#just to make her the Mad Queen and have to be put down like a fucking dog so that the more emotionally tempered men can rule
zegrasdrysdale · 2 days
also if your not uber uber busy could YOU PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE write a fic based off of one of these songs (feel free to do all of them my queen but NO PRESSURE) I also don't mind who the fic is with use who ever you feel would go best with it :)
Before you Go - Lewis Capaldi
It's Not Over - Daughtry
Goodbyes - post Malone
Circles - Post Malone
I hate you, I love you - Gnash
Mr Brightside - The Killers
Scars to your beautiful - Alessia Cara
Thank you I might request more but again no pressure
[ it’s not over ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie and his girlfriend broke up right before he was traded to Philly. when Jamie comes back to pack up the rest of his things, she tries to fight for them since she doesn’t believe it’s over for them
warning(s) : angst galore ! a few uses of Y/N
author’s note : giving me free range to write this abt whoever was probably not the best idea, especially when i like writing jamie angst 😈
fic inspired by :
I was blown away What could I say? It all seemed to make sense You've taken away everything And I can't deal with that I try to see the good in life But good things in life are hard to find
The NHL season ended without a word from Jamie since the day he got traded to the Flyers in January. Nearly four months passed after he was traded and she never got so much as a text message from her former boyfriend of nearly two years.
They shared a whirlwind of a relationship where they met, said they loved each other, and moved into an Anaheim apartment down the street from Trevor all within a year.
She truly loved him, and she truly messed up before he left for the trip to Nashville that he never came back from.
She knew there were rumors going around Anaheim about Jamie's trade, and Jamie blocked them out every time he heard even a whisper about him getting traded out of Anaheim. He didn't want to hear the reality. When she tried to get him to see that, he walked out the door for the trip after they got into a fight. He packed a bag and spent the night at Trevor's.
Now that the season is over, she expects him to come back to finish packing whatever he didn't grab over the All Star break in February. She couldn't just leave the apartment. She couldn't leave all of the memories behind so easily, especially since she still loves him.
Trevor texts her the day after the season ends and tells her that Jamie is coming in soon to grab the last of his things. Jamie couldn't even let her know that he's coming by. She spends that night curled up in their bed.
We'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? Well, I'll try to do it right this time around
The following morning, she's up early and thinks about what she can do to fix what's broken between them over a cup of coffee. She has no idea if he's mad at what she said or mad at the fact that he did get traded out of Anaheim.
Maybe she shouldn't have said anything about the trade before it happened. Maybe he wouldn't be about to move out the last few boxes he packed in February if she let him process his future trade on his own.
She fucked up, but maybe she can fix it. It's not over until they both think it's over, and she doesn't think it's over with them. She'll try to do it right this time. She'll be supportive of him instead of trying to get him to see reality. That's where she messed up because Jamie was probably trying to cope with the fact that he wasn't wanted in Anaheim anymore by the team that put their faith in him and drafted him 6th a few years ago.
All she wanted to do was prepare him for the possibility of being traded across the country, and she was met with radio silence since he walked out that door.
He walked out that door with her heart and took it across the country with him. She has to try to fix what's broken. She's not ready to say goodbye to him. She's not ready for him to become a memory or a ghost that haunts her dreams.
The sound of a key in the door grabs her attention immediately. She was leaning on the kitchen island and stands straight up when the door opens. She leaves the cup of coffee on the counter because she is afraid that she's going to drop it when she sees who's walking into the apartment.
She bites her lip so she doesn't say anything when Jamie walks into the apartment for the first time with her there since the fight a bunch of months ago. It feels like a lifetime ago when he walked out the door.
He freezes when he sees her in the kitchen. Their eyes meet and she has to hold back tears.
Jamie looks so much happier and healthier than the last time she saw him in person. The bags under his eyes have gotten lighter. He is practically glowing.
He was working so hard while he was playing for Anaheim because he felt like he had something to prove. He felt like he needed to prove that he belonged here. Philly wanted him so he probably was able to relax.
"Hi," she finally breathes out when the silence gets to be too much for her. "You look, um ... you look good."
"Thanks," he replies, voice quiet. "Are the boxes still in the bedroom?"
She nods quietly and Jamie makes a quick escape down the hallway. She rests her elbows on the counter and puts her face in his hands to hide any emotions that Jamie could see when he comes back out into the living room.
Her throat closes up and tears prick her eyes. She had no idea that seeing him again would cause her to have this reaction. Seeing Jamie will always probably make her have some kind of reaction.
Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over Because a part of me is dead and in the ground This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over
When he comes back into the living room, Jamie is carrying one of the six boxes that are left. That's probably the biggest box so he has to carry it by itself. The other boxes are light so they can be carried two or three at a time.
That means she's running out of time to talk to him before he walks out of her life completely.
She walks back to the bedroom where his remaining boxes sit in the corner. She sits on the bed so she can catch him when he walks back into the room. With a quick wipe of her cheeks to dry them, she settles on the mattress with her legs crosses and waits for Jamie to come back.
There are footsteps in the hallway and Jamie appears in the doorway a second later. He pauses mid-step when he sees her sitting on the bed they used to share.
"Can we talk?" she asks as her entire body shakes with anxiety and nervousness. "Please?"
Jamie walks over to the corner and piles two of the boxes on top of one another. "I don't have time," he tells her as he picks up the pair of boxes. "Trevor is waiting for me outside to take me and my stuff to the airport for my flight to Toronto."
She frowns as he walks out the door with his things, but she quickly throws on a pair of slides and follows him. "Jamie, please," she begs. "I don't want to let you leave without saying what I have to say. I don't want you to get on that flight without talking to me first."
He gets on the elevator and she jumps on with him. He presses the button to go to the first floor and the doors shut. "(Y/N)," he sighs. "I can't do this again. I don't want to do this again."
"I want to fight for us, Jamie," she says anyway as the elevator keeps descending to the first floor. "I'm not letting you just walk away so easily again. It was a mistake the first time letting you walk away. Especially because you didn't come back."
The doors open and Jamie walks out. She follows him out the front door. Trevor's car sits next to the curb, and he leans against it. "There is a reason I didn't come back," he comments as he throws the boxes in the trunk of the car. Then he looks at her. "I was traded, remember? I bet you do because you kept reminding me that I was going to be traded."
His words cause her to freeze as he walks away. She looks at Trevor, who just points in Jamie's direction. "Go," he tells her. "He's just being hard to get."
She runs after him as he approaches the elevator. The doors open and she once again joins him in the small room.
"I should've been a good girlfriend and be there for you to help you cope with the possibility of being traded," she says to Jamie. "I shouldn't have kept telling you to face reality. I didn't understand how you were feeling, but I do now. I wasn't there for you and was making it harder for you. I'm sorry."
The two walk back into the privacy of their apartment because it's still technically Jamie's apartment too. Once the door shuts, Jamie spins and faces her.
"You made it seem like you were excited to move to wherever it was I got traded to," Jamie snaps. "Meanwhile, I was leaving behind the life that I had made for myself over the past four years. I was leaving the best teammates behind, I was leaving my best friends behind. I pushed myself so hard once those rumors started that I hurt myself trying to prove that I belonged here. I hurt myself trying to prove that I had a spot on the Ducks, and they still traded me anyway. There's a reason I didn't want to face that reality and it's because I was leaving everything behind. Then there was you who seemed like you didn't care what you were leaving behind."
"Because I was ready to move across the country to be with you!" she shouts at him. Her voice is strained as she chokes back tears. "I didn't want to leave everything behind, but I was ready to start a life with you wherever you ended up, then you walked out that door and never came back. You ignored every single text and call I made. You never gave me the chance to explain myself, and now here we are."
He walks back into the bedroom to grab the last three boxes. "I didn't want to hear your excuses," he says as she follows him. "I didn't want to listen to how excited you were to start the next chapter of our lives or whatever while I was struggling to walk away from Anaheim. Sorry if I needed a second."
As he stacks the last boxes on top of each other, she says, "I would've given you as much time as you needed, Jamie. All you had to do was talk to me. Instead, you ignored me." She pauses as Jamie lifts up the boxes. "If I could do the last few months over again, I would. If I could be there for you then I would. I'd support you through anything. I did support you. I watched every single Flyers game you played in and I had to resist the urge to call you when you got hurt a few weeks after the trade. I had to ask Trevor how you were even though he was hurt too because I wasn't sure if you'd answer and I was worried you'd hurt your shoulder like you did last year. I cheered for every point you got and I loved you from 2,700 miles away while you were ignoring me."
Tears form and fall down her cheeks as she tells Jamie what been happening with her since he left. She's angry, but she loves him so much that she's willing to be angry at him for a second while they talk for the first time in months.
She's willing to be angry at him for this one moment.
Jamie puts the boxes on the ground and looks at her. "You still loved me and supported me even though I was ignoring you?" he asks like he doesn't believe her. She nods and wipes away her own tears while she looks at Jamie. "I didn't know-"
"You wouldn't have known because you refused to talk to me," she interrupts as she rubs her face. "I'm sure you didn't bother asking Z how I was either because he didn't tell me if you did ask."
"I asked him not to tell you."
He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "I did ask how you were doing, but I told Trevor not to tell you I was asking because I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to you yet," Jamie explains. "He didn't tell me that you still loved me and were supporting everything I did in Philly."
"Still love," she corrects. "Still support. I always will because I thought for years that it was going to be the two of us til the end. When you walked through that door a little bit ago, I was getting ready to fight for us. I didn't think it was actually over between us, but you tell me if it's over or if we can start over."
Jamie stays quiet, and the only reason she doesn't immediately tell him to leave is because she can see that he's genuinely thinking about her words.
I've taken all I could take And I cannot wait We're wasting too much time Being strong, holding on Can't let it bring us down My life with you means everything So I won't give up that easily
His phone buzzes and he takes it out of the pocket of his shorts. He looks back up at her and says, "I have to-"
"Go?" she interrupts again. "Then go, but know that I'm not done fighting for us and our lives together."
"(Y/N)," Jamie sighs. "I have to go tell Trevor that I'm staying." Her eyes widen. "It's not over between us. I don't want it to ever be over between us, so if you'll let me, I'd like to start over. Redo the last few months or so with you."
All of the tension leaves her body and she nearly falls to the floor. She lets out the biggest sigh of relief, and also the loudest sob that echoes off the walls of the bedroom. She covers her face and cries into her hands.
A pair of arms wrap around her shoulders and she smells Jamie's familiar cologne on his body as it engulfs her. "We'll do it right this time," he assures her. "I promise.
I'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? 'Cause it's all misunderstood Well, I'll try to do it right this time around
Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over Because a part of me is dead and in the ground This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over
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kidrauhlschik · 2 days
Let the World Burn ~ I.N. 4
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In the end, he managed to forget that a king is nothing without his queen.
Part 1, 2, 3, & 5 will be linked in the master list above!
Pairings: Jeongin x Reader (and some love triangles among the way.) enemies to lovers, royalty au!
Warnings: ANGST, implied smut, war, aggression, anxiety, depression, death, please let me know if i miss anything... (this was heavily inspired by the song “Let the world burn” by Chris Grey.
Word Count: 3.8k??
After Minho had been in Rexerum court for two weeks, he understood the gist. You and Felix thought him the ins and outs, you'd caught him up with everything you could tell him that you hadn't already told on the weekly letters you'd sent to him.
Now, he was prepared to join court, not as an outsider, but as your ally. You were nothing but grateful. Yet, you were scared. Minho was the head of guards. He would not stand for Jeongin's disrespect. You considered warning him, but at this point, you'd much rather see him make decisions on his own, rather than to be influenced by you.
You, Felix, and Minho stand outside of the council doors, before the guards.
"Alright Min, welcome to Rexerum." You give him a humorless chuckle before the guards open the doors for the three of you, you standing in front, with the two following close behind.
Jeongin nods to the new invitee at court. Chan had told him that you needed support from home, and he just waved it off.
However, he couldn't help but wonder... Why did you need help from Eldoria? Were you that upset here?
Minho bowed before the king, "Your majesty, I am Lee Minho, head of Eldorian guards. At your service." To which Jeongin nodded in acknowledgment.
You took your usual spot beside your husband, Felix next to you and Minho next to him. Then, the king began to speak.
"There are words that Aurora's troops are heading towards our borders. We need assistance." Immediately, the king makes eye-contact with Minho.
"What may you suggest King Jeongin?" Minho asks with no hesitation.
Jeongin clears his throat before he proceeds, "As our countries are united-" The king gets interrupted before he can finish his sentence, "Are they?" Minho asks challengingly.
"I beg your pardon?" The king asks offendintely as the rest of the council looks to the ground so they can hide their expressions.
Minho continues, "I am saying, that our lands are united, yet, I have seen my men put their lives on the line for your country, but Eldoria has received nothing but empty promises from you. My king." The last two words come with a bite. You know when Minho is angered, and it seems as if he held that anger in until he saw the king face-to-face.
"I am your king! You shall not disrespect me in such way."
"I am a citizen of Eldoria. YN is my princess, my future queen. You are nothing but her husband. I would love to see you try to lead MY troops without me. Go ahead, King." You stare at Minho in pure astonishment. You are used to him speaking this way in your home country, but not to strangers. He could lose his head if you weren't there to protect him.
"You will not disrespect me in my own court!" The king begins, but your best friend put some sense into you.
"Our court!" You intercept. "This is our court Jeongin. Not yours. Do not talk down to my men. Anything Lee Minho says, I will stand behind. So take his words as mine. Do not undermine us." The council stays silent beyond that.
Minho speaks up first. "Well how about we send our leaders forward," The room stands still, "Send our strongest troops, we can take out their disposable troops. Aurora is desperate, like you are." Jeongin looks away at his words, mad, but listening. "I am willing to stand in front. As the head of troops, I refuse to let my soldiers sacrifice themselves before me, and with all due respect, I cannot even see you as a man if you cannot say the same."
"I am a king." Jeongin stands tall.
"Then show us, your highness."
Jeongin scoffs. He takes a glance at Chan before he makes eye-contact with you. "I will stand in front of my troops. So be it Lee Minho, let's both stand with our best troops against theirs."
Minho hides a smile with a cough. Only you and Felix can see his smugness. "Let's proceed with a plan then."
The plan was set, in less than two weeks, the troops, king, and one of your best friends, would be heading out for war.
It terrified you, not much for Jeongin, but for Minho. As aggressive and stubborn as he is, you know that he will lay out his life on the line for a cause. Although it is selfish and childish for a queen, you don't want him to be selfless. You want him to be safe.
All the stress in planning and affairs leads you back to your safe space.
However, you did not expect for your safe space to be invaded by the vermin that is the king.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, before he notices your presence.
He doesn't seem shaken, "This is my garden."
He chuckles to himself, "Have you come to challenge me once again?"
"Challenge you? Hardly. I have far more important matters to attend to than to waste my time on petty disputes with you." You turn to leave, but his voice stops you before you could take a few steps.
Without turning to face you, he continues, "Oh, of course. How could I forget? Your "important matters" always seem to conveniently align with undermining my authority."
"Is this what is all about? Your authority?" You scoff, "Your ego is as grand as your castle walls, yet just as fragile."
Jeongin finally stands to face you, "Fragile? You think my rule is fragile? You underestimate me, my dear. I am the king! The foundation upon which this kingdom stands."
Now that he faces you, you have a reason to challenge him, "And yet, your kingdom trembles beneath the weight of your tyranny."
A king and a queen with their own birthright may be the worst combination, neither of you were willing to back down.
He laughs incredulously at your statement. "Tyranny? Is that what you call it? My perfect rule. My loyal followers. The strength of my country. Is this what you call tyranny?!"
You held your head high before him, "You mistake fear for respect. A true leader earns the loyalty of their people, not demands it"
For a second, Jeongin hesitates, almost as a loss for words, but he recovers quickly, "Loyalty is earned through strength, not weakness. And weakness is something you seem to know all too well."
Why must he always this that way? Why is everything strength and terror to him? Why should the world be lead with an iron fist?
"Strength is not measured by the length of one's sword, but by the compassion in one's heart."
That earns you a hearty laugh from the king. "Compassion? You speak of compassion as if it were a weapon. But mark my words, queen, in this game of thrones, compassion is a luxury we cannot afford."
Done with the conversation, you approach the roses in the garden, hoping to grab a few before you gather yourself to your chambers.
As always, the king interrupts you, this time he holds your wrist in his hand.
His hand on yours brings electricity to your joints. You hadn't touched your husband in such a way since your wedding night. All the walls that you built specifically for him, seemed to shake with a mere touch.
What happened to the anger you had? It is most likely still be there, but the delusions you'd built since childhood, couldn't help but poke their heads through the cracks.
You have to hold your heart aside, "Is that everything you have to say?"
"What do you mean?" He always speaks with you as if it were an inconvenience so why is he, all of the sudden, acting as if he cared for what your opinions were.
He fixes his collar and continues to speak, "Well, you've been so outspoken at our councils. Where did your backbone go? Now you have a chance to talk to me face to face. Why don't you show me the real you?"
That makes you laugh out loud.
"You've known the real me. Before all of this bullshit. Before we even met." Your words leave bewildered.
You try to remove your wrist from his hold, but his fist remains strong.
"Did you forget my letters or something?" You ask indignantly. "Let me go." You demand.
"Letters?" His grip weakens.
You pull your hand to your chest, finally leaving his grip. "The letters I sent you every damn week! Do not act like a fool! You have known of me since I was a child." You drop the flowers in your hands and glare at him one last time. "Do not be a pawn in a game of king and queens."
You walk away before you could hear his last words to you.
" I never received a letter from you..."
"I'm bored." Minho says as he opens your doors, disrupting you and Felix from your intense chess game.
"That's tragic." You say, still in deep concentration.
"I don't understand how the two of you have been twiddling your thumbs inside of these four walls for a year." He walks towards your window and opens the curtains. "Let's go horse riding, yeah?"
Without looking up, Felix responds. "Lady Rose and the king take their daily horse ride at this time." Which makes you roll your eyes in annoyance. How did you end up second to a mistress? The Eldorian princess you once were would laugh at your predicament.
Minho laughs, "Then let's ruin their little date."
"Minho, you know things in court are tense." You back away from the playing board, finally paying attention to your best friend.
He takes his coat off, getting comfortable on your bed, dramatically sighing before he continues, "You know you are the queen right? Did you forget when your mother shut all the castle doors when one of her maids stole her wedding ring?"
You laugh at the memory. "My mother was a bit... irrational at times."
"So why can't you be irrational as well? From what I've learned, the two of you have been sitting as decorations here before I showed up." Minho's words get to you, but he doesn't understand Rexerum court yet. Things don’t work the same as they were back home, affairs are handled in silence. You have to keep your cards to yourself.
Unlike you, Felix gets drawn up with his childhood friend. "What do you suggest Min?"
Minho sits up,  mischievously. "I say, we show them a bit of Eldoria while I'm here. Since you spineless ducks can't stand up for yourselves, I say we show them how to have fun." He looks at you and Felix, hoping one of the two would catch his bait.
You and Felix exchange doubtful looks, but before you could say anything to back out, your advisor speaks up. "I say we do it. It would be nice to show them what we're made of." Felix's courage catches you off guard, but he'd been acting weird lately, so his decision only shocks you in the slightest.
Before you know it, the three of you run down to the cellar. You probably look out of place. Running like children through guards and servants all staring at you in bewilderment. Felix and Minho wearing their usual suits and gems, as you run with them in a full gown, beige silk that you have to pick up in order to not trip on your skirt. Your laughs echo through the halls.
Before you know it, the three of you are sitting in a dark corner, seeing who could stomach the most wine.
It may not have been the best decision, but you felt safe with the two of them. No matter what happened, they'd have your back.
With slurred words, Minho masks, "Wait, wait," You and Felix stop your giggles to listen to what he has to say. "So all the letters the king sent you... they were written by the queen?"
You put your wine glass down in frustration. "That's what Chan said."
"Why do you believe him?" Minho asks.
"Why wouldn't I?"
Minho downs the rest of his glass, "Because it seems a bit convenient. Why would the mother of the king care for your feelings? She was a ruler, she knows that matters of diplomacy are above matters of the heart." You and Felix await for further explanation, but Minho seems a bit annoyed that the two of you aren't reading things the same way he is. "Only someone that cares for Jeongin's heart would do such thing."
You and Felix still stare at him waiting for further explanation. "You fucking idiots. Bang Chan wrote those letters. He cares for Jeongin, and what a coincidence that he grew close to YN so quickly."
You were about to dismiss him before he continued, "I am just saying, as a fellow strategist, that's what I would have done."
Maybe it was the alcohol induced boldness, but you couldn't help yourself. "Why don't we go ask him then?" Before either of the two could stop you, you run to the king's chambers, Felix and Minho close behind. Felix trying to stop you, and Minho ready for the show.
Jeongin's guards immediately stop you at his door, "I apologize your highness, but the king is occupied at this moment."
That typically would have been enough to turn you away, but you lacked shame at that moment, so you would not pass up a moment of courage (foolishness).
"As your queen, I order you to let us through." You say as confidently as possible, despite trying to hold back your laugh at the fact that it all seemed like a game to you.
The guards hesitate before they stand aside, which is enough for you to push forward and throw the chamber doors open.
You first make eye-contact with Rose, who looks outraged. Then, you look at Jeongin, who seems desperate. Usually, you'd try to read the room and asses the situation, but instead, you ignore the tension between the two. Minho suggested to show them Eldorian fun, and that is what you intend to do.
"Lady Rose! Fancy meeting you here. You look lovely, how was your horse riding date today?" You're never so bold, always aiming to stay decent and subtle, it catches her off guard.
"It went... Uhm... Okay?" Is all she could muster in the spot.
"I am so glad. Now, could you go and act your rank with the rest of my ladies? I have to speak with the king." You've never feared her, but at the moment, you no longer chose peace, letting the chaos rise. That may have been Minho's doing, but you accept it gracefully nevertheless.
"Could you please repeat yourself my queen?" She asks challengingly.
"You heard her Rose." The king is the one to intercept, which catches everyone by surprise.
Your lady looks at him incredulously, but when he doesn't budge, she looks at the ground and walks away with a sneer. If looks could kill, you'd be having tea with the grim reaper.
"Now, how should I address this invasion." Jeongin looks at the three of you.
"I could show you a real invasion." Minho whispers to himself, aware that he was still loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room.
"Min." You say in an attempt to calm him down.
However, Jeongin seems unaffected in the slightest. "I just want to know as to why I owe the honor."
Felix has been silent for dangerously too long, but that ended with the alcohol.
"Why are you such a dick?" Minho miserably hides a laugh, but you and Jeongin stare at Felix in shock.
"Felix!" Is all you can say, but your brain is hardly clear enough to say much else.
"I am just voicing what everyone is thinking." Felix pouts and begins to look around the room. "Your chambers are huge my king, why is your wife in such shit chambers?"
"Are your chambers not up to your standards?" The king disregards Felix and walks straight to you.
"Don't disregard me!" His deeps voice booms through the king's chambers. Everyone stills. Felix switched from your giggly friend to a headstrong man in a blink of an eye. For a second, he resembles the king, and the thought scares you.
"The queen is fucking perfect and you are an idiot to ignore her. You are a shit king to a kingdom that is two seconds from falling apart. You are foolish to sleep with other women. You want to know what I think? Even though you may not even remember my name. I think that you are distracting yourself from reality in the hands of another, too foolish to see that you were handed by the world, and you are rejecting it for a life in purgatory." He walks towards the king, standing a couple of inches away from his face. "Tread carefully my king. You never know when your world may flip upside down." A staring contest begins between the two men. Felix bold on alcohol, and Jeongin high on power. As you stare at them in complete astonishment, Minho is the first to gather his senses.
"Alright Lix, time to go."
When Minho grabs the younger man's shoulder, Felix only shakes him off. "Minho, you wanted to show Rexerum our colors, here are mine." He grabs Jeongin by the collar, "Stand with YN as a man, otherwise, I will."
Jeongin pushes him away in outrage, but before he could say anything, Minho stands in front of Felix.
"Forgive him my king." Like always, the last word is hard for him to say. "He has had a little too many drinks, allow me to take him away. Please forgive him." He quickly drags Felix away without interacting with the king more than he had to.
Even you are at a loss of words.
"What do you have to say?" Jeongin asks.
"Absolutely nothing. You should be aware that I stand behind my countrymen." You feel out of place, about to follow your friends out of the room.
"What the hell?" Jeongin stops you before you walk out. "What did Felix mean by that?"
"I do not understand what you are talking about." Your hands rest by on your sides. Awkwardly trying to figure out what to do in the strange room. A year of being Jeongin's wife meant nothing now.
"He practically confessed his love to you." Your husband stares at you, awaiting a reaction.
"Why does it matter to you?"
He walks towards you and puts his hands on your shoulders. "You are my wife." He says as if it meant anything.
You couldn't help but to laugh at him. "Yeah and Rose is your lover."
"Why does it matter to you all of the sudden? Jeongin asks as he walks towards his closet, seeking something more comfortable.
"It matters because you have no say in what I do or who I get involved with. It is not as if you were a decent husband."
As he grabs his robe he responds, "Then what do you want from me"
"I want you to respect me, as your queen, not your wife. I do not care for your affection anymore."
He stares at you, maybe in bewilderment. "Are the servants not respectful enough here?" He questions.
"The servants are perfect. The one who lacks is my own husband, the king. Forgive me if I am blunt, but as your wife, I will say, you are nothing to me." He seems offended by your words, almost confused.
"I am nothing to you?!"
A/N: Turns out, I'm a liar - one more part to go lol
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rynnthefangirl · 1 month
I love how Fire and Blood shows time and time again how Targaryen women are passed over, usurped, abused, killed, raped, and slandered, all building to Daenerys, a Targaryen woman who rises to great power while seeking justice and salvation for all those crushed beneath the oppressive systems of her world... just to be usurped and killed so that we can place a man on the throne again.
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sm-baby · 2 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 month
hello hello lovely
saw that your requests were still open, and I’m craving Aegon. need your precious writing to revamp my love for him 💓
could I request chubby!Aegon where the reader becomes jealous and he makes it up to her? don’t have anything specific in mind just along those lines. I need that big boy to grovel 🫠
thank you, appreciate you 💋
- @lovelykhaleesiii xo
Anything for you my helina🥰🥰loved writing this
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: mention of overeating, mentioned weight gain, chubby!aegon, au!no war, northern reader, pwp, Aegon being aegon, breeding kink, pnv!sex, certified boob man aeg ii, lactation kink mentioned, creampie
Taglist: @arcielee @aemonds-holy-milk @lovelykhaleesiii @dr-aegon @starogeorgina @jamespotterismydaddy @elaratyrell @zaldritzosrose @sugarpoppss2 @saintaegon @fairysluna @targaryen-madness
Aegon could put on a farce with the best of the mummers. He was all smiles and drunken japes at dinner. Talking, eating, talking, eating, and his favorite— drinking. Your husband’s abilities appeared to grow along with his new titles. He was a king now and certainly filled the part.
You sat next to him with a pinched face, carefully sipping your wine. Aemond looked on with barely concealed disgust, sharp features twitching. He raised a brow at you, jerking his sharp chin toward your husband. Aemond’s need for control might be worse than your own. The king was the king, there was not much you could do outside the bedroom. Aegon was chatting with Lord Jason Lannister. You despised the Westerman and what he represented, the Northron blood in you appalled at the South’s materialism.
Jason snorted, “Well, you’ve heard of the petulant princess down in Dorne hm? Fashions herself the new Nymeria. Heard she’s quite beautiful.”
Aegon replied around a gulp of wine, “Is it them or the Iron Islanders that take on all those wives? She can join my harem. I do know the Dornish are easy, much easier than mine own wife.” He leaned forward on thick arms to jest, “Pray tell, what’s this Martell’s name? Mayhaps I’ll send a letter.”
The pair guffawed. You quietly put your cup down and excused yourself. Aegon called after you between his giggles, “My love! Come on! Take a damn joke, yeah?”
You seethed, blood icy at his embarrassing behavior. He knew better than to insult you, his queen, the one he came crying to when times got hard. Your kingsguard filtered in behind you, scrambling to catch up. Ser Darklyn’s questions were ignored.
Safe in your chambers, you pulled down the kady bar. Rage unfurled beneath your skin— you would not show it to him. You never did unless it was a slap to his full cheeks. A tear fell, the droplet smacked away like a pest. You’d go to sleep, Aegon could wait until you’d calmed.
“Fucker. Southron cock-gargler.”
As expected, his familiar presence came to crawling. Well, flopping onto your bed with his weight, the ropes creaking as he cursed lowly. Aegon cursed, “Fuckin’ damn- beds!” You jerked up your legs, sitting upright to light a candle, blinking the little sleep out of your eyes.
The blonde frowned at the dim light, chubby cheeks pooching at the movement. He wore a simple linen shirt and breeches, white hair all mussed. You frowned at your thoughts turning soft, as your lord husband looked handsome in the gentle lighting.
Aegon murmured, thick fingers circling your ankle, “Are you upset? I was merely joking.”
“No, go on, take a mistress from every great house if you so desire, my king.”
His violet eyes rolled at your acrid reply, the man coming closer to your position. He sighed, “I don’t plan on it, why would I do that?” Narrowing your eyes, you threw a pillow at his head to escape further across the bed. Aegon grunted as he was pelted, the blonde casted a bewildered look your way, brows pinched.
“I don’t want to hear it, that was shameful to speak as if I were not there, go away Aegon,” you hissed.
He groaned loudly, hand running through his wild waves. The king asked, face dead serious “Do I need to beg? Hm? My frozen queen of the north is the only one I’m fucking. Sweetling wants to see me grovel?”
Your stomach fluttered at the thought, eyes flicking to his earnest expression across the bed. You sniffed quietly, holding out a hand, “Yes. I want you to beg for me. Then maybe I’ll forget the slight. You talk like such a whore at the table yet you forget who rules your cock.”
He moaned, eyes rolling at the words before taking your hand and lowering himself with a grunt. Aegon looked up through his lashes, plump lips pink and perfect. He murmured, “Can’t believe you. Lady wants me to grovel. All I do is think about my wife day and night.”
You stared him down, pleased so far.
“I’m not seeing anyone, nor do I care to. I’m not some young little slip anymore. Too busy eating your cunt than diving into every hole up the street of silk, yeah? Maybe that’s why I can’t close my belt?”
You moaned, “I didn’t make you, ah, you do that Aegon.”
“Mhm, that’s why you slide me extra cake. Now, what was I saying,” he was kissing an ankle now, carefully holding your leg, “Why would I go get some bratty Dornish nymphet, or any other lady for that matter? I’ve fucked a babe into you twice now. It’s a bit intoxicating watching you ripen up with my seed.”
You whined at that, resolved to break soon. Being pregnant with the children was some of your fondest moments. Some most erotic from your insatiable husband. His increased weight? Likely came from him drinking your tits up every night before each babe.
Aegon hummed, eyes blown with lust, lips at your knee. The king rasped, “I’d like to fuck more into you tonight if you’ll forgive me, I only love my queen. Always and truly ever you, sweeting. Mayhaps twins? Your teats will be quite ripe for me then.”
You gasped and pulled his shoulders, Aegon already knew the intention as he hiked up your shift and yanked it off. In a flurry of movement, you pulled at the strings on his breeches while he exposed his thickened body. He was stout, not necessarily a true softling. It made the king more intimidating, with wide hips and a sturdy midsection. You loved it.
“Uh-huh, you’re gonna fuck twins into me? That’s a way to make up for being an absolute t-twat.”
You tried to hiss but there was no real heat, especially with his soft lips against your neck, gluttonous hands on your tits. Aegon pressed your naked form into the bed, his flushed cock snug against your thigh. Delicate white hair tickled at your neck as you squirmed. The king’s bulk had you utterly pinned, stocky thighs keeping your legs open.
He nipped at thin skin, laughing, “Where’s all the cold anger hm? Needed to be coddled and warmed up? You’re no better than me, love.”
Another shiver ran up your spine, goosebumps erupting atop your skin. You hooked a leg around his cushy waist and gritted, “Kiss me dammit. You were the ass here.” He laughed again, lips searching your own, the familiar plush a balm to your stung pride.
You opened up for him, lips lazily caressing against Aegon’s more insistent kisses, tongue bullying its way in. He gripped at your waist, rutting a few times against your cunt. The bulbous tip catching your clit made you whine and cling to his fleshy sides.
The Targaryen breathed, “Never takes you long to get all nice and slick for me huh? Turn your nose up but your pussy gets wet. Every. Damn. Time.” He punctuated his words with jerks of his hips and grinned as you cursed his name, arching into his soft belly.
You rolled back against him, demanding, “Enough talk, you’re here to make it up. Ah, careful,” you chastised as he pulled one of your tits up to bite at your budded nipple, “Fuck me dammit! Breed me up then!”
Aegon grinned sharply, cooing, “Why didn’t you just say so, dearest? I’ll make sure you take it all.”
He shoved a pillow under your flared hips, pressing gentler kisses on any available skin. Aegon huffed as he jerked his hand under a heavy stomach to grab his cock, guiding it into your soaked cunt. Your knees tightened up around him, exhaling a shaky moan.
He never failed to fill you up perfectly, with a girthy cock that he well knew how to use. Aegon groaned, lashes fluttering as he bottomed out, “Mmm, fuck, always so godsdamn soaked for your king.” One of his big hands clapped down on your ass— you threw your head back as he began to fuck you in earnest.
Aegon was an…excitable lover. He was mouthy and rough, a true passion of his to empty his balls into cunt. Thankfully, it was yours and yours only for the past years. You panted against his soft jaw, nipping at the flesh as he stretched your walls out, tip dragging against the tender ridges and spongey spots.
He angled you further, allowing his lower tummy to rub and stifle your bundle of nerves. You cried out his name, heaving as Aegon paid no heed, single-minded determination across his face. Shivers wracked your spine, shooting down your spread legs.
“Mhm, that’s my baby, shaking all over, needed my cock to settle you down? You say I’m needy. Yet your body screams for more.”
“F-fuck Aegon, quit it, oh gods!”
He took your lips again, sweat building up between you two as passions grew frantic. You keened. “Breed me, love, want more babes, make me yours again and again- hnn- mm!” Blood suffused your face, irritably hot as you registered the wanton pleas.
Aegon doubled down, hands pressing your thighs up, bending your stimulated frame. His belly still sat heavily on your clit, sparks of pleasure muddling any sort of coherence. Aegon was panting now, hair damp with exertion. He growled, “Yeah, yeah, gonna keep you full mama, let the kingdom see how well my queen takes my seed. Gods, gods, fucking hell, gonna fill you up. Plug ya’ so you don’t leak.”
You whimpered as your belly was awash with intense sensation, bundling nerves ready to fire. Aegon’s rambling about you being his perfect queen and good mama throttled you to the precipice, pussy clamping down on his cock. You wanted it all, your cunt was milking him for it. Seeking that hot feeling of his spend coating your sore insides.
“Fucking others!,” came your howl— your delirious thoughts catapulting you into gushing all over Aegon with a squeal. The king stuttered and cursed, a broken moan leaving swollen lips. He surged forward, dragging his tip against your cervix, face cutely scrunching as he emptied, shaking and moaning your name.
His spend was molten hot and overfilling your cunt, Aegon selfishly feeling around the side of the bed, crushing your overwhelmed body. He whined, “Fuuh-uck, love, feel too good, hold on.” You furrowed your brows before surprise hit your features.
That motherfucker was going to plug you up.
His lidded eyes danced as he drawled, “I wanted twins, mama.”
You squirmed and mewled when his cock left and a cold wedge replaced it. He shushed and pet you, kissing you tenderly as you grew used to the foreign object. You could feel his seed stuffed inside— trying not to dwell on it so hard. Aegon flopped onto his back, pulling your body snugly against his soft, warm one. You murmured, “That was some hell of an apology. Bastard.”
He sleepily murmured, “M’sorry dove, was mean. I’ll do better,” he squeezed you tight and planted a kiss on the crown of your head, “Only for my queen. Mmh, pray to your old gods— papa wants twins.”
You snorted, biting back laughter at his outright silly statement.
“Mhm Papa, prayers coming up. Sot.”
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
Eddie Munson x Cunningham! Reader, what if Reader is Chrissy's stepsister or smth like that, and she fell for Eddie, Chrissy's friend, but she thinks Chrissy likes Eddie, so she's always kinda mad at Chrissy and Eddie, and Eddie notices it, and talks with reader and she confesses and he tells her that Chrissy has been giving him some tips to make Reader fall in love with him?
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Wrong Cunningham
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Y/N Cunningham was not the preppy cheerleader type like her stepsister was. She enjoyed books, video games, and being in her circle of friends. Y/N met many people because of Chrissy's popularity, which she never cared about. But then Chrissy brought home the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen.
His name was Eddie Munson. He had dark curly long hair, big brown eyes, and pink lips. Y/N never felt a crush this intense before, but the second she saw Eddie she couldn't forget about him. She thought about him all the time.
Eddie came over more and more. He even began to have dinner at the house. Y/N got lost in everything he said. Even when he didn't talk, her eyes were still on him. She'd blush and look away when he looked back at her.
But her big crush meant a huge amount of envy towards Chrissy. Chrissy already had a boyfriend, popular, and treated her like a queen. Now she had the attention of Eddie all over her. It was wrong for Chrissy to lead Eddie in the way she was. Which caused Y/N to be even more annoyed with Chrissy.
Y/N sang to herself as she dusted her picture frames. She was in her own little world she didn't know Eddie was leaning against her door frame with a smile.
"You have a beautiful voice."
Y/N jumped and turned. She was shocked to see Eddie walking into her room. She felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"Oh! I didn't know you were here." Y/N said she put down her duster.
"Couldn't pass up your mom's meatloaf." Eddie joked, and Y/N laughed and agreed.
"Do you sing just for fun or perform?" Eddie asked
"Oh god no. I could never sing in front of anyone." Y/N said
"I always thought the same thing but now I'm in a band and perform every Friday, at the hideout, at eight," Eddie said, Y/N felt nervous as he moved closer.
"Is that an invitation?" Y/N asked, she hoped it was.
"If you want it to be." Eddie smiled, now steps closer. He was so close she could smell his addicting cologne.
If she wanted it to be? Of course, she did. But did he want her to?
"EDDIE, where are you?" Chrissy said as she walked up the stairs. Hearing her voice, Y/N stepped away from Eddie and went back to cleaning.
Eddie deflated as she moved away and turned her attention elsewhere.
"Looks like that is your cue," Y/N snapped
Chrissy walked in, "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt." Chrissy winked at Eddie.
"Sure you didn't," Y/N said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. Eddie and Chrissy shared a look as Y/N brushed past them to leave the room.
Dinner was awkward and tense. Chrissy kept drifting her eyes between Y/N and Eddie. Eddie kept his eyes on Y/N as he tried to figure out what changed. And Y/N kept her eyes down.
Chrissy vowed to get to the end of it.
Eddie shook off his nerves and walked to Y/N as she closed her locker. After the dinner, a few days ago, things were still tense. But Eddie wanted to try again with Y/N.
"Hey, Y/N"
"Hi Eddie," Y/N smiled
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the hideout tonight?" Eddie tried to smile confidently, but he was nervous.
"With you?" Y/N felt excited but she felt like she shouldn't be. Chrissy liked him and he liked her.
"Well no," Y/N sighed but Eddie continued, "I will already be there to set up for my performance. But I want you to meet me there."
Y/N felt her excitement building again.
"Yeah, that sounds cool." Y/N smiled a small heat of blush on her cheeks.
"Sweet! And Chrissy is welcome to tag along. You know so you don't have to show up alone at a new place." Eddie explained. He thought he sounded caring, but Y/N took it a different way.
"Oh right, Chrissy. I'll let her know." Y/N smiled before she walked off.
Y/N sighed as she got home. After Eddie's not subtle way of asking Chrissy to be there, Y/N didn't feel like going. She told Chrissy that Eddie wanted her to attend tonight's show.
"Are you going?" Chrissy asked, she was confused why Eddie would ask Chrissy to go, but not Y/N.
"No, I don't feel well so I'm going to sleep, plus he asked for you." Y/N sighed as she walked to her room.
Chrissy arrived at the show as Eddie took the stage.
Eddie began to play but his eyes moved around the room. He caught Chrissy's eyes and smiled. But he felt disappointed when he didn't see Y/N anywhere.
When the show ended, Eddie came off the stage sweaty and irritated.
"Where is she?" Eddie asked he was slightly annoyed. Why was Y/N dodging him?
"How did you ask her? Because she thinks you asked for me to be here."
"I asked her and she said yes! Then I didn't want her to feel anxious so I said you could tag along." Eddie explained.
"Eddie! You idiot." Chrissy spazzed, her right hand smacking Eddie's arm.
"What did I do?"
"That wasn't the plan. If you want a date, it needs to be just the two of you. If you add anyone else, it immediately tells the girl it's not a date. Which means you aren't interested." Chrissy explained.
"I'll go talk to her," Eddie said as he raced out of the bar.
Eddie knocked on Y/N's bedroom door, his hands in his pockets as he waited.
"Can we talk?"
Y/N moved aside and let Eddie walk into her room.
"What did I do wrong? Why do you seem to hate having me around?" Eddie asked
"I don't Eddie," Y/N sighed, "I like having you around, it's just complicated." She sat on her bed and looked down at her nails.
"Then explain it," Eddie said, sitting next to her.
"I sorta have feelings for you and knowing you and Chrissy like each other is really hard for me," Y/N said, she looked at Eddie and back to her nails.
"Woah, Chrissy and I do not like each other." Eddie laughed.
"It's not funny," Y/N snapped, and Eddie stooped laughing.
"You're right. It's not funny. But Chrissy and I do not like each other, I swear." Eddie explained. "I like you and Chrissy has been trying to help me."
"Why would you need help?" Y/N asked, her heart racing at his confession.
"I had no idea how to even talk to you. You make me nervous, my tongue goes numb, my heart beats out of my chest, and I wanted to ask you out but I knew I couldn't do it alone."
Y/N felt herself smiling, that was the cutest thing she had ever heard. She couldn't believe she made him nervous. She couldn't believe he liked her back.
"I believe you can do it on your own, try it," Y/N said, she turned her body to face his and laced their hands together.
"Right now?" Eddie choked out
She nodded and squeezed his hand with a smile on her face.
"Can I take you on a date? Tomorrow night at the hideout, just us." Eddie asked, he nervously squeezed her hand back.
"You absolutely can." Y/N laughed
"Fuck yeah," Eddie cheered to himself
"Fuck yeah," Y/N laughed.
Seems like Y/N owed Chrissy an apology. But right now, her focus was on Eddie.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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jockbots · 11 months
More on how much I love the little details of how Ballister worked the hardest and trained to be the best:
When given the sword that kills the queen he immediately recognises that its off . He knows his weapon so well that he can tell just by holding it that its wrong
Built his own arm. Built his own arm with one hand. Built his own arm, with one hand, with no resources just junk in an abandoned layer within however long it was between the queen being killed and Nimona adopting him.
Catches can without looking at it before it can drop and make a noise. AKA the moment i went oh fuck he's good.
Only needed to fight with Nimona (well...be flung around on her back) once to know her fighting style, and then was immediately able to slot himself alongshide her in a fight and cover her back.
Also I noticed that when the squire puts on his armour he struggles around. Which wouldn't mean much if I hadn't had someone point out to me how his armour is looks worn and isn't shiny and new loke the others. So then I couldn't unsee how much bulkier his armour is. All the other knights have slimlined, lightweight armour that is fitted at the ankle, but balisters is nothing kike theres. Making me think that his armour is probably a lot older and tougher and literally makes him work harder.
How many guards tried to nab them when they walked straight up to Ambrosius? The focus is on Nimona as a powerhouse, but he takes down everyone that comes at him. And it would go unoticed as blah blah movie action look at the monkey if not for the initial build up on his mad skills.
Rides a horse through a crumbling kingdom with little to no visibility and scales a statue of Glorith in record time!!!
Side note: to how much Ambrosius flusters him and his brain turns OFF aside from when he first sees him again post arm chop and reentering the closet. When Ambrosius follows them to the market, he is so devoid of braincells that he doesn't just get put of the car and run, he flails and tried to hide and covers his face and is like "do you think he saw us?" MY GUY IS SO SMART BUT HE WENT TO SEE HIM FOR NATCHOS???
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artydonsgf · 1 month
Hi, requesting dad art … we didn’t get to see that in the movie… or domestic art. The way he’s so gentle with Tashi
hi!! please enjoy dad art!! this was so fun, i love soft art
Art Donaldson as a Dad
- when he finds out that he’s becoming a father, he cries 100%
- hopes it’s a girl, he thinks he’s destined to be a girl dad
- when he finds out the baby is a girl, he cries again
- buys shit you will never use “just in case”
- “baby are you sure we don’t need three different breast pumps? just in case?”
- a worrier the entire pregnancy
- he checks you over every night before bed, puts his ear to your stomach to make sure baby’s alright, just always has a hand on you
- googles things that could go wrong and drives himself mad with worry
- wants to do every genetic test possible to make sure mom n baby are healthy
- when your water breaks at 2 in the morning, he’s freaking the fuck out
- he’s running around in his underwear trying to find your hospital bag, trying to find his phone to call patrick for a ride, trying to find his pants
- hovers every time the nurses do anything to the point of having to tell him to sit down and calm down
- refuses to leave your side even when nothing is going on
- has your entire birth plan memorized and is a fierce advocate for you
- holds your hand the entire time and whispers reassurances to you and tells you how excited he is to be a father
- if anything goes slightly wrong, he’s nearly passed out from the stress
- once he hears the loud healthy cries of baby girl, he’s completely smitten
- tells you that she’s the cutest baby in the world because she looks “just like you”
- mind you the baby is still covered in gunk
- gets to cut the umbilical cord and is stressing as he does it
- “i’m not hurting her right?” he says as he cuts something baby girl does not feel
- immediately takes a selfie with baby girl n sends it to all his friends (so literally just patrick)
- just very giddy and excited
- as happy as he is about baby, he’s also glued to your side the whole time you’re in the hospital
- he showers you, helps you go to the bathroom, fixes your hair up, etc
- constantly thanks you for the sacrifices you made to have baby girl
- will nearly fight you if you try to stay up to do anything that isn’t feedings
- wrangles baby out of your hands as soon as she’s done feeding so you can get a few hours of sleep
- has not slept or eaten or showered since the baby was born but he wouldn’t have it any way
- finally showers but with the door open “just in case his girls need him”
- when you’re finally out of the hospital, he’s walking out like a turtle
- he’s taking the slowest steps possible and looking down at the baby the whole time
- you have to tell him that walking fast will not give your baby shaken baby syndrome
- drives even slower, it takes an extra 30 minutes to get home
- treats you like an absolute queen the moment yall get home
- gives you massages of all sorts, takes baby when she’s being fussy, always asks you to get in a few hours of sleep, etc
- as baby girl grows up, it becomes apparent that she has him wrapped around her finger
- every birthday he gets her something even more ridiculous because “she wanted it”
- she got a mini car for her 3rd birthday
- a horse for her 4th birthday
- gives your daughter the silliest nicknames ever, he’s a cheesy dad
- extremely excited about daddy daughter dances every year
- steers her towards other sports and interests besides tennis, he doesn’t wanna pressure her to follow in his footsteps
- when baby girl starts becoming an older kid/preteen, it’s even more apparent that she has him wrapped around her finger
- he’s had to remind himself on multiple occasions that he can’t buy a car for his 12 year old daughter
- celebrates you becoming a mom after baby girl has gone to sleep on her birthday every year
- gets you a small cake n a gift and gives you plenty of kisses as a thank you
- essentially he’s the best husband n dad in the world
i hope this was everything you wanted and more!! please gimme more requests i love writing
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martiny0rk · 8 months
I will be okay Honey
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Request can you do one with jack wife's being pregnant and has been getting really bad morning sickness lately but jack has to leave for a roadie
Warning (s) mentions of throwing up
As Jack started to pack a bag for the roadie he was about to have to go on for a game that wasn't at the Prudential Center and was nearly two hours from your guys new brunswick cottage home.
Jack decided on living in new brunswick instead of newark as he felt it was safe for you and him, but that meant he would always have to leave early to get to even a home game.
Jack started to regret his decision on living farther from newark. You had been just diagnosed with a rare severe type of morning sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum.
He now didn't want to leave you alone knowing this now as he has seen what it has been doing to you, but he knew that you would be mad at him if he stayed with you.
Jack made his way back into the bedroom from the walk in closet seeing you all pale in the face with dark rings around your eyes but you still had a soft small on your face.
He made his way over to the bed where you sat trying to hide the worry in his face knowing it would only hurt you more. Jack didn't like to see you like this.
He felt his heart rip to pieces every time he would hear you get sick in the middle of the night or mid day.
Jack started to rub your back gently leaning down to kiss your forehead to which you close your eyes taking a deep breath in leaning against him.
You throughout your pregnancy have just been continuously throwing up and just haven’t been able to keep anything down but you knew that in the end you and Jack would have a beautiful baby girl so that’s what kept you going.
Jack has been your rock through it all even with him being gone most of the time he still tries his best to be by your side constantly checking up on you when he’s at practice when he’s not. Luke probably even checking up on you.
“Will you be okay with me not being here” Jack spoke softly rubbing your back looking down at you.
You nod saying tiredly “probably be sleeping most of the time or watching you be a star on the the tv”
Jack softly chuckled continuously rubbing your back then moves his hand to check his watch to see what time it was and he lets out a soft sigh.
“I gotta get going honey but I will be home tomorrow. My mom is downstairs she’s here to stay with you while I’m gone to make sure nothing bad happens while I’m gone”
Jack kisses your lips grabbing his bags going downstairs where the queen herself was just looking through some of the boxes you and Jack had gotten around to putting up do to you being pregnant and everything.
“Mom you know you don’t have to do that right? I can do that when I get back? And thank you again for flying in to keep an eye on y/n I’m just so worry about her and the baby ” Jack spoke to his Mom to which she just pulled him into a hug.
“Just because your grown doesn’t mean I stop taking care of you and she’s family now sweetie I know your worried about her but she’s a strong girl and that baby has a lot of fight in her you being her’s father” Ellen spoke to her second oldest son holding him close to her.
“Now go beat the crap out of the rangers” his mom jokes to him wiping his tears as she pats his back as he walks out the door to his car.
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nishik1 · 1 year
you jealous, nishimura?
a nishimura riki smau <33
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synopsis- Nishimura Riki and Park Y/N have been friends for years. At first glance, one may think the two are dating when in reality, they are just two best friends who refuse to admit they have crushes on each other! until one day, jealousy drives Nishimura Riki mad.
(basically niki confesses because he gets jealous)
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pairing- non idol! nishimura riki x non idol! fem reader
genre- FRIENDS to LOVERS, he fell first she fell harder, high school au, model au, (enhypen are models), brother sunghoon bc why not :)
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WARNINGS- this was made for entertainment purposes, this is a pure figment of my imagination. the way the idols are portrayed here is not how i view them!
status: on going!
started- 6/2/23
taglist: CLOSED (50/50)@en-chantedtomeetyou @yunicide @txtbrainrot @lizzyyaaaaaa @j-wyoung @beomgyusonlywife @spilled-coffee-cup @sungookie @telengraph @yajw @arizejkt19 @iea-tsand @k1ttylvr @solstramaii @soo0mi @jhopesucker @teddywonss @sumarchived @ramenoil @darwics @luvmura @beoms-sugar @haechansbbg @yumilovesloona @s00buwu @r1kitti @veryjeongintxtkid @sunnyglower @m111nho @enhaz1 @jerrykarrot @haechan-nahceah @kpopstanmeg @eloelooo @lunavixia @gyuudai @luvkpopp @yunjinlvrr @gweoriz @wiltspring @nikikids @meiiiwa @jiaant11 @rikizm @enhamysunshines @polarisjisung @cha3w0n-hearts @nhularin @soobs-things @hyunsllvr
(bold cannot be tagged)
NOTES: this smau is going to have the main story, which is YNKI’S love story. as well as the side stories, which are basically like extra stories which I’ll make when I have writers blocks (you don’t have to read the extras they’re just for fun) UNRELEASED CHAPTER NAMES MAY CHANGE!!!
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profiles: ONE (future models??/newjeans) TWO (enha) THREE (enha privs) FOUR (extras)
1. “we’re just friends”
2. he so likes her.
5. Y/N has W rizz confirmed?
6. huening kai (pt. 1)
7. huening kai (pt.2) smau + written
8. does she like him? smau + written
9. jealouski
10. yeah, i do. smau + written
12. NEW JEANS!! smau + written
13. project YNKi
14. convincing Eunchae
15. Hong Eunchae?
16. jealous jealous jealous girl~ smau + written
17. shes in denial
18. why must feelings feel? smau + written
19. acceptance smau + written
20. and they’re back
21. arcade!
22. Riki’s got competition smau + written
23. jealouski sensing are tingling smau + written
24. Welcome Jeongin!
25. GET HIM OUT 👺👺
26. its working 😈
28. drama queen 🙄
29. bold Riki?!
31. putting two and two together smau+ written
33. i missed you smau + written
34. i’m not okay (coming soon)
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1. Niki and Eunchae’s hangout! (coming soon)smau + written
2. Jeongins event! (coming soon) smau+written
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illustratedartist · 6 months
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Jervis Tetch A.K.A The MAD HATTER 🎩🫖
OK So someone sent me an ask on here and unfortunately I can't find where it disappeared to-SO I'M VERY SORRY!
This person asked if I could make a reference sheet of my Hatter and share some headcanons, if I had any. I've never really done this before, or even had many headcanons so please bare with me lol. I didn't go into too much detail, Im not really a writer so I just tried to get the main points through.
Down The Rabbit Hole:
Has paranoid schizophrenia, and often hallucinates, especially when stressed. He mostly sees characters from Alice in Wonderland, seeing the Cheshire cat or “Alice” the most.
When very stressed or feel like hes losing control of a situation, he begins to stutter horribly. His words get jumbled in his mind, and thats when he starts reciting quotes or poems from AIW relevant to the situation hes in. Before he became the Mad Hatter, and became a criminal he stuttered constantly while speaking to anyone. 
 Jervis controls people by drugging and hypnotizing them, But the strongest form of mind control he has are the masks he puts on his “Guests”. 
For goons or regular street thugs he manages to get, he mostly uses cards on them instead of wasting materials to make masks for them. Figuring It would be easier than having Batman break them and forcing him to constantly  remake the same ones over and over. 
Also its a chance to call his thugs the “Card Guards” which amuses him.
His goons don’t matter much to him, but if he assigns you a specific character, you are highly important to his “Tea Parties” and are at risk of being forced to attend indefinitely.
 For his “Tea Party” guest list, he has crafted actual masks for them to wear, in correlation to the Character he assigned to each guest. He does make sure the guests are drugged with his special tea before putting the masks on them. Wouldn’t want to risk having you manage to break free of his control during the party! Or ever.
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March Hare=Scarecrow, Dormouse= Riddler, White Rabbit= Ventriloquist, Cheshire Cat= Catwoman, The Dodo= Penguin, Mock Turtle= Mr.Freeze, Queen of Hearts= Poison Ivy, The Walrus= Bane, The Jabberwocky= Batman  
He customizes the masks so they even resemble the actual people.
His closest friends are Jonathan Crane, and Edward Nygma, his March Scare and Dorrat.
Jonathan was a psychologist so he knows how to handle Jervis, and can tolerate him for the most part. Edward on the other hand may think Jervis is a useful ally, but he's not nearly as patient with him as Jonathan is. Neither of them like being called by their "nicknames" Jervis gave them.
Jervis fell in love with the woman he had been working with, before he became a criminal, that put everything into motion. Her actual name wasn't Alice, but they both bonded over their fondness for the story, and he started to call her Alice as a fun nickname or inside joke. Though his obsession with her had already begun.
After losing it, and becoming a criminal and kidnapping "Alice" he was defeated by Batman, (Much like how it happened in BTAS). "Alice" fled Gotham after this, but Jervis doesn't know that, and is too far gone to realize that she would leave him. SO he roams the streets of Gotham looking for his beloved "Alice".
OK THAT'S IT! At least these were all I could think of. Obviously my Jervis is heavily based off the Arkham series and BTAS. But I love this little crazy guy.
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xoxotria · 2 months
inferno | y. jh
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pairing: targaryen!jeonghan x targaryen!reader
themes: house of dragon!au, incest, arranged marriage, typical house of dragon themes
warnings: incest, unprotected sex, edging, oral sex, switch reader, mentions of reader having breasts and a vagina
summary: unable to make his two troublesome children settle down the king takes matters into his own hands and decides to wed them.
“you and i are made of fire. we have always been meant to burn together.”
another daughter of the lord baratheon storms out of the prince’s chambers a scowl on her face as she passes by the targaryen princess. curious she walks towards her brother’s room to see what all that was about.
“chased off another one dear brother?” she teases as she peaks into her older brother’s chambers.
jeonghan sits at the edge of his bed a cup of wine in hand as he rolls his eyes at her.
“it’s not my fault she’s too tame for my taste.” he smirks.
jeonghan targaryen, the second heir to the throne after their other brother seungcheol, was a menace always getting into trouble with his dragon. he was an untamable soul—one that even the king, his father, cannot control.
“emā se ānogar hen zaldrīzes flowing rȳ ao. they’re sepār zūgagon naejot zālagon.” you have the blood of the dragon flowing through you. they’re just scared to burn. she smiles taking a seat on the set of chairs in the middle of his chambers.
“hae gaomagon ao jorrāelagon mandia, skore dīnagon īlva isse keskydoso situation.” as do you dearest sister, which puts us in the same situation.
he was right, she wasn’t very different from him. despite the god-like appearances they carry, she was a targaryen. according to her grandfather king jaehaerys ii, every time a targaryen is born the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. as much as targaryens are prone to greatness, they are also prone to madness.
the targaryen princess was vastly known to be like her ancestor queen visenya targaryen. a passionate, stern and unforgiving woman who feared nothing and no one but she was also loving to her two brothers. she trusted no one other than them—she was their little flame. she was immensely stubborn and headstrong, challenging her bethroned to keep up with her which always ends up with them break off their engagement unable to diminish her inferno.
she knew what she wanted and she wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of what she wanted—what she deserved.
“father will have our heads for breaking off another engagement he worked so hard to arrange for us.” she watches as jeonghan stands up to refill his cup downing it as he shrugs.
“his anger has always been temporary, ñuha perzys. it will only be a matter of time before he finds us another engagement to break.” he winks. my flame, the term of endearment he gave her as soon as she was born into this world.
“let us hope that is the case, there are only a few noble houses to choose from left—for me anyways, baratheon, tully, stark and hightower to name the few. are we as the rumors say we are?” she whispers softly as she peers up at him.
he puts his cup down as he encircles his arms around her, engulfing her into a tight hug. he knew of her worries—he’s heard the whispers in the king’s landing regarding both of their tendencies to be unreasonable and extremely picky when it comes to their betrothed or the rumors about them being together alone in each others chambers in the middle of the night.
“we know fully well who we are, who cares what they say? you and i ride the biggest dragons to ever live, we do not need the approval or the validation ñuha perzys.”
“i suppose your right.”
“please, ñuha perzys. i am always right.” he boasts as she shoves him off of her with a smile on her face.
to many of the people in the palace, the bond they shared seemed to dance the lines between siblings and something more. with personalities that matched each other’s, the similarities in their ways of thinking, and the way they presented themselves to the court and to the people of the kingdom. they mirrored each other so well.
jeonghan would hear the rumors as he loitered the streets of the city on days sleep would not find him, he thought about it. targaryen’s often marry siblings, it was a normal occurence in their family. their ancestor king aegon i even took both of his sisters to marry. it plagued his thoughts whenever he found himself staring across the hall at the sight of his little flame listening to her betrothed talk endlessly about something that did not intrigue her one bit as she toyed with the necklace he gifted her on her nineteenth name day.
unknowingly to the male, the female targaryen also harbored similar thoughts about her brother as she watched him and his betrothed acquaint themselves with each other in the gardens she often read. she would feel a pinch of jealousy as his betrothed made advances on him causing her to storm off to the dragonpit to go ride on vermithor.
“except when it comes to the women you choose.” she laughs as his face morphs to a shocked one.
“you did not! i don’t even pick them!”
“yes, i did! you always had a choice on the matter brother.”
lunging at her, jeonghan pushes her unto his bed as he tickled her sides causing her to erupt in laughter.
“take it back, ñuha perzys.” he smirked as he pinned both her arms above her head as he continued to tickle her sides.
“never.” she whispered realising how close their faces were to each other.
“i’ll give you one last chance. take it back.”
lilac colored eyes stared into light blue eyes, faces centimeters apart as the tension between them rises. his eyes glancing down to her lips briefly as he watched her bite her bottom lip.
kiss me. her eyes begged, breath hitching as he leaned down closer their noses touching.
“say it.” he whispered. say you want me to kiss you ñuha perzys and i will.
they stared at each other, hearts pounding against their chests, their bodies flushed against one another. they knew they had no right to touch each other, crave them like air—but they did. somehow they knew that the fire that burned in them was only meant to burn together.
“jeonghan! father is summoning you.” seungcheol’s voice booms behind the wooden doors as he slams his fists against it.
snapping out of their thoughts jeonghan pulled away and offered his hand to help her up from the bed as she muttered a small ‘thank you’. she had made her way back to the seat she was in just in time before the doors slammed open with her other brother walking in.
“i never said you could enter, brother.” jeonghan muttered as seungcheol sat down on the other seat across from the princess.
“ñuha perzys, i didn’t know you were in here.” seungcheol greeted as she smiled at him.
“i had the honor of seeing another lady storm out of his chambers.” she replied as seungcheol laughs looking over at his younger brother.
“again? for fucks sake, jeonghan! what’s wrong with her now?”
she isn’t her. he thought bitterly as his eyes met hers quickly before looking back at seungcheol and shrugging at their brother.
“too ‘tame’ is what he told me.” she pipes up as seungcheol’s brow raises at him.
“at this point, i do not even know who father would set you up with anymore.” he snatched the cup of wine from the table before turning to the princess. “you as well.”
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“please, ñuha perzys. i know everything that goes on in the keep. i heard about the lord crying and storming off after you took him out on a ride with vermithor.”
she once took the young lord on a afternoon ride with vermithor not knowing how the boy was terrified of both heights and the strong personality she had. the lord was a pussy anyways hurling at the stories the princess told about various poisons and tricks to kill someone without the evidence pointing back at you. it didn’t shock her he’d already fled back home with his tail between his legs.
“not my fault the boy hasn’t grown a dick yet.” she shrugged earning a chuckle from jeonghan.
“well father is not going to be please with both of you either way so i suggest running along and heading to meet with him and at the small council meeting room immediately.” seungcheol stands as he makes his way out jeonghan’s chambers.
the two shared a look before heading out as well, a look they shared a lot recently, a look that meant they were fucked.
“i am at my wits end with the both of you! you scared off the last lord in close vicinity interested in you and you—” the king points slams his hand on the table as the princess and prince look on bored as ever. “—you have yet to marry a lady i set up for you! time is running out for both of you troublesome children of mine.”
“father i will not be tied down to a boy who can not handle a woman such as myself. i know what i want and what i deserve. jeonghan feels the same way. do not expect me to marry a boy who only wants me for my cunt and dragon.” she reasons her voice stern as jeonghan nods in agreement beside her.
the king was livid. he could not understand why his children was being this difficult with finding spouses! he did not know what to do with them anymore. he hadn’t cause his father this type of problems when it came to his marriage.
“i may be your father but i am also your king! my word is absolutely final. what am i to do with you?” he glares at his children, a headache starting.
does he try one more time with the lords of houses valaryeon or stark? or the ladies of house lannister or strong? the king was stuck on what to do until an idea popped up inside his head.
“seeing as your engagements to other houses have yet to be successful you have left me no choice but to wed you both to each other seeing as only the both of you tolerate and understand one another. i should have done this from the start and saved myself time.”
the two royals glanced at each other as they silently cheered in their heads. this was it. their chance to finally be themselves unapologetically without thinking about how their betrothed would act or what the people would say but doubts of how she would react still plagued jeonghan’s thoughts.
would she like that? he thought as he glanced over at the princess beside him.
“father…” he glanced over at the king as the princess stayed silent beside him. “i will only do so if she accepts to as well.”
she stared at the marble table in front of her as she takes jeonghan’s words in. he was giving her a choice in their marriage. was he not interested in the idea at all? was he hesitating to marry her because he loved someone else? she had to play her cards right, if she declined she would probably shipped off to dragonstone and wait to be married to some lord she’d have no choice but to marry for political reasons or does she take the chance with the one person who she truly feels something for? she briefly glances at her brother who sat quietly staring at her before glancing over to her father.
“i’ll do it. i’ll marry jeonghan father.”
“then it is settled! you will marry in two moons time.” the king announces clapping his hands as he stands to congratulate his children. “i can die happy knowing my children are settled well into this world. it is the only thing a father wants for his children.”
“thank you father.” she replied a small smile on her lips as jeonghan intertwines their hands together.
“i will fulfill my duty towards you and the crown, father. you have my word.” he declares as he plants a kiss on the back of her hand.
duty. she was only his duty. she thought bitterly as she exchanged a tight-lipped smile with him, her father cheering and talking with the hand gleefully in the background.
the princess grew distant with jeonghan, something everyone in the palace took notice of. preparations for the royal wedding were well underway as they only had a limited amount of time and everything needed to be perfect.
“you look absolutely stunning ñuha perzys.” seungcheol complimented as she stood on a pedestal being fitted into her wedding gown.
“do you not think it is too much?” she asked gesturing to the silks that clung to her body.
“nonsense, ñuha perzys. it’s perfect.” he cooed at his baby sister. “is something wrong?” he asked he noticed the change in her posture.
“nothing is wrong.”
“something is bothering you. everyone leave us.” he commanded as the seamstress and the ladies exited the room.
“tell me what is wrong and i will do something about it.” he demanded softly as he took her hands in his.
“you and i both know i can do far worse than you brother.” she chuckled.
“do not change the subject ñuha perzys. i’ve noticed the distance of you and jeonghan as of late and i’m not the only one. what’s on your mind?”
seungcheol had noticed the subtle changes between the two. he did not want to pry into the changes in the ‘relationship’ his siblings had but as their older brother it felt like he needed to especially when the pair had been ignoring each other for the past few days after the announcement of their engagement. he noticed how jeonghan was distracted during lessons and small council meetings, spacing out more than usual. he planned on cornering him but it was harder to see him alone with all the planning he had been doing for the wedding so when he found out about his sister’s dress fitting he took the chance to talk to her and get to the bottom of things.
“i know marriage is more often than not only for political reasons and that targaryen marriages are often something the crown does to strengthen claims to the throne and blood purity. that’s all it us right? a duty—to the people, to the king, to the crown. i get that marriage is mostly a duty! a stupid fucking duty.” she chuckled darkly. “i don’t want to be someone’s duty, seungcheol. i deserve more than that. i’m a targaryen princess. i ride vermithor, one of the biggest dragons from old valaria. i am more than just a fucking duty! so why am i just a duty to the crown for him when he’s so much more to me? am i not worthy to be wed just because he loves me?”
jeonghan’s words had affected her more than she let herself too. she hated knowing she was just a duty to him—a fucking duty. she was going to be his wife for the rest of his life and he viewed her as a duty? she was livid. after the meeting with their father she had made her way to the dragon pit and took vermithor out on a ride returning in early hours of the day before the sun came out completely avoiding the blonde prince who waited for her to return but eventually fell asleep doing so.
she had avoided being in the same room as jeonghan since that day which confused him. had he done something to upset her? did she not want to get married to him? he had been hurt when he knocked on her chambers to spend time together like they always did before bed but she shooed him away as soon as he had knocked on her door. he tried several times to corner her alone after that waiting by the library to see the end of her lessons with the septa or at the dragon pit waiting for her to come down from her flight with vermithor but with their wedding fast approaching it was impossible to do so. he gave up after the fifth day deciding to sulk about it instead or make it everyone’s problem that he wasn’t in the best mood because she had been avoiding it.
“he said that? for fucks sake! don’t you see that he is absolutely obssessed with you?” he asks taking her by surprise.
“he does not, seungcheol. you should’ve heard it come out from his own stupid mouth that i was just a duty to the crown for him!”
“ñuha perzys you are stupid to think he does not love you.”
“prove it then.” she interjected stubbornly.
“gods are you blind? have you really not noticed anything?” he asked as she shook her head ‘no’.
“do you ever wonder why father never reprimands you for things you do out of line? well, it’s because jeonghan always takes the blame for you even if father knows it was you who did it. all those fucking lords that would dare talk ill about you or sexualize you with him in the same room—the one’s who’d disappear all of a sudden? they’ve all been murdered by jeonghan. gods i would know—i was there as he tortured them before feeding them to vhagar once. he fears no consequences that will come to him if it meant you would be safe and taken cared for. that man has done things that would traumatise any other normal human being but he did it for you. if that doesn’t show his love and dedication to you i do not know who will ñuha perzys.”
“then why did he just not ask father from the start to marry me if he felt that way?”
“do you honestly think he will risk his relationship with you not knowing how you felt for him in return? he endured seeing you with lords not even worthy of you.”
she felt confused. had he really viewed her the way she did secretly? had she really missed all of that?
“fuck.” she cursed as realization of his actions, his words— him had set in her mind. “what do i do seungcheol? he most probably thinks i hate him for having to marry him.”
a smirk makes it way across seungcheol as he looked at her.
“leave that part to me, ñuha perzys.”
after days of trying to get him alone, the prince jeonghan was finally away from the chaos of preparing for their wedding. he had been practicing on a wooden dummy in the training yard, swiftly jabbing his sword as it delivered calculated and fluid movements that would make any enemy falter and die in a span of minutes. he was always skilled with a sword as he never wanted to not be prepared in case the threat of battle was present. he did not like his life being in the hands of his guards. she had approached him silently as he delivered one last swing at the dummy chopping it’s head off clean.
“ñuha dārilaros skoros ēza se dummy gaomagon naejot jiōragon such wrath hen ao?” my prince what has the dummy done to receive such wrath from you?
his head snapped at the sound of her voice as he sheathes his sword by his hip. he was mildly surprised to see and hear her infront of him after he had been unsuccessful at being granted a private audience with his betrothed for days.
“ñuha perzys, skoros grants nyke se rigle hen emare ñuha betrothed isse ñuha presence tolī tubissa hen issare denied hen such?” my flame, what grants me the honor of having my betrothed in my presence after days of being denied of such? his eyebrow raised teasing her but there was a hint of bitterness in his tone that wasn’t looked past by the princess.
“may i invite you to take a walk with me, my prince?” she asked politely as he nodded falling into step beside her as they walked through the gardens.
a tense silence blanketed the two royals as they walked in step with each other, hands so close to brushing each other with how close they were. months ago, they would watch each other walk the same paths in the garden with each other’s betrothed with spite as they watched their betrothed try to swoon them over with flattery that would take them nowhere—nothing would swoon them over. no amount of riches, fame and flattery could. they just weren’t who plagued their thoughts.
“will you ever tell me why you’ve been actively avoiding me or shall i tickle it out of you?” jeonghan piped up as he stared down at her.
“i have not been avoiding you. i’m just busy with wedding preparations—”
“bullshit! i have been busy with my own share of wedding preparations but will always have time to spend with you. what have i done ñuha perzys?” he demanded standing infront of her as she peered up at him.
“for someone as smart as you are, you are quite dense.”
“ivestragon nyke kostilus, nyke daor gūrogon se lyka treatment hen ao mirre longer ñuha perzys.” tell me please, i cannot take the silent treatment from you any longer my flame. he begged as he grasps her hand in his own.
“a duty.” she whispered watching his face morph into a confused expression.
“you called me and our betrothal a fucking duty to the crown.” she glared at him as realization passes him.
“ñuha perzys, you are a duty i would gladly fulfill until my last breath but you are not only that to me. however, i would rather tell you that in a more private setting rather than the gardens where someone could easily eavesdrop into our conversation.” he explained as he kissed the back of her hand.
“sepār ȳdragon isse Valyrīha, mērī īlon drējī shifang se udrir isse īlva lentor se se people kesīr.” just speak in valyrian, only we truly understand the language in our family and the people here. she uttered pulling her hand away creating some distance from him.
he sighed pressing his lips together but nodded. he gathered his thoughts as she stared at him, jaw clenching as she absentmindedly bit on her lip.
“fuck—don’t do that.” he whispered.
“speak or i’ll leave.”
“i will—just. fuck.”
jeonghan was never this bothered by any woman. he was used to women fawning and lusting over him usually throwing the bodies against his hoping to receive a reaction from him (they don’t) before he pushes them away in disgust. so how was it that by simply biting with her lips, he could feel his self restraint thinning fast.
“i’m serious. i will leave.”
“don’t.” he pleaded.
she narrowed her eyes at her betrothed as she stared at his tense form. she could faintly make out the built of his body from the way his sweat made his clothes stick to his body. she gulped trying to rid of the unholy thoughts running through her head.
“nyke gōntan daor mazōregon emare naejot dīnagon ao sepār kesrio syt nyke viewed ao hae such. iksan daor mēre qilōni kessa dīnagon syt political reasons iā mirros tolie than se fact se ābra nyke dīnagon iksis se ābra nyke jorrāelagon. nyke gōntan daor chase qrīdrughagon mirre lī ābrar, ossēnagon mirre lī lords, gūrogon multiple blames syt anyone. ao gīmigon se type hen issaros iksan ñuha perzys.” i did not accept having to marry you just because i viewed you as such. i am not one who will marry for political reasons or anything other than the fact the woman i marry is the woman i love. i did not chase away all those women, murder all those lords, take multiple blames for anyone. you know the type of person i am my flame.
he thought about the lords he’d torture and feed vhagar after hearing such disgusting and crude marks about her—people who viewed and lusted her as just some royal whore made his blood boil. he swore that as long as he lived, he would kill such disgusting animals without any mercy.
“eman dedicated ñuha ābrar naejot ao. nyke promised nykēla bona hae bōsa hae ao sagon biare kesan gaomagon everything isse ñuha power bona ziry stays bona ñuhoso. bona daor ōdrikagon kessa mirre māzigon naejot ao. kostan daor sagon se sȳrje rȳ expressing ñuha emotions rȳ udra yn nyke hope bona hēnkirī kesan sagon able naejot. jaelan īlva naejot sagon isse iā biare dīnilūks ñuha perzys. mērī ao se eman keskydoso inferno bona burns deep iemnȳ īlva. īlon we’re va moriot meant naejot zālagon brighter hēnkirī. lo nyke could urnēptre ao skorkydoso olvie nyke jorrāelatan ao nyke would” i have dedicated my life to you. i promised myself that as long as you're happy i will do everything in my power that it stays that way. that no harm will ever come to you. i may not be the best at expressing my emotions through words but i hope that together i will be able to. i want us to be in a happy marriage my flame. only you and i have the same inferno that burns deep within us. we we’re always meant to burn brighter together. if i could show you how much i loved you i would.
he watched her for any reactions from him basically professing his love and dedication to her. he was practically calling her his already.
“pār urnēptre me—prove naejot nyke bona ao aren’t verdagon bisa bē sepār naejot mazverdagon nyke rȳbagon skoros jaelan naejot rȳbagon.” then show me—prove to me that you aren’t making this up just to make me hear what i want to hear.
her eyes burned into his own, a look of need behind them. she needed him to prove whatever he said to be true. it was a harsh environment they lived in, they needed each other to get through it alive besides, two dragons are better than one right? his head was foggy as he made his decision but he knew this was the way he could prove his feelings towards her.
he kissed her. he heard her breath hitch as his lips crashed against hers.
“i’d do anything for you, ñuha perzys.” his hands gripping her waist as he whispered between kisses. “you just have to say it.”
his touch sent tingles through her entire body. he had touched her before but never this way, it felt addicting to touch her that way—in ways only he could.
“tell me what you want. i promise you i’ll give it to you, anything you want.”
“you.” she whispered as their lips brushed against each other.
“i want you jeonghan. i’ve waited long enough to have you this way ñuha jorrāelagon. i will not wait any longer.”
never had jeonghan imagined the day he would hear her speak such words towards him—all those years of pining and protecting her had taken him to this position. she was a magnificent sight to him. he had always seen her in such way despite knowing of the many personalities that she displays to certain people. she held herself in power and bravery without doubt with a fire behind her actions. she was always his flame.
“eman waited tolī bōsa naejot rȳbagon lī udra issare uttered hen aōha lips ñuha jorrāelagon.” i have waited too long to hear those words being uttered from your lips my love.
“i’m sorry for making you wait,” she had pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck as he gripped her closer to him.
“i would wait a thousand years to be with you, ñuha jorrāelagon.”
“you do not need to wait any longer. i am here now.” she smiled as she pressed her lips against his.
they kissed each other as if they were starved, jeonghan’s tongue sliding into her mouth as she moaned at the feeling of his hands grabbing unto her ass. she moved forward slightly pressing herself harder against him as he groaned at the feeling of her breasts pressed against his chest.
he pulled away foreheads touching as they caught their breaths. he smiled kissing her softly before cupping her face in his hands.
“let me take you somewhere more private.” he whispered as she nodded.
letting herself laugh as he took her hand into his and dragged her into his chambers. what they would be doing was immoral but neither had cared at that point. they were getting married soon anyways what difference would it make?
jeonghan takes the sight of her in his chambers in. she had been in there before but it was different now. her visits once used to be of innocent banter and chatter but it succeeded that now.
a smile ghosts across his lips as he slowly brushes a stray lock of her hair away from her face as she leaned in towards his touch. he kissed along her neck smiling as he heard her breath hitch tangling her fingers in his long locks.
he hummed as he nipped at her neck leaving bruises in his wake. his hands were running along the curve of her breasts to the curve of her back leaving her breathless.
“you have no idea how long i have been imagining seeing you in this light dearest sister. do you touch yourself at the thought of me?” he asked, pulling the fabric of her dress down to swirl his tongue on her nipple.
“always.” she breathed biting back a moan. “gods just touch me already.” the way his tongue swirled around her nipple and his featherlight touches had her arousal pooling between her legs.
“mmm…patience, little one.” he whispered against her skin, goosebumps rising.
her chest rose and fell, eyebrows furrowing at the pleasure she was getting from just his tongue. he’d tease her another time—he wanted her now.
jeonghan pulled his tunic off in a swift move, his trousers coming off just as quick. her eyes followed his movements, widening at the sight of him. was he going to fit in her? the thought sending shivers down her spine as he kissed her.
she had wrapped her legs on his hips, their cores brushing against each other earning moans from both of them. he was intoxicated with the way she coated his dick with her slick. he wanted more. he needed more.
he had kissed her with a ferocity he had held back all those years. he walked them towards the edge of his bed. gently he lowered her to his bed his lips peppering kisses on her chest down to her waist until he reacher her inner thighs.
“jeonghan.” she moaned out as his nose brushed her clit.
“relax, ñuha perzys.”
he licked her cunt, eyes watching as she wriggled in pleasure as he drank every drop of arousal he could get out of you. pleasure pooled in your lower regions as he stuck his tongue into you whilst his fingers played with your clit.
“seven fucking hells! yes just like that.” she cursed as she pushed his head deeper into her.
he chuckled as he continued his pace of pushing two fingers into her inserting another one to stretch her out futher, he could feel her getting close as her walls clenched around his fingers. the knot in her stomach painfully tight as her legs squished his head his tongue sending her over the edge.
he licked her arousal as she rode out her high. eyes fluttering shut as jeonghan pulled away to kiss her on the lips wanting to taste herself on his tongue.
he kissed her deeper as he aligned himself to her cunt, brushing his tip against her sensitive clit causing her to moan out once more.
“i need you inside me, please…” she pulled away from their kiss.
“it’s going to hurt for a bit ñuha perzys.” his eyes met hers as she nodded.
he rubbed circles into her hip as he coated his entire length with her arousal before sliding into her all the way to the hilt. she moaned feeling so full of him, falling back against the pillow. he kissed her as he allowed her to adjust to his size.
she could feel the pain subside before the immense pressure she felt. he moaned as he felt her clench around him.
“gods that feels so good.” she moaned out as she tapped his shoulder to make him start moving.
jeonghan peppered kisses along her neck and chest as he pulled out until the tip of his dick before bottoming out.
“seven fucking hells you fit me perfectly.” he growled into her ear as he rammed into her at a fast pace.
he reached around her to roll her nipple between his finger with her crying out in pleasure.
“you are my flame, princess. i crave your fire as i crave you.”
she had felt a sense of cockiness go through her as she heard those words fall from his lips. she had ripped herself away from him and pushed him to lay on the bed with a growl. she ran her fingers over the skin on his abdomen, lightly dragging her nails across his skin, making goosebumps appear. she had straddled his hips, aligning his dick against her core. with eyes locked on his, she slowly sank herself all the way down to his balls, mouth falling open as he stretched her.
“you’re fucking gorgeous, ñuha perzys,” jeonghan breathed as he gripped her hips, “fuck me. be my good girl and ride my dick.”
she did as he requested using his chest as leverage rolling her hips as she bounced on top of him. each time she came down his dick hit deep inside her hitting that one spot that made her see stars and clench around him.
she was losing herself with every new sensation she felt, every minute of her riding him pushing her closer to the edge of madness. jeonghan’s hands was busy pinching and tugging her nipple as the other reached between them to stroke the bundle of nerves.
“you’re doing so well,” he cooed. “just like that love…”
gods, he would be the cause of her undoing.
“jeonghan…i’m close…” she cried out as her head fell back.
and in one smooth motion, the prince had rolled them over, pinning her hands over her head. pounding into her at a brutal pace, jeonghan had latched his mouth to her breast, catching her nipple between his teeth and pushing her over the edge.
“jeonghan!” she screamed his name as her orgasm exploded through her, tearing through her and leaving her a panting mess beneath him.
“fuck…” he cursed out, pumping in and out of her chasing his own high before he finally came spilling himself inside her.
she had looked up at him, finding affection gracing his features. she had cupped his face bringing his face to her own to kiss him.
“does that prove how much i longed for you?” he asked as he pulled away from her breathless.
“it has, ñuha jorrāelagon.” she had smiled as he settled down beside her drapping the furs on their naked bodies.
“remember this,” he had run his fingers through her locks as she settled on the crook of his neck. “i would give the world to you if you asked me to. i will let the world burn if it meant you’d be mine for eternity. that is how much i love you.”
“i am yours as the sea belongs to the moon, the way dragons belong to the skies, and the way the embers in my heart only burn for you. you are the fire that i would conquer kingdoms for. my soul will forever be entangled into yours, as long as i shall live.”
jeonghan knew then that no matter what he would be the cause of the world’s demise if ever the god’s that reigned over them decide to play their ruthless games on her because she was what kept him away from the madness that always seemed to grab a hold of them.
they were from the same fire—always destined to burn together.
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andvys · 8 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 15
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Warnings: slight angst, mostly fluff though. Steve is not really in this chapter, don't be mad, please. He will be back in the next chapter.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader, Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: You need reassurance after the horrible date with Ray, and your best friend is there to give it to you.
Word count: 4k+
A/N: The amazing flashback scene of Eddie and Steve was written by @hellfire--cult when we were going over ideas together, so credit goes out to her, also thank you for listening to my rambles and for sharing your ideas with me 💕 ps: if you haven't read any of her stories, go do it right now, do I wanna know? had me in a chokehold
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The bruises on Eddie’s knuckles don’t surprise you, it was to be expected after seeing Ray’s face but it still makes you freeze a little. All night, he has been hiding them from you, doing everything to keep you from seeing them but now you do, you see them clearly, the cuts and the bruised knuckles, you wonder if he has any others that may be hidden under his clothes. 
With your elbows leaned against the counter and your face propped up by your hands, you stare at him as you watch him make the grilled cheese sandwiches. You aren’t hungry but Eddie always insists on making you something to eat when you come over. 
Eddie can feel your eyes on him, he knows that you know. Yet, neither of you speak up about it. You act like nothing's wrong and so does he, but he knows that a conversation about what happened is bound to happen tonight.
“I don’t feel like going back to school,” you groan. 
A smile tugs at his lips, he glances up at you after he flips the sandwich over in the pan. 
“The good A student doesn’t feel like going back to school?” He chuckles. 
“Shut up,” you snort, “just because I have good grades, doesn’t mean that I like going to school. Besides, you are the nerd out of the two of us, dungeon master.”
His eyes widen and he places a hand on his chest, dramatically. You try not to stare at his knuckles again. 
“Me? A nerd?”
“Yeah, you’ve been studying way more than me!”
“I’m studying with you, sweetheart. You basically force me into doing it–”
“Because I want you to graduate, dumbass,” you exclaim, reaching for the bowl of grapes, you pick out one and throw it at him, giggling when it hits him on the forehead. 
“Ouch! We don’t throw food around, young lady!” He says with a stern voice, pointing at you with the spatula. 
You giggle, “I’m sorry, sir.”
Shaking his head, he huffs with a smile on his face. 
“Are you ready for your gourmet dinner, queen?” He jokes as he takes the sandwich out of the pan and puts it on the plate. 
“I’m always ready for Chef Munson’s amazing grilled cheese sandwich,” you grin, taking the plate from his hands, “it’s better than any other sandwich.”
He snorts at the nickname, smirking at you as he puts his sandwich on his plate as well. 
“One of these days, I’m gonna bake you a cake.”
You raise your brows, taking your plate as you follow him to the small table. 
“A cake? What kind of cake, Eddie?” You ask, sitting down on the chair. 
“Whatever cake you want,” he chuckles, taking a bite out of his sandwich. 
“I think we should make one together, that way nothing goes wrong.” 
He frowns, mouth twisting and looking at you, offended.
“Eat your sandwich, you must be hangry.”
Eddie’s eyes flash with amusement when you giggle at his words, taking your sandwich, you look at him as you bite into it. He watches the way you chew it with a smile on your face, nodding at him.
He chuckles when you hold your hand in front of your mouth, “very good.”
He pats himself on the shoulder, jokingly. 
After you both finish eating, you retreat back to his room with the candy you brought him from the store. Eddie gets comfortable on the bed, opening the bag of m&m’s and reaching for the remote to turn on the TV that he got from his old neighbor after helping him change the tires on his Chevy truck. 
Eddie glances at you, watching the way you take a seat on his chair instead of the bed, next to him. You have been distant all day, you didn’t even hug him when you said ‘hello’, the way you usually do. He knows that you might not feel comfortable with physical touch yet but you hugged him yesterday morning and you let him kiss your hands, you didn’t seem to mind that. 
He flips through the channels but he keeps watching you, watching the way your brows furrow. You look like you want to say something but something keeps you from doing so, so he gives you more time, waits for you to be the one to speak up, the way he always does.
He adjusts his pillows and leans back, offering you some of the candy, he holds out the bag to you. 
You shake your head, giving him a small smile. 
“Why are you so far away?” He asks as he puts the candy on the nightstand, “you can’t see the TV from there.”
He sees the way you hesitate when he pats the spot next to him, the way you seem to think of something that makes your eyes flash with sadness, the way your eyes then soften when they meet his. You push yourself up from the chair, you tug at your black sweatshirt as you walk towards the bed and finally sit down next to him. You lean back and pull your knees up to your chest. 
“Are you cold?” He asks, eyeing you slowly. 
You shake your head, murmuring a small ‘no’. 
He still reaches for the blanket that he bought a few months back. You get cold easily. 
He places the maroon colored blanket over your knees, giving you a sweet smile when you lay your head on your knees as you look at him with soft eyes. 
“What?” He whispers, chuckling. 
“Nothing,” you say with a smile that fades a little when you take a look at his knuckles. Eddie is surprised that you haven’t confronted him about them yet, how you haven’t asked or said anything. He wonders if you are mad or disappointed in him, or even scared – to think that you could be scared of him, makes him feel so horrible. He never wants you to be scared of him. 
He sees the way your eyes lose focus, you get lost in your thoughts, he can see it on your face, the way it loses the smile completely. He tries not to stare, but he can’t take his eyes off of you, he too gets lost in his thoughts when he thinks of the previous night. 
Neither of you pay attention to the sitcom playing on the TV, neither of you listen to the voices or the laughter, you are both too deep in your thoughts. Eddie clenches his bruised fist, trying not to wince at the ache in his side. 
You stare at him and when your eyes meet again, you finally open your mouth to ask the question that has been lingering on your mind for the past two days. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” 
Eddie freezes. His eyes widen and flash with confusion.
That isn’t your question. 
You regret it, instantly. Yet, you repeat it, phrasing it differently this time. 
“L-Like, do you expect me to have sex with you?” You ask nervously and with a guilty feeling in your stomach.
You never thought that that is what Eddie wanted or wants from you, you always thought that he was just your friend, the friend who loves you unconditionally and platonically. You never once thought that his touches meant that he wanted more and you still don’t believe that but Ray’s words have pushed you into a bad mindset, again. He made you feel insecure and so horrible about yourself. 
You aren’t interesting, he said. You are nothing but a good fuck, that is what he said.
You don’t look at him any longer, your eyes are filled with tears and you are looking down, unable to face him and it worries Eddie. 
“Of course not, sweetheart,” he says softly, wanting to reach out to touch your hand but he decides against it, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable, “why would I expect that from you?”
You shrug, sniffling quietly. 
“I-It’s just Ray, he said some really nasty things to me.”
Eddie tries to stay calm, he tries to keep his anger at bay, not wanting to scare you.
“What did he say?”
You lick your lips as you try to blink away the tears that you don’t want to fall, you glance up at him again, you look into his chocolate eyes, feeling a sense of comfort in your chest when you stare at them. 
“He just, he was nice all night, we went to the movies and then we got some drinks and I-I thought that he really just wanted to hang out, to get to know me and just leave it at that, you know?” You say, finally telling him about the night. 
He nods.
“But then, he took me to Lovers Lake and then he kissed me, a-and then he tried to do more and I didn’t–” you pause, taking a deep breath when you feel the disgust and the anger and the fear rushing through again, “I didn’t want it, I pushed him away but he was so persistent a-and I was so scared, Eddie.” 
He stares at you, helplessly and angry at the man who did this to you. He has already done what he wanted to do, but he wants to do it again. He wants to hurt him, over and over again. 
He can’t stand the thought of you being so scared, of you feeling so helpless and afraid and small. 
“I slapped him and I tried to run but then he came after me, and then he said all these things to me. He told me that he never wanted to get to know me, t-that he just wanted to fuck me,” you say in disgust.
You clench your fists, not noticing how deep your nails dig into your palms, “cause apparently that’s all I’m good for, I’m a good fuck. I’m boring and not interesting enough to keep around, that’s why Steve dumped me. I am nothing but a good fuck, that’s all I am to others.” 
Eddie stares at you in shock. 
His soul is filled with anger and he wants nothing more than to go after him, again and again. 
He takes no offense to your question, he knows the state you were in after Steve left you, the insecurities and the thoughts you were dealing with. 
“It made me feel so, so worthless.”
Eddie’s heart aches at your words. 
You sit there, making yourself as small as possible, you wrap your arms tighter around your legs as you pull them closer to your chest, you wipe away the tears of anger and hurt and you look down with a trembling lip.
“Sweetheart, I hope you know that he was full of shit.” 
You hear the shakiness in his voice, you see the anger in his features when you look up at him, the mention of Ray is enough to fill Eddie with rage, you wonder what he looked and felt like when Ray was right in front of him. 
“Guys like him are used to things going their way, when they don’t, they get angry and frustrated, you bruise their ego, they’ll bruise you back in some way,” he mumbles the last part as he thinks of the bruises he had left on you, “and this guy, he’s a fucking psychopath, I can tell you that much.”
He won’t tell you everything, he won’t tell you what Ray said to him, you know he won’t. 
“Somehow, he knows how to fucking get to you,” he says, pausing to take a deep breath.
What does he mean by that?
“I-I mean, he knew how to get to you, he said things to you that he knew would hurt – but, it’s all bullshit, y/n, it’s all fucking bullshit. You are not boring in any way, shit, you’re the coolest person I know! You’ve always been the coolest person, sweetheart – even when you were still just listening to The Smiths and rewatching the same two movies every Friday, you were still the coolest fucking person on this planet!”
Your eyes widen, a smile tugs at your lips at his little outburst. 
“The whole planet?” You ask, giggling. 
“Yeah,” he smiles when he hears your giggle, “the whole planet, sweetheart.”
“There’s so many amazing girls you haven’t met yet though,” you point out, tilting your head. 
“There’s no one more amazing than you.” 
You smile but you don’t believe his words. 
Eddie eyes your whole face as his crosses with confusion, sadness and disbelief. 
You easily believed the words Ray said about you, but you struggle to believe his words. He thought you were doing better, he hoped so. 
“I shouldn’t have just gone after him, I should’ve gone after Harrington’s hair as well.”
To hear him admit that he went after Ray doesn’t shock you, you knew it from the moment you saw Ray at the hospital.
You shake your head with a chuckle. 
“I’m serious,” he says, nudging your knee with his hand, “he was an asshole to you. He didn’t deserve you.”
“Eddie,” you whisper. 
“It’s the truth, y/n. Steve never deserved you, he treated you like shit, he made you feel like shit.” 
Eddie knew it from the start, from the moment you first talked, from the moment you first spent time together, he could see the pain in your eyes, the insecurities that you have felt just because of him. Steve had the best thing he could get; your love. But he threw it all away, he never gave you what you deserved, he never treated you like he should have, he never loved you like you should have been loved. He gave it all to her, all the kindness, all the gentleness, all the trust and the love, she got it all without having to fight for it, without having to ask for it, he just gave it to her, he gave her the things that you deserved. 
Eddie would never admit it, but to see Steve treat his new girlfriend like the queen of the world, always made him so incredibly angry, that’s how he should have treated you when you were still with him but instead, he treated you like garbage, he betrayed you, he lied to you, he hurt you over and over again, he put other girls before you, he gave you nothing but pain and still, you stayed with him but he tossed you aside so easily and replaced you with another girl. 
“You believed Ray’s words, right?” 
You blink, looking down at your hands as you slowly nod. 
“Because of Steve,” he mumbles quietly, “he made you feel that way first, right?” 
Your heart drops a little, tears well up in your eyes again. 
Steve made you feel like you were never good enough, like you weren’t interesting enough, like you weren’t the right girl to be a girlfriend, like you didn’t deserve to be treated like a girl someone loves, like you were nothing more than a side piece because that is how he treated you most of the time. 
That is why his words had gotten to you. That is why you got drunk and high at a place you shouldn’t be at. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, sadly. 
Eddie looks at you with sad eyes. 
He doesn’t hate Steve, not anymore. He can tell that he changed, he knows that he regrets his actions and the way he treated you but he can’t help but feel anger towards him at this moment. 
You keep looking down, trying to hide the sadness on your face and tears in your eyes. Eddie reaches his hands out to you, slowly. He cups your cheeks and tilts your head up,  eyeing the look on your face as he wills himself to speak. 
“Listen to me, sweetheart. If I were him, I would’ve held onto you, I would’ve taken you on all the dates, I would’ve dropped all my shitty friends, I would’ve kicked Billy’s ass a long time ago, I would’ve never looked at any other girl if you were by my side, I would’ve treated you like the queen that you are,” he says, tapping your nose to make you smile and it works, it always does. 
Your eyes soften and you melt into his touch, smiling sadly at his words. 
You wish he would’ve done all of these things but, he never did. 
“I would have never let a bad thought get into this pretty head,” he says, tapping your forehead softly.
“And I certainly would have never let you go, ever.” 
Your brows knit, your eyes are glossy, again. You look into his soft brown eyes and you see nothing but the truth, he isn’t just saying that to make you feel better, to take away your pain. He is honest, he always is. 
Eddie watches you, he watches the way your eyes skip over his whole face, the way they flash with sadness and with fear as you think about his words and then you say something that shocks him, a little. 
“Please don’t.” 
His brows rise up, surprise crosses his features. 
“Please don’t ever let me go,” you whisper, your lip trembling when you reach your hand out to grab his wrist, “please don’t leave me.”
The smile falls from his face, his eyes widen with sadness. This time, he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms, he hugs you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“I would never leave you, sweetheart. You will always have me.”
“Promise?” You ask shakily, just as you asked him once. 
You need him to stay. You can’t lose him, not after you had lost Steve already. 
“I promise,” he whispers, squeezing your sides as you hug him back tighter. 
You close your eyes and lay your chin on his shoulder as you melt into his embrace. He radiates warmth and comfort, safety and something you can’t understand yet. Eddie smells like cigarettes but you don’t mind, the smell of his cologne and his body wash covers up the smell of smoke. 
Eddie runs his fingers through your hair, finally holding you the way he has been craving to ever since that night. 
“I’ll marry you one day.”  
“What?” You ask, giggling. 
“I said; I’ll marry you one day,” he chuckles, not pulling away from the hug just yet. 
“Is that a proposal?” You joke, unable to fight the smile off of your face.
“Where’s the ring?”
“I’ll give you one of mine.”
“I want the one with the black stone.”
“You got it, angel.”
You giggle again and he smiles at that. 
When you pull away and he sees that the tears are long gone, and a smile is playing on your lips, he pinches your cheek gently. 
“There’s the smile I wanted to see,” he grins. 
Your hair falls in front of your face when you look down at his hands. There are cuts and bruises on his knuckles, you are scared to touch them but you take one of his hands in yours and you softly touch the bruises with your fingers. 
You don’t need to talk about it, it’s enough to look at each other to understand it all. 
He watches you, again and he wonders what you are thinking. 
He clears his throat about to speak up but you beat him to it. 
“You know, I like your idea,” you say as you look at him through your lashes. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Well,” he starts, already smiling at you, “we should get married when we’re both 30 and still single.”
You laugh, “that sounds like a plan.”
“A good plan?” 
“The best. But, you don’t plan on spending your twenties without me, do you?” 
He scoffs, “never, what would I do without my best friend?”
Your heart skips a beat and for the first time after the horrible days you have had, you feel the happiness rushing back. You feel comforted and safe, you know that as long as you have him, your best friend, nothing bad will happen to you. The look in his eyes, the bruises on his knuckles are the evidence that he will do everything to keep you safe. 
This time, you are the one reaching out to touch him, you cup his cheeks and you surprise him when you pull him towards you to kiss him, to kiss his cheek. 
“You’re the best, Eddie,” you whisper before your lips meet his cheek again, “you’re my favorite person.”
You don’t pay attention to the way his cheeks flush red, you don’t see the way his eyes flash with something you haven’t seen before.
Eddie stares at you for the longest time and he suddenly feels flustered when he realizes that you can see the redness on his cheeks and his neck when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror on the wall and then, he remembers what Steve said to him last night.
It all comes rushing in and it overwhelms him.
He squeezes your hand, clearing his throat, “I-I’m gonna get us something to drink,” he says as he practically rushes out of his room, leaving the door open as he makes his way into the kitchen. He raises his hand, running his fingers through his hair as he lets out a long sigh. Turning on the lights, he places his hands on the counter, gripping it tightly. 
If only Harrington would have kept his fucking mouth shut.
Eddie was driving Steve back to his house, knuckles almost bleeding on the steering wheel, not a single word being said by neither of the men. Steve's temple was bruised, his fists as well and Eddie if he were to raise his shirt up, a bruise would be displayed on his rib.
The Harrington's house came into view and Eddie parked the car in front of it, waiting for Steve to come out. He heard the door open but it didn't close, making him turn to find Steve looking forward, eyes that Eddie could only describe as lost, yet with fire within them, as if angry.
“Munson.” It was the first time Steve has said a word to him.
“Yes Harrington?” And he was expecting a congratulations or a thank you or good job because of what they just did together to someone that hurt you. But Steve's gaze turned to him, a cold glare featuring in his eyes, and Eddie's face went rigid.
“You're a fucking liar.”
And then the door slams, and Steve Harrington goes back to his house, leaving Eddie Munson completely stunned inside of his van. 
The sound of the freezer door closing startles him a little. He turns around with a frown, he finds you walking towards him with a bag of frozen peas in your hand, without a single word, you grab his right hand, placing the cold bag on his bruised knuckles. 
He looks down at you, swallowing nervously. 
“You didn’t have to do this,” you whisper, finally addressing it. You look up with glossy eyes, a knowing look lingers in them, you did not know how to approach this topic but, you don’t really have to. You know why he did it.
“Thank you,” you whisper as a happy tear runs down your cheek because for the first time, you feel protected and loved after all these years of believing that you do not deserve this. Eddie proved you wrong, time and time, he proved you wrong and showed you that you do deserve this and more.
Eddie gazes down at you like you are the most precious thing in the world. 
He wipes your tear away the way he always does before he pulls you into his arms. He holds you, he holds you tightly, like he never wants to let you go, like no one ever has before.
Eddie enjoys this moment, just standing here in the kitchen under dim lights with you in his arms before he has to ruin the moment. 
“You should thank Steve too.”
He feels the way you freeze in his arms and he also feels how you don’t pull away. 
“Steve was there too?”
“He was.”
You don’t say anything, you stay quiet and then you whisper a small ‘oh’ before you relax again and hug him tighter, pressing your cheek against his chest as you listen to his beating heart. 
Eddie tightens his hold on you as well, he kisses the top of your head. 
“Anybody that hurts you won’t walk away without a bruise.” He whispers.
Something changed and you can both feel it, you don’t understand it, not yet.
You should not be here. 
You know that you should be far away from this place. 
It was bad enough that you had called him three nights ago, that you had let yourself be vulnerable in front of him, that you had spent the morning with him, that you had let him drive you home, that you had hugged him. It was bad but it was nice, it was nice to be with him again. 
To drive in his car, to feel his arms around you again, to see him look at you. 
You never realized how much you missed it, how much you missed him. 
Your thoughts kept taking you back to him, especially today. The record store was mostly empty today and you stood behind the counter, listening to the music playing on the radio and drawing in the notebook that Eddie gave you. 
When Heroes by David Bowie started playing, you felt like you were being haunted, haunted by memories of you and him together.
You shouldn’t let your heart guide you here but it did, you let it, just like you always do. 
You wanted to see him, to thank him for what he did but you didn’t want to see this. 
You should be used to it by now, after months of seeing him with her, it should be easier, right? It’s not. 
And as you stand there, watching him kiss her on his porch, smiling against her and brushing the curls out of her face, you can’t help but feel that it will never be easier. 
He looks happy, happier than he ever did when he was with you and even though you let him go a long time ago, you still feel the ache in your heart, the hollowness in your stomach. 
He used to kiss you like this, though he never looked at you the way he looks at her – with the light in his eyes and the smile on his face, the one that doesn’t look forced or fake. 
You hear her giggle when he drops the keys to his house. He picks them up and pulls her back towards him, leaning down to kiss her cheek before he opens the door to let her in. 
You never watched him so closely when he was with her, you always avoided it, not wanting to hurt yourself more than necessary but now, you can see it all, the love and the happiness in his features. 
He loves her. 
You always knew that he did, yet, somehow it feels like you understood it all just now. 
He loves her. 
He claimed to have loved you too and maybe he did, maybe he did love you but never like this. 
A weird feeling settles in Steve’s heart and he doesn’t know what it is that pushes him to turn around but he does, he looks back as though expecting to see someone standing in his driveway but it’s empty.  
He doesn’t see anything but trees and the empty streets. 
He furrows his brows, almost confused to not see anyone. 
“Steve?” Nancy calls from inside the house, “come on.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles to himself before he turns around and walks inside. He holds the door, not shutting it yet, he takes one final look at his driveway, staring at it for a long minute before he closes the door. 
next chapter
tagging friends & mutuals
@mysticmunson @taintedcigs @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @wroteclassicaly @take-everything-you-can @trashmouth-richie @xxhellfiregirlxx @screammunson @nemesis729 @somethingvicked @sherrylyn628
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jarofstyles · 7 days
Teenage Dirtbag 5
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Here we go again! I decided to bring back Fratrry in the rotation. For those of you who didn’t read them yet (or forgot) check out the series masterlist. These updates are shorter so I can get them out somewhat frequently instead of making you wait hehe.
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Teenage Dirtbag Masterlist
WC- 1.5k
Warnings- asshole H, angst, Y/N putting him in his place as usual
Harry knew he should be a bit more cautious when it came to Y/N but… god, how could he not try and push the envelope if it meant her maybe giving into it again? 
The reality of it was that Y/N, a girl who hated his guys most likely, had been the best fuck he’d ever had. She had blown his mind in the literal and metaphorical sense, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Fate had a funny way of working, sure, but he couldn’t be too mad considering he knew their chemistry was too good to push away completely. 
H: what do ya want from the cafe, baby doll? 
Y/N: nothing that you’ve touched. 
Harry smirked at his phone. So predictable, already back with the snarky responses. It worked him up a bit, thinking about how this snarky girl had pleaded for more, kissed him sloppily as his balls smacked against her ass and dragged her nails down his scalp. Such a sweet thing for him that night had gone right to being sour as soon as she left. 
H: ok, so you want me to lick your cake pop. Got it. 
H: it isn’t like we haven’t shared saliva before ;) 
Y/N: yeah, lick on it and then choke . Let me know how that goes so I can cancel our session this afternoon. 
The hope was to bring the sessions here one day. As much as Y/N had disdain towards him, the sparks had flown during sex. She had loved it just as much as he did- he’ll, during their last round she had pushed him on the bed and rode his cock until he was sensitive, her nail marks left on his chest for days. 
H: I’ve got something else you can choke on, baby
Y/N: I will quite literally not show up today, your grades be damned. 
His lips puffed in a pout. He was pushing it, but it was so fun to rile her up. Eventually, he hoped she would give in and like him. See the fun parts of him like other people did- but for now, he would play this game. Cat and mouse… though he wasn’t quite sure which one he was. 
H: fineeee. I’ll be good. 
For now. 
Y/N: please do. It was a mistake and we don’t need to keep bringing it up. 
It was a mistake he very much wanted to repeat, over and over again. 
H: yes, maam. I’ll see you at 2 🫡
Y/N: don’t be late, I’m serious. I have something afterwards and I can’t be late 
H: oooo, a hot date? 
Y/N: yes, actually. So don’t fuck this up or you aren’t getting your full hour. 
His smirk quickly fell. 
She was going on a date? With fucking who? 
That wasn’t in his plans. For some reason, guiltily, he hadn’t anticipated the idea of someone else making a move on the girl he wanted to fuck. Let alone her accepting. She seemed like such an ice queen with him that it led him to forget just how sweet she was to literally everyone else.
It was slightly infuriating, how everyone had nothing but good things to say about her. She was nice and she helped out this person when they moved, she helped plan this persons birthday party, she spotted this person 5 when they went to get coffee… there was no denying everyone else got the sweet parts while all the sourness was reserved for him. 
And yet, he still pushed her. Still played this game and taunted her because how the fuck else was he supposed to get her attention? He was going to have to kick it up a notch.  
“Who’s the date with?” He asked in the middle of their session, ignoring the paper in front of him as he looked at her. She was way more dressed up than he’d seen her at a tutoring meet before, a little skirt that brushed her thighs and a little button up tucked into it giving it a sweet but sexy combination that made him a little twitchy. 
In all honesty it had been hard to focus since he seen her today. All he could think about was how those pretty lips had been bitten and swollen from his kisses, how they’d curled around his name so fucking sweetly that it had his cock stirring at the memory. Her perfume was seemingly freshly applied and it was interfering with his brain chemistry or something, because all he wanted to do was throw the books to the side and pull her up to straddle his lap. 
He imagined her hands knocking off his SnapBack, tangling in his hair as she rode his cock right in the secluded part of the library. His hands under her skirt and gripping her plush ass yet again, unbuttoning that little shirt and leaving more marks on her skin. 
Marks he caught a glimpse of as she suddenly looked up at him. 
“His name is Derek.” She cleared her throat. “He asked me out on Monday so I decided to say yes. He’s really nice.” For some reason she looked embarrassed by the information she had divulged, like she hadn’t meant to say all of that. 
That sneaky little minx. 
“Uh huh…” he let his eyes linger on the bruising that was fading but not quite covered by the collar of her shirt. “And what is Derek going to think of this pretty little thing?” 
It was gentle, his knuckle lightly brushing over the mark he remembered sucking during the first round. He knew he had caused some nice little lovebites but that one was still healing, so it was probably a dark one. Fuck, it probably looked hot as fuck when it was first developing. “Suits you, y’know. My marks on your skin. I could put some more there, If you want.” 
He was pushing it and he knew it, getting closer to her as his nose brushed her cheek. She wasn’t pushing him away, so he counted that as a good sign. “I could take you back to my place and I could give you quite a few more. A refresher course because… I highly doubt this guy is gonna be able to make you squirt all over his dick. Which you did with me, twice.” He hummed, letting his fingers fall a bit deeper down the collar of her shirt. “I don’t think he’s going to give you what you need, princess. We already did it once and so we’ll… it would just make sense to do it again. I think we have gotten well enough acquainted that I could do the job.”
He hadn’t seen the cold drink coming. Poured all over his lap and seeping through his shorts, he yelped as the icy liquid  hit his skin. “Oi! What the fuck?” 
“I told you, last time was a one and done for this particular reason, Styles.” She snarled, grabbing her books and hurrying to shove them into her bag. “Because you’d be a fucking pig and see me as a sex object instead of a human being. I’m not some fucking challenge, I’m a girl with feelings and I- I told you, I wasn’t doing it again and it meant it!” 
“Babe- no, I wasn’t suggesting that at all. I’d never say that shit.” He tried to fight, unsure how it had gone south so fast. Apparently, he was shit at reading her cues. Worse than he originally thought. 
“You don’t have to say it. You suggest it. You don’t respect what I say. This is why I was never going to go and do anything with you. Who gives a fuck how hot you are if you’re an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t get his head out of his own ass to see exactly why people don’t like you.” Slinging her bag across her shoulder, she scowled at him. “This isn’t going to work. I’ll find you another tutor. I can deal with your stupid flirting, but throwing what we did in my face? Absolutely the fuck not.”
Harry didn’t have a chance to defend himself, feeling incredibly confused as she ran off. Any call of her name went ignored, the librarian hushing him as he made his way out of the doors but it was too late. She was god knows where. 
Who knew those legs could run so fast?
He was a little pissed that she was assuming he thought of her as some sort of object. He didn’t mean to make her feel any sort of way about it all, not thinking he was throwing it in her face, but apparently she thought so. 
H: Y/N can you please come back???
H: I didn’t mean to upset you 
H: I know I can be a dick and that’s part of our thing but I never thought of you as a sex object and I never would 
H: I didn’t think I was throwing it in your face 
H: can you answer me please????
H: I don’t want a new tutor, I want you :( 
H: y/n, cmon 
H: alright, I’ll try again tomorrow. But we need to talk. Please.
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baurbiediv · 8 months
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another silk press
rafe cameron x black!gf!reader
content warnings: SMUT , unprotected sex (pullout method? never heard of her), creampie, overstimulation, y/n’s a bit bratty in this one, small mention of tummy bulge, slapping, i’ll add as i write & if i miss anything let me know, mdni/ageless blogs dni
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“rafe, i mean it this time, control yourself or i will literally fuck you up.” you mumbled the last part, hoping your boyfriend wouldn’t hear it.
“y/n, i paid for your hair this time, i told you i was sorry.” he grumbled as his ears began to turn pink. you looked over at him and smiled before kissing his cheek, "i know you said you were sorry baby, but that's still not gonna cut it." you swore you'd never seen rafe turn his head quicker.
"y/n you're not being serious right now, right?" he said as he opened the car door for you, your hand gently cupped his cheek before you tapped it twice, "maybe i am .. maybe not." rafe kissed his teeth as he closed the passenger door, trying not to break the handle off in the midst of it. the driver's side door opened, revealing your frustrated boyfriend.
"rafael, i know you're not mad." you told him as you playfully pushed his head to the side. "i'm not mad, it's just i spend money on you left and right, yesterday i bought you the van cleef bracelet and the 4s that you wanted, and i'm STILL in silk press debt." he groaned out loud while you laughed as he started the car and drive back to your apartment, "i mean you could've said no though .", you said before stealing his drink out of the cup holder and drinking it, he momentarily looked over to you and saw his cup in your hand.
"AND you stole my drink too, i mean damn y/n, when can i catch a break." he said as he rolled his eyes like the child he is. you held up your index finger signaling to give you a moment, before you put the cup down, "again, rafael, you could have said no, and i could've got it on my own." and truthfully, you were right. with the way your parents spoiled you, sure enough you were bound to get whatever you wanted.
nothing would've prepared you for rafe slamming down on his brakes, which would've launched you straight into the dashboard had it not been for your seatbelt. you literally had your hand over your mouth while you hair was all disheveled.
you could hear rafe quietly laughing to himself, he looked over and saw you before taking off when the light turned green. "i'm sorry y/n, i didn't mean it." he said laughing as obnoxiously as he could, so of course, being the drama queen that you were, you grabbed his drink and took the top off of it and threw it at him, while he was driving, rookie mistake.
"really y/n? you serious right now?"
you nodded, "yeah, dead serious."
"while i'm driving?"
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if you were to be completely honest, right now, you prayed to god that no one would be observing from afar, your head was practically hanging off the car seat while rafe was hovering over you, drilling your shit in, giving you the best backshots known to man.
the gasps emitting from your mouth were so loud to the point rafe had to slap your ass twice to physically shut you up, which had your walls clamping down on his dick that was currently hitting you g spot over and over again. "rafe..." you managed to moan out pathetically.
"i don't care y/n." his heavy hand providing more warmth to your already hot body, “so you thought that shit was okay? huh?" he panted, the pace of his hips quickening. you opened your mouth to apologize, but of course nothing came about. you would never admit it out loud, “y-you hit the brakes t-too h-hard,” gasping when his fingers came into contact with your sensitive clit, loud whines protruded from your lips as your hands desperately looked for something to grab onto, but of course the man above you didn’t make things easier for you, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them to your back, allowing him easier access to get you closer to your orgasm.
your face was pressed against the back seat, in which rafe could see the drool coming from your lips and onto his seats, he didn’t even care, he couldn’t care in fact. he was more worried about you, “rafe, i’m cumminggg” you sobbed out, his fingers letting up on the swollen bud, “shh, you got it.” he said through a hushed tone. by now you were seeing stars, with the way your boyfriend was sinking his hips into yours, you could tell he was close, “fuckkk” rafe hissed out loud from behind you, pulling out of you just to see the mixture of his cum and yours, oozing out of you.
your boyfriend slapped your ass as you whined while trying to sit up but not before pulling you into his lap, “one more, yeah?” he looked at you as you nodded, your right arm wrapped around his neck as you hovered over his dick that was still hard, a strong hand gripped your face, “what’s the matter princess? you can’t take it?”, he taunted, god you wanted to slap the smirk off his face, but with the way he fucks you, that wasn’t an option. “i c-can.” you huffed, licking the pads of your middle and left finger before rubbing your already sensitive clit, you gently sink down as a whimper escapes your your lips.
“shh, you’re almost there, s’okay baby.” rafe says, trying to contain his moans as best as he can, by now you were sitting on your boyfriends lap, rocking your hips back forth. “you know how to fuck me princess, so cut the shit.” rafe grabbed your hips, as he moved your hips faster causing you to squeal as you grabbed one of his wrists, your arm still around his neck for support.
from the way your curls bounced from your now sweat out silk press to the way your breasts were now spilling out of your bra, rafe couldn’t tell which one was driving him crazier. you took matters into your own hands as you began bouncing up and down on his dick “that’s what i’m talking about, there you go baby.” he groaned, your moans and gasps were music to his ears, he knew he was hitting all the right places, but it was you doing all the work.
“it feels s-soo good rafeyy.” you cared about nothing more than trying to reach your orgasm, feeling that this one would be different. “yeah? just let me make you feel good.” rafe took this opportunity to yank one of your pretty brown breasts out of your bra, your nipples were hard and screaming for attention by him, to which he happily obliged. you watched as we swiftly took one nipple into his mouth. his tongue swirling around the hardened bud, this literally had you creaming all over his dick.
your legs were starting to get tired and you were nearing your second orgasm, as you tried to make your boyfriend aware of the situation at hand, you gently laid your hand on his chest and tapped twice, his mouth detaching from your nipple that now had small bite mark around it, “baby i’m gonna-“ were the only words you could get out before your boyfriend understood your signals, two heavy arms wrapped around your lower back.
rafe sat comfortably in the back seats as his hips pounded up into yours, you sobbed loudly at his actions. “oh fuck!! uuunghh, i’m cumming!” you placed your hands on each side of rafe’s face, pressing the sloppiest kiss to suppress your load moans, your orgasm hit hard, so hard to the point you didn’t even realize how much you were squirting onto the seats until rafe is gently pulling out of you. the sticky remnants of both your orgasms clinging to the bottom of your thighs and the top of his.
his hand comes to grab the back of your neck, “look at the mess you made all over my seats, someone’s gotta clean that up no?” he knew he was being an asshole, you couldn’t even keep your eyes open let alone form a full sentence, he forces your head to look down at the sticky seats. “m’sorry baby..” you told him, as you looked at him. if someone were to ask rafe what you looked like right now, he’d say he was looking at art. your lashes were now damp, your fenty lip gloss smeared all over your lips and chin, your hair now disheveled and a diamond earring missing out of your ear which was probably somewhere on the floor of the car.
before you know you know it you were being pushed onto your side. your eyebrows furrowed as you wondered how your boyfriend could keep going like you were two rabbits. “you’re still horny-“ you question before you’re abruptly cut off by rafe sliding into you. rafe placed his hand on the back of your thigh as this new angle allowed him to hit deeper than he was before. you grabbed rafe’s hand and placed it on your stomach, “you feel me right there? hm?” you nodded, a slight smack came across your cheek which had you clenching down on his dick, “words princes.” he muttered, “i-i feel you, i-in my tummy.” you stuttered, he placed his hands on either side of your head, his hips now slamming into yours again, this had you scream out and grab onto his arms.
each of his thrusts made your head spin faster and faster, “so good, s-so fucking good.” were the words you started senselessly babbling. rafe examined every square inch of your face, making sure he was doing exactly what he needed to do. “tell me you’re sorry y/n.” he groaned, your eyes were pleading with him, begging for him to not do this to you right now, not when you were so close your third orgasm, “apologize or i’ll stop.” he huffed, you couldn’t let him take it away from you, “s-sorry for b-being a brat rafeyyy” you whined as another slap came across your cheek, “and f-for throwing a d-drink in your face!” you could taste your orgasm on the tip of your tongue, and rafe was willing to do everything he could to get you there.
one particular hard thrust had send you completely over the edge, your hand coming and quickly rubbing quick circles on your already overstimulated clit had your legs shaking and your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your nails were clawing at into rafe’s arm who right behind you chasing his own orgasm. “mm, you did such a good job princess.” he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, as he gave you time to recover from your earth shattering orgasm.
that sleepy fucked out grin on your face providing every answer needed to rafe’s wavering questions. he reached over behind the back seats to grab some towels and sanitary wipes for you to clean up with after the previous incident. you hissed, which was followed up with a whimper, when rafe began to clean you up.
“i love you, especially when you fuck me like that.” you told him, you still haven’t really came down from your high yet, but you were well aware of what you were saying.
“oh really? maybe we just might have to fuck like that more often then huh.” rafe said before kissing your forehead.
“thank youuu, now can we get chic fil a?” you said as you began sliding your clothes back on.
“of course we can baby.”
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papayadays · 27 days
you’re doing it wrong
summary: lando x tennis player!reader - in which you’re fed up of your boyfriend playing padel - 1.7k words
a/n: as a tennis girly, pickleball and padel for me are triggers lol (i’m joking), but fr though, i love this! also i use a babolat pure aero if anyone was wondering (no one will, but whatever lmao)
warnings: none, just fluff
smau + real life
face claim: emma raducanu bc yes
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y/nl/ntennis enjoying break, ready to be back in rome! 🧡 📸 landonorris
liked by wta, landonorris, and 7,138 others
big3stan so ready for rome open tbh, can’t wait for her to win!
liked by y/nl/ntennis
y/ntennis lmao not the evian ad
wtagirly ikr at least our girl’s making cash while playing piano
landonorris i feel neglected
y/nl/ntennis i was going to post you but then SOMEONE decided to play padel
gamesetace standing up for tennis 🙌 what a queen
papayagoals aww i love the orange heart for lando, y/n is  glowing!
liked by y/nl/ntennis
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you stared at your boyfriend in disbelief. “since when did you want to start playing tennis?” you questioned with narrowed eyes, dubious.
“well,” lando started, scratching his neck. “mclaren saw your post, and then after the interview, they want to film a video of you and me playing tennis.” you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“i knew you wouldn’t want to play voluntarily,” you scoffed. “you and your stupid padel. what’s next, pickleball?”
lando placed a hand over his heart. “wow, y/n, words hurt,” he pouted.
“truth hurts,” you deadpanned. “c’mon, why are playing everything except my favorite sport?” frowning, you gave him puppy eyes.
“ugh, fine,” lando sighed, caving like you knew he would. “i’ll try to enjoy it. you’re lucky i love you.” you clapped your hands together happily.
“then we need to pick out outfits!” you cheered, making lando groan. “oh shush, you dress all fancy for golf. hell, you even made a golf quadrant line.” that shut him up.
you picked out some of his golf clothes that were suitable for tennis, and then you changed into a nike set of a top and shorts since they were your sponsor. you tossed lando a hat and grabbed a visor after putting your hair up into your signature braid.
as you grinned in the mirror, lando leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek. “i love you in your tennis outfits,” he smiled.
when your mouth curled up into a smirk, he realized his mistake. “well, if you played tennis with me more often, you’d get to see it more,” you responded.
“i set myself up for that one, didn’t i, love?” lando muttered, pecking your lips. you gave him an innocent shrug, as if you had no clue what he was talking about.
“anyways,” you said, grabbing your babolat bag and tying your nike sneakers. “let’s go. don’t want to keep mclaren waiting.”
when you arrived at the courts, you beamed at the filming crew. “wow, i love these courts, mclaren chose well,” you gushed.
“thanks,” the cameraman nodded. “i’m luke, and that’s bill.” you nodded at them, shaking their hands. after, they turned on the camera, not wanting to miss a single moment.
“it’s a lovely day,” you smiled. “perfect conditions, nice hard courts, what more can you ask for?”
lando snorted. “barely five minutes in and y/n has already started geeking out,” he commented, facing the camera.
“as if you wouldn’t geek out if someone mentions f1,” you retorted, playfully swatting his arm as you took out your racquet, a babolat pure aero. you handed your boyfriend one of your many racquets as he scrunched his nose up in disdain.
“do i have to use the same as yours?” lando frowned, making you roll your eyes.
“yes, your majesty,” you replied sarcastically. “it’s the only model i have because that’s how tennis works.”
“damn, no need to come at me, sweetheart,” lando responded evenly, a sweet smile on his face. you scoffed, a smile faintly on your lips. he knew that you couldn’t stay mad with that pet name.
“okay, so let’s warm up first,” you explained to the camera. “i do some jumping jacks, high knees, side shuffles, karaoke step, and some footwork drills as well as stretching out my upper body.” you pointed at lando. “follow what i do.”
“yeah, yeah, boss me around, why don’t you,” he mumbled, but a mischievous grin stayed on his face.
first, you did some jumping jacks, high knees, and light cardio exercises. then, you turned around and faced the net as you side shuffled. “lando, c’mon,” you sighed as you turned back, seeing his gaze snap up to meet your eyes, a light blush tinged on his cheeks as he gave you a smug look, knowing damn well what he was doing. from one doubles sideline to the other, you two side shuffled before transitioning into karaoke step. “here, i’ll go slow, lan. follow me, and don’t fall.” you slowly stepped over, letting lando copy you before speeding up.
“how?” lando asked, shocked. “you don’t fall over?”
“tennis players need really good footwork,” you told him, stretching out your arms and back. “alright, i think we’re ready to start with half-court.” you picked up your racquet, grabbing a ball and bouncing it on the strings.
“wait,” lando said to luke. “can you pause real quick, mate?” you gave him a confused look as he leaned down towards you, eyes wide with anxiousness. “promise you won’t judge me or anything if i’m really bad.” then it all clicked for you.
“so that’s why you won’t play with me?” you asked, expression softening at his genuine fear.
“i- yeah,” lando nodded, seeing no point in denying it. “i know how much love tennis, but if i’m really bad, i dunno, i just thought that maybe you’ll see me differently.”
“aww, baby,” you cooed, resting your hand on your boyfriend’s cheek. “i’ll love you no matter what. you could be the worst tennis player in the world and i’d still love you. and you’ll do great. tennis is a hard sport, so obviously no one can get it on the first try. but i love you, lan. not how well you hit balls.” he raised an eyebrow at your wording, but leaned into your touch.
“thanks, y/n,” he smiled, pecking your lips. “i love you more.” he turned back to the camera crew only for his jaw to drop in utter shock. “you were recording the whole time?” your hand flew to your mouth, laughter erupting as you watched lando’s eyes widen in panic.
“babe, they- i can’t believe it,” you wheezed, clutching your stomach. “oh my god, this is amazing.”
“now the whole freaking world is going to know what just happened,” lando whispered, glaring at your laughter. “whatever, let’s just play.”
you showed lando the basics: forehand, backhand, and the motions, guiding him through it. his cheeks were pink from your constant grip on his arm, showing him the swing. soon, he was able to get the tennis balls over the net. “that’s it, lan!” you cheered as he hit another one over. “now we can rally.”
you walked to the other side, gently feeding a half court forehand. you watched as he hit it back, a proud smile on your face as you hit a backhand, careful not to put spin on it. “hey, i think i got the hang of this,” lando grinned before promptly hitting the ball into the net. “dammit, i jinxed it.”
“don’t worry,” you smiled. “let’s go full court now.” the two of you hit a few, lando picking the skills up very quickly. you showed him your serve and decided to use more force, smirking as the ball sailed past him.
while you two took a water break, luke and bill told you that mclaren had also gotten a ball machine, making your face brighten. “really?” you exclaimed. “that’s perfect!”
you brought the machine out, setting it up before you stood on the opposite side of the net, bouncing on your toes. it fed out balls as you hit them with your full match-level power, lando’s eyes widening at the speed. after the machine ran out of balls, you headed back to them, wiping the sweat of your face with a sweatband.
“babe, that was incredible,” lando told you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “how do you hit it so fast?”
“training,” you deadpanned. “now, you think you had enough for today?” lando gave you a nod.
“yeah, today was nice, as much as i hate- ow! i mean, as much as i love to admit that you’re right, tennis was actually pretty cool,” he answered, rubbing the spot on his ribs where you had elbowed him. “maybe we’ll have to play again sometime soon.” your mouth stretched into a victorious grin as you turned to the camera.
“you heard it right here, everyone,” you said with a smug expression. “lando norris is a tennis fan now. thanks to mclaren for doing this, and hopefully see you next time!”
“that’s a wrap!” bill nodded as you started packing your things up.
“thanks for giving it a try,” you beamed at lando. “it means a lot.”
“you’re welcome,” lando replied with a cheeky grin. “also, i’ve decided. i’m going to watch you in rome. i mean, i’ll be in imola for the race anyways, so i can be there.” your face brightened.
“you mean it?” when he nodded, you pumped your fist. “it’s been so long since you’ve come to one of my matches. ooh, i need to introduce you to everyone. thanks, lan.” you slipped your hand in his, smiling as you walked back
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y/nl/ntennis we did it!! landonorris has been converted into a tennis fan 💞 new mclaren video spilling the details 🤭
liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 9,625 others
landonorris yeah yeah 💖💖
lanpastry pls they’re so cute 🤧
mclaren thank you for the content! 🧡
papayaorange that sweet moment was too much, i’m sleeping on the highway tonight
formulerone and not lando getting exposed by mclaren - “you were recording the whole time?”
landynando lando actually playing tennis was not on my bingo card
wta  new tennis power couple?
novakthegoat wta what are you doing here 😭😭
y/nl/ntennis lmao i wish, alex and katie would have nothing on us
katiecboulter oh really? are you sure about that?
cocogauff aww cute 😍
landonorris help y/n i don’t know anyone
y/nl/ntennis oh my god do you not watch tennis at all?
landonorris no? who do you think i am? i only watch your matches 🫶
y/nl/ntennis baby steps ig ily lan 🧡
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