#anyway all the songs r still bangers to this day
chameli · 1 year
shankar-ehsaan-loy knew what they were doing when they made the soundtrack for jhoom barabar jhoom
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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Thanks for the tag @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @onthewaytosomewhere - it's always nice when I'm not kicking the week off lmao. I didn't get a lot of writing done this week because I was busy editing the Going Platinum podfic I posted today, but I've powered through so I have something to share!
Rockstar Alex is now officially fully epistolary, because I figured out how to get #3 from the five fun facts game into a fully epistolary format. If you are thinking to yourself, "Great! If it's fully epistolary then it can't hurt as much!" I would advise you to turn to your nearest Schitt's Creek fandom buddy who has read my fics in that fandom and ask them how they feel about chapter 5 of Meet me out at the end of my rope (aka angstapalooza), and calibrate accordingly 😈
SO. Below the cut is a little sneak peek of this with the skin on (and some bonus Reddit comments because when I go epistolary I go balls to the wall), but if you don't want to venture under the cut, enjoy the text version of an r/TIFU post:
TIFU by breaking my no-hookup rule Obligatory ‘this didn’t happen today’ but my friends are still making fun of me days later, so. I’m not a hookup/cruising kind of gay. Full respect to you if you are, it’s just never been my thing - I’m more of a serial monogamist type But it was my friend’s birthday last weekend and we all went out to a gay bar, and I ended up dancing with this guy who… honestly if I describe how off the charts hot he was you wouldn’t believe me anyway, so you’ll just have to trust me on this. He was there with a friend and the friend bought us a few rounds of vodka shots before fucking off somewhere, so me and this guy went back to dancing. And then the dancing was grinding, and then we were making out for a bit before he said he was gonna go to the bathroom with THAT head tilt. You know the one. Even my no-hookups ass knows the one. And yeah, I don’t do hookups, but fuck it. I said yes (I really cannot express how hot this guy was lol) and followed him to the bathroom. I won’t get into all the details but suffice to say getting blown by this dude was a religious experience. I’m just getting to the point of no return when he pulls back all of a sudden. And he’s got tears in his eyes, but I just thought it was from like… well, you know… but then he STOOD UP. I was like “what the fuck dude” and he just started APOLOGIZING, saying something about the song????? I hadn’t been paying attention tbh, I was a bit busy having my brains sucked out through my dick, but this guy just muttered something about the song and his ex and then he LEFT ME in the fucking club bathroom, dick bobbing in the wind. I think I’m back to no hookups from now on tbh. TL;DR: first ever hookup ended with a stranger literally sobbing his way off my dick, and ACD’s new song is a banger, but I’ll probably never be able to hear it without thinking of the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had.
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to, so tagging @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @blairwaldcrf @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @matherines @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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whosthere54 · 8 days
Prison duo playlist analysis Day 2 - Against the kitchen floor by Will Wood
Oooh this song. It’s coded for reasons- and I’m going to get into them. I’m doing a sort of a line by line because I’m a loser about this song and PrisonDuo.
I’d say this is just an Icarus perspective of their relationship.
(Also- Most of the songs on this playlist are /r coded including this one- if you’re not here for the /r prison duo agenda (which idk how you could exist at this point but honestly I’ve been in enough fandoms to know better-) you probably won’t like this playlist nor my blog/lh 🥰)
Back to the song-
The line that made me really go yeah- that’s very coded- is the “I swear, I’m so fucking sorry. I’m not a good person, I’m barely a person at all- but someday all be perfect, and I’ll make up for it all” version of the chorus. I just- mm. It’s so Icarus coded in my opinion.
“I don’t owe you my heart, and I don’t owe you my body. But you should know that I’m sorry, for being careless with you. Lord knows I owe you more than I’m pretty sure I could give anybody”
Y’know- the first thing I think of is the amount of times they apologized for the prison, and then Centross continuously forgiving and reassuring them about it. Reassuring them that they don’t owe him an apology- that they don’t owe him anything really. If I’m making it solely focused on their relationship I feel as though that carried over as not just specifically about the prison.
“So, I could hold your hand but keep you at arms length. Or hang me from a branch too high to climb and shake. Less rare than scare, less diamond than rough, unlikely to be more than just a coal you fail to crush”
Mmm. Two things- the idea of isolation and how that would relate to them being in a relationship, and moreso the idea of this is what I am- and I’m trying to be more but it’s not working and this is all I can be- can you love me anyway? That the whole song has throughout. Which- it’s very Icarus coded in my opinion. Their whole arc being of “I’m trying to be better but I can’t and if you can’t love me like that then I don’t need to be around you and I don’t need to keep trying to get you to do so” and the “Fable loves me like this so why try to be anything else if one person I care about actually shows they love me in the way that I need to be shown love”
I could talk about this in particular- a lot- but I’m leaving it at that.
“Get together Will, know and do better. It just doesn’t come natural to me to think that you’d want me for me.”
Putting on a show, wearing a mask- making up a personality or alternatively- doing something for someone to make someone like you. Oh Icarus Morningstar and your potions- you little alchemist loser.
“I swear I’m really trying. Oh I’m sorry, I promise I’m doing my best. I just haven’t learned how to be human as you are yet.”
That’s a line for sure. I just haven’t learned how to be human as you are yet is such a banger lyric man.
I think of how Centross was on a road to healing- he had his partners, and was building and was doing breakfast and ahhhh. I cry about that but also Icarus was decidedly not- Icarus was still dealing with ‘quixis’, Icarus was dealing with the whack hurting people- Icarus was barely healed from their wings changing and shattering. Icarus *just got their dad back* icarus is still dealing with the fact that the whack caused the reset and switched fable out for Haley- oh icarus and Haley in this season-
Basically- Icarus is having a time in s3 that’s for sure. They haven’t learned how to exist remotely normally in the way that others in the grove have. They haven’t had the chance to move on- more and more happening to them that just throws everything off that they’re trying to do. They haven’t learned how to heal the same way Centross had been on the road to doing yet.
“I still don’t know who you are, all I know is I’m still lonely.”
Oh Icarus and loneliness. Also Icarus and not knowing Centross fully. They know him better than others, yeah, but they don’t know him in the way they both want to- the way they were *getting* to before he went and *died*- yet. They understand eachother more than anyone else- they experienced so much together through the resets in a way that technically had them in some of their most vulnerable moments with eachother but they- moreso Icarus- never got to fully move past that. They didn’t get to have that peaceful time of hanging out just to hang out. Centross comes to see them when he heard they were hurt- or when he knows they need to get out of their house but they haven’t pulled him to hang out first yet. They didn’t reach the point of starting to seek him out yet- that point of you could say vulnerability and coming out willingly of that isolation to say “hey- I don’t want to be alone and I want to see u. Wanna hang out?” That they need to reach. (The only time they came close was in looping the beginning where they sat on the ice. But that was reaching to him so they could offer comfort and conversation- and I think those are two different things. Also- place of rebirth if I remember correctly started with them messaging him first but I don’t know if I’m remembering right so let’s just stick with looping the beginning)
“That morbid sort that company can’t cure and the more you reassure the less I trust…”
Hahah. Icarus Morningstar and not believing when people are affectionate to you. Not taking the kindness and reassurance at face value and trying to find a deeper reason for it happening and seeing it as pity that only leads to more isolation.
“But you gave me your heart! I only gave you my body. Honestly thought no one would want it, let alone know it’s gone”
Mm. Centross still trusting them- giving them forgiveness and reassurance and over and over again showing that trust in them because they need it. Actively choosing to hang out with them- to be around them when there are other options of people to be around at the moment. Just- *choosing them* time and time again. Him giving Icarus his trust and love. They haven’t gotten to that level of trust yet- not continuously- not over and over yet. They’ve had moments showing that trust, yes, in Place of Rebirth when drinking with him especially, as well as Avian’s Solace where they let him give them a tattoo- a permanent reminder- and their conversation in front of the wall. Both times ending with him staying the night with them- at-least staying until they fall asleep. But- that’s all I can give them in that department. They just reached that point- and then everything went to shit :)
(Also consequences with the cleaning but that was just them catching up with eachother moreso- even if it’s so ahhh Icarus opening up about an injury and talking about how their feeling? In this economy??/lh But fr- they have dealt with things like that themself until that point and opening up about that is a big step for them. And he knows that.)
“Honestly thought no one would want it, let alone know it’s gone” this makes me feel- feelings. I don’t know what in particular this feels like with Icarus- maybe is simply him knowing they need something, knowing they need to get out of the house, to socialize, to talk, to exist with another person. Just- seeing them and noticing and understanding. “Let alone know it’s gone” let alone know their not taking care of themself- know they’re struggling and need someone else even though he also knows they’d *never* ask for help themself. I’m not sure- that doesn’t feel quite right but it’s all I can think of at the moment.
“I’ve lived more lives than enough, I haven’t died quite as much, but I’m not a real person just the shit you can’t make up”
Now tell me that isn’t just Icarus??? It’s just them- even if you ignore the whole whack part- the resets. Each reset being caused because of one of their deaths. “I’m not a real person just the shit you can’t make up” now I say this is whack and stuff involved- just. They’re not fully themself- y’know?
“Did I really have any of that gravity maybe your quicksand because I really couldn’t tell how deep my footprints went.“
Did I really have that effect on you? Did I really make you love me for me and not for what I’m doing for you? Also- You sucked me in I didn’t realize how close I was to you until just now and I don’t want to ruin what we have.
They don’t know how much other people cared, I think. That’s how I perceive the line of “I really couldn’t tell how deep my footprints went” or something like that.
“I’m catatonic in your arms, crying ‘How did I cause so much harm’”
Oh. Mhm. Yeah. Yep. Oh Icarus and wanting to fix everything they’ve done wrong.
“I’m pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours.”
:( feelings
“Don’t say ‘I’m sorry but this can’t go on’ I know you’ve got scars of your own but hide my knives before you go I’ll either live or die alone.”
again- wow I feel this is coded.
Please if you’re leaving and I know you will just help the threatening/bad thoughts go away- because if you don’t I won’t be able to live like this anymore. I can’t exist like this without your help- without you to keep me from drowning.
He’s helping keep them “sane”- he was their anchor I think so when he died they go off the rails.
“I’ll either live or die alone” is self explanatory I think. Icarus and isolation again. Maybe I can bring up again the thought of Icarus knowing after everything they do before the finale is fixed they won’t be able to talk to everyone or interact like they did before. I think they know the consequences of their actions- their walking headfirst into it because if they fix this for them they’ll all be so much happier even with that knowing that nobody would want to be around them after what they did no matter if they fixed it or not.
“I swear, I will die trying. I’m still in the process but I’m making progress. I promise, I honestly want to prove improvement is possible”
They want so badly to do better. They do. And they made so so much improvement before Fable messed it up.
“I swear, I’m so fucking sorry. I’m not a good person I’m barely a person at all but one day I’ll be perfect and I’ll make up for it all.”
Woah- their character arc! It’s right there! Their motives!
Self explanatory- “I’m not a good person but I’m going to fix it and it will all be okay when I do” mentality.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
So yeah- that’s me yelling about Icarus Morningstar. Hope you enjoyed I guess? Feel free to add your opinions about this song and stuff I’d love to see that /nf
The image chosen from my prison duo Pinterest board today is-
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My beloveds. Ahhh. Me when. Maybe I have a fic about this with them because mmmm. They need that- I think.
So- I hope you enjoy my incoherent ramblings. That’s what my blog is about isn’t it? /lh
You are so loved! Go take any meds you need to and eat and drink water if you haven’t yet! I hope you have a lovely rest of your scrolling through tumblr /lh <3
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neengareadynaaready · 11 months
Jailer (2023) Spoiler Review
If you like pure mass entertainment and a group of veteran actors kicking ass, you'll love Jailer.
I saw Rajni's Petta a while back and while I enjoyed some parts of it, I was largely frustrated towards the end. I also saw Nelson's (the director) Beast, and while it had a straightforward premise, some parts of it were eyebrow-raising (I still love the hallway shooting scene with Vijay, though, that was just hella cool even if it didn't make sense). So, when they announced a Nelson and Rajinikanth collaboration, I wasn't sure if I should bother watching.
I'm glad I watched it though. For one, the story isn't all over the place. The revenge angle and heist subplot made sense together.
The flashback revealing Rajini's days as a hard-core warden aka Jailer was pretty nice. I liked that his hair style looked like the one in his older movies. However, I really don't understand why the inmates liked him or became loyal to him. It was never showed what he did to make them turn over a new leaf. They just said he helped them, but we mainly saw him being extremely violent.
Okay, this is part where I reveal that I saw Jailer a day after I saw Jawan. I couldn't help comparing the action in both movies because the action in Jailer is so violent! I'm not complaining or cringing. I actually liked the over-the-top violence lmao. It's just that I was like "Oh, right, this is one of things I was waiting for in Jawan -- hyperviolence!" LMAO.
Anyway, I do love that the former inmates that helped him were veteran action stars from Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi cinema: Shiva Rajkumar, Mohanlal and Jackie Shroff respectively. Bruh, I had goosebumps when Shiva R stepped into the house to protect Muthu's family while the Hukum song played!
Next, let's talk about the songs and bgm. "Hukum" really is such a banger of a song. And the style that they do, where they insert bits of the song's melody into cool scenes that build up and lead to the FULL SONG or at least CHORUS is such a great style because it makes you so hyped for the next badass scene!
Now, the family -- I honestly thought Rajni and Ramya Krishnan would have more romantic moments together since this is their reunion. Like, yes, they're grandparents now, but so what? It's always nice to see older people still doing romantic stuff with each other y'know.
Anyway, that twist with his son! I didn't expect them to go all the way with the betrayal but wow. It was really sad, but I liked that they went for that gut-wrenching story, too. Rajini is not much of a dramatic actor, but his performance was good for what the script called for. Also, his partnership with Yogi Babu was funny and nice. Also, those bald sharp-shooter guys! Their costume changes! That was so hilarious! And Varman's henchmen! The random funny characters and elements are really such a fun part of the mass experience.
All in all, Jailer is a really enjoyable movie for the whole family (if your kids are old enough to not be so desensitized to violence I guess).
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rabbitechoes · 2 months
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definitely a less eventful week than the last, but still some interesting songs dropped. one of these songs is one of my favorites of the year!!!
to see last week's post, click here!!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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◇ released: July 15, 2024 ◇ genres: experimental hip hop, hardcore hip hop, rap rock
For the last JPEGMAFIA single, I wrote a long-winded diatribe about how irritated I was with his ongoing antics - I don't feel like doing that for "SIN MIEDO" too. I'm not absolutely in love with this track, but there are some good ideas here. For one, the beat is unreal. He sits comfortably in the upper echelon of experimental hip hop producers. I'm not crazy about Peggy's lyricism on these new singles though, it just feels way too generic for him. Like he's playing into his hallmarks rather than pushing himself further. Anyway, I do like this song! It seems like there's a new album of his on the way so maybe these songs will hit harder in the grand scheme of things, but for now they're just decent.
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"HOODLUMZ" - Denzel Curry feat. PlayThatBoiZay & A$AP Rocky
◇ released: July 16, 2024 ◇ featured on King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2 ◇ genres: trap, southern hip hop
Denzel Curry's new album drops this week and this single "HOODLUMZ" dropped a few days prior. This is another solid cut. Curry seems to be getting back in touch with his roots on this project and he sounds reinvigorated. Not that he ever "fell off" per say, but he just sounds so energized here. PlayThatBoiZay and A$AP Rocky also offer good verses here. Looking forward to listening to and reviewing the full album!
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"I Am Dog Now" - Chat Pile
◇ released: July 16, 2024 ◇ featured on Cool World (not yet released) ◇ genres: noise rock, sludge metal
After bursting onto the scene with their 2022 album God's Country, The Flenser's Chat Pile are gearing up for the follow-up. "I Am Dog Now" is the lead single for their new album Cool World releasing this October. The pieces from the last album are all hear, but everything sounds more claustrophobic. There were moments on God's Country you could seek shelter from, but "I Am Dog Now" offers no such respite. It cranks up the intensity a lot, it's really cool. I'm curious to hear if that's the case for the rest of the album. This is a good single and I'm really looking forward to this new record.
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"Satellite Business 2.0" - Sampha feat. Little Simz
◇ released: July 16, 2024 ◇ genres: alternative r&b, UK hip hop, neo-soul
Oh, boy. Sampha's masterful sophomore album Lahai was one of my favorite albums from last year and it's only grown on me ever since. Hearing he was going to be releasing this new version of the 1-and-a-half minute "Satellite Business" with Little Simz got me incredibly excited. This is as great as I thought it would be, perhaps even greater. Two of the brightest artists of today firing on all cylinders together. For starters, the production here is immaculate, it sounds otherworldly. Sampha's verses have this funky-ness to them, they just have a strong groove. This isn't one of the Sampha songs you sink into and relax to, this is a banger. The verse from Simz is incredible too, further proof that she's one of the most unique rappers currently active. This is amazing. Please go out of your way to listen to "Satellite Business 2.0." One of the best songs you will hear all year, trust me.
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"In the Night" - Childish Gambino feat. Jorja Smith & Amaaerae
◇ released: July 16, 2024 ◇ featured on Bando Stone & the New World ◇ genres: alternative r&b, alté
The second single for the final Childish Gambino album that drops this week is drastically different than the previous. "In the Night" goes in a more R&B and alté direction which is pleasant, but it never reaches a second gear. Jorja Smith and Amaaerae give the song some extra depth though. I'm curious to hear how many different directions the album goes in and if it'll come together in a coherent way - I'm also curious about the accompanying film itself for that matter. These two tastes we've gotten from Bando Stone & the New World are cool, but nothing extraordinary. By the time this post comes out, I will have probably already formed an opinion on the actual album itself so ... I guess we will see!!!
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"Brush Pile" - Diary
◇ released: July 16, 2024 ◇ featured on Speedboat (not yet released) ◇ genre: indie rock
I came upon this single randomly, I had never heard of Diary before, but "Brush Pile" rocks. Just a confident, sort of throwback indie rock cut that harkens back to the lackadaisical vibe of early 90s Sonic Youth - just significantly less noise rock. Their influences are evident and, while this song is very good, I'm hoping the band can carve out their own sound beyond that. Regardless, Diary seem to have all the right tools and I'll definitely be sure to give their upcoming EP Speedboat a listen.
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"Detective Alice" - Alice Longyu Gao
◇ released: July 17, 2024 ◇ genres: trip hop, pop rap
I was first introduced to Alice Longyu Gao through her abrasive Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire EP from last year. It was certainly a unique project, but I never found myself revisiting it too much. "Detective Alice" has her popping up on my radar once again and this is fun! Gao sings about using Instagram as a dating app and spying on people's exes. It's tongue in cheek, I do wish it had a bit more substance though.
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"that's what time does" - Oso Oso
◇ released: July 18, 2024 ◇ featured on Life Till Bones (not yet released) ◇ genre: indie rock
New York indie rockers Oso Oso are back with a new album dropping in a few weeks which I was totally unaware of. In high school, I really liked Basking in the Glow for like the span of two weeks or so. It was just what I needed for that time! I just lost track of them since then, but this new single "that's what time does" is a solid track. Their music sounds brighter than I remember, there's a shimmer to it. I'll definitely be sure to check out Life Till Bones, I'll try not to lose track of you next time!
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"Lets Get On Dey Ass" - Lil Yachty
◇ released: July 19, 2024 ◇ genre: trap
Lukewarm off of a middling collab album with James Blake last month, Lil Yachty has returned to old stomping grounds with a trap song - a genre he has talked condescendingly towards ever since his psychedelic rock record Let's Start Here. from early last year. The single's cover art harkens back to some vague 90s rap aesthetics, but the song is nothing like that. This is just Yachty doing trap again, it just kinda rolls along leaving no lasting impression. Made even worse by his aforementioned dismissal of the genre he made a name for himself in. Total snoozer, but I guess it isn't offensively bad.
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"15 MINUTES" - Madison Beer
◇ released: July 19, 2024 ◇ genres: dance pop, slap house
My interactions with Madison Beer's music have been brief outside of checking out her album Life Support back in 2021. I was pretty unimpressed by that album, but "15 MINUTES" kind of impressed me. Mainly due to its transfixing production. It puts in a trance almost. Beer's presence is understated, but not bad. Definitely wish she could've brought a bit more, but this is a solid track. Not enough to get me stoked for a future Madison Beer project, but she's on the right track.
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"into place" - Midrift
◇ released: July 19, 2024 ◇ genre: shoegaze
Midrift is a band of teenagers from California making some pretty decent shoegaze tunes. They've been at this for a couple years, and while I haven't ventured through their other work, it definitely sounds like they've grown confident in this sound. If you're in the mood for some no-frills shoegaze, give "into place" a quick listen. The future seems bright for them - which seems ironic because shoegaze is a bit of a dour genre, but still.
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"Work It Out" - Joe Jonas
◇ released: July 19, 2024 ◇ featured on Music For People Who Believe In Love (not yet released) ◇ genre: pop rock, new wave
Joe Jonas is embarking on his second big solo run with this unremarkable, sanitized brand of pop rock. It's not bad, it just isn't particularly exciting either. I mean ... it's Joe Jonas - I wasn't expecting this to be great. After hearing "Cake By The Ocean" and that one big Jonas Brothers hit from a few years ago literally everywhere, I was expecting something way worse so maybe it's good that this is just bland rather than irritating!
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"Alexander" | "Guitar Song" - Rex Orange County
◇ released: July 19, 2024 ◇ featured on The Alexander Technique (not yet released) ◇ genre: bedroom pop, indie pop
Besides being taken to courts on six counts of sexual assault - in which he was seemingly found innocent - Rex Orange County has had a relatively uneventful last couple of years. I remember around the big Flower Boy boom of the late 2010s it seemed like he was the next big thing. Hell, I used to love his music to death - but then I grew up. Every project I've heard of his since has lead me to one conclusion; I've grown up, but he hasn't. That remains true on these two new singles, the leads to his upcoming album The Alexander Technique. Mopey bedroom pop that's overly earnest and exhausting to my ears now. I don't know, I think I'm just past this. I do think there are some cool parts in the arrangement for "Guitar Song," like the instrumental break for example, but it's not enough to make it super compelling. Can't say I'm too excited about this new record.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading :3
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psssst. i made a discord server called COSMIACORD ... if u wanna join and have fun, talk about music, play fortnite, or whatever here's the invite :3 https://discord.gg/rsHMenTU
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hinamie · 1 year
oh my god ok so i know im late I didn't talk about it because it happened during one of my Offline Eras but . but listen ok lisn the new former vandal album sent me THROUgh the FUCKINNG ROOF to be fair i knew it would like i joked about going upstairs to listen to it and cry when it dropped but i didn't think that every fucking song would hit me so hard in the kokoro it made me wail because I too have immense religious guilt ANYWAY im gonna rant incoherently and at length now hope u all missed me
ok first of all gotta shout out the fuckin album title i knew it was gonna be devastating when I saw it . fuckin. divine interference????? music for god's playthings indeed i eat that shit up i was like yoooooo hes also got a bone to pick with jesus go off bestie <333
so former vandal are artists visionaries kings so ofc tracklist is all mythology n religion-inspired (lazarus/goliath/ouroboros etc) and i think its so cool that theyre all in caps until u get to the end and the final song is denial and it's in lowercase and maybe its simple but i was like ART. ARTTTTTT. and it made me go back and look at the tracklist of their previous album and I realized that the whole thing was about vices and unhealthy coping with an overwhelming and forsaken existence but then the final song was Get Right (still my go-to comfort song to this day tbh tbh tbh) and it's like an acknowledgement that ok maybe none of this is the answer and something has to change anyway wrong album oops back 2 divine interference
i made a point of listening to the songs that hadnt been released as singles first so the first song i listened to was Lazarus and tbh probably my fav song on the album maybe tied with parables and maaaaybe even icarian. BUT LAZARUS SLAPS SOS SOSOOSO HARD god the theme of not knowing how to leave something behind even when it's bad for you,,, both criticizing but also mirroring the actual story of lazarus in the lyrics being like "wow kinda fucked up of god for resurrecting u without ur consent" but also acknowledging that he himself is guilty of holding onto the things that kill him.,,, GOD ITS SO FUCKING G GOOD I FDFGSADFGDG
salt also !!! BANGER not quite up there with the likes of lazarus but it gets bonus points because a. i lov the idea of starting to recognize that you're coming into yourself n an identity apart from your vices n traumas and b. for having two of the most RAW lines in the entire album imo which is reaaallly saying something: "now that everything's bright I guess I'm fine/but there's an art in the dark that took years to refine" and "the spark of divine intervention/that I'm still terrified I've left behind" (ALBUM TITLE DROP ALBUM TITLE DROP) god these two just dont miss and i love it but i am far too neurodivergent to contain myself they need to give me a break pls i am v i b r a t i n g
ok gonna move into the Chill(tm) tracks I think with goliath as well as shame/rotten I vibe more with the lyrics than the actual songs because i prefer my angsty alt pop to be Upbeat thank u very much but can i just say. the lyrics of these two songs ESPECIALLY SHAME/ROTTEN LIKE ok first of all i love the tonal shift halfway through that manages not to make them feel like completely different songs it's just jarring enough like there's been an acceptance of sorts,, like omg same i too am like 'god i feel like the scum of the earth might as well own it a bit',, "the fear of god/the need for blame" fuckin bullseye ow,, "I starve to feed the parts of me/far from who i oughta be/tell me are you proud of me yet?" FUCKIN BULLSEYE OWW
I know i just said i prefer my angst upbeat but crocodile tears (very upbeat very rock wuaw) is probably my least favourite track if i had to pick but it does have a lyrical BANGER of an opening verse ("holding the hand that's holding me under" g o d) i think i just don't dig the overall melody too much and find the ending a bit repetitive fr my tastes,, who knows though it took a while and many re-listens for ouroboros to grow on me maybe this'll b a similar story ,, but then again ouroboros had the advantage of echoing mine own mental health and self-destructive behaviours shdgj
ok so i was crying from the beginning right but the songs that made me ugly bawl were growing pains (very similar vibes to get right but in a "i know that i'm healing" way rather than a "i need to heal" way) and denial,, but starting w growing pains,, my god idk What they did with the mic/vocals after the bridge but it felt like the music was being injected directly into my ears secret direct path 2 my bloodstream god I hadnt felt chills like that in such a long time and idk just the whole Mood of the song having been hurting for so long and only now starting to recognize the damage you've done but also appreciate the progress youv made,,, i have so so many emotions but DENIAL (its funny saying it in caps bc its the only track in lowercase getit getit) oh my god ths going straight on the list of Songs That Make Me Think About My Relationship With My Dad but also Songs That Make Me Emo About All The People I've Grown Apart From and i think its so powerful to frame a personal transition away from faith as growing apart from an old friend and missing them despite any hard feelings holy shit though holy shit . the first listen by this point i had already been emotionally devastated by the Whole Album so i was like ok surely ill get a break by the last song lol nope sorry i ended up crying so hard i think i gave myself a headache
I think I must have yelled about the songs that they released as singles when they dropped individually but it's been so long that i forget what i said but honestly parables and icarian are still just as good as when i heard them for the first time (when parables dropped i spilled my tea on my fucking notes bc i was vibing too hard),, I love parables' msg of accepting the lessons ur (traumatic) past taught u and how it shaped u as a person even if u recognize that that person is someone hurt and in need of healing and maybe that has to happen alone! and i know for a fact i've gushed about icarian (still one of the most gojocore songs Ever imho dont fight me on this) but now looking at it in the context of the rest of the album i love that it's first cause it really frames the whole icarus thing of having flown too close to the sun or to god and getting burned and that pain essentially being the catalyst for the entire Journey tht the rest of the album outlines (obsessed w the fact that the next song is jaded like fr having these two songs one after the other is literally "fucked around/found out" gsfhjsh)
but all that being said not to b dramatic but this album destroyed me it rearranged something deep in my soul and i don't know who i was before it but i probably wont ever be the same :) i literally love these two so much im so appreciative of them its so rare to feel so Seen by a piece of media so to have an entire album hit so incredibly close to home for me and slap while doing so????? i feel so lucky . this entire album feels like taking the first step to address years of hurt and self destruction it feels like losing a friend it feels like finding yourself and i just . i love it so much
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knightzp · 1 year
heLLo miki how r u?? i need to ask did u have a favourite big time rush song & why. i need to know i am curious. also favourite band member :D ? ive been listening to their songs non-stop for the past few days lmao. theyre honestly super motivating
hi hiii tiaki!!!! im doing good how are you !!
also do you know what have you done sending this ask. since i didnt remember the names of the songs i had to go look them up and obviously listen to them to remember. its been like 2 hours of me listening btr (and still going) and ngl im having the time of my life aldjsks i remembered they were good but GOD i clearly had forgotten just how catchy and motivating they were!!!
ANYWAYS i used to listen to a lot of their songs (from their two first albums) but yes i had some faves!!! i remember i was sooo obsessed with 'this is our someday' (listening to it rn btw) i loved its rhythm since the first time i listened to it and i also really like the lyrics, it just feels very positive and freeing to me, makes me feel like everything is possible! others i also like a huge lot, mostly bc of their rhythm and bc theyre very catchy, are 'paralyzed' 'windows down' 'nothing even matters' 'city is ours' 'til i forget about you' 'boyfriend' 'elevate' and of course 'big time rush' bc the opening of the tv show is such a banger!!!
and my fave member was logan!!!! he was the nerd of the group but still as silly as all the rest and i just loved him a lot <3 also really liked carlos bc how not to??? he was so funny and iconic always with his helmet
now i need to know abt you too!! what were your fave member and songs??? :D
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bzedan · 2 years
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February! This is a short playlist because I saw I it was almost at 2 hours and 28 minutes long and then got it to 2 hours and 28 minutes and then couldn't change it. Because how cool is that?!
There are a lot of what could be construed as romantic or pseudo-romantic songs on here but I think actually a lot of songs are about big feels in general so it's more of an accident. There are also a couple of songs on here ('Do You Want To Touch Me' and 'Tumbling Down') that I will only ever associate with Velvet Goldmine, which is honestly one of my favourite movies ever.
I could have sworn 'To Be Rich - Should Be A Crime' has shown up on monthly playlists before, but looking back at spreadsheets I guess not. I first heard it as the cover by Cola Boyy, which absolutely bops. I think about this song a lot.
Anyway here's a link to February's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
Maybe I will also try embedding it?
Tracklist is still below the cut tho.
'Creep' - Hildegard von Blingin'
'To Be Rich - Should Be A Crime' - Jeb Loy Nichols
'Hey Girl' - Norma Tanega
'The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)' - Simon & Garfunkel
'A Sign of Life' - Bart Graft
'Too Much Music' - Jake Shears
'The Dance' - Tangerine Dream
'Rapunzel' - Let's Eat Grandma
'Head Above Water (feat. We The Kings)' - Avril Lavigne
'Bastards' - Kesha
'Do You Want To Touch Me' - Gary Glitter
'With a Little Love' - Book Of Love
'Rush' - Big Audio Dynamite
'Ciencia Ficción' - Zemmoa
'Jynweythek' - Aphex Twin
'Pink Pony Club' - Chappell Roan
'Who's Johnny' - El DeBarge
'Don't Touch Me There' - The Tubes
'Chick Habit - April March' - Bound
'Rhythm Of The Night' - DeBarge
'Only After Dark' - Mick Ronson
'Never Gonna Give You Up - R&B Version' - Jay Diggs
'When Love Takes Over - Disco Culture Remix' - Scotty
'Tiger' - ABBA
'Simping For The Villain' - Boy Jr.
'Goon Gumpas' - Aphex Twin
'The Nowhere King' - The Centaurworld Cast
'Clara Clairvoyant' - Donovan
'The Swan (For Liang)' - Chris Bear
'Tumbling Down - 2012 Remaster' - Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
'A Lit Soundcloud Banger From Twenty Nineteen - Cal's Version' - Boy Jr.
'If You're Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough (From "Jackass 4.5")' - Starcrawler
'Borderline' - Tove Lo
'Sensation' - Roger Daltrey
'True Romance' - Tove Lo
'I Want You' - Savage Garden
'I Think We're Alone Now' - Billie Joe Armstrong
'Waited' - Supreme Beings of Leisure
'Trio No. 2 'Reveille': IV. Introduction & Lute Song, “Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun”' - Stanley Silverman
'All Is Full of Love' - Björk
'Ojitos Lindos' - Bad Bunny
'Hollow Days' - Twin Shadow
'Liquid Spear Waltz' - Michael Andrews
'The Look Of Love, Pt.4' - ABC
Crossposted to Comradery and Patreon
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strayclown101 · 2 years
2022 kpop recap
in light of the new year I've decided to talk all by favourite releases/groups that either came out this year ( I've also included songs i discovered  this year), i won’t be  including  any releases I've already reviewed. in no particular order.
catch & release-H1 KEY: i found this song like a couple months ago and i love it so much, the only way i can describe is if ITZY released flip a coin by BILLIE, it’s so good.
shakalaka - dal shabat: this song is sooo good i love the instrumental it  sounds glittery. i wish there were performance videos because i really wanna see the choreography.
forever 1 - SNSD: this song is so amazing, i already have a soft spot for group reunions but this song slaps, i feel like if you enjoyed queendom by red velvet or scientist and TTT by twice this song is right up your alley. also whoever was responsible for the final chorus deserves a raise for  the pure amount of emotion in her voice.
designer nct 127: i love this song so much it’s so nice, i love R&B so much anyway but SM’s producers  really understand the genre.
copycat - APINK CHOBOM: the vibes this song have are immaculate, there's something so nostalgic about it.
AOA: I've listened to AOA casually  but i recently decided to check out their Bsides and they have so many good ones, my recommendations are: cherry pop, super duper, 10 seconds and short hair(which isn’t a b side but still bangs)
F(X): similar to aoa I've always enjoyed their music but i’ve never really dived into their discography besides title tracks my recommendations are: love, chu ♡ , mr boogie, when  i’m alone and every bside off the pink tape album.
lovelyz: my recommendations are: obliviate, my little lover, babydoll and dream in a dream.
 chesire - itzy: this song slapped so hard in fact the entire album was fire.
baby i miss you - 2NE1:this song is so pretty, for some reason it reminds me of new jeans like if this song was released now it would go to new jeans.
tell me- wonder girls: she bangs idk what to tell you, i’ve started  listening  to this song every time i do my makeup and honestly  it’s changed my world view. 
onlyoneof:yeah so i just realised i haven’t mentioned how much i love  onlyoneof on this blog yet which is crazy because out of all the 4th gen boy groups i keep up with  onlyoneof have one of my favourite discographies, they remind of NCT and stray kids  because people kinda shit on them  because they have experimental title tracks which is so sad because they have some of the most back arching,toe curling, eye rolling Bsides known to mankind. anyway my recommendations are: coy, fragile, Dora maar, PicassO, instinct, tear of gOd, night flight, seamless mind, gaslighting, skinz, suit dance, sage, onlyoneof you, blossom, libido and savanna.
onf:nothing but bangers, i need all of tou to stop sleeping on them immediatley, my recommendations are: dry ice, beautiful beautiful, my genesis, belle epoque, we must love, summer poem, summer rain, the dreamer and the realist (the trabsition from the dreamer to the realist legit  made my draw drop) 
sf9: are you are hardcore fan of taemin ? have you been missing his music since his deptare to the milatery? are you a fan of wonho? do you love spider by hoshi, limbo by jun and pose by kino? then i have just the boy group for you, my recommendations are: fire, savour, trauma, good guy, scenario, now or never, summer breeze, tear drop(it sounds like a boy group version of panorama) and their cover of taemins move.
ciipher:are you a stay? are your favourite stray kid songs awkward silence,gone days and get cool? THEN STAN CIIPHER my recommendations are: i like you, solo, fire, blind, moon  night, fame, you and stay.
mirae: DO IT FOR DONGPYO but for real my recommendations are: drip drop,juice, killa,  snow prince and marvelous.
bae173:please their so good, song recommendations : crush on you, loved you, jaws, DaSH, GET HIM ugh.
TAN:if you like exo or seventeen then stan tan immediately my recimindations are: du du du: beautiful lie, walking on the moon, sing with you and  midnight.
tfn: atp i feel like nugupromoter but for boygroups if you like cravity or treasure my recommendations are: asuabalbalta, edelwiess, run up and when the sun goes down.
Anyway I’m gonna end it here, wow this really got away from me, I might start doing this monthly or something anyway I hope you enjoyed this, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :) bye
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Baby Boomer Classics: Sock Hoppin' Sixties 1985 Pop / Girl Groups / Rock & Roll / R&B / Doo Wop
Alright, well, I feel like a little explanation of terminology is warranted here in order to better contextualize this one. If you've ever heard the term 'sock hop' before and thought that it was just some creative mid-20th century lingo for 'party,' you're not wrong, but a sock hop was originally something more specific: a dance event where shoes were not actually allowed to be worn at all. See, when this term was first coined in the mid-40s, people were dancing in shoes that had hard soles on them, and invariably, those soles would end up inflicting a lot of damage on the floors that were danced upon. So, as a result, in order to prevent all this carnage, a sock hop was a dance party that was typically held in a school cafeteria or gymnasium for teens, in which its attendees would be forced to get down without wearing any kind of footwear. Neat, huh?
However, as shoe technology advanced and sneakers started using rubber soles, the altogether ban on shoes was lifted; but the term still ended up sticking anyway—sort of like how we still refer to the raising and lowering of car windows as 'rolling them up and down,' even though we use buttons for that now instead of hand-cranks. So, as such, even though a bunch of different certain types of shoes had now been permitted at these gatherings, 'sock hop' was still used widely to describe pretty much any dance party that was largely attended by teens, regardless of any rules pertaining to what could or couldn't be worn on peoples' feet.
And if you ever wanted a soundtrack to what those sock hops were sounding like in the early 60s, then this comp here's your ticket; at least for about half an hour 😅. The vast majority of these tunes turned out to not only be hulking hits themselves, but ones that got plenty of burn at sock hops all across the US too. And even though it's a very short collection, it's still eclectic; there's girl group pop, there's rock & roll, there's R&B, and there's a little doo wop too. Classics like Dion's "Wanderer," Del Shannon's "Runaway," Shangri-Las' "Leader of the Pack," The Angels' "My Boyfriend's Back," and more. A whole bunch of nostalgic goodies for grandma and grandpa to seriously crack a hip to.
And what's more is that there's a little cleverness that went into the track sequencing here too—specifically the bookends, which are both songs that involved a guy by the name of Ernie Maresca. As a performer himself, Maresca only ended up being a one-hit wonder, but as a songwriter and composer, he achieved a whole lot more. So, fronting this comp is one of his biggest triumphs as a writer, Dion's "Wanderer," and closing it out is his lone solo hit, a super catchy rock & roll and doo wop banger called "Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)" that went to #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 back in 1960. Quintessentially infectious sock hop material right there.
At the end of the day, I'm not really sure why this album cover was chosen for this comp though. It doesn't appear to be depicting a sock hop of any kind and no one seems to be wearing much in the way of early 60s garb either. As I understand it, the people who participated in these Baby Boomer Classics shoots for the series' original mid-80s run were friends and family of the people who worked at the label that released it, JCI. These shoots were probably low-budget affairs themselves and couldn't afford the time or effort to depict folks having the time of their lives in a gym or cafeteria in accurate wardrobes, so they went with this instead. Regardless of this misleading photo, though, rest-assured, you'll find some of the glory days of the early 60s sock hops within this comp here.
Only two more releases from this series to go!
Dion - "The Wanderer" The Shirelles - "Mama Said" The Shangri-Las - "Leader of the Pack" Bobby Lewis - "Tossin' and Turnin'" Joey Dee - "Shout" Del Shannon - "Runaway" The Angels - "My Boyfriend's Back" Claudine Clark - "Party Lights" The Chiffons - "He's So Fine" Ernie Maresca - "Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)"
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mytubetv · 1 year
TRIGGA Interview!
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Trigga Interview and Q&A.
I: Welcome Trigga, How Are You?
T: I’m Pretty good, still kinda tired from the party but I’ll manage.
I: Speaking of this party, which was a wild one, this is the 2nd Celeb party you’ve thrown this year and it delivered. Can you tell us about how you’ve managed to do that 2 times?
T: I just have friends in high places that were able to get the word out. And people showed up.
I: ok so we have to address this. Trigga party 2, SA cultural has posted images that were leaked by other party goers with you and brick’s mom Vivian and another one of you and Selena Romez. What was that about?
T: It’s a Party you know, things happens sometimes. Suppose to have fun.
I: Riiiighhht… so recently, you dropped an absolute banger with Mak and Brett. “Til the End of the world”. It’s set to reach Diamond Status, can you tell us about the recording process of that song?
T: I actually just got out the hospital like maybe two days before recording.
I: Really?
I: Yeah, my drink got spiked by a stripper in Vice City. I can’t say her name or the club for legal reasons, but yeah I got spiked.
I: Are you ok?
T: Yeah the dosage wasn’t strong but it was strong enough you know. Anyway I get out the hospital, Brett Max Texts me and says “Got a Track lmk if interested” I replied we go to the studio in LC. I recorded my verse and mak sent his in from Germany. Brett did the rest.
I: You Mentioned you are going to start making Latin music, why the change from R&B to Latin music?
T: Well I want to show more of my Latin culture. My mom is Dominican Dad is black and Puerto Rican. Growing up in that culture and black culture are huge parts of my life. So I want to share the Spanish part of me with the world.
I: Very Interesting. How soon can we expect the first Spanish track from you?
T: I have a track I recorded with Romez a long time ago that will be dropping soon. Then much more Spanish tracks.
I: Let’s go back to Trigga Party for a minute. Now I do t know if you know or not. It’s all over bleeter and snapmatic that Allegedly Alyx Vance threw Ted Morgan Overboard. Can you confirm or deny these allegations.
T: Sorry but That’s not for me to Deny or Confirm. I was most likely on another boat or somewhere.
I: With Selena or bricks mom right?
T: lol It’s a party! I’m suppose to enjoy myself.
I: Congratulations on your song with Poosie “FaceTime” it’s certified Diamond. That’s gotta be an amazing feeling right!
T: Absolutely man. Even while we were recoding it Poosie and His producers were saying this is going to be a hit, and now it is. It’s an absolutely amazing feeling man!
I: What’s next for you Trigga?
T: Latin music, either a Latin or R&B Album. We’ll see and then a tour.
I: How soon should we be expecting a 3rd Trigga Party?
T: Just have to wait and see..
“Free CJ” asks:
Are you and Selena Romez Dating?
T: Maybe we are, Maybe we aren’t..
“AlishaReina” Asks:
Who are your top three Celebrity Crushes? Besides Selena.
Samantha Lenae.
Madelaine Parker
Kyla Potts.
“DfSniperzz” asks:
Who is your favorite artists not in Kingpin?
Rapper is Probably .250
Singer is probably Selena.
Final Question is from “SjOp”
How much did you have to pay in fines for the party?
T: Zonza only charged me $10k because the party was so great.
That’s All the have ladies and gentleman. Trigga Ladies and Gentlemen!
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picklesgrowontrees · 3 years
first off, thank you to the writers room people the new video was a banger! Also, Thomas’s acting is getting better and better every day
I am just barely holding off on screaming about everything into my pillow and I’m most likely going to hyperfixate on this for the next month but here are some things I need to point out from the Special:
Thomas, you lost an excellent opportunity to say “it sure feels like a dream….come true!” In your opening scene.
Our favorite boys with all of our favorite nicknames in their bios —🥺🥺🥺
Roman, are you okay? Your makeup be on fleek tho
Virgil = Rocket Raccoon x100
“My bestie, Patton” Janus omfg he’s your husband
Also, Logan—nice. So proud of you. I cant believe you learned a new word today
Janus is literally out-drama-geeking Roman. I never knew that was possible.
Excuse me what was that you said about eyeshadow? Janus is teasing Virgil about his purple glitter. Virgil reacts like a violent caveman
I’m…pretty….sure….that Remus…doesn’t, have his pants on backwards???? Maybe??? In any case👌 his bosom is emblazoned
‘Whose hand is that? Jesus’ —also, what. Thomas you should run
Janus you passive agressive bitch we all know you literally made that sandwich for Patton
LOGAN—calm down with the size of your glass man, I’m pretty sure that’s enough wine to kill a small child
Thomas you’re really killing me with the angst JUST LISTEN TO LITERAL LOGIC FOR 1 MINUTE
So Remus found the mindspace, huh? Alright y’all, time to throw every single fanfiction involving the creativitwins’ split kingdoms into the canon garbage can
#deviousgaming4life #gotem #secretlife
A-huh,A-huh, now say that again, but slower Virgil
I really can’t look at Virgil transforming into a puppet the same way again after those bloopers 💀
Seriously, guys.😤 Everyone who's here at my awesome party...🍾🎉 🤪this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now...Somebody😠🤫 broke 😩my grandma's👵 vase✨✨🏺✨✨And that was the last thing she gave to me... before she died!!!! ☠️I swear 🔫😀to all things football ⚽️?🏈? AND/OR skateboarding... 🛹 …that I will find you….🪓🗡⚔️🔪😁Don't make me cry these incredibly manly 💪🏻🧔‍♂️tears! Anyone can speak up here 👀and be a part of this scene. 👀👀👀Especially those of us who aren't imagined🙂and... are actually here on the stage.🧨
The angst is packing in hard, TheatreMan.
Virgil you bastard😂😂 I demand a petition for Janus to have a solo number, and I would very much like to see the raw caught-in-4K footage of Janus dancing and hyping up Virgil for the lie song in the background
Remus you bastard😂😂
*ahem* ✍️📝 “Scare-amore”? Amore as in Amour? Amour as in Love in Spanish? We can’t escape the prinxiety
I swear they all had to restrain Remus from saying something rated r about Nico
Don’t worry Virgil you’re not the only one. Thomas being straight is one of my sleep paralysis demons
So that’s why Janus wears a hat. How many fanarts are we gonna get of Janus with a hamster? Like, what do you say, 500? Thousand?
Virgil is a mood. Except mine is an endless script in my notes app. So classy
(Edit) Roman is not okay. And neither am I
Janus is still salty about the others’ wardrobe upgrades
Did no one else notice the way that Roman said virgil’s name? I swear the prinxiety
Virgil I think you want to set the type of goal Remus was going for…at the beginning of his idea anyways. Praise, man
So—let me get this gay. Patton wants to be married to Logan. I can feel the love tonight
Logan I do not blame you for your wine glass update, where can I get me one of those?
Also—Virgil is the cousin because Remus and Janus are the aunt and uncle so they are LITERALLY HIS PARENTS OMG
Janus I’m scared and terrified and afraid and terrified what more do you want
The Roman series. Is in fact; a Prinxiety Dungeons and dragons AU fanfiction. I could not be happier 
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heterodickpaper · 2 years
you read through responses you get in the text box questions on your uquizzes? if so do you have any responses you particularly like?
yes i looooove looking thru i actually cant see what ppl picked for the multiple choice ones anymore coz like 11k ppl took it which is crazy...mostly i just love reading abt the things that ppl love and the things that r on their mind it makes me feel weirdly connected. here r some of my fav text box answers!!! (the prompt is tell me abt someone or something you love)
"lukas"--who is lukas?? i think it's lovely that this person thought of lukas when taking my uquiz. i hope someday someone talks abt me in a uquiz text box.
"YOUR WRITING IS GORGEOUS and it makes me envious ?" -- literally nothing makes me happier
"I LIKE HIM A LOT"--relatable.
"I know(or so it is said) that your partner/boyfriend is supposed to be your soulmate, but my best friend is. I think we share the same soul and I cry sometimes thinking if something happened to her, if I’d be able to go on with a fractured soul ( insert horcrux joke to make it less sad)" -- there is something so special about best friends having one is the luckiest thing on earth this made me want to cry
"My girlfriend and I are about to have our 8th anniversary!" -- it is amazing to me that someone with such a nice stable relationship (8 years!!!!) is taking my uquiz. one day i hope that is me!!!!
just all the ones that are love letters to their friends/lovers/partners/family it makes me happy that all these ppl have found who makes them whole
"balls" -- cant rlly relate but someone has to ig!!
"he looks just like a dream, he's the prettiest boy I've ever seen he looks just like an arctic monkeys song he's the prettiest boy ever his hands are perfect his smile makes me faint he makes me so happy i could stare at him for hours he's just perfect but he makes me feel gross he makes me feel infinitely unworthy and undesirable and even though we barely know eachother it still hurts watching him fade away he doesn't make me feel gross, i do, i make myself feel gross," -- i love this one coz it feels like it's ripped out of my own thoughts and i find comfort in knowing that there are other people who would understand me completely
"Me" --self explanatory
"dead fish" -- hm.
"i was writing so much on here but it was not coherent at all so i just stopped writing ? sorry"
"He’s an ass" --yeah he is.
all the ones that r literally so me...why do we all have the same life
anyway im sure theres a shit ton of absolute bangers in there that i missed but
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literaphobe · 3 years
hey queen tell me your favourite thing about the george/quackity/dream dynamic <3
oh god hari yeah u know what fuck it lets go its time (i love how u said favorite ‘thing’ as if i can pick one singular quality anyway here we go)
they are literally like. the superior trio okay. there i said it. they are my favorites. they are SO funny together. i love them individually. i love every single duo that u can form amongst the three of them. i obviously love all three of them together 
one of the funniest thing about them is the so called ‘ongoing fight for the love of georgenotfound’ that quackity and dream have. its actually fucking hilarious how quackity n george became fast friends n started talking to each other pretty much every day around november last year and dream actually Complained about not constantly having george’s attention anymore 
this led to situations where george n quackity would be streaming together n having fun n dream would call george to get his attention. remember the ‘quackity teaches me spanish’ stream. dream literally called george in the middle of that n george just added him to the call w out saying anything n he sat there in the call just listening to them saying nothing except for a super random moment towards the end where they were roleplaying n dream dropped in and roleplayed randomly w them n then muted again. and because the stream after that was quackity’s dream diss track dream was in the call still n listened the whole time as quackity wrote the song and he only responded in chat n not vc but it was still so DUMB 
quackity doesn’t let him live it down ever tho. at any given opportunity he WILL roast dream for being ‘obsessed’ w george BUT mr q himself. also has committed the crime of letting gnf live in his head rent free. he will literally tweet about bald george almost daily. quackity & george will get into twitter wars constantly w ‘receipts’ to prove the other is obsessed with them. its incredibly embarrassing for everyone involved n only shows that they like each other way too much 
okay but also.... dream and quackity. they are so funny together. they have BRILLIANT chemistry n it comes from the Being Funny. remember the ‘i give dream therapy’ stream. amazing. i miss it to this day. can they please come back from the war. remember ‘i play roblox with dream’? and when they mimicked dsmp members and also each other n they made each other laugh so much :( there’s a certain magic that comes with a quackity and dream one-on-one stream. literally any one-on-one stream between the three of them is good. dnf n qnf drop banger streams. but we are so deprived of qwt streams. i deserve it personally. i need it personally. they need to stop pretending to be enemies n start being best friends :( like they genuinely like each other n find each other funny :( please :( 
ok last one because i don’t wanna be annoying. remember that stream where quackity n dream trolled george because he knows nothing about sports. n they pretended there was this competitive hotdog eater they were invested in called tom gravy. n at some point he seemed to genuinely believe them. n also dream n quackity competing over screenshots of george they own from like discord calls or something. dream saying “i have the cutest pictures of george!” vs quackity saying “EVERY picture of george is the cutest picture of george >:(” anyway they r good bye 
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
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ohimtherebabey · 5 years
my review of my chemical romance’s entire discography
bangers and bops only
really sad at times but still sexy
gore fetish
catholicism is at its peak
Songs To Completely Lose Your Mind To
definitively the best album of all time. no constructive criticism.
oh yall are INSANE insane
the aesthetic and the message are *chef’s kiss*
where is the album mr romance???
number three royally fucked me up. WHY would you put world is ugly AND light behind your eyes on a single ep
the sheer power of calling a song Gun. g-u-n period. full stop.
i would like some official studio recordings please
guitars are too loud and i dont know what the fuck gerard is saying but i kinda really like that
fuck yall for this one
i’ve never spelled murder correctly on the first try
yall ripped my heart out with desert song but put it back together with bury me in black
heaven help us deserved better than she got
kill all your friends is actually really fun and sexy
very cute actually i respect it and i respect the yo gabba gabba hustle
sometimes yall blow my mind with how devoted yall are to ur art
i feel like its the late 80s/early 90s and i hate my parents AND this town
eyeeee dont want a LAHT for thERE is just one thing i need i doNT caRRREE about the presents (very nasal voice) UNDERneath the christmas tree
there is a solid minute of just screaming at the end
2009 was a movie, bro
combine this song with bury me in black to give me an aneurysm 
honestly you could swap this out with the original and i probably wouldnt notice because gerard refuses to enunciate anyway
i like how this happened but yall still refused twilight
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