#anyway night night now for real 😴
charl3ss · 7 months
I was trying to sleep, but I had this Kanej thought, so I, of course, had to share it. Anyway, once Kaz and Inej get comfortable enough to sleep in bed with one another, (not right away, obviously, but they’d get there) I think they end up spooning a lot because neither of them likes to sleep with their back to the door. In my head it’s: wall -> Kaz (back to the wall) -> Inej (back to Kaz) -> the rest of the room. Also just because…….they’re in love!!! They love each other and feel safe with each other!!! They’re deeply in tune with one another and they DO sometimes fall asleep holding hands!!!! 🩷😵‍💫🥹🥰
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elly99 · 11 months
In An Airplane
Part 2 of 3. Check here for more details.
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I've been thinking about you on this aeroplane And my, my mind is in the sky When I'm dreaming about you on this aeroplane
09:28 CET
A new morning in Milan. A new number in your phone. You notice she'd already messaged you.
good morning! 😊 you have a pretty name! it suits you. nice to meet you! again ㅋㅋㅋ
good morning! and thank you!! i like your name too! nice to officially meet you hanni 🤝
oops sorry i'm so used to using ㅋㅋㅋ i forgot you probably don't know what that means 🤣 it's just like laughing in korean
yeah i figured ㅋㅋㅋ
did you sleep well?
best sleep i've had for as long as i can remember 😴 how about you?
same!! i think i have you to thank for that 🤭
and i have you to thank for last night! it still doesn't seem real
i know! i had such a nice time 💓
Normally you'd be surprised to see hearts sent so soon, but after last night you could send her a million.
me too! hihi 💓
you know what else is real tho? work today 😣 but it should be fun!!
i'm sure it will be. and you'll nail it! fighting!! you guys say that right? 😅
yeah that's right! hahaha
You already knew you were right but you found yourself wanting her affirmation.
hey i need to get ready soon 🙁 what time's your flight?
it's at 8 in the evening but my parents want to head to the airport after lunch
ok i'm going for a walk in a bit then i think i'm eating lunch at the hotel so i might see you in the lobby or something
don't worry i'll pretend i don't know you
i'm glad you got to know me last night tho 😊 i'm thankful the universe sent you my way 💫
so am i!!
i'll get going now! keeping texting me ok? even if i don't reply right away. i really like talking to you 💗
me too hanni! take care! 💗
The morning was cold and the sky was grey, but just like last night, she had a way of keeping you warm. You look at your messages, then once again at the roses on your bedside table. You couldn't stop smiling.
13:31 CET
hey we're checking out now. i went out for a walk earlier too! i bought you something and left it at reception. said it was from a fan. luckily my parents didn't notice 😅 hope you like it!! and hope you enjoyed lunch too! will text you when i get to the airport 😊
15:05 CET
checking in bags now. is it weird that i miss you?
17:10 CET
hope your work is going well!! just waiting for boarding now. btw my brother lent me a really interesting book. i'll finish it on the plane later. i'd love to talk about it with you!
heeyyyyy!! i'm soooo so sorry i didn't get back to you!! i really wanted to reply but was really busy and also trying not be suspicious hahaha
hey hanni!! it's no problem at all! don't worry about it 😊
just finished a shoot but aaaaaa i got your flowers!! thank you so much!!! 🥹 they're beautiful! i love them so much 💕
i'm glad!! yeah i realized i couldn't really take the roses you bought me last night on the plane and i didn't want them to go to waste so i just bought a whole bouquet to complement them. and you deserve them more anyway!
you're so sweet! thank you so much!! and i'd love to hear about the book you're reading! just keep ranting about it and i'll get back to you after dinner probably. gotta go for now!
alright enjoy dinner! i'll keep listening to the playlist you made me
hihi hope you like it! let me know which songs you enjoy
will do! oh and i downloaded phoning too! it's so cool you guys have something like this
oh nice!! you're a bunny now 🐰
i think i became one as soon as i met you 🐰
stop being so sweet!! i'm smiling like a crazy person in front of everyone here. ok i really gotta go. text you later!!
see yaaaaa
i miss you too btw
Who was the one smiling like a crazy person now?
21:38 CET
how's it going! hope the wifi on the plane is alright! i just got home from dinner
hey I just finished dinner too and am reading now! how was the food?
we ate at a restaurant right next to the cathedral and it was really good! it just felt kinda weird going back there and not being with you
aw do you miss me that much 🐰
i do 🤭
i miss you too hanni 💗 last night was really special to me. sorry i keep saying that but i can't help it. i hope we get to see each other again soon
it was really special to me too!! we'll meet up soon i promise 🙏 i'll find a way once i get back home in a few days
no rush!! i know you're a busy gurl and you're in the public eye so yeah i really don't wanna pressure you! hope you know that. even if we only ever get to text or call from now on i'll be cool with that. i'm just glad i met you!
ya gurl do be busy!!!
You have to stop yourself from reading too much into that one.
hihi 😋
but for real I'll do my best! meeting you was really such a gift and i wanna see you again
you're really sweet did you know that?
you're sweeter did you know that?
stahp 🙈
hehe 😋 so how's your book btw! i'm gonna have to sleep soon because i gotta get up early tomorrow so i wanna hear about it before going to bed
so the book is called einstein's dreams and it's basically just a collection of stories. the stories describe worlds where time behaves a little differently in each. it's pretty interesting! and a lot of it is based on real parts of einstein's theories. it really makes you think
that sounds really cool! i've always been interested in science! was just never really good at it 😅
well if you couldn't tell i'm a huge nerd. i'll probably study physics or something at uni in korea
really? i mean yeah i could tell haha but i didn't think you'd actually be studying something like physics. you struck me as more of an emotional and artistic person
well i am! idk about artistic but i appreciate art and music. and the beauty in the world. i think that's why i want to study physics. it's like studying the poetry of the universe
only a huge nerd could romanticize a bunch of math
well math is the language that poetry is written in!
alright nerd let me hear about the actual book now hahahah
sorry hahaha
don't be sorry!! i'm just playing around. i love the way you look at the world 😊
aw thanks 🥹 ok so there's two stories in the book that i really like. the first one describes a world where time passes more slowly the higher up in altitude you go which is technically true in the real world but the effect is a lot more pronounced in the story. so everyone moves to the mountains or builds really tall buildings to live in thinking that they'll live longer as a result. then it becomes a status thing like the people who live in the valleys and lowlands are looked down upon. but the irony is it's all just relative. sure up in the mountains time will pass more slowly but only relative to down in the valleys. they're not really gaining any more time in their lives. in fact their lives become shorter because of the thin cold air up there and they start eating less and become unhealthy and aged before their time. i mean science aside it's just interesting to think about the lengths people will go to to run away from something inevitable then they end up making it worse
there's that wow again 😂 that's all you have to say? i mean i get it i kinda ranted sorry hahaha
no no!! it's really interesting i swear!! you'll have to explain the science to me some other time but what i got from that is we should just embrace what we have now. not try to outrun our lives but just live them in the moment. not lose sight of what really matters
and what's that?
love? humanity? i mean you said it became a status thing. people lost their compassion in their greed for something more. something that wasn't even real
yeah... it's kinda sad to think about. humans can be so kind but also so cruel. i wonder where it all goes wrong sometimes
yeah 😞
but hey i don't think i told you this. do you know what i thought when i first saw you on that balcony last night?
oh what?
i thought you were an angel. a very expensive looking angel 😂
noooo stopppp 🙈🙈🙈
i'm serious tho!! i just knew from your voice and your eyes that you would be the kindest person i'd ever met. and i was right. i love the way you look at the world too
you're too sweet stop it 🥹
alright alright you wanna hear the other story? it's a little lighter than this one hahaha
sure! it'll be my bedtime story
ok so in this world time is like a disc and it gets slower as you get closer and closer to the middle. again this can kinda happen in a way in the real world but that's for some other time. but basically you can walk to the center of time and when you're there time will stop. that means you'd never be able to leave but that moment would also last forever. so lovers would go there and kiss or parents would go with their children and hold them to stop them from growing older. but for people who didn't quite reach the center, just passed close to it, their time would slow down so much that when they got back to the rest of the world nothing would be the same. their friends and family would be gone and cities would be completely different. centuries would've passed essentially. so it's like a risk to get close to the center. but some people choose to do it to treasure specific moments. what would you choose?
oh that one's interesting too!! i think it's kinda similar to the first story tho. i feel like we can still treasure the important moments in our lives without having to freeze them forever and lose other things in the process. live in the moment but not freeze it forever
right? i'm glad we think the same!
me too 😊 hey thanks for sharing all this! i know it means a lot to you and it means a lot to me that you're sharing it with me. i gotta go sleep now but don't hesitate to keep writing your thoughts. i wanna hear them all! i'll reply when i wake up. update me when you're home safe ok?
i will!! thanks for being so sweet hanni! i really appreciate it. good night and sweet dreams!! 💗
good night!! hope you sleep well on the plane ❤️
But you still had so much on your mind. She was the kind of person you wanted to share your whole world with. So even if you did manage to sleep, you knew you'd dream about her. And in your dreams you'd be together, the distance between you reduced to nothing. An airplane on the ground, a hotel room in the sky.
3:47 CET
good morning!! hope i'm not waking you up with the notifs. i managed to sleep quite a bit and i'm listening to your playlist again now. and it's playing airplane thoughts! it's a really nice song and it's really fitting. so in the spirit of the song i just wanted to share some more thoughts with you. i was just thinking about how we were talking last night and the night we met, and how i just feel so comfortable? with you. like i can just be myself and open up completely. i'd usually never do that with someone i just met but you just made me feel at home. so often in my life i've been with people and shared special, beautiful moments with them. like when i would travel and see amazing cities and landscapes with my family, or stay up all night with my friends. but something was always off. i felt like i was the only one feeling that way. the feeling that this moment right here is special and i'll remember it for the rest of my life. i knew they didn't understand that feeling or treasure that moment in the same way. but somehow just a few hours with you sitting in front of a cathedral in milan i knew you understood me. you made me feel like a different person. or rather the person i always was underneath the facade i put on for people. so i hope you understand why i keep saying that our first night was so special to me and why i keep thanking you for it. it was so important to my life right at that moment. i'm just happy you're here. that's all
5:32 CET
hey good morning!! ❤️ you know the reason i love music so much and i guess why i'm a singer now is because i feel like there are too many emotions in this world and not enough words to express them. often i find myself feeling a certain way but not being able to describe it. then i listen to just the right song and i think yeah that's it. that's the feeling. i think music and art in general is just the language we need to overcome that gap. so when we shared our music that night, and knowing that you're listening to and enjoying the playlist i made for you now, i knew i felt something special with you. when i looked into your eyes i knew you felt it too. that connection. just the way you described it. so i'm happy you're here too ❤️
i don't think i've ever cried this high up above the ground before
oh hey you're awake! sorry huhu didn't mean to make you cry but tbf you made me cry too just now. and i just woke up!! i can't have swollen eyes for the show today 😅
omg i'm so sorry!! hahhaha
you should be landing soon right? have they served breakfast? lunch? idk time zones are hard
yeah they did! breakfast was soooo good! korean food is amazing. like even in planes it's great
welllll you're in business aren't you?
oops 🙈
that explains some of it 😂 but yeah korean food is so good!!
you gotta send me all your food recs!! i'll check them all out when i can
sure sure!! but i gotta get ready first. i have a quick shoot in my hotel room before the show. i might do a phoning call later when i'm done with it. it'll be quick but maybe you can join in!
sounds good! time to meet all my fellow bunnies 🐰
go get some more sleep! or not actually maybe it'll be better for your jet lag to wait until later
yeah i've slept enough. have fun today hanni!! see you later on phoning 📱
see youuuuu!! take care!
As soon as you cross the threshold at immigration and enter Korea once again, the thought crosses your mind that in a few days she'd be here, too. And the hope that you'd have more nights together enters your heart.
12:30 CET/20:30 KST
hey can i just say you looked amazing!! an angel fr
nauurrr 🦭🦭
hahaha why the seal?
sorry that's just the emoji i've been using for myself lately hahah
it's cute! it suits you somehow
thank you 🥰 you should be home right? everything went smoothly i hope?
yeah all good! tho i think jet lag's gonna hit hard
aww man i know the feel! but i'll be here to keep you company don't worry! ❤️
thank you! you're the sweetest as always
actually sorry i might have lied because i need to go to the show now. and then fly back home. but i'll do my best to message!!
no worries hanni really! 😊
no worries? more like super nervous right now!!!
aww no you can do it! you're amazing!! you'll do just fine
thanks eeeee 😖 i'll catch you laterrrr
see yaaaa
22:34 CET/6:34 KST
hey i'm on the plane now. gonna try and sleep. just wanted to let you know that i'm thinking about you! hope you're sleeping well and beating jet lag 🥊
13:28 KST
i slept for 7 hours omg 😴 will be landing soon! how are you?
heya!! sorry i've been in and out of sleep. jet lag sucks. but hey at least you're here!
i am here! 😊 when i get home you wanna call? maybe after dinner?
at this point idk when dinner's gonna be. but yeah sure i'd love to!!
did you dream of anything?
it was more remembering than dreaming. i remembered our time in milan. how we talked about quickly passing by people and realizing that there's so much more going on in everyone's lives beyond what we can see in those few seconds of eye contact
yeah! and i thought that, knowing that fact, why aren't more people kind and thoughtful? compassionate. i mean most people are polite but there's a step above that that's rare to see. if we let it really sink in that we don't have a lot of time with people and life goes by so quickly, why shouldn't we try to be the kindest and most genuine versions of ourselves all the time? i'm not saying that that's who i am but it's who i want to become. and talking with you i feel like that's what you want too?
i think i'd always had that in the back of my mind but i'd never really articulated it to myself. but after i met you and now that you've said that, yes that's what i want. i want to at least try. thank you for showing me that part of myself ❤️
i'm glad i was able to 🥰
i used to think a lot about love and relationships. i mean i still do. and not just romantic ones. i remember thinking at some point that all relationships eventually fade or people move on and that i'd be better off focusing on myself, on my career. i thought i'd rather live knowing that i was really good at something, like you are at your job. i thought i'd rather live knowing i excelled at something people cared about. maybe i was scared of really opening up to someone and sharing my entire life with them only for them to leave and forget about me. but you helped me realize that that's ok. you said that as long as you had a true connection with someone, even briefly, that there's beauty in that. and that really stuck with me. it is all about connection. at the end of the day that's all we really need right? to love and be loved
yeah isn't everything we do in life an attempt at being loved a little more? i mean sometimes i feel this pressure as an idol to be a perfect role model for others, especially to other girls my age, and there's a certain responsibility that comes with that. i want to show them that you can achieve your dreams if you try hard enough and you don't really need anyone else. but then i realize that i'm doing this job because i love making music, spreading love in the world, and receiving it back. we do kinda need each other in the end cuz that's what being human is i think
yeah it definitely shows that you love your fans! and they love you just as much
i remember too when you asked me if i believed in a higher power. i said i thought the universe had some way of bringing the right people together at the right time. like you and me that night. but i also believe that there's magic when they form that connection. when they reach out like you did. being at the same place at the same time is one thing but attempting to get to know each other is another. if there's any magic in this world it's in trying to really connect with others and getting to know them. sharing the world and your experiences. even if it doesn't always work out, it's about the attempt. if we don't try things in life then what are we really doing right? you helped me realize that
you must really be an angel hanni idk what else to say
no i think you are!! ❤️
❤️ i'm so happy we helped each other see things we couldn't before. i mean maybe they were things we already knew in our subconscious but never properly thought about but still. you're such an inspiration! i think your job is perfect for you. the world needs someone like you
aww thanks ❤️ i'm crying again hahaha
me too lmao
i'll go wash up before people think i'm weird 😅
alright text me when you get home! looking forward to our call!
same same! see yaaaa 🥰
baiiiiiiii 💓
21:56 KST
An evening in Korea. Another night of hearing her voice. You pick up the phone.
Hey! How are ya! How was dinner?
Hi hi~ I haven't eaten yet. Appetite is nowhere to be found. I'd much rather talk to you anyway.
But you should eat something before sleeping at least! Don't want you getting hungry in the night.
Don't worry. I'll eat some ramyeon or something.
A pause. You hear her breathing for a brief moment.
It's funny hearing your voice again. Like, all this time reading your messages, I was just imagining your voice in my head, remembering it as it was when we met. But now through the phone it's not the same.
Better than nothing!
Oh, yeah! It's nothing bad. It's just funny.
Another pause. Almost awkward silence until she speaks up again.
I was thinking earlier about what you said about stars the other night. How we're all just stardust.
I still think that's really cool. Then it got me thinking even more that we're all just made of matter. Like atoms and molecules. Please don't laugh at me. I feel like you're about to laugh.
I'm not! I'm not!
Ok, good. But, yeah, we're all the same! Just atoms and molecules. Just like everything else in the universe. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy? Like, we're all some kind of huge family with everything that exists. And we're all 13 billion years old. Or whatever the number is.
I bet you looked up the age of the universe earlier.
I may have.
For the first time you hear her laughter through a small phone speaker. It was still just as sweet.
Hey, I miss you.
You hear nothing over the phone for a few moments before she responds with something you did not expect.
Funny, isn't it? How, in this digital age where everything's connected, you still find yourself missing people.
Yeah. You'd think you wouldn't be able to miss anyone but...
On the plane, when I closed my eyes to sleep, I could hear your voice. I think it's nice to know that you can just close your eyes and think about those you love, those special to you, and know they are real, alive, hopefully happy, in their own corner of the world, whether it's down the street or across the planet, and know that if they're closing their eyes and thinking the same, you're together in that moment.
That's a really nice thought.
But it isn't the same as having them near, knowing they're right there beside you under the same roof, under the same sky, under the same stars. It's not the same as just being able to turn to them and smile. To be able to hug them and laugh with them and hear it unfiltered in your ears. To be able to say things with your presence that words could never convey. I think we all need that closeness as humans. I think that's why we miss people. And why I miss you, too.
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garoujo · 1 year
T____T hi baby im back again with more nagi thoughts… not surprising since hes been the only person on my mind recently :(( but anyway.. here r some things i think sei r into (nsfw and sfw hehe) and some of these ive picked up as the general consensus amongst the bllk writers on the blr hehe..
1. somno. both giving and receiving (altho i must say ive never seen a somno fic where nagi’s the one that’s receiving.. hehe thoughts are being thunk) omg please everytime i read anything abt somno w nagi i die abit inside… want him so bad !!! and it’s so in line with everything our resident sleepy boy likes (u n sleeping) 😴😴
2. dacryphilia… ive seen a few writers on here incorporate it into his fics and im obsessed omg… just like how he’s obsessed with seeing u absolutely bawl from taking his fat cock inside u T___T
3. skinship !!!!!!! generally just being as close to h as possible… leaving zero space between u & him.. this can be seen in both nsfw n sfw context he just wants to hold u and be held ALLLLL the time… precious baby!!! cant get enough of ur arms around him or laying his head on ur chest
4. SPEAKING OF CHEST… sei boobs man confirmed. ive never seen such an overwhelming agreement that a character is a boobs man but im convinced now. when he can just lay in ur lap and suck on ur nips all day long… playing his game w ur hand in his hair… that’s his lifelong dream me thinks. he’s just a big big baby :(
5. omg thigh riding w sei. the author didnt give him thick thick thighs for nothing !!!!!! and sometimes hes just so lazy n tired to do anything else… watching u get off on his thighs while all he has to do is occasionally flex them or bounce u up and down… the perfect way to end his night tbh hehe.. he’d be sooo good too.. praising u n making sure ure feeling good .. maybe even helping u rub ur clit so u can cum faster ☹️ im so in love w him omg
6. AAAAA COCKWARMING! omg almost missed this out. honestly theres no need to even elaborate or explain this one. the amt of cockwarming nagi fics there r out there on tumblr just proves how perfect the combo is. cockwarming sei while he plays his games.. while he’s watching football clips.. while he’s sleeping… it’s so perfect for him i could cry !!! pls sei give me once chance :(
n that’s all for now…!! i also love how we all agree his nickname is sei hehe… so cute and lovely just like him 🥰 hope u had a good day wherever u are bb and i hope my nagi thoughts reach u safely!!! sending love <3
- happy trail anon hehe
aaaaaa welcome back my love !!! me knowing i’ve literally written a somno nagi receiving thirst: ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝꒱ྀི১ lmaooakaka but fank u so much for all the thoughts these were soooo super fun to read & so real ! yes yes sei is literally the cutest name ever but i love calling him seishiro too . . it just seems v intimate imo to use his full name <3 hope u hav an amaze day also bbie ! fank u for blessing me . . sending loads of luv right back !
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
👑/🖥️ Ok, Ok, Ok.... So I've been having brain rots about SAGAU / Isekai tropes. And in this idea...what if instead of being transported back to Teyvat, the materialized character "glitches" or gets stuck in the real world when Genshin closes unexpectedly? 🐱
IMAGINE! Sleeping peacefully in your room, leaving your game on because why tf not. 😴 Maybe wearing something tiny and comfy for sleep (like a mini shorts or just boxers or a tank top or basically something so smol that much skin is showing!). And your active character is there, lying beside you to watch your cute serene face. It's not like you'll catch your favourite bond 10 boy staring at you...or sniffing your scent...or intently listening to your breathing / heartbeat...or stealing touches in your soft skin. He'll automatically "disappear" when you wake up anyway so there's no risk even if he's lying so close to you and holding you in his arms. 😍
Now what if a power interruption occurred?
It caught him off guard. Why tf is everything suddenly so dark?! It's so quiet - like everything else stopped and only the ticking of the clock remained. He could still feel you in his arms, though. What happened? Maybe the lights just went off but Genshin is still open? 🤔
His eyes adjusts to the dark. He could see the way your face scrunches from the loss of cool air (assuming it currently is a hot season). He feels you shifting your position into a more comfortable one, trying to find anything cold or cool on your skin. His arms around you brings more heat and he knows you would soon wake up. Instead of freeing you from his hold, he waits for you to open your eyes so he could be transported back to Teyvat. He wants to make the most of his time in your world. He just wants to feel you as long as he could. 😍😘
He anticipates you opening your eyes and when you do, he closes his eyes, plants a kiss on your lips and says, "Good night, [your name]. I'll see you next time." 😘
But instead of seeing himself back in Teyvat, he sees your eyes wide open. 😳 His eyes grow large as well, confused as to why he is still here in your world. He should be transported to Teyvat so why is he having a staring contest with you? Why are your enticing eyes looking at his - similar to how you stare at each other often times less the screens separating you two? Wait - are you aware he stole a kiss from you?? 😱
His heart skips a few beats as you call his name sweetly with your lovely voice. In response to your calling, he smiles at you dearly.
So again, since my usual active characters are Albaby (Albedo) and Turtlelinnie (Childe), I imagine something like...
"Ah... Hello, [your name]. Yes, it's me, Albedo."
He doesn't even deny it! He wants to gauge your reaction and so far, you calling his name sweetly seems like a good step. But he could tell you are still discombobulated. It's natural, though because he knows it's your first time seeing him in your world.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions since it's your first time seeing me in your world. Will it be alright if we indulge ourselves in each other's embrace?"
"Wait... You really can see me???"
Happi excited Childe! Finally, he can talk to you!
At first, you'd feel disoriented and alarmed. Are you freaking dreaming? Why is Tartaglia / Childe / Ajax lying beside you?? Is he real?? Or maybe just some random dude who's so good at cosplaying broke into your room? Wait, you're not...are you...?? 😱
Childe hugs you tighter and chuckles his usual playful laugh.
"Ah~! I'm glad I could finally talk to you! You don't know how much I've been wanting for this day to come, [your name]! I really really want to know you more. Mind staying up late talking about whatnot?"
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jow99 · 2 years
Sallent de Gállego to Tramacastilla
It was nice to have our own rooms again last night however after breakfast it was time to say goodbye to María José and head off for today’s adventure. We are back now in the lower Pyrenees but still some good peaks around us and we can still see back to where we came from yesterday.
In our way out of town two things were of note, the views of the peak we were about to ascend and the Koala English house. My moneys on an Australian living there.
The morning was already warm and quite humid, but as we neared the saddle before our ascent the wind had picked up. We stopped for a snack and to hide our backpacks before ascending and all put on extra layers.
The ascent was optional but well worth the climb up, the views were amazing. Back down we finished morning tea and then continued on our way. We had a descent to a dam and then a climb up to another saddle. As we started we noticed black clouds to our left. Thankfully we were heading right but we weren’t sure if the rain would follow us.
As we got closer to the dam we were getting spots of rain that got a little bit heavier but we continued to hope we would walk out of it.
We have quite detailed trip notes which on some days are probably more detailed than required as we’re either on the GR11 or one of the marked Pyrenean routes. Today’s notes though took the biscuit. We had descriptions such as “During the next section there is no real path, just a series of animals tracks that don’t go the right way” or “Descend along a path that although not really clear isn’t difficult to follow” 🤔
Anyway we got to our second saddle and had lunch. We were still concerned about the rain so rain jackets were shuffled to the tops of packs and sunglasses put away. There was a second optional ascent but we all sat looking at it wondering how on earth you reached the summit but even more so, assuming we got up there how would we get back down. It wasn’t a hard decision to push on, particularly given our random trip notes.
Of course not long after we set off the sun came out and it got suite steamy again. We did find the right path and it was clear and easy to follow. Unfortunately for about the last 5km today we were on a 4WD track and then road, which in the heat and with hiking boots on wasn’t overly pleasant. The rest of the day had been great so we focused on the drinks that would be had once we reached our hotel.
Tonight we are in a 4 star hotel, very flash. It’s the first night we’ve had robes and slippers. So after check in and ditching the boots we regrouped for post hike drinks.
After our usual shower, washing, Garmin downloading and just chilling we met for a stroll around town which took all of about 10 minutes. We did however happen across a lovely dog - Luna, who obviously likes going for walks with whoever happens to come by. Her name and owners phone number were on a bright orange collar around her neck.
We then retired to the hotel bar (nothing else appeared to be open) for a pre dinner drink. Dinner tonight was in the hotel thankfully as we are all pretty weary. It was a lovely dinner and I am again over full. Now sleep time 😴
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 11 months
WHY DON'T YOU EVER SLEEP BRIE I WAS BEING GOOD AND NOT SENDING YOU A LONG ASK BUT YOU JUST KEEP POSTING AFTER SAYING YOU'RE GOING TO SLEEP and your posts are making me laugh so much today i adore your existence and that's such a weird thing to say for someone that i didn't even know properly back then FHJDAHJFHJACHJA
also just saw this tag "#I wanted to drop my phone number" and thought you wrote "i wanted to drop my phone" before i noticed number JFHSDHJFDHJAJH??? you are so cute im going to cry
also i HATE THAT I SEE YOUR NAME BRIE?? and last night when i was asking you if you've brien well,,, i accidentally typed bren at first?? anyway now my brain is convinced brie is actually short for br(endon ur)ie AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT?
also i felt you on the 52 messages bec i spam people a lot. i would probably spam you if i had the braincells. spamming is so much fun
ok pls sleep now (or don't, i'm not forcing you rhfsghjahjja)
—spn anon
I’m jk i just stay up late trying to talk to someone sigh but i think they don’t love me anymore 😫 IM KIDDING. They’re sick.
Don’t call me cute ✋ you’re kinda crazy for liking my existence IM SO LAME
No but, actually Brie is not short for my real name, i don’t think I’ve mentioned that before? My real name is ACTUALLY deprived from my dad’s middle name and it’s really unique so you guys would be able to find me faster if you wanted to with it 👀
Alssoooo i only go by Brie these days anyways because people always mess up my real name and then get mad at ME for not correcting them like I DONT CARE WHAT YOU CALL ME if it has a “b” sound with it ILL RESPOND OKAY? So you can call me brendon urie and I’ll respond 🥰
Spamming IS so much fun but I always have immediate regret like I feel like I should make people sign something before they start talking to me so that they know it’s a possibility
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wosofanstuff · 11 months
Great now my friends have an absolutely hideous sticker of me🫠
Like for real it looks like I’m fucking high
But I’m just sleepdeprived😴
Guess why because it’s the middle of the fucking night🤡
Anyway hope you’re getting some sleep because I certainly ain’t and I gotta be in school in a few hours
Oh no, I just know they will love using it 👀
But I really hope you slept at least a bit. Apparently sleep is necessary 🤫
I slept good but it’s way to early for me to be awake and on my way to school. But hey last time entering as an official student 🥳
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heyitssashag · 1 year
My internal thermostat is fucked. I’m boiling hot. I’m freezing cold. My legs are sweating. My back is an ice cube. I don’t want a repeat of last night where my discomfort led me to finally falling asleep at 3am and waking up barely 4 hours later. My sleep has gone back to garbage-ville. I’m looking forward to meeting with the sleep specialist later this month to get this addressed. Can’t heal if your sleep sucks.
Anyway, I’m going to spend some time drawing this weekend instead of writing. I’m feeling a real pull to express myself creatively. Writing is the easiest (for me). I was keeping an daily art journal for a while and then I just stopped. This is what happens. The spark sizzles and I just stop. It’s not because I don’t enjoy it anymore. Most of the time, I just need a day or 2 off. But then I forget. Lately, I’ve been writing and posting a lot but that will fizzle out shortly, too. That is how my brain works. Then I’ll probably go back to art or music. This is what I do. I go back and forth. It’s when I stop expressing myself altogether is when the shit hits the fan. I absolutely need an outlet for my crazy. For many years it was running daily. I can’t do that now. I go for short walks but then I incorporate something creative. Some days it’s enjoying and appreciating other people’s art. Such as reading, listening to music, watching concerts on YouTube, dissecting lyrics or poetry, watching movies, going to art galleries. and the list goes on.
Then sometimes all I need is my jerk cat.
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I looked in the cupboard where I keep my art supplies and I forgot I bought a bunch of playdoh. I’m going to break it out some time this weekend.
I also found this fashion sketch I did a year and a half ago. I was trying to design an outfit but it looks more like a cartoon.
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I really love cartooning. The beauty with that is it can look like shit but as long as it’s relatable and funny, people love it. lol. I’ve always wanted to create a comic book. I have no idea how to even start. I’m sure there’s a YouTube video on it. There seems to be a YouTube video for everything. I know I mentioned before if I had the choice to go back to school, it would be for something totally useless like philosophy, but I think I’ve thought of something even more useless than that… a cartoonist. Maybe I could do both. Philosophy Comics. For the lazy philosopher that wants to study the meaning of life through pictures and graphic novels. Anyway, I’m talking nonsense now. Must be tired. 😴
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Second thoughts on posting the dark fic. I'm really not sure as I felt discouraged lately. I almost press the delete but is more of a story for myself. Sometimes whenever I look back on the fic, I wonder how many angry people will snap 😂💜📚
I end up crying a lot after I wrote for my second oc completely. I haven't cried in a long time for awhile and I don't remember when was the last time I cried. I did cry for my third oc Ariella completely b/c that was half related to my real life experience and the way I was coping. Yeah most fics got pretty damn personal
Maybe that's why some people said my fanfiction isn't really a fanfiction and too personal or said my story ideas wasn't that great or my characters b/c was too personal. How does people cope with theirs when things get personal in real life? I use writing as a way to really cope and I use writing to let go of everything just like venting.
Then said even my Roleplay stories was crap and the way I depict characters was butchered. I been feeling rather a lot of discouragement lately and a lot of uncertainty with high doubts that I'm not really sure. But I know people say that to me before and now out of jealousy b/c people are unhappy. I have many remarks about it back then.
That's why I also on and off writing. Yeah, I do feel like hugs these days and I can say my own emotions have been quite a mess lately. I don't talked b/c I don't feel like it. People give you that weird look when you opened and after that you're like: what's the point if people don't take you seriously. Sometimes people just want empathy and no judgement and not everyone understands the real you completely.
Anyway, I wished I have more off days unfortunately I don't. I enjoyed writing hurt/comfort for ocs and I really have that strong nudge to write fluffs romance. Something that is meaningful. My dreams have been just really weird this week too.
I do plan to extend more for my three ocs. But I haven't got the chance to write about it. I did attempt a Hawaii Five-0 and Transformers but I feel weird about it when I combine both fandoms together. I'm definitely ready to sleep. But I really do miss writing. Writing to me means everything but I don't take it like a job. If fanfiction is a job, I become a real crazy lady 🤣 and will be super excited.
I think many of us writers would be very excited if fanfiction is a job for us. 😂💜 That I have no problem. Is why I encourage good writers to extend good stories b/c is a rare sight to see good stories around on fanfiction and archive of our own.
But I can be really picky completely. Night all. I'm like on the I'm done mood. I have also a habit on walking away a lot to everything. 😴📚✍️
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guardiangamer · 2 years
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*yaaaawwn* 🥱☀️ Ummm...Good morning.
I fell asleep listening to the Nintendogs soundtrack, mid match in Rainbow Six Siege, even. I guess doing that report last night made me really sleepy 😴 so much writing....zzzzzz.... but... I have some nice plans for today.
It's been weeks since I last saw my classmates much (they've been very busy getting the third iteration for the new machine ready) but today, Komaeda-Kun and Ibuki are going into the NeoWorld to play videogames with me!! Aaahh, I have so many new releases I'm excited to start with them! But first, we start out with something simple. We might play a little Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to warm up.
I've really missed Komada-kun! I'm happy, because during the killing game we had a lot of tension...but now, he's become one of my very best friends. He tells me...the person I originated from was his friend too. I feel so sad for both of them, losing each other so horribly.
Ibuki is super fun to game with, too. She's so energetic, and has a real competitive drive! I'm trying to help her learn to stop and smell the flowers sometimes, too. Meanwhile, she's helping me learn how to be more proactive.
We're thinking of dyeing my hair together...but we can't for the life of us pick a color! Any suggestions?
Anyway ☺️💓 today's a nice day.
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room4creation · 3 years
Quick recap of tonight bc I have to wake up in 4 hours to play hockey yay…
Tonight was just literallt CHAOS but it was SOOOOOO funny like chaotic funny
I think for me the chaos starts w when we get to the pub for dinner after watching the hockey matches … we r just chilling or whatever and then we drink a little we’re having fun we go outside and are hanging out and then my PHONE drops between like the wooden slats of this patio thing and I’m like well fuck! So this random guy who was just a regular at the pub I think basically help us out and He got my phone out by taking out a plank and then using a broom to get my phone out and he’s in a shirt and he lies on the floor and sticks his arm under the thingy into this minging under bit of the patio and he gets my phone out !!! Literally my saviour I was sooo <3!!! I was like ty! So much! And I bought him and his table a shot to say thank u which doesn’t even cover it rlly but u know .. eternally grateful
And then the second chaotic thing and it’s not even chaotic it’s just kinda sad actually ! This guy comes up to me in the club and is like hi can u push me in to the crowd bc there’s a fit girl in my here and I was like ok (which looking back now might have been wrong of me but anyways) so I push him and then he comes back after like 2 seconds and I’m like did it work and he’s like no but ur a real one for helping and I’m like 👍🏽 cool but the peak part was my friends thought he was chatting to me and then when I told them they were like oh he’s clapped anyways but it’s just so funny like literally the fact that I’m ugly theows me for a spin sometimes like I really just am UGLY like I’m ugly with make up ugly without makeup ugly with no glasses ugly with glasses ugly with blonde hair ugly with brown hair like nothing changes it ! Nothing changes it. But oh well 😄 liiiike what can I do .. what can any of us do
And that was all rlly. There wasn’t rlly a third thing but it’s just like the end of the night was kinda :/ bc basically we hosted another uni so we had like 5 ppl which in retrospect is too many but anyways they went back home and they were loud (? I think but idk tbh.. lot going on in general) and my housemates who were home were complaining loads and I feel like they’re gonna complain tomorrow and it just shite bc it’s like … I hate inconvenjenjmcing people I hate majijbg then angry etc etc like … so I just feel / felt bad abt it . But whatever we did warn them abt it .. anyways I fell askkeeo taping that last message so goodnight 😴
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Been shopping again and I have a great New pair of jeans and a blouse I went back today just for it and I don't need to buy anything but I LOVE Me! I have been listening to this lady who is great and the songs I had not heard more than 1 I think but works fantastic!!! I love when I find perfect songs! I told you I think I was a witch. I was called a little heathen for a little while but he turned out to be a.... anyway I love this song now fun style I didn't catch lyrics. Smile and remember I'm a mean on so be careful mr Grinch you are a booger butt! Smile remember I can call you what I want. I love this song omg it is fun!! Goosebumps is the name!!💃🦋💃🦋🦋💃🔥🦋😋😋🤗🥺😴😚🥺😲🤭😋🐤🐤🐤🐤😚🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤👠👠👠👠👠💃💃💃🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🤭🦄👽👽👽👽🌋🌋🌋🌋👽🌋🌋💋🌋💋🌋🌋💋🌋💋💔⛓️⛓️💅👀💋💋💋💃💃💃 silliness is a little bit of my thing remember? Little bat and small ball and you better watch out or you might get hit! 🤔🤔If you can finish this from the male side then I don't want to hit you with a little bitty ball. I want to take you to my special room so I can properly do to you and with you but you have to obey and for the rest of your life think about this thought I just had when I was thinking of what to say so. My fantasy for movie night and me sitting on the couch with my legs spread but my blue jeans are not getting off so fast tonight but you are to sit on the floor in front of me... The movie will be called ...
A Few Good Men. I believe it might work out pretty good if I'm a good guess 😉 I can see you have a smile on your face and can't help it but it makes you 😡 at me for making you feel something other than that grumpy butt . Smile and I love this music. Enemies should have certain rights to be able to bug you when I am feeling like a bratty like needy wanting something else but I would have to use a toy and a neighbor might listen so omg 😳 no way! Anyway I am a very naughty girl way too naughty for most of them and others have been known to take a far away stance for my unpredictable stickiness sudden to twist turn taking a thrillingly quick switching of the gears and my right foot presses harder as I am always trying to make it through while the light is still green!! I am really great at catching all the green lights and I love to be the one driving because I love doing lots of little fun things like it is just something I think about the average thing or place and I have made up a different name for it. Funny Fart was a store called really Monte Mart so I have a great different creative and wildly wrecked with twisted tormenting and yet talented and broken sicknesses causing freakishly Free zone and one rule now rules and I got lots of things in this brain 🧠 you would freak out about it laughing and getting horny and not unless you are very very brave or something needing my needs then you might not want to chance my wonderful for my rage and my wacky for my wicked but my brazen blessings bestowed upon you and your smile on your face final and forever found and it is all because I am a silly woman who is real pain in the butt and heart and can cause headaches pretty quickly too 👅🤣💋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️👽⛓️⛓️👽⛓️👽⛓️👽👽👽😴🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋💅💅💅in my opinion I don't think a lady should have to ever have to do a few of these things with a man to do it for me . Paint my toes, fasten the clasps of my brackets and necklaces and also braids for baby girl is fun so any how I am going to get higher no now. I have a wet panties situation I think . 😱🤭✌️🤗🤯🤯🤖👽👽🤖💫💫💫☠️💞💞💞
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A great song for each of us I am sure and I wish it could be like never really met just passed each other in the mall a few years ago and just saying
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ada-renee · 6 years
Are you staying up to watch the ACMA? Do you know if it starts in about 4 hours? Which means the pink carpet is in 2, right? Do you think the boys will be in the audience? Do you think Blake now has got a short at winning since the winner in that category has yet to be named?
No, I’m definitely going to bed… 😴😴 The show starts around 2 am my time and it’s so much more relaxing for me to wake up at my usual time and just get the news of the night. Can’t change anything anyways and if there are good news it doesn’t matter that I won’t freak out in real time.
It looks like Blake’s category will be announced live and at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if the older boys will be in the audience for that. (And, uhm, just so I can say I said it first: If, IF, Blake wins, the boys will go on stage as well to collect that award…) I‘m not getting my hopes up, but we got (and still are getting) so much more out of this weekend than I ever thought possible that at this point nothing would surprise me.
I can’t wait to see the ILI performance (Are they aiming for a Grammy nomination with that acoustic version?!) but I’m not envious of you who have to sit through all of these different stress levels tonight… 😂
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bowser14456 · 6 years
I get that Josh is probably schizophrenic, but he's still a crazy fuck. I mean damn. I guess that creepy Dr.Hill guy is real? I don't know. All I know is Josh needs help. NOW. Anyways, enough for the Game Theories lol, I'm going to bed. Night. 😴✌
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