#anyway once again this post is for like two people specifically lmao
dorkylittleweirdo · 5 months
Anyway I hope Peter becomes evil too for a little bit bc he deserves more than anyone to tear Janine a new one lmao
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one in a million when i watch smthing in the horror genre and don't end up disappointed to/and/or pissed off about it so like "also yeah i liked it. ooo" is like relative to that an off the charts rave review of media of the millennium. also i did think about mh a lot along the way so would recommend its affect/effect if you like mh's horror too
#i didn't realize at first that's the director/creator tim's qrting. thought a rando went ''i love mh'' & he went ''& i love smthing else''#saw this a few weeks ago while also like writing or drawing or smthing like oh good plot's beside the point? b/c i'm splitting this focus#even checking in w/recaps was both like oh ok i missed that / didn't realize xyz could be a Thread or something but each of the like three#or four recaps i went over Also saw points differently in terms of even like; who was there or said what lmfao. or noting sm detail at all.#i went ''oh worm?'' at some early shot that may or may not have even gone mentioned by any of them. depending lol. doesn't matter#anyways we don't have time for tags media analysis except that i'll count this as: once again horror for children wins. even tho it's...#not rated? well anyways you know. probably generally not advisable for children as a direct audience lmao. however#like yes as per the premise as a child we've all experienced this [the media] anyways. perturbing summons dreams we've all had em#anyhow fr i'd even struggle to think of horror movies i'd say i mostly liked / would or did rewatch but still wasn't like. i disliked major#elements / choices to the point of being pissed off abt it. so many movies i can't be bothered to watch b/c i already know specifics like#i don't like or respect any of you people. or choices or elements or premises or executions or effects. not even interested fr like lord...#but often what has better odds are mediums that Aren't straightforwardly tv / film. like i'd compare mh to a series of several movies and#that's also imo largely a more apt categorization than saying it's an ARG or smthing but anyways like i'd recommend it to someone sure....#rare to be like yeah a movie was enjoyable. & if you already liked mh then that's a useful reference point here#which like usually i'd use mh as a categorical tag but idk i guess actually it's actively popular nowadays lmfao i really don't know#posting is already exhausting like whew but this one's for whosoever happens to follow me i guess#which is possible? nonzero ppl arrived for mh but unlikely lmfao. but also ppl see it on their own anyways coincidentally.#and you never know who observes the posts like hell yeah for an anon enjoying niche akd theatreposting who is to me ambiently out there#really odd the other day seeing an mh reblog like ''??? huh. i made that eons ago; then'' & people in the tags talking abt some repost like#on the one hand that Original Source post is two layers of deactivated blogs so a repost could be archival. but if they don't say as much#i.e. that it's even from a different source then that's not exactly it then is it. but also that even finding an original document For OP#is like. oh yeah that's me actually. but then knowing & technically saying as much doesn't / didn't actually affect me as that op lol#just kind of archival on both ends then. vs someone else in the tags saying they saw it on fb 9 yrs ago? definitely didn't post it there#my true op experience: keeping it nicheposting & just kind of saying sm shit & maybe some people are out there nodding thoughtfully#oh also in case fyi. that's tim as in actor playing [also tim] in mh. & did some writing for mh & other such behind the scenes efforts also#every time i look at the text in this post i notice a new typo of mine. get it tgoether (organic typo there. so; lol)
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forzalando · 6 days
I am obsessed with this idea and also my favourite activity (as of recently lmao) is drunk karaoke and of COURSE my dream would be to do it with lando !!!!
drunk karaoke with Lando would, and i'm not exaggerating, mean everything to me. i am in love with just the idea of this.
thank you for supporting me through the many phases of this blog and for entertaining my every thought/idea. adore you, mel💛 i hope you enjoy this blurb that was meant to be 300-400 words but ended up being 800+ lol
celebration post: here
Drunk Karaoke with Lando Norris under the cut😊
You quickly downed the shot thrust into your hand – sambuca, which meant it absolutely came from Lando since he was the only one who knew of your preference.  
He was on your left, sweaty and somehow wide awake despite the fact you’d been out for hours. Oscar was on your right, slowly swaying to the music with his eyes half shut. Somewhere across the club Charles and Pierre were dancing on an elevated surface while George videotaped them like a suburban soccer mom at her son’s first game. Here in Monaco, everyone partied post-race as if they themselves had made it to the top step over the weekend.
Out of nowhere, Lando fell into you as he shouted in your ear – “Do you know what I’ve always wanted to do?”
Oscar caught you before you could topple over, steadying you on your feet before shooting Lando a dirty look.
“Sorry, sorry,” Lando giggled. He centered himself and then put his hands on your shoulders, looking the most serious you’d ever seen him. “Anyway, do you know what I’ve always wanted to do?”
“Win at Silverstone? Become world champion?”
“Well, yes, but think smaller, you lunatic. Something I could do right now.”
“Out drink Max?”
“What? No, I don’t care about outdrinking Max, where did that come from?”
“Well, I just thought since he usually wins every race that you’d want to beat him at something – ”
“Oh my god, you’re impossible,” Oscar interjected. “He wants to do drunk karaoke. When we went out in Miami he was practically on his knees begging me to sing with him.”
A giant grin spread across your face as you playfully swatted Lando’s chest.
“Why didn’t you just say so? I happen to be an excellent karaoke partner,” you boasted.
Lando clapped his hands and jumped around like a toddler at your remark – “So, you’ll do it with me?”
Instead of answering, you snatched his hand and pulled him through the club at an impressive speed. You weren’t in a karaoke bar, quite far from it, but you planted yourself in front of the DJ booth and gestured to Lando. Security immediately pulled you both into the booth, perks of having Lando at your side, and the DJ of the night asked what she could do for you.
“Hi! Lando Norris wants to do drunk karaoke and I’m trusting that you can make that happen. It’s very important to him,” you professed.
“I think I might have a couple instrumentals or could make some magic happen. Any specific requests? You won’t have any lyrics on screen, though. And you’ll have to share a mic.”
Before you could ask what your options were, Lando was shouting, once again, in your ear.
“Lando, we won’t have the lyrics,” you reminded him.
“I don’t need them,” he declared, crossing his arms with attitude. “Maybe you need them, fake fan.”
“I most certainly do not,” you yelled back to Lando. “DJ, roll the track. Pretty please. You're amazing."
She chuckled and handed you the singular mic, Lando immediately snatching it from your hands.
“It’s my dream, I get to hold the mic.”
You rolled your eyes and fought back a smile, stepping into his side as he threw an arm around you.
The deafening bass from the speakers grew quiet as the DJ addressed the crowd of people – “we’ve got a special surprise tonight! These two lovely friends of mine up here are going to perform a special number for everyone. Please welcome – ”
She paused, waiting for you and Lando to introduce yourselves.
“Please welcome Lando Norris and Y/N Y/L/N to my booth. Show them some love!”
The clapping and cheering brought the volume in the club back to an obscene level – the loudest cheers coming from a VIP table not far from the booth where all of your friends had gathered.
Before you had a chance to feel the slightest bit self-conscious, the infamous laugh rang through the speakers and Lando was scream-singing into the mic.
The two of you in perfect sync, passing lines back and forth, singing (if you could call it that) in unison during the chorus. You could have sworn you heard George shout out that this was “his song” and Max was most definitely telling anyone who would listen that he personally knows Ginger Spice.  
You tore your eyes from the audience to look at Lando – the smile on his face rivaling the brightest sunny day. With his arm around you, squeezing you to his side, your closest friends cheering for you, your heart was sure to burst from happiness. There was no place you’d rather be in that moment than making a drunken fool of yourself with the most important person in your life by your side.
And if Lando was thinking the same thing, about how he was happier in that moment than he’d ever been, podiums and race win included, he’d keep that to himself for just a minute more.
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
#thinkin about teen dad marc…. like diplopia year…. <- say more callie
eye got. SIX asks about this lmao. but anything for you elle ofc. required reading on this is @yekoc’s vale knocks marc up in like 2013/14 post found here go read it (AND THE REPLIES !!! ). foundational text.
but in this one. vale is jerry springer voice NOT THE FATHERRRR. which i think would make his specific commitment issues significantly weirder and more complex. and marc MUCH more neurotic lmao. he has a baby to look after !!! AND he’s doing death defying stunts !!!
so marc either gets a girl pregnant and keeps the baby or gets knocked up and keeps the baby. choose your own adventure. he’s a teen. diplopia year cwaziness. fully like. i am injured and may never race again which i can’t fix instantly and easily so i’m going to HAVE THIS BABY. tries to #win at teen pregnancy. and marc is part of a VERY tight knit little family so once he gets better he absolutely carts that baby all around the world and inside the garage. (which. he comes back because he both wants to and HAS TO. marquez family finances already depended on him, now you add a tiny sweet infant into the mix that he is responsible for. marc is already psychotic about winning because of natural competitiveness and the aforementioned family pressures this would literally make him worse. crazier.) babychamp t-shirts new meaning. bouncing her on his knee in the box in 2012 BIG ASS baby ear protectors. santi very seriously explaining shit about tire pressure to the side. kissing her little cheek in parc ferme.
and vale. meets this baby/toddler. LOVES this baby/toddler. and as his relationship with marc takes shape it’s a little different! marc’s i’m old for my age complex is 9000x more pronounced but VALE’S i’m young for my age complex is toooooo… so it’s weirder. yes they start fucking but it’s also like. less often. less free time more baby time they don’t hang out at bars as much but every time vale sees marc he gets to hang out with a hot person he likes and sometimes he gets to be goofy for a leedle baby that he is RAPIDLY gaining affection for. marc leaves her with vale (HUGE TRUST. THE BABYSITTING LIST OUTSIDE OF FAMILY IS LIKE TWO PEOPLE.) when he goes to the bathroom and vale reaches over to grab her favorite toy (bugs bunny plush iykyk) without thinking and it’s like oh. oh no. like he spends enough time with her that he KNOWS HERRRR… doesn’t have the rigidity of the fuckbuddies dichotomy because they hang out so often WITH the baby so he can’t write the whole thing off as much. truly what do you do if you love and want to coparent a child. but are also exceedingly scared of commitment and growing older. well.
anyways vale is a freak so he turns that over in his head for a bit. scared 2 death. chews on that for a while. but when it really gets too deep for him is hmmmm ranch visit. when marc rocks up with his toddler (hot pink tiny bike for her that goes 1mph. baby pecco and luca and franky braiding her hair.) lethally adorable in a too big yellow vr46 hat that makes vale’s chest feel like RIBBONS.) and then marc races vale like he’s going to DIE. for NO reason. in a fun vibey recreational session. and vale’s fucking in it now!! every time marc takes a corner too fast his heart seizes up and marc’s daughter flashes in his brain (the baby curl of her hair and the way she reached for marc laughing from the crowd last race…) ans cold sweat breaks out across the back of his neck because if something happens to marc then—
so he pulls back. still waves to her in parc ferme. still makes stupid faces to make her laugh (feels like he’s FLYING. feels like WINNING.) and does grabby hands with marc on cooldown laps (eye ALSO think he doesn’t realize that his marc feelings are a separate entity for the baby feelings lmao. like that he would be worried about marc regardless. the baby is a good excuse here…) but. it’s interfering with his focus. he has to win his tenth. he can’t be coparenting this kid (she’s turning FOUR he’s been giving her bday presents for THREE YEARS NOW.) and worried about marc like that because marc is a competitor. and marc doesn’t feel that way anyways. marc is a bastard to him on track. marc is crashing all the time (WITHOUT VALE THERE. he hears about marc’s summertime hand injury and is like haha. and the baby was WERE. who is HOLDING HER??). and suddenly uccio is at his door and marc is a saboteur. and he’s getting older and he’s slower and jorge is GOOD and that’s— that gives something for vale to grab on to. to self destruct this before it can implode by itself. to make sense of all of this.
and afterwards— after sepang and their text thread drying up and everything. she still runs up to vale allll the time… finds him in the paddock tugs on marc’s hand until he lets her go… and vale always picks her up spins her around sends her back to her dad… still gets her a bday gift… marc watching with a sad smile on his faceeeee… vale DOES get over things faster in this universe because he wants to be more involved for babychild but. it’s rough there for a while when vale is still lying to himself and marc is creating RIGID structures for who he lets in to his daughter’s life because she STILL asks him to call vale so he can read the bedtime story because marc does NOT do the voices right… and he CANT CALL HIMMMM
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deviantartdramahub · 15 days
Sighhh so I really do hate to talk about the forums at all, because from what I saw, that place is an absolute shitstorm that's a headache to even begin to describe but...I just wanna reinforce a point I've been making for ages and give further proof of it. Someone may say it's dumb I'm repeating myself like that, but it's just the people I call out are very fucking stupid, and need things endlessly explained to them so they can have hopefully a shred of realization, and even then that's being too optimistic for their intelligence.
Sooo Evie, one of the morons attacking some good people I care about, specifically Club, one of my most best internet friends, and Tri, a person I don't know quite as well, but still a kind and calm person I know I can trust.
So the only reason people like her are attacking these two is bigotry. Purely bigotry. Club is autistic, and Tri is asexual, so asses who've never matured past high school like to target minorities like them to be cOoL aNd EdGy lolll.
I've already provided so much proof for this but...why not add some more, because as I've said, it's very unfortunately necessary when the bad people I have to deal with are completely brain-dead. So the forums, I've looked at the posts about them, and internally groaned at the thought of ever having to cover that shit myself. This will hopefully be the only time I do so. In the forums, I've seen Evie use slurs. Examples include...http://web.archive.org/web/20240516215957/https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2736800
https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2689626/5031912084 (In EdelgardMoon's thread...also Evie don't think your cringe-ass UWUifying the word gives you a pass lol, we know what you're trying to say.) AND SHE ALSO SAYS THE FUCKING N-SLUR IN EnryoAlpha's THREAD??? (Albeit once again butchered bc I guess this bitch thinks being SOOO QUIRKY AND RANDOM RAWR HEHEHEE XD makes it okay to say horrendous things lmao.)
Anyways Evie, it's clear to me you're a nasty person who doesn't give two shits about other people, you probably vomit at the very thought of giving another human being basic respect. You don't want to call out genuinely horrible people to help and protect others honey, nah, you just want to make up crap excuses for your bigotry, and it shows. I've got you in a corner, and I'm eagerly awaiting your excuses to escape. You're lucky you got that tail between your legs, or that kick in the groin would be real painful!
Anndd also, you may piss and whine about me harassing you or whatever lol, but I'm not gonna hear that shit when you actually do that for real everyday for funsies. Though I know you really are a coward, considering the fact on this very website you contacted me only to block me from saying anything else! XD
Fight the battles you start dear, lmao. You acting the way you do doesn't make you cool or funny, you're just pathetic and it's sad you're a full grown woman spending your life like this.
Anyways bye bye, God these people are getting more and more pathetic and laughable.
Agreed, regardless of her defense she might wish to give. Of note, she flunked school, so the school part may have another meaning.
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bunthebreadboy · 3 months
so i’ve been on my atla bs once again, and while rewatching today i got the lovely thought that azula reminded me of a specific kpop idol and spiraled from there. so. here’s my personal list of kpop idols as atla characters!!
these are mostly based on vibes and/or visuals. by no means do i mean to make idols i think are similar to the show’s antagonists out to be bad people!!! i will give an explanation behind my thoughts as well.
also disclaimer, i know next to nothing about boy groups, so please spare me lol
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seungkwan (seventeen) as aang
- once again, i know nothing about boy groups
- i did however watch the devil’s plan (amazing show by the way, it’s on netflix) and the positive but still very determined vibe seungkwan brought to the show reminded me of aang
- also, this selfie of him reminds me of the one scene with aang in the flower crown
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jihyo (twice/soloist) as katara
- extremely hard workers who trained for years to get to where they are now
- have natural leadership abilities and are total mom friends
- would cuss someone out if they were very annoyed
- thanks to jeongyeon and her water bottles, jihyo is actually a pro waterbender already (jeongyeon is pakku but without the misogyny. the entire pakku/katara fight is just a compilation every single concert encore where jeong and jihyo bicker)
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chan (skz) as sokka
- this honestly just felt right
- every time i see a clip of chan on a live i end up laughing
- i have also heard from stays that skz would collapse without chan and i very much think the same of sokka since he’s the ideas guy
- also aussie sokka lmao
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hyunjin (loossemble) as toph
- competitive level 1000000 (please watch one episode of loossemble assemble and tell me i’m wrong)
- would do something out of spite but is also very protective of friends
- cannot be left alone without causing hazards
- theft (“stealing can be fun” -hyunjin)
- chaos reincarnate when younger, calmer (a bit) when older
- toph would also wear that shirt and pretend she didn’t know what it said even though sokka told her
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heejin (artms/soloist) as suki
- i mostly thought of this because heejin and hyunjin are former loona members and good friends. which would make the scene where suki saves toph from drowning even funnier imo
- but also have you SEEN this woman’s muscles??? i have full confidence that heejin could handle her own in a fight
- every sapphic i know who’s seen atla had a crush on suki growing up and every sapphic loona stan i’ve met (which is most loona stans) has had a crush on heejin
- heejin’s lore in loonaverse is basically being a god and i personally equate that to suki
- also, they’re dorks
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siyeon (dreamcatcher) as azula
- LITERALLY THE REASON I THOUGHT OF THIS POST (specifically vision era hello???) LOOK AT HER
- siyeon is at the scene of the crime like 90% of the time something chaotic happens in dreamcatcher so i can fully imagine her cosplaying azula and running around with sparklers or something
- she’s also very good at looking evil in mvs so i think she could play azula
- that scene in the deja vu music video right before the last chorus when fire shoots up from behind her? she’s literally a firebender
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seonghwa (ateez) as zuko
- i know absolutely NOTHING about ateez aside from a couple of their title tracks but this man looks so much like siyeon i couldn’t resist
- idk i just feel like they’d be good at being the fire disaster siblings
- he also looks like he’d eat up the “the scar is not on the wrong side” line for some reason???
- was probably an angsty teenager at some point
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miyeon (gidle) as ty lee
- nobody can out femme either of these two
- cute extroverts who could also be deadly (like imagine x-file miyeon during boiling rock)
- i feel like ty lee would LOVE doing dance challenges with anyone and everyone
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bibi (soloist) as mai
- i am fully aware that bibi isn’t an idol but i couldn’t resist
- she just gives the mai vibes honestly. you know that trope where the guard asks the character to hand over all of their weapons and just stands there and stares as said character pulls out knives from everywhere? that is both bibi and mai
- bibi is also the queen of every concept so i fully believe she could probably play the entire cast of atla in a chaotic one-woman show
anyways i hope you enjoyed my chaos rambling and i kind of want to do this with other shows so if you liked this please leave me recommendations!
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swampcatzx · 29 days
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Creepypasta OC/Au introduction #1 yay
hello dear friends!!:3 First slenderverse au character introduction!!
This is Nevada Ustrashkin "Cadaverine" They are one of the proxies that work at the local funeral parlor that is owned by one of the Operator/Slendermans proxy supervisors (BASICALLY Slenderman Has a lot of different proxies in my au Like ALOT most of them work normal jobs that tie back to slenderman he's also not extremely evil in this au id say his in the middle??but yeah BASICALLY proxies work in like detachments kinda like in army!so every other team Has a leader that orders the proxies by the orders that they get from Operator/Slenderman,the groups always consist of max 10 proxies at most)
Their "normal" job is Tanatocosmetologist however as a proxy they are under the rank of reaserchers(In this au there are like classes/ranks proxies have for example;Scientist are called Reaserchers,Secuirty,medics etc ill make a seperate post for that)
BASICALLY what they do is expirement on decaying bodies and mix body acids etc with other chemicals to create poisons and other weird shit like this!unlike Xvirus tho they keep strictly to working on dead bodies and also run some small surgeries.
As for their character:DD
Other proxies tend to describe them describe them as a little bit of a pushover and people pleaser atleast that' what it seems like
in reality tho they are calm and Reserved person tho they can get pretty cold easly once they hear something they dont like,gets really easly frustrated to a point where they would just straight up leave proxy meetings they have once a Month to discuss important topics lmao.
Nevada is 18 years old!
They are russian and romanian!
Their father was also once a reasercher serving slenderman until he was never to be seen again
they speak 8languages in total
Autistic!!special intrest is Chemistry and Carebears LMAO specifically those old ones tho
Nonbinary they/them only pls
on very good terms with other proxies in their team that consists of two other people;Alana Bjorklønd and Eliza Fischer (They are besties tho Eliza makes fun of them all the time and Alana is their baby sitter lmao)
RIVALS with Xvirus 😰😰😰but this will change as the story progresses tho!!👀👀
definition of nerd emoji!
unfurtunetly they are pretty weak physically so they dont really get sent to more of the physically hard missions one punch and they are gone BRO
Studied under Nurses Ann eye for three months!(Ann runs a clinic??she s like the boss of all the medics in this au)
Blind in one eye
Their "lab" is so old the lamp barely work;in order to get in their they need to go inside a trapdoor in the funeral parlor basement it LOOKS HORRYFYING AND THEY HATE IT
very i mean VERY protective of children
(side note for the colors hair is Black skin rather pale?the whole aesthetic is kinda like those morute/gloomy coquettes with gas masks from Pinterest lmao)
ANYWAYS nothing here makes sense im too autistic for this app but yeah IF anyone would be intrested to join me in making this au PLSSS I NEED FRIENDS TO BRAINSTORM THIS ILY GUYS YAY SEND ME ASKS OR WHATEVER THIS IS CALLED PLS :33
the tag ill be using for this is Nocturneslenderverseau since that's what i called it LMAO djxjndnf
pls teach me how to use this app pls-
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
Let's get some good shit done: 9/26/23
In the name of encouraging each other, supporting each other, and reminding us all how many ways there are to help - how much each of us can make a difference -
Reply or comment (or add in the tags if you’d prefer) with something you did recently to help the environment, your community, or people who need it. Big or small.
Here’s my version. It's been an unusually good couple weeks I think!
Got certified in CPR and first aid (this was to apply for some jobs but I'm still really glad I did it in general)
Started to once again actually honor my damn commitment to wearing masks in stores and the like (slipped over the summer unfortunately)
Researched soil rehabilitation to teach stuff to my mom
Got my mom to start raking dead leaves onto all the (many, many) bare patches in our backyard. Other steps to follow. Soon the yard is gonna be so much healthier! (I hope!)
Relatedly, stopped my mom from accidentally killing all her herb plants by leaving them somewhere with insufficient sun (nobody ever tell my mom I post about this shit lmao)
About to start applying for some care work jobs (cross your fingers for me)
Called my representatives to tell them not to vote for KOSA, on privacy/human rights reasons
Got "smudging ceremony" instructions cut from a business book by a white and non-Indigenous author, now replaced with smoke cleansing. If I'm very lucky my explanatory lil essay will get the author to make the switch in their own business as well
Actually I think I removed smudging from two different books in the past month? (I'm a book editor for context) So that's always good
Removed some ableist language from those books while I was at it. This kind of thing doesn't always come up, but it's always really nice when I get to actually help fix this stuff
Honestly, one of the things that makes me really heartened and feel hopeful about the future is the way I've seen things shift re: sensitivity edits. When I started working in publishing (less than 10 years ago!), I had to carefully count and ration all of my sensitivity comments/notes to make sure they were taken seriously and that none of my bosses or coworkers got pissed at me
Now, I literally advertise sensitivity edits as one of my specialties up front, I regularly get actively thanked and praised specifically for those notes, and I don't have to hold back at all (tho I do ofc still write them very politely)
We still have a ways to go, but there really has been so much of a change in attitudes on this front, writ large
Anyway, essay over - tell me about the cool things you all did!
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bisexualfemalemess · 10 months
Question; Is it already appropriate to stop putting a spoiler warning on my posts? lmao
Anyway, Let’s talk about 4x05 specifically, Ricky’s line “Last summer, I was terrified, when I realized i had real feelings for gina.”
Because maybe this will put the pw/rini fans down and help them accept that rina is and was supposed to be endgame no matter what happened with liv and josh. Also, I’ve literally never seen anyone talk about this and maybe i’m just exaggerating lmao.
I think Ricky could have just as easily said something along the lines of “when i realized i had feelings/ when i realized i developed real feelings for gina” but he didn’t. Because he knew he liked Gina from the moment she kissed his cheek in that orange bug after homecoming, we’ve seen them flirt and we’ve seen him shoot a shot several episodes after that and I don’t know about you but i don’t give a spin hug to my friends. He stopped pursuing Nini as soon as gina came into the picture and that’s a fact, they didn’t bring the rickyxnini couple storyline back until after Gina moved, he didn’t actively pursue nini until Gina told him to stop calling and even then he kept texting her and we see him distracted throughout the next episode, the almost kiss didn’t happen until after Gina had replied and told him they were leaving early, only once he knew gina was completely out of the picture, did he go back to nini. He said it himself, he reverted back to his old self because he didn’t have gina in his life anymore and when gina told him she wouldn’t quit on them if she wasn’t moving away he genuinely looked upset about it as well. In episode 1 of season 2 at Ashlyn’s new years even party, that boy did a Triple Take when gina went to get a root-beer, the feelings were still there, they were just buried because he didn’t think he would see Gina again when he made his confession to Nini so he held on to what he used to know and who he used to be, because we all know that ricky bowen is not good with change. Now, in episode three of the season, the iconic valentines episode, The way he looks at her, the way his voice softens while talking to her, his line “I think you’ll get yours too.” After gina told him that every girl likes a sweet gesture, THE NEXT SCENE BEING THE CHOCOLATES, the fact that ricky got messages from nini and gina only seconds apart but he only looked onto his face once gina’s message came on, all of these things hint towards ricky’s feelings, even in 2x04 when Nini came to surprise the group in the bomb shelter, Ricky and Gina looked like they just got caught cheating even though all they did was talk and laugh. Last point, Episode five and six, He was in awe of gina when she was dancing (gina porter effect) and only went to gina for advice on nini because she had helped him the previous two times when he hadn’t even actually asked for advice in 2x04 and 2x03, The boy probably thought she was trying to get over him. In the next episode even though she had already tried to break off contact with him, he still asked to partner up with her and smiled at her when she looked at him while saying she doesn’t know what her heart desires. Even during Ashlyn’s retention of home we see ricky look at gina when he comes back in. RICHARD BOWEN HAS ALWAYS HAD FEELINGS FOR GINA PORTER, THE SEASON 3 PLOT LINE WAS NOT RANDOM OR CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. Ricky just finally realized what he could’ve had if gina didn’t move away once he lost it. RINA WAS ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN AND BE ENDGAME. THEY DIDNT COME OUT OF NOWHERE OR ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE OLIVIA LEFT. Because, fact-check Season 2 was filmed before the drivers-license drama, they did not break them up because things between liv and josh got tense. Your ship was not supposed to be endgame.
(In tomorrows post i will rant about the people who say that rina copied rini and portwells scenes And that gina is the new nini because literally where?)
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
In the wake of the new Limbus Brainrot because Canto 4 ended, I've been seeing a certain... Dante related theory... making the rounds again and I wanted to post my thoughts about it.
Putting it under the cut for length reasons- No specific spoilers?, I just don't wanna blast people with the text wall lmao
I gotta say, I really hate the Dante = Ayin theory. Desperately.
Not any hate to the people theorizing- not like that, I just already have a deep hatred of [x person is actually y person]/Reincarnation/etc. theories.
Why, you may ask? Well, in the case of this theory specifically, I have three main reasons.
1 - The vibes of the two characters themselves
Important note, I actually like both characters. I know some people have A Lot to say about Ayin, and honestly so do I (Probably different things but yea), but I generally don't mind him as much as some other people seem to.
I also love Dante.
And Specifically, I'll say- I like them both for Incredibly Different Reasons. Different enough reasons that I feel that mixing the two would ruin them both. I mean sure, Dante CLEARLY has something going on in the memories they can't yet remember, but honestly? Ayin already had his arc. HAD his chance in the spotlight- a whole game of it. I wouldn't mind a cameo, or reason for him to be important in some way, but I'd be crushed if all the reasons I've come to love Dante were smothered by "oops all Ayin"
I feel like it would make it almost... Pointless? "Oh yea this character may have had their whole character arc, but surprise! They aren't REALLY their own person and are instead this dude who already had his character arc!"
2 - They/Them Dante Supremacy™
Now, considering that the meme They/Them Dante post that I made blew up and is now my most popular post on my blog, I think its safe to say where I stand on the Dante's Pronouns part of everything-
I think it would be kind of... dismissive of that to make "Oh yea they were they/them to hide their identity" Because uhhh. Their identity is already hidden. We can't see their face. Literally anyone could have their head taken, a clock replaced, and that outfit slapped on and it generally wouldn't matter-
I feel like it kind of would send the message of "They can only count as they/them because their everything is hidden and we can't tell anyway" which??? No??? Even once Dante's actual head gets revealed, if people start switching calling them to whatever gender they look the most like and the game still uses they/them I'm Going To Bite People.
3 - ??
The least plot relevant, and the most just vibe based is- I just kinda feel like this type of reveal in writing often kinda feels like a cop out? I mean, I'm sure there's probably a well done version of one of these, but I sure as hell haven't found it yet-
I mean, in a BIG city with TONS of characters, there is SO MUCH plot that a character can have, without needing to jump back to a character that they already have. Sure- Project Moon Protags often have a Big Reveal, and its often Shocking- but does it really need to be a rehashed reveal from the first game? "boo he's old news get new material" ya know?
Anyway yea. I don't like the theory- Never have from the first time I saw a post about it.
If you like it, feel free to keep on with it- I don't mean this to say "If you theorize this, you suck" or anything, I just keep seeing it, and felt the desire to put my own two cents in~
But yea, keep on with it if you like it? Maybe tag it something specific and I'll just block the tag lmao
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carpedzem · 9 months
questionnaire results that i didnt forget about at all
im okay so i forgot and then forgot again a few times. ANYWAY. enjoy the results!!
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i cant post every written answer, so heres my favourite :)
whats your favourite animal, be as specific as possible
Peregrine Falcon
domestic cat! specifically MY cats but any cat will do
your mom
Black bear. One tried to walk into my house recently and he was really cute but I had to tell him no :( (ARE YOU OK?)
Dumbo octopus
fancy rats
honestly i’ve always been too scared to settle on one animal as a favorite, because it feels like a question with no satisfying answer. like if i had to be honest it’s probably dogs? because i’ve grown up around them, they’re an animal i like beyond just aesthetic purposes. but when you hear this sort of question, you wonder if the asker wants to hear about something exotic, some random interest that caught the interviewees eye at a young age and never left their conscious. anyways i think it’s probably house cats
rainbow trout, luzon-bleeding hearts, and horses.. dogs too
emperor penguin
any type of liddol snake. I love them so
sea sheep
Long eared Jerboa
(most people chose cat)
george (42,5%)
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second place with also a lot of votes (37%)
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sapnap (45,7%)
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dream (44,1%)
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this is my favourite question and i cant believe i misspelled it
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you can put two of your mutuals against each other in a fight. who do you chose
i can’t answer this they all hate one another it’s too real. bellaya (bellaya was the most popular answer)
Lost and Kiuda. There can only be one (one of what)
Can I just give loyal a nice spa day? I'd like to give loyal a nice spa day
violence is never the answer
i would fight them all myself obviously
I fear that no matter who I put here they'd just give up and make out instead
I only have two moots I joined tumblr a day ago help (i wonder how this person likes it here so far)
Nunki "demonstars" vs Nov "sueñitos" for La Velada 2024
no fighting…. sharika shakira
Gogciety v powergnf battle of the golos
im giving you a gun with only one bullet. what do you do (vent section) (while a lot of answers made me laugh a lot im gonna skip ones that can get us in trouble LMAO. but remember you made ME laugh)
Listen would killing q give us usmp back? No. Would it make me feel SO MUCH BETTER??????? YES!!!!!! (i mean obv q took like half of the shots. the other popular answer was just lining everyone)
I give it to Sapnap. He has made it clear he will kill for Dream god bless
am i given a time machine? can i shoot someone already dead? does it have to be someone reasonably killable? the answer to these questions is irrelevant because no matter what i want it to be steve jobs.
shoot at internet cable
going to british land and the first dumbass cc i see gets it
use it to open a jar because my hands are very weak and im too embarrassed to ask anyone else to open it for me
only one :(?
Lay it carefully on the ground.
hand it to George he could judge more fairly than I (and hope he doesn't shoot Sapnap)
i send the gun and bullet to the dteam house as a secret gift with a note explaining that it's for sapnap and george only, and a letter stating to pass extras to the rest of the munchy squd. if we all donate our weapons to them, they'll be able to shoot all of dream's haters. the only obstacle is dream himself, which is why he can't know what's in the box.
Give it to gnf&sapnap and watch them fight over it
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top drolo 2023 - ones i forgot about
Radio statio guy
me. sorryyr i dont mean that
you (im soo not BUT THANK YOU)
I think all munchies deserve this spot, theyre all the best drolos :(( i love them
powergpu guy (jesse)
george deserves it tbh for slut smp (that is true, but i excluded snf bc i was afraid they will sweep...)
Lil nas X
THATS ALL. thank you everyone who took part in this AND ONCE AGAIN IM SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT IT.... ill be better next time o7
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raunchybanana69 · 11 months
KH1-KH2 parallels to FF7 (Pt.3)
If you haven't looked at the first two parts please check them out
Riku + Ansem SoD + Sora parallels to Cloud + Sephiroth + Tifa (feat. small Kairi and Aerith parallel)
KH2 and Advent Children Parallels
So If you haven't gathered already from reading the first post, Tetsuya Nomura was working on Advent Children at the same time of the CoM and KH2 production. And by now if you haven't already saw the parallels in KH1 and CoM, Nomura basically all but shows you that Riku parallels Cloud, Sora parallels Tifa, and Ansem SoD parallels Sephiroth by this game.
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Here we have a very obvious in your face parallel of Sora looking for Riku and Tifa looking for Cloud. If you haven't already seen the Sora and Tifa parallels, then...
Interesting thing to note is that Advent Children only came out a couple months in Japanese theaters before the release date of KH2. Nomura choosing the Advent Children outfits for specifically Cloud and Tifa (and Yuffie) while leaving Aerith and Sephiroth unique outfits was definitely a choice. Whether it's a matter of wanting to promote Advent Children for $$ or wanting people to looking into Advent Children because the parallels are interwoven into the KH writing (we can only speculate).
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This one is more of a visual parallel with how Cloud and Riku look away. But also Aerith asks Cloud "you mean you don't want me there when you go away again?" and Cloud replies with "I just--- Listen even if I go far away, I'll come back". Aerith asks "Do you mean it?"
Cloud is unsure of whether he will come back or not which parallels Riku who was originally just going to leave once he was sure Sora and Kairi were safe.
Another note is how Aerith's KH2 outfit is something unique and incorporates white in her pink color palette which makes me wonder...
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If you haven't gathered already that Sora was looking everywhere for Riku then idk...
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When you look into the actual Advent Children movie, you'll start to see similar dialogue to KH2. In Advent Children, Cloud has Geostigma (a disease described as "the Sephiroth gene") and he camps out in the abandoned church for a couple weeks in seclusion while trying to find a cure. We see Tifa and Marlene stumbling upon Cloud's stuff. Marlene asks "Is Cloud Sick?" which Tifa replies with "He should have told me" ("Why didn't he say something?" in localization) a couple seconds later she says "I think he wants to fight alone" then pauses "I don't think that he will"
Sora in KH2 when finally reuniting with Riku is like "Why didn't you let me know you were okay?" and Riku replies with "I didn't want to be found... not like this."
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Lmao funny dialogue but also
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If you have not picked up on Riku paralleling Cloud and Ansem SoD paralleling Sephiroth then idk what to tell you...
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Fun visual of driving a vehicle to the boss fight.
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During the Bahamut boss fight, Cloud is being lifted by his team, and as Tifa lifts Cloud, in the Japanese version she says something like "まだんだ" (not over yet!) which got localized to "No giving up"
When Sora helps Riku up he says "まだ 終われないんだ" (it's not over yet) which got localized to "Don't say another word. It's not over, it's just not"
Anyways that's the end of the long post, keep winning Soriku
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noxiatoxia · 2 months
HEY so I know its been a minute since I've sent an ask, but I saw some of your posts about danganronpa, specifically regarding another episode, udg, and I was agasp because I was literally in the middle of playing it for the first time lmao. So after finishing the game last night I really wanted to ask, if you want to ofc, your in depth thoughts on the game and why you like it so much, or even thoughts on the gameplay and mechanics since its so different than the danganronpa staple. I quite liked it personally because of Komaru and Toko's relationship, them becoming two of my fav characters in the franchise so far, and because I became very endeared to the kids by the end of the story. I have some qualms with how Kotoko was handled in chapter 3 at... that part... but she's also my favorite of the kids at the same time lol.
Anyways yeah no pressure at all, I just was really curious because I liked the game a lot and found it so funny that you posted stuff about it as I was playing it. Also because I really enjoy your ouran opinions. But again I get if not, the game has some senstive subjects for sure. Thanks!
Okay....where to even START....
(I will be referring to UDG as DR:AE or just AE in this. SPOILERS FOR ALL OF DR:AE.)
Firstly, the environment. Unlike the main series, DR:AE does not take place in a secluded area away from the real world. It does the opposite; you are in such a vast area, you are not caged, yet you are still trapped. Even if Komaru didn't have that wristband on her, where would she go? The game is great at highlighting what the world outside of what we are told in the mainline games is actually like, how caged things are even outside, all while expanding upon existing characters' backgrounds by introducing family members, or little pieces of dialogue that serve to flesh out the world.
The gameplay itself, personally, I find VERY fun. I'm not a shooter game person, but DR:AE was a game I could play many times over. I love the different types of ammo, the puzzles, the possibilities with how to destroy the monokumas. Just a fun game all around. It's by far the most replayable Danganronpa game, as the main series games are all about the story. Once you know the story, there's really no reason to replay them. In fact, they are quite slow and boring without the intrigue of the mystery.
But the highlight, obviously, is the characters. As is Danganronpa's specialty.
While I still maintain Hajime is the most interesting protagonist of the series, Komaru serves as a great subversion of the expectations set up by Makoto's actions in the first game. Makoto is someone who preserved no matter what, changed those around him with his hope. He was your quintessential paragon protagonist. While Komaru displays this a little in some scenes (namely rallying the adults under Haiji's protection) this is only the result of speaking from her own wants and experiences. That is to say, unlike Makoto who always tried to help others even if it cost his own life, Komaru is much more realistic. She cares, first and foremost, about her safety. Her helping others to stand up for themselves comes from her own desire to keep fighting so she can live, and so she imparts that onto the people around her. Fight so you can live. She says it herself: she is not like Makoto. She is selfish, she is not endlessly optimistic. She's more like Hajime in this way, but unlike Hajime who find his own brand of philosophy, Komaru really doesn't. Rather, while Hajime's character serves to show you don't have to choose a predetermined path (hope or despair) and rather your path can simply be believing in yourself, Komaru's character shows that sometimes, and maybe even most of the time, believing in yourself or a specific ideal is not feasible. Komaru believes in the people around her - namely Toko. She believes in her friend, and believes with her friend that things can keep going. This in my opinion is an excellent twist on Makoto, who was, by all means, that friend that people believed in, not the one doing the believing.
And, as an aside, Toko and Komaru have the best development of any pair of characters in the series. Yes, even moreso than Hajime and Komaeda (who I maintain never really had "development" between each other than just a very, very good dynamic from the get-go that was influenced at points by outside plot forces on Komaeda's end. Think Light and L from Death Note in this manner).
Now, let me talk about the real meat of the game, and my favorite characters to date in the whole series: The Warriors of Hope.
I won't lie that I'm biased. I'm very biased for these guys. But I think a lot of people don't give these guys the credit they deserve considering this is a Japanese game. In Japan, child abuse is a bit of a taboo topic (that thankfully has been resolving over time). Due to the nature of Japan's politeness system and "family above all else" attitude, many child abuse cases not only go unreported, but are flat out ignored. The epidemic of babies dying in coin-operated lockers being an especially egregious example of rampant child abuse that occurred. Despite being prevalent since 1971, it took till 1993 to be socially addressed.
This is just one example, but I think it serves my point: child abuse is/was an issue in Japan when it comes to socially speaking of it. ( In fact, in the game itself, Nagisa and Kotoko both directly say they tried to reach out and get help, but were ignored by adults). This is why art regarding child abuse is so important. And that's why a huge series like Danganronpa centering a game about child abuse is such a huge deal. It sparks discussion and promotes visibility of the topic. Not to say media before hadn't talked about it - in fact, there is a lot of Japanese media about child abuse for this very reason - but that does not undermine the importance of Danganronpa deciding to portray it so openly. It is even more important, to me, that they do not stop at physical or sexual abuse. Rather, abuse focused on verbal harm and emotional neglect are portrayed as being just as damaging, which is one of the most overlooked and underplayed forms of abuse in general.
Their portray of abuse also is rather accurate. I will make a confession: I was definitely a bit too young to play danganronpa when I did. Definitely not 18 yet. But I was a teen, and very aware of different types of abuse, sexual abuse included. But despite all the PSAs, books I had read on my own or even ones assigned to me for classes, I had never seen a sexual assault victim be portrayed as hypersexual before. In fact, I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Yes, it is very, very likely I just got Komaeda levels of unlucky to not encounter that in any of my reading or research material at the time, but I think it's common, nonetheless, that people to this day still have the misconception that sexual abuse victims are all afraid of sex or anything sexual. While that is true for some, many people are now becoming more aware that sexual abuse survivors can often display hypersexual tendencies. In this way, I DID learn a lot about the effects of sexual abuse based on how Kotoko acted, and was able to do my own research from there to learn more. Furthermore, the game is good at portraying things like specific triggers in the form of words, smells, items, or specific phrases. Again, I feel it's mostly stereotyped that most triggers are objects that "make sense" like cigarettes or alcohol (much like with what Masaru was afflicted with). But the game made sure to include ones that were "non conventional" like specific words ("gentle" in Kotoko's case) and portrayed both triggers, no matter how common or uncommon, as equally severe. The game also shows negative effects child abuse can have on those around the children. After all, the WoH would not be doing the things they were doing if it weren't for how they were treated in the first place.
(Aside: This is particularly WHY I get so mad when people hate on DR:AE for being "icky". If you are personally uncomfortable with topics of child abuse, that is wholly reasonable and you do not have to play or even like a game that centers on that. You are in your full right and perfectly valid to say "I think this is gross and uncomfortable, therefore I do not like it" or "I don't like this game because I felt personally overlooked/triggered by it" or "I don't like this game because I felt it was not fun or well written". But to say it is objectively "problematic" or "disgusting" to have a game like this exist? That is just spitting in the face of people trying to advocate for visibility of child abuse. You are doing nothing but making people like myself who felt vindicated, seen, or educated by this game like bad guys. Sincerely, please do not call a game that does not shy away from the uncomfortable realities of child abuse "problematic" based on that alone.)
(Aside aside: there are "problematic" elements in the game and things to criticize as is true of all media. The Kotoko minigame I would say is the biggest "why is this in here" moment and is definitely just a fan service scene. I don't like it either. This does not mean the game itself and as a whole is valueless or bad.)
That leads into my next point: I love how morally gray the "good" and "bad" guys are. The WoH aren't doing what they're doing (save Monaca) because they want to hurt people for the lolz (though they have fun with it, as kids would). They think what they're doing is genuinely good. It's a good way to rival Junko, who knew she was evil and batshit crazy, but didn't care. These kids think they are helping children and keeping them safe. And they're kids - young kids can't really think in very complex manners. If you were treated horribly by most adults in your life, and your peers were as well and shared the same sentiments as you, you would be 100% convinced your convictions were righteous then. Hell, I've met adults that think this way (pretty much all extremists who think anyone part of x group, race, gender, religion, etc is evil). A kid thinking this way is very realistic. They are also all different levels of "morally gray". Nagisa, for example, ends up helping Komaru because he feels that a paradise for children is more important than the sole idea of killing all adults. Meanwhile, Monaca, perhaps because of the abuse she suffered all her life, has become a person that we can assume will just enact similar abusive tactics on everyone around her till the day she dies. While it's a misconception that people who suffer abuse often turn into abusers themselves (they simply just have a higher chance to commit crimes, anything from petty crimes to violent ones) there are undoubtedly cases where this does happen. A real life example is Douglas Spinx (HUGE TW; CSA & BESTIALITY). My point is: the portrayal of abuse victims in many different lights from people who can inflict harm unintentionally but with help and intervention can make recoveries to those who, in the rarest and saddest of cases, will turn to a full life of inflicting harm on others intentionally, is important - for someone like me, at least. Without the proper care or attention, horrible things like these can happen. I find this a very important thing to be open about.
Then we have Haiji. Haiji is supposed to be a "good guy". He's cowardly, yes, but he does fight to help the adults being killed. He attempts to bolster moral. But...despite having good intentions and even doing some good things, he's kind of horrible. After all, he's the one who contributed to Monaca's abuse and made her the way she is now. He's just like the kids except reversed; he thinks all children are evil because they're the ones killing everyone. And in his position, I do think most people would feel that way. I mean, if literally every kid in your area was wearing a helmet that turned them fuckin murderous and were killing all your friends and family would you, after enduring months of this, still bother to be like "not all kids though!". Likely not. Even though it is wrong, it is still a realistic way these things would pan out, much like how it did for the WoH. I mean, for a real life example, one need not look further than one of those extremist radical feminist blogs here on Tumblr that believes every single person born male is a brute. Most of those people believe that way because they have personally been hurt by one or several males in their lives, and y'know, fear and pain leads to hate and all of that.
Speaking of, I like the brainwashing in this game far more than in DR3 the anime (spoilers for that later on but tbqh DR3 is not worth anyone's time). I never liked brainwashing as a trope - I feel it is lazy. However, in DR:AE and DR1 they're utilized pretty well. In DR1 it's literally glossed over as "does it really matter? The outcome is more important than the means" which considering DR1, moreso than any other game in the series, is a satire and is supposed to focus on absurdity, I think having the brainwashing LITERALLY be hand-waved as "eh, it just happened" makes a lot of sense thematically with the goofy writing. But as you know, as DR went on, it became more and more serious with itself (for...better and worse...) in DR:AE, I like how the brainwashing affects only the nameless children. DR3's anime was lazy by having all the main characters get brainwashed by a funny little video, both in future&despair arc. In AE, it's a helmet. I think this makes much more sense as theoretically the helmet could be attached to the actual brains of these people. Plus, as said in the game, they blow up when the controller is destroyed, giving credence to that theory. The brainwashing in AE is not a vehicle to explain why main characters act the way they do. Rather, it's just a device used to create background conflict/build up the main villains, leaving the main characters to be affected by persuasion and manipulation (the objectively better version of "brainwashing").
Circling back to the WoH, outside of their thorough portrayals of abuse and standings as "villains who think they are doing the right thing", they're just fun. Like, legit, I just think they're fun. Outside of their trauma, they aren't very complex, but that's the point. The game is a commentary about abuse and how it affects you, the people around you, and the world. The WoH are not the characters meant to be developed and complex entities who undergo deep changes - that is left to our protagonists. As most series with static characters do, they assign each member a core personality. Every Warrior of Hope has a number of traits influenced by this personality (the "sporty" one, the "smart" one, etc) that make them vastly different from each other, making them not only distinct but just fun to watch their personalities clash. After all, if they were not bonded by their trauma, they probably wouldn't be friends at all. it's honestly like a Teen Titans situation in that way, and I've always loved stuff like that. Of course, their personalities are also heavily influenced by their trauma, again a realistic depiction of how trauma can and will change who you are as a person and present itself in many facets of your actions.
I THINK that's all my MAIN points. Suffice to say, DR:AE is my favorite game in the series. I think it's the most fun, has the best character developments and dynamics, I think its story is the most emotional and deep-cutting, and it really spoke to me during a time that I needed something like this to reach me. I won't say it's the best DR game in terms of overall narrative (that honor goes to SDR2) but it comes close. And I know not everyone will feel the same way about this game that I do. Thanks for this ask; yet another reminder I need to do my bi-yearly replay of this game.
(Footnote so I don't get "so you hate waffles"'d: my bringing real-life examples into this is not to say those instances are exactly like what happens in the video game nor to say they are on the same level of importance. Obviously real life is far more important and complex than anything that could happen in a game. I only bring them up to support my points about certain aspects being realistic by using, well, real life examples.)
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morvantmortuary · 1 month
I tried to post something at the show itself, but tumblr… ate it :’D alas.
so, a few days late but still exciting, have some photos of the tiny!morvants accompanying me and our bestie @bigtiddythanos to the Hozier show over the weekend!!
(left is me trying to take a photo of them in my lap in their Enclosure, right is tiddy generally providing a better angle from where they were sitting in front of us lmao.)
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we had really amazing seats at the very end of our row, which meant we both got to go absolutely feral during respective songs (me during Francesca, specifically, bc I didn’t think he was going to play it and then I throttled poor Tiddy’s hands all the way through), and not worry about crowding anyone with our massive emotions lmao
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this photo’s a bit zoomed in, but you get the general sense of where we were!
The Man himself was amazing: he was tall, his hair was up and then it was down, and he said the sweetest little “thank you so much! :D” after each song when the crowd lost their minds, as though we’d all just shown up to a little club gig and he hadn’t literally sold out the entire venue. he even came out in the crowd for his first encore, Cherry Wine!! (which I have video of but won’t post so I don’t have to subject people to me singing along under my breath :’D)
and ofc, here he is after his last song of the official set (none other than Take Me to Church, which was its own kind of religious experience ngl), with the pride flag he brought up for his mic:
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it’s grainy, but I thought the thumbs up was so cute lmao
part of the original, pre-show post that got eaten was me guessing which song each necromancer(/vampire) would lose their mind during if it got played. however, now that I’ve experienced the whole set for myself, I can tell you with certainty what songs each of them would definitely have flipped out about that evening :D
Maxi - To Be Alone and It Will Come Back, bc they’re both v much how he feels about you. Probably the one freaking out the most during the whole evening; you’ll recall Hoze was his favorite artist to sprawl out on the embalming table and daydream about you to during the early days of your relationship. ;D actually, there was also one dude there in a full suit (with his girlfriend, in her own flowing black dress morticia-style, I was extremely jealous) and I couldn’t help but subtly point him out to Tiddy like ‘yep. that would be our guy. there he is, Mr. Suits-or-Sweatpants-No-Inbetween, the King ♥️’ lol
Hex - Work Song, for the above, which he would’ve been exceptionally excited about as the v last encore, but also Too Sweet bc its a fun jam when he has the radio playing in his dark room or the kitchen
Rora - Like Real People Do, for the same (which she would have insisted on kissing you during), but also the Cherry Wine encore for her own reasons. some things just are too familiar, even when you haven’t bled like a human in a long time.
Seth - Eat Your Young, bc it’s a deeply sexy song about cycles exploitation, which is. his entire vibe tbh, but also secretly From Eden for the above even if he wouldn’t cop to it
Leon - Mostly there just to hang and vibe, but he’d have done the leo dicaprio pointing meme while the necromancers were losing their shit during Take Me to Church like ‘I recognize that one!!! :D’ (he is. not always the most aware of ‘modern’ music, despite having local bands at his bar as often as he can lmao.)
anyway! thank you for humoring me as always 🖤 and thank you once again to our buddy Tiddy for inviting us along 🥰 it was a magical evening, and it’s kickstarted not one but two pieces I was stuck on, so thank you for that too ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
happy may day/beltane to all in the meantime, and I hope everyone’s week is off to a good start! cheers to meeting the halfway point!!!
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mcytblraufest · 3 months
Hi hi!! I'm very excited to see a reverse-bang is happening! I'm already in way too many fandom events but oh well what's more lmao
ANyway! I wanted to ask, for the artists, does the AU we draw have to be something completly new, or can it be one we've drawn for before? If we've drawn it before does it matter if those drawings have been posted elsewhere? (I just want to be sure 'cos I have a few ideas and some are for AUs I've played with in the past and others are for AUs I haven't really touched yet)
Also! Once we're paired with our writer, can the artist share ideas for story or whatever that they might have had for the au? Or is it just like 'here's my art, good luck!', giving the writer free-reign. And can we do more art for our writer than just the original drawing?
Okay I think that's everything, sorry for the rambly questions😅
Hello! No problem, we're happy people are excited!
The question of if you've posted about the AU before hits two snags, kind of.
The first one is anonymity. If you think that anyone who sees this AU will automatically know who submitted it, because it's a famous named au that people know from your blog— that would probably not be best to submit. I know art styles are often identifiable, but sign ups are still supposed to be reasonably anonymous. But if you've barely talked about it, go for it!
And the second one is the question about if a person has to consume like fifteen pieces and an essay to understand your art— that's not gonna work. The art pieces have to stand alone, whatever piece(s) you submitted. So if you have fifteen sketches in your drafts about this, but you can just make an awesome finished piece, then again, go for it!
So as long as your art will not immediately de-anon you and can stand along, submit away!
Once you're paired with the writer, you can share more ideas for story and brainstorming if you want, that would be awesome, but from a modly stance they're considered non-binding. The only information the person has to work with is the submitted information on the sign-up form. We want to make sure that the writer is jumping off of the art the artist provided, and any work they do is following from it and inspired by it, but after that point the writer does still have creative control over their own work. In the same way that last year we didn't want writers to be doing like— art orders that they'd only be happy with specific art— we want to make sure that artists are not doing fic commissions where they're basically ordering a fic to their specifications.
Which is way out beyond the edge of what you asked, I know you were just like "omg if I have extra ideas can I share them", and the answer to that is yes, but I just wanted to share the like end point rule of that from a mod standpoint, if you have creative differences. While you are absolutely free to share the ideas, we love the idea of collaborative brainstorming and that's one of the purposes of a big bang and the joys of working in teams, the writer can come up with their own ideas too if they want to, cause they're the one posting the work. So like in practice probably your writer will love to hear more ideas and work with them, in the same way that artists working with writers were happy to get extra details about what people looked like and what they were wearing (that happens with most events that I've seen). But at the end of it the person posting the fic gets final call about what goes into the fic, as long as they're adhering to the information posted in the sign-up. So yes absolutely you can be a brainstorming partner— but you're not a creative director— but being a brainstorming partner is awesome, go for it! Any amount of extra collaboration you can do with your partner rocks.
And absolutely you can do more art for your writer than your original piece! I know I've heard some artists talking already about how they intend to submit art, get matched to a writer, and then draw art based on the fic based on their art. We're gonna get nested art. Which absolutely rocks. If you want to do something like that, fill your boots, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
The baseline is that a big bang is about collaboration and working together with people. If you want to do *more* collaboration and working together with people, that's absolutely awesome and go for it.
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The amount of times we met and had plans and you couldn't handle it bc it involves conditions of outside /loud places, FUN plans, pride parades you came all the way to be with me in and had to cut short, ideas to go to a club. Those people also clearly never did any activism.
When shiri Eisner makes posts of "boohoo stop telling people to go to protests bc some are disabled and cant" it's fucking embarrassing a. Bc many disabled people can, b. Because literally then it is Not About You. If YOU can't, then don't. No one's shaming anyone who can't go, and its more important to tell the general public to get off their asses then to hurt the feelings of people thinking its about them. BUT THEN on tumblr.com apparently IT IS about them as people go to specific disabled people's tumblr to get mad at them for not protesting (or not protesting enough? Half this fucking website doesn't do shit). What's wrong with people lmao??
Or like when she had a post that was "ways to be an activist for disabled people who can't go to protests" which is so stupid bc it gets protests the same Individualistic issue of veganism when it becomes a personality thing and not ideological goal you want to support. It's once again, not about you. Not only did she list memes as way to be an activist (stupid) the entire approach is wrong instead of writing "ways to still help if you can't go to a protest"(= lovely important post to make. There are many ways. None include memes lmao) but it's all about YOU and how YOU can still feel nice in your activism ego.
Anyway you said none of these things, you're a disabled person putting so much effort just to show up bc it matters to you. Meanwhile half this website never been to more than two protests (which probably also were like women's March lol). Ppl should calm down you owe them shit
RIGHT LMFAO. ily also
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