#anyway for some reason to this day I wanna see an au where Jon is either a lonely avatar or a lonely-eye avatar mix
Jon and Martin would be very good victims of the lonely together.
Though… I guess they wouldn’t be very together then
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thequeenindisguise · 3 years
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Here it is! My first and probably last entry for Ichiruki Month 2021... to be more specific, it’s for Day 11 with the prompt “What do you dream of?”  
I think the last time I participated was like, what? Five years ago? Yikes. I didn’t even improve haha and okay, I know somewhere, sometime ago, someone has already done this AU though. And this was based off the amazing work of jon-lock from deviant art so this would look like crap next to his work. I mean I suck at coloring and at a bunch of other things, I know! But I just really felt like doing this. 
I was actually thinking of writing a fic about it, but if I’m the one doing it, it’s probably going to be multi-chaptered and I just can’t commit to that. So if you know of any fics or fanart with the same theme, hope you can link them to me 😊 I’d really love to dive myself in them.
But despite saying that, it didn’t stop me from writing this silly one-shot called Somewhere In Neverland feel free to read and review there, if you have the time.
And now, if you read through all that, thank you so much for your time! Be safe, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and the rest of Ichiruki Month :D
And now for some more story time, you don’t need to read through this. It will be just me sharing some personal stuff… So feel free to move on with your life without this. Seriously. You can stop here if you just accidentally pressed the keep reading button, you are forgiven 😊
Oh… you’re still reading? Okay, then. So I’ve been really depressed lately, more on because my current job sucks, I just lost the opportunity to get my dream job, the pandemic’s still on-going and I just feel like nothing’s really going on with my life (T.T) I’m broke AF, it’s hard to fall asleep, my face is all pimply, I’ve gained a lot of weight and basically, this is just a low point for me. 
Okay, I know that there are other people with much bigger problems than what I’m going through right now so I just try to deal with it on my own. I made a fanart, just to feel like I’m focusing on something and I actually finished the thing just to ease my mind of my worries. It was kinda therapeutic and I kind of like the feeling of actually accomplishing something. And I even mustered up the courage to join the discord server for IR. My anti-social ass was proud of that. I was even thinking of posting this fanart there just to show everyone that I really appreciate them for welcoming me but at the last minute I chickened out but ended up posting it here? I don’t know either. I’m weird like that. Even though everyone there seemed really fun and supportive, I just… didn’t want to ruin the vibe with my negative aura (the latest chapter was enough to trigger everyone. Didn’t wanna add to that).
Anyway, thinking about these past horrible days and listening to some really sad songs, because why not add to the drama? I was listening to one song about running away to “Neverland” and it got me thinking wouldn’t it be great if I were to just stay a kid forever? That way I wouldn’t have to deal with the pressures of adulthood. Then I thought about Wendy from Neverland and somehow I remembered that on that 2nd Disney movie, she grew up. And to confirm it, I just had to search for that clip on youtube. And yes, it was the part where Peter saw her as an adult and oh god, I kid you not, I started bawling. One, because I didn’t realize that I ship them… oops… and I wondered if Wendy, even as an adult, ever thought of what it’d be like if she had stayed in Neverland. Then I also found this deleted scene from the live action movie which showed Peter reuniting with her, hoping to take her back but he couldn’t anymore because she’s all grown up, and he was so heartbroken by it but then she introduces him to her daughter, with who he takes with him (weird? Maybe that was why it was deleted haha).
And so, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and as always I ended up thinking about Bleach and IR because of the new chapter and all (which wasn’t released yet back then). And I wondered what would it be like if they were in Peter pan and Wendy’s shoes—but first off, I didn’t think Ichigo would fit the role of not growing up because I don’t know, despite being a teen, he looked matured and kinda scary? Kids would never go with him. He’ll be better as the Grinch of Christmas because kids would probably feel like they’ll be bullied even though he’s a nice guy. And so I realize, oh it’s better if we switch them up and make Rukia Peter Pan because she’d be looking young forever while Ichigo grows old (which was what I was expecting from Bleach but somehow they all seem to be aging at the same time now, with all the marriages and the making babies or whatever) And to parallel the manga I realized that maybe having Ichigo live his life (in the world of the living) and have a family would probably be something that Rukia would be really proud of and would be happy to see (Okay, hold up. Just to be clear, I still don’t like the ending for so many other reasons but if it had to go down with Ichigo making a family WITHOUT Rukia then this better be the damn reason for it and that’s to protect him by making him live a normal and safe life before they reunite again in SS. I rest my case.).
And so I connect all this to Day 11 – What do you dream of? Because, well, since the prompt really is up to interpretation… it can be like a “dream” in life? Or just maybe a dream at night? Anyway, this is what I dreamt of literally. Again, I’ve been thinking about it all the time lately  so I had to let it out. And of course, in relation to IR and in this AU setting, they probably dream of being together too (both in life and at night haha) <3
And that’s about it. I just want to leave this long message here so that when the time comes that I feel so much better, I’ll know what I was going through behind this not-so-good-but-a-little-better-than-my-other-works-so-far fanart and that one-shot that I tried my best to write despite my writing skills being very rusty, and know that it will be alright someday and that I’ll probably get through it whatever it was that I’m going through at this moment.
If you’ve reached until the end then wow. Bless your kind soul really and hope you have a great dinner and of course, thank you for lending me your ears or eyes (since you had to read). I may not know you but I really, really appreciate your time 😊
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jaysworlds · 3 years
T4TMA Day Three - AU
Gerry has a lot of tattoos, he knows that. He gets looks from old women on the tube if he’s wearing short sleeves and looks from children in the street, and he’s running out of empty space on his torso, but he likes tattoos. Every time he spends a little more of his late mother’s money on a new design it feels like a fuck you to her, and he revels in it.
(So, he may have one or two issues still to work out. He’s fine!)
Unfortunately his last artist (a rather difficult old woman named Gertrude, who gave the impression of someone who would crochet doilies, not give tattoos) just moved to the states, and now he has to find a new one, and he doesn’t like change. Or people.
It’s proving kind of difficult. Most of the artists just aren’t what he’s looking for, and maybe he’s picky but they will be sticking needles in his body, so he feels like he’s allowed.
A couple of months after his artist moved he walks past a new tattoo shop on his commute home from work. He knows it’s new, because he’s been to pretty much every shop in London by now and he’s never even heard of this one.
It’s called The Archive, and he doesn’t have time to stop by now, but when he gets home he pulls it up on the internet.
The website looks like a myspace page from 2002, but the examples look pretty good, and it’s close enough that he might as well check it out.
The site doesn’t say whether you have to make an appointment or not, and it’s new enough that Gerry guesses probably not.
He has time at the weekend, so he makes a note to drop in and then pushes it to the back of his mind and gets on with his life.
He’s forgotten about it until his phone dings with the reminder and he realises that he might as well go now. If it doesn’t work out it’s just another thing to cross off the list.
The shop doesn’t look like much from the outside, but there are some designs stuck up in the windows that weren’t there before, and the sign says open, so he pushes the door open and goes inside.
The person behind the counter is hot. Like off the wall hot. Button up shirt rolled up to the elbows and hair that somehow manages to look soft hot, and Gerry nearly turns around and walks right back out, because he’s definitely going to make a fool of himself if he stays, but the person has already noticed him.
“Hello,” they say, standing up a little straighter. They’ve got vines twisting up their forearms. “What can I do for you?”
“Hey,” Gerry says, and takes a few cautious steps further into the shop. “This is a new place, right?”
“Yes,” the person says. “We’ve, uh, just opened. Already had a few complaints from nearby old women.”
Gerry huffs a laugh. “I’m not surprised.”
The person nods. “Yes, it’s … it’s fine. Sasha usually deals with it; she’s very good at speaking to old ladies.”
“Sasha?” The name is familiar, and Gerry wonders vaguely if it’s the same Sasha who used to work for Gertrude. He kind of hopes so, because it would be nice to have a familiar face around. They hadn’t exactly been friends, and he hadn’t yet figured out where she’d gone when the old shop had closed down.
“Yes,” the person says. “She’s … one of the other employees. I’m Jon, by the way. My pronouns are he and they, and if you have a problem with that this isn’t the place for you.”
It sounds almost rehearsed, like he’s anticipating people who do have a problem, and Gerry kind of gets it.
“Great,” he says, perhaps a little too eagerly. He hasn’t met a trans artist before, but he has met several who have been weird about his top surgery scars, and honestly it’s a relief to know this place is trans-friendly. “I mean … that’s nice. To know. I…” He is making a real hash of this. It’s Jon’s fault for being so goddamn hot. “I’m trans too,” he manages, running a hand through his hair.
“Ah,” Jon says, and they’re smiling a little. “In that case, what can I do for you?”
Gerry shrugs. “Are you free now?”
Jon nods. “Yes. As long as what you’re hoping for won’t take longer than a few hours.”
“I don’t really have anything in mind,” Gerry admits. “Maybe you could come up with something for me?”
“Alright,” Jon says. “You can come into the back with me. I’ll get one of the others to watch the desk.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Tim!” Jon calls, and a moment later a tall man in a frankly hideous shirt pokes his head out of the door behind the counter.
“Yes, boss?”
“Could you watch the desk for me.”
“Sure thing. Who’s this?”
“A customer,” Jon says, giving Tim a withering look.
“I’m Gerry,” Gerry says, walking over to the door Jon is beckoning him towards.
“Right,” Tim says, waggling his eyebrows. “Enjoy yourselves.”
Jon glares at him again and ushers Gerry through the door.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, sighing deeply. “Tim can be … a bit much sometimes.”
“He seems great,” Gerry says, smiling a little. “Horrible sense of fashion, though.”
“I’ll tell him you said that,” Jon says, lips twitching upwards. “He won’t believe any of us.”
“You do that,” Gerry says.
Jon nods quickly. “Anyway. Do you want to sit down?”
“I can do,” he says, wandering over to sit on the bed. “You wanna see the stuff I’ve got already?”
“That would probably be best,” Jon says, stepping a little closer.
Gerry shrugs his jacket off and pulls his shirt over his head, showing off the patterns over his chest and arms.
“Wow,” Jon says, and he sounds honestly impressed. “I hate to think how much all that cost you.”
Gerry laughs, leaning back on the bed. “A lot,” he says carelessly. “My mother’s money, though. I imagine she’s rolling in her grave.”
“Ah,” Jon says. “My condolences, I suppose, though you don’t sound as though you miss her.”
“I don’t. I was thinking here, for the tattoo?”
Jon wisely doesn’t ask any further questions about his mother, just comes over to see the patch of skin he’s referring to, over his left ribs. They ghost their fingers very gently over his skin, and he can’t help but shiver a little.
“Alright,” they say, finally. “That seems reasonable. I doubt I need to warn you that it will hurt?”
“Nope,” Gerry says. “I don’t think I’m capable of feeling pain anymore.”
Jon laughs quickly. “Great,” he says. “I’m sure I can come up with something for you.”
He moves away from Gerry (to his disappointment, though he’d never admit it) and over to a desk, getting a pencil and a sheet of paper and scribbling away for a while.
Gerry is content to sit quietly and look around the room. It’s almost empty, just some basic equipment and one or two designs. He supposes that the shop hasn’t been open long enough to collect stuff.
“How many customers have you had?” he asks, after a while, and Jon looks up.
“Two, including you.”
“Huh,” Gerry says thoughtfully. “How long have you been open?”
“Two weeks.”
“Not bad.”
Jon smiles. “No, it’s not. Would you like to see what I’m working on?”
“Alright,” Gerry says, and gets up, walking over to Jon’s desk.
“Here,” they say, offering him the paper they’ve been working on. “I thought it went well with your whole … aesthetic.”
Gerry takes it to look over, and they’re right, it does fit his aesthetic. A book, flames curling over the pages. His mother, with her immaculate libraries, would hate it.
“It’s perfect,” he says, and Jon smiles.
“Thank you.”
“You can do it now?”
Jon nods, waving him back towards the bed. “Yes.”
“Awesome,” Gerry says, and goes to sit down, pleased with himself. This was definitely worth it, and he thinks he’s going to be coming back.
Jon takes a moment to pull gloves on and gather up his equipment. He’s humming to himself, Gerry thinks, and it’s … kind of adorable. Not that he would actually say that; Jon strikes him as the kind of person who might take it as an insult, and that’s the last thing he wants.
“Alright,” Jon says, finally, and comes back over. “Could you lie down for me?”
Gerry complies, biting back the joke that immediately springs to his lips. He doesn’t know anything about them, really, and he doesn’t want to get kicked out for making an off-colour joke.
He’s more than used to getting tattoos by now, and honestly it’s pretty relaxing. Especially since Jon’s hands are stroking gently across his ribs, and every time he hisses involuntarily they say shh, shh, and he really likes that.
It takes just over an hour and half for the tattoo to be finished, and it’s rather sensitive by the end, but Gerry expected that. He has tattoos on all his joints, and those hurt way worse than down his ribs.
“Right,” Jon says, finally. “I’m finished.”
Gerry opens one eye and looks up at him, pulling his gloves off. “Great.”
“You were very good to work on.”
Gerry raises an eyebrow. “Is that a compliment?”
“Yes,” Jon says, their cheeks going a little red. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Gerry says, sitting up and waving a hand. “It was nice to have you working on me.”
“Will you be coming back?”
Gerry grins. “You want to see me again?”
The colour in Jon’s cheeks gets a little darker. “I … well … I suppose so, yes.”
“You could have just asked me out.”
Jon exhales, a little shakily, and Gerry prays he hasn’t misstepped. It will really suck if he scares him away by being too forward.
“I…” Jon stutters, seemingly trying to compose themself. “I didn’t want to assume anything.”
“You can assume if you want,” Gerry says, smiling a little. “So, are you going to ask me out?”
“If … you would like that. Then yes.”
“I would like that,” Gerry says. “Do you want my number?”
Jon nods quickly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and offering it to Gerry. Gerry types saves himself as cute goth <3 and hands it back. If Jon wants to change it they can, and he thinks it’s funny.
“Right,” Jon says, and he’s smiling as he puts his phone away again. “Thank you. I … will message you.”
“Cheers,” Gerry says. “I look forward to it.”
He gets up and stretches, wincing as it pulls on his sensitive skin.
“Hold on,” Jon says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Let me cover that for you.”
“Alright,” Gerry says, pleased, and stays still as they care for the very fresh tattoo with careful hands. He’s definitely not going to complain.
“Right,” they say, once they’re finished. “That’s all, then. I’ll message you.”
“Thank you,” Gerry says, leaning in to kiss them on the cheek, almost without thinking about it. He pulls away very quickly, realising he hadn’t exactly asked if he’s allowed to do that. “Shit, I’m sorry. Is that okay?”
“It’s okay,” Jon says, looking almost as though he’s trying to hide behind the waves of his hair. “I don’t … it’s okay. Thank you.”
Gerry smiles, relieved, and does it again. “Alright. Good.”
He really does have to leave now, but he really doesn’t mind. Got a new tattoo, and gave the very cute artist his number.
Not bad going. Maybe he’ll even forgive Gertrude for moving away.
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🌹 except I’d specifically like to know what this au/fic you are writing bc I keep seeing little snippets around your blog and as a fellow has-been-planning-a-fic-for-years-but-will-never-write-it writer, I’d love to hear what it’s about ☺️
well. i watched a movie during quarantine last year with like gruff washed up superhero with tragic past adopts disaster children with superpowers and i'm not naming the movie please don't ask me it's embarrassing the soundtrack was literally just smash mouth covering songs like smash mouth played under pressure during a training sequence. anyway. it's like lowkey inspired by that because i watched it and thought: hopper and the kids. dunno if i wanna give away specific plot details but i will say this was during my "i ship mileven but i keep accidentally writing byler fics" phase like. mike n will were like this close to dating the entire time and there's some drama at the end that i won't spoil just in case i do end up writing it. more things i will say because i am so glad you asked like i didn't realize how bottled up i had this fic and i'm obviously loving talking about it: steve n robin don't have powers but since the team of baby superheroes is like govt sponsored (yes yes there is shady stuff happening dw. ofc i have my shady govt subplot) they're like dynamic duo scientists who help the team out. i'm giving steve braincells but only for science like he's still a dumbass. once i gave him those glasses joe wears in free guy it was all over. and hop used to be on this cool team of superheroes which included jon, nancy, kali, bob, and el. (joyce is there too but it's hard to explain.) and the new team is the party sans el and the reasoning for that is a mystery woooo. but. i'm holding out for the hope that i'll write this one day os i won't say. i have a month before i move into college so maybe i can get it done. there's a lot of sad hop n el stuff but one of the dynamics in the movie also made me think of hop n mike so there's some stuff going on there too. like i said lots of byler. even elmike though it's hard to explain. yes lumax ofc and just general party stuff. some real brutal byers drama esp with joyce n jon. that last quote that i posted was basically the scene in the gifted where andy discovers his powers cos im lazy n i might end up changing the way mike discovers his powers (and yeah it's mike centric bc he's the easiest for me to write for. love his head space. that feral little man.) not sure what else to say except that this kinda lowkey gave me a burst of energy to continue writing this that is slowly being killed by the weight of all the other barely started fics i've promised so. idk. we'll see. ty literally sm for asking lol. i love venting.
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Teen Titans AU Part III
https://theatreandcomicfreak.tumblr.com/post/188355464947/teen-titans-au-part-one (Part One)
https://theatreandcomicfreak.tumblr.com/post/188398523482/teen-titans-au-part-two (Part Two)
Important: This chapter will be following Damian and Jon, and Alya will have a short section as well. (This takes place the day before Marinette’s birthday).
Jon walked into the room he shared with Damian. Well technically, it was Damian’s room, but he and Jon pulled so many all nighters together that it was practically both of their rooms, most of Jon’s stuff was even there. Jon knew Damian well enough to know that he could trust him with a secret, after all, Damian shared so many with him. He walked in the room and flopped down on the bottom bunk bed. Damian was in a chair adjacent to him reading a book in Arabic. “Damian.” Jon said getting his attention. “Yes Kent?” Damian said pulling his face away from the book. “I like Marinette and I think I’m going to tell her!” Jon spat out quickly, it was the first time he said it out loud. “I think she knows.” Damian said, moving his attention back to the book. “What?!” Jon screamed, “how?!” Damian rolled his eyes, “haven’t you already established you’re friends? Friends tend to like each other.” Jon sighed at his friend. “I mean romantically. I like Mari romantically.” Damian looked a little taken aback. “Really, I can’t picture you together.” Jon retaliated by teasing, “Ooh do you like Marinette, little bird?” Damian rolled his eyes, “Mari is a friend.” Jon realized his previous statement could actually be true, “Damian, you never call people by nicknames. And you’ve never called someone your friend this quickly, even I had to wait a while. All joking aside, do you actually like her?” Jon was panicked, he didn’t want to compete with this best friend. “I don’t like her. If anything I opposite like her, her hair is way too pretty, her personality is far too positive and her eyes are too blue.” Damian huffed, placing his face in his book once again. “Oh my god.” Jon said, “OH MY GOD! You do, you like her! Even if you don’t know it yet I do! But what are we gonna do, I can’t compete against you! Oh why?!” Damian rolled his eyes, he was starting to sound like a certain pretty French girl. He blushed when he realized he called Marinette pretty, only in his thoughts, but still. “Relax Kent. Girlfriends are targets, especially in our line of work. I’ll never have one.” Jon rolled his eyes, “you do know that Marinette is a superhero too, right?!” Damian shrugged, “I don’t want her to get hurt.” Jon stifled a grin, “Damian, that’s adorable.” Damian blushed, “No-no it’s not!” What was happening? Damian Wayne did not stammer. “Wait I don’t know if I should still tell Marinette about my feelings. I’m not betraying the bro code.” Damian shut his book, “just ask her out Kent.” She would never go for me anyway, he added silently. “Are you sure?” Jon asked. No. “Yes.” A sudden knock at their door stopped their conversation. “It’s Marinette.” Jon whispered to Damian. Jon opened the door for her. “Hi guys!” She exclaimed, she was even more chipper than the day before, Raven’s Magic was really helping. “It’s grocery day. Wanna come? Tara isn’t coming again.” She mumbled the last sentence with slight annoyance. “Sure!” Jon lit up. Damian hid a smile, “sounds tolerable.” Marinette giggled, “G-great. A-are you both ready now?” The boys nodded. “Alright! Tikki! They’re ready!” She called in the hall. “Coming Marinette!” Tikki exclaimed. She phased through the boys’ wall. Jon jumped back. “I will never get used to that.” Jon laughed. Marinette opened her pouch which Tikki flew in.
As the trio walked to the store Marinette’s hair flew in the wind, she had started wearing it down after she wanted a change from her Paris look. Both Damian and Jon thought it suited her and Damian liked it a little more than he wanted to admit. Marinette walked ahead of them and accidentally ran into some Italian girl with ugly brown hair. “Oh would you look at that. If it isn’t the old school slut in the flesh.” A redhead girl next to her sneered in French.
Alya’s POV (a while earlier):
“Alright students. Make sure to walk in groups of two or three at the smallest. We don’t want anyone getting lost.” Miss Bustier smiled. Alya took the arms of Sabrina and Lila and they walked together. Alya was amazed again, Lila had said that she personally knew the Teen Titans. “We go way back! I’m an honorary member you know, but recently they’ve been saying that everything has gone south now that Marinette arrived.” Alya tugged at her bestie’s shoulder playfully, “Wow girl you’re awesome! Who don’t you know?” Lila sighed, “Marinette never thought so.” Alya rolled her eyes, “Girl Just forget about her. She’s a bully and she doesn’t need to be ruining our bonding time. We’re in Jump City to enjoy ourselves! It’s not everyday we go on a class trip abroad, besides we probably won’t even see Marinette!” Lila sniffed, “It’s just, now that she’s gone it’s like Adrien won’t even pay attention to anyone.” Sabrina scoffed, “Come on Lila, you know she was a slut, she probably manipulated Adrien and then broke his heart.” A girl with blue hair bumped into Lila and Alya rolled her eyes, she was sure it was on purpose when she saw her old friend, Marinette. “Oh would you look at that. If it isn’t the old school slut in the flesh.” Sabrina sneered.
Jon and Damian again:
Marinette shrunk in on herself. Jon didn’t understand French, but he immediately knew these girls were bad news. Damian however, could understand French and he was about to murder these girls. “What did you say to her?” Damian spoke in perfect French, glaring the redhead white girl in glasses down. “Come on don’t defend that bully! Even the Teen Titans think she’s awful! Look I don’t know who you are, but obviously Marinette has you wrapped around her little finger.” Alya yelled at Damian. Damian growled. “Damian.” Marinette said, trying (and failing) to stop him from being rash and angry. “Listen to me now. Marinette is the sweetest and kindest person ever. I can see now one of the reasons she wanted to leave Paris, you are all insolent and idiotic if you believe anything other than the truth, that Marinette is amazing and would never bully anyone in her life.” Damian stated plainly with a look of resentment on his face while Alya and Sabrina gave him a death glare. “Oh and another thing! Marinette is respected by the teen titans, they like her, like any good person would.” Damian added. Lila looked like she was on the verge of crocodile tears, her solution to everything. Jon was thoroughly confused with the French dialogue but he knew that look on Damian’s face meant that he was just a little while away from snapping and doing something dangerous and violent. “Ok ok, maybe we should calm down…” Jon said in English. “You do not understand. Marinette is a bully, you will learn.” Lila said in English choppily between fake sobs. Alya glared at the trio before leading Lila away from them. “Did she seriously just call you a bully?!” Jon asked Marinette. “Yeah.” Marinette said blankly, she looked like she was on the verge of tears. “They’re dead.” Damian said emotionlessly.
Alya couldn't believe what had just happened, Marinette was such a manipulator. She almost felt bad for those people with her. Though the boy with green eyes seemed just as bad as Marinette in Alya’s opinion, maybe she’d finally found people she deserved. Alya patted a crying Lila on the back in sympathy. When they got further away Alya saw Adrien with her ex-boyfriend Nino. Marinette kept causing trouble even after she left, DJWiFi broke up because Nino refused to realize she was a bully. Ignoring her ex, Alya marched up to Adrien and said, “We just ran into Marinette. Her and her friends made Lila cry. If you comforted her it would mean a lot, or maybe confront that bully Marinette.” Adrien’s eyes lit up, “you saw Marinette?” Alya rolled her eyes, “yeah she lives in Jump City now. She mentioned it before she left.” Adrien stared at Alya, “Where is she now?” Alya brightened, maybe he would finally confront Marinette. “She was over by the grocery store down the block.” Adrien took off, leaving Nino in the dust. Alya flipped her hair and turned away from her ex without another word.
Jon and Damian:
Jon draped an arm over Marinette. He felt so awful, especially that he couldn’t even speak French, if Damian wasn’t there he didn’t know what he’d have done. Marinette was staying strong, she was looking at the grocery list very intensely. So intensely that she didn’t notice another classmate come in.
Adrien saw Jon touching Marinette and got angry, no, not angry, livid. He was going to make sure nobody touched his Princess. He sauntered up to Marinette and tapped her on the shoulder that the other boy wasn’t holding. Jon heard the boy with his superhearing. He and Marinette turned at the same time. The blonde boy started conversing with her in French and Damian looked across the store to where Damian was and gave him a quick nod as to say, come here. Damian could translate for him, so he’d know if he had to kick this little blonde boy’s ass. Damian shuffled over. As the boy continued to talk with marinette, Damian repeated his words at a low whisper in English, that only Jon could hear. “We miss you, I miss you. Please come back. You can come with us when we leave, I can arrange an extra ticket.” Marinette shook her head and responded, “I can’t do that Adrien, I’m not interested in going back to Paris. I like it here.” Adrien grabbed her wrist, “Come on princess, at least come catch up with me for a little.” Marinette froze, the nickname. She was seeing double, Chat Noir and Adrien, Chat Noir and Adrien, they moved closer together as the world began to spin, until they merged into one. Then, her world went dark.
“Let her go! Right now!” Damian yelled. “She’s coming back with me!” Adrien hissed. Jon pried the boy and Mari apart. Damian looked at Marinette, she had dilated pupils and a glazed look on her face. She was getting some concerned looks from shoppers, but they were smart enough not to intervene. “Look at her! She doesn’t want to be around you! She’s having a panic attack! We’re taking her back to our house!” Adrien’s eyes narrowed at the word our. Shit, Damian thought, I shouldn’t have given away that much. Damian picked up Marinette bridal style and Jon shoved the blonde boy to the side, Damian walked through with her and walked out of the store. As the boys walked back Jon felt slightly off. He knew the blonde prick who caused Marinette’s panic attack wasn’t there, he would’ve heard him, but for some reason he still felt his presence. Jon picked up his pace a little and Damian followed suit. They arrived at the tower shortly and a worried Kori awaited them. Jon texted Kori to tell her what happened. Raven was also there, that made the boys feel at ease, Raven could heal. Damian held onto Marinette tightly as Raven began to chant. She quickly healed her and Marinette woke up. She sat up in Damian’s arms. She started to ramble in French. “What’s she saying?” Jon asked. Kori nor Raven could speak French either. “I can’t pick up everything, she’s speaking too fast. Something about… a black cat, some kid named Adrien, and…” Damian paused with a look of horror on his face. Marinette was crying as she continued to speak in muffled French. “And what?” Kori asked, scared by what the answer might be. “And a rape.”
Thanks again to @ozmav
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oriigami · 4 years
Hi Jon! For the writing meme, can you answer some of the questions of your choice for "stolen things", the 2 chaps for the Wings!Au , "Toragara" and "guide you home" ? Those are my ABSOLUTE fave works from you (I have read it all) so I am curious to see what you have to say about them ! Also you are one of the writers I look up the most along with uncle Rick and I really hope to one day be as good as you ! All my love and support your way always, you are very very COOL
first of all holy shit thank you!! :D second of all since you didn’t specify i just rolled some dice and answered one for each, SO-
stolen things-
☼: how i came up with the idea
okay so stolen things was actually originally gonna be my entry for the set sail exchange- basically one of my giftee’s liked ships was namivivi so i blanked out and wrote it in like forty-eight hours- but i ultimately ended up switching gears to write something else that better fit what they’d requested, which meant i could post this one early! 
and uh the other inspiration was actually this art by @narramin, the story isn’t directly based on it or anything but it was just like... the Vibes and the concept of timeskip namivivi rendezvous stuck in my brain
☠: something i found challenging
oh uhhh first of all toragara was my first time writing anything substantial from luffy’s point of view and that was HARD. it’s so tricky to get inside his dumb rubber head. there were a few observations or descriptions i had to delete because i realized he probably wouldn’t notice/understand certain stuff, especially cause a lot of the story takes place when he’s a kid.
additionally, the timeline also kind of tripped me up, though that was a lesser problem. originally the second meeting scene (with the bear trap) took place a couple years earlier, before sabo’s ‘death,’ but i wound up moving it later so things would be more evenly spaced out. 
(another thing i am finding challenging is the sequel. it’s been on the backburner for awhile. i have a lot of scene ideas but for some reason my brain is just not cooperating.)
ill fly away (wings au)-
☄: what the writing process was like
i think i mentioned this in the notes on one or both of the stories, but the writing process for this au is SO patchwork, because it’s the kind of au where there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t change at all, and obviously i don’t wanna write stuff that would just go the same as canon. 
so instead i wind up bouncing between different scenes that WOULD be interesting to examine under this lens, which is why both stories are kind of just collections of scenes without much through-line. hopefully law’s chapter will be a bit more cohesive, cause the wings play a more direct role in that one. 
guide you home- 
✄: something i deleted before the final draft
hey, another deleted scene! originally i was gonna have ace be doing some post-school traveling to parallel his canon blackbeard hunting adventures, and have him drop in on vivi to visit since they met in canon. i can’t actually remember why i deleted this other than it felt kinda outta place and i wasn’t sure where to take the scene but it was fun!
“Miss Vivi!” Terracotta’s voice sing-songs from the direction of the entryway. “There’s a young man here asking for you!”
Vivi blinks, glancing up from her book. “A young man?” she repeats, bewildered. The only young men she’s on close terms with are Kohza and his friends, but her house is practically their second home- Terracotta would just announce any of them by their names.
“A young man?” her father echoes, sounding decidedly more alarmed.
Vivi laughs outright at his tone as she sets her book aside and hurries to the entryway, her father following after her more slowly, leaning on his cane.
As if it’s boys he has to worry about, anyways.
She rounds the corner into the entryway, glancing curiously around, and-
- is immediately grabbed up in a massive bear-hug that lifts her clear off the floor. She recognizes the voice first, and then everything else comes through in pieces: bright orange hat, wide grin, freckles.
He cackles with laughter and drops her back down to her feet, giving her a chance to look him over properly. He hasn’t changed much, in seven months- his hair is a little longer, and it looks like in the absence of a dress code he’s quit buttoning up his shirt, but that’s not much of a change, anyways.
“I- what are you doing here?” she finally manages, still all but gaping.
He grins. “Graduated! I decided to take a page out of your book and do the international travel thing, instead of,” he pulls a horrified face, “college. So now I’m just, ramblin’, y’know?”
“How long ago did you leave home?” Vivi asks.
He wiggles a hand in the air. “Two months ago-ish? I haven’t really been keeping track.”
“So you must have some good stories already, right?” she asks, bouncing on her toes a little.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: sirens song; jon moxley
So.. this came into my main from @vonschweetz​ and I had to do this, entirely based on conversations we were having at the time about Mox’s pirate patch. And sirens. This is a pirate soulmate siren au thing? Enjoy? I do definitely want to write this out in full at some point but again, i do not know. we shall see.
Pirates and sirens.. Those two things do not fit.. Or do they? Mox is a pirate in search of a long sunken ship and it’s treasure. Serafina is the siren whose supposed to protect the ship. She’s trying to lure Mox to his death but Mox ends up saving her life. Bantering and flirting and the discovery of hey, we’re soulmates?!?
alcohol tw, drowning mention, and shenanigans.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Serafina
Tumblr media
A flash of brilliant red caught his attention and in a rush, Mox drunkenly raced for the binoculars sitting on a long wooden bench near the side of the boat. Picking them up, he raised them to his eyes and peered through.
“Well, goddamn.” he nearly choked on the rum as the sip he’d taken conflicted with a sudden lump forming in his throat. He chuckled to himself watching the leggy redhead as she lazed on a rock just a few feet from the spot on the old weathered map in the pocket of his breeches. “ Hope she’s not lookin for the Pearl too, otherwise, we’re gonna have a serious problem. She’s been here every fuckin day this week.. Singin and layin on that damn rock..”
First glimpse showed that she seemed to be tanning. And upon closer inspection of the sky, a storm looked like it’d be rolling in later that day. But for whatever reason, Mox found himself drawn to her. And was that music he was hearing again?
He tensed all over almost as soon as the realization hit him exactly who he was looking at.
The boat was too close to the X on the map to turn back now. “Can’t hear her fuckin death song i-if I-I’m shitfaced.” Mox muttered drunkenly as he turned the bottle up and downed as much as he could.
But he couldn’t stop hearing it. And the more he heard it, the more he wanted to dive off the boat.. Swim out to her.
That was all part of their lure. He knew that. It didn’t stop her song from having some form of an effect on him.. But the kicker to all this was one thing.. He’d always been immune to the song of the siren. As in, he’d never been able to hear their songs.
It really got him to thinking. A sharp sting from his wrist had him dropping both binoculars and rum bottle to the deck and swearing as he gripped his wrist with his opposite hand. The pain felt hot, like a branding iron being seared to his flesh. When he took his hand off his wrist, red raised flesh greeted him.. An intricately designed silhouette of a woman with flame-red hair.
“Oh come on.. Seriously? You’re not going to turn back? Most are deathly afraid of my kind. Okay then, handsome sir, if you insist. Come on and meet your fate at the bottom of the ocean.” Sera tore her eyes off of the Paradigm as it bobbed in choppy water just a few feet away now. A sharp pain shot through her wrist and she quickly grasped her wrist with her opposite hand, biting down on the inside of her cheek.
At first she thought it may have been a jellyfish or something. But when she pulled her other hand away, two things happened. First of all, she noticed the intricate patch of red angry flesh as it swole and started to burst into colors. A man’s face. Bright blue eye, the other one hidden beneath a patch. She raised her hand to her hair as she puzzled what the sudden appearance of the marking might mean and then… Then the second thing happened.
A sharp pain to the back of her head and everything went black as she slipped from her perch and into the water…
The shouting from a fisherman’s boat nearby as they tried to tug up the net caught Mox’s attention, taking his mind off of the peculiar marking on the inside of his forearm bursting into color and on the red-head siren whose song he could actually hear and be affected by. And then that song went silent and he got the distinct feeling that something was very, very wrong.
Mox tensed and stood, making his way to the side of the ship, peering down into the water below. “It’s a trap, goddamn it. This is how they get us. I’m not goin out like that, no, fuck that.” he tried to tell himself that.. but then, just below the fisherman’s boat and right next to the rock she’d been sprawled on moments before, he saw that same brilliant red hue, floating. And he got this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
No part of him should’ve been willing to risk certain death to dive into the choppy and icy ocean, but try reminding him the perils of doing so, especially while mostly drunk. Suddenly, nothing mattered but getting to the area he saw that brilliantly red colored hair floating almost lifeless in.
Mox dove into the water, swimming out towards the area he saw her floating in and he wrestled her free from the seaweed and other ocean life she’d become entangled with, swimming as best as he could back to his ship. He got her into the life raft on the side and he climbed back aboard, raising the life boat and letting it settle on the deck where he started measures to get her breathing again.
“C’mon, damn it. C’mon. Breathe, Red. Breathe.” the words came even though everything in him was quick to remind him just how against the grain what he was doing right now, saving a siren who was hell-bent on causing his untimely death not even one hour before.
He just knew she had to live. He was operating as if by instinct.
Serafina shot up violently, coughing, ocean water spraying out of her mouth with much force. Her head was pounding and ocean colored eyes darted around her, taking in her surroundings. She was on that damned boat. The one she’d been sent out to lure closer. She sighed and shook her head.
… you know the rules… he’s saved your life, you now owe him something… the others are never going to allow you to live this down… then again, you never really quite fit in with them, did you?… her mind was berating her for her foolish mistake as she tried to take it in. Almost dying is a shocking thing.
“You were supposed to drown.” Serafina frowned and shook her head. The man whirled around, staring her down intently, a smirk on his face as he did so. “Yeah, well ya supposed t’ be better at th’ whole siren thing than y’ are. What kinda siren doesn’t know how to swim.”
“I know how to swim.” Serafina mumbled, her jaw clenching. She went to stand but evidently, the combination of her being on a boat and not in water and as a result having human legs and in addition, the strong hit to the head she took… Those two things combined to leave her reeling. Strong arms gripped her waist and she found herself hauled over broad shoulders.
It wasn’t in her not to fight if she felt she were in danger and at this rate, she had no idea what to expect. The Purveyor of Violence, Pirate Mox… He was not known for being a kind man.
A loner and a drunk and perpetually angry, yes. But not a kind man.
So she started to attempt getting out of his grasp, but that beefy arm only locked tighter around her bottom and he chuckled. “What? Y’ think I’m gonna make ya pay for tryin t’ end me? I should, but I’m feelin generous today.”
… and you’ve been coming back to this exact spot for a week now, not only hopin to find the Pearl, but to catch more glimpses of her too…. and try and figure out why y’ can hear her song and not any of th’ rest… he’d never admit to thinking any of it, but the fact remained.
He tossed her carefully onto the hammock he slept in below deck and he turned, intending to walk away. “Hey, wait…”
Mox stopped and turned back to look at his guest.
“ I wasn’t exactly trying to kill you. But you’re the one who keeps getting closer and closer to my pod. I had to defend it. Why the hell were you getting so close anyway?”
“That’s my business, kitten. Not any of yours.”
Serafina laughed and immediately winced as pain rolled over her. Mox eyed her in concern and stepped closer, hissing as his fingertips clumsily touched against the beginnings of a nasty bump forming on her head. “Y’ not goin anywhere, Red.”
“It’s Serafina.”
“It’s whatever I wanna call ya. Ya kinda on my boat, kitten.” Mox’s fingertip trailed down from the bump on her head, across her jawline slowly, then trailing even slower over the outline of a quivering plump lower lip. “Tell me somethin’, Red.. The Pearl still down below?”
Serafina sucked in a sharp breath and raised a brow as he inched closer, a hand on the side of her face as he stared deep into her eyes. He smelled like rum and leather and the scent was almost dizzying. His eyes were almost a hypnotic shade of ice water blue. It hit her then, the angry raised patch of flesh on her inner arm.
She peeked down and gulped as soon as she realized that the man currently within kissing distance of her face was the same man staring back up at her from her own skin.
“I asked ya a question, Red.”
“Oh, it’s down there. It’s my home, actually.” Serafina’s tone came out quieter and she dared to look up at him, holding his gaze. Mox found himself staring at her harder, mouth inching closer to hers as he leaned in even more. As soon as he realized why she looked so familiar and raised his arm to look at her and then at the marking on his forearm, he swallowed hard.
“Well now, this is just interestin.”
“It’s forbidden, that’s what it is.” even as she said it, she just had this feeling in her gut.. All the excuses in the world weren’t going to be enough to sway her into leaving the man’s side. Literally no one in her own so called family were in a rush to rescue her before. This man dove off of a ship.. Drunk… and swam out to her… Then he did everything he could to save her life.
She at least owed it to herself to get to know the real Pirate Mox.
“Never stopped me before.” Mox said it before he could stop himself and the thought that he was even contemplating… A life with his soulmate, given their beginnings thus far.. It froze the man in place as it all washed over him. But see, there’s one thing that Pirate Mox, Purveyor of Violence had been looking for much longer than any kind of treasure below the ocean.
His other half.
His soulmate.
And if it was her, he was not about to let her go, forbidden or not…
Serafina gasped as his lips brushed right against hers and the taste of the coconut rum filled her mouth as he leaned in, those large and rough hands at her sides to pull her closer, pull her lips in deeper. “Maybe I just found somethin’ better than th’ Pearl’s remains.”
“Perhaps.” she mumbled softly as her eyes fluttered open and shut and her lips parted willingly to allow his tongue entrance. She clung to his body, deepening the kiss to a point where she was twice as dizzy as she’d been due to merely hitting her head.
“And I’m gonna take real good care of y’, Red.”
“Oh, I bet you are.” she cooed against his continued lust filled kiss, her fingertips digging lightly into his shoulders…
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janiedean · 4 years
fic writer tag game
tagged by @randomingoftherandomness ty!!!
AO3 name: janie_tangerine
Fandoms: asoiaf/got (currently active regularly), the witcher (sticking to reading/writing fic for now but I’m planning on being somewhat active in that sense), dark tower/iron fist/bastille day/deadwood (not active because there’s no audience at any given time for three of them and with IF I need to be in the mood but like... I can become active in a moment if there’s the need xD), spn/lost/mcu that’s not IF/tvd (probably not going there anymore but it’s been a nice ride and might revisit I MEAN I REVISITED WITH TVD SO), various others I can write for occasionally which are all on the fandoms and ships page
Number of fics: 477 on ao3 but if I crossposted the lost/spn fic I have on lj that I still haven’t managed to import we’d be at 600 at least not counting the stuff I wrote on tumblr that I should crosspost but eh a lot
Fic I spent the most time on: lmao some flowers bloom dead, that’s because I still haven’t finished it
Fic I spent the least time on: anything under 2k was probably written in twenty minutes tops
Longest fic: sticking to ao3, in the darkness on the edge of town (asoiaf, jb, 102k hahahahahahaha)
Shortest fic: in which Robert Baratheon really, really hates pigeons (asoiaf, robert & ned + ned/cat, 568 words)
Most hits: I'll be the frosting to your cupcake, wench (asoiaf, jaimebrienne) which is at 54431 and I’m still in complete awe of it
Most kudos: five people who didn’t believe Ned Stark for one second about Jon’s paternity and one who did (asoiaf, ned + jon + various others) which is at 3437 and I’m honestly flattered that many people found it that funny xD
Most comment threads: and give all the love that you have in your soul (asoiaf, jaimebrienne + jonc/rhaegar & omc) at 216, understandable as it was like eight chapters spread over six months of me agonizing over how much I hate writing timetravel XD
Most bookmarks: more like the man you were meant to be (asoiaf, jb + jaime & cat, jaime & jon, jaime & ned & various others) at 1367 which I’m v. glad about that fic fluff I’m 100% proud of xD.
Total word count:  3806645 (with good peace of everyone who ever told me I was snobbish towards fanfic back in the day xD)
Favourite fic I wrote: I don’t wanna pick favorites because honestly they’re all my children but if I had to pick one it’s in the darkness on the edge of town for various reasons which we can sum up in I wouldn’t change a word of it and that usually doesn’t happen X°D
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: there’s a few I’ve wanted to sequel and I def. need to finish sfbd (one day) but like atm your best bet is that I’m going to add part three to that series I somehow started where geralt likes wearing dresses and more opera singers au xD rewrite... not really because I don’t have the patience for it, if I don’t like something enough to share/I know I can rewrite it I don’t post it xD
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
I haven’t technically written shit these last two days and I should rectify but for sharing ideas... I need to do part four and five of her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you ie the jaimebrienne witcher fusion as in I need to find a way to rework the last wish so I can have yennefer!catelyn in it with some sense and I also want to have pod being the resident child surprise but I can’t have it like in canon for obvious reasons so I’m still plotting, also AGAIN I SHOULD FINISH SFBD AND THE TARG TELENOVELA NOW IF ONLY MY CRACK MUSE CAME BACK FOR GOOD (but for the targ telenovela it’s all on here under its tag lol) and I could do a bit more of the soulmates hearts thing but I should see, anyway since I want to give you a WIP too let me see ah well have part of the next sfbd chapter that has been in the works since nanowrimo 2018 which one day I’ll hopefully finish kdslg have at it
“Lannister,” Robb interrupts, “I think everyone knows. If you want to say he’s your son —”
“Fair, fair. Well, before I left, he wasn’t… relishing his position, so to speak,” he sighs. “Actually, he was downright hating it. Cersei pretty much always ignored his existence but now she can’t, of course, since she thinks she can rule through him, and as much as she never really let me near him if not for the bare necessary…”
“She didn’t?”
“She figured someone might have asked starting questions if I had any relationship with any of them,” he says, and now he sounds bitter, as if he rues having let her. “I — he really has no stakes in this war and he didn’t even want that position.” He takes in a breath. “The lady and I, we might have discussed what to do after this is over.”
“What’s your plan?”
“Going back to her island for a while, take a well-deserved rest, and other things that you really don’t need to get concerned about. But I was wondering, after we’re done in King’s Landing, would you be amenable to send Tommen there if we come with you to the Wall, until we come back?” He’s staring at Robb with tired green eyes that for once don’t seem to be making fun at him or anyone. “I know it would mean —”
“I don’t think it’s undoable,” Robb tells him, if anything because he can hear that he sounds as if his sister didn’t let him have a relationship with Tommen, maybe he wants to, and if he wants to bring him to Tarth where he’s supposed to go following the woman he loves or so it seems, it’s not hard to imagine why he’s asking this. “He’s young and he hasn’t been anything like Joffrey as far as we know, we can just say that if he gives up any claim on the throne he can go with you, as you would be his closest relative willing to house him, and I highly doubt a Targaryen king would want you in his guard. But you were planning to leave it anyway, weren’t you?”
“His Grace is very perceptive,” Lannister says, sounding relieved. “Very well then. I — thank you,” he says, and then he turns on his back and leaves the room as well.
Robb sure as the seven hells had not foreseen this turn of events, but he’s not going to be the person complaining about it.
“If he is thanking you I guess anything might happen at this point,” Theon says after neither of them speaks for a long moment, and Robb has to laugh at that, some. It was funny, after all.
aaand tagging let’s see @lodessa @lordhellebore @vanessawolfie @uniwolfwerecorn @myrxellabaratheon and if you’re a fic writer and wanna do it consider yourself tagged u__u
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lukin08 · 5 years
The Name Game
Happy Kristanna Christmas in July @jill-knits-lace  I’m your secret Santa.  You said you liked friends to lovers, so I hope you enjoy this!
Modern AU
Rating: T (for minor swearing)
Words: 3400
“How about Erik?”
“Uh uh.”
“Oooh is it Thor?” Anna jumped in front of Kristoff with her hands excitedly balled up in front of her.  “Please tell me that’s what it is!”
“No!  Thank god.”  Kristoff laughed at Anna’s antics.  He watched her fall back walking next to him and scroll through her phone at the list of names she had.  After rattling off some more, each with the same response, Anna finally gave in. “Okay, one hint.  Please!”  She lifted her index finger as emphasis.  “That’s all. I’ll never ask for anything else.”
Kristoff shook his head. “Nope.  No way.”
“But why?” she whined.
“You’ll figure it out.”
“Exactly my point!” Anna threw her arms up in exasperation. “Kris,” she said using the nickname that only she was allowed to use, “how long have we known each other?”
“Ever since you showed up at my dad’s garage with that beater of a car.”
“Hey,” Anna stopped to jab her finger at Kristoff’s arm.  “Not a word about Steve, do you hear me?  That car got me through my first job out of college.”
“Yeah, because of all the work I did on it for you the last two years.   That poor thing limped its way to the junkyard.”
“Shhhh, the wound is fresh. I’m still not over giving that car up.” Anna wrapped her arms around Kristoff’s much larger one.  “I will be forever grateful for all that you did for me.  And to think.  We never would have been friends if it wasn’t for that car!  Yay for Steve!”
She leaned her head against him and the contact made every muscle in Kristoff’s body tense up at once. Anna looked up at him with a curious expression.   “Everything okay?”
He quickly snapped out of it, clearing his throat, but purposely looking only at the intersection ahead of them. “…yeah.  I’m fine.”
Thankfully Anna seemed more focused on this whole name nonsense to question him anymore.  Not losing a beat, she picked right back up. “So about that hint?”
“What about it?”
“Like I was saying, we’ve known each other for two years now and you’ve never told me your middle name.”
“So why the curiosity now?”
“Because!  I want to know!  Why does there have to be a reason?”
“Well technically…” Kristoff stopped himself, knowing that conversation would get him nowhere.  “Look, no one knows my middle name.  So can we drop it?”
Anna stomped ahead. “Ugh, what is the big deal?  Come on, one hint!  You only have to tell me if I guess it.”
“I said no.”
Anna jumped in front of Kristoff and faced him, causing him to almost trip in his haste not to bowl over her.  She laid her hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks instantly.  Kristoff’s head shot down fixated on her hand as his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.  When he finally tore his gaze away, only to be met with her pleading eyes, his mouth damned near betrayed him on the spot.  
“Please,” Anna said softly.
He threw his head back, accepting the partial defeat.  “Fine. What’ll it be?”
Anna thought for a second before coming up with her answer. “First letter.”
“Yeah, no.”
“Alright.  One letter- any part of the name.”
“Fair enough.   A.”
Anna reached up both her hands to his face and studied him. Kristoff watched her head tilt to the side, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.  He was fighting back all his urges to tug it free and bend down to kiss her right there on the sidewalk in front of everyone.
“Do I want to know what you’re doing?” He asked.
“Just sizing you up with this new bit of information.  Gotta see what fits you.”
“You aren’t going to guess it.”
The blue of Anna’s eyes sparkled as she gave him a sly smile.  “Wanna bet?”
He offered her a smirk in return.  “What’s the stakes?”
Anna let go of his face and went back to walking.  “Let’s see. Alright.  Ten tries and when I get it, then you have to take me to that play I’ve been talking about.”
“I’m already going with you.”
“Yes, but you have to wear a suit and smile the whole time and I’ll wear my dress that’s extra twirly and we will take pictures and look so very fancy.”
“Says the woman wearing my sweatshirt that’s three times to big on her,” Kristoff snorted.
“We are just going to see a movie and I am dressed for the occasion.  So what do you want if I don’t guess it?”
“All my sweatshirts back”
“Okay.  You can keep that one.  But I want the other ones back.”
“Fine.  This is my favorite anyway.”  Anna went up and kissed Kristoff’s cheek.  He would have stayed frozen on that spot in the middle of the sidewalk if she hadn’t tugged on his hand pulling him along and out of his thoughts.
“So, how did it go?” Sven was sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning forward with his hands clasped together.  
“The play?  It was fine.”  Kristoff crossed the room and laid his jacket over the chair.
“No, you idiot.  How did she react when you told her?  What did she say?  Its late, so I take it went well?”
Kristoff flopped down in the chair. He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “She didn’t say anything.”
“What do you mean she didn’t… good god man, you didn’t tell her?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head.  “It didn’t…
“Seem like the right time… yeah, yeah.  Like I haven’t heard that before.  Tonight was the perfect time!  You even got dressed up in that suit.  I didn’t know you even had one.”
“Shocking isn’t it that I am capable of owning one suit?”
Sven shook off Kristoff’s comment.  “All I’m saying is you better do it soon or its really going to be too late.  I’ve known you’ve liked her for at least six months now, which means you’ve liked her a lot longer than that.  Probably since you first met her seeing that you actually talked to her outside of work.”
“Yeah, well, you know.”
“No I don’t.  Just go for it bud, before it’s late.  What’s the worst that can happen?  No wait.  Don’t answer that.”  Sven sat back on the couch.   “All I’m saying is life is too short.  Ask her out for god’s sake.  So what if she says no?  At least you know then.  And it doesn’t matter because she is going to say yes because it’s obvious she likes you anyway.”
“No, it’s not.”
“My friend.  You are great at a lot of things, but the one thing you cannot do is read women.”
“Oh, like you’re some kind of expert?” Kristoff scoffed.
Sven held out his finger. “One, she actually seems to like being around you.  Two, she asks you to do things with her all the time.”
“As a friend.”
“Shut it.  I’m not done.  Three, when we’ve all been out, she’s always talking about you or asking me things about you when you are out of earshot.  Four- pay attention because this is the most important one.  She has a look on her face when she watches you leave a room.  And you should see her when you come back.  It’s the same dopey look you have when you see her.”
Kristoff threw his hands up. “Well there you go.  Absolute proof.”
“You know I’m right. Deny it all you want, but it’s true. What’s the problem anyway?  For real?”
“I…I guess it’s not as much as her telling me she’s not interested as it is the possibility of her not wanting to see me again after I told her.  I’d rather have her in my life the way it is now and deal with it than not at all.”
Sven offered Kristoff a sympathetic smile.  “I get it.” He stood up and went to walk out of the room.  “But don’t forget that’s not the only possible outcome.  It could end up so much better.”
Kristoff’s phone dinged after Sven walked out.  He pulled it out and saw a picture from earlier in the night of him and Anna.  A huge grin came over his face.
‘Thought you might want this’
‘Yes, thanks’
‘You need to wear a suit more often.  It looks good on you’
‘Nah, you can’t beat jeans, but I’ll consider it for you. BTW, you looked beautiful’
Kristoff stared at his phone watching the bubble of dots.  It was taking too long for her to respond.  Why did he have to be so awkward around her about this all the time; never having the guts to say anything in front of her and putting his foot in his mouth on a stupid text.  
Finally, her response came up.
‘Thank you.  That means a lot coming from you’
Kristoff put his phone down, but heard it ding again.
‘Oh, since the play is done, I decided I get to guess again. What about these…  ‘Markus? Johan?, Andreas?’
‘Not even close.  Good night, Anna.  Go to bed’
“Good night!’
“Hey red, how’s it going?” Sven slid into the chair next to Anna at the table Anna was sitting at.
Anna lit up. “Great!  Thanks for inviting me.”
“Sure.  It’s a Friday afternoon, the weather’s great.  Perfect to sit outside at a beer garden and have a few.  We all cut out early at work.  Glad to see you and Kristoff could do the same.  Speaking of, where’s your partner in crime?”
Anna pointed across the courtyard.  “Cornered over there having to talk to someone.  I think it’s one of his clients from the shop.”
Sven followed her gaze and chuckled at how uncomfortable Kristoff looked.  He looked back at Anna.  She was still fixated on Kristoff.
He cleared his throat. “So, you two have been hanging out a lot lately.”
“What?   …Oh, yes!” she said when she registered what Sven said.  “It’s been fun.”
“Figure out his middle name yet?”
Anna groaned. “Noooo.  He won’t tell me and its driving me crazy.  You don’t know it do you?”
“No.  Have you tried his parents?  They may be the only ones that know.”
“I did actually!’
“You did?”
“Yes.  I stopped by the shop the other day and his mother was there.  I asked her and you know what she said?  That she didn’t name him so she wasn’t going to be the one to tell.”  Anna’s face morphed into concern.  “Do you think it bothers him that I ask?  He’s been so open about being adopted, but he never talks about his birth parents.”
“Don’t worry about it. If it bothered him, he’d tell you.”
“What are you talking about?”
Sven didn’t hesitate as he watched Kristoff sit down.  “Oh, I just found out Anna met your parents.  Sounds like things are getting serious.”
Kristoff’s entire face burned.  He prayed the ruddiness in his cheeks from his beer hid the flush that he was certain had spread down to his neck.  He scrambled to pick up his beer bottle to only to find it empty.  He had to resorted to feigning disinterest by looking out to the street and shrugging.  “You know Ma’s there all the time.”
Sven just grinned at him, out of Anna’s vision.
“Looks like we could use another round,” Anna said.  “It’s taking forever with the crowd to get a server at the tables.  I’ll go up to the bar and grab the next round.”
Kristoff went to stand to say he’d go, but Anna insisted.  He watched her shimmy past the crowded tables over to the outside bar.
“You are saying something tonight.”  Sven was leaning over the table, his arms outstretched with his finger tapping the table for emphasis.  “It’s perfect.  Great night. Everyone’s having a good time. She’s already met your parents…”
“I don’t think...”
“Stop thinking and just do it.  Before something happens and you regret waiting for so long.”
Two bottles slammed down on the table.  Kristoff sneered at the server.  “We didn’t order these.”
“You may not have, but your friend over there did.” He nodded his head to the direction of the bar. “She asked if I could bring them over to you.  Looks like she got a little busy.”
Sven and Kristoff looked over towards the bar.  Anna was still over there but there was a guy next to her, talking with her and leaning entirely too close to her as far as Kristoff was concerned.  Anna must have caught him staring because she waved at him with a big smile on her face.  All he could do was offer a quick wave back then turn away and sink into his chair.
Kristoff spent the next twenty minutes sulking, trying to ignore Sven and his lecture about it not being too late.  He kept stealing glances over at Anna, only for her to catch him and he’d quickly look away.  He wondered if he could make a quick exit without her noticing.
“Here,” Anna said when she came back to the table, placing three beers down.  “Sorry I was gone so long.  I thought another round was in order.”
“Good talk?” Sven asked.
Anna shrugged, reached for her beer and looked at Kristoff.  “I was thinking that since I lost the first bet about your middle name, that I should have a chance to redeem myself.  How about another wager?   I even have a few new ideas for names that fit you.  Let me tell you!  Wait, where did I put my phone?  I left it at the table when I went to get our drinks.”  
She looked around, finally rummaging in her purse for it.  That’s when Kristoff noticed the phone number scribbled on the napkin by Anna. Kristoff’s head started to spin. Of course she had gotten that guys number.  Why else would she have been talking to him that long?  Sven had been right all along.  He had screwed up waiting so long and now it didn’t matter what he felt about her.
“Aha!”  Anna pulled her phone out of her person triumphantly. “Just a second.  Here.  Ok, what about Arn? Or Markas? Or Aksel?  You look like a Aksel.  I think I deserve another clue this…”
“I don’t want to play.”
Anna stopped, looking over at Kristoff.  “Why?”
“Because I don’t. It’s a dumb game and I’m done playing along anymore.”  Kristoff took a long swig of his beer and slammed it down on the table.  
“Oh,” Anna said.  
There was a heavy silence between the three of them.  Anna shrunk in her seat, picking at the label of her beer bottle.  “Did I do something?”
“What? No.”
“Then why are you so upset with me.”
“I’m not…”  Kristoff took a long breath.  “You didn’t do anything wrong.   It’s all me.”  He stood up from his seat.  “I’m going to go home.”
“What?” Sven exclaimed. “No way!  Sit your ass back down.”
“No I’m good.  I’ll see you later.”
Sven didn’t stop. “You’re leaving over that?”
“Over what?” Anna asked.
“Nothing,” Kristoff said before Sven could get a word out.  “And no it’s not because of that.”
“It’s not.”
“Then tell her,” Sven challenged.  
“No.”  Kristoff looked at Anna.  “Have a good night, Anna.  I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Tell Anna,” Sven said again.  “Or I will.”
“Ok, this is getting ridiculous.  Tell me what?” Anna demanded.
“That he’s wanted to ask you out for the last six months.  At least.  But he’s been too chicken shit to do anything about it.  Then he sees you talk to one guy and freaks out about it.  That’s what!”
Anna’s eyes went wide. “Kris-“
Kristoff didn’t give her a chance to try to let him down easy.  He didn’t want to hear any kind words on how good of a friend he was to her. He glared at Sven.  “Thanks a lot.”
“Kristoff, wait!” Anna reached for Kristoff, but he was already heading for the exit.
Kristoff looked glanced back at her then back out to the pond.  He hadn’t gotten that far; too wound up to drive, Kristoff had settled for walking several blocks before stopping at the nearby park.  He just needed a little time to get his head on straight.  He hadn’t expected to be followed.
Anna approached slowly, coming up next to him and sitting down on the bench.  “Kristoff, I’m-“
He held up his hand and waived her off.  “Forget about it.  Forget about all of it.”
Anna nodded and didn’t push for the moment.  They sat there in silence for a long time.  Anna picked at the laces of her shoes, trying to come up with something to say.
Kristoff’s voice cut through the silence, startling Anna.  “What?”
“My middle name… it’s Andrew.  My parents…well my mother told me when I was a boy that they had a hard time deciding what to name me.   I told you they were from Norway and they were worried about me fitting in.  Kristoff is a family name, so that’s where that comes from.  My father said to call me Kris if there was a problem, but my mother was still concerned.  Andrew was her idea.  She told me if I ever wanted to I could go by Andrew because it was my name.”
“But you never did.”
“No.  I was always proud of my name.  Then, when they died, it mattered even more to me.  I wouldn’t even let anyone call me Kris.  I know my parents loved me a lot to want to try to protect me.  It’s been that one thing that I still can just have with them.  That’s why I never told anyone.”
“You told me.”
“You’re really persistent.”
Anna slid her hand on top of Kristoff’s.  When he didn’t flinch away, she spoke.
“That number didn’t mean anything.”
“Anna, it’s okay.  I shouldn’t have acted like that.  You can see whoever you want.”
“No, listen.  You know when you waived back at me when I was at the bar.”
“Well, you need to pay attention more.  I was trying to waive you over to come and save me.  But you just gave your little jealous wave back.  Then every time I’d catch your eye, you’d look away too quickly. You have no idea how pissed off I was at you.  I didn’t have my phone to tell you to come over.  I wanted you to save me from that jerk.”
Kristoff’s shoulders shook as he chuckled.  “Sorry.”
“But do you know what I really wanted?  To be able to look at that guy and point to you and tell him my boyfriend was sitting right over there.  Or even better, for you to come over and put your arm around me and scare guys like him away.”
“I guess I could… wait. Boyfriend?”
“Was what Sven said true?”
“What happens if I say yes?”
Anna squeezed Kristoff’s hand.  “I’ve never been good with the whole flirting thing.  I’ve been told I’m a disaster.  I’ve been burned with past relationships, but I liked you…almost from the beginning.  I just didn’t know what to do to let you know I felt that way.  I thought the more you got to know me, maybe you’d start to like me.  At least that’s what I hoped.”
“I think it worked.  I mean, you got me to get dressed up to go to the play.  My mom would never believe you if you told her.  You know, Sven called me an idiot for being afraid to talk to you.  He’s going to be so smug over this for a long time.”
“So it is true?”  Anna looked up at Kristoff with hopeful eyes.
“It is.  Has been for a long time.  You didn’t have to convince me of anything.  I would have done anything for you.”
Anna smiled as Kristoff turned his hand to lace his fingers with hers.  “So what do we do now?”  
When she bit at her bottom lip waiting for his response, he didn’t fight it this time.  “How about this?”  Kristoff tugged it free, seeing her smile before leaning down to kiss her in front of whoever could see.
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A student's life for me
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Written for @jonsaexchange: "Creator's Choice"
Dear @nessataleweaver, I hope that this little college AU romcom styled fic makes you smile and warms your heart!
Jon's student's life is more boring than boring, but it's all about to change when the beautiful red haired girl that all of a sudden appears in the small town in the little of nowhere happens to be his dormmate's sister.
“Enjoy your meal, Mister Lannister.” Jon nodded and forced himself to keep smiling while Tywin threw the door in his face, just like every night. Luckily not all his customers acted like this and even more luckily he had delivered all meals for today and could finally return to his dorm, to the warmth and his astronomy homework.
When he had started his studies a few years ago student’s life had all seemed very exciting. He had heard stories about the wild parties, the illegal drinking and the making friends for life. He had most of all heard that most people found their true love while being in college.
None of it had happened. Even among students astronomy was considered boring, which meant that his classmates didn’t even wanna be found anywhere near a wild party and none of them would ever cross the line of illegal drinking. And that meant that the other students had simply stopped inviting them.
Even Robb Stark, his dorm mate, had stopped mentioning the parties as soon as he had discovered that Jon was not exactly the most interesting conversationalist to introduce to his football friends when they were drunk. Or actually, Jon was the most interesting conversationalist, which was exactly the problem.
If he had known that the real student life looked like this, he might have considered finding a normal job right away. That normal job couldn’t possibly be worse that delivering meals to elder people who had too much money and no one who cared about them anymore.
He pulled his hat over his dark black curls and needed three attempts to get his gloves on. His student loan was barely enough to cover his rent and food, so he didn’t have money for a motorbike or a car. Which meant that he was still stuck with his cargo bike, both in summer and winter.
It really was not as exciting as he had once imagined it to be.
But Jon didn’t know that his entire life was about to be changed.
Just before Jon stepped on his bike to ride back to campus, a big yellow bus stopped at the bus sign. Normally the bus, that once a day brought people from this small middle of nowhere to the nearest big city and once a day made the trip backwards, arrived here empty, but today a girl carrying two suitcases stepped out.
She wore a white hat over her strawberry blond, or was it even red, hair. The hat barely covered her ears, but maybe the hat was not supposed to be functional. The dark black coat keeping her body warm at least looked far more expensive than anything Jon could ever pay for. Not to mention her bright red boots reaching her knee caps with a logo on it that in itself was already worth more than Jon had ever earned in his life.
But it was her smile that really made him lose his grip on his bike. Just when his jaw dropped, the cargo bike slipped from his hand, fell in the snow, bruised his ankles and tipped him over. It all happened within a few seconds, but it didn’t really happen in silence.
The pretty red haired girl looked up and with her suitcases in her gloved hands she rushed towards him, kneeling down next to him as soon as she’d reached him. “Is everything alright?”
Jon laid flat on his back in the ice cold snow with bruised ankles, but he still nodded. “Yeah, yeah…” He sat up and pushed his glasses a little further on his nose. “I'm fine.”
The girl furrowed her eyebrows, but she didn’t say anything and just watched him. “Do we know each other? For some reason I have the feeling we’ve already met, but I have no idea where and when.”
Jon shrugged and he stood up before he reached out his hand to help the girl stand up too. “I'm pretty sure I would’ve remembered it if we’ve met.” He didn’t let go of her hand, but instead shook it a little awkwardly. “Jon, Jon Snow.”
“O!” Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her angelic face while she pulled her hand back. “That’s it! You must be THE Jon!”
“The Jon?” Jon swallowed. All of a sudden he was not sure anymore if this girl knowing him was a good or a bad thing. Did he have a reputation? Were there rumors going around he knew nothing about?
The pretty girl rolled her eyes. “Are you now telling me that my brother forced me to listen to all his stories about you, but never mentioned me in a conversation with you?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and cocked her head. In a weird way it was cute and attractive at once. “I’m Sansa, Sansa Stark. I’m here to spend the holidays with my brother Robb. And, if I’m not mistaken you’re his dorm mate Jon.”
Jon wasn’t sure if this was the right moment to let out a sigh of relief or not. At least there was no weird story going around that was most likely not true, but he was not sure what Robb had told his sister about him.
And where that normally wouldn’t have mattered, it now seemed to be one of the most important things in the world.
“Only good things, I hope?” Jon swallowed and he scratched the back of his neck.
He and Robb were great friends and he couldn’t have wished for a better dorm mate, but he did know that Robb sometimes thought he was boring or too intelligent for his own good.
Sansa licked her dry lips. “You know how Robb wears his heart on his tongue, but over all he pictured you as a very brave and intelligent young man.” She grinned. “One who doesn’t drink because he’s not yet twenty-one. One who doesn’t smoke because it increases the risks to catch countless of life threatening diseases. And one who has a job that actually benefits people in our society who barely get attention.”
Jon left out a chuckle, partly because the whole fact that she seemed to know exactly who he was while he had no idea who she was made him feel uncomfortable, partly because strictly everything she knew about him was somehow correct. “I sound kinda boring.”
“O no!” Sansa raised her voice and shook her head. “That's absolutely not how I’ve always interpreted it!” She placed a hand on his shoulder and it felt surprisingly comforting to have her touch him. “It’s actually refreshing. There are already more than enough men in this world who think the key to masculinity is drinking too much and talking as many girls as possible into their beds.”
Jon rolled his eyes. “If this speech ends with but you’re different, it sounds like it walked straight out of a Jane Austen book.”
Sansa’s smile brightened and Jon felt his heart skip a few beats in his chest. “Robb never told me you are into literature too.” She cocked her head. “You're getting more and more interesting with every word you speak, Jon Snow.”
For a moment Jon didn’t know what to say. He felt a shiver, one of the good and pleasant kind, rolling down his spine and his entire skin tingled. If this really had been some kind of Jane Austen book, he would’ve known the right thing to say. But he wasn’t in a Jane Austen book and nothing even remotely good crossed his mind.
Instead he eventually decided to change the subject entirely. “So, you’re here to spend the Christmas days with Robb?”
Sansa nodded. “And with you, it seems. I actually thought you would go home to your family, like most students do, but I’m sure Robb won’t mind me inviting you to our dinner too.”
Jon bent his head and all of a sudden he saw his cargo bike still lying in the snow. He had almost forgotten about it. Quickly he bent down to grab his bike and once it stood up again he made sure to hold it firmly this time. “Yeah, if Robb doesn’t mind, I’d love to come over.”
“You're coming over then. I don’t even care if he minds. No one should be alone with Christmas and especially not intelligent and charming young men like you.” She winked and a pleasant warmth spread through his entire body.
Even if he had not worn a scarf, hat and gloves right now, he would have stopped noticing the cold. Who could be bothered by snow and wind and ice, when a beautiful girl like Sansa Stark delivered one compliment after the other? Who could be bothered by winter, when a pretty lady like Sansa Stark was there to warm your heart?
“So…” He cleared his throat and coughed. “How are you gonna get to campus?”
In summer time it was a nice walk from the city centre to the campus, but with all the snow and cold right now it would be a long and nasty one. Especially on those high heeled boots Sansa was wearing.
“I was planning on calling Robb to come and pick me up, but…” Sansa looked at the bike and raised her eyebrows. “If you have better ideas, I’m all ears.”
“I could…” Jon looked at his bike, at the pretty girl and back at his bike. “You can put your suitcases in the cargo and jump on the back?”
It was not as comfortable and warm as a car, but it would save her some waiting time. And it would mean she would be very very close to him and forced to hold onto him very tightly.
“That sounds like an excellent idea!” Sansa pecked his cheek, but before she could see how his cheeks colored a bright pink she already reached for her suitcases and threw them in the cargo. “I'm glad we’ve met, Jon Snow.” She waited until he swung one leg over his bike and stabilized it even more. “And I can’t wait to get to know you even better. It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas time, I already feel it.”
Jon smiled and he took a deep breath when she jumped on the back of his bike and wrapped her arms firmly around his waist. “I hope you mean it’s gonna be a great life.” He murmured, but the wind did carry his words to the girl on the back of his bike anyway.
And Jon maybe couldn’t see it. But she smiled. She smiled brightly and let her head rest to his back while she already envisioned their wedding day.
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Not Your Usual Tattoo
***PLEASE NOTE: This is Part Two of a series. You can find Part One linked below.***
Pairing: TattooArtist!Daveed x Reader
Summary: You go to a clipping. concert and get a lot more than you asked for. (This contains smut.)
Warnings: some aspects of d/s, fingering, oral sex, some biting, hickeys, hair pulling, slight dirty talk (i guess), Daveed with tattoos (tbh that’s the real killer in this AU)
Words: 6.5k+ (shit, I am so sorry)
Part One | Part Two
A/N: So this has been in the works for a longgg time and it is FINALLY done! I am so excited to release it! I hope you guys like it! <3 shoutout to @helplesslylins for being the B E S T and sticking with me through this ride! Also first fic on my rebirth account!
Tags: @tempfixeliza @daveeddiggsit @diggs4life @americanrevelation @patron-saintof-sluts @icanneverbesatisfied @merrahonthawall, @hamilbroke, @sharkastic-issues, @videogamedriver, @boredonatuesdaynight @thehamiltonpost , @hamiltonwrotetheother51 @butlinislin, @nadialinett14 , @librarychild , @spidey-boii , @me-hoy-me-trash , @serkewen12 , @daveedish , @linmanuclmiranda , @autistic-alien , @runnerriley, @hamilsquad-writings , @runnerriley
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t overly excited for the concert. The past week you’ve been playing strictly clipping. Clipping. was the only thing that felt right during your commutes around the city. You knew a fair amount of songs by the time the concert rolled around. Doors were at 8 but you decided to be in the area at 7:30, there was a small line but it wasn’t anything crazy. Everyone seemed to be chill and friendly, there was excited chatter about clipping. but most of it was centered around Daveed.
“I’m just saying if he wanted to pull me backstage I would not mind.” A girl to your left spoke to her group of friends.
They all burst into laughter and you quietly agreed in your head as you unlocked your phone.
“Hey Rafael!”
You looked up, a few people in line were calling out to Rafael who was walking past. You two connected eyes for a second and he did a double take before walking to you.
“Hey! You came.” Rafa smiled, tucking his hand into his pockets.
“Of course! Studio versions of songs are amazing but there’s something about live performances, you know?”
“Yeah, I feel that.” Rafa nodded in agreement.
You shifted uncomfortably under the stares of some people in line, was Rafael a big deal around here as well?
“I told him I was down the block and he still isn’t out here waiting for me. Can you believe how I get treated?”
You chuckled, looking at the front door of the venue.
“Maybe he’s busy soundchecking? Or his phone isn’t on him?” You shrugged, watching as Rafael pulled his phone out of his pocket.
“Let’s try this again.” Rafa sighed, clicking call and putting the phone to his ear.
“Oh, so you can answer your phone but not answer a text? Luckily I had Y/N out here to entertain me or I would’ve died of boredom.”
Rafael smiled as you chuckled.
“Mhmmmm.” Rafa dragged out his response, looking you up and down. You raised a brow, tugging at the neckline of your shirt to cover your chest a bit more. You weren’t showing it all but you weren’t the most modest either.
“Yeah, and she expects an amazing show. Also, she thinks you should come get me from outside, I’m out here with food that’s getting cold.”
You glanced down and noted the plastic bag hanging from Rafael’s left hand.
“Finally. Jesus.” Rafa groaned dramatically, taking the phone from his ear and hanging up.
“You are the definition of a drama queen.” You snickered.
“I’ll happily admit that I am.” Rafa winked at you before glancing over at the now open front door. Daveed popped his head out of the doorway, scanning the area for his best friend. Eventually, his eyes landed on you and Rafael. You waved and Daveed waved back before his attention was pulled to some fans in the front of the line who noticed him. You expected Rafa to start walking over to the front door but he looked over at you.
“You know, being on the list means you get early access.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Rafael rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m saying, come inside with me.” Rafa clarified, turning around and walking before you could respond.
You were frozen for a second, still processing what was said but once it clicked you followed behind Rafael to the door. The two of you slipped in behind Daveed who was still talking to the fans in line.
“He’s gonna be a while, the fans tend to favor him.” Rafael said, walking to the bar and setting down the bag of food.
“That smells really good, I should’ve gotten a snack before I left.” You sighed, setting your bag on the countertop.
“I got a bagel if you want half of it.” Rafa pulled out the tinfoil wrapped bagel, holding it out to you.
“You sure? I don’t wanna deprive you of food.” You replied, taking the bagel out of his hand and unwrapping it.
“Go for it, they really packed it this time around. Plus I have another plate of food in here for me. I insist.” Rafa flashed you a warm smile.
“Thank you.” You smiled back, taking a half of the bagel and biting into it.
“It’s still kinda warm from the toaster.” You hummed happily, swinging your legs on the bar stool.
Rafa bit into his half, nodding in appreciation.
“This is some good shit right there.” He agreed, opening a bottle of water and taking a sip.
“Would you happen to have another bottle of water in there?”
Rafael rummaged through the bag, pulling out another bottle of water.
“You’re in luck. I do.” He held it out to you. “Can I supply you with anything else?”
You shook your head no, smiling sheepishly.
“Aren’t you supposed to wait for everyone to get their food before you eat?”
You turned around at the sound of Daveed’s voice. He looked good in a shirt that fit him too well, a beanie, black jeans, sneakers and a pair of glasses. The glasses threw you off the most, you never saw them on him before but they made him look even more attractive.
“Weren’t you supposed to be outside waiting for me when I got here?” Rafael retorted, mocking Daveed’s tone.
“Hey!” Rafa yelled out as Daveed snatched the rest of the bagel out of his hand and took a bite.
“You don’t gotta be a jerk.” Rafa mumbled, pulling out a bag of chips.
“You don’t gotta sass me.” Daveed countered, sitting on the other side of you.
Daveed smirked, running his fingers through his hair.
“That bagel was yours anyway.” Rafa confessed, a smug grin on his face.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the small bit of bagel you still had in your hand. You glanced over at Daveed, who was already looking at you.
“I swear I had no idea, I wouldn’t have eaten it if I had known it was yours.” You rambled, a blush spreading through your cheeks.
“No need to apologize, it’s fine.” Daveed gave you a reassuring smile and took another bite into his bagel.
“Okay good because I wasn’t trying to give this bit of bagel back to you.” You tossed the last piece into your mouth.
Daveed shook his head, continuing to chew instead of responding to you.
“Your tattoo is looking good. Have you been having any issues with it?” Daveed asked, eyes shifting down to your collarbone then continuing a little bit lower to your chest for a split second before returning to your face.
“Nope, it’s been going great. I think it will be fully healed in a few more days.”
Daveed nodded, leaning forward so he could see Rafa.
“Pass me my water please.”
“Yeah…about that…” Rafa’s gaze slowly shifted to the water bottle currently in your hand.
“Why am I friends with you?” Daveed sighed, standing and heading for the back.
“You love me!” Rafa called after him, chuckling.
“I can’t believe you basically gave me Daveed’s food.”
“Oh please, the venue probably gave them a shitload of snacks, he won’t die. He doesn’t like to eat big before a performance anyway.” Rafael tossed his now empty bag of chips into the trash can behind the bar.
“So, did you catch up on your clipping.? Daveed loves it when the crowd knows the words.”
You didn’t like the sly smirk on Rafael’s face, it couldn’t mean anything good.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason! Oh, by the way, Daveed favors stage right. Just so you know.”
Rafael gave you a smile as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You’re not very subtle.”
“I never said I was.” Rafael responded, shrugging and glancing at the stage.
“Just trying to give you the best experience, trust me you will want a front row view for this concert.” Rafael stood up from the stool, cleaning up the bar, “Doors open soon, go claim your spot.”
With those last words, Rafael disappeared backstage and you heeded his advice, taking a spot in the middle of stage right. The room slowly filled with people but it wasn’t to the point where you were crushed. You could move around with ease and dance in your spot if you wanted to. As the lights dimmed, you realized this was really happening. Even as the opener hyped up the crowd and performed, your mind was elsewhere thinking about what was to come. After 40 minutes the opener finished and exited the stage. Immediately the crew came out and moved speakers before disappearing behind the scenes again. When Bill and Jon took the stage and the crowd went wild, adrenaline coursed through your veins at a dizzying speed. Then Daveed jogged on stage with a wide grin. He approached the mic stand, instantly jumping into ‘Get Up’. You bounced to the beat, screaming along with the crowd as Daveed rapped at an insane speed.
“Y’all ready to turn the fuck up?” Daveed yelled as the song came to an end.
You cupped your hands around your mouth and cheered with the crowd.
“Nah, y’all can do better. I said, are you ready to turn the fuck up?” Daveed repeated, smiling as the crowd yelled back with more enthusiasm.
He took the mic off the stand as the second song started, dancing around the stage until the beat dropped. Song after song, Daveed only increased his energy. By the time he neared the end of the set he was drenched in sweat. Every time he shook his head, sweat flew in every direction. He made eye contact with you a few times, giving you a small smile before moving to the other side of the stage. You sang along to every song as if your life depended on it.
“This song is for all the ladies! And everyone else!” Daveed called out as the beginning of Body & Blood played.
This was your hands-down your favorite song by clipping., so you made sure to go all out. The crowd did the same, feeding off the energy Daveed was giving them. Daveed neared your side of the stage and looked you right in the eyes as he rapped.
“She got a diamond tattoo on her upper thigh. Another fineness walks by and cuts eyes. She let her go, she got a bad little body.” Daveed winked as he finished the lyric before turning away and walking towards the other side of the stage.
You bit your lip, watching Daveed control the crowd with his movements and words. He was even more attractive when he was growling lyrics, the veins in his forearms becoming defined. You definitely weren’t prepared for him to take off his shirt and jump into the crowd. The energy spiked immensely, the crowd jumping with Daveed as he finished the last song.
“It’s Clipping., bitch.” Daveed said, jumping back on the stage and putting the mic on the stand. He walked offstage with Jon and Bill in tow, all of them waving as they exited. The lights turned on and you leaned on the stage, still thrumming with adrenaline. What now? You turned around and walked to the bar to get a cup of water. You chugged it down, refilling the cup before turning back to the crowd that wasn’t getting any smaller despite doors being open again. Then you saw the reason why. Daveed, Jon, and Bill were all talking with fans. Daveed had, sadly, put on another shirt. You found yourself observing from across the room, watching Daveed interact with fans. He was genuinely happy, a smile never leaving his face as he went through the big crowd surrounding him. When you looked away to toss out your empty water cup, you realized you were one of the few people still wandering around. Part of you wanted to approach Daveed but the more shy part of you told you to just slip out.
“Enjoyed the show?”
You jumped and looked to your left to see Rafa taking a seat next to you.
“My throat hurts right now and my legs are sore from dancing so I’m gonna go with hell yes.” You chuckled, spinning around to face him.
“I could tell. You are quite the dancer Y/N.”
“You were watching me?” You raised a brow.
“It was hard to keep my eyes off you when you were moving like that.” He shrugged, leaning on the counter with a sly smirk.
“You’re tipsy, aren’t you?” You asked, if you didn’t know any better you would think he was flirting with you.
“Little bit. Alcoholic gummy bears. So many of them.” Rafa chuckled, adjusting the beanie on his head.
“And you didn’t share? I’m hurt.” You clutched your chest as if he had physically hit you.
Rafa rolled his eyes and pulled a plastic bag out of his pocket and put it on the counter, inside was a bunch of gummy bears.
“Go ahead.” He nodded towards the bag.
You opened it and took out three, tossing them into your mouth and savoring the bitter taste of vodka. You took a handful more and tossed them into your mouth.
“Might wanna slow down there.” Rafa laughed, taking a bear out of the bag and tossing it into the air and catching it in his mouth.
“I can do that too.” You said, taking another gummy bear and tossing it into the air but it fell on your nose instead of into your mouth.
“Ah, so close!”
“Fuck off.” You softly elbowed him before grabbing another and tossing it up, this time it fell in your mouth.
You threw your arms up in victory, smirking at Rafael. He clapped sarcastically and you bowed dramatically.
“Thank you. Thank you. I know. What talent. What grace.”
“And I thought I was dramatic.” Rafa rolled his eyes playfully, handing you another gummy bear.
“What are you two up to over here?”
You turned to see Daveed walking towards you with his jacket on his arm, glasses once again on his face. Your nerves kicked into high gear again as he got closer. The question was for both you and Rafa but he was focused on you.
“Some fun adult festivities. Think fast!” Rafa launched a gummy bear towards Daveed who caught it in his mouth.
“Gotta be quicker than that.” Daveed said, chewing on the bear and stopping in front of you and Rafael.
“Yeah yeah yeah.” Rafa responded, nudging the bag toward you, “You can have them if you want.”
“Or, we could get a real drink at a nearby bar.” Daveed suggested, once again turning his attention to you.
“Yeah, drinks sound good. You coming, Rafael?” You turned to him but he was already shrugging his jacket on.
“Nah, I’m smashed enough as it is but, you two have fun.” Rafael smirked, walking off and leaving you and Daveed behind.
You smiled shyly at him, getting off the barstool and picking up the bags of gummy bears. Daveed smiled back, walking to the front door and holding it open for you. You stepped out into the cool night, zipping up your jacket as Daveed followed you out.
“This way.” Daveed nodded up the block.
You fell into step with him, hands in your pockets. You felt like you should say something but for some reason your mouth wouldn’t cooperate. So you both walked in silence for about three blocks before he was opening another door for you. You thanked him and walked inside, looking around.
It was a small bar with a few booths, a jukebox, and a pool table.
“Booth or bar?” Daveed asked, staying behind you.
You headed towards one of the empty booths, Daveed took in the view of your ass as your hips swayed. You slid into one side and Daveed set down his jacket.
“What do you want to drink?”
“Hm, a Piña colada please.”
Daveed nodded and walked off to the bartender. You took a moment to send a quick text to your friends so they knew you were alive and well. You locked your phone as Daveed set your drink down in front of you.
“Thank you.” You said, taking a sip.
“Welcome.” Daveed responded, setting down his drink and sitting.
“I gotta say, you really know how to put on a show. My throat hurts a bit from screaming.”
Daveed grinned at that, some of his nerves melting away.
“I’m glad you had fun. You knew a lot more words than I thought you would.” He admitted, swishing the liquor in his glass.
“So you had no faith in me is what you’re saying.”
“I never said all that now. Just didn’t think you’d learned so much in a week.” He put his hands up as if he was surrendering.
You giggled, taking another sip from your drink.
“Well, I listened to your music fairly often. By that I mean when I was doing literally anything.”
“Is that so? So you must enjoy what you hear.”
“Nah, I go to shows because I hate the music I’m hearing.” You replied sarcastically.
“Ha ha. So funny.” He deadpanned, smiling when you started laughing.
“Don’t ask dumb questions and you won’t get dumb answers.”
“Alright, so no more dumb questions.” Daveed nodded, sipping his drink before setting down his glass, “You look amazing.”
You looked down at your glass, chewing on your lip. Daveed found it rather cute how easily you get flustered.
“You do too, even with the lack of a shirt.” You joked, meeting his gaze again.
“Many seem to like the no shirt look.” He shrugged, folding his arms in front of him.
“I can see why.” You said, eyeing the tattoos on his arm.
It wasn’t a new sight but you loved looking at them.
“Does that mean you liked what you saw?” He raised a brow, tilting his head to the side.
You got distracted by how his curls bounced before getting yourself back on track.
“Who wouldn’t? You look good and you know you look good, Daveed.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed watching me as much as I enjoyed watching you.”
“So you were watching me?” You leaned in closer, giving Daveed a flirtatious smile.
Daveed licked his lips, leaning in as well.
“Mostly out of the corner of my eye, I have to be fair with my attention to the crowd but damn you were distracting. Especially when you were dancing and losing yourself in the music.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to tell with the way you performed. The control you had over the crowd, your stage presence, your energy. It was always at one hundred percent.” Your mind drifted back to the image of shirtless Daveed growling his lyrics.
Daveed noticed the distracted look in your eye but chose not to comment on it.
“I’ve been told I’m good with control. In many different settings.” Daveed lowered his voice, an underlying tone in his words made your thighs tense up involuntarily.
“Is that so? Do you like to be in control?” You quirked a brow, sipping from your glass.
“I thrive off of it. Something about being able to direct something, or someone, however you see fit gives me this rush. Wouldn’t you agree?”
You stirred your drink with your straw, willing your hormones to chill the fuck out but Daveed’s stare was intense and strangely, a turn on.
“I would say I like to be controlled.” You admitted, looking down at the table as Daveed bit his bottom lip.
“Then this should work perfectly.”
“What exactly is this?” You asked, meeting Daveed’s gaze again.
“You tell me.” Daveed challenged, pushing his empty glass aside.
You bit the inside of your flushed cheeks, you could blame it on the alcohol but Daveed wasn’t doing anything to help that.
“I’ll think about it over another drink.” You responded, glancing at the bar.
Daveed chuckled, sliding out the booth and walking back to the bar. You took a deep breath, only one drink in and you already felt the buzz. Daveed set down another Piña Colada in front of you as he sat back down. He refilled his glass as well.
“I want another tattoo, when are you free?”
Daveed seemed surprised by your statement, taking a sip of his drink before answering.
“I could do tomorrow if you want it soon.”
“What time?”
“Anytime.” Daveed shrugged, “What do you want this time?”
“You’ll see tomorrow at 10 PM.” You replied, giggling as Daveed rolled his eyes playfully.
“Alright, alright. This better be good.”
“Oh, trust me. It is.”
After a few more drinks and a lot of flirtatious talk, Daveed paid the tab and walked outside with you. You didn’t think Daveed would be a giggly drunk but trying to get an Uber was a mess of sentence fragments and loud laughing between you two. Eventually, Daveed was able to call an Uber. Daveed got in first and you slid in next, leaning against him as the driver pulled off.
“How you feelin’?” Daveed put his arm around you, watching traffic pass out of the window.
Your eyes were closed as you rested your head on his shoulder, the motion of the car soothing your intoxicated mind.
“Really good. I had a lot of fun.”
“Good, because I don’t want you puking on my nice jeans.” Daveed teased, laughing as you hit his leg.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m joking.” He chuckled, rubbing your back.
You traced patterns on his jeans, sitting in comfortable silence as you drove through the city. Soon the car came to a halt and Daveed shook you lightly.
“I think we’re at your place.” He whispered, slowly moving his arm from around you.
You sat up, looking at your apartment building then at Daveed and making an impulse, alcohol-influenced decision.
“You know…you could come in with me.” You purred, moving closer and placing your hand on his thigh.
Daveed looked at your hand, then your face. He leaned in closer to you and you closed your eyes for a kiss. You didn’t expect it to be on your forehead. You opened your eyes and looked at him with furrowed brows.
“As tempting as that is, you’re drunk. Your mind isn’t all the way there and I don’t want to be that guy.”
That was not the response you were expecting. You sat there, replaying the words in your head as Daveed slid your hand off his leg.
“Goodnight Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow for your tattoo.” Daveed gave you a warm smile as you opened the car door.
“Goodnight Daveed.” You replied, climbing out of the car and grabbing your bag before closing the door.
You made your way to your building, the Uber driving off once Daveed knew you were safely inside. You got into the elevator, clicking the “3” button and leaning on the wall as you ascended. You shouldn’t have been so shocked by what just happened because he was right, you were pretty tipsy though you could still control yourself. You just didn’t expect him to say no. You made your way to your apartment and unlocked the door. You went through the usual routine of tossing down your bag, taking off your shoes and forcing yourself to brush your teeth because if you didn’t you knew you’d hate yourself in the morning for it. You slipped out of your clothes and put threw on your pajamas before collapsing onto your bed. You were asleep within a matter of seconds. 
 “I’m leaving now!” Rafa yelled down the hall, throwing his bag on his back.
“What? We don’t close for another hour.” Daveed pointed out, walking to the front of the shop.
“Well, you said Y/N was coming right?”
“Yeah. Why?” Daveed asked, leaning against the counter.
“I want you to be able to do whatever you want. As long as it’s in your station.” Rafa stressed as Daveed rolled his eyes.
“We aren’t fucking in the parlor Rafa, you’re ridiculous.”
“She basically invited you to smash last night! She wants it, Diggs. I’m just giving you the option to give it to her.” Rafa opened the front door, “Have fun!”
Daveed shook his head as he watched Rafa walk down the block. You turned the corner and saw Rafael coming toward you. He began to smile but then his eyes trailed down your body. He whistled, stopping in front of you.
You blushed, tugging at the end of your dress. You were getting the response you wanted though it wasn’t from your original target.
“You like it?” You spun in a circle slowly, putting a hand on your hip.
“You look really good.” Rafa’s eyes slowly raked over your body again before meeting your eyes.
“Thanks! It’s most convenient outfit for the tattoo I want.”
“And where would this tattoo be?” He said suggestively, raising a brow.
“Not where you think, nasty.” You chuckled and starting walking away towards the parlor.
“I’ll see you later Rafael!”
“Have funnnn!” Rafa chuckled to himself, continuing down the block.
You stopped outside the front door and glanced down at your dress. It was a simple summer dress that stopped a little above your knee but, it fit you in the best way possible. You already made the choice to wear it and now you had to own it. With your head held high you entered the shop, keeping a cool face as Daveed looked over at you. His reaction was almost exactly like Rafa’s, eyes looking everywhere except your face.
“Hey Daveed.” You walked over slowly, confidence increasing with every step toward him.
“Y/N, that dress looks…amazing on you.” Daveed said, his gaze finally meeting yours.
You could tell he wanted to say something else by the way he paused mid-sentence but you’d take what you could get.
“Thank you, I like the tank, it brings attention to your sleeve.” You glanced down at his arms before walking down the hall to his work station.
You could hear Daveed following behind you as you sat down on the chair.
“Alright, let’s hear this amazing tattoo idea.” Daveed sat on his stool, moving closer to you.
“Well, one of my favorite songs by clipping. is Body & Blood. Something about it just makes me feel confident, makes me feel sexy.” You began, crossing your legs which made your dress slide up your thighs a little.
Daveed’s eyes followed the movement before flickering back to you.
“So, what better to do then get a tattoo based on Body and Blood?”
“You want a tattoo based off one of my songs?” Daveed raised a brow.
You nodded.
“Specifically, a diamond tattoo on my upper thigh.” You lifted your hips to pull your dress further up until it was bunched up at your hips, pointing at your right thigh.
Your heart was pounding in your ears, you decided being bold could get you what you wanted. You would either make a huge fool of yourself or you would get what you want. From the look on Daveed’s face, it seems you’d get the latter.
“Wow…Not gonna lie that’s flattering and hot at the same time.” Daveed licked his lips, reaching for some paper.
“How do you want it to look?” He asked, picking up a pencil.
“You’re the artist, what do you think it would look like?”
Daveed thought for a moment before he started drawing. A few minutes passed before he spoke again.
“This is what I had in mind.” Daveed said, holding up the piece of paper.
“Then let’s put it on me.” You leaned back, shifting a bit so you were more comfortable.
Daveed grabbed a disposable razor and ran it over your thigh a few times before wiping your skin clean with an antiseptic wipe. You watched as he made the stencil and transferred it to your skin. Once he finished setting up his equipment, he wheeled himself over and looked up at you.
“You ready?” He asked, tattoo machine roaring to life.
You nodded, not trusting your voice as Daveed’s hand settled onto your thigh. The first line was more of a slight annoyance instead of searing pain because of the adrenaline running through your body. You watched Daveed closely, noticing him trying his best to not stare at your lace panties you intentionally wore for today but you saw his eyes sometimes flicker to them then quickly back to the stencil. You closed your eyes, trying to stop the slight squirm of your hips.
“You’re tensing up, you alright?” Daveed asked, moving to get more ink.
You opened your eyes and looked at him, nodding your head.
“Yeah, sorry, still not used to the feeling I guess.” You laughed weakly.
Daveed seems to buy the excuse because he continued his linework. You took a deep breath in hopes of calming down your hormones but then Daveed’s hand shifted and your thighs involuntarily clenched.
“You sure you’re okay? You’re getting goosebumps.” Daveed looked at you again, an amused look in his eyes.
“Yeah. I-I’m fine. It must be cold or something.” You stammered, heat spreading through your cheek as wetness started settling between your thighs.
Daveed licked his lips, moving away to get more ink.
“Really? Want me to turn up the heat or something?” He offered, starting his work on your thigh again.
“No, it’s fine.”
Daveed nodded, even though his head was mostly down, you swore you could see a smirk on his face.
“You’re handling this a lot better than the first tattoo, not that you were acting horribly during your first tattoo.” Daveed said, wiping the excess ink off your thigh.
“Really?” You looked down at him again.
“Yeah, you were shaking a little last time but this time you’re still. You keep tensing your thighs though, are you ticklish or something?”
You couldn’t tell Daveed that the placement of his hands and his overall existence was making it hard to control your hormones so you went along with it.
“Yep! That’s it. I’m ticklish, sorry I’ll try to relax.”
“Is there any way I can help you relax?” Daveed asked.
Your cheeks flushed as you recognized the suggestive tone he used at the bar last night.
“Uh…” You struggled to come up with a response, his words from last night replaying in your head.
“I’ve been told I’m good with control. In many different settings.”
You swallowed thickly, squirming again under his gaze. His eyes drifted to your chest for a second, a smug look forming on his face before he looked you in the eyes again. Without another word, he went back to doing your tattoo as if nothing ever happened. A few minutes of silence passed and Daveed put down the machine.
“You’re all done, Y/N.” Daveed said as he cleaned up the tattoo and you peeked at it, a wide smile appearing on your face.
“It’s as sexy as I thought it would be.”
“I have to agree with that.” Daveed said, securing the bandage with tape.
“You think it’s sexy?” You sat up, lifting your leg so he could reach under it.
“Of course, it’s my design on a beautiful woman. Who’s in a really sexy dress that I’m assuming isn’t everyday wear.”
As Daveed leaned in closer to you, you leaned back until you were laying on the chair again. You felt cornered but, you liked it. You liked the way he was looking at you with intense eyes, that taunting smirk returning to his features.
“So, I’ll ask again. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?”
Your thighs clenched again, another wave of arousal hitting you from his words.
“I-I can think of a few things.”
“Then, tell me what it is. What do you want, Y/N?”
“You.” You blurted before you started second guessing your decision.
Daveed’s eyes traveled down your body again before he reached behind you and pulled a lever. Slowly the chair flattened until you were parallel to the floor.
“We’re limited due to your tattoo but I know something I can still do.” Daveed walked to the opposite end of the chair, near your legs.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Daveed asked again, looking at you.
You spread your legs slightly in response and Daveed wasted no time grabbing your hips and pulling you down until you were at the edge of the chair. He started to sink to his knees to he could settle between your legs when he suddenly stood back up.
“Hold on.” Daveed walked out of the room and to the front of the shop. During his absence you carefully slid off your panties, tossing them onto your bag. Daveed made sure the shop was empty before locking the front door and making his way back to his station.
“Eager, are we?” Daveed raised a brow as he walked back into the room, noticing your lack of underwear.
“Should I put them back on?” You teased, watching Daveed sink down to his knees in front of you again.
“I think we both know you don’t want to do that, do you?” He asked, lips ghosting over your inner thigh.
You shook your head no, watching as his hands carefully moved to your hips. He kissed up your thigh slowly, getting closer to where you desperately wanted him but then skipping over to your other thigh instead. You bit your lip, trying to be patient as Daveed sucked a hickey onto your inner thigh. He bit lightly after he was done, once again moving towards your core. You held your breath as he got close but once again he skipped over it, nipping at your thigh and leaving another hickey. You whined softly, feeling him smile against your thigh.
“Tease.” You mumbled, looking down at him.
He sent a wink your way before using one of his thumbs to slowly rub your clit. You let your head fall back onto the chair, sighing in relief.
“So this is why you kept squirming. Couldn’t handle sitting in your own wetness?” Daveed looked up at you, watching your blissed out face.
You didn’t answer, your mind focused on his quickening movements instead of trying to form a response.
“Keep your hips still, or I’ll stop.” Daveed commanded, his grip on one of your thighs tightening.
“S-Sorry.” You stuttered, gasping as tongue replaced his thumb.
Daveed sucked lightly on your clit, flicking it with his tongue before moving down to your folds. You reached down and fisted his hair, pulling whenever he hummed and sent vibrations through your body.
“Fuck.” You mewled, thanking God that Rafael had left the parlor because you weren’t doing anything to quiet your moans.
Daveed’s tongue went back to toying with your clit as he slowly slid a finger into you. He curled it slightly, moving at a pace that was torturous.
“F-faster, please.” You sighed, moaning as he added another finger and pulled his face away from your thighs.
“Who’s in control?” He husked, moving his fingers even slower.
“Y-You are, Daveed.”
“That’s right. I control the pace. I control your pleasure. I control when you get to come. What do you do?” He asked, curling his fingers and moving them faster.
You struggled to answer him as he reached your g-spot.
“Y/N.” He said, his stern tone bringing you back into reality.
“I-I submit to your control.”
“Good girl. Submit.”
“Submit…” You repeated as Daveed’s head returned to its place between your legs.
“Submit…submit…” You repeated between mewls and moans.
Daveed let his thumb replace his tongue as he pulled back to watch your face. Your eyes glazed over, lips slightly parted, repeating his words with a blank expression on your face. He kept watching as his fingers increased in speed, your legs quaking as your orgasm started to build.
“F-Fuck, Daveed I-, fuck!” You cried out, digging your nails into the chair under you as he increased the speed of his fingers again.
He was loving watching you fall apart under him; loved watching as everything you tried to say turned into an expletive, watching you claw at the chair under you, watching as you lost all self-control and your hips started bucking on their own.
“C-Close.” was all you could utter before Daveed’s head was buried between your legs again, lapping at your folds.
“Come.” Daveed growled, the vibrations pushing you over the edge.
You gripped his hair tightly, thighs tensing around his head as you came. Daveed sucked on your clit softly, aiding you through your orgasm. Slowly your thighs relaxed and your legs felt like jello as you let them collapse. Daveed moved back, standing up and licking his lips. Daveed grabbed some paper towels and cleaned you up before wiping his face clean. By the time you caught your breath, he was sitting on his stool holding out your panties and a bottle of water.
“Thanks.” You said, taking your panties and carefully putting them on, “Is the tattoo okay?”
Daveed glanced at your thigh before nodding.
“You’re good, I made sure not to fuck it up.”
You took the bottle of water, taking a small sip before putting it down. You tried to stand up but your legs weren’t quite ready yet.
“Woah! I gotcha.” Daveed caught you, helping you stand up straight.
“Thanks.” You whispered, tugging your dress down over your ass again.
“You’re welcome.” Daveed replied, his arms still around you.
There was silence for a moment before you looked at him, surprised to find that he was already looking at you, his eyes moving to your lips then back to your eyes. You leaned in first, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Daveed followed your lead, leaning in until your lips met in a short kiss. He pulled away slightly, searching your face for any discomfort before going in for a longer one. Your fingers found their way into his hair again, your touch gentle this time around. Daveed slid his hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing lightly which made you giggle into the kiss. You pulled back, looking at him with a wide smile.
“I think we did that backward. Typically you kiss before you go down on someone.” You joked, moving your hand out of Daveed’s hair.
“Well, I guess we aren’t typical.” Daveed chuckled, letting you go.
You picked up your bag, grabbing one of the aftercare packets on his station. He walked with you to the front door, unlocking it for you. You kissed his cheek before exiting onto the street.
“Oh, Y/N.” Daveed said, leaning on the doorway.
You turned around to face him.
“Call me when that tattoo heals.” He winked, giving you a sly smile.
You smirked, rolling your eyes playfully as you walked off. Of course when the time came around, you would definitely call him.
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
Stuck In Your Head (Brycenoss)
Stuck in Your Head (Brycenoss)
Soulmate AU Prompt I saw off @drowning-in-fandoms on Tumblr and took my own spin on. I should be doing other things, but this works. At least I’m not dead. Also, sorry if the title appears twice. I posted this on mobile, but had to go to the website to add the Keep Reading line. Enjoy!!
~•~ In this world, soulmates exists. And not in the hypothetical way. Not that I don’t believe in soulmates; if you find yours that’s amazing. I just don’t believe one should actively search for said soulmate otherwise you’d probably end up living out the end of your days surrounded by cats.
Anyways, back to the topic. In this alternate universe, soulmates are connected by ear. Music that is listened to by one is heard by the other, no matter where. So one person could be halfway across the world and the other one could hear it. It was hard, definitely, to find one’s soulmate even though every one assured it was worth it in the end. Evan didn’t find out about the connection soulmates have until 4th grade. Prior to it, his parent had him taking “special medication” to prevent “headaches”. It was actually his friends that told him about it. Evan still remembers it. Anthony, or Panda, gave him exposure to it, coming in to the lunch room with a splitting headache. “Dudes, my soulmate keeps playing All Star at 3:00 in the morning.” He whined, the bags under his eyes apparent. He slammed his head into his notebook, and Tyler followed up by rubbing his back in comfort. “I’m tempted to play the most distorted song I can find and blare it back at him.” “But then you’d have to listen to it.” Brock countered. In response, Anthony lifted his head enough to groan before placing it face down again. “At least yours doesn’t play soundtracks from horror movies and games.” “I don’t know what bullshit mine goes through.” Tyler piped up. “He doesn’t care what he listens to, as long as it’s turn up so loud that they can’t hear anyone.” “What about you, Evan?” Brock asked. “What your soulmate like?” “I’ve … never heard my soulmate?” Evan admitted shyly. “Not once? Like, not even through some shitty rock song on the radio their parents make them listen to?” Tyler pestered to which Evan only shook his head. “Maybe it’s that medication your parents make you take?” Brock suggested. “Medication?” Anthony asked, picking himself to listen to the conversation more intently. “Yeah, they have me on this pill called Surdi. It’s supposed to help me with headaches.” Evan explained as he pulled out the bottle from his bag. He passed it over so Tyler and Anthony could see. “Your parents are dicks.” Tyler concluded as he passed the bottle back over.” “Why?” “Evan, Surdi is a soulmate blocker.” Anthony explained. “It keeps you from hearing the music your soulmate does.” Evan stared at him with wide eyes. “I heard some parents do it because they were never able to find their soulmates.” Tyler added. “But seriously, Evan. Stop taking that medication. It’s keeping you from hearing the love of your life. That night, Evan didn’t take his medication. Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” echoed through his ears, and he could see why his friends wanted him to hear the music. It was like a connection into who they were and what liked all through a series of rhythms and melodies. He never wanted to let it go, so he flushed his medication down the toilet some time later. Jimmy Eats World was playing.
He would still be listening to “The Middle” in his final years of high school, when he was even writing his own songs. Evan’s heart was beating faster than normal, threatening to pop right out of his chest. He needed the “Wonderwall” in his ears to calm him down for sure. “Smitty, what are you doing?” Craig asked the mentioned when Evan sat down at their normal table. “I’m messing with my soulmate.” He replied, straight faced. He slipped on his headphones, his finger hovering just above the screen. “Watch Ryan.” “If you’re doing the thing I think you’re doing, Don’t.” David threatened. “Don’t bother, Nogla.” Brian said. “Your one of the people who’s threats we don’t take very seriously.” “Unless it’s CS:GO.” Tyler added. “Where you actually have a gun.” “Wow.” Marcel commented. “Outed by Tyler and your soulmate. Any comments, Scotty?” He then held his phone out to Scotty like a pretend microphone. “RIP.” “Beautiful words.” “Calm it down, Goals.” Smitty snapped, before his voice dropped. “Now, if you could watch the wild Ohmwrecker in his natural habitat, you’ll see the exact moment when the music starts.” Evan glanced over as the said table, which fostered 4 people. Jonathan, also known as his best friend and the only reason all of them were together. Ryan as both the most pure and kinkiest person he knew. Luke, whose constant mood almost always consisted of I’m done with all your shit and why do I associate myself with you people. And Bryce. Bryce McQuaid, with his brilliant baby blue eyes and red blond hair that wasn’t quite either but was always styled perfectly. Bryce, who he would never have a chance with because his soulmate was probably Mike. That never stopped him from loving his laugh and his smile and everything about the tall boy. “Bad Smitty, Bad.” Anthony slapped him, making Evan break out of his lovesick trance. He could see Ryan trying to cover his ears in an attempt to block out whatever meme music Smitty was playing. “What it’s the harm in it?” Smitty asked, trying to be all innocent. “I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that.” Anthony countered. “My soulmate is Craig after all.” “This … is true.” Craig admitted defeatedly. “Alright.” Evan interrupted. “Speaking of music, I finally finished that song I was working on. Wanna hear?” “Is that even a question?” Lui asked, popping up from somewhere underneath the table. “I’m … not going to asked.” Tyler said, voicing what probably half the table felt. “Hey, Brock. Can you go get Jon and the others?” Evan asked. Brock nodded, and headed over. While the others talked to Lui about how Arlan was doing back home, Evan watched Bryce. How he laughed at Luke’s reaction to Brock and Jon’s little PDA. How there was a little bounce in every step he took. “So, Evan.” Bryce started, leaning his hands on the table but not actually sitting down. “What’s this song you’ve been working so hard on?” Everyone muttered in somewhat agreement. “Well, it’s probably not the best thing in the world, but …” “Skip the introduction. Let’s just hear this thing already.” Luke interrupted. Evan simply shrugged, and pressed Play. He closed his eyes, loosing himself in the music that he put so much of his heart into. He tried not to focus on everyone else’s reactions despite knowing that they’d be very supportive. For a little more than three and a half minutes, he wasn’t scared like he usually felt. Then the music stopped, and all the nerves came rushing back to him.
“So …” Evan started, feeling his voice begin to crack. “What’d you guys think?” “That was …” Brock started, but Jonathan cut him off. “Awesome!!!” “When you put it like that, like that, like that, like that, u-rite.” Smitty sang in tune. “Please don’t meme this into oblivion.” Anthony begged, glancing at Smitty before staring at Craig. “Hey, I was just going to ask for a copy!” Craig defended, throwing his hands in the air. “That shit was good. “Arlan wants a copy, too.” Lui stayed, not looking up from his phone. “He also needs to be convinced that you actually wrote that.” “Hey, Evan?” Evan glanced up, looking at a concern Ryan. “Can we talk quick? Outside?” “Sure.” He agreed, rising from the table. “I’ll be right back.” Ryan led Evan out to the hallway, where his concern became more apparent. “What’s this about, Ryan?” Evan asked, knowing his friend wasn’t one to stress out too much. “Bryce. He’s …” Ryan started, but Evan cut him off “Is he okay? Was there something in my song? I didn’t even see him when everyone was giving their opinions. Oh god, what if I offended him? What if he hated it? Did he hate it?” He probably would have continued if Ryan hadn’t covered his mouth. “Let me talk.” Ryan said, calmly that made some of Evan’s worries wash away. “Bryce is fine. He loved your song. Every iteration of it you’ve been through in the past several months. All the late nights up at 3 am playing different sand lyric combinations until you perfected it last weekend. And he was there whenever you got frustrated and played a song you liked because of him.” Evan didn’t respond, only blinked while his mouth hung wide open. Bryce … was his soulmate. Not just a chance he could only imagine in his head. He and Bryce were meant to be together … somehow. “Evan?” Ryan asked, bringing the former back to reality. “You okay?” “Okay? I’m ecstatic. I never thought this would become a reality. My crush is my soulmate. And if it’s okay, would you mind helping me?” “What would I get for it?” Ryan asked, before wincing slightly. “I’ll help you get revenge on Smitty.” “Smitty?” Ohm pointed to his ears, obviously referencing some meme that the younger was probably blasting in his ears. “Smitty. Deal?” “Deal.”
“Thank you.” Evan replied, and repeated when the day was finally upon them. It was at the little pizza joint Ryan worked at that let people perform on Friday Nights and, after a little convincing on his end, Evan was going to be playing. And he had the perfect song, considering Bryce always came to these things. “It’s no problem, Ev. You’re going to kill it.” Ryan assured him. He glanced outside the door to the Employees Only lounge where they currently were, before turning back to Evan. “The others are outside. I’m going to meet with them. You’re probably on in 2 minutes.” “Thanks.” Ryan smiled quick before disappearing. Leaving Evan with unfamiliar faces besides Mike and maybe one other person. “Hey, man.” Evan looked to see a blue-green haired girl beside him. “You’ll be fine.” “Easy for you to say. Not like you’ve done this to ask your soulmate out. My nerves are overwhelming.” “Least you aren’t doing a drunk Just Dance night in a French Maid outfit.” Another girl rebutted. She smirked, turning toward a red faced Mike. “We don’t talk about that Malika.” He demanded, but it was undermined by his embarrassment. “At least I can hold my drink down better than Mark!!” “Hey, well I don’t get shit faced every Saturday with Vodka like you and Drac.” The other guy in the room defended, who Evan recognized somewhat from either Luke or Jon. “At least I didn’t get hustled by Vern in online Mini Golf.” “That was good, I’ll admit.” The teal haired chick spoke up. “I remember that game.” “You lost too, Biji!” “I still be you!” “Evan.” He turned and saw Smitty peaking his head through the door. “You’re up, dude.” “Thanks.” He whispered as he walked away from the arguing. “I needed to get away from that.” “No problem. Break a leg.” The younger replied before heading back toward his own group of friends, most of whom Evan didn’t recognize. Evan didn’t know most of the people in the audience. His heart rate began to spike up to untold amounts while beads of sweat began to roll down his forehead. His hands were now clammy and his stomach was now clamped. But then his eyes locked on Bryce. His eyes stared at him in anticipation, despite probably already knowing what’s going to happen. He cracked a smile, a reassuring one, when he saw Evan’s nerves. It made Evan’s shoulders less tense and his confidence boost just a little. “This one goes out to my soulmate. The one who has had to deal with me stuck in their head for all these years. So I’m going to play the first song I ever remember hearing from them. And it may be a question as well.” Evan didn’t sit down, just pulled the guitar from his back in front of him. One breath, and he began to play the some he made sure to be careful of when he rehearsed it so it would as much of a surprised to Bryce as well as everyone else. It was Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. And he could tell Bryce knew it instantly. By the time the last verse came around, Bryce and Evan were close enough that they could touch while enough room at the same time for Evan to play. Evan’s breaths began to sync with Bryce’s, like the two of them were becoming united under one rhythm. Like nothing else in the world matted besides them and Evan’s guitar. And when Evan sang the last words, he wasn’t scared because he already knew the answer. If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and Just forget the world? Bryce didn’t say a word in reply. He simply wrapped his arms around Evan’s shoulder’s and kissed him. It was rushed and sloppy with two men who had no idea what they were doing. But ask Evan, and he’d say that was his favorite kiss of them all. Why? It was first kiss with Bryce McQuaid, and that made it all worth it in the end.
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janiedean · 4 years
... so this week me and a few anons were discussing crack plots and THIS came up, and now I sat down and I thought about it and hahaha here we go guys have what I came up with for the possible mamma mia!jb au except that it has springsteen songs instead of ABBA because that’s how I roll. this is the tag if anyone’s interested in what madness came out of that, but anyway I did come up with a plot with songs so here’s the thing.
the musical is obviously called tunnel of love because reasons.
people actually in it: brienne, jaime, their OC daughter [catelyn jr for this exercise], catelyn, tyrion, jon connington, loras, brynden tully, possibly selwyn
plot, numbers & so on:
in pure rent style because I’m that bad with musical, we open with all everyone minor characters; save my love;
the scene opens in the island of tarth, where brienne is shown working at a bar covered in rock singers’ posters and getting helped by her seven year old daughter in the background cleaning tables or something, while her boss catelyn looks at her and tells her story; a good man is hard to find (pittsburgh) [obv with reworked lyrics];
cat jr goes back upstairs since they’re about to open, brienne asks for a small break, goes out on the beach, stares longingly at the ocean and wishes to have back the happiness she had once that while she loves her daughter she hasn’t quite managed to grasp yet though we still don’t know what it’s about; hello sunshine
brienne goes back to work, we move to cat jr - she wonders where her father ended up since brienne never told her who he was while she rustles through stuff in the attic and finds some half-faded letters sent to a couple men years ago and she wonders if one of them might be her father - she finds the addresses and writes them figuring that one of them might be and she wants to see her mother happy, so what’s the harm?; waitin’ on a sunny day;
first guy who arrives is joncon who tells her that no, he’s actually her godfather but he knew her mother for reasons and wonders at how long he’s been far from the island but he had to get over his bf who didn’t love him back; my hometown
second guy shows up and he’s renly who also confirms that he’s the other godfather and one of brienne’s oldest friends but maybe she should look a bit deeper to find her real dad and when she does things will go admittedly better - brienne will find her guy again same as he’ll find his guy at some point; two hearts;
cat jr goes back to the attic to look up for more clues and ends up finding a picture of brienne with two guys one of which was torn off but the other is there and wait he has her hair - it’s tyrion, who she assumes is her dad. she asks renly and jonc to help find the address and writes him and he gets there in time for her birthday, but when he arrives he tells her that no, the dad is actually his brother but he’s delighted to have a niece; surprise surprise;
at this point cat wants to know the backstory and why isn’t her dad there. the other three guys look at each other, sigh and tell her that well it happened years ago when they all were on vacation on tarth same as the whole of the lannister family....
IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK where we see younger jaime and brienne meeting at some beach party and jaime asks her to dance; tougher than the rest (jaime only);
she accepts even if she can’t believe it [he’s coming out of Bad Cersei Relationship News so he’s kinda fucked up but he honestly wants to leave her behind], they ended up having sex; cover me [jb duet];
later tywin finds out and forbids jaime from seeing her except that brienne who at that point wanted to be a singer and had regular gigs at catelyn’s bar comes up with a scheme to smuggle him out and have a night out with both tyrion’s help and the bar’s patrons etc; rosalita (brienne mainly + tyrion/jonc/renly + jaime getting himself dragged out of the house);
after that, they discuss running away together; thunder road (duet);
FLASHBACK ENDS, we’re back on the island where brienne finds out everyone showed up and she’s like yeah no I’m not calling him again, tyrion tries to tell her that it didn’t end badly because of the reasons she assumes, she cuts him short and says that she knows she’s going to end up alone and it’s fine, she always knew; when you’re alone;
at that point shit happened in between and renly started flirting with loras who’s another new bar patron, jonc started flirting with cat’s uncle, brienne is taking herself out of the equation, tyrion is flirting with bronn ie the local cop or something, ends up with choral number with reworked lyrics for spirit in the night, end act one.
always rent style, opening number with everyone going for tunnel of love;
we open up straight somewhere else where jaime is on his own, living in some shitty small apartment having lost a hand after enrolling with the army after things went sour with both brienne and his family; born in the USA;
jaime muses about how things ended - basically cersei ruined stuff for them going to brienne and telling her about their rship and jaime had gone after her to call it quits after arguing with brienne on the beach about it but then brienne wouldn’t take his calls anymore and he never had the guts to go back. he receives a letter from tarth from tyrion who tells him he has half a chance in hell of fixing things and he hopes he can manage; back in your arms;
meanwhile on tarth cat jr is like shit this place is so boring will I ever get out of here did you three have such an interesting life until now, tyrion/jonc/renly explain her that when she leaves it’s better if she sticks to being herself rather than conforming to other people’s standards; growin’ up [all four of them]
meanwhile brienne is on her break again and is missing jaime horribly bc tyrion brought it all back and wishes she could get out of this damned impasse that her life became; badlands;
jaime arrives on tarth without brienne knowing and immediately meets his daughter and learns her middle name is actually jamie and realizes brienne named her half after him and is Overwhelmed As Fuck and swears that he’ll try to do right by her; living proof [both of them];
at that point though jonc and renly are like yeah we’re the godfathers though thank you and they all assure her that they’re going to be in her life; I’ll stand by you, [all three of them];
brienne finally learns that jaime is back and she’s not exactly that hyped because she thought he left her for c. and then she realizes he’s missing a hand and they have a heated-ish confrontation; for you [duet];
jaime is despairing that he’s ever going to win her back after she tells him he’s too late, everyone else assures him that if he goes for it convincingly he still has a shot; wrecking ball [everyone but jb];
jaime feels somehow better for that and gets his spirits back together; my love will not let you down;
jaime organizes things with cat and brynden so that evening while brienne is out serving drinks at the bar he shows up on stage like HEEEY I have to tell you something and tells her he still loves her and wants to get it started again between them; mary’s place [mainly jaime, everyone else does backup];
brienne is still like OH MY GOD SHOULD I, jaime proposes; i wanna marry you;
brienne decides that damn it she still loves him and he obviously means it so yeah sure she’ll marry him; leap of faith [jb mainly, everyone else choruses]
closing number with everyone having paired up etc with born to run.
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I'm gonna write you a love song (Jon Snow/Theon Greyjoy)
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Robb, Jon and Theon are starting a band, but they can't agree on what kinda songs they wanna write and sing. Robb just wants to travel the world and win the hearts of many girls around the globe, while Jon really wants to make a difference and sing about something that actually matters. And surprisingly enough Theon picks his side and not Robb's.
Written for @asoiafrarepairs Rare Pair Week, based on the trope: "Salty Teens AU" (I literally had to google this, so...I hope it's somehow right... ;-))
“Guys…” Robb placed his guitar next to him on the floor. “Why does it have to be this complicated? Why can’t we just write a few love songs and throw in some compliments to pretty women. That’s what the people wanna hear. That’s what they’ll vote for during the contest.” He shook his head, his curls dancing around his face while he did so. “You’re acting like our songs are gonna change the world!”
“Yeah…” Jon shrugged his shoulders. “That's what I want our songs to do.” He paused for a moment. “Everyone can write stupid love songs with cliches and stuff.” His fingers kept playing the same riff over and over while he talked. “I don’t wanna be like everyone.”
Theon bit his lip and folded his hands in his lap. “Robb, I hate to say it, but…” He swallowed. “I agree with Jon on this one.”
Jon smiled a thankful smile at him, only looking up from his fingers for a brief second. He always seemed more comfortable when he held his guitar. It was as if all those things he worried about, all those things he was angry about, all those things he didn’t dare to say but wanted to say so badly, came out easier when he was holding a guitar. He didn’t even have to sing. He wasn’t even a great singer. But he could just talk, or rap, or murmur. Or something in between. It all worked better than talking without the guitar.
“I thought we wanted to become the new One Direction! Travel the world, meet girls, see all those places we’ve heard about at school.” Robb shook his head in disbelief.  
“Look…” Jon sighed. “Nothing against One Direction, but…” He licked his lips. “Their songs have all this power and they’re played everywhere.”
“Yes, that’s what I’m saying. That’s what we want, right?” Robb raised his eyebrows, but Jon shook his head.
“I don’t want just that.” He changed from a mayor key to a minor key, as if the music he was playing followed the mood he was in.
“What he means…” Theon took a sip from his water. “If you have that many people listening to your song, maybe you should use it to talk about the bigger issues.”
“Bigger issues? Isn’t love a big issue? Isn’t accepting who you are a big issue? Are you now telling all those crying girls touched by their songs that those songs are not about big things?” Robb widened his eyes. “I wouldn’t throw that on the internet or talk about that in an interview. You’ll be killing your own fame before it has even started.”
“I’m not gonna write love songs, Robb.” Jon stopped playing and finally looked up. “I know nothing about love. But I know a lot about racism, about all those people who can’t get equal chances, about all those kids who can’t just write a stupid love song and get famous because they’re not white and privileged and handsome.”
“Jon…” Robb wrapped an arm around his half brother’s shoulders. “You are white and privileged and handsome.”
“I know!” Jon raised his voice. “And yeah, if we’d write love songs and poppy tunes we might be traveling the world within a few months with loads of screaming girls chasing us. Is that really what you want?”
“Yes!” Robb shook his head. “I just want to have some fun. Don’t get me wrong. All those things are really important and I would love to talk about it in interviews, but…” Robb paused for a moment. “I just wanted to make some easy music, for everyone, without all those heavy social issues.”
Theon stood up from his seat and he slammed his best friend on his back. “We can try to make those heavy issues sound easy and for everyone?”
“Yes, that’s why we’ve watched Jon working for four hours and now he still hasn’t gotten anything but a bass line and the first three tones.” Robb placed his guitar on the standard in the corner. “Let me know when you have your first song finished. I’ll go and watch all episodes of that new fantasy series everyone is talking about. Let’s see who finishes first.” He walked out of the small room in the cellar, isolated to assure that the rest of the house wouldn’t be disturbed by their ongoing band practice.
Robb was however right.
Jon had been writing for four hours straight and the only thing he thought was kinda good enough to meet the public eye, were the bass line and the first three notes. He was full of ideas, literally. But it was not that easy to transfer all those amazing ideas in his head into lyrics and music he could stand behind.
“If you wanna leave and come back when I’m done, that’s fine with me.” Jon placed his fingers on the strings of his guitar again and started humming.
The main problem was that there were too many issues he wanted to talk about. The growing hate between all those people who thought they had nothing in common while they were so much alike. The government not being bothered by poor people getting the healthcare they need without ending up without a roof over their heads. Jocks at high school getting away with the most horrible things, just because they were good at sports. Girls not daring to walk home at night on their own. So many people not earning half as much as they deserve because they have a different skin color. All those kids learning to be afraid of the cops because people like them get shot without a reason.
He simply didn’t know where to start, what to write first.
“O, no…” Theon shook his head. “I want to stay. If you don’t mind.” He bent his head and stared at his feet. “I like…” He hesitated for a moment and Jon wasn’t sure, but he believed that Theon’s cheeks reddened. “I like watching you play and compose.”
Jon furrowed his eyebrows and he looked up. His glance met Theon’s for a short moment and strangely enough he felt a pleasant tingle rolling down his spine. “You like watching me play the same four tones for hours?”
“Yes, I…” Theon shrugged. “You look different when you play. More at ease. As if…” Theon nodded at the guitar Jon was holding. “As if your guitar is making you forget all your worries and sorrows and the weight you put on your own shoulders and…” Theon paused once more. “Watching you like that, with the un-deepest frown on your forehead, makes me feel at ease too, as if I know that…” He sighed. “As if I know that as long as there are people like you, who want to do everything they can to make the world a better place for everyone, there is hope.”
Jon kept silent for a moment. Not even holding the guitar helped him to find the right words to answer. He wasn’t sure if anyone had ever said something like that to him before. And he wasn’t sure if the words would have meant the same thing to him if someone else had said them.
“You’re…” Theon interrupted the silence. “You're handsome when you play. You’re handsome when you don’t play too, but…” He stuck the tip of his tongue between his lips. “You're even more handsome when you do play.”
Jon felt a smile spreading across his face. His heart raced rapidly in his chest, hammering against his ribs. “Normally when people watch me…” He clears his throat, but his voice is still weaker than it usually is. “I get the feeling I have to live up to something. It’s like…” Jon shrugged. “It's like their presence makes the words less private. It’s like I can’t just try things out, but…”
“Do you want me to leave? I can go watch that show with Robb. I probably missed the first few minutes, but I can catch up with it.” Theon already attempted to stand up, but Jon reached for his hand and forced him to stay put.
“You didn’t hear the but yet.” He coughed. “It's different with you. Really.” Jon’s fingers started playing. He didn’t play the same riff he had repeated for four hours. He didn’t play the first three notes he had considered okay. He just started playing, without thinking about it, and all of a sudden he felt a song growing beneath his fingers. “It's like you pull the words and the songs out of me…”
Theon smiled back. He smiled that idiotic smile of him and Jon felt the restless butterflies in his stomach coming to life.
“I guess…” Jon licked his dry lips. “I don’t need to travel the world and have millions of girls screaming in front of me. I just need you and my songs and a little change in the world to make life easier for everyone, to make it better for everyone. And I guess, if I’d had all that. I’d be happy.”
Theon shove a little closer towards Jon and he wrapped his hands around Jon’s upper arm. “You already have me and you already have your songs. I’m sure the rest will follow.”
“I have you?” Jon looked up, but his hands kept on playing. It wasn’t his mind bringing the music in his heart to life, it was his love.
“If you want me?” Theon’s lips brushed Jon’s cheek. They were surprisingly soft and tender and while Jon kept playing, Theon kissed his jaw, his neck and eventually Jon turned his head towards Theon so Theon could kiss his lips.
He didn’t stop playing. He just closed his eyes and gave in to everything he wanted and everything he needed.
Deep down he knew that maybe his songs were not gonna change the world. Maybe they didn’t have to. If his songs, if he himself, could change the world for one person, maybe a few more, he would already be more than happy.
“I know what my first song is gonna be about.” Jon was out of breath and his fingers started stinging.
“You do?” Theon whispered before he kissed Jon again.
“About all the guys and girls who’ve been beaten for loving someone society didn’t want them to love.”
“So, you’re gonna write a love song anyway?” Theon grinned and Jon grinned back.
“I think Robb might even like it.”
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