#modern au itasaku
gayger · 2 years
I am working on moving over some of my naruto fics to wattpad: starting withA Proclivity for Love. Eight chapters are up right now, hoping to have the rest up by tomorrow.
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uchiwife · 7 months
𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀.
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Pairings: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Itachi.
Tags: modern au, mafia, police, pre-relationship, (possible) future fic.
Warnings: Given the theme, expect to read about sensitive subjects. Such as mentions of abuse, drugs, violence, illegal trafficking in almost any form. Please proceed with caution.
Word count: 2,640.
a/n : English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes I might commit in it. ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
Sakura has a favorite chair and a favorite table in this little restaurant-café. She always sits in the same place at the same time for about an hour. It's become a little ritual of hers. A ritual initially started on a bored day when the need for a little dessert arose. So here she is, sitting at the same table in the same damn chair, stuffing her face with her famous Anmitsu. She no longer does it out of greed, but because for the past three months, every day at the same time, she's been able to admire Takeshi Sasaki. He always sits two tables away, and always has the same thing: dangos and green tea. He seems out of time, enjoying this gentle lull. She only learned his name very recently, and only because he'd forgotten his wallet. She heard the waiter call out to him.
Sakura supposed it was always better to call him by his name rather than “grace”, no matter how graceful he was. Besides, she doubted he'd appreciate a stranger feminizing him by calling him that, even in her head, unless he was quite comfortable with his manhood, and something told her he was. In reality, she hated giving people nicknames, she found it cruelly rude, but she'd had to improvise, she couldn't decently call him “the handsome dark man”, she wasn't in a fucking fanfiction written by a 12-year-old! Not that she had anything against that, she remembered reading hundreds of them and remembered how her life had been filled by many of them.
Swallowing the last mouthful of her dessert, she took the time, as she did so often now, to observe the graceful way his fingers pushed back the locks in front of his face. His features were quite striking. It was superficial, but it was his ethereal beauty that had appealed to Sakura the first time she'd caught sight of him. She'd seen a lot of good-looking guys, but she lived in a world where the most charming features were attached to an utterly detestable personality. Her ex was a perfect example. She'd met his gaze several times over the last few months and had always made sure to keep eye contact. She was trying to get a message across here: she wasn't a blushing high-school girl who was going to look away no matter how much his beauty troubled her. She'd grown up in a world that had taught her the hard way not to show weakness in front of others. Her brother was well aware of this, as were her friends.
However, she had to be careful. She couldn't take the plunge from day one, not out of timidity but because she had to observe this man first. If she didn't, her brother and the others would do it for her, and she didn't want to get a guy who hadn't asked for anything into trouble. She could be bitchy, but not the way Tayuya was.
So she waited wisely, respecting this little ritual of theirs. For if they hadn't exchanged a single word, there had been enough glances between them for her to know that he was aware of her. Whatever dance they were doing, it seemed that the last notes were coming to an end and Sakura would finally advance her pawn. It was time, after all, for her to make her move.
Her decision made, she left her table for his, her heels clicking against the asphalt, she didn't bother to ask permission, she simply sat down in the chair opposite his. He seemed neither surprised nor offended by her lack of politeness, surely because he himself knew that the time had come. They had been sizing each other up for three months, after all. She elegantly crossed one leg over the other and concealed a smile of triumph when she noticed the way his eyes leered at her legs. Someone else probably wouldn't have noticed, so subtle was it, but she wasn't everyone. Being aware of one's surroundings is a non-negligible ability to have. It was what made the difference between a living man and a dead man. In her world, anyway.
“So? Are you going to let me take you out?”
“I usually know the name of the woman who wishes to ‘ask me out’.”
Oh. His voice was as enchanting as his features. She wouldn't mind hearing him talk about the Darwinian theory of evolution if that's what his voice sounded like. She smirked, leaning back in her seat.
“That's not a no I hear.”
“If I'd wanted to say no, I would have the first time you laid eyes on me.”
“So confident…” Sakura retorted amused, not the least bit embarrassed that he knew she'd been watching him.
“Observant” he corrected, his lips curling into a smirk, bringing out the dimple on his left cheek. Was she crazy to want to lick it? Yes, she probably was. She'd always had a thing for pretty dimples.
“Sakura” she finally introduced herself.
He nodded, “Takeshi.”
“Oh, I know.”
“You do?”
“The waiter. You forgot your wallet once”
“I'm not usually this absent-minded. I got distracted.”
"How fortunate for me. It allowed me to get to know your name.”
Takeshi smiled, amused, “you could have just asked me.”
She snorted, “where's the fun in that?”
He shook his head, “Well, Sakura, where do you intend to take me out, assuming I say yes.”
“Trust me, Takeshi, you’re going to want to say yes.”
“Who’s too confident now?”
“I just know what I'm worth.” She said with a shrug. “So I thought we could....” Sakura barely had time to formulate her plans before she was interrupted, much to her chagrin.
She frowned, turning to find her brother and two more of his men at her table. Obviously. Where he goes, his henchmen follow. She rolled her eyes.
“Brother,” she said in a bored tone. “I was in the middle of a conversation Yahiko, as you can see.”
“Conversation over. You're late.” Yahiko glanced briefly at Takeshi before pausing. A dangerous gleam lit up in his eyes and she sighed. Why did he always have to ruin her plans? “And who's that?”
Takeshi observed the scene in silence and she was genuinely surprised by his calm. He didn't seem intimidated, and that was quite something. Yahiko even seemed to notice because he gave the man a second glance, a rare thing for her brother. He paid so little attention to those he found useless or insignificant.
“Takeshi. Your sister's next date, apparently.” he added for good measure.
Sakura almost choked. What audacity! And yet, she couldn't help laughing, because really, if he had a death wish, he'd chosen his day rather well. She loved men with nerve.
Yahiko narrowed his eyes, then glared at her, “Sakura?”
She shrugged, pushing back her hair with a satisfaction she shouldn't feel “what he said.”
“We'll talk about it again. Get your things. We're going to be late. Sasori hates tardiness and I hate being taxed more than necessary.”
Once again, Sakura rolled her eyes. As if she didn't know Sasori could be a pain in the ass. He was so adamant about punctuality. She'd heard of many deals that hadn't been concluded, or had been charged more because his future partners or clients had been late. Sakura got up without making a fuss; this was no time to rebel. She could always do that later. She turned to the man sitting opposite her and realized he was already looking at her.
“Unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut this short. I'll call you about our upcoming outing.”
He raised an eyebrow “I didn't give you my number.”
Sakura smiled mischievously, “No need. I'll have it by the end of the day.”
“absolutely not creepy.”
“Scared already?”
Takeshi smiled back, “It takes more than that to scare me. I'm just curious how you're going to do it.”
“I've got my ways” she winked at him, and deciding he'd probably had enough, Yahiko growled; putting an end to his sister's antics.
“Are you done?”
“Killjoy! you need to get laid. You're so tense. Where's Konan??”
Her brother glared at her again, and if a look could kill, she'd probably be dead by now. She raised her hands, then waved goodbye to Takeshi, promising to call him later before she let Yahiko and his men drag her away. She climbed into a black SUV with tinted windows, watching from the corner of her eye Takeshi, still seated at the table, who hadn't taken his eyes off the car until it turned at the next intersection.
Sakura sighed, annoyed by her brother's interruption but also impatient. She took out her phone and quickly dialed a number, before a smile spread across her rosy lips when her correspondent picked up.
“I need you to get me a number.”
Takeshi waited until the car was no longer in his field of vision before gathering his things. Three months. It had been three months since he'd sat at the same table, at the same time, taking the same thing in order to take part in what had become a ritual. He'd sensed that today was the day. That the young woman would eventually come to him. His patience had finally paid off. Of course, this was only the beginning, nothing was certain and there was no guarantee that she would actually contact him, but if the looks she was giving him were anything to go by, the chances were pretty high that he'd hear from her again. He sighed, stood up, paid for their drinks and left the restaurant-café.
He quietly made his way to his car, taking the time to check his mirrors to make sure he wasn't being followed before turning onto the road. After driving for a while, he stopped near an alley and switched off his engine. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before the passenger door opened and a new man stepped in.
They both remained silent, before the other man spoke up.
“Contact with the target has been established.”
“We knew it would take time, but now that first contact has been made, we'll be able to start work.”
“Hn. However, Pain showed up.”
“That's to be expected. She’s protected. Since you don't have a bullet between your eyes, I'd say the first encounter went well.”
Takeshi scoffed, “I wouldn't say that, but Haruno should be making contact soon.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder and tensed slightly before relaxing. “You'll do a good job, Itachi. If your written reports are anything to go by, you've already got her attention. This is the opening we needed.”
Uchiha Itachi knew that by accepting this undercover mission three months ago, he would have to leave behind his family and his daily life for an indefinite period. He was a member of the police. An investigator for the Organized Crime Bureau. For three years, the police had been trying to dismantle a mafia network known as "AKATSUKI", headed by a man called PAIN, whose real name was Yahiko. The police knew little about him, but over the years it had become painfully obvious that this man was at the head of an empire. Arms trafficking, organ trafficking, money laundering, corruption, assassinations and murders, among other things.
They were a powerful cartel whose violence was known to all. They operated in the shadows, but everyone knew their names, but no one knew how to stop them or get to them. Those who tried either disappeared or recanted their testimony. Haruno Sakura had been singled out as his target. What little information they managed to glean about her was that she was apparently the adopted sister of the organization's leader. Little was known about them, but there were still traces of the Haruno's tragic past. He must have reread her files a hundred times already. And he now knew that Sakura Haruno had been abused as a child. Her mother was a junkie who had ended up selling her daughter to pay for her cocaine. Sakura's father didn't seem to be part of the picture. He'd probably abandoned his family or died. Haruno had been shuffled from foster home to foster home. His unit speculated that she must have met Pain during their childhood. They thought they must have been placed in the same foster family at some point. He knew from complaints and reports from police and social workers that some of Sakura's foster families had been abusive. The kids were deprived of food, the fridge and cupboards kept under lock and key. They were beaten and, most horribly of all, some of the children were sexually abused by the father. He didn't know if Sakura was one of these victims, but in any case, the foster parents' corpses had been found in a wasteland. At the time, the coroner ruled it a homicide. The case was still under investigation but had not been solved.
Itachi had been sent as an undercover agent because his skills were perfect for this kind of mission. He had no trouble playing a role. It was his job. He'd done several, and every one of them had been a success. It was his duty to dismantle the Akatsuki with the help of his unit and the police. To date, 4 members were known. There was Deidara, the explosives and bombs genius, a certain Hiruko, well known on the dark web for organ trafficking transactions, but Itachi had no doubt that this was a pseudonym. The Leader, Pain, the police knew very little about, but were certain he was at the head of this empire. They also knew the name of a former cartel member. The famous research scientist Orochimaru. The police had already had him on their radar for years for his research, which was considered dubious at best, illegal at worst. If there was a body theft or disappearance in his area, it was very likely that he was behind it. Only, Orochimaru, vicious snake that he is, had managed to evade justice. And then there was Sakura. Itachi didn't know to what extent she was involved in her brother's business or whether she was actively participating in it, but she certainly wasn't unaware of his reputation.
That's why it was decided that it would be easier to attempt an infiltration through her. She was the best way to enter Pain's private circle. For three months, he'd been going to this café-restaurant because he knew he'd find her there. Only he couldn't make the first move; it had to come from her. Patience had always been his forte, as had mind games. Not that he was proud of it, but in his line of work, it was very useful.
And finally, his target had made contact. She seemed a confident woman, sure of her seductive power. Objectively, he could understand the interest she might arouse, but that was of little importance, as she was merely a means to an end. He felt almost sorry for her, for he knew her interest was genuine. Itachi was a professional; on undercover missions, he was allowed to flirt on the edge of illegality. If he had to use his charms, he would.
Yes, Sakura was charming and in another life, in another context, he might have been interested in her, but his role here was to gain information through her, learn more and get her to bring him into their organization. He had to stay focused on his mission and not get distracted.
He could do it.
There was no way he, Uchiha Itachi, an undercover agent, would get caught in his own game because of a criminal like Haruno Sakura, right?
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athelise · 18 days
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kumeramen · 1 year
⊹˚. ShiSaku Fic Recommendations ٠ ࣪⭑
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Another ShiSaku fic recommendations thanks to @cherrycrow4ever for the good deal of fanfics they suggested and @sumisai-blog, even it's just one rec thank you nonetheless~🙏
Note : While it's fic recs for ShiSaku, there're some contains MultiSaku pairing which can be seen stated just below the fic's title so it won't cause confusion. Most are mature/adult content but will stated the rating regardless, enjoy the reading!
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❥ ⌈ Crossfade [SERIES] • She_Who_Only_Knows_War ⌋
Rating : M / E || Modern AU
Sakura's going through a breakup. She joins Shisui on a drive as he waits for Itachi and Izumi to sober up.
❥ ⌈ Shut Up and Dance • sleepyfox ⌋
Rating : E || Modern AU
Sakura is desperate for a place to stay, and would do just about anything for a door she can shut in the face of anyone who pisses her off. Shisui hates being alone, and his apartment is too big for just him. It only makes sense that she should move in, right?
Crow is a famous YouTuber who posts dance videos and is known for never speaking or revealing his face to protect his identity. CherryBomb is a fan and dancer herself, and when she starts posting her own videos in response to Crow's, it sparks a friendly public rivalry and a far more private friendship. As their relationship deepens, they promise to remain anonymous where it matters most, because what they have is all they need... Right?
❥ ⌈ And So We Burn • sleepyfox ⌋
Rating : E || Pairing : MultiSaku (Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Shisui) || Canon divergence AU
Shisui isn't surprised to see little Cherry-chan all grown up with a take no shit attitude, but he is surprised by how much he likes it. Turns out, she's just his type.
“Another Uchiha, Blossom? You seem to have a thing for guys with the Sharingan."
❥ ⌈ Would you... • Espoiretreves ⌋
Rating : E || Canon divergence AU
Sakura has no time to date. Shisui has no restraints. An injury brought them closer and their story begins.
❥ ⌈ Take Me Or Leave Me • AsterKnightengale ⌋
Rating : E || Pairing : MultiSaku (Kakasaku/ItaSaku/ShiSaku/GenSaku) || Canon divergence AU
“With the last of my power, I will take everything from you, as you have from me. This I curse you.” Everything around Sakura went black. She was falling, her legs tumbling from beneath her. It all went by so quickly she couldn’t even bring herself to scream.
When Sakura opened her eyes she was back on the grass though flat on her back this time. Slowly she sat up, a hand clutching her head that was pounding. She looked around and panic gripped her chest like a vice. “Sasuke? Naruto?” She turned to the ledge her team leader was and found it absent. “Kakashi-sensei?”
❥ ⌈ make me lose my breath (hit me hard) • onemorepineapple ⌋
Rating : M || Modern AU
She should have known she was doomed when she punched him in the face and he thanked her for it.
❥ ⌈ Flowers still bloom • jimmythemystic ⌋
Rating : T || Post-war AU
After the death of Sasuke and Naruto during the War, Sakura is only alive because she's pretty sure if she hadn't pulled herself off the ground, Kakashi would have buried himself beside them. And what would the village do without their Hokage?
Life in the village is starting to go back to normal. By chance, Sakura encounters someone long thought lost by the village. Can life, and love, bloom again?
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❣ If you find any fics that have your best interest in mind and enjoy the reading, please let the author know your thoughts and love of them! 🤗💖 You can also check out authors’ other works simply click on their name that has been provided next to their work!
❣ Are there more fics suggestion? Feel free to add more! This post is purely made just to recommend readers not to missed out any good worth fics to read— The more fics to recommend, the merrier~💕
❣ Not to forget, as always, happy reading!
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lightweaving · 9 months
WIP Name Game
Since @mayskalih asked me to show my ass, I guess it's time to fess up about the state of my OneNote LOL
WIPs ranked from degree of progress - from works that have a substantial chunk published to wisps of thought that I may or may not ever write (all below the cut bc this shit's going to get LONG)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs
Also i'm not even going to try to tag that many people i don't think i even have that many friends KSFJKSJF but okay i'm going to find more people to show their asses @sonorous-cicada @komorebi-rabbit @athelise @twofortea @xylazine @green-riot i know all of you are hiding insane amounts of WIPs and I would like to know all about your titled and untitled documents nyehehe
Spider's Web
KakaKarin (I really need to change the doc title to the fic title...)
Do Not Stand At My Grave
ShiSaku exchange (I am banned from speaking about this on pain of a bite from the rabbit of caerbannog please do not ask me about this one)
DeiKonan collab
ItaIno corporate AU
MadaTsuna continuation
ItaSaku regency somno
Unquenched Defiance
A Silence Like Screaming
Arranged marriage shiita
KakaTsuna alcoholism
ItaSaku hanahaki
SasoDeiKonan bank robbery
Itachi and Sasuke angsty
ItaSaku crush love letters thing
TobiKaga corporate espionage
KakaIta modern military thing
SasoSaku Pharoah AU
KakaObiRin phantom of the opera
DeiKonan whump
KakaObi kamui sex
AsuIno mind control thing
KisaIta fae
Kiri political thing
...yeah i should tell my brain to stop getting brainworms
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
Model - Chapter 4 || Broken - Chapter 13
<imagine: A half-dressed Itachi, being told that next time they should try a new position. A flush going straight to his ears as he misunderstands exactly what kind of position should be tried... And well, ideally it gets better from there./> Title: Model Rating: Mature Type: ItaSaku, past-tense, third-person, Modern AU, Humor Blurb from chapter:
His eyes darted to her then, a slight mischievous smile, “I’m sure I could find a better place to have you.” 
Now Sakura was feeling a bit too warm. “Have me?” 
Status: Complete Platforms: Ao3 FF.net Summary:
Itachi, on a dare, poses naked for a figure drawing class. Sakura happens to be in the class and Sasuke stumbles upon a doodle of his brother in her chemistry notes. ------------ In other news, Broken Chapter 13 was released. I could find nothing humorous in it, so I'm piggybacking on this post for update and advertising space. Title: Broken Rating: Mature Type: MadaSaku, present-tense, third-person, Modern AU, Drama Blurb: She presses a hand down on the arm rest, leans directly into his face. “When I said to get out of my house, I meant stay out.” Her nails press into her palm, forming a fist, ready to strike. Every part of her wants to grab Madara by the collar of his shirt and drag him from her house.  Status: WIP Platforms: Ao3, FF.net Summary: Because we are all broken in one way or another, and in our mere humanity we hope for a happy resolution to our lives even if we believe we will never get it.
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Day 12: Northern Lights
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Author: Zelha Pairing: ItaSaku Additional Tags: Against the Window, established relationship, the ninja age was in the past for a modern AU Word Count: 988
Read it here on Ao3!
By the way, we have a Carrd and a Spotify playlist! Please leave this author some love!!
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kankuroplease · 3 years
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Happy New Year 💋
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gayger · 3 years
A Proclivity for Love (ItaSakuSasu)
Hey all!
I’m here just to try and get my fanfiction out there a bit more. This is a modern AU that takes place, for the most part, in a coastal town. It is a slice of life type fic and it is long. It starts off as SasuSaku but endgame is ItaSaku. There are 23 chapters as of right now and all of them are available on both Fanfiction,net and AO3.
Posted Summary:
"Her hand was out the window, bobbing in the night wind. Her head laid back in her seat and the only thing on her mind was the feeling of simply being. The music from the radio playing loud, but she could still barely hear it over the sound of the wind and tires on the road. Rolling her head to the side, she looks into the driver's seat. A soft smile on her lips as she takes in the relaxed expression on his face. His dark brows completely evened out and one hand on the steering wheel, his onyx eyes focused on the road, while the other hand was on her thigh. Rolling her head to the other side, she stares out of the window and watches the beach fade into the choppy waves of the ocean. This was it, she was sure. This is the feeling she was longing for all of her life."
It would mean the world to me if some of you read this and perhaps even enjoyed it!
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uchiwife · 11 months
Picture this:
Sasuke is babysitting his nephew for the weekend because Itachi and Sakura have gone on a trip to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and during the evening, the little one asks Uncle Sasuke “why he doesn't have a girlfriend yet?” To which Sasuke replies that he actually has many girlfriends, so little Yūsuke retorts that if he has so many, why don't any of them stay??? Imagine Sasuke's face and how offended he is by a 5-year-old.
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athelise · 1 year
Hello Athelise, I just wanted to tell you that your fanfictions are fantastic, so much so that every time you update them a story breaks my skin, I didn't like the dark so much, but now I love them, especially since it involves one of my favorite couples, Itachi and Sakura, for me they are perfect together both in the canon are kind, affectionate, intelligent and don't hesitate to put others before them, risking their lives and desires for those they love, I've read some of your fanfiction and I re-liked it, especially Take the Compliment, it's dark and morbid, I look forward to an update. I'm curious, if you're going to do another dark Itachi and sakura story but being ninjas, her from konoha and him in Akatsuki, that would be great, I love how you write, I always look forward to an update.
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I hope they have a son 🥰
Why thank you!
I know Take the Compliment can be a real bumpy ride lol, but I'm proud of you for hanging on!
yes! Itasaku really is such a good combo. I feel like Itachi's personality allows (canon) Sakura to be more assertive and still be caring, unlike Sasuke, who she just coddles (imo, no shade to sasusakus)
I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of canonverse stories! For Naruto and even for Reylo I very much prefer AUs, mostly modern. As for whether Itachi and Sakura have a child...
We shall see!
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kumeramen · 5 years
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…stingy bastard 💢 *VIGOROUSLY EATING* 🍡  
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sariasprincy-writes · 5 years
Hollow Point 36
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen // Twenty // Twenty-One // Twenty-Two // Twenty-Three // Twenty-Four // Twenty-Five // Twenty-Six // Twenty-Seven // Twenty-Eight // Twenty-Nine // Thirty // Thirty-One // Thirty-Two // Thirty-Three // Thirty-Four // Thirty-Five // Thirty-Six (here) 
Chapter Thirty-Six At the End of All Things
The first time Sakura awoke, everything was hazy. Like she was in a thick fog, her head filled with clouds. There were voices just beyond and a beeping nearby that seemed to reverberate through her skull. Bright lights shined in her eyes, but she couldn’t find the strength to shield her vision from it. Then she faded out again.
The next time Sakura opened her eyes, her surroundings were much clearer. She was still groggy, her dreams and reality dancing on the same line until she didn’t know what was real and what was her imagination. It took her a few minutes to get her bearings, but when she finally blinked into focus, she instantly recognized the hospital room.
Like a knee-jerk reaction, adrenaline filled Sakura’s veins as she recalled brief flashes of the port. But one glance down at her hands and she saw they were free of handcuffs. She hadn’t been caught by the CIA.
What did catch her notice was she was no longer wearing a Kevlar vest. Instead, she had been changed into a standard hospital gown. There was a sheet tucked around her middle to keep her legs warm and an IV inserted into her arm. It was connected to a bag with a clear liquid inside, likely just fluids. And perhaps pain killers, she realized after a sharp ache lanced through her shoulder when she tried to move her arm.
Pulling back the collar of her gown, Sakura found the left side of her upper body was wrapped in bandages. Post-surgery. At least someone had removed the bullet. Though, she would need to get out of the hospital soon before the police were called and she was questioned. If they hadn’t been called already.
That’s when Sakura realized she was alone. Where was Kakashi?
Through the clear, sliding doors, she could see the nurses’ station down the hall. There were two nurses there now, but they were busy with paperwork. She watched them until the television on the wall behind the desk caught her attention. It was playing the morning news.
From her distance, she couldn’t read the captions, but the channel was showing a helicopter view of the warehouse in Newark. It was still dark, just before dawn, the shipping yard lit up by a handful of overhead spotlights as red and blue police lights flashed. The video was at least a few hours old. Just outside the hospital window, the sun was already peeking above the horizon.
In that moment, Sakura remembered Itachi. Her heartrate and blood pressure spiked as she recalled the blood that had been gathering around him while she had been forced to watch on, unable to help. She worried what had become of him, where he was now.
Pushing herself up in bed, Sakura searched the room for her personal items, specifically her phone. She could call Kakashi or Shikamaru. It would be the fastest way to learn if there had been any casualties in the CIA’s raid.
However, before Sakura could move to get out of bed, the door to her room slid open. Automatically she glanced towards the sound, only to freeze as she recognized the person in the doorway.
Her adopted mother was exactly how Sakura remembered her. She had long, blonde hair she had pulled back away from her face with the exception of a few strands that had escaped to frame her intelligent, hazel eyes. Tsunade was approaching sixty now, but her youthful face didn’t look a day over fifty. She exuded authority and professionalism in her white doctor’s coat, and in that instant, Sakura suddenly knew exactly where she was. Tsunade’s hospital.
Her adopted mother didn’t immediately speak as she stepped into the room flanked by two younger doctors, likely interns, but her expression was stern and clear: Sakura was to say nothing.
“I see you are finally awake,” Tsunade said, her voice calm and professional. As if they were complete strangers. “Are you in any pain, Ms….?”
“Johnson,” Sakura replied after a small hesitation. “Sarah Johnson.” The most vague American name she could think of in that moment.
Tsunade glanced at one of her interns, ensuring the young male doctor wrote the name down in her file before she returned her attention to Sakura. “How’s your pain now?”
“Manageable,” Sakura replied on autopilot. She was still stunned to see her adopted mother before her so suddenly after these last few years of radio silence. Sakura couldn’t tear her eyes away.
As if Tsunade was simply her surgeon, she stepped forward and began going through a normal examination of Sakura’s injury, post-surgery. “You had some nasty shrapnel to your shoulder, but I was able to successfully remove all of it. The man who brought you in said you were hit by debris from a car accident across the street. Unfortunate place and time.”
Sakura wondered what the actual chances of that happening were. It was probably the first thing Kakashi had thought of when the ER nurses had asked what happened. Sakura knew Tsunade knew it was a lie too. Her adopted mother was smart enough to know a fragmented bullet when she saw one, but she was lying to keep Sakura’s cover. Both their covers. It was a lie to keep the police at bay.
“Do you know where he is now?” Sakura asked.
“I believe getting coffee. He should return shortly,” Tsunade answered, examining the line in her IV for kinks. “The damage to your shoulder was fortunately minimal, but it will take several weeks to heal and some months of physical therapy to regain full use.”
Tsunade turned away from her then, continuing her examination as she spoke to the interns, asking them questions and teaching them as she went along. All the while, Sakura kept her gaze on her, as if afraid if she even so much as blinked too long, Tsunade would vanish right before her eyes.
After a few minutes that seemed to stretch on for hours, the interns finally left. The room lapsed into silence as Tsunade scribbled notes down into her chart.
Eventually, Tsunade closed Sakura’s chart. She capped her pen and slipped it into the front pocket of her coat before she finally met Sakura’s gaze. “I’ve kept your gunshot wound quiet, but someone will recognize the injury soon. You need to leave before the police are called.”
Sakura barely heard her. “Where have you been? I haven’t heard from you in over three years.”
“You had your mission,” Tsunade replied, her hazel eyes unaffected. “The rest was for you to finish.”
“And you didn’t think I might need support to do that?” Sakura asked, her confusion evident. “I’ve been calling you. For months now. Why didn’t you answer?”
“I taught you everything. I trained you to the best of my abilities. There was nothing more I could have done.”
Sakura let out a laugh that was more incredulous and exasperated than humorous. “You could have been there.”
“You were always meant to complete your mission alone.”
“Yes, but-”
“Enough, Sakura,” Tsunade interrupted. “We’re finished here.”
Her cold tone startled Sakura. She gave pause as Tsunade simply stared at her as if Sakura was nothing more than a boring piece of art. Slowly, one-by-one, the pieces began clicking into place. Cold dread filled Sakura as it dawned on her that she had put herself, Kakashi, Ino, Itachi in danger for a woman who saw her as nothing but a means to an end.
“You told Hashirama that you wanted a daughter, but he didn’t give me to you because you couldn’t have children,” Sakura said, her voice accusatory but calm compared to the raging storm building within her. “You wanted someone to train. Someone to take care of Hashirama because you couldn’t do it yourself. Not without getting caught.”
Tsunade’s face might as well have been carved from stone. “You did as directed. You completed your orders. You are released.”
Those words were like a slap across the face, but Sakura wasn’t given the chance to reply when the door to the room slid open again. It was Kakashi. He looked relieved to see her alert and conscious before he sensed the tension emanating from her. Concern briefly flickered behind his eyes before his gaze shifted to Tsunade.
She barely acknowledged him. Merely stepped towards the bed to mute the alarms on Sakura’s monitor before she slipped the IV out of her arm. “Don’t allow the nurses to see you when you leave,” Tsunade told her.
Then she was gone. Out the door and out of Sakura’s life. Perhaps forever.
Sakura could only sit there, her mouth slack and her eyes unfocused as she tried to process what had just happened. How everything she had believed her entire life could have shredded right before her eyes. It felt surreal, like a dream she couldn’t escape from.
White, hot anger flooded her heart and filled her veins like lightning. Betrayal stung like acid in her chest. She wanted to punch something, shoot something. Her fingers itched to wrap around the grip of a gun. She wanted to burn New York City to the ground.
Then, like a bubble, all that rage popped until she was left with nothing but a sinking sadness that buried deeper and deeper into her soul. It wrapped around her like a blanket, tumbling so deep she didn’t know if the feeling would ever leave her.
All those memories of her childhood burned bright in her mind’s eye. The smile on Tsunade’s face when she had brought Sakura home for the first time, her words of encouragement when Sakura failed and the pride in Tsunade’s eyes when she had succeeded. Grief sunk into Sakura’s chest like a heavy stone as she realized it had all been a lie. Tsunade had groomed Sakura to love and adore her until Sakura would do anything for the woman who had rescued her.
Sakura was certain she would have sat there in that hospital room, stuck in that single moment for the rest of her life, had the faint echo of footsteps not broken through her thoughts. She blinked back to herself as Kakashi stopped beside her bed. He looked like he wanted to reach out, but thought better of it.
“You okay?” he asked.
Sakura opened her mouth but not even a breath escaped. She didn’t know if he meant physically or mentally, but it didn’t matter. They needed to leave.
“We should get out of here,” Sakura said instead, suddenly itching to be out from this cramped, suffocating room.
A ghost of a frown crossed his mouth, but then it was gone as he slipped the backpack off his shoulder she hadn’t realized he had been carrying until now. Inside were a change of her clothes. He steadied her as she slipped into her jeans and shirt, the latter task he had to help her with after she realized she couldn’t lift her arm more than a few inches without a great deal of pain. He hung her jacket over her shoulders, leaving her sleeves empty before he collected the rest of her things.
Then together, they slipped out of the hospital unnoticed.
The pair drove in silence for some time. The hospital was over twenty miles out of New York City. Sakura didn’t ask why Kakashi had taken her specifically to Tsunade. Had Sakura gone anywhere else the police would have been called, she would have been questioned and it would have led to a series of headaches that were best avoided from the beginning.
In the quiet, her mind rolled like heavy, thunder clouds. She replayed her conversation over with Tsunade, that piping hot rage sitting in her stomach like boiling water. Only to give way as her last moments with Itachi filled her memory. The hurt and betrayal and heartbreak in his eyes. She wondered if he had felt like she did now. Learning he had been used, he had been played.
Her stomach twisted sharply. The question of his fate hung heavy on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t find the courage to ask, afraid of the answer. Instead, she asked another burning question.
“What happened? After I was shot.”
Kakashi didn’t glance at her as he took the juncture to the next highway. “The CIA successfully took down Akatsuki. Everyone not killed was rounded up and arrested. Your plan to take out the major members of Akatsuki was a significant part in allowing the CIA to success. None of them showed with their men. Tobirama, Tenten and whoever else you called got them all. Everyone is dead but Kisame. He escaped to Egypt.”
Sakura hummed at that. “Call Temari. I want eyes on him.”
“You think he’ll retaliate against you for trying to kill him?”
“Not on American soil, but yes.”
Kakashi hummed his agreement. Then after a brief silence, he asked, “What about here? The Underground is in chaos. Now would be the perfect time to claim it.”
She fell quiet as she considered that. With Akatsuki in shambles and Hashirama dead, the Underground had a lot of availability now. It would be the perfect opportunity for her to take over the Eastern Coast. Which she was going to do. Just not in the way Kakashi was expecting.
“Tell Tobirama to take control of Hashirama’s assets. Tenten can have whatever territory is left over.”
Kakashi shot her a look of surprise. “Why would you do that?” When she replied with a meaningful glance, it dawned on him. “Because then they both owe you favors. You can control the Eastern Coast without having to manage it yourself.”
Sakura hummed her agreement.
“Then what will you do?” he asked.
Sakura thought about her next statement carefully. She thought about Tsunade’s parting words, feeling that painful betrayal again. “I want you to spread the word that Tsunade is dead.”
Kakashi glanced at her sharply until the tires bumped over the lane dividers on the highway. He jerked the wheel to straighten their course. “What? After all this, you’re giving everything up?”
She shook her head. “No, just her,” she said. Her voice was soft but she wasn’t able to completely keep the bitterness out of her voice. “From now on, I will be known as Sakura. I won’t give Tsunade the credit any longer.”
He peered in her direction again but said nothing as they continued their drive. The pain in Sakura’s shoulder was beginning to worsen as the drugs faded, but it paled in comparison to the ache in her chest, until she could no longer stand not knowing.
“Where’s Itachi?” she asked quietly.
A heavy silence passed before Kakashi answered, “He was taken to a hospital under the CIA’s protection. I spoke to my contacts there. He’s alive,” he said, causing hope to bloom in her chest. It died on his next words. “But he’s in a coma. He took a bullet to the stomach. They don’t know how well he’ll recover yet or if he’ll even…”
“Or if he’ll even wake up,” Sakura finished, feeling that hole in her heart slowly rip open little-by-little.
Kakashi peered at her, but she didn’t dare look at him. She couldn’t stand his pity at the moment. “I’m sorry, Sakura.”
“Don’t be,” she murmured. “This is my fault. I did this.”
They didn’t speak the rest of the way to Sakura’s apartment. Simply sat in silence as Kakashi steered them across the bridge and back into New York. Before them, the impressive skyline towered on the horizon, but Sakura didn’t see. She was numb to the world around her. Exhausted, both physically and mentally.
It was only once her door opened that Sakura realized they were parked in her underground garage. Kakashi helped her out of her seat before he adjusted her jacket around her shoulders to hide the bulky bandages, lest anyone should pass them.
Blindly, Sakura allowed Kakashi to lead her through the building until they reached her apartment. Kakashi unlocked the door and closed it behind them as Sakura kicked off her shoes. She said nothing as she made a beeline for her bed, letting her jacket drop somewhere on the floor before she slipped under the covers.
Kakashi was at her side a minute later with a spare bottle of prescription pain meds she kept in her medicine cabinet. She popped two in her mouth and greedily sucked down the bottle of water he handed her before she curled up on her uninjured side, her back to him. He simply pulled the covers around her.
“Can I get you anything else?” Kakashi murmured.
Sakura thought of Itachi, but the image of him lying in some government hospital unconscious and hooked up to life support stole her voice. Swallowing, she shook her head. “No.”
She vaguely heard him set something on her nightstand. A moment later, she realized it was her cell phone. “Call me if you need me.”
She said nothing in reply. Merely stared at the wall on the other side of her bed as she listened to Kakashi’s footsteps cross the room before the deadbolt slid back into place.
Sakura didn’t know how long she laid there. The meds took the worst of the bite out of her injury and exhaustion weighed on her like a physical weight, but her mind refused to rest. Her thoughts kept replaying the events at the warehouse. She wondered how she could have changed things, what she could have done differently, but the look on Itachi’s face wouldn’t leave her. It was burned into her mind.
What had she done?
Curling further into herself, Sakura opened her mouth to let out a heavy sigh. What escaped instead was a shuddering breath. And before she could stop it, a wave of emotion washed through her, picking her up and sweeping her out the sea before the currents pulled her under. Her anguish spilled out of her until it clogged her throat and made it near impossible to breathe, filling every corner of her empty apartment.
Or so she thought.
For from the living room, Kakashi said silently on the couch. He listened to each sob that echoed from the bedroom, until the sun was high and exhaustion finally overcame them both. It would be nearly sunrise before they would wake again.
Three weeks later…
Sakura blew the steam off her coffee mug. She waited until it was cool enough not to burn her tongue before she finally took a sip and deemed the flavor to her liking.
Inside the coffeehouse, businessmen and women were hurrying in and out. The little shop was tucked between a large bank and a high rise of offices, making it a popular stop for those on their way into a meeting. A woman stopped beside Sakura and dumped in an unhealthy amount of cream and sugar before she quickly left, apparently running late for something.
With her shoulder still recovering, Sakura had to do most things one-handed. She set her to-go cup down on the counter before she snapped the lid over the top. Before leaving, she checked her phone.
There was a new message from Tenten. She was still on time to getting her shipments dropped off. Tobirama would be back in town tonight to update Sakura on the other shipments leaving Cairo. His plane was to land a few hours after sundown.
Satisfied, Sakura pocketed her phone again before she grabbed her coffee and made for the exit. A man in a nice business suit held the door for her, smiling something a little too friendly as he looked her purposely. Sakura was hardly fazed. She merely returned the smile before she slipped by without a word.
On the sidewalk, she paused to look for Kakashi’s car as she took a sip of her coffee. She didn’t know where Kakashi had gone in the morning rush, but she waited patiently. Ever since he had picked her up from the hospital, he had hardly left her side. He would be there soon.
Lowering her coffee cup, Sakura gazed about the downtown streets lazily. After a few minutes with no sight of Kakashi, she made to shuffle her coffee into her still-healing arm to pull out her phone when something caught her eye.
No, not something. Someone.
It was Shisui. He was standing across the busy street, leaning against the side of a sleek, black Lexus. She recognized it as Itachi’s. But it wasn’t the car that caught her notice. It was Shisui himself. He looked terrible. Absolutely haggard with dark circles under his eyes and his skin a little too pale, even for a New Yorker. He looked like he hadn’t slept, hadn’t eaten in weeks.
And like a candle blowing out in the wind, the warmth left Sakura’s body. She knew what had happened.
They had pulled the plug on Itachi.
She couldn’t explain how she knew it from that single look from Shisui, but she was absolutely certain. Itachi was gone.
As if someone had pressed pause on the television, everything stilled. The people around them, the cars on the city streets. The entire world stopped and held its breath.
Then Shisui turned away and slipped into Itachi’s Lexus. Without a single word, he simply drove away, leaving Sakura alone on the busy sidewalk, the coffee in her cup tasting like mud and ash. The grey city seemed to become even dimmer, like all color had drained out of the world.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Sakura pushed herself to focus on her work, getting shipments ordered, organized and delivered. Her day was over before she realized it and she was forced to face her new reality.
She sent Kakashi away. He had been confused but he didn’t deny her request, and for the first time since she had been shot, Sakura was alone.
She sat in the kitchen chair she had pulled up to the window and sipped on tequila as she tried her best not to think about the shirt in the back of her closet – the one that smelled like Itachi – until suddenly, she realized she was drunk. Apparently, chain-drinking did that.
The urge to give in, to wrap herself up in the last bit of clothing that reminded her of his gentle kisses and tender touch, nearly overwhelmed her, and likely would have if her phone hadn’t abruptly pinged.
It was from Tobirama. He had landed.
Suddenly, Sakura had a far worse idea.
Less than an hour later, a taxi dropped Sakura off in Queens in front of a large house with tall, iron gates. The guard had let her in on-sight, allowing the driver to pull up the well-lit, circular drive to stop before the great mansion.
As Sakura stepped out of the cab, she admired the home. Tobirama had made a few modifications, including more lights that accentuated the stone work. It looked much classier than when Hashirama had lived there.
At the door, a butler greeted her and accepted her jacket. He made himself scarce when Tobirama appeared at the banister and descended the stairs. His hair was still damp from a shower, and he had changed into a grey sweater and a nice pair of cotton, white pants after his flight. Something comfortable but classy lest someone dropped in late. Someone like her.
“Sakura,” Tobirama greeted. His tone was welcoming but obviously curious. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight. Is everything alright?”
She had tried to fill the gaping hole in her chest with tequila, but she smiled nonetheless, hoping she appeared more sober than she felt. “Yes. I hope I’m not intruding.”
His confusion lingered, but he gestured for her to follow him anyway. He led her to the very den she had sat with Hashirama before. Only now it felt different. Less intimidating and more focused. Like an actual office should be.
Inside, a maid was dusting a tall painting of a beautiful forest with horses grazing in the middle. As soon as the worker saw them enter, she quickly stepped off her stool and excused herself, taking the folding steps with her.
Sakura didn’t pay her much mind. Instead she gazed at the painting as she briefly wondered what its significance was. It certainly hadn’t been there while Hashirama lived there, but the thought was fleeting. She turned away when she heard Tobirama pull out two crystal glasses before he poured a couple of fingers in each.
Only after they made themselves comfortable on the lush, leather couch across the room did he finally ask, “Are you really so keen to know how my trip to Egypt went?”
Frankly, Sakura couldn’t care less about Cairo at the moment, but for pretenses, she inclined her head.
They sipped their whiskey as Tobirama updated her. He informed her of Temari’s success in seamlessly taking over Akatsuki’s old territory and contacts, and Tobirama’s latest attempt to track down Madara’s whereabouts. Of course, it had led to another dead end like it had for the last several weeks.
“I know the bastard was there,” Tobirama told her, a small frown on his lips. “But he slipped out before I could track him down.”
“Do you suspect where he went?” she asked.
“Hong Kong.”
Sakura hummed in reply as she sipped more of her drink. The whiskey settled warmly in her stomach, but it did nothing to ease the cold in her chest.
“Once I get my shipments squared away here, I can go there and follow his trail-”
“No,” she shook her head, much to Tobirama’s surprise. “Let him stay there.”
His brows furrowed. “Why would you want to do that?”
“Madara has contacts there that neither of us have. If we go after him, he’ll have us killed on-sight,” she told him, briefly studying the amber liquid in her glass. “There’s one thing I’m certain of and it’s that Madara wants both of us dead; for what we did to Akatsuki and for what we did to Izuna. Let him come to us when he finally decides he can’t live in a world with us in it. For now, he can rot in his hole.”
She finished her statement by swallowing the rest of her drink in one large gulp. Then she stood to place the glass on the desk, out of the way.
“And in the meantime, what do we do?” Tobirama asked.
Sakura turned back around to face him upon his question. She didn’t reply as she eyed him, taking in his relaxed form as he lounged on the leather sofa. The hand grasping his whiskey rested on the arm of the couch while the other rested beside his thigh.
In this setting, he was more handsome than she could ever remember him being. Money looked good on him. And so did she, she decided.
“I’m sure we can think of something,” Sakura replied. Her hand skimmed up the front of her blouse until she found the top button. Then she popped it open.
Tobirama’s glass stilled halfway to his mouth as she approached him. Automatically his gaze was drawn to her cleavage as it was slowly exposed to his viewing. He swallowed thickly before he made a point of meeting her gaze.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice carefully controlled.
Sakura shot him a look as if he had asked the dumbest question in the world before she dropped her shirt to the floor and slipped into his lap. Even with only her lacy, wine-colored bra keeping her decent, his eyes never left hers. He stubbornly kept his hands by his sides.
“What do you think I’m doing?” Sakura countered smoothly.
Something akin to a scowl crossed his face. “I thought we had agreed this was a bad idea.”
Her hands settled on the firm muscles of his chest as her gaze briefly flickered down to his mouth before meeting his gaze once more. When she spoke, her voice had turned soft to something almost vulnerable. “Don’t you ever wish we could go back to the way we started? Before everything got so complicated.”
An unusually serious expression crossed Tobirama’s face. His gaze searched hers, as if wondering where they would be now if things between them hadn’t ended so abruptly. She didn’t know what he saw in her eyes – if he saw anything at all – but then he was downing the rest of his whiskey. He set the glass aside before he twisted a hand into her hair and forced her mouth to meet his.
There was nothing gentle about the way Tobirama held her. He secured an arm around her waist before he picked her up and laid her against the soft leather of the couch, careful of her still-healing shoulder. As soon as she was settled, he was on her again, his knee pressing into the space between her legs as he bit a path down her throat. A sharp gasp escaped her when he found a sensitive spot, but the noise was quickly muffled as he crushed his mouth against hers again.
His kiss felt like drowning. Like she was being pulled beneath the current, her head inches or perhaps miles below the surface. She didn’t know if it eased or just numbed the pain in her chest, but she had the fleeting thought that if it could distract her from her grief if only for a few minutes, then she would take everything she could.
Just as the world had taken everything from her.
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auberghynart · 5 years
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I’ve been gone for a long time because life got in the way, but I’m mostly alright now
Anyway, this is a long overdue secret santa gift for @moonlady9, sorry for the long wait <3 ;_; hope you enjoy <3
71 notes · View notes
moonlady9 · 5 years
Blood Gulch Floods Update
Last Chapter!!
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I loved writing this story, I was excited for every twist and turn, and maybe I lost a few people along the way, but for those that read and enjoyed it until the end, THANK YOU! 
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sakura-blossom28 · 6 years
Blind Date: Part ll
This is a continuation of this.   I think I will continue this as little shorts with no real plot to them, just happy bursts of Sakura and Itachi
I don’t own Naruto!
Itachi found himself sitting in his little brother’s apartment not sure what to make of what he just witnessed.  He thought he saw the real Sakura peaking out, but that was nothing compared to the screaming that he heard.  After facing Sasuke in the hallway and feeling the daggers stabbed into his back from Naruto, he knew he had a lot of explaining to do.  Without even looking back at Sakura who was still trapped in Naruto’s arms, he walked silently into the boys’ apartment.  
As soon as he closed the door it sounded as if a bomb exploded in the hallway. Even though he was behind the door, Itachi could still hear Sakura giving an earful to her two best friends.  Whatever scolding he was about to receive from Sasuke and Naruto would be nothing compared to what Sakura was giving them right now.
Sakura was out of breath from hollering at the two people she cared about the most.  Sometimes they could be so immature!  As she caught her breath she saw that Sasuke was refusing to meet her eyes and Naruto was about to burst into tears.  Sighing Sakura knew she might have taken it a bit too far.
“Look, guys, I know your intentions are good but I am an adult too and I don’t need you two breathing down my neck all the time when it comes to dating.  Ino set me up on this date so I had no idea it would be Itachi, but I like him so I don’t want you two getting in the middle of this.  Itachi and I are going on a second date and I don’t want you guys to mess that up.  Now go back inside and let me cool off.”
Sakura stood there until they both gave a small nod she then turned to unlock her apartment door and stepped inside.  She stood there until she heard the two boys dragging their feet back into their own apartment.  Letting out another deep sigh Sakura had to make a phone call to her blonde best friend that would end with Ino bragging about how right she was.  It was going to be a long call…
Itachi turned around when he heard the door slowly open and saw that Naruto and Sasuke had haggard looks on their faces.  Whatever Sakura said to them must have not been good.  Thankfully Itachi was a kind soul and knew that Sakura would be upset at their actions, but he knew they were coming from a good place so he made tea for Sasuke and a cup of noodles for Naruto. Whenever his mother scolded them for roughhousing he would make them a treat to cheer them up, and this time was no different.  
Itachi gently placed the mug and cup in front to the respected person and both gave a quiet thanks as they slumped into chairs at the counter in their living space.  The older Uchiha stood quietly for them to collect their thoughts on everything that had just happened.  
When they had finally finished their treats Itachi awkwardly cleared his throat. The two boys before him all but lifted their eyes to him without saying a word.  It looked like Itachi would have to start this conversation.  Not being good with understanding his own emotions let alone speaking about them, it was going to be a difficult situation.  
“So…  Do you two want to talk about it?” Itachi carefully asked.  The two boys looked at each other and nodded.  
“Itachi we don’t care that you’re seeing Sakura.  We’re glad it’s you and not some dirtbag.  She’s a good person so don’t you dare break her heart,” Sasuke spoke with such command that Itachi was finally starting to see his little brother as a man.  
“I won’t hurt her I know the pain and I would never do that to another person,” Itachi said without any offense that his brother was looking out for his friend and not him.  He knew how important Sakura was to the both of them.
“Good.  Then you have our blessing!” Naruto exclaimed breaking out into a wide smile.  Itachi let out a breath he did not know he was holding, returning a small smile at Naruto’s words.  He turned to his brother and saw him smirking.  Before Itachi could ask Sasuke spoke.
“So what do you intend to tell Mother?” At this simple question, Itachi felt his stomach drop.  
“Please, let me get to know Sakura first before Mother knows.  I know they have met but it would be safer for everyone if she is told later.”
Sasuke started to chuckle, this was the first time he had the upper hand against Itachi and he would savor this moment forever.
“I don’t think that I’m the one you should be worried about Brother,” Sasuke said as he got up from his chair.
Itachi’s face paled at the thought.  He immediately grabbed his keys while dialing his cell phone while racing out of the apartment.  Poor Naruto was left alone in the kitchen to wonder who in the world could scare Itachi more than the Uchiha matriarch.  
Sakura could hear the smug smile on Ino’s face as she called her and told her about her date with the one and only Itachi Uchiha.  And to make it even worse Ino was being extremely pleasant the whole conversation.  Not even once did she scream in the phone about how she had been right about setting Sakura up with her boss.  It was really grating on Sakura’s emotions that Ino was being so calm during their whole exchange.  
“Fine pig I’ll say it; you were right.  I am so glad you set me up on this date and should have never doubted you.  There, are you happy?!” Sakura growled into the phone.  Ino was silent on the line for a full 30 seconds and literally exploded into laughter that Sakura thought Ino would die from without the intake of the air that she was lacking.  
“Forehead you OWE me big time,” she said between catching her breath.  
“Yes yes I know Ino, I’m hanging up before you can say anymore,” Sakura hung up before Ino could even respond.  
Looking at the time it was about 5 pm and she wasn’t hungry but she did have a strong headache coming on.  She couldn’t decide if it was from the boys or from Ino.  A long soak in her bath would cure that right away.  
It took Itachi 6 tries to reach his cousin Shisui on the phone.  He was already back in his apartment and was getting more frustrated by the second.  Itachi knew that he was ignoring his calls on purpose, but he finally picked up.
“Am I right or am I right?  I know what you’re going to say so there’s no need to say it cousin.  You love me and can’t thank me enough.  I can’t bear the thought of you groveling on my behalf so there’s no need! Now I gotta go there’s so business I need to attend to!”  And with that Shisui hung up without letting Itachi say a single word.  
He couldn’t believe how ridiculous his cousin was.  How they were related would never make sense to him.  Before he could think about it any more Itachi’s phone pinged with a new text message.  
Shisui: Don’t worry I won’t tell your mother.  You better text Sakura tonight and plan your next date before you lose her.
Shisui did have a point.  Itachi was going to call Sakura tomorrow, but after everything that happened today maybe a quick text would be good to see if his brother and his friend ruined his chance with Sakura.  
Itachi was never good at texting so it took him a few tries to get a good enough message to send to Sakura.  He wanted to come off as cool and casual but kept writing it like he was addressing his words as if he was emailing a coworker.   
Itachi: Hope Sasuke and Naruto did not give you too much trouble.  They did seem to come in with their tails between their legs, so whatever you said to them worked.
Simple, with a bit of humor that he was not accustomed to using over text message, but it was a good way to start a conversation no less.  Just as Sakura responded Itachi had enough time to pick up his book and get comfortable on the couch.
Sakura: Those two I can handle.  They have heard my lectures on boundaries enough times over the years. Did they give you the third degree?  It would be like Naruto to do so.  I hope Sasuke wasn’t too upset, you know how he gets.  
It was strange to be speaking to someone who knew so much about his life and family, but he himself had never met her before until today.  Sure he knew just as much about her from the stories he heard, but it was an odd feeling that they had never crossed paths before this day.  It was nice to know that there was someone out there who shared the same special people that he did.  
Itachi: They both surprisingly took the news pretty well.  Sasuke did threaten me, but he is taking better than I would have imagined.
Sakura: Well that is Sasuke for ya.  Hey, would you be free Friday to see a movie with me? It’s an artsy film that no one else wants to see.  You seem like a great person to dissect a film with!
Itachi had never been asked out before.  He was always the one to extend the invitation to the woman, not the other way around. The gentleman in him was kicking himself for letting Sakura initiate the second date.  It was actually kind of nice to see that she was just as interested in him as he was in her.  
He happily agreed and the next thing he knew it was approaching 11 pm and they had not stopped talking again.  When had texting been this easy for him? It was as if Sakura was right next to him and not miles away in another apartment building.  
All of their following conversations continued in the same fluid manner.  They respected each other's jobs and waited under after 5 pm to pick up where they left off, and before they knew it it was Friday and they were getting ready to see their film.  
With tickets in hand, they entered the theater and watched the film.  To Itachi, it was alright, a bit overdramatic for his tastes, but Sakura seemed to be enjoying it so he did not mind.  Especially when she leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm through his.  After that, he kind of forgot to watch the rest of the film.  It was intoxicating to have another person that close again.  Itachi almost forgot what human contact was like.  He quite liked it.  
When the film ended they walked closely together to find something to eat. Sakura seemed to be lost in thought over the film and Itachi let her be.  He looked down to her to see that she had an apologetic look in her eyes.  
“I have a confession to make.  I actually didn’t want to see this film but there’s a patient at work that I’m trying to connect with more and they had mentioned that they were planning on watching this.  I wanted to be able to talk to them about it,” Sakura said with a sheepish grin on her face.  
Itachi couldn’t believe that Sakura would take time out of her personal life just to be able to talk to another person who she probably only sees a few times a year.  He would never take such lengths for a client.  Sakura was a unique person and he was happy that she took the time to connect to her patients, most doctors wouldn’t try that hard.  
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid that I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would,” Itachi said with a small smile gracing his lips.
Sakura looked up to him right then, with her eyes wide and said, “Oh my goodness I’m so glad you said that! I would have felt so bad if I was the only one who didn’t like it! So dramatic! But I can’t say much I love those cheesy action movies and their writing and acting are horrible!”
Itachi gave a small chuckle and could actually feel himself smiling as he looked down at Sakura’s confused face when she heard him laughing.
“Even though I don’t look like it, but I love those movies as well.  I have a questionable amount of those DVDs in my apartment.”
Sakura beamed with excitement at knowing something new about Itachi that seemed totally out of character for him like he said.  The night was still young and she had a new plan.  Sakura grabbed Itachi’s hand and pulled him towards the nearest bus stop where they caught the next bus heading toward Sakura’s apartment.  
Sakura invited Itachi up to watch said cheesy action movies with her after the terrible film they just watched and he agreed.  She promised that she would either cook for them or order something, but Itachi insisted that he would be able to cook something with whatever she had in her kitchen.  
As he was preparing to cook Sakura realized that they were still in their work clothes, her in slacks and heels, Itachi in a full suit.  It seemed both offices didn’t partake in casual Friday.  Before Itachi got to work Sakura approached him with a change of clothes and before he could question her she explained.
“Sasuke and Naruto are always leaving their stuff here so I figured they might fit you too.  I’d hate for the food to ruin your suit.”
As Itachi accepted the clothes he noticed something familiar about them.  On closer inspection, he realized that these were not Sasuke’s clothes but HIS.  He had been missing these sweatpants for months, exactly around when Sasuke stopped in to visit him after a night of partying with his friends.
“I had been wondering where these were.  I am pretty organized with my things so these had been missing for a while, thank you,” Itachi said as casually as possible, but he could already see the distress in Sakura’s face.   
I’ve worn those sweatpants so many times, I’ll miss them, Sakura said to herself.  She gave a weak laugh and walked into her bedroom to get changed herself.  When she was out of sight Itachi pulled out his phone and placed an order for the same pair of sweatpants, just a couple of sizes smaller and got to work on making their dinner.  
Sakura cleared everything off of her coffee table to make room for their dinner and glasses.  She had already popped her favorite action movie into the DVD player and was waiting to start the movie when Itachi came over with two plates in his hands.  When he saw what movie was playing he had to hold back the smile that was coming on to his lips.
“Sakura, I thought we were going to watch a cheesy action movie? This movie is actually good.”
When she looked at him Itachi could practically see hearts forming in her eyes. This made his heart pump a little faster.  No one had ever looked at him before with such affection projected into them.  This must be why Sasuke and Naruto could never stop talking about her.  
“This is my all time favorite movie so of course it’s going to be good!” Sakura chuckled.  They ate their dinner silently as they were engrossed in the movie.  
Not one second after they finished eating their meal, there was a knock on the door.  More like someone was pounding on the other side.  Sakura paused the movie and checked to see who it was.  An audible groan escaped Sakura's mouth as she ripped open her front door.  
Itachi leaned back on the couch to get a better view of the door only to see Sakura standing there with her arms crossed and shoulders tense as she looked at Naruto who was looking past her in search of food and Sasuke attempting to look cool and uninterested, in typical Uchiha style.
“Sakura something smells so good! We could smell it all the way down the hallway! Do ya got any more to share? Me and Sasuke are HUNGRY.  HEY wait a minute!  You were gonna watch that movie with us! Who’s here anyway?” Naruto spoke in a rushed voice.  That meant he had not eaten in the last couple of hours.  As he looked around he spied Itachi relaxing on Sakura’s couch as if it was the most normal thing in the world.  He gave a simple nod to the blond who looked a little confused at seeing him in Sakura’s apartment.  
Without a word, Sakura went into her kitchen and placed their leftover dinner onto a plate and handed it to Naruto.  
“Remember what I said about boundaries.  Return the plate tomorrow and it better be washed,” she said in a low voice and quietly shut the door in the blond’s face.  When she heard them walk away she released a deep sigh.  She walked back to the couch and ungracefully plopped into the spot next to Itachi.  
“I think you handled that very well.  No screaming on either end so that’s a plus,” Itachi said while looking at Sakura who was slumped down on the couch. She sat up straight without realizing how close she was to him.  
“Hmm I guess you’re right,” she said with a smile, now seeing that they were both in each other’s personal space.  Sakura kept a soft smile on her face as she looked into Itachi’s dark eyes.  Even though he looked similar to Sasuke, she could see so many differences between the brothers.  
Itachi’s eyes were softer than Sasuke’s.  Not as harsh and they held the wisdom of someone who was much older than he appeared.  Sakura couldn’t tell who made the first move, but the next thing she knew, her eyes were closed and Itachi’s soft lips were against hers.  He was gentle, never making moves to go further, he was enjoying their first kiss just as much as she was.  He slowly brought his right hand up to cup her face while Sakura placed her hand on his chest.  
When they broke apart both looked at each other with small smiles and hooded eyes.  Sakura gave Itachi one last kiss and curled into him while pulling a blanket around them from the back of the couch.  Itachi being a bit taken aback from such a kiss took a second to collect himself and placed his arm around Sakura as they started the movie again.  
As the credits rolled onto the screen Itachi noticed that it was getting late and should be heading back to his own apartment, he was still a gentleman after all and there would be no way he would be staying the night on the second date. He looked down to see that Sakura had fallen asleep.  Itachi didn’t have the heart to wake her up or leave her on the couch.  He very carefully scooped Sakura up and walked into her bedroom.  
The room matched the rest of the apartment in being more neutral colors with little furniture inside.  She did have a white vanity against the far wall in the corner of her room.  Itachi could see all of Sakura’s makeup and accessories were all neatly placed in their own spots.  It was good to know that she was as organized as he was.  
He gently placed her on her bed that was mostly white with green vines on the sheets that matched her light green walls.  The colors all complimented Sakura’s unique hair and this room especially made her hair stand out.  Itachi brushed the hair out of her eyes feeling that her hair was a soft as it looked.  He was actually pained to leave her, but he had to.  
Itachi could feel it in his gut that Sakura was a special person and he would have to do his best to keep her in his life.  He was not a man to believe in fate and signs but never had he become so attached to someone before in such a short amount of time.  This had the potential to become something special and he would be damned if he let his past corrupt what happiness could be in his future.  He was ready to move on from this heartache and so he chose Sakura to put his energy into, he just hoped that she would not be scared off by the intense emotions that he was feeling.  
He knew he was rushing things but he always believed in his gut decisions and they had never failed him before.  Sakura was extraordinary from everything he learned about her and only time would tell what would happen between them.  
As he locked the door behind him, Itachi felt hopeful about, dare he say it, love, for the first time in a long time.  He would do everything in his power to be the best version of himself for Sakura and in time maybe she too would feel these intense emotions for him as well.  
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