#anyway i think morgana would win
protagfolly · 1 year
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i just. i just really really hate teddie
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a-mel-tomelts · 8 months
This is about the post you made wanting shuake content. I really wanted to come in with “they were two bros, chillin in a hot tub. 2 feet apart cause they ARE gay.” But then uh. My brain went:
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Shuake is canon because Goro has 0 plot important reasons to be interested in akira personally.
The easiest option would be to wait in mementos. Or to even find calling card targets and observe them doing boss fights and follow them out for the first three. But by the fourth he knows makoto well enough that by Kaneshiro’s palace; he would recognise her and them.
So why get to know someone like he did? Why trauma dump in Leblanc? Why trauma dump in the bathhouse? Why bring him to his most special place (jazz bar)? Why house husband browse by asking if he cooks. And many people would argue this could be platonic: which I agree it could be just opening up to a friend. Could be finding solice in the ONE person who understood him.
But then WHY such flirtatious language!! Honey I’m home scene? The “you’re special/different” the “haha I was going to say something weird. Bye” (or something akin to that) At the end of one of their phone calls.
And if akira didn’t return these feelings why did holding onto the memory of goro by keeping his glove make goro cling to life? Why did morgana say that thing in the engine room?
Fellas is it homoromantic to be brought back from the clutches of death based on the feelings my homie holds for me?
Fuck it I’m going off anon for this. I’m not normal about the two of them.
They (goro) might be a bit toxic but call me Brittney cause I’m slipping under. I mean they were hand picked by a God to fist fight and see who wins. I think after all of the trauma that put them through they should be allowed to hold hands in the rubble of that Gods stadium.
God I’m so sorry for what I’ve cursed your inbox with
How does it feel to be so right and be brave about it?
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sucrosette · 6 months
★— ⋆。˚ [He Loves My Butter Lips]
For Day 25 of Carry on Countdown 23, Carnival/Faire. @carryon-countdown
Simon Snow hates his boyfriend and his boyfriend's ego and all the plushies he's won for him so, so bloody bad (but not really, not really at all).
Rated T for... honestly I think Simon is cursing every other sentence in this.
The best part about the faire is the bloody food. The cheese sticks, the corndogs on sticks, pickles on sticks, the spun sugar on sticks, in certain parts of the world (this part of the world!!) the fried butter on sticks, everything fried and everything on sticks. It’s divine. I’m going to die of a heart attack at one of these godforsaken carnival-faire-decadence-things, but Merlin and Morgana both, it will have been bloody worth it. The best bloody thing is the fucking food. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. If they think otherwise, they’re bloody daft.
Now some people might claim having a boyfriend who could hack all the carnival games would be the best bloody part, but their boyfriends are not Basilton fucking Grimm-Pitch, are they? No, the honour of calling that one a boyfriend is mine, and he’s too bloody smug about it.
Not to say that I don’t love and cherish each and every one of those ridiculously large plushies, and not to say that they don’t each get a name and a little home in our littler apartment, but does Baz have to bloody fucking smirk about it every time he predicts right? Does he have to be right so bloody often?
He’s such a sodding twat about it, I hate him. (I love him. He’s perfect. Never bloody tell him that though, his ego is killing me already.)
Presently, I have four fucking plushies squished in between the space between my arms and my chest and each of them is the size of my torso. “Basil!” I can see him heading to win me a fifth, “Basil, I swear, I literally cannot hold another sodding plush bear, please do not.”
I just want that fried butter, but how will I eat the fried butter without hands to hold the stick required to eat the fried butter? Baz probably wouldn’t even let me eat the fried butter anyway. He should let me eat the fried butter, it’s not like I won’t go at a stick occasionally anyway. He’s trying to train me out of it, the ninny. As if I want to learn better than eating sticks of butter.
He’s already out of bloody earshot.
I huff down at my growing collection of plushies. Mr. Bun, Mrs. Bear, Sir Froggington the Fourth, and the Little Duck that Could will surely have another companion soon. The Little Duck that Could is in fact the largest of the plushes, but he has small animal energy. I think he might also technically be a swan, but it’s too late, he’s already been named. It’s sticking.
There’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose. I faithfully trudge after Basil and pray he’s wrong about his skills in this carnival game, just this once, and then I see what it sodding is.
Bloody fucking football.
No wonder he’s practically whooping about it. Well, as much as Baz might whoop. It’s basically just an overly enthused grin, the smile showing the in the curve of his cheek, a not-quite-there, but not-quite-not-there dimple, his eyes sparkling. I can’t very well tell him not to kick footballs about, it’s Baz Pitch, king of the pitch, it’s in his sodding name.
I find a nearby bench to sit my hindquarters on and plop myself down. At least from here I can partake in a particular favourite activity of my own: staring at Baz’s ass while he kicks bloody footballs about.
It’s been three whole years since Watford and 4 years since he played on any kind of regular team, and he has not lost his form. I rest my chin atop Mrs. Bear’s head and sigh. He’s so bloody handsome it hurts to look at sometimes. I think I feel myself losing braincells I turn so braindead just from the man bloody existing.
I hate him so bloody bad. (He’s so perfect I forget how to speak. He’s so handsome I forget how to breathe. I love him so badly it aches whenever he’s not around. Sometimes I think I’m going to be sick from how insane he makes me.)
He’s beaten the game in a solid minute, he’s such a fucking wanker, I love him so fucking much it’s ridiculous. He’s already walking his way back to me with a giant fucking pink kitten plush in his arms, with ridiculous white patches over it’s eyes, and then he does something that makes me love him some impossible amount more.
A small girl, no more than six or seven, I think, had apparently had shit luck with the game, because she’s looking up at Baz with the biggest pleading eyes I have ever seen on a child. He’s kneeling down to talk to her now and the girl’s adult, I think maybe an older sister or very young aunt, is waving her head, like Basil doesn’t have to do whatever he’s thinking about doing, but Basil only shrugs and hands over the plush like it was nothing.
Oh, he’s so smug and soft and kind and perfect, how bloody dare he.
I am going to snog him so sodding hard when we get home.
When he saunters over to me, he shrugs again, as if to say ‘what more can you do?’ but I still have every intention to rib him about it.
“Did you really just give away Sofia the Third of her Name without asking me?”
Baz perks a brow at me, relieving me of Mr. Bun’s company (how dare he?? We have been bonding??) and my arms thank him for it. “I can win you another if you like.”
“No, no,” I sniff dramatically and I can tell Basil knows I’m just taking the piss, “She seemed nice and not at all like an evil child. You can make it up to me in other ways.”
“And how might I appease his royal plush collector?” Basil doesn’t hesitate to rib me right back and I make a show of thinking about it, looping my arm around his and dragging him away from the games and towards the intoxicating smells of fried food.
“Well, you can start by telling me the little miss’s sob story,” I answer and lean myself a little more against my prick of an overconfident boyfriend as we walk, “And then maybe I’ll decide.”
It’s a lie, by the way, I’ve already decided.
Baz, of course, knows this, but he tells me anyway. “Well, she lost all her tickets trying to win a goldfish, but then fell in love with your Sofia the Third–”
“Sofia the Third of her Name,” I correct.
“Right. She fell in love with your Sofia, but with no tickets she couldn’t even attempt. Besides, it’s already past her bedtime and her aunt needs to get her back home before it gets too late. It wasn’t really much of anything. Sofia cost me basically nothing.”
“Because you game the system,” I’m nodding along even as I hear Baz start to huff over it. It makes me laugh a little.
“I’m just good at the bloody games–” He protests and I’m still laughing.
“Good at breaking them, yes,” I agree, already moving on, “Anyway, you can get me a ride on the ferris wheel with all your obscenely large plushies and a stick of fried butter.”
“Simon,” Baz looks down at me, utterly appalled, “I absolutely refuse to get you a stick of fried butter. I refuse to be party to your early, untimely, cholesterol-related death.”
“But Basil,” I give him my best impression of those puppy dog eyes, “I thought you loved me.”
“We are getting you your ferris wheel ride, but there is absolutely no way I’m kissing you post fried butter. I refuse.”
I’m still pouting ferociously at him.
He’s avoiding looking at me.
We’re stopped in front of the dreaded butter stall.
He’s still not looking at me.
I keep pouting.
He caves.
I’ve got my butter stick, my ferris wheel ride, and kisses at the very top of it, despite his complaints and protests.
I love him so much I might die. I might also die of too much butter intake. I don’t care. It’s stupidly delicious. I’m stupidly happy. He could ask me to marry him right now, I’d definitely say yes. He’s too busy bitching about my butter lips to ask me to marry him though. He’s lying through his teeth.He bloody well adores my butter lips and I know it.
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yellow-faerie · 11 months
I really wish I had the patience and time to write a really long au fic/fic series that centres on Ygraine - and later, as we get into the main series, the main cast - as she grows up surrounded by magic and as a dear friend to Nimueh and pretty much anyone she spends any time around, to meeting Uther and becoming queen and maybe having some of his more anti-magic rhetoric start to stick just a little bit
And then Uther is killed soon after Arthur is born by an assassination attempt done by a rogue group of mages
And then we see Ygraine's slow descent into revenge for the man that she loved (a man who's faults she continues to deny and warp after he died) as she goes after those mages and then some more rogue mages until it's almost an all out war against magic
The dragons and the dragonlords fight Camelot in an all out war which ends in Camelot winning, after which Ygraine gives Kilgarrah the "mercy" of being imprisoned rather than killed for being the only dragon not to fight (as Balinor asked him not to, for he still held friendship for Ygraine so couldn't fight her) and Balinor is exiled
Anyway, I kinda want to write this like that so that you can see her slow descent into villainy. She's still kind and she's still just (for the most part), but magic blinds her so that those who practise magic tend to get killed or imprisoned for the most minor of offenses, made out to be something terrible
Still, Nimueh stays at her side and is allowed to train her nieces, Morgana and Morgause. Nimueh is Ygraine's one weakness, for she is wilfully blind to the almost genocide the queen is creating because she loves her so dearly.
Arthur is maybe a tad kinder, a tad more patient, but he is still brash and loud and incredibly proud of his skill with a blade and for being a prince. He doesn't necessarily hate magic but he has an inherent wariness of it in strangers that his mother has instilled in him.
Morgana is far more naïve here, learning magic from her mother's sister and doesn't fully realise the prejudice that magic users suffer because it's not in the law that they can't practise magic - she doesn't realise that the air of fear and distrust makes it incredibly difficult for any magic user to openly practise and still survive because she's lived her whole life as one of the few the Queen trusts
(Ygraine knows that Morgana is Uther's daughter but that is something she is keeping to herself for later use)
Merlin arrives from Ealdor where his mother and father still live because he was growing restless and they trusted Gaius and Alice to take care of him.
The first season is a few minor antagonists (and a few extras who take the place of Nimueh) and it is Merlin keeping his magic secret due to a very natural fear that the Queen might decide he's too dangerous
The second and third seasons have Cornelius Sigan being a much more major threat, taking the place of Morgana and Morgause when minor villains can't, and being the one who eventually takes over Camelot in the S3 finale (and who throws the sleeping curse on Camelot in the S2 finale)
Nimueh is killed in the S3 finale which is the thing that finally breaks Ygraine and leads to Arthur being a stand in king and knight the knights, and all that - Ygraine's death is committed by that same group who killed Uther which fuels some of the anger and hatred in Arthur
S4 focuses on Arthur grappling with magic and what it is, with Agravaine on one shoulder telling him it's evil, and Tristan (Ygraine's brother Tristan) on the other saying that it's good which comes to a head in the S4 finale where Merlin uses magic to save the group and it's revealed
S5 would be more focused on finding ways to allow magic back into the country, while still fighting the odd fringe group of magic users who are still unhappy and a lot of not magic groups who are unhappy the crown is doing this
It ends happily though because it's a sort-of fix-it where most people live and aren't evil
But yeah, I think this would work better in a longer form fic just for the slow descent that you can't quite do in shorter form
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traitorleech · 8 days
now that i had some time to reflect on taskmasterclass, i think i figured out why it left me kind of disappointed. a lot of it comes down to my expectations to be honest 'cos going in, all i read about taskmasterclass were the show and episode descriptions.
It's the weirdest and most wonderful competition on television. But is there method behind Taskmaster's madness? Greg Davies and Little Alex Horne reveal all, with the help of some willing victims.
Greg Davies and Alex Horne unpack the wit and wisdom of Taskmaster. Is there any point to the purportedly pointless tasks? With Guz Khan, Ed Gamble, Jo Brand, Paul Chowdhry, Morgana Robinson and more.
going off of that, i assumed taskmasterclass was going to be similar to how to win taskmaster, but with greg and alex (and potentially guests) talk about it out of character. you know like, analysing certain tasks and how contestants approached them with them giving their reasoning, maybe why alex worded a task a certain way and what he was hoping contestants would go for off the back of it, what they were looking for when they scored the task, etc. maybe i read it wrong (not gonna exclude that possibility. we know about reading comprehension on this website). i think a lot if not all of my disappointment could have been averted if somewhere they would have very clearly stated that it's an in-universe look at that question, that it's not greg and alex doing it but the taskmaster and the assistant.
because if they had mentioned that, i would have been absolutely over the moon with how it turned out. it was a fun analysis by the taskmaster and little alex horne about why the show is the way it is within the taskmaster universe. plus the amount of fan service we got out of it (not gonna complain about that lol).
i think were the descriptions worded a little differently, had they mentioned it was in-universe, there would be fewer people left dissatisfied by the approach of the episode. because, as i said, if i take it at face value; that it's the taskmaster and the assistant talking about the show, then i won't hesitate to agree it was a lot of fun to watch.
at least if we get a second episode of taskmasterclass i know what to expect now.
though i still would like a more in-depth analysis by alex and perhaps greg about the points mentioned above. anyway, i did like the episode and it was a fun treat thrown to the hardcore taskmaster fans (and probably mainly for the utterly obsessed taskhusbands shippers of which i'm a part of).
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OHMYGOD!!!! Okay, hi, accent!Merlin anon here. That was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! And even better than I could've imagined! I mentioned the accent thing to my best friend (who got me hooked on Merlin) the other day and she was like "yo wtf?? Why wouldn't they do that??" So to know that other ppl think about it too is sooooo validating! I hope this gets enough traction bc I love your fics and would LOVE to see more of this!
(Referencing This Post)
WAHEY!! I'm glad you liked it anon! I've actually had that EXACT rough fic idea in my head for AGES!! It actually goes on a little further as well (Sis/friend shows up at training, asks if she can borrow Merlin, Arthur reluctantly says yes, the two of them do hand to hand, then dagger, sparring in front of everyone and though the sis/friend wins, Merlin is... scarily good. Also there would be bits about sis/friend using magic to remove all the bad joojoo from Morgana's head, because she's been brainwashed obviously, and the others coming to the conclusion that... huh... perhaps magic isn't so bad, if Merlin is completely ok with it (little do they know...).)
Yeah. I love you anon, you read my mind.
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mosses-gate-3 · 4 months
What is Andis, Salix, and Ren's speech like? Do they have distinct accents? Or any other notable ways of speaking, like using particular phrases, slang, or terms of endearment? Bonus question: What do their voices sound like?
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
Andis has a pretty casual way of speaking I think. He's not particularly formal but he can be very verbose, I think he stumbles over words and has to backtrack ("Wri-- wrote-- WRITTEN, yes, that." or "And the... What's the word. The thingy.") relatively often. I don't think he has much of a notable accent. He snaps his fingers a lot when he's figuring out what in particular to say but generally it's brain -> speech with not a lot of filtration. Dunno what I'd call his voice but I know he's been on Magic T for several years. He's affectionate with his nicknames, he calls people love or friend very often. Honey is usually reserved for passive aggressiveness or concern, in equal measure.
Salix's speech is very posh and dignified, she was raised a lady of the court and it shows. Most of what she says is something she's previously thought about, I think she tends to rehearse conversations a lot. Every interaction is a game of chess and baby she's gonna win. She has a very sharp tone, the best way I'd describe her is acerbic. As she loosens up over the course of the adventure she uses more casual speech but a lot of her courtly mannerisms stay. I imagine her having a similar voice and accent to Morgana in BBC Merlin (played by Katie McGrath but I know she does a different accent for that specific role). Or perhaps Idina Menzel. She doesn't use pet names unless she means it.
Ren doesn't talk much, and when they do it's often formal and as concise as possible. One-word answers or short questions, always. Multiple full sentences, almost never. They're not excessively verbose and certainly didn't swallow the same thesaurus Gale did. They are a very good listener, though - they basically talk like the player character dialogue options. Before speaking they tend to pause and think about the best way to phrase things rather than spewing their consciousness into dialogue. They don't really use pet names often. I don't have a voice claim for them yet but I imagine they're an alto.
You didn't ask about Monty (because he didn't exist at the time of sending the ask lmao) but I'm putting him here anyway-- he talks like a cowboy. He has a recognizably American Southern accent, though it's not super strong. Sugar is his go-to pet name for most people, but when he really means it it's angel or love. His speech kind of feels like he's always in motion, if that makes sense? Like a bit out of breath, a bit flippant, a bit like he's holding his words in the back of his throat. He's kind of a whore also. (e.g. "Well sure, sugar, if you're interested", "Ah, well, ain't that a shame.") If I HAD to voice claim him it would be Eoin Macken probably, something smooth and drawling. Fittingly draconic.
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generalherasyndulla · 8 months
the bingo meme but exclusively villains from visual novels
SO to keep this simple I'm sticking to one villain per VN and I'm being strict in what I even define as a VN (so no danganronpa, zero escape, aini or ace attorney. although if anyone WANTS my opinion on character from those series my askbox is open)
That said except for a few exception most VN villains (at least from VNs I've played are kinda uhhhhh boring) so don't expect much interesting ANYWAY let's begin under the cut
Takano from Higurashi
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You know you'd think I'd have more to see about Takano but like I don't. She's a good character and she works WELL within Higurashi but like I don't particularly love her, that said I also don't hate her. I even get why other people love her she doesn't really click for me in a way that other villains or even in a way that other higurashi characters do. She's a great character just not a blorbo at least for me.
Bernkastel from Umineko
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Starting to realize this is gonna become repetitive because once again I like Bern, but most of this doesn't really apply to how I feel about her. She's good I like her character, but that's as deep as that goes.
Mitake Toujirou from Ciconia
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So Ciconia is not complete yet so thoughts COULD change but for now GOD this man sucks but in an interesting way so far. I think the contrast between him seemingly being a doting and embarrassing father (in a society where parenthood isn't even a thing anymore) and being the kind of person who would just control his child's body to murder one of his friends makes for a very hateable dude. We don't know much about his motives yet but what we do see so far fucking uhhhhh sucks
Rikako Uematsu from Raging Loop
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So I have mixed feelings on this one. Because on the one hand, Rikako is one of the only interesting characters in Raging Loop that has some form of depth. On the other hand that depth is underwritten within its narrative and is very grossly and unnecessarily sexualized. And even then she's made sympathetic and redeemed in a way that doesn't really work at least for me. Then again a lot of Raging's Loop's ending doesn't work for me AT ALL. I do think it's funny that there's like only one route she wins because she's just really bad at making her plan succeed. The concept of a failgirl villain is conceptually funny so she has that going for her!
Aimee Joubert The House in Fata Morgana
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So Fatamoru is one of those series I'd argue doesn't really have a main villain. Like sure Morgana takes an antagonistic role in the game but like the whole point of its final door is to save her, and is about how even the men she cursed who did horrible things to her are still people and not complete monsters. Aimee however is only in Michel's chapter and is just an unlikeable person who tortures Michel because she can and has zero redeeming qualities. The backstage extra of fatamoru even call her the most evil woman in the game and yeah I agree she sucks SO much but that's the point.
Kimijima Kou from Robotic;sNote
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Shout out to Kimijima for being them most memorable and interesting villain in the entire sciadv series. There's really one other sciadv villain I'm gonna talk about her but like purely going off of canon Kimijima is the best written villain. It's hard to really talk about him since what works about him is the plot twist that he actually is a villain but it works really well! He sucks but he's fun to hate. A solid villain for a deeply underrated VN
Wakui from Chaos;Child
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So there's not a really a lot of Wakui in canon and he's not even well developed or anything. BUT as you the bitch asking this question know we have talked a LOT about chaos;child and various headcanons and I'm just attached to our version of Wakui that we expanded canon off of so I appreciate him because of that (and the dog that we decided he definitely has)
Maya from Slow Damage
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There are technically other characters I could have chosen for Slow Damage but I think Maya is the most interesting of the Slow Damage villains. Sure she's dead before the start of the VN but she really just haunts the game, especially in Fujieda's route, as the awful manipulative person who tried to groom her son into being just like her. She's vile and will gladly hurt others to achieve what she wants, including Towa but she's not just a one-dimensional hate-sink. Towa finding her diary does help give more depth to her in a way that doesn't remotely excuse her actions or tries to redeem her. In fact it's just an effective to show how she has failed because Towa is not like her. He's not alone like she was and he never will be. (and god slow damage is SO fucking good y'all.)
Alphard from 428 Shibuya Scramble
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Alphard is such a FUN villain I don't have much to say about her if only because she's more of a plot twist villain BUT the reveal is done SO well and she has SUCH a presence when the reveal happens too. She also kinda wins at the end which is fascinating and really sells the whole brilliant criminal mastermind thing. Even when she loses she wins!!! Also I haven't watched the anime spinoff yet but whatever the fuck is happening with Canaan is probably gay so good for her. She sucks but also we love a girlboss!
Shuu from Hatoful Boyfriend
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Yeah I can't justify anything here I just really love Shuu he sucks SO much but also he genuinely doesn't know any other way of being. Sometimes you fuck up EVERYTHING because you're gay and thought genocide was the best way to help a child???? Literally there is SO much wrong with him and I love that for him <33 Also his human design is kinda hot so there's that going for him too.
Ryouta from Lucid9
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He sure is a murder man and that's about it really. He sucks but he serves his purpose in the game well so. meh
Toue from drammatical murder
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It's been years since I played dmmd and all I remember about him is his line about being able to "stylishly and drammatically murder someone" that's never fucking elaborated on. the fuck was he talking about????
Monika from doki doki literature club
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My opinion on ddlc is mainly that it's fine for what it is but Monika's a pretty good character within it not gonna lie. Idk I have a soft spot for her and she makes me :)
Inubushi Keiko from Remember11
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Wow a serial killer with DID how groundbreaking :/ Tbh the only interesting thing about her is that she's involved in the whole body swap through time thing so sometimes she is possessed by a fucking baby and a real woman who is freezing to death and ultimately dies. Idk she doesn't do much for me and as a character herself shes one of the weaker aspects of remember11
and that's all I could think of VN villains (besides some sciadv ones I left out because eh sciadv villain are mostly boring). Enioy whatever this is :)
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charmixpower · 2 years
I've been thinking about the Wizards of the Black Circle and what would motive them to be so dedicated and came up with this little idea
You know how back in ancient times everyone was constantly warring, empires would rise and collapse on a dime, and generally everything was chaotic and some war lord could takeover half of their content in their lifetime?
So the Wizards all come from around that time, and were gone well before the 1600s
Anyways we've seen from the Trix that one well placed spell and you can have a full army at the command of 3 people
I would now like for you to imagine what these times and constant wars would be like if a percentage of the population had magic
The Wizards of the Black circle aren't specifically against fairies, but all magic users
Mostly because if they only hunted fairies where are all the witches and wizards? Killed by a nonmagical sword? Burned when they can fly away? The fairy hunter thing combined with no magic on earth implies that, as far as magic users go, there were ONLY faries on earth. Which I find to be incredibly odd
Nah, their beef is with ALL magical creatures on earth. To explain why there were no magic users left
They're whole thing is that they noticed that powerful magic was escalating and escalating and escalating and suddenly these things called Major Faries who could short cut to a lesser form of a Guardian Fairy and they realized one bad actor could go crazy with this system and create a small squad into a full army....so they decided to preemptively start indiscriminately murdering people
They're all magic users themselves but Orgon in perticualr has the ability to control magic cores/magic in general, he's probably the only true wizard, thats insanely difficult to go up against
They eventually clashed against a group of Major faries protecting a bunch of young magic users, aka the white circle. Their leader "Mother" Morgana, and their second in command Nebula
They realized they couldn't win, so Orgon decided to try and seal them away...unfortunately for them, the White Circle had the same exact idea and sealed the Wizards away at the same time
Due to all magical users on earth being sealed away in two locations, all casual magic died on earth. Especially because they were also hunting magical animals...yeah. There's very little magic in the air, in plants, or anywhere. The earths magical core is almost dead and has been slowly dying for a while now
(The way I imagine it, to explain why all habitable planets had magic thriving on it at some point when no magic Planets are obviously possible, was to make not having magic a terrible thing. Planets with low/no magic are incredibly at risk for sooo many things, because there is no magic correcting any changes to the environment. Magic also can keep things like suns and black holes stable. So they don't explode. Aka this is Bad News™)
Both the Earth fairies and the Wizards are pulling a Daphne rn and are separately channeling all the magic attracted to them from natural sources into themselves to prolong their life (which is how they haven't died in all these years, and why they can stay transformed much much much longer than magic users form anywhere else) and are both waiting for the other group to rot
The Wizards of the black circle do not know Magix's exists and still think the sun revolves around the earth until they catch up on current science, same for the earth fairies. Neither group knows about the Omega Dimension yet bc it had even been made when they were active
The Winx/Roxy free the earth fairies, the earth faries free the black circle bc they want to kill the wizards, this was a terrible idea because now the black circle is free
They're very good tempered compared to their canon counterparts because their whole thing is "Fallen Paragons". If they ever learned about Valtor or the ancestral witches (and what they did to Domino) they'd probably even try to convince the Winx to go back home to their own planets and leave earth to them. The rest of the magical universe is doomed to these planet destroying high scale wars, but they'll save earth from this fate!
(...They'd have a fucking conniption fit if they ever learned about nuclear bombs. Local Wizards unaware of what people are like)
Which would well contrast with the earth fairies, who are pissed at nonmagical people from turning on them, destroying the planet, and then carrying out the witch trials that wiped out any "two recessive genes matched up perfectly" magic users many generations later
And I thought that contrast would be interesting
Uhhh that's all, thank u 4 reading
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toririvas · 2 years
I keep doing the thing where I forget I have this blog so I just think my thoughts in my head rather than put them out into the world. Whoops. AnYWAY here's some orientation headcanons for because I love both lists and gay people <3 maybe I'll do more if this interests someone out there. Also catch me procrastinating this so hard that I forget to do it in pride month.
Tori Rivas:
You look at this woman and tell me she isn't bisexual. Bisexual and I would say probably greyace/greyro, because she really doesn't have a lot of interest in folks in canon text. I think she's just not focused on it so it doesn't exist, but I believe at some point she just sort of "oh. oh." I think she's ambivalent on gender too btw. No real strong attachments either way. Boymode as Hephaestus l, girlmode as Tori, literally whatever's more comfortable or useful. She's efficient like that.
Beverly (a last name I beg of you drew PLEASE):
Also bisexual (leaning more towards men) but Absolutely knows it as opposed to Tori who's like "I'm not sure if I even like boys let alone girls". Beverly knows she's hot shit, and absolutely is into her weird reclusive roommate and that buff dork down the hall. I unironically think her and Austin would be cute but wouldn't work long-term.
Chloe Henson:
This ain't headcanon, it's canon: Chloe is pansexual and has a preference "for people more her size" but other than that doesn't have one. Queen. Love you girlie. Stay winning short king
Lance (last name pls....):
Gay. Homosexual. Fruity. MLM (lovingly). Supportive dumbass. He's just a bro who loves other bros! And grumpy wizards. Especially grumpy wizards.
Aforementioned grumpy wizard. MLM. Transed Gender. You're telling me the reclusive bitchy wizard with a techpunk outfit who has a whole background arc about unlearning taught bias with an oppressive mentor figure isn't trans? Bro c'mon work with me here! Gay (derogatory).
Assorted stuff, I think Ivan and Wade had some Experiences in the past but now of course Ivan is Lodestar-sexual and Wade is... Wade. He's an eccentric rich guy he's done everything and he's into whatever I the most interesting. Xelas is yes gender, yes sexuality. She's everything to me. Johnny and Thuggernaut have been married for ten years and are really casual about it but everyone knows. Morgana is a lesbian. Stasis is also a lesbian (but she's bisexual because immortality is boring sometimes). I think there should be more lesbians. Arachnobro is fruity but is really shy about dating because of the whole Bug Thing tm. It's hard to kiss with mandibles.
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catboyfurina · 2 years
ok ive been trying to make a noelle team for abyss cus like in overworld theres just the one roight but in spiral abyss they want u to split them up ANYWAY
some thoughts since i dont have enough geo for mono geo or (more importantly) gorou noelle+albedo+chongyun+beidou+xingqiu
im not sure which one to delete. but not noelle. its not a noelle team if shes not on it x3
if i delete albedo, noelle struggles for energy even harder. but also im not sure hes doing much if i delete chongyun, that would objectively be the best at damage because noelles geo infusion can coexist with beidou and xingqius bursts BUT i like chongyun . and he uses e instead of q so thats nice. i dont think i want to remove xingqiu hes really good at slopping water around and hes c6 (due to the kokomi banner) but beidou is also at c6 (kokomi banner) and i like her better. xingqiu wins the meta due to the heals and interruption resistance and the semi shield BUT like. noelle. i do not need those things. so beidou would work just as well. also i think beidous electro has a speed limit on how many it can do WHICH again is not an issue for Me because noelle is slow.
if i delete albedo then thats 3/4 im just waiting on for bursts and theres an energy disadvantage, same with chongyun but without energy disadvantage...,,
i also like how chongyun and xingqiu do freezes but maybe electrocharged would be better since my other team is offbrand (but cooler) morgana so these guys probably shouldnt be freeze based,,...i need an element to deal with cryo fatui :P
this decision would be much easier if i had gorou
maybe i should do noelle+albedo+xingqiu+beidou, thus beidou and albedo would be built for when i can transition to a noelle+gorou+albedo+beidou team and since xingqiu is overall good he could switch out with beidou if its particularly electro-y
BUT if i go for double freezes,....then i get more freeze
also its good for my artifacts cus then they can wear ganyus rejects
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vgckwb · 6 months
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 182: Raising the Stakes
Makoto was on the phone with her sister’s new assistant. She had just found out her sister was her own crusader, and was panicking about it. Still, she needed to remain calm. “Riko?” she said.
“Yes,” Riko replied. “Look, I’m sorry for calling you so late at night.”
“...It’s alright,” Makoto replied. “What is this about?”
“Right,” Riko said. “Oh, wait, before that, is your sister home?”
“No?” Makoto replied.
“Oh,” Riko said. “Well, she’s not here.”
“I’m sure she’ll be home soon,” Makoto assured her.
“Right,” Riko said. “Look, something…weird and troubling happened, and I don’t know who else to turn to. You’re Sae’s sister, so I thought you could help.”
Makoto was intrigued by Riko’s words. “I mean, sure. Um, what happened exactly?”
“Well..I was hoping that maybe we can discuss this tomorrow,” Riko said. “Sorry, it’s a lot, and I don’t want to keep you up all night.”
“Well, likewise I guess,” Makoto said. “Alright, I guess we can meet tomorrow.”
“Great!” Riko said. “Alright, where do you work?”
Makoto was taken aback by the question. …'Work’?”
“Yeah, I was thinking I could swing by once you get out of work tomorrow to meet up,” Riko clarified.
“Um…I’m a third year student at Shujin Academy,” Makoto explained.
There was a long pause before Riko said “Oh, I am so embarrassed. Based on the way Sae talked about you, I assumed you were her older sister.”
“Oh!” Makoto reacted, now also embarrassed.
“Yeah…” Riko said. “Well, um, maybe we can meet after school.”
“That would work,” Makoto said.
“Great!” Riko said. “See you then!’
“Ditto!” Makoto said. They both hung up, embarrassed.
The next day, as Sojiro, Futaba, Ren, and Morgana were having breakfast, Ren turned to Sojiro and asked “Say, can we borrow Leblanc this afternoon?”
“Well…” Futaba said. “We could meet here as well.”
“I know,” Ren said. “But Leblanc has a cooler atmosphere. Besides, it’s more hideout-y.”
“True,” Futaba said. “I don’t think most thief hideouts include my mom’s old ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ poster hanging up.”
“...I like keeping it around,” Sojiro said. “And it’s fine. I’ve got business to attend to anyways.”
Ren and Futaba were intrigued. “What kind of business?” Futaba asked.
“Or perhaps do you mean ‘pleasure’?” Ren joked.
Sojiro glared at Ren. “It’s personal business.”
“Pleasure,” Ren whispered Futaba.
Sojiro’s brow furrowed. “Do you want me to revoke your hideout privileges?”
“I have a key,” Ren pointed out.
“Want me to take away your key?”
“I’ll just steal it back,” Ren retorted. “I am a thief after all.”
Sohiro sighed. “Just…be quiet.” Ren and Futaba giggled.
The finished breakfast. “Thanks Sojiro,” Futaba said.
“Yeah, thanks,” Ren said.
“Don’t mention it,” Sojiro said.
Ren chuckled slightly. She then lowered her bag. “C’mon Morgana, let’s go!” Morgana hopped into the bag, and they headed out.
As they were going to school, the Phantom Thieves group chat started up.
Makoto: I have some bad news, and some…interesting news.
Yusuke: What is it?
Makoto: Sis has a crusader now.
Yusuke: What?!
Makoto: Even worse, it’s herself.
Ryuji: FOR REAL?!
Futaba: Yeah, that’s bad.
Sumire: Maybe we should have made a mad dash in.
Jose: Actually, I think this might be better.
Ryuji: HOW?!
Jose: At least this way, once we win, it’ll be easier to get Makoto’s sister on side.
Ren: Hmmm
Ren: That may be true.
Ryuji: Great. Now all we have to do is win.
Ann: You say that like it’s impossible.
Jose: Yeah Ryuji. You taught me nothing is impossible.
Ryuji: …I guess you’re right.
Ann: YEAH!
Lena: What’s the interesting news?
Makoto: Oh, right.
Makoto: My sister’s assistant gave me a call.
Makoto: She said something weird and troubling happened.
Lena: Huh.
Haru: Do you think your sister’s assistant knows something?
Futaba: Her becoming her own crusader certainly fits the bill.
Makoto: Well, I’m meeting her after school today to confirm.
Haru: Do you want me to come with you?
Haru: If it is what we suspect it might be, then it might be easier with two people.
Haru: I know I was worried when I talked to you about Hiroki. I thought you thought I was a lunatic.
Makoto: I think I’ll be fine on my own.
Makoto: Besides, it might be overwhelming for her.
Haru: I see.
Makoto: Good looking out though.
Ren: So, you meet with your sister’s assistant, and then come over to Leblanc to meet with us.
Makoto: I think that’s the plan.
Ren: Alright. Let’s go!
They put their phones away, and headed to school.
Meanwhile, Riko arrived and knocked on Sae’s door. “It’s me,” she said.
“Come in!” Sae said.
Riko opened the door. “Hey, um, so, not that I don’t believe in you, but how are you feeling?”
Sae smiled. “I’m feeling better than ever.”
Riko was surprised.”Oh! Oh, well that’s great!”
Sae nodded. "I just needed some time to think.”
“Right,” Riko said. “Well, you know I’m here in case you need anything.”
“Of course,” Sae said. “Thank you.” Riko smiled, nodded, and closed the door behind her. She sighed, unsure of how to feel. She sat at her desk, and began work for the day.
A little while later, Riko came into Sae’s office again. “Um, I’m thinking about taking my break now,” she said.
“Actually,” Sae responded, “I think you’re free to take the rest of the day off.”
Riko was stunned. “R-Really?”
Sae nodded. “I was just here today to make some preparations.” She got up and walked to Riko. “The rest of the day, I have something else to do.”
“Oh?” Riko wondered. “Um, maybe I could be of assistance?”
Sae shook her head. “It’s alright Riko. What I’m doing now, well, to be honest, I need to do on my own, OK?” Riko nodded. Sae put her hand on Riko’s shoulder. “Good. Thank you for being there for me. I was a little skeptical at first, but you really are amazing. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
Riko got slightly embarrassed. “Th-Thanks.” Sae smiled and nodded. She then started to gather her things. Meanwhile, Riko kept watching her for a bit, before slowly backing away and doing the same.
Riko was on her way to Shujin. School had let out not too long ago, so she decided to give Makoto a call. Makoto answered. “Hello?”
“Uh, hi,” Riko said “I’m almost there.”
“Great,” Makoto said. “I’m just wrapping up a few things, and then I’ll meet you outside.”
“Sounds good,” Riko said. “Wait, um, I don’t think we know what we look like.”
“Oh, right,” Makoto said. “They gave a brief description of each other. “Well, see you soon then?”
“See you soon,” Riko said. They hung up. Riko kept going.
She soon arrived and began looking for Makoto. “Hey!” a voice called out. She saw Makoto rush up to her and ask “You’re…Riko, correct?” Riko nodded. “I’m Makoto.”
Riko smiled. “Nice to meet you,” she said, reaching her hand out. Makoto reciprocated the handshake. “So, where do you want to meet?”
“Well…” Makoto said, treading carefully. “Let’s head over to the diner on Central Street.”
Riko shrugged. “OK.” The two women headed over.
Once they were situated, Makoto asked “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Riko showed some trepidation. “Well…” She sighed. “This is going to sound insane, but Sae needs help.”
Makoto put her hand on Riko’s. “Don’t worry. I’m here for you, and for my sister.”
Riko felt a little more relaxed. “So, last night…things got really intense. We were called over to the SIU director’s house…”
“Wait, his house?” Makoto said.
Riko nodded. “He posted bail.”
“Figures…” Makoto said. “Anyways, please continue.”
Riko nodded. “He had given us a calling card. He said it was from The Phantom Thieves, and it said that they were going to kill him in a month.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Makoto said, aghast.
“When we met with him previously, he said that he was coerced into this mental shutdown business by The Phantom Thieves in the first place,” Riko continued.
“WHAT?!” Makoto said, simply baffled by the audacity of this man.
“I mean, I don’t believe it,” Riko explained, “but Sae seems dead set on this idea. Anyways, after our first meeting, I decided to get some help. So one of my friends hooked me up with a simple listening device. I had a feeling the director was hiding something, but I needed proof.
When we were called back there, I hid the bug and checked in a little late. He said that his plan was to lure The Phantom Thieves in and either have Sae take them out, or have them weaken her enough so that they can take Sae out.” Makoto gasped, her face turning pale. “He then discovered the bug, and destroyed it.”
“Well…at least we got that information,” Makoto assured her.
“Well…” Riko said. “He knew of the bug’s existence and just told me as an insult, saying that nobody would believe me.”
“Oh…” Makoto said, dejected.
“Yeah,” Riko agreed. “Now, as crazy as that is, it’s nothing compared to what happened next.” Makoto listened closer. “I…went to tell Sae this, but she wasn’t in her office. Instead, there was this mysterious figure, calling herself Sae’s ‘new assistant’.”
“Huh,” Makoto said.
“She explained that she gave Sae the power to take on The Phantom Thieves,” Riko went on. “I tried to explain the situation, but the figure was intent on Sae pursuing them. The figure then also offered me this power to join Sae, but I refused.”
“Wait, huh?” Makoto wondered.
“The figure then laughed,” Riko explained. “They said that things were going their way anyway, so she said she’d give me a key, but all she told me was ‘Fashion Show’.”
“Match Found,” Makoto’s phone said, confirming everything for her.
Riko was confused. “What was that?”
“Oh, um, well….” Makoto said. She couldn’t afford to keep Riko in the dark anymore. “Listen, I have a solution, but I’m going to need you to swear to absolute secrecy, do you hear me?”
Riko was taken aback. Still, she answered “Um, sure.”
“Great,” Makoto nodded. “Now, let’s go. I have some friends I’d like you to meet.” Riko was still confused, but decided to go along. She was already this far in; might as well go the whole nine yards.
A little later, Makoto and Riko arrived at Leblanc. Makoto went to open the door. “Um, the sign says it’s closed,” Riko said.
Makoto smiled. “Don’t worry.” She opened it.
Inside, the other thieves had already assembled. They turned towards her. “Hey Makoto,” Ryuji said.
“How’d it go?” Ann asked.
They noticed Riko. “Who might this be?” Yusuke asked.
“Everyone, this is Riko,” Makoto introduced. “She’s my sister’s assistant.” Everyone was stunned silent. Her presence enough confirmed that she knew something vital, and they were both eager and terrified of what she knew.
“Uh, hi?” Riko said, still a little confused.
“Riko, these are my friends,” Makoto said. “And we are The Phantom Thieves.”
Riko was surprised by this “Oh! Oh. Uh, hi.” The thieves greeted her.
“Now,” Makoto asked, “would you tell everyone else what you told me?”
Riko nodded. “Sure.” She turned back to everyone. “Well, um, before we get to it, I do want to say that I am personally a huge fan.” The thieves were a little surprised. “Now then…” Riko explained what had happened.
Once she finished, Yusuke said “I see…”
“Holy shit!” Ryuji exclaimed.
“That was certainly a lot,” Haru said.
Riko was still a little confused. “You…seem to know what’s going on.”
“Well, we are The Phantom Thieves,” Futaba said.
“And this concerns us deeply,” Ann added.
“Care to explain then?” Riko said.
“Certainly,” Jose said. “Um, where do we begin.”
“Well, I will say, your hunch about the calling card and the director’s explanation of things is false,” Sumire said.
“We didn’t even form until April,” Ann added.
“And that figure you saw,” Lena said. “Her name is Eris.”
“Eris?” Riko wondered.
Ren nodded. “She goes around causing trouble for us.”
“I see,” Riko said.
“Now, before we continue, I will say,” Ren said, “the things we’re going to tell you are going to sound unbelievable, but it is the honest truth. Do you understand?” Riko nodded. “Good. So, we as The Phantom Thieves don’t entirely operate on this plane of existence.” Riko was confused.
Futaba took the wheel. “You see, there’s an alternate dimension called ‘The Metaverse’, and we have access to it. Using this access, we go in and steal people’s desires, changing their hearts.”
“Oh!” Riko said. “That…That explains a lot and nothing at all.”
“It’s hard to believe,” Makoto said. “I don’t think I’d believe it if I didn’t go myself. Oh, speaking of,” she took her phone out, “Do you have this app?”
Riko looked at the strange app. She checked her phone. “Nnnnnnno? I don’t think so.”
Yusuke sighed. “I was looking forward to having a new teammate.”
“I think it’s better this way,” Lena said. “I mean, it’d be nice to have someone keeping an eye on Makoto's sister for us knowing what we know.”
“That is true,” Yusuke said.
“Assuming she’d join us,” Ryuji said.
“I will!” Riko insisted. “If it’s for Sae’s sake...I will.”
Ren smirked. “Sounds like we got us a new ally. Futaba, you wanna finish explaining?”
Futaba nodded. “OK, so, for most of the people, we go to this place called Mementos. However, some people have desires so warped, they have these things called Palaces, which are essentially big structures that symbolize their power and desire. We go in, steal the treasure, and their heart changes.”
Riko nodded. “So, where does Eris come into play?”
“Well, that’s where things get tricky,” Ren said.
“Eris is a being who corrupts a person to also take on the palace ruler,” Futaba said. “However, their aim is usually…more violent to say the least.”
“Oh,” Riko said. “So those are the other people you mention on the calling cards.”
“Precisely!” Jose jumped in.
“So, who’s Sae crusading against?” Riko asked. Everyone was a little surprised. “I mean, if this Eris person gave her power, she’s crusading against someone else, right?”
“Well…” Ryuji said.
“No,” Makoto said, firmly. “My sister is crusading against herself.” Riko gasped. “It’s a really dangerous combination, so we need to get this right.”
“Plus with everything you said about the director,” Lena pointed out. “This is going to be even more dangerous.”
“Especially with how connected he is with this mental shutdown business,” Haru pointed out.
“We certainly have our work cut out for us,” Sumire said “But it’s nothing we can’t handle!”
“So,” Ren said, “are you still in?”
Riko was shaking. Still, she knew her answer. “Of course! What’s our plan of attack?”
Ren smiled. “Well, our first goal is to do a little reconnaissance. We’ll take a look at her palace from the inside, while you quietly gather information for us. Once we have a good idea of what we’re up against, we can formulate a plan.”
“Alright,” Riko said. “So, are you going to do that now?”
“Well…” Ren said.
“It’s getting late,” Ann said.
“I think we should wait until we’re at 100%,” Sumire said.
“Tomorrow works fine for me,” Yusuke said.
Makoto nodded. “The sooner the better.”
“Alright, that makes sense,” Riko said. “Plus, I can gather some info.”
“That’s the spirit!” Haru said.
“In the meantime, you want something to eat?” Ren offered.
“Oh, uh, sure,” Riko answered.
“Anyone else?” Ren offered. They all agreed. Ren then got to work making dinner for the group. Once they ate, the group broke off, and headed home for the night.
In her room, Ren was lying on her bed. Morgana slinked in. “Oh, hey Morgana,” Ren said. “What do you make of all of this?”
“Well…it is unusual, even for us,” Morgana replied.
“Do you think we can succeed?” Ren asked.
“Well, I guess it depends on what our goal is,” Morgana said. “We have a lot on our plate, and if Eris is convinced that something will go haywire, as much as I hate to admit it, I don’t doubt that happening.”
“Well a little chaos is fine,” Ren said. “We just need to manage it.”
“That’s true,” Morgana said. “But I think before we make any definitive move, we have to know as much as we can.”
Ren smiled. “My thoughts exactly.”
Morgana smiled back. “Well, I’ll leave you alone for now. Then tomorrow, we strike!”
Ren got up and walked Morgana to the door. “Goodnight Morgana.”
“Goodnight,” Morgana said, leaving. Ren shut the door, and turned off the light.
As she turned to head back to bed, she noticed that Eris was sitting there. “Well well, what a lovely new room.”
“Eris…” Ren said with contempt
“The one and only,” Eris replied.
“What do you want now?” Ren wondered.
“I just came in to see how things are going,” Eris said, standing up. SHe walked up to Ren and began circling her. “It seems that the keeper of the key managed to get it to you faster than I had anticipated.”
“Sorry to ruin your fun,” Ren said.
Eris stopped in front of Ren. “Oh dear, the fun is only just beginning. Like I told Riko, something’s going to give.”
“We’re aware,” Ren said.
“You don’t seem so hostile about that,” Eris said.
“Personally, I think something needs to give,” Ren said. “That way, we can grasp onto something and finally get a leg up on the situation.”
“Hm hm,” Eris chuckled. “You know I’ll always be one jump ahead.”
“We’ll see,” Ren said.
“He he,” Eris giggled some more. “You don’t even know what’s beyond this palace, and you think you’ll still hold out.”
“I've held out so far,” Ren countered
“True, but this is going to be different,” Eris said. “Although, you still need to manage this series of events first. What will you sacrifice to get to the bottom of this?”
“Well, we’re working on figuring that out,” Ren said.
Eris laughed. “You say that, yet it’s not going to be as simple as you think.”
“Well, with everyone working together, it’ll be simpler than you think,” Ren said.
“I suppose,” Eris said. “But at this stage in the game, no one is willing to give up something for free. You have to be prepared to ante up, and for everyone else to do the same.”
Ren smirked. “I think that’s where you’ve underestimated us. We’ve been all in since the beginning.”
Eris laughed some more. “That MOXY! Well, just so you know, when your chips are down, I’d be happy to give you some more…for a fee.”
“We’ll be fine,” Ren said. “We’re good at loading the deck.”
“If you say so,” Eris siad. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Remember: you’re in too deep now. The consequences will be DIRE if you can’t manage a miracle.”
“Well then, a miracle is what we’ll aim for,” Ren countered.
Eris shrugged. “I guess it’s no use trying to convince you.”
“About time you learned that lesson,” Ren reported.
“Oh don’t worry,” Eris siad. “I’m also all in, and I will break you, one way or another. This conversation is just a courtesy before things become too overwhelming. You think you’ve seen everything I can do? You’ve seen nothing yet! I pray you come to your senses and you won’t need to see what I am capable of.”
Hunger-Eris: Rank 7
Eris disappeared after her ominous threat. Ren decided to shrug it off and got to bed for the night. She had a big day tomorrow.
Meanwhile, director Ono was at his house making tea. He then took a needle, drew some blood from his finger, and dripped it into one of the cups. He mixed it in with the tea, and headed out. Sae was waiting for him. “Here you are,” Ono said, giving Sae the tainted tea.
“Thank you,” Sae said. She sipped her tea. “Now, as for my conditions.”
“Fire away,” Ono said.
“First, I want you to actually serve time,” Sae said. “I’m not letting you get off with just a fine, even if you can afford it.”
“Of course,’ Ono said.
“But more importantly,” Sae said, “once this is said and done, I want your job.”
“Pardon?” Ono said.
“You heard me,” Sae insisted.
Ono was a little reluctant. “Fine. I suppose you’ve earned it.”
Sae smirked. “Excellent.” Ono smiled back, though his was a deceptive smile. Each of them thought they had the other where they wanted. Yet neither of them knew that The Phantom Thieves were preparing to disrupt both their plans.
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morganarchy · 9 months
Guys I know it's The Year of Our Lord 2023 and I am still thinking about BBC Merlin that ended in *checks watch* jesus christ 2012 but I was rewatching the series with my partner and we were really enjoying it and I felt very validated that this show I had watched as a teen WAS good actually, but then...
Like why is Season 4 like that? Like why are the last two seasons so garbage? I'm sorry?? Why did we do Morgana like that? Katie McGrath CAN ACT I've SEEN IT why is she DOING IT LIKE THAT??
We still haven't been able to finish season 5 because it is a bit of a slog and they really just flattened several characters, most notably Gwen and Morgana, but others as well. Why is Gwen, who was absolutely a main character in the first three seasons who had a lot of agency suddenly like, a background character who occasionally intervenes but is otherwise there for Arthur's character development?
ALSO WHY is Morgana NOT a good villain?? There are NO STAKES when she's the antagonist of an episode or even a slew of episodes. I think the longest time she's been able to "win" is like...two episodes? Maybe? Morgana should have been like Cersei in terms of threat levels, but she's just not and that's so a) uncharacteristic in terms of her S1-3 characterization and b) NOT GOOD STORY TELLING because your BIGGEST VILLAIN isn't even the most threatening thing they've been up against. Ghost Uther was more dangerous than Living Morgana!
She's a goth paper bag in seasons 4 and 5 and they do a horrible job trying to make us sympathize with her but also fear her (something done much better for villains in GOT or other shows - GOT is just on my mind because of the shared aesthetic - and NOT COUNTING the last few seasons).
Also Merlin?? Hello?? Why has he become the cop? S4-5 Merlin is essentially that cop in all cop shows who has a "gut instinct" that THAT GUY is the bad guy and he'll go against the law to beat his ass up and get him to confess and when Gaius or Arthur or anyone else calls him out he's like "Yeah but I had a /bad feeling/ about them" like BITCH WHY??
I love Mordred's arc, but it's predicated on Merlin being the literal worst and obviously our main characters need to have flaws but Merlin hates Mordred in a very un-Merlin-like way. He used to reject his visions or at least try to change them, but as soon as he sees Mordred killing Arthur or whatever he immediately hates Mordred no matter what Mordred does to show Merlin that he is changed. Old Merlin would have accepted that! Maybe that was a deliberate writing choice in the "I've learned I can't change fate" kind of way, but it plays very poorly on screen.
Anyway this was supposed to be a one paragraph rant about how BBC Merlin did my girl Morgana dirty in later seasons and I just kept remembering things to say so thank you for listening to my TED talk feel free to interact I'd love to talk about it.
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v5hadow · 1 year
WIP Wednesday (@2am Thursday again! WOO)
I think I'll be done with this scene next week. I hope I'm done with it next week anyways. But honestly I wouldn't be shock if it's got 2 if I add more like I did this section. I've also got a portion in this scene not posted and toward the end of the following scene that are giving me trouble for approximately the same reason.
From last week's:
“Ryuji, you may have to think on whether you can too. Niijima-senpai and Okumura-senpai are college students and Kitagawa lives alone in a dorm,” Yuuki sweeped his hand across the table at the three members in question.  “Niijima-san might voice a want to know where Niijima-senpai is, but I don’t think those two would stop each other if everyone is doing alright. Since she knows you all can take good care of yourselves and the world.” Yuuki added with a shrug.
Continuing on:
“Yeah, Sae just told me a few weeks ago that she doesn’t expect to see me a lot this summer and to keep everyone out of trouble,” Makoto nodded as she explained.  “But Yuuki-kun, I thought both Haru and I have expressed a want to at least drop the senpai?”
“Him and Sumire-chan are always so polite. But aren’t we at least friends by now, Yuuki-kun?” Haru reached over Akira to hold Yuuki’s hand.
“Yes?” Yuuki received one of the brightest beaming smiles from the heiress and a few laughs from the gathered friends.
“And it’s ‘we’ can! You’ve been a part of us for a while now,” Morgana called as he jumped onto Futaba, causing her to squeak in surprise.
Makoto directed her attention back squarely on their curly haired header. “Speaking of Sumire-chan, she has a gymnastics camp for this first week of summer that ends in a competition.” She got a nod in response from him.
“So that’s why she wasn’t here!”
Futaba threw a ball of napkins at the blond boy as she asked, “Did you not read that group text, Ryuji?”
“What? Akira didn’t know either, right?” The blond looked to his friend for reassurance and confirmation and got a confused nod. Once he turned back to Futaba, Ryuji waved his hand towards Akira and opened his mouth. 
Only for his hands to near immediately be put down onto the table by Ann, which closed his mouth. The model explained “He wasn’t in that group chat since she told us in the party planning group.”
“On what I was talking about, Tak…Ann-san’s parents are rarely around and freely allow her to take modeling jobs at her own leisure and study abroad. She has the ability to have a believable story or the money to be able to travel Japan under her own power.” Yuuki had gotten a little flustered as Akira put his arm around his waist but quickly adjusted back into a comfortable position and pace.
“Why are you going backwards on names, Yuuki?” Futaba asked as she got off the ledge to lean against it, Morgana moving to lean on her shoulders. 
Ann looked between the two techies before ignoring the name flub. She went on to say, “Yeah, my parents left for their own summer vacation yesterday and won’t be back for at least 2 weeks.”
Makoto asked the blonde, “And technically you are only here due to summer break in the US being around the same time, right?”
“Yeah! I’ll be a year behind in graduating here in Japan, but maybe that will work out in my favor.” Ann shrugged as she smiled. “But it's the middle of the summer break before my year there so I wouldn’t have many friends or things to do there right now if I even went now.”
“Your parents will be in a show in Copenhagen, correct?” Yusuke asked fairly suddenly. The artist idly continued, “I wonder what beauty could be found there…” 
Ann blinked at Yusuke. “Uh, yeah. When did I mention that?”
“You did not. A potential patron mentioned his agency prepping some work for there and your parents were listed in some of the noteworthy guests lists.”
“Yusuke, I-” 
Futaba tapped the cat on her shoulder’s nose as she said, “Nope, let Inari have this win, Kitty.”
“I am not-” Morgana started to say something again before being booped again before Futaba began to play-fight him. 
Yuuki smiled at the orange haired girl as he continued his ramble to Ryuji, “And Futaba-chan, well let’s just say between Sak… Boss not being too different from Niijima-san in opinion, she’ll also be with Akira.”
“Older brother, right,” Ryuji nodded along with that reasoning.
“Ryuji! Niishima! Stop being so embarrassing!” Futaba looked back at them while pausing her onslaught on Morgana. 
“You weren’t saying that a few weeks ago when they took you to the arcade in Akihabara for a break from studying, Taba-chan,” Haru teased the younger girl.
“Haru, not you too!”
Apparently Futaba stopped paying attention to Morgana long enough for her to get a paw flat to her nose with the cat squawking a delighted “Gotcha!” Futaba fell backwards causing both to go crashing to the floor and everyone else to give some laughter. The geek gathered Morgana to pet him more in apologies.
0 notes
anileahvictoria · 2 years
I think turning Jim into a troll defeats the purose of choosing a human Trollhunter to begin with. It was a gamble to turn him troll because there was a chance Jim's heart, one of the main things that sets Jim apart, would turn troll. And it did. Jim totally changed, and instead of mostly Jim and a little troll to give him a boost, it was troll with almost non of the Jim we know and love. Now I do agree Jim would not have won againt Gunmar as he was, just him and his sword, but that was why we got the triabrick stones (which did absalutly nothing), remember! Also, if it was a big group effort taking on Gunmar instead of everyone else doing crowd control while Jim took on the boss one on one, they couldve won without trolljim!
So what if Jim desided not to risck losing himself becoming a troll? What if the triambrick stones Actually. Did. Their. Job? And what if everyone, Jim, Claire, Toby, the Creep Slayers, Strickler, Barbra, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh!!!, Aja, Krel, Namoura, Merlin, all came in and just beat the crap out of gunmar?
So, I give you an alternate scene where Jim refuses Merlins offer, the first part of a series I'm hoping to write, so I hope you enjoy!
"You were supposed to be my Champion."
Jim's eyes fluttered open to find he was tied to a chair in his own kitchen, Merlin casually working at the counter.
Jim pulled at his bindings, "You tied me up?"
"I'm opening your eyes," Merlin replied, not turning around.
"You're worse than Gunmar. At least he doesn't pretend to care about the world."
"I care. I do. I just see the bigger picture. Four instances," Merlin finally turned to face Jim, the jar of lightning in one hand, "That wasn't a wild goose chase I sent you on yesterday. These ingredients hold a greater purpose.
"What purpose?"
"To turn you into a troll."
"You want to turn me into a troll?"
"Actually, half troll." Merlin clarified, "Consider this recipe my way of evening the odds."
Merlin put the ingredients into the Food Magic 3000 and blended the concoction. He poured the green elixir into a jar, and Jim watched as the liquid slowly turned black.
"I'm not drinking that," Jim said in disgust.
"Oh, you won't be consuming it. If this old man could overpower you, what do you think Gunmar or Angor Rot will do?" Merlin held the now pitch black potion up, examining it. "You must pour the elixir into water. Submerge yourself in said water and, presto! You will be born anew."
Jim's mind churned, and he found himself asking the same question that he'd asked so many times before. "But why me?"
"Your heart." Merlin said, turning away, "I once had a heart as pure as yours, I believe. In my rest, I saw a way to finally end this stalemate. To win this war, I must have a champion with a foot in both worlds."
Jim frowned, thinking.
"Then... why not a changeling?" He finally said. "They live both lives. What's the point of choosing a human to be your champion if you were going to turn me into a troll anyway?" Jim asked. This turning troll solution was making less and less sense to him.
Merlin's face hardened at the mention of changelings, "Firstly, Changelings can not be trusted. I'd sooner be bested by Morgana than let my amulet choose such a vile creature of darkness as my champion. And secondly, I did not, in fact, choose you. The amulet I created, chose you. It knew as well as I did that we needed a Trollhunter with a heart truer and stronger than any troll's, and certainly purer than any Impure's."
"Couldn't changing me into a troll change... me?"
"Part of you will remain Jim, but the other part will never be the same. There's no way of knowing what will change and what will stay." Merlin admitted. "It is a risk you must be willing to take."
Jim's head was whirling with a million things that didn't make sense about this plan. His heart twisted as he realized he could kind of relate to Angor Rots in a way. Just like Angor Rot risked losing his soul to save his people, Jim risked losing himself to save his friends. And so he made his decision.
"My heart is human." Jim said finally, "It breaks, it makes mistakes, but it does what it takes. If your amulet chose me to be your champion only so you could change me into something I'm not, then it should've chosen a troll to begin with." Suddenly whatever held Jim bound to his chair fell away. "Huh? You untied me?"
Merlin frowned in confusion, "What? No, I-" He sighed, dragging a hand across his worn face, a scowl replacing his frown. "I never tied you. I was trying to open your eyes, but it seems they are shut so tight not even I can make you see."
"Or maybe they were never closed in the first place." Jim said, standing.
"If you remain human, then your fight with Gunmar will be your last. You will not walk away from this battle, that is certain. Your strength alone can not defeat Gunmar or Angor Rot."
Just then, Jim's phone rang, and he smiled when he saw it was Toby.
"Good thing I don't work alone."
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daydream-believin · 3 years
warnings: swearing
a/n: if rott gave me anything it gave me this idea
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no sorry i haven’t seen bbc merlin don’t come for me i’m ignorant
we know douxie kept an eye on the human trollhunter and co
but douxie’s really having a hard time convincing himself he’s just doing his job
he’s actually enjoying this a little too much despite how boring staying in the shadows is
and he’s kinda worried?
so he’s got this bright idea: you know what would better help him keeps tabs? if he befriends this person
and so he does
fuck merlin’s shadows
sod the rules
ofc he’s very up front about knowing they’re the trollhunter and that he’s merlin’s apprentice
we wouldn’t want that to become a huge festering secret that eats douxie from the inside out until the inevitable reveal when merlin calls them both to help with the arcane order and they realize they’ve both been lying to each other’s faces for months/years and neither of them know if they could ever trust the other again, right? — phew *catches breath*
but before you know it, mr. casperan and mx. trollhunter are best friends
he’s basically the toby to your jim
and you’re very happy to have a best friend like douxie
he understands that monster hunting hustle
he’s the only person you can vent to and actually talk about what’s going on without sounding like a loon
and douxie likes being able to tell someone all his frustrations with merlin, since you’re also in that boat with him
you spar sometimes. it’s fun, but you’re very careful not to accidentally hurt your friend (he’s extremely careful not to hurt you or wound your ego by effortlessly wiping you out)
ofc, there’s the occasional, brushing of hands, faces a little too close together, accidentally winding up on top of one another, purposefully winding up on top of one another 👀 you know how sparring be
you and douxie are a duo. a duo who have become trollmarket’s resident troublemakers, to vendel’s exasperation
you guys tease each other a lot
you do a lot of stupid shit, cause hey, now you have magic armor and a magic sword and a magic best friend, did you think you wouldn’t get up to some shenanigans?
douxie is your impulse control and he’s not a very good one, as he’s just as bad
truthfully archie has the brain cell
and pranks? gods the pranks. you two are always either pranking each other or you’re teaming up to prank some other troll who said smth mean to you in the pub. vendel had to personally put a stop to it (read: chew you out)
doux thinks the world of you tho, you’re such a noble knight, and likes to tell people about how you’re a cinnamon roll, so innocent, so pure
and then they meet you and you directly contradict those statements
trollhunter: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life, ever
douxie: i know this and i love you
(spoiler: you’ve done lots and lots of wrong)
doux spends an awful lot of time slinking around trollmarket now, and he’s in the know for everything that’s happening
(no more being kept in the dark for this wizard apprentice)
and doux knows merlin won’t completely approve of this, but hey, it’s not like he’s helping and thus directly disobeying
really, he’s not helping you at all, it’s really fucking annoying
okay so mayyybe the occasional healing spell. you’ve got those puppy dog eyes he can’t say no to
but you understand his sense of duty, or whatever it is that drives a follower, technically being a follower of merlin yourself
you respect the old geezer (as you have not been turned into a half-troll yet) as a wise mythical figure, and as your best friend’s father
and what a perfect match you are for each other, champion and apprentice, mutually being screwed over by a guy you both think has all the answers
you and douxie help each other grow in your self-worths, that you two are more than the chances merlin has given to you
unfortunately, mortifyingly, you have caught feelings.
douxie has also caught feelings, and is saying nothing yep you have enough on your plate without him putting this on you so he’ll just quietly pine and suffer don’t mind him choking to death in the corner when you take off your helmet and throw back your hair
y’all’s problem really starts manifesting itself as protectiveness. you are really protective of your wizard and he is really protective of his knight
lots of things said that are Not What Friends Say but neither of you really want to be the one to point that out
lots and lots of i love yous that slowly get more and more serious until it’s not exactly platonic anymore
and it’s just really nice to have someone to get coffee (or your favored hot drink) with at four in the morning after a tussle with a troll
and that’s basically how you and douxie spend the bulk of trollhunters, just vibing
as much as you can vibe, with all the changelings and shit trying to murder you all the time
then merlin wakes up and shakes up your world
you are aware of your impending doom
you’re aware of it
merlin keeps looking you up and down like he’s mentally making up the measurements of your coffin
and tbh the idea of fighting gunmar freaks you tf out
and you’re supposed to win that fight?
you’re preparing for your nightmares coming true soon
truthfully you knew your fucking job had a 100% mortality rate
you don’t want to die with regrets
you spill
you spill all the things you’d wanted to tell him and how much he means to you and that you couldn’t bear it if you were a goner before he knew
miraculously, douxie feels the same and tells you all the things he’d been holding back and and what you mean to him and how much he wants to protect you, that you’re gonna make it, if he had anything to say about it
and everything is perfect for one night
now you have a real reason to win
not that saving humanity isn’t a big responsibility on your shoulders and definitely A Reason
but knowing douxie’s waiting for you, for the life you’ll build together after this, the peace you’ll both have, it’s absolutely a big motivation to give your all and come out victorious and survive
hahaha loser you don’t know about the arcane order
and then merlin uses your microwave to cook a weird potion
you and merlin are alone in the house, but there’s no real mind games necessary. you may have grown past thinking he was a god, but in the end, you’re still a follower of merlin, and if merlin thinks this could give you an edge, well, who are you to question his methods
doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous as your master hands you the bottle
yet you don’t even hesitate to drown yourself in the black abyss of the tub
whatever it takes amirite?
and now you’re a half-troll
a sexy half-troll, if you do say so yourself
yeah, no ‘i’m a monster’ angst here, you’re loving the power-up
you’ve got to treat it like a cool new power-up or you will cry actually tbh i lied about the no-angst thing a new body is disorienting
your only real concern is douxie
not concerned for long tho, he sees you and the first thing out of his mouth is “nuclear!”
and he senses your concern, so he does go out of his way to assure you that boy, girl, enby, or half-troll, he loves you for your soul, darling
also again half-troll! you is hot as hell so he’s not really losing anything here 👀
he makes sure you know that too, not to let any insecurities fester
him raking his eyes up and down you gives the opposite effect of the dread merlin sent down your spine doing it
doux helps out a lot more in the eternal night
like helps merlin re-defeat and re-seal morgana
he’ll do it again in few weeks but with a bigger role you know, this is practice
but now you’ve got to go to new jersey
douxie’s been instructed to stay in arcadia tho 🥺
it’s okay, you’ll see each other again soon
sooner than you realize
and until then you talk each other to sleep every night over the phone <3
merlins glad, actually. he’s glad hisirdoux found some solace. even if it is with the lamb he was raising for the slaughter. maybe things will go okay for them. the time map suggests it might be so
hisirdoux may have done things in a way he didn’t quite approve of, but that’s because he’s becoming his own wizard, and merlin is proud
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