#anyway his men are about to be attacked by orcs and he's like 'damn if noriel were here she'd whup their asses'
duckingwriting · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by - @late-to-the-fandom Rules:
In a reblog (or new post/w rules attached) post up to five filenames of your WIPs, not titles, file names
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be something you wrote in the last 7 days (we're posting progress here. If you haven't made any, go make some and come back to post!)
After you've posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from, write 3 sentences on it anyway and then 3 more on another to share!
That's it! You can invite others to join in or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request.
I’m tagging - @mariahwritesstuff, @author-a-holmes, @wildswrites, @moonandris and leaving an open tag too because I can
I feel like my naming privileges should probably be taken away...I cuss a lot. 1 - Gay Ass Fucking Superhero Comic that needs a god damn name
2 - Robin Hood But Gay and Western 
3- Only Supposed to be one fucking thing buuut...Beauty and the Beast meats Little Mermaid
4 - Western with Orcs and Elves - Need to figure out a title
5- tsuteyxsully - omega verse
Snip bellow the cut for Robin Hood But Gay and Western - no edits just copied straight from the file in it’s unedited glory.
Robin sat between Phil and Tuck as they ate their meal. He was happy to not that the cr3ew seemed to be relaxing around the sheriff. He knew the other man would be plenty handy around the camp. He had half expected a fight from John when Robin had handed over one of the rifles and asked the other man to join in on the hunting. But John and Phil had seemed to fall into working together with no problem. And once John showed his acceptance of the sheriff the rest of the crew had fallen into step. They all started relaxing and making jokes about the other man chasing them around."It'll work out the stiffness in her wings!" Cole gestured towards where Nix was ignoring Char as he made happy chirping sounds and attempted to groom her feathers.Phil laughed and nearly choked on the fish he was eating. "And risk you injury from running off a cliff? Not when I'll be the one having to drag your useless corpse back to camp.""And I will not be patching you back up again." Will shook his finger at the young man. "Once was enough!""You guys are-" Cole's statement was cut off by the sound of many hooves coming towards camp. Men surged to their feet and guns were drawn. Ridding in front with her girls fanning out on mounts behind her Marian raised an eyebrow at the welcome."If I didn't know better I'd think that I wasn't welcome." Marian felt a flash of relief seeing Phil among the group of men slowly lowering their guns in confusion."What are you doing here?" Robin stepped forward reaching for her waist and pulling her from her mount with a confused half smile. "They attacked the Vixen." Marian's eyes flashed with anger. "Wanted me to turn you in and when I told them I didn't know anything they torched the building."Men moved to help the women unload the belongings they had. Phil tried to pretend that he wasn't hurt by the presence of the woman. It wasn't like he and Robin had been building more than friendship. He avoided looking towards Tuck as much as possible, not trusting the preacher to not see right through the smile he forced on his lips. It made sense that when danger struck Marian would go to Robin. She was marrying him after all. Wasn't there something about trust there or something?
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Wynmar after Noriel tells him that they’re just enemies
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61 notes · View notes
hufflesmonsters · 4 years
New Beginnings
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A/N: hi, just dropping in to say I’m writing again >:D enjoy this slow burn. Also, surprise, it’s not a lizard man story though I do have one in the works so there is that.
Torren swung the ax down, splitting the log in two. Sweat beaded his brow as the sun bore down on him. He stuck the ax down in the wood stump and stood, wiping away the sweat with the back of his hand as he looked up at the sky. Just past noon, he’d have to get a move on if he was going to be on time for the kings summon. If he even wanted to take the job, whatever it was. If King Richard the second wished to hire a mercenary, it surely couldn’t be for anything fun. He clearly didn’t want to waste his own men for this, which meant that Torren was likely going to die during his job. 
And yet… the money he would get if he lived. He could retire, and finally live his dream of being the towns hermit to its fullest potential. As in, he only ever comes into town on stormy nights to buy ten kegs of ale and disappear for another three months. He grew his own food, hunted his own meat. Of course he kept messing up his tomato plants which meant he had to go into town to get those, but once he can figure it out then mission Hermit was a go. 
Stepping back, he grabbed the shirt he had draped over a nearby branch and walked towards his home. It was a nice little shack, one he’d built from scratch back when he was just a young boy. He had found the location by accident really, one minute he was being chased by his elder brothers, the next he was standing in a clearing with a pond and no one in sight for miles. At first it was just a cool hideout, somewhere he could go to get away from his crazy family and village bullies. But over the years he spent more and more time here, fixing it up and expanding the facilities. Next thing he knew he had completely moved in and claimed the land officially as his. 
Tossing the shirt on the couch, he walked into his bedroom and opened his dresser. He wasn’t sure what he’d need really, if this was a quick trip, and he hoped it was, he’d only really need two shirts, pants and his washing supplies. He already had his armor on, his swords were already by the door, polished and ready to go. He grabbed the shirts, extra pants, and his bag of supplies and stuffed them into a bag that he could tack onto his horses saddle. He’d grab a small coin purse for food and drink, which should cover him for his trip if he was careful. If he ran out of coin he’d only have to offer to chop wood for inns or something like that. 
As he turned to leave, bag in hand, he stopped by the kitchen and grabbed the oat bag for Sweetie. Most of the time she was content to just chew on grass, or even break into gardens and devour everything in sight. But oats, how she loved oats. 
The sun glared at him as he exited the house, he stopped briefly to lock it up before continuing down the path to the pasture. He could already see the giant grazing peacefully, black tail flicking away bugs as her dappled gray coat shone silver in the sunlight. She was truly a magnificent horse, holding a presence without even trying. She was a draft horse, one of the few capable of holding a full grown orc. And she was an absolute sweetie, hence, her name. 
“Got something for you, Sweetie,” Torren called as he entered the stall part of the pasture, grinning as her large head shot up, ears pointed forward and nostrils flaring. She smelled the oats like sharks smell blood in the water. With a graceful trot, she soon stood in front of him, towering over him by two feet. She bent down and nuzzled his cheek lovingly, snorting into his ear as he tried to shove her away. “We don’t have time to cuddle, girl. The King wants us at the castle by midday tomorrow.”
Sweetie snorted and stood upright again, flank twitching as she moved past him and into the tacking area. She was smart, smarter than most horses he’d met. She waited patiently as he began to saddle her, taking his time to secure the bag and oats in a place where she couldn’t get to it. She was tricksy, especially when it came to oats. But she also knew that those were a night time snack, something that he wouldn’t just give out unless they narrowly avoided death and allowed her to have something to chew on while he fought off a panic attack. 
He slid the reins over her head, patting her cheek as she opened her mouth to allow the rod to go in. Once she was fully outfitted, he lead her out of the stalls and closed the doors behind her. He swung up onto her back, and settled in. Gathering the reins, he clicked his tongue and set off down the dirt path that lead into town. The castle wasn’t too far, if he traveled nonstop today he’d be able to make it before midday tomorrow. Talk to the king, get the job done, and they’d be home before they knew it. 
Reaching the castle, Torren almost turned back around. He’d heard the rumors, how King Richard the second seemed to… overcompensate. The walls around the kingdom were large, but not as large as the damn castle. It towered over everything, almost as if it was a direct challenge to the gods. It was also very, very ugly with its pale brown coloring and lack of windows.
Showing his summons slip to the guards at the gate, he slowly made his way into the kingdom. It was another thing that irked him about King Richard, he was a man with “purist” beliefs. No race other than human was allowed past the walls without a proper invite. There was no trading, or apprenticeship allowed between humans and others. Which raised another red flag about this job offer, why would a king who hates his kind specifically ask him to complete a task for him. 
Torren tightened his fist on the reins as he watched the crowd wearily. He was going to die, either here or on this job if he wasn’t careful enough. The townsfolk weren’t bad, they looked more open to him than the guards did, but he didn’t dare interact with them. Not even to the young children who waved at him for the guards were watching him just as closely as he was watching them. 
Reaching the palace, he climbed off of Sweetie’s back and handed the reins over to the stable boy, a warning look in his eyes. If they mistreated her, he would rip all of their spines from their backs and beat them to death with it. Torren turned to look at the guards that approached him, back stiff as he towered over them. It was almost laughable, how they escorted him into the palace. 
The inside of the castle was just as ugly as the outside, the same beige walls, no decorations whatsoever. Whoever helped the king design this deserved to be publicly executed. Knights stood at every corner, some seemed to be standing at random places the further they got in. It was almost as if someone had just told them to pick a window and stand. The guards increased as they drew closer to the throne room, all of them standing at attention as they stopped in the middle. The guards beside him stood at attention, hands over heart and back straight. 
One of the guards announced the arrival of the king, everyone else following in salute. Torren looked up in expectation for the infamous King Richard the Second. Looking, looking, out of confusion, his gaze drew down to the floor when an irritated cough sounded. 
Oh, oh gods… 
Torren had to physically bite his tongue as he took in the sight of King Richard the second. No wonder the castle was so large and hideous, this man barely stood past a humans waist. He recalled an old nickname for the king, one that was immediately outlawed in the towns surrounding his kingdom. Little Dick Jr, the bane of all of Pufort. 
Torren knelt in front of the tiny king before any more offense could be given. And he had a lot to give at this moment in time. “Your grace,” he said stiffly. 
“Rise,” came the nasally response. “Do you know why I've called you here, orc?” Dick Jr asked once Torren towered over him again. 
“No, m'lord.” 
“I am a king without a queen, I'm basically a laughing stock in all the kingdoms!” Torren was willing to put money on it, that wasn't the reason why, but he knew better than to say that. “But there's a princess, locked away in a tower due east. And she will be my bride.” 
“And you wish me to retrieve her?” Torren asked for clarification. That didn't sound so hard at all. 
“Yes, it's a week’s journey all together, the roads are treacherous, but I'm sure you're no stranger to that,” again, nothing dangerous. “And then of course there's the active volcano and lava surrounding the castle and the dragon guarding it.” Ah, there it is. 
“I see, that doesn't sound too difficult for me,” Torren said, lying through his teeth. He could handle bandits, he could even sneak past a fucking dragon. But lava? An active volcano? That was something he'd never experienced before and wasn't too keen on the idea. 
“Perfect, we will discuss your payment when you get back. Godspeed, I wish to be married by the end of the month!” Little Dick Jr clapped his hands twice, alerting the guards that he was done talking to the half orc. 
Torren bowed his head and turned to make his leave. If he walked fast enough, he could get out of this city by the time the king reached the stairs. The guards had attempted to follow him out, but after they had to literally run to keep up they quit. It wasn't like he was going to do anything anyways. 
He eyed the gods awful bust of Dick jr. and contemplated tripping into it…
No, no. Not yet. 
If there were small miracles, Torren may have found one. Sweetie was in perfect condition when he had retrieved her, granted she had been touched by the stable hands and she made sure to voice her displeasure by biting his shirt and nearly throwing him into a mud pile. Sweetie was a sweetheart up until she had the wrath of the gods placed upon her. 
They had made their way out of the kingdom as fast as they could, and Torren was grateful that the guards didn’t give him an official escort out of the kingdom. Though, he had noticed several guards watching him carefully if he lingered too long in an area. Sure, there was traffic, but he was an orc, that was an unforgivable crime don’t you know? He half expected to get harassed when he passed by the front gate guards, but he was uncomfortably surprised to find that they did not. 
Oh, he was going to die on this mission. He should have gotten his affairs in order, who was going to take after Sweetie when he was gone? His brothers were half a kingdom away and his neighbors didn’t know he existed. Now, he was realizing as he traversed the hills, it was a bad time to be a hermit. Sweetie was smart though, maybe she’d find a new hermit to adopt and go about her life. 
Okay, maybe he should focus on traveling and not his soon to be untimely demise. 
Torren had just crested the hill overlooking the neighboring village when a shout came from his right. Looking over, he was wary to see an elf making his way over on his own sturdy steed. The elf seemed friendly enough, though most elves he met rarely stayed friendly. He paused and waited for the elf to approach, keeping a hand on his dagger just in case. 
The elf wasn’t bad looking, kind of handsome really if Torren was being honest with himself. Tall, a bit taller than most of the elves he met, golden skin that would make King Midas jealous. Long brown hair braided back in practicality rather than aesthetic, though it was a tad too ornate for pure practicality. He was dressed in simple leathers, with elven embroidery up around the shoulders, partially obscured by the cloak he wore. 
  “Hail, friend! I see you came from Pufort, a fine accomplishment for those of us considered too “unpure”,” the elf gave a laugh as he settled beside Sweetie. “Gavril, merc for hire,” he introduced himself as he put his hand out.
“Torren,” Torren said as he took the hand and shook it once. A mutual respect was given to the elf, some mercs stuck together, especially those around Pufort. The land wasn’t known for tolerance, mostly the guards fault, and so it wasn’t common to see many mercs who weren’t human. “What brings you to Pufort?”
“Ah, but the king, of course!” Gavril gave the man a bright smile before his smile dropped. “Better to talk here than in the village. Less ears.”
Torren felt his heart drop at the comment, dear gods was this the end? He hadn’t even made it out of Pufort yet! Gods, the amount of fun his brothers would have when they find out that he died in Pufort of all places… 
“I can see you’re freaking out, fear not, I am not going to say “long live Dickie”,” Gavril let out a laugh, and Torren didn’t appreciate it, like, at all. “He hired me a month back, and when I disappeared he chose to hire you.”
“And I should believe you, why?” Torren actually did believe him, it was just the dick move that Dickie would pull. But he was a distrustful man by nature, and so grilling the elf it was. 
“Why would I lie? Being here in of itself is a death sentence for me if one of his guards spots me,” Gavril shrugged. “No, I felt as if the job was far too… strange for me to complete without the full story.”
“And that story was?” Torren raised a brow as he shifted on Sweetie, who snorted in warning as she grazed. 
“The princess, she’s apparently the daughter of the neighboring kingdom, Aster. I did my research and went to them with the information on Richard. They don’t like the idea of an unsavory man such as him “rescuing” their daughter in such an unhonorable way,” Gavril leaned a bit as his voice dropped. “I was riding by, coming back from another business that I had to attend,  when I happened to have heard he had another summons, I thought it was only fair to let you know about it all.”
“And what, exactly, are you hoping to inform me of other than the princesses misfortunes?” Torren leaned slightly in despite himself. 
“I’m to meet another fellow, a minotaur by the name of Jardor. He was the princess's guard before she was imprisoned so she’d be more trusting of us. Her parents hired me to take her Aster instead of Pufort, and their offer is extended to any other mercenary hired by Richard.”
“And this is legitimate? How do you know they won’t cast you off to Richards' wrath once they have their daughter?” 
Gavril nodded as he sat upright. “A fair question, I, myself, found myself doubting it. However, I asked around their former employers and found that they were actually credible. I understand that you have no reason to believe me, but if you are curious you are more than welcome to come with me to meet up with Jardor.”
“And where is he?” Surely a minotaur would be noticeable around a place like Pufort.
“He was smart enough not to come to the welcoming land of Pufort,” Gavril said with a grin. “He’s in Halder’s Rest in the neighboring village, Stonewall, I believe.” 
“And you just happened to be riding by Pufort and saw me?” Torren raised a brow as he leaned back. 
Gavril let out a soft laugh. “Fair enough, I might have been lingering around to see what the little man’s reaction would have been.”
“How? You couldn’t have been allowed in the city.”
“It’s actually fairly easy to sneak in if you find the really dumb guards,” Gavril said with a smirk. “If you talk fast and use big words to explain away things, they simply just let you in.”
Torren shook his head, “very well. I’ll come with you to this Jardor, but I make no promises that I will join you.”
“Of course,” Gavril gave a bow to his head. “Now, what do you think are the odds that these kind folk will allow us to rest in their undoubtedly comfortable inn?”
“‘Us’?” Torren looked at the elf with furrowed brows. Surely he didn’t think they were going to travel to Halder’s Rest together, did he?
“Yes, ‘us’,” Gavril said with a raised brow. “Surely you didn’t think I’d just abandon you to these unwashed masses, did you?”
“Yes?” Torren wasn’t sure who he pissed off up there, but he was fairly sure he didn’t deserve this kind of forced upon companionship here. 
“Oh, my friend,” Gavril gave a sympathetic pout before clapping Torren on the shoulder. “You’re stuck with me.”
Gods help him.
Turns out, the good folk were not willing to rent out their plentiful rooms to two distinguished gentlemen like them. So, seeing as the guards started gathering around them once they exited, the duo had opted to camp out on the spacious planes outside of the village. Pro: it was a nice night out with the stars shining bright; con: there were wolves and they very much were eyeing them as a snack.
Luckily for them, the wolves found a rather unfortunate deer and left them alone for the rest of the night. After that, the sleeping got easier, though Torren still kept a hand on his dagger under his pillow. And if he noticed that Gavril did the same with his staff, well, he wasn’t going to be one to talk. 
The morning was a tense affair, Gavril had cooked and while it smelt delicious Torren wasn’t one for accepting food from strangers. But his mother also raised a gentleman with manners so he ate anyway. And it pissed him off more that it was, indeed, delicious in all honesty.
They set off not long afterwards, mounting their steeds and making their way to Stonewall, a village that was a good two hours away. Both Sweetie and Torren did their best to ride ahead of Gavril and his steed, Farren, however the two seemed to be professionals Thorn in his Side, for they stayed right on his heels, humming a stupid little song.
Torren really pissed off some of the gods. 
But, by the Grace of the gods, they finally made it to Halder's Rest with minimal spats. Or, "character building" in Gavril's mind. The vast difference between Aster's civilians and Pufort's was easily spotted. Where an inhuman was hard to see even just passing through in Pufort, it was hard to not see them in Aster. From vendors, to guards, to just a milk maiden lizard girl. 
It felt… welcoming. 
"Halder's Rest is just down the road,'' Gavril said as he led Farren though the bustling roads. 
Torren let him take the reins, not sure if he should run or not. He had no idea really what sort of situation he was walking into. One kingdom was going to be pissed off, that was for sure. Either Pufort or Aster, and he wasn’t sure which one was better. Aster wasn’t known for its military, sure it had it, but no one had seen it in action in well over a hundred years. They preferred to stay diplomatic in negotiations, and somehow it’s worked so far. And yet, he feared what Aster would do if King Richard the Seconded got his grubby little hands on their daughter. 
But another part feared what the King would do to him if he failed to deliver the princess. He wasn’t the first mercenary, and even Gavril admitted he was cheating death when he hung around Pufort waiting for Torren to leave. Pufort was well known for their military power. King Richard was always willing to fling a fleet at a neighboring kingdom, or hell, even his own people, if he felt there was even a hint of offense at him and his legitimacy of his rule. 
He should run, Torren realized. Like now, right now-
“Hey, there he is!” Gavril said as he pointed at the minotaur guard that stood outside the inn with his arms crossed.  “Jardor!”
Jardor looked up with irritation on his face. He was big, even for a minotaur and just as uniquely colored. Most minotaurs that Torren had come across were either brown or black with white colorations. But Jardor was a multi-colored minotaur, white based but he had russet, black, brown and gray mottled on the skin that was exposed through his armor. His horns were wide and angled high, making him more imposing.
“Stop calling attention to us,” the guard hissed as they drew closer. “You could jeopardize the mission.”
“Oh, please,” Gavril rolled his eyes. “There’s only milkmaids here, it’s not that dangerous.”
“The king could find out and send his fleet,” Torren hissed at the elf. 
“Exactly,” Jardor snorted as he shifted his stance. “Our success depends heavily on stealth. Until we deliver the princess back to the capital of Aster, we are not out of the weeds yet.”
Gavril sighed heavily but nodded. “So, are we heading out or is there other business we need to attend to first here?”
“We’ll head out, most of the pleasantries can be exchanged on the road,” Jardor said as he led them to the guards stables and pulled his draft horse out of the stall. As he mounted, Torren surveyed the town. It was a nice place to be, he supposed. But he still preferred his privacy.
“I don’t believe we met,” Jardor said to him as they set out. “I’m the Princesses’ guard, Jardor Stoneskin. And you?”
“Torren Azorrn,” Torren said finally. “Just got hired from the King-”
“-and poached from me once he left,” Gavril interjected with a cheerful grin.
“Yes,” Torren agreed with a heavy sighed. 
Jardor snorted and shook his head. “Of course,” he sighed. “I apologize for him, he was supposed to go home and then make his way back here. Though I am glad he did make the detour, I doubt I would have survived the trip with just the two of us.”
Torren found himself smiling as Gavril let out a gasp of mock hurt. “It is nice to have a more level headed company,” he agreed as Gavril mumbled to himself as the two men snickered. 
“I will have you two know, I am pleasant company!” Gavril said as he steered his horse next to Sweetie. 
“Of course, my friend,” Jardor said evenly with a placating smile. “Of course.”
“Why did you have to return home, anyways?” Torren asked with a raised brow at the elf. He had only mentioned business arrangements, but going home was an entirely different thing “Was that the other business you mentioned earlier?” 
“It was,” Gavril said defensively. “I have people at home who were waiting on me, had to let them know I’d be back for good later than anticipated.” 
Torren nodded and left it at that, he wasn’t going to judge people for their personal affairs, he knew that if he was still in contact with his own brothers he’d be doing the same. They lapsed into a silence after that, save for the occasional direction change from Jardor the other two were content with just following him. Finally, Torren found himself speaking up. “Jardor, if you’re the princesses’ guard, then why aren’t you with her?”
“Ah, there are two princesses in Aster, the one who is heir to the throne and the second in line should anything happen to the eldest sibling,” Jardor said. “The princess I served was the second in line, though she loathed the whole thing,” he added with a soft smile. “When she was...cursed, I was ordered to stay behind and help protect her sister.”
“So she’s cursed?” Gavril asked with a frown. “You didn’t mention that.”
Jardor shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I, yes, she’s cursed,” he said stiffly. “The sooner she comes home, I’m sure she’ll be closer to breaking that curse.”
“Isn’t true love usually the factor in those curses?” Gavril asked with a furrowed brow as Torren studied the minotaur. 
“Yes, but that is not the case here,” Jardor said with such confidence neither mercenary knew what to do with that. 
“So what is this curse?” Torren asked. “Why was she moved to such a remote location, surrounded by lava and a dragon?”
“It was considered necessary by the Throne, it was not my place to question it,” Jardor said stiffly. 
“So you did disagree,” Gavril noted. “Which means it likely isn’t a curse, and that makes me so much more intrigued, don’t you feel the same, Torren?” 
Torren didn’t comment. But he did note that the minotaur was clearly hiding something, and that made him all the more wary of this job. He should have just stayed home. 
“Must you grate on my nerves, elf-boy?” Jardor snapped as he looked at the elven mercenary. 
“Ah, elf-boy is actually my younger brother, a cute lad but not nearly as annoying as me, elf-man,” Gavril said with a grin, but it dropped quickly in the wake of a grim expression on his face. “Look, we can deal with a dragon, and even the lava. But if she’s cursed, we need to know exactly what we’re walking into.”
“Nothing dangerous,” Jardor promised, and the two men relaxed just a bit at that. The situation was weird, but Jardor radiated a trusting aura that it was hard to suspect they were walking into a trap. At least for Gavril, Torren always assumed there would be a trap involved when he traveled with others. “Just let me take the lead when we get to the tower, a familiar face will help her.”
“How long has she been locked away?” Torren asked finally. 
“Seven years,” Jardor said with a weary look in his eyes, and deeper down, pain. “It’s high time for her to come home.” He nudged his horse, kicking her into a faster gait as they made their way out of Aster and into the wildlands. “That said, we’re a three day journey away from the tower, it’s in a remote part of the country that few travel by. We shouldn’t face any resistance before the volcano.”
“Well then, let’s get ourselves a princess,” Gavril said with a smirk at Torren as he sent Farren barreling after Jardor. 
Torren sighed heavily and patted Sweetie’s neck, “let’s get this over with,” he said to her as he nudged her side gently, a gentle permission to run with the other horses, a permission that she gladly took as she galloped next to their two companions. In just three days, he’ll be fighting off a dragon surrounded by molten lava just to rescue a princess. That was the only certain thing he knew about this mission, if there was a curse, if they could get her to Aster before the King found out, if he still was getting paid.
Gods, was he still getting paid?
[eye of the tiger blasting]
Jardor kept the lead, forging ahead when Gavril decided that bickering with Torren was a Lovely Idea. Both men, both adult men, were constantly five seconds away from getting into a slapping fight that escalated when Gavril, a four year old apparently trapped in a twenty eight year old's body, claimed that Torren had hit him. 
Jardor just let it happen when Torren really did hit him. 
Setting up camp was a horrid affair, all three of them were skilled in camping, but those skills had varying degrees. Jardor could put up an excellent tent, but the sleeping cot kept getting tangled and eventually he just laid out on the mess with a stoic resolve. Torren was an expert in putting out his sleeping cot, but his tent kept falling out on one side and eventually he just moved Sweetie over to help keep it propped up with the promises of getting her an extra big bag of oats. And Gavril would put his tent up, but in the process of laying out his sleeping cot the tent would fall. When he’d try to put the cot up first, the tent would fall and he’d have to find his way back out again. And so, in a moment where his remaining two brain cells bumped together, he tied his tent up to the branches of the tree keeping it up and elevated while Torren glared at him from the inside of his lopsided tent that was beginning to smell of horse.
The morning didn’t help anything either. 
Torren, used to years of cooking and traveling by himself, had woken up early and made himself, and only himself, a nice breakfast. The other two, woken by the pleasant smell of bacon and the heavenly sizzle of fresh eggs being cooked, came out of their tents with growling stomachs and crushing disappointment when they spotted Torren eating it all by himself. Jardor was disappointed, Gavril was dismayed. The two had to fend for themselves, Jardor splitting a piece of jerky with the elf as they glared subtly in Jardor’s case, and blatantly in Gavril’s. 
When they finally set back out again, it was in lesser spirits than the day before. They were less than a day away, according to the smell of sulfur that got increasingly heavier as they traveled on. Gavril could see why no one had rescued the princess prior till now, the lands around the volcano were barren, the roads treacherous by hungry wolves. It was dangerous even for the three of them, he couldn’t imagine a merchant or a lone adventurer braving this land.
Well, maybe Torren.
But everyone else would be fucked.
Jardor let out a soft laugh up ahead and slowed to a stop at the crest of the hill. He glanced back at the two catching up, a light shining in his eyes as he grinned at them. “We’re here,” he announced as the tower, tall and magnificent, loomed below. It wasn’t exactly just a remote tower, Gavril could make out some crumbling structures of a once beautiful palace. He wondered, hoped really, that it was still stable and safe for the princess, surely her parent’s wouldn’t have dumped her into this hell hole if it was unstable. He paused, actually, he’s met some gods awful parent’s. It was a high possibility. But that was neither here nor there, the tower was still far enough away, but they would arrive there within the hour if they paced themselves. They still couldn’t spot the dragon, and none of them were willing to go head on against a fucking dragon.
Torren opened his mouth to speak, to ask what the plan was in case the dragon reared its head. But before he could utter a single word, a horn sounded from behind them. The three turned on their steeds to watch as a troop of soldiers made their way towards the tower, banners flying high, and armor glittering in the sunlight. 
"Fuck," Gavril said with pursed lips. 
Fuck was right. 
Princess Amirah was absolutely, and positively bored. She had nothing else to paint, unless Harold suddenly changed their mind about her painting his scales. She’s run dramatically through the hallways a dozen times this morning, and really she wasn’t feeling it for a thirteenth time. All the books have been read, a countless amount of times. At this point she could quote the books and she did, constantly, to Harold as they cleaned their teeth from their meal each night. Harold never spoke as to whether or not they enjoyed it, but she assumed they would have put an end to it by now if they didn’t. 
She sighed heavily as she paced her room, paint brush in hand as she tried to figure out a new canvas. There was still some room on the window sill, maybe even the dresser if she painted small enough. She paused by the open window, the smell of sulfur no longer bothered her as she breathed it in. She barely remembered the smell of fresh, clean air. Or the sound of bustling streets, the maids coming in with sweet hushed words, her mothers hugs…
Amirah shook her head and smacked her cheek chastisingly with her paint brush. No, no thoughts like that, she’s survived seven years without those things, she can survive many more. In all honesty, she probably could leave. It wasn’t like anyone was going to come looking for her of all the princesses in this unholy tower. They were more likely to go for the skinny blonde overlooking the ocean than her. Which was fine, she was the second born princess of Aster, her sister was always considered the prettiest, the fairest, the princess that all should aspire to be. 
Amirah made it her mission to defy that expectation. She hated the princess duties that her mother and sister had forced her to attend. She hated the expectations that were expected of her as the second in line to the throne. To marry a neighboring kingdom, to secure an alliance between the two. To have their heirs and continue the bloodline. It all made her squeamish honestly. In a perfect life, she wouldn’t mind marrying and settling down on her own terms with someone that she truly loved. But she didn’t have the perfect life, she had her mothers expectations and her sister's legacy. 
She was honestly safer in the tower than back home. 
A strange sound filled the air, and a frown pulled at her lips as she looked off outside. She adjusted her glasses as another horn sounded, a horn of all things. Why would a horn be here, who was blowing the damned thing. They were going to wake Harold up!
Leaning out the window, Amirah let out a gasp as banners crested over the hill. Banners that belonged to Pufort, the kingdom ruled by King Richard. In the distance, she spotted three men charging ahead of the group, and hope glittered in her heart as she spied familiar horns. Was Jardor really here? She didn't know who the other men were, or what she assumed were male honestly she knew some beefy female knights, oh gods was Clarissa here? That would truly make her day. 
Before she could speculate, however, a loud roar filled the air and shook the ground. Clinging to the wall, Amirah looked up in slight fear. She knew that roar, and what it meant. A challenge, anyone who wanted her, had to go through them.
May the Divines bless their poor souls.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “My Beautiful Sun.”
And end to another arc. And yes I know I am better at writing angst than fluff, so if you guys want some fluff, I am going to need some recommendations or ideas . I hope you like it and I hope you have a great Thursday!
The space above fiery A136 was quiet, a marble of glass hung in a vacuum of darkness. Fire licked silently across the planet’s surface as rain clouds gathered along the border of light and dark. 
The star sone with increased intensity, white hot through the darkness. A myriad of satellites, space stations and the occasional abandoned mining ship orbited the planet systems of light blinking in the darkness.
One of these ships, a luxury civilian transport was on the bright side of its orbit, silhouetted against the fiery star=, the lines of white where the sun hit and pools of black where it did not, making a sharp contrast upon the face of the ship between light and dark.
It seemed a peaceful thing, hanging there in the darkness unsuspecting of thwart was to come.
ON the far edge of the planet’s orbit, there was a sudden whirling and a sharp flash of light as another ship appeared from the darkness.
It was hulking, massive, and painted black against the stars, only its blue highlight strips gave any indication there was a ship there at al. She crawled from the darkness stealthily slithering through the starry expanse until her shadow bore down on the unsuspecting ship.
Fiery starlight spilled in through the front window, tinted just enough that they were not completely blinded by its awful magnitude. A figure stood against the burning light, unmoving, arms crossed over his chest.
On his shoulder there sat a smaller figure all colorful fluff and impossibly large eyes.
“Lord Avex….”
“Yes, Admiral.”
Deploy the grapples… and don’t bother to be gentle about it.
Sunny sagged against her chains, her legs dumbed from the increased drugs. The dosage they had given her far outweigh any of the other doses that had come before, insuring that she would not move during the procedure. As limp as she was, she worried about her joints dislocating, as her shoulders were the only thing holding her up.
“Hold it steady.” The man ordered, and she could feel the cool, clammy tough of the man’s hand on her lower left arm as the last bit of her forearm carapace was stripped away. The cold was immediate and unpleasant, and the feel of the air against her bare skin made her want to scratch it off. It was a horrible sensation that she detested immediately.
Looking down at her arm, the only thing left there was the grey, gore stained skin cut with abrasions and pale from never having seen the light . The  sight made her sick, as hideous as it was, and she used the last of her strength to turn her head away.
The man held up what was left of the carapace, “Ah, that should be enough for three vials, don’t you think? He walked across the room, and Sunny watched in hopeless anger as he fed her shining armor into the machine, grinding it into powder right there before her eyes. From there it dripped down into three bottles, and held them up to the light, “A little less than I thought we would get, But it should be enough.”
He walked back over the the fancy woman and handed her the vials, which she looked down at with distaste.”
“Is something wrong ma’am.”
She turned to look up at him as if that had been a stupid question, “Not as much as you were expecting? That sounds like you are short changing me. When I came here for three vials.I wanted three vials of the promised size, not a little less than what we were hoping for.”
The man held up his hands in a defensive way, “Ok ok, my apologies. We will get you some more.”
He turned to look at Sunny, and she knew what was coming next.
The circular saw blade began to spin slowly as his partner held it at the ready, lowering his goggles down over his face.
And then the ship jolted violentl.
The man pitched forward, nearly imbedding the circular saw tool in his own face, but catching himself at the last minute. The fancy woman keeled over backwards and hit the floor hard as her shoes unbalanced her, and the third man slammed sideways into the chains, releasing the mechanism that held her up, and causing her to fall to the floor. She didn’t really feel much when she hit, she hadn’t been all that high up anyway.
Out of all of them, her descent to the floor had been the least violent.
One of the men stood, “What the hell was that!”
The massive clatter of metal, was accompanied by the groaning of the ships hull which deflected and popped against the weight of something. Sirens began to go off overhead as the two men leaped to their feet, while the fancy woman struggled just to make it to her knees.
One of them raced over to the coms and slammed their fist against it, “What’s going on up there.”
There was no answer for a long moment before, “We are being boarded, sir!” The voice was frantic, and on the other end of the line Sunny could hear more metallic screeching.
The ship continued to vibrate and scream as the group of men staggered their way across the floor.
Sunny tried to lift her head, but didn’t have the strength.
Her mind moved slowly.
Being boarded.
Could it be?
But no…. That was too much to hope for…. Wasn’t it?
Next to her the other Drev shifted and lifted their heads.
The man pressed the comm again, “Someone do SOMETHING.”
“We can’t, sir they have shielding.”
“Than get rid of their shielding!”
The man on the other end of the line went quiet, “We aren’t going to win this one boss.
“Get the escape pods ready then.” She snarled.
“I can’t sir, its a magnetic grapple field, so nothing is getting out of this.
 THe man howled in frustration.
There was a sharp thud on the outside.
“How could they even get in?” one of the men wondered, “There is no outside access to the airlock.”
Just then another voice came over the line, “Sir, sir something has taken over out internal computer systems…. I I don’t know what it is but I….”
There was a loud THUD from somewhere below them.
“The airlock!” someone yelled 
And that was when Sunny began to laugh. It was so startling, that the entire room went quiet as they turned to look at her. She wasn’t really amused, but there was a part of her, one that was very smug about what she was sure was soon to happen.
“What are you laughing about, scarab.”
She continued to laugh for a long moment, “You’re fucked.”
“What is she talking about.” The woman demanded.
Sunny laughed again, “I know whose ship that is.” 
More laughter
The men looked concerned. One of them pointed the circular saw blade at her, “Tell us!”
She giggled manically, “That’s the Omen.”
“What do you mean the Omen.” The man said nervously, shuffling his feet, “I mean you dim bastard THE omen. The pride of the UNSC fleet…. Captained b Admiral vir and a crew of a thousand men and aliens. Celzex weapons, Vrul shields…. And GRAVITY enabled grappling fields.” She began to laugh again.
“He’s coming…. Hes coming.”
Her manic laughter had clearly unsettled then, and her warning made it all the worse.
“Someone…..I, give me the damn blowtorch.” 
Once given his prize, he thrust it at one of the other men and pointed towards the door. Outside Sunny was just beginning to hear the sounds of distant carnage, “Weld it shut!”
WHen the man didn’t move at first he nearly went ballistic, “DO IT NOW.”
Sunny began to laugh again.
The man still holding the saw blade turned to look at her, viciously kicking her in the side, “Shut up scarab.”
The man at the door was having a tough time getting the idea to work, and with everyone screaming at  him and his hands shaking, it was doing no real good. 
That was probably why the door didn’t last more than a few microseconds. With a loud screech and thunderous bang the door was ripped off its tracks. The six inch thick metal door, not just dented open or blown inward, but kicked out of its brackets and completely detached from the wall all together, with such a powerful force, it slammed into the first man and sent him back gnarly three feet, slamming into the floor, unmoving.
When the sparks settled, and the room quiet, Sunny heard the hydraulic whirr and hiss as two feet clattered against the floor.
Smoke from out in the hallway filtered in through the floor as the figure stood at the door.
The first human, the one at the intercom, raced forward, a steel pipe having appeared in his hands some minutes ago. He swung it at the newcomers head, but it was useless, he cot the steel pipe with the queal of metal against metal, forearm to pipe, and then ripped it backwards out of the man’s hands , sending him flailing to the floor.
The second man came at him with the only weapon left available: the whirring circular saw.
He caught that too on the metal of the exo skeleton and then droe it hard downward, sending the circular saw blade cutting right into the man’s foot and sticking him to the floor. The man screamed long and loud, but his attacker did not heed him, spinning once with a backhanded swing that sent the pipe careening into the other man’s head, with a violent THWACK.
The second man wrenched the saw blade from his foot with a roar of pain, but it was knocked aside and went clattering across the floor as he was punched in the sternum.
There was a sharp crunch as he went staggering backwards and hit the floor very still.
Behind him, a group of other figures poured into the room.
One figure, big and red, grabbed two humans by the backs of their coats and threw them into the nearby wall with a sharp clatter.
The original figure knelt on the floor fist drawn back, ready to send his fist through the man’s head.
His fist stopped and grew still. For a moment the man below him looked relieved, but with a sharp blow to the face he was knocked unconscious. 
Adam stood, blurry in her vision as he raced over to her side.
She heard the soft hissing of the Iron eye suit as he knelt next to her.
Strong hands and warm arms grasped around her chest and middle, hauling her partially upright where her head leaned against his chest. He held her tight, tight enough that it should have hurt but she didn’t care.
“Sunny…. Sunny can you hear me?” 
It echoed around and around inside her head.
Carnage nearly drowned him out.
A hand pressed against her cheek, “Sunny, Sunny please say something.”
Her head lolled against his chest as the light overhead faded in and out…
Her body, tense from a month of perpetual fear and anger slowly relaxed and she felt her body sliding downward before he caught her, holding her upright to sag against him.
For the first time in over a month, she was safe.
Her mind knew it.
And her body knew it.
So, it shut her off, allowed her some peace, in the arms of a person who wasn’t about to let anything more happen to her.
She didn’t feel the movement, wasn’t aware of the strong arms that carried her from the ship all on his own, wasn’t aware of the hushed voices and the quiet whispering. Wasn’t aware of the days that went by with her stillness and the waiting concern of those around her.
When she finally opened her eyes and awoke it was to soft beeping, and dim blue light. White curtains hung about her, over her head, and for a moment she wasn’t really sure where she was.
It wasn’t the sound at first but the sensations.
Something warm gripping her hand, and gripping it tight, and a soft caress over the skin of her exposed stomach, repeating circles, up the side down to the side and back.
She turned her head very slowly and groggily to the side.
At first she didn’t recognize the face of the man who sat next to her but as her slow brain caught up with her eyes she hummed in confusion and worry.
The man lifted his head, turning to look at her. Scruffy, gaunt, and supporting about two weeks of growth on his chin and face, but when he smiled at her she knew for sure it was him, brighter than any light in this place. He rested a hand against the side of her face, “I…. i was worried…. You scared me.”
“Sorry” She muttered softly.
He brought his other hand up to the other side of her face leaning down to gently touch foreheads with her for a quiet moment, “I’m sorry I didn’t make it sooner.”
The pain in his eyes made her hurt just to watch and she shook her head, “An entire universe, and you still found me, considering you did it in a month is pretty impressive.”
He gave a weak smile. “If… If i had just been safer during the storm.”
She raised a hand, “Shh…. none of that.”
He trailed off and nodded sheepishly. He leaned forward, “I’m sorry, this… this isn’t about me…. How are you feeling?”
She shifted, and despite lethargy, she was at least able to move, “A bit…. Drugged.”
“Yeah, there were massive amount of paralysis in your system when we found you. Krill has been pulling the drugs out, but he says it may take a few weeks to get back to normal.”
Below her on the bed  She flex and unflexed her lower left hand. She wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to look, but she knew she had to. WHen she turned her head down she grew sick to her stomach. The hideous grey expanse of scarred up tissue and  disgusting pale skin. She turned her head away, but he caught her, hands to the side of her face again.
She let out a shaky breath
“Hey, hey, none of that…. Don’t even start.” One hand still on her cheek, he lowered the other and took her lower left hand in his, “This doesn’t change anything you hear me, nothing at all. Not about the way I feel, and certainly not about the way you should feel about  yourself ok….”
She struggled internally for a moment.
He squeezed her hand tighter, “No matter what, ok.:
She felt as he slid his hand down the inside of her wrist, resting his hand along the strange exposed skin of her forearm. It felt strange, unusual, tingly. It made her cringe thinking about touching it, but he didn’t flinch once, “Don’t you think for one minute that this makes you any less.” She stared into his face and he stared back with a conviction so strong she felt herself starting to believe.
His serious face was broken by a sudden smile, “Besides…. I…. I have something for you.”
The bright smile and excitement filtered over to her and she sat up against her pillows.
“I made it myself!” he announced with pleasure, pausing as he turned around with a box between his two hands.
“I….” He looked down a bit sheepishly, “Don’t laugh alright….. It was my first go but I… I wanted to make something….”
Sunny didn’t even have to see it to know she would love it anyway.
Slowly he handed to box over to her, and she lifted the lid.
Inside, was a polished metal vambrace made of shimmering blue metal flecked with little golden bits on the inside.
She stared.
“Do you like it…. I…. well I made it while you were sleeping,... i mean i would have stayed here if krill had let me, but he sort of forced me to leave and get some rest, of course I couldn’t sleep so I ended up down in your workshop instead, and I wasn’t really sure what to do, but I made this and I thought maybe it would help, and since I remembered that  there was a little bit of your dad’s carapace in my leg, I removed a little piece and used that inside the metal, and I’m sorry if that’s a bad thing or….” She gripped his hand to stop him from rambling.
“Can you, help me put it on.”
The relief on his face was so visible it was almost a sound, and he gently took the metal bracer from the box. He looked nervous as it snapped open and he situated her arm inside.
She had trouble looking at it, but his expression didn’t change once as his fingers brushed over the exposed skin.
The metal was cold against her arm.
He took a deep breath, and snapped the brase close with a sharp snap. 
The strange feeling of the room was now gone, and she was left only with the slowly warming underside of the metal, and the beautiful glittering of the Crude metalwork inlaid with pieces of her father’s carapace.
“Does it fit?”
She lifted her arm and turned it this way and that, admiring the shine of the metal.
She looked up at him, “Not bad…. Not bad at all.” 
He grinned, the relief still evident there. He pressed his forehead against hers for another quick moment before sitting back, “Now rest, or I’ll knock you out myself, you hear.”
She snorted but yawned, “I’d like to see you try.”
“If i can find one Drev in an entire universe, I’m pretty sure I could knock that same Drev unconscious, but whatever makes you feel better, Zhak, hijan chal.”
She closed her eyes.
And fell
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
where the heaven are we? | j. jaehyun
plot: a trip back to jung jaehyun’s childhood home triggered his memory of you. a bottle of pills a friend gave years ago aided jaehyun in finding out what happened after he left - and if your fate was all his fault. 
word count: 8k
genre: romance (fluff, angst), time travel-ish! au
warnings: drug use/abuse, addiction, implied smut (not too detailed), messy af writing lol
not proofread so i apologize for any mistakes
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The house was cold and quiet. Surfaces were covered with a thin layer of dust as old memorabilias of Jaehyun’s parents remained as still as yesterday. After his father’s death, Jaehyun delayed selling the house as much as he could. But opportunities for money came and he found himself filling boxes. The movers were supposed to take all the boxes tomorrow. Jaehyun only has one room left to empty: his childhood bedroom.
Pictures of him and his college friends were plastered against the walls. The bed and pillows were rid of sheets as no one was using them anyway. Jaehyun decluttered before leaving home so there was not a lot of stuff to pack. A small shoe box sat inside the empty closet. The contents of the box triggered a wave of nostalgia all over him.
The box contained letters, photos, and small trinkets. It was as if someone put his college life into a small box. An orange, translucent cylinder caught Jaehyun’s eye. Beside the cylinder was a polaroid of you - smiling, full of life.
Jaehyun stared at his reflection. The image of the man he used to be was no longer found in the reflection staring back at him. Strands of grey found themselves in his hair. His youthful skin was starting to form wrinkles. There was a slight ache on the joints of his fingers. The sensation made him realized how old he actually is. He lived a long life. He went through the highs and the lows.
“Yes, son, I already recieved the email.” He spoke through the speaker of the phone.
“How was it, dad?” The young man asked.
“Good job, Jeno.” Jaehyun complimented. “I expect more of this work soon?”
“You got it.” Jeno replied.
“I’ll call you again tomorrow.”
“Okay. See you, dad.”
For a moment, he believed that he had done everything he needed to do in life. He had a loving wife and a smart son. The image of a perfect family hung above the staircase. That’s how life was for him; he was successful and adored. They say what matters most is what lies ahead. But Jaehyun couldn’t shrug off a memory of a girl from decades ago.
No portrait was big enough to overpower the small image of your smile. It reminded him of something that’s been unfixed for such a long time, he doesn’t know if there’s still a chance to resolve it.
Jaehyun felt weirdly tired. Perhaps it was the age talking but it was still weird since it was a Sunday and he did not have work. It was unusual for him to feel weary on a weekend. He yawned as he rest his body on the bed. His head spinned as if he was drunk. Before he could think of a thought, his eyes fluttered.
The scene was a regular day at university. Jaehyun crossed his eyebrows as he stared at his reflection in the campus restroom. His complexion was youthful - rose-colored flush spread across his cheeks. His hair was a soft shade of pink. The distant voice of Johnny Suh was heard behind a cubicle.
Where the fuck am I?
“Dude, I’m so fucking tired of taking care of your drunk asses at every party.” Johnny continued to complained. Jaehyun’s eyes widened at Johnny.
Johnny did not look like the Johnny he saw two days ago at the restuarant. The Johnny in front of him has black hair while the Johnny from two days ago had red.
“Do you even want to go to Taeyong’s party tonight?” Johnny asked. It took Jaehyun a few seconds to realize that he was being questioned. He muttered a small yes. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Didn’t sleep well last night.” Jaehyun made up the excuse. He has no idea why the hell is he reliving his college self. The thought both scared and intrigued him.
Jaehyun’s mind was still drifting as they walked across the building. His nerves tingled in his fingertips. It’s been years since he last walked the campus and yet it seemed like he was also here yesterday. His eyes lit up at the sight of his college friends, clumped up at a small bench near the field.
“I’m only going if Doyoung is going.” Johnny announced.
“I already told you, everyone is going.” Taeyong answered back.
“I better not be in charge of the fucking booze again.” Taeil complained.
“Haechan will forget half of the things I’ll tell him to buy.” Taeyong rebutted.
Jaehyun stayed quiet. It hasn’t sunk into him yet that he was indeed reliving the past. But why? Was it because of the box he discovered days ago?
This is so fucking weird.
It hasn’t occured to him yet why this is happening. He leaned back at the bench and stared at the clear sky. The chaotic chattering of his friends occupied his ears. He definitely felt young. The aging burden he’s been carrying lately was liften off his shoulders.
Jaehyun’s head started to be spin. He sat straight to stabilize the world around him. Running his hands across his hair, he attempted to speak to his chatting friends. None of them seemed to notice Jaehyun’s distress. It weirded him out that Sicheng was looking at him and talking as if Jaehyun was alright. Black dots appeared in his vision. He blinked rapidly as he glanced one more time among his friends who acted as if nothing was happening. He couldn’t explain the phenomenon. It was like he’s about to faint. Only a sound of static was heard as he closed his eyes - in an attempt to stop the world from turning.
After a few seconds, Jaehyun’s heard started to feel normal. Although, a different type of sound could be heard by his ears. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at his feet. He was standing now. The color of the room was a mix of purple and red. Loud music bounced through the four walls of the room, accompanied by the shouting of people. He was at a party.
Jaehyun looked all around him. He recognized the place immediately. This was Taeyong’s house. Jaehyun felt drunk. It wasn’t the nauseating type of drunk. He felt good; he felt as if he was invincible. He only felt this way while he’s drinking with his friends. He only felt this way when he was with someone he couldn’t put a name into. Jaehyun approached Yuta who was on the couch, rolling a blunt.
“It’s weird to see Jung Jaehyun without a girl under his arm on a party.” Yuta commented. The thick smoke of the blunt covered his smirking face.
“I’m just as confused as you.” He replied.
“Have you seen the freshmen?” Yuta asked. “Boy, Johnny did not lie when he said they were hot.”
“I haven’t yet.” Jaehyun took a sip of his beer. “It’s hard to determine who’s a freshie and who’s not.”
“Taeyong made the freshmen wear a yellow bracelet.”
“So we know who to fuck with and who to not.”
Soon enough, Yuta became occupied with a girl who sat beside him. Before standing up to go somewhere, Yuta handed a small cylindrical container to Jaehyun. “Ten said to give this to you. He said to only take it when necessary.”
The orange, cylinder. The one he saw inside the shoe box in his bedroom. He straightened his back with his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He still wasn’t sure why the hell he’s in this timeline of his life. He was hoping he could know the answers tonight.
“Oops.” A small body collided with his strong one. The impact shook Jaehyun out of his reverie. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Jaehyun replied. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?”
The girl look at his eyes. Jaehyun felt a heat rush to his ears and cheeks. He was thankful that the lights were dim or else the girl would have noticed his red ears.
“I don’t think so.” The girl replied. “I’m a trasnferee.”
“Really? From where?”
“I took my first year in Yonsei.”
“That’s quiet far from here.” Jaehyun added. “Oh, by the way, I’m Jaehyun.”
“I’m Y/N.” The girl replied, shaking his hand.
A minute ago, Jaehyun had no idea why all of a sudden, he was reliving his college life. Now, he knows why.
A ringing in his head made Jaehyun press his palms against his temples. He shook his head. It was happening again. A nauseating feeling erupted in Jaehyun’s stomach. With a fleeting second, the earth beneath him felt normal. He was almost scared to open his eyes. He was scared of what lies before him. With a gulp, he opened them.
“Come on, Y/N, back me up!” Johnny yelled at the graphic video game in front of him.
“Ugh! There’s so many orcs on my way!” You screamed back.
“Johnny, you’re supposed to heal us too.” Jaehyun complained. Why the hell did he know what to say and what to do in a video game he hasn’t played in decades? “Not just you!”
“Attack, attack, attack!” Johnny commanded.
A series of keyboard clicking erupted through the living room of Johnny’s house.
“Yes!” You all exclaimed as “victory” presented on the screen of your laptops.
“Damn, I’m beat.” You announced, leaning back on the couch.
“I wish we could stay this way forever.” Jaehyun spoke. “Just carefree nerds battling orcs.”
“Who said we’re nerds?” Johnny faked an offending face.
“Yeah, we’re just some college kids who decided to reward their hardwork with these childish games.” You replied.
“I’m proud of you and Johnny for winning the national debate.” Jaehyun said with a huge grin on his face.
“I’m glad I met you guys.” You said wholeheartedly. The men beside you sent gagging sounds over your cheesy sentiment. You playfully punched their arms as you prepared yourselves for another night of video games.
Jaehyun wasn’t supposed to take it but he needed to see you again. It has been a week since he rediscovered the pills Ten gave him. He didn’t know if this could affect his health. He didn’t even know if Ten is still alive. He didn’t know if the pills were legit, if they were expired, or if it was some bad drugs that Ten disguised as magic pills. All he knew was there has always been a hole in his soul. All because of you. For the past years of his life, he wondered what would have happened if things didn’t turn out the way they did.
Memories of you suddenly flooded his mind. The image of your soft hair hitting his face as you frolic through the field together. The warmth of your arms as you hug him out of the blue. Most importantly, he remembered your loyalty. It all came back to him now.
He really shouldn’t have done it but he could only do so much now that one of Ten’s pills was already sitting in his stomach.
His head felt light. The world around him seemed to double as he tried to shake out of it. His fingers felt rigid but his legs were wobbly. Swaying left and right, Jaehyun could hardly make it back to his room. He expected to collapse on to the cold tiles of his bathroom floor but a soft mattress welcomed him instead.
Pill #1
This time, the scenario was happening inside one of the campus libraries.
Wow. So Ten’s pills really do work.
Jaehyun felt selfish. He felt bad that he was running away from his current life to see you again. What else was he supposed to do? He was given the opportunity to fix an unsolved bridge in his past. He’s not letting this time slide.
“I hate this subject so much.” You complained. The table that you and Jaehyun shared was trashed with different variations of papers and pens.
“Come on, what is it about?” Jaehyun asked.
“Something about quarks and photons.” You groaned and rest your head on your palms.
“It’s not that bad. Look,” Jaehyun said. He took a scratch paper and a pen. “It says here that photons aren’t considered as a matter because they don’t have mass. Quarks, however, have mass.”
“Therefore, photons aren’t made up of quarks.” You concluded.
“See? It’s not that bad.” Jaehyun teased.
You glared at his smug face. He chuckled and looked at his phone. There was a message from Jungwoo.
Jungwoo Kim [4:45 pm]: wow lover boy’s on the move
Jaehyun [4:46 pm]: Wtf?
Jungwoo Kim [4:48 pm]: I know about your little crush on Y/N
Jungwoo Kim [4:48 pm]: DO NOT WORRY. ur secret is safe with me ;)
He shook his head at his friend. Jaehyun leaned back at his chair. His eyes remained on your slouching figure. Your brows furrowed as you tried to slow an equation. Your hair swayed in the wind caused by the large fan on the ceiling. Jaehyun hated what happened between the two of you. He was worried, however, about how far each pill could take him. He only had 4 remaining pills left. It boggled his mind how the pills could determine how far in the past it could take Jaehyun.
“You hungry?” Jaehyun asked all of the sudden.
You were taken aback. But it would be a lie to say that you didn’t find Jaehyun attractive. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure that how beautiful he is.
“Yeah.” You replied. “Getting quiet tired of all these studying.”
You fixed all your scattered belongings on the table. The sun was still out despite the time being late into the afternoon.
“It’s a Friday.” You announced. “Don’t you have any plans you should be preparing for right now?”
“The guys are taking it easy this weekend.” Jaehyun answered. “There’s a lot of exams coming up.”
“Wow, for such party people, you sure are responsible.”
“Hey, it’s not easy being a business management major.” Jaehyun’s response made you laugh. “What made you take up physics?”
“I like the universe.” You replied. “More than that, I like how there’s still so much left to be answered. What causes things to function they way they do? What happens inside a black hole? Can you get out? When will the universe reach its unevitable end and what happens after that?”
Jaehyun watched you as you rant on and on about why you chose to study that. He saw the gleam in your eyes as the skies washed your face with its golden light.
“I hope I can live long enough to know the answers.”
The last few words of your sentence bounced back and forth. The golden skies whirled and Jaehyun waited for it to happen again. As if bracing for impact, he held his head between his hands and closed his eyes.
“A little birdie told me that you have a little crush on someone.” You were wearing a yellow sun dress.
The meadow behind you was filled with flowers matching the color of your dress. The skirt of it flowed through the wind as you held your head to keep your hat from flying.
“What? What crush?” Jaehyun stuttered.
“Come on, Jaehyun, who’s the lucky girl?” You looked at him with doe eyes.
“I’ll tell you once I ask her out.” Jaehyun replied.
“Ugh,” You groaned. “How about this: I tell you who my crush is and you tell me mine.”
“Deal.” Jaehyun wanted to slap himself for agreeing.
“I have a crush on Johnny.” You confessed.
Jaehyun felt a pang in his chest. You like Johnny. Of course, you would. Johnny is a sweet and smooth guy. He tried his best to hide his frown.
“Oh.” Jaehyun muttered. “Well, I like Mina.”
You smiled sweetly at him, clearly impressed with yourself that you got him to confess. You turned your back from him as you frolic in the field. Jaehyun could only watch your swaying figrue as you drift farther and farther away.
Jaehyun woke up in cold sweat. The shine was starting to shine through the windows. He groaned as he sat up in the bed. He glanced over the bedside table. There stood two photo frames - one of him and his wife and one of his son. The death of his wife was followed shortly by the death of his father. Jaehyun loved Adelaine. She was a woman of psychology - respected and adored by many. He lifts the frame and looked at their young and smiling faces. Jaehyun was happy. He lived a happy life, with a loving wife and a smart son. His smile soon fell as he remembered his dream last night.
“Tought night?” Kun slipped a cup of coffee on Jaehyun’s desk.
“Nah.” Jaehyun replied, getting the cup. “Just watched some movies until it was 3:00 pm.”
“Is this what living alone does to a man?”
“Shut it, Kun.” Jaehyun growled.
‘I’m just kidding.” Kun laughed. “Hey, you ready to meet the physicists this afternoon?”
Jaehyun could only swallow bitterly.
Your hopes and dreams lingered in Jaehyun’s mind. For the longest time, he believed that you, among many of his friends, were one of the reasons behind the darkest days of his life. He believed that the reason the universe made him rediscover the shoe box was to remind him of why he should think that way. Aside from your hopes, your laugh echoed through Jaehyun’s brain. All of a sudden, he felt guilty for having to experience the joys of life. He figured that if he became happy, you should be too.
Many reunions came along and he never found you in any of them. He would ask your mutual friends where you were - if you were still alive. They all answered the same thing: “I don’t know.” It was as if you never existed. A part of him wanted to believe that you were gone; probably to alleviate the guilt and pain. Besides, there’s no reason for you to ditch all reunions and disappear from the face of the earth. A bigger part of him believed that you just moved on with your life - whether still with vices and or without. He wanted to know what happened. He wished he gave his younger self a chance to turn and see you one last time.
He was definitely swallowing another pill tonight.
Pill #2
The pain felt fresh. In real time, it would have been 30 years since Jaehyun’s parents dropped the news about their divorce. Right now, the pain in Jaehyun’s chest was stinging. In real time, he would have forgotten the words his mother threw at his father. But right now, it still rings in his ears as if he just heard it an hour ago.
“I wish I could do something, bud.” Ten spoke silently beside him.
Jaehyun could only smile. The divorce was something Jaehyun carried with him throughout his whole life. He was afraid of failing at marriage, he was afraid of hurting his children.
“It’s okay, Ten.” Jaehyun replied.
“You know what,” Ten went to one of his drawers and pulled out a small, clear bag. “I’m not sure if you’re gonna agree, but I can assure you this takes away the pain.”
Jaehyun could only stare as Ten emptied a bag into the table. He took his school ID card to form the powder into a thin line. After rolling a piece of paper, he used it to connect the powder to his nostril. The scenario enticed Jaehyun. With the pain he was feeling right now, he wanted to feel something. Before he knows it, he was laying on his back with a burn in his left nostril.
Jaehyun’s mind felt hazy. It was as if he was seeing stars and flying amongst them. He no longer felt the ache of his parents’s divorce, he no longer remembers their arguing. It was as if the universe fell into place. He saw stars, he saw constellations, he saw galaxies. And most importantly, he saw you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A dazed Ten spoke beside him.
“Y/N.” Jaehyun replied.
He saw you beside him, under him, in front of him. He saw you laughing, smiling, frowning.
A female’s laughter entered the scene. Jaehyun’s vision blurred as the world began warping in front of him. Ten’s body was slowly disappearing from Jaehyun’s vision as he saw a wide, white light. The burn from the light caused Jaehyun to shut his eyes close. When everything felt stable again, he slowly opened them.
This was another scene. He remembers this time like the back of his hand. How he hated every memory of it for it was the start of your ruin. He looked over you as blood left his face.
You threw your head back, forcing the white powder to hit deeper in your system. You looked over a dazed but still beautiful Jaehyun. You laid down beside him.
“Did I do it right this time?” You asked him.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun answered.
You were only looking up at the beaten and growning ceiling. However, little specks of glitter appeared everywhere. The glimmer of the specks shined as they doubled in size and in quantity.
“Can you see that?” You inquired.
“What?” Jaehyun looked over at your amused side profile.
“The stars. I can see them.”
Jaehyun looked up once more at the ceiling. The brightest star was already shining beside him.
“I see it.” Jaehyun answered, still basking in your beauty.
Soon enough, you felt as if your body was floating. You felt as if you could touch the stars. You raised one hand up to touch one of the specks but it vanished at your touch.
“Where the heaven are we?” You spoke.
Jaehyun’s chest began to tighten. In the center of your made up universe emerged a black hole. Jaehyun leaned forward and let it take him.
“I don’t know.” You responded gingerly.
“Come on, Y/N.” Jaehyun insisted. “This would be last one for the week.”
It’s only Wednesday and yet you already wasted Jaehyun’s one week supply of drugs. Johnny shook his head besides him.
“Jae, maybe you should take a break for now.” Johnny suggested.
“But I need an extra boost to finish that history essay!” Jaehyun reasoned out.
His sentiment made you remember why you got an A+ on your essay about quantum mechanics. You remembered the feeling and suddenly, you were craving for it.
“This is the last one for the week, okay?” You said, igniting joy in Jaehyun.
Johnny looked over his friends. In a few years, he would beat himself for doing nothing. Right now, all he did was walk away.
Darkness was slowly introducing themselves in Jaehyun’s vision. It was a signal for another time wrap. Although his nerves went array, he still prayed that it would take him back to a time where you’re sober. The world stabilized itself but the image in front of Jaehyun punched him in the chest.
A bottle of vodka in one hand and a syringe in one. Your once plush cheeks was starting to hollow. The red tint of the lipstick your wore was struggling to hide the blue. You look miserable, but you felt happy. You looked over at Jaehyun - the beautiful man that is Jung Jaehyun.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Your voice was coarse and deep, but it still had the sweetness to it.
Jaehyun looked over your features again. He felt miserable but all he did was smile.
“I like you a lot.” Jaehyun confessed. He does. He adored everything about you. In 30 years, Jaehyun could only remember so much yet he remembers everything about you.
“I like you too.” Your response made Jaehyun rise from his seat. The feeling of your lips against his was something he yearned for decades. And he felt it now.
Sparks exploded between you and Jaehyun.
“What took you so long to do that?” You asked.
“Never had the chance.” He replied.
All he did was blink. All Jaehyun did was sigh and blink. All of a sudden, the scenario changed before him.
“I want more! I fucking want more!” You exclaimed.
The bags under your eyes were darker than it was just seconds ago. Your hair was also shorter, falling just below your collar bones.
“Why are you just standing there? I fucking want more!” You screamed, thrashing around in a chair.
“I can’t give you more until you finish your essay.” Jaehyun warned.
“Fuck that essay!”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened. Just months ago, you were so passionate about physics. You could do an essay or answer an equation in a snap. Now, you couldn’t do anything.
Your mouth felt dry and your throat was coarse. There was a insatiable thirst that water can’t seem to fix. You held your head with your palm as you stare into your lap. This wasn’t you. Just seconds ago, you felt infinite. Now, you just felt empty. You needed more but the rational part of your brain screamed no. You wanted to feel something, to feel alive. That’s why the next thing Jaehyun knew, you were kissing him with all your might.
The force of your lips againts his gave Jaehyun the signal to lead you to the bedroom. It was beyond Jaehyun’s morals to fuck you while you’re high but he couldn’t find any other way to silence you. The soft mattress was soon adorned with scattered clothing and two lovers. Each sensation of Jaehyun inside you drove you to a frenzy, it gave you a feeling of bliss that you never felt before. You loved the stars, you love the galaxies. Tonight, you didn’t have to be an astronaut to see the universe unfold before you.
“I want to live with you forever.” You whispered against Jaehyun’s lips.
Jaehyun clinked his glass with Johnny. The dark whiskey swirled inside the glass as Jaehyun started at his aged reflection.
“Hey, Jae?” Johnny called out to him.
“Do you still remember Y/N?”
Johnny’s question made Jaehyun’s heartbeat race. The memories of his time exploration last night was enough to answer Johnny’s question. But Jaehyun refused to tell Johnny all about it. The older man would probably just conclude it as an “aging hallucination.”
“Yeah, I do. Why?”
“I still wonder what happened to her.” Johnny answered. “It was as if she vanished from everyone’s memory.”
“Me too.”
“Did you regret it?”
“What?” Jaehyun looked at Johnny, confused.
“Did you regret getting her into drugs?” Johnny said. There was a hint of sterness in his tone.
“What kind of question is that, John?” Jaehyun retorted.
“I’m just wondering.” Johnny took a sip of his whiskey before continuing. “If she hadn’t started drugs, who knows where she would be right now.”
“Are you blaming me?” Fury was starting to ignite within Jaehyun.
“I’m not?” Johnny asked. “But based on your reaction, I have a feeling you do regret what you did to her.”
Perhaps Johnny was right. The reason why Jaehyun still chooses to reminisce his days with you was because he blamed himself for what happened to you. But that’s not something he will admit, not even to his best friend.
Pill #3
This time it was different. Instead of Jaehyun living as the past Jaehyun, he couldn’t do anything but watch as his old self seat in front of the university dean - as if he was a bystander in his old life. He tried to catch the attention of the old Jaehyun, but it was as if he wasn’t even there.
“Do you know that this could get you kick out from the university?” The dean spoke with anger laced in his voice. “When did you even start?”
“5 months ago.” Jaehyun replied with a small voice.
“Look, I’m only giving you another chance because your father is a benefactor of this university.” The dean leaned in, emphasizing every word he said. “If I caught you slipping one more time, it’s over for your stay in the university.”
All Jaehyun did was watch the dean with furious eyes. He wanted to scream but he knew that he wouldn’t get anything good out of it. The dean’s warning went through one ear and out the other. He huffed before leaving the office. Anger rushed through every vein in his body.
Outside the office, you fiddled with your thumbs. The Johnny was beside you who busied himself by kicking rocks off the pavement. Your licked your extremely chapped lips. No amount of lip balm could smooth them away. It was starting to worry you; the whole fiasco of your life falling apart worried you. You wanted to quit, but you didn’t want to leave Jaehyun alone.
“How did it go?” You asked once you saw Jaehyun come out from the office.
“They’re giving me one last chance.” He replied. He took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb on the back of it. “It’s gonna be fine.”
“Dude, this is getting worse.” Johnny said quietly. He was geniunely concerned for the welfare of his two friends.
“Johnny, if you have nothing else better to do than blame me,” Jaehyun cocked his head in bubbling anger. “Then just fucking go away.”
Johnny clenched his jaw at Jaehyun. He knew better than fighting with Jaehyun since it could lead to more trouble. He trudged his feet away from the two of you.
“He was only trying trying to help.” You said, carefully.
“So, you’re on his fucking side now?” It was you he was cocking his head at.
“No,” You defended. “Of course not. Look, let’s just go home.”
The walk back to his dorm was quiet. It wasn’t filled with deep talks and laughter as it used to. It was filled with anxiety and trembling fingers. The cold air of Jaehyun’s room greeted your frail body.
“Jaehyun,” You called out to him. “I don’t wanna do this anymore.”
“What?” he turned around to face you. “What do you mean? You don’t want to see me again?”
“No! I do want to see you again.” You replied. “It’s- We have to quit, Jaehyun.”
Tears were forming in your eyes as you whispered the last sentence. You fear that he wouldn’t understand. You wanted so bad to say that it was his pain that caused this.
“We’re hurting people, Jae.” You whispered. “We’re about to hurt ourselves.”
“You don’t understand, Y/N.” Jaehyun said. “You don’t understand anything.”
“Jaehyun, trust me, I’m trying to understand you.” Your voice was starting to shake. “But, this is ruining us.”
“No, we’re not quitting.” Jaehyun said firmly. “This isn’t ruining who we are. You said you felt happy. Did you lie?”
The response he got was your first sob. This was the first time you sobbed in front of Jaehyun. You were vigorously shaking your head, trying to get him on the same page as you.  
“I’m failing my classes, Jaehyun.” You held back a sob. “I’m losing who I am. I don’t know who the fuck I am anymore.”
“You’re still the Y/N I love.”
“You did this to me!” You exclaimed, your voice accompanied with your cries. “You did this to me, Jaehyun. I can’t do this anymore.”
“And now what? You’re gonna leave me?” Jaehyun’s eyes was starting to water themselves. “Okay. Go on. Leave me.”
“Why do you keep on doing this to me?” You were running out of energy to fight.
“Everytime I try to help you out of this, you just turn the game against me.”
“Why the hell is everyone portraying me as the bad guy here?” Jaehyun’s tone turned louder. “It’s not my fault my parents fucking divorced and it made me fucking messed up!”
“Jaehyun-” He cut you off.
“You will never understand anything, Y/N.”
“Why do you act as if you’re the only one with all the problems here?” You tried to match the angry tone of Jaehyun, even though it was scratching your throat. “Do you even remember that you were the one who get me into drugs?”
“It’s not my fucking fault you were too much of a coward to resist, Y/N.”
His sentence broke you. All of the patience and the temper you held for him - in understandin him - vanished in a snap. Tears were falling like thunderstorms on your cheeks. Slamming the door behind you, you walked far away from Jaehyun’s dorm.
Watching from a safe distance, the present Jaehyun remembered this scene all too well. The betrayal he felt in his heart. He wanted so bad to run and get in between you and the old him. He wanted so bad to tell you that he was willing to quit.
With present Jaehyun watching you from a far, he saw that you bumped into Johnny near the campus.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Johnny held your wrists. “What the fuck happened?”
All you did was cry on his chest. Johnny tightened his grip around you as he let the front of his shirt be soaked with your angry tears. Jaehyun watched - his admiration for his best friend only blossomed. Somehow, he wished that it was Johnny you fell in love with.
“Will things ever be okay for us?” You whispered.
“It will.” Johnny answered. “I promise you, it will.”
He was willing to do lose his happiness for you. All he could do, however, was wish it was what the old him was thinking.
Pill #4
Just like the last time, Jaehyun could only watch. He could only watch as you tossed and turn in your bed, sobbing your eyes from the pain. Jaehyun wished you were crying because of him, but he’s entirely certain you weren’t.
You wish you listened to Johnny. The amount of times he held you and Jaehyun from returning to drugs. You felt magical, that was your argument. All your life, you wanted to feel something.
You laid in your bed, it was the only thing you could do for now. Your spine felt like it could snap into two whenever you attemp to sit or stand up. There was a crawling feeling behind your face and you wanted so bad to peel your face and scratch it off.
“Make it stop, oh my god, make it stop!”
All you could do was cry. Your whole body was in pain, it was burning, aching, pounding all the same time. Your tongue swirled around your mouth to find something moist. You pressed your fingertips on your cheeks again as the crawling sensation was getting worse. You were restless but all you wanted was to sleep. The pounding in your head worsened each breath you take.
All you did was cry. And all Jaehyun could do was watch in pain. You screamed and screamed, hoping someone outside your door would hear you. Two girls came bursting through your room door as they scurried to call 911.
“Oh my god, Y/N, what happened?” A girl who Jaehyun remembered as Nayeon asked you in panic.
“Kill me! Oh god, kill me!” You pleaded, your voice scratching.
A boy came and carried your heaving body outside the door.
This was a scene Jaehyun never saw. It was as if the pills was nothing more than just a punishment for abandoning you. He cursed at himself for ever thinking that he could save you.
There was a stabbing pain through Jaehyun’s chest. The area where his forearm meets his wrist had a piercing sensation. The world was closing in on Jaehyun’s body. And he let it.
Jaehyun knew what happens next. 30 years ago, he was admitted to the hospital for overdosing on drugs. He knew that you were staying on the floor beneath his. Yet, he did nothing. He didn’t check up on you, he didn’t contact your parents to find out if you were even alive or responding. Jaehyun had many regrets in his life, but he could never find one regret that he resents more than that one.
“Hey,” Jaehyun slowly entered Johnny’s office.
“Hey.” Johnny responded. The argument from last night was still lingering between the two man.
“Look, Johnny, I’m sorry.” Jaehyun started. “It’s just that what happened during that time in college was really hard to me.”
“I know, Jaehyun.” Johnny said. “I’m sorry I even brough Y/N up.”
“I appreciate your concern for me, John.” Jaehyun reassured. “It’s not your fault I couldn’t own up to my mistakes.”
“I just miss her, you know?” Johnny stared at the whiskey in front of him. “I wish she was here celebrating accomplishments with us.”
“I miss her too, buddy.” Jaehyun whispered. “It hurts not knowing where she is or if she’s even alive right now.”
“I remember going to arcades and flower field with her.”
Jaehyun could only nod and smile at his best friend. What happened back in college was something sensitive even between close friends. Jaehyun only stayed friends with a few people from college.
“I feel like we need let the memory of Y/N go.” Jaehyun spoke again, breaking into a sincere smile. “I don’t know if we’ll ever see her again but all I could do right now is pray that she’s happy and well.”
“You really think we can’t see her again?” Johnny’s demeanor showed remorse.
“I don’t think she’ll want to see me again, anyway.” He replied.
Pill #5
The eerie sound of a machine beeping filled Jaehyun’s ears. The first thing he saw as he opened his eyes was the horizontal lines of light in the ceiling. He squinted before looking around the room. A doctor clad in a white coat was besides the hospital bed.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Jung?” The doctor asked, shifting his eyes from Jaehyun and back to his clipboard.
“Uhm, I’m thirsty.” Jaehyun spoke. “And a bit groggy.”
“I’ll run a few test first before I could speak on your condition.” The doctor said. “For now, I’ll have someone come up with water. Please rest now.”
Jaehyun nodded. He laid his head back into the pillow, squinting his eyes from the light. Before the doctor could leave, he turned around and said, “This is your last chance, Mr. Jung.”
Jaehyun remained stagnant over the doctor’s sentence. Last chance at living? He knew that. He knew that he overdose and if he did it again, it would cost him his life. The doctor’s last words remained in his mind. He wasn’t sure if he remembers that happening years ago.
“Hey, buddy.” Johnny entered the room slowly.
“Hey.” Jaehyun’s eye lit up at the sight of his friend.
“How are you?” The look on Johnny’s face wasn’t something Jaehyun expected. A blurred red rim around his eyeballs and his eyelids looked swollen.
“Have you been crying?”
“Of course I am! I just received a message that you overdosed! What the hell was I supposed to do?”
“I’m sorry for lashing out the last time.”
“It’s alright.” Johnny said. “I’d rather have you mad at me than you dead.”
“You’re the best, Johnny.” Jaehyun chuckled.
“Y/N is just under this floor.” Johnny said out of the blue. “Do you want to visit her?”
“No.” The answer was automatic - as if Jaehyun didn’t have to think before muttering an answer.
“I’m guessing things didn’t end well between the two of you?”
“It’s for the best.” Jaehyun revealed.
“Why the hell do you not want to visit her downstairs?”
I saw her suffer.
“I don’t know.” Jaehyun sighed. “I promise I’ll talk to her once I’m out of here.”
Jaehyun felt his eyelids became heavy. He laid back as the world spinned around him one last time.
Jaehyun was walking. A second ago, he remembered falling asleep in the hospital bed. The next thing he knew, he was with father, walking towards the exit of the hospital. As he walk through the hallways, he passed by the room you were assigned to. A doctor pushed her way into the door of the room. The gap made by her action gave Jaehyun a small glimpse of what was inside. Tubes and machines were attached your face. The brief glimpse failed to give Jaehyun a look if you were awake.
He turned away. Y/N wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me.
Each step he took reminded him of something you said.
“I like the universe.” Step.
“I like you too.” Step.
“I want to live with you forever.” Step.
“Make it stop!” Step.
“Where the heaven are we?” Step.
Jaehyun glanced back at the hospital gate. His breathing deep but steady. The cold, winter breeze pushed back against his rigid body as he stared into the clear doors of the hospital. It was a battle; his legs telling him to run through the gates but his mind didn’t cooperate. A rational part of his brain told him to go back but he did the opposite, pivoting towards the parking lot where his dad was headed.
Jaehyun’s heart tightened, his eyes threatening to let the tears go. Finally, he realized why the hell he was reliving the past. All his life he wanted to know what happened to you. Now, here he is - outside the same hospital he last heard you were in. He was a few steps away from the answers. A summer image of you with the brightest smile flashed before him. He wanted to go back. His vision was starting to go black. With rapid breaths, he turned around. The black dots where getting larger but he fough through it. He blinked and swing his head, hoping it could stop the world was falling in front of him.
As he was about to push the gates open, the world turned dark.
Jaehyun couldn’t believe it. He had one shot of finding out and yet he screwed it up. He let out a painful groan on his pillow. He scurried back to the bathroom and messily searched for the orange cylinder.
The chances were out.
“Fuck!” He gripped the roots of his hair in frustration.
Jaehyun leaned on the sink and took deep breathes. The pain was dormant for the longest time now, and then suddenly it erupted like hot lava. It burned all corners of his heart - even corners that belonged to Adelaine.
Jaehyun could only weep, as the aching hole in his heart stinged worse than before.
The river reflected the tall buildings of the city. A pink hue was starting to paint all over the wide skies. There is a great big world out there. He sighed as he reminisced his life. The laughter, the tears, the heartbreak - every single bit of what happened molded Jaehyun into the man that he is now. A man that new more than solving problems with bigger problems. It wasn’t easy cutting strings with stuff that made you feel limitless. But this is the real life - you are finite. No amount of liquor or grams of drugs could ever change that. There are definitely areas in Jaehyun’s life that he wished he could change. However, that would mean he never grew as a person. If Jaehyun could bring back one last thing before he returns to dust, it would be a chance to see you again. The age old question of where you are now was still unanswered. Some hoped you were alive, some decided to close that chapter of their lives completely. Jaehyun hovered the pen over the blank piece of paper.
Dear Y/N,
How are you? I hope life made you well. This is Jung Jaehyun. Do you remember the time you told me about why you decided to study physics? I hope you’re on your quest towards the answers to your questions. I am more than happy that the magnetic force of the earth helped me meet you. It’s not gonna be long until one of our bodies combust into nothing but stardust. And until then, I am eager to meet you again.
You met me at a happy point in my life. I was a promising student with a clear record. You were there during my peak and you were there when I collapsed. You know what? I don’t think I was happy I ever met you. If I didn’t know you, you wouldn’t have collapsed with me. Who knows where you would be if the addiction never happened. When you asked me if things were ever going to be okay for the both of us, I wish I never said yes. I wish I never promised you that things will get better because I am living in constant guilt that it only happened to me. Where are you now, Y/N?
I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to die before I turn 30. I joked about how I don’t have to worry about wrinkles because I really didn’t think I was gonna live beyond 25. But, the moment you told me you wanted to live with me forever - it made me think twice. You said you wanted to live with me forever - I don’t care if we’re lovers or friends - then, where are you now, Y/N?
Johnny, Taeyong, and Jungwoo misses you a lot. Why didn’t you come to the reunions? Did I hurt you that much? You should have come for them anyway. Johnny and Jungwoo still lives in the city. If you’d like, you can always visit them.
For all the things I’ve done, Y/N, I am so sorry. If I could turn back time once more, I would have done anything. In our next life, can you promise me that you’ll find me and tell me it’s alright? There’s still so much questions I cannot answer. My heart will always yearn for you.
What the hell happened to you? Where the heaven are you, Y/N?
Love, Jaehyun.
 a/n: was this too messy??? anyway, feedback is always appreciated.  if there are any plotholes or mistakes, pls let me know. i wrote this at the crack of dawn so. i hurt my wrist writing this fucking story lol i hope u liked it
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idjitlili · 4 years
Dildo Gaggins
Thorin x reader
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Warning: periods
Summary: being apart of the company , and forcing them to stop, but not telling them why.
Word count:2085
You had joined the company due to Gandalf pretty much forcing you to, you parents were kidnapped by orcs when you was a preteen. So not very long ago , being only 18, you had lived on the road eating berries and such. That was until Gandalf had found you and raised you, he was like your adopted father.
You were guilty for wanting revenge on all orcs, they had taken your childhood away from you by slaying your parents. You weren’t going to let that go easily.Anyways you joined the company , Thorin was livid by the idea of a women human no less joining his company. Gandalf pretty much told him to fuck off, and that you were coming along know what matter what he said.
Anyways once you met Bilbo you were quick to befriend him, comforting him by cleaning that wooden thing kili wipes his boots on. Getting the mud out the rugs and such he was very much grateful for your help.
You had been on your hands knees scrubbing at the rug , which one of the dwarves had spilled wine on it. You had a bowl of water and a rag with soap , you had been working at this stain no longer before someone had shouted a comment at you.
“Miss y/n , you should get on your hands an knees more often..” you had looked up to see one of thorins nephews , kili starring down at your arse. You scoffed at him , pulling your long button up shirt over your behind. Fili along with some other dwarves such as bofur had laughed. Unknowingly to you Thorin had eyes your butt too, but sent angry looks to his nephew, for speaking to a women in such a way.
“My daughter isn’t some toy, Prince Kili, next time you will be a worm, Mark my words.” Gandalf has shouted pulling him by the ear away from you.
“She’s your daughter ,mister gandalf?” Balin , Dwalins older brother had questioned, once Gandalf had let go of kilis ear. You now sat up onto your calves , the rag on your thigh. “No, he has raised me since I was 11, my parents were kidnapped, by orcs probably eaten.” You spoke calmly, Balin felt guilty for bringing it up, other looked at you with sincere faces.
“Gandalf might aswell be my father.” You spoke smiling up at Gandalf who did the same, you stood up bringing the bowl and rag to the kitchen. Bilbo had followed you as you poured the water away. He looked at you curiously ,”so you are going with this company?” He had questioned you , eyeing you for a response.
“Even if I didn’t want to go, I would be stuck at home and b e bored to death. An adventure sounds great actually doing something significant in middle earth.” You spoke with meaning, you didn’t want to be a nobody and you would get to meet elves and other humans. Maybe you could meet someone.
The little hobbit smiled up you “you have a kind heart Miss y/n “
“Just y/n. I think we are going to be good friends mister baggins.”
“Me too..y/n.” You leans down and ruffled the hobbits hair , playfully.
That was a months ago now, you now and the rest of the company except Gandalf who left at the edge of Mirkwood, were deep in Mirkwood forest. You were walking along side Bilbo , you suspected that you lot would get lost. You were feeling great until a huge cramp hurt you like the waves of the ocean. You groaned clutching your stomach for a second, losing your breath slightly. Bilbo looks up at you in concern ,”are you okay y/n?” He questioned you , before you could speak you felt liquid in your pants. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be back.” You speak quickly , running towards Thorin who led the group.
Thorin had gained trust for Bilbo , apologised for in judging him, he still didn’t like that you were apart of the company. sometimes he would get mad when you accidentally did something, yet when they had been captured by the trolls he’s had made sure they had not got a hold of you, knowing they were vile and would do horrible things to you.
Thorin heard you approach him , turning his face slightly to look at you , then turning back to ahead of him in seconds.
You walked with him , until you catches your breath from running, “Thorin please can we stop , not even for two minutes it’s an emergency.” You pleaded , “we will stop once we are out of this place.” You knew he wouldn’t listen , there was no point even trying. You scoffed “fine.” you spoke angerily , before running ahead and going deep into the forest so no one could see you.
Unknowingly to you Thorin had made the company fasten their pace with him , to catch up, Bilbo angrily shouted at Thorin , whole kili and Fili asked where you had gone. Thorin had told the company to stay there while he went into off the path looking for you. At this point you were strapping bunches of cotton to yourself, to stop you bleeding through your pants. You were pulling up your pants when Thorin had found you.
You had gasped when you had seen Thorin , him in shock to see you pulling your trousers up from your knees. “Why did you follow me?” You spoke angrily , walking past him , leafs crunching under your feet as you watched back to path.
He stomped after you,” you cannot just run off like that to urinate .” He shouted towards you, you turned to him shoving him backwards. “I wasn’t going to the bathroom, it’s none of your business.” He scoffed at you “it is my business , when I am supposed to protect you , and I can’t do that when I can’t see you .” His eyes shining slightly , yet still harsh.
“I’m sorry I just didn’t want to bleed through my pants infront of 13 dwarves.” His eyes softened at your words , before you know it he has embraced you into a hug , you wrap your arms around his waist , as his arms around your shoulders. “W-what ar-“ before you can even finish question, you and Thorin are attacked by spiders. Thorin tried to fight them off but before you know it you are wrapped into cocoon with Thorin.
Now Thorins arms are around your waist while your hands against his chest. Heavy breathing waiting for death, that was until the cocoon landed on the ground. Allowing Thorin to rip it open, for you to jump up avoiding the pain in your stomach, lending a hand for Thorin. You heard that men didn’t really know of periods ,you figured that Thorin must of dealt with his sister when she had them.
Once you were able to take in your surroundings, you see the other dwarves getting out of cocoons , and their were spiders coming in on you all. Soon enough you all are fighting off these giant monsters. That is when more come only for them to be killed instantly by elves.
The elves search you all, this blond one searches you , yet he gets down to remove the knife from the holster. He stands up with the knife passing it to an elf. He looks at you frowning . “ you are injured.” He spoke with a monotone. You look at him confused before your eyes widen, elves must be able to smell very well. “...uh no I am not.” He shakes his head ,” you are bleeding.” Thorin groans angrily at the elf.
“Yeah..but It’s not an injury..uh mister elf. It b-becau-“ you are interrupted when a female elf with ginger hair whispers to the blond elf, his face flashes red in embarrassment. “I am sorry miss.”
And that was it , you all were brought to Mirkwood , all the dwarves were put in cells except Thorin and you (you were human but whatever) who were brought to the king, he looked like a narcissist.
Thorin insulted Thranduil , The king , when he offered a deal for our freedom for some hens. Thorin rejected in spite of Thranduil not helping his people when they needed so he wasnt going to help him in anyway.
“And why are is a women travelling with dwarves?” He had spat the word dwarves with disgust as he had circled you , to make himself superior to you. When you obviously thought he was anyways , god he was king.
“Uh.. because I want to sir.” You looked at the floor, he made you feel quite uncomfortable, he laughed in response.
“Ah, I see , you are their toy.” He smirked, you gasped at his words , you face flashed with anger.
“I see the way you must treat women , you disgust me. You probably do it because you are jealous.” You walked fowarded to him glaring before you continued “you know because you already dress like one, if your voice was an higher then I would’ve mistaked you for a women..” his face slightly twitching in anger you walk closer smirking. “Maybe the main reason is because you lack down there or maybe because daddy Di-“ you are interrupted by a slap in the face, Thorin is about to leap forward for Thranduil, but the guards grab ahold of him , but you slip past the other guards grips. You lung forward smashing your knuckles into his face, making him bleed. He quickly gets the guards to take you both to the cells.
You are both thrown into the same cell, he grabs you stopping you land on the floor, You smile at him lightly.
One of the dwarves asks what happened , he says something in dwarvish an insult probably, and then tells him what you had done, the others cheer. You slide down onto the floor , Thorin doing the same shortly after directly next to you. You had forgotten about the pain but now it hit you like horse. Distractions such as trying not to die , take your mind off cramps. You clutch your stomach.
Thorin eyes you gestures, “are you cold?” You look up at him, “I’ll be fine Thorin.” Yet he doesn’t believe you , he places one arm under Under your knees the other on your back, picking you up placing you in his lap. Your mouth is struck open in shock, as he wraps his arms around your stomach, you Lean back into his chest.
“Elves suck, that princess literally sniffed my vagina.” You groan at the fact you just said that to a king. He chuckles “I’m not surprised,he probably wanted you to be his prince to his princess.” He speaks into your neck, his breath tickling your neck.
“Damn I doubt anyone would want me, have you seen me.” You laugh sarcastically, “it will never happen” your eyes water, as a child you were cute you were asked out many times but you rejected them all because you were frightened, until you were 15 and fell in love with a boy that ended up breaking your heart and you didn’t even date! It made you feel ugly and more insecure then you had even been.
“I think you very much mistaken. I know someone thinks you are the most beautiful woman he has ever met, I have seen plenty of those dwarves eye you up.” His thumb thst lay against your hip went under your shirt to stroke your bare skin.
“Oh..what who?” You are surprised, Thorin had never spoke to you in such a way he had always been blunt with you , or avoided you, now you lay against him in his arms. He presses his lip to you cheek before whispering in your ear “me.” You gasp at his answer, you turn on his lap(careful you don’t want boner city..)
“Really?” You ask looking into his eyes, he nods, you quickly press your lips to his before pulling away, smiling widely.
You lean back in his lap after he asks you to court him , in which you agreed , he braids your hair before Bilbo opens the door. He gasps, at your position.
You get up Thorin, pulling him up,
“Oh shit sorry if I got blood on you Thorin.”
“You didn’t.”
“Oh hello dildo Gaggins.”
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weheirsofdurin · 4 years
Because im so stressed im crying over some stupid shit, have some major angst. @lordofthegoldenflower you knew this was coming since yesterday, but here you go. I’ll fix it up later and properly write it but for now have an ambiguous ending and a very hurt Fin. 
Was there a ‘wham, bam, thank you mam’ moment in there? Yes, yes there was.’
Azog’s monstrous chuckle alerted Fili to the fact he had made a mistake. He should have trusted his gut and not let himself nor Kili enter this maze of a tower. Turning with his dual blades in hand he fought the beasts that swarmed him. Orc after orc he took down but with every successful kill he was worn out and they were gaining on him. He hacked at the monsters knowing his battle cries would never reach the outside and just as he thought he saw a break in the beasts, just as he saw an escape path, a white hand flew out, fingers wrapping through his golden mane of hair and as he struggled to tear free the dark metal clip that held his hair back clattered to the ground and Azog dragged him away.
Upon the top of the tower he was thrust out, bloodied and struggling, hands reaching up towards the grasp on his skull to hold on. He felt the knots in his hair tugging on the defiler’s fingers, the bone crushing grip that threatened even his own dwarven blooded bone structure. Dwarves were far sturdier than that of men or elves yet he felt the grip constrict and the excruciating pain from his scalp and skull.
Azog was far stronger than he had thought the defiler to be- stronger than he thought possible. Some wraith must be possessing the monster giving strength to him. 
As Fili finally grabbed the wrist above him he realized his perilous position. He was hundreds of feet above the ground, a height his stronger bones would shatter upon impact at, and below from the corner of his eye he saw his brother duck into a doorway below, out of Azog’s sight but obviously able to clearly see Fili. Further out onto the forever frozen lake his Uncle froze, Bilbo at his side and Dwaling not far away, struggling to hold off an army of Orcs that there had been no indication of.
A gasp of pain escaped him when Azog bellowed, making sure all attention was on them and he gave Fili a small, jostling, shake that made the dwarf feel as if there were an earthquake below. Far off he saw something glint as the clouds shifted for a single moment. Some metal armor on some being had flashed but with the pain and his poor dwarven eyesight he could not see who it was. In the same direction but far closer Fili could see two elves, a dark haired woman and a light haired man. Was that Kili’s Tauriel and the elven Prince Legolas? They had helped in lake town but they had left after.
Another glint further away but closer than last time drew Fili’s eyes and even from this far away, there was no mistaking that insanely long, golden, hair. Glorfindel. 
That damned elf had tracked him through the entirety of Middle Earth it seemed. 
If he wasn’t in so much pain he would have laughed. He could just imagine his golden haired lover infuriated that he had bedded him then left, leaving behind only a note saying his uncle had called upon him, needing him urgently. Fili would have bet Glorfindel had given him a week's time before investigating and learning the truth. He probably nearly killed his horse and - if the flashes of armor further off still were any indication - his followers in a breakneck race to catch up to the company.
Glorfindel likely tracked him to the shire, paraded about in all the bright armored glory only to find the dwarves had gotten their hobbit and left. Stone trolls within the route would have infuriated Glorfindel further, made him race harder, and then there had been the wargs and Rivendell. If he remembered correctly - and he was sure he did - he and his brother had nearly drowned at one point though he could no longer remember exactly when that point had been.
Fili could just imagine as Glorfindel had likely caught up just as the company was leaving Rivendell, only to lose the trail in its entirety when the orcs had trapped them in the mountain. The poor elf likely scoured the cave for ages before purposefully triggering the trap and finding the orcs in chaos with a dead king. Knowing where Fili was headed Glorfindel probably changed from tracking to trying to overtake the company, ponyless and haggard after the blind run from orcs and their first encounter with Azog the elf likely thought that to be an easy task.
But the eagles had gifted the company with several days' lead again. Poor, poor, Glorfindel; he might have had a better first encounter with Beorn than the company had, only then to learn that they were in Mirkwood. Trapped in a hallucination and wandering about, attacked by spiders and imprisoned by who Fili now thought might have been an old friend of Glorfindel’s. Glorfindel might have even laughed half crazed with an eye twitching as he learned Thranduil had lost an entire company of dwarves to his own parties emptied wine barrels.
Was that why Thranduil was really here now? Because Glorfindel half crazed made him come?
Perhaps Thranduil had promised to fix this if Glorfindel took a break and let him get the dwarf back. Of course Glorfindel would only give the king a day, because he had learned his lesson the first time of giving FIli more than enough time to endanger himself. Yet look where the young dwarven prince was now? 
Looking across almost a league at the elf once more pushing himself beyond his limits in a craze to catch him. There was no possible way Glorfindel - not even the Bolrog slayer - could make it in time. Fili wished that the elf had just accepted the last loving memory of him and moved on. Not been here to see him held by the hair, about to be thrown where he would fall to his death. As Azog’s blade pushed through his back, neatly cutting through bone, muscle, and sineuw like butter, Fili could hear the mighty Firstborn’s bellow.
It never occurred to the dwarf that the arrow shot his way was not meant to his Azog, that it was aimed for himself in an attempt by Glorfindel to pin him anyway possible to the tower and not fall to his death. But the arrow was too late and Azog dropped him. The arrow flew over Fili’s head to embed into the tower and the golden lion prince fell.
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rachelillustrates · 4 years
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An Exploration of Kiliel
OKAY, fandom thoughts on my art blog because of Story Study.
My Wife and I finally watched The Hobbit movies, so I’ve finally gotten to Kiliel (..... ❤ ) and I have some headcanons/thoughts about Tauriel’s introduction to the story, the flow of their romance, and what’s important.
(So this will be part meta, part headcanon as I sort that out.)
What’s striking me right away - other than the fact that I came into these movies ALREADY shipping them and am damn pleased about it, thanks Tumblr - is that we are given.... well, bupkis on Tauriel’s motivations and backstory. And the person I’m watching these movies with, who I love very much, was quick to point out that her introduction and immediate positioning as a Romantic Female Lead could read very shallow to the casual viewer.
(Which I am not, thank the Gods.)
So, what of Tauriel’s backstory and deeper life goals? Digging into the fandom, I found notes that her parents were killed by Orcs when she was young, and that Legolas took her under his wing afterward (making him her mentor, and thus making the idea of their romance even less attractive to me, since that means he would hold even MORE sway and authority over her and there would be very little equality for her there. Also, Gimli).
But that’s it. And we’re not given that in the main plot of the movie at all.
What we are given is the information that she’s conscious of the dangers to the outside world, and wants to protect her people by stopping those dangers at the source, despite contrary orders from her King.
So what I think the movie intended, with that scene where she talks to the Elvenking about her concerns and how she immediately chooses to go after the Dwarves later - motivated primarily by the thought of saving Kili - is that Tauriel has a deeper drive to help save the whole world from the threats she sees to it. Because of what happened to her parents, because she knows the spiders are coming from outside their borders, etc. The featurette “Tauriel: Daughter of the Forest” says of her “She has a great curiosity of other races, of the world outside - she literally hasn’t been anywhere...” (mentioned in part 2, part 1 is here). So, to me, her motivations for leaving Mirkwood include that - as well as saving this Dwarf she feels an inexplicably deep bond with already.
On that note, I wish they had gone a bit deeper into her and Kili's immediate connection than what we were shown. I do appreciate how she insisted on fending for herself, in their Battle Couple introduction, and how Kili immediately accepted her for who she is - the trousers joke was, admittedly, a little uncomfortable for me due to personal reasons, but I think it could be read as him meeting her aggression in battle with aggressive flirting, and in that light, her positive response to it (in what she said to Legolas, and in returning to check on him of her own volition) makes a lot more sense to me. And while I really enjoyed and understood the Feast of Starlight scene, those less romance-genre minded than myself may not have understood that as deep "enough” (for more of the intentions of the plot in that scene and the take the actors had on it, click here. Includes a hysterical Leoglas moment at the end!). 
Rewatching it, I do see and recognize how deep their connection is and how meaningful what they choose to share of themselves is - especially with the idea of Kili honoring and respecting (nay, being attracted to) her ferocity, and the fact that most of her kin probably don't automatically respect her for such things. The sexism among the Elves is not as bad as it is with humans, but it is still there. Who knows how much Tauriel has had to fight for her place as the Captain of the Guard, being a woman. And again, it probably wasn’t as bad for her as it was for, say, Eowyn - but no matter how much space there is for women to step up and be active agents of the story in the mythology of the world, Tolkien didn’t choose to make women part of the action, actively, most of the time. So the world still reads as a mostly Men-at-War, Women-at-Home place. And that has to have had an impact on Tauriel’s life. And in addition to how charming Kili is, just as himself, the fact that he sees that part of her, respects her and admires her FOR it, must hold a lot of weight.
Another part of what I've seen, in re-immersing myself in the fandom now, has been this idea that both Kili's culture and Tauriel's culture have an idea of soulmates, the One person who, when you meet them, shakes you to your core, and you are never the same again. I really think that's what the writing was going for (see Evangeline Lily’s comments in part 2 of “Tauriel: Daughter of the Forest,” particularly), but it wasn't given the space and depth that it needed to be apparent on surface level of casual viewing. 
So, from my fangirling perspective, I imagine that they both felt that right away, but were so surprised by it - because of the unexpectedness of their circumstances, and the animosity between their peoples- that they didn't know how to handle it, and fell into awkward humor, and slightly clumsy attempts to get to know each other as they tried to sort it out.
I imagine that Tauriel's outright denial of any connection to Legolas, and immediate acceptance of his father's racism toward her in that context, was also swayed by her newfound feelings. They (Tauriel and Kili) probably did talk more, as well, about their families and their deepest dreams after the Feast of Starlight scene cut off. We just aren’t given that information.
(Anyone else for a romantic adventure Kiliel-centric mini series?)
Then of course, we are given the healing scene. What I got from this, beyond their romance, was that Tauriel always looks to be helpful. When she takes the athelas from Bofur, she looks like she’s had a revelation. She realizes she can help, she can heal Kili, and that gives her an outlet of action for all the confusing feelings she’s having. She goes right into business mode about that - and Kili, all pained and fevered, barely realizes it’s her. But when he does, he looks at her in wonder (with a fever-dream angelic view of the magic around her, even! Sidenote - I LOVE how messy her hair was. Both beauty and realistic adventure life). And she looks back at him with such serious kindness, telling him to trust her, without words. Of course, he does....only to then believe that she wasn’t there at all, and spill his heart out to this apparition of the person he already knows he loves.
And in that, he is so sure that she’s beyond his reach, even though he knows he loves her already. Even though as he talks about how she’s on another level of existence than his, his action is still to reach for her hand, still reaching for her, despite the words he’s saying. He still wants to believe it is possible - that they are possible - even as he’s trying to accept that they can never be.
Which, of course, leads into the beach scene. After the whirlwind of surviving Smaug’s attack, too (extra shoutout to the writing there, regarding Tauriel and Bard’s children - she’s aware enough to realize that Bard’s son is the only one of the three of them that might have had any sliver of training for situations like this, because human misogyny, so she uses that to protect all of them - “Your sisters will die if we stay here,” etc. - but as soon as he runs off to help his father, she still makes the girls her priority, as well as the Dwarves. Headcanoning that if Kili had survived, and they married and moved into Erebor, she would have damn well taught those girls how to fight).
Anyway, back to the beach. I think my favorite part of that moment, other than the Heart Wrenching Perfection of what Kili says to her (and how it’s acted!), is that he has realized that she wasn’t a fever dream after all - that he did, in fact, say all those potentially embarrassing romantic feely-feels things right to her actual face - and instead of being embarrassed, he just GOES for it. He is that sure. Sure enough, that even when she can’t let herself reciprocate his feelings (even though she clearly does - and she doesn't say no, btw, she is interrupted by Legolas' arrival and thusly the reminder of her duty and her 'place') he then gives her the token from his mother, to let her know she’ll always be in his heart, no matter what she decides. And he almost doesn't, he almost leaves, but turns back in the last moment, in that desperate, loving attempt to try again. No matter how impossible it seems.
MY freaking heart.
Also, when Tauriel then learns of her banishment, she looks shaken at first - but quickly, almost relieved. See here, at about 39 seconds in. She has clearly been fighting against her own heart each moment since Kili came into her life - even though, as I mentioned before, he provides a grand excuse for her to go help other people beyond Mirkwood’s borders. And now, released from the obligations she has to her people, to her King, who doesn’t fully respect her anyway, she is free to do what she could not just moments ago. She is free to choose her own path - to follow her heart, and her ambitions to help the world.
Of course, she follows Legolas first - the path of least resistance being to follow her mentor and Prince. And I get from that that she’s shut herself off from her own emotions for so long - likely due to her parent’s death, early in her life - that she really doesn’t know what to do with herself, in that freedom, and in love. So, following her nearest authority figure, giving herself a moment to breathe and decide later, seems natural.
But, luckily, that path leads right back Erebor.
And unluckily, right into the tragic ending.
But first, she confronts the Elvenking (who has banished her, and therefore freed her, though that was not his intention) about his refusal to stay and help. His concern for his own people, again, will lead to them not being there to save the lives of others suffering in the world around them. And she’s not having that - in general, even if a large part of it is her love for Kili. The script focuses only on that love - with Thranduil refusing to accept that she really loves Kili, comparing what he imagines she feels to what he felt for his late wife, it seems - but there is so much in her whole narrative that has already pointed to her desire to help the whole world, even before she lets herself start feeling for Kili. And this moment plays right into that deeper motivation.
Of course, her story being a romance, finding and protecting Kili is her first priority. And sadly, that goes, as we know, badly.
It bothers me a LOT that she “had” to be damseled in the Big Fight. BUT. We at least get the strength of their connection before she gets trampled by Bolg (and the surety of her voice when she calls for him, and the focus that hearing her, and his calling back out to her, gives him - yes. It’s subtle, but its very strong and very there). And at least they get to see each other one last time - Kili knows, no matter what happens, she chose to come after him after all.
And all the emotion, in her watching him die, and him realizing what they’ve lost even though she did choose him.....ugh. My heart, again. They are both just so clearly broken - Tauriel so confused, not able to accept that its come to this, after she chose to find him, after everything. Kili so brokenhearted that after all his hoping - after she chose him back - they still can’t be together (not to mention the fact that he’s just lost his brother, too, the only other person we see him love as intensely as her). And then, in the last moments of (this part of) the fight, when Kili is gone and Tauriel is alone again, her pain is so great, her anger so clear, her love so deep, she is willing to use her own momentum and throw herself off the tower’s edge with Bolg, just to try and make for damn sure that he pays for what he’s done.
(I will forever maintain that the fact that that didn’t kill him - that SHE didn’t get to kill him - is a travesty. Especially with his murder of Kili, but also for the gross tongue thing. Very uncomfortable with what that implied.)
I’m gonna skip over the intervention of Legolas to save her life, cause that’s not important here, suffice to say that once again I am Pissed as Hell that they felt the need to damsel her so much. Sigh. I must assume, from a writing standpoint, that they chose to nerf her in this battle because she’s never been involved in war like this - fights to protect Mirkwood, yes, but not War Battle. HOWEVER, there are ways for them to have written through that and not made her look so weak. Especially considering that she is a seasoned warrior - AND had fought Orcs before, as we saw in “The Desolation of Smaug” - and between her and Kili, who one of Thorin’s strongest warriors, they should have at least been able to do better together. Crudmuffins! That, of course, would have messed with the outcome of the source material, but who of us would really be complaining? Hmm? (Sorry Tolkien.)
Their canon story ends, of course, with Tauriel having to come to terms with her feelings and Kili’s death all at once. As as much as I spent most of the movies harshing on Thranduil (except to honor how fabulous he is, stylistically and attitude-wise, and make as many Party Elk jokes as I could), i am glad they brought him back for this scene - not only that he gave Legolas a direction away from mooning over Tauriel, but that he got to help Tauriel accept what had happened (in his own blunt way). The way he watches her here, and looks at her, I feel like he’s really seeing her and accepting her as a person and not below him for the first time. I’m also headcanoning, since we know that Tauriel was orphaned and bonded with Legolas soon after (as her mentor - and honestly, I read their relationship as more of a broship/sibling situation), I feel like she was taken under the wing of his household - not because he approved, but because it was the Right Thing and probably looked good to his people, even if he couldn’t fully accept her due to her heritage. I also feel like the fact that she asks him to take the love away from her, since it hurts so much, also points to a more parental role than he would admit. If your heart was broken, who else would you ask to take those feelings from you - at that first heartbreak - than a parent?
But of course, he can’t - all he can do is finally admit, despite his earlier insistence otherwise, that her love for Kili IS real (I feel like he might have gone through something absolutely similar with his wife’s passing - finding her falling in battle, mourning over her body). And that smashes any hope she had that she could keep denying how she feels - it passes over her face, visibly and physically, that shock that he’s admitting it, then frustrated realization that if it’s real, she can’t deny her feelings anymore and can’t close her heart to it, and then just pure pain again as she realizes what she had and the full measure of what she’s lost.
And then she kisses him, as if she’s sealing that love and acceptance - the only time, super duper heart-stabbingly tragically, that she’ll ever get to you know, according to this version of the story.
I can only hope that afterward, Tauriel chose to honor herself and Kili’s memory by continuing to help the world at large, in her exile. And that she surprise and “oh shit”-ness of Thranduil’s expression upon realizing that an Elf could truly love a Dwarf means that he will be kinder to Legolas when he brings Gimli home.
Now, as far as the runestone goes, I initially wanted to believe that Tauriel would take it back after she gave it back to Kili in death, maybe to return it to his mother on a well-intentioned trip to meet her, to give them both closure. However, upon learning about what’s specifically written ON the stone, I have a different thought - Middle Earth News points out here that the runes on it translate to “Return to me.” Obviously, at its creation and initial giving, that was about Kili’s mother bidding her reckless son to come home safe. But when Kili gave the stone to Tauriel on the beach, he made it theirs as well. He bid Tauriel to return to him by giving it to her. And so now, in returning it to him upon his death, Tauriel bids Kili in turn to return to her, death be damned.
So while at first glance, that returning of the runestone may look like Tauriel denying her feelings again, its really a further, even more solid gesture of that acceptance. And honestly, to me, an expression of hope.
And I feel like hope is what really strikes me, about this ship. They have SO much potential, not only in how little we’ve been given of them in canon, but the potential they see in each other in those brief moments where they obviously imagine what their lives could be like, if they could be. One of my favorite shows says, early in its story, “Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a powerful thing.” And that is exactly what I see in them, and why they strike me as so wonderful. They are hope, and the belief in love despite all odds against them, despite all the darkness around them.
And no matter how shakily that might appear to be set up, that is gorgeous, at its heart and root.
And if you got this far in all my scattered ramblings, thank you!
(The art above is my own, btw. For more of my own star-crossed inter-fantasy-racial height-difference queer fae, click here 💕 )
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absynthe--minded · 5 years
thoughts on the Grey Annals
(now that I’ve finally read them all the way through, I mean)
seeing the story broken down into basically paragraph-long chunks is really interesting? the connective tissue is very much Gone but if you’re familiar with the Silm as a whole it’s remarkably easy to follow
“and their love was renewed” FUCK ME UP JIRT JUST DO IT
okay for added context, this is a line that’s in the Annals about Fingon rescuing Maedhros from Thangorodrim, specifically referring to those two and their relationship
we also get mention in the commentary of a completely scrapped “Of Fingon and Maedhros” chapter; this is where a third history of the Elessar would have been present involving Maedhros giving it to Fingon
there’s a slightly different version of Maedhros’s abdication here - we get pretty much explicit confirmation that Noldorin kings are acclaimed, since a council of lords and princes decides who’s going to lead the newly-united host. Fingolfin is voted in and Maedhros agrees; his brothers are extremely displeased but he supports the popular decision and tells Fingolfin that the crown should have been his by right anyway.
Maedhros gets called out by Pengolodh for his self-sacrificial behavior - it’s noted that he went northeast probably because he wanted the brunt of Morgoth’s aggression to fall on him specifically
a while later we see that this works, as Morgoth can’t get through the Aglon Pass and when he wants to attack Hithlum and try and break the Siege, he sends orcs up through the Lammoth instead
the other big attempt to break the Siege that gets mentioned here is an attack on Aglon Pass again, which was turned back by Maedhros and apparently some of the Arafinwëans?
Finrod gets some raw as fuck lines during the Beren and Lúthien part (”Your oath will devour you.” oh damn oh shit just fuck me up)
We get yet another Maedhros/Fingon romantic parallel (yet another when compared to their other callbacks/call-fowards in the text) - Thorondor saves Beren and Lúthien from Angband, swooping in right after Beren’s right hand is cut off and carrying the two of them back to Doriath. 
The Nirn plays out really well here - a series of what are essentially bullet points laying the battle out as it happened makes everything feel very intense and personal. We get confirmation that Fingon specifically was a target, we get Húrin and Turgon talking, we get Gwindor being a badass.
What’s most painful about the Nirn is that it becomes clear that this was something that almost worked, until treachery. Though it was treachery that was coordinated. Ulfang and his sons attack Maedhros, Maglor, and Bór/Bór’s children at the same time as Balrogs isolate Fingon from his forces; Maedhros leads a retreat of elves and men that succeeds and Fingon is completely surrounded and has no escape. (I’ve got headcanons about this but this is like. a canon observations post?)
damn I love the Gay Annals
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bigsnzstanacct · 5 years
Introducing Neel and Sirosso
Okay so I got carried away with the whole “character who makes monsters sneeze” idea and whipped up a pair of characters. Hopefully this will become a series. If there are any particular kinds of mythical/legendary/monster creatures you want them to interact with, send me an ask or a message or something. I’m hoping I can make this a little series.
Hard straw. Dull roof. A draft from the window and no fire in the hearth. Another mercenary morning for Neel the Swordtongue. Another inn in another town, another monster for another quest, another meager reward to be exchanged for another night in another inn in another town…
Still, he had a blanket. That he couldn’t take for granted. And a hard straw bed was better than the hard ground. A dull, leaking roof was better than no roof at all. The drafty window, the cold hearth, they were minor imperfections in comparison to some of the lives he’d lived. And even in the repetition of his life, there was a glimmer of hope. Not hope that he’d ever restore himself to the heights from which he’d fallen, that guttered out years ago. But perhaps hope that he’d seen his worst day as well as his best, and that soon both would be equally far behind him, growing dimmer as they grew distant, like the vague outline of the leaky roof of another inn in another town as he walked another road towards another monster and another quest. And then, in a small, guilty place he hid just behind his chest, there was also a little, greedy desire to…
Neel was roused from his thoughts by the calamitous snoring of the man beside him. Neel and Sirosso had long since become comfortable sharing a bed—for sleeping only, Neel was constantly assuring the women whose bedchamers he hoped to delight—but Neel could never get used to that snore. Nor could Neel’s nose get used to the Sirosso, as that old familiar itch crept into his nose. It was far too dim to blossom into a sneeze now, just a shudder of faraway feeling as the sensation pulled at his attention. He scrunched his nose involuntarily, though he’d rather coax the feeling out than recoil from it. After all, if Neel could be distracted from his morning’s reverie by his companion, why not his companion awoken by Neel?
Because should the sneeze come to fruition, Neel’s nose would surely awake not only the man beside him but in all likelihood any other inhabitants of the inn who’d chosen to sleep in well past the rising of the sun. That was yet another thing that had changed about Neel. He’d never been much of a sneezer, and when he did sneeze, it was an unremarkable “attsshh!” easily smothered into a cloak or robe. Until he met Sirosso.
Habituation had smoothed if not extinguished his nose’s reaction to Sirosso, but the first time they met, Neel the Swordtongue had briefly turned into Neel the Stormnose. (It required a very firm foot-down and extensive use of his famed sword of a tongue to keep that surname from sticking). He’d sneezed so loud and so long and so violently that he’d scared all the birds out of the trees, nearly caused a stampede out of the barn, and caused the town guard to hunt down the source of the commotion, swords drawn, assuming some sort of attack had been launched. (It took some of the old sword tongue to calm them down as well.) Fate conspired to make them travelling companions despite Neel’s violent reaction, and ever since then, while Neel’s occasional sneeze from dust, from pollen, from a spicy dish or the odd scent that struck him the wrong way was the same unremarkable “eettscchh” he’d known from his youth, his far more frequent sneezes from his allergy to Sirosso was a great beast of a sneeze, a shouting, spitting, roaring affair that made babies cry, made grown men jump, and made Neel the center of attention every time it occurred.
And since he’d rather bring the sneeze on now, of his own volition, than have it strike out of the blue later on (and waking Sirosso would admittedly be fun), Neel leaned down and took a quick sniff right at the nape of his companion’s neck, and the itch blew up so suddenly and violently it was all he could do to recoil, to avoid erupting right in Sirosso’s ear, to desperately pitch to the side as he gave vent to the mighty “HHHHESSSHHHHHHHHUUHHH!!” Perhaps sniffing at Sirosso’s neck had been a mistake, because even as his companion startled into wakefulness (”Neel—!”) Neel succumbed to another vicious, purging “EEEEE-YESSHHH-UHHHHHhhhh!!” That sneeze was louder still at its apex, trailing off into the rumbling satisfaction that only a roar of a sneeze commensurate to the monster of a tickle in Neel’s nose could bring.
Meanwhile, Sirosso for his part damn near fell off the bed.
“By all your rotten Northman gods, damn you Neel the Swordtongue!! Ohhh I was having the most wonderful dream, and to have it ripped from me by your ridiculous screaming… you know I have heard orcs with less absurd, dramatic… AUGH!”
“If it makes you feel any better, you practically snored me awake.” Neel said, gentle smile playing on his lips.
“Dragons, Sirosso. I would rather have a dragon sneeze at me, fire and all, than listen to another of your great roars.”
“You’re probably travelling with the wrong guy then.”
“You’re lucky you have your silver tongue, or I wouldn’t be.”
“Sword’s tongue, I wield it to woo and to ruin; and admit it, you can’t live without me.”
“Without you, perhaps not. Without your sneezing? Very certainly!” Sirosso said, already whirling around the room, packing their things, snatching off his dressing gown and armoring himself for the day. Neel was long past both his embarrassment at ogling SIrosso’s quite pleasing form and the ogling himself—he’d seen his fill of Sirosso and then some. To Neel, Sirosso’s body could no longer be merely a source of embarrassment or pleasure. To Neel, Sirosso’s body was a tool, a battleground, a thing to guard, but above all a fact.
Neel joined him stripping off nightclothes—not that either of them wore much to bed, just enough to cover their genitalia, that bare boundary about all they had left—and assembling himself for the day.
“Oh, Sirosso, you charmer. You know my nose is your favorite. Your mere presence might induce sneezes from giant and troll, fae and chimera, werewolf, kelpie, and kraken alike, but no sneezes is as precious to you as… oh wait… oh I think I feel anuhh… another one coming on…!”
“Oh shut it Neel!” Sirosso said,  before hightailing it out of the room, the man’s manaical efficiency having them packed and ready to hit the road in only a few minutes.
Neel, for his part, had of course faked the oncoming sneeze, though he did feel a little ghost of an itch. Hopefully he’d be able to wait until they left town to belt out another of his windstorms. For all he enjoyed joking about his sneezing with Sirosso, he didn’t really want to be known in every town they travelled to primarily by his nose. Especially if he wanted to be welcome in the inn again.
No, he had chased Sirosso from the room just for a last moment of reflection. Another inn in another town, a town they might never see again. A life constantly on the road, making a living from Neel’s way with words and Sirosso’s sneeze-causing quirk and their combined talent for battle—when necessary of course. It was not the life Neel might have imagined for himself, in his teenaged glory days. But that was two, three, maybe four lifetimes ago.
And it could be much worse. After all, he did have a blanket.
“NEEL!” Sirosso shrieked, sticking his head back in the door, “Neel, if you’re not going to blow my eardrums out with your accursed sneezing, could you please get a move on?”
Well, a blanket, and a friend.
“Now wait wait wait, didn’t I wake you up? As far as we know, you had plans to sleep in all day…”
“Oh no you don’t as though I’m not the one who checks our ravens and keeps our appointments and…”
“Our appointments! And whose fault was it we arrived late in…”
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marmeladednd · 5 years
they don’t know who’s coming for them
tw: threat of rape/sexual abuse, sexist language
summary: They run into bandits. Everybody gets protective over Jester.
read here on ao3
prompts are: open! :)
„Listen, we don‘t have any gold left we can give you.“
Fjord held up his hands in the universal gesture of ‚we don’t want any trouble here‘. The bandits, however, didn‘t seem very impressed. They were an amalgamation of differenct races and nationalities it seemed, all of them looking rather crooked.
„Also“, Beau added, „We had, like, a really shitty day, so why don‘t you fuck off?“ That earned her a reproachful look from Fjord, but she just grimaced and shrugged in reply- why did those damn bandit have to show up right after they had just come out of a fight against a bunch of ogres?!
Their leader, a rough-looking half-orc with unhealthy grey skin and wisps of greasy hair, just scoffed. Next to her, Beau could hear Caleb whisper something under his breath, some kind of spell for sure.
„We’re not about to leave empty-handed.“, the half-orc growled, shifting his stance just slightly. The bandits had them outnumbered, which usually wasn‘t that big of a deal for the Mighty Nein, especially since none of them looked particularly skilled or armoured. But they were all tired after their previous, taxing fight, having been unable to take a long rest since.
Caduceus inklined his head; how he was still smiling, Beau didn‘t know. „Maybe we can offer you a trade? Something we have in return for you leaving us alone? You know, like my dear friend just mentioned, we had a bit of a rough day and we really don‘t want to fight you.“
More like, slaughter you., Beau thought to herself, but kept her mouth shut. It was probably better to leave the talking to her more charismatic friends right now.
The half-orc exchanged a glance with a few of his compatriots, genuinely seeming to consider the offer. Wow, they had to be a desperate bunch.
The leader barked something at one of the others in a language Beau didn‘t understand and then began circling them, slowly, looking them and all of their things over with narrow eyes, looking for something acceptable to take. Beau was pretty sure they wouldn’t get out of this without a fight, but maybe it was worth a try.
„We have a really nice cart!“ Caduceus was entirely too cheerful for Beau‘s taste right now. „Or would you care for an ogre head? It‘s really fresh.“
The half-orc ignored him and continued his round. Beau didn‘t like the way he looked at them- it was a look she knew all too well from sleazy, drunk men walking by on the street or leering at her in taverns. This one wasn‘t directed at her, though- his eyes seemed to linger on Jester, who just stood with her arms crossed, a little wound on her brow from their earlier fight trickling a bit of blood down her temple. She looked like she was about to stick her tongue out at him. Beau shifted, bringing herself a little more in front of Jester, forcing the bandit to break his eye contact.
He scowled at her, but finally finished his round.
„We’ll take the blue one.“
Beau‘s grip around her staff tightened immediately. There was a shift to their group- those who understood, and those who didn’t. Caduceus, leaning forward, frowning in confusion, and Jester, who didn‘t seem to understand and went „huh?“. But Fjord and Caleb both tensed and shifted, Caleb even taking a step forward. Nott, though, had the strongest reaction. The noise of her crossbow being readied was drowned out by a shrill „Never!“ as she scrambled over, wedging herself in front of Jester until her back was pressed againt Jester‘s skirts.
„Yeah no, that’s not gonna happen.“ Fjord‘s voice had taken on a more threatening tone which Beau wholeheartedly supported.
The bandit leader scoffed, shrugging. „That’s the deal we want. Give us the blue tiefling and we‘ll let you go.“
Beau could hear a little „oh.“ behind her as Jester finally understood what his intention was.
„Oh, she’s not really skilled in anything useful.“, Caduceus said, obviously trying to lie to protect Jester, not understanding the true nature of the bandit‘s demand.
„She doesn’t have to be skilled as long as she can lie still with her legs spread.“
Beau had never, never wanted to bash anyone‘s head in this badly, not since Lorenzo.
„...you are very rude.“ Caduceus had apparently finally caught on.
There was a soft woosh-noise next to Beau as Fjord summoned the Falchion.
Jester herself was oddly quiet behind Beau, and for a second she wondered why- until she realized that Jester had already been kidnapped from their group once before. The realization only made Beau angrier.
„We get the tiefling, you‘re free to go. That’s the deal we‘re gonna strike. We’ve got you outnumbered, so I suggest you take it.“
„If you think my friends would just give me away like that, you’re really stoopid!“ Finally, a word from Jester herself- but Beau could hear a little bit of shakiness in her voice. Without looking, she reached backwards with one hand. A second later, one of Jester‘s curled around it.
„Yeah! Fuck you!“ Nott sounded like she was about to spit acid.
„So, you‘d rather fight and die? We’ll kill all of you and just take her anyway.“ The bandit had entirely too much confidence. His buddies were backing him up with leering grins and drawn swords. „Is that what you want to do?“
„No.“ Caleb‘s voice was much quieter, but more threatening than Beau had ever heard him. It gave her a surge of pride. „We are going to kill you.“
The bandit smirked, showing a bunch of yellow teeth. „Good luck. Your friend is going to make a fine-“
Before he could finish, Caleb cast Fireball. Only a split second later, a massive Eldritch Blast followed and a crossbow bolt whizzed by Beau‘s ear. Beau had to let go of Jester‘s hand to get into melee range, but the horrified screaming of men being attacked by a swarm of beetles behind her gave her grim satisfaction, as did the pink sawblade lollipop popping up in her periphery.
These idiots had no idea who was coming for them.
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Space Orcs: Improvising
So as I have described humans are ingenious and curious and they have the ability to look at a piece of fruit that tingles while you eat it and see a weapon. It goes further than that though. Humans can even look at a mistake and see success in another guise.
Major Kovac looked at his fellow officers and gave a gesture I had never seen him make before he spread his hands slowly and then brought his shoulders up.
"I think, that when we sent the last order the message got scrambled," ventured Captain Gillespie.
"Well I fucking hope so because I don't see how a request for 'artillery ammunition, medical supplies, rifle munitions and fuel' became 'water bottles, uniforms, pens, pencils, notepads, paperweights!? 150 Nyrex, assorted foodstuffs; and fuel'..." Kovac trailed off, "add to that the only supplies we have to begin with are food and for some reason paint and plaster."
"Munitions supplies code: 83-C; recruits basics supplies: 8-DE...medical supplies code: 14-P office supplies: 40-B" Gillespie said in a monotone voice.
"Whoever was on the other end didn't think to question or ask for a repeat order, it's the new civillian company running logistics they don't speak phonetics so they relay it normally so our order "Eight-Three-Charlie" becomes "8DE" in a busy office and we end up with new water bottles, nyrex and uniforms." Captain Becca said, "the wonders of privatisation." she laughed.
"Alright Bex, no time for your socialist rants now, we're going to have to make do. Wolf, What do you think?" Kovac enquired
"Surrender," Wolf replied immediately, "No seriously sir, I say we surrender." He raised his voice as the other officers shouted him down, "these aren't a horde of barely trained fanatics we're facing down these are the cream of the crop, the zealots who have served these crackpots long enough to become battle hardened and true veterans." He gestured around himself a little wildly, "what do we have? a squad of combat engineers, one squadron of wet behind the ears infantry, Gilly's auxiliary troop, and the second half of our forces are fucking weekend warriors, the strategic planetary defence reserves, other than the 88th and Gilly we can't count on two thirds of our forces. The OC is so far past it even he has realised it and I don't trust Major Picklefarts as far as I can throw her."
Kovac clicked his fingers a few times and hummed the bars to "Catfish Blues" Captain Becca gave a soulful hum.
"Woke up this mornin'," growled Dorman in his best blues singer voice, "my dog was dead; no food in my fridge y'all; ate my dog instead."
"Got idiots above me; got morons below; if it gets much colder; it'll start to snow" finished Becca.
"Feel better?" Asked Kovac.
"How can it possibly snow here? It's 35°C in the shade! We're in a god damn furnace!" Wolf drew a calming breath.
"Now that we've made Wolf feel better let's clear up a few things," first...it's Major Portbury and I don't much like her either, second the other two squadrons will hold their line until they don't not much more we can ask of them. Third, Gilly hasn't just got a troop he's got Staff Sergeant Frank King and his units could bring Muddy Waters back from the dead to slap us all for ruining blues, and he's got Griffin Battery out there and we know what those boys can do with a connonade. So it's us, it's us the 88th, 3 Squadron Combat Engineers, Fighting Fit and Fucking Ugly, the real first in last out, the infantry may hold the front line but we fucking build it." Kovac pointed a finger at his map, "everything we know says the Xhost are going to try to capture the peninsula, they do that they gain the remote base within a week and they neuter the Fortress Moon, then they have a foothold in another system and who knows how long before the Galactic Council decide to take them seriously, they'll have another million "converts" by then. So we stop them here, we hold the Isthmus, we send them back to their ships or we send them to hell."
"With glass paperweights?" Wolf asked in a scathing tone, "Kovac I love you brother but without the supplies we're going to lose."
"Want me to show you what I can do with a paperweight?" Becca said with a growl.
"That gives me an idea," said Kovac, "Wolf, Becca, who's the nastiest soldier you've got?"
"Barbie," said Wolf.
"Knickers," said Becca.
"Dorman? What about you?"
"In a fist fight? Bickers is a nasty piece of work but for one of your ideas? Well Bickers again but you'll have to let him know just how nasty you want him to get."
"Alright have those three, Buckets, Footsteps and Corporal Chloe meet me in my office, Wolf you can join us too, just keep your eyes off the Panther's arse, Becca go see what you think of Portbury. Dorman go with Gilly and see what you would do to our defences if you had a wish list."
The meeting in the Major's office went on late into the night, unusually for human military Major Kovac was not just respected by his soldiers he was well liked. In the early hours of the morning as the soldiers left the office Kovac "high-fived" Knickers as the two achieved success in their experiments.
The following morning Kovac was found striding across the top of the fortifications gesticulating enthusiastically. "Here, and down there, it'll provide good cover for your men," he explained to the dazed looking infantry officer.
Around him infantry soldiers were carefully ripping paper from notepads and sliding them into each pocket in the nyrex they held.
"You see," Gillespie was explaining enthusiastically, "we use the left over plaster and water, and soak the new uniforms in them to create a sort of plaster cast...glacis, something to absorb damage and line the enemy up to expose them to your attacks, then we fortify it with these nyrex, filled with paper they have pretty impressive stopping power and the whole thing is made of leftovers and things wrongly delivered instead of medicine and other useful supplies. It's genius really." Major Portbury looked unimpressed but that didn't stop Gillespie, "Griffin Battery have taken the paint pots that was clever too, I think Footsteps deserves a raise Kovac ha ha, then Kovac has come up with some really nasty tricks with the water bottles and paperweights."
"Unfortunately we're out of fuel," cut in Kovac, so we'll be walking a lot," in his head he played back Becca's statement from earlier this morning, 'she resents being promoted to Major late and resents having to join a new regiment of raw recruits to do it, she resents the idea that she can't cut it and resents her men, also the girl can drink but... she may be a good officer one day, if she can ditch the chip on her shoulder.'
"Major I think it's probably best if you and your men hold the centre, we need infantry not engineers playing at infantry in our middle to steady our line, we'll put the SPDR on the far right flank where the attack should be weakest, my 88th will take the left flank, they'll hit that flank harder as they're coming from the South. Better us than the militia, sorry the SPDR, but with you a rock on one side and the water on the other we should be ok."
Portbury appeared to consider this and then nodded, without the Lietenant-Colonel there Kovac had seniority anyway.
"OK then, I'm going to send my engineers out to rig up some welcome wagons for the Xhost when they arrive" Kovac gave the Major a nod and walked away.
Kovac kept his men busy that day, he pushed them to work hard and they responded, the Major himself was tireless, he moved up and down the line talking with the men of the reserves on the right flank and then spending time with the infantrymen always talking positively about the situation, at midday he organised a competition, platoon against platoon and as the men ran up and down their line, stopping and firing at specific targets they realised how the improvised glacis exposed those before it to fire from a range of fields. Their confidence grew.
Late evening saw the first lines of Xhost troops pull into view, they had started to set up camp when Griffin Battery, buried further back behind enemy lines opened fire, explosions on their base caused chaos and when the dust had settled through omni-goggles Kovac could see the smoking ruins of three air support ships, the surprise of Griffin Battery had been lost but there was no air support for the Xhost tomorrow.
When the Xhost advanced in the pre-dawn gloom they did so in near silence, Griffin Battery stayed silent, they crept forward until the silent guns filled them with confidence and the advance sped up, they crept closer until in the middle of their lines explosions tore through the ranks.
Crouched and looking through the omni-goggles, Captain Becca called out ranges as more detonations shredded the advance. The Xhost fell back.
"Improvised nailbombs, water bottles with fuel and gunpowder salvaged from rifle rounds, strapped to two glass paperweights each." Kovac nodded to Becca, "That knickers is a nasty piece of work."
"They're advancing!" Yelled Becca from her vantage point, "two divisions on the left flank, one division in the centre, half a division moving to the right."
Again the Xhost advanced cautiously, and again the guns of Griffin Battery stayed silent, the few remaining paperweight bombs detonated but this time the Xhost were ready for them, and did not recoil in shock.
The advancing army looked vast in comparison to the thin like of troops dug in to oppose them, they drew nearer still nearly in rifle range when the guns of Griffin Battery sounded, amongst the shells shattering the Xhost lines were improvised shells which erupted on impact and appeared to contain liquid fire, Lance Corporal Bickers knowing that fuel and polystyrene - a packing product for the "useless" paperweights - could combine to create a highly flammable viscous liquid was the sort of information that earned him considerable "side eye" most of the time, but on occasion proved extremely useful. The fact he had known at least four other methods to make "napalm" was considered concerning.
The advance lines caught in the firestorm disappeared into the flames, the rest of the Xhost retreated.
"They're done for the day," said Kovac harshly, he looked out at the killing zone as if forcing himself to watch what he had done.
Kovac was correct in his assessment night fell and the Xhost made no movements to advance, the human forces bedded down and the sentries fought heavy lids as they watched the enemy lines.
Morning broke with a stiff breeze sweeping in from the northern shore bringing moisture and freshness to the air. The Xhost drew up and then stood watching the human defences, they stood and sang their hymns, Major Kovac ordered his men stood down but the infantry and SPDR stayed in their positions on guard while the engineers slept. The Xhost stood and sang all day, and late into the night and while Major Kovac had his men keep sentry and the others slept the less experienced troops stayed in position.
It appeared as though the Xhost might try to sing their way to victory, depriving the troops of the Galactic Council Defence Force of sleep until they were defeated but Kovac appeared to have a plan, as dawn broke the second day on the singing Xhost, the wind tugging at the ceremonial robes if their battle clerics rifle fire sounded and commanders of the Xhost began to fall, over a dozen shots sounded before the shocked Xhost rushed forwards. Half way between the two armies Hemmings and Richards the two finest shots in the engineers ranks broke cover and sprinted for the safety of their own lines.
While the two humans had a significant lead they were stiff and cold and amongst the massed ranks of the Xhost were species significantly faster than humans. As the massed ranks of the Xhost surged forward some shapes raced ahead, fastest of all were the unmistakable forms of Rhul converts, surging across the ground in their four legged posture.
Griffin Battery opened fire and still the two snipers ran with the Rhul closing the gap every stride. Hemmings was 30 yards ahead of his fellow sniper when he stopped, turned and fired three shots, the two Rhul yards from Richards dropped and Hemmings turned and sprinted for home.
The Xhost kept coming and for the first time reached rifle range, the Xhost drove on over their falling comrades as the defensive lines cracked with rifle fire. Flashes of colour appeared in the Xhost lines as Kovac's next trick was revealed. Artillery shells, robbed of half their munitions weight attached to left over paint tins rained down on the Xhost causing damage and spreading paint across vast swathes of Xhost numbers, coating rifle sights and eye stalks in blinding paint.
Still the Xhost pushed forwards until they were close enough that the faces of the myriad species of the Xhost converts could be seen. Kovac's last trick was played, empty paint tins and empty food tins, packed with the wrongly delivered pens and pencils and the munitions taken from the paint-shells were fired from the infantry's portable howitzers.
As the thin metal reached muzzle velocity of 180m/s it shredded spraying thin slivers of metal and wood out into the Xhost lines.
A shudder went through the fanatic troops as their advance slowed and they paused, no shot fired in return and over 3/4 of their own number laying in carnage.
Kovac stood up and walked to the lip of the human defences, "now, bullet bomb, bayonets!" He bellowed and the left flank suddenly hailed grenades followed by a volley of bullets and then the 88th 3 Squadron Combat Engineers launched forward in their own advance.
By days end the Xhost were defeated and driven from the planet.
I have multiple examples of humans turning errors into victories, vulcanised rubber, antibiotics and even the low resistance substance they coat their ships in but these are often seen as unique events, they aren't. Human achievements all across history have been accompanied by two phrases. "I have an idea" and "What if?"
I'm assured "hold my beer" is a crucial part of their success too.
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catbowserauthor · 6 years
Hobbit Story: Principles 3
Part 3 of my Hobbit story Principles
            “You’re the elder.” The blond haired prince remarked. “I’m rather insulted that you’d need a ‘youngling’ not even a century old to educate you but since you are inquiring, I’ll be glad to answer.”
            Thorin turned his head sharply, “Fili…”
            “No, Irak’Adad,” Fili addressed his uncle by his family title and continued, “We do not inquire if we do not wish to hear the answer. Lord Firebeard obviously does.”
            The red bearded dwarf looked like he wanted to stand up and make a noose out of Fili’s braids but the blond haired prince pressed on.
            “As you are obviously unaware, Lord Firebeard, the battle of Moria occurred not only to try and reclaim a home but as a defense to the Orcs that were loyal to Azog. The battle itself was going to be fought, regardless. Engaging within the valley before the birthplace of Durin himself was advantageous to us, the dwarves who were crafted from the rock and knew it as we knew our own breath. It was at a great cost, to all involved, but we survived it. Thorin was a major part of that and it is to him that a majority of the dwarves who thrive within Ered Luin owe their prosperity.” He added, “Within and outside of his Halls.”
            Standing abruptly, Firebeard hissed, “You’ve the same hubris as your uncle! The same fault that won’t be—“
            Kili pushed forward and pointed, fiercely, pressing against his brother’s shoulder. “You’ve no room to talk of pride, Lord Firebeard! No room!”
            Balin looked nervously at his younger brother but Dwalin was smirking at the two lads like a proud Papa. Granted, they said nothing untrue, but this could easily turn sour and while Balin did not doubt the boys’ ability to defend themselves, he’d rather it not turn bloody.
            “You insolent bintarg—“
            It was Lord Ironfist that spoke out, “None of that, Lord Firebeard. The young ones bring up points. Only one afraid to listen to them is one that has something to hide.” He narrowed his eyes, “I know you are strong spoken, but you do not lie to yourself on plain truths, do you?”
            There was a pause, reluctance but then…“Of course not.” That was probably the only truth Fili suspected had come from his mouth the whole meeting.
            Thorin addressed the room, “I do not deny I suffered from pride. Pride that the Arkenstone and the treasure hoard preyed upon. I have never denied that. I am not proud of it but I have sought to correct it and I will continue to mind it.”
            “Pride like yours, like your grandfather’s cannot be so easily tamed,” Firebeard accused, panting a bit and still looking at Kili and Fili like they were pieces of meat to be skewered. He was not blind to how Dwalin had taken both his axes from his sheath nor how Thorin had shifted so that he might put himself in-between his sister-sons at any time.
            All the same, Lord Ironfist’s words had struck a chord and he resolved to not let his anger blind him. After all, he was a representative of his family name and it would do no good to let them be known as intolerant braggarts.
            He set his eyes on the Durin Line once more.
            “And like I said,” Kili spoke out again, ignoring the look from Balin. “You have no room to speak of pride.”
            Fili, his own anger incensed, added, “Your grandmother was one of those lost during Smaug’s attack, was she not, Lord Firebeard?” Thorin, once the boys had been old enough, had not spared them details of the fury of that attack. He had remembered every dwarf lost, every life claimed. As soon as he had been able, he had set up memorials to each of them and his sister-sons had learned them well. It had never been just about the gold nor the land. It was the people who made it. People who had been slaughtered. Burned alive. People who had families, names, stories of their own.
 “Was she not?” Fili repeated at the long pause.
            The Lord was taken off guard for a moment, surprised by the boy’s knowledge as well as the seemingly unconnected inquiry. “Aye. A tragedy it was—‘
            “And when Thorin called for aid, to go and remove the Dragon that had unfairly taken our homeland and the lives of our people, you refused his call. You refused the chance to avenge your blood.” Kili’s tone was even and through clenched teeth. “Your father’s mother.”
            “I…did not…answer.” Firebeard confessed. “That does not mean—“
            “When the Fell Winter was upon us all,” Fili interrupted, “You came to Ered Luin, begging for aid, did you not?”
            Again, surprise colored the Lord’s eyes. “I did. We were lacking in supplies, food…”
            “And obviously,” Kili folded his arms, “Thorin turned you away.”
            “…No. He did not.”
            “He did not.” Fili purposely heightened his tone, feigning surprise. “What did he say?”
            Some of the wind blown from his sails, Firebeard remarked, “He said he would pledge as many men as he could to help us ready shelters. He would send food from his own stores.”
            “And was our Uncle full on his own stores?” Kili asked, catching on all too easily to Fili’s purpose. If either of them saw the look their uncle was bestowing upon them, they gave it no thought. It was a look of surprise, shock and utter pride rolled into a simple glance of his eyes.
            His sister-sons paid it no mind as they had only sights for the final Dwarf Lord.
            “Nay, not that I saw.” The red bearded dwarf admitted.
            “Yet he gave anyway.” Fili offered. “What did he say when you asked how he would manage?”
            “I…did not inquire.”
            “No.” Kili offered. “You didn’t ask. You had what you needed. Your people would be taken care of and that was you were presently concerned with.” Kili added, “Thorin was concerned with every dwarf he was made aware of.”
            “Thorin took to work in the villages of Men.” Fili countered. “Doing the work that would please kings for horsemen, for leathermakers and for less than half of what he should have. Any gold meant food and clothing and shelter. He had made you a promise which he kept. He had also given his people a promise.”
            “That they would not want throughout the winter.” Kili chimed in. “And it mattered not what he would need to do to keep that promise.”
            “Surely,” Fili inquired, pushing his hair back, “You understand, Lord Firebeard. As I recall, your own people were nearly starved many decades ago from a horrific plague that crippled the dwarrowdams and children. The food was sour and brought illness to even the hardy dwarven folk. You naturally accepted any work you could to find healers, did you not?”
            The Dwarf Lord was silent. “I…”
            “No.” Kili answered. “You refused to work for Men, even as your own people lay dying. You sent word to the other Dwarf Families, claiming you had no means to support your people, nor combat the sickness when MenFolk regularly passed by, commenting and wanting the word of Dwarven Folk.” He narrowed his eyes, “But, no, that kind of work…you would not do.”
            “You would not “lower yourself” to Men for coin, at the cost of your own people.” Fili narrowed his eyes. “Except…”
            “Again, Uncle Thorin answered your call.” Kili spat. “He sent healers, he sent coin to villages for healers he could not provide. And asked you for nothing in return.”
            There was nary a sound in the room.
            “Yes, Thorin fell to pride.” Fili remarked. “He has never denied that. But even in his pride, even trapped in the gold sickness, he gave of his treasure to his people. He spoke of showing what we were worthy of. He gave a ruby to me the size of both my hands. He bestowed upon us armor of gold. He gave a shirt of Mithril rings to Bilbo, our Hobbit burglar, as thanks for his friendship.” He purposely paused because the murmurs about the room needed to quiet.
            “Thorin has only ever sought to give us what he thought his people deserved.” Kili spoke up again once the voices went still. “He would work night and day until he collapsed on the chair in the kitchen from weariness simply so that the dwarven child down the hall might have one new doll for her name day. He gave himself to the judgement of men so that there would not be a belly that burned with hunger. The curse of Dragon seeks out whatever it can. Thorin wished to give to his people. I doubt you would have done much better if you suddenly had the means to give what you had been fighting to provide for over a century.”
            The blond haired prince took over again, pacing forward and leaning over the table, “I do not deny my Uncle has made mistakes. Large mistakes even. But all of us have. You could argue even Mahal himself made one by not asking Sulladad permission before he made our Seven Fathers. But, as we have to Thorin, he was forgiven because his heart was made of nothing but good intent.”
            Fili set his eyes on his uncle for a long moment, a warm smile in his deep blue eyes before turning back to the red haired dwarf and all but spitting his final stance as if it tasted foul.
            “Thorin has pride. But it is pride he uses for his people, for the betterment of his people. To protect and serve his people. THAT is what this quest was for.” Fili took a breath. “It was about justice. It was about heritage. It was about our people. And I see no wrong in that pride.”
            He stepped back, rejoined his brother and the two princes went silent.
            Firebeard, who had slightly stood during the two Princes’ tirade, slumped back to his seat and looked to Balin. Clearing his throat, he stated, “Clan Firebeard requests a reprieve.”
            Balin sighed, though it was hard to tell if it was from relief or frustration. “I agree. We will dismiss for a time. What do you require?”
            “Half an hour will suffice, Lord Balin.”
            Nodding to the rest of the gathered dwarves, Balin decreed, “So be it.”
Thorin addressed the gathered clansmen, “The kitchens are firmly stocked, my Lords. I do welcome you to retrieve what you may need.”
            Silently, the groups slipped from the room with the Line of Durin being last to leave. Lord Firebeard insisted on remaining and taking time within the silence. Closing the door behind them, Dwalin beat his brother to the punch by slinging his arm around first Fili and Kili.
            “Ha! Best damn speech you could have given, laddies!”
            Kili grinned sheepishly as Fili retorted, “It wasn’t a speech—“
            “Close enough,” Dwalin insisted. “Takes a lot to shut up that ol’ Firebeard! Figures it was you two that did it.”
            “I just wanted to get him to stop talking trash,” Fili insisted. Setting his eyes on Thorin, he clarified, “He has no right.”
            Smiling brightly, Thorin approached his eldest heir and rested his forehead on his. “I do not know what I did to earn such loyalty from you two but I remain grateful for it. You flatter me, both of you, though I do wonder how you knew of the dire straits we were in during the winter. Much as you were indeed involved as you got older, your mother and I strove to keep it from you when you were young.”
            “We were there for the Fell Winter one, Uncle.” Kili insisted.
            Thorin drew from Fili and inquired of his younger nephew, “Kili, you two were both young at the time. Fili was barely in his fifties. I know that I told you what I could but—“
            Shaking his head, Kili clarified, “No, I mean, we were in the room when you told him that you’d send him supplies.”
            Balin eyed the two, “That was quite late at night, lads.”
            Fili winced a bit but laughed. “Kili woke up and insisted I go with him to alcoves. Something about protecting him from orcs or something…”
            “I did NOT say I needed protection—“
            “Anyway, we were on our way back when we saw the council room open.” Fili smirked, “Never had a chance to go in there without adults tellin’ us what to do so we crept in.”
            “Then, we heard you, Uncle,” Kili explained with a small smile “And we thought we were gonna get in trouble so Fili pushed us into the cabinet where you used to keep the old wine.” Kili rubbed his neck. “So, when you and old Firebeard came in, it was a little hard not to overhear.”
            Fili remarked, “Wanted to tell him off then too but I was worried you’d be mad we snuck in.”
            Thorin, surprisingly, laughed. “I wondered why those bottles were so overturned the next morning. Dis was convinced we had acquired humongous rats.”
            “You did, apparently.” Balin chuckled. “With blond and brown hair.”
            Looking to each of his nephews in turn, Thorin gently stroked their hair, one hand on each, “I suppose it should not surprise me. You have always stood by side, intervened even when you do not necessarily need to—“
            “If it involves you, we need to.” Fili corrected, his eyes focused. “You’re our King, our leader but more than that.”
            “You’re Uncle.” Kili clarified. “We know your heart more than those old maznaslatdurzuz—“
            “Kili!” Balin admonished lightly but given Dwalin snorted to hide his laughter and Thorin just smiled, his reprimand was hardly noted.
            “And if they think we’ll just sit back and let them act like they know ANYTHING about why you did the things you did, they know nothing.” Fili finished. “And if they’re fit to judge anything, they need to KNOW.”
            Dwalin’s smile broadened and he folded his arms, “You two take after your Uncle, that’s for certain.” Shaking his head, he declared “Stubborn as the stone itself but I’d not have anyone else at my side.”
            Thorin found himself a bit at a loss for words. For all his nephews’ hijinks, their loyalty to him had never faltered, even when perhaps it should have. Hearing them state their reasons, their understanding of him, their defense of his motive, it had warmed him from core outward. There were Kings in both of them, youth notwithstanding. He leaned inward again, rested his head on each of theirs. “No matter what comes of this meeting, my lads, we will endure. No matter what they say, you are of Durin’s Line and Father Durin smiles upon you for bringing such honor to his blood.”
            Not much else needed to be said. The two boys gave their love to their uncle through a deep embrace and he whispered encouragement into their ears to ease the nerves that were building as one by one, the Dwarf Lords filed back into the room.
            The three Durins came last, with Balin and Dwalin flanking them. Nothing was said but the five Dwarf Lords took their positions, standing, before the platform. Thorin stood before it but did not yet rise to it, his nephews to his left. Dwalin retook his position, Balin his and all was quiet.
Lord Firebeard had left his position at the table and stood before the assembled group. His eyes were downtrodden and full of untamed fury. He looked to each member, in turn, before his eyes settled on the two Princes. His stance seemed suddenly weary, as if he had been working all day amid the mines.
            “Sharp tongues they have, the Princes of Erebor.”
            The distinction was clear.
            It was the first time they had been addressed by their potential titles and each of the two young dwarfs jerked a bit in shock of it.
            “But they don’t spread lies with them.” Firebeard continued. “Nothing they have said was untrue, much as I would like to claim it to be. I have my doubts, Thorin II Oakenshield but your lads are right. You have never failed to come to the aid of your people. Of my own people when I could not…would not…stand up for them when I should have. I have not been free of pride’s sting myself.”
            “As none of us are.” Thorin advised simply. “It is the nature of our people. We are a mighty people, forged by Mahal’s mighty hand. We all lose sight at times.”
            “All the same,” The dwarf continued, “I will not allow myself to lose sight now, nor will I allow my own pride to blind me.” He drew his sword from his side and presented it to Thorin, his voice high, “I, Lord Odin Firebeard, Father of the Firebeard Family Line, pledge my line’s allegiance to Thorin II Oakenshield, King of our Kind by blood and act. Mahal strike me down if I speak untrue.”
            One by one, each of the other Dwarf Fathers stepped forward, flanking Firebeard and presented their own swords before declaring together in the tongue of the Dwarves, “ < Mahal as our witness, we decree Thorin II Oakenshield, rightful King Under the Mountain and pledge our support to his claim. >”
            Balin smiled, a wide, beaming look and he turned to Thorin and nodded once.
            Stepping upward onto the platform, Thorin stood tall, his chest heaving a bit and he recited, “ < I stake that I will not do poorly on your trust, My Lords. I accept the title of King Under the Mountain will all the duty it entails. >” He added, “ < I will strive to never lose sight of where my purpose lies…to defend and lift up our people. >”
            One by one, the Dwarf Fathers fell to one knee, declaring “ <The King Select is fulfilled. Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, is rightful King Under the Mountain, by blood right and earned right. >”
            Balin began to speak when Firebeard spoke out again, “ < If I may. >”
            This was most unusual. Balin still had accept the Select (very formal, as most Dwarf ceremonies were) but given that there was no law forbidding an addition, he gave a delayed but firm “ < As you would. > “
            The red haired Lord look from Thorin to the two Princes, whom had stayed silent since their return. “ < It takes nerves of mithril, young lads, to stand before a Dwarf Lord and tell him that he is wrong. That he is not only wrong but wrong on all kinds of levels. But you did not hesitate. Much as I wish I could say I would have done the same, I’m not sure I would have. > “ He lifted his sword to the two Princes and after a moment, the other Dwarf Lords did the same, “ < And I pledge my allegiance to Fili, sister-son of Thorin II Oakenshield and to Kili, sister-son of Thorin II Oakenshield, Princes Under the Mountain, by blood right and earned right. >”
            “ < By blood right and earned right! >”
            “ < Princes Under the Mountain! >”
            Both Princes stood stock still a long time, with Kili finally shifting his eyes to look at their Uncle, a simple ‘what do we do’ question in them.
            Thorin held out a hand, his smile shining through his eyes, and one by one, he pulled them each up to stand beside him, to his right.
            Balin gathered his breath, “ < So, let it be known. The Dwarf Fathers have selected Thorin II Oakenshield worthy to be King Under the Mountain. The Dwarf Fathers have selected Fili, sister-son of Thorin II Oakenshield  worthy to be Prince Under the Mountain. The Dwarf Fathers have selected Kili, sister-son of Thorin II Oakenshield worthy to be Prince Under the Mountain. So shall it be. >”
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Medal of Honor.”
Ok that second to last part was hard to write, damn. Anyway read to the end to get an idea of where the next arc is going :)
A gentle breeze cut over the open field outside UNSC headquarters. Blue UN flags whipped lightly in the wind, and the sun shone down, though its rays beat against a crowd of somber figures all dressed sharply for the morning, men and women alike.
Camera crews had set up just off to the side of the stage, where Admiral Kelly stood in her dress greys along with white gloves and cords at the shoulder, her hands resting against the lectern as if searching for support somewhere.
“And it is with great regret that I must report Commander Vir of the UNSC Missing in Action.” 
This was not news to the assembled crowd, so there was no gasping, no cries of alarm, only solemn silence.
“Commander Vir was…. a … a true representative of what it means to be human, and what it means to be a member of the UNSC. He was brave, loyal, diligent, and, from personal experience, I can vouch for his character as one of the best men I have ever known. He was a man who…. Wasn’t afraid to be himself, kind, trusting, and fun-loving. There were at times were members of the UNSC wondered if he was ready to command a ship. There were times when we questioned whether he was even capable of leading, but it is more than safe to say that Commander Adam Allen Vir has proved himself without a doubt. Two nights ago, the U.N.S.S Harbinger was set upon by  a burg surprise attack. Commander vir took charge of the fleet admirably, though sources and footage report a linking of 40 kree satellites that created some sort of…” She paused here, “We aren't entirely sure, a black hole, or wormhole, or warp, tunnel. Commander Vir’s ship was caught in the pull.”
Kelly straightened up, “And in an act of great honor and selflessness, commander Vir initiated the shatter protocol. Because of his efforts, the rest of the harbinger crew made it out alive with only three casualties, and one life pod still missing in action. The ship itself will undergo reassembly at the Europa station. “ More flags flapped, and behind her on the stage, five other Admirals, the secretary of intergalactic affairs, the GA representative, and the UN President sat heads bowed slightly.
“Commander Vir, remained in command until his signal was lost. Efforts are currently being made to determine what the device did, so we can definitely determine what happened to Earths favorite hero.” 
She turned stepping back a little as the UN president stood and walked forward clearing his throat two assistants walking behind him off to the side of the stage a man was brought up. He wore a well worn-but finely tailored suit, though is eyes were red. The UN president straightened his back and turned to look at the man as cameras flashed , “After deliberation with the UN council and members of the GA, we have determined that Commander Vir’s actions in battle are of the highest degree, and would thus award him the UNSC Medal of Honor.” The two assistants Flipped open the two identical cases as pictures snapped, and the boxes were eventually handed over to Jim Vir who took them in shaking hands.
“The UNSC and the GA thank your son for his service, and we will do everything in our power to get him home…. No matter what.”
The man’s face remained stoically flat, though in the bright light of the sun golden tears rolled down his cheeks, and dripped onto the velvet interior of the case. He was led from stage as admiral Kelly returned to her feet, “The burg have harassed and harried the GA and the UNSC almost since inception. Their actions over the Kree home world are reprehensible, and as of now the GA has declared open war on the Burg, a decision that the UNSC unanimously supports. We will not bow before tyrants, and it is now that we ask young men and women of earth, of Mars and of the colonies, tot take up arms like commander Vir in defense of earth, and in defense of the galaxy.  Let us not, allow his sacrifice to go meaningless.”
“No, he’s not dead!” “Mrs Vir.
“He's not dead! I would know if he's dead, and I know he’s not dead!”
Maverick stood in the center of the Vir family living room her hands clasped before her. This was her least favorite duty as ship chaplain, but she hadn’t wanted anyone else to do it.
Martha Vir walked in a tight circle ringing her hands.
“Don’t you ma’am me! We should be out there looking for him! He could be sick or hurt or or…
“Ma’am, the UNSC is doing everything in their power. As of now he is only considered Missing in action, not dead.” She reached out a hand to rest on the woman’s shoulder but took it back at the last moment, “Things are not without hope.”
Across the room Jim Vir stood staring out the window back hunched head bowed. His hard calloused hands were balled into fists at his sides.
Jeremy sat on the couch looking dumbstruck shaking his head, “no…. No i’m sure hes alright, that bastard could survive anything he…. Hes like that, our little brother.”
Across from him David stood with his partner Jordan. David’s cheek twitched hard eyes filling up with moisture that he tried to hold back as he looked up at the ceiling. David wrapped his arms around him, and as soon as that happened David broke dropping his head into one hand body shaking silently.
Maya sat shell shocked in her father’s favorite chair .
There was silence for a long moment and then, “This is bullshit!” Everyone turned to where Thomas had stood knocking over a chair in the process. His scruffy hair was in disarray, “This is some fucking bullshit!”
“No! Don’t THOMAS me, this if bull- shit! You should be out there looking for him! Because he's fucking alive, so fuck you and, and all of your stupid….” His voice cut off, and he stood there mouth opening and closing for a moment before he turned and raced out the door slamming it behind him as he went.
Everyone was silent.
“I’m sorry about Th-” “It's ok…. I get it, and I feel the same way.”
Outside Thomas paced around the front yard before sitting on the front step head in his hands.
Sobbing quietly.
Cannon had to pry open the door from the outside. The frame had been warped and bent at some point, and that made it difficult to get inside. His heart was pounding as the other marines worked to help him. Jamming his spear into the crack, and with all four of them resting their body weight on it, they were just able to pop the seal.
There was a sharp hiss as the interior of the compartment pressurized to the air around it. Cannon rammed his shoulder into the door once twice, and then finally it popped inward the warped damage to the inside fixed enough for the door to slide open.
Deep blue light filtered in from the docking bay of captain Koslov’s ship and into the interior compartment falling on a figure kneeling at it’s center.
Cannon went to rush forward hands outstretched to the figure but paused in horror. The room was covered in blood, orange like the rising sun over Anin. A broken steel spear shaft lay on the ground snapped in half like a stick over a child’s knee. At the center of this carnage, She knelt blue carapace marred with blood hands twisted into claws torn and bleeding The metal about the room had been dented beyond repair, long scratches marred the metal.
“Sunny,” He whispered softly 
When no answer came, he stepped forward into the room and walked over, slowly kneeling down before her.
Both sets of her hands rested on her legs, and her head was bowed eyes closed.
He reached out resting a hand over hers, “Sunny?”
Slowly her eyes opened, and she tilted her head up to look at him. Little droplets of blood speckled her face though the expression was completely dead, dead mostly but for the burning rage behind her golden eyes. He sat back in shock.
He had only ever seen that look on one other person in his life.
On the face of General Cosma after the death of their father.
“I’m going to kill them all.” 
Olivia Wild - Engineering 
Chris Hallis - Marine 
Trevor Lane - Pilot
Adam Vir
Dr. Krill 
Waffles waited on the tarmac at Fort Harmony airbase, and waited, and waited. She stood, walked around for a bit, then sat down. 
She waited resting her head on her paws and staring up at the sky.
She waited as the sun grew high into noon and then sunk downwards towards the distant ocean. She could smell it on the air, a salty tang.
She waited as the sun dipped towards the horizon.
Waffles stood picking up the dusty white captain’s cap in her mouth and walking over to a patch of grass where she sat and continued to wait. The smell on the hat was still strong. Off in the distance engines roared, and she perked her ears up, standing on the tarmac and watching as an F-90 darkfire rolled down onto the field. Her tail began to wag and she broke into a trot towards the taxiing plane. Her body wiggled and her nose twitched with excited sniffling.
The canopy opened, and waffle’s tail dropped sagging towards the hot tarmac that burned her paws a little. She let the dusty cap drop from her mouth and onto the hot surface flopping down beside it, her nose resting where, with every breath, she could smell the familiar scent.
She whined quietly, looking up as a figure walked forward over the tarmac.
It was a distantly familiar smell but not the one she wanted. Chief Palmer stopped next to her and knelt down, running a gentle hand over her ears. His voice was soft, “Still waiting, huh girl?”
She beat her tail half-heartedly against the ground.
He stood, “Come on girl, lets go inside.” She didn’t move
He whistled, and her ears twitched, but she didn’t come. He sighed and walked over sitting next to her, “Well, maybe we can wait together for a little bit. It grew dark as they waited, and he stroked a gentle hand down her back.
After a bit, he reached over gently pulling the cap from under her snout. She lifted her head, “Promise I’ll give it back.” he said taking a moment to dust the dirt from the white top before handing it back.
‘“I have to go ok.” He said standing, “But I understand you have to wait.”
She whimpered softly. He bit his lip and turned away wiping at his eyes with the back of his sleeve.
The sun sunk lower, lights flicked on over the tarmac. Men in orange vests passed by patting her on the head and whispering soft things to her as they did. One man came by with a blanket, draped over her form the cold.
A figure in white billowed behind her its strange human voice inside her head waiting with her. 
The night got colder, and Waffles looked up at the sky whimpering softly at the stars, waiting, still waiting.
The inky blue sky was alight with fire as debris rained down from above. Animals raced over the sandy dunes across an inland sea in fear and shock as great pieces of metal crashed to the ground with fiery explosions. 
A small metal ball with the lines. LIFE POD 37 on the outside crashed towards the sea.
Overhead the night sky was dominated by the glowing rings formed about the planet, and the glowing orbit of Seven moons, some barely pinpricks against the night. 
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idjitlili · 4 years
Stop wait and listen baby that’s my pilosophy.
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A request for @medievalmage
'Hello! Would you do a Faramir x reader where you’re out scouting with him and his brother and it’s night time and you end up falling asleep on his shoulder. Then Boromir won’t stop teasing Faramir abt it the next day and it’s adorable af and you just sorta kiss Faramir to stop Boromir’s teasing. Thank you!'
Hiya my dude,so sorry this is very late, I just haven't been feeling Faramir at the moment,but honestly I cant deny requests ,so here we are. I've been very busy making a teapot and bread,plus being tired. I hope this is alright for you.
Summary:Imagine growing up with Faramir and Boromir,you had liked Boromir when you were younger,but as you matured you lost them feelings and gained them for his younger brother.
Word count:1430
It was no lie growing up you had deeply liked Boromir ,how could you not?Gorgerous hair ,gorgerous face,charming. You had been bestfriends growing up ,well with his brother Faramir ,just friends with Boromir. Faramir never knew of your feelings for his brother;and he was the person you trusted the most.
Anways growing up,you would often spar with them ,westle ,whatever ,they taught you how to fight in fact ,when you were young. They thought you being close to the stewards sons could cause evil to try get a hold of you ,to get what they wanted from the stewards sons, gold and such.Yeah so they taught you how to defend yourself from danger,it took a while but you got there eventually. In fact it caused you to become much more close to the brothers ;you would wrestle with them after that. As you became much more accustom to their physical contact.
Your mother would tease you asking which one would you marry,she didn't have any problem you being around them,knowing they would become noble men. She was very pleased to discover that you had een trained to be able to defend yourself. However your father was not so pleased with you for being so close to these men,well teenages right now,as the years progressed his hatred died down. They would often come over for dinner,as you all would ride into the freelands for training and camping. When you would come home the next day ,it would be time for supper,so you'd invite them round.
Your father grew to like them ,even laugh with them,but he did question in secret with your mother when your marriage with faramir would be revealed. Your mother may of knew who you had liked ,but she knew you would grow to love one of them ,more than a school girl crush. Your father already knew from the look in Faramir and your eyes when they would meet from across the table.
You were only a young adult when you had joined the rangers with Faramir,which he allowed because he wouldn't let any harm come to you,plus he knew you could defend yourself.  That is what he would tell himself ,but in reality ,he wanted to spent as much time with you ,and be close to your as much as he could without being weird.
Anyways you two did grow close after just a week of working together ,constantly in each others presences. Truthfully everyone else that were apart of the rangers were men,they kinda scared you ,so you stayed by someone you tursted with your your whole heart,faramir. After that week ,you began to fall in love with the stewards youngest son. One or two of the rangers had degraded you ,or made some sorta sexual comment ,Faramir would appear and give them shit. After he would make sure you were alright,looking at you deep in your eyes,within two weeks you definitely began to realise that you were in love with your life long bestfriend.
That was over two months ago,you Faramir were closer than ever ,but you were about to be closer. Denethor II your bestfriends father ,had sent you ,Faramir and Boromir out scounting. Well actually Denethor was like 'Boromir go scout with some other dudes' not those exact words of choice ,so Boromir had chosen you two of course.
So you had taken your horses to go scout the forests ,near Gondor for spiders nest ,or orcs that could be planning to attack. You three had spent all day searching ,only to find nothing. Before you all knew it ,it was almost dark,you had made camp before you all gathered firewood. With that soon a fire was lit and you were all sat around the fire.  
You had forced the boys to help you peel some potatoes ,before putting them in the pan on the fire in some water. Sam would be proud to know you were making mash potatoes. They didn't take long ,your bellies were quickly filled. You had sat very close to Faramir as you were used to with all the other rangers ,as there was less spaced. General conversations ,and some of Boromirs battle stories were shared.
Yet soon your eyes grew heavy ,as the night grew dark,you hadn't even realised you had been leaning on faramir. You could not think about such a thing ,as you fell into sleep ,causing your head to rest upon faramirs should, he had wrapped his arm around you to support you up,but actually it in a few minutes you were against his chest ,clinging onto him.
Faramir had just watched you peaceful in his arms ,until his brother had caused him to break that gaze. "you know she loves you?" he had spoken sincerely ,he had seen it for a long time,such as your father. "don't give me hope when there is none ,brother." faramir was annoyed at the state,ment ,as he really did love you ,but he couldn't see that you felt the same about him. "then why is she so comfortable to lay on top of you? It seems to me that is not the first time." faramifrhad blushed ,but thankfully the flames of the fire had hidden that ,it was true ,you had down this many times before.
"just you see tomorrow I shall get the truth."
And Boromir was true to his words he would get the truth ,even if he had to go to you and get you to admit your feelings. Instantly when you we awake ,being last up, Boromir had began the teasing. He had been sat upon a log ,carving a small piece of wood with a sharp small knife. You had sat upon out of Faramirs hold ,beginning to brush your hair,allowing Faramif to finally sit up.
"So brother, when can i expect a nice or a nephew?" the smirk was clear in his voice, Faramir had sighed ,you turned to the brothers confused. "w-what? you have a woman?"  you were beyond embarrassed you would not have dared to touch him ,he was your bestfriend why wouldn't he say anything. Now faramir's cheeks had flared up."n-no my brother is-" but Boromir had cut his bullshit off ,like a dogs nuts. " i just figured from how close you to were , that it can't be too long until you are pregnant." you had choked, lauching yourself at Boromir ,more like tackling him ,causing him to drop his knife ,straddling his chest,his arms above his head. "damn  I should expect one real soon then. Brother she has some moves." Faramir just watched in embarassment at the whole situation.
"you'd think for being my bestfriend,you would know im virgin,also we used to wrestle all the time ,it not kinky shit."  as soon as you were finished you had squeezed Boromirs cheekjs,before grinning. "you know as child ,I had a crush on you,Boromir." he had grinned back shaking his head no,faramir just stood a few feet away ,knowing you never liked him. "well uh that didn't last long,-" you had stood up ,holding out your hand for Boromir to take,in which he did.
"don't expect children soon ,but I do love your brother" you had walked over to Faramir cupping his cheeks ,pressing your lips swiftly to his,before walking over to your horse feeding it an apple from your bag on his saddle.   Boromir had smirked at his brother raising his eyebrows ,while ,Faramir was a beet still watching you.
"I heard everything last night,thats my pilosophy baby,."
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korkrunchcereal · 6 years
Unpleasant Company
The stories of war always told you the heroic parts. Grand battles and mighty conquests by great heroes were tales as old as civilization itself. Cultures like that of the orcs or the Sin’dorei, which are so vastly different, retain the common link of triumphant stories; of men who fight a hundred, and of monstrous evils vanquished by the forces of justice. They were popular, and they were loved.
And they were only half the story.
No one ever talked about the dying men, who screamed abandoned and alone. They didn’t talk about the fear man faced, shaking in his boots and forced forward by those behind him. They never talked about the smells either; the abhorrent stench of rot and decay mixed with blood and gore. If they ever told that part, no one would go to war.
Aurelian wished he wasn’t in this particular war, and not for the first time. He found himself within the Eastern Plaguelands, holed up in his tent to escape both the torrential downpour outside and the stench of the place. He was amidst a small armed force that had deployed there to aid in repelling a demonic outbreak, and so far there had been a string of successes, if somewhat costly. Men died in the mud and the festering bogs by the score, giving their final breath to face down the demons.
Luckily, Aurelian had not met his death as so many had. He doubted he would find death here or anytime soon. So skilled with a sword as he and believing he had a future destiny yet, he felt invincible. Of course, invincibility did not save you from an unpleasant smell as Aurelian learned. Light, the stench was nearly overwhelming. He had even imported jasmine to be liberally sprayed inside his tent in a vain attempt to keep the smell of rot down.
“Why did the demons insist on one of the most unhospitable places on Azeroth to invade…” he mused aloud. Aurelian remembered a time when the Eastern Plaguelands had been called the Eastweald. It was a fertile land of farms and small villages that had always reminded him of the Illonian Plains of his own lands. Of course, that had been well over a decade ago since it was known as the Eastweald, and Aurelian doubted it would ever be called such again. The scourge’s destruction of the land had been overwhelming, and even today its corrupting touch lingered.
Why here, of all places? Aurelian knew the demons attacked across the entire world, but to come to this wretched land seemed punishment. As soon as he thought it he knew why, having replayed this scenario in his mind countless times already. Access to the Plaguelands meant access to Quel’thalas’ southern borders in the Ghostlands. It was why he had chosen to come here in some mad display of patriotism and bravado.
The rain gave a dull thud on the fabric of the tent above him, continuing its irritating drumming. It had been raining for the last three days and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon, which had put any efforts to attack the demons on a temporary hold. They had beat the demons back, but hunting their source was proving problematic. Rain loosened bowstrings and made travel harder, especially with the heavy downpour causing flooding over several of the roads.
Scouts had been sent by Aurelian’s comrades some time ago, but the Plaguelands were vast and so any trackers had plenty of ground to tread. Aurelian hated waiting during war. It made him uneasy, and gave his mind too much to think about concerning the darker aspects of war. The last hour had been what led him to thoughts of war stories, aided no doubt by the empty bottle of wine that lay at his feet. He realized he had been slumped in his chair, groaning as he straightened himself. Perhaps another bottle of-
“My lord.” Aurelian nearly jumped from his chair, turning to look towards the entryway of his tent. The flap had been pulled back, one his guards standing silhouette in the entrance.
“Yes? What is it?”
“A visitor has come to see you, my lord.” A visitor? He had few he’d consider close to being a friend among the soldiers he marched with; they were too crude and crass for him, and did not have good taste. Perhaps it was Sare’wen, come to talk with him again. He had taken a liking to the woman, despite her naïve innocence. Aurelian opened his mouth to speak, then paused as the guard was unceremoniously shoved aside from the visitor and instead saying something else entirely.
“Hello, Aurelian.” Aurelian’s visitor was a large, heavily armored man that spoke with a gravelly voice. He wore gold and crimson plates, denoting his allegiance to Silvermoon in an eye sore display of colors. Aurelian’s response however was because he recognized immediately who the man was.
“Veridan Koss; what an incredible displeasure. Come, take a seat I suppose. I doubt you’re here to kill me, anyways.”
“Not quite.” The guard, who had recovered from being shoved, moved to grab Veridan as the larger man moved in. Veridan simply craned his neck, staring at the guard with his blank expression helmet. Perhaps realizing that Aurelian allowed the man entrance, or perhaps he knew better, the guard backed away.
“Why are you here? Have I offended Silvermoon in some way?” Veridan grabbed a nearby chair, taking a seat. The wooden chair groaned under the weight of the armored man, and a small part of Aurelian wished it broke under him.
“In a matter of speaking, yea. Got any wine? I’m damn thirsty.” Aurelian curled his lip in annoyance as he eyed the man, who simply sat waiting instead of explaining why he was here. Aurelian rolled his eyes, leaning forward to grab a bottle tucked beside the nearby table both chairs were a set of. He placed the bottle on the table, getting up now to grab glasses for the two men.
“Did you ride all the way out here to speak to me, Veridan? I must confess I am a bit flattered Silvermoon would send one of its dogs to bark at me.” Aurelian’s ears perked as he heard the man remove his helmet, turning around to look at Veridan. Months ago Aurelian had tasked Cyvar with looking into who Veridan was, and apparently the man was essentially unidentifiable.
Apparently, unidentifiable was short black hair and a face only an orc could love. Veridan’s nose must have been broken a dozen times in the past, judging from the unnatural bend in it. He had more scars on his face than any orc Aurelian had ever met, which was saying something. Rather than waiting for any glass, Veridan simply grabbed the bottle and pulled off the cork, tossing it casually to the side before he dipped his head back and drunk deep. Aurelian watched in growing annoyance as the man loudly gulped down Aurelian’s wine, before Veridan pulled it away with a satisfied smack from his lips.
“Not as good as Silvermoon red, but it manages. You know what they have here to drink? Not a fuckin’ bit of wine. Sure they got ale and grog, but have you tasted it? Tastes like bog water.”
“Why are you here, Veridan.” Aurelian’s tone was laced with irritation, to which Veridan gave a smug look.
“Figured I’d stop in and check on my comrades, aye?” Aurelian simply stared in confusion, realizing with growing concern he had said comrades.
“They didn’t.” For answer, Veridan reached into one of the pouches at his side, withdrawing a small piece of metal he showed Aurelian. It was an insignia Aurelian knew all too well, for he also wore it. It was an emblem of the Sunguard, which meant only one thing.
“The Sunguard hired me on as a mercenary. Ah, its great to be back in this gig; making money for mass killing of monsters. Almost beats the dog sitting job.”
“Dog what…? Nevermind, I don’t want to know. Why are you part of the Sunguard? Did Silvermoon grow tired of you? Or was it simply that odd fellow Balasar.”
“Neither, actually. See, here’s the thing Aurelian. You’ve been naughty.” Veridan gave a grunt as he lifted his legs, which was mildly impressive considering he was in plate still. With a loud thud he put both feet on the table, the sound making Aurelian wince. The table had been a gift from one of the lords his hand, and now it was used as a foot stool. How disappointing.
“Me, ‘naughty’? How so.”
“You haven’t responded to any of Silvermoon’s letters.” Right. Aurelian hadn’t responded. They were inane requests and bothersome attempts to speak with Aurelian, and so he had ignored them. He had been busy, anyways.
“Forgive me for being too busy liberating Suramar, aiding in the Plaguelands and of course helping to save the world.”
“And planning a ball.” Veridan countered. “The matter of Lord Illova’s death some months ago at the hands of your ward is still a matter of contention, Aurelian.” Aurelian’s eyes followed the emblem in Veridan’s hand, watching as he rolled it between his knuckles.
“I have ensured she remain within Castle Indaris, effectively under house arrest.”
“And now,” Veridan continued, “there is talks of sedition within the Gilded Lands.” Aurelian guffawed in bafflement.
“The Unbidden, Aurelian. People always panic when there’s the threat of being eaten by a goddamn demon, but this is becoming a nuisance that’s spreading.”
“I-you found them in Silvermoon, didn’t you.” Veridan nodded, confirming Aurelian’s suspicion. Silvermoon wouldn’t get involved unless it had begun to involve them, but what was Aurelian’s part?
“Problem about people panicking is they make stupid decisions. Stupid decisions create bigger problems, and soon the whole city is a fucking firestorm of trouble. Silvermoon doesn’t want that.”
“So what’s my part in this then?” Veridan paused at that, as if contemplating what to say.
“Simply know that I’m here to watch you, Aurelian.”
“So you’re posing as a mercenary to watch me.”
“Aye, that’s the basic idea of it. Silvermoon’s authority supersedes the Sunguard’s, so let’s just say you better keep fighting demons, Aurelian.” Did they think he was going rogue? Turning against Silvermoon?
“I plan to, Veridan. If you won’t tell me what Silvermoon’s interest is in me, then so be it. I appreciate however the warning, for what purpose light if I know. Now, do you have anything else to tell me?” Veridan shook his head, getting his legs off the table and standing up.
“Mostly here for the wine. Figured I’d return the hospitality by giving you a heads up.” Aurelian blinked at that, eyeing the man as he placed back on his helmet. “Besides; this shit smelling place is infested with demons. Don’t like the damn things, so I gotta kill ‘em. Goodbye, Indaris.” Aurelian remained silent, simply watching the man leave with a troubled expression. What was Silvermoon planning?
  “Ah yes, I suppose you’ve been wondering why we sent Veridan. The truth is Silvermoon didn’t.” Balasar tapped the tips of his fingers together, humming to himself. He leaned back in his chair, sighing as he glanced at Veridan. “I sent him.”
“Yes, so I eventually gathered. I figured in time that you sent him to ensure I remained fighting demons?”
“Somewhat. The truth is, with the Unbidden presence and lord Illova’s death, there was growing concern that it was all a plot by you, Aurelian.”
“Yes, to seize power. With the Unbidden spreading discord and rival lords being eliminated, several lords of high status had growing concerns. The Council of Silvermoon is uneasy with blatant power plays, so I decided to investigate further.”
“Like you are now?”
“Precisely. I will confess that everything that’s happened since then has only made such unease worse.”
“Hence why I am here. Do not worry Balasar, there is more to my story that will show I’m innocent at least in that regard.”
“Well, go on then.”
“I’ll skip the battle I had with the demon Baal and-“
“No.” Aurelian raised a brow at that, tilting his head.
“No. Veridan was not part of that particular battle, and so my details on that are not complete. I hear you were the last to escape back, and so I must know. Tell me of Volcanius, and of Baal.”
“Very well. So, there I was returning to the one demon world I wished never to see again…”
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