the-delta-quadrant · 4 months
"thin people can pass as nonbinary more easily" is a dangerous af belief to be spreading to people because thinness is unobtainable unless you are already and nonbinary "passing" is unobtainable, full stop.
we know that long-term intentional weight loss has very low success rates unless you engage in disordered eating for the rest of your life.
we also know that dominant society doesn't recognise nonbinary people, most people either think we're not real or haven't even heard of us.
like, can we talk about how fat nonbinary people are affected by exorsexism differently than thin nonbinary people instead of acting like "passing" as nonbinary is real, for any of us?
i just know that shit like this will make fat nonbinary people starve themselves to "pass" instead of trying to make peace with the fact that currently, no matter what we do, we most likely won't be seen for who we are unless we actively keep coming out and surround ourselves with people who affirm us.
all we can do is what affirms us and try to shut out what other people think.
because you know what? focussing on an unobtainable idea of "passing" as nonbinary will be more destructive for fat people than thin people.
but you all don't wanna talk about that, you'd rather apply the binary logic of passing to nonbinary people without thinking about it for more than two seconds. you act like you want to talk about privilege but do it in the most performative way possible that has absolutely nothing to do with nonbinary lived experiences. you all think that our oppression functions the same way that binary trans people's does and simply copy the talking points over to us.
it doesn't fucking work though, and it inevitably hurts the most marginalised of us.
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fatcultureis · 8 months
fat culture is people around you trying to diagnose you with random conditions simply because fat bodies do not look like thin bodies so of course they must be diseased.
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this-is-exorsexism · 7 months
it's fat pride day! i hope all fat nonbinary people are having a splendid day.
today and this week i want to highlight people's experiences of intersecting exorsexism and fatmisia, so i'm inviting all fat nonbinary people to share or vent about their experiences with those, or with being fat in a community centring thin people or vice versa. 💜
(thin people can still submit exorsexism but fat experiences will be prioritised this week.)
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screechbat · 10 months
can someone tell thin people they don't have to respond to people talking about anti-fat bias by pointing out that thin people get body-shamed too? i just. do not think they are aware
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softandorsweet · 1 year
just ~ if you haven’t listened to the podcast Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back GO DO IT!!! it’s a group of Fat liberationist discussing everything fatness and anti-fatness. plus they all exist with multiple marginalizations, most hosts are queer and trans. it’s so brilliant i’ll never get over it!!!! god
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oldcoyote · 7 months
i don't know how to explain that i abhor fatphobia and anti-fatness but i still use the cruelest kinds of both against myself daily
i don't know how to explain the fact that i am obese and therefore ugly but i do not think any other obese people are by default ugly
i don't know how to explain why i can uplift and adore my fat friends and in the same breath blame my fatness for my misery
i don't know how to explain that i do not in any way believe fatness is a personal or moral failure, but i still feel worthless because i am fat
i don't know how to explain that i will fight to the death for fat people's right to exist and be respected as they are, but i don't want to exist like this
i don't know how to explain that i honestly believe that you can be fat and be happy, but i don't think i can be happy until i've lost the weight
i don't know how to explain that i respect and appreciate fatness in everybody else
but i still want to be thin
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fleetsparrow · 9 months
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Well, here's a hot tip for food shamers. The below are ingredients in a very common "healthy" food:
"quercetin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, anthocyanin"
I'm guessing that, unless you're a scientist, you wouldn't know what those are. I don't recognize any of those words except acid.
But the above are found in apples.
So, again, tell me the correlation between "unrecognized ingredients" and "health"?
Or just admit to being anti-fat.
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felowtravler · 1 month
I decided not to pursue my dreams of performing becuase of past experiences/traumas with anti-fatness in my theatre classes. I know the doubt around my decision not to pursue performing will always linger with me, and while I'm grateful for what I'm doing now, there is some sadness in the missed opportunity.
There is also grief for the joy I lost when I was fat shamed by my director (more than once) and made fun of for my size when I was even younger.
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yuribeam · 5 months
big news!!
Fat activist Aubrey Gordon of Maintenance Phase, What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat, You Just Need To Lose Weight And 19 Other Myths About Fat People, and Your Fat Friend, has an indie documentary film that is now available through streaming!
Starting May 3rd you can watch the film within 30 days for $15. The money directly supports the filmmaker, so please consider renting it!
If you are interested in fat liberation, the nefarious history and inner workings of the diet industry/"wellness culture", antifat socialization, generational body trauma, the shortcomings of the body positive movement, and/or consider yourself a fat ally, I strongly recommend watching the film and checking out Aubrey's other work & that of her peers such as Da'Shaun L. Harrison and Sabrina Strings
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recovering-vamp · 4 months
Not a new take but !!! I am so !!! Ahhh!! Grumpy about how many shows there are where they’ve clearly been mindful to feature a diverse cast and handle those identities with care and thought and yet— not a single fat main character! Or just one straight sized not-thin character surrounded by thin characters! Who probably isn’t treated the same as their peers!!!
I completely agree that shows that aim for diversity and tackle subjects often not tackled are already bearing the burden of representing the underrepresented. And that representation is inherently fraught. It just makes my bones pop when a show is so clearly trying to consider the underrepresented but fat characters (especially the very fat) are absent.
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fatcultureis · 5 months
if you talk to a fat person and tell them "you know this isn't good. but you probably tried 1000 ways of losing weight and nothing helped", then maybe, just maybe, you should realise that diets and long-term intentional weight loss don't work and that it's not our bodies that are the problem. but thin people would rather behave that diets don't work for us because we "lack discipline" or something. yeah, we lack discipline so much that even the people who had weight loss surgery gain back weight after 2 years.
there's no such thing as healthy weight loss. "working to keep the weight off" is code for "having an unhealthy relationship with food for the rest of your life", and i'd rather not have an eating disorder. if weight loss is achieved by counting calories and obsessing over food, it is not healthy.
thin people are so close to getting it, but then choose to believe that all fat people have the lazy gene or something.
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sillimancer · 14 days
I wish it was even half as easy to get transgender surgeries as donald trump implied it is are you kidding
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cottagecori · 9 months
the influencers who build their platforms on celebrating plus sized bodies only to become fitness accounts promoting thinness over everything are the weakest people around fuck y'all for real
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softandorsweet · 1 year
people will always hate fat people and be like no it’s just cuz you inconvenience Me. they prioritize their comfort over another’s right to life. same with disabled and racially and/or otherwise marginalized folks. why does your comfort come before another’s ability to have access to an enriched life?
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angelmush · 1 year
can’t believe my brain was deeply intent on a complete ED relapse like 2 days ago .. food is delicious and my body is fat and i love to cook and my life is fuller and more joyful when i do
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keeperesque · 8 months
anyone who uses the phrase ozempic face should explode
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