#any writing tips is welcome
snowy-waffles · 2 years
"You, your majesty,"
Unburdened by the lethal cold he stalks to the king who in turn does the complete opposite.
"Disgust me."
The king staggers backwards as if he just got burned. With the rapidly rising temperature caused by the furious knight confidently striding closer to him.
The king as nowhere to go.
Trapped between the ice cold wall of his own creation and the fiery knight with looks that could literally kill.
Flustered, the king is completely powerless. Even more so when the knight traps him against the wall with each of his hands.
The knight hold no fear of the king's coldness while doing so with trained focus.
The king on the other hand, is distracted by the trail of piping hot smoke escaping the knight's lips. Then it suddenly hit the king. The knight infront of him is abnormal like him. Not someone who can command the cold and snow like him but the blazing heat of fire.
The knight's words fall on deaf ears.
Their is someone with resistance to his cold. Someone the king can touch, hold without worrying of hurting them.
The king's heart feels like it can burst from his chest.
A sharp intake of breath can be heard from the king as he finally get's shaking back to reality by a loud sound.
The knight had cracked the wall underneath one of his hands, having enough of the king's wandering thoughts.
Wintry eyes meet the blazing ones of the knight. The former breath got caught.
The king is completely taken aback by the knight's eyes. Reminiscent of a burning camp fire, and quite also literally glowing as one.
Calm. Steady.
The king can not take his eyes of them.
Without a second thought, the king swiftly leans in, planning to have meet the knight's lips with his own.
A reckless action that the king formerly would have never dreamt of doing.
Only the king had not taking in account the knight's skill(s) and experience which far succeeds his own.
Both in battle prowess and his unfortunate experience of evading social interactions.
With fast movements, the knight has thrown his head slightly backwards while using his free hand to push the king away from.
A tad to harshly so it seems from the pained groan that escapes the king's mouth covered by the knight's hand.
Wide eyes the knight looks at the king completely stupefied.
-writting and edited on 29/7/2022 and 30/7/2022-
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littlestormofmess · 3 months
hello ! i know it's been more than a week since wad but i wanted to do a little something for: @danrifics (who started all this !!), @dnphobe @manchesterau @phan-tasia @less-amazing @phulge @hmfakeaccount and @oriharakaoru who bought tickets for 150 people (!!!!) to watch the show + the afterparty !!
as it was probably the case for everyone else that entered the giveaway, it wouldve been hard to buy a ticket myself, living on the other side of the world where the economy is very much fucked up kdhdk so thank you guys so much for this opportunity !! its also the first time i get to see one of these guys' live shows, well, live; and it was very exciting to get to experience it alongside so many people, i had lots of fun !!
anyways, all of you guys are more than welcome to request doodles in my asks/dms, if you so wish😌 could be dnp, could be anything ! (mostly) if not, *pushes this little guy toward you* there ya go. have a lovely day !! 🧡
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hm (kinda a rant/vent/i just wanna get things off my chest and actually TALK about whats been bothering me)
so. theres this person that has kind of been the cause of my recent mental lows/imposter syndrome getting worse/fear of connecting to people and general distance from literally every community i enter. i think ive ranted about them before. theyre a writer and in a community i used to be active in, and in the beginning i got along pretty well with them because we both enjoyed similar themes and metaphors in our writing but they ended up kind of dropping me, coincidentally at the same time they gave my actual writing/current wip a shot, and ever since then theyve been sub posting about me in really weird and elitist ways and it kind of had ruined my spirit, especially considering that i did really look up to them as a writer since theyre very into actual technicalities, writing theory, they speak about writing very academically. their odd vague posting ended up seriously knocking down my confidence and ive been spiraling into this strange mindset ever since that i’m incredibly stupid/can never improve/am not a real or proper writer by virtue of the things i write. they talk highly about writing techniques and concepts every writer needs to know, very subtly punch down at those who dont seem to know, yet dont care to make that knowledge easy to understand or accessible to obtain.
on top of that theyve been getting quite close with another new friend i made recently thats very dear to me and seeing them talk about things i cant seem to keep up with because i am too ‘stupid’ has just made me very anxious and brought up old feelings and fears that ive worked very hard on to let go off. this person is keeping me from interacting with a community i love because i cant seem to get ovr the fact that some people just dont like me, because im getting paranoid, because i think their every word is directed towards me, because theyre popular and well liked and everyone always agrees with them, even when what they say goes against what what i do and like.
it really sucks, its been bothering me so much, especially the fact that i cant just let it go. that i cant just ignore them and move on and do what i like without feeling like its wrong or cringe or weird. everytime i think im ready to go back i suddenly see them talking again with my friends that have offered me so much support whenever ive opened up about my struggles and now they suddenly agree and praise that person for having opinions that directly oppose me and the things they were so keen on supporting me on.
but recently i remembered something they said. they said that they dont want to be self indulgent in their writing, that ‘there’s nothing necessarily wrong with self indulgence but it reflects in the writings quality’, that you can ‘tell’ and they dont like that. when they first posted that i just read it and went. oh :( my writing is self indulgent :( does this reflect in my quality as well? is that why they dropped my writing and me, because i like being loud about self indulgence and cringe? and now i remembered that post, and suddenly it kind of clicked
this person very obviously does not write for the same reason as i do. they very obviously do not feel about writing thhe way i feel about it. they talk about it as though it is a science. like its something that needs to be perfected. now, it’s clear that they do love writing, that they have a passion for it, and their technical knowledge very much reflects on their art- and that impresses people. im not like that. i want to learn writing techniques and i want to improve my craft and i want to be taught, properly so, i obviously want to be a good writer, and im going to be a little self obsessed and say that i am a good writer, or at least not a bad one. but there is a difference in how each of us sees writing.
i want to be self indulgent. i want to write what i love. i fucking love writing and story telling and yes, the fact hat my writing is self indulgent does impact the quality of my work, because it makes it better. i am passionate about my worlds and stories and characters because its exactly what i want it to be and thats why is fucking good. because it makes me want to put effort in and learn how to get better. i dont write for a grade, i dont write to make something perfect and deep and meaningful and serious, i dont write to impress someone, i dont write to squeeze as many smart things and references to classic literature in as i can, i write because i want to fucking write what i like.
so im stupid. so im cringe and bad and insecure and a loser and i dont fit into the good writers club but at least what i write makes me happy. whatever. let some fucking whimsy into your life and stop treating me like im an idiot for having different motivations than you.
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dollsuguru · 13 days
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once i get back into the groove of things i’m gonna pick up some hobbies 🙏🏼
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lonesome-witching · 4 months
Someone safe me from this god awful writer's block!!!!
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inks-books · 11 days
I have a massacre novel I'm working on that I want to start off light and bright. I'm just having trouble thinking of where to start it at. Any one got any prompts to send my way?
It's YA fantasy, has lots of death in it, so I want to counteract that with a light and fluffy beginning. But I'm coming up blank.
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
┊ ⋆˚  about this blog !
— first and foremost, this is a male reader blog !!! i only write male reader inserts, the usage of she/her pronouns will never, ever be applied to any of my works that involve an insertion of yourself into the scenario. that being said, i don't really think i can/will enforce that those that read my work are only those that use he/him prns. so let's say, if those who use she/her pronouns decide to read my work, i won't purge them off of this page (i don't think i spend that much time on here to even do that) and burn them at the stake. all i very POLITELY ask is that: you don't interact malignantly with me or my posts. i don't tag my work "x fem reader", only "x male reader" and "x reader" so there shouldn't be any worries of my work "cluttering" (<- lmmmffaaoooooo) your tags of "x female reader"
— of course this ^ can be subject to change and become stricter if i start gaining negative attention from fem-alligned readers. so NOT SAYING IT'S SET IN STONE because that how i feel about this just right now.
— i plan on using this blog to just broaden the reach of one of my fanfics (keep safe) with the occasional posting of a smau/modern!au post every now and then.
— every now and then i might post a yandere drabble, oneshot, headcanon, etc just wanted to put that here since i know that it's not everyone cup of tea and wanted to disclaim this. some of the yandere headcanons already exist on here, but i think (i hope) i tagged it all appropiately....(i hope)
alright, that's all thank you for reading <3 jaime
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dear-wonderland · 6 months
‘Is this love…’
Kenji Kishimoto x reader
Your the adopted daughter of the Supreme Commander Anderson, you were brought in at a young age due to your intelligence when it came to tinkering with machines. Now you are know as Aaron’s right hand, someone to be feared, creating all sorts of weapons for the Reestablishment, over time you have learned to keep your emotions in check and hardly ever smile… but what happens when an annoyingly cute new soldier is constantly trying to get your attention? Will your emotions start to spark again? Or will this mess of a world shatter your love story until it becomes nothing but a lost dream. Only time will tell.
I have no idea how I’m going to pull this off, at first I had the idea of writing a one-shot but I think I’m going to try an make this into chapters. This is my first time ever trying to write something so hopefully this doesn’t become a disaster…
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nexus-fics · 14 days
Alright, it took me long enough to start writing something properly, but here I go I guess. The story is (for now) just all my current OCs being stuck together in one house, within a setting I had worked on for a while. The pov here being from my character in a blades in the dark game I currently am in. Hope you enjoy and if you have any questions or advise, please feel free say/ask.
He slowly opened his eyes to the blinding light and an unfamiliar surrounding. Oppulently decorated walls of white remind him of his parents manors, did they have him abducted? He dismisses the thought, for the room is too bright, the chandelier not powered by plasma but glowing a soft blue light from its crystal shaped bulbs and in general it all feels too old. He leaves the soft bed and turns to the opaque window, the light too bright for the suns he knows, either there is a particularly bright night lamp outside or he is in the ghostfield. Perhaps his god had finally taken him? Excitement grows on the scarred face, before being replaced by confusion, why would his god bring him to a place without machinery? Maybe he died during his last sermon and this is the afterlife? He reaches for his pocket, seeking the calming ticks of his watch.
Where is it?
He feels his heartbeat quicken, the sweat running down his forehead, his god has abandoned him, his life without meaning, alone and forgotten, he
He recoils from the sharp smell of concentrated peppermint invading his nostrils.
"Come on, breathe in, hold and breathe out. Breathe in, hold and breathe out. Breathe in..."
He does as he is told, focusing on his breathing, feeling his hand held securely, as he is slowly set on the bed.
"Now, what is it that had you panicking?"
"My watch", he says to the calmly smiling man,"it is of great value to me."
He feels the cold and dented metal being pushed in his hand, while following the lines of the cracked glass with his thumb: "I found it in your clothes when we took them. I dried it off for you."
The man stows away the bottle of liquid he had forced upon his nostrils and grabs the tray of soup, bread and some orange liquid he brought in: "How about we talk while you eat and drink?" The stomach growls an answer. While he starts eating, the composed man starts asking:
"Could you tell me your name?"
"Samuel Pentwood," he answers while enjoying the soup that tastes so different than his usual eel broth,"what is this?"
"Potato soup, never had it?"
Head shaking
"Where are you from?"
"Doskvol, coalridge."
"Never heard of it, how is it?" Samuel stops, how could one not know of coalridge?
"Where am I?"
"Our home for the foreseeable future, nobody here knows more than that."
" Who are you?"
"George Lechhouse, doctor."
Samuel tastes the unfamiliar tangy drink, some kind of fruit juice,"Why am I here?"
The doctor smiles:
"That is something we hope you can help us to figure out."
Confused he takes another sip of the soup, before pulling out a long white hair from his mouth. Seeing it, the middle aged mans brows twitch before he gets up:
"Excuse me, but I have to talk with someone, when you are done, come out and I will introduce you to the others."
Without waiting for a response, Lechhouse storms out of the room, anger propelling him as he yells for a Shinyai.
Now alone again, Samuel slowly eats his potato soup and bread better than any he had before. While feeling the ensuring ticks of his watch, he wonders where his god had brought him this time.
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
i haven't forgotten about the mer scott fic i said i'd write. i prommy. but i am also considering waiting until the next eps drop (mainly because i want to write martyn, and want to see how their interactions play out a little more)
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moonrisenmuses · 9 months
Someone… explain Google docs to me please. I’m a boomer at 27 I’m great at the things I know but new trends are just ???
Do people see your email / Google name when you open the docs. Also how the hell does formatting work lmao.
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born-to-lose · 9 months
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Some photos from this week 💕
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tommy-thomas · 1 year
Sintax error AU- Chapter 1. Part 3.
Uncommon ally
Alphys, papyrus and undyne stand still, looking at the foreing placed door. The more undyne looked at it, the more she felt uneasy.
Something about that door, other than the fact it wasnt even supposed to be there in the first place, made a cold sweat go down her neck
"Since when theres a door here?" She asks
"It looks weird..." papyrus asked, looking just as nervous as her
"I found it has been some weeks, but thats not what i wanted to show" Alphys aproaches the door, opening it
Inside theres an impossible pitch Black void. Its sight filled undyne with a weird sensation. The felling of dread, and hopelessness
"Its inside it, i want you two to take a look at"
Undyne hesitates for a moment, not sure about entering whatever that was. She could fell papyrus behind her, waiting for her move.
As the Royal captain, she could not show fear, specially not in front of papyrus.
Holding her head high, she got trought the door, alphys and papyrus right behind
Inside there was an impossible big room, lit dimly even tho no light were able to be seen.
The room is filled with a variety of objects. A table with sealed flasks, the remainer of the content still on the bottom of each. A shelf filled with old cassete tapes. A broken glass dome sat in a table, burned papers on its side, an old bookshelf, and at last, a giant computer screen, connected to several other computer bases.
"What is this place?" Undyne asked, felling uneasy but morbidly curious. Everything seemed to move on its own, not always looking quite right.
As if not even the objects knew exactly where they should be.
"My recurring theory is that this place is some sort of pocket dimension, but i am not sure" Alphys around the room, wobbling around sure of her path "since i found this place, i have come quite frequently"
Papyrus looks around, tiping his hat nervous
"This place fells weird..." his voice trembles with uncertanty
"And how will this place help us exactly?" Undynes walk to the table with the flasks, taking one filled with a thick Black goo, looking at everything moving started to make her fell sick. Focusing on something would prevent the felling to get worse
"I dont know yet" alphys said, her voice sounded far
"You dont?!" Undyne put the flask down, trying to locate alphys, withouth success
"Not yet" she grabs a book off the bookshelf, briging it for undyne to see.
"This place have tons of book and reports, all filled by hand from someone unnamed"
She opens the book showing to undyne. The pages have long turned yellow, the ink faded leaving but a small trace of its existence.
"Whoever they were" alphys continues "made hundreds of books around the study of human and monster souls, mostly of it is in an old alphabet. I have been in the work of translating some of it"
Undyne takes a closer look. The ink appears do make some scriptures, made out of a diverse range of drawings. She couldnt read any of it, or even think how this could mean something
"I have only been into a small portion of it, but have already found a lot of new information" alphys closes the book, her blue eyes looking deep into undyne's "if i have extra help, im sure we can find something useful"
Undyne hold her breath. There it is, the woman she fell in love with. Pure determination flamming inside those deep blue eyes.
"You can count on us"
Suddenly, all the computer bases lit up, beeping with life. The giant screen lit showing only a small message
[ i n s e r t d t ]
Bent onto the keyboard was papyrus, his head down, hat on the buttons, not looking well
"Papyrus!" Undyne rushes to him, cursing to herself for leaving him alone
She grabs papyrus by the shoulder
"Paps? Are you ok?" He raises his head, confused and appearing sick.
"Ugh.. " He mutters, putting his hand on the head " evrything.. spinning"
Undyne holds him, sitting him carefully on the ground, keeping close. She wasnt the only one felling sick with this place.
"Papyrus you're a genius!" Alphys runs to them, shoving the hat to the side uncovering a small little hole that glowed strongly.
"I didnt knew it could be turned on!" Alphys looks at the buttons and screen in a misture of surprise and excitement, a smile plastered on her face
"Alphys-" something felt really off, as much as undyne didnt wanted to admit, she was scared.
This place wasnt suppose to exist, she could fell in her soul. The longest they stayed, the stronger it felt
"What is dt..?" Papyrus muttered, his eyes locked at the screen
"Its--" alphys began, but was cut Short by another voice
"Ị̑t̖͊s͙̔ ͎̋b̲̄ṷͮt͍̅ ̫͆t̗͛h̤ͯe͚ͮ ͉̄m̮̾o͓ͫs͎̅t͙̆ ̠̓ị̓m̘̑p̫͂o̮̔r͙̍t͕̾a͉͛n̰ͣt͔ͣ ͙̓t̖̅h͔̽i̝̎n͌ͅg̺̿ ̱̊ò̮f̥̂ ͎̑o̥ͥu̦ͫrͦͅ ̰͗e̘ͦx̳͗i̫͛s͕ͩt̮́êͅn͉̆c̟͊e̥͌!" A robotic squeaky voice boomes, the screen turns into a horrendous laughing face
Plant roots filled with thorns materialized around the screen, wobbling around withouth any type of sense.
In a single second hesitation, undyne evoked her Spear, pushing alphys back pointing at the screen ready for attack
"W̱͑ȍ̩ȁ̟h̞ͧ ̳̽w̼̿o̲̍ ̤̚ẁah there captain haha" the face boings around the screen, as if to imitate trembling, putting its roots up "no need go get a͓̽ ̜ͨg͎ͬ ͕̇r͇̒ ̘ͭe̤̓ ̖̉s̲̈ ̪̉s̹̋ ̘́i̞ͯ ͖̑v̫͒ ̰̃ȅ̩ ̬̀ now do we?"
"As MUCH as id love to smash your faces, i am here to simply talk" the face smiles, putting the roots down
"Who are you? What are you?! Are you in change of this place?!!" She demands loudly, putting her spear closer to the screen
It smiles smugly
"Howdy! Im Flowey, Flowey the flower! And i am here to help you guys!"
"Im sure y'all must be confused, but trust me. You're all going to love i have to say"
Is smiles confidently, undyne was more thsb ready to explode that thing in half out of pure spite
"Let him talk" papyrus says now standing up, he still looks weak, but his intentions are filled with anger
Undyne bites her lips, but lower the weapon
"Speak then, flowey"
"Finally, was felling a bit treathed back there!" it laughs, patting the roots on the ground
"Anyway- i know you guys are trying to find a way to.. well, kill the human"
"And dont get me wrong, i totally support killing that piece of shit. Buut you guys will never succeed at this rate." It snarks
"So, i decided to give a little help. By telling you guys where to actually start. Which iss-"
It moved the roots, poiting at the tiny shining hole
"Right here!"
It smiles proud of itself, ankward silence remains
"Ok i heard enough" undyne brings her weapon up again, ready to jam it on the keyboard
"heyͬ ͒h̓E̲̔Y̭ͤ ̣̍H̱̊Ė͚Y̜͋ ̘͗H̤͛E̼͐ỴͨH̬͆Ḛ̎Ȳ̮H͂ͅE̗̒Y͕̓ ̣̾N͈ͯO͔͂ ͓̌N͔ͭḘ̑E̘̓D͕ͧ ̩͊T͍ͯŌ͓ ̠ͧG͓̿É͓T͕͒ ̝ͩÂ̠G͔̽R̝̽E̲͊S̥͐S̱ͨǏ͙V̯̍E͇͌!̖ͦ!̯ͮ" The voice squeals, the face getting smaller trying to 'get away' of undyne
"Ī͉T̘̏ ͙̎M̱ͯA͖̽Y̱ͣ ̰ͩL̰͂O̦͐O͇̅K͙̎ ̰͒S̪͑T̼̍Ü͓P̟̌I͇ͭD̗ͨ ̦ͫḆͯU̼ͭT͓̅ ͖ͬL̻̓I̫͒S͛ͅT͉ͦE̳̚N͎͑.̓ͅ ̱ͣA͖ͫL͉̓L͓ͫ ̳ͦW̖͊Ė̦ ̻ͨN̺̔E̹ͧE͚̔Ď̺ ̼̄A̔ͅ ̺̔S̠̚M͍ͪA͍ͯḶͧL̃ͅ ̮̀L̠͌I̟̚Ṭ́T̮ͩL̙̈́Ē̟ ͕͋P̗̃I̦ͯE̦̓C̩̃E̝̎ ̫̎Ö̰F̦͂ ͆ͅT̺̐Ȟ̭E̮̎ ̦̓H͚̅U͔͋M̤ͥAͥͅN̫̍ ̙̍D̩ͤE̖̓T͙͐Ë̤́R͕̐M̞ͩI̫̔N̯͐Ả̭T̫́Ì̼O̝͒N̺ͯ,̳́ ̦̽T̗̍Ő͍ ͈̈́S̹ͪH͚̃ẠͦT̬͗T͉̾E͍͗R̯͌ ͚́İ̗T̤͆S̳̊ ͍ͪS̻̒O͎̿U̙͐L̞ͦ!!"
"Determination? Are you crazy?!" Alphys go in front of undyne, almost getting blastered making undyne jump back
"C̹ͧr͓ͫa̲ͯz̜̏ỹ̞?̘̀ ̞̅Ḿ̦a̩̿y͔̒b͔ͮe̙͗, l̯ͯȳ͉i̬ͦn͖̐g͕ͧ?̼̉ ̗̓N͖͛o̜̒t̟͑ ̘̔a͇̍t̗ͨ ͔ͦa̰̓l͇ͣl̰̏"
"Think with me. What's the only thing that can kill a human? Another human. But since we can't really get a human here, we just need something strong like one"
"But DT its stupidly hard to get, and my lab, even if i knew how to use the old machinery, is looked over 24/7 by the human. And even then we'd need to reach its soul!"
Alphys voice squeals as she get more and more agitated.
"Not exactly!"
"With only a drop of its blood, im sure we can get DT. As long as we drop it here"
Flowey points at the little hole again, grinning
"Still really hard to, dont you know what that thing is capable of?!" undyne sweat runs cold, what was that thing thinking?
"Oh i know silly" flowey snarks "thats why i will help to trap him if necessary. Of course i will be counting on you guys to bring him to the flower patch, on the ruins. To give the first attack and to do all the hard work, buuut im sure yall can handle it"
Flowey blinks it eyes rapidly, as if trying to imitate a cute face. Failing miserably
"Why should we trust you?"
Papyrus sound angry, he holds himself on undyne, who is more than happy to fell him close
"Ẉ̷͐h̴̭̀a̧̞̒t̨̗ͫ ̵̙̂o̥ͭ͟t̂͟ḧ̵́e͂҉r̢ͫ ̷̳ͭcͤ͜ȟ̷o̊͢i͌͠cͨ҉e̥͐͡ ̡͈̃dͥ͜o͒҉ ̭͆̕ỹ͡o̢̥̽u̵ͭ ͎ͫ͘h̸̤ͯa̛͌vͥ͏ē̴?͆͡" Flowey laughs as everything fades away
When they came back to their senses, they were back at the original door, now with the familiar floor and walls they were used to.
Papyrus promptly bends down and throws up, shaking like a bamboo stick.
Undyne assists, not really know what to do other than give support. She herself was confused and still processing what happened.
The face, that place, so many things felt off.
And flowey the flower didnt looked nothing like a flower
"Lets do this" alphys looks at them serious "theyre right, what choice do we have?"
"We may not have another choice for now-" papyrus cleans his mouth with the back of the hand "doesnt mean we wont find any other!"
"I dont trust that guy, not at all"
Hes angry, looking at undyne intensely
"Do you undyne?"
She blinks for an instant, thinking.
It is truth that the whole thing was a mess
That place made no sense in any type of way, and the weird giant talking computer.
Attacking the human... getting its blood. Even with help she was sure they couldnt make it, no way they could defeat the human.
Yet, something burned inside her.
The honor of a knight, the vow to protect no matter what. The weight she swore to carry, until her body turns into dust.
"I dont trust the 'flowey' guy, but shes right. We need to try"
Undyne set her hand on papyrus shoulder, trying to comfort him
"You dont need go come, it will be dangerous, suicidal, and you have a brother to come back to"
She smiles
"Its not a shame to go back"
Papyrus look at her with suprise at first, then anger, then understanding
"No we.. we need to do this together"
He looks at undyne, not a single doubt in his voice
"Its settled then" she gets up, looking at both of them " tomorrow night we reunite at papyrus house, be sure to not get followed"
They both nods in agreement and a knot get made on her stomach.
What if she just sealed their deaths?
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
Okay I’ve got like a week to write 7 fics,,,,,i can totally do this lol
If not I’ll just lay out my blueprints instead!
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qazastra · 2 years
i TRUSTED my friend who rec’d me tgcf (the actual novel) and now idk if i should have. help maybe its just the translation. but aside from the prose there have been some scenes where i just want to jump out of my skin and find mxtx and just like. kill her
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prefixsstars · 2 years
𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥
This is the first fic i’ve ever written I hope you all enjoy! This is for you @starstune
If Toya could describe Nene in one word it would be lovely. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 in the way she gets excited about a new game. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 in the way she shines on stage with her voice touching his soul. In the way that despite her bluntness her tone with him is always so sweet. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 because the palms of her hands are so soft, but the tips of her fingers are calloused from video games and theater work. The way her Iris colored eyes seem to shine in the limelight. She’s 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 to Toya because she chose to love him with all her heart.
If Nene could describe Toya in one word it would be 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 in the way he makes sure she’s comfortable in crowds by holding her hand. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 when he compliments her and she can feel her face getting warmer. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 with the way his hugs make her feel so happy. The way he kisses her with so much 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 she feels like she’s under those dazzling lights of the stage. When he performs on stage with his group while his voice vertebrates within her soul. Nene loves Toya because he’s so 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 with everything he does.
𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖·𝕝𝕪: 𝕖𝕩𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝
𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥·𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥: (𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟) 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕖; 𝕕𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥.
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