#anything unless it's recommended to me xD
dropthedemiurge · 9 months
Me: knows Korean, loves translating and can analyse subs difference and cultural implications
Also me: doesn't watch Korean BLs, only Thai ones, wondering how to quickly get good in Thai xD
I mean, I've watched KBls before but I wasn't writing posts for fandoms back then, and now I don't even know, are there are any good new series that I can watch?
(I've only enjoyed His Man 2 which is technically a reality show with a very sweet couple and I've already translated some of the stuff:D)
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jackdaniel69nice · 25 days
Another tokoyami bird traits post because I’m crazy
Birds have very little sense of smell so he’s got a very weak olfactory system.
Birds can’t taste capsaicin so they can’t taste spiciness. Tokoyami’s food is a bit bland to some because he never really adds any to it. On the other hand he’s one of the only people that can handle bakugo’s curry. I’m going to go out on a limb and say dark shadow can’t taste spice either.
Tokoyami has shown minor territorial traits when it comes to letting people in his room. This can be explained with him being shy but I’m going to take it a step further. I think his room is like a safe space for him and he is very paranoid about people stealing things. He HATES when things get moved around and panics if he loses something so he gets very aggressive if someone tries to touch his stuff. He also has problems with being vulnerable and having people see his things because it lets them know his interests and he hates that. Do not sit on his bed without permission. He also has food anxiety so do not touch his food in the fridge or you will die. Dark shadow is even worse about this but they keep all their stuff under the bed so as long as you stay out of there you’ll be fine.
To add onto this tokoyami also has nesting tendencies. Unfortunately Tokoyami’s mother discouraged this behavior and tried to keep him from doing it. When he was little he would make his nests under the bed because it was well protected and dark. Eventually he outgrew the bed space and moved it to the back of his closet. He still has anxiety about someone finding one of his nests so it’s very small (literally only one blanket) and he keeps his closet door locked. Dark shadow still has their nest under the bed. Tokoyami only allows himself to be in his nest if he’s having a breakdown and needs comfort. It’s sad that he denies himself basic needs because of how he was raised.
Alright this one’s a little crazy but I think it would be cool if he had two stomachs. The first stomach is pretty normal, maybe it has a gizzard component so he can digest bones. But the other one is a crop so he can carry extra food to digest later, this would make sense because of his fast metabolism and he wouldn’t need to stop to eat so much. This entire thing was inspired by joke in the light novels where they said tokoyami has a “second stomach” for anything apple related XD
Do not get me started on dark shadows digestive system I have no idea how that works. They drank in the light novels that’s all I know. I guess the stuff just disappears, unless they don’t want it too.
Tokoyami’s beak perpetually grows so he has to file it down, I’ve heard you can use certain bones to do that so that’s kinda badass B)
I’ve seen a lot of debate about whether or not tokoyami has feathers or hair and my pick is both. His feathers don’t have a hollow shaft like hawk’s does and continually grows out of his head like hair. They still have the general shape of a feather though and need to be taken care of in a similar manner. The shaft is stronger than normal hair so it sticks up when it’s shorter but it’s still flexible and won’t break. Dark shadow is responsible for all preening fumikage would be useless without them. New feather growth is still covered in a sheathing that needs to be removed. Since it grows continuously it needs to be cut and shaped, dark shadow does this with their beak. During training all kinds of dirt blood and sweat will get in his feathers so he uses a special shampoo hawks recommend to him (hawks is unfortunately on the front of the bright red bottle).
This last part is a bit sad and has some trigger warnings I guess (tw self harm, hair pulling, eating disorders). Birds don’t do well with stress and tokoyami has some bad habits because of that. He will pull his feathers and bite his nails down to the bed until they bleed. He also has trouble eating and simply won’t do it when he’s too stressed. If he did eat and has a panic attack it might come back up. He was very underweight growing up from constant stress and was malnourished because of it. He has been a lot better about these things since coming to UA and even tries to follow a strict eating schedule but he still has bad days where he may skip several meals a day. You can almost always convince him to eat an apple or white rice tho (safe foods my beloved~). He wears special nail polish to keep him from biting his nails. If all else fails dark shadow doesn’t particularly like when he hurts himself and usually tries to intervene (sometimes their state of mind is in even worse shape though).
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gomzdrawfr · 25 days
Gomz rambles about something again so feel free to scroll pass :]
Recently had a video recommended to me on youtube and gave it a watch: how you play games is how you do everything so I wanted to give some thoughts after watching it
for starters, the video was pretty simple and straightforward and easy to watch, it got me thinking how true that statement is and I started reflecting a bit.
I rarely play games any more, simply because sometimes I couldn't bring in the time and commitment to games like I used to be, or that it feels like I'm completing tasks instead of enjoying the game (kind of what the original author felt)
That applies to some games I've played in the past, Minecraft, Valorant, Dont starve - when I play a game, I clock tf in LMAO I just tend to focus so much on it that everything else didn't matter. I guess irl this applies to me too, whenever I want to do something I make sure to put in 110% into it, very meticulous with completion and deadlines and ensuring the work I do are good quality, I spend time on researching every single questions or queries I have and yeah just, being into something. Though lately, I've dialled down a bit and take it easy (bcuz stress isn't fun)
Honestly, in another aspect, say Minecraft again, I used to be very active in a community, being the lead builder and just pumping out ideas and making builds after builds while still having fun, I loved brainstorming idea and vomit it out in blocks, being able to use part of my interest that are less relevant in my studies to something else, you know? but ever since the said community grew larger, I got overwhelmed and stepped away from the people. They're great friends, really, but sometimes it's a lot when a friend circle grows.
Reflecting this to irl, I tend to work in smaller groups and have a close-knit of friends instead of many friends. Better yet, working alone or just with another one person. It's easier to focus and manage things. Another takeaway would be, I guess, is the way I tend to walk away when things gets more than what I like, or can handle.
I used to be part of a group of friends online too, I liked what we had going, we were silly we were honi (lol) and things were more light-hearted. But as more and more people join, I started feeling overwhelm or a sense of disconnect. There's a lot going on, like a bouncing ball started yeeting against each surfaces at lighting speed and I can barely catch the ball kind of feeling.
I wouldn't say it's entirely their fault, it's mostly myself, which is more comfortable in controlled or slower pace(despite being hyper as well- brainrot goes brrrr). I guess what sucks the most is also watching a friend who liked hanging with another person that you don't really vibe with can be uh something(idk what or how to describe it, it's not jealousy either). The main issue is always around the aspect that I like person A, B, C and F, but not the rest of the bunch. Yes, I could bring it up, talk to them about it, and then highly possibly creating drama and beef with that process (relationships are so fragile). Knowing the people I was dealing with, I decided to just leave quietly (which, to no one's surprised, caused drama itself too - sigh)
I do miss them sometimes, the people I like talking to and be friends with, some of us kept the connection, some burn the bridge for good, some remains a mystery.
That brings me to another aspect in decision-making games, where I tend to walk the passive, most diplomatic route ever to finish the game. Well because irl I hate dealing with conflicts XD I also lean towards neutrality most of the time, unless it's something important then only I pick a side strongly. Using persuasion, communications and understanding, compromising and delegation to let a project or anything really(like relationship) run smoothly. Some of this cost my sanity, patiences and often, gaining less from the agreement lol
I stopped caring more than I do, I stopped trying to please everyone in the room after going through some stuff, and I learn to let go a lot of things because of those experiences, which for now feels like a good experience for me (Literally my page motto is my life motto, it is what it is)
This also made me think, that I am a person who likes to stay the same, more often than I'd like to admit. I mean this by saying like for example, no matter how many times I play Stardew Valley, I will follow a similar route. If irl, the mix rice shop I visit for almost 4 years now? I'll pick the same veggie and meat choices everytime I go there. I find comfort in repetition, I like following the same pattern, I enjoy being safe in a known routine.
If i want to ramble about this, I do like to change sometimes, explore different options, pick a different route etc. But, only if I finished the "foundation" first(both in game and irl)
So for example, stardew valley right? I tend to go min max route, getting my greenhouse and my plants, relationship, all those jazz to maximum first before I actually try something else. What's funny is the something else can be as small as picking a different spot to fish, wearing a different hat, try defeating the dungeon without espresso(that was awful) or romance other people(I still love Harvey more than anyone, sorry Sebastian, I do love the frog though)
Same with Minecraft, Im a builder yes, but I also grind a hell lot in the game, building industrial district and shit ton of farms to get whatever I need.
I think this is kinda reflected irl, where I like to have a strong stability of foundation before I try something different, something that is not part of the route Im used for. It's like once I am sure that our project presentation has the right amount of slides, informations and delivery, then only I try and test out animations, maybe some infographics and whatnot. Same with patient counselling, I usually follow a flow strictly in patient information gathering because that is what we were taught in University (name, age, height, weight, etc), but one time I decided to switch it up a bit to and try to make small talk in between info gathering (like when a patient tells me they're married, instead of moving on I congrats on their marriage instead) and has found it a nice experience and change of pace. You may find this a silly or heck, an obvious thing that I should've tried, but you need to understand every video, notes and lectures always follow a systematic manner with stuff like this. I've only started incorporating this style after being in the med course for like, 2 years, so when I transitioned to Pharmacy, it came naturally to me when it comes to building rapport with patients. The patients and lecturers love it, because the process can feel more like a conversation rather than an interrogation you know, it feels more lively, more empathy and whatnot. I hope to continue to improve on this actually, Im really happy that one of the change I made on an impulse stick through and benefitted my career.
Id say one bad thing with this habit (with how I approach change) is sometimes I miss out opportunities and again, missing out the fun. Heck, sometimes the process to finish the "foundation" itself feels like a chore that sucks out the fun from games. Like rn with tears of the kingdom(totk), I like collecting Light of Blessing to get more hearts and stamina, but god- totk is so much bigger now compared to the first one, and I got overwhelmed and stressful to play the game. So I dropped it on my previous semester break. (I wanna go back to it one day, hopefully)
This kind of also tie into something Im aware of, is that I get weary and overthink in the face of uncertainty. Like there are a lot of places in totk that I have yet to explore, because I have thoughts like
oh shit does this have important story plot? wait what if im suppose to go place A before going place B first? will it mess up the timeline? oh no that place is new what the heck let's just put a marker first-
you get the gist, same applies irl too. An invitation to quizzes, participating talk shows or experiments, most of which I usually don't attend in fear of my lack of skills or just, nervousness in new environment. There's always a lingering thought that I am not good enough to go to events that clearly, required skills and competence beyond what I have. Im no 4 flat student, hell my cgpa is shit lmfao, the only thing Im good at are soft skills and maybe level 1-2 clinical judgments. I still regret that one time I didn't join a community event where they've explored and talked about stem cells intervention, they had a whole freaking lab!! of cells!! like in the movies!!!!!!!!! ok anyways
Idk what im tryna say with this ramble, I just wanted to share and relate my experience to the video, maybe this is like a self reflection. I've been trying to be better at managing some of the issues I talked about, building confidence or maybe facing confrontations instead of dipping entirely.
If you read till here, thanks I guess! maybe you can relate to me or maybe you just wanna read my yaps, either way I appreciate it :D if you want to share your thoughts or experiences as well go ahead!
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
You fucking piece of propagandist shit…..
So I has this muslim propaganda channel in my recommendation (I literally watch videos from Sham Sharma Show youtube the fuck is wrong with you?) called Smile 2 Jannah and he had a video about molestation relating to holi 🤡 So original, amirite?
(I’d suggest watching the stupid video before going into the rant for being able to understand what in the bullshit is written below here)
First of all brother in Christ no one is asking you to play, are they? It is good to raise issues, yes, but if you are a propaganda channel earning from polarising a group of induviduals via one sided narrative, it does put your intentions under skepticism. Hmmmmmm.
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Intro (dhakan)
Now, for his first point:
India’s ruling party blah blah blah, RSS blah blah blah, Hindutva blah blah blah main gadhe ka bacha hun blah blah blah
How. Does. Molestation. On. Holi. Relate. To. Fucking. Central. Government.?.
Do you honestly think that once voting was completed on that fateful afternoon of May 2014 these perverts rose from the earth or something😭 bhaiya thode restarted ho kya?
Sounds ridiculous, right? My thoughts exactly while hearing you utter those goddamn words.
Next, he shows a clip of said molestation. Those of you who know me already understand my stance on this, but lets get into this when he does. Now, onto this idiot’s next segment:
Story of holi (haan bhai tu bata hume tujhe zyaada pata hai)
Hiranyakashyap yada yada yada holika yada yada yada Holika Dahan blu bleh flu fleh
First of all, my dear friend. We don’t celebrate holi faag due to those reasons— that would be holi dahan, it precedes Holi faag aka the day you are covering in this video by one whole day. Great research 👍🏼
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Holi Fāg is celebrated because Lord Krishna and his friends used to pluck flowers of early spring, extract colour from them via pestling and smear it on each other as a childish game. Completely harmless, no? Unless you have issues about teenage boys and girls playing around or something XD
And lets not end it here, my man has some
opinions about Holika Dahan aswell
Holika was manipulated into burning her own nephew alive, poor woman🥺
Same level of intellect as “Ravan was just a good brother who wanted to exploit a married woman totally against her wishes for his sis’s perverseness UwU”
Holika has nowhere been mentioned to be manipulated. If anything, the texts say that she was willing for it to happen. Imagine trying to defend a literal demon who was trying to burn her own nephew alive, for fuck’s sake my man…
now, onto the story of powder (sorta disclaimer: I’m writing the points while watching the video myself, so if there’s inconsistencies and incidents of me jumping the gun, I’m surry ;-;) This is a believed story aswell, true, but the reason he chose this one over the flowers one is veryyy clear; its easy to propagate :D
Krishna liked Radha, skin colour diffrences, maiyya Yashoda, Oh my Him he’s doing rAcIsM—
First of all, his original form isn’t even black; he’s actually blue. Blue of the Sky, he is described as. He incarnates in various shades from dusky to midnight dark to sky blue to green to milky white. Why? Because all the shades are same to him. We literally have gods who are called Bhadra Kāli (beautiful black woman), Krishnā (her with a dusky tone), Shyam Sundar (Black skinned in handsome) , Sundar Sanvaro ( Handsome and Dusky) but of COURSE our gods are doing racism. No propaganda here guys, none whatsoever
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(there was no need for this pic here but y’all LOOK AT VASUKI T-T)
One thing he IS surprisingly right about is how colonisation had an effect on our perception of beauty, because ancient Indian texts are all praises about Krishna’s own beauty, going to the lengths of showing that he was so beautiful that he stole the maternal affection from his playmates mothers aswell. So no, he wasn’t sending any wrong messages by acting as an oblivious child because colourism wasn’t an issue back then.
Second of all, The story is incorrect. He did not “long” for Radha. They were literal little children in this one, unlike the other one where they are teens. This is just childish curiousity at play, about tall and short, about fair and dark, about this and that. We literally have a renowned lullaby about this, where Krishna is curiously asking his Mother why him and Radha are two different shades and she lovingly gives creative answers about the same.
What he was doing was, he wanted to play with Radha, but was afraid she would not play with him because they look “different” (NOT because he thought his skin was inferior to hers, he literally chose that skin) so Maiyya Yashoda told him to play with coulours so they are all the same shade (neither dark nor fair, just plain colourful). This man is so shameless he’s glossing over everything just to degrade us. Imagine being so fucking insecure that you need to actively bring other religions down to feel devotes. You don’t need youtube my man, you need Jesus.
…..He literally degraded christianity RIGHT after I said Jesus. How is he so fucking vindictive? Jesus wasn’t black OR white, he was *drumroll please* Brown! My man Yeshua was from Nazareth, he wasn’t technically black. Do you want him to have Vitiligo to prove that he doesn’t chose one colour over the other?
Christian Jesus isn’t white: Western Jesus is. African Christians have portrait of him as a black man, Chinese scriptures show him of Asian features. And while you may like to think its problematic, I think its beautiful and Jesus wouldn’t even mind people of that time interpreting him such to be close to him. Humans are spiteful PoS, Gods are not! Imagine personifying your own Prophet because you are just that hateful.
Like I already pointed out, that’s not it my man. Refer to the points above the Jesus rant. Trying to twist things won’t work here, maybe you think you can put words in God’s mouth but all we see is an audacious piece of crap trying his best to change a narrative we are well versed in and attached to for his own interests.
The reason he knew she “liked” (as much as you can “like” someone in a childish way) him back was because their minds were connected. They knew each other’s thoughts and feelings. Why? Because she is his soulmate. She is Krishna’s other half, she is Goddess Laxmi in a human form, The wife and eternal Love of Lord Vishnu, who is the one incarnated as Krishna.
And was this a grown man touching a grown woman? No, it wasn’t. It was a kid playing with another kid, think a little boy throwing water balloons on a little girl. He never touched her inappropriately even in their teens, when they were actually in love with each other. Them not having had a sexual relationship is one of there core factors that strengthens their bond as lovers.
See how he doesn’t even mention the second story aka the one I mentioned in the Fāg segment? Yeah, me too.
And while we are at it, can we please talk about how (not so) subtely he is trying to degrade our Gods here? Accusing someone people worship as Supreme of racism by hiding facts, questioning what kind of message he is sending to a population that does not even practice the said religion, saying stuff like ‘quote unquote God’, accusing someone’s God of sexual harrasment (this is a new low guys) . Yeah, we see your motives here asshole.
Your genuine curiosity on stuff you think is not cut out for you or is questionable is welcome, your passive agressive comments on someone people worship are not. You do not follow the said God, Your subscribers don’t follow him, we who do are not running a cult here either. What is your position to discuss someone else’s God in a humanising way where you put him in a position akin to humans? Having a one sided dictate based on half assed reasearch , furthered with nitpicking of negatives and adding your own “thoughts” on it to make it sound bad, and putting your personally motivated views to a biased audience is very much crossing the line of civil. Fuck off already.
Now, back to what my man has to say:
Where Holi went wrong
according to Smarty Pants McAllknowing here, the Japanese girl incident is reflective of what Shree Krishna was upto. Is it? We know its not, but is the audience that he is trying to not so softly influence aware? Nope.
Molestation and Roadside Romeos causing chaos on holi are common occurences. People get gropped, harrassed, and has even resulted in crimes like rape and death. There’s a fine line between being playful in a way that is enjoyable and being a nuisance, and people with malicious intents are likely to cross it on purpose. Most of us were playing with our family and friends and having fun instead of going out of our way to bother strangers, that’s basic decency on any given day and Holi doesn’t change that for most of us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So majority of us celebrate it like any other festival, given with a lot more excitement and carefreeness, but that too is constricted to our peers.
Also, lets make one thing clear shall we: people with bad intentions don’t just ‘pop-up’ on occassions, they are actively looking for a loop to be perverts without consequences.
It is not that Holi was created to give perverts ammo, it is that holi is being used as a shield by people who are generally deviants aswell. It is an issue amongst the Hindu community and trying to make us the perpetrators as a whole in our own personal matter which we are trying to solve is not only intrusive, its disrespectful aswell.
You think people are fine and good all 364 days and decide to become hornie motherfuckers just when holi is around the corner?? Its the fucking perverts, not Holi and other Hindus playing. No, and trying to defame holi which again 95% of us play normally without all that gropping is nothing short of an attempt to defame the festival.
There are women who have reported being raped while on Pilgrimages (including Hajj, highlighting for my self righteous friend here), does that make the pilgrimage spot evil? Huh?
Now, going on to what happened to those women. Its bad, and those people deserve to be punished by the law because of outraging a woman’s modesty. But tell me with a straight face that the rest if is who were just having fun with our family are responsible, or all of us collectively playing holi are responsible?
Reminds me of this honestly:
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Same with the muslim woman being attacked, its shameful that these perverts would go to such lengths, and again deserve to be locked up, but your accusations at the government controlling news is so ridiculous its laughable.
The government would have done a better job hiding its cracks at Farmer’s protests and Hijab issues now, would they have not? They would have censored The Hindu, whose head is a member of communist party, TOI and IE. And what is the point in leaving NDTV up there who would give you more fuel for your accusations if you only look? The government has many active critics, and a lot of anti hindu media exists, but sure, we are controlling XD
Lynchings are harmful and are should be condemned, so I feel reluctant questioning you here, even though your intentions of bringing lynching in a video not even related to it is peculiar, to say the least. Why did you suddenly go off the tangent to tackle crimes against muslims in a video regarding Hindu festivals? Everything we do and have is connected to Islam on such mind bending rationales it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.
……..The beef being talked about is BUFFALO BEEF?! LMFAOOOO this guy isn’t even trying to hide his agenda anymore😭😭😭 jaa bhai, galti meri hi hai
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Connecting it with Islam AGAIN? Man, this guy’s victim complexion is strong, yikes.
They are not allowed to grope or touch us non consensually. Infact, Shree Krishna whom you so conviniently insulted killed a man because he said illicit words about his best friend who was a woman. The said Woman also resulted in a kingdom’s fall because she was manhandled by the princes. Furthermore, in his previous incarnation Krishna killed a demon who had tried to molest his wife. If you think that anyone can grope us and not get slapped into the stars, then you have no clue what our scriptures teach us to be like.
Look, I respect your religions ways of treating women as sacred or pure or what it is that you guys believe in (and totally disrespect your ways of trying to glorify your religion in a video that is already degrading another one), but that’s where we vary. If an educated Hindu man saw me extending my hand for a greeting, he would take it. Why? Because I am an equal. I’m just another human if I’m not a woman he is platonically or romantically related to. In the ancient days we all folded our hands and greeted from afar, now we shake hands when meeting professionally. I like it this way, you like it yours, how about not try to patronise us?
Me trying to find where this sudden hype of Islam is coming from in a video not even related to it:
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Okay, that accusation about hindu men fondling people left right and centre? Aren’t you inflating things a bit a lot? Is it too much to ask you to stop speaking over us??
Everything was (still kinda) well and good up until you decided to drag hinduism again. Why did God allow Holi? To celebrate with your family like Diwali and Navratri? We don’t go out bothering strangers on other two and Holi was specifically being played between Krishna and his friends? No one outside was being bothered.
Also, if you really need to toot your religion’s horn by a (biased) comparison with someone else’s, then believe me when I say that your faith in God isn’t half as strong as you like to think, since you need a catalyst that requires you too be a shit person. We never asked what your religion is like, we don’t even care, that’s your personal matter. Why try to grab our attention by falsely accusing what we believe in and force us to form a negative opinion on you? Who do you think you are, to drag my gods into this?
Also, is it just me or does it seem like this guys is talking about women but not to them? Its like he hasn’t addressed women in this video even once and thinks men are the primary ones concerned with issues like groping and how women are to be touched or not. He is literally using women as a bait without really bringing our psychology regarding all this into play. Am I the only one who finds it concerning?
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This guy has his head so far up his ass, he can’t stop talking about things he thinks make him superior. I swear to God, don’t feel surprised if he makes a video about why guys with (whatever was his first tricycle) fucking stomp over others who grew up with “girl bikes”.
I know its not my place to say it, but I just wanna bust this guy’s bubble so I’m sorry to any muslim reading it: Its the fastest growing religion because it has the highest birth rate, and conversion for sake of marriage. And about his point regarding women converting, Not saying that there aren’t those who genuinely do and good for them, but whose gonna tell him about the dark stuff happening here💀 A part of me thinks he already knows but thinks its wonderful.
So yeah, that was all from this asshole. I hope this white bearded man baby grows up and learns to reach God with his chosen path, without requiring to bring others down. All in all, my last words to this guys are:
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bluiex · 1 year
This was a conversation with Purp that invoked an OC.
But rather than getting angry at BigB, Scar marches to his place and hands him a large file.
BigB: what is it?
Scar: This is a list of things Grian likes and dislikes. If you do anything wrong he will make the bedroom colder than a witches tit, and sex life drier than a desert.
He had to take meds every day, most of it is potions to help him keep his corporal form in the overworld. He will fight you, bitting and clawing included, but he has to take them unless you want your sanity to melt and you to go insane at the sight of him. Not a fun process to turn back from, wouldn’t recommend it.
If you do not give him his weekly cuddle time he will throw a husky grade tantrum. And during this weekly cuddle time you must remind him how dangerous and predatory he is, or he will be dishearten for days.
Don’t mention his smile, or teeth, or lack of mouth, or eyes, unless it’s a compliment, as he’s very self conscious about them.
If Grian acts any certain way to that is cold or distant, assume it’s your fault or you did something wrong. Trust me the headache is not worth the arguing and love bombing him is much easier. And it take the minimum of 5 gifts, namely shiny things, to get him happy again.
He likes offerings and has a god complex so keep that in mind. And very high maintenance when it comes to preening sessions.
I will answer any questions you have, my number is on the file and you can always come to the cake house. But yeah… good luck! :D
And Scar just leaves the file, bewildered BigB, and a very amused Ren.
Grian is his problem now.
LMAO here's a file of Grian, Have fun!
That's amazing XD poor BigB reading thru it prob gets all stressed
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nsfwitchy2 · 12 days
Hi Witchy!
About the girlwithdogs channel: as channels grow it's inevitable that the creator behind it becomes less realistic. Sucks for groomers to give the public false expectations but it's kind of inevitable. Lots of channels start out as little niche passion projects and then . . . I could write a whole ass paper about the Youtuber phenomenon, but I just submitted my own paper and have zero interest in writing for another three months. And honestly, probably somebody else already has written about it better than I can.
You said you didn't want to go off because you're at work, but can you tell us more about grooming cats when you can? I love how little work having my boy is but now you're saying I should shave him? Like, his fur????
Thanks and love xx
Ps. More Adam, please!!!
I mean yeah that makes sense, and like I said I haven’t seen her newer stuff and I probably won’t lol - but it seemed like I would be doing the grooming community kind of a disservice if I didn’t mention the general opinion of her that I’ve seen, yknow? I think a lot of YouTubers become less realistic as their channels grow, it happens all the time.
But yeah it does suck, especially because, tbh, the average US citizen at the very least knows like…. NOTHING about pet grooming? Like, if I asked the average person they would say it’s where you give pets a hair cut, but most people don’t… know anything past that, and often times don’t even factor in what that means.
Your question for example, which I am using to segway here and I don’t mean this in any shameful way. But I have like… never advocated to have anybody shave their cat unless it was medically necessary. Ever. Because unless it is medically necessary - DO N O T SHAVE YOUR FUCKING CAT!!!! Your cats fur is necessary for protecting their skin, regulating their temperature, and for sensory input. There is also a VERY solid chance it will not grow back, or it won’t grow back correctly and may leave bald patches. I have only ever advocated for shaving cats who medically needed to be shaved - such as the cat who bit me, who is highly aggressive when being brushed. Which basically means his owners cannot brush him or he will attack them. Long haired cats specifically N E E D to be brushed, or their fur will mat and this can become painful and dangerous.
Now I will say - there are people who get cats shaved for reasons that aren’t medically necessary. We usually try to educate them on why that’s bad, but at the end of the day they are paying for a service so we still have to do it if they want us to. It usually isn’t fun though, for us or the cat. They don’t really like being shaved.
What you CAN do with your cat though, and what I personally suggest you do, is regularly brush and bathe them. Or get them bathed lol, we have equipment you guys don’t lol.
Brushing your cat keeps them from getting matted - which like I said, is painful and can be dangerous. Matting is when the fur knots together in clumps, and overtime it can eventually grow into one big clump - called pelting. Matted and pelted fur is VERY tight and pulls on the animals skin, which causes irritation. It basically makes them super hot, super itchy, and super dirty because it traps dirt and dander and makes it hard for them to regulate their body temperature. This can cause things like mat rash - which can become inflamed and infected. Mats CAN be brushed out before they become too bad, but once they do it is only recommended to remove them through shaving and never cutting. This process is fairly dangerous since the closer the mats are to the skin, the closer the cut - and since matted and pelted animals are usually pretty uncomfortable, they can be pretty irritable and restless and even aggressive. To be honest - while long haired cats specifically NEED to be brushed, you should also brush short haired cats as well because they can become impacted if you don’t. You mentioned Adam so I’ll use him as my example here XD
Adam sheds like crazy. Like…. Adam sheds an ABSURD amount of hair. However he does not need regular brushing because he is regularly maintained through Beatle grooming him, his own grooming, and our regular petting and snuggling. However if I were ever to pet Adam and start noticing lumps and clumps in his fur, that would signal to me that I need to start brushing him - because his shedded fur isn’t being removed as efficiently as it was before and is starting to clump and become impacted. Which can also, you guessed it, lead to matting!!
Bathing your cat just keeps them clean and soft!! Contrary to popular belief, cats do not bathe themselves - they just brush themselves to some degree. Bathing cats can help with dandruff, dry skin and skin irritation. It’s also necessary for hairless cats to remove excess body oils, as well as older cats or long haired cats who may not be able to clean themselves thoroughly with their tongue. I have seen some NASTY cats, let me say, who definitely needed a good bath.
There is also a high chance that if you DO take your cat to a pet groomer, they will cut their nails. I do wanna say now that this is fine - we do this for our safety and it does not hurt the cat in any way. I clip Beatles nails because he likes to rip up the walls and door frames.
Mmmm aside from that I guess the only thing I can think of to talk about is nail caps lmao. They’re not great - don’t use them. It’s like putting acrylics on a cat, the glue erodes and damages their nails after a while. They also can’t retract their claws in nail caps either, which can lead to stress - I say that from experience because we got nail caps for Beatle and he got so stressed he began to eat his fur off :/
We offer nail caps at the salon too, but it’s like shaving - all we can do is advocate on the animals behalf, at the end of the day though they’re paying us for a service so we still have to do it.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TEDTalk I guess and giving me an excuse to flaunt my cat grooming knowledge XD
I won’t lie it really is one of my favorite parts of my job, cat grooming is very fascinating despite the occasional safety hazards - though tbh any job that involves working up close and personal with animals has its dangers so 🤷‍♀️
But yes yes, here is an Adam for you XD
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And a bonus Beatle as well!! My snuggly baby boys 💞🥺
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Hi! 😊
Can I request a fluffy dating headcanon with his shy!female!human!reader for Hunter (TOH)? Please??
I'm just gonna cut right to the HC since i don't know what to put in the author's note ;-;
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This man-
Let me start off by saying he will hurt anyone that makes you upset
Like: oh you're upset cuz that guy made fun of your shyness?
Poof the same guy comes running ot you the next day apologizing
That being said you could have guessed he's very overprotective of you
You being a human, not that that's bad or anything, just for some reason activates his overprotectiveness
That is before you learn glyph magic, but still then he would be overprotective, just a little less
And i would feel like he would not want any physical contact, unless your two weeks in to your relationship or so
Like yes you are allowed to get cheek kisses, but if you're a month him to your relationship?
Oh you better expect him to cling to you like a tic, while he's giving you butterfly kisses
And i feel like he would absolutely love the idea of cuddling
But he would be as stiff as a board in the beginning
Like- while you cling to him he would just be like this: 🧍‍♀️
But after a while he would start to relax more and would actually be comfortable, like more than a pillow type of comfortable
And i think he would try to have your interests? If that makes sense
Like if you're in to art he is going to try and draw with you if he has the time
Or if you're in to photography, he would buy a camera, just to try and learn to take good quality pictures, even though he could have used his scroll
He would absolutely LOVE to see you in his hoodies and jumpers
Like if you walked in to the room, with high hoodie oh
He would stop whatever he is doing, and rush over to you
Spitting all kinds of praises
He wouldn't push you to have friends, he would let you take your time
But would bring up the topic a couple of times
Not that you're anoying him, he just wants you to be happy and not be stuck with him forever not that that's bad 🌝
He would most likely if he had a bad day, just cling to you without a word
Like you could be chilling on the couch and he would just approach you and nuzzle his head in your neck not you screaming from the inside
If you suggest to do his makeup just for the fun of it, don't expect him to say no
He would sit there, on the chair patiently, while you put whatever type of makeup you want on him
And would let your do his hair :)
Overall 10/10 would recommend xD
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roxasbooth · 5 days
🦋🍊It's Roxa! >:3🍊🦋
Guess you could call me an artist :3 tho I draw for fun and just whatever makes me happy overall x3✨️
🌌 I'm an adult, and I use she/her pronouns :p
🌌 I brainrot. A lot. xD
🌌 I speak English and Persian :3
🌌 I love interacting with other people, and I have always dreamed of connecting with a whole lotta people around the world :>
🌌 My asks are always open for anything you want to say :D
🌌 I'm a multifandom kid, but as of now I'm just active in the Phandom ;]
🌌 I'm always open to art advice and opinions, but please keep it respectful! ♡ :33
🌌 All of my art is platonic, unless I state otherwise ( *・ω・)ノ
🌌 This one's a bit out of pocket but I take music recommendations lol!
🌌 "KILL EM WITH KINDNESS!" WRONG!!! ANGST ART GO BRRRRR— (angst is my jam, sorry folks! You'll be seeing a lot of that here ( ;∀;) but not to worry! I know how to keep the balance σ(*´∀`*) )
🌌 also here's a tiny lil flower for you to brighten your day!: (σ≧▽≦)σ🌼
Here are my tags! :D
#Roxa Rambles : Theories, things I have to say, just me rambling, really xD
#Roxa Reblogs : Anything that I reblog :3c
#Roxa draws : Personal art, or any art of my AUs :>
#Roxa doodles : Sketches or quick drawings ;]
#Infected Time : Anything about my Danny Phantom Infection AU! \(^o^)/
#Infected Time: comic : The comic itself :D basically just the story :3✨️
I'd say that is all for now, folks! :D
(This post will be updated if there's anything I need to add later on :3♡)
Have a great time! PEACE!! :D (*^▽^)/★*☆♪✨️✨️✨️
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I did it. >< I‘ve registered on Tumblr. My introverted soul's suffering, but at least I can read your blog without any issues. Totally worth it. How are you recently? Hope, you manage to relax and have a decent sleep.
Anyway, I have a strange request...maybe. Vyn often likes to call his sweetheart "pet" in your stories (which I find very cute and hot at the same time). What if once Rosa decided to make a birthday surprise for Vyn, so she dressed as a pretty little black cat with fluffy ears, tail etc. to satisfy this unhinged, needy and posessive side of her boyfriend. Though he previously hinted at this darkness inside him, not only she wasn't afraid, but surprisingly attracted to it. At the same time Rosa could accidentally satisfy her authority fetish playing this master-pet game.
Ignore it if this requests sounds strange and complicated. My work is also killing me at the moment, so strange ideas come to my head XD
Special Delivery - Part 1 (NSFW)
This was supposed to be posted only when finished. But Real Life™ is happening, and I find my writing time being gimped recently because a kitten literally landed in my backyard, probably abandoned by his Mum, and now I'm his new Mum!
I'll just post what I have for now (but hopefully I get to finish this, soon!)
NSFW. Unhinged Vyn is Unhinged. Light BDSM happening with bad BDSM etiquette, please read at own risk, certainly not recommended to be tried at home unless your or your boyfriend's name is Vyn Richter, in which case, lucky you.
Dr. Vyn Richter is tired.
His study is the lone witness to this moment of utter weakness. 
He finally puts down the tablet containing the files he is poring over tirelessly for hours, onto the cluttered surface of his mahogany desk. 
He stares, his gold eyes dim and sullen, at the stack of documents by the corner of his desk. All papers are waiting for his attention.
There are things still waiting to be done…
A sigh escapes his lips as he buries his face in his hands. Trying to gather himself—all in futility. 
There are some things even Vyn Richter cannot do, such as to completely stamp out petty, childish disappointments when things do not go his way. 
For example: Today is his birthday. He fully expects you, his beloved Rosa, to drop by or be available to spend his natal day with him. It is for this reason that he made arrangements to leave his workplace early, on the pretext of continuing his work at home.
Yet you sent him a text message an hour ago, a text message canceling your meeting with him, and instead you promised something, a gift, to be delivered to his address. In lieu of your presence …
All presents, all gifts you send him are cherished. Vyn will never disregard nor take anything you give him for granted; this much is true. However…
It is your presence that he yearns for the most.
And so, at this very moment there is nothing for Vyn to look forward to, none at all , and he bitterly laughs. Hasn’t he spent past birthdays alone without celebration, nor any semblance of merrymaking, before you came into his life?
And now that you are inconvenienced, kept from gracing him with your presence due to your responsibilities, he finds himself shattered as if he is bereft of life itself, as if a grave injustice has been committed against his very being.
And so he is nothing but tired. Nothing but—
A chime resounds, ripping him away from his morose thoughts. 
“Yes,” Vyn mutters, knowing that his now surly voice is audible by the intercom installed by the downstairs main entrance. “I shall be there posthaste.”
He does not wait for a reply—despite his misgivings, he is still excited to know what his most cherished, darling Rosa has sent him—and proceeds to descend the staircase in order to receive his delivery.
Right, here goes.
You pull down the visor of your baseball cap, part of the uniform of a popular delivery service, to obscure your face. The large coat thrown over your shoulders is perfectly aligned—you have checked so many times now—and…
You move your hips a little. The thing you’re wearing underneath everything—something new, something shiny , you inwardly jest—isn’t falling off , at least.
Footsteps approach from behind the heavy door. You take a deep breath. 
The door to the entrance finally opens, and a familiar silverhead emerges through the crack. Vyn looks a little bleary-eyed, and you feel a slight pang of regret. There is no doubt that the tiredness is coming from work exhaustion, but you know, judging from his reply to your text message earlier, that he is also immensely disappointed by your cancelation of plans.
No more delays , you tell yourself. No need to prolong his agony.
“Good evening. Delivery for Dr. Richter?” You greet him, voice slightly modulated in an attempt to hide your identity for the moment. 
“Yes. It is I,” Vyn says irritably, an edge of impatience creeping into his words. It is a side of Vyn that you have not seen before, and you find it fascinating. “ Where is the package ?” he demands, upon noticing that your hands are empty, nor are there any box or other sort of parcel lying by your feet.
Grinning, you take off the baseball cap with a swift flourish, and shrug off the large coat concealing what you are actually wearing underneath:
Standing in front of him is you, his Rosa, clad in something he has never quite seen before, not even in your most intimate moments with him: a scant black dress of velvet fabric that barely covers your crotch and ass, clinging to your skin like the most decadent icing on cake. 
And as a naughty touch: a black choker, which looks like a long strip of leather wound around your neck; a black cat-eared headband, along with a cat’s tail swinging down past the hem of your dress. 
The tail is attached to your body in the most dubious manner possible. 
Well, Vyn will have to discover it himself, soon enough.
The look on your lover’s face is already worth the effort: he stands there by the doorway, jaw slack, words having left him. Yet he composes himself quickly, just enough to pull you through the doorway, and into his eager arms. 
“Rosa, Rosa, Rosa ,” he chants your name out loud—his immense relief audible—as he smothers you with wet, desperate kisses all over your neck, bare shoulders, face, until it ends with the deepest, most breathtaking French kiss of a lifetime. 
When he pulls back there is none of the tiredness to be found on his visage, only that pure, unadulterated, unhinged desire clouding his gaze with lust. “My little succubus … no, my kitten ,” he quickly corrects himself, giving reference to the black cat theme of your little costume. “I thought you had abandoned me today. On my birthday,” he breathes as his hands cravingly roam your velvet-clad body.
“I can’t, that would be sacrilege ,” you tell him in between your own kisses. “I’m sorry…I think I upset you more than I expected…”
“Was I upset? I have already forgotten, my pet.” Vyn lets out a small laughter, low enough that it almost registers as a purr . His gold eyes, darkening to caramel, appreciates your incredibly lewd costume that you put on, just for him. His trembling voice lowers to a frenzied whisper: “You look dangerous. Exquisite . Should I die in your arms tonight then let it be so.” 
His voice, his breathing quivers, betraying how much the sight of you turns him on . 
Letting out a string of foreign words he then kicks the main door closed, then resumes his fervent kissing, as if forgetting that the both of you are still by the foyer of his home. His lips graze your bare shoulders; hands now grab and fondle your breasts through the velvet. 
Moaning, you reach out and coil your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him for dear life as one of your legs wrap around his waist. “Vyn…” you murmur as you feel his teeth lightly nipping at the skin of your nape. “Happy Birth— ah… !”
One of his hands slides down to your ass, and one of your naughtier secrets is revealed: the tail swinging behind your legs is actually a butt plug with a faux cat’s tail attached to it. 
Vyn gasps a little, and his finger brushes against your behind once again, this time deliberately, to make sure he isn’t mistaken . But there it is: something is buried in your ass. And another revelation follows, to corroborate it: You are not wearing any panties.
Your lover groans, and you can now feel his rapidly growing erection jutting against you through the fabric of his pants. “This is my gift?” He asks, his voice raspy and heavy with sheer need. Fingers tentatively grasp the flared base of the plug; grinning, he gently moves the plug inside you. His smile only widens as he feels your fingers clutch at him, nails digging deeply into his back as you moan loudly, “Vyn—ah—wait, that feels…weird?”
“Does it hurt?” A light kiss on your cheek. Careful fingers still move the plug inside your ass.
You squirm as he tests just how responsive you are when he plays with the toy buried inside you. “No. It just…takes getting used to—oh god —” A sharp intake of breath.
Vyn chuckles quietly as he observes your face flitting from expression to another expression with every movement of his fingers.
“And yet…here we are.” He presses down on the flared handle of the plug, to emphasize his point (and to further enjoy your loud mewling). “Why?”
“Ahh…” The knee of your leg still standing almost buckles; you tighten the hold of your other leg around his waist to steady yourself. “I…I thought you’d like something…new for your birthday…”
“Haha. Hahaha… ” Vyn seems utterly delighted by your answer, yet his laugh reminds you of a predator about to toy with fresh prey.
He then grasps your other leg by the underside of your knee, looping it around his waist—he now carries you, his hands supporting your thighs as your legs lock behind his back. “I had plans, plans that took quite a bit of effort to organize.” You can almost hear him pouting. 
“But… perhaps …” His hard on, rubbing against your bare pussy and bearing a quiet promise of pleasures to come, is hard to ignore. 
His following words mark the start of your most debauched night to remember: “...we can salvage the night. What say I take you in every room of my home?”
You whimper in his tight hold—this may be more than what you are prepared for—but Vyn only laughs in response.
First Area: Kitchen
After clearing the countertop of clutter in a sex-fueled haste Vyn lays you down upon the cold surface of the kitchen island, both of your lips still locked onto each others. 
His tongue leads yours into such a sensuous dance that leaves you dripping onto the granite.
“Mmm…oh, what is this?” Vyn murmurs against your lips as his hand brushes against the leather choker wound around your neck. 
He is elated to discover, upon unwinding the long leather strip, that you are wearing a leash around your neck. 
“ Kitten ?” The surprises do not seem to stop, and Vyn can only smile for every revelation. “What exactly do you want to happen tonight?” He hums in delight as he dips down to worship you with his lips, trailing small, tender kisses along your collarbone. 
His hand holds the other end of your leash, winding the strip around his fist. 
Your eyes flutter closed as you let yourself get carried away by his embrace. “Anything you want? But…” You bit your lip. “Be gentle? Even I am not sure what to expect, I just, um…” A nervous laugh escapes your lips. “This is just something I read…”
You feel him sigh into your cleavage, his hot breath fanning your flushed skin. “Silly kitten. Cheap tabloids and magazines are hardly good sources of practical sex education.” Fingers slide the thin straps of your tiny dress down your arms, freeing your breasts for his own pleasure. His warm, soft tongue swirls around one of your areolae. “A better source would be a doctor , do you not think so?” There is an amused lilt to his voice.
A firm suck on your nipple, and you gasp aloud. “Vyn,” you moan his name helplessly as his deft hands slip your dress down your body and slide them off your ankles, leaving you naked and helpless under his touches. “Then you’re going to show me…how to play ?”
“ Play ?” He asks, gently tugging onto your leash to tease you. “What kind of play? Be specific, little pet.”
“Um.” You suddenly feel a little silly, for not having a clear plan on how to do things. You only knew to show up wearing those items, that there would be a modicum of kinky play that would have you be led around to doing things , but whatever these things were are not exactly clear. “...kinky stuff?”
Another sigh from your lover. A tender fingertip nudges your chin towards his face, prompting you to look at him in his eyes of deep gold. “Unfortunately, I am not so well-versed with the kind of play that necessitates use of things such as this, for lack of both opportunity and interest,” he pulls on your leash, eliciting a soft whimper from your throat. “But…now that you are with me, I am amenable to a bit of experimentation, of course.” 
A faintly devious smile spreads on his lips.
A few minutes later he is sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen, topless and his legs crossed.
His hand, holding the other end of your leash.
His bare chest, slathered with freshly whipped cream. 
And you, kneeling right in front of him.
“Well?” he purrs, snapping his wrist, roughly—but not too painfully—yanking your leash. 
You yelp in surprise, finding yourself careening towards him, and you eventually drape onto his lap. “Aaah, Vyn—”
“It is Dr. Richter , pet,” He reminds you as his free hand idly caresses the side of your face. “Now,” Another tug on your leash, this time upwards, prompting you to stand up. “Clean me with your tongue.”
His short, precise, incredibly suggestive order arouses you so much you feel as if you are dripping between your thighs. “Yes." A small wince crosses your face; Vyn isn't letting up with yanking your least according to his whims at the moment. But before you could bend down to do his bidding, he sharply interrupts you: “Yes what, pet?” 
Another tug on your leash, a little stronger this time, and you almost topple on top of him, but you catch yourself with your hands planted onto his lap. 
Vyn allows you this, and lets the unprompted contact slide. Instead, he merely looks at you with a piercing, yet indecipherable gaze, his jaw set.
“Yes…Dr. Richter,” you whisper.
“ Good kitten. ” His lips curl into a come-hither grin, his eyes misted over with desire. “Now, come.”
The next few moments pass with silence; you quietly lick and suck his fair skin clean of cream. The flat of your tongue laps up the fluffy white sweetness, leaving trails of your rapidly-cooling saliva in its wake.
The solemn silence is broken when your lips capture a nipple; Vyn’s sighs and moans fill the kitchen area as you suck on his sensitive nub, rolling it between your lips. 
“Rosa—hahh— yes , do not stop,” he whispers, almost begging , and the sound of his needy voice is so sweet to your ears that you cannot help but tease him. 
Your lips let go of his stiff nub.  “But I need to clean you, I missed a spot—ahh!!” 
He is not amused with your teasing. “I was enjoying myself,” he murmurs as he winds the leather leash around his hand, shortening the slack to make it easier for him to pull you towards whichever direction catches his fancy. “How dare you.”
He then tugs your leash strongly towards him, making you gasp aloud—almost in pain—but your cry is cut short when he slips his tongue into your lips. “Make yourself come without touching yourself,” he says, issuing his next order in between kisses. 
“ What? ” You look at him in slight disbelief. “What are you—”
Of course, your words earn you another yank on your leash. “You dare talk back.”
You are not able to finish speaking your mind, of course. You almost expect the strong pull on your leash that shuts you up into compliance.
“Be creative,” your Lord and Master says, shifting in his seat and uncrossing his legs. “This is an order.” Then, in a stage whisper, he adds, “ If this gets too much, just say the safeword. ”
You see a flash of tenderness in his eyes, only to be quickly replaced by a cold glint. “I will not touch you. You will need to find your own release, little kitten.”
Be creative, he says, you tell yourself as your hands brush against his thighs. The rough texture of his trousers immediately gives you an idea. “Dr. Richter,” you whisper as you move to ride one of his thighs. “ Excuse me …”
The lovely friction of rough tweed against your moist cunt has you coiling your arms around his neck; you roll your hips in a slow yet steady rhythm to thoroughly enjoy the sparks of white-hot pleasure flowing from your clit. “Damn, this is better than I expected…”
“Enjoying yourself, pet?” Vyn asks, voice neutral, as he lazily tweaks one of your nipples with a thumb and forefinger. His face still bears a bored, unamused expression—at first glance, at least—yet his smoldering eyes closely following your aroused mewling betrays how turned on he actually is.
Of course, the tent in his pants gives him away too, and you file that observation for future use.
You want to sass out a reply, but you severely underestimate how good rubbing your clit against the rough fabric is. “I—yes, I, damn—” You find yourself not even being able to speak a coherent sentence, not when you’re almost…
Vyn lets out a dark chuckle as he roughly pushes you off of him, and has you lying down once again on the kitchen island, this time face down with your cat-tailed ass hanging off the edge of the granite surface. “No, not yet. You cannot come yet,” he hisses as his fingers quickly unbuckle his belt and pull down his trousers. 
He parts your thighs, and without warning he sinks his stiff cock into your wet folds, fully hilted in one swift movement. “Hah—it does feel quite different with your new toy, does it, little kitten?” he whispers, immediately noticing how the inner walls of your cunt feels different—tighter, even—and even you yourself can feel how tight everything is, even as Vyn just stands behind you, immobile, just relishing how good you feel around his dick.
“Haaah—Dr. Richter, please, ” you cry out, moving your hips desperately. 
“Please what , pet?” Again, that teasing command. Vyn’s arms brace onto either side of your body, preparing himself to rail you hard and fast.
Oh god. Why does he have to— “Fuck me hard, please!” you cry out. “I want—ahhh!”
The kitchen is soon filled with the loud sounds of sex: flesh hitting wet flesh, your voice loudly begging for him to fuck you even harder, and his grunts as he rams into you, over and over in rhythmic cadence. You grit your teeth, thoroughly confused yet utterly pleased with how new everything feels in your lower core, as your lover ruts into you relentlessly, all the while with the plug in your ass providing added pressure.
And the way he deliberately pushes it with every thrust…
Damn it, is your only coherent thought; the rest becoming a jumbled mush as the coil of imminent please winds even tighter—
Then everything stops.
Vyn slides out of you, before you—or him, for that matter—could reach orgasm.
“What?!” comes your indignant protest. You know that your words will no doubt earn his ire and another yanking of your leash, but you are too wound up to even care at this point. “I was about to come—!”
A cruel laugh slips out of his beautiful lips, and his cold fingers slide to your neck. Terrified, you freeze, but you only hear a faint clink and you feel the leash removed from your narrow choker-like collar.
He bends over to whisper directly into your ear: “I have better plans for this , pet,” he says, referring to the leash now coiled in his palm. “Come. Let us continue this outside, in the garden.”
Second Area: Garden
With a lover's arms Vyn carries you through the backdoor leading to the garden, whispering sultry promises of how he plans to enjoy you, the little black kitten who somehow wandered into the dark, incomprehensible abyss that is his desire . 
Carefully, he sits you on the edge of the outdoor garden table, your nakedness exposed to the elements; only the moonlight and the balmy night breeze clothe you for this next round.
His gentle, precise hands—undoubtedly the hands of a physician with a remarkable bedside manner—nudge you to his desired position: your thighs spread wide as you sit on your haunches, your arms pinned to your back— everything displayed for his pleasure. 
Then, a faint clink of metal.
“Does it hurt, my kitten?” comes another of his low whispers, his lips tantalizingly close to your ear. Gooseflesh blooms all over your bare skin in response to his sensuous voice.
You try moving your hands to confirm if your suspicions are correct: Yes, your wrists are bound, so too are your ankles. 
Yes, your lover has hogtied your limbs to your back, with the use of your erstwhile leash.
But this only emboldens you—Vyn may be holding the reins, but he is driven by his obsession for you—and you almost let slip a triumphant smile when you answer him, “No. There’s a bit of slack, so it doesn’t hurt much…”
“ Good .”
Vyn’s lips then paint a hot, burning trail of kisses running from your cheek, all the way down to your breast.
Suddenly, gone is his air of authority, and in its place is his twisted craving for you. “My goddess,” he urgently whispers as his mouth and hands run all over your bare skin, his words almost inaudible with the sheer breathiness of his voice and the rustling of the leaves from the surrounding tall shrubbery. 
A hand caressing your face. Fingertips sliding to your nape; their feather-light touches sending electric currents of utter pleasure running down your spine.
A long, drawn-out sigh of lovelorn longing. “My beautiful madonna,” he whispers in reverence.
He then kneels right in front of you. 
It is as if he is worshiping the Madonna, if the Madonna were on his very table with her thighs spread wide open, limbs tied to her back, and her devout worshiper’s tongue lapping up her drenched cunt with the same care and devotion as he would when reciting a sincere prayer.
“...Vyn…” your breath hitches as you feel his tongue trace your inner folds. He has done this for so many times now, this forbidden tasting of you , but this time feels a little bit different: each slide of his tongue against your quivering flesh is slower, more deliberate; and his eyes are closed. 
As if he is reciting a sincere prayer, and the movement of the tonguetip its words. 
Words are murmured softly, disappearing into the aether. 
You can feel his breathing come rapid against your flesh, and he now devours you—two fingers slide into you, and you can now barely make out words from his lips as he kisses your cunt: “... hail, my life, my sweetness .” 
He then looks up at you, his eyes darkening to a caramel gold as he holds your gaze. “... and my hope… ”
His fingers start fucking you faster now, and the coil of pleasure that eluded you earlier starts winding ever tighter once again; an electric spark warming your lower core down to your extremities about to start an explosion—
Vyn pulls away and stands up. 
Before you get the chance to cry about him once again depriving you of reaching your ultimate release, he shuts you up with his tongue in your mouth, forcibly making you taste yourself, and his hand resumes fucking you, with three fingers this time. The pad of his thumb rubs your clit furiously, keeping the embers of your pleasure blazing hot…
“When you come, cry out for me,” comes his order. “Shout my name out loud,” he whispers, in a voice so alluring it could very well belong to the Serpent of the Garden of Eden. 
His tongue slithers into your ear, and you gasp out loud as you can feel yourself teetering to the edge of—
Vyn’s free hand slides down your ass, and once again his fingers find the base of your plug, moving it gently inside you.
“ Shit… ” The darkness of the night instantly goes white, and you throw your head back as you give yourself into the strongest, best orgasm you’ve ever had.
You are about to forget his one order, lost in the throes of your release, but when he starts pulling out your plug—the alien sensation adding to your burst of intense pleasure—there is nothing else to do but shout his name out into the sacred quiet of the night, until you lose yourself.
When you come to you find yourself sitting on his lap, his arms cradling you close to him.
Both of you are still out in his garden: Vyn on half-recline, now bereft of clothing. His legs are stretched along the length of his outdoor sofa; his back propped up against a pile of pillows.
He quickly senses you stirring to wakefulness. “Did you dream of me, love?” he asks as he traces your lips with a fond touch of his finger. “You were smiling in your sleep.”
“Maybe?” You peer into his eyes—with irises appearing even more golden without his glasses—and you can see your satiated face reflected on the amber gold. “I think I was dreaming about visiting you, wearing a haphazardly assembled costume…”
Vyn lets out a chuckle, this time dangerously close to your ear; your body thrums in response to his elegant, low voice. 
You know he modulates his voice on purpose to make you feel certain things, and knowing this only makes you desire him even more.
“And? What happened next?” he breathes against your ear; lips now nibbling on your earlobe. 
He is now trying to warm you up…
“Well,” you whisper back, “We’ve been… playing …” Your arms—freed of bonds—slide around his neck, pulling him closer to you for a deep kiss. You shift on his lap so you straddle him; but for some reason Vyn lets out a deep, guttural moan, as if…
You blink. Something feels different . 
It is right at the moment that you realize that your ass does feel fuller, somehow, despite wearing the plug with the cat’s tail ever since you dropped by his place…
…the plug which, you now remember, had been removed before you passed out on the table earlier…
You take a quick cursory look at the table to your left. There it is, the anal plug that you have been wearing until recently, on the surface of the table. And right beside it, is your leather leash, and a bottle of what seems to be lubricant.
Wait, how did it get there? Your face heats up a little. Was I so out of it that I didn’t notice him grab some lube?
You shift your ass slightly to try and confirm your suspicion: It gets you a breathy gasp from your lover, and a lewd promise to get back at you until you see stars.
Vyn has replaced the plug with his own cock when you were still out of it. 
"Someone's enjoying my surprise a little too much?"
You cannot help grinning at him, and you tighten your ass inside, just a little, to enjoy the sound of Vyn's little moans. 
“Oh, is my pet teasing me now?” Vyn says, his authoritative air coming back to edge out his unhinged state of mind from earlier. “Let us play another game, then. I wonder who will last longer this time around.”
Once again with precise handling he shifts you to his desired position: still sitting on his lap but facing away from him, with your ass impaled on his stiff cock that is fully hilted and deep inside you.
“Now for this game,” Vyn makes use of his voice once again to full effect; you feel as if his words are massaging your nape, making your hairs stand on end. “You are not to do anything. Do not move. Do you understand this very simple instruction, little kitten?”
You are quite tempted to move your ass—his pleasure is directly tied to your own this time around, now that his cock has replaced your plug—to further tease him, but you also do not want to ruin the mood that he has carefully set up for you. “Yes, Dr. Richter ,” you reply, reverting to the honorific he demands that you address him with.
“ Good girl .” 
Once more, that sweet, melodious voice washes over your sense of hearing. His murmurs are accompanied by his hands running down your body until they settle on your thighs; fingers slide down the tender flesh of your inner thighs and their voluptuous advance stops just a couple of inches away from your once again moistening slit.
You manage to obey without any trouble, for the first few minutes. It isn’t hard to refrain from any sort of movement as you sit on his lap; Vyn is graceful enough to let you settle on his thighs in a relatively comfortable position. 
No, the issue is how long you can withstand not taking the chance to tease him.
You try to push your luck. “Dr. Richter—”
“I do not remember granting you the privilege to talk, kitten,” Vyn cuts you off almost immediately. Your impertinence also gets you a sharp pinch on your inner thigh, and you yelp in pain. “ Quiet .”
You were about to voice out your complaint—as is your second nature—but you catch yourself before even a single word forms in your mouth.
“ Good girl, ” Vyn whispers next to your ear again. Your attempt to correct yourself does not go unnoticed, and you are amply rewarded with his fingers lightly brushing your wet cunt. “I wonder how to—hahh—reward you…”
An almost imperceptible twitching inside your ass reminds you that Vyn is also suffering along with you, to a certain extent.
His other hand creeps up to your breast; you try to bite back a gasp as he tweaks your nipple with the lightest of pressure, just enough to make you want to moan out loud, for his fingers to touch you more…
All of your focus is paid towards the need to comply with his No Speaking rule that you don’t notice your hips starting to move…
“Hahhh—” A sharp intake of breath as Vyn nuzzles your hair. “You impudent little wench,” he mutters, and his hips snap against your ass in a single yet strong movement that leaves you begging him to be careful, that it is only your first time to be taken in such a manner—
“Ah!!! Vyn, please, be careful—” Such is your mild distress that you forget addressing him with his honorific, yet again.
Fast, shallow breaths warm your nape as Vyn buries his face in your hair; he cannot stop thrusting inside you, now that he already started. His arms wrap around your waist; all he can do now is to hold back and savor each slide in and out of your incredibly hot flesh and how tight you feel around his cock. “You started this, moppet,” he whispers, voice shuddering. “You should, as Marius is probably wont to say,” a nip at the back of your neck. “ Enjoy the ride .”
“What the hell?!” You moan out loud, trying your hardest to relax as he fucks you in the ass, You have an idea how anal sex goes, but nothing has ever prepared you for how different it feels: the sensation even more intense; you feel every inch of him moving in and out of you, even more than when fucks you the usual way. It is not painful, but…
Vyn must have either felt or heard your slight distress, for he asks, “Does it hurt?”
You grit your teeth, not willing to stop, mainly for his pleasure. You’d kill to have him take his pleasure from your body, and your body alone. “N-no…”
“Really?” he presses, yet the movement of his hips does not stop. “You seem to be tense.”
“Y-yeah…” you nod like a trooper. “I think I only need to get used to this…”
With a firm grip on the underside of one of your thighs he pushes your hips slightly upward until only his tip is buried in your ass. “Hold that position,” comes his firm command.
You feel him reach for something; after a few seconds you hear a bottle being squeezed of its contents. 
“Let us try again, see if you like it better now,” he whispers, and once again electric currents spread across your body in response to his almost hypnotic tone. You were about to close your eyes, wondering how a voice can feel as soft, yet tangible like silk, but instead you gasp as he resumes his movement behind you. 
Vyn slides the rest of his length inside you with ease now, his cock slathered with what feels like a liberal amount of lubricant; you can only sigh with how much more comfortable it feels this time around.
“Ohh…yes, it feels much, much better now,” you moan. “It still feels strange, but…better…?”
A honeyed laugh tickles the skin of your nape. “That is fortunate,” he whispers. “Because even if you do not like it, I may have difficulty stopping myself, little kitten,” a soft bite to your neck. “Would you even want your gift to go to waste?”
“N-no…” you answer as your hand surreptitiously creeps towards the throbbing flesh between your thighs. But Vyn swats it away, without missing the beat of his thrusts into your ass. 
“You are not allowed to pleasure yourself, not yet…”
Another strong pinch on your thigh.
“Doctor…ah—” The void in your pussy, begging to be filled, is all too palpable now. “Please, I—”
Another laugh, once again quite unhinged . “You deserve this treatment, kitten,” he whispers, his breathy whisper almost a hiss. “Do you know what you even do to me?”
You blink at his words. “W-what…?”
You can feel the movement of his hips slightly pick up speed. “I once thought myself better than all these men to burn with lust, whose passions are stolen from more worthy pursuits, only to be squandered in the confines of their bedrooms…”
A low, guttural groan vibrates from his throat, and Vyn licks the shell of your ear as his arms tighten his hold around your body, like a snake taking hold of his meal, about to devour you…
“...Yet you made me realize that I am no better, that I am a hypocrite for thinking such, that I am debased as any other…”
His breaths come faster, and he now starts to rail you from underneath. “You have inflicted this within me, Rosa, and you should take responsibility…”
You grit your teeth, trying to keep up, withstand, the intensity of whatever it is you are feeling: the pummeling is stronger, faster, yet you can still feel his every inch moving inside you and leaving you with a vivid image of how vulgar he must look right now, fucking you where you think you shouldn’t be…
“Vyn, please,” you beg him now. “Let me come…”
A dark, breathy chuckle this time. “Tell me, is your body mine, to do as I please with it?”
One of his hands once again slides down to your swollen cunt. “Well, my little kitten?” You know that he is asking you to beg, once again.
And you are only too happy to oblige. “Please…” You gulp before continuing, “... Master .”
A sharp hiss, and Vyn starts fucking your cunt with three fingers. “Oh…oh god!” You cry out, all too overwhelmed once again, and your release comes suddenly like an explosion the moment his thumb starts rubbing your clit.
Your loud moans of confused, overwhelmed pleasure is joined by his passionate groans as he fucks you, his movements lacking any semblance of control, or measure, and all you can feel from him, as you are falling deep into the haze of your own ecstasy is his deep, dark obsession of you, and his need to own you, to mark you as his, and his alone. 
Everything ends as he shoots his seed inside you—his maddened voice clamoring for you in the warm, balmy night—and you wonder if anyone has heard, if anyone else understands the message that you are his, and that Vyn Richter can never be owned by anyone else but you.
When you open your eyes once again Vyn is still holding you close to him, but he has already slipped out of you, and in his cock’s place is a sticky, uncomfortable feeling that makes you squirm in his lap.
A light kiss on your forehead. “Did you enjoy that, my love?” he asks. You look up into his eyes, and you can only see him , with none of his commanding air, nor hints of his unhinged shadow marring his gold gaze.
You nod. “Mmhm. Though what about you ?” You ask. “It’s a birthday present, after all…”
A throaty laugh. “ Immensely . My god, Rosa,” he marvels at you as he caresses your cheek. “You are amazing. I am not a religious person, but I find myself thanking the powers that be for even having met you.”
“I guess that’s a huge compliment?” You say, a tad cheekily, before leaning in for a kiss. You find yourself wincing afterwards, after the slight movement reminds you of the discomfort in your derriere.
“I…I am sorry for getting carried away,” your favorite doctor murmurs as he now stands up, gathering you into his arms in a princess carry. “I shall help clean you up.”
“Thank you, Vyn,” you whisper into his neck. “Maybe rest a bit afterwards?”
“Heh.” Vyn only grins as he looks down at you, a glint of cruelty showing before it dissipates as quickly as it appeared. “Tired already? Unfortunately my pet, I am far from done. ”
And that is when you realize that the bathroom also counts as another room, and you are not spared of being taken there, as well.
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dingle-dee · 11 months
Hiii!! I really like your artstyle, its super cool! Do you have any tips on drawing the Pizza Tower characters?
Aww thank you so much! :>
As for tips, I don't know xD
I'm gonna be honest when I say this I pretty much just brought up references of characters and slowly worked on them into a cohesive style that was a mix of my usual and pizza towers i liked. I also used other artists I liked as references too, just to help get proportions right.
If I had to recommend anything, simplicity for designs is the best way to go, I'd look at older cartoons like ed edd n eddy for inspo, don't be afraid to get WACKY with expressions at times either. Push the eyes and mouth, even eyebrows, don't be fraid to push em off the face.
Body language, depending on if your leaning more pizza tower make them Hella exaggerated, but remember the basics of anatomy (unless it calls for cartoon logic) and if your leaner for a softer look, round things out without normality but keep them toony
Also every character has a defined trait, try to base the drawing as that being the center point. Example Peppinos eyes, nose and stache, these help key the expression and tone of the drawing
I'm so sorry if this isnt helpful TuT, cause frankly I just wing stuff constantly and I studied human form and classic toon before getting into pizzatower stuff and it just kinda comes back for me.
TL:DR I dunno how to give good tips, use a LOT of references, try to bring up classic 1999-2000s toons like EENE as refrences too, and don't be afraid to push/exaggerate things or soften things and body language is key. Make sure the defined trait is visible and base it from there
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true-blue-sonic · 10 months
Hey Blue! Not reply related to sonic or anything but do you have any writing advice in general? You're like, the best writer I know and I'm kinda struggling to find good tips so I was wondering if ya got any.
Hello! ^-^ Thank you for the compliments!💕💕 It's a bit of a tough question; I definitely have some things, but I will readily admit that I don't always follow my own advice, Still, I hope it's useful!
Under the cut because it got long, haha!
If getting started is the main issue, I recommend setting a very tiny goal for yourself. My own is 200 words a day. Most of the time, once you have begun writing, those 200 words become over a thousand before you realise it. And if it does not work, you still have 200 new words you didn't have before! ^-^
Also, accepting that sometimes your draft just sucks and you need to wrangle the words out of the very depths of your being and you hate everything you write is also necessary. What you have can be edited later to become more in line with what you want. And it also just sucks to have a vague idea of how to continue or what you want your fic to be about, only to forget it later because you did not write it down.
What I myself like to do when writing is to go back to the beginning of a story if I find myself stuck, and already start with editing there. It helps me 'rediscover' what I've already written, cleans up the draft simultaneously, and often gives me ideas on how to continue at the part where I'm stuck. And I like to think that with a reconfirmed idea of what I have written before, I can make the story more cohesive.
I have uploaded stories before that I didn't feel 100% certain about. I think it's better until you're at a point where you do feel like 95% or more certain about it, than uploading it at 80% only for the sake of uploading stuff. I personally can strongly tell what stories I didn't feel too certain about or happy with when I reread them, no matter how long ago I published them.
Once you're in the flow, try to not get out of the flow, haha. If you forgot a word, just put it between [ ] brackets and come back to it later, don't waste time looking it up and risk running out of steam (I do it a lot with words I know in Dutch but forgot an English translation of XD). Similarly, if your flow is only lines of dialogue, write only lines of dialogue! And if it's only actions, write only actions. First drafts are for getting the idea out of you, only later can you begin editing and making full coherent paragraphs.
When editing, I like to pay attention to the way my paragraphs look. I prefer having a bit of variation in their form, so that I don't have an endless stream of -
"I'm saying something," Espio said, doing something in the meantime. "And now I'm saying something again." "Me too!" Silver agreed, while doing something as well. "And here also."
- that just constitutes most of the fic. I really like implementing variations in my paragraphs, such as beginning with a spoken sentence that ends with a dot so I do not need to indicate after it who said it in what way (responded, retorted, sighed, hummed, noted; such words. I rarely use said, now that I think about it.), or beginning with an action or description as opposed to someone speaking, etcetera. It's not always easy, but I feel like it does help enrich the story!
I know this one is more contested, but I myself can't stand endlessly using the characters' names for every single thing, so I like using synonyms there (the chameleon, the ninja, the hedgehog, the psychic, the time traveller). But I do think you should not use synonyms if they draw attention to something random about the character that the story is not about; for example, I would not describe Espio as "the taller anthro" between him and Silver unless the moment specifically describes a situation where Espio being taller is relevant.
Related to that, I try not to repeat the same word too many times. I'm a synonym gal, haha! But sometimes you have to accept there simply isn't a proper synonym for a term you're using, meaning you either need to use that term a lot or rewrite your sentences so that the term is not explicitly mentioned but you still know what is happening.
I very actively try to cut down on the adverbs I use, but it doesn't always work. A good adverb definitely can enrich the story, but in the same vein, using a stronger word instead of a weak word plus an adverb is definitely smart to do as well, lest the adverbs clutter your whole fic. But also, "weak word plus adverb" can carry a strong meaning all the same. To copy an example I vaguely recall from the internet: "smiled sadly" works as it is a contradiction, but "smiled happily" does not, because we associate smiling with being happy anyway. You are better off using something like "beamed" or "Happiness glowed on his face" for the latter.
The longest length a sentence should have is 85 words, a thesis supervisor once told me. I am very bad at keeping sentences below 85 words, alas.
Adding to that, a good sentence has a maximum of two commas, so three 'chunks' of a sentence (like this one, actually!). But for emphasis' sake, I throw that rule out of the window at times and put a lot of commas in if a paragraph 'calls' for it. With a good flow and a clear start and further progression, I feel that a sentence that is over 85 words can be properly followed and remain readable. But eventually there comes a point where splitting it up might be better, haha.
If you want to put in a gut-punch sentence, give it its very own solo paragraph! If you tuck it at the end of a longer paragraph, it loses its oomph. And also don't be afraid to switch up your paragraphs' lengths; I myself don't like having huge chunks of text after huge chunk of text to read through endlessly, but I also don't like reading stories with paragraphs that have only one or two sentences each. A 'play' between long paragraphs with much description and shorter ones (for me those often are centered around dialogue) of like two or three sentences and a few that are only one is a lot nicer to read, in my opinion.
Do not headhop!! With headhopping, I mean that you write as if you're in multiple characters' heads, instead of only one. If I write from Silver's POV, I will not write about what Espio is experiencing or thinking, and vice versa. Every thought, experience, and note about the world is firmly from the POV character's perspective.
In the same vein, I also do not like it if one paragraph has dialogue from multiple characters, as it makes it confusing to see who is talking. If another character starts talking, always begin with a new paragraph; it also helps with keeping your paragraphs differently-sized, I have found.
Most people probably don't know what the various existences of - (the dash) mean... I hope. But ; and : do have different meanings: ; is for when you have like a 'half-sentence' to attach to another sentence that would not work on its own, whereas : is for giving an example, basically. But I will readily admit I don't use ; correct either most of the time😅 If you read a sentence with ; in it and you see that you can make them two proper sentences with a dot inbetween, I recommend going for that.
For proofreading, I like popping the fic in the editor of Ao3 and make my final changes there. A different layout really can help you catch things you hadn't seen before!
And lastly, accepting that your fic will have that dumb spelling error in it that you missed sixteen times while proofreading and accepting that you simply are not a critically acclaimed writer with dozens of beta readers and the like is very important. We all do this for fun because we love a particular series or franchise, so we're allowed be make mistakes and be amateurs! The most important thing is to have fun with it and like what you are doing. Write for yourself, not for anyone else: you are supposed to enjoy it the most!
These are all I have at the moment, I hope you find them useful! Good luck with writing🍀🍀
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secret-engima · 11 months
Just finished watching a walkthrough of ffxvi (because I don’t have the console to play it yet and I’m too impatient to wait until I do) and I highly recommend. It’s glorious. I won’t spoil anything but the characters are brilliant and the plot will run you through a gamut of emotions. I laughed, I cried, I wanted to kick a few characters off a cliff.
And because my hyper fixation for ffxv will never die, I’m now imagining Tredd being reborn in Valisthea, and the glorious angst and chaos that would follow.
I have not watched walkthroughs yet or gotten the game, but I AM interested. But for now I know nothing about it because I just- do not have time in my life rn to fall into a n o t h e r super long game/playable hyper fixation. But I've been interested since the first trailer and I bet it'd be super fun to crossover. No spoilers please! Unless it's to vaguely tell me if it has a happy ending or not because I don't think my heart can take TWO ffxv style bittersweet endings or tragedies. XD
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
What are your favorite types of swords?
Do you have any personal theories about the creation of true damascus steel?
What are the top 3 swords you would recommend for home defense?
I love swords.... that have a SOLID construction...
when you can look at a sword and go "if I reversed it and hit someone over the head with the hilt/guard, it wouldn't even rattle afterwards" that to me is amore
as a kid I loved the knightly swords, the long boys with the straight cross-hilt guards, but now I just desperately pine for anything with a curved single edge and maybe a sharpened false edge at the tip O///O so like, messers, sabers of some forms, hangers, the shamshir, the kilij-
oh my gods WAIT also also any jian by LK Chen okay it's a straight sword but oh wow WOW and they did a much more affordable version of the Munich town guard sword which is just, so, so pretty and satisfying to my brain...
not much interested in the whole damascus steel thing. Any sword that gets used is gonna get beat up in the end, so for me it's more of How Well Is It Put Together and How Easily Could I Fix It.
or How Cheap Would It Be To Replace This
if I could someday own a bronze short sword, now THAT would be true bliss.
Home defense?
Don't use a sword for home defense.
To me a sword is nice because its easy to carry and a fairly good compromise between several better things that wouldn't be so easy to carry.
Maybe I don't wanna walk several miles lugging a spear AND a shield around just in case of gets attacked :(
Sword is nice then. Better reach than a knife, not as clunky as a spear, can be used to block and parry pretty well, only problem is they're not very intuitive to use.
(please don't eff up your wrist by overextending it while swinging a hunk of metal it's not worth it it's not it's not)
so when I go for long walks I actually just carry a staff or walking stick WITH a knife. I'm not trusting my life on a sword if I can help it.
Home defense I'd, I'd really say please don't wave a sword at someone who got into your house. Even in Ye Oldie Times I feel like, throwing stuff is the better bet unless you've been spending a good bit of time training with the sword and preferably actually fighting with it. Or are lucky and good at a bluff.
Like... a master swordsman might fear the unpredictable windmilling of an amateur...
...but a scared guy with a knife doesn't need to be a master knife guy to rush in and kill you after your first overextended swing.
Poking at someone from out of their range might work better but gods help you if they smack your sword point away with their coat or whatever.
People are good at throwing things though! I suggest a heavy ceramic mug. Or several.
If you really want a sword in your house then something straight-ish and short-ish would be best unless you live in a Very Open Space house. Don't worry about hand protection either. Unless your visitor also brought a sword this probably won't turn into a duel. Or last long enough for hand injuries to be a big worry.
If you have a longsword with a screw-on pommel maybe just loosen that up and end them rightly. If nothing else it'd be really funny way to go XD
please note: i am not a resource for good information i am an idiot on the internet but im also not kidding about the wrist thing, swing with your arm not with your wrist unless you've got one of those hilt-heavy light-tipped swords with amazing point control or are really good at redirecting momentum cheers <3
Also shoutout to my baby the Devil's Edge Celtic Short Sword for sale on Kult of Athena's website, she's a heavy hunk of historically inaccurate metal that was just barely within my price range at ammunition grade and I love her dearly <3 <3 <3
truly proof that your "type" doesn't always dictate the whims of your heart ^w^ b
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mcalhenwrites · 6 months
Close enough to 2024 to ramble about this year and the coming one. I have goals.
Writing goals are first and foremost. Those will be the main focus of the year. It's my life and my career after all. If I couldn't find time for writing, I really wouldn't care about the rest. I love writing too much to want to do anything else more than that. XD - Publish Geckos, Automata. If it sells, that'd be great. I'm beginning to think it won't. Publishing it anyway, never shutting up about it, gonna keep spamming it until my followers either interact or just leave. - Tweaking the ending of That's... Not a Cat. Polishing cover. Putting it out there as an ebook. - Rewriting Stargazers' Hill. The thing I said I wouldn't do, but I have ideas on how to fix it, and I badly want to stay with those stupid characters even longer. (I get way too attached. My worst traits as an author, maybe? Don't care, I do what I want. :P ) I can't predict the rest because I don't trust my muses, but I suppose I'm going to work on a bunch of other things, from dragon universe stories to other things I've started. New stories are springing up, and I need to water them~ Really excited about developing Hervey/Algernon, but I think that one needs to steep a bit. :) I'm going to also at least finish one crocheted dragon. Probably Willow. Or Tessa's human form. Will post with writing so you can't have crochet without my writing content attached, bc honestly fuck all the pain crochet brings me. :) (Though I do want to finish my KHUX stained glass blanket, which I probably won't post when I'm done, bc I don't post my non-writing-related crochet 99% of the time. I just tell people I don't crochet so they stop asking for free patterns/gifts/tutorials/etc. So yeah. Don't crochet around here, fuck that shit.) Anyway. :) Money isn't great, so I probably won't play too many games, but I will be playing MISSING LINK when it comes out since it's F2P mobage (which is... ugh, but my favorite part of KH lore has been on the mobile games of all things). And Fantasy Life i, I saved already for that. ;A; This year, I did play some great games! Mostly on my switch. To no one's surprise, RF4 Special is here. Favorite game of all time. Harvestella is a rare treat, highly recommend. :D
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And onto reading goals... thinking 90 books for my 2024 goal! My books this year are at 130 currently, and probably won't get much higher if at all unless I finish my re-read of Chobits, but here's that list:
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Some of these are re-reads, many are not. Quite a few indie books, quite a bit of manga/comics in there... I re-read Loveless after deleting that I read it on Goodreads due to the controversy, but I have thoughts about how it explores abuse and think it's a really intriguing series for that matter alone. (It also has beautiful art and is taboo as hell, but you can find the block button if you need it, can't you? <3 ) Many amazing reads this year, hoping to read more from several of these authors! And some I realllllly love and clearly will continue to read (Yuhki Kamatani, Rin Chupeco, Nghi Vo, etc.) This isn't including all I read on AO3. Which is quite a bit.
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dark-frosted-heart · 8 months
Hi Ellen! Which premium avatar challenges and His Side Stories do you recommend for Keith in the common route? I plan on buying all stories in his Romantic and Dramatic Ends, so I wanted to save some diamonds where I can. Thank you! ❤️🐆
To be honest, I don’t usually buy premium stories or his side stories unless they’re in the dramatic/romantic route. That being said, I do have is Ch 6 and 13 HSS, and ch 19 premium xD
I'd recommend chapter 13's HSS because it's a nice peek into Alter!Keith's mind and how he feels aobut Emma. Meanwhile ch 6 just made me sad for Keith :( and didn't add anything new imo
I don't remember what the additional parts for Ch 19's premium story are, but the avatar story over all is just pain. If you want, you can try out the normal route the first time and if you want to keep the pain in your collections to reread, then the premium route the second. (<-least helpful answer)
Other Keith readers who’ve bought his side story or premiums before the route split, which would you recommend?
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aelaer · 1 year
For the trope ask:
Kidnapped Stephen Strange (😅 jk)
AU Fantasy (characters turned into dragons or set in a fantasy world for example)
Hahahah. That's too easy.
AU Fantasy is interesting. Hmm. I'm considering it as the world itself rather than shapeshifting into a dragon since that's basically the same as a cat or dog or something--unless it's in a medieval-like world, which is, well, AU fantasy anyway xD
Solid C
It wasn't something I read in LOTR since, well, duh. I first encountered it in Sherlock and I found some good ones, some eh ones, and some "ah this is tripe" ones. Basically same deal with the MCU.
Basically a good author can sell it really well, and a mediocre author will remain mediocre or outright bad. Fantasy AUs require some world building, but keeping the character the core of what makes them them can be difficult in AU settings.
A big reason I don't like AUs like Dark AUs or Mafia AUs or something similar is that in order for it to work, the author usually has to change core aspects about the character's personality to make it work. In the MCU, I like the characters not because they're played by Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr or Tom Hiddleston or what have you, but because I like the characters for who they are. I like their personalities, and a core part of their personalities is their morality. Some AUs that are in the darker spheres have to completely contort these personalities because that's the nature of the AU. But in my head, they're not the character anymore; they're just wearing the character's name and appearance.
Some really, really talented authors can make the Dark AU work by showing the descent into darkness. A really excellent example of this is The Price of Ambition by technetium43 which has a couple versions of Stephen and shows excellent, excellent paths into how they came into the way they came to be. I think for a Dark version of a character to work (that isn't established in canon), it's an author's job to show us how this happened. It's something I also attempted to do in my Earth-197320 series, which also has multiple Stephens, one less good than the other. Whether I accomplish this successfully is up to the reader.
But you're not asking about Dark AU, you're asking about Fantasy. The reason I brought up those other AUs is that Fantasy AUs often have a difficult time keeping a character's personality consistent, at least moreso than in the home universe. Because of this, the character often doesn't feel like the character that I fell in love with due to his character traits, and so I find the story less interesting. If the author can build another background that can keep those traits and it make sense, I'm more likely to enjoy the story. If they have a good plot to accompany it, all the better.
I know both Imagined and FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls created multi-chapter fantasy AUs 3-5 years ago that had solid world-building and well-characterized Stephen Stranges, if you're looking for recommendations. Should be easy enough to find in their profiles. I'm also open to recs as I may have very well missed some as I don't go looking for the trope. I did try to RP it on Discord one time but it didn't go anywhere, haha.
The closest I've gone into the trope is my LOTR/MCU crossover and that's probably as close as I'll ever get to it. (Funny story - one of my latest reviews on that fic was actually on fanfiction.net as I was still posting there when I wrote this, and it was like a Good Reads review which was just hilarious to me. They didn't like it, but that's okay cuz I didn't write it for them, I wrote it for me. My Strange is still rough in this one though; I was still getting his character down while writing it and I think a bit too much Sherlock slipped in from time to time.)
Yeah, a lot of this is off topic and long, but would you expect anything less from me?
Original: Ask me to grade a trope.
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