#avatar swap
eywaseclipse · 2 months
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Okay here’s my interpretation of Lo’ak as Metkayina. I cannot get his hair curly for the life of me!!! I’ll keep trying. 🐚🪸🌊🐋
Oh also, I’d really appreciate it if people didn’t copy and paste the link to this post to other blogs. No one tags or notifies me and I find it also really strange when you can just send it through a dm instead.
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birdifulhuman · 1 year
Hey I’m back thoughts on lonely!tim?
My thoughts is that lonely!tim needs a hug. The entire podcast is just a bunch of lonely guys. Oofers
Also it makes sense because after losing Danny and Sasha you’ve got two options, anger (desolation) or depression (lonely) so either avatars make so much sense.
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Jon and Martin would be very good victims of the lonely together.
Though… I guess they wouldn’t be very together then
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fioleespring · 4 months
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yue the fierce moon warrior | azula the prized fire lily
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bastart13 · 5 months
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Some designs for an Avatar Legend of Korra/The Last Airbender generation swap AU!
Korra is now the 14 year old airbending Avatar, found a century after the Fire Nation started their war. She's found by Asami, a non-bending member of the Northern Water Tribe and together they set off to find Korra a way of mastering airbending, spirituality, and defeating the Fire Nation.
Bolin and Mako are children of the Fire Nation colonies, both forced to hide their bending (now firebending and earthbending respectively) and make whatever living they can as orphans until Bolin meets Korra and through hijinks, convinced Mako to let them accompany them.
Then Opal is the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe, fiercely protected and hidden away by her family despite her desperation to use her skill to help people, and Prince Wu is the disgracefully soft Fire Nation Prince, banished for speaking out about the war and forbidden to return until he captures the Avatar and regains his honour.
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moss-on-a-pebble · 1 year
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Silly little swap I made with Azula and Lu Ten instead of Zuko and Iroh
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rei-is-hiding · 1 year
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@maileeweek day 2: hair (+ outfit swap)
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floaties-for-arsene · 2 months
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Oh no! He’s a little fucked up actually
Continuing with my Ryomina swap AU hehe.. instead of Ryoji being the Nyx Avatar here, Minato is the one to be taken over by Nyx 🥲
Fun fact! The blue eye is the only part of his form Minato can control and he’s constantly looking at Ryoji! 🥲🥲🥲🥲
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2tr4ng3r · 1 month
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Sorry for not posting alot, but heres a new style of roblox sans avatars!
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a-weird-cryptid · 5 days
Ok, here me out...
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die-auster · 28 days
Rare pair May, week two
Bending swap
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For @atlararepairmonth – Haru/Katara.
It suits her stubborn and strong personality and his elegant bending style.
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princess-natce · 1 month
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Bending Swap!!!
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kkatastrophic · 2 months
role-swapped: sokka, and either fire sibling
made an account solely for this, but i feel like sokka role swapped with either sibling (either zuko or azula) makes some sort of sense. call me crazy (if anyone is even seeing this to call me crazy at all, then hello) all you want, but i don't know, i feel like it makes sense. though to be fair, i do really um, overanalyze things and might just be making my explanation sound really ooc and weird and too 'he's me i'm giving him my issues'. not sure. just here to be overdramatic i guess. sorta relate to all three of these characters so. take my 'it makes sense!!!11111!!11!!' with a grain of salt. also scared i got the characters all wrong. so. yeah
firstly, the similarities.
sokka and zuko:
sokka and zuko are both insecure fellas who want to prove to someone that they are honorable and worthy people; zuko wants to show his father and his nation that he is a worthy prince that should return to his rightful place for the throne, and sokka wants to show his father and his tribe that he is a strong and manly warrior, that he can protect katara and the tribe. they both have something to prove, something they want to become. they are both overshadowed by their prodigious sister and they both find themselves feeling lesser by it, just in different ways. sokka doesn't feel as useful as he wants to be and zuko feels like a failure compared to azula. they both don't quite like the fact that their skills aren't the best they believe they could be. the two of them both solve an issue between themselves: sokka learns how to overcome obstacles without bending, and zuko learns how to follow his own destiny and stand up for himself. they both have lost their mother, they both have distant fathers (except hakoda isn't distant because he wants to be, nor is he abusive, but that doesn't mean he isn't distant), and these similarities made me write this whole thing. it would be interesting to see how much would change and how much would stay the same, what life would be like for zuko and what life would be like for sokka. would their personalities swap as well? sokka's would change drastically, but i think zuko's would not change extremely.
sokka and azula:
don't get me wrong, sokka is insecure and everything, but he's also much like azula, at least, in my eyes he is. azula and sokka are both crippling perfectionists, excelling at a specific thing: azula's firebending and battle (plus regular) intelligence, and sokka's skillful planning, his own battle (and regular) intelligence, and inventing. they both see their father in a bright light, they both were heavily affected by his actions and again, they both lost their mother. due to their need to succeed and win, they both become irrational and heavily emotional when they do not. sokka blames himself for the loss during the eclipse raid, and azula has a mental breakdown when she loses against katara and zuko during sozin's comet. when they've been defeated, they break down in one way or another. and back to the first sentence, azula is insecure too. she feels unlovable and has major trust issues, and more that if i said, would make this already somewhat long thing even longer.
now: onto what i feel like the characters would be with roles swapped. zuko role-swapped with sokka: an insecure sixteen-year-old, angsty boy with a crippling need to be useful for his family. he misses his father dearly and wishes he could have spent more time with his mother, whose face he can't even remember. he looks like a trash bender compared to his younger sister, azula, who has blue fire and a natural, raw talent. he wants to be a warrior like his father, fighting against the monstrous water tribes. he's insecure about his unimpressive bending but learns to improve his skill and find new techniques instead of letting his self-hatred get the best of him. he helps aang, the avatar, defeat the water tribes, and while on adventures with the gaang, he learns to accept himself. he becomes more than just a planning, brooding, awkward guy; instead of making himself feel worse with his less-than-average firebending skills, he focuses more on using double swords, becoming very good at it. he rarely uses his firebending because of it, realizing that he doesn't need to be a good bender to be a good fighter/warrior. sokka role-swapped with zuko: a self-hating fifteen-year-old who misses his tribe and misses his honor. he is worthless, weak, and a failure, horrible at waterbending, unlike his gifted sister, katara. his father gave his left eye frost burn, and he is partially deaf and blind on the left side of his face due to it, but he deserved it; he spoke out of line, disrespected his elder, disrespected Ice (or water) Lord Hakoda, his own dad. ever since he was twelve, he has been looking for the missing avatar to bring back to his tribe to make his father (and tribe) proud and love him again. he travels with his honorary uncle bato, who helps him eventually turn a new leaf. bato helps him learn new skills and new techniques that help him improve his waterbending quickly, being patient with him and supporting him through his darkest moments. he realizes that what he is doing is wrong and he abandons his home and his father to help aang, the avatar whom he had been hunting constantly, learn waterbending. he learns from his mistakes and successfully becomes the Ice / Water Lord, helping aang defeat his father and simultaneously helping azula defeat his maniacal sister, katara. —
sokka role-swapped with azula: either thirteen or fifteen-year-old.(katara as zuko is aged up if sokka is fifteen, sokka as azula is aged down if he is thirteen) he is an extremely impressive waterbender, gifted and prodigious, unlike his poor older sister, katara. if he wants something he gets it, and he will go at any length to win, to defeat, to conquer. he, much like his talented father, never fail, they never fail, and they never will! he doesn't need anyone's trust or love; spirits, he doesn't need anyone. sokka'll use peoples' fear of him to get whatever the hell he wants, no matter what. his mother was right; he is a monster, and he- he takes pride in it! after his so-called 'friends' betrayed him, one for looooove and the other for, well, the one in love. ((can you tell i have no clue who to make his friends? maybe suki and yue?)) he saw her once again, taunting him while he grew furious with his stupid long hair. (stupid wolftails.) he messes his hair up, messes up once again, and throws the scissors in the mirror to try and make his dead, naive, stupid mom go away. but that's not all: even though he's perfect, even though he's supposed to be, he fucks it up. his father was supposed to be the Ocean King, and sokka himself was supposed to be the new Ice/Water Lord, but of course, his stupid sister and her stupid fire-bending friend got in the way of the water tribe's supposed-to-be success and defeated him, humiliated him. and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. he breaks down, crying nonstop and feeling utterly defeated.
azula role-swapped with sokka: she's the genius. she's the one who does the planning, it's azula. not zuko with his amazing firebending, not aang with his... dumb avatar-ness, not toph with her scary earthbending; no, it's sixteen-year old ((aged up to be oldest in the gaang like sokka is, but she can still be fourteen if u want i don't know.)) azula, the bad bender. agni, she's basically a non-bender anyway, with the way her fire can barely light a torch. but her uselessness doesn't stop her from trying to be perfect, of course it doesn't! she's useful, she knows it, she just has to figure out how. she can't strive to be anything less, not when she wants to protect her brother and her friends. not when she wants to be the next chief of the fire nation when this is all over. instead of wallowing in her own self-hatred, she decides to try something new; she decides to try bows and arrows. and agni, she's good. she decides that she doesn't need to be a master bender like zuko, aang, and toph are, because she's a master in her own way and doesn't need her firebending to be useful. she can still protect her friends and brother without relying on her bending. and while azula sometimes wishes that she were as talented as zuko is with firebending, she also understands that she is just as talented as he is without firebending, but with her bow. she accepts herself and her flaws.
while i think zuko and sokka's role-swap would make sense and works better, i also think that azula and sokka's role-swap works too, just a little... reachy. i guess. i don't know!!!! i just. sorta been thinking about this for too long. ahaaa i don't think this is gonna be read at ALLLL so hey guys! hey fruity gang! #awesome!
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rowanraven08 · 30 days
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@alice-dyers-spouse @just-prime I just got my funky lil guy in an art trade and thought you’d like to see him!!! He’s so sweet T^T thanks so much to WWUwU
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bastart13 · 2 months
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Continuing with my Avatar generation swap, here we have a group of teenage assassins coming after Korra
Ming-Hua, now a combustion bender. Zaheer, a spiritually-attuned wanderer, P'Li, a lavabender, and Ghazan, their plant (and blood) bender.
I will not apologise for Ghazan. He grows into... all of it.
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moss-on-a-pebble · 5 months
And a swap AU. Does azula confront lu ten to apologize to him like how zuko did with iroh? I'd love to see him hugging her telling her that he forgave her long ago.
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Yes indeed! Sorry about the slightly disproportionate hug I can feel art block creeping up again haha
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