#anyway if it turns out people have interest for some reason i COULD slap my new screenshots into a post for yall?
n0maku · 1 year
ANYWAY despite how I usually throw up a bunch of screenshots and such of undertale/deltarune news stuff when it comes out- I’m probably not doing that this time since I don’t really have anything to note/add to any of it haha There’s a lot in this Papyrus Q&A (and thus screenshots) and it is very lovely and charming! It’s nice to see those skeletons again. For those who haven’t looked through it and have interest, here’s the link to the Papyrus Q&A answers page
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
can you do a one shot for daryl where the reader has really bad hiccups and they're in a meeting or a public place and she gets really embarrassed about it and like slaps a hand over her mouth to try and stop it but she can't and everyone's staring at her and it's a comfort fic bc he basically excuses her out and helps her
Rabbit Questions
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↝a/n: I am not meaning to have my Daryl fics related to rabbits/bunnies. It's just a coincidence.
↝pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader (could be platonic or romantic)
↝ Warning: not proofread, not proofread, set in season 11, Commonwealth
↝⎙ 9.15.23
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"And this one- beautiful, isn't it?" Pamela stood in front of a wall with a huge frame, a painting of A orange flower, the pedal reminded you of flames. It was pretty, really. And you weren't just thinking that because Pamela was in front of you, watching your face for any expression that said otherwise. The artist standing beside the painting could have something to do with it, too.
For some reason, Pamela Milton and Lance Hornsby had made it very clear you, Daryl, and Rosita came to view the art gallery, she had called it. It all felt weird, walking up and down the halls to look at all the art with eyes watching your every move. Pamela had stepped up to point out every detail while Lance just watched from the distance.
This is just so different from having to clean out walkers from buildings to show your worth, pretty much. Instead of blood on concrete, it was homemade paint on a canvas.
The paintings were pretty, really, but it just felt like they were being pushed down your throat. It was new, refreshing, a new beginning. You weren't one for change.
"Michelle here has many pieces of art here." The older woman smiled at the woman standing by the wall, a tight-lipped smile of her own on her face. Pamela pointing at a canvas towards the corner. "She's had quite the life. Painting helped her get all the built-up aggression out in some way,"
Did she actually care about what this girl had been through, or was it a front to seem like the most amazing and caring person ever?
"I felt for her, i really did." There she was, putting on a front just to make it all about her. Of course.
"When I met Michelle, i was going through-"
Eyes, going wide, you glanced at Daryl and Rosita. They glanced at you but looked back, trying to seem interested. Pamela, looked at you for a moment, before turning to Michelle.
"As I was saying-"
Hic! "I am so sorry." you put up a hand to excuse the hiccup fit. It was one after another, and to be quite honest, it was starting to hurt your diaphragm. Your hand went you to your ribs, trying to ease the hiccups away.
A particularly loud hiccup had Pamela give you a disapproving look.
"Excuse us." Daryl's hand went to your elbow, half-heartedly excusing you two. He didn't really care if they had a problem with you walking away.
He led you by your arm to the open door, the fresh air fully hitting your blushing cheeks.
"Good lord." He grumbled, watching as your body moved with yet another hiccup. "Put yer arms over yer head or hold yer breath or somethin'."
You puffed your cheeks out, holding your breath. Daryl simply watched, waiting.
it was muffled, but still had you huffing out.
Daryl just looked at you, before he smiled in amusement. He moved to sit down on the steps to the building, out of the way of the traffic of people. Patting an empty spot next to him, he motioned for you to sit.
"When's the last time you saw a rabbit?"
Confused, you could only look at him. He nodded, waiting for you to answer. You looked away, actually thinking about it. "I don't know." You couldn't remember the last time you saw a rabbit off the top of your head. It was probably one you had to kill to feed yourself, anyway.
"Probably a year?"
"What color was it?"
"What are you on about?"
He twirled his hair around and out of his face, the smile from earlier still lingering. "Still got hiccups?"
Your eyes widened again. They were gone.
"Carol told me that one. It was that or scaring ya."
The picture of Daryl and his dear friend talking about rabbits to get rid of hiccups was cute. Maybe it had been Daryl who had hiccups and Carol asked him the same questions.
"I prefer the rabbit questions." You smiled, looking out at the people walking freely around the Commanwealth.
"Should we go back in?"
"No." he was quick to answer. "If I see another bright flower, I'm gonna pluck my eyes out."
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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untaemedqueen · 3 months
At Your Service
Escort!Jeongguk x CEO!Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 23.
Series Warnings (Will Be Updated): Angst, Fluff, Cold Heartedness, Emotional Trauma, Healing, Smut, Dark Humor
Warnings For This Chapter: TEA
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To step on campus again feels like stepping into a past reality that Guk isn't so sure he's comfortable with.
The month that Joon was supposed to be gone turned into two and Jeongguk found a niceness in having a regular schedule… until he ended up coming back, of course.
The annoyance of seeing the blonde man started to creep up once again once he came back. Joon seemed like he was coping well until he wasn't. His personality and his actions reverted right back to how he was before he went on vacation. You attested it to Namjoon breaking up with his vacation fling but Jeongguk couldn't forgive him for acting in such a way.
So when you bought him a car and you told him to enroll once more to Stanford, he was relieved in a way. But now as he steps onto the green for his first classes of the semester, he's having scary flashbacks to when he was last here.
Leaning against one of the big trees, he takes a deep calming breath. The last time he was here, it was a distressing mess.
Moving out of his dorm room, saying goodbye to all of the girls that used to pay him… it hurts his soul to think about.
Guk is excited for his classes though, to think about experiencing learning his favorite things once more without having the struggle of escorting excites him.
Taking a deep breath and looking over to the science building, he can only smile to himself. "Okay, let's go."
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The walk isn't long, it's nice to take in the fresh fall air as the wind whips around him soothingly. The sounds of excited college students talking all around him fills him with determination.
"Excuse me?"
His head turns slowly, having to look down at the girl who has tapped his shoulder.
He gives her a small friendly smile, unsure what he can do to help her or why she's called him but she seems incredibly confident in her pink and white houndstooth dress. There's something elite about her in a way, maybe it's her confident smile or maybe it's how she crosses her arms.
"Do you need help finding your building?" she inquires.
There's a heavy bit of flirting on her end, smoothness curling off of her tongue to no avail. Just behind her are two other girls, people that the father of your child assumes are something of a posse for this girl.
"Oh no, thanks. I got it," he breathes, once again giving a smile to be off.
When he goes to turn around, she stops him by pressing her perfectly manicured hand to his bicep. "That was my way of asking you if you wanted to hang out."
He hums knowingly, fixing his shoulder bag. "Oh, I know. I'm just not interested. Thanks though."
"Excuse me?" she grumbles, blinking at his words.
College will forever and always be the same, Guk guesses.
"Have a good day," your fiance says curtly, taking off towards the science building.
"Are you kidding me?!" she gasps, laughing aloud.
"I'm married," he calls back to her, not even turning around.
"Girl, you didn't see him in the tabloids? His fiance is like mega rich or something," one of the posse guffaws, earning a smile on the father of your child's face.
Some things never change. Only people do.
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Jeongguk has missed this so much. The satisfaction of learning his favorite subject is simply awe-inspiring. As soon as he sat down in his first lecture of the day, he realized just how much he needed this. He needs to learn, he needs to use his brain and more than anything he needs to have like minds around him.
How could he ever have gone so long without using his mind like this? How could he ever have been an escort when his calling is physics? And the only reason he could do all this is you.
He has been getting weird looks all day, not because he's new (he doesn't think so anyway) but because both him and yourself have been slapped over news articles for the past two months.
Once he started working at your company, once you started really showing off his baby, the media began to eat it up. He can still remember tabloid headlines now, the quick witted words stuck in his brain like gum on a shoe.
The Queen Of Wine Wraps Her Vines Around The Perfect Man.
Self Made Millionaire Grabs Handsome Man As Prize For Her Own.
Aloof Millionaire Finally Finds It In Her Heart To Settle Down.
Wine Owner Comes Down From Her Tower, Pregnant And Barefoot For The World To See.
You seemed to only mind that they were talking about Guk without his permission but he didn't care. He has you and his son, he has happiness and love, who is he to care?
Putting his laptop back into his shoulder bag, he takes a look around the lecture hall he sat in so many years ago. Everything is the same, the wall paint, the large podium, the projector screen with the thinnest crack in it -- everything.
His professor is not the same but he finds comfort in that. He wouldn't want his old professor to see him once again and be weary of his dedication to learning.
As the rest of the students depart, his professor calls his name without looking away from his binder. "Jeongguk Jeon?"
Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he tilts his head. "Yes, Professor Haleford?"
He descends the long set of stairs, minding a few other students who give him curious glances on their way out.
When the room is empty, Haleford looks up. "I see here that you've taken this class previously for a year before dropping out, not just of physics but the whole college."
Guk chuckles awkwardly, running his hand over the back of his neck. So much for comfort and no awkwardness.
"Yeah, I…I couldn't afford it back then. But now that I can, I want to dedicate myself to this subject and everything it has to offer. This is my passion," your fiance breathes, looking down at his shoes.
"Interesting. Y'know, the professor before me, Professor Albastone, he wasn't so much of a forward thinker. He had his ways about him and his strict thinking, always wanting to be the next Hawking, but y'know… this is theoretical physics! You can't be set in your ways, your mind has to always be expanding! You have to always keep your mind open!"
Jeongguk nods, immediately entranced by the man's words and yet confused on what else there is to say.
"I did end up coming across the mandatory papers Albastone made you all right during your first term. And I remembered your name almost immediately because your paper got me thinking. The words you wrote, the theories of why sand is so fluid, why certain elements transform into sound, already known structures and yet sand is a mass unlike others, got me thinking. And to be quite honest, I like that. I like your outlook and your ability to question even the most simple of things. It takes an expansive mind to do so."
Widening his eyes, the father of your child smiles. This professor is complimenting him when he himself proved that quantum geometry is sound and concrete.
"Oh," Guk breathes airily, "Wow! Thank you so much."
Haleford gives him a small smile, nodding to himself almost as if he's determining something right then and there.
"I look forward to working and learning with you, Jeongguk."
"Yes! Me as well, Professor! Thank you!"
They shake hands, Guk's being maybe just the slightest bit too sweaty and over excited but his face is beaming with a large smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow, maybe sure you bring that brain with you. Hmm?" Haleford grins, grabbing his briefcase.
Your fiance nods enthusiastically, reaching for the strap of his shoulder bag and looking around the lecture hall once more.
As the door slams shut and as he sighs brightly, his phone begins to ring. The vibrating in his pocket is endless and he raises an eyebrow. You're probably on your way home from work by now. Hopefully you're alright.
When he pulls out his cell, At Your Service is easily readable and he simply blinks at it. Maybe Jimin or Taehyung are calling to ask him how his first class of the year went?
"Hello?" he answers, making his way out of the room.
"Big dog!"
Guk tilts his head confused, eyebrows pinching at the voice.
"Hey Tony? How can I help you?"
Why on Earth would Tony be calling him?
"Hey dude! I just have a quick question for you, if that's cool. I know you're all shacked up with your pregnant mama bear and what not."
Guk immediately cringes at his words, face scrunching up like he has just smelt the worst shit of all time.
"Uh," he breathes awkwardly, "Yeah, sure. What do you want -- What do you need? Sorry."
The laugh his former boss and college mate gives signifies he has absolutely no idea what kind of person he is and in a way Jeongguk finds that hilarious.
Rolling his eyes, he exits the science building.
"So, you know that we do questionnaires and wait lists to become a client for At Your Service, right?"
"Yeah, sure. That's why we were always so reputable," Guk agrees, heading to his car.
"Right! Exactly! Oh man! I fuckin' miss you, dude… Anyway, a lot of the time, rich cronies will often add in a reference client that they know to help quicken the process. As you know, Applehyme only got in as fast as she did because she had Ada Steinberg's reference."
Your fiance nods, placing the phone between his shoulder and ear to dig through his bag to find his car keys. "Uh huh."
"So I was going through the applications this morning and I found one that has your name as a reference!"
Guk immediately stops moving, blinking at Tony's words curiously. "What?!"
"I know, right?! I was like, 'Damn, I'm never gonna get away from this handsome kid!' So that's why I'm calling, for your reference."
"Hold on," Guk breathes, opening up the driver's side door and throwing his shoulder bag onto the seat beside him. He puts the phone on speaker and leans back into his seat, folding his arms.
Who the fuck would use him as a reference? He doesn't even know anybody!
"Okay. Sorry, I was getting in my car."
"Niiiiice, big dog! What're you driving these days?"
Oh God, please… not small talk with Tony. Anything but this.
"A Ferrari F60 America," he mumbles, turning on the engine.
"Oh damn! Pregnant mama bear has some coin! You lucky son of a bitch!"
"I am lucky, yes… Who was the person who put me down as a reference?" Guk asks, taking a sip of his water.
"Oh! Right! Some kid named Jasper… Hyde?"
The words make the water come flying out of his mouth at high speed and he coughs loudly, throwing his head back.
"It's weird too. The guy works for Albion Motors, it's not like he's a businessman or anything. He has no assets and nothing to get in but your name."
Your fiance still continues to cough, wiping at his dashboard with a weak hand.
"O-Oh my God!" he croaks out, lowering his window for fresh air.
"So… Should I process his form?"
Guk takes in a large breath of air before settling. "I gotta tell Y/-- Hold off, I have to speak to someone about it first. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Yeah, no problem, dude. It's not like I'm going anywhere. And neither is he."
"Great! I gotta get on the road, Tony. I'll call you back."
"No problem, big dog. We'll talk tomorrow. Take it easy. Say hi to the pregnant mama bear for me."
When the line goes dead, Jeongguk starts to voraciously laugh aloud, eyes practically watering as he replays the conversation in his mind.
"I gotta get home," he chuckles, putting on his seatbelt.
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As soon as your fiance opens up the front door to the mansion, Hawking is there to greet him with big paws and an open excited mouth.
"Hey, buddy!" he hisses softly, the sound getting swallowed by the opera music in the background.
The scent of chicken and spices sings through the air, alerting him of your cooking and he simply smiles at the thought.
Pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen, probably burning something.
He sets down his shoulder bag on the entryway table and sets out towards the kitchen with his Great Dane in tow.
When he sees you, leaning over the pot curiously with your face practically shoved into the hot metal, he smirks. Leaning against the wall, he folds his arms to take in this moment.
You have your hand wrapped protectively over your seven month bump and you're in a black one shoulder dress that screams expensive.
Goddamn. He's lucky as fuck.
"Hey beautiful," he calls out, hoping not to scare you.
You still screech, grabbing the metal spoon beside you as a weapon and he simply snorts at the sight.
"Very menacing," he teases, striding over and planting a gentle kiss to your lips.
You giggle softly, setting down the spoon and leaning back against the counter so he can rub your belly like always.
"How's my boy?" he inquires, looking down into the large pot. "Jesus Christ, what the hell are you trying to make? A bomb?"
You guffaw, folding your arms. "Chicken Cacciatore. Your son would probably like it."
"Doubt it," he murmurs, pulling the pot off the flame and into the sink, "I told you I was going to cook for you when I got home."
"Well, I wanted to surprise you on your first day of classes!"
"That's very sweet of you, baby. And I appreciate the gesture but let me take care of things like this. You worry about my boy. Go sit down, your ankles must be swollen," he orders, kissing your temple and grabbing a side towel to sling over his shoulder.
"Fine," you grumble, making your way around the open marble kitchen to sit at the bar in front of him.
Guk opens the fridge, expertly grabbing ingredients without hesitation.
"How was your first day?" you inquire happily, rubbing your belly in soothing motions.
Once Guk grabs the sharp kitchen knife, he widens his eyes and slams it down. "You're never gonna believe what happened!"
You tilt your head curiously, leaning forward on your elbows already enthralled by his words. "Tell me, tell me!"
"Well, one, I'm brilliant. So Professor Haleford immediately recognized it. He read one of my previous reports on why sand flows through objects like water. He said I have a very expansive mind."
You remember his excitement all those months ago before you got together. You can remember how inquisitive and bright he looked, so you simply nod. "You are brilliant."
He leans across the bar to sweetly boop your nose before going back to his story.
"Then… When I was leaving… I got a call," he hisses, grabbing one of the onions and slamming it down onto the cutting board.
You're hanging onto his every word, the pauses for dramatic effect making you lean closer and closer.
"From who?!" you gasp, putting your fist beneath your chin.
"Tony," he breathes, widening his eyes.
"That asshole from the escort agency?" you ask, tilting your head.
"Yes! The asshole from the agency… he said hi, by the way," he replies, grabbing the knife.
"Hello, asshole," you murmur, leaning closer, "What did he want?"
"At the agency, people need to have applications to become a member. And most of the clients that get in have references from other people. Like your application had Namjoon as a reference, remember?"
You nod once more, back into the enthralling mood like a fly to shit.
"So Tony calls me and tells me that I'm somebody's reference on their application!"
"What?!" you hiss, seeming confused.
"I know! I felt the same way! I was like who the fuck is using me as a reference?! I don't even know anybody!"
When he suddenly slams down the knife again, you widen your eyes curiously.
"Guess who it fucking was," he hisses, looking up at you.
"Uhhh," you breathe, looking around the kitchen and trying to pull a guess out of your ass in hope that you're right.
Guk simply smiles, watching how badly you want to get this right but he knows that it's a long shot for you to guess this. You don't even think about him anymore.
"I-I don't know," you reply sullenly.
"Do you wanna know? Do you want me to tell you?" Guk chuckles, cursing his hand over your cheek.
"Yes! Tell me! I'm literally dying to know!" you whine, stomping your feet against the bottom of the bar stool.
"You're never gonna believe it," he guffaws, waiting an extra moment for dramatic value, "Jasper Hyde."
"WHAT?!" you yell, widening your eyes.
"Mhm," he replies sassily, grabbing the knife again.
"Oh my God, why would he want that? Adi is whore. She'd let him piss on her chest if that's what he wanted."
Your fiance breaks out into a loud laugh, steadying himself on the marble countertop.
"So what did you say?"
"Nothing," he breathes, chopping up the onion.
"Why not?!" you inquire, now placing both closed fists beneath your chin.
"Because, one, I wanted to tell you first. And, two, I am going over the choice."
"There are choices?" you ask, watching his majestic knife work.
"Oh yeah. I'm still not over what he said about you at his wedding. It's like one of those things that I think about right before I go to sleep at night. I always think, 'Damn, I should have punched him in the fucking mouth for even talking about you like that.' Rumination is a pain in my fucking ass sometimes. So I'm thinking about telling Tony to let Jasper in."
You hum in agreement, watching him scrape the onion into a new pot.
"The first escorting gig a client goes to gets photographed, y'know. It didn't happen to us because you ended up not being my client. But someone follows you on your first 'date' as a precaution so that the escort is safe. So if I could get pictures of Jasper and whichever escort he chooses. That'd be premium content right there."
"Diabolical," you chirp, earning his eyes on you.
The wicked smile he gives you makes you snort and you simply lay your head down on the cool marble beneath you.
"Man, I really turned you inside out. That's some shit I would do," you announce with a laugh.
"First I think I'll have Tony call him for an interview. I wanna know what's going on in their little sad marriage."
"Man, we are so fucking nosy," you hiss, looking at your nails.
Jeongguk simply shrugs, grabbing a bell pepper. "It's called research, baby. I'm a college student again. I have to do my due diligence and see my expansive mind's theories to the very best of my ability."
You simply laugh, shaking your head at his ridiculousness.
But then again, you're incredibly curious yourself.
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cupidjyu · 2 years
Anything juyeon pleaseee I love him with all my heart. Ur work is the best btw I live reading it after a long day. 😘
flirt or flirt back...?
juyeon x reader (requested by lovely anon!)
genre: flirting, cheesy pickup lines, kissing, flustered reader 99% of the time notes: hi!! so i took a week-ish break because of writer's block :(( i felt like i was rushing to write all the requests too much >.< so for now, i will keep my own pace in writing! please bare with me for those who have already requested!!! anyways, anon i hope you enjoy this!! this is for the people who truly think juyeon can't flirt because i swear he can .. word count: 1k
you hummed a song you heard recently as you scrolled through your social media feed. then you gasped, tapping juyeon’s shoulder who was sitting next to you, reading a book. on your phone screen was a cute puppy with wide, black eyes staring up at the camera, with about a million likes. 
“cute, right?” you asked after showing it to him.
he thought for a second. he nodded and turned to you, his lips curling up. 
“like you.”
you sputtered, backing away. that was the least expected response you’ve ever heard. maybe he was just in a particular mood that day.
you scrolled again and paused at a particular post, tilting your head with interest.
Pick Up Lines to Try on that Certain Someone!
you were immediately intrigued as you swiped right. you sat up and turned to him, looking at him mischievously.
he looked up again, his eyes wide and attentive. you shifted closer, taking his large hand in yours. it was so large you couldn’t even wrap your fingers around it.
“if i could rearrange the alphabet, i’d put U and I together,” you stated, looking him straight in the eye. but he didn’t seem to process your words.
instead, he only stared at you, his lips parted slightly, eyes searching your face with a blank look. of course, juyeon isn’t the type to process these types of things. you were reminded of that one time when you subtly wanted him to kiss you, but he thought you only wanted a hug instead. there were many instances like that.
so you turned away to peek at your phone, going to the next line. you turned to him again, determined. 
“do you have a name or can i just call you mine?” you looked at him eagerly and excitedly, leaning forward to see if he would get anyhow flustered.
but of course, his mouth was still slightly open, his empty stare persistent on you. his eyebrows twitched as if trying to figure out what you meant.
and so you just turned away, a bit embarrassed as you dismissed him. your mouth was shut closed. okay so maybe pickup lines weren’t his thing…
but you jerked when you felt a warm hand on your cheek, keeping you from turning your back to him. he pulled you to look at him, and you hadn’t noticed how close his face was to you. 
you felt your heartbeat stutter as you bewilderedly looked at him.
he gazed at you with soft eyes, contrary to his emotionless stare before. he smiled, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“are you the eiffel tower? because eiffel for you.” he calmly replied, his breath fanning out on your lips making your face feel all hot over.
for some reason you felt your heart speed up unhealthily, your palms becoming clammy in your lap. you already knew you were blushing too.
you backed away, whipping your head away from his gentle hold, trying to hide how embarrassingly shy you got over such a cheesy line.
but he just kept on going, as he moved even closer, placing a hand on your thigh to turn your attention back to him. you gulped, staring anywhere but his eyes.
“on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9, and i’m the 1 you need,” he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. you were even more flustered, as you mentally slapped yourself. this wasn’t supposed to happen, you hadn’t expected him to do any of this at all!
he moved even closer until you hit the armrest of the sofa. you stopped, unable to back away anymore. instead, you sank down, lying down slightly. it was then that you realized that you were literally pinned under him. his hands on either side of you, keeping you from jumping up and escaping. 
you finally looked at him, glancing at his lips for a second. he stared down at you with such fond eyes, you couldn’t help but melt.
“didn’t know you could flirt, juyeonie?”
he laughed, his deep voice causing slight butterflies in your stomach.
“i mean, i just saw those online so…”
“oh,” you relaxed a bit, glad that it was all a fib. you felt relieved that he isn't actually good at flirting because you're pretty sure it'd cause the death of you.
“but i must say,” he caught your attention. his hand moved back to your cheekbone, grazing it lightly. you could feel red bloom on the skin where he touched.
“you are the most beautiful person in the world,” he smiled, tilting his head ever so slightly. he was looking at you sweetly as if you had hung the stars. his body was warm against yours, making you feel secure but nervous at the same time. “i could stare at you forever.”
and that’s what gets you.
you squeaked, hurriedly looking to the side to avoid his intense gaze. you wanted to disappear into the cushions of the sofa at that point, unable to look him in the eye.
so he really can flirt… 
he leaned down, bringing your lips to his, interrupting your train of thought. you were flooded by the familiar, warm scent of him. with excitement, completely forgetting your embarrassment, you wrapped your arms around his neck as well, feeling like you were floating on air at that moment.
he now laid on his forearms so he could be closer to you. he pulled away for a second before kissing even deeper. you were sure your cheeks were bright red at that point.
he pulled away, breathless, and with a dopey smile, he pulled you up so that you were sitting in front of him. 
“are you a bank loan? cause you have my interest,” he said, giggling adorably.
“ooh,” you shook your head playfully. “that one was bad.”
“i know, i know,” he smiled widely. he was having so much fun with this that you found it incredibly endearing. he wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
“hugging now?”
“i have so many things to try with you,” he replied, running his hand over your back. “pick up lines was one of them.”
you laughed, “what’s next?”
“ice cream date?”
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thebibutterflyao3 · 6 months
Day Fifteen - Prompt: Wind @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 908 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
When Nine Inch Nails’s Closer began, Evan lifted to his feet and strode across the shop to the back door. He looked straight ahead and refused to allow himself a single glance toward Frank’s stall. It was too much.
How am I supposed to function like this?
The moment he stepped outside, he inhaled deeply and fell back against the brick wall. He had never been more grateful for his nicotine addiction. It was an easy excuse to leave any room at any time. His hands shook as he fought with his cigarette pack. Eventually, he slapped the bottom of the pack on the railing and fit the tallest one between his lips. Watching the flame dance in the wind as he lit the end was oddly soothing.
Evan took one long drag after another and emptied his mind completely. When the first one burned down to the filter, he pulled out another and repeated the same steps. He was in control. He could keep smoking, smash it into the ashtray, or stare at it until the cherry burned the whole thing to ash. It was entirely up to him.
Pull yourself together.
His sister’s words echoed in his head and prompted him to pull out his mobile. Pandora would set him right again. She was one of the only people who could. Evan pressed “Facetime” and waited while the phone rang.
“Hey Ev,” she said distractedly.
He waited until she glanced at the screen. From the tiny image that showed his face, Evan could see that he looked…broken. It was an apt descriptor for his entire life, if he was honest.
Pandora frowned and leaned closer. “What’s wrong with your face?”
Evan scoffed, “Nothing. I’m just peachy.”
“Are you still moping around about your ex? Evan, you have to pull–”
“– myself together? Yeah, I know.” He shook his head and looked away. “I’m trying. I went back to work yesterday.”
Pandora arched an eyebrow sceptically. “And? That didn’t help?”
“It did.”
“But not now?”
“He showed up today,” Evan said flatly. “Frank’s working on him.”
His sister scrunched up her nose, then sighed. “What a prick.”
“Technically, this was his favourite shop first,” he admitted. Evan set the mobile on the railing and leaned back against the wall again. “Remind me why I should hate him.”
Pandora softened a bit as she settled against a sofa of some kind. “He cheated and gaslit Reg, stalked me in Wales, and lied to you. Isn’t that enough?”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s more than enough.”
“You don’t sound convinced, Ev, and I shouldn’t have to convince you. Every single one of those reasons is a massive red flag, but all three? He might as well have a fog horn attached to his head with one of those flashing lights.” She gestured over her head and imitated the sound. “Stay away! Sanity unclear.”
Evan’s lips quirked, but he couldn’t force a smile. She wouldn’t believe it anyway. Pandora always knew when it was fake and would call him on it.
“Work on any interesting designs?” she said, abruptly changing the subject.
“Yes, actually. A full back piece of a massive dragon drawn by a kid with mad art skills today and a rolling waves piece yesterday that turned out amazing.”
“Send me a picture when you have a minute. I want to see that dragon.”
He nodded and flicked the ash off of his cigarette. “Is Wales still treating you well?”
“Yes!” Pandora gushed as her face lit up. Suddenly, she reached off-screen and reappeared with Regulus’s flustered face. “Reg, tell my brother what a good friend he is.”
Regulus blinked rapidly at him for a moment, then glanced at Pandora in open bewilderment. “Of course he is. What are you going on about?”
Evan took a long haul off of his cigarette, then smashed it into the ashtray. He didn’t let the smoke escape until his lungs ached. It was entirely too difficult to meet Regulus’s gaze right now. He hated himself for it, but he couldn’t help the jealousy that bubbled up in his chest at the sight of him.
Why does he get to be happy?
“Are you alright, Evan?” Regulus asked, taking hold of the mobile. “Your face is a bit swollen.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Haven’t slept well. That’s all.”
Pandora leaned in and pointed at the screen. “Why didn’t you say so? There’s some lavender oil in my room. Use it right before bed.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Silence filled the space between him and the phone. Regulus chewed the inside of his cheek as he studied him. The move twisted his mouth up to one side while his jaw worked. Pandora rested her chin on Regulus’s shoulder, but was looking off-screen. Evan dropped his chin to his chest and crossed his arms defensively.
As usual, Pandora lost her patience first. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes as she warned, “Evan, don’t. You will regret it.”
“I already do.”
Regulus cleared his throat, then ruffled his hair anxiously. “This is about Barty, isn’t it?”
“Of course it is,” Pandora snarked, glaring pointedly at Evan.
Evan swallowed hard when Regulus clenched his jaw for a moment. His expression cleared quickly, but not fast enough. That tiny slip belied a mountain of hidden thoughts and feelings. Regulus was the master of masking, after all.
That’s why. Regulus shouldn’t have to relive that shite every time he hears Barty’s name.
Next Part>>>
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very self indulgent but i keep thinking about this scenario and its so silly, may i request a reader who's been somehow isekai'd (basically transported) into stardew and is proper down bad (or in other words; a massive crush) for magnus?
I have to say, I've never been a fan of isekai (not that I don't like it, I've just never been interested in that genre). But it turned out to be a lot of fun to write about this situation. I hope it didn't come out too mixed, it's just my first time writing stories in this genre. Thank you so much for the ask, anon! 😊💕
You wake up on the grass near some strange bus stop. No one is around, your head is spinning, and you can't remember what happened. Here you were walking home from a boring job late at night to have dinner, go to bed in your small apartment alone and go to work again and so on until retirement. Suddenly - it's all gone dark and now you're standing outside the bus stop.
Hello, anybody here?
"Oh, you must be [Y/n]!" Finally, at least there's someone around, it's getting lonely and- Wait, how does that red-haired woman know your name?
"I'm Robin, local carpenter. Our mayor asked me to meet you and escort you to your new home!"
New what? Alas, before you could even say anything, the mysterious woman took you to an old ruin that she apparently called "your home".
"Ah, our new farmer!" And who's that old fart? Wha- what farmer?
"Nice to meet you! I'm Lewis, the mayor. Your Grandpa probably have told you about your farm back then".
But I don't... Grandpa's farm? You tried to say something, but you were interrupted again.
"Here's your new home! There is a shipping bin nearby, you can sell your farm products. Welcome and go ahead - get to know your new community!" As you stand there in shock, both strangers walk away.
What the fuck, you thought. Why does everyone think I'm the new farmer? And why did those two bring me to an old house with no furniture except a bed and a TV on the floor? No kitchen? And no toilet??? What the hell do you mean parsnip seeds?! Am I supposed to clear this whole farm of rocks and bushes with a rusty pickaxe and a flooded scythe???
You decide not to panic and play up the situation a bit to figure out where you are and how you can get back home, because the whole thing is a huge misunderstanding. At the same time ask around to the locals, what is this area? Stardew Valley? Huh...
"Playing along with the situation" became a bit more difficult, because you had to really learn the basics of growing crops, the local fisherman gave you an old fishing rod for some damn reason, and then on the fifth day of this hell you have no money left even for food and have to pick berries in the forest (wow, what a life!). After entering the Community Centre and getting to know the "apples" creatures you already doubt your own sanity.
The next day you get an mail from.... Ras-mo-di-us? Ok, weird. Asking you to come to his "magic tower". What this locals are smoking in here is a mystery of the universe, definitely. Anyway, you have no choice but to head to that very tower.
Flowers all around, the whole room is foggy, it smells weird, and it's also hot - it looks like some kind of drug den... So where's the weirdo?
"I've been waiting for you, young [Y/n]."
Oh, no, he's hot.
You wanted to slap your head. You're lost, you don't know what's going on or where you are, you're cursing all this farm work, the locals are weird, and this is some suspicious-looking bloke, and your first thought is "oh no, he's hot"? There's definitely some weird drugs in the air...
Look, you tried to keep your voice as calm as possible, I don't think I'm from this universe.
"I know, young fool". The fuck, what now? Well, bring me back!
"Alas, I don't have that kind of magic yet, it takes time and rare resources. For now.... You should be what the people of Pelican Town think you are."
Oh, that's just fantastic!
Running after the crows that ruined your crops, pulling an old can of local cola out of a fishing rod hook, walking with tired hands after cutting down some trees, screaming in the Mines, escaping from slimes and bats, making ingots for necessary machines until night.... And you've got some kind of magic now. A quiet country life, nothing fancy.
Then there's that annoying supermarket, which reminds you painfully of that boring old office job....
Although, the locals here are mostly friendly.... They see that you're uncomfortable in your new community and try to make you feel at home. You really appreciated it, and tried your best for them in return by listening to their stories or giving those leftovers of a successful harvest. Your skills grew, you had already made friends with everyone in the Valley, and even kicked that stupid Joja company out of town. Little funny Junimos, hee-hee!
In particular you became close to Magnus (Rasmodius' first name). Even though it was hard for you to still believe in magic, but his talk about parallel worlds, his fascination with magical plants, his talking, his laugh, his looks (dilf material, oh my!), his kind heart and his pride in new spells and magical protection of the Valley from monsters.... You fell in love with him.
And after some conflicting thoughts about whether you're allowed to fall in love with anyone here if this isn't your world? But you have long been part of this world, part of this cosy and friendly community, part of this incredible and magical world.
All dreamy thoughts were gone when Magnus announced to you in a ringing voice that he'd found a way to get you home.
Home?, you repeated. But I'm already home.
And you just kissed Magnus, the die is cast. If he refuses, if he turns his back on you, it'll be hard for you to bear. But Magnus, oddly enough, returned the kiss.
"Then... The choice is made. I was afraid that... I fell in love with you as well, and that you would have to leave forever. But now... Now..."
He didn't have time to finish, because you kissed him again, more passionately this time.
Insert subtitles, ladies and gentlemen, for here is the happy ending.
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eternalchiyo · 8 months
𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜 ~𝔻𝔸ℝ𝕂: ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖~
Hello, hello! I am so excited to finally share my little story with you. I hope you have fun reading!
Summary: Chiyo is ordered to pack her things and start living in the human world.
Word Count: 1923
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„Close your eyes,” the boy said.
She closed them and felt something cold touch her neck. After he moved away from her, she opened her eyes again and looked down. An amber pendant was now hanging around her neck.
The girl looked at the boy, a curious look on her face. She wondered what this was about, there was no special occasion for him to be giving her presents.
“It reminded me of you.”
He wasn’t very talkative by nature, more so if it came to showing his emotions. But the stone from the pendant radiated the same warmth he felt whenever he was around her. Mesmerized he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way she looked at him when she smiled. Her eyes were almost sparkling and emitted the same kind of warmth.
Only for him, his everlasting spark.
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Chiyo was lying in bed, doing nothing except staring at the ceiling. She turned her head when she heard a quiet thump against her window. A big moth had flown against the glass, trying to get to the only available source of light, the candle by her bedside. There weren’t that many lights on at this hour and she didn’t really need one either. However, she still liked to have it around. It was weirdly comforting.
She stood up from her bed. The floor was cold against her bare feet as she made her way over to the big window. The moth flew inside when she opened it.
Then she caught it with both her hands.
She observed the struggling insect as she held it by its wings. They were so delicate, so easy to destroy, if she wanted to.
“You poor thing…” she said quietly, her delicate pale fingers slowly tearing through the wings until she ripped them off completely before throwing the creature into the flame.
Earlier that day she found out her father was sending her to that house. Ever since she heard that, her mood began spiraling downwards gradually. She didn’t want to see him again, yet alone live under the same roof as him and his brothers!
She overheard the servants talking that it was by direct orders of none other than King Karlheinz himself. She respected the Vampire King, of course, but she felt that her father was a bit too eager to please him. He was obsessed with trying to be favored by the King. Why? She had no idea, they were relatively wealthy, or at least had a high enough standing at court to be part of all the important festivities and high enough for her to be able to casually get to know his sons even though she was only half a Vampire.
Being able to get to know the King’s sons also meant she knew how horrible they could be, and she worried about the reason she was told to go live with them. She never found out why. Of course, she had tried to fight back against her father, but he only chastised her with a hard slap to her face, telling her how much of a spoiled brat she was. Her cheek still hurt where his ring-clad finger had hit her.
One of the things she learned years ago though, was that the King never did something without reason. The brothers would also often comment on how their father used people as pawns. Like a very elaborate game of human-sized 3D chess. So there was definitely some sort of reason that he wanted her there and it would be very beneficial for her to find out why. She doubted any of his kids would know and there was very little time before her departure. Chiyo disliked that.
She did hear about the sacrificial brides that were sent to the Sakamaki sons every so often, and she also heard about their tragic fates. Surely, they wouldn’t be interested in sacrificing one of their own. Then again, she hardly was recognized as one of them anyway. Vampire society made it painfully clear it didn’t like her ever since she first stepped into court as a young girl.
“God, I hate this.”
Too bad God didn’t exist.
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She was sitting inside a black, fancy car. She didn’t care enough to know what brand it was; a car was a car. All she knew was that it was black and shiny and that she did not like the smell of the leather seats. She preferred the carriages from the demon world, but she realized they might be seen as a bit outdated in 21st century Japan.
She had visited their mansion in Japan once when they freshly moved in there. She wasn’t sure how many years ago that was, her sense of time betraying her since she spent most of her day-to-day life in the demon world.
The house looked bigger than she remembered. The sun was already setting when she arrived. The familiar that drove the car also carried her luggage inside the house, but soon enough she was left alone in the empty hallway.
It didn’t seem like there was anybody at home right now. While she did not expect a welcoming wagon and flowers upon her arrival, this was disappointing. She felt so out of place. Business as usual.
She crossed her arms and huffed, sitting back against one of the velvet sofas.
After what felt like an eternity, she heard the door from the main entrance open.
“Huh? Do you smell that as well? Someone’s here.” She heard the distant voice say. Did that mean they weren’t aware of her arrival?
“Oh? It looks like Chiyo from the Himura estate decided to pay us a visit.”
Tall, dark hair, and this way of articulating himself.
“Reiji,” she said. She knew nobody else that was so stuck up in their way of speaking.
“Chirin, what are you doing here? Did you miss us?”
She looked at them in disbelief. They really didn’t know!
“What is that disgusting half-breed doing in our house?” This angelic tone could only belong to that brat, Kanato.
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? Direct orders from your father,” she said.
Everyone was visibly confused, the question of ‘why’ hanging between them heavily. She couldn’t answer even if she wanted to.
Their gazes shifted to the oldest when he entered the room. Shuu seemed like he was going to just try and escape everyone, using the flight of stairs, hadn’t he been discovered by his siblings before he managed to.
He stared at the group lazily before shifting his gaze to Chiyo for a moment. He frowned slightly at the sight of her.
“Right…he mentioned something like that, but it was too troublesome to pay attention to the details,” he said and made his way through the carefully stacked suitcases, knocking some of them over in the process. His younger brother sighed exasperatedly, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I apologize. It seems there has been some miscommunication here, so we weren’t able to prepare for your arrival. We do actually have another guest staying here at the moment.”
Another guest?
It turned out, in the time she hadn’t seen the odd family, a few things had changed in that household.
Kanato successfully expanded his wax doll collection for one.
The other thing was their long-term guest that went by the name Yui Komori, who was painfully human. How she survived for so long, Chiyo had no clue, but she either had enough wits to escape blood-loss for months, or there was something else special about her. Both would be equally impressive. The rumors about the unfortunate young girls being sent to the Sakamakis in the human world turned out to be true and Chiyo assumed most of the vampires running their mouths were jealous of the free meals that such an arrangement implied.
Reiji arranged so that a room on the upper floor was prepared for her as soon as possible. It was far away from the triplets but dangerously close to Shuu. Seeing as her stay in this house had been marked as indefinite, she would have preferred it to be as far away from him as possible.
Chiyo groaned as she threw the last one of her suitcases open. Unpacking was never a favorite of hers. She blew at one of the strands of hair that came loose to get it out of her face.
She wanted to go home!
The helplessness of her situation annoyed her. At least the rooms came with big closets, so she could fit all of her dresses.
“Huh… how did that get in here?”
An amber necklace was between the fancy fabrics of her favorite clothes. She hadn’t seen this piece of jewelry for many years, and she had no idea how in the world it could have made its way inside her suitcase. She didn’t recall putting it in any dress pockets but maybe she did and just forgot about it.
She took it out and let it dangle in front of her face. The big stone glowed as warm as ever, as if it were new. But it wasn’t. It was as old and outdated as the feelings associated with it.
It reminded me of you.
She threw the necklace away. It landed between the pillows on her bed.
What a jerk.
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“I can’t believe you simply ‘forgot’ something important like this. Do you not listen to our father at all?” Reiji asked. He was pacing around the living room, complaining as per usual.
Shuu was sprawled out on one of the couches, one earbud inside his ear so at least it looked like he was listening to his brother. Yes, he had been listening to what their father told him, but he simply decided to ignore the fact that this woman was going to live with them for who knows how long. Besides, that guy hadn’t specified that he wanted Shuu to relay this information to anyone else.
“It would have saved me a lot of trouble had you just told me she was arriving, but no, you choose to make running this household even more difficult. If you do not want any responsibility even though you are the eldest, then at least try to not make it any more complicated for me.”
The track on Shuu’s MP3 player ended and a new one began playing. Chopin.
He tried to focus on that instead of Reiji’s irritating voice.
“Are you done complaining?” he asked finally.
What use was there getting worked up about this after the fact? She arrived here fine and alive anyway. She had a room and was probably arranging her perfume bottles or something pointless like that.
“Good grief,” Reiji said, “there really is no point in trying to talk any sense into you.”
“Exactly, so you can leave me alone now and do something more worthy of your time.”
Reiji scoffed and left shortly after.
That woman was already getting under his skin. He was irritated and not even his favorite music could help calm him down. Shuu had done his best to erase the memories he had of her. Up until now he had the impression of having done a good job. Clearly that was not the case at all, when as much as looking at her almost made him lose his cool. Even now he could feel her presence, her scent already clinging to the furniture in the room. How terribly troublesome.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
Even ignoring that, Oshima doesn't write the games, nor has been in the franchise for decades. His opinions have also definitely changed as well (from being annoyed by the Harmony Calendar art by other artists overly mascotting/cutifying Sonic, to blanket "they good" now cuz fondness of all 90s)
He's a good resource for dev of stuff in the initial games and inspiration for char designs, but is generally unaware of char writing besides basic traits
Though his view on Eggman being not evil evil might be cuz Sonic 1 dev Eggman being the main villain was an afterthought. And people pressure him to prioritize remembering Sonic 1/CD dev over others
But hey, took him 30 years to forget things. I can't say the same for certain writers...
And people pressure him to prioritize remembering Sonic 1/CD dev over others
Bruh I can barely remember my mindset when making OaS and it got published only a year ago. Demanding a dev recall their initial impressions of a character they helped create 30 years ago is insane.
...Anyway, I had to go find the original quote because unfortunately, people tend to misrepresent Ohshima's statements. Can't really take anyone else's word for it.
And, uh, yeah. Like the SonAmy tweet, there's quite a bit here that I have to disagree with.
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First, we have the problem of thinking that villains who aim to destroy the world are automatically worse than Eggman, who "only" wants to conquer it.
Conquest under Eggman's rule would be absolutely horrible. In some instances, I wouldn't be sure if total annihilation wouldn't be a more preferable fate.
You could argue that Eggman conquering the world would end up destroying it anyway, thus rendering the comparison moot. But since that gives ground to the idea that instant destruction is worse than subjugation which results in destruction over time, I'm not going to lean too hard into it. Destruction is destruction.
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The underlying assumption weakens even more when you consider the fact that not every non-Eggman villain wants to destroy the world in the first place.
Fueled by pain and rage, Chaos massacred the Knuckles clan. Regardless, it didn't destroy the entire clan, never mind the world.
Neo Metal wanted to build a robot kingdom. Not a far cry from his creator's aims.
Black Doom wanted to turn humanity into fuel and a food source. To which I must say, how is that qualitatively any different than Eggman turning animals into robot batteries?
Second, "Eggman protects the world" as part of his own self-interests when necessity demands. Yeah, obviously there's going to be nothing to rule if he allows the world to be destroyed and he doesn't want that. But he's not going out of his way to "protect" the world unless he has a personal stake in it and there's no other alternative. At which point, he can only be said to be pragmatic at best.
He's not doing it because he thinks he can outperform Mother Nature. I feel like Ohshima is taking Eggman's god complex too literally and thinking Eggman feels he can replace nature. Science is the means, not the objective:
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He doesn't really want to replace anything; he wants to conquer and have all bend to his will, and he doesn't care if things fall into disrepair.
If he was interested in supplanting nature with his own version, why is everything falling apart in CD's Bad Futures? Where are the forests full of mechanized trees? Why are the waters polluted and not replaced with Mega Mack? This argument would imply that Eggman is also responsible for the beneficial technology seen in CD's Good Futures, and that's just backwards.
Just because he wants to slap his face on every available surface doesn't mean he has some pseudo-philosophical reason for doing so.
"Humans are enemies for animals."
Mr. Ohshima, I respect you, but no. Not every culture believes this. Mine doesn't. Humans have the potential to be harmful or helpful, but we are not inherently one or the other.
I think maybe what he meant to say here is that humanity's greed is the driving force behind environmental destruction, which would be a valid take in keeping with the series' overall message. Eggman does represent industry, humanity's potential for great scientific achievement and for great harm.
"Eggman wants to make the world beautiful with science and technology."
Source? No seriously, source?
This might be hair-splitting to the Nth degree, but the sense I get from this particular bit is that Eggman finds science inherently beautiful and seeks to enhance the world with it, rather than finding his own creations beautiful out of a sense of ego.
"He is not evil in Sonic Adventure" does not mean Ohshima is necessarily saying Eggman isn't evil in other games. And even then, it's a bit of a stretch to say he isn't evil in Adventure.
Not sure why Ohshima is bringing up SA1 as if it's particularly relevant... Although I'm vaguely reminded of a manual entry that describes Eggman as possessing no real sense of right or wrong, so he may be remembering that.
The problem with Mr. Ohshima's statements is that they are not corroborated by what the games show us. Every time Eggman has displayed remorse, it was part of a ruse - which would imply that he needs to know what contrition looks like in order to imitate it. He wouldn't brutally mock Emerl's mercy as a sign of weakness if he didn't understand it. He's not lacking in comprehension; he's actively rejecting the concept. There's a difference.
Also, this interpretation inadvertently paints Sonic in a darker light than intended given his callous disregard of Eggman, and I don't think Ohshima realizes it.
It's significant that Sonic has never looked at the camera and lamented: "Alas, poor Eggman, he knows not the error of his ways." In fact, it'd be pretty fucked-up if he thought Eggman was simply walking down a bad path, and still chose to leave him behind in explosions and ignored the guy's pleas for rescue/mercy.
The games make it clear that Eggman knows what he's doing and he just doesn't care. He calls himself "evil" in Sonic Battle. He absolutely is capable of distinguishing right from wrong, and it borders on discrediting his intelligence to imply otherwise.
Eggman has a 300 IQ and is capable of self-reflection, if we're buying the whole "muh humanizing moments" bullshit SA2 and Frontiers are selling us. It therefore strips him of his agency and infantilizes him to insist that he knows no better, even in this roundabout "oh, he's only misguided" kind of way.
Shadow was misguided in SA2. We can argue about whether he heel-face turned too quickly, but the point remains that he eventually came around.
Eggman's actions, on the other hand, have proven that even if he is misguided, he's too entrenched in his goals to consider turning the car around. So there's no real point in emphasizing the "misguided" part.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't say "Eggman's finally becoming A Real Human Being(tm) through self-reflection" in one breath and "he just doesn't know right from wrong" in the next. Those two ideas are incompatible. Either Eggman knows that what he does is wrong or he doesn't. And considering how he was able to recognize his grandfather's greatness as a child, my bets are on the former.
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spearxwind · 2 years
do you have any good werewolf songs? everything i find is so sanitized and it's like. no i want Feral and Blood please
HHRGGGG its actually really fucking hard to find werewolf songs that are feral for some reason??? Shoutout to when Ice Nine Kills, band notoriously known for writing biting crushing kill murder blood songs, put out a song based on american werewolf in paris and turned it into a soft ballad 😔
Anyways here's the recs I can give you:
'Werewolf' by motionless in white is pretty swag, however it also inexplicably suffers the 'this song is significantly softer compared to the rest of the album its in'
'Werewolves of armernia' by powerwolf is. Literally a werewolf song. Its pretty swag too?? This band in general has good gothic/blasphemy creature songs
'Beast of Gevaudan' by powerwolf as well I'd consider a werewolf song
'Berserkir' by brothers of metal is. Not really a werewolf song but its about a Man Who Is A Beast and it offhand mentions a wolf and also its a VERY biting crushing kill song
'Monster' by starset. Not a werewolf song but by god does that song slap and its about being a monster i guess. I guess I could also recommend 'Carnivore' by them as well if you like this one
'The devil inside' by like a storm, legally about demons thematically but the overlap is there about something being in you and wanting to get out and being ostracized about it
'Losing control' by villain of the story has the same vibe for me and also it fucking slaps
'Don't care' by sullivan king is a bit of a reach but it could be construed as vague werewolf vibes (guy who is dangerous and giving into transforming etc etc) but in a lil more obtuse way than the previous few
'Wolves' by Sam tinnesz + silverberg might interest you? Personally his singing grates on my brain so I don't listen to him but I know a lot of people do and he's kinda like... The mainstream villain song guy or something from what I hear
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jseobsky · 1 year
hi hi, me again!! had kind of a rough day so I was wondering if I could request some best friend!minjae fluff? like just a minjae hanging out with you trying to distract you and make you feel better kind of thing? hsjshjdksjshsj sorry it's not v specific idek myself what exactly I want I just know I need some comfort :(
Bad days like these.
Pairing ! bestfriend!Minjae x gn!Reader Synopsis ! after a bad day and only wanting to be hug by the blankets and watch your favourite show, your best friend Minjae comes to your door. Genre ! Fluff, hinted romantic ending but can be read as like platonic Warnings ! Swearing, haven't proof-read anything- W/C ! 0.8k a/n ! omg I hope you feel much better now!! I'm sorry to hear that :(( I'm also having a quite meh day, so this was also just what I needed. thank you for requesting!! I loved writing this KSJHSDKFJ
Main masterlist &lt;3
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There are days when you can fight against the whole world. Those days are the ones that people appreciate the most. I could’ve solved a world’s problem, and people would be happy. However, if I, for whatever reason wasn’t doing good one day, it wouldn’t count. People don’t count those moments as valid. People don’t count any moment as valid unless you are strong. But I can’t always be strong. 
There are days when all I can do is lie around. Those days are the ones I hate the most. I am ashamed of those days. Days where I try to hide behind a big screen. Sometimes trying to escape the little lie that I live in, in hopes of some comfort. People love to ignore my struggles. People ignore you unless you are fighting. But I can’t always fight.
Today is one of those days. Watching TV seemed the best answer to today’s mood. The characters hold each other as I hold my plushy. “You don’t have to be strong” Says one of the characters. “I know, but it’s hard” They hold each other even closer. Their breathless voices quivering at each word. “When moments like these, please call out my name. I’ll be there, whenever you ask for me, wherever you ask for me” Oh shut the fuck up. I wanna cry now. “Please just let me help you” Said the same character, reaching to kiss the person they were holding. Fucking finally after 14 episodes. “Mia. I” He breathed out. Ding, ding, ding. Who dares interrupt their moment ffs. I walk towards the front door, random objects are lying around the floor as I walk. I walk past some school books, some clothes that I must have thrown, and some random papers that might be more important than how I’m treating them. I finally reach the door and open it. 
The cold air hits my face as soon as I open the door. Outside, the sky was dimmed, definitely a representation of how I felt. Even with my tear-stained face from the scene, I was just watching, I get to smile. “I hate you” I say out loud. Minjae, who was standing outside my door with a big puffy jacket, and a big grocery bag, slapped his empty hand on his chest and gasped. “How dare you. Should I turn around?” I stopped him from turning around completely and pulled him inside. “How did you know?” I asked. “You changed your Instagram notes from BARBIE NEW MOVIE I CAN’T to: alexa play voices by stary kids” Minjae said while taking his shoes off. “You only do that when you’re sad as fuck” “Touché” I say while grabbing his bag I walk again towards the couch. He follows behind me, crouching down for a moment to pick my music notes and placing them on the table they fell from, not before shaking his head. I take interest in the scene again. 
Although I couldn’t see more of the scene, now being paused again a little less than a second before their kiss. I make an annoyed face and turn to look at Minjae who paused my show. “What happened?” He asked. “If I ignore my problems, they won’t hurt” He got a little closer. “They will, and you know it. That or you’ll end up punching someone” I gasp. “Okay, that was ONE time. And the guy deserved it anyways so who’s the one at fault?” “Still you, that guy just approached you because you were crying, you looked at him, flirted with him, and when he said he didn’t like stray kids you punched him” I giggled remembering the moment, the second I look at Minjae again he’s looking serious so I straighten my posture. “Still his fault, he said that I was jobless bcs I liked those stupid dancing boys and that I spent too much money on them after talking about my collection” “How much of that is true?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Not my point” I pouted jokingly. 
“Okay let’s do this. I help you escape from your problems” I nod. After waiting for two seconds and him not continuing I ask. “Aaand?” “Nothing, you just get bragging rights because you got the best friend in the entire world” “Well that’s arguable, Felix is Hyunjin’s best friend so like” Minjae stands up. “Okay sorry, sorry, you’re the best, you’re the best” I grab his arm again and pull him towards me, making him fall on the sofa. We stay laughing for a bit, but our laughs come to a stop when we hear the show playing again. Minjae hugs me closer to him and we start watching the show from where it was left. “You don’t have to be strong” Says Minjae after a while, him looking me directly into my eyes. I nod. “I know, but it’s hard” He hugs me closer. He pets my head and smiles. “I’ll make the pain go away, I promise.”
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uglierdaikon · 9 months
I've decided this is going to be a tradition now so here's
My favorite books I read in 2023
(in no particular order)
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"Siren Queen" by Nghi Vo
this book is so fucking cool. I said this list is in no particular order but this is without a doubt my favorite book I read this year. This book takes place in a fantasy version of Hollywood in roughly the 1920s-1940s. It has everything: deals with shady nonhuman creatures, fantasy violence, old Hollywood glamour, lesbians. What else do you need? Genuinely the most unique worldbuilding for a fantasy story I've ever seen. Please, if you only take one recommendation from me ever, take this one. The audiobook SLAPS also.
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"The Empress of Salt and Fortune" by Nghi Vo
Shoutout to Nghi Vo because I genuinely didn't even realize both of these books were by the same author. Queen. Anyways. So you know how the movie Titanic is told through the lens of people hearing the story from Rose as an old woman? Similar set up but also not similar at all. A sort of nun/monk person on a mission of historical and anthropological chronicling comes to the long abandoned residence where a recently deceased empress once lived in exile. There, they meet the empress' personal maid. As the main character (I can't remember the name off the top of my head, sorry) goes through and archives artifacts from the home, they get to hear stories of the empress' early life in their kingdom as well as her time in exile leading up to her rise to power. I'm not selling this well but it's REALLY good and a very quick read.
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"And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie
She's the queen of mystery for a fucking reason!!! This was apparently the year of Nghi Vo and Agatha Christie because Queen Agatha was the other author that just dominated my reading list. Anyways, the set up of this is that 10 people are lured to a mansion on a remote island and start getting killed off. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who among them was The Killer (even though I ultimately failed to get it right).
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"I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy
Look. Reading and loving this book in the year 2023 is not a unique experience. This book is a tough read in that a lot of really terrible things have happened to her, but I (like everyone else who's read it) need to give her a lot of props for her skill, frankness, and humor about writing this book, as well as just her strength for getting through all that. Go Jennette!
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"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver
Reading and loving Demon Copperhead in 2023 is ALSO not a unique experience. It won awards for a reason. But I liked it so it goes on the list This is a modern take on David Copperfield that follows a boy from the Appalachians as he grows up in the foster system (and through the opioid crisis). I know that sounds bleak, but he's a character that you really wanna follow and root for, even at his lowest. It's a LONG book, but well worth every page in my opinion.
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"The Monster of Florence" by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
One of the authors got kicked out of Italy for writing this book! Doesn't that already catch your interest???
Anyways, this is a nonfiction book. Half of it chronicles the twists and turns in the investigation of the still-unsolved Monster of Florence serial killer case (which is. Horrifying. To give fair warning). But it also delves into the corruption and mismanagement of the Florence police department, culminating in a frame job intended to make the authors keep their mouths shut about this case. It's definitely a creepy case, so if you don't have much of a stomach for true crime I'd skip this one, but I could not put this book down (figuratively - I listened to the audiobook, lol). I went on runs solely so that I would have more time to listen to it some days.
That concludes this list of 2023 book recommendations. Hope y'all enjoyed! See you again this time next year.
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hetalia-club · 1 month
in your GOT au you mention a war between the Lannister's and Greyjoy's. What happened with that? Sorry I'm using your au to write a fanfic and I would like a bit of the history if you don't mind sharing.
Omg I will never miss an opportunity to talk about my Hetalia GOT AU…
First off while the Greyjoys are my favorite house because I love the pirate vibes and their fucked yet mad interesting lore I would love to say: “fuck the Greyjoys, fuck everything they stand for and the bum ass ship they road in on.” But not the Greyjoys in my AU because they are special to me ❤️.
Get ready for a history lesson.
GOT Au History- Greyjoy/Lannister War
This war was kicked off by the Greyjoys not listening and raiding too many lands under the Lannisters protection. When they made the mistake of raiding a castle of a family that had some connections to the Lannister family. The Lannisters put out a final warning “Stop it.. for real this time guys 😡” when they didn’t listen the Lannisters set sail to do battle with the Greyjoys. Which would not be an issue normally because they have a much more experienced navy.
But the issue was they were coming to them and they have zero Land Defence and don’t even know how to defend a castle. Casterly Rock isn’t that far from the iron islands so they didn’t have much time to even try and figure out how to prep for a siege Having no other choice the Lord of Pyke turned to other houses trying to barter some sort of treaty for assistance. All the major houses denied them including the King (who could care less he was like 15 and also off riding his dragon probably) and the only one who agreed to help was Lord Stark (because he really doesn’t care for the Lannister’s anyway and he was basically looking for a reason to throw hands) with the condition they stop raiding Northern Lands. Even though that’s what got them in their mess they quickly agreed on the condition. Within the deal it was put that when Lord Stark’s youngest daughter Amelia was of age she would marry his youngest son Arthur. Binding their houses as sort of a ‘okay we chill now and everyone knows we’re serious about it’ Lord Stark agreed.
After the Starks pledged to help the Greyjoys protect their island if it came to that. The Lannisters quickly pulled out of the war. They didn’t want to have a war that big and were just going to knock the Greyjoys down a few pegs. So they all just decided to begrudgingly call it water under the bridge and the Greyjoys also agreed to not pillage lands in the West. So now they have to go all the way to the Reach or across the sea to do their pirating. Which they took as a slap in the face and a lot of people never forgave the former Lord of Pyke for this agreement. So his people started to resent him from then on.
This is why when Arthur kills his father no one on Pike really cares because the second he made that no pillaging deal with the Stark’s and then the Lannister’s even after they backed out of the war. His days were numbered. He lost all credibility.
Important to note!!!: the politics of this go deep. Lord Basch does NOT like the Lannisters. It’s just sort of bad blood they’ve always had. The Stark’s are very honorable and the Lannisters are more out for themselves. The Stark’s hate that and the Lannisters don’t respect the Stark’s at all either.
On top of that Basch also does NOT like the Greyjoys either. Don’t get that twisted. He just hated them a little less than the Lannisters at that exact time. Basch regrets making the deal with the Greyjoys and really did not think they would hold it up and assumed they would break it by raiding the Northat some point in the 10+ years. He was banking on that really.
But the Greyjoys were smart in that they were playing the long game (which is something they typically do) get Lord Stark’s daughter in Pike and then you got a bargaining chip and an ally to start an unnecessary war, and pillage whatever they want. which he would join their bum ass wars from obligation so his daughter didn’t lose her head because of her crazy pirate husband. Really it was a solid plan on their part, scummy yea, but solid.
Really the Lannisters were 100% in the right in this war no matter which way you slice it and had every right to defend their lands. They had even given them plenty of warnings. It was a very bad call of judgment on the Stark’s point and the Lannister and Stark relationship got even saltier because of it. And now Basch’s daughter got ‘kidnapped’ by said pirate husband so again. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
The issue with people upset by the prequel is that it’s basically a wound that keeps getting picked at every time another OG Cast member joins the show and Jared is still not there. I have to be honest, I don’t like Jensen as quite as much as I did before the prequel situation, BUT I still enjoy seeing him in stuff. Honestly, I don’t see how the finale made the situation any worse. No one truly thought Jared would be in it. Sam was the reason for Dean turning up again at the end. It could have been worse. I think people are allowed to be upset about the show, but Jensen didn’t newly kick their puppies.
I get that to some it feels like a slap or a throw away line about Sam, but it would have been worse if he wasn’t mentioned at all. Jensen could have asked Jared to make a cameo and maybe he said no. I don’t really think that happened, but I can’t, and don’t want to, waste any more energy being upset by a show , or the behind the scenes of a show, when I’ll never be able to know the full true story anyway.
I think Jensen truly has made a mistake in how he handled the not-really-a prequel, and I don’t think he came off looking great from a personal or professional POV. But, he’s also gotten more visibility with The Boys and an ABC show. So, it’s not like he’s destitute now or something. I don’t think he’s in any danger of not working.
People have lost the art of seeing nuance in people and situations. It’s all black and white. Jared is a monster. Jensen is the devil. Jared is my sweet meow meow. Jensen is perfect. Most people aren’t all good or all bad, and sometimes they can do crappy things while still being a decent person at their core.
Can people just chill the F out?
I wish, but I don't expect it to happen.
I have no interest in defending the prequel generally, not least because I don't understand basically ... any ... of the decisions made in doing it. Like my reaction to nearly all of it has been, "But why, though?". So someone not liking Jensen anymore or liking him less than before over it? Eh, fair enough.
However, still going on about how Jensen is an evil backstabber trying to "erase" Sam literal years later when he sorted it out with Jared in a day is just ... something else. Including acting offended all anew because there really wasn't - IMO - an obviously better way to bring Sam into that finale without a Jared appearance he may not have wanted or been able to do for any number of reasons. As much as certain Jensen stans and hellers are trying to deny it, the underlying motivation for Dean was explicitly said to be protecting Sam. Like I see no real difference between acting like it's some pointed insult Dean went on an adventure without Sam and acting like it was some pointed insult Sam lived longer than Dean in the finale.
Likewise trying to insist all Jensen's other projects are laughable failures and he's clearly desperate for work because ... obviously nobody would choose to do more than one thing after doing the same show for 15 years! There are plenty of other actors both more and less successful than Jared and Jensen, so the obsession with continuing to pit them against each other when they clearly aren't following the same path anymore is just ... silly stan bullshit.
Yes, being the lead of a weekly show and an EP of that show and another is impressive on any network. Yes, The Boys is a buzzy streaming show and even a supporting role on ABC means new audience and networking opportunities. Sneering at either is ridiculous. Both of these guys could probably retire tomorrow if they wanted off SPN money, but lucky for us? They're still creating things for their fans to enjoy - but for stans, that's not good enough. One of them has to be crushing the other because their not!fave is an unforgivable terrible horrible no good very bad person that will get his just desserts if they just talk enough shit. 🙄
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♫ you dont have to answer this especially if you already have a ton but lllllllincoln li-wilson,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i am a simple man
*breathes* heh. This might be a tad long, so let's go to my super secret Lincoln Li Wilson fan club under the cut
-oh right, the password! No problem it's
okokokokokok so so so so well I guess what I realized is that, while I have many songs for this boy- err technically a lot of them are in a shippy sorta context?? But I don't wanna, well, I don't wanna hit you with anything that is too, like, "ship-dependent" cause I don't know what you do or don't ship!
*That said*- my fucking gothcleats playlist dude? I'm handing it to you anyways cause I have FEELINGS about every single one of these fucking songs and imo honestly you can interpret most of them in a completely non romantic context anyways also also almost all of them are from Linc's perspective for me so I think you'd genuinely still appreciate at least some of these. All *that* said, I will be picking a few from this playlist to talk about that really aren't that romance-coded if at all buuuut are gonna be about Scary to some degree.
Oh- my swiftli playlist you ask??? IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID DUDE. It's so dumb like it's so silly like it's almost purely vibes and the vibes are really really dumb but yesss I'm handing you this one as well I'm not saying the songs don't slap but they're still very stupiddddd.
OK on to some fucking songs yeah???? So I guess the first one I'll start with is:
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"Angel With A Shotgun" by The Cab
Which, okay, before I even get to the lyrics like come ON am I wrong for thinking that even just that fucking name is the most Lincoln Li Wilson thing in the whole god damn world??
But yeah, I mean lyrically really this one has a lot going for it as a Lincoln song, but to point out a few particular lyrics that stand out to me:
If love's a fight, then I shall die With my heart on a trigger
They say before you start a war You better know what you're fighting for
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be
I'm an angel with a shotgun, fighting 'til the war's won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Sometimes to win, you've got to sin Don't mean I'm not a believer
And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight
😤 This one really gives me extra feels after the last episode, I gotta say! :0 As far as like pure imagery goes I think some strange combination of an angel and a soldier is just *so* Lincoln. There's just these really interesting themes with Lincoln of like, devotion, and sacrifice, and perseverance, and making tough decisions! Especially to help those around you! This song really just captures that for me.
Okay, next!
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"Hit The Floor" by Linkin Park (more like Lincoln Park am I right sorry sorry)
Right right, where to start with this one... This one captures two primary concepts for me. It's partially, like, confrontation between Linc and Scary, from his perspective. But actually, I think you could also interpret some of these as relating to his frustrations with Grant as well! Otherwise, I like this one cause I think it captures Linc's ability to like, totally turn the tables and flip the switch when you least expect it? Seriously, that boy is quick on his feet (heh soccer heh), and always has a trick up his sleeve. Here's a few lyrics:
One minute, you're on top! The next you're not, missed your shot You think you won, and then it's all gone
So many people like me put so much trust in all your lies So concerned with what you think to just say what we feel inside So many people like me walk on eggshells all day long All I know is that all I want is to feel like I'm not stepped on
What goes up will surely fall, and I'm countin' down the time 'Cause I've had so many stand-offs with you, it's about as much as I can stand So I'm waitin' until the upper hand is mine
I know I'll never trust a single thing you say You knew your lies would divide us, but you lied anyway And all the lies have got you floating up above us all But what goes up has got to fall
I guess Mike Shinoda is just *the* Linc artist for me, cause this next one is from him as well!
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"Believe Me" by Fort Minor
:0 Also about Linc's confrontations with Scary, but with a different flavor! Here I think it's more retrospective, at least in part, in reference to how Linc used to look up to Scary in some sense, and trusted her and all that. Otherwise, there's obviously some narrative parallels going on between these two, particularly with regards to the evolution of their mental/emotional states, which I think some of these lines nod to as well:
...Yeah it's really basically the entire song for this one ahahaha what can I say it's good shit
You like fun and games? Keep playing 'em I'm just saying, think back then, we was like one and the same On the right track, but I was on the wrong train Just like that, now you gotta face the pain And the devil's got a fresh new place to play And in your brain, like a maze you can never escape the rain Every damn day is the same shade of grey
Hey, I used to have a little bit of plan Used to have a concept of where I stand But that concept slipped right out of my hand Now, I don't really even know who I am Yo, what do I have to say? Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free And whatever happens to you, we'll see But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess that this is where we've come to If you don't want to, then you don't have to believe me But I won't be there when you go down Just so you know now, you're on your own now, believe me
Back then, I thought you were just like me Somebody who could see all the pain I see But you proved to me unintentionally That you would self destruct eventually Now I'll be thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt But it's not gonna work 'cause it's really much worse Than I thought, I wished you were something you were not And now this guilt is really all that I got
ALRIGHT. Let me leave you with one that's just for Linc. I won't bother with specific lyrics for this one, this song slaps (I think!), you gotta give it a listen.
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"Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers
Linc calls the shots in this fucking podcast, you know this, I know this. That's what this one is about.
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ipsen · 1 year
kanae brainrot apparently
“oh that kanae gender poll is neat haha anyways” the next day comes “oh okay.”
my opinion on kanae is “interesting without the burden of hindsight.” if tg had positive trans rep in mutsuki or big madam kanae would be a very good character with a very compelling arc. unfortunately, tg slaps every trans or ngc character with the “GASP. lying about their gender?!” tag at least once. at least mutsuki kinda gets away with it.
anyways. let’s do some vacuum analysis. under the cut.
kanae’s purpose in the story is heavily related to her perception of his personal gender versus what gender she thinks will better serve her family legacy. As the very last remaining rosewald, she wants to be a man because for one reason or another, she perceives women to be weak. her mother succumbed to illness early on when they fled germany, for example, while her brothers fought unflinchingly to help her escape. She was very young, so these facts made an impression upon her.
of course, no one calls her out on this because no one around her understands. They don’t know what it’s like being alone. They don’t know what it’s like losing everything and wanting nothing more than to get revenge against the ones who think they’re better and stronger. They don’t know. They don’t know her. She wishes they knew her. She wishes they loved her.
Until one day:
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(can i PLEASE take my eyes off this woman for FIVE MINUTES jesus christ)
eto hates two particular things: herself, and people who lie. this is a core character trait of hers and explains the targets of her torture. people who remind her of herself and think of themselves as superior to someone/something else. why?
because she’s been in those very situations, and it worked out for the worst.
eto targets kanae because kanae hates humans on a broad scale (see: how she treats chie), but this is born of fear as only the ccg are the cause of her suffering and the only ones who really care about her dying, and despite having been thrown about by “humans” (again, ccg) and seeing the value non-ccg humans bring to the table (again, chie (bless chie’s heart btw), who is also hunted by the ccg), kanae still despises them and sees them as beneath her.
eto was the same way at one point. she was targeted by V, who took Noroi, her only family at that time, away from her. In her quest for vengeance, she mutilated Kasuka Mado, who, for all intents and purposes, is not a part of V, but an unwitting weapon swung around by them. she presumably does similar things to other investigators out of rage and pain because there’s nothing left for her and she has no support system to reign her in. this is until she meets arima who decides to help her (and even then…).
and eto, more or less, broke free of the mindset kanae is currently in. only thing is: eto also hates herself. she hates how many people have died on her quest for change, how many people will continue to die even when she “wins”. she hates herself as the instigator, but it’s all she knows and all she will continue to do, and she wishes she could just mutilate herself and die and answer for everything she’s done. but that would be a purposeless death. so she turns to a different pastime and breaks out the sewing kit. surely she can “fix” this pitiful caricature of herself while getting the twisted satisfaction of “hurting” herself.
(spoilers: it doesn’t work.)
and you know what they say: as eto, so kaneki.
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neither wants to hurt kanae, not really, but rather they want to hurt the image of themselves that kanae exudes. is it better? no, but it’s an important distinction when factoring in characters.
… this was supposed to be about kanae. please accept my apologies. let’s get back on track.
it’s tragic, isn’t it? the people who have real, genuine, human experiences (eto can eat human food, kaneki was human) are the ones who inflict arguably the most pain on kanae. she continues to be at the mercy of the humans she hates so much. their twisted perceptions of love have infected her and she dies.
and yet she thinks she dies happy.
well those are the morning thoughts while i’m supposed to be on vacation. thanks for reading!
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automatayaoi · 1 year
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*throws a dozen dress up clowns at your head* Character design!!! murder puppet apologism!!! chemicals turning frogs gay!!! its kero kero time!!!! i dont know how to type up a real bio so im just throwing tidbits fullspeed at your window and also partially me spitballing speghetti against the wall
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✨ their name is kero pierrot ofc, and they are a funny little frog clown married to arlequino hehe. keeping with the theme of commedia dell'arte their name is based off the character of the pierrot (and it's also a pun on keroppi since theyre my favorite sanrio character waha)
✨ the Pierrot was a tragic and lovesick figure, portrayed as naïve but endearing, often hiding their true feelings behind their jokes, and was a popular choice for romantic artists
✨ kero is a widdle bit fucked up in the brain zone but its FIIINE just slap a coat of face paint on there and ur good 8) Do not perceive the crushing mental illness behind the curtain
✨ grew up in america ofc, came to japan for reasons that turned out to be highly fallible (they maybe trust people a little too easily), refuses 2 talk abt this, they are however lacking in places to stay and money to spend so start of everything theyre Struggling A Little
✨ at this point they arent even kero really just Person...pathetic sopping wet frog you find under a rock. they had a special interest in clownery but always sort of put those kinds of thoughts to the side as more of a silly daydream than a goal they could achieve
✨ a clown without its nose have you ever seen anything so sad
✨ they first see masaru and the rest of the nakamichi circus when they saw them perform their street show (starting here), they just happened to be in the park at the time, and it's honestly the first time kero has felt happy since they Arrived in japan
✨ magic of the circus
✨ they spend the next few weeks going to the park and sorta following the nakamichi circus around to see more of their street shows, they don't really have much else to do anyway, they might as well spend some time having fun watching a circus act
✨ they attend so many that they actually start getting recognized by some of the circus members, especially masaru and shirogane since theyre very Perceptive. not a lot of details on those thoughts currently but masaru probably does his Main Protag/Therapist thing and gets to know kero
✨ BUT the way they actually join the nakamichi circus is during the performers meetup (starting here), kero goes to see their show again, but then things start Going Very Wrong and masaru's left by himself with no one to perform with. Little guy problems
✨ they've seen how much masaru and the others have been working and struggling in the past weeks, improving their street show, their cooperation with each other, and even if masaru hadn't talked to them they couldn't stand seeing something that made them so happy go down in flames like this
✨ SO! they hop in with vilma naota and mitsuushi to save the act! they don't have circus training like them so they can't do any fancy acts, but kero knows how to improv and roll with the punches, so they play off of the others as second zanni to liven up the show
✨ after that, i think they'd try to slip away quietly (kind of cant believe they did that) but masaru goes after them and asks them to join the circus!
✨ he knows that they wanted to be a clown, and even without formal training, he thinks having a western style clown will help the nakamichi circus stand out from the crowd! (also a call back to this moment in the manga when they went to see the straw circus)
✨ this is when they actually introduce themselves as Kero Pierrot to the others. there is no other name only Clown
✨ this has been a lot of masaru talk so far sorry he's my little buddy inflicted with main character disease. also i dont get a chance to meet my husband until like chapter 380 so i gotta be doin smth in the mean time
✨ from here on, kero sticks with the nakamichi circus as their new home :) they already knew a lot about clowning, but they really throw themselves into studying it as best they can (usually by spending hours at a library computer since most don't really have a textbook on clowns) and also training with the other members to sorta expand their repertoire. they get a lot better at the classic clown skills, your juggling, your balloon animals, what have you, BUT they also start to learn the cyr wheel!
✨ kero and masaru bond over doing circus training together. i give him a little noogie.
✨ they become pretty close with ryouko and lise too !! i jus love all my circus family i get them to play board games with me
✨ Peaceful Life (Until Its Not)
✨ this post as already gotten so long (and also i wanna reread some parts of the manga to refresh my mindself) so at some point i will expand on kero's feelings irt masaru running away and narumi joining nakamichi circus, but theres a couple other important points i want to make :V
✨ kero sorta takes a back seat with the rest of the nakamichi gang until they show up at kuroga village
✨ Specifically they join lise heima and ryouko in going to mont-saint-michel to follow masaru (they are NOT!!! letting these children go off on their own to fight!!!!)
💕 this is when they meet arlequino hehe 💕
✨ they stay by ryouko's side while they fucking Book It form the shirogane-o, and that's when they run into arle
💕 sorry ryouko but I'M the one who smiles at him 💕
✨ i should make a separate post of the manga panels i'm def in. and/or rewrite the scene as a fic which i might do at some point but just wait
💕 anyway this post is long enough so all you have to know is we get married and now hes my malewife Arlequino Pierrot 💕
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💕 tagging my karakuri buddies @dissonantyote @lameassboyfriend (i hope dats oke)
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