatches dragons from their eggs. Jon and Young Griff will never do that. This play is based on the reputation Daenerys has made for herself as queen, conqueror, khal, mother, and dragon, in Essos. It means that the smallfolk specifically see Dany as their savior, not just any random Targaryen who can take her place.
It's important that people know this because far too many ASOIAF fans are content to take Dany's achievements away from her and reward male Targaryens in her place just because they're men. It's also hypocritical because Dany is usually the centerpiece for both the in-universe stigma against Targaryens (e.g. Robert, Mace Tyrell) and the fandom's centerpiece for anti-Targaryen analysis.
Moreover, as GRRM has pointed out, Feast and Dance are meant to parallel and contrast Cersei and Dany, as the only two ruling queen viewpoints. It's not Jon and Young Griff being contrasted with Cersei; only Dany is. The only Targaryens the smallfolk of Westeros, the acolytes of the Citadel, Davos and the men he meets at the inn, are speaking of as heralding a potential Targaryen Restoration, prior to the epilogue of ADWD when Young Griff has invaded, is Daenerys Stormborn. Jon and Young Griff don't automatically get "Targaryen points" with the smallfolk just because of their (potential) parentage. Dany gets this place in the narrative not for her name but for the things she has accomplished, and that is a critical theme GRRM has laid out through her arc and through the viewpoints of the characters who comment on her or hear about her.
(By the way, this isn't a post in line with those "Dany is the anti-Targaryen" types either. Dany is very much the emblem and zenith of her house, which is my point. Jon and Young Griff shouldn't get any credit for reviving the house when they haven't done anything for it.)
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Alas, the king was not of a forgiving mind. Urged on by his mother, the Queen Dowager Alicent, Aegon II was determined to exact vengeance upon those who had betrayed and deposed him. He started with the crownlands, sending forth his own men and the stormlanders of Borros Baratheon against Rosby, Stokeworth, and Duskendale and the surrounding keeps and villages. Though the lords thus accosted, through their stewards and castellans, were quick to lower Rhaenyra’s quartered banner and raise Aegon’s golden dragon in its stead, each in turn was brought in chains to King’s Landing and forced to do obeisance before the king. Nor were they freed until they had agreed to pay a heavy ransom, and provide the Crown with suitable hostages. This campaign proved a grave mistake, for it only served to harden the hearts of the late queen’s men against the king. Reports soon reached King’s Landing of warriors gathering in great numbers at Winterfell, Barrowton, and White Harbor. In the riverlands, the aged and bedridden Lord Grover Tully had finally died (of apoplexy from having his house fight against the rightful king at Second Tumbleton, Mushroom says), and his grandson Elmo, now at last the Lord of Riverrun, had called the lords of the Trident to war once more, lest he suffer the same fate as Lords Rosby, Stokeworth, and Darklyn. To him gathered Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree, already a seasoned warrior at three-and-ten; his fierce young aunt, Black Aly, with three hundred bows; Lady Sabitha Frey, the merciless and grasping Lady of the Twins; Lord Hugo Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest; Lord Jorah Mallister of Seagard; Lord Roland Darry of Darry; aye, and even Humfrey Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge, whose house had hitherto supported King Aegon’s cause.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
How badly do you need to piss off the Lords, for Brackens to defect and join the same side as Blackwoods of their own free will?
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rynnthefangirl · 27 days
The ending of Game of Thrones really does… nothing, for the smallfolk.
The one character whose arc is centered around the plight of the lower classes is turned into a psycho tyrant who mass murders peasants for no reason. And there is nobody else to take up this mantle. The two surviving characters who come next closest to having arcs that center around empathizing with the lower classes are not given positions of power at the end— they are sent away, Arya on a far away voyage and Jon back to the Nights Watch. The two people who rule at the end— Bran and Sansa— have arcs that have absolutely nothing to do with caring for the plight of the lower classes.
The new system of government put into place doesn’t give any sort of power to the Smallfolk— it is the lords of westeros who get to vote on the new king. Now instead of the game being “who can grab power by marrying into the throne” the game will be “who can grab power by getting lords to vote for them”. And who is going to have the advantage here? Rich and cutthroat lords who can bribe and threaten their way to power. The Tywin Lannisters of the world.
Rights for the Smallfolk comes at the expense of the power of the lords, so do we think this new system will put in power anyone who gives a shit about the smallfolk? Westerosi history TELLS us that is not the case. When Aegon V was chosen as king, his only competition was a literal baby with a deranged psychopath as a father. And still there were lords who voiced objection to his appointment, believing he was “half a peasant” and therefore unfit for the throne. Had there been another option besides baby Maegor, do you think Egg would have ever been chosen? No, the answer is no.
Now I’m not saying that the series had to end with feudal monarchy being destroyed, and all this wouldn’t be such a problem, if they hadn’t drawn so much focus to Daenerys’ concern for the lower classes. This was the motivation of the most prominent character of the final seasons— breaking the wheel, liberating people, ending oppression. She wasn’t just another character seeking power, her character was defined by her social justice ideology. Even if you think that this was all justifications for her tyranny, you cannot deny that these were still core themes of her story.
So GOT explores how the smallfolk suffer when lords play the game of thrones. And the conclusion of all this is that the one character who wanted to help the lower classes is actually the villain, the characters that should rule are the ones who never showed any care about class inequality, and the new and improved system of government is the one that keeps all of the power in the hands of the oppressive ruling class.
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feanoryen · 2 years
My problem with Daemon isn't that he's a terrible human. I love Visenya, who is also a terrible human.
Terrible people are interesting to read about but the issue with Daemon is that he doesn't face one consequence for his misdeeeds.
Daemon is rewarded by the narrative for being terrible and that's what makes him so unappealing to me.
Visenya is demonized by the narrative despite being a slightly better and more sympathetic person than Daemon is and that's what makes me like her as a character.
If I take a look at my favorite Targaryens, they all have one thing in common:
Visenya faces consequences for her actions
Rhaena the Black Bride faces consequences for her actions
Alysanne, while somewhat of a mary sue who's usually right, faces consequences for her actions when she makes a mistake
Rhaenyra faces consequences for her actions
Aegon II faces consequences for his actions
Aemond faces consequences for his actions
Aegon V faces consequences for his actions
That's what makes them so fun to read about. I enjoy watching their journey because they face setbacks, and I'm usually not rooting for them.
An exception to this would be Rhaenys the Queen Who Never Was (Book version), who I am ALWAYS rooting for and has never done anything wrong in her life.
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vivacissimx · 1 year
Heyy hope you're well. Ignore this if you want but I'm curious, do you believe in the Maester Conspiracy?
Let me take this step by step. Long post incoming but you asked, so:
The Maester Conspiracy is the theory that the maesters of the citadel work in concert with one another to effect certain political ends in line with their longstanding designs for Westeros — including a specific aim to hamper the existence/return of magic via living dragons.
The only dragontamers during the times of Fire & Blood and ASOIAF are Targaryens, so it ties together as: the maesters have sought to limit/manipulate/end Targaryen rule because they are anti-magic for reasons known best to them.
Do I believe in this? Textually it's pretty clear that this phenomenon exists.
ONE: Multiple characters from different backgrounds tell us so.
Pycelle’s breathing was rapid and shallow. “All I did, I did for House Lannister.” A sheen of sweat covered the broad dome of the old man’s brow, and wisps of white hair clung to his wrinkled skin. “Always.. for years... your lord father, ask him, I was ever his true servant... ’twas I who bid Aerys open his gates... ” That took Tyrion by surprise. He had been no more than an ugly boy at Casterly Rock when the city fell. “So the Sack of King’s Landing was your work as well?” “For the realm! Once Rhaegar died, the war was done. Aerys was mad, Viserys too young, Prince Aegon a babe at the breast, but the realm needed a king... I prayed it should be your good father, but Robert was too strong, and Lord Stark moved too swiftly... ” “How many have you betrayed, I wonder? Aerys, Eddard Stark, me... King Robert as well? Lord Arryn, Prince Rhaegar? Where does it begin, Pycelle?”
—ACOK, Tyrion VI + emphasis mine
[Archmaester] Marywn smiled a ghastly smile, the juice of the sourleaf running red between his teeth. “Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords?” He spat. “The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can.”
—AFFC, Samwell V
Why can't Archmaester Marwyn be trusted? Since it's the same reason Aemon can't be trusted?
"Archmaester Marwyn's Book of Lost Books." [Rodrik Harlaw] lifted his gaze from the page to study her. "Hotho brought me a copy from Oldtown. He has a daughter he would have me wed." Lord Rodrik tapped the book with a long nail. "See here? Marwyn claims to have found three pages of Signs and Portents, visions written down by the maiden daughter of Aenar Targaryen before the Doom came to Valyria.
—AFFC, The Kraken's Daughter
His interest in Targaryen prophecy, perhaps? (Aemon is also seen to have said interest, corresponding with Rhaegar Targaryen on the matter.)
[Barbrey Ryswell:] "[Maesters] heal, yes. I never said they were not subtle. They tend to us when we are sick and injured, or distraught over the illness of a parent or a child. Whenever we are weakest and most vulnerable, there they are. Sometimes they heal us, and we are duly grateful. When they fail, they console us in our grief, and we are grateful for that as well. Out of gratitude we give them a place beneath our roof and make them privy to all our shames and secrets, a part of every council. And before too long, the ruler has become the ruled. "That was how it was with Lord Rickard Stark. Maester Walys was his grey rat's name. And isn't it clever how the maesters go by only one name, even those who had two when they first arrived at the Citadel? That way we cannot know who they truly are or where they come from… but if you are dogged enough, you can still find out. Before he forged his chain, Maester Walys had been known as Walys Flowers. Flowers, Hill, Rivers, Snow… we give such names to baseborn children to mark them for what they are, but they are always quick to shed them. Walys Flowers had a Hightower girl for a mother… and an archmaester of the Citadel for a father, it was rumored. The grey rats are not as chaste as they would have us believe. Oldtown maesters are the worst of all. Once he forged his chain, his secret father and his friends wasted no time dispatching him to Winterfell to fill Lord Rickard's ears with poisoned words as sweet as honey. The Tully marriage was his notion, never doubt it, he—"
—ADWD, The Prince of Winterfell
Please note these quotes touch on some of the largest political shifts to occur in Westeros. From germinating the idea of alliances between Great Houses in the mind of Rickard Stark who later betrothed/fostered his children to the Arryns of the Vale, the Tullys of the Riverlands, and the Baratheons of the Stormlands; to the Sack of King's Landing; to the circumstances around the Great Council that named Aegon V the Unlikely as king. I am not saying the Citadel was the sole mastermind behind all of these events, or even that maesters all act as one without their own interests/personalities guiding them... but more on that later.
TWO: The Glass Candle test.
Glass candles are obsidian—dragonglass— candles that apparently only burn when magic (see: dragons) exists in the world. Daenerys Targaryen has been hearing about these glass candles for a while now.
Xaro looked troubled. "And so it was, then. But now? I am less certain. It is said that the glass candles are burning in the house of Urrathon Night-Walker, that have not burned in a hundred years. Ghost grass grows in the Garden of Gehane, phantom tortoises have been seen carrying messages between the windowless houses on Warlock's Way, and all the rats in the city are chewing off their tails.
—ACOK, Daenerys V
Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal."
—ADWD, Daenerys II
Read: What Quaithe tells Daenerys here is that because the glass candles are burning, people (powerful, dangerous, with their own designs in mind) are becoming aware of her dragons. It means they're coming and Daenerys needs to be cautious of them.
And who is watching the glass candles?
Armen the Acolyte cleared his throat. “The night before an acolyte says his vows, he must stand a vigil in the vault. No lantern is permitted him, no torch, no lamp, no taper… only a candle of obsidian. He must spend the night in darkness, unless he can light that candle. Some will try. The foolish and the stubborn, those who have made a study of these so-called higher mysteries. Often they cut their fingers, for the ridges on the candles are said to be as sharp as razors. Then, with bloody hands, they must wait upon the dawn, brooding on their failure. Wiser men simply go to sleep, or spend their night in prayer, but every year there are always a few who must try.” “Yes.” Pate had heard the same stories. “But what’s the use of a candle that casts no light?” “It is a lesson,” Armen said, “the last lesson we must learn before we don our maester’s chains.
—AFFC, Prologue (Pate)
So, the Citadel has this tradition that every single guy ever to graduate from their school has to at least be aware of the glass candles, which basically serves the purpose of letting them know whether or not there are dragons in the world. Okay, fine, it's a lesson on failure, sure. What's interesting is that this mystical and compelling lesson on failure can only be as old as the death of the last dragon in 153 AC, otherwise they'd all be able to light the candles. So it began at most 147 years ago.
Notably, for years after the death of the last dragon, various Targaryens attempted to hatch more.
So what is the true purpose of the Glass Candle test? Why would the Citadel have a convenient means of knowing immediately if a new dragon was hatched/magic was returning, despite ostensibly having a Grand Maester on every single Targaryen King's Small Council ever?
What was their investment?
THREE: It aligns with the actions/beliefs of the maesters we see on-page.
Old Cressen might be, yet he was still a maester of the Citadel. “I need no crown but truth,” he told her, removing the fool’s helm from his head. “There are truths in this world that are not taught at Oldtown.” [...] As he sank to his knees, still he shook his head, denying [Melisandre], denying her power, denying her magic, denying her god. And the cowbells peeled in his antlers, singing fool, fool, fool while the red woman looked down on him in pity, the candle flames dancing in her red red eyes.
—ACOK, Prologue (Maester Cressen)
[Maester Luwin:] "Perhaps magic was once a mighty force in the world, but no longer. What little remains is no more than the wisp of smoke that lingers in the air after a great fire has burned out, and even that is fading. Valyria was the last ember, and Valyria is gone. The dragons are no more, the giants are dead, the children of the forest forgotten with all their lore.
—ACOK, Bran IV
Note: Maester Luwin actually has a Valyrian Steel chain and has attempted to do magic but by the end of his Citadel studies, he no longer believed in such. Due to his own failure to harness it, yes, but perhaps also due to his teachings under the archmaesters at the time.
Alleras stepped up next to Sam. "Aemon would have gone to [Daenerys] if he had the strength. He wanted us to send a maester to her, to counsel her and protect her and fetch her safely home." "Did he?" Archmaester Marwyn shrugged. "Perhaps it's good that he died before he got to Oldtown. Elsewise the grey sheep might have had to kill him, and that would have made the poor old dears wring their wrinkled hands."
—AFFC, Samwell V
FOUR: Citadel Maesters are super into dragons in general, perhaps a bit too into them, you be the judge.
In what place, if any, has there been an accumulation of dragonlore? Valyria. The Citadel. Dragonstone. Probably some of the Free Cities as well. Maybe Asshai in the far east.
—So Spake Martin, May 2000 (the Citadel clocking in at #2, technically #1, considering RIPValyria)
[H]e brushed the dirt off Colloquo Votar's Jade Compendium, a thick volume of tales and legends from the east that Maester Aemon had commanded him to find. The book appeared undamaged. Maester Thomax's Dragonkin, Being a History of House Targaryen from Exile to Apotheosis, with a Consideration of the Life and Death of Dragons had not been so fortunate. It had come open as it fell, and a few pages had gotten muddy, including one with a rather nice picture of Balerion the Black Dread done in colored inks. Sam cursed himself for a clumsy oaf
—AFFC, Samwell I
Tyrion had read much and more of dragons through the years. The greater part of those accounts were idle tales and could not be relied on, and the books that Illyrio had provided them were not the ones he might have wished for. What he really wanted was the complete text of The Fires of the Freehold, Galendro's history of Valyria. No complete copy was known to Westeros, however; even the Citadel's lacked twenty-seven scrolls. They must have a library in Old Volantis, surely. I may find a better copy there, if I can find a way inside the Black Walls to the city's heart.
He was less hopeful concerning Septon Barth’s Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History. Barth had been a blacksmith’s son who rose to be King’s Hand during the reign of Jaehaerys the Conciliator. His enemies always claimed he was more sorcerer than septon. Baelor the Blessed had ordered all Barth’s writings destroyed when he came to the Iron Throne. Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth’s work had found its way across the narrow sea. And of course there was even less chance of his coming on the fragmentary, anonymous, blood-soaked tome sometimes called Blood and Fire and sometimes The Death of Dragons, the only surviving copy of which was supposedly hidden away in a locked vault beneath the Citadel.
When the Halfmaester appeared on deck, yawning, the dwarf was writing down what he recalled concerning the mating habits of dragons, on which subject Barth, Munkun, and Thomax held markedly divergent views.
—ADWD, Tyrion IV
Maesters who have written on dragons: Munkun, Grand Maester to Aegon III The Dragonbane whose efforts to revive the dragons all failed - he wrote True Telling about the Dance of the Dragons as well; Thomax, unknown time; and Anonymous, who wrote a real banger that the world isn't ready for, apparently. This last one will come into play later.
There is also Truth by Maester Anson, cited in AWOIAF, which is only mentioned insofar as it disagrees with Septon Barth's statement that dragons can switch sex.
So there are at least four books written by maesters on dragons, and more that the Citadel library has collected from the world over!
(The books by Thomax and Anonymous, while both being titled The Death of Dragons, are confirmed not the same.)
There is potentially one more, if the unnamed tome Arianne encounters is unique:
During the daylight hours she would try to read, but the books that they had given her were deadly dull: ponderous old histories and geographies, annotated maps, a dry-as-dust study of the laws of Dorne, The Seven-Pointed Star and Lives of the High Septons, a huge tome about dragons that somehow made them about as interesting as newts.
—AFFC, The Princess in the Tower
In summary: the Citadel's investment in dragons/magic is rigorous, a matter serious enough that they lock knowledge on it away in a vault, in order to take a maester's vows you must undergo a test that disavows magic's existence, there are maesters willing to die to deny arcane arts, potentially maesters willing to kill for that too. To a man, maesters dismiss magic... but are they actively engineering it's downfall?
This is where it gets murky. I myself would say that they take advantage of circumstances to have others do their dirty work. That maesters seek to preserve the status quo but also manipulate it to serve their own ends. Which brings us to the next point
In ASOIAF timeline, the dragons are all already dead and magic is subdued. As a result, the winters are longer and the summers are shorter, another thing the Citadel is deeply concerned with, being the people who officially announce the changings of the seasons.
As established, we know of Pycelle's involvement in opening King's Landing for Tywin after Rhaegar died — this is where the concept of maester's having differing motives and personal loyalties comes up.
Pycelle is a pretty clear case study, he's both deeply loyal, as a maester of the Citadel, to preserving a nominal peace regardless of the dishonorable & murderous ends required to do so... but he also personally is loyal to Tywin Lannister, who is his ideal ruler.
In a letter to the Citadel, Pycelle wrote that the divisions within the Red Keep [between Aerys and Rhaegar] reminded him uncomfortably of the situation before the Dance of the Dragons a century before, when the enmity between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra had split the realm in two, to grievous cost
—AWOIAF, The Targaryen Kings: Aerys II
Grand Maester Pycelle cleared his throat, a process that seemed to take some minutes. "My order serves the realm, not the ruler. Once I counseled King Aerys as loyally as I counsel King Robert now, so I bear this girl child of his no ill will. Yet I ask you this—should war come again, how many soldiers will die? How many towns will burn? How many children will be ripped from their mothers to perish on the end of a spear?" He stroked his luxuriant white beard, infinitely sad, infinitely weary. "Is it not wiser, even kinder, that Daenerys Targaryen should die now so that tens of thousands might live?"
—AGOT, Eddard VIII
“For the realm! Once Rhaegar died, the war was done. Aerys was mad, Viserys too young, Prince Aegon a babe at the breast, but the realm needed a king... I prayed it should be your good father, but Robert was too strong, and Lord Stark moved too swiftly... ”
—ACOK, Tyrion VI
We know from the books of the unswerving Pycelle's loyalty to the Lannister and precisely to Lord Tywin. Why this loyalty? Was there any event we don't know yet?
There´s backstory yet to be revealed, certainly, but if you asked Pycelle he would insist that he was acting in the best interests of the realm.
—FORUM: Asshai Chat July 27, 2008
It's possible that Pycelle's advice given to Aerys was personally motivated by his own political beliefs on who was best suited to rule & his acceptance that the war was already over, so he needed to get out on the winning side. GRRM has hinted that there's more to the story.
It's additionally possible that Maester Walys, Rickard Stark's maester born from a Hightower mother and an alleged archmaester father, was advising Rickard on making alliances down south simply because that's what he thought was smart politicking.
However, it's interesting that multiple maesters were involved in arranging the chess board of power in Westeros against House Targaryen, and, now, are shown to be aligned to preserve power in the hands of... the Lannisters. More accurately, I would say they seek to preserve whoever is a) currently in power and b) amenable to a maester's advice and manipulation. More on this when we get to Stannis.
Now, Pycelle is personally loyal to the Lannisters because that is what he thinks is in "the best interests of the realm," but otherwise, maesters in general are invested in preserving the power structure as is, because war disrupts their slowgoing machinations (Marwyn's words: the world the Citadel is building). In fact, as the Lannisters infight throughout ACOK and become unstable, only to be saved by an alliance with the Tyrells, there is a response from the Citadel that indicates they're willing to switch to whoever is the dominant side, it if means protecting their influence.
[T]he Conclave accepted the fact of Pycelle's dismissal and set about choosing his successor. After giving due consideration to Maester Turquin the cordwainer's son and Maester Erreck the hedge knight's bastard, and thereby demonstrating to their own satisfaction that ability counts for more than birth in their order, the Conclave was on the verge of sending us Maester Gormon, a Tyrell of Highgarden. When I told your lord father, he acted at once." The Conclave met in Oldtown behind closed doors, Tyrion knew; its deliberations were supposedly a secret. So Varys has little birds in the Citadel too. "I see. So my father decided to nip the rose before it bloomed." He had to chuckle. "Pycelle is a toad. But better a Lannister toad than a Tyrell toad, no?"
—ASOS, Tyrion II
Before we get into cartoon villain territory, let's caveat that their involvement in the deaths of the dragons and the Targaryens who could potentially hatch them once more does seem to be a one-off for them in terms of puppet-mastering against a monarch, and indeed, they never intended war, preferring to function methodically in the background.
"Be that as it may. My father sat where I sit now when Lord Eddard came to Sisterton. Our maester urged us to send Stark's head to Aerys, to prove our loyalty. It would have meant a rich reward. The Mad King was open-handed with them as pleased him. By then we knew that Jon Arryn had taken Gulltown, though. Robert was the first man to gain the wall, and slew Marq Grafton with his own hand. 'This Baratheon is fearless,' I said. 'He fights the way a king should fight.' Our maester chuckled at me and told us that Prince Rhaegar was certain to defeat this rebel.
—ADWD, Davos I
They maximize their influence — they don't overstep.
On to Stannis.
[Alys Karstark:] "Arnolf [Karstark] is rushing to Winterfell, 'tis true, but only so he might put his dagger in your king's back. He cast his lot with Roose Bolton long ago … for gold, the promise of a pardon, and poor Harry's head. Lord Stannis is marching to a slaughter.
“Y-your Grace, my order is sworn to serve, we…” “I know all about your vows. What I want to know is what was in the letter that you sent to Winterfell. Did you perchance tell Lord Bolton where to find us?” “S-sire.” Round-shouldered Tybald drew himself up proudly. “The rules of my order forbid me to divulge the contents of Lord Arnolf’s letters.”
—TWOW, Unreleased Theon Chapter
Here we have Arnolf Karstark, castellan of Karhold, who pledges to Stannis... but secretly he's actually pledged to Roose Bolton, who is in league with the Lannisters. Together they planned the Red Wedding. The Karstark maester is seen assisting in this plot to see Stannis dead via the Karstark-Bolton-Lannister network.
Does Stannis have his own maester with him? No, Maester Cressen dies in the ACOK Prologue, and his replacement, Pylos, is not mentioned as having accompanied Stannis North. Stannis is far from the influence of the Citadel and has publicly declared his new faith in R'hllor, something for the Citadel/general Westerosi hegemony to worry about, and now we have a maester helping to plot against him...
Once more, it's possible that said maester is simply acting of his own volitions & values. Conveniently in service to House Lannister which currently holds power. However, he's not the only Northern maester to have conflicting loyalties South:
[Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor:] If Stannis wonders that my letters say so little, it is because I dare not even trust my maester. Theomore is all head and no heart. You heard him in my hall. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Foes and false friends are all around me, Lord Davos.
—ADWD, Davos IV
Something to consider.
Let's take it back for a minute. I'm separating this section because a whole bunch of it comes from AWOIAF/Fire & Blood and I know not everyone is super familiar with those, so I'm taking time to explain it fully. A big facet of the Maester Conspiracy has to do with magic and dragons ergo House Targaryen. We have covered the Aerys/Pycelle, Maester Aemon, and Daenerys portions.
But there is a larger relevant point: The miscarriages and stillbirths of Targaryen women.
From AGOT we know that the birth of dragons is tied to blood magic, but specifically, that magic which is performed by Daenerys — a pregnant Targaryen. She has prophetic visions both asleep and awake that lead her to the final hatching of the dragons... and it's the deaths of Rhaego in her womb, Drogo by her hand, and Mirri by her order that facilitate this.
She was lying there, holding the egg, when she felt the child move within her… as if he were reaching out, brother to brother, blood to blood. "You are the dragon," Dany whispered to him, "the true dragon. I know it. I know it." And she smiled, and went to sleep dreaming of home.
—AGOT, Daenerys IV
"You will not hear me scream," Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing. "I will," Dany said, "but it is not your screams I want, only your life. I remember what you told me. Only death can pay for life."
—AGOT, Daenerys X
So, let's posit that there is some matriarchal link between fertility, motherhood, and births... even of dragons.
The theory here is that maesters, operating under the idea that Targaryen wives's fertility was somehow related to the blood magics/births of dragons, meddled with their pregnancies to prevent said magics/births of dragons.
The reason the maesters may have suspected this? Well according to AGOT and Fire & Blood, at certain times, Targaryen women/wives experienced miscarriages of fetuses that were "monstrous." Dragonlike, some might describe them (some being me, in the following list) — so the contention that the women of House Targaryen were magically involved in literal dragon-birthing does seem possible.
The miscarriages in question:
1A) Maegor Targaryen and Alys Harroway's stillborn: a monster, with twisted limbs, a huge head, and no eyes.
1B) The hatchling born to Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen's daughter Laena: the dragon that wriggled from the egg was a monstrosity, a wingless wyrm, maggot-white and blind
2A) Maegor and Jeyne Westerling's stillborn: a legless and armless creature possessed of both male and female genitalia → eventual death in childbirth
2B) Maester Aemon in AFFC Samwell IV: Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame
3A) Maegor and Elinor Costayne's stillborn: a malformed and stillborn child, an eyeless boy born with rudimentary wings
3B) In The Hedge Knight, the last dragon to ever live is described as small with unformed wings
4A) Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon's stillborn: the babe was twisted and malformed, and died within the hour → eventual death in childbirth
4B) Laena's stillbirth unique because it's implied that Rhaenyra's maester, Gerardys, who arrived slightly too late, might have been able to assist in saving Laena's life following the birth — the same way he was able to save Viserys I's hand and life when other maesters couldn't. Thus, incompetence or malice on the part of the present maester might have contributed to Laena's death.
5A) Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen's stillborn Visenya, Rhaenyra's early labor brought on by the news of her father's death and her usurpation by Aegon II:
The princess shrieked curses all through her labor, calling down the wrath of the gods upon her half-brothers and their mother, the queen, and detailing the torments she would inflict upon them before she would let them die. She cursed the child inside her too, Mushroom tells us, clawing at her swollen belly as Maester Gerardys and her midwife tried to restrain her and shouting, “Monster, monster, get out, get out, GET OUT!” When the babe at last came forth, she proved indeed a monster: a stillborn girl, twisted and malformed, with a hole in her chest where her heart should have been, and a stubby, scaled tail.
—Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Blacks and the Greens
5B) Rhaenyra's usurpation by Aegon II is a parallel to the usurpation of the Amethyst Empress by her younger brother the Bloodstone Emperor, in the ancient Great Empire of the Dawn. This is said to have been what caused the first Long Night to occur and indeed, after Rhaenyra, we see the dragons die out, magic disappear, summers grow short, and winter grow long.
When the daughter of the Opal Emperor succeeded him as the Amethyst Empress, her envious younger brother cast her down and slew her, proclaiming himself the Bloodstone Emperor and beginning a reign of terror. [...] In the annals of the Further East, it was the Blood Betrayal, as his usurpation is named, that ushered in the age of darkness called the Long Night.
—AWOIAF, The Bones and Beyond: Yi Ti
6) Naerys Targaryen's multiple miscarriages/stillbirths vs. 2 living children → eventual death in childbirth
7) Rhaella Targaryen's 8 miscarriages/stillbirths/child deaths vs. 3 living children → eventual death in childbirth
8) Daenerys with Rhaego:
"Monstrous," Mirri Maz Duur finished for him. The knight was a powerful man, yet Dany understood in that moment that the maegi was stronger, and crueler, and infinitely more dangerous. "Twisted. I drew him forth myself. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption. He had been dead for years." Darkness, Dany thought. The terrible darkness sweeping up behind to devour her. If she looked back she was lost. "My son was alive and strong when Ser Jorah carried me into this tent," she said. "I could feel him kicking, fighting to be born."
—AGOT, Daenerys IX
With these in mind, we can ask: why would anyone think these similar descriptions have anything to do with outside interference? Couldn't it just be that Targaryen babies are weird, it's the blood magic and the incest, nothing to see here?
The thing is that all of Maegor's stillborn children (3/6 examples of dragonesque children) were poisoned, by Tyanna of the Tower. Rhaego was also poisoned, by Mirri Maaz Duur's blood magic.
So 4/6 of these hybrid children were born under the influence of some sort of darker magic. This still leaves Rhaenyra and Laena's respective draconic stillbirths. It opens the question of whether poison was involved in those, too. In my personal opinion, it might also intend to raise a question mark on the matrilineage of Targaryen women who birthed children & brought about dragons — a private theory but raised by the idea of Rhaego's description and the concept of him being "dead for years."
That said, the two serious cases I think we can look into here are Naerys and Rhaella's serial miscarriages/stillbirths/child deaths.
Both these women suffered from frail health and abusive circumstances. Naerys was extremely slight and small of stature, it's possible that she simply struggled with the physical toll of pregnancies. Rhaella gave birth for the first time under traumatic circumstances (the burning of Summerhall and deaths of her family) when she was 14 years old, totally reasonable that she'd be permanently affected by that. In fact, these are two women for whom it would not be suspicious should they experience fertility issues. So if there were ever two people who you could get away with pulling this on...
The reasons to consider each more closely —
NAERYS TARGARYEN: Naerys's successful birth of Daeron (later Daeron II) happened the same year the last dragon died. After this, King Aegon III The Dragonbane started attempting to hatch new dragons whereas before he was extremely resistant to dragon-anything. Naerys's miscarriages and stillbirths begin only after attempts to hatch dragons commence — a likely time, if a link between her fertility and future dragons was suspected by bad actors. Her only other living child Daenerys Lateborn is born 17 years later, and in fact is one of a set of twins, the other child dying at birth. So, it's possible that pregnancy was also tampered with, and simply did not succeed on both twins
Counterpoint One: Naerys was not a healthy or robust person, nor did she desire to carry children. They were forced on her by her purposely cruel brother-husband Aegon IV. It's possible she was not poisoned and simply suffered from miscarriages/stillbirths naturally.
Counterpoint Two: Naerys was married to a man who had many mistresses, lovers, bastards, and grasping councilors. It's possible that she was poisoned, but not by maesters, rather by those who sought to gain power by opening up the position of Queen.
RHAELLA TARGARYEN: Aerys and Rhaella were married to one another based on a prophecy by the Ghost of High Heart that through them, The Prince/Princess That Was Promised would be born.
"Why did they wed if they did not love each other?" "Your grandsire commanded it. A woods witch had told him that the prince was promised would be born of their line."
—ADWD, Daenerys IV
"Maester Aemon believed that Daenerys Targaryen was the fulfillment of a prophecy... her, not Stannis, nor Prince Rhaegar, nor the princeling whose head was dashed against the wall." "Born amidst salt and smoke, beneath a bleeding star. I know the prophecy." Marwyn turned his head and spat a gob of red phlegm onto the floor.
—AFFC, Samwell V
Someday the dragons will return. My brother Daeron's dreamed of it, and King Aerys read it in a prophecy. Maybe it will be my egg that hatches. That would be splendid
—The Hedge Knight
The prophecy is known to at least one maester of the Citadel... seems realistic that it would be known to multiple! The prophecy in question regards the birth of the Prince/Princess That Was Promised, the herald who will bring dragons back into the world, and the culmination of House Targaryen. When Rhaella became pregnant and was close to her due date, the King Aegon V had all the Targaryens gather in Summerhall where he intended to attempt to hatch seven dragon eggs (perhaps he also had some suspicion about the connection between the blood magic needed to hatch dragons and Rhaella's imminent potentially prophesized birth?)
… the blood of the dragon gathered in one … … seven eggs, to honor the seven gods, though the king’s own septon had warned … … pyromancers … … wildfire … … ames grew out of control … towering … burned so hot that … … died, but for the valor of the Lord Comman …
—AWOIAF, The Targaryen Kings: Aegon V
This is what remains of the story of Summerhall. Who wrote this note? Maester Corso, of course. Where did he send this letter? The Citadel. Woof. Innocuous on it's own but for the purpose of this post, in line with the idea that the Citadel was keeping a close eye on all things dragon.
The Maester Conspiracy would ask: who is to say what really went wrong at Summerhall? All we know is that Rhaella gave birth there amidst the chaos and then she didn't give birth to a child who lived past a year for 17 years to come. Miscarriages, stillbirths, child deaths... she had them all. Aerys's paranoia grew and grew until Rhaella was completely isolated. It was under these conditions of extreme scrutiny that Rhaella finally had Viserys, and Viserys lived, and then Daenerys was born while isolated on Dragonstone & raised far from maester's influence following.
Here's the point that sticks out though:
"Lannisport was the end of our voyage," Prince Oberyn went on, as Ser Arron Qorgyle helped him into a padded leather tunic and began lacing it up the back. "Were you aware that our mothers knew each other of old?" "They had been at court together as girls, I seem to recall. Companions to Princess Rhaella?"
"Just so. It was my belief that the mothers had cooked up this plot between them.
—ASOS, Tyrion X
The Unnamed Princess of Dorne and Joanna Lannister were both companions to Princess Rhaella. The exact timeline is unclear but it's definite that the Unnamed Princess was older than the other two. She'd given birth to Doran over a decade before Rhaegar was born, although Rhaella was a very young mother (13 or 14). However, they were close enough to cook up 'plots.' It seems realistic that the Unnamed Princess was present earlier in Rhaella's life while Joanna came about later. GRRM is not trustworthy with ages and timelines anyway, so that's a supposition.
All three of these women had the same experience: a firstborn who lived, followed by a long expanse of fertility issues, followed by another successful birth (or more).
"I was the oldest," the prince said, "and yet I am the last. After Mors and Olyvar died in their cradles, I gave up hope of brothers. I was nine when Elia came, a squire in service at Salt Shore. When the raven arrived with word that my mother had been brought to bed a month too soon, I was old enough to understand that meant the child would not live. Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die. Yet she lived, by the Mother's mercy. And a year later Oberyn arrived, squalling and kicking.
—AFFC, The Captain of the Guard
Doran was nine before his mother had another successful birth after two child deaths. Her manner of death is unknown. Tyrion is likewise nine years younger than Jaime & Cersei. Joanna Lannister's possible fertility issues in the in-between are unknown, but she died in childbirth. Viserys is 17 years younger than Rhaegar (similar to how Daenerys Lateborn is 17 years younger than Daeron II). Rhaella Targaryen died in childbirth. If all three of these women who canonically shared time, meals, chambers, etc together suffered from similar infertility issues and timelines, with Rhaella being the worst affected, can we theorize that there might have been issues of poison at play?
Pycelle was the Grand Maester at the time — we know he was involved in other plots with poison at the center (Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn most notably), and we also know that Tywin Lannister married for love. So despite his loyalty to Tywin, couldn't it be that Pycelle never expected Tywin to match with his cousin of few advantages, and that Joanna's struggles were perhaps an unintended, unforeseen consequence?
Could this be the additional backstory regarding Pycelle and Tywin that GRRM is referencing?
Counterpoint One: If the maesters were aware of the prophecy and Rhaegar fulfilled it, they shouldn't have continued with Rhaella
Counterpoint Two: The timeline for the various births of Rhaella, Joanna, and Unnamed Princess are all over the place. It's possible that GRRM didn't simply flub the timeline and actually there is no connection between these three women's similar fertility issues.
Counterpoint Three: Rhaella was traumatized from her young birth and Summerhall's tragedy, her fertility issues arose naturally.
All possibilities.
My theory as to the roots of the Maester Conspiracy is threefold:
ONE: The Citadel, like all institutions of higher academia, is not politically neutral and is invested in specific visions for the future. They inherently seek to preserve the status quo which allows them to function and expand their own influence. They are as liable to corruption as any of the other institutions we see (monarchy, knighthood, the Faith, the Night's Watch, the Kingsguard, etc.) and while maesters do not act as one, they do act as an informal web pushing forth specific beliefs and ideals.
TWO: Not all maesters are created equal. Archmaesters and other such influential members of the Citadel are closer to certain truths than others, it's in the handchosen placement of maesters in the ears of specific lords/political players that we see a larger plan.
THREE: The Citadel is aware of prophecies foretelling a second Long Night to come. To combat this, they have long sought to destroy one of the heralds of said disaster, that being dragons. To put it simply: All magic is from the same root / all magic must be destroyed.
That's my theory.
Now, is this going to bite them in the ass? Hahaha of course!
ONE: The Faceless Men are infiltrating the Citadel due to some plan we are not yet privy to. The AFFC Prologue shows us the novice Pate being body snatched by an FM implied to the Jaqen H'ghar — what is he after, though? Potentially the extremely rare book titled The Death of Dragons that is solely kept in some locked basement of the Citadel... which he just acquired a key for?
TWO: Euron Greyjoy is coming to sack Oldtown, and he is obsessed with dragons/arcane arts/doing experiments with pregnant women (back to my point about connecting dragon births and human fertility)... but above all, he is not nice.
THREE: Daenerys Targaryen is coming to Westeros, and she's the Mother of Dragons. The Dragons are here. By focusing on dragons, it's possible the maesters have lost sight of the bigger picture — the incoming Long Night, wights, and Battle for the Dawn.
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That was such a long post I fear and way beyond the question you asked. I appreciate it anyway, seeing as I've wanted to get all these thoughts out for a while to organize what I think & what the text itself points to.
To answer your question: Yes I do think the Maester Conspiracy is a real thing! I believe it's been set up mainly insofar as it will guide Samwell Tarly's POVs in Oldtown, the upcoming Euron Greyjoy plotlines, and potentially Arya due to the Faceless Men connect.
Eventually it will bring Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow into play (the latter likely due to the Arya and Sam of it all, which winks to the importance of Jon now having an Oldtown-bred squire in Satin), probably in line with the concept of the Second Dance George has been teasing us about.
Just how it will all play out, though, I couldn't say. We shall have to see. Drink water. Manifest TWOW. Speaking of manifesting...
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