#anyway i go to sleep to him mumbling things at me and i’ve woken up hours later and he’s still on the phone just snoring away in my ear rn
we-return-in-waves · 2 years
not to be gross on main but i lov my partner 😩
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renecdote · 1 year
@nymika-arts said that Buck probably didn't even know he had lichtenberg figures because he was in a coma for days and then she chose violence by also saying 'eddie tracing patterns in his skin where the figures once were and buck never knowing that that's why' so then I had a heap of feelings and wrote this about it
It’s not the first time Buck has woken up like this: Eddie’s body a warm weight against his side, the room dim in a way his apartment never quite gets, Eddie’s fingers tracing idle patterns on his shoulder and down his chest, lines branching out over his heart.
“Morning,” Buck mumbles before he gets his eyes open, blinking away sleep so that his boyfriend (his best friend, his everything) comes into focus.
Eddie’s hand skims down over his stomach, then disappears. He’s smiling when he answers, “Good morning.”
Buck smiles back. “You okay?”
There’s a tiredness in Eddie’s face that wasn’t there when they went to sleep last night, a heaviness dragging down his shoulders, but even as Buck watches, something lighter creeps in to chase it away.
“I was just thinking about how lucky I am.”
“Oh yeah?”
Buck tugs him in by the shirt and Eddie comes easily, his arm bracing on the pillow as they kiss. The first time they did this, Buck tried to turn away—wait, I’ve got morning breath—but Eddie just rolled his eyes and said, I’ve waited five years to kiss you, do you really think I care about morning breath? It might have been the most romantic thing Eddie has ever said to him. Or perhaps just the most memorable for the way they both laughed through the first attempt at a kiss and ended up getting up to brush their teeth anyway.
“Mmhm,” Eddie hums against his lips. “Because you’re going to make me breakfast.”
Amusement bubbles with the happiness coursing through Buck’s veins. “That’s why you’re lucky?“
“Well,” pretending to think about it, “I got to wake up with you too, so.”
There’s a soft, gooey spot in Buck’s chest just for Eddie. It nudges right up against the spot for Christopher and the one for the little family the three of them make, all overlapping his heart.
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. “I’m pretty lucky too.”
When he holds Eddie close to kiss him again, his hand finds the spot where a bullet almost took his partner away and he swears, for a moment, that he can still taste the blood. Then Eddie’s hand slips under his shirt to touch warm skin and it’s just them, the early morning, and the life stretching out in front of them. Suddenly, it doesn’t really feel like luck at all.
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ladyfogg · 2 years
Impulse - Part 4
Impulse – Part 4
Fic Summary: Your morning is ruined by your mother’s meddling but Eddie helps you feel better. Impulse Masterpost. Eddie Munson Oneshots Masterpost. 
Fic Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Virgin Female Reader (Reader is 18)
Warnings: Language, Strict/Overbearing Parents, Canon Divergent, Angst, Comfort, Oral (female receiving), Masturbation (male)
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A/N: I’ve been working on this for the better part of a month. Dumb health issues kept throwing away my inspiration. Thanks for your patience! Enjoy!
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The next morning, you’re too comfortable to fully wake. You know it’s early by the annoying birds singing outside your window but the room is wonderfully cool and you’re snuggled and warm.
You pry your eyes open and are greeted by the sight of Eddie’s wild hair. It takes a moment to register what you’re looking at. When you remember that Eddie stayed with you last night, you smile to yourself. He’s face-first in your pillow, his arm slung around your waist while one of his legs hangs off the bed. The blanket slid off during the night and you can see his naked backside, a pretty glorious sight first thing in the morning.
Being this close to Eddie gives you a chance to admire the finer details of his face. The slope of his nose, the light dusting of freckles, the fullness of his pink lips. All of those things serve as a reminder of how fucking beautiful he is. Even when his hair is a rat’s nest and he’s drooling on your pillow.
What would it be like to wake up like this all the time?
So far, your life has been so lonely. Forced to do nothing but chores and schoolwork, finding someone to connect with sounded like a pipe dream. This is the first morning you’ve ever woken up with someone and it makes you wish it could always be this way. Ever since Eddie entered your life, the loneliness had begun to fade. Now that it has, you don’t ever want to go back to way things used to be.
As if sensing your thoughts, Eddie mumbles in his sleep and tightens his hold on you, dragging you closer. Buried in his chest, you smile and close your eyes, reveling in the affection.
Sleep is just starting to lure to you back when there’s a knock on your door and your mom calls your name. Groaning in annoyance, you snuggle deeper into Eddie’s embrace, determined to block out the world. A moment later, your mom knocks again and it’s enough to jolt you fully awake. Shit!
“Eddie!” you hiss, violently shaking him. “Eddie, wake up!”
He groans. “What?”
There’s another knock and that makes him shoot up, his face covered with pillow creases. He looks confused, like he can’t quite remember where he is. It’s not until he meets your gaze that you see the recognition as he realizes what’s happening.
“Hide! Into the closet!” you urge quietly, shoving him out of the bed.
He rolls out and lands on his hands and feet like a damn cat before scrambling up and launching himself into the closet. You hurriedly close it, then shove his pants and underwear under the bed.
Your mom is still knocking.
“I’m up, I’m up,” you tell her while you hop into a pair of shorts. Making sure you’re put together, you open the door, but just enough so she only sees you. You don’t want to open it further and have her mistake it for an invitation.
“Good morning,” your mom says as she puts her earrings on. “Don’t go back to sleep. You’re going to miss the bus if you don’t hurry.”
“I know, mom. I’m aware of the morning routine.”
“I’m just saying. Also, don’t forget to eat something. You’ve got about twenty minutes before the bus gets here.”
“Mom, I know, I’ve been doing this for four years. You don’t have to tell me the schedule. Besides, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m not taking the bus.”
“Eddie is bringing me.”
You could have said nothing, could have just let her think you were going to do business as usual. But you don’t. It doesn’t make sense to ride on an overly full, loud bus when Eddie can bring you. After all, he is your boyfriend (oh my god you have a boyfriend) and you’re not going to let her or your dad shame you for it.
You see the disappointment cross her face. When she says your name, it’s in that “mom tone”. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Eddie Munson is a bad influence.”
“You don’t even know him. He’s actually very sweet. Besides, who I choose to spend time with is up for me to decide.”
“You know how we feel about this. I just think you’re letting your infatuation get the best of you.”
“Oddly enough, mom. This isn’t about you.”
“You’re right. It’s about what’s best for you. I think as your mother, I would know what that is.”
“Funny. I figured I would know what’s best for me, given as I’m my own person and all.”
“You’re young. You don’t understand how the world works. I—”
Dear god were you not in the mood to continue this conversation. “Do you realize how many times you talk about yourself when telling me what to do?” you ask.
She frowns. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, that this conversation isn’t about me or what’s best for me. It’s about you. It’s always about you and what you want. It’s never really about me, is it?”
Your mom’s eyes widen. “Oh you’re being ridiculous. I don’t do that. I was only—”
“There you go again. ‘I’ this and ‘I’ that. I know what you’re doing,” you cut her off. “Anything else about my life you want to meddle in?”
“Don’t you take that tone with me!”
“Or what?”
She huffs and crosses her arms. “Listen here, young lady. If I talk about myself, it’s because I’ve experienced way more of the world than you have. I know what guys like Eddie Munson are interested in.”
“I seriously doubt that. Save your breath. I’m tired of the lectures.”
Her eyes flash with anger and her hands fall to her hips. “All this talking back...it’s like you want us to punish you.”
“That’s what a conversation is, mom. Two people exchanging words. Also, as if you ever needed an excuse before to punish me. I look at you two differently and you and dad are quick to send me to my room.” Your voice rises, shaking with emotion you can barely contain. Your hand is gripping the doorknob tight enough to hurt.
Your mother tries to hush you. “Your father is sleeping. Keep your voice down.”
“Well, stop purposefully saying shit to get a rise out of me.”
“That’s not what I’m doing.”
“Then why are you still standing here scolding me when you have to get to work?”
She sucks her teeth and puts her hands up in surrender. “I am done. I’m not going to be late because you want to throw a hissy fit. This new attitude of yours isn’t very lady-like.”
“Too bad, because it’s all I have left. I hope you have the day your deserve.”
You slam the door in her face and purposely lock it. Leaning against the wood, you take a few deep breaths in an attempt to quell the trembling in your limbs. You don’t know how much longer you can stay in this house dealing with that bullshit every day.
The closet door quietly slides open and Eddie peeks out. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“No. I’m sorry for all. She has no right to say anything about you. She doesn’t even know you.”
“I don’t give a rat's ass about what she thinks. All I care about is what you think.”
“I think you’re amazing.”
“And I think you deserve to be treated better,” he says in a low voice, shaking his head. “I can’t believe how she just keeps going after you like that. You weren’t kidding about their bullshit.”
You push off the door and collapse on your bed with a heavy sigh. “Believe it or not, that was mild.” You feel strangely validated that someone finally sees what you’ve been dealing with all this time. You’ve been told one too many times that you overreact and part of you had started to actually believe it. Eddie’s words promptly squashes your doubts. No, you haven’t been overacting. It really has been this bad.
Eddie leans on the door, looking at you with sympathy in those dark eyes. “She’s really quick to throw that out punishment card around.”
“You have no idea.”
“You need to get out of this place.”
“Understatement of the century.” Looking at him, you can’t help but giggle, you’re sour mood rapidly dissipating. “I’m sorry but it’s hard to take you seriously when you’re straight up shirt-cocking it right now.”
Eddie grins, shamelessly strutting towards you with his naked lower half on full display. The rude awakening and shrill voice of your mother had killed his morning wood but it’s still an impressive sight. It sure takes your mind off what just happened.
“Hey, as long as it gets you to smile, I don’t care,” he says.
He falls next to you on the bed and drapes his arm around your waist, tugging you closer. You nuzzle yourself under his chin, burying your face in his shirt. It instantly relaxes you. You’ve never understood all those books and movies that talk about feeling safe and secure in someone’s arms until Eddie put his arms around you. It doesn’t matter care that you’re technically supposed to be getting ready for school. All you want to do is lay there with Eddie. You two have been content in your own little bubble. It sucks to have the outside world attempting to pop it.
“We’re skipping today,” Eddie declares, rubbing soothing circles on back. “Graduation is in three days. No one is going to care or even notice. You’re going to have some fucking fun for a change.”
That sounds amazing. You’re instantly on board. “What did you have in mind?”
“Definitely a big breakfast. There’s a diner in town that makes fucking amazing food. We’re going to eat, my treat, then just drive around and see where the road takes us. No rules, no schedule. Just go with the flow.”
“I’m in. Can we hit Lover’s Lake? It’s supposed to be warm today and I’ve never been.”
“Hell yeah. But first, I need to grab some fresh clothes from home.”
Thinking of why he needs fresh clothes makes you smirk. “Deal.” Reluctantly, you draw out of Eddie’s embrace. “Speaking of clothes. I need to get dressed. And you should probably put your pants on.”
“Yeah, probably. Definitely not looking forward to that for several reasons.”
You heave yourself out of bed and head to the closet, grabbing the first t-shirt and jeans you can find. Until you remember that, you’ll probably need a bathing suit if you’re going to the lake. This makes you realize that you’re going to have to get fully naked in front of Eddie to change into said bathing suit. Glancing over, he clearly came to that conclusion before you did because he hasn’t moved. He’s still lounging on your bed, watching you like a hawk, his gaze drinking you in.
“You just going to lie there and stare at me while I change?” you tease.
“I was planning on it,” he says with a toothy grin. “Unless you’d rather I didn’t. Just say the word and I’ll close my eyes.”
You ponder for a minute. “Close your eyes,” you conclude. “Not because I don’t mind you seeing me naked but because I want the first time to be during our first time.”
Eddie’s cheeks have gone pink and you watch as his pupils dilate. “Fuck, sweetheart. Do you know what it does to me when you say, ‘our first time’?”
You purposefully glance down. His dick is half-hard now, swelling the longer you look. Your gaze shifts back to Eddie’s and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Dropping your clothes, you walk back towards him, crawling onto the bed.
“Does thinking about us having sex get you hard, Eddie?” you ask in a low voice.
“Thinking of you doing anything gets me hard.”
Without hesitation, he yanks you up and into a deep kiss. Laying back, he drags you over him as you heatedly make out. You’re never going to get over this, never going to stop being amazed at how much you affect Eddie. He always kisses you like he can’t get enough, like he’s addicted to your mouth and eager for another fix. His hands slide down to your hips, pushing on the hem of your panties. You lay a hand over his to stop him for a second. Drawing back from the kiss, you stare into his eager brown eyes.
“What’s your plan, Munson?” you ask.
Eddie doesn’t speak. With a grin and a wag of his eyebrows, he slides underneath you. While does, he drags your panties down and lays kisses along your stomach. Your arms immediately buckle while you bite back an excited noise. You’d been thinking of his mouth ever since your date and when he peppers your thighs with kisses, it takes all your strength not to collapse.
You just got a boyfriend. You don’t want to accidentally smother him to death with your thighs.
Evidently, Eddie doesn’t care because the moment his tongue glides through your folds, he wraps his arms around said thighs and tugs you down on top of him.  With your lower half barely staying up, you bury your face in your pillow and wrap your arms around it to muffle your moan. This certainly isn’t what you expected to happen so early in the morning, but damn if you’re not excited to go along for the ride.
Eddie’s lips and tongue are everywhere as he eats you out. Whereas the first time he went deliberately slow, now it’s like he’s not holding back. His eagerness and excitement get the best of him. After several long strokes, his tongue immediately pushes into you as far as possible. You gasp, body automatically clenching around the intrusion. He lets out a muffled whimper, like he’s been waiting for this moment for far too long.
Heat envelopes your body along with excited shivers.
Eddie makes out with your pussy, treating your hole like he would your mouth. That wonderfully quick tongue of his flicks in and out, sending shockwaves of pleasure up and down your dipped spine. You wish you were kissing him but that would take his attention away from where you want him most.
Your body twitches and grinds with him, completely lost in the spectacular sensations. God, no one told you how fucking mind numbing oral could be. Even after already experiencing it, you’re fully unprepared for the all-consuming intensity. Your thoughts and your anxieties melt away until all that remains is Eddie and his wonderful mouth.
Always Eddie.
He’s found his way into the very depths of your consciousness until all you can think about, dream about, is him.
When he wraps his lips around your clit and greedily sucks, you gasp. However, the sound isn’t solely because of pleasure. It’s because in that moment, bent over Eddie’s head with your teeth digging into your pillow and his mouth adoring your pussy, you realize how much you love him. It’s a startling realization during a vastly inappropriate time.
It happened fast. It happened suddenly. And it shouldn’t surprise you but it does.
You’re in love with him. Probably have been since that first interaction in the woods. Definitely have been since he opened his van and showed you how he setup the back for your date. He’s always thinking of you, making sure you’re comfortable, safe, happy. Since the second you two left the school together that fateful afternoon he’s made it his mission to treat you like a queen.
Reaching underneath yourself, your hand finds his hair and your fingers bury into the knotted locks. You feel his moan when you do, the vibrations dragging a low moan out of you. The coolness of his rings dig into your thigh, the familiar hardness triggering even more waves of pleasure. They’re going to leave imprints and you’re so ready for it. Your hips move on their own, grinding harder against Eddie’s face.
He starts to shake and tremble but it takes you a second to notice because you’re so fucking blissed out by his mouth.
Once you do notice, there’s a brief moment of concern. Lifting your head is hard; your body is working on its own and your brain doesn’t catch on right away. Eventually you’re able to drag your eyes open to see what’s going on.
Vision swimming, you glance over your shoulder and what you witness rips another moan out of you.
Eddie’s hand is moving fast, tugging urgently on his dick. Holy shit, he’s jerking off while eating you out. You’ve gotten him so turned on that he’s had to touch himself and you haven’t even done anything. You remember what that’s like, remember needing to touch yourself while you had him in your mouth. Face hot and breathing heavy, you watch the display, wishing you had a better angle.
One day, you’re going to ask him to give you a proper show. You want the full view, want to sit back and stare unashamedly as Eddie touches himself. You want to savor the flush of his cheeks and chest, how he pants and moans. You want to watch as he cums.
The noises coming out of him are plentiful. Part of you hates that they’re muffled, but then the other part reminds you that they’re muffled because his mouth is bringing you closer to the edge with each passing second.
Your hand is gripping his hair tight, tugging in warning while you bite your pillow once more.
One second drags by. Then another. And another. And another…
Time is meaningless. You don’t know how long you lay there. Could be five minutes, could be twenty. And when Eddie finally does get you off, you’re shaking from fatigued anticipation. Your thighs tremble and your body is drenched in sweat. You can only imagine what a mess his face must be, especially when a fresh wave of wetness seeps out while your orgasm reaches its peak.
Eddie gives one final moan, lapping your slick up with long strokes of his talented tongue.
You feel him freeze for a second and you watch ropes of cum decorate his fist and thighs. A satisfied smile makes it’s way across your face.
There’s stillness. Neither of you move as you try to come back to yourselves. A few seconds later, Eddie slides the rest of the way down the bed and onto the floor. “I could do that forever,” he pants.
What little strength you have gives out and you flop onto your back, gasping for breath. “Jesus Christ,” you gasp, pressing a hand to your racing heart. You swear it’s going to burst out of your chest.
“Please, just call me Eddie.”
Giggling, you roll over so you can meet his eye over the foot of the bed. He’s flat on his back, lower half decorated by his own release. His face is red and covered in a sheen that you know is not sweat. His hair is even more wild than it was when he woke up. Overall, he looks like a giant dirty mess and you fucking love it.
“This is the best morning of my life,” you say, still trying to catch your breath.
Eddie reaches up to tweak your nose, an action that is so sweet and childish that it makes you giggle again. “Best morning of your life, so far,” he amends.
“You’re amazing, you know that?”
He tucks his hands behind his head and looks smug. “I had an inkling, yes.”
“Smug bastard.”
“I’m aware. You’re amazing too, you know.”
“I didn’t even do anything.”
Eddie wipes his face on the hem of his shirt as he sits up. He props his chin on the bed, only an inch or two away. “Just because you didn’t touch me doesn’t mean you didn’t do anything. It definitely doesn’t mean you didn’t get me off,” he says. “You being you was more than enough. God, pulling on my hair and grinding on my face? Heaven. And the sounds you made? Fucking hot as hell.”
Heat rises in your cheeks as his admission. You don’t know what to say or think. The thought that someone finds you sexy is still a hard concept to grasp. “I’m glad smothering you helped,” you tease.
“Sweetheart, you can smother me all you want. If I die by your pussy, I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Laughing, you grab his shirt and yank him into a quick kiss. “Come on, let’s get dressed and get the fuck out of here. We have school to skip.”
Eddie cups your cheek, forcing you to look him in the eye as you try to draw back. You expect him to say something. It looks like he wants to say something. His beautiful brown eyes are hooded and the smile he’s giving you is filled with such affection, it makes your breathing hitch.
No one has ever looked at you the way he is right now.
But instead of speaking, he leans up and kisses your forehead. There is a storm of emotion raging inside as you watch him stand. You want to tell him. You want to say those three words. And yet, you don’t. You can’t.
It’s too soon, you say to yourself as you roll out of bed to get ready. You’re going to scare him off. Take it slow. Enjoy it.
When you catch Eddie grinning at you, you know it’s much easier said than done.
@sammararaven @ms1oftheboys @tlclick73 @sannedbx @ruinedbythehobbit @dresseduplikeacarcrash @whimsywisher @lacrymosa-24 @ethereal27cereal @churchmuffins @gabrielsgoldengrace @eddiethesexy @erinsingalong​ @boomhauer​ @eagerbby​
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Nineteen: The Morning After
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: Valentina faces her actions of the previous evening
Warnings: you might need your tissues again
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
Valentina’s POV
Waking up in an unfamiliar bed wasn’t something new to me but something that I hadn’t woken up to for what felt like an eternity was the smell of Charles. The smell alone caused my heart rate to increase, the smell felt like home and made me feel safe, it was something that always helped me forget my worries.
Jolting upright I roughly rubbed my eyes with my palms, trying to get my brain to wake up. Memories of last night flooded my mind and I wasn’t sure what to do. The bed was empty meaning Charles was already up so I couldn’t exactly sneak out the hotel room. Running my hands over my face I let out a long sigh, I didn’t mean to fall asleep in Charles arms but here I was debating on what my next move was.
I found myself fiddling with the yarn bracelet, squeezing my eyes closed, there was nothing I could do other than facing the music. It wasn’t like I could embarrass myself even more than I did last night so I didn’t have much more to lose.
Rolling out of bed I ran my fingers through my hair, mustering up the courage to face the music. As I reached the bedroom door the smell of fresh coffee wafted under my nose causing me to pull the door open.
Scanning the room I spotted Charles leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug in his hands, keeping his gaze on his phone propped up against the wall. I couldn’t quite hear what he was saying but his smile was as bright as the morning sun that was cascading over the apartment.
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my phone on the opposite side of the kitchen, keeping my head down I moved silently across the room not wanting to disturb Charles as I quickly realised he was on a video call, I just hoped I could stay out of the camera not wanting to cause people to ask questions.
I thought I was being sneaky but obviously not.
“Mon garçon, c'est mon petit ange avec toi ? My boy, is that my little angel with you?” Pascale beamed through the phone.
“Shit.” I mumbled, under my breath as Charles spun around smiling at me.
“How you feeling this morning?” He hummed, moving over to the coffee machine, pouring me a drink.
“Like death warmed up,” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “Maybe the JD and flu meds weren’t the best thing to be mixing. But last night was the best night's sleep I’ve had recently so guess that’s a plus.”
Charles walked around the kitchen, standing in front of me before handing me the coffee, his fingers instantly brushed against my cheek as the smile grew that bit wider. “You have a bit more colour back in your cheeks.” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “You spoke to Pierre yet? He was pretty worried about you last night.”
“I left my phone out here last night,” I hummed, taking a sip of the coffee. “I will text him soon, I need a ride back to my hotel anyway.”
A brief silence fell over the two of us, both forgetting he was on the phone until Pascale started coughing, gaining our attention.
“Have fun explaining this one.” I chuckled, tapping his chest before squeezing past him with my phone and coffee in hand. “Bonjour maman, au revoir maman. Hello Mum, goodbye Mum.” I hollered as I walked past the camera.
“Charles Marc Herve Perceval Leclerc, you better give me some answers now.” I heard Pascale shout down the phone as I flopped on the sofa, there was no way I was missing this.
I honestly thought this morning was going to be extremely awkward but it was like the hands of time had rolled back and I wasn’t sure if that scared me or excited me. Unlocking my phone I checked the message from the last 24 hours.
05.04 - Huds
Spoke to Pierre and he said you went over to Charles?
Hope everything went okay
06.24 - VH
Nailed half a bottle of JD before coming here
06:24 - Huds
06:25 - VH
It’s a long story
Gonna head to the paddock today
06:25 - Huds
You feeling better?
06:26 - VH
A bit
I think being out of the hotel will help more.
You gonna be there?
06:26 - Huds
Of course, sweetheart
We need to keep the press off us
Once you are ready we will tell the world
06:27 - VH
Sounds good
Thanks for being such an amazing person
Meet me at my hotel in a couple of hours?
06:27 - Huds
See you soon trouble!
Letting out a sigh of relief, I was glad he would still be showing his face with me at the track. It meant I wouldn’t get hounded on why he wasn’t with me. Swiping onto Pierre’s conversation I shot him a text asking him to pick me up from Charles hotel, the moment I saw the three little dots dancing at the bottom of the screen I locked my phone not wanting to get into everything with him over text.
Leaning back on the sofa I tossed my phone onto the cushion next to me, grasping the mug with both hands as Charles took a seat next to me. Automatically I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Where do we go from here?” Charles whispered, placing his hand on my leg.
“I don’t know Char.” I hummed, keeping my gaze trained on the brown liquid in the mug. I honestly didn’t know where to turn from here all I knew was I didn’t want to jump straight into anything right now.
“I meant what I said last night, you know.” Charles whispered, taking my hand in his. “I want us to start over again, I don’t care how long it takes, I will wait as long as you need.” He paused for a second before carrying on. “I hate myself for what I did to you, and I would walk through hell and back for you.”
Pulling away from him, I tucked my legs under my thighs, placing the mug on the coffee table. As much as I needed to listen to my heart I wouldn’t just jump into something causing myself to get burned again.
“We just need to take each day as it comes.” I whispered, taking his hand in mine. “There is a lot of trust that needs to be rebuilt, I need to protect my heart, it can't take you walking out on me again.”
“I swear on my life I would never be stupid enough to walk out on you again babygirl.” he said softly, pressing a tender kiss to my knuckles. “I paid the price for that once already and if you give me a second chance I sure as hell don’t plan on making that mistake again. We will take baby steps, I just need you back in my life.”
“Okay, Bear, baby steps.” I hummed, feeling my phone buzz against the sofa. Picking my phone up I saw Pierre had text saying he was outside. “That’s my ride, see you on the paddock, Huds will be there so please just play nice and follow our lead, we haven’t announced the break up yet.”
“I always play nice, babe.” he grinned, winking at me before pulling me into a tight hug. “Now go before Pierre comes up here, dragging you out by your hair.” he laughed, pressing a kiss against the top of my head.
Pulling away from the hug, I pushed myself to my feet, shooting a text to Pierre saying I would be down in a second before tucking it into my hoodie pocket. As I walked across the room I was just about to leave the room when Charles called out.
“Don’t forget your hat and sunglasses.” he laughed, pointing to the items on the small table by the door.
Shaking my head I put the garments on, securing them in place before pulling my hood up. “Later, Leclerc.” I hollered, flashing him the peace sign over my shoulder.
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It was good to be back on the paddock, even though I wasn’t racing this place felt like home. Hudson had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we walked through the paddock.
“You doing okay?” He asked softly.
“Feel more hungover than ill.” I groaned, leaning into him.
“I meant more after you nailed half a bottle of Jack.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess.” I hummed, looking up at him. “Think it’s gonna take a bit of time to get used to you know.”
“That’s understandable, sweetheart.”
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Pierre and Charles talking, every so often they glanced over to me. They were definitely not being subtle about it.
Flashing them both a smile Hudson and I carried on walking through the paddock making our way to the Alpha Tauri garage.
Watching the race from the garage was killing me, all I wanted to do was get out on the track but that wasn’t possible right now.
Before this weekend I had a decent advantage for the World Driver Champion but apparently Charles was taking full advantage that I wasn’t on the track because the boy was flying out there and I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it as he made a start on closing the gap on the points.
Feeling Josh plant his hands down on my shoulders I tore my gaze away from screens I looked up at him.
“He is killing it out there.” I said with a proud smile on my face.
“Don’t worry kiddo, you will widen the gap next weekend in Japan.” Josh laughed.
“Yeah, Japan.” I sighed, it was the one track I was dreading racing on. The memories that the trake held were painful. “It’s gonna be a tough race for sure.”
“Jules will be watching down on you.” Josh whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “He is always watching down on you.”
He was right, next weekend's race would be an emotional one but with Uncle J watching down on me I knew I could get through the weekend.
But that was a hurdle further down the road, the main one I would have to accomplish would come in a couple of days when I fed myself to the wolves that was the world of social media.
I had no idea I had been zoned out for but I was rudely pulled from my thoughts when Charles was poking me in the side like an annoying toddler.
“How old are you again, Leclerc?” I laughed, rolling my eyes at the over excited Monégasque.
“Whatever.” He hummed, the smug smirk was present on his face. “Just know I’m taking WDC this year.”
“Yeah, yeah in your dreams.” I giggled, watching him walk off waving the trophy in the air.
“Can’t hear you over the trophy, Hendrix.”
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all-the-things-2020 · 9 months
All Our Future Prospects -Chapter Two
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Summary: Claire and Ezra settle in on the transport and she learns a bit about his past.
Rating: PG
Claire woke up to the sound of Ezra tripping over a loose cable on his way to the lavatory. He mumbled a few choice curse words before shutting the lav door as quietly as he could.
“I’m awake,” she said when he emerged a few minutes later. “You don’t need to try to be quiet.”
“Sorry for waking you, birdie,” he said, his voice rough with sleep. “Should have cleared the path to the lav before we bunked down.”
Now her own bladder was clamoring for attention, and she folded back her blanket, bracing for the chill across her shoulders as she sat up. “It’s okay,” she said. “Probably would have woken up soon anyway.”
Ezra had kicked the cable out of the way, so she had no problem navigating the short walk to the lav, even in the dim light. On her way back to bed, she glanced at the chronometer on the computer panel.
“Five hours,” she yawned. “I need at least eight.”
Ezra chuckled from beneath his blanket. “Five hours is a pleasant night when you’re out prospecting,” he said. “I’ve managed on less, although I agree that eight is much more satisfying.” He let out a long, contented sigh. “I must say, at least we’ll be assured of getting all the rest we need. No shipboard duties, no tools to clean, nothing to repair … just a comfortable bunk and plenty of time to dream.”
She snuggled back under her blanket. “Nice if it was a little warmer, though,” she said. It wasn’t exactly cold in the capsule, but it was chilly.
“We could always share our warmth, if you’re amenable to that,” Ezra said hesitantly.
“Let’s keep that option in reserve, shall we?,” she replied, her heart pounding. “I’m not in the habit of … sharing warmth … with people I’ve just met.”
“Fair enough,” Ezra said. “Sweet dreams, little owl.”
And just like that, he dropped the subject. In the silence that enveloped them, Claire concentrated on calming her breath. Ezra’s rather polite proposal had put her on alert, her body coursing with adrenaline. The problem was, she didn’t know if it was from fear or excitement. And she was even less sure if she was grateful or disappointed that he’d let the matter go so easily.
It was ridiculous to think about sharing a bed with a man she barely knew. If they’d been in danger of hyperthermia, of course, it would be a matter of survival, but they were perfectly safe. There was no need to share the blankets or anything else. Still, as she began to relax, she wondered how effectively Ezra was able to hold someone close with only one fully functioning arm. Her mind was still mulling over the details when she drifted back to sleep.
Other than eating and sleeping (and the daily radio check from the transport crew), there wasn’t much to do in the capsule. Ezra filled the hours with his stories. Some were from his own rather eventful life; others were things he’d heard second or third hand from those he’d encountered during his travels. Listening to him was soothing at first, since he didn’t expect any response from her. With Lillian, she had always had to be alert, scrabbling in her mind for an answer to a question or a lie to cover up the fact that she had no answer.
After a while, though, Claire started to feel guilty about letting Ezra do all the talking. She wanted to contribute to the conversation, but her life, in comparison to his, had been narrow and boring.
“You don’t have to keep me entertained, you know,” she said one day.
“I’m entertaining myself as well,” he replied. “Although, I wouldn’t mind a story or two from you, if you’re so inclined.”
She snorted. “I don’t have any stories. Unless you want to hear about the time I had to take an exam with a fever of 38 degrees and my parents were more upset about the 75 percent I scored than anything else.” She bit her lip. She hadn’t meant to blurt that out.
“Not all stories have to be exciting,” Ezra said. “Some of the best stories are about small things, the inner workings of the human psyche, the relationships between people, the quiet battles fought within ourselves. Take great literature, for example. When we think of Hamlet, we think first of his great soliloquy, not the sword fight at the end. It was not the clash of armies that won the day in The Lord of the Rings, but the humble friendship of two hobbits who put one foot in front of the other, and the madness of a third, who ended Sauron’s ambitions.”
“Those are still more exciting than my life,” Claire said. “I went to school, got into university, signed a contract with FlanCorps. That’s it.” She paused. “As far as my parents are concerned, I’m a success. I’ve achieved far more than they ever did, and that makes them happy.”
“But you aren’t happy,” Ezra said.
“No,” she admitted. “But I’m safe, and that counts for a lot, don’t you think?” How many times had she heard of childhood friends who had thrown caution to the wind, followed their whims and dreams, only to end up living paycheck to paycheck, never knowing how long a given job would last, without the safety net a corporation contract provided? She remembered days when one of her parents would come home to announce they had lost their job, the lean and hungry days that followed while they searched for a newone, anything that would bring in a bit of money. For a while, her mother worked three jobs, sleeping only four hours a night, while her father worked a day here, a day there. And all the while, she herself was studying as hard as she could, until her back ached from hours in the uncomfortable wooden chair, her eyes exhausted from reading in dim light on a cracked old tablet.
“I’m sorry, what?,” she said, realizing Ezra had said something while she was lost in her ruminations.
“I said, safety isn’t everything, little owl,” he repeated. “Some of the best days of my life were also the most dangerous.” He chuckled. “They certainly have given me my best stories. Which reminds me ….” He launched into a story involving a jealous husband hunting down a business associate who had been using Ezra’s name, but Claire only half paid attention. Ezra might have better stories than she did, but she wouldn’t trade her safety for anything. Her life might be dull in comparison to his, but it was hers and she’d earned it through years of study and mental hard work. Better the predictability of a corp job than the uncertainty and risk of an uncontracted life.
Claire was running. It was dark and her footsteps echoed weirdly. Sometimes it felt like she was in an immense chamber; at other times, if felt like she was in a narrow tunnel. Something was behind her, she could feel it, but she couldn’t hear it. Her heart was pounding, her lungs burned and her muscles screamed at her to stop but if she did, it would get her.
Suddenly, she tripped over something hidden in the darkness and fell full length onto the ground, which felt like roughly carved stone, sharp and pointy and decidedly unfriendly. She felt the hot breath of her pursuer on the back of her neck and she tried to scream, but her throat was frozen. No sound came out. Then a hand (or paw) fell heavily on her shoulder. She screamed again and flailed out with both arms.
“Holy moly, little owl,” Ezra said, rubbing his jaw. “You pack a hefty punch for a scientist.”
Claire sat up, her heart still pounding. It had been a dream. The hand had been Ezra’s.
“I’m sorry,” she babbled. “I’m so, so sorry. I was having a nightmare … I thought you were … I don’t know what it was but …”
Ezra laid his hand on her shoulder again, very gently. “It’s okay,” he said quietly. “I should have known better than to grab hold of you while you were in the throes of such terror. I should have shaken your foot or something.” He lifted his hand and rubbed his chin again. “I forgot that owls have talons.”
At the word “talon,” a shiver went down her spine. Whatever it was she’d dreamed about, it had claws.
Ezra sat beside her and pulled her fallen blanket back up around her shoulders. “It’s okay,” he said. “You’re safe now.”
As his arm hesitantly settled around her, she felt tears sting her eyes and she let her head fall onto his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she repeated. “For waking you up. And for hitting you.”
Ezra chuckled. “I said it’s okay. We cannot control our unconscious mind and in the depths of the night, our psyche can create some truly frightening and irrational things.” He rubbed his hand gently up and down on her upper arm. “Are you good to go back to sleep, or do we need to sit up for a bit?”
She almost lied and told him to go back to sleep, but it was nice to be able to relax, just for a moment. “Can we stay up a little while?”
He nodded. “Of course, little owl.” He scooted back on the mattress so his back was against the bulkhead and tucked her closer under his arm. “Let’s get comfy and I’ll tell you a nice bedtime story.” He’d had to let go of her to adjust his position, hampered by the lack of his right arm.
“Can I ask you a question?,” she asked. “You can say no if you don’t want to answer, I completely understand,” she added quickly.
“Ask away,” Ezra said. “I will only answer that which I feel comfortable sharing, you know that.”
She nodded. “How … how did you lose your arm?”
He sighed. “That is … an interesting story,” he said slowly. “I would be willing to share it with you if you tell me what you were dreaming about that made you clock me like that.”
She recounted her dream. When she finished, she felt Ezra nod, his chin tapping lightly against the top of her head. “A worthy reason for striking out at me,” he said. “I forgive you completely. Instincts are a powerful force, and yours work admirably well. Fight or flight; those are the choices when confronted by a terror like that. You tried flight and when that failed, resorted to fight mode.”
“I know, but I’m still sorry for hitting you,” she said. She felt more than heard his chuckle in reply.
“Water under the bridge, birdie, water under the bridge. Now, you inquired about the loss of my arm.” He stiffened just a bit, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.
“You don’t have to,” she offered, but he shook his head.
“No, I said I would share if you did, and you bared the inner workings of your unconscious mind. This is nothing more than plain facts.” He launched into the tale, but with none of his usual colorful asides and flourishes of phrase.
He had been prospecting in the Green. His associate was killed in an encounter with another prospector, who was unfortunately wounded and exposed to the spores that filled the atmosphere. Ezra performed a mercy killing, unaware that the man’s young daughter was nearby. Both now alone, Ezra convinced the girl that they needed to work together to get off the moon before the last run of the shuttle service. But Ezra suffered a wound to his arm that was infected with the spores. He needed medicine from the inhabitants of the moon, but they were unwilling to trade. He and the girl managed to get off the moon, but Ezra’s arm had to be amputated.
“And there you have it,” he said. “I lost an arm, but I saved a child, so in the end, the balance sheet came out even.”
“What happened to her?” Claire asked carefully.
“Well, no one questions much out in the edges of space,” he said. “People go missing all the time. The government doesn’t care, and neither do the corps. We could have reported her father’s death, and she could have been put into the care system, but we didn’t, and she wasn’t, and everyone assumed we belonged together, so we carried on. I found a nice residential school on Galadon and we had a bit of aurelac we’d managed to scavenge on our way, so she’s there, living the life a teenaged girl should be living. And I’m out here, trying to earn enough money to keep her there.”
Claire bit her lip. She sensed there was more than Ezra wasn’t telling her, but she didn’t want to press him further. “Thank you,” she said. “For telling me about it. You didn’t have to.”
He shrugged. “It was bound to come up sooner or later,” he said. “Even I’m going to run out of stories at this rate. Are you good to go back to sleep, or do you need to sit up a bit longer?”
“I’m fine,” she said quickly. “I’m sure you want to get back to sleep.”
“Don’t lie to me, birdie,” he said firmly. “I’m not going back to my bunk until I know you’re good.”
It wasn’t very comfortable, propped up against the bulkhead, but Ezra was warm and his arm around her felt safe. “Maybe a little longer,” she admitted.
“A little longer it is,” he replied.
They sat in silence, until Claire felt her eyes begin to droop. Her head fell against his chest, and she fell asleep to the slow, steady beat of his heart.
She woke to find herself tucked back in her blankets. Ezra was in his own bunk again, snoring lightly. How he’d managed to extricate himself from her and get her under the blanket without waking her — and with only one arm — she couldn’t fathom. She was a fairly light sleeper, always the first one to wake up when there was a weird noise in the dorm room at university or when one of her roommates was sneaking back in long after curfew.
She curled up on her side, facing away from the bulkhead so she could see the shadowy form of Ezra in his bunk. She trusted him, though she didn’t know why. All his wild stories framed him as a bit of a scoundrel, and he played the part well, but knowing that he had taken in an orphaned girl and was out there risking his life prospecting with a missing limb just to pay for her schooling convinced Claire that deep down he was a good person.
Back in university, there had been many discussions about what qualities constituted a “Good Man.” A lot of the girls put money at the top of their list, of course, but kindness, intelligence, and a sense of humor were always up there as well. Ezra certainly didn’t have any money, but he ticked the rest of the boxes. He even ticked the “nice body” box, which made her face hot. She hadn’t seen much of his body, hidden away in a bulky landing suit, but he was handsome in a rugged sort of way and that little patch of blond hair …
Get a hold of yourself, Claire, she thought firmly. He’s a nice guy, but this is only temporary. He’ll be gone soon, off to find another way to make money, and you’ll be sent off to your next assignment. You’ll never see him again. And you’ve only known him a few days anyway. You’ll forget easily enough.
She hoped she was telling herself the truth.
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scarletwritesshit · 2 years
Yosuke Hanamura x F!Reader ❀ Town of Blossoms ❀ June 8th, 2013
The room remained rather cold overnight, as the air conditioner was never turned down to accommodate the slightly more tolerable cool nighttime air. Despite it being practically on full blast, your body consistently remained at a comfortable temperature. You felt as if you could sleep for another twenty hours between the air conditioner combating the summer heat and the warmth of Yosuke's body balancing out the freezing air. Thermodynamic equilibrium stands true as the ideal way to sleep.
Wait a second. What was that part about the warmth of Yosuke’s body?
Once your realization had a moment to sink in, you opened your eyes to find that it was not your thoughts playing tricks on you, as if they were fragments of a long-desired dream that you may have experienced in the midst of a deep slumber. Yosuke was out cold directly beside you, clinging onto your body and weighing you down, preventing you from freely moving.
Here, you considered two equally less than ideal options. You could attempt to slide out of his bed and risk disturbing him, resulting in a painfully awkward confrontation. Or, you could stay put, and hope that he didn’t realize that you were awake long before he was. Either way, it was far too early in the morning to be explaining yourself.
Yosuke wasn’t entirely innocent himself, however. He was the one who fell asleep on you in the first place, not to mention the countless other mildly questionable moves of his in the past. Despite this, you didn’t hold him at fault for dozing off on you. The movie was quite awful, and anyone with the slightest bit of standards would fall asleep themselves.
Ultimately, you decided to let him rest. From the sound of things, yesterday seemed to be rather miserable and exhausting for him anyways, and allowing him a comfortable rest was the least that you could do. After all, that’s what best friends are for, right? Surely, there’s nothing weird about two close friends comfortably sharing a bed for the night.
For a short period of time, you laid awake and remained as relaxed as you possibly could in order to avoid waking him up by accident. Chances are, he was probably going to be rather awkward and apologetic for falling asleep on you once he wakes up. Hopefully, he remembered your words of reassurance from last night, and would not think too much of this.
As you were quietly laying down, you were rather spaced out, staring at the ceiling. Occasionally, you would turn your head to check to see if Yosuke was close to waking up. Eventually, you felt him gently stir in your arms. You loosened your grip to allow him a bit more freedom, despite craving just a few more moments of being able to hold him close. He stretched his body and opened his eyes, with the first thing that he saw being you looking directly at him. He sleepily blinked, as if he couldn’t quite believe the state that he had woken up in.
“Ughh…don’t tell me that I’ve been here all night,” he mumbled.
“Don’t you recall?” you said. “The movie you put in was so bad that we both practically conked out on the spot.”
“Oh yeah…I remember now.
“…Oh man. I remember,” he said, as if he had only just realized.
You didn’t say anything, as you were waiting for how he was going to ultimately respond. Despite his apparent realization, Yosuke remained comfortably beside you, without any form of a struggle to pry himself away from you. It wasn’t like you were restraining him or anything, as your hold on him remained rather gentle. After a few nervous blinks, Yosuke shoved his face into what little mattress space remained between you and him.
“This…this is awful…” he said, choking on his words.
“Hm? What do you mean?” you said, confused by his complaints.
“This is a bit weird, don’t you think? Considering how we’re…y’know.”
“I don’t have a problem with it. Besides, this is probably the best sleep that I’ve had in a long while.”
Yosuke lifted his head from the mattress and rolled to his side to face you clearly. Though he seemed upset due to “accidentally” dozing off in your arms, there was an aura of curiosity or perhaps confusion about him.
“Come to think of it, same here, but aren’t you feeling a bit weird about all of this? Perhaps even worried?”
“Worried about what, exactly?”
“Oh, uh, I dunno. Allowing me to become too close to you?”
“It’s too early for this. You’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”
“Ah, well, actually never mind. You’re right about it being too early,” he said, while pushing himself upright. Rather than try to hold him down and make him clarify what he meant, you moved your arm to allow him to get up easier.
Yosuke seemed like he had something he wanted to say, but couldn’t quite bring himself to say it. Now, what he meant was going to bother you all day. What exactly did he mean by “becoming too close,” and why would something of this degree bother him after the two of you passed out simply because of an agonizingly painful movie?
Was he afraid of you finally getting sick of him, just like the reasons why he believed that the Investigation Team left him behind? Or perhaps, his worries were deeper rooted than they seemed on the outside.
You finally sat yourself up, leaving behind the warmth that still remained. You were immediately hit with the reality of just how cold his bedroom had become overnight. It was a miracle that the air conditioner did not freeze over from the constant blast of freezing air.
Well, he did say it was like his own personal Junes freezer. And he wasn’t kidding, as you were shivering due wearing rather light clothing and having no blankets. Yosuke, though still in a bit of a sleepy daze, took quick note of your shivering.
“Hey, if you missed sleeping next to me that badly, you could’ve just said so,” he said.
“Nothing. I’ll bump up the temperature a little,” he said, finally getting up to turn down the intensity of the air conditioner. He grabbed a blanket that he had previously thrown on the floor and tossed it over to you, so that you at least wouldn’t be faced with the ironic fate of freezing to death in the middle of a heat wave. The sun had been up for a few hours now, so it already began rapidly warming up outside, yet it was nowhere near reaching the day’s potential for scorching heat.
It most certainly wasn’t hot enough yet to keep the room as cold as a literal freezer.
“Uh…do you want some breakfast?” he asked. “My parents are probably out dealing with the crowds today, so don’t expect much out of me. All I can really do is fry a few eggs, and even then, there’s no guarantee that there won’t be any eggshells hidden around in there.”
“I can help you prepare something, if you’d like,” you offered.
“It’s fine. Besides, I don’t think we have too much laying around anyways. Can’t really cook much without the risk of blowing out the power.”
He opened up his bedroom door and quickly slid out, in order to not let too much cold air seep out. With him gone for a few minutes, it would’ve been the perfect opportunity for you to perhaps change into some fresh clothes, instead of the t-shirt and shorts that you have fallen asleep in. Instead, you simply fell back onto his bed.
You were still a bit concerned about his words prior. What did he mean by you growing too close to him? Was he starting to think that you were acting just a bit too friendly with him? Then again, he didn’t exactly object to laying with you, but sometimes, Yosuke can be too nice for his own good.
It was one of many cases that you were unable to tell with him. No harm, no foul, you supposed, but if he was truly upset, and didn’t say anything, then it could endanger any chance of a relationship with him.
Not that you would be aiming for one or anything. A rather absurd idea, considering how good friends you two were. Dangerously good friends, even.
No sense of worrying about it now. You had faith in him that he would very clearly tell you if he was genuinely upset with any of your actions. He was no way the type to repress his irritation, especially after he had almost killed a, relatively speaking, innocent man who had unfortunate connections to the Inaba killings. It was almost as if he was more worried about something than anything. But what was it?
The opening of his door disrupted your thoughts, and Yosuke walked in with two plates stacked on each other, each with a fried egg on top. They smelled relatively overcooked, yet not to a state where they would be inedible.
They were certainly nowhere near the atrocities that were Chie and Yukiko’s cooking, no, laboratory experiments.
“Is my bed really that comfy?” he asked, looking at you lazily sprawled out.
“Well you do have a nice bed, but truth to be told, I just don’t feel like moving,” you said.
“I can’t blame you. It’s after 10, yet I feel like I could take another nap.”
“There’s always the option of simply going back to sleep,” you said, lazily pushing yourself up.
“That does sound nice but…I’m good,” he said, sitting down beside you. He brushed off what looked to be like pink petals on his nightstand and placed one of the plates on top of it.
If he was truly discouraged from being around you because of the little slip up earlier, then he was doing an awful job of showing it. Perhaps it was ultimately best let go of, just like the numerous other things that you had promised yourself to no longer think of. Despite this mindset, you continuously allowed them to return to your thoughts. Like what he had said while you were sitting alone with him at Junes, or the time that you thought that you were about to-
“They’re a little burnt, but far from inedible,” he said, handing you a plate with an egg on it. You observed his efforts at cooking, and for someone who had likely never been taught to use a stove properly, you had to admire his efforts. Some of it appeared to be crispier than the rest, but nothing was reduced to revolting ash or…a mysterious toxic concoction.
It didn’t taste horrible, either.
Thankfully, Yosuke seemed to not have anything else to say about this morning. Unspoken agreement to not speak of it again, perhaps? It really wasn’t worth overthinking, anyways. Completely normal behavior for friends to share a bed once in a while. Probably.
Though, he seemed to not have much to say at all. After he had finished eating his breakfast, he stared down at the empty plate that he was holding.
“Yosuke?” you said, getting his attention. “Is something the matter?”
“No, I just don’t know what to get into today, that’s all.”
“Staring at your plate isn’t going to help.”
“Would you rather be staring at Featherman II: Turbo?”
“Please no,” you said, desperately shaking your head, “I don’t even think that I could last through the first ten minutes again. It was more awful than the other awful movies that you had suggested before.”
“Hey! In my defense, I assumed that this so-called revolutionary take on the series was going to be, oh I don’t know, at least a few more fight scenes or even a tolerable storyline! All the movie ended up being was akin to that of a two hour long unskippable cutscene.”
“Probably should’ve read the reviews before you got yourself all hyped up for it.”
“That’s the thing, I did. Guess I have a totally different idea on what makes a good movie than most people,” he said, taking your empty plate and stacking it on top of his. He then slid off of his bed and walked towards the door.
“You just don’t want to admit that you were overly hyped for an overwhelmingly disappointing piece of film.”
“Like that means a lot coming from you, considering you tastes,” he said, looking back at you and smiling. Yosuke then made his swift escape from his bedroom before you could counteract his argument.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you yelled, though likely not loud enough for him to hear. Perhaps he did hear you, but he chose not to respond.
Absolute coward, thinking his taste in movies was still superior to yours after the disaster that was Featherman II: Turbo. Though, it was a bit of a masterpiece, just not in the way that it would normally be defined as one. Somehow, it was so incredibly awful that it managed to make two very good friends fall asleep, in a bed together nonetheless. To you, it was a blessing in disguise. To Yosuke, it was now a source of eternal torment for him.
Or perhaps he enjoyed a restful night’s sleep with you, and his true cowardliness lied within his absolute refusal to openly admit it.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Sup shels. 🥸
Had a thought…
Wearing CL16s boxers and him going FERAL.
You had just finished scening with him and he was really tired. It had been a really long and exhausting scene for him. So, you got up and went to get a towel to clean him off with. And by the time you got back Charles was basically already fallen asleep. You clean him up and hold him close for a bit, but as expected, he falls asleep. Naked and all. When he sleeps his body get really heavy so trying to lift him to put some pants on for him would not have worked. At all. So you simply pulled the covers up and let him be for a bit before you would wake him up to properly bath. (with you Ofc)
You knew he’d be really drained and most likely hungry and dehydrated when he woke up so you decide to make something for him. Without thinking much of it you put the boxers he had discarded before the two of you tired each other out on and went to the kitchen. You’re busy there for about a half an hour before you go back to your room to find a still sleepy boy who had just woken up.
You go sit next to him and cuddle him and feed him his food and just make him feel really loved before he actually fully mentally wakes up and realises what you’re wearing. His boxers and a bra. Nothing else.
Safe to say he goes absolutely feral.
Anyway, how you been shels? 🫶🏽
I’ve been good! And this ask has made me feel even better I love it so much holy fuck.
Firstly, he looks so cute when you leave him to sleep!! It tends to be 50/50 as to whether Charles is tired or awake and giggly after scenes.
But when he’s tired, he’s OUT. He just passes out instantly, fast asleep by the time you finish cleaning him. You cuddle him for a little while, and he’s so happy! Sleeping against your chest.
But you always move eventually because you have to go get him some snacks and water. Firstly because he’ll need the r energy back, but also because you’re his Dom. You’ve just wrecked him and now you must care for him.
You really don’t even think about slipping on his boxers, because they’re comfy and they’re right there. Plus you know charles will have no problem with it. (Sidenote: I think Charles loves when you use his things? Whether it’s his phone or clothes or kitchen appliances. Just… he loves seeing you use his items for some reason, it makes him so happy).
So you get Charles his snacks and his water, maybe making a cup of tea a little bit too hot so that it’ll be perfect in a little while.
You carry everything back on a tray and discover your good boy has just woken. Charles was in a light sleep and the sound of you walking down the passage towards the bedroom is what wakes him. Which is just the best thing ever.
He turns over and sees you carrying a tray of snacks and water and he just smiles. Cause he’s so lucky!! He’s all cozy and warm and sleepy, pleasantly sore from a good scene and now his Dom has snacks and water for him. He’s so happy.
You get into bed, letting him sit up and lean into your chest while you hand feed him and hold the water bottle to his lips.
He’s so happy, always trying to nip at your fingers as you feed him just for fun, smiling at you every time you take your sips of water because he’s just so fucking lucky. He loves you so much.
He notices your outfit when you climb out of bed to put the plates on the dressing table.
And yeah he goes feral.
You turn around and he’s just staring at you, eyes wide and focused on your crotch. You giggle, asking what’s wrong because he’s acting even weirder than usual. He just mumbles, “my boxers…”
And then you get it. You make a show of twirling around, asking him if he likes it, which he absolutely does.
If Charles had any energy left, he would be pouncing on you, whining against you and demanding to be ruined. But he’s so weak that the poor thing wouldn’t even be able to stand if he tried.
Instead, he just makes grabby hands for you, whining until you join him in bed and then throwing himself at you.
There’s no way he can cum again, but he absolutely can slip down to rest between your legs and beg to taste you, which he absolutely does.
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asexual-spongebob · 8 months
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The waves that lap the shore - Chapter 17 - Grape Soda
Chapter 17: Grape Soda.
FUCK YEAH BIANCA (I miss her so much- I wish see was a octo agent in canon :( ) I also made a playlist for this AU! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LzHqeBTlYwPqhpFCVoua9 I made this fluffy intentionally. Cuz uh- next chapter will probably be angsty whoo
Chapter Text
Peso and Shellington awoke from their nice, long slumber. Shellington stretched his legs out and Peso was still snoozing, Shellington gently nudged him, Peso let out a grunt. 
They got dressed and went down to the kitchen “last night was crazy. Wasn’t it?” Tweak said, trying to start a conversation “oh yeah definitely-“ Peso responded, putting some strawberry jam on its kelp cake. 
“Yeah. I’m just glad Kwazii is okay-“Shellington agreed with a sigh of relief.  “Same here. That whole situation was somethin’” Tweak remarked, nibbling on her carrot. 
“Where is Kwazii anyway?” Shellington mumbled, sipping his hot cocoa that had a little to much whipped cream in it “it said it was gonna be goin’ somewhere with Paani I think?” Tweak recalled, her memory slightly fuzzy. 
Meanwhile Kwazii had woken up at eight thirty am. It  went for a swim around the marina, it was going to go get a bite to eat with Paani. 
Kwazii lurked below the surface underneath the dock, he felt an emotion he almost never felt fear. 
He could hear someone someone walking above him, “oh shit” Kwazii whispered to themself.
“Hello H2O!”, Kwazii let out a sigh of relief, it was just Paani. 
“Boo!” Kwazii mrrped as launched out of the water in typical mako shark fashion, Paani flinched 
“Kwazii! You scared me!” Paani frowned  “sorry matey!” Kwazii apologized, Paani handed Kwazii a towel “thanks… but I don’t need that… at least not now…” Kwazii said.
Please No Tail. 
Kwazii’s shark tail disappeared, they used their powers to dry themself off “alrighty, let’s go!” Kwazii guided, Paani taking his paw as they walked to the cafe together.
“So what are you gonna order?” Paani asked out of curiosity “pancakes.” Kwazii giggled, looking forward to some chocolate chip pancakes drenched in syrup and strawberries.
Pearl made herself some tea, Periwinkle was asleep in his room. She picked up her phone and dialed Bianca’s number. 
“So you know how I told you about my brother told me he was a fish?” Pearl recalled, sipping her tea dramatically afterwards.
“Yeah” Bianca replied “Well… he wasn’t kidding when he said he was fish… when I saw him he had a fish tail and everything. Oh and apparently his boyfriend Peso and his friend Kwazii are fish now to?” Pearl added.
“Shellington confessed to Peso?” Bianca gasped, not even questioning the fish thing. “Yeah. They’ve been together for bit. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner- it’s just we don’t talk much” Pearl frowned “it’s fine I get it” Bianca assured. “Hopefully we can see each other more when I become a Octoagent” Bianca smiled “same” Pearl smiled back. 
“Oh and apparently Kwazii brunt some of Mako Island?” Pearl questioned “Mako Island?! You mean that place in Australia where paranormal things happen? I’ve seen so many documentaries about that place!” Bianca recalled “yeah well he says that Peso and Kwazii became mermaids there..” Pearl was cut off by Periwinkle running out of his room.
“Hey mom!” Periwinkle said, dragging his blanket on the floor “good morning!” Pearl smiled.
Pearl and Periwinkle went the beach. Periwinkle carried his shovel and pal, Shellington was laying on a beach towel with Peso, who was sleeping while basking in the sun “Uncle Shellington! Uncle Peso!” Periwinkle cheered, running up to Shellington and Peso, Shellington hugged the otter pup in his paws.
“Hi Peri!” Shellington smiled, scratching Periwinkle’s little tuft of hair, Periwinkle let out a giggle. Periwinkle reminded Shellington of when he was a wee little lad. 
“What are you doing?” Periwinkle asked “oh me and Peso are just chillin” Shellington answered, as he glanced over to the distance where Dashi was surfing and Tweak was admiring from afar.
Periwinkle and Pearl sat beside Shellington and Peso. Periwinkle looked up at Shellington starry eyed as Shellington infodumped on sea creatures. 
“Ahoy Mateys!” Kwazii greeted, Paani behind him “hi Kwazii!” Pearl and Shellington greeted back, Periwinkle waved shyly. 
“Where did you guys go?” Peso questioned “to a restaurant!” Paani smiled “oh yeah and I spent all the rest of the money in me bank account but we ball!” Kwazii giggled “WHAT-“ Paani gasped “you seriously did that?!” They added “mhm” Kwazii hummed, nodding his head, Paani proceeded to face palm “you didn’t have to do that!” He insisted. 
“No, I had to” Kwazii said “damn Kwaz…” Paani sighed “Anyway how about we go for a swim eh?” Kwazii suggested “yeah!” Pearl agreed, Shellington, Peso and Kwazii rushed to the waves, disappearing into them. 
Paani, Pearl and Periwinkle followed them. 
Peso and Shellington were dancing together, Peri watched “mom what are they doing?” Peri asked “oh they’re just dancing” Pearl answered with a smile on her face, Kwazii and Paani were surfing.
Surprisingly Dashi was able to teach Kwazii how to surf. Paani had taken off their jacket, it was getting a bit too hot for him.
It was about thirty minutes later, they got hungry and stopped for a picnic. Shellington placed the blanket on the sand, wrapped up in his towel. He looked like a pathetic ass cat that had been thrown in a bath tub.
Shellington ate his clam sandwich, Peso ate his kelp cakes, Kwazii shared grape soda with Paani and Pearl and Peri shared a cheese sandwich.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be licking my wounds about the postponed state visit over here in the corner. (I do have a fic idea about this but it’s too raw at the moment lol. No seriously, I have had a very rough few weeks and that visit on Monday was what I was hanging on to to power through ha ha ha). Anyways. I am not sure what everyone’s thoughts are on alternative universes (but if you’re down EMT, I do have an idea in mind based on something you said a while ago…), but I feel like right now we all need a little bit of an escape. You’ll see what I mean. Hope you all enjoy this fic!
He slowly blinked awake to sunlight pouring into their bedroom, birds softly chirping outside the window, the gentle pressure of his wife’s head resting on his bare chest.
He took a second to get oriented, dazed as he was from what must have been a very vivid nightmare, one that he now couldn’t recall, eyes carefully tracking each corner of the bedroom, reassuring him he was home in Touquet.
He felt Brigitte stir slowly, moving to pull away as she awoke, before he quickly grabbed her and pulled her back into his side. He rolled over to greet her, “good morning, chérie,” he started to wish her, stopping short as he met her eyes.
Something felt off. She didn’t look any different, really, than the last time he though he saw her, at least, not physically, but there was something about her aura that was different, freer, more relaxed.
“Good morning, mon cœur,” she wished him, like she did every morning, reaching out to kiss him, and suddenly whatever feeling it was in his gut passed as he felt the strength of the love that had completed him, comfort him, anchored him every day for the last 25 years.
“Are you finally going to let me see your book today?” She asked when she pulled back with a teasing smile, clearly asking about some private joke they had been sharing, even if for some strange reason he couldn’t remember it now.
“Book?” He asked a little confused.
“Clearly you slept well last night. I must have tired you out,” she joked with a laugh, slowly stroking his chest with meaning, as he realized they had woken up naked.
‘Oh. Oh.’ He thought as he blushed.
“Your latest novel,” she reminded him, cutting through to him in the present. “I want to know what happens after you last left us in the last one.”
“Can you remind me where that was?” He asked, trying desperately to get her to jog his memory - why was he so confused? Why did it feel as if he had woken up in a parallel reality?
“Have you gotten so far into this one that you can’t remember where you left off?” She smiled up at him.
“Something like that,” he lied sheepishly not wanting her to know something was wrong, never wanting to worry her.
“Well I, or more specifically the woman you’ve clearly based on me, had just asked you, well the man you based on you, to marry him. And I have a feeling he’s going to say yes, but I need to what comes next. I’ve been dying to know.”
“What if I’m not finished with my first draft yet?”
“Chéri, I know you love rewriting things because you’re never happy with what you write, but you showed me the finished manuscript night -“
She paused when she could see him start retreating into himself, noticed as he started to panic suddenly asking “Emmanuel? Emmanuel?” Her voice sounding like it was coming from the very end of a long tunnel.
“Emmanuel!” He heard loudly, startling him up in his seat.
“I’m fine!” He mumbled out, unconvincingly as he tried to readjust to his surroundings. He saw the gilded walls of the Élysée surrounding him, and turning his head quickly saw the face of his very concerned wife.
“Mon cœur, you fell asleep at your desk again. I know things are tense right now, but you need to come upstairs and go to sleep. For me, if not for you. Please,” she begged.
“Wait. I was asleep?” He asked groggily.
“Yes, I found you drooling on that foreign report, right there,” she smiled at him, slipping her hand into his hair, and soothingly scratching her nails against his scalp.
“So we weren’t just in Touquet?”
“No, we haven’t been home in months, I’m sorry to say.”
“And I’m not a writer?”
“I think that depends on your definition, but given the way you’re looking at me, I’m going to go with ‘no’ or at least, not in whatever way you were dreaming about.”
“It all feel so real, Brigitte.”
“You want to tell me about it?”
“I don’t know. I’m afraid,” he trailed off.
“Afraid of what?” She asked sympathetically, squatting down to look him in the eyes. “You know there’s nothing you could do, dream world or real world, that would ever make me stop loving you. You do know that, right?”
“I know,” he nodded seriously. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“You just looked so much happier, lighter, freer, Brigitte. And I’m just afraid that all of this is making you unhappy, that I’m making you unhappy.”
“You listen to me, Emmanuel, and you listen to me well, because I am only going to say this once. You are my happiness. No matter where we are, or what we’re doing, or how many people out there despise us. Does this job come with restraints? Sure. Do I hate seeing all that is going on outside right now, hate being unable to leave this place without a ton of security, scared for you and for our children? Absolutely. But am I unhappy? No. Because I have you. My only unhappiness would be losing you.
“Now. Let’s get you to bed, before your brilliant mind starts playing mean tricks on you again.”
“I love you,” he told her simply as he accepted her help in getting up.
“I love you too. More than you will ever know.” She paused for a moment before deciding to change the subject, “now, what kind of writer were you? A journalist, a screenwriter? Ooh I know! A novelist?”
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
I was also very excited for the state visit... before these protests. Now I’m both sad and relieved that it was postponed.
I hope things are calmer for you now, after those rough few weeks ❤️
Well, speaking of alternative universes, one of my favorite tv series is called “Fringe”... that explores exactly that scenario 😉
Oh I liked how this turned out! Emmanuel and his dream of a different life and an happier Brigitte... You just gotta feel for him 💔 But once again, Brigitte’s words to reassure him of her love for him... oh my heart 🤧
Emmanuel drooling over a foreign report tho 😂
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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itgirlwife · 2 years
the one about puck's hair
summary: puck wakes up to malcolm counting their box braids.
ship: honeymoon suite | puck/malcolm
words: 639
notes: fluff, yes. malcolm is white.
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Malcolm is mumbling something. 
The morning brain fog is too heavy to make out what he’s saying. He’s awake and he’s touching my hair. Braid by braid. That’s all I know. 
The sun comes into vision. The brain fog clears a bit. I hear numbers. “12, 13, 14…” Malcolm is counting something. What’s in front of him that he’s counting?
“What are you counting?” I ask groggily.
“Aw,” he says softly, kissing my shoulder, “you made me lose count.”
Fully awake, I turn to face him. “You were counting my braids, you weirdo?”
Malcolm has a reputation for doing things while I’m asleep. He’s shown me pictures he’d taken of me while I was sleeping. I’ve woken up to Squishmallows on my head. Books read to me, my nails painted; it’s nothing new.
“It’s not weird. I mean, do you know how many braids are in your hair?”
I shrug, “I can’t say that’s something I’ve thought about.”
He kisses my nose, “Exactly. I was thinking for you.”
“As you normally do.” I straighten out his bedhead with my fingers. He hums.
“Yeah. I do your thinking so much I deserve proper compensation.” He scoots closer, nuzzling his face into my neck, peppering kisses to the flesh.
“Do you take Kohl's Cash?” It’s hard not to laugh with his stubble tickling me.
He stops and smiles in my neck. “No, but I take kisses.”
Malcolm lifts his head to peck my lips softly, his lips still red and puffy from the night before. He pulls away with a smile.
“You got a little…” He gestures to my mouth, specifically the areas where my gloss had smudged. Embarrassed and annoyed, I wipe off the remains.
“Oh? The $30 lip gloss you smudged? Yeah, I know.”
He laughs and kisses me again, oblivious to the gloss on his lips. “Who spends $30 on a lip gloss anyway?”
“The hottest person you’ll ever meet.” I pull the duvet off my body, climbing out of bed.
“Guess I hit the jackpot, huh?”
“Yep, you sure did,” studying the floor, I pick up Malcolm’s button-down and slip it on. The shirt smells like him and me; vanilla and spice. 
“But seriously,” Malcolm continues, “they don’t tell you how many braids they put in your hair before they, y’know.” He makes a braiding gesture with his fingers.
“I don’t ask,” I shrug again, sitting at the foot of the bed. “Seems like a weird thing to ask anyway.”
Malcolm comes behind me, pulling my hair out of the shirt carefully. The braids fall down my back gently. I get goosebumps every time he touches it. I don’t have restrictions on who touches my hair, but if I did, Malcolm would be the only one with a golden ticket. I let him sit in during my hair appointment. About 2 hours in, he’d fallen asleep. When he woke up, my hair was done.
“Wow!” He whisper-shouted. He looked like he’d just seen a shooting star. “You look beautiful.” He moved to touch them, but I stepped back and shook my head. The braids were too tight.
Since then, I’ve had his help with styling and maintenance. He’s helped me put ribbons in my hair, put it in buns and ponytails for me (his favorite thing to do), and he reminds me to wrap them before I go to sleep. I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing it.
Malcolm kisses my cheek. “It doesn’t hurt to ask.” I felt the stickiness of my gloss when he pulled away. There’s a hint of cherry too.
“I’ll keep that in mind the next time I get my hair done.”
“Don’t bother. That’s what you’ve got me for, right?” He caresses the braids before letting them fall down my back again. Braid by braid, once again, he goes back to counting.
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canarymemories · 1 year
rating: general audiences archive warning: no archive warnings apply relationship: sena izumi/tsukinaga leo additional tags: fluff, domestic, established relationship, sickfic, happy izuleo week, they're so cringe i love them date published: 2023-08-17 word count: 2,679
summary: leo knows there’s something off from the moment he wakes up and izumi is still in bed asleep next to him. it’s one of their break days, so there’s nothing izumi needs to be up for right now anyway and there’s been plenty of times leo’s woken up before him, yet he can’t help feeling that something is just a little off.
for izuleo week day 4: domestic/sick day
here on ao3
leo knows there’s something off from the moment he wakes up and izumi is still in bed asleep next to him. it’s one of their break days, so there’s nothing izumi needs to be up for right now anyway and there’s been plenty of times leo’s woken up before him, yet he can’t help feeling that something is just a little off.
when he shifts ever so slightly closer to izumi, he can see a light flush on izumi’s face in the dim light of the room. they’re not particularly close, within arm length of one another, but not quite touching, which is also a tiny bit weird given that izumi is super clingy when sleeping. it’s not hot in the apartment either.
leo’s hand crosses the small distance between them and presses against izumi’s forehead, brushing his hair away to do so. izumi leans into the touch as leo almost yanks his hand away with how warm his skin is.
leo frowns, leaving his hand there for another second or two. he can’t remember a single time that izumi’s ever been sick. he’s the one who’s always hyper aware of all things health wise between the two of them, so to say that leo is surprised is an understatement.
“mm, leo-kun?” izumi mumbles, eyes slowly blinking open as leo pushes izumi’s hair back from his face, some strands sticking to his forehead.
“you have a fever,” leo says as a good morning.
izumi closes his eyes and tries to press more into his pillow. “i can tell.” there’s an uneven timbre to his voice that isn’t present normally, there now because of congestion.
leo sits up abruptly, his hand jolting briefly before continuing to run his fingers through izumi’s slightly sweaty hair. “ah! i can take care of you!”
“not so loud.”
“oh, sorry, sena.” he leans down and presses a kiss to izumi’s forehead, doing his best to ignore the uncomfortable warmth against his lips. “i’ve taken care of ruka-tan when she got sick once, so i can take care of you too.”
izumi shifts slightly and looks up at leo, gaze slightly unfocused and  disbelieving. “don’t kiss me. you’re going to get sick too.”
“sena, we sleep in the same bed. i think i’ll get sick either way,” leo says, shrugging. “and if i get sick, then you’ll take care of me, right?
all he gets in response is a blank stare that makes him laugh. “just think of the inspiration i could get from being sick,” he says, a bit wistfully. “i could make the best song ever and it’ll be all because you took care of me.” leo pauses, twirling one of izumi’s curls around his fingers. “plus, i like kissing you so… too bad!” he adds, leaning down once again to plant a kiss on izumi’s cheek this time.
izumi makes a noise that’s somewhere between a groan and a whine as he tries to hide his face in his pillow. “you’re so embarrassing.”
leo snickers, gently ruffling izumi’s already messy bedhead. “love you too, sena.”
it doesn’t take him long to realize that he isn’t sure what to do first. taking care of ruka had been easy, more of watching over her than actively doing anything, but even then, everything he needed was in their house. their parents were prepared for any mishaps either of them could have, injuries or illnesses or whatever else they could get themselves into.
seeing that izumi is usually the one that prepares most of anything between them, leo asks, “do you want medicine?” leo is the type to avoid medicine at all costs, not liking the drowsiness or taste most of them bring, but izumi is probably less picky, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.
“neither of us have been sick since we came here, so there’s none in the apartment.” izumi sits up and leans back against his pillows and the headboard. “can you get me the cough drops, though?”
leo nods eagerly, glad to be given instruction. he at least knows where those are, having been the one who stored them away after buying them on a whim after the bright packaging had caught his eye in a store. sucking on one, he’d written a melody spurred on by the sweet citrusy flavor and then left the bag of them in his room. he finds them where he’d left them next to his computer.
with the bag of cough drops in hand, he returns to izumi’s room. “here you go.”
izumi’s mouth curves into a small but grateful smile. it doesn’t last for long, though, as he turns his head away to cough into the crook of his elbow. “thanks,” he says after a moment.
leo nods, wringing his hands as he has nothing else to do with them. seeing izumi sick is weird. he doesn’t think he can truly remember a time izumi’s ever been sick — maybe a few times from the heat and sun, but that’s not the same — and it makes leo antsy.
he doesn’t like seeing izumi sick, sniffling through a stuffed nose and sounding unwell. leo will just have to take care of izumi so perfectly that he’ll get better in no time.
“do you want anything to eat?” leo is usually kicked out of the kitchen when izumi cooks, all too prone to laying on the floor to write songs and springing up unexpectedly. it’s also not that he can’t cook; there’s just not many things he’s good at making.
izumi balls up a cough drop wrapper in his hand once the lozenge is in his mouth. “maybe,” he says. “sit with me first?”
leo easily obliges, hopping back on the bed to sit next to izumi. it doesn’t take long for izumi’s head to find a home on leo’s shoulder. he’s always thought it was cute izumi would seek out comfort in him like this, in the simple act of sitting with each other. of course, leo doesn’t say that, just like how he doesn’t say anything when izumi reaches for his hand first or pulls him in for a hug or a kiss.
instead, his hand once again works through izumi’s hair, careful to untangle the more stubborn pieces. it’s not surprising that he’s still hot to the touch, but it’s just as unsettling as when leo first touched him. “i hope you feel better soon,” leo says, slightly muffled as he kisses the top of izumi’s head. his fingers trail down to izumi’s neck, settling at his nape. his thumb rubs small circles there and he hopes his hand is cool enough that it feels nice.
izumi’s arms loosely wrap around leo as izumi leans more heavily against him. “me too,” he mumbles. he settles once more, apparently comfortable for now.
leo rests his head against izumi’s seeing as he’s stuck there for now. he doesn’t mind, especially with izumi being the one who started it, but he does want to get him medicine or something sooner or later, which means going to the nearest store a few blocks over.
izumi must be reading leo’s mind as he says, “a few more minutes.”
leo’s free arm rests atop izumi’s. his hand moves slowly back up into izumi’s hair, lightly massaging by his temples as he’d taught leo to do if he had a migraine.
it must be helping as izumi nuzzles against his collarbone. 
leo isn’t sure how much time passes in the silence between them, but he doesn’t mind even if izumi is pumping out some major heat against his side. but, izumi does finally pull away, albeit relunctantly.
he once again coughs into the crook of his elbow. izumi sighs as he shifts back against the headboard.
“oh!” leo says suddenly in realization. he’s been doing this a little out of order. “where’s the thermometer?”
“in the bathroom,” izumi replies, eyes closed as he sits there. he sounds a little more miserable than he had before.
leo leaves a little kiss on izumi’s temple as if it’ll ward off from whatever he’s sick with then heads to the bathroom. it takes some searching, mostly being careful to not misplace any of izumi’s products, but he finds the thermometer hiding in the cabinet.
he triumphantly returns to izumi’s side and offers it to him once his eyes open at leo’s approach. izumi wordlessly takes the device from him, turning it on before placing it in his mouth and closing his eyes once more.
leo fidgets as he waits, not wanting to simply stand still when he could be doing things. thankfully, it doesn’t take long for it to beep. izumi hands it over, eyes closed.
“38.3,” leo reads. “that’s not good.”
“of course it’s not.”
leo looks between the thermometer and izumi. “i’ll go get you medicine,” he says. “do you want anything before i go?”
leaving izumi there, leo first goes back to the bathroom and rinses the thermometer off before returning it to where he found it. izumi’s nagged him a few too many times about misplacing things, so he takes care to put it back. from there, he goes to the kitchen and fills up a glass with water.
he knows the trip to the store won’t take long at all, and with it being early morning, there shouldn’t be too many people there, but leo doesn’t like the thought of izumi alone when he clearly feels gross.
izumi’s eyes are open when he returns, and he takes the glass from leo. he takes a sip then sets it on his nightstand. turning his attention back to leo, izumi eyes him. “are you going in that?”
leo looks down. he doesn’t see an issue in his alien patterned pajama pants and graphic tshirt. “yes?”
izumi mutters what sounds like fashion disaster under his breath before shifting to lay down. “nevermind. don’t take long.”
“i won’t. text me if you need me?”
“leo-kun, i’ll be fine. it’s not like i’m going anywhere.” a weak cough punctuates his statement.
“i know.” leo rocks on his feet. “i’ll be back soon.”
leaving a kiss on izumi’s forehead, he gathers his things, namely his wallet and phone since he really can’t lose or forget either one of those, and exits the apartment.
as expected, the store is quiet for the most part, nowhere near as bustling as it is later in the day. running through a list of izumi’s symptoms in his head — fever, cough, congestion — he grabs the medicine that promises to alleviate those and then some. then another bag of cough drops to be on the safe side.
there’s a small line to cash out and normally he wouldn’t mind, simply putting together a song in his head as he observes the people around him, but with izumi waiting at home, he feels restless. fortunately, leo gets through the line quickly and heads back to the apartment.
wholly expecting izumi to be in bed, most likely asleep, leo nearly jumps when he walks into the apartment to see izumi in the kitchen standing by their toaster.
“that was fast,” izumi says, taking his toast when it pops up.
“it wasn’t busy.” leo sets the items on the counter and watches as izumi puts a light layer of butter on his toast.
“are you just going to stare?”
“i didn’t think you’d be out of bed.”
setting the butter knife in the sink, izumi says, “i figured i should eat something. i don’t want to push it, so this should be fine for now.” he sniffles a little, standing against the counter as he takes a bit.
it makes sense to leo. “i got medicine,” leo says as if that isn’t obvious.
“i see that. i’ll take some when i’m done.”
“i got more cough drops too ‘cause i didn’t know if you’ll need more.”
izumi smiles softly around his piece of toast. “you know,” izumi says once he’s swallowed, “it’s awfully sweet, everything you’re doing since i’m sick.”
“what’s that supposed to mean, sena? of course i’d look after you.”
“i know you would, but i wasn’t sure how serious to take you. i see you really meant it, though. i don’t think you’ve sat still this whole time.”
leo pouts, crossing his arms as he feels like he’s being made fun of. “i just want you to feel better already.”
izumi doesn’t reply, putting the last bite of toast in his mouth and walks closer to leo. he picks up the bottle of medicine to read it over. “wanna lay down with me after i take this?”
“of course!”
he looks over at leo, clearly amused. izumi seems at least more alert than he had been when leo left, which is a good thing. “so enthusiastic.”
leo’s cheeks warm. it’s not his fault that he likes cuddling with izumi whenever he can.
opening the medicine, izumi hands the plastic to leo to throw out. he gladly does so, happy to be of help. when he returns to izumi’s side, he’s rewarded with the barest brush of lips against his cheek. “thanks, leo-kun.”
leo latches himself to izumi, who doesn’t put up much of a fight. he nudges leo out of the way enough to pour the appropriate dosage. izumi eyes the liquid for a moment as he recaps the bottle. picking up the measuring cup once more, he downs the medicine only to grimace a second later.
“that bad?” leo asks, hold having loosened to let izumi move.”
“it’s medicine, i don’t think it’s supposed to taste good,” izumi points out. “let go so we can go back to bed.”
leo does as he’s asked, waiting patiently for izumi to rinse out the cup and glance at the clock. the two of them go back to izumi’s room, the bottle in izumi’s hand.
leo jumps back onto his side of the bed, glad he ended up wearing what he slept in rather than taking the time to change before he left. apparently bothered by the fact that his hair is a mess, izumi steps over to the mirror to brush it out.
as he does that, however, izumi sneezes once, then twice. and then quietly groans.
“bless you,” leo says, watching as izumi finishes brushing his hair and returns to his side of the bed to grab tissues to blow his nose.
with izumi being closer, leo can see the glassiness of his eyes, the slight flush on his face having returned, even the faint red rimming around his eyes. it doesn’t help that izumi blowing his nose is also a little gross, but leo isn’t going to bring that up. instead, he says, “you look like shit,” which is definitely not the right thing to say.
“wow, leo-kun, you really know how to make someone feel better,” izumi says, voice attempting a sarcastic monotone but the nasally version that comes out makes his point clear nonetheless.
“sorry, i mean you’re still pretty, of course,” leo says, trying to backtrack. “i just–”
“no, you’re probably right,” izumi says, sighing softly as he gets another tissue. “i feel like shit too.” he tosses the used tissues into the little garbage bin. izumi pauses for a second then moves the bin to his side of the bed. “i’ll be back to normal soon enough, though.”
leo hadn’t been expecting that kind of optimism from izumi. at least izumi is an easy patient, more than willing to take medicine on his own if only in exchange for cuddles, which leo can easily supply him with, so leo guesses izumi’s probably right. he’ll be feeling better soon.
leo settles against izumi’s back when he lays down. or well, not exactly against his back because izumi is hot and slightly sticky with sweat, so there’s a small gap between them as leo slides his arm across izumi’s side, hand resting by his chest.
(and if leo wakes up sick a few days later, he knows there’s someone there who will take care of him.)
end notes: actually posting on the day instead of being late for a ship week is so nice let me tell u alsdkgh i do have one other thing in the works for izlo week but idk if it'll be done before the end of it 😔 but we'll see
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Hiya! I’m so sorry if this is a repeat ask—Tumblr didn’t seem to submit when I tried just now oops! not sure whether your requests are open (your fics have been INCREDIBLE lately) or if you’d be into it but! I’d love to see a story where Steve’s finally convinced you to try for a baby and you’ve been trying for a few months. Steve thinks you’re pregnant bc he’s picking up on what he thinks are “signs” (morning sickness, you have to pee constantly, your boobs are suddenly swollen and you’re craving foods you normally hate) but reader’s worried if it’s not true they’ll both be disappointed, and is stubbornly denying all of it, to Steve’s total exasperation.
On the morning when your jeans refuse to button, Steve finally forces you to take a test (of course he secretly bought one weeks ago). Turns out Steve might know your body even better than you do…
Oh thank you for resubmitting it cause I definitely didn’t get it the first time!
But I love this idea. It’s insane, I’ve actually heard of many cases where the husband/boyfriend has been able to tell before the woman that they’re pregnant and it just floors me! There was one guy that was POSITIVE when his wife first found out she was pregnant that they were going to have twins, both girls and he told her that which she just laughed off, but he said he just had a feeling in his gut. What do you know? They ended up having twins. Both girls. It’s WILD to me.
They say there’s woman’s/mother’s intuition but I wonder if there’s father’s intuition too.
Anyways, the gif I immediately thought of was the sassy one where he sits and crosses his legs after telling Dustin to be humble sometimes lol so yes I gotta use that for this. This will be its own fic by the way! (Also, I didn’t know if you wanted smut included in it but since you didn’t specify, I’ll keep it clean and just do the fluff and snarky Steve 😂)
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Steve Knows Best
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Nothing really, but pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, throwing up, just in case that’s not your thing
Mornings are usually your least favorite time of day. Honestly, who wants to leave a nice comfy bed to do things?
But lately, mornings have sucked even more for you. You’ve dealt with some bad nausea the last two weeks or so, but nothing terrible. It wasn’t until a few mornings ago that it was bad enough to wrench you from your sleep and to the toilet.
Here you were again, on your knees, not even six a.m. in the morning, stomach heaving. You’re sure you must’ve come down with a bug or something. One of the kids had been sick lately and you’d taken them some food to cheer them up and could’ve caught what they had during your visit.
You didn’t know which was worse, the puking or the constant nausea that seemed to plague you the rest of the day. Even if you got it all out of your system that morning, you spent the rest of the day with bad enough queasiness that you almost wished you would throw up, just so you’d feel better.
Figuring you were done, you flushed the toilet, wiping your mouth before carefully proceeding to brush your teeth. The last thing you needed was to set yourself off again.
By the time you padded back into the bedroom, breath fresh again, you saw Steve laying there, head propped up in his hand, watching the bathroom door and waiting for your return.
“Damnit,” you mumbled, hoping you hadn’t woken your boyfriend, “How long have you been awake?”
“Long enough,” he said, pulling you towards him, running your back, “Did you get sick again?”
You rested your head next to his on the pillow, facing him and nodded.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he kissed your head, smoothing stray pieces of hair that had escaped your ponytail, off your forehead, “You don’t feel warm.”
“It could’ve been something I’ve eaten,” you replied, shrugging.
“Going on a week?” he asked, skeptically.
“Maybe I caught what Dustin had,” you answered, “Remember he was sick last week and I visited him with some food and comics?”
“Y/N,” he gave you a knowing look, “He had a cold.”
“Well, germs are germs,” you huffed.
By his look you were almost sure you knew what he was going to say.
“I still think you could be pregnant.”
And you were right. You sighed, exasperated.
“I’m not pregnant, Steve.”
It’d only been three months since Steve had convinced you to start trying for a baby. You’d kinda just wanted to let things happen as they happen, but Steve wanted to actively try. You weren’t opposed to the idea, especially since it meant sex with him, but the idea still scared you. Not having a baby per se, but actively trying to conceive. You’d seen plenty of couples purposely try, only to be upset month after month when it didn’t happen.
You didn’t want to be disappointed if a test came back negative. You didn’t want Steve to be disappointed, you couldn’t and refused to do that to him. Besides, you’d still been getting your period and that was sign enough that you weren’t pregnant.
“How do you know? You haven’t taken a test.”
“I just had my period, besides I’ve only thrown up three times. I don’t think that constitutes as being pregnant,” you retorted.
“Haven’t you said you’ve been peeing like crazy?”
“So? I’ve been drinking a lot of water. Water makes you pee, Steve,” you said.
You could tell he wasn’t convinced. He pulled you into his arms, your back pressed against his chest as his hands traced lazy patterns of the exposed skin where your shirt had ridden up.
“Do you not want to be pregnant? Is that it?”
You could hear a tinge of hurt in his voice and you frowned, hating yourself for making him think like that.
“It’s not that, I promise, Steve,” you laced your fingers with his, bringing his hand up to your mouth to kiss it, “I just really don’t think I’m pregnant.”
“Then explain your boobs.”
His statement was so random that it caused a bubble of laughter to escape your lips.
“What about them?”
“They’re huge,” he said bluntly.
You looked down, frowning contemplatively. You’d noticed they were a bit tender lately, but didn’t really look any bigger than you were used to.
“Again, probably cause my period. How did you notice anyway?”
You turned to face him, amused and curious for his answer.
“The last time we had sex. I mean it’s kinda hard to ignore such treasure when you’re in certain…positions,” he smirked.
It’d been about two weeks since you two had last been intimate because of you not feeling well lately.
“You’re exaggerating,” you laughed.
“Like I said, you’re pregnant. You just don’t want to admit it.”
You knew better than to argue with him.
“Whatever you say, Steve.”
“Dude, is she okay?”
“Do you not feed her or something?”
Steve gave Dustin and Robin both an unamused look at their questions.
Everyone else had plans for the day, but you, Steve and Robin had ventured out to the mall in the next town over. It was the closest mall to Hawkins after the one in town had been demolished years earlier.
You sat in the food court with your boyfriend and Steve, thoroughly enjoying your cheeseburger and fries. You’re not sure why you felt so hungry today, but you’d take that a million times over feeling nauseous, so you took it as a sign that you’d finally kicked the lingering bits of the bug you’d had.
“I can hear you two, you know,” you grumbled, eating a fry, “I was just really hungry for a cheeseburger I guess.”
You spotted pickles set aside on Dustin’s burger tray, tomato on Robin’s.
“Are you guys going to eat your pickles? Or tomatoes?” you asked, motioning to them.
They shook their heads, sliding the tray over yo you where you collected the food, popping them into your mouth happily. You could’ve laughed at the varying looks on their faces at that moment.
Robin looked horrified.
Dustin looked confused.
Steve looked…amused?
“What?” you asked, tired of them gawking at you.
“You hate pickles,” Robin said.
“And tomatoes?” Dustin said, although it came out as a question; his statement was as confused as his expression was.
“Maybe my tastes have changed,” you shrugged, “They just sounded really good right now.”
Steve gave you a knowing look and once again, you shook your head adamantly.
“No,” you said.
The other two looked between you, trying to follow.
“What? What’s this? What’s going on?” Robin asked, motioning between you two, indicating the silent conversation you and Steve were having in shared looks.
“Y/N’s pregnant.”
“What?!” Dustin exclaimed.
“She is?!” Robin yelped.
“I’m gonna be an uncle?” Dustin beamed.
“And I’m gonna be an aunt?” Robin smiled.
“No one’s going to be anything!” you said, trying to calm them down, “At least not at the moment.”
“But Steve just said—”
You cut Dustin off mid-sentence.
“Yes, I know what he just said. But I’m not pregnant. Steve just thinks I am.”
Robin looked at Steve with a raised brow, “Explain, please.”
“She’s having all these signs,” he waved his hands in mid-air as if that would explain it.
“What kind of signs?” Dustin questioned.
“She’s been nauseous and has thrown up several times,” Steve ticked off on one finger.
“Which I told him was just a bug,” you countered, “I must’ve gotten sick from when I visited you when you were sick, Dustin.”
“I had a cold,” he deadpanned.
“Semantics!” you exclaimed.
“She has to pee every five seconds,” Steve ticked off on another finger.
“I drink a lot of water,” you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, that’s a reasonable excuse,” Dustin nodded.
“Her boobs have gotten huge,” Steve added, ticking off a third finger.
“Your boobs do look really nice lately,” Robin nodded.
“Right?” Steve said.
“Okay, this is ridiculous. I’ve told him a million times I’m not pregnant,” you said.
“Then there’s this,” Steve motioned to you and the food in front of you.
“What? That I’m enjoying a burger?”
“Like you haven’t eaten in three years,” Dustin said.
“And eating pickles,” Robin added.
“And tomatoes,” Steve finished.
“You guys are losing it,” you shook your head, “I think I’d know my body better than that.”
“Okay, whatever you say,” Robin said, sharing a look you couldn’t decipher with Steve.
He still had that determined, all knowing look in his eyes. The one that sparked the flint of doubt you were having deep down in your gut. The one truth that you refused to admit.
The final straw came one morning, not even a full week after the incident at the food court. It’d been about a full month since the nausea started and though you hadn’t been having symptoms like that in a while, Steve was still adamant.
He didn’t bother you about it, but you knew he was itching to prove you right. You couldn’t help but find yourself wishing he was right, but you just weren’t ready for that disappointment if he was wrong. The fact that your period had shown up last month made you feel like disappointment was a big possibility.
You were getting ready to tag along with Steve and the gang to hang out. You were finishing getting dressed when you hit a snag in your morning routine. Your favorite pair of jeans were feeling a bit more snug than you remembered them being. Granted, you’d been eating a bit more than usual, but it was a little odd.
Of course, Steve walked in the bedroom in the middle of your struggle.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, watching you try your hardest to pull the two sides of your jeans together, to get the button in.
“I can’t get my jeans buttoned,” you groaned.
His brows rose, clearly amused but he walked over, offering to try to button them for you. When that didn’t work, he looked at you.
“Still don’t believe there isn’t a chance you’re pregnant?” Steve asked, crossing his arms, smiling at you.
You sighed, tired of fighting the curiosity, the doubt and the fear. So, you gave in and decided you’d take a test.
“So, should we pick up a test while we’re out today?” you smiled.
“No need. I already got one.”
He dropped his arms, already heading to the bathroom.
“You…what?” you laughed, not sure you’d heard correctly.
He pulled a sack out from the cabinet under the bathroom sink and pulled out a small box which was in fact a pregnancy test.
“How long have you had this?” you asked, amazed he’d thought of getting one already.
“About a month ago,” he smiled sheepishly.
You laughed, shaking your head and kissed his cheek.
“Oh, Steve. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiled, “Now take it.”
He handed you the box.
“Do you want me to stay in here or wait in the bedroom?”
“Go wait in the bedroom. I’d be too nervous to pee with you staring at me.”
He grinned, giving you a kiss, “Fair enough.”
After reading the directions, you took the test and set it on the counter and went to wait with Steve.
“What if you’re wrong?” you asked, wringing your hands with anxiety.
“I’m not,” he answered, sure of himself.
When the time was up, you went to get the test and you couldn’t believe what you saw. You showed Steve and his look of excitement met yours of baffled joy.
“How did you know?!”
He just answered you with a sassy, knowing look and a raise of his eyebrows.
Turned out, Steve did happen to know your body better than you did.
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kybabi · 4 years
telling their s/o they’re being too clingy
w/ atsumu, sakusa, and oikawa
part 1!
series masterlist here!
(a/n: i have a couple asks to post but i just wanted to post this one prompt today!!
anyways i feel like if i were in a relationship (PLS i’ve never been in one before *cries in commitment issues*) i’d definitely be too clingy so i wanted to write for this one. anyways it’s a lil angsty but there’s happy endings for each of the characters😌
um. also. these are literally SO CHEESY like you won’t even understand until you read it so feel free to click off if it’s too much😀)
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atsumu had woken up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason
he barely said anything to you in the morning and was ignoring your texts all day
when he finally got home, he was the same
you figured that maybe he needed some cuddles or positive affirmations
so you climbed into bed next to him and put your head on his chest
“‘tsumu, are you okay?”
he just rolled over on his side, pushing you off him
“why can’t you tell when i want to be alone? god, you’re always so clingy.”
after that, he said nothing to you, leaving the two of you in silence
you realized you were always this way, and you felt insecure, as touch was one of your love languages and you hadn’t realized how annoying that must have been
the two of you slept with your backs against each other that night
it’s the next day, and atsumu seems to have forgotten the things he said to you while he was in a bad mood last night.
when he wakes up, the bed is cold. it’s a saturday, and he’s looking forward to just staying in for the day and spending some time with you. he gets up to find you in the kitchen, making some sort of food. he walks up behind you, about to put his arms around you and wrap you in a hug, but you dodge him, moving to the side swiftly. he figures it’s nothing (this dumb bitch i swear)
“hey babe, we should go to the store today and pick up something for dinner,” he notes, checking the refrigerator.
“‘kay,” you reply, plating both of your breakfasts.
when you get to the grocery store, he expects you to tug on his sweatshirt like always, steering him into the aisles you want to go into, but instead you walk in front of him. the behavior is strange, but he shrugs it off.
after dinner, you suggest a movie, and you let him pick for the two of you.
you settle in, situating yourself on the left side of the couch and pulling the blanket over yourself. atsumu sits in the middle, expecting you to join him with your head on his shoulder like usual.
he waits.
and waits.
but you stay on your side of the couch, resting against a pillow instead of your boyfriend. now atsumu is picking up on your behavior, but he’s not sure why you’re acting this way. he decides he’ll ask you after the movie.
when you’re in bed later, he joins you, sighing contentedly. you look over at him and smile sleepily. now he figures you’ll give in and crawl over into his lap, since you’re stupidly affectionate when you’re sleepy. but you roll over on your side, scrolling lazily through your phone. now he knows something is up.
he’s about to ask you why you’re being this way, but then he suddenly remembers the things he said to you last night before you went to sleep. he feels terrible.
he pokes at your side miserably. you turn to see him staring at you with wide, guilty eyes, and you sit up.
“what is it, baby?” you whisper, gentle. he pushes his face into your chest, and sighs.
“‘m sorry,” he mumbles quietly. “i didn’t mean what i said last night. please be affectionate with me again, okay?”
the thought that he wants you close to him makes your heart swell, and you can’t imagine a time where you weren’t in love with this man.
you sigh, threading your fingers through his hair soothingly.
“‘s okay. i love you.”
“i love you.”
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you’ve always been the more affectionate one in your relationship
kiyoomi is not one for physical contact, nor people in general, but for you he might make an exception
but the differences between your personalities often lead to disagreements and furthermore, arguments
a couple days ago, you had fought because he hadn’t texted you to tell you where he’d been for hours and you were worried sick
he wasn’t in the mood to talk and you were making it worse
“kiyoomi, you can’t just—”
“y/n, i’m tired of you being this way all the time. you’re so fucking clingy. it’s like every time i try to do literally anything, you HAVE to be overbearing. it’s exhausting.”
you were hurt that he’d called you that, as you cared deeply for him but he’d only interpreted that as annoying :(
you continued to fight until neither of you had the energy and called it quits, half-assed apologies forced out of each other
now the two of you are okay, but what he said stuck with you, and you’ve decided that maybe he’s right
today was not sakusa’s day at all. people were getting on his nerves left and right, and he was just tired out of his mind. he was just looking forward to coming home to you and snuggling in bed after such a long day.
he gets home and walks into the kitchen to see you making dinner and sighs tiredly. you can tell something is up with him.
“you doing okay, omi?” you ask gently. he shakes his head no, and you realize he must’ve had a bad day.
“‘m sorry, baby. can i do anything to make you feel better?” you ask, tossing something into the pot your stirring.
he sighs again, knowing he’s absolutely terrible at asking for things like this.
“could we— could you just—” he stutters, muttering. you stare at him patiently; expectantly. he stares back at you.
usually here, you’d end his suffering and ask him if he wanted to cuddle, but apparently you’re not picking up on his cues or something, because you stay silent, waiting for him to say something.
at some point, sakusa just gives up, mumbling under his breath and sulking over to the couch. on most days, you would walk over to him and ask him to talk to you, but for some reason it seems like you’re really not paying any attention to him. he knows he’s being dramatic, but he feels neglected and just a bit touch-starved. he would never say it, though.
after dinner, when both of you have showered and you’re waiting in bed for him, he looks over at you. you just look so warm and soft and he wants more than anything to cuddle with you. trying to be subtle, he asks, “is something up with you?”
you shake your head. “no, i’m doing okay. how are you feeling?” he shrugs, not wanting to talk. but you interpret this as him wanting distance from you, so you decide not to prod any further.
now he’s getting impatient, fingers itching to just grab you and hold you close, but you’re not giving him anything.
then he remembers how he hurt you last time, calling you clingy and saying the way you cared for him was annoying. his shoulders droop, and now he realizes he can’t blame you for giving him space. but space isn’t what he wants right now.
so he wraps his arms around your waist and rolls you over, ending up with you lying flush on top of him, and you look up at his face in surprise.
“please don’t be away from me right now,” he mumbles quietly. “i want you here, okay?”
your eyes fill up with tears at his honesty, kiyoomi in such a vulnerable state you’ve never seen before. you bury your face in his chest and sniffle.
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oikawa has always had a problem with his personal boundaries
he’s never known when to stop; when enough is enough
so when you found out that he was still overworking himself a few days ago, your own frustration bubbled over
“tooru, this HAS to stop!”
both of you knew it was true
but in oikawa’s head..
“god, of course you wouldn’t get it. you’ve never wanted something so badly in your entire life that you’d do anything—”
“I WANT YOU, TOORU. how many times do i have to tell you this to make you understand?”
he’d scoffed at you, sneering
“you know what? fuck you. i don’t need you. all you do is hover over me. GOD, you’re so fucking clingy! no matter how hard i try to get rid of you, you just won’t leave!”
you were crying at that point, and while normally you would’ve stayed and tried to calm him down, this time was different
you were too hurt to stay, so you grabbed some of your things and left, slamming the door
he had regretted the words the second they left his mouth, but it was too late anyway
he’d called you 14 times and left too many messages to count, and when you came home he got up and ran to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, scared to let go
and while you knew he didn’t mean the things he said to you, you also knew he wasn’t all that wrong either
so from that day on, you decided you would be better
today was terrible.
honestly, everything was going wrong. you were getting into arguments with people at work, the traffic was terrible, and it seemed like the entire world was against you.
and while all you want is to come home to your boyfriend and cuddle with him, the very last thing you need right now is another argument about how clingy you’re being.
oikawa is already home when you open the door, and he stands up to greet you. he notices something is off about you today, and you look even more tired than usual.
he walks over to you and tilts your chin up with his hand. you look like you’re about to cry.
“oh, baby. what’s wrong?” he asks, his voice soft and sweet. but you’re just so overwhelmed, so you start to sob. his eyes widen in alarm and then droop with sympathy, and he tries to wrap his arms around you.
no matter how much you want to succumb to his embrace, you know you’ll only regret it in the long run, so you push him away and walk towards your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
outside the door, oikawa stands there dumbfounded. it’s so unlike you to refuse his comfort, especially through touch. he knocks on the door softly before opening it.
you’re laying in bed, pillow clutched to your chest, sobbing on your side. the sight breaks his heart, and he wants to make you feel better, but he doesn’t know how.
he sits on the bed beside you and puts his hand in your hair, but you shrink away from him. his heart sinks.
“baby, please let me be here for you,” he says soothingly. you shake your head. “why?” he asks, soft and sad.
“y-you’ll think i’m be-being clingy again,” you sniffle, clutching the pillow tighter.
tooru thinks back to the argument the two of you had, the way he called you annoying and clingy and desperate when really he can’t think of anything he’s ever needed more in his life than you.
he gets into bed beside you and puts his arms around you, holding you tight against him. you fight him for a second, but then relax, giving in and turning towards him. you cry harder, sobbing into his chest and gripping his shirt.
“hey, hey. you’re alright, baby, i’ve got you,” he whispers. “i love you so much, okay? i love how affectionate you are with me and i love everything about you.”
you’ve calmed down a little bit, hiccuping and sniffling against his chest.
“i’m sorry for making you feel like i wasn’t a safe space for you to come home to. i didn’t mean a single thing i said to you that day. and then you left and it scared me and i was exhausted and insecure and i just—” he cuts himself off. “i need you, y/n. that will never change. okay?”
you look up at him, smiling softly. you really, really love him, don’t you?
“okay,” you whisper, falling asleep in his arms.
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you-are-my-joy · 2 years
Song Bird | 02
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Title: Song Bird
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff, Slow burn
Characters: Siren!Reader, Human!Jin, Human!Yoongi, Human!Hoseok, Human!Namjoon, Human!Jimin, Human!Taehyung, Human!Jungkook
Word count: 7.3k
Summary: Sirens have been hunted for centuries. Imprisoned and killed for experimentation or to be used for their powers. When thinking about sirens, most envision half woman half fish. But what most people don’t know is that the true original sirens were half woman half bird. Beings far more powerful than the water sirens that most people know of. Beings so rare that many people believe they never existed. But they do. So if word got out that one was sighted and found… it’s only a matter of time before their lives no longer belongs to them, but to their captures.
Warning: May contain depictions of violence and mentions of abuse throughout the story.
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The first thing you hear when sleep begins to fade away is the sound of knocking on your door. You groan at the consistent pounding, turning over to bring a pillow over your head in hopes of drowning out the sound. 
You vaguely hear someone go “I think she’s awake now,” before your door slowly begins to creak open, allowing the culprit to waltz right in shamelessly. 
“Rise and shine birdie!”
You wince, normally your mood would brighten at Hoseok's voice, but when it’s nearly 7 in the morning and you’re woken up harshly by loud sounds… Let’s just say you’re thankful Hoseok can’t read your mind. 
He grins down at a blob hidden under the blanket he can only assume is you. He taps on your shoulder, “birdie?” he peers over carefully, “it’s me, your ray of sunshine in the morning.”
“Hoseok I’m about to be your ray of death if you keep talking.”
All he does is chuckle, but nonetheless retracts his hand anyway.
Suddenly you hear another man sigh, “Y/n you can’t exactly threaten a person who would probably find joy in that,” he drones out in an unamused tone.
At the sound of Calvin’s voice, you peek your head from under the covers, “Cal?”
Hoseok looks highly offended at the action, “oh so you’ll look over for him but I’m the one getting death threats,” he exclaims with a bewildered expression, “this is favoritism!”
You roll your eyes, “yup it sure is.” You then proceed to ignore the noise that comes out of his mouth.
You give your full attention to the other man, “please, enlighten me on the reason you woke me up at this ungodly hour,” a slightly agitated tone in your voice. 
Calvin raises a brow, “did you forget what day of the week it is?” At the tilt of your head, he just sighs. “It’s training day my dear, as in, it's time to wake up.”
You groan out loudly and raise the covers to hide yourself in retaliation. 
You hear Hoseok chuckle and the next second he starts gently tugging your blanket. “Wakey wakey sweetheart.”
“Hoseok I swear I will bite off your finger.”
“Oh, birdie knows how to bite back,” he teases, the grin never once leaving his face as he now starts to play with your exposed hair, “could’ve been really helpful yesterday with your father.”
You pause at that before hesitantly looking over, “You know about that.” The sentence is more of a statement than a question. 
Hoseok pauses for a moment, before gently caressing the top of your head as he fixes your bedhair, “everyone knows,” he clarifies with a half smile, “not sure if you know this but you’re everyone’s favorite topic around here,” he teases in hopes of lightening up the mood but when you barely give a reaction his smile slowly begins to fall. 
“Don’t worry about it kid, a few of them are on your side,” Calvin tries to reassure but you couldn’t help but raise a brow at his word choice.
“A few of them,” you repeat in a whisper under your breath, but they both heard you loud and clear as they shared a look.
“Y/n, don’t take it personally, it’s just-”
“I’m a siren so everyone’s scared of me, I know, I’ve heard it all too well,” you mumble dejectedly, finally rising up from your bed to start your day.
Hoseok frowns as his eyes follow you, “Birdie-”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt, stretching your arms up in the air, “it’s not anything I’m not used to,” you try to ressaure them by sending them a small smile, but this does nothing to convince them you’re ok.
Even so, Calvin looks to Hoseok, “let’s get going while she gets ready,” he tilts his head to the door before walking out, not even so much as a glance back at you two.
Hoseok hesitates for a moment, standing there as though wanting to say more but turns to leave anyway. 
When the door finally closes shut, you heave a sigh letting your shoulders relax. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that everyone knows, seing how rarely anything exciting happens around here. So the moment something does happen, it's like a wildfire with how quick information spreads from person to person.
You shake it off, it’s not like you’d be able to make a difference in people’s minds. To them, you’re a siren, and nothing about that will change. 
Reluctantly, you get ready to start your day with a fresh change of clothes. Walking out the door and towards the training ground, you nod your head at the few staff members you run into who bow as they greet you.
Even if they weren’t exactly a fan of your kind, they at least had the decency to acknowledge and respect you as the daughter of their boss. For that, you’re thankful they don’t sneer at you like all the background characters you read about in your fantasy books. 
Eventually, you arrive at the training grounds, already dreading the lesson when you find Lucas and Jungkook waving at you. 
“Good morning dear, did you have a good night’s rest,” Lucas greets you with a wide smile, albeit too enthusiastic given how early it is in the day. 
You shrug your shoulders, “I’ve had better sleep,” you grumble, your eye bags definitely showing how you had a great night's rest. 
Jungkook, also looking half awake, can’t help but nod his head in agreement.
Lucas harshly claps his, the loud sudden sound causing you both to flinch. His eyes crinkle in amusement at the way you two are now much more wide awake. “Shall we get started now lady and gent.”
You begin to stretch, preparing your body for what it’s about to endure, “do I have much of a choice?” you ask rhetorically.
Lucas says nothing, but he brings out two pistols and hands it to the both of you. “Today’s shooting day,” he announces with a bright smile.
You groan, “I’m a siren, why must I need to shoot a gun.”
The older man raises a brow, “and when you lose energy what then? You’re completely vulnerable and have no way of defending yourself,” he puts the gun into your hands, “that’s why you learn.” 
You can’t bring yourself to disagree. 
Jungkook yawns, “can I ask why I’m here then?” He didn’t understand why he was present when it was your training session, so you can imagine how confused he was when Lucas had arrived at his quarters, forcing him to get up bright and early. 
“Consider this punishment for what happened at dinner yesterday,” Lucas answers, refusing to look him in the eye. 
At that, Jungkook’s mouth drops, “you’re punishing me for that?!”
Your gaze switches between the two in a confused manner, “what happened at dinner?”
“All I did was eat the last piece of cake the pastry chef made!” Jungkook answers with a bewildered look, unable to process in his mind that this was the reason he was being punished. 
“You had two plates prior to getting the last one and I had none,” Lucas snaps, finally looking at him with narrowed eyes, pettiness dripping from his voice. “Be thankful this is as far as I’m going.”
Jungkook purses his lips into a straight line, “Sir, I feel as though you’re taking advantage of your status.”
“See me same time tomorrow morning, Jungkook.”
You can’t help but laugh at them, the two somehow always bickering like father and son. You wave your hands between them in hopes of dissipating the tension. “Can we please carry on with the lesson, the faster we get this done the faster I can go back to sleep.”
Lucas eyes you, “our princess sure does love her sleep,” he mumbles but nonetheless nods his head and motions for you to stare straight ahead. 
He points ahead, following the direction, your eyes land on questionable painted animals on a wooden stand, “you see those targets?” he continues when both you and Jungkook nod your head. “Those targets will be moving by string and you two are going to compete against each other to see who shoots the most animals.”
At this, you two can’t help but widen your eyes. 
“We’re competing?” Lucas nods his head, “I want to see how Y/n handles shooting under pressure,” he explains.
Jungkook can’t help but let out a laugh. “Oh I’m so going to enjoy beating you,” he says cockily. 
And that one sentence was enough to spark the competitiveness within you. 
You furrow your brows and cocked the pistol, “we’ll see who beats who,” you snap back, wanting to smack the smirk off his lips. 
Lucas chuckles and with one blow from his whistle the ‘animals’  begin to move. You don’t even question how or who’s controlling it, your mind was focused on one thing. 
You both raise your guns at the same time and all at once you shoot. 
Shots ring out within the training grounds with pieces of wood flying in every direction. You don’t keep track of how many you’ve knocked down and you doubt Jungkook is either. 
Your eyes just remain trained on any moving object it sees. Though you curse under your breath everytime Jungkook hits the animal you were aiming for. It’s gotten to the point where it seems like he was doing it on purpose to win this competition. 
“Don’t get mad at me for winning Y/n dear,” Jungkook manages to shout through the multitude of shots ringing out. 
Your eyes narrow dangerously, “don’t get too cocky on me dear, it’s not over just yet.”
And it was like a switch got turned on in your head and all at once your shooting rate seemingly increased, much to Jungkook’s surprise as it became apparent he was struggling to catch up. 
Lucas smiles as he watches the scene before him with his arms crossed as he observes the way you hold the gun as well as the way your eyes seemingly calculate your target’s movements to hit them in the right spots. 
He takes note of these things, especially your behavior when your mood shifts. 
After many ‘animal’ deaths, it seemingly looks like you two demolished every single ‘animal’ Lucas had planned out. 
You catch your breath as you turn to look at the older man expectantly. Waiting for him to announce the results. 
“There’s still one more kiddos,” Lucas calls out, much to your surprise and disappointment. This causes you two to look back one last time. You narrow your eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the last animal before him but with the way you both react at the same time shows you saw it together. 
“A fucking hummingbird?!” you both shout in complete astonishment when you catch sight of the small ‘animal’ moving erratically in the air. 
Lucas hums, an amused twinkle shining past his eyes, “a fucking hummingbird,” he repeats in confirmation with a bright smile. 
“You’ve gotta be joking,” Jungkook mumbles under his breath as he cocks his gun once more. 
You don’t even hesitate, your eyes remain trained on the target. Unlike the others, it seems like this one didn’t have a set route as it randomly and freely moves as it pleases. 
This one was proving to be a challenge for the both of you, that much you can tell based on the multiple missed shots from both parties. 
“Lucas this is impossible!” you shout out in frustration. 
And what makes it even worse is it's impossibly small size. 
“Not impossible if you just believe,” he replies back in a sing-song voice, irking you even more. 
You take a deep breath knowing that letting your emotions get the best of you won’t do you any good. 
You stare back at the fast-paced ‘animal’ with a more calm head as Jungkook continues to chase after it helplessly. Just when it seemed like it didn’t have a set route, the more you paid attention to it, the more you’ve come to realize it did go into somewhat of a pattern.
It goes in the same route but the way it moves differs from time to time making it seem like there was no way to predict its movements. 
You memorize its movements and notice this one spot it always passes and then count in your head the length of time it passes by. 
Lucas raises a brow as he observes the way you stopped following its movements altogether. He leans forward, as he watches you carefully. 
He swears he sees you mouth the word ‘one’ right before letting out a shot. 
The area goes silent as all three of you watch the bullet pierce right through the small piece of wood leaving Jungkook in disbelief. 
Your eyes light up, surprised your method actually worked. 
Lucas lets out a hearty laugh as he claps his hands. “Well done the both of you, it’s quite hard to delcare the winner I’ll be honest.”
“I clearly shot more of them though,” Jungkook argues. 
The older man raises a brow, “while that may be so, shall we compare the accuracy?” he makes a motion with his hands, “Hoseok, Yoongi bring me two of their targets.”
You were surprised to find that the two were here. They must’ve been the ones controlling and throwing them around. 
Hoseok and Yoongi smile at you, happily making their way with pieces of broken wood with holes drilled into them. When they finally stand before you, Lucas leans closer to inspect them carefully.
He hums, “there’s no denying that Jungkook did shoot more but not by a large margin. However every single one of Y/n’s hits was right on the bullseye, and if not, it was on the second line right next to it,” he looks back at you with a pleased smile, “Y/n’s accuracy beats Jungkook’s by a long shot, no pun intended.”
“So what does this mean?” you ask with slight hope in your voice.
“Jungkook is faster in terms of shooting, however it’s sloppy. His targets wouldn’t die in one shot, instead it’d probably take two to three shots to finish them. You on the other hand, do well in that aspect to the point it’s scarily accurate.” 
Your eyes light up, you try not to act boastful knowing how competitive Jungkook is. 
“I’ll consider Y/n the winner by a very small margin. Don’t take it personally Jungkook, you still did very well compared to others, Y/n is just an above average person.” 
Jungkook sighs but nonetheless sends you a smile, “I should’ve known better than to think it’d be easy to beat you,” he extends an arm out, “good job.”
You happily accept his hand, “thank you, you did really good too.” You then turn towards Yoongi and Hoseok, “what I wanna know is which one of you was controlling the hummingbird one.”
 Jungkook scowls, “yeah, with the size, that was nearly impossible.”
“Y/n managed to get it,” Yoongi points out, purposely wanting to annoy Jungkook even more, “and we weren’t the ones in charge of that,” he informs him while tilting his head to the side, motioning for you all to turn to look. 
When you do, your eyes meet with the new guard you met yesterday, Taehyung. 
“Good evening,” he greets you all yet his eyes only remain trained on you. 
You can’t help but blush, acting shy from his intense stare. Jungkook raises a brow having noticed this and subconsciously rolls his shoulders back looking a tad bit more taller. 
“You controlled the hummingbird?” When Taehyung nods his head Jungkook furrows his brows, “you nearly made it impossible to shoot that damn thing, did you have to go so fast?”
“Sir Lucas ordered me to make it go fast,” the man shrugs his shoulders, “I was just following orders that’s all, is it my fault that you couldn’t hit?”
You all raise a brow at the slight sass whereas Jungkook narrowed his eyes in slight agitation, “no, I suppose not,” he replies through gritted teeth. He refuses to let his emotions get the best of him, not with his supervisor, friends and most importantly you being right there.
“It’s no surprise that you won Miss Y/n, I had my faith in you the entire time,” you couldn’t help but question his sincerity, however his good looks and deep voice really makes it hard to keep your heart calm. He then turns his attention towards Jungkook, “you did great too I guess,” he says not as enthusiastically as when he was addressing you. 
“Gee thanks,” Jungkook replies sarcastically, dodging a nudge of your elbow, a punishment for acting rude. 
Taehyung shrugs his shoulders, “don’t take it the wrong way, I just thought Y/n excelled in this aspect much more.”
“Well there’s no question about that, but I’m better at sparring than I am at shooting,” Jungkook replies back a bit more defensively. 
“Is that so? I would love to see that for myself.” The confidence was nearly radiating off of him that it was hard to tell whether he was actually a really good fighter or he was just bluffing. 
However, your father would never hire someone who was inadequate, so if he was here he must be good to some extent. 
Yoongi observes from afar with narrowed eyes, clearly catching on to the fact that Taehyung was purposely trying to provoke Jungkook, but for what reason, he doesn’t know.
“I hope you dont mind losing again today,” Taehyung replies back cheekily, confidently declaring a challenge. One that Jungkook was ready to accept. 
“I’ve been a guard here since the very beginning, there’s no way I’d lose to a rookie like you,” he scoffs, almost offended he would think that.
“Jungkook I hope you know I’ll never live this down if you lose,” Hoseok calls out from the sidelines with a lopsided smile, hoping that by joking it would dissipate much of the apparent tension in the air. 
“Yeah, losing to a rookie has gotta be the lowest thing you can do,” Yoongi adds with a slight smirk on his lips, adding more fuel to the fire. If they were going to fight, he might as well enjoy the show. He’ll investigate further into Taehyung’s character later.
“Thanks for the words of encouragement guys, really helping me out here,” Jungkook calls out sarcastically, with a hint of agitation. 
“No problem.”
Jungkook just sends Yoongi a scowl.
“Y/n can I get your words of encouragement?” Taehyung asks with a charming smile, successfully gaining your attention. 
Jungkook whips his head in your direction, his scorching gaze boring into you, “Y/n I’ve known you longer,” the man was quick to remind you. 
“Taehyung good luck,” you encourage with a shy smile, leaving Jungkook absolutely flabbergasted. You finally turn to him, unable to hide the amused grin at the sight of his pout, “Jungkook, good luck as well.”
His eyes nearly light up as he pulls his shoulders back, a bit more determined now. Taehyung couldn’t help but envision him as a puppy that got complimented by their owner.
“Softie,” Hoseok mumbles from beside you, nudging your shoulder gently with a small smile.
You nudge him back playfully, “shut it sunshine,” you hiss quietly, but he just chuckles at this, knowing he was right. 
Lucas shakes his head in amusement at the scene before him, “well I’ll let you kids enjoy your time,” he says, starting to turn around to make his way out. 
Your eyes snap in his direction, “is my training over? Wouldn’t father not approve of this,” you ask nervously. You weren’t prepared to get scolded again after yesterday. You try your best not to disappoint him but somehow you just can’t stop causing trouble for him. 
He smiles softly at you before patting your head, “don’t worry about it kiddo, I’ll take the fall if he gets angry. You’ve been working hard all your life, it wouldn’t hurt taking a break every now and then.” 
You can’t help but lean into his touch. Lucas has always treated you so kindly with so much affection that you had always wished he was the one you were calling father instead. But you don’t dare say that out loud, so you hope your actions display your gratitude instead. 
“Thank you.” He just nods his head before leaving the area. 
Yoongi gently grabs your forearm, guiding you towards the sidelines away from the two men radiating testosterone. “Let's get this show on the road fellas,” he calls out over his shoulder, “also Taehyung, do me a favor and beat him good, his ego gets the best of him sometimes.”
Jungkook lets out an offended noise as he stares at his friend with full on betrayal, “I get it, you all hate me and want to see me fail.”
“No we don't!” Hoseok shouts almost immediately, “I’m your best friend, we even shared a toothbrush once!” You and Yoongi turn to look at him in disgust.
Jungkook blinks, a now more horrified look on his face, “… I was not aware of that.”
You’re not at all surprised by the shameless look on Hoseok’s face despite announcing that in front of everyone. 
“You have some very… interesting friends,” Taehyung replies as politely as he can. 
“Yeah, very interesting,” Jungkook mutters, rolling his shoulders as he begins stretching to prepare for the fight.
Taehyung begins to stretch as well, “Y/n is definitely the most beautiful among your friends.”
Jungkook freezes at the mention of your name. He slowly raises his head to look at him seriously, “what do you want with Y/n?” He notices the way the man pauses for a moment, caught off guard at the question before reverting back to his charming expression. 
“Is it wrong to admire her for her beauty?” Taehyung replies back with a shrug, “I just think she’s immensely gorgeous, nothing more nothing less.”
Jungkook remains unconvinced but nonetheless lets it go. He’ll just show this new guy through actions that he can’t get to you, not with him there.
“Enough talking, let's get started,” he says with a determined look.
Taehyung looks slightly surprised but smirks anyway, “thank goodness.”
Eyeing the way the two changed their stance, Yoongi nudges you to gain your attention, “they’re starting,” he says, taking you away from you and Hoseok placing bets on who's going to win. 
Without any hesitation, Jungkook charges forward, always the type to run head first. And to your surprise, instead of bracing himself, Taehyung also runs forward. 
You suck in a breath as they practically collide against one another. Fists and legs flying in the air as they aim at one another with precision and accuracy. 
You three watch with bated breaths, the two fighting as if they were actual enemies wanting to kill each other. 
The two were practially a perfect match as you watch the way Jungkook’s fists come straight for Taehyung’s shoulder, but the man professionally dodges the attack and retaliates with his own by kicking his feet under him. But Jungkook was skilled enough to dodge that attack as well.
Where Jungkook excels in strength, Taehyung excels in agility. 
“This is getting really intense,” you mutter, flinching everytime someone’s fist collides with the other's skin, the sound not sitting right with you, “why are they trying so hard?”
Hoseok gives you a side eye with a knowing smile, “I wonder why.” 
Yoongi hums in return, eyeing the two carefully, ready to intervene if it gets too messy. 
Taehyung grunts as he braces himself for a jab from Jungkook, letting his forearms block the attack. He’s already not anticipating the bruises that are going to appear the next day throughout his body. 
He ducks down, successfully dodging yet another one of his opponents hits, much to his annoyance. But to Jungkook’s surprise, Taehyung uses his legs to kick himself off the floor and with the momentum, collides his fist straight into his abdomen causing him to stumble backwards. Taehyung uses this to his advantage and kicks in the same spot until he falls to the ground.
“HAHAHAHAAH JUNGKOOK WHAT WAS THAT?!” Hoseok shouts as he nearly topples over while laughing his heart out. Meanwhile you and Yoongi couldn’t help but look away, trying to stiffle the laughter that was threatening to escape. 
Jungkook growls and without wasting any time, flips over until he’s standing up on his feet once more. His stamina amazes Taehyung but he tells himself he needs to remain focused. 
“Seems you do know how to fight,” he mutters.
Taehyung shurgs, “the boss wouldn’t hire me if I didn’t,” he points out, a statement that the other man couldn’t argue with. 
Without another word, Jungkook surges forward and swings his fists in the air, switching between his two hands at lightning speed that you three on the sidelines could barely catch the movement. It was almost like he was moving like a blur. 
Hoseok whistles, “wow he really is trying extra hard,” he mutters, “this new guy must be something else if he’s putting in this much effort to beat him,” he comments off to the side, more so to himself but you and Yoongi hear it loud and clear. 
You can’t help but agree, despite Jungkook moving incredibly fast, Taehyung was surprisingly able to block or dodge each one. 
However, Jungkook’s relentless attacks barely gives Taehyung any time to recover. So after some time, Taehyung noticeably has difficulty trying to catch up to the impressive speed, grunting as he tries his best to dodge his attacks. Although, he takes a misstep, and that one action was enough for Jungkook to take a strong jab at him. 
Taehyung grunts from the pain, nearly toppling over. Jungkook uses this chance to swing his legs and kick his sides causing the man to fall to the ground from the impact. 
All three of you gasp at the sight, waiting with bated breaths for Taehyung to stand back up, but much to Hoseok’s disapppointment, the man remains on the ground. 
Yoongi frowns, “oh, looks like Jungkook won,” he announces, with absoultely zero enthusiasm in his voice.
Jungkook scowl’s, having taken note of his tone. “Thank you all so much for believing in me.”
“Kookie, I never once lost faith in you,” Hoseok smiles cheerfully with his thumbs up in the air.
“You’re a liar.”
“I sure am.”
Jungkook’s scowl never once left his face.
Taehyung lets out a hearty laugh, “it was my mistake to think I had a chance against you,” he says, succeesfully gaining his attention. 
Jungkook can’t help but offer a small smile, “told you, I wasn’t planning on losing to a rookie,” he boasts, extending his hand out for him to take, “but nonetheless you put up a good fight.”
Taehyung gratefully accepts his hand and with his help, stands up from the floor. He returns the smile, “it’s quite an honor to lose to you, I’ve only heard great things about you.” He could practicaly see the way Jungkook’s entire demeener changed.
“Taehyung please, that boy's ego is already big as is,” Yoongi drones out as you three approach the two sweaty boys. 
“Wow handsome and knows how to flatter, you’ve got the whole package,” you comment with a small smile directed to the new guy. 
When his eyes land on you, he smirks in return, “I wouldn’t mind extending this flattering to you princess,” he replies flirtatiously, causing the other boys to raise a brow. 
“I might have to take you up on that offer,” to everyone’s surprise, you return the flirting. 
Hoseok moves to wrap an arm around your waist, “birdie don’t joke like that,” he whispers lowly in your ear. He leans away with a bright smile yet, it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Jungkook narrows his eyes, frowning as he wordlessly moves to stand in front of you.
You blink, “can I help you?”
He tilts his head, “I won,” he announces as if you weren’t just a few feet away and saw thw whole thing. 
You nod your head, still slightly confused, “I know? I was watching.” He pouts but doesn’t say anything else. You try to rack your mind as to what he wanted from you before realizing he must’ve wanted you to congratulate him. 
You nearly chuckle before giving him a bright smile, “you did really well Jungkook.” And almost instantly, his entire face lights up. 
Yoongi scoffs, “are you a puppy now?” he mumbles in a bored tone. 
“You’re just jealous that Y/n’s praising me,” Jungkook pettily responds, his bottom lip jutting out.
“Nothing to be jealous about when I can hug her as I please,” he states before moving behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head gingery on your shoulder as he eyes him, almost challenging him, and the younger man was never one to turn down a challenge.
“I can hug her as I please as well!” Jungkook defends, and moves towards you with determination, but he suddenly gets stopped when you raise a hand in front of you. 
“Not with all that sweat you’re not,” you state in a serious tone,your lips in a straight line, almost disgusted at the thought of being covered in his sweat. 
Yoongi smirks before sticking his tongue out, successfully aggrivating Jungkook even more.
And just to add more fuel to the fire, Hoseok joins in and one ups Yoongi by placing a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
Needless to say, this left Jungkook speechless. 
Taehyung watches the scene before him in amusement. But at the same time he was trying to understand the dynamic that you have with all three of them. At first he had thought you were all just very close friends but the more he watche your interactions, he can’t help but think otherwise.
He had initially only wanted to test his strength, but he completely underestimated the man seeing how he was barely able to catch up to his speed. 
He realizes then that it might be a lot harder to get close to you if he has to go past these three.
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Little did anyone know, three pairs of eyes were watching you all like a hawk.
Your father, along with Calvin and Lucas were all observing the show below them from the window of his office. 
Lucas had arrived at your father’s office knowing he would make a scene if he hadn’t informed him that he ended training early. After getting berated for a few minutes, they were left watching you five. 
Your father hums, crossing his arms, “what can you think of him,” he asks, clearly referring to Taehyung who was treating you much differently from the rest of the staff. Granted Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok treat you as a dear friend, but that’s only because that was their main purpose in your life.
However, this Taehyung guy, unlike the three boys, has no obligation to befriend you.
Calvin hums, eyeing the boy carefully “he’s rather bold for a newbie,” he comments.
“I think he’s just a very flirtatious and open person,” Lucas chimes in, also staring at the boy, “I’ve spent the most time with him yesterday and from what I’ve gathered, he’s a rather very charming person. Even having the audacity to flirt with her right in front of me,” he informs his boss. 
Your father can't help but hum, lost in thought, “keep an eye on him,” he orders the other two, “whether he’s just flirting or not, we can’t take any risks.”
The two nod their heads, making sure to keep a close eye on the man and his future interactions with you.
Just then, when it seems as though the conversation was coming to an end, Lucas clears his throat, “Sir, if I may, would it hurt to be a little gentle with Y/n? She’s still young and-“
The guard clamps his mouth shut, slightly intimidated by the now heated glare pointed towards him. 
“Haven’t I told you before,” his boss hisses, “you can’t baby her, if she’s not exposed to the harshness of this world, then how can you expect her to survive out there.”
“We wouldn’t know since you don’t permit her to go out there at all,” Calvin comments in a heartbeat. Lucas can’t help but shift his gaze towards his friend, shocked to see the normally quiet man speak up for once. 
Their boss snaps his head in his direction, slightly surprised he spoke up but narrows his eyes even more, “and then what? Risk getting her kidnapped? Being used for personal gain?” he snarls, “is that what you want?”
Calvin raises a brow, not at all intimidated, “well is that not what you did and are doing?” he asks shamelessly, crossing his arms across his chest, “were you not the one who ordered us to find Y/n and her mom and bring her to you at all cost?”
“I ordered you to bring them both to me, alive.”
“Well you know just as well as we do that things didn’t work out as planned.”
“Well maybe if you hadn’t missed a couple turns you could’ve gotten there quicker,” the man growls, slamming his fists angrily against his desk.
“If you could just barely protect her from that world, what makes you think that she’ll be able to survive out there without your protection.” At this, neither of the men can say anything else. 
He just scoffs at their silence, “so go ahead, continue playing house with my daughter. You’ll only be digging her grave in the end.” He scowls at the both of them before turning on his heel and walking out the door without another look. 
It goes silent for a moment, the two remaining men not knowing what to say next. 
“Told you you’d never get through to him, even if we grew up with him,” Calvin nonchalantly comments as though he didn’t just go against his own boss. 
Lucas raises a brow, “then why bother speaking up? You don’t normally do that.”
The man just shrugs his shoulders, “who knows.”
But Lucas gives him a mischievous grin, throwing an arm around his shoulders roughly as the other man grunts on impact. “I know, it’s because you think of her as a daughter, isn’t it.”
Calvin scoffs, shrugging him off, “no, you think of her as a daughter, not me.” His friend does nothing to deny that. 
Lucas’s smirk does not once fall off his face. “Oh c’mon now, admit it, you would love to be her father.”
“I’ll admit that I’d be a better father to her than the one she has now,” he mutters in a low voice. 
Lucas frowns, silently agreeing with him, “you know he cares for her.”
The other man scoffs, “with the way he’s acting, I have my doubts.”
“You and I both know why he’s acting like that,” Lucas mutters, sending him a knowing look. If he didn’t know the information he knows maybe he’d resent his boss much more for the way he’s been treating you. 
Calvin rolls his eyes but says nothing. 
He pushes himself off the wall and begins making his way out, “let’s get going, it’s getting late and I could drink some good alcohol.”
At the mere mention of alcohol, Lucas’s eyes nearly light up, “I’ll never say no to that.”
The two continue to joke around even as they exit the suffocating office. Unknown to them however, was that they had an eavesdropper. 
“Y/n… was kidnapped?” Jin mutters in disbelief under his breath, a hand coming up to cover his mouth. 
The man was just passing by when the sound of your name piqued his interest. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on a private conversation that could possibly have gotten him killed, but when your safety was mentioned he couldn’t help but lean into the door. Careful to make sure no one was around to catch him in the act. 
And now, he was beginning to regret eavesdropping as he may have just heard information he was never meant to hear.
When he heard footsteps approaching the door, he scurried and quickly ducked into an empty room across the hall. Waiting patiently in silence as your father and both Calvin and Lucas left the room.
“Y/n’s not his real daughter?”
He’s heard stories about your arrival from the other servants in the manor. From their stories, their boss had supposedly arrived one day and announced that you were his child and was then going to live under this roof after finding out your mother had sadly passed away. 
He then mentionned the fact that your mother was a siren, making you his siren child. Of course this information came as a surprise to everyone, definitely beginning to become much more wary of the small child in his arms. 
But nonetheless, as per the request of their boss, they have always known you as his daughter and promised to protect you against the world who looks down on sirens. 
Except now, someone found out about the truth, you weren’t his daughter at all. Jin can’t help but think of his boss as a complete hypocrite, claiming to protect you from the world, when the only evil here is him. 
And apparently the two older men who have always treated you so kindly, are the ones responsible for killing your mother and kidnapping you.
His head was spinning, he didn’t know what to do with all this information. Should he tell you? Do you already know? Or does he forget ever hearing about it in the first place. 
He steps out of the door, rubbing his temples in hopes of easing the headache slowly forming. 
The man jolts at the sound of your voice, whirling around with wide eyes. His reaction has you jumping back in surprise. 
“Is everything alright?” you ask, concern laced in your voice.
Jin clears his throat, “Uh yeah, everything’s perfect. Where were you coming from?” 
You raise a brow, clearly not convinced given the way he’s acting but you choose to let it go for now. “I just returned from the training grounds. Did you happen to see my father passing by?” you ask, trying to change the subject.
He pauses for a moment, but hesitantly shakes his head, “no I haven’t, I’m sorry.” 
You nod your head, “oh alright, thanks anyway,” you offer him a bright smile before starting to make your way past him. 
Jin gulps the closer you got, he closes his eyes shut, “actually Y/n-” he can’t help but blurt out when you were a step behind him. 
You turn around to face him with a tilt of your head, “what’s wrong?” you ask curiously, waiting patiently for him to tell you. 
He clears his throat, “um well, the thing is,” he pauses, trying to find the right words to explain to you what he heard. 
But when you furrow your brows in confusion, he just lets out a sigh, “there’s a flower bush that’s wilting really badly, I was hoping you could spread some magic on it,” he asks instead of what was really on his mind.
You raise your brows slightly before nodding your head, “of course, I’ll make sure to stop by later today. Is that all?” You notice the way he pauses for a moment before nodding his head slowly, “alrighty then, I’ll see you later,” you wave him goodbye.
He mimics the action, trying to smile but he swears it must’ve looked more like a grimace in your point of view. He watches as you slowly walk away from him.
He purses his lips into a line, he hated lying to you, but he needed to gather more information in order to confirm whether he heard correctly or not. 
Only then can he fully protect you. 
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Taehyung groans as he slowly tries to lay down on his bed after a long day visiting the nurse to get his bruises treated. 
“What’s with the groaning, you’re not doing any sinful acts are you?” Jimin’s voice goes through, no doubt sporting a disgusted look. 
“No, I got beat up by her boyfriend you pervert,” he explains, wincing at a sudden stab in his ribs when he moves in the wrong direction, “he’s a lot stronger than I exected.”
“Aw damn she’s got a boyfriend.” Taehyung could almost hear the pout in his voice.
“As if you had a chance with her in the first place,” Namjoon chimes in 
“I would if I spoke to her myself,” Jimin claims confidently, but then goes silent for a second, “hey Tae you mind switching places for a bit.”
“Fuck off,” Taehyung nearly growls back. He winces when he lays down wrong and accidentally bumps into a bruise on the side of his body he didn’t know he had. “She’s got three close friends,” he informs his teammates. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, “must I explain everything Jimin, they’re all guys and they’re very protective over her, it’s going to be hard trying to gain her trust if she’s constantly being surrounded by them. Not to mention the two older men who treat her as if she's their own kid.”
He’s beginning to think this mission was a lot harder than he expected. Him getting beaten wasn’t exactly part of his plan. 
“Did you think this was going to be an easy mission given the information we have. Her friends are the most skilled in that place and the two older men are the head guards,” Namjoon drones out, “not to mention she’s quite literally a siren who can kill you with one simple tune, don’t let your guard down,” he warns.
“You think I don’t know that?”
“What’s she like?” Jimin asks curiously, breaking the tension, “surely you got a good glimpse of her character.”
Taehyung hums, thinking back at the way your smile shined brightly among them all, “she’s not at all like what I’ve heard about her.”
“Elaborate,” Namjoon gently orders. From the other end, pages turning and a click of a pen can be heard, no doubt the man preparing to take notes on his observation. 
“Everyone says she’s scary, or someone not to mess with,” Taehyung summerizes the multiple answers he’s received when he was snooping around and asking people about what they thought of you. “But when I saw how she was interacting with her friends, all I saw was a normal girl.”
From what he’s gathered, although the staff may have these thoughts, they don’t underestimate your strength, which is why they don’t try to get in your way, but in the process you barely have any friends despite the many years you’ve known them. 
“Her friends, they’re the ones who are extremely protective of her?” Namjoon asks, more of a confirmation than a question. 
“Precisely. Their names are Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, and Min Yoongi,” he informs both his teammates. 
“Jung Hoseok,” Jimin mumbles with furrowed brows, “where have I heard that name before,” he mutters under his breath, more so to himself than to the others. 
“That name sounds familiar to me too,” Namjoon adds. He hums as though lost in thought, putting a star by the man’s name to investigate further, “Jimin, try to find more information about this Hoseok guy.”
“Roger that.”
Satisfied by that answer, Namjoon asks, “have you encountered her ‘father’ yet?”
Taehyung purses his lips, “no I haven’t, it’s nearly impossible to run into the man ‘accidently’,” he groans, tilting his head back against the pillow, “it’s almost like he’s avoiding any other human being on purpose unless it’s his daughter or his closest men.”
He hears Namjoon sigh, “just make sure not to grab his attention in a way that it gets you targeted,” he warns.
Taehyung shuts his eyes, “don’t worry hyung, he never runs into me. I doubt he even remembers he hired me,” he waves his hands in the air in a carefree manner. 
“Out of sight out of mind.”
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A/N: I apologize for the long wait, I was on vacation for the entire month of July and I just recently moved into a new apartment so I never really had time to write this chapter. But it’s here now~
I also would just like to say that since I’m heading back to school, I will have even less time to write as I really want to focus on my studies. With that being said I hope you can all understand that I’m not sure when the next chapter will be released.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day :)
Love always, Liz
Taglist: (those in bolded letters, I apologize but it seems I wasn’t able to tag you, im sorry. Also if I happened to forget to tag anyone, please comment under this post and I’ll add you in the next one, thank you)
@h0bi-c0re, @mageprincess7, @toughbook, @stupendouscookiehumanmug, @ceoalpaca, @softieyn, @tinnielovestannies, @singukieee​, @lilacdreams-00​
148 notes · View notes
thepsychewrites · 3 years
Ignite Pt. Three | N. Romanoff
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I appreciate you not killing me…
Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
Summary: Loki’s army of Chitauri are waiting for you and the rest of your super-human team to fight against them as the Attack on Midtown Manhattan begins. Is it too much for you to handle? Or will it be the place where you finally prove yourself worthy of being called an Avenger? It doesn’t help your nerves that Natasha seems to have a knack for holding your hand.
> Word Count: 3.8K
> Warnings: Descriptions of blood and major injuries, pretty long fighting scenes (sorry I couldn’t help it), pretty angsty stuff here my friends, mild language, basic Avengers type ish, some tension from Natasha.
A/N: Hi pals, this part was fun, albeit challenging, to write, and I like how it turned out. We get a little bit of tension coming from Natasha and reader… ooooo. Also- just a disclaimer- this series is mostly mcu movie accurate, however, not all events will happen in the exact same way, duh. Just wanted to say that so there wasn’t any confusion lmao. Anyway, I love you guys, stay safe and pls enjoy part three <3
EDIT: Now in Second Person POV.
Pt One | Pt Two 
You want to know what the absolute worst way to be woken up from an otherwise peaceful sleep is?
An explosion.
An ear-splitting, room-rattling, heart-stopping explosion.
You jolted awake, your eyes wide and darting from corner to corner. It came from outside, way far behind you towards the rear of the helicarrier. You were quick to get your ass up, stumbling around while you threw on your suit and mask, before getting the hell out of the room.
Running through the corridors as fast as possible, you noticed your fingertips sparking.
Damn nerves.
You clenched your hands into fists and kept on, hurrying through the air craft until you could find out what was going on. Your black boots clanked against the floor grates which made it that much harder to hear what was happening around you. All you could make out was gunfire and yelling.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You mumbled taking a sharp left, nearly getting lost within the dark hallways. You noticed a door coming up on your right, taking your chance you practically barreled through it, finding yourself in an empty storage deck.
At least it was empty.
It was empty up until Thor and Bruce, apparently angered as he wasn’t Bruce- but instead the Hulk, came crashing through the wall, throwing you to the floor with them and nearly taking your head off in the process.
“Ow!” You exclaimed angrily, rubbing at your arm where Thor’s hammer grazed it. Thor looked over at you like he was going to genuinely apologize, but got cut off by a guttural roar. You both scrambled to your feet, meeting the Hulk face to face as he stood a few yards down the room, panting heavily.
“Oh shit.” You exhaled.
Thor was quick to throw himself against him, not being amused when he was easily tossed aside into equipment by the wall. He huffed from the ground.
“Y/n, a little help, perhaps?” He groaned, writhing in pain from the forceful impact.
Your heart nearly flatlined in that moment. “I’m not too sure I’m useful here.” Hulk turned to face you, a vicious growl crawling from his throat.
Think, Y/n, think.
You can’t light a fire under his ass- it probably wouldn’t do anything, but if it did then you’d burn him alive!
There has to be something, think goddamnit…
Oh no.
“There’s this one thing, but I’ve never tried it on a human before-” You called, hoping Thor would get his act together and take him down before you had to.
Hulk flashed you a menacing grin, his large legs squaring up and pounding against the concrete floor as he started for you.
From your peripheral, Thor hadn’t budged.
You caved.
“Bruce, I really hope this doesn’t kill you. And if it does- I’m sorry!” You shouted, closing your eyes while you steadied your breathing.
You carefully opened your eyes, your mouth falling open at the sight.
Hulk was lying face down on the concrete, barely a foot away from you.
“What- what did you do?” Thor asked, his body now right next to yours.
You sighed. “Oh, you know, just suffocated him to the point of passing out. No biggie.” 
A large hand clapped against your back, nearly causing you to stumble over. “Ah, splendid! Hopefully it’ll keep him down for awhile, he was starting to piss me off. Mind keeping an eye on him?”
You didn’t have time to answer before he was already gone, leaving you all alone to babysit Hulk. Letting out a tired groan you moved to sit gently in front of him, watching his back as it moved up and down, a clear sign that he was still alive.
It was a little over ten minutes later when his skin slowly began to grow patchy, spots of tan peeking through the green. You noticed him twitch once, then twice, then huffing loudly as his limbs began to shrink down. His hands stretched out, keeping his body upright as he pushed against the floor for support. His head hung low and you could see parts of his neck contract in spasms. Your brows knitted together as you watched, ready to jump to his side if or when he needed. His breathing was labored by the time he was Bruce again, his hands still clutching at the dusty floor beneath him.
“Dr. Banner?” You called lowly.
His head snapped to where you sat, his eyes growing wide.
“Y/n? Are… are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He started asking, maneuvering to crawl closer.
“No, you didn’t hurt me.”
“Then why are you bleeding?”
You narrowed my eyes at him, not even realizing you were bleeding until you followed his line of sight, bringing your fingers to your forehead where a thin trail of blood ran down your temple. You shook your head.
“It wasn’t you. I fell.”
He didn’t seem convinced, but didn’t push any further. “Was that me?” He asked, nodding at the giant Hulk-sized hole in the wall.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Banner.”
His eyes softened. “Bruce. You can just call me Bruce.”
You nodded in agreement.
He stopped for a second and analyzed the storage room, spending extra time looking at the smashed boxes and Hulk-fist-sized dents on the walls. “Who stopped me?”
You were hoping he wouldn’t ask that.
At least I didn’t accidentally kill you.
“I did. I sort of… suffocated you.” You admitted, an uneasy look smeared on your face.
“Suffocated me? How?” His tone surprised you, it was less on the angry side than you expected. He seemed more curious than anything.
Your eyes trailed down to your boots. “I took away the oxygen in the space that surrounded your head. I can do it to put out fires, and that’s how I normally use it. You’re the first person I’ve ever tried it on.”
“Oh. Well- I appreciate you not killing me.”
“Sure thing. Let’s just hope I don’t have to do it again- like ever, ever again.”
After Bruce gathered his bearings and found some form-fitting clothes to put on, the two of you made your way back up to the main deck where you found Natasha and Tony waiting at the center table.
“Finally. You two okay?” Natasha asked, looking more at Bruce than at you. She looked a little beat up and frazzled herself, and it made you wonder if she had a run in with Hulk. You didn’t expect Bruce to remember, and you didn’t expect Natasha to tell him if they did. Bruce gave a slow nod, expressing that he was alright.
“Y/n?” She called. “How about you?”
“Oh yeah, yeah… I’m fine.” You assured, laying it on thick in hopes she’ll believe your false words.
She seemed to. 
For now.
“New plan. Loki got out during the chaos, we think he’s headed for Stark Tower. Y/n, you’ll be with me on the way down. Our ride is waiting for us, so we need to go. Like, now.” Her arm jutted out and her hand encased yours, tugging hard to get you moving. You gave Bruce a parting tight-lipped smile before you and Natasha disappeared through the halls once more. Her hand, somewhat slick with sweat- although you didn’t mind- stayed over yours for most of the hasty walk, her eyes forward and shoulders back. You passed a few people on the way, but she didn’t seem to care, as she only let go when you were a few yards from the plane you assumed you were taking.
Steve was already on board, motioning for you guys to hurry as you stepped on the ramp. He closed it right behind you, pressing a few more buttons as you moved in. There was another man up front, sitting behind the main controls. Behind his seat laid a duffel bag full of arrows and a sleek black bow protruding from it.
“Barton, this is Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, this is Clint Barton, also known as a big pain in my ass.” Natasha teased as she introduced you. Clint turned around and shot a friendly smile.
“Hey, kid. Nat’s told me some pretty impressive things about you. You play with fire, yeah?” He asked, seeming genuinely intrigued.
“Yep, that’s me.”
“Sick.” Was all he said before turning back and flipping some controls as the plane hummed to life.
Natasha nudged at your arm. “I want you up front next to Barton.” She stayed close as you moved to the seat, plopping yourself down and getting strapped in. Clint passed you a headset, but a familiar hand wrapped around your wrist before you could put it on.
“Put this in first, you’ll need it for when we get to the ground. It’s an earpiece for communication. You can talk to any of us through it, just speak loud and clear and we’ll hear you.” Natasha explained while you situated the little black piece in your ear, tossing on the headset after. Her grip fell from your wrist as she moved to stand behind you and Clint. 
The side of the helicarrier opened and you were quickly air-born, the jet rumbling softly as you all headed for Manhattan. The view was arguably nicer now that you were out of the clouds, the city that never sleeps coming closer into sight every passing second. You were silently hoping nobody on board had ultrasonic hearing, as your heart was on the verge of beating right out of your chest. A million thoughts flew through your mind, most of them making you question your choice coming here in the first place.
I’m only twenty one. What did a kid like me ever do to end up in this situation?
You were pulled from your nagging thoughts by Clint’s gravelly voice. “See that joystick thing right in front of you?” He said, motioning to a set of handle bars.
“When we get closer you’ll have to use them. All you got to do is pull it towards you, push down on this top button here, and aim it at the targets.” He brought a thumb over the red button at the tip of it to demonstrate.
“Okay. Which ones are the targets again?” You asked hesitantly, wanting to double check before you let any bullets fly.
He chuckled at you. “Trust me- you’ll know.”
With that, the jet began its decent into the city. Unfortunately, you seemed to be a little fashionably late to the party, most of the town already scrambling for cover from the aliens falling from the sky. Some orders were barked through the comms from Tony while Clint pushed the jet further toward Stark Tower.
“You ready?” Clint asked, pulling on levers and pressing down flashing buttons.
You gave a quick nod. “As I’ll ever be.”
The jet trembled as a gun was lowered down from the bottom, squealing as it revved up. You pulled back on the joystick as instructed and it clicked into place, humming under your tense fingers.
Clint was right about knowing what to shoot at. These alien Chitauri fuckers were not playing around.
And boy were they ugly.
At Clint’s command you pressed on the smooth red button, aiming the gun at every unlucky alien passerby, most of them on aircrafts of their own. The bullets tore them to shreds, exploding them in the air without a second thought. You brought down fifteen of them before they got their first shot at the jet.
You weren’t prepared for the shot that came next, though.
It happened so fast it almost felt like a general engine failure, the jet getting knocked back a bit and shaking the inside where you sat. It was still moving so Clint kept forward, but you knew something was up when bullets stopped flying.
“I think we have a problem here.” You called, the pad of your thumbs pushing hard into the button, hoping maybe it was just jammed.
“What happened?” Clint asked, brows tight as he moved the jet away from a string of Chitauri speeding towards your direction.
“I don’t know I think when they hit the bottom of the jet they did something to the gun, it’s not shooting.”
“Barton, you need to get us out of here. We’re a sitting duck.” Steve warned from behind you.
It was a good plan.
A great plan, even.
Unfortunately, you guys weren’t quick enough to exit the war zone in the sky. As soon as Clint had turned the jet around to find somewhere to land, a forceful blast hit the left wing, blasting apart one of the engines. There was no time to think before it was falling, a stomach rolling descent straight to the streets of Manhattan. Clint was smart enough to redirect it to an empty corner of the road. The impact was forceful, the jet sliding through a concrete sitting area, finally stopping a few dozen yards away. You all were still for only a second before hopping up and leaving, a pistol being shoved in your hands by Natasha as you stepped off the ramp.
“Stay close.” She ordered, her eyes focused ahead while you secured your mask on. The four of you pushed your way into the chaos, keeping a steady jog as you assessed the damage thus far. These Chitauri were relentless.
Cars were overturned left and right. You did your best to dissipate the little fires that popped up, but once one was gone two more would start. The streets were mangled and chunks of blacktop were scattered about, lying under plies of dust and debris. You all stopped at a dead end, your backs to each other as you glared at the giant hole that had opened up in the sky. It moved like water, the ends of it swirled into the atmosphere as it stayed wide, letting in hundreds of Loki’s alien buddies.
It seemed manageable.
It seemed completely manageable until a monstrous metal millipede looking son of a bitch swam through, the clinking of its body reverberating from every building.
I need to stop being so optimistic all the time.
It had fins of sorts, using them to propel itself through the air. It flew right over you, and you were positive had you stretched your arm out far enough you could’ve touched it. Hatches opened on its sides, more Chitauri pouring from its belly and flinging themselves onto surrounding buildings. Some of them crashed into windows, terrorizing the civilians inside as their screams sounded quickly after.
Bombs rained down, turning the streets into your own personal hell. Black smoke and fire raged on as you sprung into action. Clint sent arrows expertly into the chests of the Chitauri. Steve stunned them with his shield before fighting them with only his hands. Natasha unloaded round after round of bullets into their metal bodies, decommissioning them one by one.
You weren’t sure what approach to take. So you started with the familiar.
Opening your hands palm up you concentrated with fervor, molding the flames you held into throwable spheres, launching them at nearby Chitauri. It was working well, the fire being hot enough to incinerate them on the spot. You kept a steady rhythm, making some of the spheres larger if there was a group- that way you could take them down with less strain. You were able to send them quite a distance as well, which came in handy when you needed to cover someone else. Steve in particular was pretty shit at watching his back, so most were sent in his direction. You spent a few minutes getting re-familiar with your pistol skills, the point-aim-shoot movements coming back to you rather swiftly.
It wasn’t long until you were joined in the streets by Thor. Bruce was trailing close behind on a borrowed motorcycle.
“Stark, we got Banner down here with us.” Steve informed over the comms.
“Finally. Tell him to suit up, we have a visitor on the way.” Tony responded as he came up in front of you, the metal millipede on his ass.
Bruce took position, eyeing the colossal beast while he threw banter at Steve. With a twitch of his jaw and a booming roar, he was back in Hulk form, throwing his fist at the aliens steel face, crushing in its mouth like it was made of paper.
“Blaze? Finish it off.” Tony said, landing behind the rest of the group as the tail of the armored beast bent forward, threatening to smash you all into the ground. After finding an open spot on its body you complied, firing a large fireball into its stomach. It was sent back in flaming pieces, the majority of it being blown apart and turned to dust.
The seven of you stood in a tight circle, catching a breath while the whoops and hollers of the Chitauri rang out, sending a chill up your spine. Your attention was quickly turned to the portal, which was still open and spitting out more of the Chitauri by the second. Even two more of those bastards you just helped put down. Steve called out your orders. The main goal was keeping them contained until they could figure out a way to get the portal closed.
“Romanoff, Blaze, we’re going to keep the fight here. Put down as many as possible.” Steve said with upmost authority.
You threw him a nod. “On it, Captain.”
That’s how the fighting continued for over twenty minutes. You moved between the flames and the pistol.
Your head grew heavy, but you kept on.
You could tell you were growing weak, the size of the fireballs you were producing proving that. It didn’t stop you, however. In this moment, you were sure nothing could.
This is how you knew you were giving it your all.
You were all alone in the street, crowds of Chitauri swarming around you. Natasha had gotten herself to the top of Stark Tower, ready to close the portal with the scepter she got ahold of. Thor and Steve were on the ground, but kept the fight at bay a few blocks down. Tony had informed you all of a missile S.H.I.E.L.D had released, one that was aimed right for the city. While Natasha was waiting on the cue to close the portal, Tony had plans of his own, telling you all to give him a minute.
He had the missile.
He had it- redirecting it straight for the gaping mouth in the sky.
As Tony made his way higher and higher, the alien bastards were still bloodthirsty. Maybe even more so than before.
You must’ve been running on empty, because it happened so fast, you weren’t sure it even happened at all.
It’s all that came from your hand.
Your heart sunk to the pit of your belly, your breath catching in your throat. You looked up to see that Tony had disappeared into the portal, a static silence being the only sound through the comms. You felt a pang on the side of your abdomen, one of the Chitauri getting up-close and personal with you as it sent you flying back into an overturned car.
“Damnit.” You mumbled, reaching for the pistol at your thigh. If you couldn’t roast it’s ass, you sure as hell could put a bullet through its head.
The gun laid limp in your hand, useless now that it was out of ammo.
You were sure this was been the end. Taken out all sad and miserable by a cryptic alien in your first real fight. You held your breath, holding your hands up to protect your head as it swung down its staff, coming within an inch of your skin.
It was so close. You could smell the rust on its body from where it stood in front of you.
But then it just… collapsed. It powered down, its parts falling stiff at your side.
You stayed still where you sat, wondering if Natasha and Tony had really done it.
They did. 
They closed the portal.
You slowly picked yourself up, hobbling down the road to where you could see the rest of them standing. You straightened your posture as you got closer, not wanting to look wimpy in front of them. So what you got knocked around a bit? Arguably, most of them looked like they had it worse. That’s part of the job. Still, you kept a tight hand over your side, pressing down in hopes of relieving some of the pain that burned there.
“Is that it? Did we win?” Tony huffed, holding an iron hand to his head to wipe away some of the dirt.
Steve slowly nodded. “We won. Good job, all of you, really. We made a pretty great team out there.”
Most of them started chatting, while occasional huffs and puffs sounded through, a quite obvious indication you were all beyond exhausted. Natasha’s eyes found yours, keeping them locked on as she strode toward you.
“So, was it as bad as you expected?” She asked with a tilt of her head, standing only inches away.
‘Should I be honest?’
That’s what you wanted to say. Your mouth quivered open, but nothing came out. You stood there feebly, wondering why you couldn’t answer her. Her eyes darted to your hand, the one that was still pressed hard against the deep black shell of your suit.
“Y/n?” It was her voice. You knew it was her. But it was so distant. So… far.
The words you attempted to speak a second time faded on your tongue, the sound getting mangled and turning into a faint whimper instead. She reached for your wrist, giving it a tug to see the damage.
You never realized how bright someone’s blood looked in the sunlight, even now as it ran across your fingertips and dripped down the front of your suit. Like cherry sauce on a melting summer sundae or the color of your favorite winter jacket.
The one that I left to burn in my home.
You must’ve been clueless, really, to not notice the torn gape in your armor, the area meant to protect your lower torso being split wide open during the fight. You must’ve been too preoccupied with the lack of fire you were producing and the Chitauri that nearly decapitated you to notice the thin, razor sharp piece of steel that lodged itself cozily into your flesh.
Even now as you stood here looking directly at the messy wound- you felt nothing.
Nothing but warmth fluttering in your belly, keeping you calm as the muffled shouts of your teammates rang out while your eyelids grew impossibly heavy.
You struggled to keep them open.
Stop it, you look so weak. 
You’re fine. Don’t do this.
Someone came behind you and pulled you into their chest, and if things weren’t so blurry you would’ve known exactly who.
It wasn’t Natasha, though.
It wasn’t Natasha because her gentle, and somehow still sweaty, hand was against yours, squeezing it softly as you finally let your eyes rest.
Ignite Series Taglist: 
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Temporary - Oscar Diaz imagine Part 6
"De nada princesa." He winked before stepping out into the yard, a chorus of 'spooky!' coming from the Santos as he closed the door behind him.
A cough from beside me brought me back to earth, turning to see three sets of eyes on me, Ruby and Jamal looking as though I'd killed somebody right then and there and Cesar with a knowing smirk on his face.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"What did you do?" Jamal asked, still stood staring at me with wide eyes.
"I have never, ever, seen an actual smile on that guys face." Ruby muttered, watching the front door as though Oscar would magically walk through it any second.
"He's got a point." Cesar added making my eyes move to him. "He's my brother and I've never heard him call anyone 'princesa' before, let alone offer to let a girl stay over with no repayment, if you get what I mean." He smirked as he looked at me, his eyes holding a knowing glint.
"Maybe I just have that effect on people." I shrugged with a slight laugh. "Anyway, what's this about a school dance?" I asked in attempt to change the subject.
"It's on Friday and we're gunna get freaky with it." Jamal sung as he moved his hips in what I think was supposed to be a 'sexy' way.
"Okay, that's gross." I stated pointing at the younger boy as he slowly stopped dancing, crossing his arms before flopping down on the couch besides me.
"What is with you people and throwing water on my flame?" He groaned to himself.
"Jamal, baby, you need to have a flame for someone to put it out." I spoke with false sympathy, laughing as he rolled his eyes and mimicked me.
"How were the school dances in Cali?" Ruby asked leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched me.
"Uh, I didn't actually go to any." I shrugged thinking back to how me and Jess would just take a couple bites down to the beach and drink the night away.
"You didn't go? Like, to any?" Cesar asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Not that I remember no, I used to just go down to the beach and get drunk." I shrugged with a small smile.
"You should come." He continued making me look up to him in slight confusion. "To our dance." He clarified with a smirk.
"Oh, well in case you haven't realised I finished school a couple years ago, and I didn't even go to yours." I smiled at his offer.
"So? We can bring dates from other schools, or not from school at all, this is freeridge, it's a pretty relaxed deal." He shrugged, the smirk still on his face.
"I'm not sure that's going to a school dance with a fourteen year old is such a great idea." I muttered unsurely.
"You're overthinking things here Lia." Jamal said loudly as he pushed himself up and stood next to Cesar and Ruby. "God, you're definitely related." He spoke to himself as he looked up to the ceiling.
"Hey!" Me and Ruby yelled at the same time making Jamal raise his eyebrows in an 'I told you so' style. "But he's right." Ruby shrugged. "It's nothing serious just a dance, besides, I thought you'd be up for some fun after whatever just happened." He continued.
"Ruby's right." Cesar nodded, all three boys stood watching me and waiting for an answer.
"Fine." I sighed in defeat. "You're on." I smiled.
"Thank you again." I smiled as Oscar grabbed what he needed from his room before spending the night on the couch.
"Ain't nothin'." He shrugged as he headed towards the door, fresh shirt and shorts in hand.
"I'm going to the school dance with your brother." I blurted out stopping him with his hand on the doorknob. "Oh my god that sounded so much stranger out loud." I groaned as I flopped back onto his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Why?" He snorted as he turned round, dumping his stuff on a set of drawers before he stood at the side of the bed looking down at me in a mix of confusion and amusement.
"They was talking about the dance and I mentioned I'd never been to one, then Cesar offered to take me." I shrugged before sitting up and looking up at him. "It's not that strange right?"
"You're 19 and going to a school dance with my brother." He said matter-of-factly as he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.
"I know it's so weird." I half groaned, half laughed as I thought about what I had agreed to. "You know you don't have to sleep out there right? I'm more than happy to, this is your bed after all." I mentioned, running my fingers through my tangled hair.
"A princesa should sleep on a bed, not a couch." He gave me a small smile and a shrug.
"And what about a caballero?" I asked making him look at me in confusion. "Well, you were my night in shinning armour." I teased with a smirk, and I'm sure, I saw a hint of pink lining his cheeks before he cleared his throat and it was gone. "Oscar Diaz get your culo into the bed before I tell all your little home boys that you cried at Marley and me." I smirked knowing that seeing Spooky Diaz crying earlier was going to come in handy, not that he'd admit he was.
"A) I wasn't crying, and b) even if I was you wouldn't dare." He muttered narrowing his eyes at me although the small smirk on his face let me know that he wasn't quite 100% serious.
"Try me." I smirked.
I let out a laugh as he sighed loudly throwing his head back before huffing his way over to the opposite side of the bed, pulling his top over his head before throwing himself down dramatically.
"You're such a drama queen, you know that?" I laughed as I lifted the cover and settled down on the pillow.
"Let's remember who's bed this is yeah." He muttered, both of us laid on our backs and watching the plain white roof.
"Was you close to them? Your parents I mean." I whispered remembering Ruby saying that the Diaz brothers had been alone for the majority of Cesar's childhood.
"My mum died when I was younger, couple years after Cesar was born, I don't remember much about her other than she was a jumped up crackhead." He muttered, my eyes widening slightly at how blunt and open he was being about it. "Me and my dad were kinda close when it came to gang business, I guess, but other than that I barely knew the man personally." I felt him shrug from his place besides me. "What about you?" He asked making me scoff quietly.
"Well, I don't know if you've noticed or not but me and my mum don't exactly have the greatest relationship. She's constantly on my ass trying to put me down, she tried her hardest to make me into the housewife that she's always been, and that's just not me." I shrugged laughing slightly. "But my dad." I trailled of with a sigh, a small smile on my face. "He's the greatest man I've ever met, I mean sure, he's had some troubles in the past but he's always put me and mum above it all. Even when it costs him more than he has, he always finds a way to make sure we're alright." I smiled at the thought of the hero that was my dad.
"He sounds like a good man." Oscar whispered making me turn to face him only to realise that he was already watching me.
"He is." I whispered with a small smile, my eyes captured by his as the familiar butterflies from earlier suddenly reappeared, his eyes moving between my own and my lips.
Not risking another interruption he quickly leant forwards and captured my lips with his own, moving our lips against each other's slowly, the cliché of butterflies and fireworks never really making much sense to me until this moment, when I felt it all.
I kept my eyes closed as we slowly pulled away, his forehead resting against mine as he released my bottom lip with a slight pop. Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth to speak before I was interrupted by a quick kiss on my lips before he pulled back completely.
"Sorry, I uh, I shouldn't have done that." He said quietly, looking into my eyes briefly before reaching over and playing with the small 'D' pendant that hung around my neck. "I know you got a boyfriend." He muttered scowling, dropping the necklace as though it had burned him.
"It's alright Oscar." I smiled slightly, bringing my hands up to the sides of his face my thumb rubbing his jawline gently. "I'm done with him, enough is enough, right." I shrugged making him chuckle slightly.
"It's okay." I smiled bringing my hands to the sides of his face, my thumb rubbing over his jawline gently. "I'm not with him anymore." I shrugged making him chuckle slightly.
"Good." He smirked, placing his hands on he sides of my face forcing me to let go of his and hold onto his wrists instead. Giving me one more smirk he leaned in placing his lips against mine as his hands disappeared from my face, reaching behind my neck as I felt the weight of the necklace disappear.
Pulling away I couldn't help but laugh as Oscar threw the necklace towards the drawers opposite his bed, the small chain sliding across the surface before dropping down the back. Letting out a chuckle of his own he laid himself down pulling me towards him do that my head was resting on his chest, his arm wrapping around me waist from behind while his other was folded under his head.
"Night Lia." He mumbled, placing a small kiss on my forehead.
"Goodnight Oscar." I whispered into the otherwise silent room, placing a brief kiss to his bare chest before drifting off into the darkness.
"Aye Spooky! Where you at?" Accompanied by a know at the door make me jump the next morning as I was getting myself a glass of water in Oscars kitchen the next morning.
Since I'd always been an early bird, as my mother would put it, it was no surprise that I had woken up before Oscar and Cesar, my head resting on Oscars chest with his arms wrapped around me tightly.
"Spooky man, open up!" A different voice called from outside again accompanied by a know that was more like banging.
Sighing to myself I debated whether to go and wake Oscar or to just answer the door myself, yet another knock on the door answering my question for me.
"Can I help you?" I asked as I opened the door to be met with the same Santo that had stepped up to Diego yesterday along with another one that I recognised from the Monse and Cesar fight, the one who tried to step up to me, bitch.
"Where's Spooky?" The bitch asked as he looked me up and down with smirk, only then did I remember that I was in the same clothes I'd slept in, a pair of Oscar's boxers and my tank top, luckily I had remembered to put my bra back on when I'd gotten up this morning.
"How 'bout you show me a little respect before I slam this door in your culo feo." I smiled sarcastically crossing my arms over my chest before the other guy got my attention.
"Hey, uh, Lia right?" He asked with furrowed brows like he was trying to remember. "I was there when your boy came for you." He smiled slightly.
"Right." I nodded. "Thank you for that." I smiled sincerely, genuinely thankful that he had stepped in.
"I'm sad eyes by the way." He smiled as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. "And that's Johnny." He nodded over to his companion.
"Lia." I smiled putting my hand in his and shaking it lightly. "But you already knew that." I laughed.
"Is spooky here or what?" Johnny huffed against the door frame, once again letting his eyes roam my half naked body.
"Spooky's gunna kick the shit outta you if you don't stop looking at her like that." Cesar's voice made me jump as he came to the door with a glass of juice in one hand. "Here." He smiled as he handed me the juice while taking the water from my other hand.
"Oh, thank you C." I smiled as I took a sip. "Oh shit yeah, you guys wanna come in?" I asked quickly remembering the two Santos stood waiting in the doorway.
"Thanks." Sad eyes laughed as he made his way in, fist bumping Cesar on his way.
"Apologise." I said, putting my arm across the doorway before Johnny could walk in, looking up at him with a smirk as he glared down at me. "Apologise for acting like a jackass or you can wait for Spooky out in the yard." I shrugged as he looked at me in disbelief. "Oh, and it rained last night so the couch is slightly damp." I shrugged again as I went to close the door before his hand stopped me.
"Alright, I'm sorry." He smiled sarcastically as he tried to take a step inside.
"You're sorry for what exactly?" I smirked as I stepped in his way again, getting a kick of amusement at the scowl on his face. "Well, I'm waiting." I sighed tapping my invisible watch on my wrist.
"I'm sorry for being a jackass." He groaned rolling his eyes. "Happy?" He sighed as he looked down at the smirk on my face.
"Very." I smiled as I moved out of his way to let him in, closing the door behind him.
"Aye spooky! Where you been man? Damn hyna trying to make me wait inside." Johnny cheered as Oscar appeared from the hallway in nothing but the pair of shorts that he'd slept in last night.
Sure, Oscar Diaz wasn't exactly rocking an eight pack and abs of steal, but my god was he something to look at first thing in the morning. I couldn't help but blush as his eyes landed on me, scanning me up and down quickly before he looked back to Johnny, giving him an uninterested look before shaking his head and heading into the kitchen.
"Lia." He called looking over his shoulder at me. "Come here a second." He added, motioning for me to go over to him.
"What's up?" I asked standing next to him as he opened the fridge only to from when it came up empty.
"I was gunna ask if you wanted anything but I gotta go to the store." He groaned rubbing a hand over his tanned head.
"I can take a walk to that cafe down the street, mama coco's is it?" I asked recalling seeing the small cafe a few times since I'd been back in town.
"Nah." He muttered shaking his head, closing the fridge and heading back into the living room. "Johnny, go down to mamma coco's and grab me a coffee and one of those roll things I like." He told him before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a twenty and throwing it onto the Santos lap.
"Do you normally sleep with cash on you?" I asked amused knowing that he had slept in those very shorts. "My bad." I giggled as he turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised and an amused smirk playing on his lips.
"Nah, the girl just offered man." Johnny shrugged as he picked up the cash and held it out for me to take.
"I don't care." Oscar muttered as he pushed his outstretched hand away. "What do you want?" He asked looking over his shoulder at me.
"I'll have a tea with two sugars please." I smiled at him. "Oh! And a blueberry muffin!" I added excitedly, smirking when Johnny rolled his eyes.
I laughed as Johnny stood up with a huff before making his way out of the house, with one last laugh I made my way back to Oscars room to put on my clothes from yesterday since the rest of my stuff was back at Ruby's.
"Weren't you wearing that yesterday?" Monse's voice made me jump as I made my way back into the living room that was now occupied by Oscar, Sad eyes and the core 4, plus Olivia. The core 4 was dotted around the room, Sad eyes was laid back on the recliner in the corner while Oscar and Olivia was on the couch, their thighs brushing slightly, a wave of jealousy washing over me before I shook it off, he wasn't mine, I had no right to be jealous over silly little things like that.
"Uh yeah, I haven't been back to Ruby's because, well, ya know." I shrugged slightyl before turning to the blonde girl. "You must be Olivia." I smiled over at the young girl, I'd never met her before, or even heard of her before mum and Geny told me about he staying.
"That's me." She smiled. "You're Lia right?" She said, crossing one leg over the other subconsciously pushing hers and Oscars legs closer together.
"And my date to the dance on Friday." Cesar grinned as he came over to where I was stood and out his arm over my shoulders.
"Strictly friends only, got it." I raised my eyebrows as I looked to him, making him chuckle and nod in agreement.
"Since when are you taking her?" Monse asked confused, ignoring the looks that the rest of the crew was giving her instead opting to keep her attention on me and Cesar.
"Since last night when she told me that she'd never been to her own school dances." He shrugged casually, to him it was no big deal but I could see I'm Monse's eyes that she was hurting.
"You know I don't have to go, not if you two were planning on going together." I said quickly, not looking to be in the middle of a teenage love triangle or whatever this shit was.
"Nah, we're just friends, right monse?" Cesar shrugged as he pulled me close to his side, Monse not missing the gesture.
"Right." She mumbled looking at the ground just as Johnny stormed in and threw a paper bag down onto the ktichen counter before putting the drinks down considerably gentler.
"Oh food!" I grinned as I pulled away from Cesar's hold, jumping up on the counter and opening up the bag, immediately pulling out my blueberry muffin and digging in, sending a muffin filled smile in Johnny's direction. "Gracias." I smirked as he shook his head and leant against the wall.
"Aye where's mine foo'?" Oscar piped up, leaning forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees as he watched me finish my muffin, throwing the wrapper to the side before taking a sip of my tea.
"I'm the bag." I shrugged with a smirk, watching as his eyes lit up with amusement while Ruby and Jamal watched with horror on their faces.
"Is that right?" He asked smirking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"That's right." I nodded as I blew into the lid of my tea before taking another sip.
"You not gunna bring it here?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly like a confused puppy.
"I'm sorry, remind me how much you're paying me to be your waitress again?" I asked sarcastically, laughing as Ruby and Jamal's eyes widened that little bit more.
"I'll get it for you Mr Spooky Sir." Jamal said quickly getting up from his seat and rushing towards the bag only for me to grab the bad and hold it behind my back.
"Nu-Uh." I muttered shaking my head with a chuckle. "I'm gunna need the owner of the bag to come and collect it thank you." I smirked looking from Jamal to Oscar who was watching me with an amused smile on his face before he pushed himself to his feet and walked over.
"I'm right here." He smirked making Jamal jump as he appeared behind him. "Can I get my food now?" He asked as Jamal scurried back to his spot making me laugh.
"Of course." I grinned handing the bag over. "What do I get for keeping it safe for you?" I asked quietly, knowing that the other people in the room were watching the interaction.
"I could think of something." He muttered, a smirk on his face as he stepped closer.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked back as he took another step so that we were basically chest to chest only having to look up at him slightly from where I was sitting on the counter.
"Yeah." He mumbled before taking my head in his hands and bringing his lips down on mine in a slow but butterfly filled kiss.
The joint "Oh my god." From Ruby and Jamal making us pull apart slowly with small smiles on both our faces.
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