#anyway thank u SO much. i was going insane. i stayed up last night for 3 hours looking before passing out
samarecharm · 1 month
I'm pretty sure the fic you're thinking of is "past the places where we might have turned" by taizi!
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hannieehaee · 1 month
Imagine workaholic gf!reader of equally workaholic bf!woozi where they both take a few days leave to enjoy each other and book a luxurious honeymoon suite hotel room thinking they will have a lot of sex with their days off but instead end up with cuddling and lazy make out sessions because their exhaustion just swooshes over them owo
18+ / mdi
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content: workaholic!woozi x workaholic!reader, afab reader, heavy mentions of smut, making out, very suggestive, etc.
wc: 1262
a/n: i can really picture jihoon dating a fellow workaholic lol anyways thank u for requesting<3
"fuck, finally," you sighed in relief, letting yourself fall backwards onto the cool bed in the luxury hotel room jihoon had reserved.
after endless weeks of equally endless work, you finally had a week off, which jihoon had strategically coordinated with his own time off.
the two of you were extremely hard workers – to a fault. when jihoon bad first met you, he worried that maybe his addiction to constant work would eventually drive you away, yet somehow it had continued to keep you right by his side. you preferred that he was a workaholic, you had once told him. there had apparently been a few prior relationships in which your heavy workload had led to irreparable issues. jihoon being equally as busy as you allowed you to work without feeling guilt of leaving your partner behind – jihoon felt the exact same way.
despite the unspoken agreement the two of you had in regards to the dynamic of your relationship, it sometimes still got to you when you'd realize how little time you were able to spend with your boyfriend – once more, jihoon felt the exact same way.
your individual lives were already difficult to navigate, but making time for each other was even more complicated. your exhaustion was a whole different issue. working as much as the two of you did, it was understandable that you'd spend the lulls in your schedule resting as much as you could rather than with each other. it was a sad truth, but still remained a truth.
it wasn't as if you spent no time together, though. you'd always either see each other in the mornings (either through call or in person – depending on whether jihoon was in the country at the time or not) or at night, always making sure to love on one another as a reminder of the thriving affection in your relationship. you'd also dedicate one night per week to have a stay-at-home date night. everything was perfectly tailored to your relationship, and the two of you were more than happy with it.
these past few weeks had been the issue. as jihoon had a comeback and you had an important project at work, it was virtually impossible for you to see each other as of late. it got to you in all the worst ways, making you moody, irritable, tired, and even sexually frustrated. not only were you physically exhausted of the constant work, but you had been deprived of your daily dosage of jihoon. you had not slept together in weeks, nor had you even had a meal with each other. cuddling? completely out of the question with the insanely packed schedule you'd been having.
it all went like this for the both of you for a few weeks, up until everything managed to reach a standstill. you had a few days off, and jihoon had the ability to move some things around to match your time off. without so much as one word from you, jihoon had decided it was the perfect time to whisk you away on a private getaway at some luxury hotel of your choice.
jihoon wasnt really one to go out much, unbeknownst to you, but jihoon had been feeling extremely pent up from the last moment he got to have you all to himself. the short glimpses of you he managed to catch throughout the busy weeks were the only thing that had kept him going. the singular thought of the next time he'd he'd get to have you was the only thing occupying his mind. renting out a room for the week was the most obvious of choices to jihoon. he would finally get to explore the sheets with you.
upon arriving to the hotel, jihoon chuckled at how pleased you seemed with the place, immediately letting yourself loose on the bed and sighing in contentment. putting down the suitcases, jihoon joined you soon after, still fully clothed as he laid next to you, staring up at the ceiling.
"are you as tired as i am?", you asked him.
he hummed in affirmation, "yeah. what do you wanna do first?"
the unspoken agreement to utilize the week on sex had filled up the room before you had even arrived, so it was obvious what he was referring to.
"i'll take a quick bath first, okay, baby?", you said as you began to get up, stretching your muscles in the process.
"sure, baby. i'll head down to the gym for a bit to unwind then. i'll see you in about an hour, then?"
with a sweet peck, you bid your boyfriend goodbye, giddy to get yourself relaxed and perfumed so your boyfriend could help you destress under the sheets.
the bath had been a huge success in terms of getting you relaxed. after an hour lying in the warmest, bubbliest, comfiest water imaginable to man, you felt like a brand new person. accompanied by a lavender-scented bath bomb, a glass of wine and your favorite netflix show playing in the background, you got out of that bath in the best mood you'd been in in weeks.
the one downside was how incredibly relaxed the bath had gotten you. you were so relaxed, you could've fallen victim to endless slumber in that bathtub. as much as you needed jihoon to fuck you to sleep, you weren't sure how well you'd be able to perform if you tried to return the favor.
luckily for you, that would not be an issue.
upon walking back into the room, now donning some comfortable pajamas, you were met with the sight of a fully-asleep jihoon, cocooned between the sheets as he snored softly. the sight had you swooning with affection for the boy. he was the softest, most relaxing thing you had ever seen.
you couldn't help yourself in making your way to him, somehow maneuvering yourself into his arms and under the sheets, feeling more relaxed than ever.
before you could even close your eyes, the boy shuffled behind you, mumbling against your ear as he cuddled further into you.
"baby?", he mumbled.
"sorry, baby. did i wake you?"
"hmm, no you're fine. i meant to stay awake for you, but the bed's just so damn comfy," he chuckled breathily, "i took a quick shower downstairs to prepare for, you know, but fuck, i'm just so tired," he whined.
you turned around in his arms, facing him, breaths almost intertwined due to the proximity.
"that's okay, hoonie. 'm so sleepy. maybe ... we could leave it for tomorrow? just sleep in and then we can have some fun tomorrow?" you suggested, pressing a soft peck to his lips.
his arms tightened around your waist, not allowing you to pull back all the way, "only if you kiss me some more," he murmured, eyes stuck to your lips.
"i can agree to that," you giggled, pressing a languid kiss to his lips as he stuck his tongue in your mouth, softly intertwining with your own in a wet kiss.
the rest of the evening was spent softly making out under the warm sheets, legs tangled up together and fully relaxed in each other's arms. sex was the last thing on your mind as you kissed each other every so often, mostly focused on holding onto one another and finding your slumber together. however, this exhaustion did not stop you from waking up the following day, claiming your highs from one another time after time throughout the day, ready to recharge at night and continue the pattern day after day.
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calxide · 1 month
kazuha x gn!reader | 500+ words ; no pronouns used for the reader. i, literally, cannot sleep so i wrote this fic pls help. written in lowercase. not proofread pls just let me sleep already. words: milk, punch are mentioned. sleeping tgt. god when will i have this. just pure fluff, some brainrot, and definitely no sleep for me.
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“i can't sleep.”
it's past two in the morning, yet here you are, standing in front of a dazed, closed-eyed kazuha — a plushie in your arms, blanket on your shoulders, and an oversized pajama.
kazuha tried his best to force his eyes open. but he fails, so he just sends you a smile.
“come in.” kazuha almost hit his head on the doorframe when he turned around to make way for you to get in.
you plopped yourself comfortably on his sofa. “sorry, i had a terrible sleeping schedule last week. now, i can't get it out of my system.”
you've been pulling all-nighters last week because of the hell-stack of schoolworks you had to do, and now, you couldn't bring yourself to sleep, so you decided it's best to show up at your best friend's door at 2 am since you live in the same building anyway.
kazuha chuckled and went to the kitchen. “milk?”
“sure… i'll take anything to make me pass out.”
“a punch then?” he joked.
“why not?”
a few minutes later, he comes back with two glasses of milk in his hands. “here you go, sleepyhead.”
“you're the sleepy one here, dummy.”
“fake it til you make it, they say,” he joked and took a sip from his glass.
as soon as you both finished drinking, kazuha offered to bring it in the sink. after a while, he came back with a blanket enough to fit you two in—enough to cover the sofa you were sitting on.
you raised an eyebrow as if asking what's his plan for the night. kazuha simply shrugged, sat beside you again and covered you.
the blanket was fluffy. it was warm to be under the blanket, and even warmer with kazuha by your side.
you noticed him drifting off. kazuha has been a victim of your sleepless nights for quite awhile now, but he doesn't seem to mind. sometimes he'd ask you to tell him stories so your problems would come off your chest, sometimes he'd be the one to tell tales for you to fall asleep.
but tonight, kazuha's clearly tired, he's completely dozing off. his head was hanging and you're worried he might actually fall off the sofa.
“you can sleep on my shoulder, you know,” you whispered your offer. “or like, just lay your head on the sofa.”
without thinking much, kazuha immediately made himself comfortable using your shoulder as his pillow. you wondered if he had forgotten you were the one who he was supposed to help fall asleep.
although, you don't really mind. sometimes, it's not bad to lend a shoulder to a friend, literally.
you and kazuha just stayed like that for who knows how long — it was quiet, the comforting kind, with the only source of noise coming from the air-conditioner.
you examined his peaceful sleeping face. kazuha looked beautiful as he always does.
you smiled as you felt your heart flutter. ah, silly thoughts.
“good night, kazu,” you mumbled.
you planted a kiss on kazuha's hair, then laid your head on top of his. yawning, you finally felt the melatonin kicking in. and so, you drifted off to dreamland.
kazuha shifted his position a bit and smiled as if he was dreaming. “sweet dreams, y/n.”
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NOTE hello hahahahaha 5 months in in 2024 and im back just because my eyebags are insanely bad and i havent had an 8-hour sleep since god knows when (exaggerated but u get my point) plzzz wait for me school is almost done. thanks hope i can fall asleep now... p.s. i havent written anything for so long now so i apologize...
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hi omg I keep reading everything on Caspian like two times every couple of hours-
And I'm curious since Caspian seems to be big on family would he try to separate his darling from theirs? The slow ride of manipulation and stuff? Or would he understand darlings attachment to their family?
If he did understand it, how would he feel about the certain family members that just make darling uncomfortable? (Cause I feel like everyone has family that just makes them insecure or uncomfortable sometimes-)
Anyway it's just a curiosity but I'm also curious about Caspians family as well! I don't know he's just so interesting and a big softie to his darling, I find him so cute and wanna know more about him!
I hope you have a good day or night and make sure to try and stay hydrated!! <33
A/N: Thank you for the well wishes ur too cute for that omg I hope u are hydrated as well! This was such a cute request! (Edited 12/16/22)
T/W's: Yandere shenanigans, new players have entered the arena, cursing, murder is planned, one is heard over the phone but just a little, it's vague and only a line but bad family tw anyway
The Long Game.
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He has a list of folks he likes to guide you away from, he was far more observant than people assumed and that went tenfold for all things you. That being said him keeping your family at arm's length depends entirely on how they do and have treated you.
Maybe you tell him a story about how a certain family member made you cry, or how maybe things weren't the easiest growing up, you may say it in a lighthearted way but he can see it- there's this look on your face that just breaks his heart into a million pieces, so he does some digging, finds out everything he can, and debates with himself on how to best protect you, but we'll get back to that.
He had 7 people in the house including himself growing up in New York, he's the oldest brother of 5, and they're all only a year apart besides the last two. Because of all those responsibilities thrust upon him, he grew up in comfortable chaos. Their house wasn't the biggest but everyone had their own space, which you really had to have for yourself with that many people in one home in order to not go insane.
Gabe, the brother right below him was an inch shorter than Cas, the whooping 6'4 behemoth was nothing to laugh at, and yet-and no matter how much he loathed it, people were always comparing and contrasting him to the golden child of the Delmont family. He did everything he could to be different from his brother, even dying his hair blue and cutting it shorter didn't do much to help, despite the various attempts over the years, everyone still insisted they looked more alike than the twins, he'd made it an almost stubborn point to take up things he knew his brother disliked. Like how he took woodshop when Cas took culinary classes, he never took his frustration out on Cas though, in fact out of the four others, he's who's closest to Caspian. You could find him working on one of the many projects being tinkered on in the house's garage by him and his father any chance he could, unlike his older sibling he thrived in the family business, all sides of it.
Next in line was Richard but he made everyone call him Ricky, if anyone but their mother called him Richard he'd make em swallow their teeth. He was all work and no play, the middle-child syndrome he'd come down with early in life had made him a huge daddy's boy, a big overachiever, so much so he went to school just to learn how to better run the shop, eager to be given the wheel once his Father retired. Who speaking of, this asshole was the most like, easily the smartest son, usually the one the others went to for guidance. Although it came with the price of his berating them until he saw fit before he'd help, he spent all his time in his room, a true introvert, he was most in his element bossing people around.
Then came the twins, two honest-to-goodness menaces to society. Marcos and Manuel, the latter soon demanded to be called Manny,(he swears it's not to be like Ricky no way-) much to the annoyance of his older brother, he was the baby in every sense of the word, just as sensitive as the rest of the crybabies in his family, but with the same devil in him as the rest.
Marcos is the heartbreaker, his favorite pastime was fucking with people, seeing all the ways their faces would twist up when he'd inevitably break them. He used his bunny smile and fox-like eyes to lure people into these false notions of security, letting them think they stood a chance only to leave them burning before they could blink, he's got something special buried underneath all the fuckboy, if he ever finds someone patient enough to wait it out all that machismo cracks and crumbles like dry clay. The kinda kid who got in trouble just to get that extra attention from his parents, with siblings like his he felt he had to stand out and he'd do anything to get there. Even hang off his father's every word in the shop on Saturdays instead of raging with his twin in trouble, Manny.
Manny was a real sweetheart until he didn't get his way. It was scary how fast he could flip into someone else like his terrible two's never ended, and at the same time, he was the nicest kid in class every time, he knew the right things to say and do to get his way, and people almost fell over themselves to give him what he wanted. He found it cute, when he was younger it was harmless stuff, just getting some homework done by an adoring classmate or getting away with something naughty he'd done by blaming it on one of his brothers, he had most everyone wrapped around his finger, their Mother being the kind spirited woman she was, didn't really know how to deal with Manny's mean streak, thankfully over time, he mellowed out, at least he knew how to fool people better now-, he was probably the most dangerous of his siblings and he took a sick sort of pride in it. He's a ride-or-die in every sense of the word, once got himself expelled because his Twin had. Like most of his kin, once he loved he loved with his whole being, he just had a funny way of showing it.
Our sweet sweet boy Cas all but lived in the kitchen, this never sat well with his statue of a father, the certified hardass, and real "man's man" who had always sneered at the sight of Caspian cooking for the family. He never openly criticized, but he didn't need to, not with the glare Cas only ever saw him give unruly customers beating down his neck as he tried to ignore it, which brings us to the other reason he resented his passion for cooking, it meant Cas wasn't working down at the "Mechanics" shop with him and the rest of his family.
His great great great Grandfather had started the body shop decades ago with one rule, if they don't know they don't know which loosely translated to, 'No one talks about nothing that could get you killed.' By the time he was graduating High school he knew he didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps, something uncles, cousins, and the odd scumbag had done almost ceremonially, it was all but expected of the Delmont men, so naturally, his refusal to do so really pissed him off.
But he bit his tongue, he knew Ma would tan his hide if she caught wind of his foul attitude toward her golden child Caspian.
Despite his Father's sour look towards literally everything and everyone, he was a different person with his Mother.
She made him soft in a way that couldn't be believed unless witnessed and was absolutely the only reason he hadn't said a word about his clear distaste. He'd give her the moon if she asked so this is where he learns what love looks like, something that changes you, into something else entirely, for the better.
And as different as they all were, every man in his family had something in common, the way they loved.
Any and all yandere tendencies are not overlooked- but encouraged, it's the one place they don't argue. If one has a problem with a Darling someone is offering a solution.
This brings us back to the problem at hand, while Caspian was the oldest he wasn't too proud to say he was the smartest by default, that award went to his younger brother Ricky, so while you're slumbering away one night, blissfully unaware the horrors about to be committed, Caspian takes the chance to sit in his backyard amongst the garden you'd planted together.
"Wow, a phone call- are you dying?"
"No. Look I need your advice on something-"
"Hold on." The line went dead making the large man roll his eyes at the dramatic paranoia of his brother, seconds later a new blocked number lit up his screen. "If you're gonna' do this spy shit every time why not just call from the burner?" Caspian pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt not to get into another fight with his sibling. "You want my help or not asshole?" He could hear the familiar signs of the body shop muffled in the background, he was in his office great.
"Just- okay if you were in my shoes what's your move?" He goes on to explain the dilemma of whether or not to keep you from your family, how he really didn't want to give them the chance to hurt you again, and before he could finish his brother cut him off with a sigh.
"You've wasted six minutes of my day to ask about a problem you've already made up your mind about."
"The fuck is that suppos'ta mean Ricky?" He could see the shit-eating grin on his younger brother's face as he spoke in mock sympathy, "That oven cleaner finally melt your brain shithead? We both know you already decided what you're gonna do." He wouldn't give him time to respond,
"You just need my help. Need that push, for me to be the guy to suggest it so hey, I'll throw you a bone," Caspian let his eyes trail across the delicate plant life you'd painstakingly nurtured like the loving being you were, his thumb traced a bud before smiling to himself, the one thought he'd settled on was the need to protect you, and he would.
The only way he knew how.
"Dead sons of bitches can't hurt people we love now can they?"
"No, they cannot Ricky. You busy tonight?" A beat passed before his trained ears caught the sound of a scream tearing through the shouts of metal scraping and machinery being used, the sound came to an abrupt halt, and the tell-tale crack of bone echoed despite all the noise pollution.
"Lucky dog, Manny just cleared our schedule for you.."
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
first of all I just wanna say your fics, your writing is so good! and I enjoy everything you post so much! you’re truly talented 🥰 I have an idea that’s been on my mind for months and you can ignore it if it’s nothing for u or if you’re not interested!
I keep thinking about steve waking you up in the morning leaving kisses on your back and neck, soft touches as he caresses your body. he groans at the sight and feel of your pussy being wet and dripping onto his sheets after a night full of love making. you wake up as his lips move down your spine making you whine into the pillow, your hips wiggling as you open your thighs a bit for him and he eats you out from behind and after making you cum at least twice by his mouth and fingers he crawls up your body while leaving wet kisses everywhere until he kisses your cheek. whispering how he needs and wants you. you whimper as you feel his wet tip against your folds and you beg him to take you. (some breeding/impreg kink and daddy kink would be so hot + knowing steve he will call u all the pet names in the book… kitten, sweetheart, baby etc etc) the praise he gives you as he slips inside from behind, you gasp, feeling so full of his big cock, never getting used to it. what was supposed to be soft sex turned into some passionate heated sex as you beg him to give you his cum/babies. ALRIGHT I could go on and on 😭 I’m going insane but anyways you can ignore it if it’s nothing for u and I’m still happy if u don’t but if u do… I’d be just as happy <3 have a nice day 💘 - 💒 anon
My word 💒 anon you’re gonna kill me. But that is not stopping me from writing this nope. I’m ALL for this! I really hope I did this justice.
Also I’m thrilled to be able to use this gif cause WHEW LOOK AT IT look at HIS BACK nope I’m not alright
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Morning Lovin’
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warning: Smut (lots of smut, it gets dirty I’m sorry), some of Steve’s breeding kink coming through
Steve hardly slept throughout the night. He kept waking, thinking of your wet, dripping pussy on the sheets last night, even after he was finishing wrecking you thoroughly.
He’s not sure what’s got him so wound up, but lately, he can’t get enough of you. He’s thankful when he sees the faint light of early morning streaming through the window next to the bed, eager to wake you up with a little surprise.
He’s woken with a surprise himself, his morning wood this morning being more like a full blown, morning erection. His eyes slide over to where you’re laying, peacefully asleep, still naked from last night’s fun.
Your hair is strewn beautifully across the pillow, your shoulders rising and falling in a melodic rhythm as you sleep. But he can stop his hungry eyes or touch from giving you a tiny wake up call.
His hand slides over your soft skin, sinking into the curves of your body as he caresses your hip, leaving a soft kiss on your shoulder. His mouth moves along your neck, coming to rest at the nape of your neck, leaving a soft kiss at the base of it, just where it meets the top of your back.
You stir, eyes fluttering and you moan, still sleepy, trying to wake up all while still wanting to stay asleep.
“Good morning sleepyhead,” Steve purred against your skin.
“Mmwhat are you doing?” you mumbled, sleep still coating your words, causing them to slightly slur.
“Just giving you a little wake up call,” he smirked, fingers drumming over the curve of your outer thigh.
You groaned, shifting until you were on your stomach, hands under the pillow, face against the silk of the pillow case, about to fall asleep again.
“Five more minutes,” you muttered, about to drift off.
His smirk grew, not by any way derailed by your change of position. In fact, it gave him the perfect advantage.
His lips were feather light down your spine, but you felt them well enough as he left kisses in a trail down your back. Subconsciously, your thighs widened, your body already preparing for him, even if you weren’t fully awake. Steve chuckled at the sight, how ready you were for him.
You whined at his teasing kisses, feeling the desire weigh heavily in your breasts, fire shooting to your crotch as your arousal stirred and clit began its tell-tale throbbing. The slight scrape of his scruff was downright erotic against your bare skin—something that shouldn’t be, this early in the morning, but it was. You were fully awake now.
“You’re already so wet for me,” he taunted, hand gliding over your core teasingly, “Should I take that as a compliment?”
He was satisfied by your sigh when his thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing it just the slightest. You sat up on your forearms, looking over your shoulder.
His arms were wrapped around your thighs, holding your legs just as much apart as he wanted them to be, his head bent as he licked a strip along your folds, making your head drop forward.
“Awake yet, baby?”
All you could do was give him an answering moan as his tongue explored you, licking around your entrance before plunging in. He pulled his mouth away, much your dismay, just to further tease you.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t quite hear.”
“Yes, Steve, yes,” you moaned, as his mouth returned to you.
You weren’t sure at that point if you were answering his question or egging him on, but it didn’t exactly matter. One hand left your thigh at the same time his mouth left your pussy.
With a kiss to the back of your thigh, he slid his index finger into your wet warmth, groaning at just how aroused you were. You bit back a groan, the sensation of just a single finger of his being pushed in you turning your desire red hot. His tongue teased your clit, licking all around it, purposely avoiding where you wanted his mouth the most.
Your hips arched off the bed, trying to find more friction, but his free hand kept your hips pressed tightly against the mattress. You groaned in frustration needing to feel more.
He finally gave into you, as his middle finger joined the first, languidly moving and curling within you, tongue finally pressing against your clit, giving it the tiniest of kitten licks.
“Ah, fuck,” you groaned, head falling forward into your arms.
You felt his chuckle against you and you inhaled sharply, the vibration just adding to your pleasure. You knew he was holding back on you because when he got into it, he could ravish you like you were his favorite meal.
His tongue worked in all directions as his fingers pumped in and out of you, curling just enough to hit the spongy, sweet spot that he knew made you moan like an adult film star, every time. Which of course, you didn’t disappoint him this time either. When his lips closed around your clit, sucking on it, you became a begging mess.
“Jesus, Steve, please don’t stop, shit,” you moaned, clenching at the sheets under your hands.
Your thighs were beginning to quiver, the first signs of your impending orgasm. You felt dangerously near the edge of the precipice, wanting to fall hard and fast. When he made you cum, your back arched, loud, repeated moans falling from your lips as you fell apart because of him. Even being muffled by your core, you felt and heard his appreciative moans in response to you.
But he didn’t let up when your orgasm ebbed, he kept going, even doubling his efforts and you whimpered, already sensitive from your first.
“Steve, I can’t,” you moaned, flinching the tiniest bit from the sensitivity.
He pulled back, easing the pressure of his tongue so that it was softer, before he spoke.
“One more darling, for your Stevie boy?” he cooed, fingers moving absolutely effortlessly due to how slick and wet you were with arousal and release.
Your words were muffled by the pillow as you moaned into it, bucking your hips into his touch.
“Mhm, that’s what I thought,” he grinned, diving back in.
You were clenching uncontrollably around his fingers as his sucked on your clit with just enough pressure for a second high to build—and it was doing so quickly. You were needy and desperate for release and your moans of his name drove him wild. He needed you immediately after this.
The pleasure built and too quickly were you seeing stars again as you came on his fingers, on his mouth, his name one loud, drawn out moan as your body clenched around his digits.
You would think you’d be left exhausted after two back to back orgasms, but you still felt achy, hot and you wanted him to fill you, to wreck you, to pound into you so hard you forgot your name.
Clearly, he needed to wake you up like this more often.
He pulled his fingers from you, removing his mouth and sat back up. You immediately felt the deep ache and the need to be filled when his fingers left you.
You felt his own arousal press against the back of your thigh as he left hot, open mouthed kisses up your back. His hands lifted you up enough until you were kneeling, his hands snaking around your waist when he finally reached your cheek.
He kissed it once, the deep growl of his voice—the need in it as well—right by you ear. The sound of it made you even hotter for him and you were willing to give him anything right now.
His hands glided over your breasts, giving them a loving squeeze and a pinch to your nipples as he breathed in your ear.
“I want you so bad baby,” he groaned, “I need you right now.”
His neediness was such a turn on and you couldn’t complain in the slightest when you felt his wet tip against your folds, teasing it gently. You whimpered at the tiny amount of contact, needing so much more.
“Fuck me, Steve, please,” you begged, sounding twice as desperate as you did only moments earlier.
What he’d first meant to be some soft, morning lovemaking had quickly turned into much steamier, animalistic lust, but here you were begging him to fuck you and honestly, how could he say no?
He pushed into you, matching moans coming from both of you. You gasped as he moved, never able to get over the feeling as he filled you to the brink, stretching you to the limits all while still feeling so fucking good.
“Goddamn,” he moaned, face pressed against your neck, “You’re always so fucking tight, it’s amazing, baby.”
His arms tightened around your waist holding you tight against him as he started moving, his thrusts more hard and rough than he’d intended, but his body had taken over all controls at the moment. You didn’t mind at all, if your moans, sighs and whines were any indication.
“Feel good?” he muttered, encouraging you, “Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
Your words were tinged with moans as he twisted his hips, hitting a hidden spot you didn’t know could feel so good.
“Keep doing that,” you whined, “Fucking hell Steve that’s amazing.”
He loved hearing your commentary, that’s why he always encouraged it. It got him going and made things even better, especially when your pleads were tinged with a pleasure ridden whine that only seemed to happen when you were beyond comprehensible thoughts.
Which meant he was doing his job right.
“Harder. More,” you pleaded with him.
He was going to wreck you. You would be sore for days. But it was so fucking worth it because your eyes were practically rolling in your head as he hit depths within you that you didn’t think possible.
He’s pressed right against your back, as close as he can get as your bodies rock, aiming for the same goal. You can feel his warm breaths hitting your cheek, hear hit guttural moans of bliss in your ear. His grip on you is as tight as ever as he pounds into you from behind, your inner muscles squeezing his cock like a vise.
“Shit, sweetheart, I wanna fill you to the brim,” he mutters, sucking a spot on your shoulder, “Fill you with my cum, get you pregnant.”
“Steve,” you whimpered, you entire body trembling, your walls trembling as well.
“Fuck, Y/N, so good for me,” he groaned into the crook of your neck, reaching between your legs, fingers rubbing along your clit, “I’m not gonna last long, baby girl.”
Your moans were obscene by now, but you had no control over your body, your pleasure causing your mouth to run wild.
“Fill me up,” you gasped, “Cum hard in me, Steve. Make me a mommy.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he exclaimed, holding you tight against him with a hand flat against your stomach.
You tumbled after him, completely lost to the euphoric feelings he gave you. You felt the warmth of his release, dripping back out of you and you were positive you were a mess. You heard him groan as he pulled out of you, staring at the mess that was your swollen and drenched pussy.
“Morning, baby doll,” he smiled innocently as he turned you, properly kissing you for the first time that morning, “How’d you sleep?”
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possumteeths · 1 year
So like when I was in junior year i was on this school trip for a competition that the entire team had to thank me for even qualifying us. Anyways the teacher who for some reason had personal beef with me and just went out of his way to bully me, he told everyone ok ur not allowed to eat at anywhere that we have on the island.
Me, with dietary restrictions for literal health reasons of which he knew about assumed that like as long as I tried my best i’d be fine.
Proceed to read the dumbest injustice that ever happened to me in highschool. Its so insane its funny I promise.
So like day one after the first day of the competition we’re released into a food court and told that we cannot go anywhere else in the mall. Only the food court. So legitimately the only possible thing I could eat there was tacobell. And anyways the teacher lets me purchase the food, lets me get to the table, waits for everyone else to come back and then he stands up to proceed to SCREAM at me. Like full mad saying I am disrespecting him by disrespecting his rules and that is dangerous because that means I’ll break all other rules.
He threatened to send me home….? Like hello?? Imagine pissing urself over tacobell. So like I legit hid my sad ass burrito in my bag because i was worried he was gonna make me toss it.
Later that night in the hotel the other girls and I conspired to order pizza and pick it up in the lobby. We ordered pizza and were like so far getting away with our crime. But!!! Later like at midnight the teacher fucking opens our room unannounced with no warning like wtf what if someone was idk naked or something but anyways he sees the pizza box and he makes a big show of crumpling it with his shoes and fucking gets in my face while im literally in bed to tell me im on thin ice and i was all mad so i took the full blame and said yeah i ate that entire pizza wtf are u gonna do? make me go throw it up?
So END of the competition (i was the ONLY person to take home 3 awards, one other kid got an honorable mention but I in single challenges got fuckin 3, the team itself as a group got nothing.) we were gonna go to like a six flags rip off. I already knew there was pretty much gonna be nothing i could eat there so I packed like a buncha granola bars in my bag. The park had pretty clear on their website that any food of any kind is allowed in. This was also reinforced by one of the other children watchers who told us all that food is ok.
So at the fucking place in the van, mr asshole turns and stares me dead in the eyes for like 30 whole seconds and says all fuckin dangerously. “Dump ur bag” and im like wtf? and hes like “Empty your bag RIGHT NOW.”
So i literally dump it upside down and shake it, and he like picks up a granola bar and is like are you TRYING to be insufferable??? do you WANT to get us kicked out of the park? (The other lady isnt in this van) And like other kids are defending me saying that the other teacher said its ok or saying like she probably cant eat anything in the park. Mr asshole, takes like a handful of the contents of my purse and stomps to a garbage can and throws literally everything away. I had to go and like pick out lip balm and a necklace I had in there.
And guess fucking what. Other kids had food in their bags. The park checks your bag and any food that other people had was NOT thrown away or even mentioned. Mr asshole said NOTHING to me like no sorry no nothing.
So! Guess what! There WAS nothing I could eat!!! At the place!!! Like I guess chips and frenchfries but like I legit dont eat that..? Nor did I wanna spend like $16 for frenchfries. I hadnt eaten breakfast because we went back to the same food court, I hadnt had dinner last night because the team went out and I was to stay in the hotel as a punishment. I got EXTREMELY light headed, and had to go to the places like idk medical area. Mr asshole had to come with me.
He immediately was telling the person giving me water and an icepack and shit that i’m stubborn and difficult and this is all my fault. The person asks me like whens the last time ive eaten, and I say like yesterday morning and the person offers me a voucher for park food and!!! !!! and!!!!! A fucking granola bar!!!!! Like I wouldve had if this fuckin dickhole hadnt thrown mine away!!!
For the rest of the day I wasnt allowed to ride any rides I just had to sit and wait for everyone. I literally have never gotten over being mad about this. I hope this man dies. I hope he gets literally flattened by a big truck like in a cartoon.
Even worse, he took my awards from me and put it under his desk in the team’s like workroom and said I didnt deserve them because of my poor attitude and everything I pulled during the trip. I had to convince another teacher to go get them for me! And even then he like took the ribbons off my awards and who knows what he did with em.
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udon-udon · 1 year
i was watching something on youtube last night and then on the side saw a song and i was like “i have no idea who this is but ima give it a listen cause i need new music” so i click it and at first at the beginning since it was a lil slow i was like “mmmm dont think this is gonna be up my alley” so i skim some forward and right when i heard her singing, my jaw dropped, and it stayed dropped the entire rest of the song
oh my god, Pandora by Suzuna Nagihara. This type of music is typically not up my alley (like i’ll find it cool but i wouldnt download it) BUT over the course of the song, the song just got more epic and epic and im like HOLY SHIT??? with every new section. Very JRPG, Nier-like, epic, full of choruses, and the banger part is the synth bEATS that are incorporated into it which i fuckin love. 
But that’s not what captivated me. What captivated me was her VOICE. Her singing. oh my god. idek where to start. It’s so airy, breathy, and LIGHT, yet she still manages hit the stronger notes at the same time when she needs to. But even her stronger notes sound light and open. Idk if it’s the help of the mixing of the song or not but omg, just, the way she sings this song fITS SO WELL FOR THIS TYPE OF SONG AND JUST WORKS SO WELL AND IT JUST MAKES THE SONG S TIER. and i love it so much. Voice aside though, the song is just kinda insane, i love the distortion/glitch at 0:44. i think it was a great way to introduce the faster speed of the song/transition into the actual (?) song. As if the part before 0:44 was just a prologue (as she sings in the lyric) ((Though I feel like the song actually starts at 1:40))
I obviously then checked out her other stuff and she does a ton of JP song covers, and of course they’re all very good, but there are definitely certain songs that works better for her voice, cause I don’t think she’s a big belter (though she can, of course). She tends to sing best with her head voice (?), which makes me think that her cover of Kaede’s Koikaze from Cinderella Girls was one of her better covers. Not saying her other covers were bad, but Koikaze and her original song Pandora are up up up up there. Singing in a head voice/falsetto is definitely her stronger suit and more to her. 
Her regular speaking voice is also very nice :)))))))))))))))))
Anyway go check the song out pls thank you, i never usually bother with writing this much about something that isn’t a sad post, SO THAT JUST SHOWS HOW POWERFULLY THIS SONG/HER VOICE HIT ME.
It’s also on the quieter side for some reason so u gotta boost ur volume, it might have been on purpose but that was a Bad choice to do that imhO. this song needs to be LOUD.
Also one last note: the part from 3:57-4:04 is so chilling cause of the way she sang it, that emotion sounded SO, SO RAW. whether she was acting or not (maybe most likely ?) it was so jaw dropping, i remember my jaw dropping more than it already dropped and breaking my floor when i got to that part for the first time.
TLDR: I love Suzuna’s Nagihara’s voice a lot, especially in her original song called Pandora, so give it a listen :)
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cartoonsbyandie · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
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Tagged by @marshmallowgoop​! Thanks so much! ;u; Showing my RP blog roots by breaking out OOC icons aren’t I
Relationship status: Single.
Favorite colors: Red and turquoise! Though really I think I have stronger feelings towards color combinations than individual colors, like blue/brown and black/gold.
Favorite foods: Slushies and crab legs came to mind first, which really are on opposite ends of the price spectrum ain’t they. Also breadsticks and fish sandwiches!
Song stuck in your head: Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn of all things. Also Glimpse of Us by Joji.
Last thing you Googled: Not counting that I just googled ‘Neon Moon’ for the last question, apparently it was “Pretzel bun.” It was for a drawing. .w.;
Time: 9:30.
Dream trip: I’d love to visit Japan and buy all the Conan merch but I’d want to be able to speak Japanese at least somewhat before I really considered it, and I’m really lazy and intimidated by that. Would love to visit New York City again though! I’ve been twice and I love it there. London might also be fun to visit at some point.
Last thing you read: Uhhhm. I guess discord messages.
Last book you enjoyed reading: Manga does count, right? Because otherwise I don’t think I’ve read a legit only-text book in years. Anyway, probably the Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass manga! I also managed to snag all four issues of Zombiepowder for dirt cheap and read through it one night, though I’m not sure ‘enjoy’ is the right word. It was interesting at least!
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Uhhhh. Steaks, I guess? I’m not very good at cooking them.
Favorite craft to do in your free time: YO MARSH THOSE AMVS COUNT AS ARTISTIC EXCUSE ME-- Ahem but uhh. As far as crafting goes, I’m getting into customizing Funko Pops! I’m so happy with the two I have right now and I have two more in the works! Even if I have very little time to work on them. :’)
Most niche dislike: If someone’s putting an image into literally anything, and I can tell that they’ve stretched it out to make it fit in the space. I don’t mean that they’ve taken a really small image and enlarged it (though that also looks bad bc it’ll be all pixelated), I mean it’s only stretched in one direction, like they tried to make a square image fit in an 8x10 space and take up the entire thing. It looks bad. It always looks bad! It would look less bad to just let it stay square and not fill the entire space! And I see it so often it drives me insane how someone can look at that and think it looks okay. I’ve had it done to my own art and logos before! It drives me NUTS.
Opinion on circuses: Never been, I don’t think? If I have I don’t remember it. I’ve only ever seen one at big theme parks and there’s stuff I’d rather do more than check out the big top tent.
Do you have a sense of direction: LOL not really. GPS is my best friend.
Tagging: Dunno who all has been tagged so I’ll go with my last few followers that I’m able to tag! @brofenare​, @overlord-pupper23​, @lackadaisically-m​, @paraniodarchive1996​, @detective-kyria​, @airu27​, @one-whole-rat​, @dontknowwhatimdoingblr​, @lostsomewhereinthegarden​, @lullaby-art​
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ovaryacted · 19 days
hi nic! this was about the recent post u made!
forgive me if im wrong but, isn’t it possible to maybe make a complaint about your upstairs neighbor being too loud?😭 anyway i hope you’ll be able to resolve it soon bc i know way too well how obnoxious and tiring it is to live w a neighbor being too loud😵‍💫😵‍💫
i hope u had a good time outside tho, and have a good day/night!🥹
Hi Hi! Omg I've been meaning to answer, I'm so sorry my life's just been busy currently with everything going on. I did have a good time outside, and I hope you're doing good too!
But you're not wrong! Technically if I really wanted to, and trust me I have thought about it, I could have made a formal complaint to the department of housing in my city and they would essentially come into the apartment complex I live in to investigate the issue. I'm pretty sure the people in the apartment above me would either be fined for the constant noise pollution or get a written legal citation, but I haven't done that because the situation isn't as easy as I wished it was. (Little rant & housing explanations lol).
I live in a very expensive city where like most people in the country, everyone is living paycheck to paycheck trying to find a way to get housing that won't put a dent in the rest of their expenses. To curb that, people rent out the bedrooms in their apartment to other people with one person's name on the lease, so it looks like they're the one paying the rent. It seems smart but this is actually illegal in a lot of buildings and apartment complexes (cause of landlords and shit), including mine, and that's the situation going on upstairs.
Me and my family have lived in this apartment building basically since before I was born, so a little over 20 years give or take and it's a rent controlled building hence why people want to stay here. My parents know everyone here, including the neighbor upstairs that have lived in this building for a very long time. She recently rented out one of the bedrooms in her apartment (3 total because my apartment has 3) to a woman with two kids back in late 2023 and literally ever since then, I've had issues with hearing footsteps, jumping, slamming, everything in the book on the floor above me and only in my bedroom. The rest of my family don't deal with this so it's literally just me, and we've never had to deal with noisy neighbors until now.
At first I really didn't want to get involved because these are new people so I just hoped it would go away, but the noise was literally nonstop. Me and my parents have been going back and forth with that woman and her kids since February of this year to get the kids to calm down or at least just have more awareness of the noise they do make. I mean, I was hearing them from the moment I woke up at 7 am for work, to the moment I got home and went to bed around 12 am. That's insane.
If I were to report the woman upstairs for having her kids making too much noise to the point where it causes me actual distress and I can't be in my own bedroom, the city will come to investigate and realize that my neighbor is renting out the bedrooms in her apartment, and they can all get into legal trouble or worse like eviction. The world is already stressful beyond belief and housing is such a serious crisis in the United States that the last thing I need to do is to be the reason why someone becomes unhoused.
I also am 100% sure that kids are just going to be kids, and they have a lot of energy, they need space to run around and don't always understand why what they do can affect someone else. But at the same time, it's honestly ridiculous that after almost 6 months of telling them upstairs to cut down on the noise, I still hear it from time to time. It's definitely calmed down significantly since then, and I'm thankful for that, but it still irks me when I do hear anything upstairs because I've heard so much of it that anything puts me on edge and that sucks.
I still live with my parents because I'm lucky enough to have my own bedroom and own space, and though I want to move out, it's just not realistic with how expensive everything is and how insane the housing market is becoming. So I kind of just have to suffer for the meantime and hope the noise really stops completely or that little family moves out and I don't have to deal with it again.
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kimtaegis · 11 months
annie <3
happy geburtstag to my most favourite person in the entirety of germany!! i hope you'll have the most wonderful day with al & awi with sooooo many lil cute presents & that everyone in the world is congratulating you cause you deserve it the mostest!!!
im very sorry for not being able to make you a gift myself this year but work sadly got in the way :( but i hope you can feel the love i am sending u through this ask anyways :( you are one of the last bts gifmaker survivors i fear but i'm so glad u stayed cause whenever you post theres no doubt that you yet again managed to 'outgif' everyone else & create the most beautiful coloured set or the most thoughtful and stunning comp. but my favourite things you create are gifts for others where you try to use every detail you know about them to create something so special for them. and the crazy thing is theres no limit to your talent… insane. you make a gift for an artist (awi)? suddenly you are an artist TOO what can't you do……. its so interesting to see what you come up with next and you really manage to top your previous works every single time. the gift for me you made this year still leaves me speechless every time i see it, i'll forever cherish it (thank you again). anyways i love this really talented, creative & kind human being (you) a loooot & i wish you nothing but happiness & lots of love & happy moments in life that will make you smile & that you will succeed in everything u want to do & lots of pretty green clothes & more london trips & all the photocards on your wishlist & endless kisses from me.
have soooo so much fun today with your friends & enjoy your special day to the fullest, get drunk if you can & laugh all the time & eat the most delicious food. I LOVE U IM KISSING YOU MY PRETTIEST BIRTHDAY GIRL <33
noooo mona why do you make me tear up on my birthday :( I don’t even know what to say, that can’t count as a birthday message anymore, that’s a love letter that I’ll print out and put in an envelope and keep under my pillow at night 😔🤍 I have no idea how I deserve all these compliments from you, I know it’s been years by now but I still can’t quite believe you’re my friend 🥲 I admire and adore you so so so much and I’d gladly make ten more edits like the satellite jimin one for you because I’m obsessed with you and your eye for things and the classiness and delicacy you radiate, it’s so inspiring to me, my little muse 💙 we just picked awi up and are now going to watch Barbie!!! I hope that someday we’ll get to meet up like that too, I’d really like that… maybe on a harry concert 😌 I genuinely am obsessed with you and this whole message and I’ll probably read it again a few more times later cause it’s overwhelmingly sweet. I love you terribly baby, thank you for this gift of a letter (which is more than enough) 🤍🤍🤍
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comfortbucky · 3 years
hey hey! can u do some fluffy bucky about having to share a hotel room w u and there’s only one bed!!!! and he’s trying to be respectful n stuff but man does he have the fattest crush on u! thank u <333
𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘁𝘀 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚
pairing: bucky x fem!avenger!reader
tags: enemies(?) to lovers BABYYYY, angst, fluff
A/N: i almost always write about tfatws!bucky in mind but let me try and branch out by writing about avenger!bucky hehe
i hope u enjoy🥺💗i absolutely loved this prompt and loved writing this!!!! (it is almost 4am for me as i am posting this :) i’m insane :))
this oneshot will not be following the canon timeline!
word count: 2k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
“Stick to the plan, Y/N.” Steve’s voice came through over the intercom. She rolled her eyes at his warning. He always seemed to be extra cautious with her, making her feel like an unimportant member of the team, and this mission was no different.
“I got this,” she said, completely ignoring his request and charging headfirst at the enemy. Her brash decision resulted in her receiving a heavy beat down, ending up with a split lip and fractured ribs.
Needless to say, Steve was pissed. He and Y/N developed a close friendship over the years, during his search for Bucky. She was oftentimes the one who would stay up all night with him, looking for any trace of Bucky’s existence online. She’d become one of the closest people in his life, which is exactly why he was upset with her, endangering her own life.
After the mission, he confronted her at the base camp.
“You could’ve gotten killed!”
“But I didn’t,” she snapped back. “And the mission was a success anyways, so I don’t get why you’re so mad right now.”
Steve closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.
“It’s reckless behavior like this that’s eventually going to get you killed, Y/N.”
Bucky walked into the room and immediately regretted his decision as soon as he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’d come to foster an animosity towards her, after seeing her close friendship with Steve. After Bucky joined the Avengers, he noticed how much time they spent together, and jealousy started to fester within him. Steve was the only person he felt comfortable being around in the tower and she constantly took him away from Bucky. Everyone else seemed to have an aversion to him, or so he assumed. He never gave anyone the chance to get to know him, locking himself up in his room most hours of the day. Bucky didn’t think anyone would want to get to know an ex-assassin, especially one that killed the Tony Stark’s parents. She was the one thing that kept Steve away from him and he despised it. So Bucky did what he did best and avoided any sort of interaction with her.
Steve looked at Bucky and suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He had noticed how closed-off Bucky had been since joining the Avengers and refused to let Y/N be alone, worried that she might make another brazen decision. He hatched a plan to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
“Bucky,” Steve said, making his way over to him. “You and Y/N will be assigned to the same room tonight.”
Bucky choked on his own spit in response and Y/N began to protest.
“You’re not serious, right?” Steve turned to face her with a stern expression.
“You’re not giving me any reason to trust you to be alone.” She let out a defeated sigh and crossed her arms across her chest.
“Why me?” Bucky asked, trying to figure out how he ended up in this situation.
Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Because I trust you, Buck. I need you to do this for me.”
Bucky could see the desperation in Steve’s eyes and reluctantly nodded.
Steve was able to obtain another key card to the hotel room that Y/N was assigned to for the mission. He forgot to take into account the logistics of the sleeping arrangements, leaving Bucky to find a single bed as he entered Y/N’s room.
Bucky froze, his right hand on the door handle, keeping it open, his left hand by his side, holding his duffel bag. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what to do, when Y/N’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Relax,” she started, motioning for him to come inside. “I’ll sleep on the floor, alright?”
Y/N knew that Bucky didn’t like her, despite Steve trying to convince her otherwise. It hurt her feelings a bit, especially after she’d learned so much about him through both Steve’s stories and the time she spent tracking him down. He was such an important person to Steve, her close friend, and Bucky hated her. At first, she figured he was shy and wasn’t ready to open up to anyone else, especially after all the trauma he endured. But she realized he actively disliked her over time, with Bucky always leaving the room when she entered or ignoring her offers to hang out with her and Steve. Eventually, she gave up on reaching out to Bucky, as she only seemed to upset him further, no matter what she did. She figured it was for the best.
Bucky stepped into the room and shook his head.
“Bed’s too soft for me anyways, I’ll take the floor,” he grumbled.
Y/N shrugged in response, knowing that Bucky would be too stubborn to try and argue against. She turned around and picked up the phone, calling the front desk to ask for extra blankets and pillows. When she hung up the phone, she turned back to Bucky to see him nod in thanks.
The rest of the night was silent, as they both prepared for bed, taking turns going into the bathroom to wash up and change. While Y/N was in the bathroom, Bucky arranged the extra blankets and pillows into a makeshift bed on the ground, something that he’d done countless times before. Y/N exited the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt that covered her shorts, and placed her toiletries bag in one of the hotel dresser drawers.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Bucky grunted in response, grabbing some clothes and a bag headed for the bathroom.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he stated, just before shutting the door behind him. Y/N scoffed at his comment, gently climbing into bed, in an attempt to not further injure her ribs. She winced as she tried to get into a comfortable position before settling to sleep on the side of her unaffected ribs.
Bucky emerged from the bathroom to see Y/N lying on her left side, her back towards him. He assumed that she had already fallen asleep and quietly crawled into his makeshift bed.
Approximately 10 minutes had passed, when he heard her sniffling. At first, he thought the noise was coming from outside the window, but he traced it back to her. He remained lying on his back for a moment, deciding whether or not to say something. Bucky sighed before speaking.
“You okay?” Y/N immediately stiffened upon hearing Bucky’s voice. She was hoping that he wouldn’t hear her crying, despite his super soldier hearing abilities.
“Yeah, ‘m fine,” she replied back, her voice wavering as she spoke. Y/N hated how weak and pathetic she sounded in that moment. Her fractured ribs made it hard for her to breathe and the adrenaline, that was previously shielding her from the pain, had faded, leaving her to lie there in agony. On top of that, she also felt that this mission solidified her belief that Steve had little faith in her ability to be an Avenger. The last thing she wanted to do right now, was to confess her insecurities to Bucky.
Bucky’s attitude softened, hearing Y/N’s voice crack when she spoke. He knew she’d gotten hurt due to her own, dumb, decision during the mission. Bucky quietly pulled his blankets off and stood up, leaving the room without saying another word. As soon as the door shut, Y/N burst into tears. Bucky did exactly as he’d done in the past many times before, leave. She wasn’t sure why this time upset her more than the rest. Probably because she knew that he was aware of her crying and he’d still chosen to abandon her completely.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, causing her to stop crying. Y/N listened to Bucky’s footsteps growing closer, and felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat on the edge she was facing towards. She peered over the blanket she was covering her face with, to see Bucky facing her, holding a bag of ice, wrapped in a towel. Bucky’s heart sank at the sight of her glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks in the moonlight.
“For your ribs,” he spoke softly, gesturing to the ice bag in his hands.
“Oh. Thank you.”
Y/N took the bag from him, attempting to slowly sit up. She closed her eyes as she grimaced, and suddenly felt a hand on her back, helping her up. Her eyes opened to reveal Bucky, with a soft smile on his lips. She silently thanked him again, placing the ice bag on the right side of her ribcage.
“Thought you hated me,” she mumbled, keeping her gaze down on her lap. He furrowed his brows, keeping his eyes on her.
“I don’t hate you.”
“Well, you definitely don’t like me.”
Bucky paused at her comment, thinking about his next words, before responding.
“I don’t like that you take up all of Steve’s free time,” he grumbled, causing Y/N to quickly look up at Bucky, his eyes averting her gaze. Her face fell, immediately realizing why Bucky had treated her so coldly all this time. He just missed his friend.
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her in response. “I didn’t realize, I’m sorry.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t expecting her to be so kind and understanding, even coming up with multiple points to argue back at her. He realized then that he didn’t know her at all, but that he wanted to now. In an instant, she became an entirely different person. He studied her eyes and wondered if they had always sparkled like that, if her cheeks were naturally rosy, or if her lips had always been so pink and plump.
His expression softened and he cleared his throat. “It’s fine,” he muttered, tearing himself away from her gaze to look down at his lap. After a moment of silence, Bucky stood up to return back to the floor.
“Stay.” The words left Y/N’s mouth before she had time to process them. Bucky froze and turned to face her. “I mean, if you want to, of course. Just figured the floor must be super uncomfortable for you.” Y/N felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks and kicked herself mentally. She looked down at her hands, regretting the words she spoke, before feeling the bed dip again. She looked up to see Bucky. He smiled and she almost melted at the sight.
She shifted over, putting the ice bag on the nightstand, as Bucky crawled into bed next to her. The two rested on their backs, both staring at the ceiling in silence. Bucky remained at a respectful distance away, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Y/N turned on her left side, her good side, to face him.
“I’m glad you don’t hate me.”
Bucky turned on his side to face her before responding.
“I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
A strand of her hair had fallen in front of her face and Bucky, instinctively, reached out a hand to tuck it behind her ear. Immediately, he regretted it, about to pull his hand back when Y/N took her hand and placed it on top of his, guiding it to rest on her cheek. He cupped her face in his hand and she leaned into his embrace. Bucky felt his heart rate increase as she moved her body closer to his, wrapping the arm she used to hold his hand on her face, across his side. He shifted towards her as well, wrapping his arm around her body, bringing her closer to him.
“Is this okay?” He whispered, nervous that he might have somehow misinterpreted the situation. He hadn’t been with a woman in such an intimate way in years and had no idea what he was doing. Y/N looked up at him and nodded, before snuggling her face into his chest and Bucky felt a wave of calm wash over him.
“Can you stay here tonight?” Y/N mumbled, her face pressed into his chest. He chuckled at the vibrations from her voice and kissed her temple, smoothing her hair back.
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to, honey.”
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Hello!!! I love your new event and wanted to put ina. Request please heh
Could I request a poison to love potion (angst to comfort) with unicorn hair, flower crown, and will-O-wisp? Could I please request it for Ran Haitani Love your writing, thank u so much 🥺🥰
Hi, thank you for being so sweet; you saying you enjoy my writing? Absolutely made my day ♡
The choice of ingredients here was very fun for me to work with and gave me major Ran brainrot, so I hope you´re proud of yourself; I have to admit though, it did not turn out as poisonous as I planned, hopefully, you can enjoy your potion nonetheless ✧.*
As always a little bit of feedback is appreciated <3
Tempted to order your own potion? Check out my Special Valentine´s Day Offer ♡
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Let me show you
ingredients: unicorn hair, flower crown and will-o-wisp combined in a poison and its antidote
pairing: pre-timeskip!ran x gn!reader
warnings: insecurities (mostly about appearance), alcohol consumption, swearing like twice, assault and mentions of violence
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The reflection staring back at you looked just as miserable on the outside as you felt on the inside. You´d spent the last two hours trying to get ready, putting on outfit after outfit, just to rip them off with a groan not a second later. Not even your “get ready with me” playlist could get you in the mood as you pulled on the hem of the top that looked so gorgeous in the changing room before letting out a deep sigh.
Normally, you´d just call it quits and stay in but you knew your best friend, Ran Haitani, would throw an insufferable tantrum if you stood him up again. In fact, you almost couldn´t go a second of the last week without him chewing your ear off about you not showing up to their most recent party.
Honestly, you and Ran were an odd pair and you knew people were talking about the notorious criminal ruling Roppongi and little Miss goody-two-shoes. It actually started when Ran was assigned a tutor because of his many absent days and you just happened to be top of the class, which in your opinion was really just a fluke but it wasn´t like your teacher cared about that. Besides, he probably thought you´d be a positive influence for Ran.
Turns out, his determination to be a menace in more than one way was ridiculously stronger than your will to resist him, a fact that was apparent from the first time you met. You´d searched him out to work out a convenient time for both of you and against all your expectations, he actually entertained you and agreed to meet you in the library the following Saturday.
Giving you another once-over, Ran leaned down with his head right next to your ear and let out a low chuckle “Can´t wait for our date, doll.” When he straightened back up, he sent you one last wink and was off, all the while never dropping the self-assured grin, that was both insanely attractive and infuriatingly annoying.
You thought it suited him rather well, half of the time wanting to kiss him stupid and the other half wanting to punch him square in the face. Alas, neither ever happened and while you were getting closer over time, your relationship stagnated at him flirting jokingly and you blushing furiously anyway, which in turn just made him coo at “how cute” you were being, occasionally pinching your reddened cheeks. It was harmless fun but you sure resented the way he made your heart flutter so effortlessly and it certainly didn´t help that he was easy on the eyes too. Yet, you decided early on not to act on your feelings because he was Ran Haitani and playing in a completely different league, so you buried your feelings deep down and just continued to tutor him, not making any effort to move your relationship in a different direction.
The universe, however, seemed to have different plans and pushed its agenda on you as you were walking home after a late-night grocery run one night. You were too busy trying not to drop any of the bags you were holding to notice the figure walking on the other side of the street and it was too late when the man had his hand wrapped around the strands of your hair.
“I´d hate to hurt you, so you´re going to be good and give me all your money and that watch you´re wearing, right?” His voice sounded like someone was grinding a block of concrete on a cheese grater and he pulled on your locks harder when you didn´t move, completely frozen in shock.
As you were descending into a state of panic, your mind spiralling directly to the worst-case scenarios of how this could end, mentally scolding yourself for going out this late, a younger, smoother voice rang out.
“I wouldn´t do that if I was you. Unless you have a death wish, of course.” From the way you were facing, you couldn´t see him but you would´ve recognised Ran´s voice everywhere and you’d never been happier to hear it.
“What do you want, brat? Can´t you see ´m busy here?” Wincing as he gave your roots an even harsher tug, one of your bags tumbled onto the ground.
“Fine, have it your way then. But just for the record, I tried being nice, don´t forget that.” The normally playful tone of his voice was replaced by something darker, colder. Then, the strain on your scalp stopped, leaving the affected area throbbing. Still stuck in place by fear alone, you didn´t turn around when you heard multiple nasty cracks followed by a muffled scream and finally a dull thud. When Ran moved into your line of view, your knees buckled under the wave of relief washing over you.
“Woah, easy there”, he said, steadying you with two hands placed on your shoulders. When he thought you´d be able to stand on your own, he tilted your head up by placing his index finger under your chin. “You okay? He didn´t hurt you, did he?”
“No, I´m fine, just a bit spooked.” You didn´t trust your voice to hold steady, so it came out as a mere whisper. “Thanks, Ran.”
“No need to thank me, doll. After all, I can´t have anyone hurting my precious tutor, now, can I?”, he chuckled. “Alright, let´s get these home. Next time, you wanna go shopping, just call me. I´m sure I don´t have to lecture you on all the dangerous people lurking around at night.”
“Very funny, Haitani.”
Ever since then, you started hanging out outside of your little “study dates” as Ran liked to call your tutoring sessions. Against all odds, you´d become rather inseparable and your new best friend was all about you coming out of your comfort zone. That was how you found yourself in front of a door that was already vibrating from the bass of the loud music, not really knowing whether to knock or to ring or whatever you were supposed to do. As if someone read your mind, the door was swung open full force and you were greeted by the girl you guessed was the host.
“Oh hey, uhh, (y/n), right? Your Ran´s friend, yeah? Come in.” She waved you in after glancing over you once with a raised brow. “Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen. No idea where Ran´s though.”
You thanked her and began your search through the house already reeking of sweat and cheap booze. Luckily, you didn´t have to look for him very long, as always, he attracted a crowd like a lamp would moths. Your chest tightened at the way girls were eyeing him up, laughing obnoxiously at whatever he was saying and taking every chance to run their hands up his arm. Even the boys around him were vying for his attentions, others standing off to the side, staring him down in either jealousy or interest.
The worst part was, you couldn´t even fault them for it either. There was no denying that Ran was ridiculously good-lucking and charming without seeming to try. On top of that, he had the same allure and temptation that made people swoon over the bad boy in a book or movie.
Your breath caught in your throat though when you saw Ran had followed your advice and put his hair up in a high ponytail, looking unfairly more gorgeous than usual. At least you were helping other people look better even if I didn´t extend onto yourself. That thought could only console you for so long though and before you knew it your hands were unconsciously messing with your own hair.
Not wanting to measure up with any of them, you made a quiet retreat into the kitchen, where you met Rindou, who you inevitably bonded with too. You wouldn´t call yourselves best buds but he was cool with you and didn´t seem to mind when you came over to see Ran, which was a whole lot more progress than most people made with the younger Haitani.
You made a bit of small-talk as you filled your very cliché red solo cups and you were about to follow Rindou out the kitchen when two arms draped over your shoulders from behind, full weight being leant onto you.
“First you stand me up more times than I want to count and now you´re cheating on me with my brother, doll”, Ran accused, dropping his head on yours.
“Excuse me, I did no such thing. Besides, you looked busy, didn´t want to intrude.” Your voice carried more of a sting than you liked. You knew Ran was just your friend and it wasn´t your place to get jealous in the first place but you couldn´t help it when you saw all these perfect people throwing themselves at him. The thought alone made bile rise up, acid settling on your vocal cords, hating the way they looked like they actually belonged next to him.
“Hey now, you´re not intruding when you´re the one I wanna talk to. When whatever-her-name-is told me you were here, I was actually relieved to ditch the others, okay?” Then he spun you around and, just like when he first met you, he looked you up and down before wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Don´t you look stunning? Trying to impress someone perhaps?”
Shrinking away, your arms immediately tried to shield you from his intense lilac gaze as heat shot up your neck. “No, I´m not. I´m only here so you wouldn´t be all sulky again. Last time was insufferable.”
“Oh, so you only came and dressed up for me? Now you´re flattering me too much, (y/n). Don´t understand me wrong though, I don´t mind one bit.” His voice dropped lower at the last sentence and you´d be lying if you said it didn´t get your heart racing.
Your little one-on-one was cut short though when some dude called Ran over to play truth or dare and by default, he grabbed your hand to pull you along and down next to him. The game was rather uneventful for you, the bottle only landing on you once and even then, your question was uninspired and nobody was really listening to your answer anyway, just wanting to move on to someone interesting. Deep in your gut, the sinking feeling you experienced before coming over, returned and you couldn´t decide what was worse; having everyone scrutinise you or being completely ignored.
For a while, you watched as everyone was having fun, egging each other on to do more and more outrageous dares and spilling spicier truths than the round before. You, however, were merely an expandable decoration and, instead of making you more confident, the alcohol just brought back your earlier state of mind. At one point, the girl sitting between Ran and her boyfriend was dared to kiss one of the people next to her and for a couple of tense seconds, it seemed as though she might actually choose Ran. And for you, that was the straw that broke the camel´s back.
Wordlessly, you stood up, doubting anyone would even notice your absence and made your way over to the porch. Why were you upset? You knew this was going to happen. So, what made you think you could compare with all these people and their glowing faces, toned bodies and charming personalities? You were only Ran´s plus one. Naturally, nobody was going to flat out deny one of the popular Haitani brothers; that didn´t mean you were welcomed though. Who were you kidding? Nobody wanted you there. Maybe you should just go home again. Letting out a breath you didn´t even notice holding, you leaned against the railing staring at nowhere, in particular, fresh air helping clear your head.
You downright jumped out of your skin, when you felt a jacket being draped over your shoulders. Whipping your head to the side, you came face to face with the only person who had paid you any attention the whole night. Besides Rindou, that is.
“Relax, it´s just me.”
“Ran? What are you doing here? Shouldn´t you be inside with the others?”
Poking your forehead with his index finger, he rolled his eyes. “When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours? I invited you here because I actually want to spend time with you, dummy. Besides, I couldn´t go through with my dare inside.”
“Why not?” you inquired, rubbing the spot where his finger was just a couple seconds ago.
“I was supposed to kiss the most attractive person at the party but they just happened to have run away that very moment. And since I can´t turn down a perfectly good dare, I guess I had to go and find them,” he contemplated, placing his elbows on the railing and his head in his open palm.
“And you really think they´d be out here? I think it´s more likely they just went to the kitchen to get a new drink”, you said. If you hadn´t stared straight ahead again, you would´ve caught the incredulous look Ran shot you.
“You know,” he stated, voice flat, “for someone who´s tutoring me, you´re unbelievably dense.”
“Excuse you? What´s that supposed to mean?” Indignation carrying in your raised voice. He groaned, sliding a hand down his face.
“Do I really have to spell it out for you? Fine. It´s you, (y/n), you´re obviously the most attractive person here. And before you can accuse me of lying, yes, I mean it.” Just like that night where he saved you, he held your chin between his index finger and thumb, tilting your head up so you´d look at him. “So, are you helping me with this dare or do I have to announce my defeat?”
Licking your lips, you swallowed heavily as you caught his eyes darting down to track the movement. You squirmed in your spot, eyes blown wide and resembling more a deer in headlights than the most attractive person at this party.
“Why me though? Everyone else-“
“How often do I have to tell you? I don´t care about anyone else. Even my brother noticed and that means something. Everyone else is fucking boring but you´re so adorable, from the way you bite your lip while concentrating to how you grip my sleeve if you spot a cute dog. If I didn´t think it would´ve scared you away, I´d have done this a lot sooner, believe me.” His other hand was gliding down your side, stopping at your waist and inching you ever so slightly closer.
As much as you wanted to pull away and melt into a little puddle of embarrassment, it was physically impossible. This is what you had daydreamed about more often than you´d like to admit, immediately pushing the pictures in your mind away, ashamed that you saw your friend this way. But you couldn´t deny wishing for a scenario like this to play out, no matter how unrealistic it seemed.
“Ran, are you sure this is really what you want?” Searching his expression for something, anything, that would show him regretting this but ended up not finding a single trace of it. He responded by gently lifting your arm over his shoulder, hand immediately returning to your hip once he was sure you were comfortable with this change in position.
“Come on, (y/n), you´ve got the beauty and the brains, so you must´ve figured it out by now, too. What do you think why I even agreed to this whole tutoring shit in the first place? I´ll give you a hint: It´s not because I care about my grades or what the teachers think of me.”
There was something about the way his thumb was tracing along your bottom lip before settling over your cheekbone that pulled you in some sort of daze. Your breath came out more shallowly and your heart was pounding so loudly against your rib cage he had to hear it too. Barely being able to make out his next words over the sound of your blood pulsing, you focused solely on his warm hand moving to cup the back of your neck, thumb now mapping out the space behind your ear. The pads of your fingers hesitantly played with the hair in his nape that fell out his ponytail; second hand joining the first, exploring the smooth skin under his collar where you knew a part of his tattoo was.
“Fuck, I don´t think you know what you´re doing to me, pretty. Please let me show you.” His hypnotic eyes met yours and, as he was waiting for your approval, he leaned in so that your noses were almost touching.
When he was graced with the slight nod of your head and a breathy “yes please”, he wasted no time sealing your lips. Against what you might have thought, Ran was very gentle with the way he delicately moved against you. Well, at least until he tightened his grip on your hips, pulling you flush against him, and tangled his hand in your hair to angle your face in order to deepen the kiss, pulling a surprised moan from you.
Parting from you just enough so that you could catch your breath, his eyes were more hooded than usual, studying the expression on your face attentively.
“You have no idea how long I´ve been waiting for this.” You hummed in agreement as he pulled his jacket tighter around your shoulders again, still too out of it to come up with anything remarkably more intelligent.
“Why don´t we ditch this lame party and I show you in more detail just what´s so captivating about you; sound good, doll?”
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mammonswhore · 3 years
Heyy🐨 May I have the brothers with a jealous MC??👀 how would the brothers react🤨? why is MC jealous🤔? it can be NSFW if you want🤭😏
only if you're comfortable🤗
remember to drink water and eat daily🥰
Heyy🐨 May I have the brothers with a jealous MC??👀 how would the brothers react🤨? why is MC jealous🤔? it can be NSFW if you want🤭😏
only if you're comfortable🤗
remember to drink water and eat daily🥰
yes! thanks for the reminder,drink a lot of water u too🖤
How the Brothers will react to MC being jealous.
warnings: NSFW (mostly Levi,Mammon & Satan)
He will notice right away that you are jealous since he is very aware of your body language and he is very attentive.
Still he will not waste the opportunity to tease a little even if he knows it's not the best thing to do.
He was talking to a lesser demon,they were talking about how to improve the learning system of RAD but he could notice the lust going through this succubis eyes. Lucifer can be a lot of things but he was not and will never be a cheater (50% because it will hurt you and 50% because his pride wouldn't even stand for it) but still decided to keep things professional.
Of course you didn't knew this since you were just watching from a distance, Asmo was by your side being surprised by two of his fans. "That succubi is trying to get Lucifer's attention,you should do something,MC" The Avatar of Lust cooed playfully.
There is two possible scenarios: you wait there where you are and act all high and mighty (since he likes that) or you approach them with an excuse.
If you decide to wait there and play a facade game with your boyfriend on who can get the other to explode on jealousy, then you will have to face an argument later. Lucifer was kind of insecure sometimes,you spent a lot of time with his brothers before he acknowledged his feelings and he knew that he didn't have as much time as they did. He felt like in an constant competition on who got more of you attention,him or any of his brothers. After you argued for a while about how that succubi was practically begin on their knees for him,Lucifer will give in. He knew you were correct but still it hurt his pride to let you know he was wrong. After that you can choose to whether have cuddles and a good dinner at Lucifer's room or a pleasant night having sex. Either way both are awesome.
But if you decide to approach them with an excuse just to get Lucifer's attention, he will be thrilled. His ego and pride being boosted knowing you wanted him and only him to give you his attention but still he was at work so you shouldn't bother him. If the excuse includes something real (like a meeting or a problem with his brothers) he will not be that pissed since you didn't interrupted out of just pure jealousy. If the excuse is something that could wait for him to finish,you are in for a punishment. Lucifer will take you to his room after dinner,he has been planning on this punishment since a few hours ago when the incident happened. He will tie you down,blindfold you and punish you the best way he knows: with pain. But don't misunderstand his intentions,he is giving as much pain as pleasure as he can. The feeling of you being edged and not being able to cum,your whines and the soft tremble in your voice when you beg for him to let you cum drives him insane. After a few minutes of begging he will do what he was waiting for,both of you enjoying the rest of the night together.
"Lucifer please just let me..."
"I told you to be quiet if you want to cum, stay still and don't you dare make a sound." He says with a dark grin on hia face.
It's normal for Mammon to get jealous out of the most minimal things but he was used to hide,afraid that if you knew about it you will break up with him.
Still this time he was not the one jealous, it was you. But you have it easy this time, he will be happy if you got jealous and make an scene clamming him as yours.
He was being surrounded by a few models he was posing with,you were seeing his face in the last Majolish edition and you could feel that ugly sensation building up in your chest. It was awful to feel that way and it was even worse when you could see the smile on Mammon's face waiting for you to make a comment about his photoshoot.
“You look good."
Your comment came out harder than expected and you could see his expression falling down a little.
"It's okay if you don't like it,MC." Mammon said with a sad note on his face then he left to his room and you were just standing there with the magazine on your hands.
It took you a while to go to his room to apologize but Mammon already had other plans in mind.
"Mammon I'm sorry for not being..."
"I don't want to hear it,now please come in and lock the door" he said,cutting you off.
You did as he said and got close to him, Mammon seemed angry and at the same time curious. His hands roamed from your hips and back a while before talking again.
"You are very ungrateful,you know that, treasure?" He asked slowly and with a rasping voice,Mammon was horny and feeling a little bit dominant today. It was not your lucky day,that was for sure.
"What do you mean,Mammon?" You asked feeling curious as well.
"You will find out now undress,get on the bed facing the pillows and if you hold at least one sound I'll not fuck you properly,got it?" He said grabbing both of your hands and pulling them behind your back, leading you to bed.
"Mammon I'm sorry I was jealous and it was not my intention to make you feel bad."
Mammon laughed softly and if it was another situation you might have laughed with him but it was not,he was already planning a proper thing to do so there was no escape.
“I know you were jealous I'm not dumb,ya know? But you got your moment of jealousy and I had to suck it up but now I want to get something in return so I want to hear you scream my name and if you decide to just hold yourself even a little I will not give you the pleasure to have my dick inside of you? I want everyone in this fucking house to now who you belong to. So get on the bed so I can get to work,gotcha?" He finishes and leaves a small kiss on your forehead before pulling your arms up and take your shirt off.
Safe to say that every single member of the house who walked past Mammon's door couls hear you begging for him to fuck you already.
You were counting the hours since you got to Levi's room in order to get some attention from your beloved boyfriend but instead you had to sit and wait for him to finish gaming. The first times it happened it was cool,you were not the needy type so you could wait and he controlled himself a little to stop the gaming and give you that attention that both of you enjoyed so much.
But this time it was different,you have been laying on his tub for three hours straight and he didn't give a single fuck about it. Jealousy was kicking in and you wanted to stop him from talking with his friends about that one game that he could only play in squads so joining the team was not an option.
“I'll go now" you said more to yourself than for your boyfriend who didn't even hear you.
You went downstairs catching Asmo going out of his room and being fast to notice your state. He came to you and asked what was wrong with your attitude today,after you explained to him what happened he offered to calm you down with a spa night together. You were not so sure about it because at the time you were reconsidering going into Levi's room and talk but then Asmo said something you couldn't ignore.
"Levi is the Avatar of Envy so let's just have a spa night and I'll post some of it in my devilgram stories and be sure he is going to be as mad as you were just now." He said with a playful smile.
That was not going to end well but it was worth a try anyways. Both of you got to the kitchen and made drinks and grabbed some snacks before going to his bedroom and start with the whole thing. Asmo gave you a bathrobe and make sure to tie it so part of your chest was exposed before snapping a pic of both of you together in front of his full body mirror,sitting on the floor and drinking wine from two cups. But that was not enough for Asmo so he snapped a video of both of you putting the face masks on each other and writing "MC can always come to me when their bf doesn't give them the right attention🖤" before posting it on his story.
"Asmo open up!" Levi said from the other side of the door fifteen minutes after, his knocking was hard and persistent.
"I'm going jeez you are annoying." Asmo said with a huff before opening the door.
"So this is what you do when you need affection? You come to see him? Am I not enough for you,MC?" Leviathan asked angrily but deep inside it was his fear of you changing him talking. You got to him after coming out of the bathroom with your face already clean.
"Excuse me? I've been sitting on your tub for three hours straight waiting for you to finish you game and hearing you talk with your damn friends about how good are all of you,so don't you dare come to me trying to use the "am I not enough" card because when I try to show you you are,indeed,enough you just shove me off or hust ignore me. Now you can go if you want because Asmo and I are having plenty of fun here." You said back,now Levi was feeling way more angry and jealous than before.
"No,you are coming with me!" Levi said before grabbing you by the hips and pulling you on his shoulders. Then he started walking out of Asmo's room.
"Levi I think this is enough,you are making a scene!" You said trying to sound mad but deep down you were happy you were getting the attention you were craving for.
"I don't give a fuck." Levi huffed before getting to his room and pulling you out of his shoulders and taking the bathrobe out of your body.
"No,listen up and listen up well,MC. I might not be the best but you are still my partner and only mine so if you want attention just say it,if you want me to stop playing I will but you better start being clear because I don't want to do this again." He said looking calm but his tail already popped out of his body and his horns were almost popping out too.
"I don't want you to stop doing what you like but you also like me,do me once in a while too." You said without thinking about it twice.
Levi blushed and ignored your needy eyes for a second before going to his door and putting the lock on it. He then came back to you and buried his face on the crook of your neck.
"Why do you gotta be so difficult sometimes? You can't go around making me feel this way every time,MC." Levi said before sucking the place his face was resting,you could feel his tail wrapping around your hips and brushing one of your legs with the tip of it.
"I can make you feel even better if you just sit and relax,please." You said closing your eyes and placing your hands on his tail making him moan softly.
"Are-are you going to ride me,MC?" Levi asked under his breath pulling his face out of your neck to look at you.
"Yes,and it's going to be best I've ever done but I need you to sit and relax so I can work." His eyes got darker and his tail abandoned your hips to wrap around your leg and start teasing you with the tip.
"I want you to suck my dick before and while you do it I want to fuck you with my tail." He says blushing and looking away.
"Bet,now get on your chair and let me suck you,please?" He nodded and sat on his gamer chair,you got on your knees un pulled his pants and underwear down with his help. When his cock was free it only took you a second to get your mouth to work and let your ears be blessed with Levi's moans. Before you could even think about it,Levi started stimulating you with his tail making you moan now. He was smirking but his smirk was quickly deleted by the loud moan who escaped from his mouth when you went to deepthroat.  It was going to be a long afternoon and you will probably skip dinner.
As much as you didn't like to admit it,it was hard to see Satan help so many demons at the library but it was still cute to visit him once in a while to take him some tea to warm up his work a little.
And today you were there with a recently bought cup of steaming tea for your boyfriend who seemed occupied talking to a demon you didn't knew about.
"He is not doing nothing wrong,he is just talking with them,it's alright." You said to yourself.
But the chatting was not over so you just sat on one of the many tables at the library waiting for him,you were being irrational and not thinking clearly but you were not jealous,at least that's what you said to yourself. Ten minutes after you decided to move and go to Belphie who was the one who accompanied you to the library with the excuse that he needed a book but in reality he was just looking for a quiet place to sleep.
"Belphie,can we do something?" You asked the sleepy demon when you got to him,he yawned and looked at you with a playful smile.
"Yeah,gimme that cup of tea and let's just talk for a while... But only if you braid my hair." He said now smiling softly,you nodded with a smile and gave him the cup of tea who was originally for Satan.
You were talking for a while,Belphie still had some tea in his cup and half of his hair braided by you. Then Satan appeared and watched the two of you interact, the jealousy was building inside of him when watching both of you be so playful and intimate. You never braided his hair and he was sure that the cup Belphie put down just now was for him. He cleared his throat waiting for you to stand up and give him a kiss but instad you just looked at him and smiled before going back to finish the braiding.
"Hi Satan,we were waiting for you but you were busy so we got comfortable, isn't that right,MC?" Belphie said wanting to tease his brother and it worked.
“Yeah,I bought you some tea but I didn't want to interrupt you so Belphie drank it,by the way who was that demon? They seemed pretty cool." You said with a smile acting innocent and unbothered which drove Satan insane for a split second.
"They are certainly not important,I just finished my shift,can we go now?" He said fixing his uniform trying to look as unbothered as you were.
"Yes,I can finish your hair when you get home if you want to." You said to Belphie with a smile that he reciprocated and nodded.
"Have a good time,tell Beel I'll sleep here a few more hours before going home. Thanks for the hair,MC." He said hugging you before you got up of your seat.
Satan growled down his breath and waited for you to pick up your things like a gentlemen. Both of you started your way back home having a simple talk about your respective days. He didn't wanted you to feel annoyed by his jealousy so he didn't say anything until you mentioned that Lucifer helped you with some homework today before going to see him.
"What? Why didn't you ask me? I'm the one helping you with homework every single day." He said with an angry tone.
"I know but I also know you don't like when I go the the library to steal your attention when you are working so I just asked him to help me this time,I'm not going to do it every single day."  You said with a happy smile,you knew your teasing was working.
"I know I said that but I can always make an exception for you." He smiles but it's just a facade,he was burning inside.
"Oh no,you can't make an exception for me every time I need help with something like homework so don't worry,okay?" You said rubbing his arm softly. He nodded and kept silent until you got home and he said he was going to take a bath.
You did the same thing and when you got out of the tub you saw a message from him saying that he needed help and if you could being your things from RAD to his room. You put on some clother quickly and did as he said. When you got there Satan gave you a simple kiss and locked the door.
"I know I shouldn't feel jealous about things that are insignificant but I can't help but to think about why would you choose to do something as important as homework with Lucifer and not with me. So tell me MC,do you think Lucifer is smarter than me?" He asked with a terrific smile that send shivers down your back.
"No,I will never doubt your knowledge." You said,your voice trembling a little.
"Why are you so scared,my little lamb? Now we are going to do more homework but with a reward,for every question you answer right I'll pound into you but if you answer wrong I'll just stay still and use you as a cockwarmer and you better don't move. Do I have permission to use you,dear?" He asked,you nod and got rid of your pants and underwear and positioned yourself on his cock,your back facing him and your arms resting on the sides of the desk.
Everything went alright,he was already pounding into you when you got it wrong and he stopped.
"Satan please please please." You whined,he shaked his head slightly and spread one of your legs so his cock went even deeper making you moan again.
"You don't deserve it,now tell me everything you know about the first pandemic that occurred in the Devildom and don't you dare move,darling." The blond said watching you squirm and fight your need to move.
He is easy to get jealous and you knew it and that's why you decided to go working out with Beel and came back both of you sweating a lot. Asmo found out that he likes to see you sweating for the mere fact that you also sweat when he keeps you up for more than your fragile human body can take. But this time he was not the only one jealous. Having to deal with his fans club was a pain in the ass,they were not disrespectful towards you but you knew they wanted Asmo all for themselves and,surprise! So did you.
"Asmo if you are going to get inside smelling like 20 different demons at least just spray some perfume." Levi said scrunching his nose and walking away.
"You are just jealous I get to have all the demons I want." Asmo replicated amd then sat right besides you wanting a kiss.
"Hey,how are you doing?" You asked ignoring his needs,your eyes into the book in your hands not being able to even look at your boyfriend.
"I want a kiss,MC." He said snuggling against you a little bit more.
"And I want you to stop smelling like other demons but I can't have what I want and it seems like neither can you." You said letting the jealousy speak.
Asmo gasped and put his hands on his chest dramatically,Lucifer chuckled softly from the other side of the common room and you were still not looking at him.
"I can't avoid it,darling. Those demons want my attention and I have to give it to them,I cant help when they want to snuggle up against me or just to get closer to feel my scent but if it makes you feel better,there are things they will never be able to experience with me and you can!" He said happily,kissing your cheek.
"Fine,I'll go to my room." You said still angry,the sound of Asmodeus whinings filled the air as you walked away.
After a few minutes whining to Lucifer about what might have gotten into your head,Lucifer told him a few things.
"They are jealous,Asmo. MC was trying to not punch you in the face when Levi made that comment about you smelling like other demons." Lucifer said while going through paperwork.
"How is that they can be jealous? I'm loyal to them and they should now it already." Asmo hissed feeling a little bad about his actions.
"How do you feel when MC goes to you and they smell like one of us? It's almost the same thing with the difference that MC can't tell when you smell like other demons." Lucifer explained to his younger brother making him feel bad about his actions.
He did remembered all those times you got to him smelling like one of them and he made sure to infest you with his scent so his brothers knew you were with him but you couldn't do that because humans don't have a different scent,they all smell the same.
"You should apologize." Lucifer said after watching Asmo stand there,struggling to know what to do next.
"I won't,it's my nature and they have to accept it." Asmo said angrily,surprising Lucifer. He could almost see pride going through his brothers.
"Remember that you are not the only one after MC,Asmo. And if I didn't get things wrong,they are going out with Mammon today." The oldest said trying to make his brother rethink his actions but it didn't work.
"Fine they can do whatever they want,it's not like I'm the one jealous." And he went to his room to have a rampage alone.
And you were not going to apologize either so it was like a dead end,at least that's how Asmodeus saw the situation.
Lucifer's words were floating through his mind and he knew that if he wasn't fast enough to find a solution one of his brothers would offer his shoulder to cry on and he couldn't let them take advantage of a simple mistake like this.
He was going out of his room when he found you at his door getting ready to knock. He was shocked so when you asked him if you could talk it was like if someone threw cold water to him.
"I know I should not feel jealous but I can't avoid it. There's millions of people out there that are really willing to give you everything you need and want without putting any type of limit and maybe that's what you want but I can't give you that,Asmo. So I get it if you want to end things here." You said looking away from his peachy eyes and red cheeks.
"What? No,MC! I'm not letting you go this easily,I'm not going to stand here and watch you walk away because that's not how I do things and neither do you! I can make an effort and you can be honest with the things I do that you don't like because I am honest and you should too so... Please,don't leave everything that we have now." Asmodeus says with a shaky voice and teary eyes.
"Asmo I don't want to leave you."
"Then don't." He says embracing you in a hug and pushing you to bed so both of you could cuddle.
"MC,darling... Do you want to have sex now? Like a reconciliation type of sex." Asmo says in a low tone after a while cuddling together,you laugh loudly and he smirks.
"Fine but it has to be quick because Satan is making dinner and he won't wait for us." You say,getting on top of him to kiss him.
"The good things I can do can't be done quick,MC." Asmo hissed before pulling his clothes off.
It was after a game,you were taking him snacks when you could notice some demons talking to him. You knew about them because he told you about their existence as soon as they approached him but there was something off about these people.
And then you saw it,one of them was caressing Beel's arm and he was highly uncomfortable and it was obvious (at least to you). So you went there.
"Hi guys,sorry for interrupting but my boyfriend and I have a date planned and I need him to come with me." You said with a very obvious fake smile making them growl at you like dogs.
"Let's go." Beel said taking your hand and pulling you away from them.
"How can they be so disrespectful? Everybody knows we are dating and you were clearly uncomfortable and now you probably smell like them and ugh..." You growl when you are already away from them.
"You are cute when you are jealous." Beel says smiling,he liked when you talked about him as yours and yours only.
"I'm not jealous I'm just saying that they should respect you." You say looking in your bag for the snacks you brought him.
"It's okay if you are jealous,MC." Beelzebub says when you hand him a pair of snacks.
"I'm... I am jealous,of course I am jealous but it's stupid because you don't even gave me reasons to be jealous and it wasn't even your fault you were just being polite." Beel takes you with one of his hands and pulls you closer to him by your waist.
"MC you don't have to be jealous,I have eyes for you and you only. You are the only person I can be with without my stomach bothering me." He says with a soft smile.
"I love you,a lot. You know that,don't you?” You ask giving the same type of smile to your tall and cute boyfriend.
"Let's go home,I'm kinda hungry now." He says taking your hand and starts walking.
"I was so mad I didn't even noticed your stomach growling,sorry." You said,blush crossing your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Um... That's not the only type of hungry I was talking about." He says blushing.
Both of you are blushing hard and the few people around can only see you with happy eyes,love was not something that Devildom was used to see so it was heart warming at some point even for some demons.
When both of you got home (and after he got something to eat) it was time for him to eat again. Leaving you softly in his bed after checking on that Belphie was sleeping somewhere else but their room, Beel asked for permission before pulling down your underwear and get to work.
He was not only being fed by your beautiful self but his mind was going 1000 miles per minute as you kept moaning his name and praising him.
"Beel oh Lord you are amazing." You whined after you already cum twice just for his mouth.
He didn't say anything but instead positioned himself on your entrance and got into you slowly as you grabbed the sheets trying to take him all at once. Both of you being consumed by lust as he pounded into you with no shame at all and you whined his name over and over again.
This was an odd one,he was not the type to catch on when someone flirted with him but he was not an idiot and he was getting pissed at two lesser demons who were flirting with him at RAD's cafeteria as he waited for you to come back from a meeting with Lucifer and Diavolo.
"I know you have someone in your life but we can join if you want us to." They said to him.
"I thinks it's pretty obvious that he is not interested on any of you so you can shove off now." You said,every single of your words having the right amount of venom.
"Ugh,humans are nasty anyways." One of them said and both walked away.
"I was just trying to sleep." Belphie said feeling annoyed as you were.
"It's okay,I don't mind." You said very safe of your words but it wasn't true at all.
You knew Belphie was not about dating other people but it was affecting you anyways and your boyfriend could tell.
"You know I only want you so don't get that head of yours tells you otherwise, okay MC?" he said with his sleepy voice.
You smiled and nodded but you could feel something was off inside you.
That day when both of you got home you remember what Mammon once said to you. “humans have their special smell and all of us smell a little bit like you,when you get physical with any of us your scent sticks to us for a couple of days."  So you put your plan going and decided to infest Belphie with your scent in the best way possible.
"MC? You seemed anxious on the phone,is everything okay?" Belphegor asked getting in the attic.
"It certainly is but I want to have some time alone with you and I was getting a little bit anxious when you didn't show up." You explained to him with a little smile.
He smiled and walked towards you,feeling the list built up inside him. His hands got to your neck and pulled you into a kiss that was getting more and more steamy every second.
"Belphie,I want to mark you." You said when you two broke the kiss to start undressing.
"Then please do." He said under his breath, ready to have a very hot night.
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
late night snaps (quackity x reader)
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a/n : before we get into the story, i wanted to thank you all for such support on my first post - i only posted it yesterday, and got a hell lot of likes and reblogs and even gained 23 followers, which is insane for me (or maybe i just don’t know how tumblr works, haha)! anyhow, i’m really happy you guys enjoyed it <3 
 it was 02:37 and you were editing your newest video. you had no idea it would take so long, though! even if you were used to staying up very late, you knew you have to put away your laptop and go get some sleep. 
 saving the video as a draft and shutting your computer off, you started to blindly search for your phone, since your eyes didn’t get used to the darkness yet. finally finding it, you turned it on to set an alarm for the next morning when you suddenly saw a snapchat notification from ten minutes ago. it was from Alex. you curiously unlocked your phone and tapped the little notification to be led straight to snapchat.
idiota : hello mamacita
 your face instantly lit up in a childish smile. you started to type your response eagerly like it wasn’t 2 am and you didn’t have online classes tomorrow. 
 you : why hello there, el señor
 you saw Alex’s silly bitmoji pop up as he started to type.  
 idiota : what is my chica bella doing up so late?
 you giggled, getting comfortable in your bed - this meant a long chatting session on its way.
 you : YOUR chica bella? when did that happen?
 idiota : ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! >:((((
 you : fine you big baby, i was finishing editing a new video
 idiota : hmm i see, i see
 you : what about you though? u should get some sleep!!! :(((
 Alex’s bitmoji started typing, then stopped for some reason. you lifted your eyebrow at that. then he continued, but it took a while for him to finish.
 idiota : why, i just couldn’t fall asleep when you were on my mind all the time, mi amor
 your cheeks grew red in an instant. you knew you could handle jokes pretty well, but this was quite too much. Alex never got so far as to actually flirt with you.
 you : eh??? what drugs are u on
 idiota : the only drug for me is you mamacita
 you snorted. you had no idea if he was being serious or not, even if the second option was more likely.
 you : literally go to sleep wtf
 idiota : i’d sleep better if you were by my side ;)
 this was enough for you - you felt as if you got one more message like this from him, you’d die from the hotness in your cheeks. setting your phone down, you made your way to the bathroom before bed.
 you came back five minutes later, only to see your phone full of notifications from Alex. your heart was thumping really hard, you weren’t used to this, but you opened snapchat anyway.
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : mamacita, don’t joke w me like that
 idiota : did you really just leave me on read wtf
 idiota : i’m sad come back :(((
 and at last, there was a snap from him. you were quite scared at this point. with a shaking hand, you opened it.
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 you laughed so hard that you seriously thought you’ll have a seizure. still laughing, you snapped a selfie with a cute filter on (you really thought you looked horrible at the moment), captioned it with “your chica bella had to take a piss u simp” and sent it to Alex.
 he opened the snap almost imediatelly and started typing afterwards :
 idiota : mamacita!!!! you look hermosa!!!!
 you : that’s because i have a filter on lmaoo
 idiota : mamacita don’t let yourself down, you are so beautiful :((
 you started to text a sarcastic reply, but stopped. for some reason, Alex seemed like he was being truthful. he wasn’t joking around when he called you beautiful, that was too affectionate.
 you : ...really?
 idiota : si, si! <3
 you tugged at your lip in a thinking manner. true, you had feelings for Alex, but you never thought he had something similar to you. or maybe... maybe he was just supporting you as a friend. figuring that was probably it, you texted :
 you : thank you quacker B]] ur also v handsome
 idiota : mamacita likes me!!!!!😍😍😍
 you smiled sadly. Alex was definitely playing around. you got lost in thought for a few moments, thinking about how would he act if he was actually in love with someone. would he, perhaps, be more mature? that would be very weird to look at.
 finally coming back to planet Earth, you looked at your phone only to see that Alex has written a shit ton of messages again :
 idiota : i want to see you, mamacita
 idiota : it’s fine if u don’t want to, you’re probably going to sleep anyway...
 idiota : but maybe let’s meet tomorrow?
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : i’m coming over <3
 your heart gave a leap of embarassment and surprise. why would he even say that?
 you : wait what
 you : wdym “i’m coming over”
 you : no tf ur not
 you : go to sleep
 idiota : doesn’t mamacita want to see muah???
 you : no, that would be awesome, but you should go to sleep, really :(
 idiota : y/n, i already told you, i can’t sleep when you’re on my mind
 you froze in spot, staring at your screen for what felt like an eternity. did he just call you by your name? you knew he only says it in serious situations. deciding to change your tactic, you started texting seriously :
 you : are you like... for real now?
 you : because i know you call me by my name in serious situations, but maybe it’s only a prank, so just answer me truthfully, okay?
 Alex started typing, it took even longer that before, but at last you saw his message, this time without caps, spammed question/exclamation marks, nothing silly at all :
 idiota : i am serious, y/n. believe me, this is not a prank. i just really wanna see you. 
 your heart skipped a beat or two, your face renewed its redness. you felt as if you were dreaming.
 you : okay... i’m really glad. come over, please
 idiota : thank you so much
 you started pondering in your head - how did this happen? how did this silly conversation turn out like this? 
 but what if Alex texted you because he wanted to come over in the first place? after all, he knew how shitty your sleep schedule was. that would be awesome, you thought, a small smile dancing on your lips.
 you checked the snap map only to see Alex about 100 meters from you. wait... what? 100 METERS??? was Alex near your place the moment he texted you for the first time?
 you jumped up, starting to tidy up your messy room up, only to remember you look like poop at the moment - hair messy, face tired, clothes scrunched. 
 exhaling heavily, you tried to change your appearance quickly - you ran into the bathroom, brushing your hair panickily. then you wrenched the makeup bag open and started to rummage through it trying to find some mascara or something...
 ding ding! 
 you froze, your eyes widened. he was already here, what the hell?!
 you quickly put on some mascara, ran into the hallway while brushing your face with your hands from stress (completely forgetting you have mascara on, somehow) and unlocked the door.
 Alex’s figure was dark, since the lightbulb in the corridor wasn’t working, and it almost gave you a fright. but as soon as he engulfed you in a warm hug, the tension in the pit of your stomach vanished. you hugged him back almost unsurely, but smiling.
 “hello, mamacita”
 you giggled. for some reason, you got the strongest urge to cry. probably from happiness, but it still was confusing to you. nevertheless, tears started running down your cheeks, mixing with mascara, probably making you look like you were going to a halloween dress up party. 
 “hey, why are you crying?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
 “i look horrible.” you laughed, wiping your tears away.
 “nooo, why won’t you listen to me? i already told you you’re beautiful.” he said with a cute pout. 
 “alright, alright, i’m very beautiful, let me down now.” you said, noticing that he was still holding you in his arms tightly. 
 “whatever the chica bella says.”
 he put you down.
 “aren’t you going to turn on some light? i feel like i’ve gone blind!” Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled.
 “i’m like a bat, i hate much light, sorry. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp.” you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink.
 “perfect.” Alex said, eyeing you in light now. you thought he’ll make a comment about your awful mascara-stained face, but he said nothing, just smiling and looking at you in awe, like you were some princess in a ball dress instead of a tired college student in messy shorts, an oversized t-shirt and two different socks, because you couldn’t find a pair of the same ones.
 “perfect.” he repeated, shrugging with a smile on his face, like seeing you was everything he needed.
 you laughed and hugged him, muttering a “thanks for coming”. Alex didn’t hesitate and also hugged you, holding you as close as possible, as if he let go of you, he’d drown and would never come back to be by your side again. 
 little did you know, he felt the exact same way.
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
I'm back way sooner than I'd expected, sorry for spamming you with another request! Hcs (separate) again please? Bokuto, Miya twins and Kuroo were teaching their s/o how to play volleyball but midway through the lesson s/o accidentally got distracted by their glorious thighs and asses lmao. After a while the guys realized what's happening when they noticed s/o's stare on them. Thank you very much!
distractions [lil bit pg-13, bokuto kōtarō, miya atsumu, miya osamu, kuroo tetsurō]
tings // sfw but a lil naughty, fluff, canonverse, everyone's at least 18 here :)
hello again & it’s totally cool !! keep spamming lolol i enjoy the interaction !! also omg i love the idea because i myself have thiccy thighs :) i feel like this got a little repetitive because i kinda ran out of ideas but anyway,,,
also whoops this took me foreverrrrr but i hope u find it anon !!
bokuto kōtarō
you guys have a long weekend and after the first day you and this insanely hyperactive boy run out of ideas of what to do
so you suggest that he teach you to play volleyball and obvi he's super excited
kō actually sneaks you guys into the gym since he's got a key (n like, if you did happen to get caught, who could stay mad at him?)
it's kind of late at night when you guys go since either way, he wants to do his best not to get you in trouble lol
you do actually want to learn and stay (mostly) focused for the first bit, until kō decides he wants a water break
so you sit on the bleachers and wait for him while he goes and grabs a water bottle out of the club room
but when he sits down next to you,,,,
that squish thing that thick thighs do when ppl with them sit down
his do that
you kinda don't even realize you're staring until you hear a little laugh and a "what?" and look up to see him leaning back on the row of seats behind him
and you respond by just smiling and reaching out to squish his thigh
he doesn't really process what's going on at first, like he just kinda looks at you blankly for a few seconds
and then he reaches out and squishes your thigh back and ummm long story short baby boy gets a little grabby and you end up making out on the bleachers lol and maybe riding his thigh
miya atsumu
tsum tsum's been pretty busy lately and hasn't gotten to see you a ton the past couple weeks, so he decides to skip practice and surprise you one day
he did not expect you to go off on him for it lmao
but once you stop to take a breath, he points out that there's no point in going all the way back to the gym now; he's already missed like half of it and it's easier to come up with an excuse for missing a day than it is for showing up like an hour late
so you're like, "fine, i guess," and then you have the wonderful idea that if he's not gonna show up to practice, maybe he could at least get some in by teaching you
"are you kidding lmao, you suck, how is that gonna be practice?" "stfu tsumu"
so he's agrees and decides to demonstrate some basic stuff first, just so you can get an idea of how much you suck compared to him what it should look like
you're seated on the ground watching him when you notice how his thighs flex when he jumps and how tight that ass is
you don't even realize you're staring until he goes, "okay, now you try," and you go, "try what," your eyes still fixed on his legs
it takes him a second to realize what exactly you were looking at and he thinks it's the funniest fucking thing lmao, and he turns around and like, smacks his ass or attempts to throw it back or something until you're laughing so hard your stomach cramps
you don't end up playing volleyball because 1) by the time you manage to stop laughing you're literally sore and 2) tumu's missed you the past week and now he just wants to hear you laugh more 💕
miya osamu
you can hear the boys practicing out back when you get to the miya's to hang out with samu, and out of curiosity you head over to watch since you rarely get to watch them practice at school and the vibes during actual games just aren't the same
samu sees you and is about to head inside to get showered and changed so you guys can hang out
you surprise both of them by asking if you can join instead
(atsumu complains that it's unfair that it's him versus the two of you and you have to shut him up by pointing out that you're probably gonna end up dragging osamu down because you've never played before)
it's not going too badly until samu suggests that you have a try at serving
which means that he's standing several feet in front of you
which means that you have a very clear view of his ass
he's also wearing grey gym shorts, which does not help (or does help a lot, depending on how you look at it)
atsumu notices you staring first, since osamu has his back to you
you go "fuck this" and run up and smack samu's ass LMAO
he turns around and just stares at you for a good few minutes and then drags you inside
atsumu's probably all like 😏😏😏
but for good reason
ah ha ha haaa
kuroo tetsurō
you wander into the gym in the last fifteen minutes of practice—you and tetsu had planned to meet outside but you'd gotten there early and didn't have much else to do
he looks over when he hears the door open and gives you a quick wave before turning his attention back to practicing, and you find yourself a seat on the bleachers
a few moments later he excuses himself for a water break and walks over to you, smiling like he's about to do something you're not going to enjoy
"what?" "what?" "why are you looking at me like that?" and he doesn't answer; he just finishes his water and drags you onto the court
"tetsu, what the fuck are you doing?"
"come practice :)))"
"i don't even play—" and then he shoves a ball into your hands. where'd it come from? who knows.
"shouldn't you be the one practicing? don't you, like, have a game this weekend?"
he assures you it's fine, there're only like ten minutes left of practice anyway, and shoves you into the rotation
and you don't really do much, at least until you narrowly miss getting smacked in the head with the ball because you're too busy staring at him, watching the way he moves, gym shorts clinging to his sweaty skin, and thinking about sitting on his lap on the train back to your place after this
"woah, woah, pay attention!" he laughs and you look up to meet his eyes, smiling absently. "whatcha looking at?" "nothing :))"
he really has to fight the urge to pull you into the locker room with him after practice lmao
and you do get to sit on his lap on the way home hehe
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mochegato · 3 years
An Irrevocably Gone Heart
Tim tugged on her arm.  “You’re coming with me.”
“What?” Marinette exclaimed a little louder than she meant to.  She immediately looked around to see if any of the other party goers had noticed them and cringed at the eyes on her.  She gave them a weak smile and moved closer to Tim, who was still pulling them toward the stairs. “No, no, no, no.  This is a family thing.”  She tried to pull away discretely but Tim had her arm in a firm lock.  Damn vigilante training.  She could break out of it of course, but not without making a scene in front of a growing audience, which was starting to include his family.  
They were all moving to the stairs like Tim was, and unwillingly her as well, to stand behind Mr. Wayne as he addressed the crowd at his New Year’s party. She briefly looked over to them to see if they had noticed her yet.  One of the brothers in particular, Jason, had observed the interaction between her and Tim and was watching her carefully.  She accidentally met his eyes and couldn’t look away.  She saw a flicker of interest and amusement in his eyes and blushed at the attention.  She was so caught up in his eyes, she stumbled slightly, giving Tim the advantage in dragging her the last few feet to the stairs.
“You’re like family.  In fact, I like you more than most of my family so… You’re coming.”  Tim grinned at her mercilessly.  She couldn’t get away now without causing a stir in the crowd, drawing all eyes away from Mr. Wayne and to her.  She was caught and they both knew it, trapped by societal convention.  He pulled her onto the stairs next to him and the rest of the family, facing the crowd of party goers and reporters.
“Okay first, I hate being in front of a lot of people.  Second, this seems incredibly counterproductive,” Marinette hissed quietly at him.
“Depends on your goal,” he said with a polite, fake smile, keeping his eyes on the crowd.  “Now smile for the cameras, Love.”
Marinette groaned quietly at him and turned to face the crowd with the practiced, PR worthy smile Adrien had taught her.  She stood a polite distance from Tim, making it clear that although she was here with him, she wasn’t here with him.  Tim chuckled devilishly and pulled her closer to him, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “I’m going to make you pay for this.” She threatened through gritted teeth and a beautiful smile.  “You know who I am but you won’t know where I am and you will never see me coming.”
“Calm down, Trevor.  And you’re welcome.” His smile turned real and his eyes glistened with mirth. “Tomorrow our picture, and more importantly your clothes, will be everywhere in Gotham.”
As soon as Bruce was done with his welcoming speech, they bolted from the stairs to escape his family’s and reporter’s questions.  Tim guided her as they ran through the maze of the manor. They finally stopped running in a back hallway, doubling over in laughter and out of breath.  “Oh man, my family is going to drive themselves insane trying to figure out who you are.”
Marinette closed her eyes and groaned.  “How did this help?  It’s only going to make Bruce more curious about me to make sure I’m not a gold-digger or using you.”
“Marinette, calm down.  You aren’t using me or abusing our friendship to get your name out there.  It was my idea and as I recall, to get you to let me commission you for the suit and come with me, I had to blackmail you int...”  She lunged at him to slam her hands over his mouth.
She glared at him as she looked around to see if anyone heard them.  As soon as she was sure nobody was around to hear them, missing the body listening to them around the corner, she batted at Tim with a pout.  “They don’t know that and how are you going to explain it?”
“I’ll figure it out without saying anything important.” He looked back in the general direction of the party.  “We should get back though.”
“Ugh, fine, but I’m not staying until midnight just for some trust fund prick to try to ‘slum it’ for a night with me. And next time, you come with your boyfriend, not me.  And I can design both of your suits instead.” She adds with a smug grin.
“If you can get him into a suit, deal.” Tim scoffed.  “Good luck with that by the way.  Come on, give me one dance as a reprieve before I have to be sociable. And if any other trust fund pricks try anything with you, I promise to destroy them.”  He gave her a wink.
“Like I need you to do that for me.” She snarked at him.
“Oh definitely not, but it would give me an acceptable excuse to leave the party.” Tim shrugged with a smile.
Jason watched them walk back toward the party from his spot tucked away in an alcove.  Well, this night was certainly more interesting than he had anticipated.  He followed them back to the party and kept an eye on the friends as they danced.  The woman, Marinette, seemed to be having an awfully good time dancing and joking with Tim considering he was ‘blackmailing’ her, but then again if they were friends, like it seemed they were, it was likely to be more embarrassing than damning.
As far as Jason could tell, despite how much she had complained to Tim earlier, Marinette was handling the crowd brilliantly.  She managed to make the rounds at the party talking pleasantly with quite a few people.  A few of her conversation partners had been attending Wayne parties for years and tonight was the first night Jason saw them give a genuine smile.  But, if anyone made the mistake of trying to touch her a little too intimately or make a comment that was a bit too suggestive, or just flat out insulting, she sent them a dark glare that would make Batman proud and crowded their personal space in a way that had the aggressor backing away intimidated and Jason impressed.
Jason tore his eyes away from Marinette and moved to the bar to get some liquid patience.  Tim might be a natural at mingling but he needed a little help to deal with this crowd. The only interesting part of the entire evening had been Tim’s friend.  She had wandered around the room with an effortless grace and stood up for herself with just as effortless strength.  It was a hard balance to maintain and she pulled it off beautifully, just like the rest of herself.  
Jason set his empty drink down and looked down the bar for the bartender.  He didn’t find the bartender, but he did find the stunning woman herself sitting alone with an empty seat next to her.  He moved quickly, seeing a few other men eying her with interest as well.  “Is this seat taken?” He asked with a charming smile.
“It is not.” She said tiredly, not even bothering to look up.  “My date isn’t using it right now.”
“Smooth.” Jason nodded in approval.  “Timbo would just push me out if he wanted the seat.  Well, he’d try anyway.” He took the seat and ordered another drink from the newly appeared bartender.  “Want a refill?”
“I’m good thank you.”  She continued staring at her drink.
Jason grinned at her.  She wasn’t remotely interested in playing nice just for the sake of propriety.  She wasn’t rude, just not easily impressed.  “I’m Tim’s brother, Jason.”
She looked over at him in surprise and immediately cringed internally.  He was the brother she had embarrassed herself gaping at earlier.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  Hi. Nice to meet you.  I’m Marinette.”  She reached her hand out to him with a smile.  “Sorry, I thought you were another… never mind.  Hi.”
He gave her a disarming smile and shook her hand.  “Don’t worry about it, I understand.  The kind of people who come to this are… rich is the nicest thing to say about almost any of them.  And you know what they say, eat the rich.”  He dropped her hand but kept his eyes on her.  
She raised an eyebrow at him.  “Aren’t you rich?”
He chuckled.  “No, Bruce is.  I make my own, significantly less red carpeted, way.”
She looked at him skeptically then eyed his tuxedo.  “Awfully expensive tux for someone who isn’t rich.” She commented wryly.
“Bruce’s party, he wants me here, he pays.  I don’t normally wear suits, let alone ones that cost more than six month’s rent.”
She studied the tuxedo again.  “Six months, huh?  That still affords you a pretty nice apartment by Gotham standards.”
He bobbed his head to the side in acknowledgement and studied her again, trying to make sense of her.  “So, what does he have on you?”
She cocked her head to the side and stared at him in confusion as she tried to figure out what he meant.  Her face scrunched in annoyance and her entire posture stiffened once she figured it out.  “If you think Tim has to blackmail me into being his friend, you vastly underestimate your brother’s charms.”
“No I don’t.” Jason scoffed at her.  “I meant bringing you here.”
She raised an eyebrow at him and set her mouth in a firm line.  “You think he has to blackmail me to spend time with him? How is that better?”
“I think he blackmailed you to get you to come to this specific event.  And I think that because I heard him say it to you in the hallway a little bit ago.” Jason responded matter-of-factly, taking another swig of his drink.
“Ah…” She looked back down at her drink and took a long sip trying to figure out how to respond.  Well on the bright side, he wasn’t insulting Tim with his question, he was trying to understand if she was a threat.  But, she wasn’t going to make it that easy for him.  She looked back over to him and gave him a pointed look.  “If it was something I wanted to share, it wouldn’t be blackmail material.”  
Jason grinned at her “True.” Still staring at her expectantly.
“Let’s just say there are things I would rather… uh…” she looked around cautiously, “Bruce Wayne, not know about me.”
Jason raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that so?”
“Yeah… Oh! No.  Nothing like that.  I’m not like Catwoman or one of the sirens or anything.”  She waved her hands frantically in front of her.
He chuckled.  “Honestly I don’t think that would be considered an issue for him.”
She cocked her head to the side, “True.  The most bizarre relationship ever.”
“Not when Joker and Harley once existed.”
“Most appalling relationship ever.”
Jason chuckled and looked into his glass until he realized what she had said. “Wait, how did you know…”
“Catwoman and…” he motioned vaguely with his hand.  She hadn’t confirmed she knew Bruce was Batman and he wasn’t about to out that particular secret if she didn’t know.
“Ohh,” She nodded in understanding and gave him a grin.  “Your family isn’t as slick as they think they are, Red.”
Jason stared at her dumbfounded for a few seconds.  She knew their secret and apparently Tim, the one person that matched Bruce in paranoia, wasn’t worried about her in the least.  “And he’s blackmailing you?” Jason asked incredulously. “How bad is your secret?”
“Not bad just… I don’t need someone critiquing all my life choices, you know? It’s a threat of annoyance, not retribution.”
“Mood.” Jason said lifting his glass to hers.  She clinked hers to his with a sardonic smile.  
She was beautiful, smart, elegant, tough, funny, judicious, cautious, and far out of his league.  But he was here now and they were having fun and he wasn’t stupid enough to blow a brilliant opportunity.  Jason gazed over his shoulder toward the dancefloor and back to her.  He looked her up and down and gave her a roguish smile. “Care to dance?”
“I didn’t take you for a dancer.” She responded as she moved toward the dancefloor and held out her hand for him.
He grabbed her hand, holding it close to his chest and wrapped his other hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him.  “It has its advantages.”
Marinette looked up at him with wide eyes, a light blush dusting her cheeks. “I see what you mean.”  She ducked her head trying to collect herself.  He wasn’t the first handsome man she’d danced with, why was this one making her lose her composure?  She wasn’t 15 anymore, damn it!
“So how did you figure it out?” he asked casually.  He clearly wasn’t upset, just curious.
“How does everyone not?  Seriously, Bruce admitted it under oath.” She scoffed.  “Plus you guys are terrible at hiding it.  You don’t even try to act or look different.  Oh look Bruce Wayne has a new ward or person who hangs out with the family all the time.  Oh look, there’s a new vigilante with the same build and hair color.  Pure coincidence surely.  Then there’s the whole butts match thing.”
“Wow, been studying Bruce’s butt that closely, huh?” Jason raised an unamused eyebrow at her.
“Who said anything about Bruce’s butt?” She asked without thinking about it.  Jason spluttered at her.  Her eyes widened and her face paled as she realized what she had just said.
“Forget I said that,” she pleaded, her face turning bright red.
“Oh fuck no.  That’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.  A gorgeous woman has been studying my ass so intently she was able to identify me by it?” He gave her a brilliant smile so wide, his cheeks would surely hurt the next morning.  “My ego will never come down from this.”
Marinette groaned in embarrassment and buried her head in her hands and then buried her head and hands in his chest, trying to erase all evidence of her existence. Jason wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly as he roared with laughter.  Marinette could feel his body vibrating with the sound.  The movement calmed her enough that she was willing to remove her hands from her face but not her face from his chest.  “I hope you’ll let me return the favor someday.” He whispered in her ear.
Marinette jerked her head back to look at him, her eyes wide and cheeks a deep crimson.  When her eyes met the wicked glint in his, she narrowed hers, a hint of a smile on her lips.  “Good luck with that.  Magic is a hell of a thing.”
Jason looked at her confused.  That was not a response he was expecting… or understood.  They stared in each other’s eyes for a few moments, both trying to figure out something about the other.  Marinette finally broke the silence with a teasing smile.  “So, you’re Jason, huh?  I’ve heard a few things about you.”  She chuckled lightly when he rolled his eyes at that and groaned lightly.  “Did you really do a flip off of one building to crash through the skylight of another and beat up a bunch of henchmen then set their drug room on fire all while quoting Shakespeare?”
He barked out a loud laugh and smiled brightly at her, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “It was Austen.”
She smiled back at him but quickly narrowed her eyes and quirked her head to the side.  “Prove it,” She challenged him, a playful lilt in her voice.  He looked at her questioningly not sure how exactly he was supposed to crash through a skylight when there wasn’t one here.  “Quote some Austen to me.  I have a hard time believing the formidable… you, is secretly a book nerd.”
A delighted smile creeped onto his face.  Marinette was the first person to ask him about his love for literature and encourage him to indulge in it.  He tried to remember all the many Jane Austen quotes he’d memorized through reading and rereading her works so often.  What would be the most impressive quote?  Which one would wow her the most?  He ransacked his brain, but suddenly his mind was blank.  He couldn’t think of anything.  The harder he tried to remember, the harder it was to think.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times.
Marinette watched the panic flit across his eyes.  She cringed internally.  She got anxiety when she was put on the spot.  Jason must be the same.  It was one thing to do it in the heat of the moment, without thinking about it, but being asked to perform on demand, was a different kind of pressure. She gently cupped his cheek and brought his eyes back down to hers and gave him a soft smile.  “Maybe you can show me later.  I’ll still be impressed tomorrow.”
He looked in her eyes and instantly felt himself calm down.  Her eyes were shining with compassion, like she understood exactly what was going on in his head and believed in him.  He pulled her closer and gave her a tender smile in return. He ran his fingers slowly up and down her back, “The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.” He quoted quietly.  
Marinette gasped at his frankness.  She leaned her head against his chest, trying to hide the deep blush that enveloped her cheeks and spread to her ears.  After a few moments of silent swaying in his arms, she cleared her throat and weakly spoke, “That… yeah, uh… that works.  Point proven.”
He chuckled lightly, a proud smile working its way onto his face.  He moved his hand so they were both wound around her waist, holding her close to him.  She settled further into his chest, causing him to sigh contentedly.  They danced together for a while, refusing others that attempted to cut in with either one of them, Marinette doing so significantly more politely than Jason did.  After a while, Tim tapped her on the shoulder.  “I thought I was your date.” He stated with a suspicious smile.
“Oh fuck off, Timbers.” Jason grunted at him, twirling Marinette so she was on the other side of him from Tim.
Marinette poked her head out around Jason’s side to give Tim a sheepish look. “Sorry, Tim.  You were busy.  Did you need a break from socializing?”
“Uh huh,” he responded sarcastically.  “No, I’m good.  And I thought you weren’t going to stay until midnight?  Something…” he eyed Jason meaningfully, “come up?”
Marinette looked at him in surprise and searched for a clock.  Surely it hadn’t been hours.  If felt like it had just been a few minutes with Jason.  She finally found the prominent clock that had been hung to countdown to midnight and gaped at it.  “Oh my God.  It’s almost midnight!”  She looked back to Tim in time to see him pulling back from whispering something in Jason’s ear.
“Well, I’m going to go call Kon so we can ring in the New Year together in some way.” Tim said tightly.  He leaned over and kissed Marinette on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Marinette.  I hope it’s a happy one.”  He gave Jason a pointed look.
“Happy New Year, Tim.  I hope it is for you as well.”  She smiled at him.  As soon as he left, Jason pulled Marinette back into his embrace.  “What was that about?”  She asked him.
“What?” He asked innocently.
“The whispering.  There isn’t a problem is there?  You’re not going to have to run off 2 minutes before midnight?”
Jason chuckled at her.  “No.  No, that was him warning me to treat you like you deserve.”
“Like I…” she thought about it and gave him a half-hearted smile before muttering. “Not sure if that is a threat to you or me.”  
“Threat for me, blessing for you.” Jason answered softly.
“You think too highly of me.” She shook her head with a small smile.
“Doubt it.” He answered back quietly.  “And it sounds like I’m going to be held personally accountable if your year isn’t amazing, so I better get on that.”
“Sounds like you’ll have to keep a close eye on me.  I can be a handful.” She said quietly, looking up at him from under her lashes.
“Rough job, but amazing work environment.”  He answered just as quietly, pulling her even closer.
“And what are the benefits to giving you the job?” She gave him a playful smile.
“You get to see my roguishly handsome face and get Austen and Shakespeare quoted at you daily.”  He grinned back.
“What if I prefer Verne or Hugo?” She asked with exaggerated innocence.
“Then I’ll learn.” His eyes turned serious and his voice husky.
Jason slowly moved one of his hands up her back, around her shoulder, and rested it on her neck, stroking her jaw with his thumb.
Marinette parted her lips in surprise and leaned into his hand.
Jason leaned down toward Marinette, stopping a bit short of her lips, giving her the chance to pull back if she wanted to.
Marinette rose up to close the gap, meeting his lips in a soft, tentative, hopeful kiss.
The room erupted into cheers and applause at the clock striking midnight. Balloons dropped from the ceiling all around them, but the only thing Jason or Marinette noticed was each other. The feeling of the other’s lips against theirs.  The feel of the other’s hands on their bodies and the feel of their own hands on them. The warmth of each other’s bodies against their own.  The deep need that grew the longer they kissed.  When they finally broke apart, it was just far enough to catch their breath and stare in each other’s eyes.
“This was a great way to ring in the New Year.” She whispered against his lips.
He nodded absentmindedly, still in a daze from the kiss.  “There’s still a few more time zones that need to be rung in,” he said leaning down to capture her lips again in a passionate kiss.
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