#anyway i beat the cleaner lol
the-mighty-glow-cloud · 9 months
cleaner: you are like a little baby with your handguns and plasma missiles. watch your ap wither in the face of my 8000 molten slag bombs attack
me coming back with a shotgun, a bazooka, and 16 missile launchers: i am your god now
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yanderederee · 29 days
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ෆ Kuran Yotsurugi x reader ෆ
a/n: replacing y/n with yan/yannchan; I think it’s a cute alternative ~ please love kuran with me with this idea I’ve had in mind to write since day ONE♡
I was told reader has the same energy as Maxine from X(2022) … do with that as you will lol
part 2 in progress (?)~
✦ •·································•✦ʚ♡ɞ✦•··································• ✦
Blinking a few times to properly adjust the contact lenses you’d just put in, you watched the blurry vision of yourself in the mirror slowly turn into a clear image. Beautifully dolled up with lash extensions and not a strand of hair out of place. You’d had to admit, you looked immaculate.
Adjusting the last final touches of your lip liner and the thin straps of your outfit, you gave the duel image of yourself a wink and a mocking kiss before skipping toward the exit of the dressing room.
It was difficult to recall exactly how long you’d been working under the Yotsurugi, but due to your late father leaving behind such a massive debt, it fell to you to pay off the rest.
It wasn’t as heartbreaking as it sounded; adulthood wasn’t exactly as glamorous as you had imagined it would be, after graduating school. Finding work was hard— hard enough that even your own father with an already established career had to even lean upon the Yotsurugi family for financial support to help get by.
When he’d finally kicked the bucket, an accident that was surely his fault anyway, loan sharks from Ikebukuro became adamant on receiving their fair compensation. Obviously having nothing else to give them, you meekly offered to pay the debt off fairly, with good-old-fashion labor.
Luckily, the boss of the Yotsurugi’s Ikebukuro branch had been lurking behind, in case there had been any fall out. Having taken a good long look at you, he agreed to your offer with a weak wave to follow them.
It became clear you weren’t the only one who had been caught in this type of situation. While it was obvious the Yotsurugi were a big deal in the crime syndicate, they were evidently merciful. You heard from a few other girls working along side you that Kongo Yotsurugi had advocating for fair debt repayment with no interest. You were lucky it was them, and not some other shady loan-sharks who would kill you to settle the score.
And just as mercifully, you’d been offered a few different occupational options on how you could work yourself to freedom; dishwashing, waitressing, stage cleaner… but nothing payed quite as good as stripping.
It was your own choice to take the job. And even though you knew in the back of your mind it wasn’t really your choice, you were happy.
There was a joy; a rush of excitement and endorphins that made you absolutely shine on stage. The roaring cheers, the glittering lights and dancing rain of money every night truly made you feel alive.
You weren’t sure how much longer it would take to pay off your debt, but you couldn’t help wishing it would never end.
Having lost yourself in the pleasure of dancing once again, your chest heaved with deep breaths, heart beating a million times per minute. You smiled so wide, giggling to yourself when finally meeting eyes with some of your regular visitors. They were so happy to see you. And the feeling made you soar.
Waving a cutesy goodbye and a final shake of your ass to the roaring crowd, you skipped back behind the stage and accepted the water handed to you by another girl.
“You were amazing again today yanchan ~”
“I know right, she’s like a fairy with the way she spins around the pole! I’m so jealous~” another girl squealed, hugging you tightly and spinning you around.
“Aww thanks babes! Good luck out there Aya!”
You kissed the girl on her cheek before sending her off.
Over the course of your stay, you had made many close friends with the girls you worked with. Some came and went, but you always got along well with them all, and all the new girls came to view you as a big sister of sorts.
No matter how you got into this line of work, or how disgusting others may call you and your friends, you were living a life where you were finally happy. You felt fulfilled in the work you did, the people you worked with, the bed you slept in, and the food you ate. You never wanted for anything more.
Life was actually good.
Robing yourself in a cute short skirt and a puffy jacket, you came out to the VIP floor to order a quick drink before your next dance.
“Leeeeo~ drink pleeasse!~” you sang upon your arrival. The bar keeper looked your way, your cute display earning you a side smirk and a chuckle. “Even’in Yan. Good show just now, looking as brilliant as ever.” He complimented before picking through the liquor in front of him to conquer up your favorite weekday drink.
“I’d say,” added in a chuckling older gentleman sitting just a few seats over from where you sat. “Haven’t gotten this worked up by a dance like that before.”
You smiled at his sideways compliment, and lifted your newly gifted glass to the man. “Im happy you enjoyed it sir~ I hope to see you for my next dance.” You winked, and began scooting off the stool. Before your feet met the ground, the man had successfully grabbed your hand to stop you.
“Don’t bother, I know what you’ve got girl. And I like it. I’ll be sure to compensate you for all the money you’ll lose out on by skipping your next stage show. Come dance for me in a private room, won’t ya?” He looked down at you with a suggestive gaze. It wasn’t like he was bad looking, older men had their charm, especially the ones who frequented this night club.
But you weren’t interested in private dances. The glory of the job was the high you got from being on stage, not the money you got from it.
You smiled politely, confidently snaking your hand to play with his fingers, before sliding them out of his grasp. “Thanks for the offer baby, but I’m booked~ throw me a band on stage and I might indulge you in a drink and conversation once I’m done, ‘kay?~”
The gentleman narrowed his eyes, and toed down the stool, grabbing onto your forearm this time. “Not interested in seeing the same thing over and over again. Only way you’re getting my money is in a private room, catch me girly?” He grew closer, despite your trying to pull away. “I got lots of it. Enough to buy you out, if you please me well. Promise.~” he slurred in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Behind the bar, your bartender had already pressed the bouncer alert, acting cool. Clubs like these had rules—strict ones, after all.
You glared at the persistent man, loosing your gleeful attitude. “Not interested. I recommend taking that hand off me, ‘nless you wanna lose it, baby.” You spat sweetly back in his ear. The closeness sent shivers down his spine, but not with fear. He smirked at the excitement, thinking it was some kind of game. “I’ll take my chances.”
He tried pulling you with him, but before he has the chance to move a foot, a man with white hair and vibrant tattoos blocked the way. You immediately felt safe, heart pounding at the sight of your boss; Kuran Yotsurugi.
“Kuran!~” you sang happily, yanking yourself free from the older man, and hopped to hide behind your shirtless boss. “Sir didn’t wanna take no for an answer~” you pouted, but seemingly unphased, otherwise.
“And what was he asking?” He asked in monotone. “Wanted a ‘private dance’. Was giving me fuck-me eyes too… Made me feel grosss.” You answered, watching as the expression of the older man sink into fear.
“It wasn’t like that! She’s lying!” He groaned, trying to play it off as a misunderstanding. “Dancers these days are so full of themselv—-“ he began to ramble, before Kuran landed a solid right hook to the guest’s jaw. “Fact of the matter is you made one of my girls uncomfortable. That’s reason enough for me to kick you out.” Kuran squatted down to meet the man eye to eye.
“My girl said she said no, so the answer’s no. Simple. Understand?” He asked slowly, coming in close to make sure he was heard.
The man gulped, holding his face before nodding hurriedly. “I’ll be more careful in the future.” He accepted.
Kuran nodded back, and slapped the man on the back of the head before standing up. “You’re out. Don’t come back for a week. Make sure you learn your lesson, ‘n maybe then I’ll let you back in.”
Once all was said and gone, you giggled, clinging onto Karan’s arm. “Boss always comes to save the day~” you acknowledged, nuzzling your cheek against his shoulder before he sighs. He patted your head roughly, and pushed you off with barely any force. “Just maintaining the order ‘round here. Would’a done it for any of the other girls too.” He huffed. You nodded, perching into a bar stool again.
“I know~ that’s what makes me love my boss sooo much after all. He’s always so considerate and protective of us~ A hero, a man among men!” You rambled in praise, making a few of the other girls who came upon witnessing the scuffle giggle. “We all appreciate your hard work in keeping this club a safe place for us to work.” You sealed your long winded praise, and finished off the drink you ordered just minutes ago.
The other girls began to fawn in a similar fashion, thanking Kuran for his ruthless display of protection.
He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at your rallied attention, and began walking away. “Shut up and get back to work.”
Despite his standoffish demeanor, you and everyone else knew just how good of a guy Kuran was, and aimed to please him however you could.
Your smile softened as you watched him walk off, yearning for the chance to truly express your gratitude, or the developing feelings of love you’d felt for him ever since he gave you this beautiful new life.
Blowing a kiss to him behind his back, you hopped off the stool, and skipped back behind stage to ready yourself for the final dance of the night.
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pugwitharug · 6 months
Im going through withdrawals why is it always the good stuff that gets sent to the abyss-
Ahem anyways, can I request mc cooking anisa a meal. (She deserves it >:[] well all of them do lol) I remember one of the options in the game being to cook her something on earth or taking her out to fast food. So since there's a... low chance of ever getting anything else (;-;) I'll fufill the scenario via fic.
(Also I hope you know that you and the others that still write for LL make life worth living lol just kidding not that extreme but you are appreciated nonetheless!)
-miss anisa obsessed anon
Oh you have the biggest brain. The best brain I have ever seen. Miss Anisa Obsessed Anon, just know that I love you with my whole heart and soul and that I came back from a HUGE tumblr writing block to write about my knight wife
GN Reader, this honestly might be kinda short but it will be filled with as much love as possible, I actually recently made some baked mac and cheese that went really well so you know what I'm gonna do that but you're free to substitute it with whatever you want, I wanna revive the fandom but would it be beating a dead horse?
I think what you're talking about is both of you going to Earth and you cooking her a meal there, so let's say you're both able to travel to and from Earth easily
You bring her to your house/apartment/whatever, and she's honestly jealous
(Mainly because yours is cleaner than hers but that's every place lbh)
You both came to Earth to plan a little Earth date. She desperately wants to go to the aquarium and see the dolphins. Get her a dolphin plushie, she will adore it
But before you can set out, both of your stomachs begin to grumble with hunger. Anisa says the two of you should go get some fast food (she's been wanting to try it recently) but you say that it's been a while since you've cleaned out the kitchen and you can probably whip something up
You find noodles, flour, milk, and....cheese. A surprising amount of cheese
Baked mac and cheese it is!
Anisa doesn't know what an oven is. Okay, they have ovens in Astraea but they're more like furnaces, not convection ovens
Is it convection or convention? I'm not sure, and Anisa isn't sure either. She finds it fascinated either way
She wants to help! No self-respecting knight would let one person do all the work. However, neither of you want to burn the place down, so she can boil the pasta while you make the sauce
She makes a mess with the flour.............flour kisses.............
She steals some cheese while you're cooking. Processed cheese is definitely...different from the fresh stuff. And also not coming from the same animal
As she drains the noodles and helps you mix it with the sauce, you can see her hair poof up a little bit with excitement. Even if it's a simple dish, having good homemade food will make anyone excited
As the dish does its final cooking, she helps you with cleaning up. You thank her for the help (even tho you did most of the work lol) and she gives you a little smooch on your cheek. She still has a little crumb of cheese in the corner of her mouth
Needless to say, the dish is delicious and helped to clean out your kitchen before it all went bad
Now it's time to get to your aquarium date!
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meraki24601 · 9 months
OMG omg is it too soon to ask for a part 2 to the last Drabble you wrote?? (Sibling caretaker and whumpee) the cliffhanger was crazy
LOL definitely not too soon friend. I wanted to write a second part anyway, but I wanted to make sure people liked the first part before I did. Enjoy! (Also I'm not good at tagging people but here @tettlod!)
Part 1
A New Pet Part 2
Whumper’s fingers twisted sweetly but securely into my hair as I clung to the trashcan pressed against my chest. Any stray strands were caught before they could drop into my face. “It’s alright, Caretaker, don’t try to fight it. I should have known this surprise would be too much. Trauma isn’t something to mess with. I’m sorry.”
Another wave of nausea rushed over me as I made eye contact with my younger sibling. Their eyes darted away from mine the instant they met, but not before I could see the recognition behind them. 
“You kidnapped Whumpee.” My voice ground from my throat. All I could do was keep the disgust out of my tone. This was dangerous ground. The way Whumper’s fist tightened in my hair was evidence enough. 
“I rescued them. Caretaker, Whumpee isn’t human anymore. Your parents took that from them. Do you think it was bad during your childhood?” Whumper released my hair, their hand dragged down my face instead and curled under my chin to force my gaze on them. “I asked them, Caretaker. I asked them what it was like after you left. Before I broke them of their bad habits, I needed to understand them. You taught me that.”
A shiver ran down my spine as Whumper shifted to sit on the floor beside me. Their chest pressed against my back, and one hand rubbed my still churning stomach. Their free hand dipped into my pocket and pulled out my phone. My lock screen was me and Whumper holding my two rescue cats. “A feral animal is only dangerous when it feels it is in danger. If an animal has been hurt by its owners, it will bite you when you try to show it love. 
“When you left, your family hurt Whumpee. Look at the scars on their skin. There’s a surprising beauty in the savage pattern. I hope one day you’ll show me yours. They’re older and cleaner, aren’t they? Whumpee told me how the beatings changed. Rough, more often. They took away their food. Locked them in the tiny closet where I found them. They’re dead, by the way. Your parents? It was quick. You don’t have to worry anymore.”
The world around me spun as Whumper lifted me to my feet. “You don’t need to be afraid of Whumpee either. I can feel you shaking. It’s okay. I’m here. Their training isn’t fully complete yet, but I promise I would never put you in a situation where you were in danger. You mean too much to me.” Whumper’s steady support was the only thing keeping me upright as we walked to the elegant cage. “I was lost without you, Caretaker. Before I found you, my business was on the brink of failure. My old pet had to be put down, and the new one refused to take my training. The mansion was drowning in chaos, and the staff was uncoordinated.”
“I gave you advice.” The ringing in my ears was getting worse. “I taught you new consequences for your rescue pet’s bad behavior.”
“A breakthrough!” Whumper’s grip disappeared as they danced around me. The cage rang as I gripped it desperately, trying to stay upright. Whumper didn’t even notice as they ran their hands over a shelf of black boxes. “The other rehabilitators were shocked when I showed them what you taught me. Your technique is now used worldwide to help people with disobedient or stressed pets.”
My heart pounded in my chest. Whumper was insane. This was beyond just one kidnapping. I’ve been a personal assistant to a high-ranking member of a human trafficking ring. Not only that, my name had been spread worldwide. 
Whumper wasn’t stupid. They might have been turning their back on me for a moment, but when I looked everywhere they moved, their eyes followed me in the reflections around the room. If they decided they didn’t like my response, I could be the next person in a cage. I had to keep them talking until I could compose myself. A whole childhood of hiding emotions and pain was about to come in handy. Add on the past years of practice I had managing people and learning to connect, and there was a chance both Whumpee and I could make it out of this alive.
“How did you find my parents? They were off the grid. I couldn’t even find them.” It wasn’t a strong start but, it was enough to get Whumper talking.
They rambled as I fully took in Whumpee’s state. Some of their wounds were open and bleeding lightly. They didn’t move except for a small shiver against the cold air in the room. If I didn’t know them, I would have said they were completely empty where they knelt. Dissociating or somehow absent from the terrible conversation surrounding them. 
It was a lie. They were there. They were fighting. 
I could see the tension leaving Whumper’s shoulders as they talked and moved around the clean, newly renovated basement, seemingly pleased with my continued questions. They gathered boxes onto a cart and set up a medical table in the corner of the room. It took them nearly 15 minutes before they seemed satisfied with their preparations and moved back to the cage. 
The cage door opened. Whumper was cautious, failing to hide the knife in their hand as they allowed me to pass into the cage. “I meant it when I said I wanted us to train our new pet together. This is a new start for all of us, and there’s no one I trust more to handle this. Do you want to greet them?”
Silence but the sound of my footsteps took control of the room. As I walked into the cage, listening carefully for the sound of hinges closing behind me, Whumpee deepened their kneeling position until their head touched the floor, tilted slightly where their neck was exposed. A thin scar barely touching their neck and leading down their collarbones stole my breath away. 
The scar was the sister to the one on my own shoulder. A three-year-old scar that reminded me every day of when I finally had enough. Father had been drunk. Mother was gone. Father threw his bottle at Whumpee, cutting them. I jumped between them. He didn’t like it. Whumpee simply stood there as he used the glass shards to carve deep into my shoulder. When he finished, Whumpee yelled at me for not stopping him before they got hurt. That it was my fault.
We argued. I left.
Now was my chance to make up for that. First, I had to buy myself time to prepare. 
I didn’t have to make my voice cold as I spoke to Whumpee for the first time in three years. “Look at me.”
Whumpee didn’t move. My hand wrapped around the back of their neck, scruffing them like a cat as best I could while pressing my thumb into their matching scar. “I said, look at me.”
Their face stayed blank, but I could see hope build behind Whumpee’s eyes as they followed my order. They heard the truth in my words as I spoke, “You’re safe now, Whumpee. We’re going to take good care of you.” I would always take care of my sibling, and they knew it. It was just like before. Once I could take control, I would get them to safety, no matter the cost.
“Whumper,” I asked, “Those were medical supplies you were setting up, right? I hate to ask you to leave our new pet so soon, but I would appreciate it if I could have a moment alone with them. Would you help me get them on the table? I’ll be done by the time their wounds are bandaged.”
A grin broke out on Whumper’s face as they joined us in the cage. Whumpee tried to flinch away, but I kept my grip sturdy on their neck. I had to take control. 
“You’re sure, Caretaker? This must be a lot for you at once. I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself. Some of their wounds are deep.” Whumper questioned as they helped me. They honestly seemed to be worried about my PTSD. 
I pulled the neck of my shirt aside, showing Whumper the scar on my shoulder that now gave me courage. “I have plenty of experience caring for injuries. I need a moment to figure out what I want from our pet. I’m sure you have ideas, but I’m new to this. Some time to process would be great, and then we can start writing up a plan for the future.”
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper chained them to the medical table they had set up. A tear rolled down Whumper’s cheek as they looked down on my younger sibling. “You really are amazing, you know that Caretaker. To think, I was worried you would run from me.” 
Blood smeared across my cheek as Whumper brushed my hair out of my face. They leaned in slowly and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be waiting for you upstairs. There are cameras in here. If you need anything, anything at all, just call. I’ll be here.” They walked away, closing and locking the door behind them.
Part 3
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threetangerines · 1 year
prompts ↠ sibling and i guess water and sunlight too
summary ↠ in which you and your brother want to seize the sunlight.
note ↠ i watched a rub cleaning asmr for this lol.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” You tease, kneeling beside your brother and taking the brush from his hands. “A fucking grown ass man who can’t srub for his life.”
  “I know how to scrub.” He protests. “You just a hater.” 
  “You’ve been in the same spot for ten minutes now, man.”
  “No harm in being thorough. My rugs will be cleaner anyway.”
  “You have to finish one for that, you know.”
  “Shut up.” He mutters, but you can see the corner of his lips curving up slightly. “You so mean.”
  “And you’re such a fool sometimes.”
  “Pretty much all the time, I’d say.”
  It’s not uncommon for you to think about Yoongi’s voice. Sometimes, missing him takes your mind to a weird guessing game of what he’d say or do in a situation. So, now, when his unmistakable deep tone sounds from behind you, you almost dismiss it, assuming you’ve reached yet another level of longing.
  Your brother does turn though. 
  “Really, man?” He rolls his eyes. “You siding with her?”
  You blink, twisting your body and meeting a very real Yoongi leaning against the door to the kitchen as he regards your brother with a sly smirk.
  It takes no longer than a second of seeing him for a smile to blossom on your face. He looks so fucking good — as he always does — and your expression drops just a slightly when you fight the urge to close the space between you and greet him with a kiss.
  “Need no context for that.”
  “You came here to annoy me with her?”
  “No. I came ‘cus you invited me.”
  “Oh,” your brother frowns, before realization washes over him. “Oh! Shit, man. Forgot about that, I’m sorry.”
  “No worries.” He steps into the backyard, rolling his sleeves up. “What y’all doing?”
  “Cleaning the rugs.”
  “Well, I’m cleaning the rugs. I don’t know what the hell he’s doing.” You tease, earning a chuckle from Yoongi.
  “I’m trying.” You laugh when your brother pouts. 
  “Knowing you, that just means your sister might appreciate some help.” You nibble at your bottom lip, a large smile threatening to betray your definitely misplaced excitement as Yoongi approaches you two.
  “This is not fair.”
  “I’m just sayin’ that maybe there’s a reason why I never invite you over anymore. You just messy, dude.”
  Your brother gasps.
  “Fuck y’all.” He shakes his arms frantically to clean some of the soap from his hands before standing up. “I’ll bring my bedroom’s rug and I’ll show y’all what real cleaning is like.”
  He disappears into the house, determination fueling his quick steps.
  Yoongi waits a couple of seconds before he kneels beside you. His hands tilt your chin in his direction and he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is gentle — barely there. Just a soft reminder of devotion and a brush of warmth before he’s pulling away.
  You feel your mind spiraling, and you want nothing more than to wrap your arms around his neck and make up for all the lost time. But your brother’s heavy steps stop you, and Yoongi distances himself right in time for him to burst back on the backyard. 
  “What about we make this interesting, then?” You suggest when he extends his rug on the floor and drops down.
  “The one who finishes last buys dinner.”
  “And who finishes first?”
  “Chooser dinner.” Yoongi shrugs.
  “Oh, you’re in too?”
  “Fuck yeah, I wanna beat your brother’s cheap ass, make him treat me something real nice.”
  “Cheap? Sorry who got you those dunks you’re using, again?”
  “You think I don’t know you split with her?”
  “Ohh,” your brother narrows his eyes, “it’s on, bitches.”
  And it feels nice. As Yoongi gets a rug of his own and starts cleaning with you and your brother — trying to make the most of the sunlight before it gets dark — you feel like you could get used to this. To his ease teasing, to your brother’s relaxed laughter and the way it just feels right to be with them like this. And you can only hope your brother feels the same. 
note ↠ i know it's pretty simple ok, but i really just wanted to participate! i hope you like and feel like i made them a bit of justice 😭
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lets-just-daydream · 2 years
hi!!! could you write mista comforting a team member he has a crush on? i’ve been having a rough time with confidence and i love him sooo much lol. i completely understand if this request makes you uncomfortable!! thanks anyway <3
shit fam im back
It was a really difficult mission. Yes you got it done, yes it could have been cleaner and yes it could have been more discrete. But you got it done.
You made it back into the Passione mansion and dropped onto an armchair, year body feeling like lead. You did not want to face a debriefing with Giorno right now. You just knew he would want every detail from you firsthand and that was not something you could handle.
Lately, it seemed like your job was getting harder and you were struggling to keep your head above water. You loved your team. You loved Giorno, he could be a hardass but he took care of you all. You loved Trish, she always had your back and she felt like the best sister you'd ever had. And… Mista. You loved him. You loved him differently to how you loved Trish and Giorno. He just got you, he was extra nice to you and he was really pretty. Like, really really pretty.
You let out a sigh as you thought of him, the thought that maybe one day you'd be lucky enough for him to feel the same. Not likely. But it was a nice thought. A fleeting thought. Then you remembered that you were wondering about your future in Passione. Did you truly belong here?
"You look like you're on some wild emotional rollercoaster," a sudden voice chuckled.
You looked up to see Mista looking down at you with a glass of water in hand. His iconic hat had been abandoned somewhere and you took a moment to appreciate the thick curls on his head. So pretty…
"Yeah I'm just… going over the mission in my head before I see Giorno," you fibbed.
"Ah," Mista hummed, sitting on the armchair beside yours and handing you the water. "How was it?"
You took a few gulps and put the glass down. "It was a shitshow," you replied glumly. "Feels like all my missions are shitshows these days."
Mista leaned forward and clasped his hands together as he listened.
"I'm…" You whispered, hesitating. "I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. You and Giorno, and even Trish. You're naturals at this but I… I just suck at this."
Mista's brows furrowed and he gulped before resting a hand atop yours. "I totally get it. But I- we love you. You're great and without you we'd fall apart. A couple of bad days is nothing."
You looked up at Mista with a smile as your heart fluttered.
"I believe in you. And I'd hate it if you left me," Mista said quietly.
"I'd hate to leave you behind, too," you confessed.
Mista locked eyes with you and he let out a nervous chuckle. "And Giorno and Trish, yeah."
"Well yeah," you said slowly, leaning closer to him. "But you especially."
Mista matched your leaning body until you were almost face-to-face and he gulped. "Really?"
You nodded and let your eyes flutter shut, your heart beating rapidly. You felt Mista's breath ghost over your lips and his nose touch yours softly.
Someone cleared their throat from the doorway and you and Mista shot apart, breathing heavily as you glared at the intruder.
Giorno stood in the doorway, his arms crossed as he leaned on the wood of the entry.
"I've been waiting for you for a debrief," Giorno said coolly, but with a hint of a smirk on his lips. "Come fill me in and then you can get back to… whatever it is you were doing." He turned on his heel and you knew that was your queue to follow.
You shot Mista an apologetic look and he grinned back sheepishly, not trusting his voice.
"I promise I'll be right back," you said, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
You heard Giorno call your name once again and you rushed away, leaving Mista to touch the spot on his cheek you'd just kissed.
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riderofblackdragons · 3 months
How Is This Happening?
Ok so I have been heavily influenced by both @crimsonlyinglilly and @witchcraftandgeekness in regards to both actually writing this and also the main character lol
Summary: Elijah enlists the help of some witches help him have a way to contact his youngest brother, and some things change whilst others don't
1112 AD, Northern Europe
Kol stared in shock at the letter lying before him, the white envelope lying almost innocently on the table. It was somehow still white, as though it had been set down in any other room, not one covered in blood. It stood out, even as it seemed to repel the red on the table that would've usually already tried to creep into it.
Kol was written on the front, in familiar neat handwriting, the runes starkly different from the alphabet he'd surrounded himself with in recent years. He passed his thumb over the letters, silently reading it, his mind gently slotting them into place as though from a half-forgotten place. He quickly regretted it, as the blood on his hands transferred onto the letters, smearing them into near-illegibility. The outside already stained, Kol opened the envelope, ignoring the slight bloodstains transferring onto the pristine inside as well.
Dear Kol, The letter inside began. Not Rebekah, then. Elijah, if Kol had to guess - as far as he knew, Finn was still in the wind, and he would be surprised if Klaus bothered to write to him at all. Before you ask, yes I know where you are. You have been leaving a trail leading directly to you, and I worry about it. Father is still out there, and I do not know if he would go after the rest of us if he cannot find Niklaus. If he was being honest, Kol hadn't considered that possibility at all, but he supposed he could see where Elijah was coming from with it. After all, Mikael hadn't just been beating Klaus whilst they were humans, Kol's brother was just his most frequent target.
Still, I remain hoping that this letter is finding you well. If not, I hope that it finds you at least clean, and not too badly injured. He paused from reading, glancing down at his blood-soaked body guilitly. Even if his older brother was unlikely to find out, Kol had never liked disappointing Elijah. But then, he still didn't know how this letter had gotten here, so he got up to change anyways. Just in case. 
I have not heard anything about the whereabouts of Father, the letter continued once Kol returned to it, significantly cleaner. Which worries me, but the others are taking it positively. It makes you stand out, however, which I don't think I need to remind you is not good. Keep an eye out, Kol. I would not like to lose you.
Niklaus and Rebekah are doing well, the letter's tone almost gave him whiplash. - Rebekah has found herself a new playmate, although it appears that she is not interested in making this one become like us, for once. I do not know how well this will end, as he seems keen on killing vampires, and I have seen a few of his executions, but she insists that she is in love, and truly wishes to marry him. Still, it remains plausible that they will have a happy life together, since we cannot be killed by the methods he is using, but... I am unsure. Niklaus, I feel, would be pushing for her to leave him, but he has been enjoying the parties a little too much I fear, and involving himself in the local witch politics as of late.
He laughed, almost hearing Elijah's exasperated tone in his head as he read it. Kol could almost picture the disappointed look Elijah would direct to Klaus, making their brother almost shrink under it, before he'd slink off to go and try do something to make it up to Elijah. Rebekah wouldn't be deterred by Elijah's disappointment, of course, but it might make her a bit more cautious with her new paramour. Even as he thought it, Kol knew that she wouldn't. Not with how besotted Elijah said she was.
I have been doing my own experiments with the local witches, as well, Kol snorted. "So that's what they're calling hooking up nowadays," he muttered to himself ironicly.
And no, Kol, I have not been sleeping with any of them. He pouted at Elijah's answer, although he wasn't sure he quite believed it. Rebekah's paramour killed my last one, when he was discovered as a vampire. But I have been working, with the witches, on a spell to find blood relatives, which should help with locating Father as well. So far, it appears to work well with the witches, but something odd happens when we use my blood or Niklaus'. If you are wanting to help, we are still in Naples for the time being.
On the one hand, Kol was flattered by the invitation. Klaus wouldn't have, and he knew that Rebekah also wouldn't if Klaus didn't want Kol there, but Elijah had extended it, and there was still a part of Kol that just wanted to hide behind Elijah when things got bad. Plus, this was Elijah blatantly admitting that he wasn't as versed in magic as Kol was, which was always a nice thing to hear, and really did make him want to go, even if it was just to hear Elijah say the actual words in person.
On the other hand, it was dealing with witches. Kol wasn't sure if he could ever be around witches again, with their easy magic. The hole that losing his own had left was a big one, and feeding was the only thing to take even an edge off of it. It felt like a hot iron pressing salt into the wound of losing his magic, and a part of him did resent Elijah for bringing it up at all.
That being said, I will not force you too if you do not want to. The letter continued.
I will continue working on this until it is done to my satisfaction, and I am able to track Father regardless of where he is. Currently, it does not distinguish between family member either, however given your proclivities, I am sure that it should be easy to figure it out regardless, once it is able to track Father.
Please stop drawing so much I believe it would be in your best intrest to move on either way, since you haven't kept your head down these past few decades. Unless you have a 100% guarentee that any letter will not be intercepted by Father, please do not reply.
Stay safe,
Kol sighed to himself, weighing up his options. He reread the letter a few times, considering. They didn't know where Mikael was. Rebekah's new lover was killing as many vampires as he could get his hands on, including Elijah's newest thing, (and Kol would have loved to see Klaus' face when he found out it was a boy. Kol knew, of course, Elijah had quietly met up with one of the boys in the village before he'd become a werewolf, and then Tatia had arrived anyways, but he was sure that Klaus hadn't). It was only a matter of time before Rebekah's lover discovered that they were vampires, and tried to kill them too.
Sighing again, Kol realised that he already knew what he was going to do. A letter like this, mentioning how potentially dangerous Rebekah's new lover was, and how she wasn't seeing it despite Elijah's warnings? Mentioning that Klaus wasn't paying much attention to it either? From Elijah, it was almost a plea for backup. And of course there was no mention of Finn - Kol knew Elijah knew Kol didn't care much for the news of their oldest brother, even if Elijah was still keeping tabs on him too.
He looked around the town hall he'd desecrated with the bodies of its villagers. He was done here anyways.
"Guess I'm off to Naples, then" He muttered to himself, moving to get his things (and whatever else he thought was interesting) before he left.
1376 AD, Africa
"A letter for you," Ayan, one of the witches Kol was working with, approached him.
He'd been with this tribe of witches for a few years now, and they'd gotten used to letters appearing from nowhere with his name on them, as he had, at least once a year. There was no surprise about it anymore, and Kol had long since gotten used to Elijah sending updates on how he and their siblings (except Finn) were doing. Elijah's little box, linked to the spell he'd been working on in Naples over a century beforehand, had proven useful in this regard, and Kol knew that he for one appreciated the steady (or as steady as it could be given it came at a rate of at least once a year) stream of letters detailing his brother's exploits.
He took the letter from her hand eagerly, curious about what Elijah would have to say this time. He'd last written only a few months beforehand, after all, and Kol hadn't expected a new one for a while yet. Still, any letter was always appreciated: it helped when he started thinking that he was loved less - he was certain Klaus running off wouldn't have made Elijah turn to inventing an entire new method of communication just to send him letters. Maybe if Rebekah had, but that was different. Rebekah was their little sister, it was different.
Dear Kol, the letter began, as it always did.
As of the moment, Mikael has caught up with us again. I have had to lead him off, and away from our siblings, but I felt that you should know, as he may decide to see if Niklaus and Rebekah have turned towards you for safety this time. Kol blinked as he read it, eyebrows raising. Mikael was in Aragon now? Although, it seemed that he knew that Kol was by himself in Africa, which was... Not good. And it seemed Elijah was concerned about it as well, which made Kol feel slightly better. He looked back to the letter, his eyes glancing over the vaguely familiar alphabet.
Myself, I shall be heading towards you as well, in order to lead him off - my aim is to reach the continent and head further east, however, travelling through Egypt and up into the Ottomans. I have sent Niklaus and Rebekah further north and west from here, but I am unsure if they will obey entirely. I have found a book in the past few weeks, before I heard of Mikael's arrival - I had intended to read it first, to check if it would have any use to you, but with this recent developement I cannot. It is from a sub-branch of the Gemini coven, taken up here a century or so back.
The Gemini coven? Kol knew of them, with their powerful magic and annoying leaders. He'd met them once, still trying to find his magic, and were it not for his being and Original vampire, he was sure they would have killed him. As it was, their prison world had been very annoying to escape, and had taken Elijah a few years (or so his brother said - he'd refused to tell him the exact number until Kol had figured out what year he'd returned to, and realised it'd been over a decade) to get him back out. Still, they had a tendency towards siphon witches, which Kol assumed was what his brother's new book might be about.
It did warm him, slightly, that his brother had thought of him, and hadn't wanted to lead him on a random chase with this potential new lead. Elijah knew how damaging losing his magic was, and Kol was somewhat grateful for his brother's (admittedly limited) help with it.
I will try to get it to you, but it would be appreciated if you could begin heading to Egypt for now, and I will meet you there.
We haven't found any further leads on the Petrova line, so Niklaus has been in a bit of a mood lately. The last one turned out to not be from Tatia's line, she just looked randomly similar. But her blood couldn't be used for the ritual, and we haven't found the moonstone yet either. I fear that Niklaus might start trying to kill the rest of us again, with how violent he's been becoming, and if she gets her heart broken again I believe Rebekah is not that far off either. I cannot tell if my presence and advice is helping at all, so it may be too late already, but I would heavily advise you, as I am doing to our older brother as well, to stay away from Niklaus at least. I do not want to see your body in a coffin, Kol. The letter ended with its typical sign-off after that.
Ah yes, the doppelgänger business. Kol knew how obssessed Klaus was over that, especially since the last one they'd found had recently died from some disease before they'd gotten there. Kol could still remember Elijah's written rant on the topic, and on how badly Klaus had reacted to the news. He'd been distracted by some other supernatural thing shortly after, thankfully, but now it seemed as though he'd gone back to wanting to become a mutt a dozen nights a year, for some reason. Elijah had told Kol that his own quest for his magic back was similar, but personally Kol couldn't see that. Klaus hadn't even known he was a werewolf until after they became vampires!
But the news of Klaus' temper was worrying. If Elijah was actually admitting that he didn't want to be around Klaus for long periods of time, it was bad. Kol had to wonder how badly he'd (or maybe Rebekah had? But then Elijah would be writing that, wouldn't he?) been injured by Klaus, for him to even imply that something was wrong. He admitted so to his friends around him, the witches agreeing to accompany him for a short trip to Egypt before they headed back south, to see if Elijah's book had anything useful in it.
And, although he wouldn't ever admit it, especially not to Elijah's face, maybe Kol was a bit worried about his older brother. Just maybe.
1702, Cádiz, Spain
Elijah's letter turning up now, at this moment, felt like déjà vu, like the first time his older brother had written him a letter, and had it successfully delivered to him. Unlike then, however, Kol wasn't shocked to see it, and instead of panicking, he just opened the letter. After he'd wiped his hands of blood, of course. He hadn't forgotten his manners, and past experience had proven Elijah would somehow know if he picked it up with blood on his hands. 
Dear Kol, He skimmed over the typical introduction Elijah gave. Unless it was very urgent, and Elijah forgoed a typical letter to just scribble out the necessary information, Kol's brother would always start his letters off with the same beginning. Aside from that one time he'd gotten drunk on vervain-spiked wine... But this wasn't one of those times.
Rumours have sprung up recently, about you starting your mass-killings back up again. Of course, I'm sure that you know of my feelings regarding these types of mass-killings, Kol laughed a little as he read it. Oh yes, he definitely knew Elijah's thoughts on it. It wasn't as though he and Klaus hadn't been put to many of Elijah's rants on the subject, both together and seperately. It started with "this is an enthical thing to do", ran through "it could lead our father to us again", and tended to end at "I'm disappointed in you".
-so I doubt I need to reiterate them to you again in this letter. No he didn't, and Kol would be very happy to never hear that particular lecture again.
That being said, are you okay? Years ago, the first time Elijah had asked, Kol hadn't trusted it. His brother was so concerned with Klaus and Rebekah ever since they'd become vampires, Kol had just been pushed to the side. He hadn't been asked that by one of his siblings since they were humans, and even then it was mostly from either Elijah, who still had to look after their other 3 siblings as well, or Henrik, who was too young to really be able to do anything. Now, though, after hundreds of letters, and countless assurances of Elijah's care for him, Kol knew the question was just out of concern.
Still, he wasn't quite sure of the answer to it.
You haven't done such a thing in decades, and I worry that something has happened, to make you restart it now. He glared at the words. Elijah wasn't wrong, unfortunately. There was no way to return his magic, and Kol had finally admitted defeat for all his years of searching, and he was sure Elijah hated to find out that his way of coping was through so much bloodshed.
But he also knew that when Elijah found out, he'd get sympathy and attention, and maybe that would be worth it, if he didn't recieve a lecture on it. Sure, there'd be taunts from Klaus about acting like a new fledgling, but Elijah would be on his side for this one, and Klaus always needed taking down a few pegs nowadays.
Niklaus' attentions - speak of the devil and your brother shall write of him, of course he was who Elijah was writing about first - have caught Mikael's eye as well, and so we have made plans to escape on a ship to the so-called "New World", that you and I know as the continent of your birth. Of course, since your killings are both so similar, it may have slowed Mikael down, but I think we are both aware that it increases the danger to you.
It was interesting, that bit about their father. Kol knew that his victim profile was different from Klaus' or at least he believed so, since Klaus tended to actually think about who he was picking, unlike Kol's "eat whoever's closest" strategy. He thought it was because of Elijah's closer influence, and subsequent disappointment if they weren't subtle enough for his liking, to Klaus, compared to Kol's frequent travelling and less frequent meetings with their siblings. Either way, it was odd that Mikael had taken a bit to realise the difference between then.
Still, they were planning on travelling back to their homeland? Kol's first thought was that he wanted to go too. It'd been centuries since they'd been over there, with neither Europe nor Asia or Africa believing in its existence it was hard to find travel there unless they made it themselves. Which, no. Kol wasn't going to do that, and as far as he was aware, none of his siblings (except maybe Finn) had missed their home village enough to return there.
It was a smart move, he had to admit. Mikael wouldn't expect it. It would be dangerous for Kol to stay in Europe if they did, since Mikael would probably spend at least another decade looking for them around here before he realised they'd slipped out from under him again.
Unfortunately, the letter continued, despite my suggestions and advice, he wishes to bring you with us. By force if necessary, I am told. That was just so fucking typical of Klaus, wasn't it? Even if Kol didn't want to go, to pretend to be a part of their happy family (he had missed Rebekah, and talking to Elijah face to face, but that didn't matter in the moment), he'd be forced to! Probably by that blasted dagger too, Kol was sure that Klaus still kept them on him, even if he wasn't in the business of using them on his favourite siblings.
It did provide a good reason for Kol not to go, though. He may have been scared of Mikael, as they all were in various stages, and didn't want to stick around on the same continent as he failed to find his children and his wife's bastard child, but that didn't mean he'd be safe with them. Kol knew his brother, knew that he'd most likely be daggered for disobeying even one time, regardless of who it was had told him what to do. Elijah? That was Klaus' favourite brother, who'd pretty much raised him, Kol wasn't avoiding the dagger even if Elijah protested it. Rebekah? Their little sister, she'd scream and pout and next thing Kol knows, Klaus has gotten bored a few centuries on and there's a dagger being removed from his chest. 
No, it was safer to just run to a different continent. Maybe Asia? He hadn't been there in a while, he'd be interested in seeing if they had a new dynasty already. He'd have to lay low, of course, but it would be well worth it to keep himself from Mikael and Klaus. He'd still get Elijah's letters, if his older brother wasn't too mad about it, but why would Elijah mention this if he wasn't warning Kol about this? Kol couldn't be sure, but he found himself wanting for Elijah to keep doing it. It was strangely comforting, having the regular updates on his siblings' (minus Finn, Kol hoped he'd stay far away from all of them) lives.
He'd still get Elijah's letters, if his older brother wasn't too mad about it, but why would Elijah mention this if he wasn't warning Kol about this? Kol couldn't be sure, but he hoped Elijah would keep doing it. It was strangely comforting, having the regular updates on his siblings' (minus Finn, Kol hoped he'd stay far away from all of them) lives.
I know that you are having a good time in Spain, not matter my personal feelings on it, and I don't want to ruin it, Kol still didn't know how Elijah knew where he was, especially when he wasn't killings tons of people. He wasn't sure he wanted to know, to be honest, and with Finn evading us as well, Niklaus is getting rather agitated at the moment. Of course he was, it meant that Kol and Finn were both out of his control. It was rather ironic, in his opinion, that Klaus had ended up so similar to Mikael, both grasping at the straws of control over their younger family members, when Klaus was neither Mikael's true son nor liked the man at all.
I would be a bad brother to him if I warned you about this, Kol scowled at the letters. A bad brother to Klaus? Elijah had stuck by Klaus for over 5 centuries, disregarding the rest of them for their half-brother's safety. He could do with being a little less of a good brother to Klaus, and maybe a bit of a better one to his other siblings.
He was mollified, however, by the next letters on the page. So I am not doing that. However, I would be just as a bad of a brother to you if I neglected to warn you of this, and that we are currently enjoying Lisbon at the moment.
They were in Portugal? The rest of the paragraph was suddenly irrelevant. Elijah was warning him of where they were, and therefore how soon they could get to him. Musings over whether or not he was a good brother to Kol specifically didn't matter, not when he knew how soon he could afford to waste hanging around in Spain. Kol knew how to read between the lines, Elijah didn't want Klaus knowing that their brother had warned him. If he waited for another day or so, it should disguise it, given that by his calculations he had a week until they got to him, give or take a few days.
Rebekah is packing her bags at the moment - she ate a woman I have been conversing with - Elijah would've hated that, Kol knew. A pretty woman he was getting along with, being eaten by his little sister? He'd punished them for lesser slights than his love life being interferred with - with the most exquisite diamonds that I shall not be able to break into any time soon, it seems.
And that was a different reason than he'd expected, he had to admit. Maybe the woman wasn't that pretty, then, if Elijah had been more interested in what was on her neck than her face? But striking looks had never been one to deter Elijah from trying to getting into something that could help their family better, Kol had to admit, so it was plausible that he could be annoyed with Rebekah for both ruining his plans and his love life, this time.
Because of this, I have made sure she can only use HER maids for this, and not anyone else, and Niklaus has agreed to my conditions. That part was only slightly a surprise. Klaus may adore Elijah, but he didn't always agree when it came to Rebekah, and definitely not when she was in trouble. Elijah must've been in a real mood, for Klaus to have agreed with it. Of course, their brother may have fought Elijah on it before agreeing, but... Kol quickly scanned the rest of the letter for news on Klaus giving the cold shoulder, and nothing. He hadn't argued then, or Elijah would most likely have written of his upset, or of how their current residence was trashed in a fight.
I have been hearing her complaints on this ever since she started packing, but it will not change my decision. Of course it wouldn't. Kol could count how many times Elijah had changed his mind on punishments he'd personally given on two hands, which really wasn't that many given how many centuries they'd been alive by now.
Still, Rebekah must have really hated it, if she was still complaining about it. She had to have known that Elijah wasn't going to change his mind on this, and Klaus wouldn't be allowed to help either, for fear or Elijah's ire being turned onto him next.
He really didn't envy either of them in this situation.
In similar news, her latest flight of fancy learned what we are, and chose to flee in the night, after he discovered this by drinking what he thought was wine from her cup. Good for him, Kol thought. Rebekah's lovers frequently didn't end up with a happily ever after, whether that be as a vampire or otherwise. He could understand why Elijah was glad this one was run off, even without the added context of Elijah's letters complaining about him.
Of course, she was drinking blood, we are civilised, after all, but personally I believe that Niklaus may have had something to do with this. Because of course it wouldn't have been Elijah, Kol's self-sacrificing brother wouldn't have run the boy off regardless of how distasteful he found him to be. Not if he made Rebekah happy.
His theory about it being partially Klaus' fault, though... That was rather likely. Klaus had never been that fond of sharing his favourite siblings, especially not with their lovers, and if he'd seen Elijah's contempt of the man, well. It would be two birds, one stone for Kol's half-brother. No lover to take up Rebekah's time, and getting rid of an annoyance for Elijah? Klaus would definitely see the benefit of that.
You know that Rebekah has never been the most attentive when it comes to providing her lovers with vervain, and I am certain it is true this time as well. Yes, Rebekah was rather forgetful when it came to providing her men (and women, a few times, but Kol hadn't missed how she preferred dealing with the opposite sex, unlike the majority of her siblings) with vervain, but he felt that Elijah wasn't considering the possibility that Rebekah had noticed his unease around the man as well, and was under the impression that Elijah had been the one to send her newest toy running, and was just trying to cover his tracks by blaming their brother (who would probably be all too willing to take the blame for Elijah. So would Kol, when he thought about it. He supposed he should grateful Elijah didn't ask for that kind of thing very often).
Still, she refuses to hear it, of course she didn't! See Kol's previous point about signs pointing to Elijah instead of their brother. Which I believe is a symptom of how happy Niklaus has made her by mentioning you would be joining us.
He raised an eyebrow at that. Sure, their relationship wasn't all that antagonistic, and definitely nothing like his relationships with any of their 3 remaining brothers, but it still wasn't anything that could make her so happy she'd ignore the culprit of her latest ex leaving her, as far as he knew.
Our sister has missed you greatly, these past few decades, even if Niklaus plans on daggering you if you cause him any trouble. Alright, so maybe Kol was wrong. Maybe Rebekah did care enough about him to eagerly start packing when she was told she could see him again. That was rather nice to read, actually. Made his dead heart feel a little warmer inside of him.
It did almost make him reconsider his decision, however. Laying low in another continent did still seem like his best option, but. That was his little sister, and a part of him had never quite outgrown performing silly little tricks to make her smile. Or in this case, hang around Spain and most likely get daggered by their half-brother, to see her joy again.
Her excitement over this wasn't dampened when I asked our brother if he knew where you were, but he's saying that it doesn't matter because he knows I do.
Ok, it was cheering to know that however Elijah was able to constantly know where he was, Klaus didn't have access to it. Maybe it was a spell? But that kind of spell would probably drive him insane, and the only ones like it that Kol knew of wouldn't be able to distinguish family members from other loved ones anyways. And those spells would, because it beared repeating, have driven Elijah insane. They were immortal, and Elijah had a big heart if you could enter it past the barrier of his family. So definitely not one that kind of spell, then.
Given that he's been polishing his daggers again recently, I do hope you don't mind that I gave the subject up, especially since he is right in this regard.
Kol considered being angry at Elijah for it, but ultimately disgarded the impulse. After all, he'd do the same in the situation. He really hated being daggered, as did Rebekah, he knew, and it was somewhat gratifying now to have written proof that Elijah also didn't like them. He didn't need the proof that Klaus was a controlling asshole, but it was nice to have either way.
I may care for you, you are my brother after all, but I also know that neither of us particularly like being daggered, and I am in more danger of that than you are at the current moment. He'd already decided to not get angry at Elijah, but it was nice to have more reasons (excuses, a poisonous little part of his mind (that sounded vaguely like his mother) whispered to him) not to.
I look forward to seeing the aftermath of your presence soon, Elijah
Well at least his older brother didn't expect him to try and clean up, or gods forbid hide what he'd done here. And Elijah had, although maybe not in so many words, given Kol a loud and clear go ahead to run from them, and abandon this place entirely. Sure, Kol would've done it anyways, with just the advanced warning he'd been given, but it was always nice to have permission.
Now, which country to go to first...
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emetogirl · 11 months
PT anon from a while back comin' at ya with another irl story. Sadly I'm the victim in this one:
I woke up a couple of nights ago in a cold sweat and my heart beating fast. I've been having some scary/weird dreams lately which I've attributed to some family stuff that's been going on. I usually remember my dreams, but I couldn't this time and that made me even more unsettled somehow. So sleep was officially out of the question. I'm a total busy-body so I got out of bed and started stress-cleaning in the middle of the night (I do this often, haha).
I cleaned (dusted, wiped down my kitchen cabinets, unloaded the dishwasher) for ~45 minutes, feeling weird and shaken up from the dream I couldn't remember. It was when I was in the middle of scrubbing my kitchen sink when I got scary dizzy all of a sudden. The room started spinning, I was seeing double, and black dots were dancing in front of my eyes. I thought I was going to pass out so I just sat down on the floor right in front of the sink.
Sitting down helped my vision come back into focus, but while I sat there I started feeling really hot and just... gross. I wasn't positive that I feeling nauseous, but I definitely felt weird. I decided to move into the bathroom just in case I needed to throw up.
I used the kitchen sink to pull myself up, and as I did my stomach started cramping so bad I had to brace myself against the kitchen sink that was still covered in lemony cleaning product. The second the scent from the cleaner hit me, I knew I was going to throw up. My mouth immediately filled with saliva and I didn't even have time to spit it out before vomit was gushing out of me and into my partly cleaned sink.
It was over pretty fast because (this is gross) I threw up so forcefully that I was empty after only 3 or 4 heaves. But it was awful and made me cry lol (I'm a big baby when I'm sick, especially when I'm alone). I was so shaky and weak after it happened but was disgusted that I'd puked in my kitchen sink so I made myself clean it (again) right then. Not fun at all. Let's just say I'm eternally grateful I have a garbage disposal in my sink.
Anyway, I was completely spent afterwards so I rinsed my mouth out that and crawled back into bed. I immediately fell asleep and slept really late into that following morning, but when I woke up I felt completely fine. So I still don't know if it was food poisoning, stress, or just the quickest stomach bug ever.
Also just want to add that I've cleaned that sink like 10 more times since it happened because, ew. 😝🤢😂
So sorry this happen, but WOW, it made for a good story😜
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nyuudoupee · 5 months
new nmixx album came out so i'm gonna put out me thoughts (aka how much can I stop myself from saying change up for the funnies)
- obviously first off it's excellent, i'd argue better than expérgo, probably because all the songs all fit eachother while also having enough sonic differences to stand out AND also show the girls's vocal and genre chops (expérgo did a similar thing but followed the sonic through-line a little too much, still like that album tho) - i gotta give points 2 soñar since like i didn't expect any of the chord progressions that go on in the song (like where the melody goes) - shoutouts to DASH and BOOM for bringing back the mixxpop stuff full force AND also doing the genre mixing like i wanted them to do (BOOM's genre switches is so fucking clean its incredible) - about both of these songs: I think subgenre switching (ie something like how j-edm does it) is easier than full on genre swapping like mixpop is but DASH integrates it very well (has a little dnb deepcut right after the rock stuff) and BOOM's transitions are even cleaner, probably because its more of a rhythm change rather than a full instrumentation change - run for roses totally sounds like young K had a part in writing it (in a good way) and this is also where I'm gonna say NMIXX's use of stuff like violins (this song) and horns sections (DASH) definitely elevate their music since both of those are kinda underutilized in kpop production. very montero esque - i said it already but that switch-up in BOOM to that dark ass mau5trap/EDDIE/No Mana type synthwave beat hit DIFFERENT. also there being tempo speedups and slowdowns in this album YES YES YES YES that's the idea. mixxpop doesn't just have to be genre changes they gotta go CRAZAYYYY - DWILLY produced passionfruit god damn!!!! he's making a lot of bank doing kpop stuff he was on TXT's name chapter freefall AND key's good & great, i love his sound and nmixx slots very nicely into it - XOXO is like DASH and passionfruit had a baby its a good mellow point in the record. i guess nmixx was also built for rnb/hip hop but considering their concept they're built for basically anything - good to know nmixx has their star lost/concert ender with break the wall, makes me feel like waving a lightstick around with confetti coming down from the venue ceiling (just reminds me of the stray kids show again... i gotta see these girls live) all in all very very VERY good work good strives and improvements. the exponential growth is kicking in and it's only been like... 2 years? im very proud of the girlies. anyway ramble over LOL
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foreignobjecticus · 1 year
My Year in Review
My actual personal year in review that isn’t autogenerated from a bunch of marketable statistics lol. I’m writing this down and putting it here in a semi-public place because I kind of do want to share it, but I also don’t entirely want to be shouting from the rooftops everything I’ve written. I just feel like I want to put it under a cut and if it’s read, so be it. Don’t feel obligated to read or respond. I usually write things out and find enough catharsis in not posting them, but for a treat, I’ll post it for myself to remember this time.
 I’ve been incredibly hard on myself this year, mainly because I’ve been unable to write properly or “produce” anything at all despite having had the time. I guess it’s all a knock-on effect of having been stuck where I was for so long, with a giant, governmentally inforced TBA on every single aspect of my life for most of that time. I’m slowlyyyyyyy getting better, but I’m so conscious of how “badly“ I’ve been “performing“ when I used to be so “good“ in the past. Beating myself up about it clearly isn’t working, and nor is saying “I’m getting there“. But I will. Anyway, here’s a super quick summary of life this year (the first lockdown-free year), including some of the shite and bitterness, so I can remember that I’ve done a lot, even if it quite honestly feels like I’ve done not one bloody thing.
Started a new job in a career I’d been trying to get into for 10 years. Finally making more than minimum wage for the first time in my life. Battled incredible imposter syndrome the entire time which made an originally part-time job feel exhausting.
Finally moved out of Victoria and got caught in inevitable but unavoidable major flooding while trying to find a new home.    
A lot of issues with crooked real estate agents, cleaners, removalists. Lost a lot of money, as is usual, despite having written evidence of everything and being “in the right“. Never been more stressed in my damned life. Engaged lawyers, nearly took people to court until they relented. Still have debts to settle but they’re not worth my health nor time, so I hope cosmic retribution smites them instead.
Officially left 10 year relationship and moved back home up north to live with parents, which was another trial in itself.
Condensed all my possessions down, left furniture with old partner. Now it fills their owned (not rented) apartment and sits next to their new MG, which I am still bitter about, sitting in my scratched up, insurance-voided car I lent them. Where was all this financial help from their parents when we were together? Oh, hidden from me while I supported them. Gotcha. Thanks. I suppose that’s what you get for keeping someone alive.
Caught up with a lot of life admin, cleaned things up, did my aviation medicals, started basics of learning to ride.
Painted my bedroom with mum (finally painted over all the teenage poetry I’d written on the walls). Built a bookcase shelf and other things with dad and grandfather who I’d kind of been distant with for quite a few years (grandfather, not dad). A little touched to see he had my very first photographs on the wall at his front door (a picture I took when I was 3 years old with dad, on old fashioned film, developed with him and came second in a photography competition).
Tried thc while painting. A stepladder has never, ever felt more dangerous. Didn’t do it again; it was really just for the sake of trying it. Not my thing, not surprised.
Flew a vintage bomber plane. Did my first ever real life loop-de-loops, barrel rolls, and Cuban-8s. It was like living a video game. I have never felt such an adrenaline rush. I wasn’t 100% sure I could handle doing aerobatics even though I knew I wanted to do them. Now I’m positive I want to do them. I didn’t control the plane through the manoeuvers but I had my hand on the stick to feel what the PIC was doing.
Investigated some health issues that were attributed to “women’s issues“. Practically verbatim there. How utterly useful.
Spent the past three months flying and riding pillion constantly. Got my pilot’s certificate on the day I flew out (on a commercial plane) down to Brisbane and onwards to the UK. Did 40 landings by myself alone in that plane that day, starting at 6am on dawn flights right up until I had to go check in for my flight to Brisbane. Even spoke on the radio to the pilots who flew me down later that evening. Flew over my house that’s nearly dead on the centre line of the runway and wiggled the wings at my     mum who waved back, then flew out over the wharfs and waved to dad. Even flew over my old schools where I used to run around and pretend I was an aeroplane when I was tiny. 25+ years of my personal and family history growing up and developing underneath me where I circled the city watching the Qantas planes landing from above instead of below after all these years. Christ, if I ain’t ever felt more proud of myself than I did     up there all alone in that plane. That wasn’t even my “first“ solo but it     felt so much more special to be flying over my home town (and the commercial pilots watching and congratulating me on the radio upon landing was another thing in itself). You can’t top that. You can’t even come close. How many people have done that? Fuck. Genuinely the proudest day of my life.
Went on a trip around the UK, cosplayed at Forever Avon, met lots of new and lovely people including people I’d only ever met online before that point.
Had the month off, which was nice, but no income which made it hard. It simultaneously felt unreal and completely expected to finally be truly out and about after two years of home lockdown back in Melbourne. The few months living at my parents’ home felt like it didn’t really count as true freedom because I was still working, I suppose.
Finally signed the lease on somewhere in the UK, met some (now) good friends. Had a lot of trouble and had to borrow money to pay 6 months in advance on the rental because my old real estate agents were crooks and my HR didn’t respond to emails for two weeks.
Felt a little bit stressed out when the money got down to about £10 and I was eeking out a pint of milk to last 3 days in a bucket of melted ice in the sink in 45C weather. Then the month’s pay came in and all was right with the world again.
Started flying in the UK, and gliding. Realised I have to start from scratch despite having just completed a certification and having exactly enough hours already to qualify for a license here. Struggled to do lessons because of bad weather. Now I’m very out of practice anyway.
Went to London a few times, saw a play, figured out I’m lactose intolerant. Was a good, if busy, month of travelling and making connections.
Idk. Had a bit of an over-it month and kept getting viciously angry with myself. Was so upset, I cancelled going to London to see a play I’d missed the month before because I was sick (Stephen Greif’s, who I paid to see twice and now will never). I take bailing out on things incredibly seriously and very rarely do it, so I felt utterly wretched about it. This is one reason why: an opportunity missed is just a regret, and I don’t like having those.
Analysed everything I’d been going through and actually started thinking about how I handled the past few years. Tried to take it a bit easier. Very tired. Still processing and trying to “fix” myself. No focus, no concentration, whole days went by and it felt like I did nothing of value. Belatedly realised I’ve been trying to push through things for a lot longer than a full year and I haven’t had a proper and true rest. Part of me wonders if such a thing even truly exists.
Played harp and sang on some backing tracks for a friend’s album that’s still a WIP.
Lost my job abruptly (not from performance but due to being a contractor). That was a great thing to tell my mother on her 60th     birthday: “happy birthday! I’m jobless and poor on the other side of the world”. Hurt infinitely more to cancel my flying lessons than it did to lose my job. Knew it would take two months to find a new job as everything stops over Christmas. I was right.
Started getting severe tooth pain and found the earliest possible appointment for January (pain is okay now; bruxism. Must have hurt myself, still twinges). 
Lots of job interviews, suddenly got taken on to do a rebranding of my old company, the final final edit of my PhD student’s final thesis, and design my friend’s new website for his album release/art collection. Still no job. Those other things don’t pay anywhere near what a real job would.
On the final stages of one job interview with a job that includes having clients… which I’m incredibly apprehensive about because having clients in jobs in the past made me so stressed out, I’m so reluctant to ever do it again. I have another job that I might get to the later stages of that pays at least £18k (seriously) more than the client one, but I’m not at the next stages with it yet, so I’m really worried about being offered one job and holding out for the next and then losing out on both. It’s useless to feel stressed, but I am. That’s just how it is.
Been very tired and wondered if I’m sick. I seem to dream too much to ever get a good night’s sleep anymore. I can now control quite a bit of the dreams but not usually enough to stop having them all together.
Had Christmas dinner with some of my new friends, as well as popped in on someone else and met their son. My landlord baked me cakes and I sanded, revarnished, painted and hanged the farm sign out the front as his Christmas present since he can’t do chocolates or wine, which is always my go-to present. He’s quite poorly atm from various things, so     I hope he comes right. I don’t really celebrate Christmas but it felt     lovely to have been thought of by so many people here, so have been sent cards from near and far. I’m certainly not lonely alone here on the farm; it’s actually been utterly perfect. For the first time in my life, I feel     like I have the perfect personal life balance in terms of living space,     area, number of friends, and social obligations. It’s perfect.
After Christmas, I stopped pushing myself and now I’ve spent a few days playing Skyrim in an attempt to do something for an extended period, to let myself focus for a long time and get back into the swing of one single thing without getting distracted. And it’s WORKING! Hell, I’ve taken a while to write this post, but I’ve not gotten distracted at all. I get so angry at myself because, even up until about ohh maybe November 2020, I’d never had a problem in my whole life with focus, and then it started getting bad. It’s a primary reason I’ve not written a bloody thing all year (and I know what I have in WIP and I do still feel guilty as all hell and it’s getting there! or I’m getting there!, but still). I’ve even found it difficult to read anything, whether it be a fic or a book or a news article. Small tasks have become something I put off for months instead of doing immediately. I bang on about it myself and it’s all well and good to say “one step at a time“, but it really is one step at a time, and now I have room to grow my old habits again, to pick up the way I used to live before I couldn’t live it anymore. So I’ll still be staying offline-ish for a bit, until I feel like I’m ready to reintroduce more of XYZ into my life. Take it easy, take it slow. Pushing clearly doesn’t work.
 So that’s my year in review. I’m healing, I’m processing, I’m letting go, I’m moving on, I’m picking up what I’ve never really put down because I’ve carried it with me the whole time. Thanks for hanging around, if you’ve read this far, and take it easy yourself. Life’s about having fun in the end, not a list of good and bad shit that you can hold up against other people’s years in review. Everyone lives differently. Hell, everyone’s lived wildly different lives just during the past three years, and no one really understands what others have been through even in that time. So Happy New Year. May 2023 bring only good things and you find contentment in yourself.
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cuntycat · 1 year
debating on whether i should go back to vegetarian/vegan ?!?
- i have SOOO many thoughts on this! sometimes i feel like people exclude meat to be “trendy” or think that it’s a quick way to drop a few pounds or they think that they are better that others because they don’t eat meat and look at others who eat meat in disgust.another part of me feels as though there are people who want to genuinely be healthier or they want to not cause harm to animals. in my experience i mainly did it to be healthier but i low vegetarian/vegans get a bad rep lol. anyways apart of me has always been someone who wasn’t really big on meat (when i was young i’d rather eat the non-meat sides) instead of being huge on meat. i’m also a very picky eater in general. about 6 years ago i decided to go vegetarian.. and instantly i felt “lighter”. i don’t know how to explain that but i did! i did that for almost 4 years and for the past 2-3 years i have been going back and forth with eating meat and not eating it. but recently i’ve been wanting a change again and i’m not sure if i should go back to my old ways. to be honest i feel like when i was vegetarian i was very big on restrictive eating and my body dysmorphia was pretty bad (and still is) but i want to feel cleaner without judgment or feeling like i’m gonna beat myself up over food.
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adamsart · 1 year
Long story short about my 2 years at Davis JR high. Fell into gang banging, continued to sell drugs and tried to stay high as much as possible to help cope with the reality’s of a young man who had to deal with abuse at home from my parents and the abuses of Utah society. I also was incarcerated during this time because I added on new charges to my record often and stayed at home rarely. I felt more loved at friends houses by their families than I did in my parents home. They mostly showed me hate contempt and would tell me how I was never going to be shit. This After the daily beatings were put to an end by standing on my own two and fighting back. I was full of anger that I was always in trouble for a drug that I believe helped me survive. I was too outspoken about how unjust I felt persecuting someone for using weed was wrong especially when the mainstream was providing me with speeders my biker and mechanic friends preferred over meth and this was the early to mid 90s. Dexedrine with spansel is not only one but two forms of amphedimine in one awesome pill. It was a cleaner high than the early shards of dope that made you sweat toxic shit out ones pores and would lock u in place tweaking out for 8 hour sessions of doodling lol. Anyways I remember having the “weed will be legal in my lifetime” debate with any adult that would take me up on the challenge. Lots of drug program setbacks because I never would accept I had a problem only that the system had a problem and I wasn’t going to change for anyone. A smart adult once told me I don’t have to believe what they preach but just play along until I get out of thier system then don’t get caught again. Should have listened but nope I was already on the fuck anyone that wants to have a problem. I could go on for hours about these years because there were a lot of profound realizations that made me who I am today during this part of my life. The single biggest influence in my life from 6th to 9th grade was a 50 year old hells angel affiliated biker with the stereotypical zz top biker beard. Who I met thru a new kid that came from Washington his name was AC Devlin and when I went to AC’s one night to hang out I met my street dad Walter Livingston. For those of you who don’t know what a street dad is my definition would be a strong male influence/role model that takes a child under thier wing but more on a respectful friendship level. Basically Walter did all of the things that my own father never did or even wanted to do like working on bikes, teaching me about integrity, how to treat women, what a real gangster looks like and what a personal code of conduct is as well as cool shit like how to ride a bike, shoot a 38 snub, where to get artillery shells, how to make the best whiskey and water and yes we even smoked some serious drugs together because of Walt I always had the best weed around I was smoking chronic when everyone else I knew was still smokeing that piss biscuits and gasoline brick weed that you had to de seed forever or face the headache that came from leaving them in there. I was also snorting lines of peanut butter and rosebud crank and was there in the very beginning of crystal meth. This is when meth was made easier and the precursors were readily available so the strength was far more potent than what someone would run into now days. In my mind it did the same thing only a little stronger than the speeders I was made to take for school which coincidentally is the only reason they couldn’t bust me for using meth cause I was on paper my whole teenage years so piss tests came weekly but the meth came up the same thing as my amphedimines prescribed by my doctor. Walter was my best friend and father all in one package I only hope to one day be as good of a human being or have half the intelligence Walter had. An old orphan from Hershey pa with the heart of a lion. I can’t be more greatful to anyone else although I’ve had other phenomenal people in my life Walter took me under his wing and taught me how to conduct myself.
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superiorminds · 1 year
Yeah so here is the thing about cars...
Getting white on white is attainable and it doesn't have to be expensive either, but if you're extremely picky it might be smarter to just get it straight from factory how you like, wait it out but be satisfied in the end, proud of yourself and the thing you have created
Another thing to look at is a large majority of cars value is going to go down so if you plan on beating the car up it would be smart to go for one of those cars
If you want to the car to retain value there are a select few that you can look towards to buy
These a cars are the trend afor white on white and if it's not this it's a rolls and the rolls is really the only one that might retain value..
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As for this Bugatti,you're mostly like never going to run into another one like it BUT it's EXTREMELY costly to take car of.. the price of bringing this in is for a routine check up is pretty much buying a new Mercedes on the lower end.. the tributo is a V8 with two turbos, the W16 has literally twice the amount of parts, for the most part, not only that but the tires have to be replaced every so often like 2500 miles and that's more expensive than the check up .. The bill for this car is through the roof, but with that being said you can park in and marvel at it lol you don't have to be putting miles on it and the less miles you put on it the more it will be worth anyways because as time passes the price of these are not going to be going down, I don't believe.. not in the state the car industry is in right now
The spec is pretty much just white and red which is a sacrifice but I mean let be honest, I don't think I've ever seen I cleaner white than that
Not everyone should be behind the wheel of this it's definitely a rocket, but that makes it special and also its a convertible so if you do want to ride around in the sun or at night you can
I don't think it would take too much to make this pure white either but it's a Bugatti so it would end up being a little more expensive probably in the interior side
Alot of people dream of these cars and obviously it's coming out of pockets that hardly anyone can afford. If you're not super serious about getting a kick out of owning one DEFINITELY go with something more tame but in terms of White on white goes this isn't a bad option...
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pissneas · 1 year
Ransom or Detective Blanc for the fictional character ask game
ANYWAY DOING THE SECOND BC HES MY BBG and also the second movie provided some more personality to him ;)
💛 Are they bladdershy? do they have an overactive bladder or anything like that?
I like to think that he’s real bladdershy, like he physically cannot go anywhere that isn’t his own bathroom. Maybe, because of his age, he’s more prone to leaks and stuff like that.
🚽 Are they shy about their need? or open about it?
REAL shy in my opinion. If he’s going to be open at all, it’ll probably be to his husband, and even then it’ll be a meek admission of need and he’ll beat around the bush till the cows come home.
💧 How big is their bladder?
Average sized, but definitely not what it used to be. Again, more prone to leaking.
🌊 How do they react when they wet?
SUPER flustered, totally red in the face, fumbling over his words, etc etc. He's frozen like a statue and probably feels all sorts of emotions bubble up inside of him, but he's too shocked to express them. He completely shuts down.
👖 Do they wear diapers?
I don't think it's HIS idea, however I think that his husband would probably suggest/lightly enforce them. I think his husband is a total clean freak and cannot deal with cleaning up urine anymore, so this is a "cleaner" option for him. Our poor southerner is probably mortified for a while because of it.
❤️ Would they want comfort?
If anything, he would probably want to be left alone to wallow in his shame (unless it's his husband. He would want nothing but if it was with him).
💦 How comfortable would they be peeing in weird objects? (bottles, pots, etc..)
Not at all, lol. He especially doesn't want to do anything in pots or plants or anything like that, his husband would die on the spot if he ever found out.
🌸 Are they comfortable peeing outside?
Most likely not, unless it is a dire emergency and there is absolutely nobody around within a million kilometers.
💎 How do they react when desperate?
Fidgety, gets red in the face, averts eye contact, is embarrassed for his life and tries to not show any signs. If anyone asks if he's ok, he'll immediately try to brush it off. He just wants to be alone and cry if he feels desperate.
🔊 What are some Signs that they need to go?
See above, it's never terribly obvious unless he is literally on the verge of bursting.
🛌 Do they ever wet the bed?
Not a lot, not unless he is severely stressed. It's a once in a blue moon occurrence, but when it happens, he gets super sensitive about it (though his husband will be there to help and all that).
😃 How willing are they to accept help when desperate?
From anyone except his husband? Not willing at all. I don't think he's terribly vulnerable around anyone except him. Unless he knows someone VERY well and is VERY close, he will not accept anything.
🗻 Favorite omo scenario with them?
Not going to lie, the answer to the 5th question is pretty good.. though I also like the idea of him being super fixated on something (probably a crossword or some other book game thing) and refusing to go until he's finished, only to wet himself.
Anyway anon I am SUPER sorry again, I hope these are good and that you actually see these even though it's been forever since the ask was sent, I am so bad at remembering to do things lol.
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reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Could you do headcanons or one shots for pro hero! bakugo, kiri, denki, and shinso (separate) moving to America and moving in with the (fem) #1 pro hero and they end up falling in love with them and chose to stay in America? Bonus: the #1 pro hero has a personality of “I’m sweet and loving and patient but try me and I’ll become a villain real quick 😁”
Thank you so much I really appreciate it! I’m new to this blog and I wanted to see what your take on the whole roommate to lovers thing would be!
a/n: and they were roommates... oh my god and the were room mates. Ok sorry sorry but anyways I LOVE this and it shall be done
Anyways also sorry if some aren’t as romantics inclined but I thought a more before relationship look would be good for them you know
Pairing: pro hero! Bakugou, denki, kirishima, and shinsou x reader
Warning: alcohol drinking
Bakugou Katsuki
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In all honesty he already planned on going to america
Cause he’s an all might fan boy
Cause he thought he would get good training and experience from it
Lol everyone was surprised when he made his announcement other than deku
Deku saw it coming
Anyways when he got there he stayed at the agency he was signed with for a week before really finding anything good apartment wise
And then you came into his office
You’re the number 1 in America and have been for a while so of course Bakugou came to your agency
But you came in and saw the sleeping bag and the obvious lack of sleep on Bakugous face and stated you were looking for a roommate.
It’s a miracle he didn’t call your bullshit
Your the number one hero for goodness sakes
You didn’t need a roommate with the money you have
Anyways he’s kinda wary at first and didn’t accept it until you came in the third day with a coffee for him and asked again
And so began your wierd relationship with the god Explosion murder
He kept your house even cleaner than you did and you would force him out of his room every other night for “roommate bonding”
Honestly he was really indifferent to you until there was a large scale villain attack near by
Apparently you had a version of league of villains in America too
He was tying his mask and running out the door when he saw you leaving the convenience store across the street
You immediately dropped your bags, hit a button on your watch and took off to where the source was
He was shocked
That button held your hero suit and made it easier for you to just change into it immediately
But he was just surprised you didn’t hesitate in any of it
When he got there you were in the middle of fighting
Ngl he was a little curious for a while how you got your title with how nice you were
But he saw the villain say something and your eyes darken
Mans took a step back and deciders to just watch, help if you asked ya know
You beat the crap out of that guy man
Anyways here’s the story of how he really fell for you:
Bakugou stopped when he heard the front door click open.
“Oi dumbass, get your ass in here I made dinn— y/n?” He turned the stove off upon seeing you. You had cuts everywhere, most not that bad but a couple needed attention. Your hero suit was ripped and your footing was unsteady.
“Oh hey katsu—“ you wobbled a bit as you walked. “Um Im gunna be in the bathroom for a while ok?” You gave a pained smile. He immediately was in front of you.
“Oh no you don’t hold on,” you were surprised by how gentle his touch was as he picked you up. You didn’t even argue this time. You didn’t have the energy as he placed you down on the bathroom counter. As he cleaned your wounds he couldn’t help but remember when this was switched. When he came in looking like this, maybe worse and you helped him. You walked him to the bathroom and made him bite down on something before cleaning him up.
“Thank you,” he heard you say quietly. He looked back up to find your smile. He felt a twinge in his chest, like something was swelling. He gulped hard before looking back down do your waist where the deepest cut was.
Staying in America for longer than planned wouldn’t be too bad right?
Ejirou Kirishima
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When he first moved there he found a flyer at the gym for a room mate wanted
He was like yes cool cause he had been staying in a motel
He never expected for an answer so fast and defiantly didn’t think that he would meet the american number one in the coffee shop the next day
And he DEFIANTLY did not know you were that pretty
anyways as he moved in you noticed all the work out equipment
“do you not like the gym at your agency?”
“nah its cool there too but I like having my own personal one too. Makes it easier to work out at 2am ya know,” he smiled and gave you a thumbs up
you laughed at that one
yall like to play wii sports every wednesday
literally no reason and you have no idea how it started it just did
mans is a GOD at wii tenis
like how the fawk
at one point yours and his agencies teamed up and you got to work together
lot of people were surprised to see how well you two knew each other
that team up was when the media took you two going in the same direction home and RAN LIKE THE SPEED OF LIGHt
you two were in the tabloids for weeks
what got you out of it for that was a villain defeat you both did
it was a robbery gone wrong and kiri happened to be in the area
you got called in after a little 
finally you got him pinned and he started going nuts with his mouth
literally bad mouthing the police, you, the system, anything he really could ya know
you didn’t care for a while but the minute he said something about Kiri you snapped and smacked him so hard he was knocked out
ngl made things easier for cuffing and dealing with him
and now heres the blurb of ‘how did I fall in love you her?’
“pssssst,” Kirishima flipped over to his other side. “psssst Kiriiii,” he groaned before opening one of his eyes.
“hello?” he yawned. 
“hi,” you smiled at him from beside his bed. “so uhhhh can I used your work out equipment?” you whispered. Kiri watched as you swayed from side to side in front of him. It took him a second to process what you said. 
“wait what?” he propped himself up on his arms.
“your workout equipment, could I use it?” you folded your arms and put your chin on them. He smiled a little.
“only if I can join you,” he yawned again before rolling out of bed. You bounced up and happily skipped out the door. He grabbed his speaker before following you down the hall and into the office area, setting it up before turning back to you. You were wrapping your hands up and standing front of his punching bag when you looked up to him. He smiled at you, stepping behind the bag and holding it. You tilted your head a bit.
“what, I’m helping you,” he laughed at the look on your face. “now ready?” he smirked at you.
“I feel like I’m being challenged,” you smiled.
“maybe,” he shrugged with a smile. “its a test of manlyness,” he smiled widely. You drew back, your smile widely.
“oh I am so doing this,” you laughed, getting in a readied stance. You jumped a few times before hitting the bag a couple times.
���that all you got princess?” he laughed. You gapped at him for a minute before rolling your neck. You hit the bag a couple more times, each one getting harder and harder. The last one hit so hard Kiri had to step bag for a moment. 
“mmm? You ok love?” you giggled to yourself as you bent to meet his eyes.
“alright I admit that was manly as hell,” he laughed and sat down. You smiled and popped back up.
“want some ice?” you asked, reaching hand out to help him up
“Pfft oh shut up,” he laughed before grabbing your hand and pulling you down on top of him. Ya he could live like this for a long long time.
Denki Kaminari
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he went to america on accident
like the trip was fully planned and he was planning to go and everything but only after a week of accidental planning that he just did on a whim
like he just did it for fun and then ended up following through
he was a little nervous at first but that drained in an instant when he walked into the agency he switched into
like he walked in and you were passing some paperwork to one of your sidekicks and he fell like that man
literally you went to go say hi and he just stared at you for a hot minute
then you waved your hand in front of him and he went full flirt mode
you almost got wiplash from how fast he switched that up. 
you literally have no reason what so ever to have found it so cute but you did and it took you like a week to start the rumor around the building you needed a roommate
and by rumor I mean sending an assistant to his office and acting like people were talking about it
literally five minutes later he was skidding to a stop in front of you and asking if the offerw as still open
and now its been a few months since then and you dont regret anything
he likes to bring random flowers he finds either on patrol of when he goes out home to you
one time he showed up with a handfull of weeds tho and you died laughing
poor babe
he ran out after and came back with a little tulip though and said this redeemed him
and now heres your blurb:
You two were on patrol with each other. A crowd had gathered around you after a robbery you both stopped. Many of them asked how you did it or if you were ok since the guy was at least double your size. Denki found it hilarious how you just kicked him down and sat on him. You ended up kicking him so hard he was crying. Not gunna lie you felt a little bad. 
Anyways as the crowd thinned there were still a few there asking for autographs. One little girl came up, her mom giving her a thumbs up before she stopped in front of you both. Denki smiled and signed her little notepad before she came up to you. You laughed a little and squatted down to her before sitting fully on the sidewalk. You crossed your legs and started talking to the little girl a bit as you signer her notepad.
Denki couldn’t help the smile that stuck to his face as he watched you interact with her. At some point she was called back to her mom and you looked up to Denki.
“whats up?” you asked, tilting your head a bit. You shook his head a bit before giving you a hand to stand up. 
That was the first day he held your hand almost the entirety of patrol.
That was also the day he decided that he could live in America a little longer than he thought.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Shinsou went to america because of you actually
He heard of you through Aizawa when he mentioned wanting to reach out a bit
literally the first thing he did after the flight was go to your agency, well his agency
when he met you he was kind surprised ngl
you were way more chill and foreward than he thought
like he had seen your interviews and fully thought you were like midoriya or ochako or something but you kinda gave him todoroki vibes if he had to compare you
he was actually the one to bring up living together
you were telling him at a meeting how you wanted to move into a higher apartment instead and he offered his place
and now here you are tripping over boxes as he helped you unload some things
ngl he had started feeling wierd things after a week
he never thought he would feel things that fast but here he is
he passes out on the couch all the time and you always cover him with a blanket
you take pictures of him all the time when they take naps together 
he doesnt understand but thats ok
next on the ‘im in love with you’ show:
How the hell can one report take three hours? Shinsou groaned as he unlocked the window to the apartment balcony. He knew the using the Aizawa wrapp TM to get home. Once he got there he was expecting to be welcomed by your music quietly drifting through the apparment as you sat at the coffe table with either some paperwork or a book. What he got was your cat purring loudly on top of you on the couch. You were passed out with him on your chest and neck. Shinsou could feel the warmth grow harshly on his cheeks.
He sat down on the ground next to you, staring at the table where a bunh of paper work was spread out. He smiled at the sticky notes everywhere. Half didn’t even have anthing to do with the work. 
‘remember to give so and so paper to juli’ ‘ramen on the second shelf’ ‘get waters’ he read through them all and got more and more amused. He stopped at the last one.
‘tell shinsou today’
He felt himself swallow. Tell him what? He felt you squirm behind him. When he looked back the cat was on the back of the couch and you were on your side. Your arm came around and wrapped around his shoulder and pulled him closer. His eyes widened as you rolled into a ball and you face went into his hair.
Well he would need to stay as long as he had to to find out what you needed to tell him.
And to return the gesture.  Of course.
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