#anyway she was lovely. came running out of the store while i was on hold and gave them to me and im still feeling all 🥹🥰 about it)
lylilorden · 2 years
today has almost managed to redeem this entire year-to-date holy shit
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
Mama Munson made Eddie’s Halloween costumes from scratch every year. She said it was because it looked cooler, but as he got older, he realized it was because she used scraps and cheap fabrics to make them and that’s all they could afford.
But his costumes were always great. Every year was better than the last.
When he got too old for trick or treating, she used Halloween night to teach him how to sew.
“For that jacket you wanna wear so bad, baby.”
It took a lot of effort, and a little bit of help for the thicker patches, but he managed to finish it in a few weeks.
That year for Christmas, he made her and Wayne battle jackets with their favorite bands and singers.
It became the thing he gave to important people.
Shortly after Vecna, when he was stuck in bed for nearly a month healing, he had his mom run to the store in Indy and start grabbing patches. Wayne found denim jackets from the donation store, surprised anything was left at all with how much people needed right now.
Eddie made all the kids jackets, even Max, who would probably think it was stupid in the same way she thought Lucas holding her hand was stupid (not at all).
He made Robin one, with a hidden rainbow flag patch on the inside pocket.
Nancy got one, even Argyle and Jonathan got one.
Steve didn’t.
Eddie didn’t know how to make it a friendly gesture, how to not make it look like he was screaming from the rooftops that he’d fallen hard for the guy who almost single-handedly saved his life. He was certain that giving him the jacket he made would be the end of the daily visits, the joking around, the fun.
“Baby, you think he don’t know?”
Eddie’s mama was trying not to laugh when he unloaded on her while he stitched the last patch to the front.
“He visits you every day, sometimes for hours, sometimes has to be dragged out by nurses, and ya think he don’t know?”
As usual, she had a point.
So Eddie was brave, gave Steve the jacket the next day when he stopped by.
Steve was silent as he took in every patch and pin, even the section of glitter glue Erica had insisted he add. Eddie played with his bare fingers, wishing now more than ever that he had his rings back.
Finally, Steve looked up, watery smile pointed right at Eddie.
“I love it. And you.”
Mama Munson slapped the back of his head gently later while Steve slept in the chair by his bed.
“I told ya so!” Her whisper was enough to make Steve shift around, his grip on Eddie’s hand tightening momentarily. “May have lost a nipple, but got yourself a boyfriend. That’s the Munson way.”
“What the hell do you mean?”
“Oh, Wayne never told you about losing his nipple in ‘Nam? Flirted with the medic and blamed it on blood loss, but wouldn’t ya know? The medic was a little light in his loafers, too!”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Wayne didn’t lose a nipple. You’re makin’ shit up again.”
“I ain’t never lied to ya! You ask Wayne tomorrow. There’s a reason he don’t ever go shirtless at the lake.”
And sure enough, the next day, Wayne lifted his shirt and showed Eddie where he had nothing but a scar where his nipple should be.
“So what about the medic?”
“Oh! Grant.” Wayne smiled. “We still write to each other sometimes. He’s married, got a few kids.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. We wouldn’t have worked anyway. He lives in Maine. Can’t imagine dealin’ with moose.”
Mama Munson just raised her brows from her chair and smirked.
When Steve came by after his shift, he was wearing his jacket and the biggest smile Eddie’s ever seen.
“Anything new?”
“Nothin’ really. Just found out I’ve got a lot more in common with Wayne than I thought.”
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french-unknown · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, robin 𝐂/𝐖: toxic relationships (kidnapping, mentions of death, suicide blackmail) and there is no love in them 𝐖/𝐂: 3.5k +
| m a s t e r l i s t | - | p t . 2 |
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You had just arrived on an island that you recognized immediately since one of your closest family friends lived there. Happy, you wanted to go see her immediately but you were stopped by Luffy who asked to accompany you. You laughed and, despite his pouting that he tried to convince you with, you refused. However, you placed a kiss on his lips before leaving.
Your parents' friend recognized you at first glance and you fell into each other's arms within seconds. You were happy to see her again after all this time, so you started talking for a few moments until she finally sighed.
"I’m sorry about your mom." she declared sadly. Not understanding what she meant, you raised your eyebrows. She continued. "For her illness? I know it must be hard for you. I'm surprised that you're not with them; have you already said goodbye to her?" A drop of sweat ran down the back of your neck and, confused, you explained to her that you didn't know what she was talking about. "Your mother is terminally ill." she elaborated. "They told me they sent you several letters about it, so I thought you knew." You shook your head in shock.
At the same moment, a commotion was heard on the other side of the store window. You saw a group of Marines running past while shouting that they had spotted the Straw Hat Captain on this street. Panicked, you picked up your things and greeted your parents' friend before running away since, if Luffy had been targeted, you weren't going to stay on the island.
When you arrived at the boat, without being noticed by anyone, you went directly to see the captain to explain your situation and that you would like to leave the ship for a few months to go and see your family. But, to your great astonishment, Luffy refused. You insisted and yet he remained intransigent: You will not leave the ship. You then insisted even more so that he understood your need to be with your loved ones but, as you turned your back and announced that you would leave anyway, the world went black.
You woke up in a cramped room while the rocking under your feet as well as the smell of wood and salt water confirmed to you that you were still on the Sunny. Suddenly, a ray of light passed into the room and you saw your captain smiling through a trapdoor in the only door. Behind him, you noticed the Soldier Docker System  with the doors to Franky and Usopp's workshops in the distance.
"Let me out, Luffy!" You ordered, confused but mostly annoyed. "Nah!" he responds with his characteristic smile. "You are not allowed to leave. Your captain forbids you!" You frowned in concern before speaking. "You can't do that, Luffy. I can leave whenever I want and you have no right to stop me." He laughed as if you had just told a joke. "Well I'm doing it anyway! You'll stay there until you promise me that you'll always stay by my side. And don't bother shouting for the others to come get you, I told them that you stayed on the ground with your friend. See you!"
And he closed the hatch, leaving you alone and in the dark again in the Sunny's hold. You didn't quite understand what had just happened to you but you felt in your gut that you weren't going to like it.
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Since the Straw Hat Grand Fleet was formed, you have become very close to the other crews and, in particular, to a group from the Beautiful Pirates that you found very interesting. They had refined manners, their styles were fun with their wigs and mustaches and, above all, they had a lot of conversation. So you gradually started to spend more time with them to find out where they came from and what they had been through. As a result, it took up your time with your other friends from the Straw Hat Pirates even though the majority of them didn't pay much attention to it.
After a while, when the fleet began to run out of supplies, it was decided among the captains that you would stop at the next island to get them. About thirty members were designated among all the crews to go and recover the goods. Among them were, among other things, all your friends from the Beautiful Pirates as well as Zoro. You were not worried at all, so you wished them good luck before returning peacefully to your activities.
Unfortunately, not all of them returned.
Zoro returned to the boat first, some blood on him, announcing that they had been attacked in the mist by a brigand who had taken advantage of the lack of visibility. Seeing nothing, he therefore wanted to inform other pirate but he got lost. A wave of worry ran through the fleet as a feeling of revenge grew within the ranks. Finally, slowly, a few other members of the other crews came back and everyone explained the same version: they had been attacked by a brigand. Everyone looked terrified except Zoro. Only your friends did not return and you lost all hope when you saw Farul returning to the boat. The horse, panicked, began to neigh and rear as soon as he noticed the swordsman in your ranks. Crazy, it took a lot of effort for Cavendish to master it.
When the fog lifted, no bodies were found on the island and rumors began to grow among the pirates that they had been killed by a demon.
That evening, after your feelings had been numbed all day, you felt your walls crack before completely collapsing. You began to mourn the loss of your friends and their mysterious disappearance. Unable to believe this demon story, you began to imagine what had happened to their bodies or what they had been thinking during their last moments.
The crow's nest hatch opened and you saw a green head slipping through it. Zoro approached you as soon as he saw you and, when he was close enough, out of a cruel need for comfort, you took him in your arms. He nevertheless closed his arms around you despite the surprise and then rested his chin on top of your head. You were immediately reassured by his presence and surprised that he accepted your hug so well. However, you didn't complain and stayed in his arms, talking about your loss, while he continued to hold you against him and stroke your back.
From there, a routine settled down.
He came to join you every evening to take you in his arms before letting you evacuate your sadness. He was so supportive that after a few months, when he confessed, you thought it was the kind of support you needed in your life so you accepted.
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You were upset. For several weeks, without knowing why, certain very specific memories of your adolescence had come back to your mind, like an afternoon of fishing with your father and his crew mates. Or a boarding with rival ships. You were experiencing these flashes in an abnormally precise way with the details, the smells, the exact conversations and the emotions associated with them.
All the members of the Straw Hats knew what was happening to you and supported you in their own way. Nami, above all, was a huge pillar for you. You had already gotten along very well with her when she joined the crew after you and Zoro, but now she was even more attentive. She listened to you talk about how much it unsettled you to have these outbursts of impromptu memories that you hadn't thought about in a long time. She helped you a lot to unload this emotional burden that was overwhelming you.
Once again, you were alone in the shade of the navigator's mandarin trees. You closed your eyes, exhausted, and the sound of the sea began to lull you. The waves passed and rolled under the hull of the ship or crashed against the wooden planks. Then others took over and it started again and again.
Suddenly, a cage of fear closed around your heart before crushing it and you were plunged into another memory. You were on your father's boat, lying in bed, but something was wrong. It took you a few seconds to untangle your thoughts and realize that you were tied hand and foot. Your wrists and ankles were burning from the uncomfortable friction of the bonds against your skin. A cloth gag also covered your mouth to stop you from screaming. Suddenly, a noise in front of you made you raise your head and you came face to face with a person you had never seen before. Unlike everything around you, this person's head was fuzzy. The only thing you noticed was that it was a girl around your age with orange hair. She abruptly sat down on your lap, making a faint citrus scent waft through your nostrils, before you felt something cold against your cheek. A ray of moonlight passed through your shutters and reflected against the blade placed under your eye.
"I finally catch you." the presence whispered with its face inches from yours. "You were so attractive on the last island that I couldn't help but get on your ship. You are so... these last few days I saw you laughing on the deck and talking to those dirty pirates, but you... you..." And you saw her face move closer to yours until you felt pressure against your lips through the gag.
At the same time, screams were heard from the other side of the door and footsteps echoed on the deck. The girl on your lap groaned before slowly getting up without taking her eyes off you. You saw her grab a large bag from near the door before you closed your eyes. The next day, when you opened them again, you rose unhindered—and without memories—from your bed to discover that your loot had been stolen during the night.
You came out of the memory with a start, your heart beating a thousand miles an hour. You were sweating as your breathing ran out quickly. Above you, the branches of the mandarin trees quivered.
"Slept well?" Nami asked happily.
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The battle raged and you attacked as best you could despite the circumstances. Indeed, shortly after arriving on the island, you were found by the Marine who had launched the assault but you were not at your best because of relationship problems which prevented you from concentrating completely.
For several months now, you found that Usopp was becoming more and more restrictive: he no longer wanted you to go on dry land when you docked somewhere, he wanted you to spend less time training to spend more time with him, he preferred that you talk less to the other male members of the crew and the list went on a lot longer. And the worst thing is that he always had justifications! Either he reminded you that it was him who created your weapon and that he regretted it because it had replaced him or he confided in you in private how the other male members of the crew made him doubt his abilities and that the fact that you preferred to talk to them rather than to him meant that you made him insecure.
As the battle finally ended in your victory, a cry from Zoro alerted you. Running up to the swordsman, you saw Usopp's body at his feet. His rolled-back eyes shocked you, as did the pool of blood that was gradually forming around his body. A memory from the day before came back to you: "I want to take a break." You told him, and he replied, "I would rather die than live without you." You froze, your eyes locked on his broken body as Chopper came running in to examine him. Above him, Zoro was explaining that he had seen the sniper suddenly completely stop fighting in the middle of the fight. He had managed to reach him to protect him but Usopp had taken serious blows in the meantime.
The whole crew was tense. You heard the slight sniffles from Franky as Nami collapsed next to her friend, her shoulders shaking in fear. A worried frown also narrowed Zoro and Robin's gaze. Sanji, for his part, was nervously smoking his cigarette while Luffy, the most terrifying of all, was dead silent. After a while, Chopper ended up reassuring you that he was still alive but that he had to be transported back to Sunny immediately.
As soon as he was placed in the infirmary bed, the morbid wait began. For days, you took turns next to him so that you would be immediately informed if he woke up and, for days, you saw the faces of the crew deteriorate more and more. For your part, more than worry, it was guilt that burned your stomach like acid. Was it your fault he stopped fighting? Was he going to die because of you? How would the crew react if he died?
Finally, Usopp woke up much to everyone's relief. He reassured them by blaming it on fatigue and they ended up leaving both of you alone in the infirmary. Their relief made you feel even worse since you weren't relieved that he was alive; you were relieved that he didn’t die because of you. The sniper then asked you to join him in bed and wrapped his arms around you. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I was so scared when you told me you wanted to leave me." he started to whisper. "I wouldn't survive if you left me."
And, too terrified of what might happen if you broke up, you stayed.
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While you were going to the bathhouse as Sanji had asked you, for a surprise, you met Nami. The navigator laughed slightly and admitted that she already knew what was waiting for you because Sanji had talked to her about it all day and asked for her help to prepare it.
"You're lucky to have him." the redhead kindly said. "It’s obvious that he loves you."
You blushed at the remark and you continued on your way. As soon as you knocked on the door, Sanji immediately opened it with a big smile before kissing you excitedly and pulling you into the room.
The bathroom had been completely redecorated. The main light was off and had been replaced by a myriad of candles that smeared the room and illuminated it with a soft, flickering and welcoming hue whose intimate atmosphere was accompanied by the rose petals deposited everywhere. On the furniture, the floor, where it formed a graceful path towards the bathtub, and finally in the latter where the flowers overhung the hot water covered with a white foam that looked like pieces of cloud in the half-light. A sweet smell of cotton and flowers evaporated from the hot water and perfumed the room. On the side of the bathtub, he had specially folded the towels so that they fit into a pyramid among the petals. Dazzled by the atmosphere and the efforts he had put into it, you didn't know what to say. Suddenly, you felt him press against your back before wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a kiss on your neck. His skillful hands, which he took so much care of, then began to undress you while he spoke in your ear.
However, as you took over and the excitement also rose on your side, you finally found yourself in your underwear in front of him and his charming face froze. You felt in your stomach that something had changed in the mood.
"You're not wearing the lingerie I gave you?" he asked, and though his voice was kind, you sensed something was wrong.
You looked down and looked at your lingerie set, which was very pretty but was indeed not one of those that Sanji had offered you.
"This one looked great on the mannequin." he continued in the same oddly amiable tone. "But I told you that I was preparing a surprise for you. You couldn't at least wear the ones I brought you?"
A feeling of shame intensified in your mind in the form of a huge lump that settled in your throat. Under his judgmental gaze, you felt the urge to cover yourself, ashamed of your body and the clothes you had chosen to cover it.
"I spent the afternoon preparing a surprise for you and you can't even do that for me. I've been collecting these damn candles and flowers for weeks on different layovers so you don't realize it. And you come like that?"
"I can go change if you want?" you asked, ashamed.
He then took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with annoyance, then exhaled dryly the smoke which polluted the sweet smell in the room. He put the lighter back in his pocket and turned on his heel.
"It’s no use, you’ve already ruined everything." he huffed, irritated. "All those efforts were stupidly ruined, you're lucky I love you. I'm the only one dumb enough to do that."
And he left, leaving you alone in your underwear in the bathroom, which now smelled of cigarettes, next to this bathtub with the foam half gone, and surrounded by those thousand petals and candles that had lost their sparkle.
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You were running but you didn't know where you were in the boat, you were totally confused and lost.
A long time ago, you didn't know exactly how much, you wanted to leave the ship to have a drink with a local with whom you had gotten along well. You had prepared yourself, ready to leave, but before you walked through the door, you had passed out. When you woke up, you were tied up somewhere in the dark. After a while Robin ended up finding you but, when you started begging her to free you, she told you that it was she who had locked you up.
From that moment on, the shock had finally dissipated and given way to fear. You had known her for years of sailing together and if there was one thing you knew about Robin, it was that she was the type of person to follow through on the things she cared about. She came almost every day into the room to talk to you or simply to look at you. Only that. But today, you don't know how, your ties have loosened enough for you to escape. You then waited for her to make her daily visit while praying that she would not notice the state of your restraints.
You then counted to one hundred as soon as she left before escaping.
So you found yourself running through the corridors that you guessed were the Thousand Sunny but, in your blind panic, you were unable to find your way. After a while, at the corner of a corridor, you saw a lighter spot on the wall a few meters away. You recognized the shape of an ear sticking out of the wall as you approached. You immediately stopped as quietly as possible near the wall and didn't move. You cover your mouth with your hand to stifle your wheezing. The ear moved a little but remained still. After a minute without any new movement, you felt your heart begin to slow down with relief. Suddenly, a small "boing" sounded in one of your ears and something soft touched your cheek. You turned your head to the wall beside you, where the noise was coming from, and fell face-to-face with a dull blue eye watching you. Horrified, you could only watch as the azure iris bore into your eyes.
You immediately started running again but it was too late.
You could only make a few steps before a hold on your ankle knocked you down. In the process, you felt a hundred arms and hands come to cover you and pin you to the ground. You felt them rest and press on your calves, your thighs, your back and even your neck and your head. Some encircled their palms around your ankles and wrists while others held you down with pressure. As you wanted to scream - lost for lost - you felt a hand grow on your shoulder and come crashing down on your mouth to drown out any noise you might make. Paralyzed, you could only let it happen when an arm blossomed between your shoulder blades so that a hand slipped into your hair to hold your head back. Now looking up, you saw Robin appear at the end of the corridor before quietly approaching you on her long legs. She walked over to you before kneeling down next to your head, keeping eye contact.
"Did you really think I wasn’t watching you?" she asked in her lifeless tone.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @xomingyu @parkyrr @yasmiinberkaa @dozcan123 @anotherproblemsos
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thenickgirl · 4 months
dad!nick x male!reader
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summary: in which you and your husband, Nick, try to handle your daughter, Aliyah’s, tired behavior.
genre: fluff ✩ pov: second person ✩ word count: 1.4k
warnings: none?
a/n: uhh i know i said i wasn’t writing another fic, but i’m a liar so, jokes on you actually. i came up with this in the shower and just couldn’t pass it up. it was meant to be a little blurb, but gang wanted more so. the ending is awkward sorry, i still don’t quite know what i’m doing. anyways, happy reading! ❤️‍🔥
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Life as new parents isn’t always the easiest, but you two have handled things fairly well. The past two years with your daughter, Aliyah, have been amazing. Nick is able to work on his business remotely, so he mostly stayed home with her, while you went in to work everyday. He was an outstanding father, and Aliyah absolutely adored him, they were so close. She loved you just as much of course, and on the weekends she loved having you both home to cuddle and play with. She had grown used to your daily routine, however, today was going to be different, because Nick had meetings lined up that he had to be in the office for, so you took off in order to stay home with her. It wasn’t the first time you had been alone with your daughter obviously, but it had been a while. Still, you were eager to spend some one on one time with your sweet girl. You had heard horror stories of people complaining about their toddlers' behavior, but you always chalked it up to them either over exaggerating or just being bad parents. That was until today, when your own toddler decided she wanted to switch things up.
“BABE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??” you shout as your husband, Nick, walks in the door, his hands full of bags you assumed to be groceries. “I know, I’m sorry our last meeting ran way over, and I knew we needed some things for dinner so I decided to stop by the store on the way home.” He says as he walks into the kitchen, placing the bags onto the island. “We might not even make it to dinner!” you shout, and Nick looks over at you confused, his eyes narrowing. “Babe, what are you talking about?” he chuckles, as he puts the food away, clearly not understanding the severity of the situation. “Aliyah, your daughter, didn’t go down for her nap today.” you say to him, crossing your arms over your chest. “Why is she only my daughter when she doesn’t take a nap?” he responds, mimicking your gesture. “That’s because she acts just like you when she doesn’t. She’s extremely cranky. She wouldn’t stop crying. She’s been throwing fits every 15 minutes. SHE ACTUALLY THREW AT BLOCK AT ME!” you yell recounting the event. Nick bites back a laugh before the realization hits him, “Ohh no,” he whispers. “Exactly! I swear, this is the worst it’s ever been,” you sigh, placing your head in your hands.
“No!” Nick utters, pulling your hands away from your face. “Listen, we are not going to be defeated by a 2 year old, okay? This is our house, and we’re in charge.” he says hastily as you nod along to his rant. “Yeah, we’re the adults here!” you agree. “Say it!” he demands, “This is our house, and we’re in charge!” you shout. “RIGHT! So where is she?” he asks, walking out of the kitchen into the hallway. “She’s sitting in her playroom room, I turned on Gracie’s Corner. This is the longest that she’s been content all day. I don’t see how you do this, I almost started crying with her.” you say before following behind your husband, and he chuckles at your statement before turning to face you, “You’re doing great, it gets better, I promise,” he praises as he holds your face in his hands, kissing your forehead sweetly, and you smile up at him.
“Well, did you at least put the Gracie video on loop?” he asks, turning away to walk down the hall towards the playroom, with you not far behind. “Loop? What loop? What are you talking about?” you ask confusedly, and Nick stops in his tracks, causing you to run into him. He turns around sharply to face you, his eyes widening. “You didn’t loop it? Babe, you have to loop it because once it goes off she-“ “DADDYYYYYY!” you hear your daughter’s cries from down the hall, and sigh deeply. As you and your husband rush to her, you were stopped in your tracks by her meeting you halfway, her ocean blue eyes welling with tears.
You both kneel down to her level, and Nick wipes away her tears with his thumb, his demeanor softening the second he sees his little girl. “What’s wrong, bunny?” he asks softly. “Daddy, Gwacie went off, I wanna watch Gwacie! I wanna watch Gwacie! I wanna watch Gwacie!” she chants, stomping her tiny feet. You and Nick just sit there, watching your daughter absolutely lose it. “Liyah Jade, c’mon now. Gracie isn’t going anywhere, we can always restart it, you’re fine. Just calm down, honey,” he reassures her. “Okay, can I have a cookie pwease daddy?” she says pouting. “Sure, let's go get you a cookie,” “Nicolas!” you utter in disbelief. “Why don’t you go pick out the cookie you want okay? I’ll be there in a second,” he says to his baby girl as she skips away down the hall. He turns to look at you, shrugging. “Cookies before dinner, really?” “I know, but she was pouting, and c’mon she’s so cute!” he says defeated. “What happened to ‘this is our house and we’re in charge’?” you say, chuckling and he pauses. “Doesn’t really sound like something I would say,” he smirks as he walks into the kitchen with Aliyah, shaking your head at the way she had him wrapped around her little finger.
Once back in the playroom, after having cookies and watching Gracie together as a family for what felt like the hundredth time, you noticed that it was getting close to dinner time. You leave the two to continue watching more videos while you go and cook. You decide to prepare something quick and easy. After spending all afternoon with a grumpy toddler, you couldn’t be bothered to make anything more elaborate. As you were finishing whipping up dinner, you could hear Nick and Aliyah in the other room bickering, and you couldn’t help listening. His ability to straight up argue with a toddler never ceased to amuse you.
“But honey, when you make a mess you have to clean it up. Look, we can even make it fun. I can turn on some music and-”
“No, daddy! I can’t want to!”
You couldn’t see him, but you just knew your husband was rolling his eyes. Once dinner is ready, you call for them to come and eat. To your surprise dinner goes smoothly. Usually, Aliyah complains about eating her vegetables, saying ‘I can’t want that! It’s gwoss’, but tonight she ate them willingly. Maybe her missing a nap wasn't so bad after all, you thought to yourself. You glance over and see your daughter yawn for the third time, and you and Nick give each other a knowing look. The ‘no naps’ campaign she had been running was finally taking a toll on her.
After dinner, you started getting ready for bed. You gave Aliyah a bath, brushed her teeth, and got her ready for bed. Nick came in soon after to read her favorite story. She cuddled up next to him, her eyelids growing heavier by the second. You watched from the door frame as the story ended, and your toddler now sound asleep in your husband's arms. “Soo, have we defeated Bowser yet, or no?” you say teasingly. “Shh! Don’t call her that!” Nick says as he throws a plushie from her bed at you. You jump out of the way so that it misses you, “I’m kidding! She is cute though, especially when she’s sleeping,” you say looking down at her tiny frame, smiling. “Amen to that, a lot quieter too.” You both chuckle and Nick gets up out of her bed, careful not to wake the little sleeping beauty, before tucking her in, and you each kiss her goodnight.
You tip top quietly out of her room, closing the door gently, and you both let out a sigh of relief. You head towards your bedroom which is only a couple doors down, and start getting ready for bed yourselves, the two of you feeling pretty worn out. After showering and slipping on pajamas, you both plop down into your bed on your respective sides, settling under the covers. “Today went completely different from what I expected,” you confess as you cuddle into your husband's side. He laughs as he wraps his arm around you, rubbing your back softly. “I probably should’ve given you a heads up about that. She is a menace when she’s tired,” “Yep, sounds familiar,” you tease and he pinches your side. “Heyyy! I’m not that bad, and I will just go to sleep if I’m tired, not start a whole ass riot,” he says in defense and you both laugh. After a while, a comfortable silence grows between you and before long you both drift off to sleep.
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🏷️: @muwapsturniolo @mattslolita @guccifrog @luverboychris @freshloveforthefit @matty-bear @mybelovednick @imsosillygoofylol @ghostking4m @certifiednatelover @meg-sturniolo @sturniolossss @moonk1ss3d @nickgetsmewetter
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dancingdonatello · 10 months
🦆 anon @duckanon
<3 <3 luv u duck anon.
villain rise turtles x reader
You have something that Raph needs. He’s been tracking you for months and he knows that you have a piece of the armor he needs for the resurrection of the Shredder.
And he’s never been one for plans, so…
He breaks in through your window.
You scream and then he screams and you’re holding on with an impressive grip on the armor piece and….
And you’re…. you’re so… cute. He suddenly lets go of the glove and you go flying back, knocking your head against the wall. He lets out an eep and rushes over, cradling your head.
You look pretty freaked out at his change of heart and he doesn’t blame you.
How he’s going to explain this to the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute, he has no idea.
They take your introduction pretty well. So do you, by how you actually willingly hand over the glove.
But… your reaction when you find out about the Shredder at the baseball game destroys any loyalty he has left for the Foot Clan. He can’t bear to see that terrified expression on your face when you look at him.
Leo may have snuck up to the part of the hotel Big Mama told him to stay away from. But how could she blame him? People watching was his favorite past time! Who better to watch than some stupid humans?
And when his eyes landed on you, he just knew he had to have you. He wouldn’t regret it even when Big Mama punished him. If he hadn’t have snuck up to the floors above ground, he wouldn’t never seen you.
And anyways, his was birthday was coming up… and Big Mama said he could have anything he wanted. He grinned to himself, deciding to sneak into your room that night to ‘introduce’ himself. He’d leave a sticky note and scare you. Just a little.
Big Mama adored you. She gave you all these clothes so that you could look as perfect as her and Leo. She used for entertainment for the other Yokai, even when Leo glared on with jealously.
Soon enough, she was going to get her hands on some mysterious green ooze from three other turtles that looked suspiciously like Leo. As long as Leo didn’t find out about it, you would be the perfect test subject. And wouldn’t it be so sweet to see a lover’s quarrel in the Battle Nexus? She giggles at the thought.
Donatello has been bugged by you for a while.
In one of his rare outings to New York, obviously not letting Draxum know, he had run into you. He had been trying to break into a tech store and then you had appeared behind him.
He broke your nose but he hadn’t been left i scratched.
Then he just kept running into you again and again. He was half inclined just to kill you, but he feels like it would annoy him more with how much effort that would be towards someone like you.
You were annoying and just as mean as he was to you. It irritated him whenever you came back with a comment just as sharp as what he gave you.
One day, in one of his complaining rants to Mikey, Draxum overheard. Even though Donnie denied that it, Draxum was convinced he had a crush on a pathetic human. So, he decided he would kill you. As if you were nothing. Just scum on the Earth. All so Donnie wouldn’t be ‘distracted’ any longer. By that he meant he just wanted Donnie to work insane hours so Draxum wouldn’t have to work as hard.
And Donnie… couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t let a single hair on you be injured.
There’s an angry turtle staring you down. Michelangelo and you had run into each other. One looking beat up and the other looking flabbergasted.
“You’re a… turtle?!”
Suddenly, you’re wrapped up in chains. That burnt badly.
“Ow!” you shriek and suddenly, just as quickly as they had come, they vanished. Big brown guilty eyes stare at you.
His face twitches before it turns disgusted. “Ugh. You smell disgusting.”
He was talking about the smell of your brunt skin. You glared at him angrily before seeing how bashed up he was. “What… happened to you?”
He was very reluctant to follow you home. And he kept asking you weird questions about other green turtles. Had you ever seen anyone that looked like him? Where? When? All these questions while you tried to stick a bandaid on him.
He also didn’t hold back on his mean comments about the human race. But as long as he sat still as you tried to rub the ash and debris off of him, you just let him talk.
Quickly, he warms up to you. It’s as if he never hated humans. He enjoys learning about everything you do and seeing all of what New York has to offer. He knows you can never meet Draxum. And even though he’s getting suspicious the more he leaves and the longer he’s out, Mikey continues to see you.
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elliesblkgirlfriend · 10 months
Abby with A Black girlfriend headcannons
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-Girlfriend Abby who has patchwork Tattoos. She loves to play with the ends of your braids while you trace the ones she has on her arms and legs
-Girlfriend Abby who knows how to cook her ass off. You taught her how to make soul food one time and came home to her flipping some chicken and making collards greens
-She definitely helps you take down your hair. You sit in between her legs and let her do all the work.
“Come on baby girl, time you take your hair down”
-She’s definitely takes care of your hair as if it’s your own. She makes sure too extra gentle
-She always goes to the beauty supply store for you. Knows what brand of braiding hair to get, what color, how many packs( always gets an extra pack just in case)
-If you like to dye your hair she will definitely help you. Gloves and all
“Abigail you better know what you’re doing, you make me bald I’m kicking your ass!”
“Girl shut up and bend your head down”
-doesn’t mind Paying for your hair . Will pay with no problemKnotless braids? Done. Butterfly locs? Paid. A wig install? Paid and laid.
-Definitely drags and slanders racist and ignorant and people with no problem. Will drag them in comments and will drags them in person. Does not care.
-She had what kind of Hair care products you use mesmerized. When she goes on a short target run and she sees the hair oil you use. She definitely buys four…or more bottles.
-She’ll purposely leave her own shampoos and hair products at home just so she can use yours because she likes the way they smell
“Abby stop using my shit! It’s only a little bit left!”
“Sorry, I forgot mine at home” she says with a smile
“Liar. Did it on purpose” you mumble rolling your eyes
-Always helps with your hair. ALWAYS! You can’t tell her no because when you do her fingers always end up in your hair anyway
-Abby can braid girl! Abby you know how to braid babygirl!!
-You both have a matching scarf and bonnet. Abby’s wears hers with no problem.
-Girlfriend!Abby who likes to get matching nail art with you. Thinks it’s cute
-Her instagram is filled with pictures of you two together or just you by yourself.
-definitely keeps a Polaroid picture of you in her wallet. Definitely pulls out her wallet and looks at it when she’s having a bad day. The sight of you clams her down
-She’s not really into PDA. The most she’ll do in public is hold your hand, but in private she’s all over you. If she could she’d jump into your skin.
-She’s a neat freak and when you refuse to clean up your room she’s cleaning it for you.
“It’s just a few clothes” you say shrugging as you lay on your bed
“A few clothes are gonna turn into a few dozen knowing you” she mumbles throwing your clothes into a hamper
-Your family loves her. Adores her. She becomes your moms taste tester
“Abby! Come in here and taste this potato salad!” You mom screams from the kitchen and Abby goes running
-This girl will fuck UP some peach cobbler and sweet potato pie. She don’t give a fuckkk!
“Baby, put me some peach cobbler on a plate” she asks in a whisper so your family doesn’t hear and think she’s greedy
“Abby that’s like…your third plate of peach cobbler…”
“I didn’t ask…please go get me some more…please”
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random-imagines-blog · 7 months
Imagine Arthur Curry inadvertently hurting your feelings.
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Earlier that week, he was at it again. Arthur, with his constant talk about how Atlantis is so full of adventure and excitement, when he’s not sitting on the throne anyway, so many different stories about a whole separate life that he lived down there. “You don’t get it - they almost started taking me too seriously down there!” Which sounded like the truth, because the council was always pulling him away from his fun and games - but most importantly, you. So it hurt when he would stay down there for longer than he needed, just to ride Storm around and try to race other creatures.
Yes, Arthur was the King of Atlantis, but as a human woman, you would never get to be the Queen, therefore half of his life was separated from you. He didn’t have to keep reminding you of it though - the empty bed in the morning, the dishes left in the sink, the stories he’d tell while drinking beer after beer on your couch - they did that for him.
Arthur, though he hadn’t meant to, hurt you whenever he forced you to remember that you weren’t ever going to be a part of every facet of his life, like you had invited him to be in yours.
The final blow was when he had come in three hours late for your anniversary dinner, and seemed like he had entirely forgotten about it. You had already eaten the nice dinner that you had made, changed out of the dress that you bought for this occasion into your pajamas, and were laying out by the television, watching Legally Blonde and totally agreeing with the scene where she throws the chocolates at her own television, claiming men are liars. In came Arthur, proving that point.
If the neighbors didn’t call the cops, you would be lucky at that point, because you sat up with tear tracks running down your face, and you let him have it. “Arthur, I get it, okay, you’re the King and you have all of these responsibilities and I’m so proud of you, really, I am. Your accomplishments are great, but - do you know how much it just hurts me, exhausts me, to know that … that you don’t belong with me up here, that you’ll probably fall in love with someone down there who can experience all of those things that you love and .. one day you’ll just leave me here, all alone?”
From the look on his face, he really hadn’t known a thing about how you were feeling.
“And another thing! Arthur, you missed our anniversary, to do .. what? You better have a good reason for it, for not even trying to call me because … because it broke my heart tonight,” You said, letting out a deep breath that it felt like you had been holding onto for ages. He looked surprised, and then he looked guilty and ashamed of himself, which - as bad as it sounded, made you feel validated.
“I’m sorry. Your night was wasted and - I’m really sorry for that.” Arthur hung his head down, his bushy brown hair creating a curtain around his head. Then he knelt down in front of the couch, taking both of your hands in his, stroking the back of them. When he finally looked at you, there was only apologies and love in there, and it made your heart beat faster, the sensation of what his presence had always done to you taking over again.
Arthur’s eyes were so light right then, like the ocean on a sunny day. “If there’s anything that I can do to make it up to you…”
Secretly, you had a whole list of things in your head that he could do. Arthur could get on his knees and beg your forgiveness, or he could make you dinner instead of you doing it for him, or he could bring you to the old dance-hall and give you a twirl on the dance floor like he had on one of your dates, but at the same time, you wanted him to come to these realizations on his own.
He looked so earnestly at you. He looked so ready to do anything that you would ask of him, even if it was something silly like do the chicken dance or run to the only open store on the other side of town and get your favorite snacks. For you, anything.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” You sighed, bringing his hand up to your cheek and nuzzling it softly - almost using him as a tissue to get rid of the last of your tears. He didn’t seem to mind this either, his thumb grazing under your eye to catch the smudged mascara. “Some of me wants to know what you were doing out so late, should I even ask?”
“Shit, I was being an idiot,” He admitted, looking away bashfully. “You said you might have had to work today so I spent most of the night preparing for us to celebrate tomorrow…”
Your eyes went wide as you remembered that you had told him that. That you hadn’t told him you took the night off, because you were hoping that this was going to be a surprise. He continued on. “I don’t know much beyond burgers and beers but I was at that new place downtown, the fancy one - I had to go there and talk them into giving me a reservation for tomorrow night - apparently they were booked up but for me, they’ll put in an extra table.”
Oh, you felt the love then, how could you not? You let go of his hands and flung your arms around him, holding him tight after cursing him all evening, mentally chiding yourself for doubting this amazing man for even a moment.
Requested by: Anonymous
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marvelsdc22 · 1 year
Where You Belong
Intro: Hey guys, meant to have this out a while ago, but a lot happened, I got a new job and I have some things coming up, so life has been hectic, anyways enjoy this part two of Home for the Summer :)
Summary: Graduation is finally here, you are starting residency soon and you're ready for this summer to start, Melissa is your rock and she proves that even more when your mother interferes again.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Homophobia, if I missed anything please let me know
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With graduation coming that weekend, you were in a rush to get everything ready, Melissa was coming in Friday to help you load everything into her truck, the two of you staying in a hotel so she could see you graduate, the past three years having been great, the long distance was hard at times but it was finally coming to an end, you hadn’t told her yet but you had gotten a residency at the hospital in the next town over, wanting it to be a surprise for when she got there.
Friday thankfully came around faster than you had planned, you were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited for the familiar truck to pull into the parking lot, the place was crowded, everyone was trying to move out at the same time due to poor planning on the school’s side “See you tomorrow, Y/N!” shouted Shay, her having become one of your best friends over the years, you smiling and returning the gesture before you caught the glimpse of a familiar truck.
You barely let her get out of the car before you were tackling her in a hug “Well, hello to you too” Melissa chuckled, wrapping her arms snugly around you and giving you a squeeze, smiling into the kiss that you pressed against her lips before you both pulled apart, you leading her by the hand to the area you had left your stuff, not having too much since you lived in the dorms, having given some things away to some students that were returning the following semester “Are you sure you’re okay with me staying with you for the summer?” You asked, glancing at her as you lifted a box, barely catching the look she casted your way “Hun, how many times do I have to tell you that you are welcome anytime?” She asked, causing you to smile to yourself before the two of you focused on the task at hand.
Once everything was loaded, you gave her a quick kiss as thanks before you climbed into the passengers seat, setting your backpack at your feet and digging through it for your charger, feeling for velvet box you shoved in there last minute as well, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief when you felt it before finding your cord and pulling it out “Lets get some food then hit the road!” Melissa said, starting the truck while you plugged your phone in.
After a few days, you came back home with Melissa, feeling immense pride in yourself for graduating, it was a long road but you had made it “You know I’m proud of you, right?” Melissa asked as she pushed her front door open, you feeling another surge of pride swell up inside of you as you gave her a watery smile, having heard people say that to you before but when it came from her, it meant so much more “Thank you” you said softly, watching as she set the box down before engulfing you in a hug “I love you” she murmured into your ear which made you hold her even tighter “I love you too”.
Your mom didn’t make it to your graduation, not like you expected her to, she had become even more distant when she found out about your relationship with her now ex best friend, finding the relationship unethical, she had called you the night she found out to try to convince you to break it off with the redhead, making your already strained relationship with her almost non-existent, Melissa tried to get you to go completely no contact with her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, she was still your mom.
Even though you knew better to not do it, you found yourself standing at your mother’s front door while Melissa had made a run to the store, the two of you having a get together with some of Melissa’s coworkers so she needed more ingredients, steeling yourself for a moment, you took a deep breath before you knocked, waiting with bated breath until the door opened and your mother stood before you “Y/N?” She asked, confusion evident in her expression as she looked you over, you having changed since she last saw you all those summers ago.
“Can I come in?” You asked, trying to not look as nervous as you felt, you hoped that your mother had changed during your time away, that she would finally accept you and Melissa, that she would finally accept you, stepping through the threshold when she moved out of the way “I thought you were staying in California” she said, sitting on the couch with her arms crossed while you stood awkwardly in the the doorway.
“I was, but I got an opportunity here that I couldn’t pass up” you answered, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked at your mother, she looked different too, less stressed, more put together, she looked happy “Are you still with Mel?” She asked, pulling you from your thoughts and causing your nerves to rise again “Yeah… I’m going to be proposing to her soon” you admitted, feeling your face start to burn when she let out an exaggerated sigh.
You watched as she stood up and went into the kitchen “It’s not right, Y/N, I raised you better than this” she said, you hearing her open a cabinet and a glass being set down on the counter “You know, my friend has this cousin that would be perfect for you, very nice and your age-” that broke the trance you were in, finally storming into the kitchen as she poured wine into a glass “I’m very happy where I am, thank you” you said, anger flooding through you as you stared at the woman in front of you.
Your mother took her time to respond, taking a long sip of her wine “She’s too old for you, you won’t have kids, you won’t do normal couple things, also her sexuality-” “What? Her being bi is a problem for you? You disgust me, Melissa was right, I should’ve cut you off after the last time I saw you” you hissed, turning on your heel and heading for the door, freezing with your hand on the door handle “You walk out that door, I will never speak to you again” you heard your mother say, causing you to scoff “That’s okay, you’re not my mother anymore, by the way, I’m gay too” you said simply, slamming the door behind you as you left.
You were quick to run inside Melissa’s house when you got back, not even noticing her truck was out in the driveway, nor the amount of times she had tried to call and text you, not even hearing her say your name as you slumped back against the front door, the tears you had been holding back finally falling, only realizing she was there when she stood directly in front of you, feeling her hands on your shoulders, not even hearing what she was saying as you broke down even more, muttering about how she had been right as she pulled you into the safety of her arms, holding you until your sobs turned into sniffles and the occasional hiccup, your breathing starting to slow as you calmed down.
Once she knew you had calmed, she led you over to the couch, having you both sit down before she pulled you to have your head rest on her lap, gently wiping the remaining tears away “What happened, Tesoro?” She asked softly, brushing some stray hairs out of your face as she listened to you give the recap of what went down at your mother’s “You were right, I was so stupid for thinking her mind and ways would change” you said, the last part muffled as you covered your face with your hands.
“Oh hun, you aren’t stupid for hoping someone you love would accept you and your choices” Melissa said, gently tugging your hands away from your face and lacing your fingers together, bringing your hand up to her lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it “I just wish I would’ve listened to you in the first place, maybe it wouldn’t of hurt so much” you whispered, looking up at her and giving her hand a gentle squeeze “I know, but we live and we learn… Besides, I think you got the better end of the deal” she smirked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead  before she had you sit up so she could stand, heading into the kitchen with you trailing behind her.
You sat there and watched as Melissa did her magic, you knowing better than to offer to help “I have some news for you” you finally said, watching as she set the spoon she was using down before turning to give you her full attention “You know how I said I had to go back to California after the summer?” You asked, watching as she nodded, her brow furrowing in confusion, not sure where you were going with this “Well, a month ago I was offered a spot elsewhere… At Abington Memorial Hospital… And I was hoping that if I take it that I could stay here, just until-” your sentence getting cut off when she crushed her lips to yours.
After the need for air became overbearing, the two of you pulled away, a grin taking over Melissa’s face “Of course you can stay here, you don’t need to ask nor do you need to find another place, you can live here… I-If you want” she said, starting to stumble over her words as her brain started to catch up with what she was saying “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude-” “Intrude? I wouldn’t be offering if that was the case” Melissa stated, smiling at you as she waited for your answer, pulling you in for another kiss when you nodded excitedly.
After a bit, Melissa’s coworkers started arriving, you smiling and greeting them from your spot at the counter, watching as Melissa finished up what she was cooking “Y/N, it’s good to see you again” Barbara grinned, putting a hand on your shoulder before going to try to help Melissa, who batted her away “Nice to see you as well, Barb” you smiled, it getting a little wider at their interaction, you glad that Melissa had found her people.
Once everyone was seated and eating their fill, you listened idly as they all discussed what the next school year would bring, feeling Melissa’s hand rest on your thigh for a moment “Y/N/N here has some good news” she said, wanting to bring you into the conversation and causing heat to rush to your cheeks as everyone turned their attention to you “Oh, well I’ll be here for a long while, I accepted a residency at the hospital close to here” you said, feeling tears build up when everyone was excited for you, Janine and Jacob going as far as making plans with you before the school year started again, feeling a sense of belonging as you looked at the group, glancing at Melissa who had an adoring smile on her face as she looked at you.
As the night went on, everyone slowly trickled out until it was just the two of you again, you two sitting on the porch swing on her back porch, you tucked into her side, two glasses of wine sitting on the table and the swing lightly swaying back and forth, the motion starting to lull you to sleep, getting an idea and quickly getting up, leaving a confused Melissa as you ran inside, coming back out of breath and looking immensely nervous.
“I wanted to do this on a fancy date or something, but I feel like this is an even more perfect moment” you stumbled out, kneeling down in front of Melissa and taking her hands in yours as you let out a shaky breath “Melissa, I never thought I would be as lucky as I am now to be able to be your person… I love you with all my heart and I would be honored if you would let me be yours for the rest of our lives” you said, taking the ring out of your pocket, your hand shaking” Will you marry me, Melissa?”
You waited with bated breath as Melissa stared at you in complete shock, almost scared she would say no after her bad previous marriage and you would understand, even though it would hurt you- “Yes” she said, pulling you from your worrying “What?” You asked, wanting to make sure you heard her right as tears welled up in your eyes for the third time that day “Yes” she breathed, smiling as you slipped the ring onto her finger, letting the tears fall as she pulled you into a heated kiss, finally you found the place where you belonged.
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stardewrotsession · 10 months
Note: Midterms came and life got in the way, but now I’m back and hopefully for good! Yes, I still also have finals, but I’m slowly getting back into my Stardew phase so hopefully I stay. Anyways, enjoy!
How the Bachelors are when you’re sick:
- God he would not know what to do
- The first time you get sick, I feel like he’d internally panic and get everything from Pierre’s store to help you feel better
- After awhile he’ll understand what exactly to get you when you’re sick.
- Medicine, your favorite snacks, favorite movies, all of them
- He’d put it in a little basket too, sweet boy
- Bonus, he would not care at all about hugging and kissing while you’re sick. In fact he’d probably whine if you don’t kiss him
- In the end he would get more sick than you were
- he’d have a little more direction than Sam would
- He’d try to give you some medicine to help you recover, and he’d definitely get you some movies you two could watch together to pass the time
- He’d be more hesitant to cuddle though
- Physical touch has never been his strong suit in the first place
- Either way he’ll still show how much he cares, asking occasionally if you need anything or if you want him to get anything for you
- he’s a doctor, he’s gonna immediately take care of you
- I feel like he gets a little too overprotective when it comes to your health
- I mean he’s already worried sick whenever you go on your adventures in the mines. But going sick? Not on his watch
- Unfortunately he would not even let you get out of the bed, let alone do any chores on the farm
- But its doctor’s orders right?
- Sometimes he’ll get overly technical with you about your meds, but he always means well
- If you were really sick he’d make sure to call off of work or have Maru take over for the day while he’s caring for you
- So at first he’d ask advice from his grandma.
- As much as he’d love to help, sometimes he doesn’t really know what to do to make you feel better besides medicine.
- Even with medicine he’d sometimes mix it up and get confused
- Once his grandma’s over, he’d suddenly switch from clueless to being his grandma’s helper for you
- If she’s baking you cookies? He’s getting all the ingredients and helping her mix
- Whenever she’s not over and she calls you to make sure you’re okay, Alex would be there to immediately
- Alex would also definitely help out on the farm. Moving things around, making sure the crops are watered and the animals are fed
- He doesn’t know much, but he knows you shouldn’t be doing any farm work
- And helping around the farm and carrying heavy stuff? That he knows he can do.
- Sometimes whenever he comes in from a long day out on the farm, you can see a small satisfied smile on his face
- When he feels like he’s done something to help you out, he can’t help but smile
- “Have a beer.”
- He backs off after you glare at him
- “Okay okay! Not funny, here I have some anti nausea meds if you need some.”
- He’d (begrudgingly) cuddle and hold you throughout the days that you’re sick
- He’d also run out and get some things for you if you asked, but I’m not sure if he’d go out of his way to get everything
- If you had a specific favorite or comfort food, he would pick it up though
- Okay, imagine him reading you stories and books while you’re resting in bed.
- He’d go out of his way to get all of your favorite books and basically put on a whole play for you while reading them
- So cute
- I think he’s also be into herbal medicines from the beach or the ocean.
- Idk like seaweed soup? Something like that
- But if you didn’t like that, he would still do his best to cheer you up.
- He took on piano for a reason right? Might as well give you a small show, and from the comfort of your bed!
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐃𝐨𝐠 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐩!
Request | Part Two: I Usually Hate Kids... But She's Fine
Diego Hargreeves x Daughter!Reader
WC: 1572
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"Dad!!!! Pleaseee!!!!"
You were following your dad around your house as he completed multiple of his daily tasks. You were pulling at his clothing and begging.
"(Y/N)." He said sternly, in his scary dad voice, you paused instantly. "we are not getting a dog"
"What if... I come up with a whole presentation on why I should get one! Will you let me get one then?"
Diego was so done listening to his daughter beg and beg that he just huffed and agreed, not thinking much of it and just being grateful that he could get some work done without you whining in his ear about getting a dog. You absolutely adored dogs, they were your favourite animal. One time, Klaus was babysitting you and heard about your love of dogs. Then he made the decision to challenge you to name as many as you could. Bad decision. He was sat there for the next 30 minutes listening you go into detail about all the different dog breeds. So it wasn't a shock when you began to beg for a dog almost every single day.
Diego had forgotten that he agreed to let you give him a presentation on why you should have a dog, but you certainly didn't. Every single moment of free time that you had was spent researching, writing and putting together a presentation. After about a week of doing so, your presentation was finally ready. You dressed yourself smartly and rehearsed your speech, then you called Diego into the living room. He didn't know why you had called him downstairs until he saw a PowerPoint on the TV reading: 'Why I should have a dog, a presentation by (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Hargreeves.'
He huffed in defeat, knowing he'd now have to sit through your presentation even though he was still probably gonna say no anyway. He sat down on the sofa and you began your presentation. You explained what you would need to take proper care of the dog, how you would care for all its needs, walk it, feed it, pick up after it et cetera, et cetera. Diego sat through the presentation, beginning to feel guilty at the fact that you had prepared this whole thing just for him to probably say no. As you progressed through the rather long presentation, Diego began to consider saying yes. From the looks of it, you seemed ready to take care of a dog. Besides, it could protect you when Diego was gone. As you came to a finish on your presentation, Diego was certain he'd get you one. However, he wanted to surprise you...
"So... can I get a dog?"
"I'm sorry, no."
It had been a few days since Diego had listened to your little speech and since then he had been trying to find the perfect dog. He settled on a golden retriever puppy, knowing how much you loved them. As he walked out of the pet store, he went to the store to get some wrapping paper for the carrier. He wrapped up the carrier; poking holes in the paper to ensure it could breathe. The pup seemed content with being wrapped up and calmly fell alseep inside the carrier. Diego walked in, holding the wrapped-up carrier and called you into the room. Confused, you walked in and saw the present. It wasn't your birthday or Christmas, how come you had a present?
"Well c'mon kid, open it!"
Diego urged, secretly beginning to record what would be one of the happiest moments of your life. Perplexed, you tore open the wrapping paper, revealing the dog. Your face contorted into shock and then you began to cry tears of happiness while opening the carrier and holding the puppy.
"You.. you got me a dog! Oh my god, its so cute, i love it!!!!"
You sprung up from your spot on the floor, putting the dog down and running to hug your dad whilst thanking him profusely. You wrapped your arms around him and he smiled and hugged you back. Excitedly, you turned back to the dog and began playing with it. Diego watched and smiled at your happiness.
Ever since Diego had gotten the dog, you were inseperable. The dog followed you around constantly and you were never seen with it. It slept in your bed, played with you, went on walks with you, it did everything with you. So, when Diego's father died and he had to go to the funeral, he knew the dog would have to come too. He got you and the dog into the car and began driving to the mansion, watching you play with the dog always made him crack a smile. You arrived to the house and you scooped the dog into your arms and walked in. It was so empty and such a large space so you put the dog down to walk around. The dog ran off towards someone and you chased it, bumping into your Uncle Luther. The dog smacked into his leg and began pawing at him. Luther just awkwardly stared at the dog and leaned down to pat it on the head.
"Oh, erm.. I'm really sorry he ran over to you, he's just excited."
"Uh, its fine, I guess... wait who even are you?!"
"I'm (Y/N), I'm Diego's daughter."
He backed away a little once he knew you were Diego's. Him and Diego had never really gotten on together very well. He didn't say anything else and just walked out of the room. You just stood there, confused at the whole conversation before the dog ran over to two new people. It was a woman and a man, Allison and Viktor, the woman began aw-ing at the dog, bending down to pat it and stroke it. Viktor was more hesitant and backed away a little. He had never been all that good with animals.
"Aren't you a sweet little thing?" Allison cooed at the puppy. You quickly ran over again, apologising for the dog scaring them. Allison assured you it was okay before quickly realising she had no clue who you were or why you were here.
"Wait.. sweetheart who are you and where are your parents?" You quickly explained how Diego was your father but you had to run off after the dog so you had no idea where he had gone. Allison was shocked at how sweet and adorable you were compared to Diego. You were dressed so sweet and innocent, which was strange considering how dark and gothic Diego's attire was.
Diego rushed into the room to find you talking to Allison and Viktor and grabbed your hand once you had once again picked up your dog. He dragged you away from them, seemingly annoyed that you were talking to them. Allison scoffed at his behaviour, she had just encountered him earlier and he had been rather cold to her and Viktor. All the siblings were told to gather in the living room to dicuss something, you were sat on a cosy chair in a corner of the room, quietly playing with the dog. Nobody had actually come to the living area yet, other than you, but that was because Diego was off somewhere investigating something. One of the adults you hadn't yet met came into the room, quickly spotting you in the corner. He looked strange, dishevelled hair, tattoos on both hands and wearing an old-fashioned skirt with no shirt and a jacket. He nervously walked over to you, kneeling down, looking at you with concern and intrigue.
"Well hi there sweetie, I'm Klaus, what are you doing here? You're not a ghost, are you?"
He said softly, his voice becoming more nervous towards the end of his sentence. You looked at him, slightly afraid, the last part of what he said had scared you slightly.
"N-no, I'm (Y- Y/N).. I'm Diego's daughter and I'm not a ghost!"
He gasped after hearing that you were Diego's daughter, he hadn't taken notice of the dog on your lap and suddenly it jumped up at him. He squaled in surprise at the dog and fell backwards. You also shrieked, caught off guard by the sudden loud noise. Your dad and uncle Luther burst into the room, alarmed at the sudden commotion, Diego being concerned about your safety. As they finally got there, all they saw was Klaus on the floor, an alarmed expression displayed on his features, with the dog licking his face and you giggling hysterically. They sighed in relief, seeing that nobody had been hurt.
They had their meeting and you began to get tired, Diego decided he'd just take you home instead of making you sit through a miserable funeral. He excused himself and drove you and the dog home. You passed out on your bed, the dog laying next to you. Diego smiled at you and shut the door.
(A/N: I really don't like this story but whatever)
Taglist: @book-place @shefollowedthestars
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
1 - First Name Basis
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Part 2
Feisty Coffee Girl
Tag list - send an ask to be added
Seattle is known for one thing: tons of rain and anyone who comes here always complains about it. Now that's not to say that those who have lived here their whole life don't get annoyed by it too. Nobody likes walking in the rain. Most find enjoyment in it because it means you get to stay in bed all day or you're a farmer and your crops desperately need some water. Anyway to the point of my ranting of rain is that I would find enjoyment in it on a particular morning. The morning I met the particular surgeon who would change my whole life forever….
The morning started out like any other; the news reported a heavy chance of rain. Jumping out of bed I missed my alarm and one of my friends who was supposed to babysit today was running late. Holding my phone up to my ear I was running around like a mad woman. “Caroline, please hurry. I need you to please be here.”
“I'm coming up the stairs now. I got stuck in traffic. Why is today so important exactly?” My best friend from home who I had moved with here asked me.
My sister Izzie and I grew up in a trailer park in Chehalis, Washington. Our mother basically raised us on our own until Izzie told her she wanted to go to medical school. Our mother spent up the money that we had saved for this to some psychics she went to see. I didn’t really understand why she needed the appointments but I could assume it was because both her daughters got pregnant young. Yet only one of us kept the baby….and I was the one who did it. “It is important because my boss said I would be getting my promotion today. The only requirement is that I come in earlier than normal.”
“Okay now I remember. And calm down, I am outside your door.” She knocked on my apartment door three times while I tossed my phone on the coach, heading to open the door letting her inside.
Caroline Brooke, my childhood best friend, smiled at me. Her curly blonde hair falling over her shoulders when she sat down at my kitchen island. “Why don’t use ask your sister to watch Eve?”
“Because she works 40 hr shifts and she’s only just an intern. She can’t afford to miss a day.”
“And apparently neither can you.” Caroline sent me a half glare. “Have you ever thought about giving your mom the spare room so she can watch her?”
Shaking my head I knew she had a good heart but she didn’t grow up around my mother all the time. My mother was happy I kept my baby up until the point when I had started working at the diner near our trailer park and I wouldn’t give her my money that I had earned. “Caroline, I love you. But my mother only cares about herself nowadays.”
“Sorry," I asked. Hey uh we should probably get Eve to school soon.” She clasped her hands together in her lap.
Looking back over my shoulder to the clock I saw it was almost 9:30 and I needed to be at work before 10:15am. Sliding on my feet I went down the short hallway to my daughter’s room creaking it open. “Everly, we need to get going. Caroline is here to take you to school.”
“Okay, mommy.” Everly came out wearing an orange sweatshirt with an orange on the front and some blue jeans and tennis shoes. She ran past me hugging my best friend sweetly. “Caroline!”
Grabbing my bag by the front door I slipped on my brown boots. I had put on my black leggings and a long green sweater that was required for our uniforms at the coffee shop. Caroline walked towards the door with me and so the three of us headed downstairs. Entering the store my boss Mandy came around the back corner. “Stevens, I need you to work the orders for a few hours until our meeting.”
“I'm on it, boss.” I called her from the back room. This had become our busy morning with the heavy rain everyone wanted a warm drink to fight off the cold. Scrambling around with a tray of coffee I handed them to each one in line who had already prepaid.
I heard someone call my name to head back to the front cash register. “Y/n! Somebody’s at the register waiting.” Della, my work friend came around the corner throwing her brunette curly hair in a ponytail switching jobs with me.
Moving back to the register seeing a guy with green eyes and brown hair. He also had a good scruff going on his chin. “Well now my day just got a whole lot better. You’re the first beautiful thing I have found in this city since I flew in last night.”
“Oh wow. I was not expecting this to start my morning off. Uh what can I get you?” I chuckled, tucking some loose hair behind my ear avoiding his gaze.
The stranger sent me a smile. “A bone dry cappuccino. Unless you have any other recommendations.”
“I’ve had the blueberry scones here and they are pretty good.” I tilted my head to the side.
The stranger reached into his jacket pocket. “I’ll take one of those too.”
“That’ll be $8. 05.” I finally lifted my gaze up to his. Blinking my eyes I just stood there for a second as he handed me some cash and I saw it was a twenty dollar bill. “Uh this is too much. I’ll give you change back.”
The stranger sent me a smirk shaking his head no. “You can keep the change, little blonde.”
“The names Y/n for your information since you didn’t choose to read my name tag.” I rolled my eyes at him, slightly turning around to make his coffee. Pouring the different liquids in a cup focused on my task until he spoke up again.
“My name's Mark. Mark Sloan even though you didn’t bother to ask me. “
Putting the lid on the cup I faced him once more sliding the cup to him. Opening the food case I slid the blueberry scone in a paper bag and handed it to him too. “Ah first name basis already. Next thing I know you’ll be asking me out on a date for just giving you your coffee.”
“I mean I am a lot of fun on a date. I could be down if you’re interested, especially for a night in bed.” Mark smirked at me, raising his coffee cup up and taking a long drink.
My face heated up quickly at the way he just blurted that out in public. I haven’t dated anyone since I had gotten pregnant back when I was thirteen. Izzie would get pregnant two years later. I felt it had become too hard to date or all awkward with me having a young kid. “Oh I don’t know about that. I am not great with dates.”
“You seem like you’d be pretty fun to me.” Mark chuckled, picking up his paper bag. He reached across the table writing down something on one of the comment cards we had near the register. He holds out the note in front of me.
I knitted my brows together confused at what he was holding out towards me. “What’s that for you already paid me?”
“It has my phone number on it. If you’re interested you should call me later.” Mark offers still waiting for me to take it from his hand.
I paused briefly just staring into his eyes. He was obviously attractive there was no doubt there. Della rounded the corner tapping me on the shoulder. “Y/n, our boss wants to see us in the back.”
“You seriously think I am going to go on a date with a stranger?” I ignored Della standing there.
Mark kept his gaze focused on mine. “We’re on a first name basis, Y/n. We wouldn’t be strangers if you take me up on my offer right now or sometime later.”
“Y/n?” Della called my name again.
I didn’t turn my head away when I lifted my right hand taking the note out of his hand smiling before Della was tugging me away from him by my forearm. “I’ll think about it. I…I’m coming. Hey I’m coming - I’ll think about it, Mark.”
“I’ll be waiting for your call, little feisty blonde.” Mark chuckled watching me and my coworker going around the corner and he found himself wanting to see you again the next day.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Carol Danvers x teen!reader - family
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Carol Danvers x teen reader prompt 44 the hot chocolate one! Maybe she's like a big sister to reader. - @witchreporter 💜
44: “I make a great hot chocolate.” “I’ll be the judge of that.”
Rubbing your hands together, you tried to warm them up as you walked into your apartment, shrugging your bag off by the table.
You saw a familiar jacket on the back of the couch and you smiled to yourself.
“I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’ve been away, you’ve not been buying shopping.”
You turned to the doorway to see the face of a very familiar superhero look around.
Anybody else would’ve freaked out, panicked or immediately began fangirling about a superhero being in the apartment.
For you it was normal.
“Takeout man, easy food.”
Carol sighed, pointing a spoon at you.
“I didn’t teach you to cook for nothing.” She scolded.
You grinned a little, shrugging your jacket off, pulling on her jacket and wondered into the kitchen.
Kneeling on a chair, you looked at Carol.
“This is breaking and entering ya know.”
“I have a key.”
“You have a key?”
You both looked at each other confused for a moment.
“Oh yeah…” you mumbled.
Carol laughed slightly, shaking her head a little bit at you.
“Well since you’re here will you help me with my homework?”
“Yeah sure go get it.”
You jumped up, rushing to get your homework and you set it on the table, heading to the fridge to grab a can of soda.
“Thought you were good a math?”
“Not this kinda math, I suck at it.”
Carol hummed a little bit, picking up the paper, furrowing her brows a little and you snickered.
“You don’t know either.”
“I do! I’m just.. trying to figure out how to explain it…”
Laughing a little, you took it from her, sitting at the table, gesturing to the food that she was making.
“Thought I’d make something simple then we’ll go buy you actual food.”
“Alright.” You shrugged.
You began your homework, getting done what you could until the food was ready.
Carol took your homework, setting the plate down in front of you.
“Yes! My favourite!” You cheered.
Carol smiled a bit.
“Yup, I know you love it, so I thought it would be nice. I’ll be back for a while, so I’m going to make sure that you’ll eat real food not takeout.”
“You gonna stay here?”
“If you want, do you still have that spare room available?”
“Oh yeah I kept it done up just in case.”
She smiled at you, sitting down with her own dinner.
When you guys were finished, you grabbed your jacket, giving Carol hers back, making your way into the snowy streets.
Running into the store, you ran straight to the snack aisle.
“(Y/N) no!”
Carol rushed after you, grabbing the back of your jacket.
“No, food then snacks.”
“No! Carol come on!” You whined.
You huffed, throwing random things into the basket and she kept taking them out and putting them away.
Finding something interesting, you crouched down, holding the chocolate in your hands.
“Carol, Carol look!”
“What’s up?”
She walked over, taking it from your hands to look at.
“Authentic chocolate to make into hot chocolate.”
Carol looked at you, putting it in the basket, going to look for a few others things and you trailed after her.
“Can we make hot chocolate?” You asked.
She walked over to the checkout and you followed her.
“I make a great hot chocolate.”
You carried on putting everything on the checkout.
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Carol rolled her eyes, paying for everything and putting it all into a couple of bags.
You took one of them and you both made your way back.
“Why are you back anyways? Shouldn’t you be out saving the universe or something?” You asked.
“Well, apparently I have a teenager who needs looking after because they refuse to cook and do normal everybody things.”
“You’re not my mother.”
Carol rolled her eyes.
“I may as well be I look after you enough.”
You ran upstairs stairs, barrelling through the door to your apartment.
Carol came in after you, gesturing for you to put the shopping away which you did while grumbling.
“I’m going to start calling you every week you know, making sure you actually go shopping.”
“I’ll just lie.”
“I’ll send people to check.”
You grinned a little bit at her, and you turned around.
“You really do care huh?”
“Course I do, why else would I be here?”
“To make me hot chocolate…”
“You’re helping I’m not doing it all.”
You rushed over to her to happily help a huge smile on your face and she smiled as well.
For the longest time she had blamed herself for a lot of things, and then she just happened to stumble across you one day stealing some food.
And you’ve taught her a lot, not she was the unofficial older sister to you and she was happy to look after you.
In a universe where everybody relied on her to save the day and rescue them, you just relied on her to help you with homework and just generally spend time with you playing games or cooking for you
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Xavier x reader
!!Prompt came from them check them out!!
“You never doubted that you were the most important person in Xavier's life till today”
“Just my luck” you groaned in pain. You were currently in your bathroom sitting on the floor in front of your toilet, you have been vomiting for hours. “Why did I have to eat that sushi,” You frowned regretting your past decisions. For whatever reason you thought it would be a good idea to eat expired sushi, in your defense you thought one day past the dew date wouldn't be that bad. Well, you were very wrong.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity you stopped vomiting. “Uhh my stomach, curse you fish,” You said while standing up to go to your bedroom.
You threw your body onto your bed still quenching your stomach. “I should text Xavier” you smiled to yourself knowing he would comfort you through this pain. You reached for your nightstand to retrieve your phone. You quickly send him a text telling him your current situation and requesting that he come over.
You had been waiting for his response for about 3 hours now. “Maybe he's just busy, I hope he is ok.” you thought to yourself, you decided to take a nap to detract yourself from the pain, hoping that when you woke up Xavier would be sleeping next to you.
When you opened your eyes you were disappointed to not feel his arms wrapped around you. You looked at your phone to see if he had texted you back; you smiled seeing an unread text message from 5 minutes ago, “Maybe he's just now seeing my text.” you say.
You opened the message and your smile immediately faded, it read “Sorry I can't make it Mc needs my help right now, I'll get back to you after my love 💙.”
You felt your stomach quench and your mouth water, the feeling being to familiar. You quickly got up and ran to your bathroom, quickly crouching in front of the toilet. Your throat quenched and you felt a tightness in your stomach as you vomited. Contrary to earlier you didn't know if the expired sushi caused this or the fact that your own boyfriend chose another woman over you.
You know they have been working as partners for about a month now, and you never questioned his loyalty to you within that time frame, well till today at least.
You were lying in your bed holding your stomach; you could feel hot tears run down your cheeks. “Did he think she was more important than you, that her problems needed tending to first and yours were only secondary?” The wave of nausea that hit you earlier rendered you unable to respond to his message, and even if it hadn't you really don't know what you would have said anyway.
“if he had to choose me or Mc what would his decision be?” you thought to yourself, If he thought that helping her was primary and your aid was only secondary in just this situation you could only imagine what the future had in store for your relationship.
Sleep slowly started taking over your body and you began drives off to sleep. Deep down you knew if he truly cared about you there wouldn't even be any other choice. He made it apparent that there was another option and it wasn't you it was her, Mc.
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alliebirb · 4 months
ok your revo children ocs are a d o r b s 🥹🥹🥹 do you have any headcanons on them?? tell us moreee
Beloved revo bby anon………. i am so sorry it has taken me so long to return to you……… but i thought of you out on the battlefield……. Stored this ask in a locket that ended up saving me from a bullet….. i hope you will accept several chiyoko and senbi arts as my apology for leaving you at the window for so long.
RAGGHHHHHH💝💝💕💖💖💕💕💖💖⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY GRANDCHILDREN ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ i would LOVE to give some hcs!!!!!!
A LOT of senbi and chiyoko fun facts and arts below the cut!!!
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- first meets atem when she’s 4, and oml within like 2 months she has him wrapped around her little finger just like her momma
- She would follow atem around like a shadow, cheerfully parroting atem’s greetings to palace guards the the royal court
-except set, she’ll hide behind atem under his cape if she sees him coming. set isnt trying to scare her or anything, he just has major rbf, is like 6’3, and doesnt know how to approach talking to children. Atem tries his best to get them to converse but set just shuffles awkwardly as his cousin tries to get chiroko to relinquish her death grip on his tunic.
- older than her brother by 5-6 years, and is so so so excited when senbi is born!!!!! little baby brother!!!!!! stays protective of him (and anzu) from when he was an infant into adult years (also atem to an extent)
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- chiyo would get along with mana like 2 peas in a pod!! Mahad would love her to b i t s, but his calmer, more paternal/fraternal energy towards atem would multiply with chiyoko and he would treat her like small precious baby while mana is just like “hey kiddo wanna see me turn your dad into a frog real quick” just to see her laugh (and fuck with atem, two birds, one stone)
- she went through ages 5-8 fully believing that atem was her biological father and would constantly be asking when her multicolored hair would come in. Atem never had the heart to tell her and would just say “wont be long now!!” Anzu had to break the news and chiyoko went through the evening with her arms crossed pointedly turning her entire body away from Atem.
- When she turned 16, she ended up dip dying her hair red and anzu complimented how nice it looked while atem sobbed into her shoulder (i will forever hold art of this from @shinayashipper SO close to my heart)
- they may not be biologically related, but i stg, chiyoko inherited atem’s competitive love of games through osmosis
- That combined with anzu’s determination leads to a tyrannical warlord during family uno
- thinks jonouchi is the coolest EVER and jonouchi actively rubs his favorite uncle status diRECTLY into honda’s face
- secretly thinks mai is even cooler but is too spooked to talk to her
- Also gets really close to anzu’s dad, and gets SO excited to spend summer days in the countryside catching beetles and wading through creeks! She runs ahead while Hitoshi holds senbi’s hand and answers his gardening questions
- Definitely comes home every day after school with an absurd amount of dirt and grass stains
- grows up with confidence and assuredness to rival her parents
- fun fact!! Chiyoko is named after the mc from satoshi kon’s Millennium Actress since in convergence (longfic concept where she first came up) she’s yanked around with anzu in the time travel mumbo jumbo from japan to egypt
- as she grows up, chiyoko ends up looking v v similar to anzu’s mom, but just replace kiori’s scowl and gray eyes with a smile and hitoshi’s brown eyes (more oc stuff). Also v fashionable!!!
- born when anzu and atem are in their late twenties, post-marriage, and while he has some of atem’s hair coloration style and skin tone, his eyes and hair color are all anzu - much to anzu’s dismay and atem’s adoration (atem is now tied around two little fingers at once)
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- Shy boy!!! When he was small, there was always one hand holding onto to atem or anzu’s pants leg or holding chiyo’s hand
- Doesn’t have a competitive bone in his body, just wants to have fun and tbh, doesnt love games all that much!
- older senbi would love watching chiyoko and atem go ham on each other during games and will be sharing popcorn with anzu as they both roll their eyes
- as a child, likes to sit with anzu quietly and read his picture books, or sit on atem’s lap as he works through a crossword
- Senbi always takes a while to go to sleep and when he was little, anzu would sit in his bed and read aloud whatever performance arts book she’s been reading. Eventually, he would fall asleep, but many times, Atem wakes up alone and walks in to senbi’s room to see anzu conked out.
- Senbi and yugi rlly vibe and have the same wallflower energy so!! He always gets rlly excited when yugi comes to visit, bringing him to his room to show him all the cool picture books he got from the library this week
- To which yugi ofc sits there as happy as can be and engaging with everything “omg i LOVE robots, what’s that one about??? :DD”
- ((Many years later, senbi would start working on his own color tattoo sleeve bc he’s always thought yugi’s looked SO COOL, and if yugi learned this he would be sobbing on the floor))
- and unlike chiyo, out of atem’s pseudo-siblings, bibi would definitely get along best with Mahad, and would love to just sit in his study with him and watch Mahad write on scrolls and test spells
- would have one of those city apartments stuffed full of plants and books
-Chiyoko was always the protective older sister, he could yell for her and she would come barreling in from wherever she was, ready to throw down. This still stands true into adulthood, though chiyoko is more likely to verbally assault someone than punch them
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- while chiyoko would love looking for all the bugs and frogs and snakes on the family summer trips to the countryside, senbi would not. One time, chiyoko was excitedly showing everyone the giant beetle she found and it flew right towards senbi’s face. Atem had to spend the rest of the day inside with senbi watching cartoons.
- Jono and Honda like pulling little scare pranks on chiyoko as she loves chasing them around for retribution, but if they accidentally spook senbi as collateral, anzu’s hitting them with a chair
- really into art and while he cant draw amazingly, he loves visiting artist exhibitions and alleys. will spend his entire paycheck.
- would be a tattoo artist!
may the cat revo bbies bless you and PLEASE come into my askbox again, i SWEAR i will be faster……. Probably…
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balkanradfem · 4 months
Health news!
So, I've been having neck pain, that turned into head pain, for a year and a half now, and while I've had some more comfort since the center of pain was switched to my head, I've still been unable to walk, run, dance, jump, or use any tools like a hammer or a hoe. My right arm became functional again, but my left arm hurts from even holding a cup of tea. I had a neck MRI, and then a brain MRI, and there was no visible cause of pain, so I had a talk with my doctor, and she decided to test my blood for low vitamin D and low B12, and to check my thyroid function.
It turned out my thyroid is fine, but I had low b12, and critically low Vitamin D. She explained to me I need to get b12 shots every month, and that this could be the cause of the pain. When I came in, the doctor seemed overjoyed we finally found something concrete that is wrong with me, that we could treat, while I was wildly skeptical because I've been looking up symptoms of the deficiencies. While I had every symptom for vitamin D deficiency, I had none for b12, and only one article suggested there could be muscle pain as a result of it. Seems like feeble proof.
I have not been ignorant of my poor diet and living habits, I knew I had low vitamin D, and had supplemented it over the winter months, but apparently the store-bought dose I was taking was not enough. I did suspect a b12 deficiency as well, and was starting to take some B vitamins recently, but then read somewhere that they're dangerous to randomly take so I stopped. So what I'm saying is I knew I was sorta deficient, didn't think it was a big deal, I thought I was fixing it, I wasn't, my supplements didn't affect my pain or health. I got prescribed some powerful Vitamin D supplement, and got a b12 shot.
I have to say though, the nurse who was giving me the shot was acting ridiculous, first she was saying it to me like I'm a child, and I'm an adult, so I said 'I like shots, this won't be a problem'. She was not impressed. When she put the needle in me, I commented on how I can barely feel it, because I love acting cool in front of women with my high pain tolerance, but then she said 'When people tense their muscles it can get real bad and the needle can get stuck inside of them'. She said that while the needle was in me! I said 'I don't think I should be hearing this right now' and struggled to stay relaxed, and then she quickly pulled it out and it was fine. Maybe she just hated my positive attitude about getting the shot and needed me to be more apprehensive and afraid, which I don't feel is an attitude a medical professional should have?? Anyway. The shot was free for me so I love that.
The doctor told me 'you're going to feel much better next few months', super confidently, but I am still skeptical, I mean I wish I did feel better, and I'm relieved that something at least is getting attempted, and maybe a healthy dose of vitamin D will help with mental health, so okay, that would be an improvement. I doubt it will cure my head hurting while I walk though. Maybe I just don't understand deficiencies.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
I saw you made a fic based off of @clownsuu art of Mafia au WH and it's really good!
I was wondering if it's alright if you did their emo/goth au with goth moth priest!Howdy x Mortica Adams like Fem! Reader x Emo! Wally?
I was tempted to ask for a Mafia!Wally and Howdy x black widow fem!reader but I didn't want it to get in the way of the main mafia fic
Maybe Reader is the newest neighbor who is an air of mystery. Knowing that little emo gremlin, you can add if they are possessive/lovesick if you want
Hello dearie! I absolutely love both ideas the thing is that I don't know for which of those ideas is the "Maybe Reader is the newest neighbor who is an air of mystery. Knowing that little emo gremlin, you can add if they are possessive/lovesick if you want" but I'm guessing that is the first one! Anyways hope you like it and I just left it as Emo!Howdy Pillar btw!
Three dark souls
Pairing: Emo!Howdy Pillar x Emo!Wally Darling x Flirty as fuck!Female reader
Illustrated Au, took me like twenty minutes to find an Emo Wally drawing but I finally found one I liked so credit to @nonomives! Emo Howdy down right don't exist tho-
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Wally Darling and Howdy Pillar, the dark dressed couple of the neighborhood. Everyone knew that they lived to dress in black and hear very different music than the rest but they all loved this couple nonetheless.
It all started as a normal day, a new neighbor came into the neighborhood which exited everyone including the "emo" pair. F/n was a very sweet lady, guess you could say that since she did love very morbid things, she was beautiful and just like the pair she dressed a lot with black mostly with some beautiful dresses that made her look ethereal.
F/n met Howdy first when she entered his record store, she wanted some records of a spanish singer and the "Howdy's record store" seemed to be the only that existed in the tiny town. Howdy was more than confused at seeing a woman dressed in such a similar way than he did but what honestly left him speechless was the way she talked.
"Good afternoon Mon Cheri, how much would this records be~?," Asked F/n in a smooth way but her voice held that teasing yet flirty tone in such a natural way. Howdy pointed at a sign that said "100% for today" which made F/n smile softly.
"Well then, I guess I will be taking my leave... see you around Mon Cheri," said F/n before walking away from the store with a record in hand and Howdy let a sight leave his lips which he didn't even realize he was holding his breath.
"So this is how straight people feel?," Muttered under his breath Howdy now looking at his hand in plain confusion meanwhile F/n walked down the street to crash into a guy with long blue hair that was down that also dressed in black. F/n smiled while extending her hand out to Wally which made him blush softly, her smile was... Pretty
"Thank you," said Wally now standing up still holding F/n hand taking into mind the soft blush that coated her cheeks.
"No problem Cara Mia, I'll see you around~," said F/n softly before walking away from Wally leaving him puzzled. He blushed before running into Howdy record store seeing him with a soft blue hue in his cheeks.
"Did you also meet her?," Asked Wally while walking over to Howdy who hugged him as soon as he reached him. Wally smiled softly when he felt Howdy nod against his neck mumbling a soft yeah.
"How odd is life"
I think that is good, not completely sure but hope you liked it Anon!
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