#anti jalec fandom
Can you believe Alec was willing to become a vampire to save Magnus in the finale which would have severed his parabatai bond to jace and jalecs STILL say he’d pick Jace over Magnus 😤
remember when alec was going to stay in edom forever away from jace and that wasnt even a problem to him, when alec married magnus and jace was like "don't be a stranger" and then he moved to another continent, when jace was angsting over clary in the finale and alec was out there living his best life eye fucking his husband and drinking martinis, when jace was straight up possessed and alec didn't even notice cuz him and magnus were busy gossiping about lorenzo (i dont remember what the fuck they were doing in 3a tbh), when jace died and alec was like "sucks", when alec said he would be the one to kill jace himself, when alec came back from the parabatai tracking induced coma and his first reaction was to tell magnus that the fact that magnus was there helped him come back and that he could feel him there (while jace was arrested in the background), when jace decided to freeload at magnus' and alec was pissed as hell at him, did jace and alec even interact in 3b?, when alec said that he's only been in love once and it was with magnus, when alec said magnus is his world, when alec proposed to magnus and married him? i love winning
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chsesteinarchived · 7 years
ok but is someone honestly asking why people don’t ship magnus with camilie?!?! you mean the women who cheated on him, emotionally manipulated him, did terrible things and tried to make magnus feel bad that he turned her in to save someone he loved like a son?  r e a l l y? 
and dot, i for one love dot/magnus’s friendship, and wouldn’t object to seeing a flashback of them as a couple, but anything now? magnus tried but he couldn’t open himself up to dot, so he broke it off, she cared enough about him to remain friends 
and now lorenzo.. you mean the man taking away his life’s work? the very job he loves and has worked so hard for? for the very people he was willing to live the rest of his life alone if it meant keeping them safe, and having this guy take it away?
magnus and alec make each other happy. it has nothing to do with “shipping magnus with a white guy” but rather shipping him with someone he loves and loves him just the same. someone who values him not just for his powers, but for the man he is. 
wow people really are reaching. 
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laufire · 2 years
I've been looking through old posts, adding image descriptions and whatnot, and añshshdhsj. why did the Shadowhunters fandom give me so many headaches xDD
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jasminlang24 · 4 years
Shadowhunters: The fandom where you can ship anyone with anyone and we're all fine with it. Except Magnus and Alec. You ship them with anyone except one another, and you die.
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bytedykes · 3 years
magnus: im monogamous
mal*ce weirdos: clearly incest is the exception!
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bi-leigh-bi · 5 years
casual reminder to block the fuck out of anyone who ships jalec and especially any of them in the malec tag. no one needs that ugliness. I can’t see the posts some people are talking about so I know I’ve got them blocked already. do it. you’ll feel so much better.
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“I would’ve done the same thing”
One thing that I’d like to point out to you folks. Word of the director > word of an actor. 
Director of that episode Joshua Butler said:  “...Alec was talking about his parabatai, given that he's comforting Clary about her decision to save Jace at Lake Lyn...” 
Matt can say all he wants (if he even said it in this way and wasn’t asked specifically if he would’ve done the same for Magnus), that doesn’t change the fact that the word of the director is final. 
Do I think that Alec would’ve done the same for Magnus? Yes. But, the quote is still a parabatai quote and you can try to twist it and change it all you want. It will still be about Jace. But I know that y’all get off of bullying people, so...
Nice to know that y’all are that desperate/insecure to use watered down Jalec/parabatai quotes though.
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livingseries · 6 years
Clalec is homophobic and jalec is racist, sorry your ships are cancelled 
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A Rey/o AU post in the main The Good Place tag... but it gets "better" when they imagine Rey and Kylo as Chidi and Eleanor...
I bet they don’t even see this gross irony.
And then there are J@lecs that base their AUs off of Tahani/Eleanor dynamics...
Is it some new racist whitewashing trend or something?
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Jace nd Jalec stans r so delusional nd lack the brainpower to actually think. They see Jace being an asshole nd think it's the sexiest thing ever. They see Jace treating Alec nd magnus with no respect nd blame it on mental illness or other bs they came up with. They say magnus is boring nd then gives his personality to Jace. I hate them so much wtf.
they do idndkdnd and then they justify jace being literally abusive towards alec and are like "this is proof that he loves him" and then take magnus being a sweetheart with alec at all times and are like "UNHEALTHY!!! ABUSE!!!!!!!" lmao ur not a clown girl ur the whole circus
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eversnark · 7 years
Wishing for a bright future where everyone can ship whatever the fuck they want and not hate on each other.
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laufire · 6 years
why must fandom always assume than disliking a popular ship MUST mean you ship the “rival” one? I can dislike two things at once. and I can change my mind about liking something.
by which I mean, because I don’t feel like vagueblogging today: no, I don’t like m@lec. I don’t really like j@lec either. I used to (sorta), when I cared about Alec’s inner life and conflict, because it made for an intense, uncomfortable narrative and I am all for that. but this season’s premiere made me realize that my love for Alec was just because I enjoyed his usurper narrative and the fruits it bore for IZZY’S narrative, and since now those parts seems to have flopped, I’m just meh on him/the whole pseudo triangle tbh.
BUT that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly blind to the show’s dynamics for fuck’s sake. acknowledging that Alec’s prioritizes Jace over Magnus again and again, and that Magnus’ is at a huge disadvantage in their relationship doesn’t mean I LIKE that it’s happening. I don’t! it fucking bores me, and I want Magnus to get an out by any means necessary. 
but denying it, when we have Magnus asking Alec if Jace is worth Magnus GOING TO HELL IN WHAT’S VERY POSSIBLE A SUICIDE MISSION, and Alec being his passive self AGAIN (like he was when Maryse and Max offended Magnus to his face. like he was when Imogen was torturing someone that claimed to be Magnus. like he was when he was asked to make Magnus give a DNA sample. like he was when the Sword was missing and Magnus was at risk)
what good does denying it, dammit? it’s fucking CANON. you don’t have to like it, but jumping at people’s throats for daring to point it out is useless.
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rainbowshrimps · 6 years
ah! the good old days;
when i wasn't on tumblr, and i was blissfully unaware that there were people who preferred to ship alec with their extremely problematic white fave(s) instead of his canon unproblematic asian boyfriend.
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jalecsquad · 7 years
How to deal with antis, haters & negativity
We got an ask recently from a fellow fan asking us for advice how to deal with hate they had been getting for shipping Jalec.
While we've already replied to that person privately, this sort of thing has unfortunately become far too common in this fandom, thus we decided to also address this publicly.
We are sorry for everyone who is encountering that sort of nastiness and has been the target of mean words. Sending somebody hate or harrassing somebody over a fictional ship is never okay.
We wish there was an easy and simple solution for this wave of hatred that seems to have accosted fandom in recent years but it feels like there is not.
From our personal experience being in the fandom for many years and also loving such 'controversial' ships (and the fact that it even IS considered controversial in the first place will never cease to baffle....), it seems to us that the best solution for being harassed by haters is to ignore them. Ignore them and continue to love and enjoy what you please in spite of those who wish to dissuade you.
Some people can be reasoned with and will understand that while they might dislike a ship that doesn't mean others can't ship it.
Unfortunately, in the Shadowhunters fandom, the majority of people don't seem to fit in that category. Jalec shippers (and shippers of other non-mainstream ships) have been called every name under the sun in this fandom and have been the target of harrassment for months. And if people genuinely think this sort of behaviour is in any way, shape or form okay, if they genuinely think that a fictional relationship is reason enough to attack real living-breathing people, then there isn't much you can do but block and ignore them (maybe report them first if they get particularly nasty) while surrounding yourself with those that will enjoy the same as you, or at least respect your preferences.
It is our experience that antis are usually looking for a fight, and the best way to deal with them is to not give them one. So don't respond, don't engage, just block and ignore.
And don't let a bunch of people who have nothing better to do with their time than being hateful to fellow fans because of a fictional ship ruin the thing you love!
We've also put together a bunch of resources that might help those that encounter antis, haters, and other manifestations of negativity and online bullying. More links will be added when they become relevant.
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bi-leigh-bi · 5 years
jagnus is a trash ship that isn’t even a real thing in this fandom. jace is trash, why would you saddle poor magnus with him more than he already is? why would anyone ship alec or magnus with anyone else when they have a fucking amazing relationship, with actual growth and love and ups and downs? when they’re so fucking in love with each other? but most especially why jace? an actual garbage person? stop.
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