#anti-semetism cw
cabalittle · 2 years
Been breaking my "no JK TERFling" rule to express my disdain that not only is she transphobic, homophobic, racist, anti-semetic, misogynistic, and fascist. She's also just a really bad writer. There's a reason why it took so long for her to publish her first book. It was bad writing, and bad story building. Then she goes on to bash her publisher for "not letting her rewrite her book for a grown up audience" citing, and I fucking quote "they're two greedy jews". Like, fucking A. Even I grew out of it!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 months
I had to unfollow so many people for posting both Zionist and antisemitic bs. It's so tough to drop someone you followed for so long even for something like that, it feels.
To preface this: it seems a bit strange to make a long reply about how it affects tumblr when there's so much real life shit happening.... but I will anyway.
There's a really famous tumblr blog which has massive Zionist views to the extent they say that Israel's occupation of the middle east saves the countries from "primitives", and they gotten away with it for years. I hope he's getting his ass obliterated for his stupid views now. I hope people have opened their eyes.
There's another blog I've stopped following because their stuff has gone from anti-zionist - which, you know, i am one thousand percent anti zionist - to saying that the persecution of jewish people is a thing of the past, which... uhh.... no? Basically their stuff has gotten more and more extreme to a point which is beyond reason. They don't have any personal connection to events as far as i know.
The reason such a thing has happened is because of a lot of historical events that have happened in the middle east, and also because of the complete wishy washy bullshit way media has been dealing with Palestine. One thing is made perfectly clear - Palestinian lives are not seen as human lives. They are portrayed as "terrorist lives". Meanwhile unilateral support has been provided to Israel's wholly unproportionate, opportunist attempts to dominate Palestine.
There are a whole slew of political issues outside of Israel and Palestine's relationship which have caused this, such as Israel constantly being under threat by Egypt and its other enemies, but that doesn't take away from the sheer unhumanity that seems to be supported by our government and news sources that we were suppposed to trust. And if there are "special reasons" for it, like my dad purports, I'm not hearing them. It is completely unhinged.
This is why posters like the one I've mentioned have become more extreme. In the end their posts don't matter compared to the lives lost, and they want to do something, anything about it. So that anger gets directed at.... the completely wrong people. There are also, of course, a million anti semetic opportunist douchebags and militants who are jumping at the gun to give everyone reasons to beat up and lock up jewish people. And that's not going to end any time soon. It's a real threat. So the risk here is that we let Israel destroy Palestine, AND we let society beat the shit out of a bunch of innocent jewish people because of it.
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zorubark · 6 months
Ben Shapiro: Hi this is the company where we only hire horrible people Candace Owens: ok some years later... Ben Shapiro: You're being horrible, you're fired! How did I hire such a horrible person (the other daily wire cew next to shapiro): Matt Walsh: I'm a pedophile Jeremy Boreing: I think Nick Fuentes is a good speaker Michael Knowles: I like genocide
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deer-trees · 2 years
I do truly hate this topic but I will not lie as a Jewish person the level of jokes being made by some ppl abt the antisemitism in a certain local terf author's video game are just feeling like they wanted to make references to every possible antisemitic dog whistle and joke that the game is doing it, and I'm here like "haha very funny guys how many of you are also actually jewish 🔪" bc this many goyim saying "heehee the devs would prefer a rating of 14/88" does NOT sit right with me at all!!! Shut the fuck up!!!!!
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prodigal-explorer · 6 months
to celebrate together - a sanders sides fanfiction
this is a cute fluffy fic (for the most part) about human versions of the sides discussing easter, ramadan, and passover, three very prominent holidays from three different religions during the springtime!
(cws -> brief mention of anti-semetism, brief mention of anti-semetic hate crimes, honestly there are brief moments of insensitivity towards all three religions mentioned (christianity/catholicism, islam, and jewish) but they are genuine moments of confusion and not in bad faith! this fic is about learning and growing and respecting other religions, so there is a bit of a learning curve.)
word count: 2.9k
(also, i know i usually write a lot of unsympathetic patton which may deter some people. it will comfort these people to know that patton is not unsympathetic in this fic! he's actually a cool guy! so don't worry about that.)
Everyone in the house knew that Easter was one of Patton’s favorite holidays by now. They had only been living together for a few months, but it was obvious from the new way Patton carried himself in the springtime. He bought a lot of Easter-themed furniture, so by the time March 1st rolled around, the house was covered head to toe in eggs, bunnies, baskets, chicks, and crosses. Lots of crosses. 
“Why are there a bunch of plus signs everywhere?” Roman had dared to ask one day, “Logan, is this one of your math projects?” 
“You seriously don’t know what a cross is?” Patton asked, his eyes wide with shock, “Oh, that’s right. You’re balsamic.” 
“Uh…Islamic,” Roman corrected awkwardly, “Me and Remus just say we’re Muslim. And I know what a cross is, I just didn’t know that it was one of those. They really do look like plus signs with a big tail. What are they all for?” 
“Well, they’re Easter decorations!” Patton explained readily, “Since Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, we have crosses here to commemorate all he sacrificed for his people.” 
“Wow,” Roman said, a smile forming on his face, “I guess Jesus must have been pretty brave.” 
“He’s not just brave, Roman,” Patton said, “He died for us. The least we can do is celebrate him.” 
“Yeah, that seems fair,” Roman said, still gazing around the colorful, decked out area with a gentle, somewhat cautious curiosity that was generally unlike him. He seemed to sense that this was sensitive territory. “So…why do you guys celebrate Easter the way you do? With the bunnies and the eggs? Did Jesus really like sunny side up or something? Did he have a pet bunny?” 
“Come on,” Patton said, “I want to tell everyone about this!” 
Roman grinned and followed Patton into the living room, where the others were sitting and chatting. Logan was on the recliner, working on a grocery list, while Janus and Remus were on the ground, playing Go-Fish. Virgil was spread across the couch, scrolling through his phone. 
“Guys, Patton’s gonna teach us about Easter!” Roman said, “Like, why they use the eggs and stuff.” 
“It’s because of Jesus,” Logan droned tiredly, staring up at Patton, “Is this really necessary?” 
“Of course it’s necessary, Logan!” Patton chastised, “It’s the most important event of springtime!” 
Virgil tilted his head. “But what about Passover?” 
“Pass-what?” Patton said, clearly confused, “No, we’re talking about Easter. What’s passover?” 
“I like Layat Al-Qadr best,” Remus shrugged, “It’s the only night of the year where I can get Roman to shut up.” 
“Hey!” Roman protested, “Oh, I have an idea! We’ll have a contest. Each of us will talk about what we think is the most important event of springtime, and then we’ll hold a vote!” 
“I suppose we can do that,” Janus said, “Logan and I don’t celebrate any of these things, so we will be neutral voters. We don’t have any emotional attachment to any of the options.” 
“Perfect!” Patton said, “And we’ll start with Easter, because Easter is-”
“Fat chance,” Virgil said, “Everyone already knows everything about Easter. It’s the only holiday that Americans give a shit about. It’s all over the supermarkets, it gets all the attention and respect. You don’t even know what Passover is, and do you even know that Ramadan exists?” 
“Of course I know what ramen is, I had some for dinner last night,” Patton said. 
The room was silent for a second. 
“Virgil has a point,” Logan said, but when Patton pouted, Logan continued, “But we can still hear Patton out. He may say something we don’t know about yet. Besides, if we’re going to keep this vote objective, we need to hear out every option with equal respect and attention. Can we do that?” 
“Yeah, sorry, Pat,” Virgil said softly.
“Sure,” Remus said, “Tell us about how Jesus got nailed on a cross.” 
“Why would I tell you about that if you already know that part?” Patton asked with a disgusted expression. 
“Cuz it’s the coolest part,” Remus replied with a toothy grin. 
“Well…you’re not entirely wrong,” Patton said, growing excited as he started again to speak, “Easter is the holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus! It’s celebrated every springtime, after the first full moon of spring. Jesus was arrested by Jewish leaders, and he was sentenced to death on the cross for trying to lead his people.” 
“Interesting,” Janus mumbled, narrowing his eyes a bit, “Jewish leaders. That was an interesting detail to mention. Why does that matter to you, Pat?” 
“Anyway,” Patton said icily before continuing the story, “A man named Joseph asked these leaders to take Jesus down from the cross after he died, in order to bury him properly. They allowed it, and Joseph buried Jesus in a stone tomb. But three days later, when people came to put spices on Jesus’ body, they found that he was gone!” 
“So Jesus wasn’t actually dead??” Roman asked, clearly shocked by that twist in the story. 
“Well, of course he’s not dead,” Patton said, “That’s the entire point of Easter, buddy! Jesus was resurrected. Easter is a holiday that represents rebirth. There’s always hope, and Jesus will always be there for us. Even during the darkest times, and even in the face of death.” 
“Jesus is badass,” Remus remarked, “But that still doesn’t explain why there are eggs, though.” 
“Oh! Another part of Easter is something called Lent,” Patton said, “In the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday, Christians and Catholics celebrate Lent, which is a time of prayer and resisting temptation from sin. People sometimes give up things that they consider to be sinful during Lent. It’s a mindful thing. Right now, I’m giving up alcohol. And back in the medieval times, eggs weren’t allowed during Lent, so on Easter Sunday, eggs were used to signify that Lent has passed on by. Also, eggs…they represent rebirth in a way.” 
“Don’t they just represent birth?” Logan asked. 
“Well, I guess, but…come on, Logan! You like the egg salad I make every easter!”
“Your egg salad is quite good.” 
“That’s what I thought.” 
“Easter is pretty cool,” Virgil said, “That’s really cool, actually.” 
“So you think it’s better than your day?” Patton asked hopefully. 
Virgil laughed. “Good one. Easter sounds awesome and all, but nothing beats Passover.” 
“What’s that one?” Roman asked eagerly, “Why’s it called Passover? Do you play basketball or something?” 
“Okay, where the heck did basketball come from?” Janus asked. 
“I mean…you pass over the ball. In basketball,” Roman replied. 
“No basketball,” Virgil chuckled, “It’s actually called Passover for a bit of a complicated reason. I’ll start from the beginning. This story starts in Egypt. The pharaoh, who is basically the leader of Egypt, didn’t like Jewish people, and he didn’t want too many Jewish people living in Egypt. So he enslaved all the Jews who currently lived there, and ordered that all Jewish babies who are birthed in Egypt get killed.” 
Roman’s eyes widened, and he started to feel a bit sick. 
“But why?” he demanded, “The Jewish babies didn’t even do anything!” 
“You’d be surprised what people do to people who are different,” Virgil replied in a mutter, “Anyway, one Jewish woman decided that she wouldn’t let her baby die. She hid her baby in a basket and put him into the river, to float away to somewhere safer. The pharaoh's daughter found the baby, and decided to take him in. His name was Moses.” 
“Oh! Moses!” Roman cried out in recognition, “Like the movie, like the movie The Prince Of Egypt!” 
Virgil smiled slightly and nodded. 
“Yeah,” he said, “Yeah, like that movie. That’s a good movie if you guys want to learn more about Moses.” 
“And listen to some amazing songs by Stephen Schwartz!” Roman added. 
“Roman, let’s let Virgil finish, okay?” Logan said, and Roman reluctantly nodded, turning his attention back to Virgil. 
“Anyway, Moses grew up, and found out that he was Jewish, and he came from a Jewish family. He saw how horribly his people were being treated, and when he killed a slave master, he ran away to the desert,” Virgil continued, “There, he found a burning bush, and the bush talked to him. The bush basically said that he was God, and he was going to help Moses set the Jewish people free. But when Moses came back and told the pharaoh this, the pharaoh refused, over and over. And every time the pharaoh refused, God sent down a different plague, or curse, to Egypt.” 
“But that’s not fair,” Patton protested, “The rest of the people didn’t even do anything.” 
“Well, I don’t disagree,” Virgil said, “But God wasn’t feeling very forgiving after having his people enslaved for years. He knew that there was no other way to convince the pharaoh.” 
“Yeah, if you’re gonna get mad at anyone, get mad at the pharaoh,” Janus said, “He was the stubborn son of a bitch who wouldn’t set free the slaves. He put his people in danger by doing that just because he wanted more free labor.” 
“There were a lot of plagues because the pharaoh kept saying no,” Virgil explained, “And the tenth plague was a curse called the angel of death, a curse that would kill the first-born child of every home. In order to protect the innocent families, God told Moses to tell anyone who would listen to paint over their door with lamb’s blood. If the door was painted over, then the curse would pass over them, and nobody would die. Passover, see?” 
Roman nodded, his eyes widening as he was enraptured in the story. “Passover,” he repeated. 
“The Israelites listened to Moses, but a lot of others in Egypt didn’t, including the Pharaoh,” Virgil said, a bit sadly, “It sucked. They all had to learn the hard way. If they had just listened to Moses, nobody would have died. If the pharaoh had just let the Israelites go the first time, then none of the plagues would have had to happen. But stricken with grief after his firstborn son died, the pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, and they were freed from slavery.” 
“So that’s the story of Passover,” Logan said, “How is it celebrated?” 
“Well, it’s celebrated for eight days,” Virgil explained, “Seven if you’re in Israel. But here in America, it’s eight. On the first night of Passover, Jewish families have a Passover seder, which is a big dinner where we pray and sing, and we tell stories from a book called the Haggadah. All families celebrate a little differently, but for the most part, we do that stuff. I remember when I was little, my mom would always give me a sip of her wine.”
“Damn, just a sip?” Remus asked with a little laugh, “Shoulda given you a whole cup. Imagine a drunk little Virgil stumbling around.” 
“That would have been cool,” Virgil admitted, “Me and my cousins would drink grape juice and pretend to be drunk. After all the serious stuff was over, of course. A big part of Passover is discussing current events. Unfortunately, most places in the world aren’t very Jew-friendly. Even here in America, there are a lot of hate crimes. Actually…” 
Roman noticed with horror that Virgil was getting teary-eyed. 
“Virgil?” Logan asked quietly, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m sorry,” Virgil said, trying to wipe away his tears before they fell, “This is hard to talk about. The synagogue that my family went to when I was a kid before I moved here, it- a few years ago- it- it got burnt down.” 
“Burnt down,” Janus realized, “As in…someone did it. On purpose.” 
Virgil nodded, his eyes completely downcast. He was crying, but his face was hardened, almost angry. But not quite. He seemed too sad to be angry. 
“All the drawings the kids made. All the food that people donated. All the copies of the Torah,” he whispered, “It was all gone in one night. My parents still can’t talk about it without crying. I guess I can’t either.” 
“I’ve never heard of anyone burning down a religious building like that,” Patton said softly, “That’s horrible.” 
“Yeah? That’s cuz they don’t burn down your stuff,” Janus said quietly, putting a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, Virgil. You…don’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that. No matter what.” 
“Don’t let me stop you from continuing the competition,” Virgil said, “Remus, I wanna hear about yours. What is this one day that can get Roman to shut up?” 
“Do we really have to bring that joke back?” Roman asked, too amused to be sore. 
“Well, the night I was talking about, Layat Al-Qadr, is just one night of Ramadan,” Remus started to explain, “Ramadan’s actually about a month long.” 
“A whole month?” Logan asked, “Wow. That’s a lot longer than Easter and Passover.” 
“Not if you count Lent,” Patton pointed out. 
“Layat Al-Qadr is the 27th day of Ramadan,” Roman continued, “And you pray the whole entire night, pretty much. We ask Allah to forgive us for the mistakes we made, and we hope that he says yes.” 
“How do you know if he says yes?” Logan asked, tilting his head slightly. 
Roman shrugged. “You don’t. That’s why you have to believe.” 
“That sounds kinda boring, praying for the whole night,” Janus admitted, “Is that seriously the only thing you do?” 
“I was worried it would be boring too,” Roman admitted, “But it’s actually really cool. You’d be surprised how therapeutic it is. It feels nice, talking to someone who you know will always listen. Reflecting on all the stuff you did, and figuring out how to do better without worrying about anyone getting mad at you or hating you.” 
“And we also have iftar,” Remus said, “It’s like a giant meal, and we get to spend time with family while breaking our fast.” 
“Wait, wait- you fast?” Virgil asked, “For an entire month?” 
“It’s not so bad,” Remus shrugged, “Especially because we have iftar, and we usually eat a little bit in the morning. Breaking the fast together as a family during iftar is cool, because, like, everybody’s breaking it at the same time. So it’s like- we all are hungry together, and then we all become satisfied together. It’s pretty cool.” 
“We also have five prayers that we say every day,” Roman added, “Along with an extra one at night. The prayers are the really important part because it’s so traditional. It’s been done for so many years before us, it’s like…passing down a torch. We don’t want to forget about it. So we do it to honor the people before us, so that hopefully, the people after us have something in common with us when they celebrate Ramadan.” 
“Well, when you explain it like that, it sounds really cool,” Virgil admitted. 
“I used to think prayer was weird, and kinda culty,” Janus mumbled, clearly a bit ashamed, “But…it actually sounds awesome. Mindful, you know?” 
“Wait, where does Ramadan come from anyway?” Patton asked, “Like the fasting and the praying. Who started it?” 
“It was started by the Prophet Muhammad,” Roman said eagerly, “He’s this really cool guy who told us what Allah wanted for the Muslim people. And Ramadan is the month on the Muslim calendar where Muhammad found the Quran, which is our holy book. It’s sort of like Patton’s bible and Virgil’s Torah.” 
“Oh, gotcha,” Patton said. 
“To be more specific, it’s the ninth month of our calendar,” Remus said, “But also, it depends on the moon. It’s like a thing. To try and spot the Ramadan moon. Roman and I did it a few times when we were younger.” 
“It’s hard to do it now,” Roman said, “There’s so much artificial light in this city. But once it’s high enough in the sky, we can see it great. It’s so cool, feeling like you discovered something.” 
“And we fast because Muhammad told us to, basically,” Remus said, “It’s one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting during Ramadan. And like Roman said, the Muslim people have done it for thousands and thousands of years. So it feels really awesome to continue it today. Even if it leaves us a little hungry and cranky sometimes.” 
“You guys should come to iftar sometime,” Roman said, “A bunch of our Muslim friends and us all come together and eat and talk and laugh, and just enjoy each other’s company.” 
“It sounds amazing,” Virgil said, “Kinda like Passover seder.” 
Remus nudged Virgil gently, smiling over at him. 
“Hey, yeah!” he said. 
“And Easter Sunday!” Patton piped up. 
“Maybe all our events have more in common than we think,” Roman said, “I mean, all of them have cool stories, and big dinners, and just…that festive attitude. That feeling of carrying on a tradition that’s so much bigger than yourself.” 
“Do we even need a vote, then?” Logan asked, “I don’t know what to vote for. All of those events sound lovely.” 
“I agree,” Janus said, “Maybe we can vote on something else. Like what movie to watch tonight?” 
“I vote The Prince Of Egypt!” Roman cried out, “Virgil made me think about it, and now all the songs are in my head!” 
“Oh! I’ll make some egg salad for dinner!” Patton said, “It’s the 21st century, we’re allowed to eat eggs during Lent now!” 
“Maybe I’ll bring in the leftover date cookies from yesterday’s iftar,” Remus said. 
“Yes, those are so good!” Roman agreed, “And I wrapped them in foil, so they should still taste fresh!” 
Virgil smiled and closed his eyes, wiping away his residual tears gently as he listened to his friends ramble and scramble to celebrate together. Maybe tonight, this strange amalgamation of Easter, Ramadan, and Passover, the mutual respect and admiration for these three holidays, was their most important event of the springtime.
(i hope you all enjoyed this fic!! during times like these especially, it is so important to remember that every religion is beautiful and valid, and every religious holiday ought to be respected! now, i am not catholic, christian, muslim, or jewish. i wrote about these holidays after doing extensive research from multiple sources for each, but if i got anything wrong, please please let me know and i will correct it to the best of my ability. i promise i want to learn and grow, just like these guys, so if something is inaccurate, please tell me if you feel so inclined, and i will take what you say into account!!)
(have an amazing spring, no matter what you celebrate!!)
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dancemachinetrait · 3 years
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3rd May, 1908- The Gillespie Farm
CONTENT NOTE: This chapter contains discussion of anti-Semetic violence.
Daisy didn’t know quite how to feel in the days after the dance. She hadn’t disgraced herself either in the maypole or at the evening dance. And she had had a nice time. Lots of boys had danced with her, and brought her innumerable glasses of punch. She had even thought she looked almost pretty. 
And yet...Eli wasn’t there. Not at the maypole or at the dance. She thought he might have- but it didn’t matter. Why should he care? It didn’t matter at all. 
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He came by one day as she was sitting on the wall, blowing a dandelion and doing what her mother called ‘woolgathering’. At once she felt self-conscious and embarrassed. How childish she must have looked, playing with a dandelion like a little girl! She cast it hastily into the breeze. 
‘Your Highness.’ Eli stopped by the wall and, up to his thighs in parsley, sketched a low bow. ‘Have a good night at the dance?’
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‘Yes, but-‘
Daisy’s face burned. ‘You didn’t come.’ Eli said nothing. ‘It- it doesn’t matter. If you didn’t want to-’
‘No. I wanted to.’ She waited, her heart fluttering in her chest. ‘That isn’t why. It was Easter last week.’
‘I don’t understand-‘
‘Easter Sunday a few years ago, a group of boys followed my little sister Roza home. They threw stones at her. My father had to chase them off.’
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‘I...I didn’t think people were like that in Little Windenburg.’
‘People are like that everywhere, Daisy.’ They were silent for a moment. ‘It’s worst around Easter. Because they think we killed Jesus, you see.’ Eli snorted. ‘Roza couldn’t kill a spider. She screams the house down if she sees one.’
Daisy’s eyes filled with tears. ‘How could anyone do that to a little girl?’
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‘Mama won’t let us out of her sight for a week after Easter. She barricades herself in the house. I had a devil of a job persuading her to let me back to work today.’ Eli glanced at Daisy and coloured. ‘I wanted to be there, Daisy. Don’t think I didn’t.’
previous | next | beginning
This is probably the chapter I’ve felt the most hesitant about posting. I am Jewish myself, so I feel a real responsibility in writing about this.
I write this legacy mostly as a form of escapism. Because of that, I’m unlikely to do storylines that focus on themes of bigotry. However, I didn’t think it would be appropriate to pretend that this story takes place in a world without bigotry. It won’t be the focus of the story, but it will play a role, just as it plays a role in my life as a Jewish person today. I hope I’m able to do that while maintaining the tone of the legacy.
Also, about the (in)frequency of updates- my life is very busy at the moment, which is why I go so long between posting. I can’t guarantee that I’ll start posting more regularly, but please don’t think I’ve abandoned the story if I go a few weeks or even months without posting.
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cryptkitt3n · 4 years
2021 bingo card coming in strong
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cozza-frenzy · 5 years
Don’t fucking @ me about that Pewdie post - if you’re willing to defend someone who posts this kind of shit on his youtube channel:
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Then no I am not “debating” you over the “smear campaign by the media”. [Just for context: the people in the video neither read nor speak English. They are innocent. Felix exploited them by paying them to hold this sign without them knowing what it said, and posted it on youtube.]
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mugasofer · 8 years
YouTube’s biggest star PewDiePie causes controversy with ‘I love Jews’ video
Popular YouTube performer says "I love them", denounced "anti-semitic" beliefs as abhorrent. Social media are outraged.
Imagine showing this headline to someone in 2016
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thebonesofhoudini · 2 years
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Stop supporting 4chan on here and stop posting screencaps from that disgusting site on here. That shit is a fucking white supremacist domestic terrorist factory.
Here's some lovely posts from that cesspool (TW/CW: racism, slurs, anti-semetism, homophobia, violence)
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Susz's Halloween Recommendations Part 2: Books and Fics.
Pet Sematary by Stephan King
Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, moved to Ludlow, Maine with their two young kids, Ellie and Gage, and their cat, Church. In the woods, near their home is a pet cemetery with a sign that was spelled sematary.
Notes: this book made me scared of my own cats for about two weeks. I really enjoyed it but that scene with the cat was very excessive.
Sadie by Courtney Summers
The book chronicles teenager Sadie Hunter’s quest to find the man who killed her sister. In alternating chapters, Sadie’s subsequent disappearance becomes the topic of West McCray’s podcast The Girls.
Notes: this audio book is so fantastic, especially the podcast elements! Trigger warnings for Sexual Assault and Child Abuse.
The Project by Courtney Summers
But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire.
Lo Denham is used to being on her own. After her parents died, Lo's sister, Bea, joined The Unity Project, leaving Lo in the care of their great aunt. Thanks to its extensive charitable work and community outreach, The Unity Project has won the hearts and minds of most in the Upstate New York region, but Lo knows there's more to the group than meets the eye.
Notes: a book about a journalist trying to learn more about the cult who took her sister from her. If you have siblings, this one hurts even more than if you don't. This has a frick ton of triggers, so please look into that before picking this up.
These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly By Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. 
Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly By Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. 
But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire.
Notes: a queer witch book with plenty of action and magic throughout! This book is so important to me and I'm currently reading the second and final book!
The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
Long retired, Sherlock Holmes quietly pursues his study of honeybee behavior on the Sussex Downs. He never imagines he would encounter anyone whose intellect matched his own, much less an audacious teenage girl with a penchant for detection.
Notes: one of my mom's favorites and this is one of the best mysteries I've ever read!
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman
On the edge of town a beast haunts the woods, trapped in the Gray, its bonds loosening…
Notes: this author has been involved in some not great things involving being anti semetic (I hope I spelled that right), so if you still want to read this, please don't do it in a way that financially supports her. That being said, I read it before that stuff came out, and I liken it to a queer Teen Wolf season 3 type story.
The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas
First there was the car accident—two girls gone after hitting a tree on a rainy night. Not long after, the murders happened. Those two girls were killed by the man next door. The police shot him, so no one will ever know why he did it. Monica’s sister was the last cheerleader to die. After her suicide, Sunnybrook High disbanded the cheer squad. No one wanted to be reminded of the girls they lost. ...
Notes: an amazing murder mystery and one that I highly recommend! A bit slow at times, but the fast scenes make up for it.
The Assassin Game by Kristy McKay
At Cate's isolated boarding school Killer is more than a game-it's an elite secret society. Members must avoid being "killed" during a series of thrilling pranks-and only the Game Master knows who the "killer" is. When Cate's finally invited to join The Guild of Assassins, she knows it's her ticket to finally feeling like she belongs.
Notes: this takes place on an small island near Wales and it's one of the most atmospheric books I've ever read! The first chapter is really nasty, but after that, it's so good!
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen. M McMannis
Echo Ridge is small-town America. Ellery's never been there, but she's heard all about it. Her aunt went missing there at age seventeen. And only five years ago, a homecoming queen put the town on the map when she was killed. Now Ellery has to move there to live with a grandmother she barely knows.
Notes: this was like reading a CW show. That's all I can say about it.
The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Jared, Simon and Mallory, who finds a mysterious Field Guide hidden in the attic, written by their great-great-uncle Arthur Spiderwick, who studied Faeries — magical beings who hide themselves from Humans using a type of magic called glamour.
Notes: I can't say much about this because I barely remember it. But I remember it freaking the crap out of me.
Fics (all of these are MCU)
Pumpkins and Stitches and Monster Mash by @marvelous-writer
Notes: I told myself to pick one fic from one writer, but with Marvelous-Writer, I just couldn't do it. I'm not gonna give synopsis' for the fics, because you really just need to take my word for it and read them.
too sick for clowns by @hailing-stars
Notes: short and sweet. Hailing-Stars is an icon and everyone needs to follow her.
Vein Drain by @ciaconna on Ao3
Notes: absolutely fantastic and humorous.
Trick Or Treat (Or Traumatize) by @awesomesockes and @whumphoarder
Notes: I just freaking love this writing duo.
No doubts about it by @angels-creative
Notes: my queen, my bestie, and the fic she had to send me the link to cause I couldn't find it XD
And I think that's all for this year! Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!
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piipstachio · 4 years
(cw: lore olympus, n*z* ment )
the lore olympus criticism is fucking valid and all but what irks me is people making far off claims like racism/anti-semetic symbolism when they clearly aren’t in those categories (a poc or jewish)  especially with ares (i don’t even like that he dressed up as a cop) but saying he’s  in a nazi uniform is just ridiculous?????
I can list shit wrong with lore olympus but if any jewish people who follow , PLEASE tell me if theres something wrong with this outfit cus I thought it was a normal cop outfit.
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23dogsinatrenchcoat · 5 years
I can't believe I just read the words "Jewish supremacists" with my own two eyes.
Y'all just love to coat your anti-semetism in progressive language, don't you?
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sunaelle · 2 years
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sunaelle’s byf/dni criteria
before you look at my masterlist please read my byf && basic dni criteria!! the link is here somewhere ^_^
> i’m a minor,, so any minors dni blogs please be aware!!
> i don’t really check tumblr alot so it may take days or weeks to respond to asks and requests
> i don’t usually follow back unless your blog contains some of my interests or you ask to be mutuals (pls do)!!
> i don’t think my account will have spoilers but here’s a warning just in case…
DNI if…
> you apply the basic dni criteria
> you have a dark content or nsfw blog
* 18+ blogs are okay as long as you don’t post the above content ^^
> you don’t use tw or cw warnings when needed
> you’re racist, homophobic, ableist, misogynistic, or a pedophile/map
> my masterlist is here,, and not there…
> you’re xenophobic, islamophobic, or anti-semetic
> you believe fiction doesn’t affect reality,, and using that to justify pro-ships
> you’re a pro-shipper in general
thank you for reading my dni/byf!! have a great day, afternoon, night,, wherever you are in the world!!
v v v
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pastamic · 7 years
Vampire Folklore(And other related misc. folklore)
    I'm an avid reader, writer, and researcher of folklore. Specifically vampires and witches (Especially because their lore intertwines so much, and my fiance is especially interested in witches.) I'm pursuing a degree in languages and literature. As far as vampiric lore obviously there's a [i]lot[/i] of history. Vampiric creatures have been a huge part of human folklore since nearly the beginning. Africa has a huge amount of roots in vampiric creatures in their folklore, although they're referred to as anything akin to witches for the most part. Vampires and witches were one in the same in early folklore.
    A lot of people have this elitist view of what "real" vampires are like. Of course that's asinine. Vampire folklore has changed [i]so[/i] much over the course of human history. Vampires in modern media are no different. From early African legends to John William Polidori's "The Vampyre", to Bram Stoker's "Dracula", all the way to Anne Rice's "Interview with the Vampire" vampire legends and literature have evolved and changed immensely over the years. In modern media there have been an increasing amount of vampire books and movies. The CW show "Vampire Diaries", Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy and spin off series "Bloodlines", Darkness before Dawn, and as much as I hate the series, Stephanie Meyers Twilight. Every series has their own version of vampires.
    Of how they started, how they exist now, their societies, their supernatural traits, how they turn, etc. A lot of people have this idea of what "Real vampires" all mainly based on Dracula. Aversion to Garlic, deadly reaction to the sun, fast and super strong killers who feed on human blood. And of course many people bend these a bit. Richelle Mead in particular has an interesting take on vampires, basing them on Romanian vampires. Strigoi, Moroi, Dhampir are all Romania folklore terms and she did a wonderful job of creating vampires around them. She created a completely structured government and heirarchy along with it. Vampiric council and government are common in modern Vampiric media. Even Stephanie Meyer's stupid sparkling vampires are in fact real vampires in modern media.
    Due to advancements in science and modern medicine and desensitization to monsters and death, humans are evolving to have a more romanticized view of vampires so they're becoming...well super hot. And this is true for most folklore. Werewolves are becoming creatures to be sympathized with, in the case of involuntary full moon transformation, and an attractive and shape-shifting creature in the case of voluntary transformation and stories featuring werewolf packs as part of a supernatural club. Elves are regarded as beautiful creatures with long lifespans and usually pretty stuck up. Mermaids have probably been one of the first to be romanticized in this way.
    Stemming from Siren legends, they've become more of a beautiful and fun creature that children want to be. Fairies were originally some pretty nasty creatures, but have since evolved into benevolent and magical beings who are a delight to children and YA protagonists alike. For the most part at least, it kind of depends on the novel. And witches of course. Originally a child murdering vampiric creature, and then a green and anti-semetic caricature, we're (thankfully) on the path to moving away from those anti-semetic characters and more towards what modern Pagans tend to be like (Unfortunately we still have a long way to go. There are still a lot of characters who still fall under this. Like Mother Gothel in Tangled.) Mainly lots of herbs, lots of crystals, and lots of cats (Like Ms. Terwilliger from Bloodlines. She's a wonderful example of what modern Pagans tend to be like.)
So all and all there has been a fascinating amount of evolution in folklore and literature based around folklore. I'm particularly excited about this topic as I spend a lot of time researching it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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RE: @antistaron confessioner...
The confessor here again. Gonna try one more time with you, but I'm going to bullet my points since you keep not responding to them 1) My point that Staron is worse than Harley/Joker is that it is a ship that is derogatory/abusive to Sharon and unlike Harley/Joker is disliked, but not acknowledged as unhealthy. Regardless of what happened in the comics, the MCU is different and the MCU made it looked like Steve was only interested in Sharon when he learned of her connection to Peggy. (1)
Continued) He had no interest in her before. And the ship in the MCU makes it look like Sharon only matters to him because of Peggy. In the WS, Steve was interested in Kate, not Sharon. He hadn’t seen/thought about Sharon for years. Then suddenly he knows she’s peggy’s niece and wants to be friends/more. No!!! Sharon deserves more than being a passable second. (2)
My point that Staron is worse than Harley/Joker is that it is a ship that is derogatory/abusive to Sharon and unlike Harley/Joker is disliked, but not acknowledged as unhealthy... Then suddenly he knows she’s peggy’s niece and wants to be friends/more. No!!! Sharon deserves more than being a passable second.
I’m trying to wrap my head around this as much as I can, “derogatory” and “abusive” are interesting choice of words here. I’m assuming you mean it as her being used in place of Peggy and for some reason it’s disrespectful to Sharon’s character? Maybe I can understand it being “derogatory”, but abusive? No I don’t see it as THAT. The reason why Staron isn’t really considered to be unhealthy is because there’s no real aspect about it that would suggest so. I mean they’re both adults, they both have JUST lost somebody close to them, they took time to grieve and pay respects. Steve did indeed only peak his interest in her once he found out who she was, therefore he went out of his way to get to know her a little more. Could he have seen her as Peggy? Yes, though I don’t see it as a bad thing. If he falls for her because she expresses the same traits and personality as Peggy- then who are we to question Steve? Perhaps she was just a way for him to cope, and I don’t believe anyone thinks their relationship was passionate, but more of like a schoolyard crush. I wouldn’t see it as “unhealthy”, but considering how they both must’ve felt at the time I see it as them coping.
Steve was interested in Kate, not Sharon. He hadn’t seen/thought about Sharon for years
Okay you do make a point, however in the end of TWS he’s still willing to get to know her after the fact after he asks Nat for her name again. No, they we’re given that chance to, but that’s where it would’ve went.
2) And for some people all they saw/know of Sharon and Steve is that they flirted at/right after Peggy’s funeral. Because they don’t know the comics, which don’t matter in the movie anyway. It makes Steve and Sharon look bad. But Steve’s gonna come out okay from it because he’s a man and it’s his story. Sharon’s not and she didn’t. People hate her. And they probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the ship. (3)
And for some people all they saw/know of Sharon and Steve is that they flirted at/right after Peggy’s funeral... But Steve’s gonna come out okay from it because he’s a man and it’s his story. Sharon’s not and she didn’t. People hate her. And they probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the ship.
So I get it, it was rushed all together, too much too soon. Though, Steve has deemed himself “the leading authority of waiting too long”. It’s not Sharon’s fault he decided to pursue her after the funeral, as a matter of fact in all instances of Steve and Sharon on screen together, even the deleted scene from CW, Steve came to her first. Sharon was just nice enough to finally give him the time and day- she didn’t ask/expect Steve to have feelings for her. People really shouldn’t have a reason to hate her for that because all she did gave him attention he wanted. Maybe Steve didn’t want to let this opportunity be taken so soon from him, maybe he finally meet somebody who could actually be the one for him, and that’s why he actively made moves to pursue her.
 4) Whatever is between that blog and you, is between you and that blog. I don’t know your history with them. Why would I as a passive viewer? And why would I care? I just know they are the only place someone who loves Sharon, but hates Staron can go. From my POV, the Sharon fandom tells me I am in the wrong for not liking Staron. And I am tired of that. Sharon fans have given me no other place to go but that blog, so that is where I went.  (5)
Whatever is between that blog and you, is between you and that blog. I don’t know your history with them. Why would I as a passive viewer? And why would I care?... From my POV, the Sharon fandom tells me I am in the wrong for not liking Staron. And I am tired of that. Sharon fans have given me no other place to go but that blog, so that is where I went.
Well I figured you wouldn’t care that’s not new to me.
As far the Staron hating goes, I’m sorry if people have told you that you were wrong for not liking the ship, perhaps it’s more so of your reasoning to not to. Nobody wants to make you like the ship as is, we just give people reasons to think about why it’s not as bad as they believe it is, much like how you try to convince me it’s more worse than it is. Also a lot of the reasons for people hating Staron often come across as petty and insignificant, the only reasonable complaint I can understand is that it wasn’t written well enough to sell and it could’ve used more work. 90% of the time it’s just “It’s disrespectful to Peggy” or “she’s a no homo” or even my favorite “she just wants to get into his pants.” So maybe you get where I’m coming from this, we see this almost everyday it’s not made up. So forgive me for actually replying to the one’s that actually hold water in an argument.
 5) I don’t see a lot of logic or reason or respect coming from you as you claim. I see someone drawing lines in black and white, and not giving me someone in the middle any credence. I see you talking about respect and cutting and pasting from another blog to talk about something they blocked you from because they didn’t want you in the conversation. That’s not respectful. Also, you can’t argue comic canon when talking about the MCU. No logic there. (6)
I don’t see a lot of logic or reason or respect coming from you as you claim. I see someone drawing lines in black and white, and not giving me someone in the middle any credence. I see you talking about respect and cutting and pasting from another blog to talk about something they blocked you from because they didn’t want you in the conversation. That’s not respectful.
I mean- I actually tried very hard to give as much respect as I could, do you think I had reply to you a third time? I didn’t, but I did as you just accused me of not doing and what I’ve been doing, and that was giving you your chance to back yourself up and I gave you my responses the best I could. The reason why I cut and paste and reply from anti blogs is because none of them are actually willing to debate with a Sharon fan who’s actually willing to go back and forth with them and their ignorance. Also I made this blog specifically to call out antis when I see fit, I don’t do it to piss myself off, I do it because people deserve to see the horrible and/or wrong things they say that they think they can get away with and have reasons NOT to hate Sharon. Much like how some blogs like to go out their ways to make sure EVERYBODY who loves Sharon or doesn’t even know Sharon, that they hate her and how she deserves to be hated.
It’s not hard to understand, you think you would enjoy seeing people take swings at your favorite character because they did nothing but breathe, would you like them to not be called out for the shit they pull out there ass, finding reasons to mad over nothing? Do you think you could ignore posts that constantly portray your fav as a racist when there’s no evidence suggesting so? How about confessions that come across as anti-semetic, the ones that mock mental illness? the one’s that come across as slut shaming? The ones that belittle us because how dare we enjoy ourselves with a fictional character? That kind of behavior shouldn't be seen?
If you have a problem with that, then that’s on you, you’re the lost cause.
5) Staron set Sharon up to fail. Shouldn’t have to reach or dig for more from her. You trying to do that and not just screaming about the crap she got, doesn’t help her or other female characters. Anytime a woman becomes a ship, not a person, you should hate the ship to support the woman. The ship shouldn’t have happened, regardless of the comics. And if you really cared about Sharon, that is what you’d say, but it’s not. (last)
You still have some nerve to say this wow
I can’t help but to feel that you missed MY points I made. There is not a damn thing wrong with liking Sharon in her relationship with Steve and at the same time WANTING her to become her own character. I TOLD YOU THAT. Are you saying that I should automatically hate any ship when a woman is thrown into it? Should I hate ships like Thor/Jane, Tony/Pepper, Scott/Hope, Bruce/Nat because at ONE point they were used as the love interests? Is that what you’re telling me? If that’s the case then you probably don’t really like much of this ships listed.
A woman does not “become a ship”- she’s a character who falls in love. I can like the ship and not be satisfied over every aspect of it. I acknowledge Staron isn’t perfect, most of us have and for the most part we would LOVE to see it better written! We’d love for people to have more reasons to LOVE the ship than hate it. That’s why we point out the flaws in the ship when it’s due, so hopefully more people see it and learn how to better handle ships in the future.
You say the ship shouldn't have happened...but- it did? Ultimately it wasn’t up to you, nor was it up to me- I just took what we got and I liked it. If you have a better idea- then next time present it to the Marvel directors on the next tumblr q&a. Don’t get mad at me or other people because they don’t hold the same views on you as far as shipping.
I don’t know what else there is to say, I know I didn’t change your mind and I know you must still think I don’t care about Sharon, but you know what? I do, that’s all I have to say wether or not you believe it is up to you. I believe you care, I’d expect the same response in return. You keep making yourself seem like you’re a better fan than us because you just so happen to not have shipping as your priority battle.
Like at the end of the day, we both like for Sharon to be treated better, so I still don’t understand this contempt.
-Mod T
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