#anxious virgil
analogicalreasoning · 9 months
Hey did I ever tell yall I make art too not just oneshots haha yeah
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Yeah im so cool guys yeah
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
I wanted to practice lip syncing so here’s the left brain boys
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 month
Hc that the first person Virgil says "i love you" to is Thomas, not any of the other sides
Still thinking through how it would happen. Maybe Thomas and Virge are talking, Thomas frustrated with how bad his anxiety has been lately and trying to work WITH Virge to figure it out. And Thomas says something like "i wish I knew why you were doing this" and Virgil snaps out "because i love you, okay?!" without really thinking, bc it's been a long time since Virge has had to really filter himself around Thomas
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virge-the-artist · 2 months
Virgil: next time you go to church, ask god why he hates me
Patton: aww, you got those anxiety cramps again, kiddo?
Virgil: ow :(
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It has been 10 days since Prinxiety last interacted
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I thought this was a silly little blog not an argument center 😭
Trust me it still is and it's far from an argument center nor do I ever want it to become that way so with that being said I'm gonna have to kindly ask y'all to not send me "discourse" that you've seen or heard cause it already makes me uncomfortable as it is and I'm not gonna bite my tongue with answering and it's just gonna make this entire blog filled with negativity when my main purpose for it was to have a good time and have fellow Dukexiety shippers come together and maybe even make some newcomers enjoy the beloveds too. I want this to be a positive space for both myself and for you guys and not just some countdown blog that talks about something that we all can just easily ignore and continue loving the things we enjoy.
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x1702x · 2 years
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«Charon's boat»
The Divine comedy - Inferno
Just a little comic I made for funzies in class. The artstyle was kinda winged and experimental ^^
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Newest Asides: Reaction Post [Part II]
Part II of the reaction post.
Trigger/Content Warning: wine mention
Beware of spoilers of the new Asides video (Virgil Reacts to...)
[Part I here]
==Actual Content, Part II==
his book is Crosswords for 365 Days by Will Shortz (prob published by New York Times)
^it's smaller text says A year of easy-to-hard puzzles
his tie. omg, his tie.
that is either a red and blue tie OR a dark-orange and blue tie
^either one fits
ANGER - Logan as anger? oh f*ck, the foreboding set in
"and people start acting funny when it comes to rules" -> why does this stick with me. why.
"Lo-gan" -> very nice, Roman
"here he goes again" -> this happens often, doesn't it?
HEY YEAH. Uno wtf
loving Logan's portrayal as Anger (fits him a little too well)
"poo-poo everything I suggest" -> feels a little too canon there, buddy (angst angst angst)
REMUS, MY RAT BASTARD (affectionate)
"that gave me an idea" // "no-"
^f*ckin ded
FEAR - Remus as Fear? hmm, I see, I see…
Remus as Fear is just a YUS from me, omg <3
his white hair streak/fluff, his greenish mustache, his green sweater vest, YUS I LOVE HIM
the bowtie, lmao
"snake, spider, or rat-" oh hey, my three fav Sides -> Snake Boi, Anxious Spider F*ck, and Rat Man
needs to check for snake, spider, or rat? why would he need to check as if they were out to get him or something? hmm?
^thoughts formulating, theories materializing
we are literally talking about sh*t rn
Roman looks so done with Remus - average sibling behaviour
loving the Janus-Remus interactions
"it's very gross- and terrifying" -> yep, that's. that's Fear. Yep.
"are we going to do that?" // "NO, nO-"
^mm, sibling interaction gives me life
oh wait, Remus also has no orange
It appears that the only two without orange on them are Remus & Patton. hmm.
"Fearmus" // "Joyman" -> both these names are amazing
"Kill-Joyman" lmao
"yeah, that's accurate" -> NOT PATTON AGREEING
aw, now Joyman refrains and holds himself back, nooo
^mm, wonderful angst material tho
Joyman dramatizing Virgil/Other-Anxiety's arrival
I had to stop the dang vid to stim cause skfskafslfjal- no I am not normal about this
the anticipation, oh god why
"Anxiety~" // no one shows up
^lmao, Joyman must've had a "bruh" moment there
"-I can't do this" -> in the deepest voice ever, Virgil wtf
Everyone's reactions, lmao
"Speak for yourself, sweetie" -> f*cking love Janus
OTHER ANXIETY - poor Virgil, he looks so off with the orange
love how angry Virgil is over people thinking Anxiety would look like it's portrayed in the movie
everyone's reactions ksdfaskdf
Remus laughing at him - the Dukexiety content we needed
"sorry, you look stupid" -> Remus omg LMAO (they're besties, your honour)
"isn't that not how he always looks?" -> mm, classic Janus & Virgil hostility, my fav <3
Virgil shutting it down gives me the idea that all of them [the Sides], not only the twins (Creativity), can end Daydream Mode or whatever this is
"oh, buddy" -> reminds of when Virgil said he didn't like being called 'kiddo' so Patton was like "okay" and now calls him 'buddy'
loving all of their interactions with each other, just the Sides being a mess of a family
^hey, does this signify that c!Thomas has accepted them as parts of himself? just saying.
^^he doesn't have to like them to accept them, btw
the map behind Remus? yus, love that for his spot cause he's Creativity and thus can create worlds (the map fits that aspect) [this was a bit of stretch - leave me be]
"I was told there would be wine" -> ah makes sense, Janus was bribed
"…told I could kill Bing-Bong" -> yep checks out, Remus was also bribed
Headcanon: Patton bribed those two Dork Sides
love how those two were frickin bribed into this, lmao
"has the vibe shifted" -> idk why but this killed me (laughing)
"oh good, you reminded me of that scene" -> sad Patton; he plays Sadness so well (even when not Sadness - oh no)
"I always played Fear" -> not only have they done this before, but roles were pre-established and got switched because of the sequel (and Virgil playing Fear makes Biggo Sense, cause fear and anxiety kinda intertwine themselves [in a way])
^it seems like maybe Jan & Re don't usually play games with them like this, and maybe this is their first times as a group of six? Like, this is Jan's & Re's first time just hanging out with the other four?? cause of dialogue and how things are worded
"similar energies" -> why is so Remus GenZ-coded? (I say as a GenZ) (it's funny to me)
"no, he's right" -> besties besties besties (Jan & Re)
Roman Misunderstands Janus counter, anyone?
yep, floral-designed hoodie. the motif never ends
"Hi Bud" -> Pat's face is like :D
"Oh god, yes" -> he sounds so relieved to see Thomas, aw
"aesthetic-based casting" -> explains why Patton was Sadness and Janus was Disgust; but why Remus as Fear? and Ro as Joy?? hmm, must form some thoughts…
^wait, what does that mean for Logan? FOREBODING
maybe Ro was Joy cause he desperately wants control of a situation because with everything happening in canon, he's lost control of things and f*cked up and- angst angst angst
Virgil and Other Anxiety are so different, jfc
"Doctor Who is stupid" // "FALSEHOOD"
^and that's why he was Anger, yep, I see now
why does Logan express actual emotion but only ever through anger (and sass)? TIME TO THEORIZE
maybe because Logan was usually dismissed/not taken seriously whenever he expressed emotion, so now all he has is sass & anger & a cold-exterior mask to hide behind? (evident from earlier videos)
aww, Ro being kind to Vi and platonic Prinxiety being friends slkffslkfdlsafjkd
"is that really how some people would think Anxiety would like?" -> the Others' reactions - oh no, the silence
"they all wanna say yes" -> Remus, this is why you're my fav character
love how Remus is kinda chill/domestic this episode <3
Remus be forcing others to confront things they're trying to avoid, and that's my fav thing about him
can you tell I'm a Remus stan yet
"nope" -> yeah, that's Remus [lmao]
Remus and Virgil are such besties in this, and I LOVE IT
==More IRL Thomas==
mm, promo
stickers, I wish I could have ye
yay, famous outro
==End Card==
Sadton Tries To Pun but gets Pun-Blocked by Anger-Logan
"interrupting cow" -> he's so sad, noooo
Joyman horribly singing to musicals is not something I expected, but I love it anyway
"it has been THREE. HOURS. I will murder you with a butterknife!" OtherAnxiety-Virgil is a whole mood
Him calling Remus "buddy" is everything to me
^Janus sounds like a frickin wine mom, omg
"idk, I just let him play" -> explains so much about Jan & Re, dear frickin god
why does the wine look like Kool Aid-
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monsterkitties · 9 months
i will absolutely be shot in the head by anyone for this you have full governmental permission because it was 100% not the writers' intentions BUT i love nonbinary bi rainbowcore (pORTAL) and i also love rainbowcore/glados. im the only one that ships this. but if you knew the context... youd get it. the au is expansive and large like marge
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warnadudenexttime · 1 year
Thinking about analogical’s development through the years
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this was originally going to be a comment on someone else’s re-blog of my TSS headcanon #3 but I realized it would work as a standalone post and I haven’t posted in a while (so much for making one every other day) so here we are (hehe speech-to-text go brrrr)
Initial idea: ro and Virge confess to each other as the two adorable idiots they are
Virgil: “wait…you actually..? you actually like, LIKE like me? In a romantic way? You like me too?”
Roman: “yes”
Virgil: “oh. Okay, um. Ooooh Man, I feel dumb right now.”
Roman: “heh, me too… maybe we can feel dumb.. together.”
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
So do you think it’s interesting how Virgil is absent from the scenes that c!Thomas is at his angriest? Every single side has been present to witness angy Thomas (Patton and Roman for all of POF, Janus disguised as Logan in POF, Logan and Remus when “stop ignoring me”) but Virgil (notably a side who encompasses a completely different negative feeling) has been gone from all of it. I know it’s probably a coincidence, it gets my theorist brain going about the possibilities for the Virgil/Orange relationship. In my own experience with anxiety, it tends to take a backseat when I’m angry, and for Virgil to be coincidentally gone from what may be the angriest c!Thomas moments of the whole series, it makes me wonder if it’s the same kinda thing for c!Thomas, and what that would mean for Virgil and Orange as characters.
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pattonsfam-ily · 1 year
hello dead blog just here to say something that’s now really funny in retrospect
so Coda and i almost broke up again then me Lo & Ro almost broke up all bc of me so uh yeah my life is just a fucking shitshow rn shfkfksjdj -virgil
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As someone who relates most (non-exclusively) to the brain cell squad (Analoceit) it sure is FUN managing stress/anxiety sometimes. /s
(I'm feeling better spirits than I was this morning... but I'm going to say it's MOSTLY because the Acute Anxiety Response ran out of steam. That internal Logan always steps in to remind me that no feeling is forever and all that - it's like a muscle contraction, you can't hold/fire that indefinitely. You will eventually run out of juice to feel or do that specific thing, before your nerves need to reset.)
Having had GAD on/off my charts for like the last decade makes me think of my relationship with Anxiety.
I'm a psych nerd, I knew about the concept of eustress vs distress before I even got in the SaSi fandom. But who boy the actual difference between the two things in executive functioning impacts.
Maintaining Janus-like composure to make Adulting Phone Calls? Within limits, but seriously fuck that. (Especially when I don't have a script/outline or the right expectations/questions/answers. Is this pending? Did I send that to the right place? Am I contacting the right people? Am I connecting datum together rationally? Etc.)
Indulging in Logan-esque info dumping about psychology and literary analysis or medical stuff? Please. I can do that all day. That shit cheers me up very easily.
Now... if i can dip into the excitement/eustress-y Virgil-ish nonsense... that's be great for my writing. HHHHh-
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em0nightmar3virg3 · 2 months
Ever get so anxious you feel like you're gonna throw up your guts everywhere and your eyes are gonna fall out? Yeah, me too
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shapa-likes-art · 2 months
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(Image description is in ALT text!)
If it seems grainy It's because I overlayed those Anti-AI things over it :3.
Anyway, these are just doodles from an Ever After High AU idea Skye and I had where Virgil was Raven and Roman was Apple
Taglist: @roseianxiety @vash-the-trans-catboy @angstysunshine @treeni @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @plaguethewaters @anxious-chaos-art @poisonousbonez @sapphicfrogae444 @cutebisexualmess @thedeadandthedecaying @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @swampthing07 @oliversdumbshit
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