#anti-federalist papers
hamiltonsaurus · 2 months
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Haha Esmond is so silly
So yeah I made an oc (I actually made him a while ago, he’s my pfp)
Anyways doesn’t look too good in this but nonetheless…. Voilà 
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parseisflat · 1 year
i was having a moment expressing my doubts about going into the legal field and my roommate just looked at me and said “you own a copy of the cherokee constitution. like that is normal.”
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miawashere · 10 months
brutus 1
brutus 1, an anti-federalist paper and an extremely important document when it came to creating the foundations of the U.S. government and ap gov, is about the necessary and proper clause and i believe is a warning to U.S. citizens. it warns people that they should put people in power that they believe in or the power could be abused, that the constitution would only harm the U.S. when analyzing the document, i took the paper as a warning that the government would eventually be insufficient, and it was better to have state governments in power because it was less likely to backfire. it was a very interesting read!
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Florida schools have approved the use of “supplemental curriculum” created by PragerU, an unaccredited right-wing advocacy group that seeks to offer an alternative to “dominant left-wing ideologies,” in classrooms days after the state Department of Education approved new, controversial academic standards for Black history curriculum.
PragerU CEO Marissa Streit announced that Florida approved the nonprofit as an official vendor, allowing teachers to incorporate its educational entertainment videos, self-described as “edutainment,” as supplemental materials in classrooms.
“We have seen that our schools have been hijacked by the left. They have been politicized, they have been used by union bosses, they have been doing everything under the sun not for our children,” Streit said.
“And so we have launched PragerU Kids and we started providing great 'edutainment,' educational entertainment for children across America. But we didn’t just stop there. Now we’re actually making turnkey curriculum. Content for your schools. And the state of Florida just announced that we are now becoming an official vendor. This means that if you are a teacher in Florida, you cannot be fired for using PragerU content.”
The Miami New Times confirmed that the Florida Board of Education approved the materials, saying that it aligned with the state's revised civics and government standards.
Prager University Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates educational videos that it says promote American values. PragerU’s website says that it “offers a free alternative to dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media and education.”
The driving force behind much of PragerU’s growing popularity stems from its series title “5-Minute Videos,” which boils down everything from economic and political science topics to life lessons and cultural topics into bite-sized, 5-minute videos.
Many of the most popular videos tackle controversial topics. As of this writing, the five videos showcased under the “Most Popular 5-Minute Videos” tag include “Do You Understand the Electoral College,” “Was the Civil War About Slavery,” “The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party,” “Why I Left the Left” and “War on Boys.”
WHO FOUNDED PRAGERU? PragerU was founded in 2009 by Allen Estrin and conservative radio talk show host Dennis Prager.
PragerU believes that American schools are “indoctrinating” students who are being taught “radical ideas” about critical race theory, systemic racism, gender fluidity, anti-Americanism and that math is racist. It says it has designed its curriculum to provide “both sides of the argument” and help kids understand history, economics, foreign affairs and philosophy.
PragerU’s website provides users with access to its educational videos but does little to shed light on what specific key concepts it hopes to instill through its curriculum.
Examples of lesson plans can also be found on the website, but they only provide basic, surface-level views of what will be taught. A lesson plan regarding the Federalist Papers only has four learning objectives:
• Identify who wrote the Federalist Papers • Explain why the Federalist Papers were written • Recognize why the framers of the Constitution created a federal government with checks and balances • Appreciate the system of government established by the Founding Fathers
The full lesson can be learned in about 50 minutes, according to the site.
PragerU has a long history of experts rebuking ideas presented in many of its videos.
Joseph McCarthy of The Weather Channel in 2016 wrote an entire feature on PragerU’s video called "Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy," which had garnered 1.5 million views at that time. McCarthy wrote that the video was presented by a proponent of fossil fuel, Alex Epstein, and that the video “flubs a major date and soberly transitions between obvious inaccuracies and out-of-context claims."
Paul Gottfried in 2017 wrote pinned a story in The American Conservative lambasting PragerU presenter Dinesh D’Souza for claiming that fascism was a left-wing idea. D’Souza claimed that it could be proven that it was a “leftist” idea by examining the political writings of Mussolini’s court philosopher Giovanni Gentile.
Gottfried, a paleoconservative scholar, wrote that “their judgment also clashes with that of almost all scholars of Gentile’s work, from across the political spectrum, who view him, as I do in my study of fascism, as the most distinguished intellectual of the revolutionary right.”
These are just the tip of the iceberg, however. The Daily Beast points out that PragerU videos have claimed there’s no wage gap between men and women and that it has praised Confederate General Robert E. Lee for crushing an attempted slave rebellion.
And others have noted inaccuracies in videos claiming that Europe is “committing suicide” by allowing mass migration, that “whiteness and conservatism” are under attack and more.
Civic groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League have also criticized PragerU’s videos, describing some as a “dog whistle to the extreme right” and “filled with anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric.”
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
The Democratic Party isn't communist, socialist, or even leftist - it's for state and corporate power over individuals and communities in the most authoritarian manner possible...
Aug 24, 2024
and the Republican Party isn’t a right-wing, fascist, or even conservative party, it’s all for increasing the power of the federal National Security State over individuals and communities. Neither party has the least regard for the Constitution or Bill of Rights, and that’s a structural problem created by the Constitution, a problem predicted back in 1787 by Anti-Federalist Paper No. 9 here, for your reading, edification, and thoughtful consideration:
Just For The Record - Antifederalist Paper #9
streamfortyseven Mar 7
Antifederalist Paper 9
Read full story
Here’s words from Counterpunch, an actual Left website, about our airy Presidential candidate:
“But never fear fellow marginalized people, Kamala the caramel avenger is here to save us all from Satan’s powers, and the MAGA maniacs are running scared. With her carefully choreographed stadium tour of star-studded blowouts complete with dance marathons and teleprompter recitations of Hopelandish gobbledygook, Kamala Harris seems to be selling herself as a Barack Obama style messiah and the public appears to be just desperate enough to get fooled again.
The Republicans, for their part, seem to be reprising their circa-2008 roles as well, dusting off Tea Party era tropes about crazed Black Marxists queering your kids with open borders and free healthcare. These pea-brained hummunculoids don’t seem to grasp the fact that these tired hysterics just play directly into the Democratic party’s hands by creating the illusion that Kamala is something different enough from the mainstream to make old white guys shit their Depends.
Needless to say, my girlfriends are sold, leaving me once again in the treacherous position of having to slap some goddamn sense into them, and please believe me when I tell you that this hurts me far worse than it hurts you.
You see, sweet babies, Kamala Harris is neither an inspirational angel of mercy in very mean times nor a wild-eyed Black lesbian communist. To be perfectly honest with you, the latter actually sounds a lot more like the kind of chick I could split a spliff with, but both of these narratives are equally bogus, and it really doesn’t take a tenured professor of political science to tell you who the real Kamala Harris is.
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Every single American should read the anti federalist papers
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msclaritea · 1 year
"Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has placed CBDC’s at the center of his “Great Awakening vs. Great Reset” rallies, held throughout the country. Flynn and other speakers suggest that Biden’s digital asset order is integral to the “Great Reset” strategy proposed by the World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab. (It at least notable that Flynn’s rallies carry the same title and themes as a 2022 book by Russian geopolitical strategist Aleksandr Dugin.)
An Instagram post featuring Flynn with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said, “Global elites are trying to create a panic as an excuse to transition to CBDC total control,” suggesting that the March collapse of Silicon Valley Bank could be used as a pretense to introduce oppressive currency schemes.
Other versions of the conspiracy theory suggest that paper money will be banned, again citing Roosevelt’s 1933 Executive Order that outlawed gold. No such proposal is currently in place, and according to Liang’s recent statements, the Treasury would not pursue any such strategy without approval of Congress.
Politifact previously debunked similar claims about the FedNow service, writing “[FedNow] is not a central bank digital currency, and it is not replacing paper currency. We rated False a similar claim in September 2022, reporting that FedNow will not require banks to turn over all physical currency.”
These various conspiracy theories attempt to add, without evidence, central bank digital currencies to the pantheon of existing populist bogeymen (which includes the Federal Reserve, shadowy globalist central bankers, and the Chinese Communist Party) in what amounts to a recapitulation of the paranoid fears stoked by the forged 1903 anti-Semitic disinformation pamphlet “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Conservative organizations the Federalist Society and Cato Institute are pre-emptively opposing CBDCs.(Sources: Federalist Society; Cato Institute)
Conservative organizations the Federalist Society and Cato Institute are pre-emptively opposing CBDCs.
(Sources: Federalist Society; Cato Institute)
The Federalist Society and the Cato Institute have both come out against CBDCs, portraying them as a near-term threat and an instrument of imminent authoritarian control, despite the fact that, according to Liang, no implementation plan exists in the United States at this time.
Populist political technologists like Bannon and Flynn have engineered a full-spectrum attack that deploys fears over CBDCs across both the left and the right. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. may carry some appeal to people on the left who venerate his family’s legacy, while Ron DeSantis can attempt to energize the right with the same anti-CBDC messaging.
Donald Trump, recently indicted on 34 felony counts for falsifying business records, said during a post-indictment press conference that the “US dollar is crashing and will no longer be the world standard, and will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years,” another talking point popular with critics of CBDCs. Some online conspiracists also assert that Trump’s indictment was meant to serve as a distraction from the steady advance of a secret Biden CBDC agenda.
Fantastical theories about CBDCs and how they may be developed have diverged from reality, which, if officials decide to pursue the concept at all, will involve slow development and deployment after careful deliberation by both Congress and the Treasury.
But in the modern American political arena, outcomes are often influenced if not actually determined by those best able to play on the fears of the public, justified or not."
So the government is currently, carefully considering offering not only a regulated, trusted digital currency but also a regulated money service. This explains why Granny Doom Finger has decided to go Anti-Crypto. It's not to attack Silicon Valley's, which was tied to criminal activity across the spectrum, but a government, regulated, controlled currency they can't fuck with. Follow Dave Troy, the writer of this article, on Twitter. He's very smart.
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"These facts," the paper concludes, "may explain a possible source for some recent success" of anti-vaccine groups.
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46ten · 2 years
Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan: Adam Smith and other influences
Federalists and anti-Federalists alike thundered about how the government would fund debt, how it would raise revenue and regulate commerce, and how each of these tasks would affect the character of the nation. 
Rising to meets these challenges was Alexander Hamilton, Madison’s indefatigable coauthor of The Federalist Papers, Washington’s Treasury Secretary, and precocious finance engineer....He elucidated his elaborate plan to modernize American financial and political institutions across three major works written between 1789 and 1791 [1790 - Report for Provision of Public Credit; 1790 - Second Report on Establishing Public Credit; 1791 - Report on the Subject of Manufactures]. 
...Wile Hamilton’s objectives in these reports appear in abstract and highly technical language - debt financing, credit creation, discriminatory interest rates, manufacturing subsidies - his overall mission was political. Hamilton was determined to convince the public that the political fate of the nation was inextricably tied to its financial straits, and that only by activating certain powers of the national government would the nation have a viable future. To that end, he set into motions the principles from what was then known as the science of political economy. 
Hamilton saturated his three major reports with insights from [political economy]. He had extensively studied works such as David Hume’s Political Discourses (1752), Wydham Beawe’s Lex Mercatoria Redviva (1754), Malachy Postelwayt’s The University Dictionary of Trade and Commerce (1767), Adam Anderson’s Origin of Commerce (1764), James Steuart’s Principles of Political Oeconomy (1767), and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Hamilton had consulted the works of Jacques Necker, a Genevan banker and finance minister to King Louis XVI of France, and had relied heavily on the experience and wisdom of Robert Morris, the famed American financier who established the short-lived Bank of North America in 1781. 
...In a number of cases, Hamilton simply cribbed from The Wealth of Nations to spell out his economic logic and persuade his readers. [Examples follow, along with several pages of discussion comparing the content in Wealth of Nations and principles of political economy with the contents of AH’s three reports] 
Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher became an Icon of American Capitalism by Glory M. Liu (2021). 
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bobmccullochny · 2 years
December 12, 1870 - Joseph Hayne Rainey of Georgetown, South Carolina, became the first African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. He filled a seat which had been declared vacant by the House and served until 1879.
December 12, 1998 - The House Judiciary Committee approved a fourth and final article of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with making false statements in his answers to written questions from Congress.
Birthday - American statesman John Jay (1745-1829) was born in New York City. He was a diplomat and the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He co-wrote (with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison) the Federalist Papers.
Birthday - Abolitionist William LLoyd Garrison (1805-1879) was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He founded the Liberator anti-slavery newspaper in 1831 and published it for the next fifty years. He also traveled throughout America delivering scathing antislavery speeches, even advocating that the North should secede from the South. In 1854, he burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution, declaring, "So perish all compromises with tyranny!"
Birthday - French author Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was born in Rouen. Best known for the novel Madame Bovary, a tale of a woman's revolt against middle class society.
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locustheologicus · 11 days
Reflecting on Patriotism and appealing to the "Federalist" Tradition
Please look over these pictures and reflect on them with me.
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Here are two pictures of 1/6/21 Insurrectionists dressed as George Washington while protesting against the 2020 election.
I want to share with all my readers how much it bothers me that insurrectionists, members of the far-right, seem to make the claim that they can elicit the values of our founding fathers and the spirit of the American revolution. Here we see that them portray themselves as George Washinton who, along with John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, struggled to promote the ideals of federalism as they governed under the newly accepted Constitution. I want to make the following appeal to moderate and liberals Americans: our nation has an amazing tradition and great values, we dare not let the cherished history, symbols and legacy of our great nation be defined by those who belong to another tradition.
It may be said that the far-right movement and the 1/6 insurrectionist do belong to an American tradition but not the one of the founders (especially those who defended the Constitution with "The Federelist Papers"), instead they belong to the movement of the early American rebels, anarchists, and anti-federalist. These are names many of us do not recognize or honor like David Bradford, James McFarland, and Daniel Shays. These were the belligerents who challenged our founders with Shays rebellion of 1787 in Massachusetts and the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 in Pennsylvania.
Reflecting on the events that led to the Whiskey Rebellion Alexander Hamilton offered this analysis regarding why they rebelled against the federally imposed tax on alcohol.
The declared object of the foregoing proceedings, is to obstruct the execution and compel a repeal of the laws, laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States and upon Stills; There is just cause to believe, that this is connected with an indisposition, too general in that quarter, to share in the common burthens of the community; and with a wish, among some persons of influence, to embarrass the Government. It is affirmed by well informed persons to be a fact of notoriety, that the Revenue laws of the State itself have always been either resisted or very Defectively compiled with in the same quarter. - Alexander Hamilton, Aug. 5th 1794
Notice how Hamilton attributes Bradford and McFarland with self-centered motives. They were not willing to contribute to the common good and took great lengths to embarrass the government with every effort to undermine it for their own financial interest. During the debates of the Constitution the people we recognize as the founders debated for a unified and strong government. Insurrectionist, on the other hand, can be recognized in their attempt to undermine government in order to enrich themselves and not share in the interest of promoting the common welfare. Our famed Declaration makes the following commitment of every American, "we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Evidently the insurrectionist do not wish to uphold that commitment.
Constitutional delegate Oliver Ellsworth shared his concern about the threats that insurrectionist pose in undermining the authority and power of the federal government. He also predicted the threat that this type of action means for the future of America.
The right of taxation or of collecting money from the people; and of raising and supporting armies. These are the powers which enable tyrants to scourge their subject; and they are also the very powers by which good rulers protect their people, against the violence of wicked and overgrown citizens, and invasion from the rest of mankind. ... This power is also necessary to restrain the violence of seditious citizens. A concurrence of circumstances, frequently enables a few disaffected persons to make great revolutions, unless government is vested with the most extensive powers of self-defence. Had Shays, the malcontenet of Massachusets, been a man of genius, fortune, and address, he might have conquered that state, and by the aid of a little sedition in other states, and an army proud of victory, became the monarch and tyrant of America. Fortunately he was checked, but should jealousy prevent vesting these powers, in the hands of men chosen by yourselves, and who are under every constitutional restraint, accident or design will in all probability raise up some future Shays to be the tyrants of your children - Oliver Ellsworth, Dec. 3, 1787
We Americans ought to consider what it means to adopt the mantle of "The Federalist" movement in todays America. To believe in a strong Republic that protects the rights and liberties of all people while promoting the common good so that all peole can have access to the resource necessary to pursue their happiness, is very much what America is about. The patriot is one who is willing to abide by the commitments made in the Declaration, the commitment to offer up our live, fortunes and sacred honor in defense of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all.
With the regional issues we now face it may be more authentically patriotic to adopt a North American federalist ideal and support a stronger regional system of government that can bring order and regional stability to our broader community. The balance that "The Federalist" had was to create a republic-based system of government, allowing people to participate and have a voice in decisions that need to be made, while maintaining a strong union that can "promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."
Massachusetts Congressman Jeremiah Hill envisioned what this Federalist position could look like when he dreamed of what the Constitutional Government could provide in light of Shays rebellion. Incidently, Shays rebellion was put down by revolutionary war General Benjamin Lincoln (thus the reference to "lincolnians" below), eventually another Lincoln would find himself defending the Union from Civil War.
I can, with a good deal of Pleasure, anticipate the glory of this young Empire, dedicated to the fair Godess of Liberty, a friend to his Country when he sees a fair prospect of its increase in Honor & happiness anticipates the future Grandeur naturally resulting to its inhabitance from a well ordered Government. ... then I hope we shall see and enjoy those Halcyon days which has been so long prognosticated, when the Lincolnians and Shaysites shall lie down together, beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks & learn Insurgency no more. - Jeremiah Hill, Feb. 26, 1788
To love our nation is to embrace and learn from its history. We are by no means a perfect nation, that was never the case, but we are a nation that strives to uphold the ideals of liberty and justice. Our founders attempted to creat a system of checks and balances that would help us acheive these otherwise lofty ideals. It is not a perfect system, there is always room for improvement (the electoral college comes to mind) but that is why we have the ability to participate and make the necessary changes through constitutional amendments (which we do from time to time) and when necessary constitutional conventions (which we may be overdue for). To appreciate the historical development of our political system and to understand the complexities of how this system emerged I offer the following video.
You got to admire John Green's ability to use sarcasm to get right to the point in his analysis. "The Government (referring to the Articles of Confederation) was deliberately weak... But here's the thing, weak government is like non-alcoholic beer, its useless."
So please go ahead and learn about our history, tradition and values. Please also check the following post:
The G-Word and Political Charity
American Belief and Values
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fatdaypants · 23 days
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Back almost 7 years ago I searched for the anti-fed 8 volume edition by the University of Chicago and it cost $2.000 --- then a few years later it cost $10.000 along with the $500 kindle edition --- now only the $500 kindle edition is available on amazon (I wish I had taken screenshots of it - need to screenshot everything)
Someone does not want us to read the anti-federalist papers
When I was first doing my research on the anti-feds I gave it up to try to go to graduate school for finance then I learned it was all a fraud --- there is nothing that is not a fraud in a fiat run society --- and now I just complain of a life wasted. I think if someone had told me the rules of the game sooner I would have navigated better opposed to me having to learn all by myself (with the help with my boyfriend, he annoyed me to Saturn and back with being a sovereign individual)
Well, after September 22, 2024 I guess I will be ahead of the game finally, when the fiat markets explode --- but I feel it is too late for me, the life I had to live I already lived
And is it really worth screaming to brainwashed people that inflation is the expansion of the money supply --- the rise is prices is the consequence of inflation
The inflation of the money supply is what creates the world of a million genders and laurel grape eating socialists that created the propaganda and the language we should expect everything from the government
The anti-feds articulated otherwise.....and we can read the complete edition of the anti-feds in a $500 kindle edition plus tax
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Founding Fathers Words of Wisdom 3 #history #Subscribe #Like #Share #Fo...
James Madison and James Monroe, both influential figures in early American history, had distinct yet complementary perspectives on the United States Constitution.
James Madison:
Father of the Constitution: Madison is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in its drafting and his contributions to the Federalist Papers, which argued for its ratification.
Federalist Views: Initially a strong advocate for a robust central government, Madison supported the Constitution as a means to create a more effective national government compared to the Articles of Confederation.
Checks and Balances: Madison emphasized the importance of checks and balances within the government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
Bill of Rights: Although initially skeptical about the necessity of a Bill of Rights, Madison eventually championed its addition to the Constitution to ensure the protection of individual liberties.
James Monroe:
Supportive but Cautious: Monroe was generally supportive of the Constitution but held a more cautious stance regarding centralization. He was concerned about the potential for federal overreach and the protection of states' rights.
Anti-Federalist Sympathy: Monroe had sympathies with the Anti-Federalist position, which advocated for a more decentralized government structure. He was wary of the Constitution’s potential to infringe upon states' sovereignty.
Advocate for Amendments: Monroe supported the addition of the Bill of Rights to address the concerns of Anti-Federalists and to safeguard individual freedoms against possible federal encroachment.
Both Madison and Monroe ultimately valued the Constitution as the framework for a functioning republic, though they approached its principles and implementation from slightly different perspectives. Madison was a strong proponent of a balanced federal system with clear checks and balances, while Monroe emphasized caution against centralization and the importance of protecting states' rights and individual liberties.
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187days · 1 year
Day Sixteen
Today was USA Day, so the school was a sea of red, white, and blue- and everything from t-shirts, to body paint, to glitter, to tutus, to cowboy boots. It was a lot of fun to see, and be part of.
Unfortunately, I spent most of the day feeling out of sorts.
It started with my first section of Global Studies. There are a couple of boys who've been yelling at the top of their lungs when they enter rooms- yelling each other's names, make random noises. The last couple times, I've responded by cutting them off with a sharp, "Stop!" Today I told them they were really hurting my ears, and asked them not to do it again, and they agreed- with an apology- so hopefully that's the end of that. I didn't realize how much it'd put me on edge, though, but in retrospect it was clear I was a bit tense while teaching, a bit short-tempered.
I did teach a decent lesson, though. Students shared what they'd learned from their research about North Korea, and by putting all their information together they got a clear picture of what the situation was within the country and how it had gotten to be like that. The last thing we discussed was escaping North Korea, and I showed a Ted Talk from a defector. I had just enough time afterwards to field questions and comments, and that was that. More on migration, asylum-seeking, and the like next time.
My APGOV lesson was solid, too, but before I could teach it I had to send a handful of the students to the office for tardy slips. There's a schoolwide crackdown on being late to class this quarter. And, yes, having to go get a slip only makes someone later, but it's how we collect data and track tardiness, so it's what we're doing. I get why it frustrates seniors, in particular, because they're almost/already adults and should be able to have more freedom of movement. But the rule is what it is, and I have to enforce it, and my students do get that.
Still. I let them vent for a bit, then we moved on.
We discussed the Articles of Confederation, which they'd read for homework, and they easily identified the powers it did and didn't give to the national government. Then I lectured about the post-war economic troubles the USA suffered, Shays' Rebellion, the Constitutional Convention, and the ratification debate the followed. We'll get into the Federalist and Anti-federalist papers in coming classes. I've already gotten many Hamilton references in response to my teaching, heh.
In the afternoon, I stayed too late again because- as usual- there was stuff I just wanted to get done (rewriting my next GOV lesson to put in time to watch and discuss President Biden's UN General Assembly speech). I ended up talking to Ms. A and Mr. F, too, because the math teachers are really stressed- understaffed, new curriculum, and Ms. A's a coach on top of that. I didn't have any solutions or even really good advice, but I tried to be a friendly ear, you know?
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darkmaga-retard · 12 days
Karl Sanchez
Sep 10, 2024
Propaganda and censorship by the Outlaw US Empire has been ongoing for 125 years if not longer when we add the twisting of history to fit a very longstanding narrative that began in shortly after the Treaty of Paris in 1783 granted the 13 British colonies their independence regarding democracy, the wisdom of the so-called Founders and the sanctity of the coup they performed in 1787 to oust the very popular and democratic Articles of Confederation and replace it with what’s now known as the US Constitution, which enabled that Era’s Oligarchy and gave them command. Madison, the main theoretician, argued in the propaganda known later as the Federalist Papers, specifically in the one known as #10, that democracy was a great danger to order. The 1787 Constitution was approved by less than 5% of the people living in the now 13 states. In no US History school text at any level are any of the above facts told in that manner. The potential problem with the executive was noted by those known as Anti-Federalists who termed the position an elected king. Their worries were appeased by appointing George Washington as the first president. But he used executive repression just as any king would do, and his followers abused the new Bill of Rights, waged clandestine wars with France, England and Spain, and of course waged genocide on the natives so their land could be stolen. Many laud Jefferson, but he was just as bad as any other president when it came to breaking the law and running secret wars. The point here is cover-up, propaganda, and false narrative designed to obscure truth and create a mythos is a longstanding practice as old as the nation.
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Reading the anti-Federalist papers be like: Damn these dudes were right about everything
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