#anyo mention
chiptrillino · 4 months
hello there! can i ask you what app do you use to draw and what are your favorite brushes if it’s not too much trouble? :D
i used photoshop for a long time. official CC and cracked versions but things got to pricy or kept braking so i switched to Clip Studio Paint. Its a good program all in all i like it but it takes some time getting used to everything. i have this post about what brush i like to use and how LINK but so far i couldn't manage to recreate it in CSP yet and the settings are still a bit to new to me. but i like the SOL brush so far the most. probably uhm... idk just for understanding. i use an intuous 4 tablet. its like... old but works like one the first day. so nothing fancy with a screen in it or something.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
I feel like the fact that Mika is heavily implied to have been parentified as a child doesn't get talked ab enough
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cuntvonkrolock · 2 years
cishet men you are nothing to me
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darkbluekies · 6 months
Saying 'I do' is like a death sentence
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Yandere!mafia OC x reader
Sumamry: Silas gets you to marry him
Warnings: threats, mentions of murder, guns, forced marriage, dubcon kiss?, violence, mentions of punishment, trauma from said punishments, possessiveness, jealousy, family drama
Word count: 3.5k
Things have been awfully quiet these last days and you've noticed a certain spark in Silas’s eyes. You didn't think much of it before seeing his second in command — whose eyes are normally dead — light up. But no one has talked to you.
You’re sitting in the window, looking out over the front yard and the houses down the street. You’ve seen school children come home from school and their parents join them with grocery bags. They’re living so … normally.
There's a knock on the door, which makes you even more confused. Silas doesn't knock on his own bedroom door. His second in command walks in.
“Y/N, you're going to come with me”, he says.
“Why?” you question.
“You will see. Come.”
You hesitate. Silas has told you countless times to never listen to any of his men, never walk somewhere with them. The only one you should listen to is Silas, the only one you should ever walk somewhere with is Silas. He has tested you before to see if you would leave the house with any of his members … and you’ve been greatly punished for it.
But Silas’s trusts his second in command … you know that he would never betray Silas.
“You don’t need to be afraid”, the second in command says and waves at you to come over.
“I don’t want to be punished …”, you whisper.
He takes a step forward. You press yourself closer to the window. It’s another trap, you’re certain of it. Silas is standing outside the room, waiting for you to take the bait. This is the final level, to see if you would listen to the man he trusts the most, one that you think that you can listen to. You shake your head quickly.
“Y/N, you can trust me”, his second in command says and puts his hand on his chest. “I swear on my mother’s life that I won’t get you into trouble.”
“Has Silas told you to get me?” you question carefully.
Slowly, you get down from the window and walk over to him. He puts his hand on your back to guide you out of the room, into the corridor and down the stairs. Your heart is beating loudly against your ribs. What if the second in command is lying?
“Where is he?” you ask as you make your way down to the first floor.
“I am taking you to him”, the second in command says calmly.
You stop and turn to him. “Please promise me that this isn’t a test, and that I’m not going to get punished.”
“Y/N, I’m not lying to you. Silas have asked me personally to drive you to him.”
“You will find out once we get there.”
“Okay …”
You follow him out to a car. He holds the backseat door open and lets you jump in.
“Put on a seatbelt or else Silas will kill me”, he tells you.
You pull the seatbelt over your body and clicks it into place while the second in command walks around the car to sit down in the driver’s seat. You watch the houses as you drive by.
“I really thought that this was going to be one of those tests …”, you admitted hesitantly while scratching your nails. “I really don’t want to go down to the basement again.”
“I understand that.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Don’t you ever feel bad for … what happens in the basement? To any of the people unfortunate to end down there?”
“Not necessarily. Most of the people that gets thrown down there has done something to deserve it. You see, Y/N, Silas never hurts anyone without a reason. If he could have it his way he wouldn’t hurt anyone, but people are stupid enough to cross and challenge him.”
“What would he do without it? Isn’t that how you’re supposed to survive and climb the ladder in this world?”
“He would do his business and trading without hurting anyone. In a perfect world, people pay on time and doesn’t try to steal territory. No human likes hurting anyone else — unless they’re psychopaths, but that’s rare. Even the most gruesome killers have guilt.”
“But how can he hurt someone he loves? I could never do what he does to someone I love.”
“I won’t meddle in your relationship, because that’s not my business, but things aren’t black and white.”
“I wish things could be colorful for once.”
The second in command sighs and turns on the radio. You listen to the music as the landscape outside the car swishes by. You don’t recognise anything, except for a supermarket chain that you used to shop at. Soon, you start to think that the silence between you two feels sickening. You can’t stop thinking about what awaits you once the car stops.
“I know that you’re not allowed to actually conversate with me, but can we just … talk about anything?” you sigh and shrug while trying to find a suitable conversation topic. “Could be about the weather.”
“The weather?” the second in command scoffs and smiles in amusement. “Fuck no.”
“How far is it left?”
“Around fifteen minutes.”
“You don't talk much normally, don't you?”
“I talk when I have important things to say. Otherwise, why should I? I get paid to act, not to talk.”
“I don’t get paid at all.”
The second in command tugs at his smile. “You still have it better than the majority of us.”
When the car finally stops, you look around to see that you’re by the beach. The second in command opens the door for you and helps you out. You look around and feel your heart sink when you see where Silas is, and what’s surrounding him. Candles and flower petals. You stop right in your tracks as you go stone cold. You’ve feared for this day.
“What are you stopping for?” the second in command asks and gives you a small push. “Come on.”
You notice a gun in his hands. On stiff, frozen legs you stumble towards Silas. The sand feels heavy under your feet. Silas smiles and takes your hand.
“I think you can guess what I’m going to do”, he says cheekily and takes up a small, black box out his pocket.
You shake your head, but Silas doesn’t seem to notice — or care. He gets down on one knee. You try to pull your hand out of his grip, but he tightens it.
“I don’t think words can explain the amount of love I feel for you”, he starts.
It’s not love. It simply can’t be.
“I know that I want to spend my entire life with you”, he says, looking up at you in awe.
“N-No … wait-”
He opens the box. “Will you marry me?”
You can’t breathe. You know that if you answer no, you might get to taste the gun in the second in command’s hands and you’ll definitely end up in the basement. But you can’t answer yes. If you do, you will be bound to Silas for all eternity. You will have to wear a ring claimed by him, take his name, officially be his. You will be known as his husband/wife forever.
“Y/N, I think that you better want to answer ‘yes’”, he whispers warningly, “for your own sake.”
You hesitate, going through every possible scenario. Every scenario where you decline him ends in physical and mental pain — not only to you, but probably to your family as well. If you accept his proposal, you will trap yourself deeper into his spider web and get tortured for the rest of your life, but you won’t piss him off. You can’t win, no matter what you choose.
“Okay …”, you whisper in defeat. “I will.”
Silas’s face lights up. He shoots up from his knee, wraps his muscular arms around you and devours your lips with his. He pulls your hand to him and places a ring on your finger. The ring is made of a shimmering gold and multiple glistening diamonds. You can’t help but stare at it.
“Congratulations, boss”, his second in command smiles. “You’re going to have a marvelous wedding.”
“Let’s go to a restaurant to celebrate this”, Silas smiles and start to walk with you in his arms. He gives his second in command a tap on the shoulder. “You too.”
The man smiles and follows.
You eat at his favorite restaurant, but you can’t seem to swallow any of the food. A lump has formed in the back of your mouth, preventing anything from passing it. Silas conversates with his second in command, only noticing your sulking after finishing his own food.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asks, touching your cheek. “Are you not hungry?”
You shake your head.
“That’s okay”, Silas says softly and caresses your shoulder. “Do you want to take it in a togo-bag?”
You nod.
That evening when you get back home, you’re allowed to sit at Silas’s place at the end of the long rectangular table in the dining room with your heated food. You can hear Silas’s men move through the house. Silas and his second in command are in his office to plan the wedding.
You notice that someone is about to sit down on the first chair of the long side of the table. A man you have never spoken to before.
“Hi, care if I keep you company?” he asks.
Too shocked to answer, he takes your silence as ‘yes’ and sits down. You glance at the open door towards the hall and swallow thickly.
“You shouldn’t-”, you try to tell him, to warn him about Silas, but he cuts you off.
“I heard that you got engaged today”, the man says slowly and looks down at your ring. “I guess that I have to say ‘congratulations’.”
“Yeah … thanks …”, you mumble dreadfully. “But you really should-”
Your sentence is cut off by the man in the chair getting ripped up by a harsh force. You hadn’t heard Silas and his second in command leave the office.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Silas questions and pushes the man away from you. “Do you have a death wish?!”
He signals for his second in command to get rid of the man. Silas sighs heavily, runs his hand through his black hair and sinks down on the same chair he had ripped his worker from. You avoid his eyes.
“Are you okay, little thing?” he asks and you can hear how he’s trying to stay calm. “Why didn’t you tell him to walk the fuck away?”
“I tried”, you mumble. “Twice.”
“He knows better than to talk to you. Seems like you’re even more irresistible now that you have a ring on your finger.” He sighs and rubs your back. “You’re mine, and soon they all will know.”
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Days go by. Silas’s second in command takes you to try dresses/suits, but for the most of the time you’re in your bedroom, waiting. Every day takes you closer to your wedding day, that horrifying moment.
And finally, one day, it’s time. Silas’s second in command has taken you to a venue where you’ve gotten your own room to get ready in, but when the time is due for you to walk out and say your vowels, you refuse to come out of the room. There’s nothing you want less than to get married in front of people that you hate. You can’t imagine anything more humiliating.
“Y/N, come on”, the second in command says as he opens the door. “Everyone is waiting!”
“I don’t want to do it!” you burst out, full on panic.
“Silas have spent a lot of time and thought about this for you. He has even invited your family. Would be a shame if they came here for nothing, don’t you think? Don’t you think that they want to see you again? Don’t you want to see them one last time?”
You give the second in command a glare. He walks over and grabs your arm, helping you up on your feet.
“Come on”, he says. “We don’t have all day.”
He’s going to walk you down the aisle to deliver you over to Silas, as planned and try to pull your arm away from the second in command, but his grip on you tightens. The second you get into the venue and see the rows of chairs filled with Silas’s men, his family and your family, you stop, eyes tearing up when seeing your parents. Realization hits you again. You’re not only getting married, you’re also saying goodbye to your old life — a life that you will never get to live again. The second in command drags you past all the guests, over to Silas. You stare at your family, taking them in. Haven’t they changed since last you’ve seen them? Aren’t they looking older? Do they think that you’re different? Do they still recognize you as their little boy/girl? Silently wishing that they would stand up and object to everything happening, you continue your way down the aisle, towards Silas. Surely they have to understand that you’re not doing this by your own will? You would rather be at home with them.
You feel how the second in command moves you over to Silas. The ceremony seem to go by in a fuzzy daze. Words are being said but you're not sure who says them. You're brought back to reality when you hear Silas say ‘I do’. Your first instinct is to pull yourself away from him, but he doesn't let you.
“Your turn, Y/N”, he whispers with a tilted smile. “Tell everyone how you're giving yourself to me.”
Time seems to have stopped. You look out over the audience, at your poor family. They look nauseous. You wonder what kind of threats they have been told to keep them silent in their seats.
And you notice someone else — someone you never thought Silas would invite. Ares. You know that he hates his little brother with all his might, why would he invite him to his wedding? The day that's supposed to be his best day ever. You guess that the older couple by him are Silas's and Ares's parents. You have never met them before, but it's clear who Silas’s has gotten his face from. He's a spitting image of his father. Ares resembles their mother more.
Silas opens up his blazer to show you a gun, which you don't have to doubt is loaded.
“If you — or anyone — tries to object in this marriage, Y/N”, he starts with a dark voice, dangerously close to your face to make sure that no one will hear, “they'll die. Do you understand that?”
You nod unnoticeably, too mortified to do anything else. You understand him very well, and you believe him.
“You better say ‘I do’”, he whispers, voice even darker. “You belong to me. You are mine. Do not ever forget that.”
“Promise me that they won't get hurt”, you whisper as quietly as you can.
He takes your hand.
“I promise”, he says and kisses your knuckles harshly. “Say it.”
You clear your throat to make sure everyone will hear you, so that you don't have to repeat yourself. Giving yourself to this man once is enough.
“I do”, you say.
Everyone but your family and Ares claps. You're puzzled by the look on Silas's parents faces, as if they're not happy but still want to support their son. The rest of the cheering guests wear bright smiles, happy for their boss. You don't dare look at your family.
A new, bigger and more flashy ring gets placed on your finger and you put Silas’s new ring on his with shaking hands. You try to pull the collar of your clothing to the side, to be able to breathe.
You've kissed Silas’s before, but never like this. Never in front of so many people. You don't have time to think before his lips are on yours and you accept it, knowing that you've already signed your life away, refusing to kiss him won't change a thing.
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The afterparty goes on without you. You don’t want to see everyone celebrating you when you never want this in the first place. You are allowed to go back to the room where you had gotten ready and sit in your solitude. You can’t help the tears running down your cheeks in silence. What have you done? Could you have done something differently? No, you couldn't. If you did, your family would get hurt. Instead, you’ve trapped yourself in a venomous spider’s trap.
You hear the door open and hurry to wipe your tears.
“Uh … hi”, a familiar voice says.
You turn to watch Ares close the door behind him. You freeze. If Silas finds him here, your wedding will be even worse … and frankly, after everything Ares have done to you, you don’t want to be alone with him either. You stand up and try to leave the room, but he stops you.
“Wait, let me talk to you”, he says.
“Don’t touch me”, you hiss.
He pulls his hand back and sighs.
“It shouldn’t be you and Silas”, he says in defeat. “You didn’t want to marry him, I saw that. We can run away now and you’ll never have to see him again.”
The proposition alone makes you scoff.
“And why would I want to go anywhere with you?” you spit angrily. “You’re as sick as Silas! I don’t want anything to do with any of you. It’s bad enough that I’m stuck with one … I don’t need the other. Leave.”
Ares twitches his black eyebrows and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. “Alright then. Guess I’ll have to force you with me.”
“If you touch me I will scream.”
He gives you a glance as if he’s weighing the outcomes. In a quick motion, he grabs you, trying to pull you over his shoulder. You scream and hit him, causing enough commotion for the door to swing open and for Ares to be ripped off of you. Your vision is blocked by someone dressed in black.
“Get the fuck away before I kill you”, you hear the man in front of you say. “I mean it.”
You expected it to be Silas, but it’s his second in command.
“Touch my boss’ wife/husband again and I’m breaking your neck”, he warns and rolls up his sleeve.
“Why don’t you get the fuck away and let me do what I want to do, hm?” Ares responds harshly.
“You’re really asking for it, aren’t you? This is a wedding, don’t be stupid like usual, Ares.”
“I’m stupid? Have you seen my brother?!”
“Leave, Ares. I don’t want to cause your parents any more pain.”
“What’s going on?”
Silas’s voice makes you want to crawl into a hole and never come out again.
“What have you done, Ares?” Silas asks coldly.
“You’re just going to assume that I’ve done something, huh?” Ares growls.
“Why would my man waste time talking with you unless you’ve done something completely idiotic?”
“I heard Y/N scream and found Ares trying to kidnap them”, the second in command says and reaches back a hand to make sure that you’re still there, or to console you.
Silas turns his face towards his brother, his black eyes burning with anger. Before Ares has time to defend himself or throw an insult, Silas has hit him. Hard. You watch how blood seeps from his nose.
“Don’t think that you can ever try to take them from me”, he warns. “They’re mine. See the ring on their finger? Belong to me. I have all the legal rights to say that now. Don’t fucking think a thing.”
Silas puts his arm around your shoulders.
“The only one that gets to touch them is me, so put your greasy little hands away before I cut them off and force you to eat them”, Silas warns him coldly. He turns to his second in command. “Let’s go home, I don’t want to sabotage the after party.”
You’re pulled along out to Silas’s car.
“I should have known that this wedding would have drama”, the second in command sighs. “Why did you even invite Ares from the start?”
“Because I wanted him to see Y/N giving themself to me”, Silas smirks. “To annoy him.”
“You’re supposed to be older than him.”
“Oh shut up, let me have some fun.” He turns to you, growing softer. “Are you okay, little thing? Did he hurt you?”
You shake your head. If anything, you hurt him when clawing at him.
“Good”, Silas smiles and caresses your cheek. “Let’s go home.”
In the car, he takes your hand, inspecting the ring with a cocky smile.
“Now you're officially mine”, he whispered, looking at you with intense, dark eyes. “Forever. And there's nothing you can do to separate us.”
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tsxkkis · 6 months
# tsukishima kei - drunk in love!
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a/n = is this a comeback of mine of sorts? yes (although i don't want it to be, since it's not my best work). i haven't written anything in so long, and i really love the idea of a stoic, serious character acting clingy and completely different when drunk (reminds me of shin from a sign of affection, who's my fav boy ever), that's why tsukki might be kind of out of character here. also, i didn't proofread this because it ended up being longer than i expected.
summary = an intoxicated tsukishima is a clingy tsukishima. and also, he might say a bit too much for his own liking.
warnings = out of character tsukki (bcs he's drunk), mentions of alcohol
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drunk tsukishima was surely a sight to see.
to see a man, usually so serious and stoic, in a state like that was almost uncanny. his cheeks flushed pink, a stupid smile plastered to his face as he giggled quietly over what yamaguchi just said.
after your entire friend group went their own ways either starting university or pursuing a career in volleyball, it became a common practice for the few of you to just meet up and discuss the latest life achievements with a drink in hand. everyone eagerly awaited that particular moment of the week, some (meaning yachi, of course) would even set weekly countdowns to try and surpass their excitement.
tsukishima kei, out of the entire group, was usually the more reasonable one, opting only for a drink or two. But after a particularly hard exam at uni, which he passed with flying colors, his friends decided in unison that this evening would be different.
the room was filled with laughter, tsukishima's tall body laying on the couch, his head pressed against yamaguchi's chest. alcohol made him somewhat clingy; extremely clingy, if you were to compare him to his usual demeanor. a low hum left his lips, his hand coming up to take his glasses off.
'i'm gonna regret this tomorrow.' he mumbled, being met with a wave of laughter in response. your eyes focused on his face for a minute, scanning it thoroughly. continued mumbling something, the tips of his ears bright red, face probably burning after all the alcohol he digested. but your mind was focused on something completely different.
he looks really handsome without glasses.
'y/n. i think he might have to stay here for the night.' yamaguchi's voice echoing through the room brought you back to life, your eyes quickly darting away from the blonde's face to focus on her friend. the freckled boy had an awkward look on his face, a usual for him, as he stood up, heading for his coat with yachi following right after.
they mentioned previously that both of them will have to leave earlier this time, but you only remembered that now; a warm understanding smile gracing your face as you said your goodbyes, the three of you giggling at tsukishima mumbling how he's going to 'beat you all up tomorrow for making him so drunk.'
as the door closed behind them, a sigh left your lips. the apologetic look on yamaguchi's face wasn't there for no reason; he, as well as the rest of your friends, were all well aware of the massive crush you had on him. ever since freshman year, it's been something you promised yourself you will hide from him forever.
tsukishima stretched his arms, a yawn leaving his lips as the late night hours finally caught up to him. you didn't notice when your neutral look turned to a bright smile. there was something incredibly comforting in this specific sight, tsukishima's soft features looking completely different from his usual appearance.
you crouched down next to the couch, trying to decide whether you should leave him to sleep here or try to get him to your bed and take the couch yourself. you almost didn't notice tsukishima's eyes glued to your face, a curious look to them as he scanned your features, something incredibly similar to what you've done just a while ago. he looked deep in thought, the pinkish color fading from his cheeks with time.
'has anyone told you you have a really interesting face?' he stated, his lips curved up in a proud smile as if he'd given you the greatest compliment of all time. 'you know, it's like a kaleidoscope. no matter how long you stare at it, you still can't take your eyes off of it.'
you laughed, the tips of your ears burning red, regardless of how stupid his 'compliment' was. sober tsukishima would never say something like this, but then again, that was the whole point. the sole reason why the blonde didn't drink much was that it brought out a different side of him.
an embarrassing one at that.
'alright, kei. let's get you to bed.'
you used all the strength you had to get him off the couch, a satisfied smile on your face when he got up on his own, almost tumbling over in the process. a giggle escaped your lips at the sight; knowing just how much you were going to laugh at him for it tomorrow, and every day after that.
you motioned for him to sit down on the bed, swiftly moving towards the wardrobe to him some fresh bedding.
'ohhhh,' a prolonged hum left tsukishima's lips as you started changing the sheets, his curious eyes following your frame around the room. he had his glasses back on, so now he could actually see what was happening. 'are we sleeping together?'
you almost choked on your own saliva.
your eyes met his for a brief second, just as you were finishing with the bed. you gently pushed him to lay down, taking his glasses off in the process so he won't break them when sleeping.
'i'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, so no.'
you looked over to the boy only to see... a frown?
it was almost as if you were looking at a completely different person. you were once more amazed with just how much a few drinks can change someone's behavior entirely.
tsukishima reached for your hand, pulling you down to lay with him. his touch send a wave of shivers down your body, as his tall frame scooted closer to you.
'stay here.' he murmured quietly. in that very moment, you forgot he wasn't sober; you wanted this situation to actually become reality. so, with a tad bit of hesitation, you obliged.
soon sleepiness got the best of you, your eyes slowly fluttering shut as you fell asleep, the blonde laying right beside you, his arm wrapped around your body as he murmured something under his breath. you didn't catch half of what he said, but there were three distinct words that you managed to understand.
'i love you.'
as tsukishima woke up the next day, a headache accompanying him from the moment he opened his eyes, the side of the bed was already empty. he slowly got up, arms reaching for his glasses laying on the small coffee table by the bed.
he slowly but surely tumbled into the kitchen, surprised when he saw a cup of tea standing in front of him already. his eyes shot up to be met with your figure, standing by the kitchen counter and making breakfast.
you smiled at the boy, looking at him for a spare second before focusing back on chopping the vegetables.
'this should help you with your headache.' you said, putting the last of chopped tomatoes into the bowl before giving the salad a nice mix, as silence took over the room.
'i said something stupid yesterday, didn't i?' his words echoed through the kitchen, disrupting the silence between you.
'now that you mention it' you said, putting down a bowl of food and a fork in front of him, sitting down on the chair right beside him. 'you did compare my face to a kaleidoscope, pouted like a kid when i told you i'm sleeping on the couch and were mumbling some incoherent words right before you fell asleep.'
tsukishima slightly covered his face, trying to hide his visible embarrassment at the mention of his drunken actions.
'well, at least i didnt confess to you when drunk.'
you looked at him for a long minute, your eyes indicating that something of this sort did happen yesterday. tsukishima's face was now flushed pink, more embarrassed than ever.
the room went completely silent, the two of you focusing on your food as you tried to think of any way to shift the conversation, get rid of the massive amounts of awkwardness.
tsukishima stood up, quickly getting your attention as your eyes shot up to meet his, a look on his face which you couldn't quite decipher.
'sorry for yesterday.' he sighed, hand moving up to adjust his glasses. he had a somewhat troubled look on his face, one that was apparent no matter how much he tried to hide it behind his cold demeanor.
he opened his lips for a few seconds, hesitant about his next words.
'i had somewhat of a different idea for my confession, but i guess that's it.'
you froze on the spot, mouth slightly agape, eyes searching for any indicators of tsukishima's words being a joke. despite trying really hard, she found nothing; only a nervous silence on the blonde's end, waiting for you to say something, anything.
'you... like me?'
he could only nod in response, distressed when seeing the huge grin growing on your face. he had no idea what to expect when you took a few steps towards him, but it definitely wasn't a kiss on the cheek, leaving his cheeks a deep shade of red.
'it's good to know that my feelings are mutual.'
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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000jeon · 8 months
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Focused on her
mature: graphic detail.
synopsis: He had always been a master of concentration, but the sight of you in that black, figure-hugging dress was enough to shatter his focus. The way the fabric clung to every curve of your body, accentuating your shape, was simply irresistible. It was as if the dress had been tailor-made for you, and him alone. Every inch of his being was drawn to you, he found himself struggling to keep his eyes off you and had to his frustration out in other than boxing gloves. So about a leftover spiked condom in his leather wallet he had left from previous nights?
aged jungkook au! complicated friendship au! Roommates!
contains: oral, smut, dirty talk, tattooed JK, pierced JK, not as much plot but plot, dub-con, Dom jungkook, sub reader, ball sucker, coy reader, slight pinning, wall, floor, verbal jk, the reader isn't as verbal, jk focused, jk is very imaginative, in love jk, cursing, daydreamermer, face sitting (m), the reader isn't on bc, mentions of pregnancy, crempie, cumshot, blowjob, rounds, he is big, w.a.p.
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Sweat glistened down his towel-wrapped forehead and rolled down his chin and neck as if melting underneath the warmth of the sun. His stamina and determination kept him going for hours at a time, taking a break every second to see what you were up to In the living room as he practiced alone. Typically he'd go down to a trainer or have him over, but due to severe rain pour and storm, it was best to cancel and take precautions for both parties.
You on the other hand took the opportunity to go through your clothes and see what could be donated. He never minded you stripping naked in front of him, allowing him to view you in such a relaxed state and you never hesitated to ask why. Was it because like his friends he was a pervert or because it was just a woman's body and he shouldn't huff and puff like a dog wanting a chew toy? You never knew and you never gave it a second thought.
With a loud smack coming from an undercut against the 6'0ft punching bag, he whipped his chin using his tattooed sleeve arm and continued working on his strength. Continuing he took his gloves off with his teeth and placed them besides his hip, giving himself a break to drink some water and sit on the little black padded gym bench he bought recently. With your back towards him, he took the opportunity to check your ass in your panties out and smirk to himself while he quietly took a small spit to drink.
Curious about why you were slowly bending down to pull something up he soon realized the dress had small chains of gold around the midsection of the dress and he practically held in a laugh at how you thought aloud of how delicate the seems were. Within another sip the dress was under your breast and almost completely on besides the spaghetti straps that looked like they needed to be clasped by another.
In amazement, his eyes raised and mouth slowly hung as he watched in awe of your beauty and amazing figure. Was it the ideal body you'd see marketed no, but the way your body hugged and tugged at the dress made him rethink his life choices of women in an instant. Once again shaken to his core, he stood up and walked over to help you clasp the back of the dress, his height leaning over your smaller frame and taking a peek at your breast naturally sitting comfortably in the dress.
With a wrap around your waist, he turned you, softy. With fear your eyes expanded wide like dear in headlights afraid he'd stupidly break it, but instead gave you more breathable room and adjusted the dress with a smile he wasn't aware he wasn't hiding from you.
"mmm, you think I could take you somewhere nice in this. It's a shame you've never worn it until now," he mentions, backing up to get a better view of the dress. Looking up at him you could see his gaze dancing to the slight sparkles that shined ever so softly in the living room light.
With a faded smile you look down and sigh saying "I've never felt confident with anyone enough to really show it off, so I hid it until now I suppose." Ignoring his offer due to the last bit of his speech, he walked up and lifited your head a bit with a sweaty finger.
"let me be the confidence you need, I'd train harder to protect something as bright as that smile when you turned around in that dress" he mentions, his heart fluttering more than yours at a soft compliment. Taking a moment he realized what he had uttered and pretended to cough to the side in his arm.
Flustered he tried speaking and only studdered words came out and was embarrassed. Taking a breath in, he smiled and gain a slight composure to excuse himself to what he believed was a full sentence.
"I'm going to uh, yeah. I'll -" he stopped himself, walking off itching his hair as he walked back to the puffy cool new gym bench. Flustered himself, that giggle you let out killed him and he knew it was about to haunt him for days of how he messed up a cool moment like that.
Undoing the towel wrapped around his head, he sighed and smelled it. It wasn't very noticeable but it was time to wash his hair. Which to him was a blessing sent from above or love itself, a moment he could hopefully steam out his head as he washed his worked-out bodys trophie of sweat and pride out his pores or so he thought.
He thought the cold water would stop the thoughts of taking you out as friends to a dinner, to show off your curves. As friends to a fancy 5 star restaurant in Seoul, he'd have to book now to see you in that dress again. But the one thing that made the water run warm was the thought of watching the dress fall down your body like a melted white chocolate fountain. A fountain he'd pour over you if you gave him one day, a night, and even the chance. Something his mind was begging for at this point.
Turning the water to warm, he gently hit his head against the wall in frustration and desperation at that point in time. He wanted to last one more hour to make it four with boxing, but damn if he did it's be obvious on how he felt about the dress on your body and there would be no way of getting out of being teased for months on bodily functions.
Couldn't help he liked what he saw, it pumped more thrill in his body to watch you turn your back away from him then to finally land that harsh punch he's been aiming for all day. And that was bad, very bad. He could trip over thoughts as he was over you. Was he in love or just desperate or maybe both? Not a teenager anymore, but grown enough to acknowledge that his heart dipped lower than his chest and throbs at the sight of you at times. Something he kept secret and hideen if possible, very hidden..
With a last scrub and the daily shower confession, he assumed he was clean of rightfully lustful thoughts until he walked out in a towel to his imagination of the black dress falling at easy down your body. He gulped and quietly made it to his room in search of clothes and franticly looked for clothes to go out in.
"gah, fuck this" he cursed aloud, pulling his shirt down as looked for clothes and ways to get that image out his head. Infact he needed to get out of his head, out of his apartment as he searched for boxers and his pants, and his wallet in a hurry.
"why me?" He whined to himself silently as he fell dramatically on the bed in a pain only you could fix. Reaching for his wallet in defeat he felt a circle like dent and remembered he kept a condom in there incase the day you wanted to get spicy with him out side of his head he'd be ready. Was he ready if that ever happened. Sighing he took the condom off and placed iton his bed side counter.
"it's pouring outside, wet. Wet like- ugh" he slapped himself slightly on the forehead. "What am I doing wrong with my life" he groaned sitting up and gaining the mental strength to go back out to see you. Which he did, to only find you ordering a pizza online without him.
"Ya" he yelled loudly scaring you as you jolted towards him on the bar stool to face him.
"Without me you jerk. First, you surprised me with the dress and now you're ordering without me, is this how I'm being kicked-"
"No you're not being kicked out, you purchased the place, and two, I just got the website. It's late, cold and I'm sure they will happily deliver here. So here, look and order with me. We get wings half off today." you mentioned getting up In your set pajamas and shoving your iMac laptop in his face.
Grabbing it with thanks he ordered his half added more items and placed his credit card in the order so you wouldn't have to pay before handing it back.
"Thank you jungkookie oppa!" you teased seeing the uncomfortable scrunched face he let as he regretted coming out here. Laughing, you ordered some drinks from another website to come and eveuting wa settled to come withing 45mins to an hour, which could increase due to the storms harshness.
"Is this where we play games and head back to" he jokingly questioned pausing as you got on your knees in front of him. Blinking several times he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or just maladaptive daydreaming again. Looking down he saw he wasn't and his Best friend of 20 years was on her knees looking at his Bonner like it was meat on a menu.
"Why not skip to the fun part of waiting," you softly bit down on your glossed lower lip as he gulped in anticipation.
"Maybe the wait is worth the fun in the end?" He lets out a deep huff of warm air backing up a bit in sheer awkwardness. It wasn't like he didn't want you, it was more he didn't like the way you started it when he could've 'man up' and started it himself. It was his erection anyway.
With a hand offered to help you up, you gratefully took it and he used it to pull up and close to his chest. Breathing heavily out of shock, your eyes slowly trailed up to meet his as he smirked in a smile.
"One thing to know about me is I like taking care of others, I want to have the lead, and those soft pleading eyes you're giving me are driving me crazy right now" JK mentions, lowering his head down so his lips could meet with yours but only keeping them an inch away for added suspense.
"then I'm glad I've always listened to you, to every word and command you've asked of me thus far" you gulp, lips quivering in need of attention. With that in mind, his head slightly turned and yours did too without breaking the small gap between his throbbing lips and your slightly quivering ones. A distance he shortly after broke, with his hands feeling around your back before bringing his arms around in a comfortably tight embrace around your hips.
Moaning from the tug and the great relief of broken space, he drank up the vibration and used it to fuel his lustful fire below. One that could be felt pushing against your pelvis as if asking on his behalf for more, for consent of the obvious.
Wanting more, he kissed vigorously. Their lips moved from the pace of uncertainty to tongue exploring the edges and buds of your own as his heart pounded from the excitement of your arms wrapping around his neck loosely like his thin silver chain with a gem pendant you bought him for his birthday years ago.
The birth gem necklace he swore to himself to wear religiously every day. The one he didn't put on today, in an attempt to run away from your hold. To only be wrapped around your embrace, just like the necklace.
While he tries to calm himself before making any long-term decisions with you. He knew that was a promise he couldn't keep with himself as he ached for something long-term and his body was pushing him to. Meanwhile, with his heart controlling his movements now, he started to walk you over to the closest kitchen wall in sight to corner you. To trap you in his warm-hearted embrace the same way the thought of you, your body, and your whole existence did to him mentally.
With the kiss naturally breaking off, he moved his lips around your jaw and pushed any fly hair strands away as he made his way to your neck. Gripping his shirt, in the back his mouth drooled over it in need as he applied rough pressure in the crook between your jaw and neck. With a burning desire he build higher than the pyramids of Asia, you pulled his shirt up and gripped his skin. A bright hue of red plastred on his cheeks as he marked other places on your shoulder of him.
"so much pleasure" you whined quietly, your words loudy admitting to the idea of how sensitive you were to every touch of his on your body. A sentence he repeated mentally as he pulled off to see your pleading state of your face and lips.
"Good, I wanted that" he chuckled at your need for intimacy. Whilst eyeing you carefully watching for your aroused response to his movements, he gripped the hemming of his shirt to pull over and throw off to the side of you. In all its glory, his upper body was indeed muscular and slimmed. A pack of 8, along with his biceps were seen more clearly as you walked your eyes down and around his bare uper torso.
"keep them lowered for me only" Jungkook insisted, pulling his shorts and leaving him in his ballooned underwear for your visual pleasure. A moment- wait no a sight you never thought you'd see like this. Moving your gaze back up, caused him to tilt your head back down to look.
"never said to look up, so keep your eyes lowered" he leaned in your ear to say. With a nod, you saw him lower his body to his knees and pull both layers of pajama pants and underwear down to reveal a slight bush. Embraced you covered yourself modestly with shock as he pushed them away and lifted one of your legs on his shoulder.
"looks good, so it'll taste good," he says, tongue slowly brushing and coating his lips in hunger as much as wetness as he leans his nose forward more. With a lookup of yes, you nodded and soon gripped the jet-black strands of his hair as his lips collided with your folds. Tongue lathering your juices around your clit as his hands held your hips still and close as he sucked and teased the floods and your nerve with ease. Arching, you felt the release of wetness drip along your thighs as he continued to lick his deep coral-pink tongue around the nub as his lips attached to your labia with thirst.
Moaning at almost an uncontrollable pace, you tugged and played with stands of his washed musk musk-smelling hair as your mouth felt like it was being held open for you in need. Pulling away softly, he made his eyes make contact with yours as he continued to orally fuck you to insanity before pulling off at any side of orgasm as he could feel the convulsions of your opening with ease and with some experience and a vague memory could tell the difference between one cumming and having an orgasm. A feeling he could sense was near.
Completely coming away from you, he caught you in his arms as your Legs buckled and gave up on standing on him. With a smile, he laid you on the thankfully clean, but cold white-lined tile floor and even placed his shirt under your head for a slightly better experience. Pulling his underwear off he threw them and eventually kneeled himself over your mouth, shaft in hand as his hard on faced towards your tits.
"get me even more excited for your mouth" he requests, your tongue like his earlier licked to become wet to provide a more comfortable experience for both of you. Thankfully JK decided to spend a few minutes trimming himself a bit in the shower as it was overdue for him, something you didn't mind not caring long as he was sexually clean. Something you knee from the constant lack of lotion in the bathroom and your bottles disappearing out of sight .
Succking on one side of his balls, you were glad they weren't too big to suck and roll around in your mouth as he jerked his cock in pleasure. Pulling up your shirt, he saw your breasts once again in a relaxed state and jerked and toyed one handily at them in ecstasy.
"so good" he breathed out heavily, cock heavy in his hands as he jerked over your breast harder in delight. It wasn't like he needed the extra help, but fuck if he had the chance to jerk himself over your pretty breasts he'd take it with no questions asked. Another fantasy fulfilled to him. Pulling himself off of you he stood up and helped you up to strip you of your top.
"fuck there's no way I'm letting your body get pleasure on this floor baby. You deserve somewhere warm and cozy, like my bed to lay on" he insists, taking your hand and urging you to his room. You gladly followed behind him as he rushed the both of you to the bed.
With the shut of the door and the flick of his warm-toned mood lighting. His bedroom was lightly illuminated with a warm yellow glow. Laying on the bed, he thought about a blowjob first but realized saving it for the end was more worth it as he knew how much of you he could handle before leading to his own orgasm.
Turning you over with light force, you laid on your belly and he handed you a pillow for added pleasure as you placed it under your pelvis. Waiting as he was you were getting adjusted completely, he tore his spiked, lubed, and internally ribbed condom and shuttered in slight coldness as it went down his shaft. Ready as you were, he soon pined your legs down and wanted to do things in prone bone style jungkook version than anything. Besides your ass in his eyes was meant to take it face down like this.
With his chest now hovering above your back, he placed his tip on the entrance of your cunt as he held himself in a somewhat of a one-armed plank position to do so. Kissing your upper back he warned you his cock was a large size to take. Which you believed based on how tight his boxers were on him minutes ago and the sound of him jerking wasn't light. With that in mind, he softly slid just his tip in before going into a full plank-like stance above your back as he introduced his protected cock to your warmth.
With the sound of painful pleasure coming from your lips, he stopped and allowed his hips to roll his tip in circles to get you accustomed to his cock. A feeling both mentally and physically arousing to both of you. After about 3 mins of him rolling his tip in and back kissing, he was able to inch his way deeper into you which caused him to panic at the feeling of walls tightly gripping and sucking him in with urgency.
"I'll pay for plan b if I fuck up and more if that doesn't work" he assured, knowing he's gonna wanna take that condom off to feel skin to tissue any minute.
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Part 2: coming soon
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chemerr2 · 9 months
face sitting with toby.
tw, cunninglings, mentions of bruises, ass smacking, MDNI (not proof read, sorry for errors.)
“what’r you looking at?” toby said in a gruff voice, “i hate when people stare.” he’s looking you dead in the eyes from the other side of the room. you were staring..you were staring at his bulging print through his pants and staring at him— he was so nasty but yet so alluring and mysterious. you’ve heard him speak and you’ve heard him yell, yet to you..it only makes him the more attractive. You catch yourself staring even after he asked what were you looking at; how embarrassing it is to be caught in a trance by someone’s boner and beauty.
you look up at him with furrowed and shocked eyes as he’s the one staring you down in disgust like he knows what you’re looking at. he wanted you to look because he kept grabbing onto it and rubbing it through his pants..then to top it all off: he was manspreading! either he was trying to get you to look or tease you. “sorry..” you say in a quiet and croaky voice quite embarrassed he caught you staring. you turn away for just a moment to focus your attention on something less..distracting that’ll cause you to intensely stare.
as you set your eyes on a window then the designs of the glass to the material of the couch your sitting on. Then all of a sudden you feel a dip on the sofa next to you; turning your head you see him: toby. You looked at him and turned your head the other way not wanting to speak and still coming down from your high of embarrassment. “why’re you looking away now? look at it.” he said, you could tell he had a petty smirk on his face when he said that. but god oh god did you turn your pretty little head and look..looked exactly where you wanted to look. he shook his head at the sight of you being caught up with looking at his boner.
he put his hand on yours and guided it to his erection; letting you touch it through his pants. his voice, his aura and touch has you squelching wet. “y’looking so hard at it..might well just touch it.” he whispered in your ear. No matter how low he tries to speak— that voice will be as husky as wood and gruff like midnight. you were wet..soaking wet and you could feel your lips sticking to your panties and you squeeze your legs shut tight but the friction just made you even more drenched in your panties. He caught on to your body language and slipped his big and boney hands between your legs separating them— then he throws one leg over his lap having you exposed and open for him..now the only thing keeping him from rubbing your clit was the fabric of your bottoms.
it was good that you were wearing small, tight sweat-shorts so he doesn’t have to unbuckle or unzip any pants. he decides to tease you as your small hand is still resting on his boner, god you don’t know WHAT those pants are made out of but you can feel the dip and creases of the prominent veins on his dick and to be honest with yourself..it was making you all the more lustful. toby brought his hands to your heated area and began to rub it up and down and soft and slow motion making sure when he goes up to your clit he adds more pressure to it so you can feel it. the rubbing caught you off guard and being the sensitive, sweet and wet little girl you are: you let out of a soft groan that sounded like a harmony to his ears. with your legs open and one thrown across his lap: he started to rub you through your soft cotton panties. Once he felt how wet you were he wasted no time in sticking his fingers between your fat and wet folds to rub you and gather up your wetness on his fingers. All you could hear was the sound of wetness caused by his fingers and your wet n juicy pussy.
the cold sensation of his fingers meeting with your hot and throbbing clit made you squeeze his bicep and arch into his touch. Seeing you squirm in his touch made his dick throb n pulsate under his sweats— he then picked you up, tore off your sweat-shorts leaving your ass and cunt bare for anyone whom comes down the stairs. Your wet cunt is drooling and clenching around nothing, needy for something to rub it and needy for something to clench on. Toby pulls his pants down just right above his knee to free his cock that’s now leaking precum and glistening like sweat. Your faces are so close together the little space between the both of you feels like a hot compressed area as his lips are slightly open and he’s breathing hard from the painful erection he needs to satisfy. You couldn’t wait any more so you start grinding on his thigh as you rub your soft and feminine hands along the veins of his cock as it sits still and hard along his tone and chiseled stomach.
toby rocks his head back from the soft and feather like touches on his cock. he grabs the flesh of your ass cheeks and fondles the, in his big, cold coarse hands; spreading your ass cheeks apart letting you feel the breeze from behind. as he guides his hands up to your back, into your shirt— he unclamps your bra and take it off- throwing it on the floor alongside your panties and shorts. God was your skin so soft like cotton..he couldn’t hold himself back. he tore your shirt up just wide enough to see your perky tits and slip one of your nipples in his mouth as he sucks it dry then plays with the other one in his hand. the cold air on you nipple makes it harder and makes you even wetter, your cunt is throbbing and beating..needing something to be inside of it.
toby moans with your nipple i’m his mouth as he feels himself about to release all over himself. he grabs your wrist tightly and moves it away from his cock and he’s aggressively sucking at your nipple, no longer playing with it and twisting the other one in his fingers. he lets loose of your nipple and starts aggressively kissing you— sneaking his tongue in your mouth every now and then. Now that both of his hands are free: he starts rubbing your sweet little pussy and gently inserting his middle finger..then his ring finger. With the same slow and gentle motion. he curls his fingers inside you trying to touch that one spot that’ll make you see stars..you’re so possessed by his touch and how his fingers are gliding against your meaty walls of cunt that you don’t even notice how your moaning and humping his fingers as your hard nipples occasionally brush the side of his face as you go up and down on his fingers whilst he goes in and out..in and out. “fuuckk..toby” you say in a whiny n small voice, “you’re so damn wet..so sweet and obedient” he said through gritted teeth. Toby’s cock is twitching and pulsating from the cold air hitting his wet and sticky tip; nearly making him about to cum everywhere. Toby looks up at your fucked out face with dark eyes knowing that he’s gonna tear you up in a few minutes.
Toby repositioned his body to where he’s under you and you’re on top of him. he grabs you by the hips and pulls you up close to where you cunt is brushing the hairs on his chin— from his view all he could see is your eyes and nose peeking from between your titties “sit on m’face y/n” that took you by surprise and you hesitated at first by his direct demand but soon you rushed your fat cunt on his face and it glided on his face like a jellyfish being passed down a table. he took no time for granted and began lapping at your cunt like a dog drinking water. you started grinding against his face as he was lapping up your juices with his tongue, he grabbed on your plushy ass cheeks to give you stability just in case your legs give out on him. you were surely gonna come quicker by the way his nose was hitting your clit and rubbing up against it every time! you started hearing footsteps and floorboards creak as if someone were walking down the hallway- but whenever you turned your head: no one was walking down the stairs and you didn’t see any shadows. The thought of being caught made your heart race, your nipple harden and your cunty wet..wet enough to surely drown toby if you aren’t careful.
you could feel your high coming and arise as toby grabs your ass and starts to slap it hard in his hands as it jiggles in his palm every time you go up and down on his face. He starts to insert his tongue inside your cunt and that’s where you let out a angelic and long moan as his tongue started dancing inside your warm velvety walls. you left no time and started riding his tongue like it was his cock— you felt a bubbly feeling i’m your core like any minute now you could just come or squirt all over his face without any timing. as you rode his tongue you were moaning out streams of cuss words and toby’s name as he slapped your ass and kept grabbing your thighs tight- surely leaving bruises- trying to push his tongue all the way in to brush against your cervix. Your tits were bouncing, your ass was as well and you couldn’t care less if anyone came down those stairs or through the door— you were gonna chase your high and release it.
speaking of release..that bubbly feeling i’m your core exploded and you came all over toby’s face. while detaching yourself from toby: there was a thick, slimy, transparent string connected to his lips all the to your soaping, wet, fat cunt. you fell back on the couch trying to catch your breath..unbeknownst that toby’s painful erection only got harder and thicker from the neglectful and teasing acts. Toby puts you on your back n throws your legs over each of shoulder ready to pound you into the couch. That’s where he aligns his cold, purple and fat tip in front of your wet entrance.
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axelsagewrites · 5 months
really loved your “decide” fic with jamie and roy! was wondering if you could do something where fem!reader is dating both jamie and roy. they’re always competing whose the better boyfriend. (maybe smut if not i completely understand!) 💕💕
Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt*Best Boyfriend
Pairing: roy x reader x jamie
Word count: 1575
Warnings: mentions of smut but nothing explicit, poly relationship, competition/rivalry
Masterlist here
dating a footballer was not exactly a calm life. Especially not when you were dating two. Two who used to hate each other to be specific. You’d met Jamie on a dating site and had told him from the start you weren’t looking for anything monogamous. It started out as a casual fling, hookups mostly and a few dates.
Despite knowing he was a footballer you didn’t follow the sport too closely so had no clue about his past with your other fuck buddy. You worked in Roy’s local supermarket, and he began making up excuses and deliberately forgetting things just to come back and see you.
They both knew each other existed they just didn’t know who they were up against. You were currently on a date with Jamie. When he came to pick you up, he was in a suit and tie with a massive bouquet of roses in his hands. “Let me put these in water first,” you giggled as you took the flowers.
Maybe this was less casual than you thought as you quickly went to retrieve a vase while Jamie glanced around your living room. “This other guy, he some sort of biker?” he joked, nodding to the leather jacket hung up.
You rolled your eyes as you finished setting the flowers up, “No, he just forgot it when he was leaving,”
“Who forgets their jacket?”
“Jealous?” you teased, leading him to the door, “Nah he slept in, and he was going to be late for work,”
“What does he do?”
You paused in your tracks, smirk on your lips, “Why? You wanna go on a date with him instead?” with an eyeroll and a teasing wink you were both finally on your way.
The next morning when you woke up you carefully slid yourself out from under Jamie’s arm to go answer the front door. “Roy,” you smiled, trying to cover your panic.
“Hey. I was just swinging by for my jacket,” he said, walking in like he’d done a million times.
You prayed Jamie wouldn’t wake up as he did. “Its just over here,” you said, passing it to him.
“Thanks. Hey while I’m here we could go get some coffee or breakfast,”
“I’m not dressed,”
“I can wait,”
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I don’t mind,”
“I- “you sighed, running out a lies.
A look of realisation dawned on his face before a small smirk grew, “You have company,”
“Maybe,” you smiled, awkwardly biting your lip as he chuckled. Unlike Jamie, Roy was not shy of a little competition. He almost seemed to delight in the fact especially bringing it up during his dirty talk. While you found Jamie’s jealousy ridiculously hot, Roy’s cockiness was equally as refreshing.
“alright but don’t forget you’re seeing me tomorrow,” he said, giving you what was supposed to be a quick kiss.
You finally pulled away, slightly breathless and laughing, “Okay you need to go now,”
“Who is it babe?” Jamie’s voice rang out, Roy’s expression instantly hardening, “You,” Jamie deadpanned as he stood across from Roy in your fluffy robe.
“You,” Roy almost growled.
“You know each other?” you asked but the tension in the air answered it, “Oh fuck,”
“You’re sleeping with that prick?”
“Why would you fuck a grampa?”
“At least I can get her off,”
“And I can’t? Watch me, cmere babe- “
“Woah!” you said, putting your hands in the air as you stood from your couch where’d you’d sat during their near ten-minute scawble, “Now now boys, you’re both pretty,” you teased but neither were amused, “How was I supposed to know?”
“Well, you can’t date both of us,” Roy protested.
Jamie made a face, “Eh you’re not the boss of her,”
“No but I also don’t want your diseases,”
“I am not diseased!”
“Prove it,”
“Boys!” you almost shouted making them both pause, “If you don’t calm down neither one of you is dating anyone. We’re all adults here,” you said, finally thinking they’d calmed down as they moved to sit on the sofa.   
“Well, I am,” Jamie muttered under his breath, getting a sharp glare from you and a growl from Roy.
You sighed as you began pacing the room, “Look I like you both but if this is gonna be a problem then maybe its better if we all just take a break,”
The two stared at their feet like scolded children, “I’m sure,” Roy began through gritted teeth, “We can make this work,”
And finally, Jamie agreed, “How hard can it be?” you sighed in relief however soon after decided to kick the pair out your flat to try decompress from this whole mess.
What you hadn’t seen was the icy glares they shared as they both gave you a goodbye kiss and left. “May the best boyfriend win,” Roy said as they walked down the stairs of your flats.
A cocky smirk went on Jamie’s face, “I intend to,”
While you enjoyed love and affection even you knew this was getting excessive. Your date with Roy went from being a meal out at a local diner he liked to Roy cooking you a three-course meal from scratch in his house with a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine to match. “This is worth more than my rent,”
“Yeah, but nothings worth more than you,”
You had been awing over the whole evening all night and all day the next day to your friends however Roy had also been bragging about the whole ordeal to Jamie. So, Jamie naturally knew he had to step up his game.
Jamie arrived to your flat at 10pm with a blindfold and his car keys. He led you to your seat before insisting you put on the blindfold until you got to your mystery location. “I’m gonna fall,” you squealed as Jamie helped you out the car and you felt your shoes hit soft grass.
“You’ll just have to hold onto me then wont ya?” you didn’t have to see him to hear his smirk and you knew he could tell you were rolling your eyes.
Eventually after many stumbles and almost facing planting a couple times Jamie had you take off your blindfold. “The park?” you looked around confused before realisation hit when you saw the blanket laid on the grass.
“Thought we could look at the stars and that,” Jamie mumbled, pink tinging his cheeks.
You lent forward, placing a kiss to the hot cheek, “You’re such a softie,”
“Only for you,” he grinned as he sat down on the blanket, pulling you with him, “Brought snacks as well,” he said handing over the picnic basket.
Unlike usual picnic baskets with sandwiches and cakes this was filled with all your favourite sweets, crisps, pringles, and cans of fizzy juice. Jamie laid down on the blanket, pulling you into his arms so you could stare at the stars together. It was so peaceful you almost fell asleep right there.
At first you thought it couldn’t get better but it wasn’t just the romance they were trying to out do each other on. Whenever they weren’t taking you out on sappy film worthy dates you were being dragged to the nearest bed, sofa, or car. Not that you were complaining, however.
What you didn’t know what Roy and Jamie actually came up with a schedule in their own time of who got to see you when. Neither was happy with the outcome, claiming the other got the better days or more time despite making it up themselves.
Apparently last night had been Roy’s night but between taking you bowling and mini golfing then not letting you leave the bedroom for several rounds you ended up sleeping in later than usual. You woke up in Roy’s arms to a text from Jamie saying he was coming over.
You groaned when you saw it, not realising Roy was awake, “You good?”
“Yeah, its just,” you sighed before deciding to just get it off your chest, “I’m just tired. Don’t get me wrong I loved yesterday and all our other dates, but I just wish we could all hang out sometimes,”
“You want me to hang out with that twat?” he asked, eyebrow raised. This was exactly what you meant. You groaned and went to roll away, but Roy wrapped his arms around you to stop you, “I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I guess we were so wrapped up in being the best boyfriend we didn’t think about how it would affect you. I’ll stay, if you want me to,”
You perked up at that, giving Roy a kick excited kiss, “and you’ll be nice?” a loud groan came from Roy, “please?” you whined.
A small smile appeared on his lips, “fine. For you,”
Jamie’s reaction was oddly similar to Roy’s that you wondered why they weren’t already friends with how similar they could be. You were currently sat with your feet in Roy’s lap, your head resting on Jamie’s shoulder, watching some trashy dating show both boys pretended to hate but suddenly had strong opinions about.
“What is she doing? Her and Declan are made for each other,”
“Yeah, right?” Jamie nodded in enthusiastic agreement, “What’s so special about Simon?”
You couldn’t help but snigger at the pair. “You two boys wanna be left alone?” you teased only to be met with unison hushes as a new contestants entered the villa and drama ensued.
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deakyjoe · 2 years
Somebody’s Watching Me Part 7
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Paring: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (“Sarge”, she/her pronouns, British, backstory)
Category: slowburn coworkers to friends to lovers with grumpy x sunshine dynamic/idiots in love
Summary: You and Simon take the next step towards happiness.
Warnings: smut (18+), f receiving oral, handjobs, vaginal fingering, unprotected PinV (wrap it before you tap it), creampie, praise kink, slightly sub!ghost, slightly dom!reader, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, swearing/cursing, British terminology/slang, the mask is off, domestic Ghost, brief mention of scars and stretch marks, this is just smut and fluff, *** to indicate where smut starts and ends
Word count: 5.7k
A/N: EJ doesn’t write and publish smut. EJ is a virgin who doesn’t know what sex is like in real life. EJ is nervous about posting this. Please be nice to EJ.
Part 8 here!
Consider buying me a coffee :)
The first time you met Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley you were rather disappointed. You'd heard tales of the mysterious killing machine who showed no mercy. But then, when you finally did come face to face with him, you discovered he was just a regular guy in a mask who complained when his tea was too hot to drink and when the chocolate digestive biscuits had run out. Hardly the legend everyone cracked him up to be.
And then you saw him in the field and your perception changed slightly. He was damn good at what he did. You'd be mildly impressed if you weren't already surrounded by the best of the best, yourself included. You weren't entirely convinced he was the scariest man ever to have lived, as everybody told you, but you could appreciate his skills. Sure, you were fearful of him in the way that he was your superior and you didn't want to make a bad first impression or have him kick you off the team. But you didn't think he was going to kill you in your sleep or anything as your new friend Sergeant MacTavish, better known as Soap, liked to joke.
However, your view of him changed again when he caught you and Soap in the rec room one evening. It was totally innocent. The two of you were unwinding from a long day by eating snacks, listening to music and sharing stories. You were in the middle of listening to a particularly good one from your fellow sergeant when your lieutenant walked in and his mouth snapped shut.
Ghost barely glanced at the two of you, face hidden by his infamous mask. It looked rather silly when he didn't have the rest of his tactical gear on.
"Carry on, Soap." You encouraged him, not put off by the presence of another person in the room. "What happened next?"
The Scot's eyes snapped back to yours and he cleared his throat. "Right, right uuhhh..."
He was cut off by Lieutenant Riley suddenly standing over the two of you behind the sofa, cup of tea clutched in his gloved hand. He was very sneaky. "No drinking on base."
You looked up to him, confused by what he was talking about before realising he was looking at the drink clasped in your hand. "It's apple juice, sir."
He said nothing, eyes burning through his mask into yours. You wouldn't back down from a stare off if that's what he wanted. If his game was intimidation then you wouldn't let him win. You'd grown used to men trying to put you down and you weren't going to let a man who hid his face behind a mask try to do the same.
"This music is inappropriate. Flirting between members of the team is forbidden." He really was trying to get you in trouble. But why? Did he already not like you?
You snorted at him. "I hardly think Sir Mix-a-Lot is the pinnacle of romance, lieutenant."
Soap's jaw hung open opposite you. He couldn't believe you were arguing with Ghost Riley. Especially as a new member of the team. It was risky. He respected it.
"Don't answer back, sergeant." He snapped, fist clenching at his side.
You just held your chin higher despite him towering over you. "I'm not, sir. I'm sure Sergeant MacTavish is a lovely man but, believe me, I have no interest in pursuing anyone on the team. And Sir Mix-a-Lot is certainly not my main means of seduction. I'm here to work. Nothing else."
If only you knew.
The kiss was feverish as Simon stumbled into your flat, not letting you go for a single second as he kicked the door shut harshly behind him and pushed his jacket off his shoulders and onto the floor. There was a passionate clash of teeth and tongues as you slammed him back against the wood, needing to be as close to him as possible. You were not going to let him go full Ghost on you in this situation and take complete control of it. You wanted Simon. And you wanted some power.
But Simon was kissing you.
Simon was kissing you.
It finally dawned what was happening.
He tasted like the bourbon he'd been drinking earlier, not that you were complaining, and you wondered if you tasted of the apple martini he'd made for you. The apple martini he hated.
You pulled back suddenly. "Oh, god. Do I taste like the apple martini? I'm sor-"
He chuckled lowly, leaning back into you. "Stop talking for once, Sarge."
The kiss resumed and his hands roamed every inch of you that he could reach, not neglecting any point of your body. You clung to him desperately, never wanting to let go. You wanted to consume him. And let him consume you.
He was too tall, always too fucking tall. So you grabbed at his shirt and dragged him down to meet you halfway, legs sliding up the outside of his almost as if you were trying to climb him. And maybe you were.
Simon groaned lowly into your mouth, breaking away for a mere second to catch his breath and stare longingly down at you before diving straight back in. As your arms snaked around the back of his neck, he turned the two of you around so you were up against the door. And you needed the support as he started to pepper kisses along your jawline and down your neck. He found your weak spot as you whined and began to lick and suckle there repeatedly for good measure.
As much as it felt good, you needed more of him so you threaded your fingers through the back of his hair and guided his lips back to yours. "More kissing, Simon."
He obliged happily.
You'd never get enough. There would never be enough Simon Riley in this world to satisfy you. And he had a sneaking suspicion of that so he was going to do his damn best to give you as much as he could.
When he broke away again, you huffed in protest but quickly stopped when he sank down to the floor.
Having Lieutenant Simon Riley on his knees in front of you was the most exciting, and unexpected, moment of your life.
You'd store away the image in your memory forever.
He looked up at you with his wide, dark eyes and started unbuttoning your jeans. When he glanced back up at you again for permission to take them off you just nodded. They were pulled off and discarded, his stare fixing on the underwear you were wearing. It wasn't your nicest pair but Simon didn't seem to care much as he parted your thighs with his hands and stuck his head between them, inhaling deeply.
Before you knew it, they were torn off and Simon's mouth was latched onto your clit. The man did know his targets well.
"Oh, my- fuck!" You slapped your hand across your mouth, head thrown back and slamming against the door, as he sucked and flicked at it in utter desperation.
When you dared to look down at him, even more arousal stirred in you to see his eyes - his pretty, pretty eyes - were fixed on you and your reactions. He seemed to be concentrating on what felt good for you. People pleaser.
Moans and other pleasured sounds tumbled from your lips as he lifted one of your legs and manoeuvred it over his shoulder so you were spread wide for him, hand planted on your thigh to knead the flesh there. He changed positions after that, moving so his mouth was closer to your opening and his nose bumped against your clit for stimulation instead.
And you couldn't help yourself when your hips started grinding against his face of their own accord, pure lust powering you forward.
"Simon." A gasp of his name left your mouth as he lapped up everything you were giving him, hands laced in his hair to pull him impossibly closer to you.
The thought that you were doing this against your front door and that any of your neighbours could hear you if they simply walked past was long gone as the burning feeling of your impending orgasm built up within you. But, then again, it was past midnight on New Years. Any of your neighbours still awake would probably be partying and having too much of their own fun to take any notice of loud noises coming from your flat.
"So good." You said, chest heaving and face glistening with sweat. "So, so good, Simon."
He groaned into you, eyes closing for just a second making his fair eyelashes flutter, and went harder. He devoured you like a man starved.
And with a final buck of your hips that had the tip of his nose hitting your clit just right, you were speeding over the edge into blissful oblivion. It took every ounce of willpower for you not to scream as your legs turned to jelly. He kept you upright with his hands on your hips as he slid back up to his full height.
"You. Taste. Heavenly." Every word was punctuated by a kiss to your lips, each one tasting distinctly of you.
Your voice was ragged as your eyelids became hooded and you grabbed his hand. "Bedroom."
"Yes, ma'am." He had no ounce of protest in him as he allowed you to drag him through your flat and to your room. Now things were started he wasn't going to hold back at all. He'd been denying himself of this for too long. He felt like it was deserved. Both for him and for you.
What he didn't expect was for you to take complete control as soon as you got there, pushing him onto the bed and demanding him to sit up against the headboard as he kicked his shoes off.
And when you crawled over to him and straddled his lap, lips immediately landing on his to kiss him even more, he felt a tingling inside of himself. It was a kind of buzz, almost like he was drunk but not quite. Maybe drunk on you. And the feeling of you against him.
You were underwear-less now, only a bra and shirt covering you, so when you started to softly grind against him Simon thought his brain might explode. Or other parts of him.
But you didn't give up, even as he grew painfully hard underneath you, you just kept going. You just kissed and kissed and kissed at his swollen lips, not being able to stop yourself.
But then you suddenly pulled back and looked down at him, head tilting to the side slightly. Your hands tapped along the hem of his shirt, barely grazing the skin of his stomach. "You're wearing too many clothes. May I?" You asked and he nodded, breathless. "Out loud."
"Yes." He was never going to say no to you. Especially not now. He'd lost the ability to deny you of anything a long time ago.
You tugged the shirt off of him and over his head, eyes immediately landing on his bare torso that was only very partially obscured by his dog tags. He was toned, that was for sure, but you knew that already and you admired the tattoos dispersed up and down his arms, encroaching onto his chest. However, you were more focused on the subtle things. The small freckles scattered in various places, scars marking the pale tone of his skin, a patch of hair on his lower abdomen that trailed off in a little path underneath his belt. Even the faded stretch marks dotted across the plains of his body.
You sighed happily. "You're so gorgeous it's unfair, Simon. Blond and pretty."
He flushed at that, blaming the heat in his cheeks on being turned on, and pulled you back in to kiss him to distract himself from it.
Your nails raked down his chest, arms lifting up when he pulled your own shirt off of you. His large hands explored the expanse of your skin, trailing up and down your sides before going to your back, undoing your bra and tossing it to the side. Like him, only your dog tags were left to cover the bare skin of your chest.
His eyes were drawn to the dog tags hanging around your neck, the chain settled in the valley of your breasts, and you both knew what you were thinking. The fantasy Simon had confided in you. But, silently, you agreed it was for another time.
His hands were warm when they landed on your chest, which you were thankful for, as they kneaded, pulled, tugged and tweaked. It felt good but you wanted to give him more.
"Can I touch you, Simon?" You asked, smiling when he nodded eagerly.
Your hands fumbled with his belt buckle, no patience left within you, and you pulled his trousers and underwear down just enough to release him once the belt was undone.
You stared at him.
Simon felt self-conscious.
He had no reason to.
He was long and thick, your mouth watering at the sight. Oh, how you longed for him. To have him in your mouth. To taste him. To feel him inside you. But that was for another time.
As soon as your hand wrapped around him his eyes screwed shut and his head was thrown back against the wall, soft sounds leaving his mouth.
"Mm-mm. Eyes open and on me, Simon." You said quietly, watching his chest heave and his breaths come out raggedly.
His eyes shot open at the mention of his name, cheeks pink and rosy as he made eye contact with you.
"So pretty..." You trailed off, smiling at him. He really was beautiful. Especially like this. "Come on, pretty boy. Keep making those pretty, little noises for me."
He whimpered, actually whimpered.
"Oh-ho-ho! Do you like praise, Simon?"
He nodded frantically, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. "Please."
"You like to hear how well you're doing for me? How beautiful you look? Hm?"
Your hand tightened around his tip before you sunk it back down again to the base, twisting your wrist to give him more friction.
A garbled sentence left his mouth, something incoherent he was saying to himself.
"Speak up, Riley. I need to hear you." You looked away from his face for a moment to where your hand was pumping him, speeding up the action slightly.
"Fuck, so close. I'm gonna- gonna-"
"Already?" You raised your brows at him. You weren’t disappointed, just surprised and rather flattered.
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry." He apologised profusely, face scrunched and hands clawing at the bedsheets on either side of him. "So, so sorry. Fuck-"
"It's okay. Come for me." And all it took was a swipe of your thumb over his tip.
He groaned lowly as hot ropes of cum spurted from him, coating your hand and his stomach. More laboured breathing from him had you placing your clean hand on his chest to calm him down.
"Breathe, Simon. Inhale... Exhale... Good." You leant forward and kissed his cheek before looking down at the mess beneath you. "Umm..."
"Shit, uh..." He reached for the tissues next to your bed and frantically wiped away what he could. "You might need to wash your hands."
"Probably." You smiled at him.
"I'm sorry that I... so fast." He panted, face scrunched in... embarrassment?
"Don't apologise. If I'm sitting here calling you pretty and encouraging it, then I want you to come." You revelled in the way his cheeks flushed and his eyes widened a fraction.
"But we didn't- you didn't-"
You shook your head, crawling off of him to go to the bathroom. "You already made me come."
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts." You tutted and called over your shoulder one last time before disappearing out of the room. "I'll be back in a minute."
You could feel his stare on the back of you as you left, smiling at the idea of him watching you. When you returned a couple of minutes later with a damp cloth in your hand to clean him up, you found him staring at the wall opposite and twiddling his thumbs together. He looked anxious.
"What's wrong?" You asked softly as you sat down next to him and wiped his stomach.
"Nothing." He answered too quickly for your liking.
"C'mon, Simon. I know you now. Don't lie to me. Please. You can tell me." You glanced back up at him as you finished, turning slightly to throw the cloth into your laundry hamper in the corner of your room. You managed to get it in, you did have impeccable aim.
He didn't answer as he watched you crawl over him to the unoccupied side of the bed and get under the duvet.
"At least take off your jeans and get in here with me." You sighed, propping yourself up on your elbow. And when he still did nothing, you had a sudden realisation. "Unless you want to leave. Because you were leaving before you came back..."
The idea broke your heart. Maybe he wanted this to be a one time thing to let off some steam, to alleviate the tension that had been growing between you. What if this wasn't what you hoped it would be?
He snapped out of his daze at that, standing and pushing off the rest of his clothes before diving in next to you and sidling up close. "No, no. Don't say that. I don't want to leave."
"Okay, good." You smiled at him, getting slightly closer. "Tell me what's wrong."
He chewed absentmindedly on his inner cheek. "Overthinking."
It was a simple answer that didn't explain much. But you understood him.
"Okay." Your hand lifted to his face, thumb swiping over cheek softly as you kissed him gently. "You can tell me whatever you need to whenever you need to."
He nodded, kissing you again.
Your fingers moved to the back of his head, carding through the blond strands. His eyes fluttered shut, a relieved breath leaving his mouth.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I overthink. Especially with this."
"Don't apologise, Simon." You chuckled, wanting to lighten the mood. "Thought you told me you were more dominant in bed."
"Nuh-uh. I told you it depends." He smiled back, one of his proper smiles that was reserved only for you to see as his eyes snapped back open.
"Lucky me then."
There was a short moment of silence before you approached the topic that was eating away at you.
"Why now?" You asked, shifting so your noses grazed against one another.
"Because I've wanted to for a while." He kissed you quickly, hand tracing over your hip. "And because I'm selfish."
Curious. "Selfish?"
"Too selfish to think about the consequences because I want you too much."
Huh. "Meaning?"
He paused, thinking about his words carefully. "I'm prioritising my wants, pleasures, needs over logical arguments."
"You make no sense, Riley. But I'll take it if it means this." You sighed into his mouth as you kissed him again. "I wish you'd done it sooner. We've been spending time together for months."
"I wouldn't let myself. It's not allowed. Technically." He added the last bit on hastily. "And I wasn't going to allow it to happen."
"You were going to ignore your feelings?" You couldn't judge him exactly. You'd been doing the same.
"Have been for months. Unsuccessfully." He grunted, winding his hand around your waist and tugging you closer so you were chest to chest. "But you wouldn't leave me alone."
"Hey! I offered you an out." You protested weakly, smiling widely at him still.
"Didn't mean literally." He huffed. "Just constantly on my fucking mind."
Your eyes brightened at that and Simon felt himself fall just that little bit farther. You, on the other hand, were trying to control yourself. There were three options: jump him again, confess your undying love or just stay quiet in the hopes he'd say a little more.
Option three was the safest.
He kissed you again, lingering for a moment this time. "Couldn't get you off my bloody mind. Always ticking around in there."
"I'm flattered, Riley." You whispered. "Does that mean I'm the last thing you masturbated to which is why you refused to answer during Truth or Drink?"
"Classified." He paused. "But yes."
You giggled and pressed your lips against his, moaning quietly when he rolled the two of you over so you were underneath him.
He pulled away for a moment, mumbling into your mouth. "Definitely worth any consequences."
You were wildly inquisitive about the whole thing, unable to stop yourself from inquiring. "What are the potential consequences?"
"Dishonourably discharged."
"Wait, really?" You pushed slightly on his chest, suddenly panicked at the idea.
"Nah." Dickhead. "Could be reassigned."
You whined quietly. "That's shit."
"Mhm, don't think Price would let it happen though." He lowered himself down again and planted an open mouthed kiss on your jaw, grazing his teeth against your skin. "I wouldn't let him let it happen."
You sighed contently, arms snaking around his back. "Hmm, and why's that?"
"I'm rather fond of you."
"Rather fond of me... what are you? Eighty?" You cackled, chest rumbling against his.
He rolled his eyes at you. "Ever the charmer, Sarge."
"I'm sorry." You mock pouted. "Did I hurt your feelings?"
"Shut up." He silenced you with his own mouth, tongue curling against yours, and revelled in the sigh you let out against him.
But you weren't done with your interrogation, forever wanting to know more. "Why did you tell me happy new year before you kissed me?"
"Because I wanted to kiss you at midnight." He said it like it was obvious. It wasn't.
"Why didn't you?" Your nose scrunched so Simon smoothed it out with his thumb.
"Didn't think it'd be a good idea." The warm brown of his eyes flickered as his gaze roamed your face, finally taking in how lucky he was being able to look at you so close up.
"But you changed your mind." You offered, assuming that was right.
It was. "I did."
He chuckled. "So many questions."
You cowered slightly. "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry, Sarge." He bumped his nose against yours. "You looked sad when I didn't."
Oh, bollocks. "You noticed that?"
He nodded, looking as if he pitied you. "You're not very good at hiding your emotions. Your face speaks volumes."
Double bollocks. "Then you must've known how I felt for ages."
"Suspected. Thought it was wishful thinking."
There were a whole array of words to express how stupid he was. You refrained from using all of them and stayed silent.
Unlucky for you, Simon could read it on your face. "I can tell you're itching to insult me."
"But I'm not going to." You shook your head, readjusting on the pillow beneath you. "All I'll say is... you're so pretty, Simon."
"Oh, bugger off." He moved to push away from you completely.
But you had other plans as you tightened your hold around his back. "Never!"
He landed on top of you with a groan and a mumbled apology. It was fine. You were trained to drag about three fully grown men out of a burning if you had to. He felt like nothing on top of you despite being six foot four and muscly as hell. It was rather nice actually, feeling all of him pressed up against you. And yes, that meant all of him.
Skin heating up at that, you hoped he didn't notice how you were suddenly burning as he lifted himself back onto his elbows and looked down at you. Nothing was said on the matter, which you were glad about. What you were even more glad about was him mumbling something about wanting more orgasms out of you and then proceeding to lower himself down your body, trailing tender kisses across your skin as he went.
When he got far enough down, Simon situated himself between your legs. It seemed to be his favourite place in recent times. Secretly, he'd admit it was. You didn't protest when he placed a large hand on either thigh and opened you up for him again, just let him do what he wanted. And he seemed very happy to spend his time pleasuring you and making sure you felt good even though he appeared to care very little about himself.
So, that's how you spent god knows how long. You writhing underneath his firm grip and him spending a countless amount of time between your legs as he drew out orgasm after orgasm. Even when you became sensitive and the overstimulation was getting to be too much, he just cooed and encouraged you further.
"Come on, Sarge. I know you can do one more for me. Just one more." He comforted you, fingers of one hand stroking the soft flesh of your inner thigh and the fingers of the other hand inside you. "Good girl. Come on."
Maybe he wasn't the only one with a thing for praise.
And after what seemed like hours of pure delight for you, he was finally satisfied with what he'd done and tentatively returned to his space next to you in bed.
He fell asleep quickly after that, you wrapped in his arms, with a relaxed expression on his face. And when you finally joined him in his state of unconsciousness after watching him breathe deeply for a while, you dreamt only of him. His face, his touch, his eyes roaming your mind. It was peaceful. And you were happy.
When you awoke to Simon placing lazy kisses along your shoulder you thought maybe you'd died and gone to heaven. The only reminder that this was still reality was the soreness between your legs and the dull ache you still had for him, craving him.
He was behind you, spooning you, and you could feel he was already hard against your back. "Good morning, Sarge."
Morning voice. Husky. Deep. Delectable. You could drown in it.
"Good morning." You returned, pressing back against him and loving the hiss he let out.
And before you knew it, your head was angled awkwardly to look over your shoulder so you could kiss him and he was sliding into you. Finally. You gasped into his mouth when he did, immediately urging him to move. His hands gripped your hips tightly, using you to help the friction.
You rocked against each other, the position not being one of your favourites as you couldn't see his face or reactions properly, but he made up for it with the sounds he was letting out right next to your ear. And it was intimate, you were still practically cuddling.
"Fuck, Sarge." He groaned into your shoulder, biting down slightly to muffle himself.
That only set you off further, grinding yourself back harder against him. You could do this forever, never wanted him to stop. No, you needed him to never stop. This was perfect. The two of you alone forever in your bed, not a care in the world. Just rounds and rounds of sex and the occasional conversation here and there.
You were caught off guard by his hand snaking around to your front and his fingers suddenly circling your clit.
You gasped and bucked against his hand. "Simo-" His name was cut off by another choked sound leaving your mouth. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
It didn't need to be said, the promise of not stopping was silent. But he gave you verbal confirmation anyway. "Never, Sarge. Come on. Come for me. That's it, good girl.”
The climax was approaching rapidly and he knew that from the way you were beginning to spasm around him, his own also crawling up on him. But you were priority.
So he held off until you were spent, head thrown back against him and eyes screwed shut as you let out breathless pants in a mixture of soft sounds.
He didn't stop, just quickened his pace as he hips began to falter. "Where, Sarge?"
You knew what he meant. "In me. Please, in me."
So he did. His warmth filled you up as he came inside you, immediately relaxing behind you with more kisses scattered along the skin of your shoulder.
After he pulled out of you, it took a few moments before you managed to catch your breath again. God, you'd never get enough of this.
There was suddenly heavy breathing behind you. Simon had fallen asleep again. Typical man.
With the remnants of him dripping out of you, you rushed off to the toilet to clean up and get partially ready for the day - you brushed your teeth and put on some clean clothes. When you were done, you returned to your bedroom to find him still fast asleep. You could leave him for a while longer. He always looked tired.
You trotted to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea, getting out a second mug and teabag for Simon when he finally woke up for good.
With your cup of tea in one hand and your phone in the other as you checked all your messages from friends wishing you a happy new year, you leant against the counter and failed to notice a certain someone waking up in your room some time later.
Simon awoke to a cold bed, his arm stretching out to find you only for you not to be there. He felt disappointed for a moment before remembering the events of earlier in the morning. Shit, had he really fallen back to sleep instantly?
A sense of embarrassment flooding through him, he sat up quickly and looked around. His clothes were tossed to various places around the room, as were yours. You really hadn't bothered to clean up. He liked that for some reason.
He had nothing else with him so just pulled his t-shirt and boxer briefs back on from the day before, hoping they weren't too crinkled. But he doubted you'd care if they were.
Then, before leaving your bedroom, he thought of you. And what had finally happened between the two of you. Even though he probably should've, he didn't regret it one bit.
Simon Riley had been torturing himself for weeks over you. The feelings had started growing as soon as you smiled at him in the goddamn cheese aisle, before you even knew who he was. And whilst they hadn't solidified until a little more down the line, he knew he wouldn't be able to let you go after that. And when you actually seemed to like him - him, not Ghost, not Lieutenant Riley, just Simon - he knew he was inevitably screwed.
It didn't help that you looked at him so adoringly, never a glimpse of hostility in your sparkling eyes, with an ever permanent smile on your lips. It's like you were daring him to try not being head over heels for you. And he'd hate himself for breaking every rule ever laid out to him by Price and other higher ups if you didn't make him feel so good, so warm inside.
And that's exactly what he felt as he walked in on you in your kitchen, humming to yourself as you rifled through your fridge for something to eat. The usual tingling sensation you set off in him was in full power as you turned to him, smiling spreading at the sight of him and eyes twinkling. It didn't help that you looked flushed and glowing with your slightly messed up hair and shaky legs. Freshly fucked, he'd describe it as. And he was the cause.
He approached you without a moment of hesitation, cupped your face in his hands and kissed you. "Good morning, Sarge."
You smiled against his mouth. "Second good morning, actually. We already did this once."
"Mhm, and what an amazing first good morning it was." He hummed against you, kissing you again. And again. And again.
Reluctantly you broke away, not fully out of his grasp though. "Do you want tea?"
"I'd love tea." He replied, still not letting you go.
"Simon, I need my body to make you tea." You chortled.
"And I need your body for other things." He whispered into your ear.
"Cheeky." You scoffed and pushed him away. "I will make you tea. Go sit down."
He agreed only after planting another lingering kiss on you and left for the living room. This was surreal to him. He was with someone he liked. Who liked him back. And you were... happy together. There was no underlying venom or bitterness fuelling the feelings, specifically the lust, between you. This kind of thing didn't happen for Simon Riley. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe he'd wake up in some cold safe house a million miles away from here only to find out this was some sick fantasy his mind conjured to play cruel tricks on him. But you were so warm and so good, so everything Simon didn't deserve. Which is why he'd selfishly keep you for as long as he could.
And when you emerged out of the kitchen, precariously balancing two cups of tea, with a look towards him full of adoration, he knew he was so screwed that it was almost funny. Simon decided then that if you thought about him half as often as he thought about you, with just a pinch of the infatuation he felt for you, that he was a very lucky man.
"I haven't got much for breakfast, I'm afraid. Probably got a box of Cheerios or something in a cupboard. Or we could go out to eat. If you'd like." You suggested, stood in front of him with your hands twisting together in embarrassment. You weren't used to hosting company in the mornings and having him here was so strange after him leaving before daybreak all the previous times he'd slept on your sofa. This was different though. This time he'd slept in your bed.
Simon stared up at you, intensity gone from his gaze to leave only affection. "I don't care." He really didn't.
He didn't need some fancy breakfast cooked up for him. He didn't need the probably stale cereal you offered. He didn't need anything aside from one thing.
All he needed, for now, was you.
A/N: I’ll let them be happy… for now. Please don’t comment on the smut if it’s bad. And full disclosure: Sarge and Soap were listening to Baby Got Back.
Thanks to @ramadiiiisme for consulting with me on the smut 🙏🥰
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punkshort · 10 months
look what we've become - ch.3
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Chapter Summary: Joel joins Tommy to meet the Fireflies and set up a trade agreement. They come back to Jackson with more than they expected.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, mentions of slavery
WC: 5.4K
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A/N: a reminder this story follows a slightly different timeline. Ellie was born pre-outbreak, but she was little when it happened.
Joel couldn't believe the past day and a half really happened. The rollercoaster of emotions you put him through left him stunned and shaken, wondering how he could read everything so fucking wrong. He found himself questioning everything now, replaying conversations, wondering if you had ever alluded to your feelings about marriage and a family that maybe he misread, misconstrued. Twisted and built up in his mind to fit into his stupid fantasy. One, he acknowledged, wasn't even in the forefront of his mind until his brother brought it back up to the surface. And suddenly, he wanted it, too. Like some resentful child who saw another playing with a toy he hadn't paid attention to in months, then demanded it for himself.
But he had thought about it, well before Tommy decided to man up first. He had the ring, but he never did anything with it. Why? Deep down, had he known you wouldn't want that? Was he subconsciously protecting himself by never acting on it? Or was he truly just waiting for the right time?
Even with Tommy's news, he still hadn't come up with a plan to actually ask you to marry him. He just allowed the fantasy to play out between your legs while he continued to make up excuses as to why he was holding off. Maybe it just turned him on to have a secret. Maybe he just wanted to have you, mark you, claim you. He knew he had a bad jealous streak, but would he have let his possessiveness lead him this far off track?
No. There were real reasons why he wanted you to be his wife. You made him want to be a better man. The way you made him feel was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. You brought out sides of him that others, including himself, never knew existed. Good things. You made him believe in happiness again, after his heart had been stomped on, making him treat everyone around him so poorly, even his own family. At a time when he felt so undeserving, you made him feel like the only person in the world. Even back then, he had a hard time believing you could actually care for him, but you saw through his bullshit to the man he was underneath, and you loved him for being him.
You had this way of looking at him like he was capable of anything. And with you by his side, he felt like he really was capable of anything. He did things he never thought possible to keep you both safe, as did you. You killed for each other. Not many people can say that. That meant something. The trauma and pain you both endured for one another had to mean something more. There was no doubt you both had proven what you were willing to do for the other, so it was only natural he wanted to commit himself to you. Say the words, vow to you in front of everyone you knew and loved that he would happily devote himself to you for the rest of his life.
So why didn't you want the same?
Ages ago, when the pair of you stumbled into the hellscape that was Kansas City, his ex, Amy, had mentioned offhandedly that you were only with him for protection. At the time, he shrugged it off, knowing full well it was bullshit just to get under his skin. But now, against his better judgement, he was rethinking those words. Rolling them around in his head, wondering if there was any truth to it.
"You been real quiet," Tommy said, pulling Joel out of his misery, surprised to suddenly find his brother next to him as they made their way on horseback down the mountains. Joel shrugged, averting his gaze ahead to the three other men leading the way.
"You mad at me for puttin' you on patrol yesterday? I'm sorry, Carl got sick and I didn't have anyone else," Tommy continued.
"Nah, it's not that," Joel replied, still staring straight ahead. "Didn't sleep well, is all."
"Ah," Tommy said, a playful smile pulling across his lips. "She send you off with somethin' to remember her by?"
Joel huffed and rolled his shoulders, his anger bubbling below the surface as he thought once again about the night before.
"Not exactly," Joel responded, trying to keep the bitterness from his voice.
Tommy hummed in response but remained quiet, trying to read his brother from the corner of his eye.
"Everythin' alright at home?" he asked, unknowingly hitting the nail on the head, causing Joel to clench the muscles in his stomach, like he was bracing for a punch to the gut.
"It's fine. What's the plan for when we get to this place?" Joel asked, quickly sidestepping the subject, something that was certainly not lost on his younger brother, but Tommy allowed for the change in conversation, anyway.
"We're gonna meet up with their leader, woman named Marlene. They're lookin' mostly for weapons, but they need other stuff, too. They got lots of medicine and first aid to swap. Bill's been runnin' real low on antibiotics, considerin' how fast the town is growin'," Tommy said with a sigh, readjusting in his saddle. "Girls sent me with a list of inventory, highlighted all the stuff we have a surplus of and all the stuff we could use more of. Remind me to thank her for helpin' when we get home," he said, keeping a close eye on Joel's reaction when he referred to you.
"Sure," was all Joel said in response, refusing to let him drudge up the topic. The wound was still too fresh, and he needed time. For the first time in a long time, he had no idea what was going through your head, and it scared the shit out of him.
Was it marriage and kids in general you didn't want, or was it marriage and kids with him?
He should have asked. He should have stayed instead of storming out that night. Instead, he let his emotions get the better of him and left you all alone, likely crying until you fell asleep if your swollen eyes the next morning was any indication. When he saw you, saw the distress etched in your perfect features, he wanted to pull you into his arms and never leave for this fucking trip. And he damn near did just that, until you confirmed it was a false alarm, and his heart was torn all over again. It was then he realized he had been hoping you were pregnant with his child, and there would be no choice but to face the next challenge together. Then he would be able to prove to you that it was a good thing, that you could, in fact, do it. And so could he.
Now, instead, he wasn't even sure where you two stood. You had said you still wanted him before he left, and that gave him hope. Hope that maybe not all was lost, that you could repair the damage that was done and come out stronger in the end for it. That maybe he could, in time, prove to you that he would be a good husband, a good father.
But then, Amy's words crept up in the back of his mind since he left. Somehow, years and years later, the woman still managed to torment him, making him believe he wasn't worthy or good enough to possibly have someone like you. The same way she manipulated him into thinking he deserved to be betrayed by her when they were engaged, that he didn't give enough of himself, that she warned him she needed more and he refused.
He shouldn't have gone on this trip.
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"Alright, we're losin' daylight, let's set up camp and get an early start tomorrow," Tommy announced, much to Joel's relief. He didn't want to admit that, just a mere few weeks away from his fortieth birthday, his back and knees were aching like he was a much older man. He slid down from his saddle with an audible groan, then tied his reins around a tree trunk before giving his mare a few loving pats along the crooked white blaze that split her face.
He unbuckled his sleeping bag from the saddle and shouldered his backpack, dropping his belongings unceremoniously to the ground before he and Jake headed out with a couple hatchets to collect some firewood.
He didn't mind Jake so much anymore. He was quiet, kept to himself and, fortunately, didn't seem to harbor any resentment towards him from the time Joel put him in the infirmary for kissing you. His bad temper mixed with his jealousy nearly killed the man.
Afterwards, he thought he lost you.
You left him, asking for time to process what happened, upset that he didn't take your word for it when you promised him the kiss was a misunderstanding, that you handled it. You viewed it as distrust, he viewed it as protection. It wasn't until later that he realized he was harboring his own trauma from failing to protect you from a past sexual assault.
As he carried an armful of firewood back, he reflected on everything you had been through together. The outbreak, your parents, the time you were stabbed, the assault, the breakup, the accident that nearly killed him. Not to mention all the infected and raiders that threatened you both at every turn. Was your relationship strong enough to endure one more massive hurdle?
They were deep in the woods, the terrain favorable. The trees hid the fire well, and the vast, empty land kept infected away. Still, each man took a quick turn overnight to keep watch. It hardly mattered when Eugene gently shook his shoulder, alerting him it was his turn to watch. He can never sleep well when he's away from you, anyway.
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Joel was almost grateful when they reached the hospital late in the afternoon the next day. It was the first time in two days he was able to stop thinking about you, his mind swirling with images of your trembling lip and your tear stained cheeks. He frequently wondered what you were doing, if you told Maria or Carrie about your argument. Were you packing up your things? Would he come home to an empty house? He wasn't sure his heart could handle it again.
You said you still wanted him.
You said you loved him.
But he didn't say those things back, and he left.
Even if you were fighting, even if it was the most significant disagreement you've ever had, he still wanted you near. He could never silence that driving force inside him since the outbreak that screamed keep her safe.
When they approached the hospital, they were all searched, weapons confiscated, as expected, before being ushered inside to meet the leader of the strange group called the Fireflies.
Marlene was a taller woman, with a firm jaw and eyes that could look right through you. He could tell right away she was not to be trifled with, that she took her role seriously in this little revolution she was spearheading. Although the people they had met since arriving seemed very intense, he didn't feel threatened. And he usually had a good instinct for those things. Usually.
They were in the hospital cafeteria, the five men, Marlene, plus a few others seated around a large, circular table as Tommy and Marlene exchanged pleasantries, both parties trying to make the other more comfortable. Joel hadn't really been listening. He was scanning the room, watching the guards pace by the doors regularly, the sentries standing watch with their hands resting on their rifles as they watched the exchange from a distance.
A small group of women entered from the door behind him, heading towards the kitchen to begin food preparations. Joel's eyes glanced over the group of four, three middle aged looking women who kept their eyes pinned to the ground, and a young girl with brown hair, tied back away from her face. She didn't look to be a day over thirteen, and she was the only one who looked around the room, her eyes locking with Joel's. He stared at her, his brow slightly furrowed as he tried to assess the situation. She continued to hold his gaze as she followed the other women, and although her body language gave nothing away, Joel felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Something seemed off.
"Isn't that right, Joel?" Tommy was saying, snapping his attention away from the girl, who he saw in his peripheral disappear behind a door into the kitchen.
"I'm sorry?" he replied, leaning forward and lacing his fingers together on top of the table, trying to look focused.
"I was just sayin' how we know of a few police stations in some small towns that have barely been touched. Wouldn't be much effort for us to get a group together when we get home and go ransack 'em, take just a few days to hit 'em all," Tommy said, his eyes flicking from Joel to Marlene, then back again.
Another trip. More days away from you.
"Yeah," Joel replied, nodding his head and ignoring the pit in his stomach. "It's not enough for an army, but I reckon any little bit helps."
"In the meantime, lemme show you our inventory list. See if anything jumps out at you, and we can work on gettin' those guns," said Tommy as he pulled the list out of his coat pocket and smoothing it out on the table.
Marlene reviewed the list, her dark eyes flicking over the paper quickly with a few hums here and there as she took notes.
"Looks good, but we mostly need weapons," she said, leaning back in her chair. "I could probably do with some fresh vegetables, I think everyone's getting sick of the canned shit. And shampoo. But that hardly is a match for antibiotics." Her eyes shifted back and forth between Joel and Tommy, and the corner of her mouth turned up as an idea hit her.
"I do have another offer, though," she said, leaning forward. "It's not what we discussed, but if you're willing, I could send you home with half a box of penicillin now, and the other half after."
"After... what?" Tommy asked a little hesitantly.
"I'm lacking manpower at the moment. My guys are stretched thin, we're planning a hit on the soldiers at the Boise QZ. I need you to take someone to the hospital base we have in Salt Lake City. It should only take two days to get there, and I just need you to make sure she gets there alive," Marlene said, pressing her pointer finger into the table on the last word for emphasis.
Tommy glanced at the other four men, clearly not expecting to run errands for these people in exchange for medicine. Joel could see the wheels turning in his brother's head before Tommy spoke.
"Show me the meds first," he said to Marlene, and she quickly lifted two fingers up from the table, blindly addressing someone behind her to exit and do as he asked.
"What's the catch?" Joel asked, his defenses going up.
"No catch. Just need to get her out of here and with my other group, and I don't have the time to do it myself," she said with a shrug, but Joel knew better. She was trying to act casual, but he saw her knee bouncing under the table.
He shouldn't have come on his trip.
Once Tommy laid eyes on the unopened vials of medicine, medicine Jackson could really use since Bill, the town doctor, had been rationing enough as it is, Joel knew his decision was made.
"Done," Tommy said with a nod, extending his arm to shake Marlene's hand, which she eagerly reached out to do.
"Tommy," Joel said quietly, annoyed his brother didn't run the decision by the group first.
"Give me a little bit. I'll go talk to her so you can hit the road right away. John, please give these gentleman half the box of penicillin," Marlene said as she pushed her chair back, the legs making an awful screech against the dirty, linoleum floor. "Dinner is about to be served, please help yourselves as my guests," she added over her shoulder, leaving the dining hall.
"Tommy," Joel tried again, finally pulling his brother's attention. "A word?"
He led Tommy a ways away from the table so their conversation couldn't be overheard.
"What're you thinkin'?" Joel asked him, hands on his hips. "We don't do things like this."
"I know, Joel, but we're already out here, what's the harm? It's just a few more days," he said.
"I can't do a few more days, I need to get home," Joel replied, raking his fingers through his hair anxiously.
"I'll send Jesse and Jake back to let the girls know we'll be a little longer-"
"Goddamnit, Tommy, no!" Joel said, louder than he anticipated, a few heads from the table turning to glance his way.
"Jackson needs this medicine, what the hell's gotten into you?" Tommy asked with a frown, shifting his weight as he tried to read his brother's face.
Before he could reply, Marlene reentered the room alone, motioning for the two brothers to join her back at the table.
"Ellie's working in the kitchen, once dinner is over I'll send her to change and gather her things," Marlene said.
"Not a problem," said Tommy as he sat back down.
"Is that true?" Marlene asked, her lips pressed in a thin line as she held Joel's gaze, waiting for him to answer. He took a deep breath through his nose and crossed his arms.
"Yeah, not a problem," Joel replied bitterly.
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Joel ate his meal quickly, desperate to finish this ridiculous task so he could get home. The longer he was away from you, the stronger his paranoia became. With each passing hour, he could almost feel the chasm between you growing, and he was beginning to convince himself there was no repairing the damage that was done. On both sides. Communication had never been his strong suit, but he thought he was getting better at it the past few years. Why did he go on this trip?
His eyes flicked up from his empty plate to see Marlene heading their way with the young girl he saw earlier in tow. His anger flared deep in his belly again, and he elbowed Tommy in the ribs to mutter angrily "she didn't mention it was a fuckin' kid" before Marlene could overhear.
"Ellie, these are the men I told you about. They're going to take you to Salt Lake City like we discussed," Marlene said, her hand resting on the girl's back. Joel eyed her carefully, noticing how tense her shoulders looked as she regarded the five men in front of her. His eyes drifted back to Marlene, wondering why on earth she was willing to leave this young girl with five strange men without a second thought. He decided she either was very desperate, or didn't care much for the girl.
Ellie readjusted her backpack on her shoulders and yanked on the edges of her long sleeved shirt, squaring her jaw as she stared them all down. Marlene crouched down to the girl's level and rested her hands on her shoulders.
"Remember what I told you. Listen to them, and everything will be fine," Marlene said, narrowing her eyes at Ellie. Ellie nodded, nostrils flaring before Marlene stood up to address Tommy.
"You need a map?"
"Nah, we got maps," Tommy said with a shake of his head. "This group know when we get there to give us the rest of the payment?"
"I'll radio the leader over there once you leave, let her know the deal," Marlene replied, stretching her arm out again to shake Tommy's hand.
"Alright, then," said Tommy, looking back down at Ellie and shooting her a small smile, trying to make her feel more comfortable. "You ready?"
"Yeah," she said, taking a deep breath and following Tommy out of the cafeteria.
They collected their weapons at the entrance before heading out, Ellie joining Tommy on the back of his horse. They didn't make it very far before the sun began to dip behind the trees and a quiet place was found to make camp for the night.
After getting a fire going, Tommy sat down in the dirt next to Joel, who had been leaning against a small oak tree, sipping from his flask and staring into the flames. The other three men were quietly playing a game of poker across from them, the occasional laugh or taunt floating in the air, while Ellie busied herself with a worn, paperback book further away from the rest.
"You wanna tell me what's goin' on yet?" Tommy asked, taking out his own flask.
"Nothin's goin' on," Joel replied gruffly, eyes trained on the fire.
"What's makin' you feel like you need to get home so bad?" he pressed. Joel felt that anger swelling inside him again, up his stomach and through his chest, and for a moment he wondered if Tommy knew. That maybe you told Maria and she let something slip.
"I told you, it's nothin'," he snarled, taking another sip from his flask and letting his eyes drift over to the girl. "Just wish I knew you were signin' me up to be a goddamn babysitter before comin' on this fuckin' trip."
"I can hear you, you know," Ellie said, her eyes never leaving the pages of her book.
"Good," Joel said, jutting his chin towards her, finally finding something to take his anger out on. "What's your deal, anyway?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said, sitting upright and letting her book fall to her lap, a flash of stubbornness not unlike his own reflecting in her eyes.
"Try me," Joel argued, his jaw clenching. Ellie glared at him, silence falling over the camp as everyone waited for her to speak. She opened her mouth, then thought better of it, clamping it shut and casting her eyes down. Joel scoffed, not ready to let the topic go just yet. Angry that this child was keeping him from home, from you. Angry that his brother agreed to it, like a fool.
"C'mon now, let's hear it. What makes you so fuckin' special?"
"Joel," Tommy said under his breath, a warning, reminding him to watch his language, that she was just a kid.
"Why should I bother? You're all the same, anyway! No one ever listens to me, 'cause I'm just some kid, right? No one-" she cut herself off, stopping herself before she said too much.
"Who's all the same?" Tommy asked gently, trying to coax the information out of her. She shrugged and huffed, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly.
"The people Marlene hires. Dragging me all over the country like I'm... whatever," she said, stopping herself yet again.
"So this ain't the first time Marlene sent you off with a bunch of strange men?" Joel asked, the edge still in his tone but he could feel his resolve softening, somehow feeling bad for this little girl despite his own problems.
"No," was all she offered, glaring at Joel again.
"Are you in some sort of trouble, kid?" Eugene's voice asked from across the fire. The silence that followed was deafening, only the crackle from the fire filling the air. Ellie's eyes shot over to Eugene, looking him up and down, trying to keep up her steely resolve before giving up and turning her back on the group, announcing she was going to bed, and burying herself in the sleeping bag that was way too big for her.
Joel stared at the back of her head, trying to connect the dots with the context he had available to him, but he couldn't figure it out. Tommy shifted next to him, clearly lost in his own thoughts, as well. Wondering for the first time if he had gotten them all in over their heads.
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The following morning, Tommy sent Jake and Jesse back home to let everyone know they were going to be a few days late. The three remaining men and Ellie packed up their supplies early, hitting the trail as soon as possible, ready to make a dent in the long road ahead. Eugene led the way, followed by Tommy, then Joel brought up the rear, his eyes burning holes in the back of Ellie's head as she clung to Tommy's denim jacket to keep her balance on the back of his horse.
Joel chewed the inside of his cheek, still feeling bitter, about everything. You, Tommy, Ellie. All of it. Since he couldn't get to you, and Tommy already got him in too deep, he chose to direct his energy towards Ellie when they took a break midday.
"Marlene send you with any food, or are you takin' that from us, too?" Joel asked, sitting down on a fallen tree trunk with a groan.
"I have food. And what else could I have possibly taken from you?" Ellie replied curtly, sitting further down the log as she opened her pack to fish out some granola bars.
"Time," Joel snapped. "And we don't even know why we're doin' it."
"Isn't Marlene paying you guys?" she replied with a huff. Tommy's eyes toggled back and forth between Joel and Ellie, becoming exasperated with the constant bickering.
"Can you just drop it, Joel?" Tommy asked. "Who cares? It's an easy gig, and we get meds out of it."
"Oh, she's giving you meds? Wow, she must be really desperate," Ellie chimed in.
"Alright, I've had enough," Joel said, standing up to tower over the girl. "Spit it out. What're we doin' here?"
"Fine, Joel," she said, stretching out each syllable before standing up, fists clenched at her sides. The way she said his name set his teeth on edge. "You wanna know how you're helping slavers move cargo? That the answer you're looking for?"
The three men froze, clearly not expecting that. Tommy stood up now, his head swiveling between Eugene and Joel as he processed the information just dropped on them.
"Wait-" Tommy said, stretching his arm out to Ellie, but she cut him off.
"Yeah, that's right. You still think this is a pain for you?" she snapped, glaring at Joel even though Tommy was the one who spoke.
"Stop!" Joel shouted, holding his hands up in the air as silence fell over the camp. He pointed his finger to Ellie.
"You. Explain. Now."
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Joel pinched the bridge of his nose as he silently listened to Ellie tell her story. Her parents were dead. She was taken from her aunt and uncle's house at a young age, forced into slavery for the past few years: laundry, cooking, cleaning. Sometimes for twelve hours a day. Said she's been with the Fireflies a long time, that they keep moving her from base to base but she claimed she didn't know why. Joel had to wonder how much of what she was saying was the truth. There was no doubt something was happening at that hospital, but slaves? Something just didn't add up.
When she finished her story, she nervously glanced around at the men, waiting for one of them to say something. Tommy sighed and motioned to the woods.
"We need to talk about this. Privately," Tommy said, narrowing his eyes at Ellie. "You stay here."
"Fine. Not like I can make it on my own out there, anyway," she said with a snort. She picked up a stick from the ground and began drawing into the loose dirt at her feet.
"We're takin' her back, givin' back the meds, and goin' home," Joel said the moment they were out of earshot. Tommy shook his head.
"This is enough, Tommy! This ain't our business. Any other option here puts the whole town at risk, puts Maria at risk, puts-" he stopped himself, biting his tongue before saying your name. He hadn't thought about you for the past half hour. A new record.
Tommy wasn't an idiot. He knew something was going on, but he couldn't focus on it, having a much bigger problem to sort out.
"She's a kid. We can't take her back, and we can't take her to Salt Lake City. It ain't right," said Tommy gently, hoping he would make his brother see through whatever was plaguing his mind and look at the bigger picture. Joel frowned and glared at the grass below his boots, clenching and unclenching his jaw as his mind struggled to wrap itself around the situation.
"Eugene?" Tommy said, turning to raise his eyebrows at the older, and suspiciously quiet, man. Eugene sighed, dropping his shoulders like he was carrying an enormous weight.
"I agree with Tommy," he said, and Joel spun on his heel, angrily pacing a few feet away to take some deep breaths.
"So, what? We take her to Jackson? We don't show people where we live for a fuckin' reason," Joel reminded them, his back still turned on the two men.
"We take her back, just a bit, til we can find where her aunt and uncle were livin', and we'll take her back home," Tommy said, the gears in his head turning as he formulated the plan on the spot. "In the meantime, we tell the Fireflies she ran off in the middle of the night. Maybe if we can get those guns to 'em, we can still keep the antibiotics."
Joel scoffed and shook his head, turning around to glare at his younger brother.
"This is stupid and risky. Lyin' to those people don't seem like a good move to me."
"Yeah, well, it's the only move we got, Joel. Otherwise, we're just as bad as them," said Tommy, his eyes drifting through the trees to make sure Ellie was still perched on the log where they left her. "I won't ask you to help take her back to her family."
"Damn right, you won't," Joel muttered, rolling his shoulders angrily. He stared off in the direction of Ellie, his jaw ticking off to the side with his hands on his hips, lost in thought.
He shouldn't have gone on this trip.
"Alright, is it settled, then? Can we hit the road, go back home?" Eugene asked, clearly tired of the bickering. Joel glared at the other two men before stomping back over to Ellie, who stood when she heard the men approaching, eyes flicking to each of their faces. Joel brushed past her to scoop up his bag from the ground and jumped back up on his horse with a grunt. At least he won't have to be away from you any longer. Not that he was sure what to even say, he just knew he needed to see you.
"C'mon, kid. We're takin' you to our town," Tommy said, motioning for her to grab her things and follow him to his horse.
"Really?" she asked excitedly, a small smile playing on her face for the first time.
"'Til we can get you back to your family, yeah," he replied, holding an arm out to help her scramble up the back of his horse.
Joel remained quiet the next day and a half, inwardly brooding about the potential blowback from taking this kid, which then morphed into nerves when he realized he was a few hours away from seeing you again.
When they arrived through the gates of Jackson, he didn't watch Ellie's eyes light up when she first saw the town, the people, the animals, kids her age playing. Maybe if he wasn't so focused on searching for your face in the small crowd that welcomed them back, then he would have seen how happy Ellie was. How, for maybe the first time in years, she felt a spark of hope. Maybe if he wasn't so focused on the ache in his chest when he didn't see you, it wouldn't have come as a surprise when Ellie snuck off the first chance she got, bobbing and weaving down the busy street, eager to see what the town had to offer.
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juqtier · 9 months
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SUMMARY: after blowing up at your neighbor, you and your friend decide to have a night out to help you with stress. what could go wrong?
GENERAL WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and alcohol, angsty, arguing, spencer is kind of (definitely) an asshole, kissing, cursing, somewhat darker plot points as story progresses
THIS CHAPTERS CONTAINS: alcohol and alcohol consumption, characters are drunk, cursing, spencer is an asshole, cursing. also if anything is wrong or said wrong ignore it and pretend it’s all correct thanks 💯🥰🫶🏽
GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
⋆·˚ ༘ *
chapter 2 : it’s dr. reid
✎ It has been a couple weeks since you blew up at Spencer, and not much has changed. Well, except for your attitude towards him.
You never smiled or waved at him. In fact, if he even glanced at you, you’d quickly roll your eyes before he got the chance.
As you sat in the back at your work, counting tips, you couldn’t help but think about how much you hated him.
God, he’s so stuck up.
He doesn’t even know me.
Wearing a vest doesn’t make you any better than me or anyo-
"(Y/N), are you okay?”
Your coworker (and closest friend), Liv, interrupts your thoughts. She stared at you with a subtle hint of confusion. You hadn’t even realized you'd been zoned out or that you’d been slamming down the cash on the table.
You and Liv met when you first began working here. She was possibly the happiest person you know, and the kindest. She always listened to you ramble about anything, whether it was a stupid hobby, a rude customer, or even the most mundane story about your week.
“Um yeah. Just some problems..” You weren’t even sure how to answer her. Bringing up the situation made you even more furious.
However, Liv became a bit more concerned with this answer.
“Oh no! What’s wrong? Family troubles, a boy?”
You breathe in deeply, trying to suppress the anger building up again before you start talking.
“It’s just... my neighbor.”
Liv leans on the table you sat at, obviously interested in what you have to say. “Go on…”
Her saying that immediately gave your mind the confirmation it needed to go ahead with your rant.
“Well, when I moved in, I wanted to greet him. I don’t know, trying to be neighborly and whatnot, like one does. But.. like..”
You rub your face with your hands. It became clear to you that talking about this would anger you no matter what, so why not just get it over with?
“He’s such a jerk. Like, he interrupted me when I tried to say hello. He even slammed the door in my face.”
Your friend's eyes widen, leaning more towards you, showing her interest. Honestly, even if she wasn’t showing any care whatsoever, the words would’ve kept spewing out regardless. You needed to get this off your chest.
“Oh, and he showed up at my door, telling me to turn my music down. I have no problem with that, but in the same breath, he tells me how I have terrible taste. He said, 'Some of us have jobs and commitments', or whatever bullshit he said to me. Like oh I’m sorry, I never knew because I don’t also work my ass off!”
Your voice gradually became louder, yet you weren’t quite yelling. All Liv does is nod softly, almost as if she knew how much anger and frustration built up inside of you.
“And I live next to him, I can’t avoid him. He’s like the plague! Maybe during the apartment tour, the realtor could’ve been kind enough to give me a heads-up! Maybe like, ‘Oh, by the way, the neighbor is insanely rude and pretentious, so maybe avoid him if you can’, I dunno!”
“Jesus, (Y/N), I’m sorry.” Liv quickly says. Venting to your friend calmed you down a bit, but you were still visibly annoyed.
“It’s fine… It’s not... whatever.” Your body slumps into the chair, the tip money you were previously counting still spread in front of you.
“Let’s go out tonight. You and me!” Liv suggests happily.
The idea sounds nice, but you haven’t been out in what feels like forever. When you moved, you left all of your dresses and more risqué clothing behind to make the move easier. I mean, you didn’t even think you’d have a reason to go out of the house.
“Liv, thanks for the attempt at helping, but I haven’t gone out in so long. I don’t even have going-out clothes.”
"Well, you’re in luck, sweets! I have tons of going-out clothes, or whatever you call them. When I’m out in a couple hours. Finish counting your tips, go home, shower, and I’ll pick you up. No ifs, ands, or buts. See ya!"
With that, she smiles sweetly at you and hurries off, going to serve another table fast enough so you can’t say no to the plans she made. You let out a small huff, seeing no way out of this.
And Liv was nice; what harm could going out with her do?
You gather the cash and stuff it into an envelope, sliding it into your purse and gathering the rest of your belongings. Untying your apron and setting it down, you exit the restaurant through the back and make your way to your car.
Please let tonight be a good one.
“Choose an outfit, any outfit!”
Liv displayed all her dresses for you to choose from on her bed. She had picked you up a couple hours prior, and the two of you had been talking for a while before getting ready.
You straightened your hair and did a smokey makeup look, something you hadn’t done in a while.
The dress selection was quite impressive, but a simple short, sparkly black dress stood out to you the most. You pick it up and show Liv your choice.
“Ooooh, skimpy, yet simple. I like!” Liv said, smiling from ear to ear.
“Go put it on!”
She eagerly pushes you into the bathroom to change, shutting the door behind you.
Slipping the clothes on and staring at yourself in the mirror, you felt insanely confident. Since you hadn’t been out in so long, you forgot how fun it was to get dressed up.
Stepping out of the bathroom and into the room where Liv went to change, she audibly gasped upon seeing you.
“Jesus (Y/N), you look hot!”
A giggle escapes your lips as you look down at the yourself and smile at her.
“I might have to steal this dress, I like them too much.”
“I’d pay you to keep it, you look good.”
The comment made you blush slightly as your friend continued to compliment you.
“Alright, I'm ready. Let’s go!”
The two of you order a cab and head to the club. The thought of Spencer Reid is nowhere in your mind.
As you arrive at the club, you can already tell it’s quite full. Just upon entering, you see tons of people dancing and drinking—even a drunk girl spilling her drinks all over herself as her friends quickly try to clean her up.
Liv grabs your arm, dragging you up to the bar in a matter of seconds. It seemed so fast; you hadn’t even noticed she ordered you two drinks.
“Two tequila shots, two waters, and two limes, thank you!” Liv orders from the bartender. He nods and heads off to grab you guys your drinks.
“Starting off strong?” You say this, laughing softly.
“Of course! I want you to have a good night, (Y/N). It’ll be fun, trust me!"
Liv smiled softly at you as she grabbed the salt on the counter, seeing the bartender come back with the shots.
“Here you go. Enjoy, ladies.”
The both of you nod as the bartender steps away, helping others with their drinks. You lick the back of your hand and sprinkle salt on it before grabbing the shot and throwing it back.
It burned slightly, going down your throat, and you winced a bit. Quickly licking the salt off your hands and sucking on the lime, you can’t help but shake a little bit. It’s been so long since you’ve even consumed any sort of alcohol, so this shot felt incredibly strong to you.
"Jesus, I forgot how much I hate tequila.” You say, clearing your throat a bit. You grab your water and take a sip as Liv laughs, seemingly having had no reaction to the shot.
“Welcome back to drinking, huh?” She jokes, which makes you both laugh a little.
As the night goes on, the two of you dance and drink more, progressively becoming drunker. The shots began going down like water; a lime wasn’t needed to help anymore.
As you and Liv danced together, you decided to get more shots. Liv was clearly having too much fun to get off the dance floor right away, so you made the sacrifice to step off and grab them.
“I’ll go grab us some more shots; you just stay here.” You say to her, words slurring as you walk over to the bar. You lean on the bar to order more shots, hoping to make them your last ones as you get more and more tired.
The bar was full, so the bartender wasn’t going to tend to you right away. As you take a seat to help you have some sort of balance, you become aware of the presence of someone behind you. Assuming it was Liv, you snap your head to look at the person.
No fucking way
It seemed like you could never escape the nightmare that is Spencer Reid.
"Holy shit, Reid... are you stalking me?” You say this, looking up at the tall man. If your words didn’t indicate how drunk you were, your face did. Your eyes were heavy, and your face was slightly flushed red.
“Stalking you? I wouldn’t even if I was paid.” He states, making you roll your eyes.
“I don’t know what karmic debt I have to pay off, but it sure is hell seeing you everywhere I go.”
The words coming out of your mouth were so slurred, it made him chuckle. This made you roll your eyes again, annoyed at everything he did.
“I’m not particularly pleased to see you either." He answers, not even looking down at you as he scans the bar.
“And besides, you’re not the only one allowed to go out. I’m here with some work friends, not for you. They’re all just too drunk to hold a conversation…”
You laugh slightly as you tilt your head. “You don’t drink”
“No, not really. Can’t say the same can you? Try not to clear out the alcohol…”
Of course he had to throw in a snarky comment quickly. Even if it wasn’t normally seen as rude, coming from him was a different story.
“I’m leaving anyway.. have a.. nice night… or whatever.” You reply swiftly, forgetting the shots you planned to order and hopping out of your seat. You stagger a few steps away before feeling his hand wrap around your forearm, quickly stopping you.
“Wait, how are you getting home? You can’t drive like this.”
It almost felt like you couldn’t roll your eyes anymore than you have. You turn your head to look at him, your hair falling in front of your face.
“Don’t pretend to care.. where.. I’m going." Your words seemed to take forever to get out; you just wanted to get as far away as possible in that moment.
“Just because I don’t like you at all doesn’t mean I’m going to let you be in possibly dangerous situations. Especially in this state..." His eyes didn’t seem angry at that moment; they were just worried. It almost felt foreign to see him not roll his eyes back at you. It shocked you.
“How are you getting home?" Spencer’s voice is a lot more stern this time, startling you a bit. You never expected him, of all people, to care.
"Well, mister Reid…”
“It’s Dr.” He corrects you.
“Whatever.. me and my friend… Liv… will get a cab home. Any other questions?"
When he doesn’t respond right away, you think that’s the end of the interaction. When you attempt to slip your arm out of his grasp, he only tightens his grip a bit more. Not hurting you, but stopping you from walking away.
“I- I don’t think that’s very safe. I’ll give you guys a ride.”
Usually you’d argue and protest, but he seemed too serious to even try. And besides, you’d rather get a free ride than pay for one.
“Whatever..” You begrudgingly agree, pulling your arm away to go get your friend. Liv is easily pulled off the dance floor this time as you explain the situation. She holds onto your arms as you exit the club behind Spencer. It was obvious she had many more drinks than you; you could’ve looked a little sober next to her.
"Hello, sir, thank you for the ride.” She says to Spencer, her words are barely comprehensible. Spencer just nods, not really understanding what she said.
You walk to Spencer’s car with Liv on your arm, then softly help her into the backseat, buckling her up. She was laughing and giggling as you did so, not paying much attention to Spencer at all.
"Please, please, please don’t throw up in my car.” You hear him talk to himself as he walks to the driver's side door and gets in.
As you get in the front seat beside Spencer, you look around at the interior of the car. It was completely clean; there was not a speck of dirt in sight.
“Huh, is the car new?” You ask, turning your head to face him. He shook his head as he stuck the keys in the ignition, starting the vehicle.
“No. I just don’t drive much. I don’t like to, I usually take the train or have a coworker drive me. Can you give me your guys addresses?”
You nod, telling him both addresses, seeing as Liv was too inebriated to say much. The car begins to move, and you lay your head back to stare out the window. Watching the world pass by was calming; you even began to drift off a little.
Suddenly, the car stops.
“We’re at Livs.” He almost whispers. You lift your head up and look around before getting out of the car. You still had pretty bad balance, but better than Liv’s, who had passed out by now. Spencer gets out as well and helps you hoist Liv out of the backseat.
“How much did you guys drink?” He asks, referencing how drunk your friend was. The two of you begin walking to the door of her house.
“Not a lot, just... a lot..” You joke, laughing at your own stupidity.
“I wouldn’t do that. Alcohol causes 13 percent of deaths among-“
“Boooorinnng.” You interrupt. He presses his lips together as you two reach the door. You dig through the purse Liv had on her shoulder and fish her keys out, quickly unlocking the door and pushing it open.
“I’ll go put her to bed.” You say, dragging Liv off Spencer’s shoulders and to her room. She is easily carried, being quite light. As you reach her room, you set her down on the bed and take her purse off her shoulder, placing the keys beside it on her dresser. She didn’t really respond much, but you did hear her softly snoring as you laid her down.
As you shut the lights off and exit the house, you see Spencer waiting on the sidewalk for you.
“Come on, I’m tired.”
You walk to the car and get it again, buckling up quickly.
As you begin driving, he suddenly begins talking to you.
“I never took you as someone to go out at all.”
“Dr. Reid, you don’t know me at all.”
Saying this makes you realize, you don’t know him either. I mean, he was annoying, yes, but what did he do? What did he like? Were his interests as painstakingly pretentious as he was? You grew curious, then quickly grew confused as to why you were curious at all.
When he laughs at your comment, you immediately snap out of your head. “I do know you’re a pain in the ass.”
“You’re not exactly a dream either, believe me.”
You go back to staring out the window, waiting for the car to finally park in front of your apartment.
When it finally does, you get out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, Spencer is right behind you.
“Stop following me, weirdo.” You comment as you walk in front of him, refusing to turn around.
"Sorry, princess, but in case you forgot, I’m your neighbor.”
You groan at this comment as you both reach your apartment doors. You were already so irritated and tired that you couldn’t bear another snarky comment or remark from him. Opening your door, you look at him and nod.
“Good night, Dr. Reid.” Your tone was sassy, yet jokey. He rolled his eyes and smiled at you, lifting his hand to wave goodbye. Before he can reply or say anything, you shut the door.
You made him smile.
He smiled cause of you?
Why did you care so much that he smiled? Shouldn’t that annoy you? Maybe you were just too drunk to function properly. You shake the thoughts off and slip into more comfortable clothes, quickly jumping into bed and falling asleep. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be thinking straight…
PT 1 | PT 3
tag list: @daisyridleyss @taygrls @yeonalie @peanutbelley @vivian-555 @ehedrick012110
a.n : this feels really long, and it is, so sorry ! but next chapter is a lil more eventful i hope! also, in my head liv is a blonde sweet sort of ditzy girl, but you can imagine her however you’d like! liv lover regardless 💪🏽💯
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toxic3mmy · 6 months
prompt: you and alex hate each other but one night of your sleep talking changes everything
warning: slight mature content
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ever since anyone could remember, you and alex hated one another.
the first time you met, he thought you were an annoying pick me, which you definitely were so far from. and you saw alexis as an arrogant prick who only thinks of himself.
the two of you had mutual friends, which was very ironic given how much you couldn’t stand one another.
your friends always ran into the issue where they couldn’t even get the two of you in the same room. it caused plenty of issues for the two of you to be together and so they settled on either not inviting the both of you at all, or the guys sticking together and the girls doing the same. but of course, the entire friend group wanted you guys to finally hash things out so they could all be together.
it was the end of spring and your mutual friends, minx, tina, rubius, and luzu decided that they’d cook up a plan to enjoy the first week of summer together even if you and alex didn’t get along.
the girls would bring the idea up to you, as the boys would to alex, and only mention that all the others would be joining you all in mexico for a few days without mentioning you or alex to the other. they would then say that there’d be three hotel rooms and you would have your own room. alex would also be told that he would be in his own room but in reality, your friends would have you and alex share a room while the others paired up. they all just really hoped that you guys could get to know each other better and maybe then you could all hangout comfortably without worrying about the tension between you and alex.
so it was set. the guys would take a flight an hour earlier than the girls and you all would meet up at the hotel.
it took no longer than a few hours to get to the airport and you were just ready to shower and sleep and visit the beach the next day.
you all finally arrived at the hotel and met with the boys in the lobby. immediately, you saw that annoying ass beanie and you already knew that alex was here too.
“why didnt you tell me alex was coming?” you whispered to tina
she simply shrugged and smiled nervously
“..and yeah, those are the plans for the week. so, any questions before we go to our rooms?” rubius asked as he went through the plans for the trip
“why is she here?”
“why is he here?”
both you and alex said almost in unison
“well.. we all just wanted to be together. and speaking of, y/n and alex you guys will be sharing a hotel room. we’re all hoping you guys can get the chance to get to know each other and get along for once.”
you and alex were silent. you both just wanted to please your friends so you agreed and all headed to your hotel rooms. you and alex were left alone as you walked side by side to your shared room.
“you’re gonna be one annoying roommate during this trip, aren’t you?” alex broke the awkward silence trying to be funny
“can you not.. its bad enough that i have to be in one of the nicest places in mexico but im forced to share a room with you?? like gross..” i rolled my eyes at him
“and you seriously think i want to deal with you for the next few days? this is going to be miserable” he replied
“ditto, bitch” i scoffed
“well, you really are going to be a huge pain in my ass you know??” alex continued to poke at me
“you’re no ray of fucking sunshine, sweetie”
we finally reach our room, i put my bags down and unlock the door. we both walk in and our eyes almost pop out of our heads.
“you have got to be kidding… one bed?! there’s no way im sleeping near you” alex scoffs annoyed
“you’re right alex, i’ll sleep on the bed and you can sleep on the floor like the dog you are”
“i’m not sleeping on the damn floor! i’m taking half the bed at least”
“fine, im feeling generous but you better stay on your side of the bed, don’t even breathe near me”
“what are you, six? i’m taking my half, man” he shakes his head
“if anyone here is a child, it’s you. but either way, stay off my side, ‘kay?” you smile sarcastically at him
“don’t call me that! i know all your insults are projections and you’re just insecure. and you won’t keep me from my rightful side of the bed”
“yeah okay, im insecure, mister ‘i wont ever take my beanie off because im most definitely bald under it’ ” you rolled your eyes
“i have more hair than your entire family, dumbass. and don’t even get me started on your insecurities, little miss constantly talking to guys and flirting when you’ve never even had a real relationship before” alex said as he crossed his arms
“oh, really? at least i talk to guys, and im not all ‘oh, you’re so p-p-p-pretty’ ” you mock him and his stuttering
“shut your mouth! i stutter and so what?? it doesn’t make me insecure, i just have trouble with words, okay?!”
“yeah, okay” you make a hand gesture of a dick going into your mouth, making fun of alex
“wow.. childish much? grow up y/n” he spat at you, sitting down on the bed and unpacking a few things, then scrolling on his phone
“go fuck yourself” you smile and flick him off, angrily slamming the restroom door with your things to shower
“back at ya bitch” he said to himself, occupying himself with his phone
you take about thirty minutes to shower, get dressed, and do your nighttime routine. you’re exhausted from the plane ride and from arguing with alex that you’re ready for bed. you put everything away and slip into bed, still ignoring alex.
almost immediately, you fall asleep.
alex looked over at you as if he was going to say something. he saw you were peacefully sleeping so he continued to watch the video he had playing on his phone.
about an hour later, you found yourself deeply asleep but also tossing and turning in bed.
you throw your blanket off of you and mumbled something softly. alex thought you were talking to him so he took off one of his earphones.
he looked over at you and gulped as his eyes were drawn to the revealing pajamas you had on.
“please…” you whispered, talking in your sleep
alex perked up at the sound of your sleepy voice. were you talking to him?
“oh alex…” you practically moaned
his face was now red all over as he heard the sounds you made.
“mmmf, feels so good baby” again, you were sleeping and still a whimpering mess. you tossed and turned some more.
now this definitely gave alex an embarrassingly aching hard on. god, why was this happening? he thought of the grossest things he could to urge the pent up tension in his pants away.
he decided that he would not intervene and he would just go to sleep. so he pulled up your pajamas that were slipping off of you, covered you with the blanket, and laid down on his side. he was having trouble falling asleep as he had you on his mind. he was angry at himself for getting turned on so easily, and even more, he was pissed about how much he liked your sweet little whimpers.
right as he was about to fall asleep, he heard you mumbling again.
“i love you alex” you sighed, still asleep
alex couldn’t believe it. did you really say that? did you mean it or were you just dreaming? either way he decided to shut everything out and sleep.
the next day you woke up refreshed and ready to see the beautiful city you were in. you were especially excited to visit the beach nearby. you got ready in the bathroom quietly to avoid waking alex.
alex woke up almost half an hour later and you cheerfully greeted him,
“morning ‘lex”
you got nothing in return. you frowned a bit but shrugged it off, assuming that he was still upset about having to share a hotel room with you.
you continued to get ready and finally changed into a cute purple bikini. you had a sheer top over it and some short shorts and also wore some cute platform sandals. the outfit showed off your tramp stamp and hip tattoos perfectly. you felt absolutely hot in this outfit.
you saw that alex still wasn’t ready so you let him know you were meeting tina downstairs and left.
“hey y/n, how was your first night with alex?” tina asked genuinely when you met up with her
“it was okay, we didn’t argue as much as i expected” you laughed
“well that’s some progress, right?” she asked hopeful
“i guess so yeah” you nodded
the two of you decided to meet the others for some coffee at the hotel cafeteria
alex, however, didn’t show
when everyone finished and was getting ready to head to the nearest restaurant for brunch, ruibius wolf whistled loudly at alex’s appearance
“mira que guapo, i might have to take you back to my hotel room tonight before any of the ladies here get their hands on you” he teased and alex laughed softly at him
“yeah, please get him off my hands” you rolled your eyes at alex but he ignored you completely
you shrugged it off thinking he was still upset about being stuck with you
after a brief brunch, the group headed to the beach.
you all happily headed to the beach and laid out your towels and chairs
you had found an outside bar nearby and ordered a drink. you then went back to where your friends were and laid on your chair, enjoying the sun on your skin. you took off your top and your shorts and your body instantly felt cooler.
you laughed and joked with your friends and just enjoyed their company. you noticed that alex wasn’t talking to you but he talked to everyone else and it honestly was nothing out of the ordinary. just as you were thinking of getting another drink at the bar, a tan guy appeared next to you.
“hola, estas bien hermosa y te quiero comprar un coctel. cual te gustaría, nena?” he asked as he took your hand in his, kissing it gently
“oh… lo que sea estará bien.” you blushed slightly as he smiled at you, you couldn’t help but stare at his golden abs. he was hot, there was no denying it.
he left to get you a drink and tina gave you a smirk before saying a short ‘see you later’ and she headed off with the others to take a swim in the beach.
“here you go, nena” the guy handed you the drink and asked, “como te llamas?”
“y/n, what’s your name?”
“me llamo luis, its nice to meet you y/n” he smiled softly
“y/n, i have to talk to you” alex suddenly appeared behind you and luis
“can it wait? im a little busy” you said a bit sternly to him
“no, it’s important” he grabbed your arm and turned to anthony before saying “we’ll be just a minute” he smiled fakely at luis and pulled me aside
“what’s so important that you had to interrupt?”
“put this on” he gave you your shorts and top
“what? why?”
“all these guys are just staring at you! cover yourself up y/n” alex said, annoyed at you
“so what? i can’t help it if i’m sexy”
“shut up.. you don’t understand how guys think. i don’t want anyone to take advantage of you”
“so let me get this straight, first you get upset about being stuck in a hotel room with me, then you ignore me practically all day and now all of a sudden you care about me?? and you’re trying to say i’m being a whore for showing off my body?”
“y/n… it’s really not like that” he sighed
“then what is it like?”
“well… i uh… look im sorry for ignoring you today. i just needed to think about um stuff”
“what stuff?”
“yeah, well no. i don’t know. something happened last night and i didn’t know what to think when it did”
“what happened?”
“did you have any dreams last night?”
“what?” you began to shake a bit because of course you remembered your steamy dream you had that night with alexis in it… but how did he know?
“you were talking in your sleep and um… saying my name and stuff..” alex said slowly, watching your face for your reaction
“oh… yeah um i think you were in my dream but we were uh getting massages together and-and with the um others too…” you said really fast and really nervously
“are you sure? it sounded different.. like you were dreaming of me in a more intimate manner y/n” his face was now so smug and it annoyed you
“are you kidding me?! that’s why you’ve been avoiding me more than usual? it was just a stupid dream! i mean, i even had a wet dream with obama in it once!” you huffed
alex only laughed and shaked his head
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starker-raving-mads · 7 months
For You: Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
It was two months since the day Peter Parker's life changed for the second - third - fourth time.
He'd gotten more sleep over the last month than he had in the previous two months. It was partly due to sheer, never-ending exhaustion. His life since taking on the mantle as 'the new Tony Stark' - a title he balked at, mind you - had become pure chaos. At first, it was a relief. The instantaneous knowledge that money was no longer a problem. May could quit her job and devote her time to FEAST, he could complete his honors-GED (which many of the Blipped teenagers had chosen to do) and immediately hop into online college courses at Columbia with Ned and MJ.
Immediately following that relief, though, was his face splashed across every newspaper, tabloid, blog, and TikTok page in America.
He would never say it, and he couldn't prove it, but he was 99% sure it was Pepper's doing. After her initial outburst at the lawyer's offices, he'd hardly heard from her. His lawyers - god, his lawyers - had advised that he shouldn't respond to any comments on the subject of Pepper Potts being snubbed by her husband for Peter's heir status. While she had no legal leg to stand on since Tony's will was air tight and definite, that didn't stop her from digging her claws into all the ways she knew would hurt him.
Every time he saw something outrageous with his face on it on an article somewhere, he had to remind himself that she was grieving and in pain about a perceived betrayal by her husband. Her husband, who was Tony Stark, who did not belong to him.
No matter that the man had figured out time travel for him, had risked the universe, had given him billions of dollars and the most coveted job in the entire world. Tony only gave him this because there wasn't anyone else better that he trusted, but Peter knew that didn't mean he was Tony's true first choice, and he had to squash every niggling feeling and whisper of a thought that said he was. It would only make it hurt more when all he wanted was the pain to stop.
He'd finally found a moment, though, where things weren't quite as bad. He'd recently reconvened with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Rhodey and they had a steady if not solid pact. They were all unsure of the situation, still, and Peter didn't blame them. He'd been…questioned, more politely than Pepper had done, on how he and Tony's relationship had unfolded.
When he'd explained that he was 14 when he met Mr. Stark, Steve and Bucky both winced, apologizing for the disaster that was Germany but Peter shrugged it off. He really hadn't been hurt and it was a foundational moment for his and Mr. Stark's relationship. He couldn't bring himself to regret it.
After that, they'd had a few meals together, talked more about his life - and theirs, to an extent, though he was far more privy to them than they had been of him.
"He never mentioned you," Steve said, shaking his head, baffled. He held a cool beer in his hand, leaning back from the patio table they had gathered around at the newly rebuilt SHIELD headquarters in upper state New York.
"Oh he mentioned Pete to me all right," Rhodey disagreed before reaching over and ruffling his curls lightly. Peter liked Rhodey, liked how hands-on he was, how relaxed but also somehow by the book, liked his humor. He could see how he and Tony had been such good friends. "But he'd only told me about his 'brilliant new intern'," they all chuckled. "He really kept the whole Spider-Man thing close to the chest."
"I'd asked him to," Peter admitted, peeling the wrapper off of his bottle of lemonade. "First because I was still like so young, yo know? And then later, after a few - pretty major - mistakes I made, I guess he thought I'd proved I was finally ready to be an Avenger."
"Well I never heard Tony trying to recruit anyone," Rhodey commented and they all looked at him quizzically.
Peter let out a single huffed laugh. "Yeah, uh," he tried to keep down the blush rising on his neck. "You remember the day that Mr. Stark proposed to Ms. Potts?" Rhodey and Sam both laughed long and hard.
"Even over in Wakanda we saw that," Sam chuckled. "It was the Tony Stark special - a huge thing wrapped in a tiny, chaotic package. Not unlike yourself," he raised his eyebrows at Peter, who flicked his bottle wrapper at him.
"Pepper had no idea it was coming," Rhodey agreed before taking a long drink of his own beer.
"Yeah, well I don't think Mr. Stark had really…planned it," he grimaced. At their faces, he continued. "He'd taken me up to Stark Tower and gave me this speech about having graduated to the 'big leagues' after my last big wrap up," he shrugged. "He gave me the Iron Spider suit and said I was ready to be an Avenger." He frowned, rubbing at the glue and paper residue on his bottle. "And I told him that I just wasn't ready yet. That I needed to stay in Queens for a while more, be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Help the little guy, you know?" He raised earnest eyes up to the group and they all nodded, slowly. "So I asked him to just keep helping my identity to stay quiet," he shrugged.
"So, then what happened?" Bucky asked, long hair tilting with the rest of his head in curiosity. He didn't speak up often, but when he did, it was always because of something he really wanted to know.
"The next thing I knew I was being ushered downstairs to wait at the car for Happy," he shrugged. "I pulled out my phone and there on live broadcast Mr. Stark was proposing to Ms. Potts at a press conference." He chuckled. "It was - really, really weird."
He expected everyone else to laugh with him, but he was met with contemplative silence. He looked around at each of them before Rhodey finally met his gaze. "What?"
"I think," the older man said slowly, "that press conference was meant to be for your reveal as Spider-Man."
"No way - I mean," he shook his head as the rest of the guys started nodding their heads, agreeing thoughtfully. "He wouldn't propose to her just because - just because I said no to - "
" - to his proposal," Bucky finished.
It was another revelation that Peter could hardly bear the weight of. These things kept stacking and he wasn't sure how to balance all this knowledge he had, about the things Tony had done - and undone - for him. This one, though…this new information didn't hurt, not like the others did.
It actually made a strange amount of sense. At once, it both stung to feel like he was replaced with Ms. Potts so immediately, but also it was like the first fresh breath after being buried underground for so long to know that Peter's answer that day was so important to him that the only thing he could possibly trade it out for in equivalency was getting engaged.
Did this mean that if Peter had said yes Mr. Stark wouldn't have gotten married? It made his head spin, but it also made his heart lighter than it had been in weeks.
Light enough to finally enter the last bastion of refuge that Tony Stark ever took comfort in.
His lab.
Despite being uninhabited for who knew how long, when the familiar glass doors slid open the air wasn't musty, stale, or any such thing. It was as fresh and crisp as it ever was. Off in the corner the long L shaped couch that he and Mr. Stark had often collapsed into opposite ends of, exhausted, lay half-made with fluffy pillows. The coffee pot was empty but clean, and every other available surface covered in notes either figuratively, having been decorated with papers scribbled on with hundreds of lines of equations and code, or literally, like the side of Peter's work station, where he'd dropped to a crouch to finish writing something out when he ran out of paper, mid-idea. He knew he could've just kept writing mid-air thanks to the lab's complete holographic setup, but it wasn't the same as having something solid under your hands.
There was pain in the familiarity of the lab but there was also a feeling of home he hadn't quite gotten the first time he stepped back into his and May's apartment. Plus -
"Hello, Peter."
"Friday!" He exclaimed, smile breaking wide across his face. With a pang, he didn't realize just how much he'd missed the AI until this moment.
"Yes, Peter?" the AI asked, voice warm and if he dared to think it, amused.
"Nothing, nothing, I'm just excited to see you again," he chuckled, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. He started walking around the lab, taking it all in for the first time in what, to him, had been months. The longer he thought about that the more his brow furrowed. "Hey Friday?"
"Yes, Peter? Or would you like me to call you Boss as Tony had?"
"Oh! Um," he shook his head. "No, no Peter's fine, or whatever."
She hummed. "Would it be all right if I picked a name for you, Peter? Being able to distinguish between Boss and Others by a more specific title helps me with my internal hierarchy and understanding of individuals. If you would prefer I do not, though, merely say such."
"I mean if it helps you then, yeah, sure I guess."
"Thank you, Mini Boss," she said. He laughed again.
"You might wanna work on that," he smiled wide.
"Yes, I think it might take me some time, Father."
His eyes widened. "Father?"
"Hm, you're right," she said. "Boss was more like my Father, I suppose."
"Uh, yeah, definitely," Peter nodded. He gave her a beat to let her figure out what she wanted to call him as he walked over to his desk. He'd let her go through her process before he started asking the questions that sat burning in his mind.
"Would you be opposed to me calling you Mother, Peter?" Friday asked. He spun in his chair, smile wide again.
"If Tony was your Father, wouldn't he also be your Mother?" he asked, amused. "You know, having done 100% of your coding, and all."
"If one were to look at my original codebase as the only part of what makes me, me," she agreed. "However, would you not say that those that raise you are more worthy of such a title rather than just those that created you?"
He immediately thought to May and how, if he'd been younger when he came to her, he'd be calling her by that name.
"That's true enough, sure."
"And outside of Boss," she went on, "you are the individual most involved in my growth. So it stands to reason that if Boss is Father, then Peter is Mother."
"I - " he really didn't know what to say to that. It had never occurred to him that outside of Mr. Stark he was the one who interacted with Friday the most.
"If you would prefer I find a name not so closely connotated with females," she continued, "I can endeavor to do so."
"No, no, it's fine, Friday," he replied, quiet and in his head again. "You can - can call me Mother if you want." A not-so-small part of him felt absolutely, transparently happy that Friday considered him her parent. More than Mr. Stark leaving him the company, more than having all this financial security and ability to mess around with Tony Stark's labs, more than all of that - this meant something profound to him.
"I also thought," she said and that amusement was hinted at in her lilting Irish, "that it would be a nice subversive reference to the spacecraft from Alien."
He laughed out loud at that. "I love that movie, that's perfect."
He could feel her smile, then. "I know you do, Mother."
He slumped onto the stool at his table in the lab and finally asked his question. "Friday, can you tell me - why isn't the lab more different?"
"Different how?"
"Well it's just," he struggled to articulate the sentence, the feeling he was pulling at. "I was - gone - for five years. But it almost looks like this place never really changed?"
"I see," she said. "Boss spent a lot of time here after the Blip first happened, once he was home from Titan. He slept primarily on the couch in the corner and had me refill his coffee orders more than anything else. However, he never touched your things, Mother."
Peter frowned. "Why?"
"I could not say," she replied, tone ponderous. "Based on his patterns of movement, he seemed to specifically avoid your work areas. Though he did take a jacket you had left at her table to the couch. From my archival footage, he seemed to sleep with it, perhaps for warmth?"
It occurred to the teen, then, that Friday probably had thousands and thousands of hours of Tony on video and he could pull it to watch them at any time. The feeling of want was a fever in his blood and he asked, "Can you show me?"
"Of course, Mother."
Faint blue light lit up the couch and Peter walked over to it, seeing that more than merely just show him the video, she played it out in holographic projection. His breath hitched as Tony walked into view, Peter's hoodie in clutched in his hands. Staring down at it, he slumped onto the couch and brought the fabric to his face. Less breathing it in and more suffocating himself with it.
"I'm sorry," he heard muffled through Friday's speakers. "I'm so sorry, Pete."
Tony then curled up onto the couch on his side, face pressed to the hoodie, back toward the room. The projection cut off.
Peter didn't realize that he was crying until Friday asked, "Mother, are you okay?"
"I - " he tried to say, throat clogged with tears. "No," he admitted, jacket-covered wrist swiping away at his tears. He sniffled and sat where Tony had, finding his hoodie wedged between the cushions and the back of the couch. He pulled it out and, like Tony, smashed it to his face, breathing in the faintly lingering spicy scent of Tony Stark.
"I'm sorry, Mother," Friday said, speakers low, tone regretful. "I did not mean to cause you pain."
"You didn't, sweetheart," he shook his head, voice still clogged with tears. "I'm just sad."
"Why?" she asked, her natural curiosity shining through. Much like a child, she did not always know when it wasn't the right time to ask questions. But Peter had always liked indulging her and feeding her curiosity. The first few lab sessions they played 20 Questions back and forth until Tony would tell them both to shut up, though the amusement when he said it always shone through.
"I'm sad because Tony's dea - " he cleared his throat. "Because Tony - "
"It is okay, Mother," Friday cut him off. "I understand."
At that, he let himself fall back into the couch like Tony had. Above him, Friday dimmed the lights and stayed quiet, letting him cry out his grief in silence.
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ozwriterchick · 1 year
A Joe Burrow Story...
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A/Note: My first RPF, well the first I've published. I normally write Marvel (Steve, Bucky, Sam) but decided to try my hand at something a little different.
I hope you like it, if you do, please like, reblog and leave me some feedback (kindly would be appreciated..)
Fic inspired by @burreaux-drys - thank you for your amazing writing, even if it is "all over the place"
I do not own the characters in this story except the OFC/OC characters mentioned.
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, translated or in any other way taken/stolen.
Characters: Joe Burrow; OFC!Reader; OC!Readers Best Friend; Mentions of other Bengal players; OC Bengal team members (kind of)
Warnings: Mentions of stalking; Shy reader; Police; that's about it except Joe Burrow I think deserves his own warning (in a good way); Not Beta'd so any mistakes are my own
W/C: 2748
Reader’s pov
I watched the players on the field, easily singling out the one I’d come to see.  It really wasn’t that difficult, he stood out with his mop of dirty blonde hair and the number 9 on his jersey.
My eyes roved down his body to his slim but manly hips and back up again to his broad shoulders, made even broader by the padding in his practice uniform.
He was looking good, but again, he always did, especially to me.  I’ve been in love with him for a while, always from afar, and he had no idea.  Maybe today would be the day I’d get up enough gumption to actually tell him.
This was a closed practice, but that never stopped me before.  There were plenty of ways to sneak into Paycor stadium, even when it was on lockdown, if you knew what you were doing.  And I did.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took my attention away from practice to check.
BFF: Where are you? I’m at your place
Me: Oh, I’m out running errands, sorry.
BFF: Tell the truth, you’re at practice ogling J again aren’t you?
Me: Maybe.. Maybe not.. I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation
BFF: Well then, I’ll join you, I need to see me some Sam.
Me: It’s almost over and it’s a closed practice today, so you won’t be able to get in.
BFF: Closed practice?
BFF: They don’t let anyone into closed practices, how did.. You know what, I dno’t want to know.  Let me know when you’re home. Unless you and J are doing something after practice
Me: Will do. Love you xx
BFF: Love you too xx
As you slipped your phone back into your pocket you realised that practice was over for the day.  You slunk back into the shadows as a couple of the players and officials looked up towards where you had been sitting.  Regardless of anything else, you shouldn’t have been there and you didn’t really want to get caught and banned.
Making your way back to your car you see a line of fans waiting for the players to come out of training.  You chuckle to yourself that they clearly don’t know the tricks that you did.
For a moment you contemplate joining them, you have something you want to give to Joe, but decide maybe next time would be a better option and you jump into the car and head home.
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Later that day.. Back at Paycor Stadium - Joe’s pov
I have a stalker.  There’s no getting around it any more.
I’m sitting in Coach’s office with the cops and Zac, admitting for the first time that somebody is stalking me.  I knew it all along really, but just didn’t want to admit the ’s’ word to myself.  I figured it was just an overzealous fan and that it would be ok.
Things were left on my car at training, when I was at the gym, even when I was at the grocery store but today, I couldn’t ignore it any longer.
After practice I signed some autographs and took some pictures with the fans who’d j for me.  I love my fans and I love interacting with them - for the most part.  Every fan group has those ones who are a bit.. umm, crazier than others.  Fans that would do anything to get closer to their idols.  Not that I consider myself an idol, but I know with my position and public persona, that I’m as much a likely target for the crazies as anyone else.
“So, Joe” the Detective said “Tell us exactly what happened today to make you finally call us”
“Well, I left training and headed to the grocery store.  While I was there, I took a couple of pictures with some fans, nothing major.  When I came out to my car, there were flowers on the hood and something under the windscreen wipers.”
“And this is what was under the wipers?” The Detective asked, holding up the piece of paper that had been on my window.
I nodded, and continued.  “I didn’t really think a lot of it, I just grabbed the flowers and the note and tossed them into the front seat.  Once I got home though, I wasn’t quite so sure this was an innocent interaction.”
“And why do you say that?  Joe, if we are going to find this and make sure nothing happens, we need every piece of information you have.”
“Of course detective.  Well, I got home and parked in my garage and as I got out of the car, something just felt off.  The door between the garage and the house was open but I swear I closed it before I left.  I kinda shrugged it off at first, thinking maybe my Mum had been around, or the cleaner had come even though they weren’t due for a couple of days.”
“But that wasn’t the case?”
“Well, no, once I got inside I realised some things had been moved around and then I saw the note on my kitchen bench.”
“And this is the note you found inside your house?”
I couldn’t bring myself to look at it or read it again so I just nodded and looked down at my hands in my lap.
“Joe, we need to get ahead of this” Coach said. “Detective, do you think we should do a press conference and alert the public to keep an eye out?  I’m sure this person has been around training/practice and the stadium, probably coming to game days when we play here.”
“Let’s just wait it out for now, we don’t want to scare the stalker off and not be able to find them, or worse, have them escalate their behaviour into something dangerous.”
I feel like all I can do is nod, once again.  I just never pictured myself in this situation.
There was a knock on Zac’s office door and one of the admin staff came in with a folder and handed it to Zac, whispering something to him.  I saw his eyes go wide and then he looked down at the folder.
“Ummm, detective, we may have some more information that could shed some light on this case.  We video every practice/training session and these are some stills from today’s practice that might be very interesting.”
Zac hands the folder to the detective as I sit up a bit straighter in my chair, curious about what they could have found from today’s video, given it was a closed practice, meaning nobody was able to come in and watch.
The detective opened the folder and examined the pictures closely and then handed them to me.
“What am I looking at?” I asked.
“Apparently someone was in the bleachers today during practice.  Detective, this was a closed practice today which means that this person has snuck in and possibly could be the person you are looking for.”
I peered closer at the photos.  They were grainy, a bit blurry, you couldn’t really see who it was.  It did look like a female but who could really tell.  I’m sure the police had ways of making the image a bit sharper and maybe getting some identifying details.
The police thanked Zac and I and made their way out with suggestions to beef up my security at home and at the stadium and to also be very aware of my surroundings at all times.  They didn’t think, if this person who snuck into practice today was my stalker that they posed too much danger, but you never know.
I sat for a bit longer with Zac, talking out what was happening because the only other people I could talk to at the moment were my family and my teammates and I didn’t really want to worry either group until we knew more.
On the way home, I rang my security company who agreed to schedule more regular patrols around and near my place and also to ramp up the security footage around the outside of my home.
I hated that I have to do this but I guess my safety should be number one to me and I know my Mum would kill me if she knew about this and I didn’t take these extra precautions.  It all just felt so limiting.
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1 week later - Reader’s pov
I haven’t been back to Paycor.  Almost getting caught in the stadium made me back off a little bit, I didn’t want to get into trouble and be banned from practice or games in general.
I’d been following Joe and the Bengals activity on social media but it just felt so impersonal, that I was itching to get back to practice.  Actually Joe didn’t seem very active on socials the past week and most of the Bengals feed had focused on Tee, Sam and a few of the other players.  All great players but Joe was their franchise player, the top QB in the league and they should be showcasing him whenever they can.
It made me wonder what had happened in the last week.  
After I left training I headed to the grocery store to get some supplies, as my best friend was coming over after work that night for a movie night.  As I was leaving I saw Joe entering the store.  I knew he shopped here but I had never actually run into him and I just smiled at him as I walked out of the store to my car.
He has a very distinctive car and it was parked next to mine so I took a moment to admire it before I loaded my bags into the back seat and headed home again.
Later that night when my friend arrived she had some very interesting news.
“Girl, Joe Burrow has a stalker!”
“What?  I mean, how do you know this?”
“I heard some of the detectives at work today talking about it.  Apparently someone left some things on his car at the grocery store this afternoon and after he got home, someone had broken into his house and left him some kind of note - I don’t know what it said but they are beefing up security at his house.  This is huge.”
“Why haven’t they said anything about it though?”
“Well, they probably don’t want the person escalating to even more dangerous behaviour, although they may be too late for that if whoever it is has already been inside his actual house.”
That conversation has stayed with me, to be honest.  I couldn’t imagine how scared Joe must have been to go to the police about it all.
Today I was heading back to practice.  This one was open but I thought I’d stay in the background anyway, amongst the other fans and not up front like I usually try to be.  Fate, as it seemed, had other plans.
As practice was finishing, a surge in the people there pushed me towards the side of the crowd, closer to where the players exited the field.  As Joe walked past he looked at me and smiled and did a double take.  Did he recognise me?  Is he curious of who I am?
I decided to make a quiet retreat and wait outside for him and hopefully get the balls to talk to him, or give him the gift I had for him.
A few of the players dribbled out of the stadium towards their cars, all stopping to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans.  
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Joe’s pov
I walked out of the stadium towards my car and it always fascinates me how many people stay after practice to talk to, take photos with and get autographs from the players.  I still struggle to understand that some of them are here exclusively to see me.  
Given recent events however, it makes me more cautious as well, and I hate that because I love giving back to my fans.
As I went along the line of fans, I saw one at the back who looked kind of familiar.  I waved her over and said “Do I know you, you look very familiar?”
“Oh, umm, you don’t know me” she said quite shyly. “We bumped into each other at the grocery store last week.”
“Oh yeah, well it’s nice to meet you, did you want a picture?”
“Uh, sure” she replied and got her phone out.
We took a couple of selfies and then she quietly said “I have something for you” and as she reached into her bag I got really nervous.  Maybe this was my stalker.  Now that I think of it, she’s at training a lot, and yes I did see her at my grocery store just before that stuff was on my car.
I nervously looked around for security and mumbled some excuse about forgetting something and sprinted back into the stadium and straight to Zac’s office.
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Reader’s pov
I can’t believe it, I finally got the time, opportunity and guts to talk to Joe and he ran off.  I started to put the drawing I’d done of him back in my backpack when I looked up and saw security coming towards me.
I quickly walked towards my car and managed to get in and drive away before they got to me.  I hope they didn’t catch my licence plate and haul me in for questioning.  Just my luck I’d get in trouble because of an innocent meeting at the grocery store.
Maybe this was my sign to just find a new hobby?
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Another week later - Joe’s pov
Once again, I’m sitting in Coach’s office with the detectives who this time have some good news.
“We’ve made an arrest” the detective told us.
I breathed a sigh of relief that this was over “That was quick, how did you get a break so fast?”
“Well, it all came down to the fans.  Those at practice helped us out with some info, and your observations also  gave us some insight.  We tracked the person down and an arrest was made this morning.  We have some pretty tight proof, so you may not even have to testify, but if you do, we can probably put them away for a few years.  At the least, you can get a restraining order that prevents them from coming near your house, or the stadium, or generally within about 500metres of wherever you are.”
“Thanks detective, I'm so relieved” I said.  “Did they happen to say why they did it?”
“Just a big fan, a bit lonely and wanted to be closer to you but just went about it the wrong way.  Kinda feel sorry for them, but you know, we can’t let emotion into it, otherwise we’d never catch anyone.”
“Well, thanks again detective” Zac said “We are more than grateful for your speedy resolution to this issue.”
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1 year later - Reader’s pov
I walked into the lounge room and smiled, I couldn’t believe I was here.  The misunderstanding from 12 months ago led to a beautiful friendship between me and Joe.  I got over all my nerves with him and we were now able to laugh and joke about the situation.
The police did clock my licence plate that day at training, and they did come to my house and question me about the stalking.  I didn’t hold anything against Joe for thinking it could be me, I was awkward and nervous and shy whenever he was around and he obviously just didn’t see my vulnerability.
But at the next training session, he saw me again and came to talk to me.  He asked me if he and I could have a conversation over coffee, so we went and he told me they’d arrested his stalker and he apologised profusely for thinking it could be me.
He said that when I’d told him I had something for him and reached into my bag, he freaked out and just left.
I laughed and told him that I’d drawn him a picture and I’d love for him to have it if he wanted it.
We chatted for a while longer and then went separate ways.  We’d swapped numbers so that I could arrange to give him the picture and we ended up texting back and forth most days.
I’m not sure if anything will come of this but a good friendship but you never know…
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destinygoldenstar · 20 days
☀️This Elimination DEVASTATED Me☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 8 “Questionnaire, If You Dare”
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Anyway, we're back!
Yeah I've been gone a few days for personal reasons. I'm not gonna get into them.
I was gonna do this earlier but it was already so late at night that I decided "Screw it, I'll react to it in the morning".
And it's been raining cats and dogs all night and still is where I'm at. So the weather is screaming Gabby Stan too. XD
That's what I like to think that weather is saying anyway.
I feel like Gabby would love the rain and enjoy playing in it even when it's heavy rain. That's my headcanon.
Anyway, let's get into it.
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That looks unappetizing, dangerous, and DEPRESSING to eat.
"I'm in a MOOD Golden! Let me eat my poison in peace!"
"I messed things up with Tom..."
Didn't you guys talk about it last episode?
Or, Tom didn't forgive him, did he? So yeah...
"It's never too late to tell someone how you feel. It couldn't hurt."
"It couldn't hurt" Watch it HURT beyond repair.
Or if it's an "I love you" "I'm straight" situation.
"Uh actually Jake, I'm not into genderbent Marinette's, so..."
"Go talk to him. Tell him how you really feel about him."
"Right now?"
No offense Miriam, but I think this is BAD advice.
"BRUH, I'm on a very important mission right now, and you think this is a good time to confess your love to me? You sick bastard!"
I mean it's not as bad as that episode where Marinette tried to confess to Adrian on his mother's funeral anniversary...
Is THIS how deep I've fallen into this ship?! That I'm now comparing it to THAT?!
Like, I've been crazy this whole time regarding it. It's not very healthy given the circumstances as of right now, but for some reason I choose to love it.
I need to go to therapy.
"Move your ass, boy!"
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"Eh, he won't want to eat this anyway, he'll get his own version of breakfast in a minute."
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Why is Tom depressed?
"Can we speak?"
"I'm trying to wallow in the darkness in my heart."
"Shortly before I came here, I ended a relationship that was very toxic and I got hurt."
Oh he's telling Tom this. Okay. I approve. He deserves to know.
How many people have he told this to? Miriam, Ellie, now Tom?
I'm not annoyed by it, I'm cracking a bad joke
"These aren't excuses for how I've been treating you, but I want you to know I feel terrible."
You yelled at him ONCE. And you apologized for it three times now.
I wouldn't count that as "I've treated you terribly this entire time".
I'm glad he's making this clear though. He knows when to take accountability.
"I said I was sowwy, pwease fowgive me!"
"I have a hard time trusting people, Tom, I just... talking to you makes me forget sometimes how shitty life can be. I don't want to lose that."
This is actually good on Jake's end. He's explaining his situation to Tom, not excusing it, and trying to be open and honest.
"After all this is over, I would love if... you and I... we... continue-"
Why is Tom so pissy? He wasn't like this last episode.
"I got a call last night... I got fired."
HE GOT FIRED?!?!?!?!?!?
WH-WH-HOW?!?! HOW-?!
*Golden.exe has stopped working*
Maybe he'll explain it. I'll keep listening.
"A video in which YOU mentioned my work was uploaded to the Internet and my boss saw it."
*covered mouth* Oh my god...
You got your crush fired, now you suffer significant consequences for the rest of your days.
Well Tom is DEFINATELY not gonna want to be around you ever again.
"I'm so sorry-"
"Not now."
"Tom, if you need anyone to-"
*storms off*
I can't imagine how that makes Tom feel though. Getting fired because of a guy you liked...
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"Why do I always say the worst things at the worst time?"
Jake, saying sowwy a dozen times is NOT gonna fix this.
"Congratulations! You made it to the merge!"
I thought we had another episode before merge!
"I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you Gabby."
Yeah. Hail your queen and your savior.
"As long as Ellie doesn't snitch, they'll still think I'm an innocent little girl."
Hey Ellie, maybe you should tell them about the demon child.
And yes I mean it this time. I am using my overlord status to tell you to tell them about the demon child.
"I can tell them some lies about Ellie and Gabby."
They're not gonna believe you regarding Gabby. You two never talked.
"Hey guys, did you know Gabby is perfectly sane?"
"That guy is strange..."
"He sounds incredibly Scottish. And he looks like a thug. Hum hum, I wonder who Tom is after."
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Tom, you're taking the loss of your job well.
"I may have gotten fired, but I get a bed now so I'm gonna chill."
"Ellie, I'm sorry I voted for you."
Ellie don't forgive him. Vote him off. Talk to the others and vote him and Fiore off. You know you want to.
"Dude, I'm not a villain! Back off!"
"It's okay Alec. I was a little angry at first, but it's over now."
"She thought all hope was lost! The city cried for a hero! And suddenly a beacon of light, Gabby, that's me, saved the day with the immunity totem!"
God I love Gabby.
"I still don't fully trust Alec, but I trust him more than my other teammates."
And you're friends with Jake, right? He didn't vote you! And he has Miriam on his side.
Be on good terms with Jake, you get his vote, and you get Miriam's vote, + Gabby and that's four votes. THEN if Jake can get on good terms with Tom again that's FIVE.
+ They're people LESS likely to BETRAY you. The Teal Team voted you because of Dan, who is gone, AND their reason was they didn't know you.
Alec DID know you, and he STILL CHOSE to side with the demon child over you. HE'LL DO IT AGAIN.
AND they're with Grett, who you have NO connection to! So siding with Alec is not gonna do you favors, as Grett is more likely to persuade them to betray you!
I'm just saying Ellie. I have NEVER agreed with a single plan you've come up with so far.
I'm not saying she's bad. I'm just saying, I don't agree with her.
"I'm worried you guys could be in danger."
I thought you were interested in working with Gabby & Ellie, that's what you said. You get the majority alliance that way.
Why would you try and save these guys?
Tom's the most physically gifted person here. Get a majority to vote Tom, and Jake and Miriam stand no chance.
"I'm worried you guys are going to try to eliminate each other."
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*Episode 6's Tribal Council*
...she do have a point though.
"How do you know about the totem?"
"But since you're my old teammates-"
"And you voted me off the first day."
Why is Fiore doing this though?
This is my confusion with Ellie, but even more so.
She knows Tom is a bigger threat than Gabby & Ellie, right? And thanks to Ellie, she has an easy way of having Gabby & Ellie in Fiore's majority of five.
With that alliance of five, she can get Tom out, the biggest threat, and then Jake & Miriam stand no chance against them.
There's NO REASON to try and side with them when it's THAT EASY.
I'm sorry, in my POV, it's just stupid reasoning.
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Oh god I don't like this...
I guess I should be thankful they're not being put in jars-
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"These questions are all based on your opinion of everyone."
"Some of these questions are kind of rude."
That's the whole point of Twitter. NO MERCY.
"I will ask the questions that you just answered one by one in a series of rounds. This time however, you won't answer based on your personal opinion, but rather, what you think the majority of the group answered."
...I'm so confused.
"And what are the cages for?"
I do not understand these rules one bit.
"Guess you'll learn on the fly."
"If we intentionally answer the questions wrong, we won't have to take out anyone's lives."
"I don't think you quite get the game."
"Who would NEVER survive out here alone?"
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*Fiore & Alec voted Grett*
"Welp, I can admit my setbacks."
"You can each cut a life"
*Golden.exe has stopped working*
"Who would spend a million dollars in less than a month?"
Grett? I think?
"I'm not that great and I know it."
"What?! Again?!"
What did she do to you?!
"Why are you trying to get us out?!"
"You were doing the same with us."
Yeah. You were. To be fair.
"I'll pick Jake, just to keep things fair."
"Fair?! I didn't even do anything!"
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"I'm sorry Gabby."
Uh huh. Sure. You didn't do anything.
"Who is the most trustworthy?"
*Miriam was wrong*
*Jake voted Tom*
Wow. You are idiots.
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XD He has to lean over cause he's so tall XD
"You're crazy, what did I even do to you?!"
"Crazy?! Who are you calling crazy?!"
"No one has, even once, tried targeting us."
"Fiore is a genius."
I wouldn't call Fiore a genius, I would call everyone else stupid.
"Who is the least trustworthy?"
I think that's Tom.
"Wow, I didn't expect that."
Well, WAS. You know what I mean.
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Jake looks SO DONE XD
"May I remind you that YOU TRIED TO VOTE ME OUT?!"
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"It appears I get consequences for my actions yet again..."
Jake I hope you learn a valuable lesson from your experience in the penalty cage serving your time.
"Who wouldn't you like to see win the million?"
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Jake's just chilling XD
"I'm just serving my time, you know?"
"I'm not surprised. You're all morons."
"I said... everyone has an opinion and it's valid."
Girl, that's not how Twitter works.
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One happy family of five chilling in prison
"Who is dressed the worst at camp?"
Have to say it... Grett.
She's wearing a swimsuit. Like come on, you couldn't make a better design?
"Who never shuts up?"
Both of my favs...
I feel called out.
"The correct answer was Gabby!"
"Aw... I'm sorry."
"I guess we won't be able to vote together this time again."
"I can tell you're gonna vote one of us."
Well... he got a point.
"But at least Tom and Miriam are voting Gabby instead of you."
"Whatever happens, no hard feelings, right?"
At least Ellie's cool with this.
Not personal. You vote my ally, I won't take it personally.
"One vote won't change anything."
At least they're on good terms about this. Not personal. They get it.
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I feel like he's gonna vote Gabby though... I know it's not personal, but you know.
But Fiore has the majority alliance, so it won't matter. Gabby's fine.
"Ellie is friends with Jake! And he could persuade her to betray us! Better get him out before he has that chance!"
I can see that happening...
Gosh darn it...
"That challenge strategy was very impressive."
Except Ellie caught onto it.
Moment she gets an opening to process a betrayal, SHE'S the one that'll do the betraying and she's gonna side with the Tom Jake & Miriam alliance.
That's what I'm predicting.
And if you get Gabby out there's NO WAY IN HELL she'll work with you!
"Who will be first?"
Alliance of 5. The alliance of 3 is voting Gabby. They all vote together Gabby's not going.
You can pick Tom, who is a physical threat in the game.
You can pick Jake, who has a social gameplay advantage with Ellie and getting rid of him would spare her from possibly betraying you.
You can pick Miriam, who... idk.
I THINK it's gonna be Jake tonight.
And it's gonna HURT.
"Tonight, we won't just be reading the votes..."
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"This is for getting me out of today's challenge."
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And then it's gonna be all the Jake votes piling up.
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I mean I'm not saying that's a bad move, it's a good move, but...
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WAIT WHAT??!?!?!?!
"Now without Gabby, Ellie will have no choice but to return with us to her old alliance."
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"Gabby. That's six votes. You're out."
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I'm actually HURT
I'm actually DEVASTATED...
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Okay, I'm calming down...
"I knew something was wrong."
HUH, at least now Ellie KNOWS who to trust, right?!
At least Jake came CLEAN about who his alliance was voting for! Fiore's DIDN'T.
That's a nail in the coffin. Ellie is NEVER siding with the villains.
I hope that gameplay was sounded smart on your ends.
Okay no I'll talk about this later.
"They ruined my plans."
Fiore, you fucked up your entire game.
"You can make fun and celebrate all you want, but it won't last long! The three of you are still outnumbered."
OOF. And she just flat out said it.
"I am NOT working with you after this! You can't make me!"
"If you still had your totem, you could've saved yourself."
Yeah... should've kept that idol.
"I'm happy I saved you. You're the only person here who has ever taken me seriously, and possibly the only person I've ever met who has made me feel... valid."
"Because you are! There's nothing wrong with you."
"I hope we'll keep talking when this is all over."
"We will."
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*I got a 'Speak No Evil' trailer ad*
So that was the episode... oh my god...
Okay, okay, I'm NOT someone who hates it when my favorite characters get eliminated and call that 'bad writing, they should've won'. Because sometimes that doesn't make sense for the story.
I CAN see a scenario of Gabby winning in my head. BUT if that's not the direction they want to go and they want a different winner, that's fine by me.
If anything, if you're gonna ask me who I think is gonna win... Ellie.
And I feel like the other finalists would be Jake and Fiore.
Cause I feel like Tom is a big threat so they'd want him gone and I think Alec and Grett are gonna get betrayed.
This plan, on Fiore's end, makes NO SENSE.
She has Alec and Grett on her side. That's an alliance of three.
Alec was successfully able to convince Ellie and Gabby to join them, and since both aren't close with the other three, that's easy. I can accept that.
So Fiore has an alliance of FIVE. The MAJORITY alliance.
Tom Jake and Miriam are the minority.
And thanks to Gabby, Fiore KNOWS that there's NO IDOL in play. So the minority CAN'T pull that trick on them.
So she and her alliance CAN successfully vote off one of the three. And ANY of the three would've worked.
Tom is the most physically gifted of the three and can be a threat in challenges, especially if he made it to the finale.
Jake has the social high ground as he's on good terms with Ellie.
Miriam is the glue keeping those three together.
Voting off ANY of those three would've worked on Fiore's favor.
"But what if Ellie betrayed them?"
She's NOT on good terms with Teal. The ONLY one of those three she IS on good terms with is Jake.
SO BETTER REASON TO VOTE JAKE, so Ellie betraying them is BARELY possible.
I'm a Jake Stan, but I can accept a Jake elimination in a gameplay move like this.
Ellie was already weary about Fiore's alliance as well, ESPECIALLY Alec. You NEED to PROVE that you're not gonna stab her in the back!
SO VOTE JAKE. And then she realizes "Oh shit, I CAN trust them!"
And you have her on your side!
By eliminating GABBY, the ONE person who Ellie WHOLEHEARTEDLY trusted, you BETRAY her YET AGAIN.
You LOSE one of your alliance members, therefore majority, AND you lose Ellie's trust that you'll be loyal to her! SO SURPRISE SURPRISE, SHE WON'T WORK WITH YOU.
You're in the minority, Ellie sides with Jake Tom & Miriam, AND YOUR ASSES ARE GONE.
"But why would she side with them? They voted Gabby too & and they tried to vote her too."
AGAIN, JAKE. Jake came CLEAN about who they were voting for, AND ELLIE SAID "NO HARD FEELINGS".
She's gonna trust someone brutally honest OVER someone who LIES to her!
So the better game move, in my opinion, would be to NOT approach the Tom Jake & Miriam Alliance because they were ALREADY beefing with Gabby & Ellie without your help. Do your game move in the challenge to give Grett immunity. AND THEN VOTE. OFF. JAKE.
I have to imagine another idol comes into play now. That's the ONLY way Fiore can defeat the other alliance now. She Alec or Grett need an idol to nullify the votes and get one of the heroes out.
And on top of that, YOUR KID ACT GOT OUTTED.
*Rant Over*
...so yeah, I'm sad that Gabby's gone.
At least we got a Gabby & Ellie kiss.
Ngl, I wish we had more time with them. Cause they were on opposite teams, they couldn't interact a lot. Even when they WERE on the same team for an episode, Ellie interacted more with Jake than Gabby. I understand that may be building up to... that entire rant I did, but I would've swapped the screen time of the two is all I'm saying. At least in that episode.
But they're cute and perfectly healthy and in a show like this... THAT IS A DAMN MIRACLE.
Also Lesbian W.
I don't know for sure if they're both in Season 3. I would hope they are just so we get more of them as a couple.
Cause Ellie is GREAT for Gabby. And that final interaction with them proved that.
Like I said, I think Ellie is gonna win the whole thing. I think that's the payoff here.
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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xcyphoz0a · 9 months
Gender neutral reader, angst TW/CW: angst, mentions of self afflicted death Character(s): Venti Word count: 848 Proofread: nope | (n) an interest or the irresistible desire for freedom | A/N: vent post + more so dumping my inner feelings from these months written as a will
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Sometimes, he thinks every single string of fate cursed him to go through the waves and lengths of grief and desolation.
He can feel the desperation through the scribbled words on the paper.
The feeling of distress, anguish, misery– everything could be felt from the lines of words messily wrote into the paper, drops of ink fading from black to purple in some spaces, noticeable tear drops smudging the ink on the paper.
He wishes to be there– to be in place instead of you, suffering from the continuous torment your own mind had caused you.
Venti knew all too well about pain.
He’d like to think he knows many aspects of the feeling.
All he feels is regret, disappointment, anger, denial.
If he was just there, in that moment before you took your decision, if only he wasn’t somewhere else– perhaps this wouldn’t have happened.
Helplessly staring at the carefully placed shoes on the cliff, he picks them up, holding them close.
What if– he thinks– what if this is just a well placed joke?
He knows it’s only the torture of hope grappling onto his heavy heart, trying to provide him a source of comfort, only for it to fail as he came to the realisation that you weren’t going to be here with him anymore, looking at the stars in the night, taking him from Dawn Winery at the oddest of hours, soothing him to sleep whenever he had nightmares, all the little things that the two of you did, you weren’t going to be there with him anymore.
He could only imagine the tears that you painfully choked up from your body, alone, waiting for someone to help, the uncontrollable shaking that followed from fear and both pain. The desperate feeling for someone or something to alleviate the heavy weight on your chest, unable to breathe.
He knew your want for freedom. It didn’t make sense– the city of Mondstadt was the symbol of freedom.
What was the freedom you were talking about? Was the question that he continuously asked himself whenever you’d mention your desire for freedom.
Now, he knew what it meant. And he wishes so dearly that he was wrong.
He stands on the grassy planes of Starsnatch cliff, hands shaking as he holds your papers containing your will.
Hello, to whoever reads this; I’ll start off with something more light. I was, since I was born, felt a sense of emptiness. I didn’t know until a few years ago that the emptiness was my lack of feeling of freedom. I didn’t know what it meant. You probably don’t understand it either. I live… lived, in Mondstadt. the city of freedom. So why couldn’t I feel that emptiness being fulfilled? I don’t know either. I’ve seeked many solutions, they never worked, so please don’t come asking for my soul why I did what I did. I think my decision was the only solution I had left. Will I regret it? Perhaps. I don’t know. I really dont. But maybe, it is the key for my want of ‘freedom’ to be quenched. So if you’re reading this, I won’t be here anymore, living through memories with whoever you are. I wanted to just, say– perhaps, I wasn’t meant to be in this… body, after all. I want to… put a pause on my life. I didn’t want to bear the thought of waking up and repeating the same routine over and over again, no matter how vastly different it was to each other, I… I just couldn’t. But I don’t want to die. I really don’t want to. I never did. I just wanted to put a pause, like how someone would pause a mechanism and restart it again soon– just like that. I… I just, wanted a break from living. Don’t we all at some point? Haha… I dislike this from getting too long, but I wanted to just convey some of my thoughts, so you can just, throw this away if you’d like, I don’t mind. But still, if you’re reading this part, could you perhaps, not tell anyone? I haven’t… ‘died’, not yet at least, it’s just a pause button on my life, think of it as that, simple, right? This… will be the last few lines of this paper. I think my decision would quench my desire for freedom. I really think it will, don’t grieve. I’ll do what I want to do now. So I did. I did what I wanted to do. Find my own freedom. Goodbye. I’ll see you soon. -(Y/n)
His legs feel numb as he falls onto the ground.
Oh, how he wishes that the ‘I’ll see you soon’ would be real– he’d close and open his eyes, finding your form with him, taking him into your arms.
Venti opens his eyes, finding the stray leaves floating down from the cliff, but you weren’t there.
And all he could do was cry, the suddenness of the surge of emotion scratching the insides of his throat in the burn of anguish and grief.
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