#i was totally so much more negative oof
alexandra-emerson · 7 months
Some Thoughts
(For readers horrified by what’s been going on in fandom who want to help)
I’m sad that some authors have been pulling their works from AO3, though I totally get it. But I’m not going to add to the “don’t sell fanfics” commentary much. I’m working with a lawyer to get mine taken down from Etsy, and it sucks, but I think this is an opportunity to talk about the fandom community as a whole. Specifically, what you can do to keep it alive and healthy.
I think it’s easy to sit at home, read about this illegal fanbinding drama with interest, run to AO3 to mass download your favorite fics, pat yourself on the back for not buying or selling fics illegally or not adding them to Goodreads, then move on with your life. But I would argue this passive attitude is just as harmful to the community, in some ways.
The Criticism Ratio
You all have probably heard that you’re supposed to deliver compliments and criticism with a ratio of 5:1. This is because negative comments stick in our heads more, so even if you were balancing the good and bad, or giving twice as many good comments as bad ones, the bad ones carry so much weight, they still seem to be winning.
With writing, I would argue this ratio is probably more like 10:1. Because it’s so personal. And most of us are so new to it. And it’s so much freaking work. I timed it once, and one chapter typically takes me 12 hours to write. That doesn’t include editing, or the hours my beta puts into editing. Then, to float all that work out into the world and get negativity back … oof, it makes embarking on the next 12 hours, and the next and the next VERY difficult.
My Experience
I’ve been an author of some popular fics in both the Harmony and Dramione spaces. On the Harmony side, I’ve dealt with personalized attacks, not just against my stories but against me as a person. And when that was going down, there weren’t a ton of fans speaking up on my behalf. I got a lot of DMs telling me those bullies were just the “loud minority” but from my point of view, with my supporters sounding like crickets, they felt like a majority. 
(Quick note to my Harmony readers: No I’m never writing Harmony again, get over it, and stop following me to every work I write next to ask me when I’m writing Harmony again. You had your chance to support me, and you fucking missed the boat.)
On the Dramione side, the public spaces are more moderated (thank God) so I’m less likely to stumble upon downright bullying. But this space is overwhelming in how BIG it is and how much conversation goes on about my fics. I always feel like the last to know when there’s some big Tik-Tok boom happening with one of my stories, when a story gets added to Goodreads, when there’s a reddit thread discussing the flaws in ‘Timeless’, when it gets posted for sale on Etsy, when someone popular binds it. It’s very hard to keep up with this giant fandom and it’s too much to handle at times. Which means if people don't send us things directly, we don't see it.
I also get this thing in Dramione that I didn’t get as much in Harmony where people act afraid or embarrassed to reach out to me. They’ll say things like, “I’m so sorry to bother you…” or “I’m sure you hear this all the time, and I know you don’t need to hear it from me too, but your works are great…” I think in Dramione people assume because it’s so big, other people are taking care of things, but that’s not the case. There is a lot of activity, for sure, but not much of that is making it back to the author.
My Ask
So anyway, think about the role you play in fandom. Are you contributing to the compliment bank, or the criticism one? (Remember, abstentions go with the majority. And in this case, every negative experience holds x10 weight).
Good things can be as simple as sending a quick note like, “Just letting you know I thought about your story today” or “Here’s another kudos because I just reread this gem!” It can be correcting a negative comment or review you see out in the wild, so that if the author ever stumbles across it, they see that their people are out there, sticking up for them. Ten people can instantly negate a bad comment with ten positive ones. Then if the author ever finds it, no harm done.
We all know the bad things that harm fandom, so there’s no need for me to rehash them here. But don’t forget that the passive things can be just as harmful. Things like: Rating a fanfic on Goodreads, because it’s already there, and you really want it to count towards your goal. Downloading a story, loving it, and never letting the author know. Reading rude comments online, complimenting yourself for not being that mean, then scrolling to the next thing.
My challenge to fandom is this: Let’s fill that compliment and support bucket so full that when an author does encounter a negative experience with one of their fanfics, they have a giant, fluffy pillow of endless love to fall back on. Let’s make those rare moments of nastiness truly feel like a minority to our creators. It’s not a ton of work. Our fandom is so flipping large, it just takes a tiny comment from each person to keep our community feeling like a fun, positive place to play.
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angelphonia · 6 months
Okay, I've been binge watching the Stop!!Hibari-kun anime and I've got some thoughts I need to let out.
Firstly, watching the anime makes me appreciate the Manga a hundred times more. Sure, the Manga had its problems, mostly the racism and the casual homophobia jokes and transphobia, but you could save stuff from it, like that even though there were homophobic jokes there was a gay woman who wasn't mocked because of her attraction to Hibari, or that despite the transphobia Hibari was never outright shown as being wrong by being herself.
Now, the anime does a lot of things I dislike. Firstly they make Kosaku's reactions be way more negative than in the Manga. While yes, he reacts negatively he is also seen blushing a lot when Hibari flirts with him. I may need to read the Manga for fourth time, but I also don't remember Kosaku constantly mentioning Hibari is a "guy" everytime she did anything.
There is a lot much more racism in the anime. There were problems with this in the Manga but it just feels way more present in the anime.
This one doesn't bother me too much, but I'm pretty sure the chapters do not align with the Manga, but again, this doesn't bother me.
I also noticed way more incest jokes, I don't care about them. Also the Seiji chapter where he falls in love with one of Hibari's bullies when she's 15 and Seiji is around 25/30 is very questionable. Again, this is a work of fiction so while I was like "why isn't this seen wrong?" I wasn't really uncomfortable. I do gotta say that in the Manga when the Japanese mob grown manchild son asked for Hibari's hand in marriage, it was inmediatly said he was 28 and Hibari was super taken aback. This doesn't happen in the anime, his age is NEVER mentioned. I can't quite remember, but I am sure Hibari also doesn't go on a date with him.
Oof, but here we go with the thing that has bothered me the most. The REALLY bad erasure of Jun's story. They absolutely took away her lesbianism, making it seem as if she was only interested in Hibari because of her volleyball abilities. They also totally changed the episode and made Jun be deeply ashamed of her family, that while in the Manga she was a bit embarassed it wasn't a main focus. In the Anime it was, even making her leave the volleyball club, which is crazy to me. Oh, and I'm NOT forgetting that they made Hibari enjoy getting gropped in the bus, when in the Manga she was clearly just disgusted by it.
I haven't finished it yet, may edit this post with more complains. Positive things? I'm sure Seiji and Sabu didn't have names in the Manga, so now they have identities. They try and give them more backstory, even adding an eye scar to Sabu, which was appreciated. Hibari's voice is absolutely the cutest. I liked the wrestling episode. Oh, the episode with Hibari's mother and her father was a delight, she didn't express this much emotion in the Manga, so actually seeing how she feels was great, and her end interaction with her father was adorable.
Can't remember anything more rn. As a side note, I've developed a little crush on Sabu and I'm gonna draw him. Hope you enjoyed my rambling!
Remembered the Honda thing. In the Anime he almost reaches his 1000 girls flirted with, but with one it is half a girl. In the Manga this was because he looked at a 5 year old by accident and she fell in love, while in the anime they made it so he flirted with a new half. For those who don't know, new half is an old Japanese term for transgender people, mostly trans women who were post op. In the subtitles this is translated as crossdresser, which I don't like. This isn't the first time this term is mentioned, in the spartan son episode, he calls Hibari a new half, which Kosaku tells him to not do. In another chapter there is a trans woman, and she refers to herself as New half, which again is incorrectly translated to crossdresser for some reason.
Even then there was some sort of minimal knowledge of trans people, not only with this, but in the Manga the addition of Genkijirou being a canonical trans man in hormones. Eguchi was aware and while his first idea was to make Hibari a feminine man, it obviously end up with her being a trans woman.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Okay well I watched the first episode of Blood Origin and honestly my thoughts are:
I just don't understand why people are so resistant to changes/new plotlines/some lore breaking of *recent* franchises but gobble it up when it's older. People telling an untold portion of a common tale is well established in storytelling culture. The first example that springs to mind is Lancelot, who straight up does not exist in original Authorian legend and was a FRENCH invention when the myth spread. Nowadays, most casual enjoyers of King Author stuff don't bat an eye to Lancelot's presence. Lancelot, who comes to mind, because Sapkowski writes said Lancelot to be in love with Ciri, and we're totally cool with *that* but not with changes to Sapkowski's work.
It's really telling that there's such a bigoted negative reaction to this because honestly? The black people so far have been BLACK black, darker than me, darker than even my black family sometimes. I'm enjoying seeing melanin in fantasy don't mind me. And the hair on the sisters is excellent, I'm liking the costuming, and I *really* like Eile.
The accents are kind of all over the place. Both as individual characters but also as the actors themselves. Sometimes Fjall goes from generic American accent to some form of fake Irish to ????european???? and back and it's distracting and weird. HOWEVER I do like the Irish and Welsh accents in high born kingdoms, because too often those accents are for commoners and poverty only, and this sort of turns the trope on its head.
I'm not sure how much I like the pan-Asian vibe I'm getting from some of the props and architecture. Some things look vaguely Chinese while others solidly Arabic while others a weird fusion of Indian and Korean and it's just odd to me. At first I thought it was because of clan structures but then I saw that it's just sort of everywhere. I have 0% Asian in me so I'm not really a good authority to speak on it but it's a weird vibe, a little Orientalist to my eyes. I'll freely admit that I like the aesthetic since I was raised pretty pan-African but I recognize that most continentally grouped cultures don't love that and it's mainly the black diaspora that's embraced it because we don't really have much of a choice.
I STILL feel that doing away with this short-season "but the episodes are an hour long!" nonsense would help pacing so much. Literally every time I thought the episode was going to come to an end, it's been roughly at the 20-25 min mark, which a standard TV episode would have been ANYWAY. So there's not really much point to having this be 4 hour-long episodes when it could be done better as 12-15 20 minute episodes... which would be the eqivilant of a short season while 24-32 is a more "standard" season (instead of 8 hour-long episodes). It gives you more time to flesh the characters and plotlines out while also allowing you the chance to trim some of the long-and-boring content people get tired of watching.
I really do feel bitter that the witcher tags continue to be people making racist and misogynistic memes instead of a fandom happily discussing a pretty strong first episode that introduced a billion fantasy characters of color. It really sucks that black people in fantasy is received so poorly when my inner 10 year old is happy to see people who look more like me having fun with the genre. I long for the day when I can exist in a fandom space and happily discuss my favorite black characters without having to justify their existence every 2 seconds.
Oof that CGI is pretty rough though. Which surprises me because the S2 CGI was not this rough so idk what happened here. That monster in the first episode is, uh, bad. And the background in the weird magicky place is also pretty, uh, bad.
I don't understand why the first witcher being an elf would piss Geralt off except maybe because that means Jaskier knows more about witchers than Geralt does? All of Geralt's iterations- the books, the games, the show, the comics- are pretty chill with elves as long as they're pretty chill with him. He only pursues certain elves and elf-blooded mixed race people when they pose a direct threat to him or his loved ones. Same as humans. So I don't really get that line at all unless, as said, it was more a "wow Geralt's gunna be pissed that I know this story and he doesn't"
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doctorguilty · 2 months
one thing I liked about f&c's writing though was just like, handling the titular fionna overall, I never really cared for the og genderbend episodes and though fionna was super annoying in them at the time (I did always like cake but I like her even more in the new series), so going into the new series my feelings were already set pretty negative for fionna, and the first episode was really was kind of a slog like I would have personally consolidated 1-3 into 2 episodes,, kind of oof that it takes 4 episodes to actually get Started, but anyway that's a whole other thing, I was really disliking fionna as dismissing her as being selfish up until the end of ep 6 when she started being more self aware of things and it kinda put her whole character more together for me in a way I could more so appreciate the development they were going for (b/c again the beginning was .. pretty wonky) and where it was going, and by jerry I was REALLY appreciating it, oddly enough I've seen people criticize that for not "making sense" that she would like change her mind that quickly but to me it does??? because it wasn't JUST the ice king video, she was already questioning herself after she accidentally killed winter king and a whole slew of innocent candy people, and when it comes to the video I think you gotta remember like. WE knew all along the implications of becoming ice king were, FIONNA didn't, simon was literally telling her it was like totally fine and would benefit everyone, and ALSO early on she didn't have much of a reason to question it too much like simon was just Some Guy to her, but by the time she finds the video she genuinely cares for him, and realizes what he's doing would be throwing his life away for her, and at that point she would literally rather DIE herself than let him do that, ultimately simon's the one who insists on going through with it but the guilt comes through again when she has the nightmare about him in the freezer, idk like, I think that was all REALLY nicely done, and by the end of things ofc her lesson is like she appreciates the world she has and everyone in it and thats what she wants to save, while also sparing simon, which is a nice wrap up to like the selfishness stemming from her sort of depressive ennui. anyway ramble aside! I was pleasantly surprised that I ended up completely turning my opinion around and she went from one of my most disliked characters to one of my most liked, I'm nervous about s2 breaking up the trio of her, cake, and simon because I just felt like they had SUCH a fun dynamic and friendship. like part of me expects it, because the way they concluded simon's side of the story made me feel like they wanted to sort of put him to the side but, I really don't want them too :( he's like intrinsically connected to fionna and cake anyway, so, I dunno! I really just want the adventures to continue with the 3 of them and anyone else relevant just gets added to the group!
or my like, speculation idea from my post I cant find, where I think the main plot of s2 will take place in Ooo and will involve some of Fionna's human friends coming there ie Marshall and Gary, but there will be a B plot going on in Fionnaworld AND I think Simon could be the one having the B plot that would be super interesting. and they communicate on the magic flip phones.
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sabetha · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @fandomscraziness22 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
80 - well on my way to 100
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
299,441 which is actually SO infuriating
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whatever I happen to be hyperfixated on at the time....right now it's Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory, but Lockwood & Co. and The Raven Cycle round out the top 3, followed by Six of Crows and some miscellaneous podcasts
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
do you know i love your tattoo (and you) (l&co)
She's Just a Friend (ML)
just keep your eyes on me (l&co)
Take It From Me (soc)
See Yourself Out (soc)
This list is actually so wild to me wtf
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes it takes me a while, but yes! I try to respond to every comment I get, with varying levels of success
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
this has to be a trick question, right? p much everything I write is angst oops. although to be fair, I do usually try for a happy ending. so the angstiest ending....
based on canon: you were the story i chose for myself (the dreamer trilogy) OR what do you know, this house is falling apart (l&co)
canon divergent: slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace (l&co)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
why is this so hard?? I don't know if these are the happiest, but I'm partial to The Great Gansey (trc), Dream Me the World (trc), and The Plan (ML)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think I've ever gotten any really negative comments on my fics which is great because I would cry
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not typically? my Dark AU for L&Co features some smut (PLEASE READ THE TAGS IF YOU'RE GONNA READ THIS FIC) yesterday we were just children
10. Do you write crossovers?
nope, i'm not inherently opposed to the idea, but a lot of times they just don't feel natural to me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oof I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? I've had at least one person ask, but I don't know if it ever happened
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I was working on a ML fic with a friend once! we unfortunately did not finish that, but it was a fun experience
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
..... you can't ask me to pick between my children like this
But Ronsey (trc)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Learn to Like The Taste. (soc) - it's started, it's vaguely outlined, it's partially drafted, some of it is posted.... I would love nothing more than to finish this story but its been years and head empty no thoughts
16. What are your writing strengths?
emotional angstttttt, it's basically my lifeblood at this point. I've also been told I'm good at mirroring the writing of the source material? so that, I guess. I'm pretty proud of the phrases I come up with when I put my mind to it
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue?? action?? don't know her
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i've got some latin in my fics for trc, and te admo adhuc (the college tapes) is a title in a different language, so I'm deciding that counts
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Miraculous Ladybug
20. Favorite fic you've written?
this is a really mean question, actually, so now you get to suffer through me making another list
As Good As Later Gets (Wolf 359)
Something New For Every Night (trc)
trapped in yesterday (l&co)
things we have to do that we can't stand (trc)
slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace (l&co)
tagging anyone else who wants to do it, if you're seeing this, yes you!
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thehauntedarchives · 6 months
Finished reading the Song of Achilles,,
Here's some of my thoughts,, bc I wanna ramble about it-
*spoilers for the song of achilles-*
×) Overall,, I like the story. I'm a fan of Greek mythology,, and I already (vaugely,, not super in-depth) knew the story / myth. (See edit for this part ->) My least favorite part was that Patroclus was kinda over feminized sometimes. .. Now it makes sense bc before the fight that he [Patroclus] dressed up as Achilles, he isn't a warrior, he's much more a healer. And I don't mind that,, they balance each other out well, it was just kinda weird sometimes- /not neg,, [Edit : I just realized it's bc he's an unreliable narrator,, he views himself as weaker- that's why there's a change when he's dressed up as Achilles and actually like,, fighting- yeah- /pos (so I take back what I said about that before!!)]
×) I really really liked that the author switched after Patroclus & Achilles died,, and you see that it's his ghost talking to Achilles mother, OOF THAT HIT LIKE A TRUCK- but very nice story & like,, plot wise. I also like the authors writing style,, Having to read through Patroclus' little blurbs / commentary killed me- ESPECIALLY,, HAVING TO SEE ACHILLES MOURN HIM??? OW??? I'm also a big sucker for slow burns. And this book's a tragedy first,, and a slow burn second, love that <33 (Hunger Games & Percy Jackson as well-)
×) Me personally,, I like the mountain with Chiron. I like the peace and nice moments before the Trojan war. And as much as i cried,, the part where Achilles is mourning and then when we see Patroclus talking to his mother,, I think those are my top 3 (three) favorite parts.
×) I had to re-read some parts,, it was one of those like,, *shocked cat face* "HUH?!!?" /pos
×) And then gay people!! Woo! :]]]
×) fav. Quotes ;
- "I would recognise you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion."
- "perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?"
I'm getting tired,, so I'll continue this later-
Overall,, solid. about,, 7.5/10 :]] would / will read again :]
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flowerpotmage · 1 year
I'm hopping on anon for this because it might get too specific (← is definitely exaggerating)and uh. I'm paranoid lol
I have a lot of trouble coming up with anything to say about the whole creativity problem, because I'm on the exact same boat, even down to the abandoning fandom thing. and sadly know plenty of other people in that same position. and I feel, I guess, that big sibling urge to give solutions that would make the problem just disappear, and make everything better. but it's like… impossible, because I can't give you the answers I haven't reached myself.
if it helps any, I don't think there's any pressure to continue or not. this isn't exactly something you can fix or take control over. and as much as we, as readers, want to give support and make it better by showing love and appreciation, it just… doesn't really help in giving the nudge, and getting that mental hurdle out. because all it takes is that one single instance of someone showing distaste or critique, for it to become ingrained and for us to question every single decision. it's especially disheartening when it reaches the point of you looking at something, detesting it, but knowing deep down that if this was done by someone else in the exact same way, you'd be thinking it's amazing.
hardcore fan of tgbd, currently my favourite fic ever, and I'll just say, no pressure and no hard feelings over whatever happens. we're already so incredibly lucky that you shared as much of this amazing story as you did, and I don't think any of us want to see you experiencing emotional anguish over it. even if it comes down to getting one update a year, or the fic being abandoned altogether.
I totally get it. I always want to have the perfect thing to say, especially about things I've experienced myself and it kills me when I don't have the right thing to say that'll just fix it.
all it takes is that one single instance of someone showing distaste or critique, for it to become ingrained and for us to question every single decision.
It's awful bc this^ is exactly what I'm struggling with!! Like I know I posted about the whole RSD + creativity scar thing but oof!! And especially difficult bc there's all these studies about how humans might be wired to remember negatives more than positives as an old survival mechanism but like..... Come ON. It doesn't help, of course, that I have a hard time internalizing compliments being for me, no matter the context or what is being complimented. It's very silly.
But yeah, I just like... idk my biggest struggle is that TGBD has a very special place for me and I remember the excitement and the ideas and the way I was feeling about it and how invested I was (and am) in the characters, but I just haven't been able to get the words flow and then I start overthinking about how it'll be seen and it's....... It's a weird place to be, emotionally and psychologically.
I don't intend to abandon it, that's for sure, but I'm like just... Trying to let it breath, I guess?
Regardless, I really appreciate this ask 💚 knowing someone else has been in the same boat at any point in time and understands really makes me feel a bit better about the struggle haha
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walkawaytall · 11 months
20 fanfic questions
Tagged by @otterandterrier for this one!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Purpose of Heritage (140) Every Version of You (83) Collateral (80) Tell Your Sister (71) Confirmed by Sources Close to the Subject (68)
Some of this was actually really surprising -- I did not know a one-shot had edged ahead of Collateral on the kudos front (and I definitely would not have expected that one-shot to be Every Version of You).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I think the earliest comments on my first fic never got replies because I didn't know what I was doing exactly, but I do try to respond at least on AO3. I know leaving comments takes effort, and I genuinely appreciate them so much, and I like talking to people about stuff I've written. So...it seems like a good thing to do.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, it would probably be Collateral if I hadn't added the epilogue, but I did, and that epilogue is angsty af but it also ends on a rising note, so I don't think it fully counts. So, that being said, I think it's actually one of my more recent ones: Entirely Shattered. Everything's broken at the end of that one. And, like, we know it'll be fine eventually, but they sure don't.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think several fit the bill, but my favorite of those is Confirmed by Sources Close to the Subject
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. The only objectively negative comment I've received is someone who is actually really angry with JJ Abrams and/or Rian Johnson and just decided I was a good outlet for that via anonymous guest comment on FFN. Also, I'm like 90% sure that comment was left by one of my regular readers over on FFN due to some weird circumstances surrounding it and overall vibes, and if that's the case, they're still reading and commenting even after that negative comment was left so...whatever. Otherwise, I've not really received hate. A couple that have been like...passive-aggressive unsolicited concrit, if there exists such a thing, but meh.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Nope, not something I'm into.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't, and I don't read them either. I hesitate to say "never" because you never know what sort of inspiration might strike, but I don't think I'll ever write a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I've only been posting for like...10 months
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't, and I'm honestly not even sure how that works logistically speaking tbh.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I mean. C'mon. (Han/Leia obviously. Though in revisiting The Hunger Games this year, I have a new appreciation for Peeta/Katniss)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm not like...throwing in the towel on this one, but I have a WIP called Macabre that I had originally started for Han/Leia Appreciation Week and it got replaced by Brief Shadow for the "Anniversary" prompt. The whole concept is this idea that Han and Leia celebrate the anniversaries of every time they should have died but didn't -- there's a whole backstory baked in as to how this started and how they even have the dates recorded to do this in the first place (Leia has a calendar, obviously) -- and everyone around them thinks it's kind of a, well, macabre tradition, but it's like a post-war, coping-with-humor thing for them. The problem is I spent a decent amount of time setting up the backstory and how they sort of accidentally stumbled into celebrating an anniversary the first time, and then I simply didn't know where to go from there. I do think the concept has promise, and I really like what I've written so far (I've posted multiple snippets here! Because I was so sure it would be finished and posted in August!), so I won't say never. But I seriously don't know where to go with this. (Like, honestly, if anyone has any interest in giving it a read and making suggestions, I'm game.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been repeatedly told that I stay true to the characters' voices, which is really important to me, so I hope that's true. And, like, if I capture the right vibe, I can write some kind of heartbreaking gut punches.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a hard time writing things that are not angsty but are earnest. Like, earnest fluff. People actually saying their feelings straight-out. Anything like that. I feel like I need to talk about this in therapy or something.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ah...I think as long as you do your research, it can be fine? I don't really do this, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, full-circle moment because I forget about this, but I just remembered it recently. I usually say that the first fandom I wrote for was Left Behind: the Kids and that is the first fandom I posted anything for. But, but, the first time I entered a Star Wars phase, I found out fanfiction was a thing, and before my 11-year-old self was exposed to some racy Trip to Bespin fic that scarred me and made me scared to look for fanfiction (this was the late '90s. The Internet was the Wild West and I don't think people were rating their fics, or at least not in a way that was clear to me. I had no real way to avoid running into stuff I didn't want to see, at least not that I knew of), I had actually started writing a little story that I was going to submit to some fansite I found. I remember nothing of it except it took place on Endor the morning after the Battle of Endor and Han had asked Leia to marry him. I actually don't even think I had a plot fleshed out. I just really wanted Han and Leia to get married. I mean, girl, same. When I say they're my OTP, they are my OTP.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Complete dark horse moment here, but I realized today, that I actually think it's Brief Shadow. Like, I do think Purpose of Heritage is going to hold a special place in my heart if it doesn't drive me insane first, but I packed a lot into less than 800 words for Brief Shadow and I'm really proud of how it turned out.
I think everyone I'd tag got tagged by @otterandterrier (thanks for the tag!), but if you want to participate, please do! These are fun.
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viridiave · 11 months
For the salty ask game my friend, the generator asks 3, 4, 13, 14 :)
Thanks for the ask Sly!! These got a little long tho oof I promise my other opinions won't get this intense
3) Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? - …I want to say no but I actually have done that a couple of times - whenever it happens it's always with a really popular content creator so I can't say it's a great loss on either of our sides.
4) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? - Is Osvald/Throne big enough to count as a popular OTP? I've been seeing it a lot on my feed at least aksjaks like I know they're both adults but something about the age gap that's over a decade large makes me uncomfy. It's totally fine but I guess it's just not my thing? That's also generally my attitude towards Olberose even though I know IMPLICITLY that Olberic and Osvald would never do anything bad to them.
13) Unpopular opinion about XXX character? this could be better reserved for a different ask but like. Therion is one of the only ones that I have strong negative feelings on so let me unpromptedly tell ya'll why I think his story is the worst in both games, at least design-wise
Like. I UNDERSTAND what the game was trying to go for here. I also understand how people have come to like and relate to him so much, for reasons pertaining to his backstory and personality. I promise I get it. It's not like Theri himself is a horrible character but it's so not enough to salvage his story in my eyes
But there's a laundry list of reasons why I dislike Therion's arc and all of them have to do with the limitations of OT1's format. His story was just not suited for it, SPECIFICALLY because his story is all about regaining his trust in people. Like - every game critic on the planet can pop off about the lack of interaction between the Travelers, SURE, but in Therion's case I think the criticism is correct, because all of his growth can be achieved without ever having triggered the banters. It just feels so??? Unearned??? Because the people we're supposed to believe made this happen were Cordelia fucking Ravus and Heathcote - I don't hate either of those characters, just to clarify, but I think they're horrible catalysts for Therion's growth because for fuck's sake dude he's basically ENSLAVED by them. That sounds like a bit much, but Therion had no agency in this. Chapter 2 taught him BARELY ANYTHING, and in Chapter 3 he just HAPPENED to run into Darius again. How the FUCK am I supposed to believe that Cordelia's venting session did anything good for him in between that and meeting Darius again in Chapter 4??? Unless we're here to argue HEATHCOTE and that comes with its own set of problems.
I say this every time I complain about Theri's story - he is this game's biggest victim story-wise. If they just waited a little more to pull the lone wolf angsty thief storyline until they figured out a way to make a more interconnected plot, then I think it would have worked better! Out of every Traveler, Therion is the one who would have benefited the most from a Crossed Paths, hands-down - in fact switch Therion and Throne around and you'd have less loss because even Throne makes an effort to get closer to her companions on her own! My god! Give Therion better candidates to reconnect with! Like you know - the seven other guys you get to use???
14) Unpopular opinion about your fandom? - Sometimes I do think we go too hard on shipping, but that's an opinion I have about every piece of media ever so - but yeah uhm. Please make more genfics. Some days I just don't want to look at ships. This is why I write stupid shit about the god fights - I want to fill in that semi-shipless void with unhinged found family shenanigans
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sunset-a-story · 1 year
10, 21, and 44 from hard mode questions for Marek? - @void-botanist
Thanks for the ask, friend! Marek it is! (Game can be here.)
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Less. He works in an office but does his best to get away with as casual of clothes as his station allows. Marek is also our, well, let's call it: hookup enthusiast. He's very comfortable naked. He's not a nudist or anything (he's no Hannah) but he'd much rather kick it nude than be in a three-piece suit.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Oof. He may be our resident goofball, but Marek absolutely overly takes responsibility for that type of thing. A decade before we ever meet Marek at his desk job, Marek led a field team and that all came to a very tragic end leading to Marek (the only one who walked away) getting desked with PTSD. He's since made a recovery but has no desire to ever return to fieldwork. It wasn't his fault in the least. It's factually clear whose fault it was but he blames himself as the team leader for not seeing it coming.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Damn, you're really zeroing in on Marek's soft spots here! Marek can very easily and joyfully say it to his friends/chosen family. Romantic setting? Totally different story and so those types of relationships aren't super on his radar. At the start of the story, he hasn't really dated since he lost his whole team as he'd been in a relationship with one of his teammates. We originally had a romance arc with him in there but in the interest of keeping Arc 2 under 1,000 pages, it got cut.
Thank you again! It was fun to dig more into Marek :)
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bookofmirth · 2 years
Do you think that Rhysand, Cassian and Lucien would still love Feyre, Nesta and Elain if somehow they stayed human? How do you think that would effect their relationship?
For Cassian and Rhysand, I think they would still end up with Nesta and Feyre, but it would take longer for Rhysand’s bond to form than Cassian’s. In the books, Rhysand did not know from their first meet that Feyre was his mate. It was only after Feyre was meant to go back to the Spring Court with Tamlin that he discovered. In this hypothetical scenario, I think it would take quite some time after the events of Under The Mountain for their relationship to form. I do not think that he would be embarrassed to be with her but rather he would worry how Prythian would treat her. Cassian in the books suspected from their first meeting that they were mates so I think regardless of Nesta’s species, he would have attempted to be with Nesta as soon he was able to. Lucien is a no brainer, he would want to be with Elain ASAP and would love her to bits. I think Rhysand and Cassian would end up with their mates if they stayed human, but I really want to hear your thoughts on this.
I do not think their half human children would be treated terribly by their fathers but rather Prythian at large and Illyria. High Fae society still sees full blooded humans as beneath them and half humans are not treated well. Rhysand’s children would be slightly protected by his status in Prythian as High Lord, but them being half human would still negatively affect them. For Cassian, the fate of his hypothetical children would be grim. The Illyrians value physical strength, which is something that the children would be lacking because they are half human. I think they would have a hard time in the camps. I do not think he would be a bad father but his desire to show them his heritage would lead to a lot of issues for them. High Fae society would never accept them, so they would never be able to live peacefully outside of Illyria. Lucien would do his best to protect them, but it would only work a little. How do you think Prythian would treat the half human child of a High Lord? How do you think Illyria would treat a child that is half human?
Oof, that would make all of their stories so tragic! Ianthe may be a bitch but she was right about Lucien (and Cassian, and Rhys) being sad if their mates remained human.
Since I just reread acotar, there are moments in that book where I was like, Rhys must know. He's acting like he knows, not just because he has his Super Secret Not Evil persona and we get to see the Real Rhysand, but there are ways that he's acting that don't align with him not knowing. Like Clare Beddor - I get that it's easier to protect someone he had talked to (Feyre) than it would be to protect a woman he's never met (Clare) but he didn't have to give Amarantha a name at all. Why protect Feyre at that point, especially when he knew it would hurt Tamlin? So I do wonder if it was more like, he had a funny mental itch and couldn't explain it/didn't put it together with the bond, much like Feyre was with him for months.
IMO, if a half-human child of a High Lord or even of a super strong Illyrian were also proven to have considerable power, that might weigh more heavily than the fact that they are part human. It seems like they value power more than anything else, it's just that their judgement/evaluation of power is tied closely to their own in-world racism. Which... is pretty similar to our own world, it's just that in our world power is based on money, race, gender, social connections, cultural knowledge, education, etc. rather than some poorly explained magic system.
Their children probably would have to work much harder to prove themselves - I can see them being tested, bullied, mocked, etc. until they came into their power. And this being sjm, they would have that in spades.
However, there do seem to be enough high fae who aren't total dicks so that perhaps the stratification would change? Like I can't see Kallias, Helion, or Tarquin going along with this, just like I can't see "lesser" fae playing along 100%. Lots of them rebelled against Amarantha, and there is an argument to be made that they did so out of self preservation rather than a sense of justice. But perhaps?
In my dreams, the Cauldron takes away all High Lord powers and redistributes the magic evenly. But even though that will never happen, I can see a scenario where lots of other fae, and the non-asshole High Fae, recognize their bigotry for what it is and work against it. Again, maybe just in our heads, but still. The possibility is there in how she has characterized some of the High Lords, and some of the lesser fae (e.g. Balthazar, Emerie, Cassian, the Suriel). I think that however Illyria is handled (or not) in future books could give us a lot of insight as to whether a Prythian-style social justice movement is possible, or if it truly was just a moment for sjm to say that Rhys is not actually a dick.
(Sorry this took so long to get to, I didn't plan on taking that break in October/November :D)
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moveslikeanape · 9 months
ohh, that's too bad about your computer not being able to play dreamlight valley! i have heard that the game is supposed to have a mobile version, but i'm not sure if it's been released yet or not, so that could be something to look into. also, i can totally see that about tarzan wanting to dive right in and learn about everything around him. i'm sure that if jane were there with him she'd also be really excited to show him new things and help him with anything he didn't understand. oof, yeah, i didn't wanna be too harsh about wish in case you were still really looking forward to the movie, but i admit that my mixed feelings about it are more on the negative side. i like a couple of the songs, but they're riddled with strange and poorly written lyrics (for example, "i'm a star, watch out world here i are" or "i let you live here for free and i don't even charge rent") and some of them sound so generic that i just feel like i've already heard them before. after seeing the concept art and hearing about some of the ideas that didn't make it in, i ended up feeling like the movie had a lot of missed potential. it's a shame, especially since this was disney's 100th anniversary film. there is one other tarzan reference besides the shoutout in the credits, though, so definitely look out for that when you watch it! that's true about mark mancina, i see a lot of praise for tarzan's soundtrack that's specifically about phil collins, but mark created such a good score to go with his work. i'm really glad he got to work on moana as well. ooh i see, that does all sound pretty interesting! i love to read as well and pretty much always have a long list of things i'd like to read, and never enough time for all of them LOL. but i'll definitely have to add the tarzan novels to that list and try to check them out someday. are there any other tarzan movies you enjoy besides disney's version? -🌟
I looked, and is is available through Apple Arcade… but same problem, don't have a compatible device, lol. Not into computers/phones/etc enough to try and keep up with the latest. Would rather stretch my devices as long as I can and save the money for my collection. Oh well, maybe someday I'll play it. Would be so awesome to see more of Jane helping Tarzan learn new things though!
I agree with you on the lyrics, some of them are so bad!! I remember hearing those lines for the first time and feeling embarrassed for them. They sound like they're from a cheap bootleg ripoff, not from the most prestigious animation company in the world. They should be ashamed of themselves, they used to have incredible song lyrics.
That's awesome there's one other Tarzan reference though!! A very good reason to give it a watch!
Mark's score for Tarzan and Brother Bear are so beautiful. As soon as I saw he was doing Moana I knew I was going to love it!
Ah, the pain of never having enough time to read… and it always seems that when you do, you can't find anything to read! I'm currently halfway through the Asian Saga by James Clavell. I've read those books so many times I've lost count. I was about a third of the way through Shogun when I found out that there's a new FX series based on the book that's going to be on Disney+ at the end of February! Although I've finished reading Shogun since, I'm trying to finish reading the other 5 books before the series starts… I don't think I'm going to make it, lol.
I hope you enjoy the Tarzan novels if you get to read them!!
I haven't seen many other Tarzan movies, but I did really enjoy Greystoke with Christopher Lambert and Andie MacDowell. Of the ones I've seen it feels the closet to the books. And it has an unexpected connection to the Disney version… Andie MacDowell's voice was dubbed by Glenn Close, so it's like seeing Jane and hearing Kala!
Growing up I watched the Tarzan tv series starring Wolf Larson and Lydie Denier, which was my first introduction to Tarzan. It takes place in more modern times, and Jane was French in it. I watched it again a few years ago, and it was definitely not as good as I remember it being. But as a kid I found it thrilling, used to stay up until 3 am every Saturday to watch it!
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rank 6 - bathhouse
Akechi: Welcome home, Kurusu-kun. I hope you don’t mind that I’m intruding on your home again.
I expect we’ve both had a long day. 
I was out until now with work, but I think I finally can take a break…
You’re not planning on anything too strenuous tonight, are you?
> Not much.
Then perhaps we can talk over some of Boss’s coffee…
Sojiro: Not that I’m complaining, but if you two are so tired, maybe you could use a bath more than a coffee.
I mean, there’s a bathhouse right there.
Akechi: A bathhouse? That doesn’t sound too bad.
Want to come with me, Kurusu-kun? I’d appreciate it if you could show me the way.
> Hang out with him
Oh… really? 
If that’s the case, I suppose I’ll take you and Boss up on that suggestion.
Ahh, this feels wonderful… It’s been a while.
> A while, huh?
Years. I used to frequent one when I was younger. Of course, these days I’m the Detective Prince, but my family situation was… well, complicated.
By the time I was old enough to realise it, my father was already gone. My mother was all I had.
My mother worked at a nightclub. Whenever she had to bring a man home, she’d send me off to the local bathhouse.
> You’ve been through a lot.
It’s in the past. I have no reason to blame her either.
The only one who deserves blame is my father. The worthless, degenerate excuse for a man who abandoned my mother. 
I wanted to force him to finally give her the apology he owes her. But… that’s no longer possible.
Sorry. I didn’t mean for our conversation to get so depressing. Actually, are you all right? I know the hot water can make people dizzy…
> This is nothing.
I’m still good to go too. I feel like I’m barely starting to feel warmed up.
Oof… I think I feel a little lightheaded.
> Same. 
Haha, I thought so. Your face is bright red, you know. This is the first time I’ve ever taken a bath like this. I’ve never told anyone about my family situation, either. I wonder why I told you? Curious indeed.
> Because we’re similar.
Now that you mention it, maybe we are pretty similar deep down… we’re both victims of the adults who unfairly impacted our lives.
> I think you’re right.
I’m even more sure of that after having talked with you. Then again… this probably isn’t a conversation we should be having naked. Let’s get dressed, shall we?
— rank up—
My skin still feels like it’s radiating heat… next time, let’s keep the competition out of the bath. Best to save it for the baize (billiards), right?
…Though we could always see who changes faster. First to leave wins. Are you ready?
Well, see you later.
Hey. Between the delicious coffee and the bath, I finally managed to relax. So… thank you.
It’s nice to spend the day as Goro Akechi for once, rather than the Detective Prince. You know? I don’t know if it’s because of the whole Prince image, but everyone seems to think I’m some brilliant prodigy…
It’s really nothing like that. But people always seem to misunderstand. If they saw how I was acting today, perhaps they’d say I wasn’t acting like the Detective Prince.
> My bad, I guess.
Oh, I didn’t mean for that to sound negative… I’m sorry if I offended. If anything, I envy you. You fit right in with the retro vibe back there.
Honestly, though… I just can’t figure you out, no matter how I try. You and I have common ground in some aspects, but in others, we’re total opposites. It’s intriguing.
The more I get to know you, the more it makes me think. I wonder why that is. …Ah, now I’m veering into strange territory. I should let you go for now. See you.
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asm5129 · 1 year
Flash Thoughts ⚡A New World Part 3: Choices
Oh man that was a good episode. Damn, where has this shit been all season? Seriously, Eric Wallace, this last season should have been more like season 8, with events and crossovers and grand villains and epic threats and real darkness and even horror, and real focus. That really is where your strengths lie. i mean hell, the show even looks better when you're leaning into that stuff.
Anyways, A New World continues to prove itself as the best part of this final season. Rick Cosnett brings an absolutely exceptional and heartbreaking performance to Eddie as he struggles with the pain of having lost his entire future and it having (seemingly) meant absolutely nothing.
Iris, the love of his life, moved on. The man he sacrificed himself to destroy came back again, and again, and again. And Eobard was proven right--history didn't remember him as anything more than a footnote. Cosnett sells the rawness of that pain magnificently, and the Negative Speed Force choosing Eddie and manipulating that pain is really solid. I think what really sells it (aside from the performance) is that this really feels like Eddie. Yes he's being pushed to darker places, but he doesn't really want revenge or anything. He has issues with Barry but ultimately respects him.
Eddie Thawne was a good man before his death, and it took so, so much to get him to even consider causing any harm--and even then, it's mainly out of what in a vacuum is a totally harmless desire. But he's been plopped into a situation where the only way to achieve that desire--to have a good and happy life with the people he loves--is to destroy the lives of those same people, because they all found their happiness in the aftermath of his death. I mean oof, really twisting the knife. Eddie's a fantastic choice for this story, and it's being handled really well.
Cecile's arc was eh. Kinda felt a little like almost a waste of time, since she didn't even decide to do anything differently to change the future. Like I'm sorry Cecile, but i honestly think you made the wrong decision. I do like her superhero name though, i'll give the arc that. Virtue. Great name for a Empath superhero.
Since we visited 2049 this episode, anyone else felt weird about Bart's absence this season? Barry and Iris have spent all season focused on having a family but they haven't mentioned their son a single time, and now Bart wasn't even given a throwaway line explaining his absence this episode. It just feels very weird.
Still iffy about the Speed Force stuff. Is it really gone? I dunno.
I'm trying to think of more to say but I think that's it for now at least. can't believe the series finale of The Flash--and the last story in the Arrowverse (for now at least) is next week. I know how much negativity around these shows there have been but man, I'm gonna miss them so, so, so much.
I can't believe how callously they were thrown away, truly. I'll probably make another post on that at some points cuz it's worth clarifying how everything happened to lead to the end of the arrowverse--cuz it wasn't falling ratings or dwindling popularity. But again that's for another time.
See you next week for the final edition of Flash Thoughts!
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lululawrence · 1 year
How about 24, 14 and 30?
hiiii sorry i didn't answer earlier, i fell asleep before i got it haha but i can answer now before i finally make my fic list for the month... like three days late oops so ANYWAY thank you for sending these in!!
how was your day today?
i'm answering for today instead of yesterday hahaha today was pretty good! more chill than i originally expected because of a last minute change in plans, so it was nice. the toddler was his usual terror self and i didn't get my sunday afternoon nap that is basically a requirement, but that's alright cause overall it wasn't a bad day haha
any cleaning or organizing life hacks?
oof listen this one has had me thinking. all my cleaning and organizing life hacks are more like adhd and autism life hacks lmaoooo so i'm not so sure they would be helpful for like anyone other than ME. ummm i guess my big one is make your planner a happy place for you to be because you'll have more incentive to use it that way lol mine is covered in stickers that are mostly fan art or lyrics or things that make me happy like flowers or quotes that remind me i'm not a failure hahahahah and it's lots of bright colors so when i open it up to the upcoming week and see all five million appointments and things i have to do even though i'm on year four of total burnout at this point, i don't have a panic attack. the bright colors and flowers and our boys rewire my brain to focus on that instead so my emotions are kept a lot more even and i can then still be productive in looking at the schedule which is super helpful for me haha for cleaning, the two biggest things that have helped me is one: it doesn't have to be done perfectly every time, so just do the best you can and at least it's that much better than it was before. and two: break up the big bads in your life so you don't have to do it all at once. for example, i HATE the bathroom. not because i find it super disgusting or whatever, but because it usually takes more effort for me to scrub the tub or the sink and honestly when i was younger i didn't ever know if i was cleaning them correctly or not. i was essentially guessing and was always too embarrassed to ask for help because the few times i did try to do that, i didn't actually get answers that helped me at all. the answers were kind of lackadaisical and general and would probably make sense to a neurotypical, but to my undiagnosed AuDHD brain, i was LOST man. and like, i'm 38 now, i've finally figured that shit out at least for myself, but even though it's a lot easier now and i know what to do, it still has a lot of negative feelings associated so my executive dysfunction basically says, "yeah nope" when it's time to do it and fucks off hahaha SO what i do is i have different tasks in the bathroom on different days. for example, tuesday is toilet day. dunno why, it just works well having toilets on tuesdays. wednesday is sinks, thursday is mirrors, and friday is the tub. saturday is for if i missed any of those days, then i catch up. or it's april and i just don't clean the bathroom. months like that happen, and we still survive. lol which is actually tip three. you'll still survive even if your plans don't work, so pick yourself up and try again. maybe it'll stick this time!
how do you feel about this weekend?
as in the weekend we just had or the weekend coming up? lollllll the weekend we just had? overall it was an alright one. it was longer than i feel like they usually feel for a lot of reasons, and it was weird because there was a lot of stuff that just wasn't really quite at the usual for us, but yeah not bad! haha kinda glad it's over while also not all that excited about the upcoming week, if that makes sense haha but that's also kinda my life right now so oh well lol
that got long i'm so sorry hahaha hope you at least kind of enjoyed the answers? lol thank you for asking!!!
if you want the link to the post these came from, it's here!
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missroller15 · 2 years
I know you said you probably won't want to watch Season 7 again, but what are your overall thoughts about the season so far? What is it that you don't like about it in general? (It's not a favorite of mine either, but I'm curious!) Is there anything you HAVE liked about it so far?
Hmmmm, I think I'll state what I wasn't a big fan of first and then what I did end up liking to end off on a good note.
Warning, my memory sucks so this will probaby be a bit inaccurate or off when I'm recounting these but I'll try my best!
Let's do this Rory Gilmore style ;)
I'll state off the bat, no Jess. Automatically, not a big fan but I can work with it so it's not the biggest thing that sorta made me like this season so much less. (Still made me kinda sad but I get it, it's fine I guess.)
Rogan. Yup, I said it. There was something so sugary, so artificial that wasn't really there to me before that frustrated me and honestly, I found certain aspects of them so strange. And I think one day I'll get fully in depth about it in a post but to sum it up: The rocket was an interesting gift but it wasn't very romantic to me at all, the whole 'Logan has great hair' thing was also.. um, that? The "Hi." "Hi." in the episode where Logan visits SH set me off too. And I'm 100% biased when I say all this as it felt like they almost ripped off Literati with that and the hair thing. There I said it, I'm sorry.
Rory's character was particularly strange too because I've noticed before that I always found her love for Logan frankly strange/obsessive but s7 had a really big goal to make her life pretty much revolve around him. I mean, I'm pretty sure at one of the Friday Night Dinners, Emily actually asked her what her summer plans are and she responded that Logan was gone so.. Yeah, I dunno. As well as her jealousy over that woman that worked with Logan at that dinner (Which was another part that I didn't really like b/c Logan pulled the same thing he did back in s5!)
CHRISTOPHER AND LORELAI, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT- I can't even wrap my head around how much that ticked me off. I just couldn't believe it too.
Anna Nardini. Need I say more? :|
Marty just disappointed me so much as well. So much for that friendship Rory had.
Those are just what I immediately thought of off the top of my head. I promise, I did enjoy certain parts too!
Luke in Dad mode. Look, I understand completely how much the April storyline could bug people and to be honest, it bugged me too since it was so clearly used to split up Lorelai and Luke but I actually don't hate April as a character. I think she's pretty good and her interactions with Luke were rather cute.
Lorelai's letter to help Luke was EVERYTHING. I genuinely enjoyed it, and the way the scene was shot as well where it was read out loud then it panned to Chris reading it as well with Lorelai's voice. Ah, just so good.
The final episode was done wonderfully, regardless of what the writers may have done, they did know how to tie the show up nicely.
(Just because I'm a bitter emo person, the moment Rory and Logan split was also kinda relieving BUT it's not something I'd officially add to the pros b/c the other side of me really did not care. Christopher and Lorelai could be added to that category as well.)
There's probably more that I add to this but yeah, these are my thoughts. I totally entered rant mode, sorry but yeah my general thoughts! Thank you so much for the ask, it was nice to actually get these thoughts and feelings out.
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