#with bean dad
bakedbeanchan · 6 months
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random fire nation diplomat #492 will never understand the complex and fucked up relationship between the water siblings like I do 🙄
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boromirswife · 6 months
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Boromir + concern for the Hobbits
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mkstrigidae · 11 months
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Backgrounds? *puts on sunglasses* I don't know her.
My favorite girl Sansa, here to eat lemon cakes and take names.
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chillbean-427 · 3 months
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I’m literally gonna kill Kara’s robot dad, I swear to god
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ghost-bxrd · 11 months
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“This is where you live?”
Jason drops the duffle bag on the counter, “Yeah. It’s no manor, kid. I told you.”
He’s not self conscious. He’s not. This apartment is fuckin’ nice ok? He spent a lot of money on decor and proper kitchenware and furniture and shit.
But Jason also knows that, objectively speaking, it doesn’t hold a candle to Wayne manor and its fifty-something bedrooms. That place is basically its own country.
Bruce nods.
“I like it,” he says solemnly, walking over towards the window to peek through the blinds. The view from up here isn’t exactly panorama level but the building is one of the tallest in Crime Alley and Jason’s apartment is on the top floor, so it does provide a pretty good view of a good portion of the Alley. “It doesn’t feel as empty.”
Jason pauses where he’s resetting the traps and alarms by the door, glancing over his shoulder to where Bruce is starting to tentatively explore the living space and is struck by how violently out of place the boy looks with his rigid posture and elegantly curved eyebrows. Even the plain hoodie, faded hand-me-down jeans and ridiculous wool cap aren’t enough to hide how utterly not Crime Alley born-and-bred he is. Everything about Bruce is basically screaming rich-Bristol-trust-fund-kid.
Which, yeah. Checks out.
Jason clears his throat and clicks the security on, waiting for the small light at the side to switch from green to red.
“Your room’s the one down the hall to the left. Right one is mine. Door at the end of the hall is the bathroom.”
Bruce hikes his backpack up higher on his shoulder, eyes eerily vacant as always, but Jason wants to think that there’s a sliver of curiosity behind that steely gaze anyways as he inclines his head and makes his way down the hall.
As soon as the kid vanishes around the corner Jason allows himself a moment to exhale and run a hand down his face tiredly.
Jesus fucking Christ.
What was he thinking.
How the fuck is he supposed to raise a tiny Bruce Wayne with his older furry counterpart running around Gotham at night hunting criminals? Criminals like Jason?
Nothing. He was thinking nothing. And it’s about to bite him in the ass.
No way can he build a criminal empire and take over the drugs and weapons trade with a traumatized nine year old dependent on him.
God dammit.
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autistook · 4 months
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random LOTR gifs pt ???????
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anikymation · 8 months
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snow day with papa bones and frisky-bits !
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samuell-art · 11 days
Nimona doesn’t like soup, that’s it
(request 2 out of 2 from @amb-roseius !! (I had to draw your other request, I just loved the idea sm))
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All shenaninanned out 💤
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roxygen22 · 7 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series
Summary: Reader and Willy discover that Ben/Bean is an aspiring artist. Age: 3 & 17
You were outside hanging clothes on the line to dry when you heard the back door slam and little feet running toward you. Before your brain could register what was happening, you were nearly bowled over by the force of Ben running into your leg.
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You looked down to find that Ben had buried his face and balled up his fists in your skirt. "Pa ell a mm," you heard his garbled speech muffled by the fabric. You knelt down and pried his fingers loose so you could look at his red, tear-streaked face.
"I'm sorry, Benny. I couldn't understand you when your mouth was covered. Take a deep breath." You inhaled deeply through your nose and out through your mouth a couple of times, motioning for him to copy you. "Good. Now, try again. What's all this about?"
"P-papa lelled at m-meeee." The boy started sobbing again.
"Oh dear. What happened?"
"I..." he sucked in a breath. "I wanted to dwaw him a picture. I saw paper on Papa's desk..."
"Ah, I see. Did that paper already have words on it?"
"Only on fwont. I dwew on back."
"Oh, Benny. We talked about asking before you touch anything in the study. Papa has very important papers in there for the shop and factory."
"I'm sowwy." He looked up at you with big puppy-dog eyes. You cupped his round cheeks in your hands.
"I know you are. But I'm not the one you need to apologize, too. Why don't you go inside to your room and play while I go check on Papa. After that, you can tell him you're sorry." Ben nodded, then shuffled through the back door to his room with his head hung low.
It was out of character for Willy to snap at anyone. The man typically had the patience of a saint, so you knew Ben must have drawn on something important. You quietly stepped into the study and spied Willy slumped in the armchair, one hand supporting his forehead and one foot kicked out. It looked as if he had collapsed dramatically into it.
"I made him cry," Willy said morosely without looking up. "I didn't- I didn't mean to. I shouted his name. I was just trying to get his attention and stop him before he did more damage. I...I startled him, and he ran off to you."
"Full name or nickname?" you asked as you sat on the sofa next to him.
"Full name," he groaned.
You grimaced. Ouch, you thought. Willy hardly ever referred to the boy as anything but Bean and almost never as Benjamin unless introducing him to others. It's on par with your mother using your middle name when you were in trouble. You shuddered slightly. That probably wounded Ben worse than the volume. "What did he draw on?"
Willy held up the face page of a contract with the hand not supporting his head. He had yet to look up at you.
"Oh dear."
"I'll ask Beth to type up a new one tomorrow before the meeting. It wasn't worth raising my voice at him. I...I just had a long day and...of course, that doesn't excuse anything. Is he okay?"
"He'll be alright," you said soothingly as you placed your hand on Willy's arm. "He's calming down in his room. Like you said, he was startled. You are usually the fun one, not the disciplinarian."
"I should go to him," Willy said as he stood from the chair. You returned to your previous task of hanging out the laundry so they could have some time alone to make amends.
Willy walked to Ben's room and gently knocked before pushing the door open. Ben looked up at him from his desk with big sad eyes.
"Hey there," Willy said softly.
"I dwew you another picture. I'm sowwy, Papa," Ben said pitifully as he handed Willy a piece of paper.
"Oh, Bean. Is this the factory?" Ben nodded excitedly. "Wow, such great detail! Is this what you wanted to draw earlier?" Ben nodded again, with less exuberance this time. Willy's heart broke as he saw his son's face fall.
"Hey, buddy. I'm sorry for raising my voice and scaring you. That was a very important paper you were drawing on, and I needed you to stop."
"I know, Mamma told me I need to ask first," he responded dejectedly. "I just had a picture in my head that I wanted to dwaw when I was by your desk."
"Ah, that I understand. Sometimes my ideas don't come to me at convenient times, either. Tell you what. How about I set up a drawer with paper that's safe to draw or write on whenever an idea strikes. You never have to ask for permission as long as it's from that drawer. Deal?"
Ben's face lit up again, and he stuck his tiny right hand to shake. "Deal!"
Willy shook his son's hand with his right and looked down again at the picture in his left. It was incredibly well done for Ben's age.
"Can I take this to the factory with me? I want to frame and hang it. If you draw more, I'll have a whole gallery wall of Benjamin Wonka works."
Ben giggled, "Okay, Papa!"
Over time, Ben's art skills matured to charcoals, watercolors, canvases, and paints. Willy spotted the talent early and took great pleasure in encouraging it, supplying it. Fourteen years later, he had indeed collected enough of Ben's work to fill multiple walls.
"People need to see this."
Willy decided to surprise Ben by converting one of his shops into a limited time art gallery for his 17th birthday. He somehow managed to promote what ended up being the town's social event of the season while also keeping it a secret from his boy.
It was finally the night of the big reveal. "Papa, why are we going to the shop so late? I thought we were going to meet Mamma and Charlie for dinner?" Ben walked shoulder to shoulder with Willy. They were nearly the same height now.
Willy was vibrating with excitement. "I just need to pick up something I left there," he bent the truth slightly. "Your birthday present."
When they arrived, Willy unlocked the doors to reveal a magenta velvet curtain blocking the entry. He took the gold pull cord in his hand and handed it to Ben.
Ben looked at the tassel in his hand, bewildered. "What is this?"
"Your gift! Pull it and find out." As Ben pulled the cord, the curtain drew back to reveal...
Ben stood there with his mouth ajar as he looked around at you, Charlotte, Noodle, his friends and girlfriend. Everyone rushed him for a celebratory hug. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. Then, the background details caught his eye. The crowd separated as Ben made his way to look at the walls that were now decorated with his paintings rather than shelves of candies and chocolates.
He browsed in awe until he stopped at the penciled sketch of the Wonka factory, gently tracing the golden frame with his fingers. He felt Willy step up beside him and gently squeeze his shoulder.
"Happy birthday, Bean."
Ben looked over his shoulder to reveal misty eyes. "Thanks for always being my biggest fan, Papa," he said reverently.
"I'm glad I could be right here beside you when your talent is shared with the world."
A/N: I think it's safe to say that Willy would be his kids' biggest cheerleaders.
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chickenoptyrx · 8 months
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*sittin up projecting onto the baby blorbo when I should be sleeping*
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
*looks at bean eclipse aggressively* Ś̸͙̺̥̰̯͙̭͆̏͂m̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈ǎ̴̯̀͠l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆ c̵̛̥͊ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆d̶̡̲̗̼̮̤̤̳̲͖͓͍͔͓̓̎̽́̽̏̐͂̆͆͘͘͘
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Baby Man can feel the challenging tone to that.
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boromirswife · 5 months
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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nguyenfinity · 6 months
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bean and i have been locked in the kitchen, so like AU where beta niki is niki's older brother and otome niki is his younger brother right--
more below
Hiki (22 y.o.) - "nii-san" to his younger brothers; calls Niki "Nikkun"
dropped out of hs and left to travel and be a food journalist after the IncidentTM
pretty chill but would kill a man for his little brothers
rinne is scared of him (something something scary older brother, the 3 cm difference is the only thing keeping red guy from crumpling) (also hiki's basically another version of him and bro's good at dealing with anyone but himself)
he knows rinne is scared of him and thinks it's the funniest thing and will mess with him on purpose
super sensitive to taste, bro can taste if someone put in even 1 grain of salt
despite that he has horribly bad eating habits, bro has tastebuds gifted by the divine themselves but he's on his 12th pack of ramen this week
favorite is the instant noodles he'd make and share with his little brother when he had to watch him while parents were out working
sucks at cooking. rinne was scared of him until he saw him burn water
so chill with pda hes annoying and embarrassing they cannot kiss without him whistling or saying anything
feels guilty about leaving niki from running off to try to redeem the shiina name with his journalism
exes with oldest sakura nee-han (it's funny and they're on good terms)
drinking buddies with rinne, said nee-han and himeru post-reveal (older bees sibling crew)
Miki (16 y.o.) - "Mikkun" to his older brothers; calls Niki "Aniki"
stayed with other family in japan after the IncidentTM (niki didn't go with him 'cause he wanted to stay)
guilt from not visiting his aniki or trying harder to convince him to come with him to live with family
miki is an edgy brat, sweet but a brat niki: aw he's just a little angel what are you so worried about miki flipping rinne off behind niki's back:
Rinne once again thinking how he lucked out with Hiiro every time he interacts with Miki
niki spoils miki and miki clinging to his aniki cuddling up next to him being the first taste tester getting to choose what niki makes rinnekun on the side fist clenched about to blow a fuse thats his spot thats his job thats his choice and miki Knows
will play video games with rinne tho (sideeyeing the number of runs red guy has on niki's route in the otome)
cut his hair to be different from his brothers
has the opposite problem of niki, he doesnt wanna do food or chef work but all he's good at is food (specifically desserts and he would rather go to business school but he does enjoy making sweets with his aniki)
if rinne and niki kiss one more time around him he's gonna explode
gets flustered around hiiro in an "i wanna be friends but i'm bad at making friends" way 'cause he's so nice and genuine and excitable and nothing like his brother and rinne's like "yeah no he has a girlfriend"
tiktok kid, always has his phone on him; kinda famous?? people in his comments mostly just go "you look like that guy from crazy:b"
mario party nights with the younger bee sibling squad (hiiro, kaname, kohaku)
also gets into debates with them on who has the best oldest siblings
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centaurs-arejerks · 2 months
just thinking about how jason loves school (and i don't care if that is or isn't canon, because it's canon in my heart) and how some of that is probably connected to how school was the time when jason had access to consistent meals. a lot of programs in america give kids breakfast and lunch for free or at a greatly reduced cost and send the kid home with a backpack of food for meals at home. so when jason was in school, he had food. but when there were school breaks, especially summer breaks, he got a lot more food insecure. so jason probably associates school not just with learning, but also with food and associates any kind of break from school with being hungry
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rougerave · 10 months
Hear me out. So Dick and Jason have always known languages. Dick from his time traveling with the circus and Jason from his time sneaking into the library and devouring all types of books when he was still on the streets.
And because of this, they could connect more easily due to their shared love of language. (Cannon can kiss my ass thank you very much.)
They made it a point to learn new languages together, so much so that they even passed Bruce in the number of languages they knew and spoke.
This is the driving factor that brings them close when Jason comes from the whole dead and resurrected drama.
The problem comes that they think everyone speaks the same languages. Like they'll be speaking English one minute then the switch it up to Swahili because they forgot a word in English and then carry on speaking in a different language until they forget a word again and change languages.
Bruce is the only one who can mildly keep up with them, but other than that his completely lost because of the shear speed the switch up the language.
It gets irritating when they're all at the dinner table and the two oldest forget the names of simple things. Like salt.
"Hey Demon spar. Pass the *snaps fingers as he tries to remember the name* the 鹽 (jim4) [Cantonese]."
And poor Damian is so lost so he looks to Dick and Dick goes "άλας (álas) [Greek]" as if that's any better. And the poor baby is just so confused, so he looks to his baba because his baba should know but his baba also looks confused. And Alfred, bless his soul knows Greek so he goes, "The salt Master Damian. Master Jason is asking for the salt."
And the whole table is also very confused and irritated by this whole exchange.
When the eldest two argue, it's explosive and physical and confusing because of the mess of languages, and the only time you hear a spark of English is when one has a black eye and the other has a nose bleed and their both laying on their backs and the only words exchanged is, "Fuck you dickface." and, "Love you too Jay."
They hug it out then throw the middle finger over their backs, limp out the room and opposite ways of the hallway.
All this happens in the full view of the family and nobody asks what words were exchanged, nobody asks what they were fighting about, they just sit shell shocked, each and everytime.
Except Bruce, who gets majority of what was said. He sits with his head in his hands and let's out a dispointed sigh. "All this ruckes because of cake." He stands so he can go call his therapist (Clark).
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