ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I recently rewatched Rise of the Guardians for the first time like since it came out and I just need to know why the everliving shit everyone was going on and on about Jelsa for so long when the occa bunny bloke is right fucking there with the best possible relationship arc with Jack
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jaridarevival · 2 years
Why must I see J*lsa everytime I look up Jack Frost art?
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92-guy · 2 years
Did you know that there is a hashtag where you only talk about why hate jelsa? Look, I'm not the biggest fan of jelsa as a couple, I prefer them as "siblings in magic" and it would be something like this:
Elsa the eldest
Jack the middle one
Anna the youngest
So I can't believe I'm going to do this, but it's time to defend the ridiculous Jelsa ship
I know that many of those who use this hashtag talk about their bad experiences with that fandom, but toxic fans exist everywhere, the only thing we can do is ignore them, and continue with your favorite ship.
Another point they use is that Jack is a child, which is not true, according to the same DreamWorks Jack is 18 years old, which although he is still young and with a child attitude, he is of legal age and can make his own decisions and be with the person he wants, with consent.
They also talk about Jack not being from the same era, to which I say "It's a ship, not a work project, it doesn't have to make complete sense" , because then we would have problems with Elsa's powers and many inconsistencies.
Other people say that it is an overrated ship, to which I do not have many arguments to deny it, I literally looked for "jack Frost" in the Tumblr search engine and without lying I saw more Jelsa post than Jack alone, and although it is annoying it is at some point understandable, the first time you see them you do not think and only see two objects of the same color, although they have different dimensions and textures, first you only associate it by the color or in this case hair color and powers
Now, after we saw some reasons why Jelsa is not as terrible as they say, I want to tell you that I understand that we have different tastes, and although I prefer Hiccelsa, I know that another group of people may not like it, and it is acceptable and that is not a reason to me to try to change their opinion or create a new hashtsg to complain about another ship that is not the one I like,
So you know, if you don't like a ship just don't see it and continue with your favorite ship, trust me it's the best you can do
I also want to tell you that this is not a post to change your mind, it would be very hypocritical on my part, just do not become what you criticize, don't be toxic
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jewishicequeen · 3 months
My favorite interaction I've had with antis was this one time someone tried to convince me Jelsa is pedophilic because Jack is some-form-of-a-teenager and elsa's 20-something
Then like. A day later. Someone ELSE tried to convince me it's pedophilic because Elsa's 20-something and Jack's 300+.
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lucy-and-rebecca · 1 year
Queerplatonic NaLu
Before I get into this I need to define what queerplatonic means.
It is a relationship which is more intense and intimate than is considered common or normal for a "friendship", but doesn't fit the traditional sexual-romantic couple model. It is characterized by a strong bond, love, and emotional commitment, yet is not perceived by those involved as "romantic".
In other words something that is between friendship and romance.
Do you remember that chapter/episode where Mira convinces Lucy that Natsu has a crush on her? Lucy doesn't believe her at first but slowly she started seeing everything Natsu says and does as evidence of him having feelings for her. She then freaks out and has mixed feelings about being in a romantic relationship with Natsu. However eventually she becomes more comfortable with that idea. In the end she is embarassed and disappointed but this incidents does affect their relationship in any way. In that chapter Lucy went from seeing their relationship as platonic to seeing it as romantic and back to viewing it as platonic in a matter of hours.
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This is what Mashima wrote about that chapter.
A lot of anti NaLu arguments claim that Mashima has already intended NaLu to be platonic. That's however not what Mashima actually said. He said he didn't intend their relationship to be romantic. I think that's important to note.
Now this is quite old and given that Mashima is from a different culture and speaks a different language, him knowing this specific term that a lot of english speakers don't know is unlikely. So it's entirety possible that he intended NaLu to be a queerplatonic relationship without knowing the specific term for that kind of relationship.
Mashima states he has been written NaLu as more than just friends but less than lovers. Something in between friendship and romance. In other words queerplatonic.
A lot of the good faith anti NaLu arguments claim that Nalu isn't a bad relationship but a platonic one. While to NaLu shippers their relationship is very obviously romantic. Both sides are convinced that their interpretation is canon. I think this happens because their relationship exists in the area between friendship and romance. It's neither or both depends on your perspective. It's friends with benefits but the benefit is that they live together and cuddle a lot.
A relationship with a strong bond, emotional commitment and love where people in the relationship don't think of their relationship as romantic does very much perfectly describe NaLu. I think Lucy has feeling for him but she doesn't necessarily view their relationship as romantic.
While not exclusive queerplatonic relationships are more common amoung aro/ace people. A lot of people including myself have speculated about Natsu being on the ace spectrum. He shows little to no sexual attraction and what little attention he does show is directed towards Lucy. Which to me feels very much like grey/demi sexual. It's something to consider.
From the begining it felt like there was something more present in their relationship. A sort of ease and tenderness that isn't typically depicted in romantic relationships
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That being said I don't think their relationship was romantically coded the way Gruvia or Jelsa were.
I do think Mashima has changed his views on NaLu and is writing them to be more romantic and that's perfectly fine. As things stands now their relationship feels more on the romantic side rather than platonic and I would very much like to see them actually get together. I just don't think that was his original intention.
But regardless of intentions fairy tail is fiction and so your interpretation of NaLu be it romantic or platonic is perfectly valid. Similarly even if I'm wrong my interpretation of them being queerplatonic is also valid.
I think viewing NaLu as a queerplatonic relationship is interesting and it's something we should consider while discussing whether NaLu is platonic or romantic.
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shewhowillrise · 11 months
For the salty ask!! 1, 3, 7, 12 and 23! Enjoy ^_^
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
There’s not any I can think of that I don’t get. Like even ships I hate I understand why someone might ship them, even if it’s gross. Even ones that aren’t from the same fandom, who never have or will never interact. Like there’s a vibe, a feeling, a compatibility of personalities that just speak to people for ships like Jelsa. It’s wanting to find love even in the most unlikely of places, which is just such a human thing to want to find that I can’t begrudge them for wanting it. Can I dislike a ship that is like that? Of course, but saying that I don’t get it would be a lie, because I do get it. I get wanting to find the best companion for the characters you love, and sometimes that’s outside of their world.
2. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Oh god yes. Blocked people just on the crime of them being anti tony stark.
3. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Stucky, god I shipped them back when CATFA came out but then I got death threats from stucky shippers for shipping Steve with Tony post Avengers. Like that’s not how you convince someone to like your ship people!!
4. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
MCU: Peter getting a suit from Tony. Like, I understand wanting Peter to make his own suit and use it and stuff, I really do, but if Tony didn’t give him a suit (specifically iron spider) he would have died In infinity war. Also the whole “wanting Peter to be alone and angsty” is what marvel comics seem to continue doing and everyone hates it, so why hate that mcu was trying not to do that guys what up with that 😭
I haven’t been active in other fandoms as of late unfortunately
5. Unpopular character you love?
Apparently Sharon Carter?? Which is a travesty she’s a hot spy who has Steve Rogers wrapped around her finger. She’s girlboss 100% yet ppl hate her for it tf??
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Okay @gyubby99 hear me out:
I did this to myself.
I wanted to see how much jesla hate there was out there so I looked up anti jelsa and like- Jesus christ.. I couldn't even get past the first few posts.
I have no idea why I did that to myself-
There's a person there who full on wants the ship to die-
Another there who just hates it with every fiber of their being, saying stuff like "the Fandom is so toxic" and I just-
Yeah okay. The Fandom was definitely toxic in 2013 because of all the damned ship wars going on, but all the jelsa stuff I've seen recently has been really wholesome... I think I'm gonna look up other anti ship names in a bit to see who's hating and to try to see what these jelsa haters are talking about but like...
I just.. maybe these people have just been on the wrong side of the helsa Fandom because all the people I follow are so nice.
They go on about "I can't find any photos of Jack frost without Elsa in it!" Okay well.. what I do is I look up "Rise of the Guardians screencaps" and boom, hundreds of HD photos of our favorite characters.
I wish hate could just.. not exist
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moleyakii · 1 year
I'm sorry you’re being harassed you have every right to ship what you want. Even the creator of rotg/goc said they thought it was cute that people shipped jelsa and they didn’t care. you do you. but honestly, I also left the rotg fandom because of certain people as well as frostandfairytales who isn’t the best person.
Dude I literally logged back on this account just to answer this. It’s so unfortunate that people in this day in age, at their grown age (I presume) still get heated over shipping discourse 😭
Talk about embarrassing.
I don’t have the time or day to keep giving that person the obvious attention they want. And I don’t know that blog personally myself but if there’s been instances where these shippers keep harassing others in the fandom just for not liking their “canon” ship. Well. That just speaks about their characters lol
(Also I think that anti would have a heart attack if they knew both WJ and the director of the film have liked my frostednature content before pfft)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
In all honesty i prefer elsabela over jelsa at least they're around the same age and mental maturity plus I'm sucker for opposite element pairs and given their arcs it makes a lot more sense for them to be friends or even a couple.
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briarthorne · 3 years
Disney byuing animation studios be like:
Mickey: Hohoho!
Universal Studios and Dreamworks be holding up the fence as much as they can atm
pls let them not be sold to disney.
i don't want Jack Frost x Elsa to be canon TT-TT
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
I agree with you SO MUCH about j/slsa and Mo/arel!
Like, I saw in tags that people are giving more reasons why they ship those two pairings but... let's be honest.
The main reason they ship j/elsa is that they both have similar powers and white hair. The main reason for mo/ariel is that Ariel lived (past tense!) in ocean and Moana loves ocean. And it's just.. stupid for me.
Their personalities just don't match with each other and even if they were together that wouldn't last long.
I think that Jack would totally annoy Elsa. She is more calm and she's even sometimes annoyed at Anna's behaviour. So Jack would be just get her angry. And for Jack, Elsa would be boring, cuz she can't have fun or sth like that.
Moana would like Ariel, but after a while it wouldn't work either. Moana would love to be close to the ocean while Ariel would prefer be on land. After a while, I think, there would be a lot of arguing about this and finally they would break up. In friendly way, but still.
ahh, sorry, but reading about that couples made me kinda annoyed.
But it's okay cuz they not that as popular as back then (I mean J/elsa).
Like highkey they’re both such shallow ships and their personalities don’t mesh well at ALL like...they’re neat aesthetically but that’s about it???
Right on the nose about j/elsa, like Elsa would NOT be attracted to his antics. And highkey his and Anna’s personalities are really similar, and I straight up cannot see Elsa wanting to date someone who reminds her of her little sister??? Kinda weird :/ And Elsa seems to not have much patience for men in general, so honestly Jack would work her every last nerve. She might eventually come to be fond of him as a little brother figure, but I can’t see her ever being interested in him romantically. Elsa I feel like mostly likes women anyways, and would be pretty picky with her men. And Jack seems like he would like girls who are fun-loving and energetic, and like...Elsa CAN have fun, but she doesn’t seem to like...value it as much as Jack does. Like Jack will always make room for fun, while Elsa just has fun if she has time, but it’s not a priority. If that makes any sense. She’s generally reserved and serious, and Jack would get bored of her pretty fast and be annoyed she was putting a damper on his fun XD
I can see Moana being interested in Ariel because she’s a mermaid, and Mo is like “whoa, people who live IN the ocean??? COOL!” But Ariel’s personality itself I don’t think Moana would jive with because like you said, Ariel’s all obsessed with human culture on land and leaving the ocean behind and Moana would be like “Literally WHY??? You have the option to explore the ENTIRETY of the ocean UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL UNDERWATER and you wanna...give that up???” And hearing that Ariel wants to give up being a mermaid because she’s “in love” with some dude she hasn’t had one (1) conversation with??? Moana would roll her eyes SO damn hard. Like she’d be like “this girl needs to get better priorities” lmao. Doesn’t help that Moana has big gray-ace gray-aro vibes, so the thought of someone doing something THAT drastic to leave the ocean for a goddamn CRUSH of all things would be even MORE baffling to her. I can imagine Mo being like “dude you have EVERYTHING that I could ever want, and you want to give it up for a guy because he’s...hot? Excuse me???” Meanwhile Ariel would be too busy fantasizing over the next hot human who catches her fancy to spend a long time, if any time at all, swooning over Moana XD
Dude you’re so valid, I internally kinda go “Uggggghhhhhh” whenever I see J/elsa or Mo/ariel so I couldn’t read about them without getting annoyed either XD It’s honestly kind of a relief to me that the J/elsa craze seems to be mostly over, because I was super not a fan of seeing them everywhere XD
Steaming hot take maybe but good aesthetics mean nothing if your ship ain’t compatible *shrugs*
Also watch me make a mermaid!Merida x Moana moodboard solely out of spite XD
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grayluforever · 3 years
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lilmissbacon · 3 years
I need to let off some steam
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There are some nice jelsa shippers and I REALLY appreciate them but they're so small in number that it makes it SO much harder to care.
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annarendellsa · 3 years
see i follow the #elsamaren tag on instagram but j.elsa shippers enjoy tagging their ship posts with it
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so that was pretty childish but nothing terrible until here, right? but then i saw the tag #giveelsaaboyfriend and i went through it and it's ridiculous
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like. j.elsa is one thing, i really am not a fan but i don't have anything against the shippers. but i think it's pretty interesting how all of these homophobes cling on to jelsa to prove themselves that elsa is straight lmao
idk why i was expecting arguments/valid headcanons from the Str*ights about why elsa should have a boyfriend tbh. the comments under the posts are very homophobic, very triggering and of course instagram does NOTHING about it. that's why despite Tumblr being Tumblr, i prefer finding my frozen content in here. like sure we do have some Bad Specimens but i think that's where most elsamaren shippers are lol
elsamaren blogs that i don't already follow, interact pls so i can recover from this awfully hetero experience /hj <3
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juniaships · 3 years
Jelsa caught my ire because I'm a huge Jack Frost fan and I'm sad how people think he's only good for putting Elsa on a pedestal or ignoring his whole arc in favor of some bland flirty jock/playboy stereotype! And then the constant harassment led people to despise him to the point of refusing to see his source movie! 😞
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meridaism · 3 years
Still thinking about how the unfortunately popular “Rapunzel is related to Anna and Elsa” fan theory was only created because the cishets wanted us to stop shipping Anna or Elsa with Rapunzel.
I literally remember so many people at the time being like “omg can't they just be friends why does everything have to be gay they’re obviously just best friends can you stop they're characters from children's movies?? :/” and then all of a sudden it's “well actually, Rapunzel and Anna are cousins so if you ship them it's incest. Didn't you see the fan theory?”
It's the exact same thing with J///lsa and M////rricup. I remember as soon as Brave came out a lot of lesbians, including myself, were so happy to finally have a female character uninterested in men, who didn't center herself around finding love in the form of a man nor let a man complete her because she didn't need one and it was the same with Elsa too, and then what happened? The straights saw these two independent female characters who either implied or outright stated they didn't want nor need a man in their love lives and they went “we’re gonna force them with men anyways because it’s getting so annoying watching everyone call them gay” whilst completely dehumanizing and dismissing their canon characters and what they represented in the process, especially Merida.
Like, honestly, you can't expect me to like a popular fan theory which was created solely to spite an innocent wlw ship and m/f ships that involve the only Disney princesses/queens who were, at the time, the only blank slate for lgbtq+ youth (more specifically lesbian and homoromantic youth) to project onto, to see themselves in, and to feel represented by. 
You can't expect me to love J///lsa and M/////rricup or to be on board with the whole “Rapunzel, Anna, and Elsa are cousins” fan theory when all three of these ideas were originated from the bigoted mindset of homophobes and lesbophobes aiming to spite the lgbtq+ community, and worse, to deny lgbtq+ children characters to project onto, see themselves in, and to feel represented by. 
All three of these ideas are deeply rooted in homophobia and lesbophobia, and it’s because of that reason as to why I’ll never truly get into the rotbtfd fandom as a whole. I absolutely refuse to do so.
You can do what you want, ship what you want, but just keep all of that homophobia and lesbophobia away from me and my space.
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