#anyway the stupid p part ended up being longer than I anticipated
mego42 · 3 years
Can I ask what brio fic you’re working on (if any)? I love everything you write!
anon!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!! you are v sweet and i am v blushing!!!!!!!!
i am currently still focused on that pilot-era strangers pwp i snippeted the other week (huzzah! the squirrels in my brain are cooperating again!) and i am v pleased to say i am soooooooo close to having the first draft done (it uh, got longer than i meant it too, everyone is shocked, i know).
i've also got a 416 missing scene(s) fic swimming around in my head i found myself mentally writing dialogue for while i cooked dinner last night (crispy gnocchi with burst tomatoes and mozzarella, 1000000/10, highkey recommend) so that's probs gonna happen sooner rather than later and i've been feeling the pacific rim au a lot recently but i've been saying that for a year plus, so. grain of salt.
ANYWAY, please enjoy this snippet (including a bit from a wip word game my b for the duplication) from the stangers pwp!
“Elizabeth,” she says. Her, but not her.
He repeats her name slowly like he’s wrapping his lips around each syllable, running his tongue over them and tasting them. Beth sticks out her hand, trying to cover up the shiver she can’t quite suppress.
“And you are?”
He takes it—his palm is warm, his fingers lightly calloused and rough against her own—and looks her up and down again, slower this time.
Beth’s mouth goes dry, that heavy caressing feeling morphing into pins and needles dancing along her limbs, leaving sparks and goosebumps in their wake. He’s looking at her like he sees her and a part of her feels like it’s holding its breath, waiting for an answer to a question she didn’t mean to ask.
“Christopher,” he says, shaking her hand then releasing it, his fingers trailing over her knuckles as he lets go.
“And what do you do, Christopher?” Beth asks, washing down his name with another swallow of bourbon, the burn of it mingling with the vowels and consonants and pooling deep in her belly.
He smiles, his teeth white, his eyes twinkling. “Single dad.”
Beth’s eyes narrow, and she searches his face, trying to determine if he’s making fun of her. “Stay at home?”
His smile goes lopsided, the slightly off-kilter quirk of it the only thing keeping it from turning into a full smirk. “Somethin’ like that.”
She wonders how much of it is a lie, if he’s mirroring her and making up a fantasy version of himself or if part of it’s true—him, but not him.
“Not a lot of parents in the pick-up line with neck tattoos,” she says, huffing a little at the thought of the chaos someone like him would wreak on the mom chains.
There’s that flash of teeth again. “Not a lot of parents like me in the pick-up line.”
It’s too much, the arrogant satisfaction he says it with, and Beth snorts, rolling her eyes before she can stop herself. She winces, bracing herself for the bright, interested spark to fade, for his jaw to tighten as irritation takes its place.
But instead, if anything, that spark flares, his smile widening into more of a grin that crinkles the skin around his eyes before it fades into something more considering. He cocks his head, his eyes sweeping over her again, but slower this time.
Beth’s pulse thumps, and she can feel the beat of it reverberating through her whole body, all the way down to the tips of her toes curling in her shoes. Blinking, she takes another sip of her drink, startling a little when she realizes she’s reached the end of her glass.
“So, a thief, huh?” The guy catches the bartender’s eye, circling a long, elegant finger, signaling for another round.
“Oh, I—” Beth starts to fumble for her purse, but he waves her off.
“How’d you do it?” he asks, pivoting in his full body in his seat, so he’s facing her. “Rob your grocery store?”
They’re close enough that his denim-covered knee brushes up against her thigh right where the hem of her dress gives way to bare skin. This time Beth can’t stop her shiver, and she knows he catches it from the way his smile sharpens, and she thinks...she thinks—
Well, she doesn’t think. Instead, she turns on her stool, letting her leg press more fully against his as she props her elbow on the bar, rests her cheek in her hand, and tells him.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Tumblr media
Yanan will always turn cute when he wants affection from you, he could be hard at work, but the moment he gets his arms around you, he turns into the softest human, refusing to let you go until he really has to.
The two of you met whilst Yanan had taken his hiatus, bumping into each other at the coffee store. You naturally fell into conversation with one another, and Yanan soon found himself feeling very comfortable around you too, opening up to you more with the more time that the two of you spent getting to know each other.
As he began to really feel like himself around you, Yanan soon found himself planning out how he could confess his feelings to you. Even the boys were surprised that he’d fallen for you, but he knew what he wanted, and he was desperate to make sure that he got it too. His confession was minimal, little fuss, just a simple evening together, with his confession suddenly being dropped into conversation as if it were no big deal.
Your dates with Yanan were always pretty random, you never quite knew what to expect when he told you that he’d take the reigns and plan what the two of you would be doing. Of course, you’d trust in him and what he had planned, often being left surprised when you found out what it was. He loved to find new things around the city for you to try, the more stupid the better as far as he was concerned. Whatever happened, your dates always left you with memories that you’d hold onto for the rest of your life.
Yanan knew nothing else other than the single life before he met you, and so he spoke to plenty of his family and friends as your relationship progressed to try and get a bit of a better understanding of what was going on and what he should do as a boyfriend. When most just told him to trust in his instincts, he panicked, but as he settled, he began to realise how right they were, and that by just being himself, things were going to be alright, and your relationship was going to balance itself out too.
You were very aware of how arguments made Yanan feel, so you were always conscious whenever you felt yourself losing your temper and needing to bite your tongue. Arguments were kept to a minimum anyway you both were good at talking and had quite calm personalities anyway. For you to end up getting angry, it would have to be something huge to set you off which would often leave Yanan just staring back at you whilst he let you get everything that you had to say off your chest. Once you were calm, then he’d talk, always the one to relax the situation and stop anymore raised voices speaking.
He couldn’t wait to take you home properly and introduce you to his family. It all felt a little too quick for you if you were honest, but seeing how keen he was, you went along with things. Thankfully, his family were so sweet, and so appreciative of you and how positive a change you were in his life too.
Yanan often liked to keep you at the dorm so that he knew where you were and that you were safe too. Although he knew you had your own place, he preferred to have you with him, where the other members could also look after you. The more people around you who cared, the better, as far as Yanan was concerned.
In a slightly emotional ramble, Yanan ended up being the first of the two of you to mention love. He’d had a pretty torrent time, and as he began to offload on you and thank you for being there to him, before he really had a moment to think about what he was saying, he ended up telling you just how much he loved you.
The savage side of Yanan would always be on show whenever he found himself getting jealous, he’d get snappy and smart towards the person that was igniting the jealous feeling inside of him, until they were left with little other choice but to walk away. When this side came out, you could only stand back and laugh at how protective he was and how keen he was to remove the other protagonist out of the situation as quickly as he could, even if he’d try and protest that he wasn’t jealous at all.
Talking about the future wasn’t something that Yanan was big on, it was daunting for him and often left him feeling quite anxious about how things could change. He was happy in the now, and knowing that he had you with him, the last thing he really wanted to do was think about the future, scared that for as much as you talked about a future together, there might be a chance of a future without you too.
Yanan had several random quirks that always kept you laughing whenever you were around him, never quite able to anticipate what he’d do next. One thing was for sure though, was that it was always going to end up with you laughing at him and questioning what you ever saw in him. Just with his jealousy, his savage remarks would often leave you in fits of giggles too, especially when they were directed at his other members. At times, he just couldn’t bite his tongue, but the sound of you laughing at him was often the encouragement that he needed to do it more, even if the other members were desperate for him to stop.
He’s not the best at hiding his feelings, and so the boys will always know when he’s missing you and when they’re needed to pick him up and make him smile. The night before leaving to go on tour is always the toughest for him, knowing that he’s going to be without you soon and that he’s entering his last few hours around you are always hard. Yanan isn’t one for goodbyes, a small part of him always just thinks about leaving without saying goodbye to save himself the torment, but he knows that he’ll end up going on tour with you pretty mad at him if he does that, choosing to say goodbye instead, however hard it is.
Every nickname that Yanan has for you is always incredibly soft. He loves having pet names for you that he can call you by, so much so, that it’s almost impossible to ever hear him call you by your actual name.
He’s obsessed with your smile, it’s a great comfort to him to look at, going a long way towards always picking his mood up as well.
Yanan loves to tease you a little bit in public, but only when the two of you are alone. He’s not one to make a big deal of your relationship, but if it’s quiet, he’ll let his hands wander a little closer to places that they shouldn’t and tug a little harder against your lips whenever you reach up to give him a kiss.
He often asks questions when he needs a bit of support, although he’s confident in himself, hearing someone else say that they have faith in what he’s doing is a great boost to him, which is exactly where you come in.
You’re always stealing Yanan’s trousers out of his drawers and stealing them as your own. Even though you often have to roll up the bottoms because of his significantly longer legs, there’s something warm and comforting about wearing his joggers instead of your own. Despite it being very obvious to him when you’re wearing his trousers, he can’t help but smile and let you carry on wearing them as your own.
Intimacy with Yanan is always filled with a lot of love and affection too. He’s an incredibly soft human being at the best of times, but there’s something about the moment and being so close to you that makes him even sweeter, and makes his cheeks blush a little bit darker. He adores the passion that comes with intimacy and being able to make sure that you feel as loved by him as you do by him.
If he needs to talk to you, Yanan will always shoot a text across to you first to make sure that you’re free. He never wants to just interrupt by calling you, so instead he’ll text and wait until you’ve got the time for him.
You’re very much Yanan’s biggest supporter, always there to comfort him and cheer him on. Having that one person who relies on him and thinks of him first means a lot to him too, it always makes him happy knowing he’s your number one.
Whenever the chance to go away comes along, home is always Yanan’s first thought, and of course that means taking you with him so that you can get to meet his family. The excitement that came for the few days prior to the trip always made you smile, knowing just how much it meant to Yanan to head back home.
There were definitely sometimes when Yanan would whine, he’d usually be able to hold it in, but if he was desperate for you, then he’d let you know about it.
Kisses from Yanan can often come when you least expect them, whenever he’s around you, he’ll press a kiss against your body, enjoying the little jump you do every time you’re not paying attention and feeling his lips press against you. He’s always very soft in his kisses too, you’ll often receive trails of pecks from Yanan rather than one long kiss, often paying close attention along your jawline when he’s hugging you tightly.
You were his best friend, the one person he needed the most in life.
At night, you’re often having to wrestle against his legs for any space, usually ending up having to intertwine your legs into his just so you can lay properly. Yanan can’t help it, but he enjoys having another excuse to hold you a little tighter.
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kurohoely · 3 years
always (daichi x y/n)
part 3
genre: exes to lovers, slow burn(?) idk how genre works, sfw, daichi!timeskip
cw: sexual harassment wc: 2.2k
a/n: it pains me this part so much :') but i realli like how i wrote this part hehe i hope you do too!! enjoy :D likes and reblogs are highly appreciated :))
part one , part two, part three
Not once you had the heart to block his number, even after you blocked him from all of your social media. You hoped that by leaving this one door open, he will find a way to come back to you, or at least reach out to you again. Your legs were exerting heat, pumping your muscles to make you walk faster so that you can reach your home as soon as possible. With the constant gasping for air, vibrating through your body, you didn’t realize the faint vibration of your phone, lighting up with a notification from daichi <3. Grabbing your keys from your bag, unlocking the door while kicking your sandals off from your feet. You opened your sliding door, letting the spring breeze fill up your atmosphere. What a nice way to cool down your body. You dug your hands into your bag, fumbling to find your phone. Unconsciously, you unlocked your phone without seeing the notifications that popped up, skimming through your apps, and seeing whatever apps had the number badge on them. The last app you scrolled to was your messages. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the number one on the top corner of the icon. You pressed it, heart pounding, excreting cold sweats from your fingers. There, you saw his message.
“It was nice seeing you at our shop. If you’re free tomorrow, can we catch dinner together?”
Einstein is right, time and space are gravity because you can feel your insides starting to churned then float away, as your time stopped and your spatial awareness came to halt as well. It was as if the universe let this moment freeze for you, to take in whatever you are seeing and experiencing right now. You should’ve listened to what your mind and friends said back then, block him everywhere. Don’t leave a hole for him to come into your life again. You know this is going to hurt either way but you want to be done with it once and for all. You both need proper closure, and not some petty teenager’s love quarrel.
“You too. I’m free tomorrow”
“Great, see you at our shop at 8?”
Daichi replied instantly like he was waiting on his phone for your reply. You don’t want to show too much enthusiasm, especially when things are going to end anyway, so you thumbs-upped his last text, letting him know you agree to his suggestion. You wanted to cringe so badly that Daichi kept referring to the coffee shop as our shop but you couldn’t. In fact, you found it very sweet and a bit romantic. You plopped down onto your bed, creating scripts in your head to all the possible scenarios that could happen between the both of you tomorrow, not forgetting to include her. Be strong y/n, you got this. You have to. You gotta move on.
7:30. You slipped the black silk dress that you wore on your first date with Daichi, just so you can rewrite the memories of this dress, removing bits and pieces of him in your life. You tied your hair into a low ponytail and started making your way to the shop. Upon reaching the shop, you were greeted by Daichi’s figure. It made your heart flutter seeing him dressed up so nicely as well. It gave you proof that it wasn’t a one-sided effort to make the date look like a proper one. A date, huh…
You both sat down at a secluded spot so you can have a more private conversation. Things were too uncertain, both of you prepared for the polar opposite of each other’s expectations. Daichi wanted to start over while you wanted to end everything once and for all. You both placed your order, starting off with some small awkward small talk, trying to lighten up the air. While waiting for the food to come, Daichi mustered up all his courage and started the conversation that you both came for.
“Y/n, I know this is going to sound stupid and crazy coming from me, but I couldn’t help it. I want to know, hell, I need to know. It’s been six months since we broke up but have you ever thought of getting back together?”
You gasped at his audacity to ask you that while he was in a relationship. It never crossed your mind how Daichi could stoop any lower but he just proved you wrong right in your face. You straighten your back, eyes looking straight into his eyes, trying to find any guilt within them. None. You could feel his sincerity. What the hell is going on?
“Daichi, if you want me back just because you have no one, I don't want it. What you want is someone that listens to you - a dumb bitch that listens - as to how you said it. I’ve heard enough for today Daichi. I don’t think I could take anything more than this. Focus on your girl. You can be mean towards me but to the very least I don't want you to be a cheater for her. I came here to get some type of closure with you. Seems like I got it now”
Your tongue worked faster than your brain could even process it. Not enough time to even register and consider how Daichi - or at least you - would feel if someone would throw the exact words to you. Before you knew it, your eyes started to pool. You dashed out from the shop before the tears came pouring down in front of Daichi. You left before you could hurt yourself even more. You know you hurt Daichi but it hurts you more than you anticipated. For once, why couldn’t you follow what your heart really wants, what it has yearned for so long, all this time?
You walked through the main street of your house, the same old usual route. The street was pretty bright, given the new street lamps just got placed along the road but being a woman in this god-forsaken world, you can never be too prepared. You placed your thumb on the circle button of the app the whole time. If you suddenly released it and if you didn’t touch the circle within a few seconds, it will automatically call your emergency contacts. Such a smart thing, you thought to yourself but what you failed to notice was a drunk man starting to close his distance, moving towards you.
You were greeted by the sudden jerk on your shoulder. A drunk man putting his hands around your shoulder, started to massage your arms, feeling your flesh through your jacket. You froze and pushed his hands off, bowing to him and saying sorry that you’re in a hurry. He grabbed your wrist with a force that you know will leave blue marks. You were so scared that he would swing his bottle at you if you tried to fight longer. In all of the days, you were always careful. Your frustration with Daichi made you drop your guard slightly and someone took the chance. You repeatedly asked the drunk man to let you go, lying that your husband is around and going to pick up you soon. He inches his face in closer, opening his mouth as if wanting to slobber you whole. You felt disgusted by the strong pungent smell of alcohol and just wished Daichi was here. Wishing you had at least someone to walk you home. Why the world was so cruel to you lately. Why can't you ever feel safe and peacefully enjoy this week?
Daichi shoved the man aside, took your hand, and started to run. You followed his steps as best as you could. After Daichi deemed it was safe enough, he stopped. Huff and puffs, hands still interlocked with each other.
“Are you okay!? Thank God I made it in time. Oh my God. I shouldn’t have let you walk alone in the night. Are you hurt anywhere?”
Before you could even answer, tears gushed down your cheeks. You wailed and sobbed your heart out. You placed your head into Daichi’s chest, clasping his shirt to find any form of comfort. Maybe this was something that needed to happen for you to be fully open and vulnerable with Daichi. He hugged you tightly, hushing sweet nothings into your ears. It's not that you were crying about what just happened, it's more like the mere thought of Daichi in that situation makes you cry your heart out. Even when your life was threatened, you still managed to remember Daichi. But is this the right choice? Daichi rubs your shoulders gently.
“Come on, let's get you back home”
He opened your apartment’s door, guiding you to sit down on the couch. He went into your bedroom and wrapped a blanket over your body. He placed the takeouts on the kitchen counter, making his way to make some tea to calm you down. You sit down on the couch, hugging your knees. Daichi plopped down, folded one of his legs, and faced his body to you. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at his face, so grabbed your mug and hugged your fingers around it.
“How come you were there?”
“I chased you after you left. I think we have some misunderstanding so I wanted to go to your house and talk again. I’m so glad that I followed you, even though it was a bit late... I’m sorry”
You finally look at Daichi. Concerned, fear, disappointment painted clearly across his face. Before you could open your mouth, he continued.
“Y/n, I'm not sure why you kept saying ‘her’ and ‘my girl’ repeatedly so I tried to trace back to the first meeting. I saw you in the lobby and by that time, I was with my twin cousin. She just got this job recently and she asked me to come for lunch and show me around. I swear she's family and nothing more.”
How is it that Daichi never fails to see through you, even if it took him a bit of time? You covered your face with your mug. Heat started rising up your cheeks and up to your ears. It's getting really hot and it’s not coming from the blanket. So much for wanting to act like a grown-up and not having some petty love quarrel. You almost ended your only chance of getting back together by some childish assumptions. Oh, how you wish the earth could swallow you whole and never let you out. Daichi tucked your hair back to your ears, gently pulling your hands into his, placing them in between his.
“Hey, was that the reason you left the shop? I’m hurt y/n”
A sprinkle of sarcasm was woven into his words. You know it but you can't help that as if a whole block of weight slipped through your shoulders as you sighed into relief. He squeezed your hands firmer, signaling things are going to get even more serious.
“Y/n, I want you. I still love you. I never stopped loving you. When you left, I couldn't feel anything. I eat and sleep just because I have to. It kept me alive. Remember when we met at our shop? That was the first time I started running again, picking up my routine back. I want our relationship to work. I want us to work.”
“Daichi, I’m scared to start again. I hate that I keep contradicting myself. I don't want anything with you but when I got caught by that man, all I could think was you”
“I know y/n. I’m sorry that you have to go through that but I want to give us another chance if you let me. I know I ended it badly but I feel like I rushed to a decision that I didn't even want. If there's still some love left inside you, please let me in again. Please let me make us work.”
You squeezed Daichi’s hands, finding some strength that you could borrow from him. You pushed his arms and placed them over your shoulders, placing your head against his chest, snuggling soundly in his embrace. You took a deep breath, inhaling his scent, mixed with his musky perfume. The scent of home.
“Okay, Daichi. I want us to start again. I still love you. I will always love you”
He kissed your hairline, pulling your body flushed into his. His hug tightened quickly as if you’re going to go away if he held any looser. You chuckled as you pat his arms, reassuring him that you won't leave him. You straightened up your body and kissed his cheeks. Pink tint painted across Daichi's nose and cheeks.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night? It's already late and it's the weekend tomorrow anyways, if you don't have any work that is”
“I would love to”
Daichi stood up and took your hand, tugging your body towards your bedroom. He laid you down first before he placed himself beside you, draping his arms around your waist, foreheads touching each other. You both looked into each other eyes, finally seeing the love that was long hidden by other emotions.
“Good night Daichi”
You snuggled into his chest, listening to his heartbeat as if it was your lullaby for tonight. He stared at you before he moved his lips to kiss the crown of your head, whispering the words that you longed for.
“Good night sweetheart. I love you. Forever and always”
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andipxndy-writes · 4 years
holiday mishaps (part 1)
fandom: alex rider x ncis [crossover] warnings: mentions of blood, typical ncis stuff requested by: @lilcoffeecup word count: 4.6k
cross posted to ao3
summary: Alex Rider just wanted a relaxing holiday, somewhere where he could relax without any trouble cropping up. And with Jack and her family, he almost got that. ALMOST. And then he had to go and take a midnight walk. On the other hand... Ziva David swears she recognises the fair-haired witness to their murder case.
notes: this was a fun little prompt to get!! it was originally requested to @theneedlesslobsters, which i was pretty hyped about. this ended up being... a lot longer than i anticipated, though. aimed for 10k, ended up with 30k+. so i’ve split this into 5 parts as best as i could. apologies in advance for any typos throughout :P
holiday mishaps
When Alex had imagined himself going on holiday, this certainly hadn’t been his intended outcome.
Granted, it had been a while since he’d actually been on holiday, and most of the times he’d been on holiday in the past they’d been during the more peaceful times in his life, but just once he was asking for there not to be an eventful screw-up during the MI6-light period of his life so that he could actually relax. Just once.
Apparently, that was too much to ask for.
All he’d wanted to do was go to the mall with Jack, explore a little bit, maybe buy himself some souvenirs to take back home to his friends. The friends he had disappeared from for months before finally returning with his “dead” housekeeper to the home and the school system of his childhood. Of course, switching education systems had been a hell of a lot to deal with, but as an A-Level student now he didn’t find himself trying too hard to play catch-up. He’d even caught up to and surpassed Tom (not much of a feat but he’d take it), which had irritated his best friend to no end. He would have said it made his other friends laugh, but then he didn’t really have any other friends.
But anyway, he’d wanted to go to the mall with his best friend, and that had backfired spectacularly, so now he was paying for it. Not in the literal sense, which is what he’d been hoping to do with a few souvenirs and some new clothes, but more in the metaphorical sense. And he hated that, because there was this whole thing about the customer always being right and not having to pay for something that they were disappointed with or didn’t like and that logic was sorely lacking right then.
How had it backfired? Well, at that specific point in time, he was heading through the mall, weaving through the crowds in an attempt to get away from his pursuer… whoever they were. He hadn’t entered the mall with the pursuers, otherwise he would’ve turned around and gone straight home. They’d somehow latched onto him and recognised him whilst he was there. Whether it was from the case he’d accidentally got involved in, or from one of the many missions he’d done in the past, he didn’t quite know. All he knew was that they were chasing after him and were probably going to kill him if they actually caught up to him. Or rather, that was what he was assuming.
He just considered himself lucky that Jack wasn’t with him but had gone off somewhere else. Even though that meant he was alone, it also meant that she was safer than he was, and hopefully the pursuers had stuck to chasing him instead of her shock of red hair. He would be absolutely fine with that.
Moments later, he was crouched down behind a bench, hoping to whatever deities existed that no one found him or outed him to his chasers. Perhaps if he waited there long enough, they would leave the mall, and he could find Jack and walk out just fine, and maybe go home or to the Navy Yard or wherever he’d be safe. Maybe even one of Jack’s siblings lived close enough for him to head there afterwards and give her parents a break, make the situation less stressful for them. Then they wouldn’t have to explain anything to them too. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
It was as these thoughts were running through his mind that exactly what he didn’t want happened.
His phone rang.
It would probably be best to explain exactly how Alex ended up in that situation in the first place.
In the teen’s defence, he hadn’t intended to get into trouble in the first place. It had been his idea to take the holiday to the States, yes, but that had been partially because he’d missed out on the A-Level Politics trip to New York and partially because he knew Jack was missing her family. Plus, it had only seemed fair for her to actually see them before she decided to contact them asking if they could help her out finishing her Law degree — as much as Alex wanted to help her out with his own savings, she had refused to take any of it. Which he considered stupid but he wasn’t going to push her. Pushing Jack was a stupid idea in and of itself.
Anyway, the trip had started off really well. Even though Tom hadn’t been able to come with them, Alex really enjoyed it at the start. They went to New York first, for Alex to catch up on the school trip that he’d missed and see all the sights everyone else in his class had spoken about, and they ended up spending most of the time sightseeing and trying various restaurants they’d seen on The Food Network (which Jack had thoroughly researched before they’d travelled). It was different without all of his classmates, but the teen found himself enjoying it more with Jack than the gaggle of twenty-or-so other teens who would’ve been on the trip. Alex thought he would have been stuffed silly for the rest of his life from all of the restaurants they visited, but somehow he always had space for more. Jack, obviously, started calling him a bottomless pit.
After about a week and a half in New York, they’d travelled down to Virginia. That happened to be where Jack’s family lived, and after everything she’d been through the past couple of years Alex was both excited and nervous about meeting them. After all, he was pretty much the reason why she’d stayed in the UK and dropped out of her Law course. Of course, he was also the reason why she was going back to study again.
Apparently Jack came from a military family, and so they lived on the base there. Quantico, Alex believed it was called. He’d been (rightfully) nervous when he’d found this out, but then he actually met them and he realised there had been nothing to actually worry about. He hit it off pretty quickly with Jack’s brothers and nephews and had been more than pleased when Jack told him they were spending a couple of weeks there together, as a huge family. He got in some good bonding time with them, and he even added them on socials so that they could message each other whenever he wasn’t around. Honestly, though, he enjoyed playing video games with them a lot more than he would enjoy messaging them on socials.
It had been whilst he was staying with the Starbright family when everything started to go wrong. Of course, it had been after a solid week of staying with them before anything actually happened, but it was more the fact that something had happened that pissed him off. He couldn’t even take one holiday to visit his housekeeper’s family without something going wrong.
Damnit, MI6.
It had happened on a late night walk. He’d wanted something to snack on in his room (whilst checking messages and playing games on his phone instead of, you know, sleeping), and of course Jack’s parents hadn’t had what he was craving in the house. American snacks just didn’t tickle his fancy like food from home did, but they would have to do. But he wanted something stupidly salty and really unhealthy, not granola bars. Hence, a late night walk. To the nearest convenience store. Which wasn’t too far out, hopefully.
Jack hadn’t minded letting him go out alone as long as he took his phone, and her parents seemed to trust that he’d be safe on the military base, so he’d been fine going out alone. In fact, he was glad to be going out alone. Sure, he enjoyed the company of Jack’s family, but as a self-proclaimed introvert sometimes he just wanted to be alone to recharge. Being surrounded by so many people usually prevented that.
The trip to the store had been pretty quiet. He’d taken his headphones with him, sticking them into his ears and playing some music on his phone as he walked. It was an album that Tom had recommended to him, and he had to admit — his best friend knew his tastes really well. And the store wasn’t even that far away, just as he’d hoped; it was only a fifteen minute walk from the house. The fresh air was nice too, and it gave him the chance to stretch his legs without asking whether he could go out for a morning run and risking someone deciding to join him (read: self-proclaimed introvert). When he entered the store, he headed straight for the snack section, looking through the different options available.
He didn’t really want to buy just cheetos, but he wasn’t really feeling like just chocolate either. It took him a little while to decide on what to buy, but in the end he grabbed a pack of cheetos, a couple of packs of chocolate, and a box of Cheerios to just snack on in his room (he knew what he’d said about healthy snacks before, but Cheerios had light layers of sugar on the outside so they counted as snack-worthy). Jack would probably judge him for it, but at this point he didn’t really care.
The cashier didn’t even really question him, popping a bubble of gum as he paid for his items and took everything in a bag large enough for all he’d bought. He had been half tempted to throw in a couple of sodas as well to make it a full midnight-snacking stock up, but he knew Jack would probably flip out if she saw it.
So yeah, the whole heading to the store and buying things at the store part was perfectly fine. He hadn’t encountered any issues, no one coming after him or anything.
No, the issue started when he was on his way home.
See, on his way to the convenience store, there had been a couple of alleyways that he’d passed on his way over. He hadn’t felt any need to look down them with the directions he’d been given and the fact that he was a bit of a danger magnet, and he’d had his headphones in anyway. If there was anything going on, he was blissfully unaware.
On the way back, though, he only had one in. Which meant that he was still alert as he headed back, listening out for anyone who could be sneaking up on him to mug him or something of the sort. After all, he was carrying a bag of shopping home. Anyone could see him as a target then.
That was the only reason why he’d heard the yell coming from one of the alleyways he’d passed on his way down, and he paused for a moment before backtracking to the entrance of the alleyway.
The alley itself was very dimly lit, so it took Alex a few moments for his eyes to adjust from the more clearly lit main street. When his eyes finally did adjust to the darkness, what he saw made his heart plummet. And then it made his instinctive, protective side kick in — the side that he had somehow honed with his time at MI6.
His need to protect.
And that was how he ended up kneeling beside a body, hands pressed to a wound to stop the man from bleeding out as his groceries sat forgotten to the side. And whoever had attacked the man laying on the ground had fled, though not before Alex had landed a solid few kicks and punches on the guy so that he hobbled away injured. But then, with the actual attacker gone and him left with the blood of a dying naval officer on his hands, he was obviously the main suspect on what had gone from a homicide investigated by the police to a homicide investigated by NCIS.
As if he needed to get involved in a murder case on a Naval base on his holiday visiting his housekeeper’s military family.
Cases weren’t so abnormal to encounter first thing in the morning at NCIS. In fact, they tended to spice up the day automatically just by providing something interesting to do other than paperwork and, in Ziva’s case, enduring the constant chatter of her ridiculously chipper coworkers. By chipper, she meant chatting non-stop about anything and everything that came to mind. And by coworkers, she meant Tony DiNozzo. Him specifically.
She honestly didn’t understand how Tony had so much to talk about, and there were many days that she wished he had lost his voice or was suddenly rendered unable to talk. Unfortunately, the moment she’d walked into the office, she’d realised that that day was not going to be one of those days.
“Will he shut his mouth if I gag him?” she asked suddenly, looking towards McGee. The younger agent typed away at his keyboard, barely glancing up when he heard the question.
“No, he might actually like that,” he commented casually, which earned him a playful grimace from Ziva and a look from Tony.
“I’ll have you know, my bedroom tastes do not involve gagging,” Tony pointed out, “yet.” He almost smirked when he saw McGee’s face flush and Ziva gag again, before a glint appeared in her eyes. A glint that made Tony almost regret what he’d just said.
“Perhaps your tastes involve other types of bondage?” she asked, almost sounding innocent.
Tony didn’t fall for it one bit.
Before he could respond to her, though, Gibbs marched into the bullpen and towards his desk, halting all conversation. After all, it wasn’t the sort of thing that they wanted to discuss in front of the man. It would have been… ridiculously awkward.
“Grab your gear! Dead Naval officer in Quantico.”
By this point, all three agents had learnt not to question how someone had died on a Naval base, or who exactly had thought it smart to kill someone on a Naval base when there were so many officers living in the vicinity. In fact, they barely said anything as they all grabbed their bags and headed straight for the elevator.
As the doors shut, though, Gibbs casually commented,
“You should see a doctor about those bruises on your wrists, Tony.”
Which, of course, made Ziva and McGee turn to Tony with wide eyes as the more senior agent stumbled over his words, trying to explain himself.
When they arrived at the scene, they were almost immediately allocated to different jobs: bagging and tagging, interviews, and crime scene photos. The scene itself seemed to be in an alleyway just off a main street, dumpsters from the buildings either side of the alley placed at varying points along it up until the chainlink fence at the end.
The scene itself, with the dead Naval officer, was about halfway down the alley. Which, at first glance, was a little confusing. Anyone who was running from an attacker would head straight for the chain-link fence and probably get there or get significantly closer before getting caught. Which Ziva didn’t hesitate to point out as she moved to take photos of the scene whilst Tony bagged and tagged evidence.
Tony simply raised an eyebrow at her as he bagged yet another piece of evidence. “You speaking from experience, Ziva?”
Ziva just blinked at him, confused for a moment. “You ask me as if you have none.”
“Experience in being chased or climbing fences?”
“Experience in being caught by your attacker at the fence.” The scowl she got from him only made her smirk, and she turned back to taking photos of the scene before he could come back with any sort of smart comment. If she wasn’t looking in his direction, it made it easier to zone him out and therefore easier for her to do her job. “Am I wrong, though?”
They both knew that she wasn’t wrong.
Before they could really continue their conversation, though (which was held a good way from Gibbs and Ducky so that they didn’t get overheard and told off for slacking), they were interrupted by someone approaching. All Gibbs had to do was send them a look and they’d zoom back off to work for fear of being so seriously told off, so they knew it wasn’t him when the approacher came with a significant lack of yelling or judgement.
In fact, they were just over halfway through their assessment of the scene when McGee had headed straight over, notepad in hand as he straightened his hat awkwardly. Like he was about to say something that the others — more specifically, Gibbs — wouldn’t quite like. He awkwardly met Ziva and Tony’s eyes before he started to speak.
“Uh, so our main suspect… well, the guy that was found at the scene when the officer was dying, he’s uh…”
“Quiet?” Ziva offered, at the same time Tony said, “Eclectic?”
McGee was clearly resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Tony’s comment, and had opted to focus on Ziva for the rest of the conversation. Just so that he didn’t start yelling at the Senior Field Agent. “Yeah, in a way. Like, closed off. He wasn’t really answering the questions, refused medical treatment, and he has a guardian or something who’s come to try and get him to go home with her.”
That was when a frown suddenly appeared on Ziva’s face. Tony was the one who spoke, though.
“A guardian? What, is the guy a kid?”
When the only response was silence, it made Ziva more than a little worried. She’d got a brief glance of the suspect who had been at the scene as they’d approached the scene, and she hadn’t thought he was any younger than twenty. With the need of a guardian, though, that meant he had to be younger than eighteen.
Basically a child. Legally a child. Which meant that his guardian was most definitely allowed to be around during any sort of questioning and interrogation. Sometimes that was helpful, sometimes it was difficult. Very difficult.
And it seemed like McGee couldn’t tell which one it would be.
“Have you told Gibbs?” Ziva asked, glancing over McGee’s shoulder to try and take a look at the person he’d been interviewing. She could barely catch a glimpse, but what looked to be a fair-haired young man was sat on the back of an ambulance, trying to scrub what looked like blood off his hands. She didn’t know what the guardian looked like, but a redheaded woman was standing not too far from him, the only thing between them being a police officer seemingly mediating the whole situation.
McGee glanced over to where Gibbs seemed to be just finishing up with the body, leaving Ducky and Palmer to deal with the body and escort it back for the proper autopsy. “Not yet,” he answered, “though I guess I’m gonna tell him now.”
“I guess you gotta,” Tony responded sarcastically. Ziva nudged him with her foot, sending him a look. As soon as Gibbs approached the group, McGee turned to explain the situation to him, leaving Tony and Ziva to continue going through all of the evidence at the crime scene. They could only hope that the guardian was more reasonable than most guardians tended to be — cooperative and willing to let their ward actually talk.
When they finally got the kid to the conference room — because he still seemed more like a witness than a suspect, and because there was a guardian present who probably wouldn’t take too kindly to having their ward being questioned like they were a murderer — they found out that he was definitely a teen, probably around sixteen or so. He was also British, and on holiday to the States with his guardian to sightsee and visit her family. The guardian, on the other hand, was a lot more vocal about the situation than the teen was, almost ready to fight as soon as they’d stepped into the conference room. It had taken the interrogator, who happened to be Ziva at that moment, several minutes to convince her that the teen (who she had by that point had found out was called Alex) wasn’t actually in trouble but was just being asked about his opinion on what had happened. And even then, Alex had to nudge her a couple of times to make sure she didn’t just scream the room down.
When she eventually did calm down, Ziva got a pretty comprehensive understanding of the situation that made her realise that Alex wouldn’t have been in such a situation if someone had just gone with him to the store. Yes, he was capable of walking to a store by himself, but he was also on holiday in a foreign country, in a place that he wasn’t particularly familiar with. But, he was a teenager. Teenagers liked to do things by themselves. She certainly remembered doing things like that as a teen — or, at least, trying to do things like that before getting caught and told off.
She still didn’t quite understand how his guardian had so willingly let him roam the streets of a foreign country freely, but before she’d had the chance to ask such a question, the teen started looking very uncomfortable in what he was wearing. After all, he was still in what he’d worn the night before, and the front of his outfit was stained with blood that would definitely be very difficult to get out. Ziva decided it was alright for them both to go. If they needed any more information, they could call them back in for questioning.
In fact, Ziva made sure to point this out to them. Whilst Alex, the teen, had been seemingly okay with it, his guardian clearly had not. She had a feeling she knew exactly who would pick up if they called them back in for further questioning.
Ziva’s time focusing on her thoughts was cut short when Tony suddenly appeared beside her on her way back from the conference room. She didn’t doubt that he’d been listening in from the other side of the door for anything and everything that could be of interest to their case, as if she couldn’t do the job well enough herself.
“Well, that sounded like a fun conversation,” he commented, and she couldn’t quite read whether he was teasing her or just being sarcastic. She decided the first one seemed a more plausible conclusion and went with that, deciding that the best reaction would be to scowl at Tony before rolling her eyes at him. A usual response to him when he said things like that, and it wasn’t as if he was put off by her reaction if the smirk he gave her was any indication.
“Was the conversation not what you expected?” she challenged as they continued down the hall and exited into the general office area.
He gave a little shrug as they spotted the bullpen across the room, heading over to it. “I guess an interrogation— sorry, a conversation is what you expect of it, not me.”
Ziva glanced over at him as they reached the bullpen, moving towards her desk. It was when she’d sat down that she took the time to really scrutinise his face. “It was not what you expected,” she stated, knowing that was what he meant without even having to ask the question.
He simply raised an eyebrow at her as he sat on the edge of his desk. “Oh, so you’re coming to conclusions without even asking me my actual opinion now?”
Her nose scrunched up as she stood and leaned on her desk, pointing at his face, wiggling her pointer finger a little bit. “Your opinion is written all over your face.”
Tony barely hesitated before turning to McGee at his desk. “Is my opinion written all over my face?”
McGee didn’t even look before answering, “You’re as readable as an open book.”
Before Tony could argue, Gibbs was rounding the corner into the bullpen, causing the two bickering agents to quickly move to stand in front of the plasma whilst McGee remained at his desk, tapping away.
“What have we got?”
As pictures appeared on the screen, Ziva zoned out a little. The image of the teen had appeared alongside the image of the dead Naval Officer, Petty Officer Lewis, and Tony and McGee were rattling off details that they’d managed to find about him — his lifestyle, when he’d last worked, who he was married to, where he lived, where he was from, all of that sort of thing. The kind of thing that would explain if and when he could have found someone who wanted to kill him, that sort of thing. Ziva had already caught up on all of this before going into her conversation with the teen to figure out whether he was actually involved in what had happened to the officer or just an innocent passerby. From what he had told her, it seemed like he was more the latter.
She considered herself lucky that she managed to zone back in just as she was needed for information, and she snatched the clicker from Tony before zooming in on the teen.
“Our first and only suspect so far,” she started, “Alex Rider. Sixteen, British, lives in London with his guardian Jack Starbright.” A few more clicks, and a redheaded woman’s license appeared on the screen beside some of Alex’s extra details. “Alex is a regular school student, clean record, nothing out of the ordinary that would tip him off. Trained in the martial arts, but it seems like more of a hobby than anything.” Another click, and the image of Jack’s license zoomed in. “Jack is an American citizen, born in Virginia and raised on base. Her family are Navy, she has numerous brothers… nothing out of the ordinary with her either. It seems more like they stumbled on the situation out of…” She trailed off before she could finish that situation. She knew exactly what would be said about her observation.
“We don’t believe in coincidences,” Tony commented, glancing towards Gibbs as if he was looking for affirmation.
McGee raised an eyebrow at Tony. “I don’t know, Tony. This looks like a case of wrong place, wrong time to me.” And Ziva agreed wholly with that statement, she really did, even though there was the whole rule about there not being such a thing as coincidences. But she didn’t even need to look at Gibbs to know that he did not agree with that statement at all. He was probably staring at the screen with that usual steely look as he tried to come to a conclusion, trying to work out the case mentally and wait for his team to catch up.
“Question the family,” Gibbs suddenly suggested, moving to his desk to grab something. “Find out more about the kid, and find out more about the Petty Officer Lewis. His past and current contacts. Get more suspects. I need more information, and I want to know everything.”
There was a brief moment of hesitation and everyone mentally assigned themselves a task, before they all parted ways to do what they needed — leaving Tony and Ziva both grabbing their bags as they headed to the elevator, doing exactly as Gibbs asked them to do.
After all, who else would question the family?
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Meant To Be – Part One
Pairing: Stripper!Sweet Pea x Cooper!Reader
Words: 1300ish
Warnings: Alcohol, male strippers, swearing
Summary: When Polly’s bachelorette party ends up at a Magic Mike style show Y/N can’t help but be drawn to one act, Sweet Pea. Much to her surprise, when he over hears her current family dilemma he’s more than willing to help.
Notes: A total cliche fake dating fic that I’m using part one of to fill the Stripper AU square on my @riverdalebingo card!
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 You can feel the music pumping under your feet, your head a little fuzzy from the countless number of shots. You’d all drunk enough to rival a group of new college students at their first frat party and showed no signs of slowing down.
You almost laugh now when you think of how stressed you'd been at the start of the day.
It was no secret that planning your sister Polly's bachelorette party had both you and Betty worrying over the slightest of details, but the night had been a hit.  
You'd started off with afternoon tea at a small elegant restaurant, which Veronica had swiftly labelled boring but quietly ate her delicately cut sandwiches after Betty insisted the day would get more exciting. After that you'd bar hopped your way through colourful cocktails and bottles of spirits until you all stumbled to your final destination of the night.
An upscale, all male dancer venue that even had Cheryl and Toni blushing.
Polly, who currently had a face full of glitter and a pink fluffy tiara tangled in her hair had claimed it was one the best nights of her life. And while the Bride To Be was being pulled up on the stage by a sea of hunky, half naked men, you knew you should be cheering along with the rest, shoving crumped dollar bills into g-strings but something else had caught your eye.
Or rather someone else.
To the left of the stage, with his hips rolling and a prominent deep V that disappeared into his barely there shorts, you found it hard to look away.
At the same moment as you were shamelessly watched the way the spotlight glides down his toned torso, he turns and catches your eye. Your heart suddenly slams into your chest, and you blush furiously, a deep dark red. You must have got it wrong; he can't be looking at you. Not like that.
But then he smiles right at you, rows of bright teeth luminated under the glaring lights before pulling his bottom lip between them, and you’re sure it wasn't for Betty clinging onto your arm your legs wouldn't be able to hold you up under the weight of his stare.
“To a successful night.” Betty lifts her shot glass, knocking it against your own with a soft clink.
“To the Cooper twins, pulling it off again.” You both grin in triumph, tossing the liquid back before laughing at the way the other grimaces as it burns its way down your throat.  
“Yeah well, planning this is going to be a breeze compared to spending time back in Riverdale.” Betty reminds you with a deep sigh, and the grimace returns to your face instantly.
“Don’t remind me.” Your eyes roll before you signal for another round. Anything to make you forget about the thought of your hometown and all the things you’d fought so hard to escape seven years ago. “Oh Y/N, isn’t it time you settled down? Don’t you want move out that apartment into a real home.”
Betty giggles at the way you mimic your mother’s voice, before straightening her shoulders and doing the same. “Or when are you going to give me more grandchildren.”
The two of you knock back the next shot, barely flinching this time. “I hate that one.”
“At least you have Jug. Polly’s about to marry Jason and they have the twins.” Your voice fades off with your thoughts. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, intensifying the insecurities that hide in the back of your mind, but your eyes were already glazed over before you spoke again. “What do I have?”
“A job at one of the best newspapers in town.” She reaches over and places her hand over yours, squeezing it slightly in silent reassurance in a way that tell you you’ll always have her too.
You scoff, attempting to switch the mood back to a lighter one. “Oh please, that’ll keep her entertained for all of five minutes.”
Betty barely has time to argue back before she’s interrupted by a pair of warm brown eyes and a cheeky smile.
“Sorry I couldn’t help but hear.” He pauses so he can look you up and down, his eyes boldly lingering longer than they had when he was on stage. “Are you looking for a date to a wedding?”
Anticipation pulses through your body and suddenly you forget how to speak. But Betty notices the tension straight away and jumps at the opportunity to tease you. “Why are you offering?”
“I guess I kind of am.” He pulls a card from his back pocket and hands it to you with a smirk that has you imagining all kinds of things. “If you’re still stuck when the time comes, give me a call.”
And then he’s gone, disappearing past a group of cheering women leaving you wide eyed and still speechless.
“What’s it say?” Your sister squints to get a better look.
“Need a date for a wedding? Or someone to impress the parents? Call dial-a-date for all your fake dating needs.” You raise one eyebrow as you read it out loud, fighting the urge to fake gag. “What kind of cringy shit is this?”
“That kind that you might need.” You stare at her like she has two heads, she can’t honestly be serious; can she? “The others are too drunk to remember him; I can play along. Admit it he’s hot.”
You turn the card over between your fingers before tracing the name scribbled on the back. “Sweet Pea.”
At 2am, as the night finally winds down, getting Polly home seems like an impossible task.
With the plastic tiara still clinging on her hair for dear life and wobbly footsteps despite the fast she’s twirling her heels around in her hands, you almost give in and collapse before you even hit the second floor.
She’s still singing away to herself, giggling at some unspoken joke as you settle her on the couch with a blanket and a glass of water.
“My little sister looking after me, when did you get so grown up?” She asks with a hiccup. You fight the overwhelming urge to remind her that Betty’s only three minutes older than you, like you had your whole childhood and just laugh along with her instead.
“Get some sleep Polls.” You pat her shoulder and stumble to your feet, bumping into things as you make your way around the apartment.
Maybe getting Polly back was so difficult because you’re almost as drunk as her.
It isn’t until your almost in bed, fumbling for your phone that’s hidden in your bag that you remember the tall mysterious Adonis you’d met at the club.
His card is stuck to your screen as you pull it out and you heart instantly skips a beat.
This has to be a sign, right?
You quickly make your decision, barely giving yourself time to think twice before your dialing the number, your pulse accelerating with every ring.
You let out a shaky breath when it goes to his voicemail.
“Hi Sweet Pea, it’s uh, Y/N- not that you know who that is- oh god.” You pull a face at the sound of your own voice and hope it doesn’t sound as stupid as it does in your own head. “You gave me your card in the club? You probably don’t remember… anyway I was just wondering how this would work? Maybe you could call me back? Okay bye.”
You hang up, throwing the phone like it’s suddenly made of fire and collapse face first onto the bed.
What the hell had you just done?
Riverdale Winter Bingo Masterlist
Sweet Pea Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine @wildberryyyy @hopelesslylosttheway
Meant To Be Taglist: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e
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swellwriting · 5 years
Datapads and Love Letters - PT.2
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Reader x Armitage Hux
Warnings: this contains Smut
A/N: HERE ITS IS finally part two, took me a while because its a little longer but I hope it pleases you all. I love love love writing for Hux so expect more of him in the near future.
Word Count: 5.3k   Part Three
You both ignored the summons from the Supreme Leader, you figured there were other things worth doing and walking with Armitage to his office proved more time worthy. You could only ignore the Supreme Leader for so long though, you had to train with him in ten minutes, taking into account the 8 minute walk and that you usually always arrived early. You felt your thoughts nagging you to leave but as you stood in Armitage’s office doorway watching him organize his papers that Millicent had knocked over, the way he gently pet her with his free hand, you never wanted to look away.
It was him who looked at his wall clock and then at you with a concerned brow perked up on his face. “You're going to be late.”
“And for once I don't really care.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders, the fear of being in trouble a mere tiny thought in the back of your head right now.
“He's already angry enough, you want to make it worse?” He asked, the fear of his superior evident in his voice.
“He has no right to be angry, I'm my own person.”
“You’re his apprentice, who he adores, and I'm the general that he hates, I'm sure he wants me as far away as possible from you as to not distract you.”
“He doesn't really get a say in what I do in my personal time, or who I spend it with.”
“He does get a say when he kills me for being even more of an inconvenience to him,” Hux argues as he sits down, Millicent jumping into his lap trying to calm him down.
“Then he would lose his beloved apprentice, besides he wouldn't kill you, I've seen you use a blaster, you’re quite skilled don't downplay your strengths, especially against a man with so many weaknesses.”
“The Supreme Leader has no weaknesses.” Hux points out with disdain rather than admiration.
“Sure he does, you just have to train with him for months on end to find them, luckily I have done exactly that and I can tell you each and everyone.”
“That's a conversation for another time, I don't want to make you late, you should really go.”
“A conversation for another time, like later tonight?” You ask as he walks towards the door, beginning to push the door shut until he hears your proposal.
“Tonight?” He asks, his voice unsure all of a sudden.
“Yeah, make me dinner General, and I’ll give you all my top-secret intel.”
“Oh-okay,” he stutters as his cheeks glow rosy pink yet again.
“Okay, see you at 7.” You declare a time so confidently and then lean up on the tips of your shoes and kiss him on the forehead. He smiles bashfully before realizing anyone walking by could have seen that and then he closes the door. He rests his now hot forehead against the cold metal of the door frame, exhaling slowly to calm himself down as Milicent weaves between his feet.
“You're late.” Kylo declares as you walk into the training room, without even turning around to face you.
You point at the wall on the clock, using the force to press the buttons on the side messing up the time and setting it back five minutes.
“Actually, I'm two minutes early!”
“Haha very funny. Fix the clock, and sit down,” he says sarcastically.
You fix the clock with ease and then sit on the mat in front of him, assuming the position to meditate, mirroring his own.
“Sorry for missing out on a bit of meditating, a few lost minutes would set me back so far in my training I'm sure.”
“You need to learn to focus.”
“I am focused,” you argue.
“Learn to focus on the things that matter, no distractions.”
“Oh, here we go.” You tease and he drops his hands and gives you a pointed look. He begins to speak but you hold up a finger to silence him, “Don't.”
“So you're telling me what to do now?” Kylo asks looking taken aback, “please remind me which of us is the Master and which is the apprentice.”
“I mean technically, I am the level of apprentice in the backwards mix of Jedi, Sith and general force training situation we have here, but technically you’re a padawan still.”
“Y/n,” he warns closing his eyes in frustration. You may be inferior to him, almost as strong but not as skilled and practised as he is, but that doesn't mean you bow down to him, you give him the attitude he deserves, and you live to annoy him since nobody else has the guts to.
“Kylo,” you tease, but in your mind, you really think about calling him Ben which he reads easily since you didn't try to hide it from him. One of his strengths is reading minds, digging into people’s thoughts. He prides himself in how good he is at it, he has only ever been stumped by the “girl” and you.
“You let me read that thought, but how did I not know about your relationship or romantic feelings.”
“I think it has been established that I'm very good at tuning you out, though I'm not the first.”
He exhales loudly, clearly getting annoyed by your attitude and rowdiness today, and you haven't even started training.
“I have a personal life, though it's near impossible on this floating piece of space junk, covered in the blandest shade of grey paint and metal finish, and I like to keep that to myself.”
“You question me about my personal life all the time.”
“I have to, you have nobody else to talk to about it, I'm your only friend on this ship.”
“We are not friends,” he argues, trying to act stern, his relationship and training with Luke and Snoke were nothing like this, he was such a better well-behaved student compared to you, but he couldn't deny that he liked you, he admired your strength, he needed you and he couldn't help but become friends with you, especially because nobody else bothers getting close to him. He doesn't want to lose this part of the Master/ Apprentice relationship he has with you over some stupid general.
“Are too, you're the Supreme Leader you don't have any code you need to worry about breaking, you make the rules and the rules can say that you are allowed to be friends with me, dare I say care enough to die for me in battle,” you say standing up and getting in a stance to practice your fighting.
“So I can make more rules for you to break?”
“Well, rules don't apply to me, I'm one of a kind. Unless that Rey girl decides to switch sides and become your apprentice but I don't see that happening anytime soon, I think I’d kill her first anyways.”
“Words and empty threats you can’t fill.”
“Maybe I can if you get up off your ass and start training with me instead of worrying about any relationships I may or may not have.”
“Oh she barks like a Corellian hound but can she bite like one?” He teases as he pulls his mask over his head, you mimic his action, turning your heal and bending your knee preparing to outmatch his strength with your speed and agility. You pinched every one of his nerves in the five minutes of meditation before training, he wouldn't be going easy on you today.
A few hours of training later and some bruises and scrapes waiting to be tended to and a shower that was calling your name all waited for you behind your door, you anticipated the sweet feeling of being in your own personal space so much so that you basically had tunnel vision. Your fingers twitching you to use the force to press the buttons once you were closer but your mind lost focus at the sound of your name.
An officer you often work with is walking down the hall with General Hux by his side and a few troopers, as the lower officers you're familiar with usually do, he says hello.
“Good afternoon General Y/L/N.”
You nod with a weak tired smile, the blood dripping down from your nose, thanks to Kylo’s elbow. Hux gives you a concerned look as he turns his neck to keep looking over your appearance, your tattered clothes, and messy hair, if it wasn't for the blood dripping down your face he would be looking at you with pure admiration.
You give him a wide smile to help him see you are truly okay and his worried expression fades to his usual stern one before he looks away from you and replies to the officer he's walking with.
Hux should be finishing up his work for the day soon, there is no way he's working late today especially when he has to shower, make himself look presentable and then manage to cook dinner for you without even really knowing what you like.
He knows you well, as well as any coworker would, but he doesn't know you like a friend, the way Phasma knows you or as much as he hates it, the way Kylo knows you better than anyone.
You shower, wipe the blood from your face and braid your damp hair so it’s both out of your face and effortlessly wavy for later. Since you have time to kill and you are too lazy to get ready now you sit in your bed still wrapped in your towel and lose your mind to whatever interesting things you can find on your datapad.
You don't really care that your sheets might be getting a bit damp from your towel, or that you should be spending time perfecting your appearance for Armitage. Not to say that you aren't going to put the effort in, but he just saw you looking like you crawled out of a garbage compactor and aside from your bloody nose he still looked at you like you were dressed for the Canta Bight casinos.
One of the dressed in the back of your closet, reserved for political parties and undercover intel missions, that hadn't been worn yet would be perfect. It was this dark grey colour, sheer fabric with a silk underlying that was stark black, it was elegant and far fancier than it needed to be but you wanted him to see you in something different than your usual black tight pants and black cape type shirt thing with the oversized hood you always wore. You really needed some more colourful clothing items.
You planned on wearing a regular set of black lacey underwear and no bra as the silk underlining of the dress was tight enough to keep things mostly in place.
Owning such lavish expensive things was new to you, but the first order had money, and being a general and apprentice to the Supreme Leader meant your pay grade was well above the normal officer. Before the first order you were poor, so going from wearing dirty rags and stolen clothes to fancy sheer dresses and lace underwear was quite the upgrade.
Comparing washing up in a cold lake to your personal black tiled ferrocrete shower was otherworldly, literally.
You put your datapad down and for a moment imagined what Hux’s room actually looked like, you had barely seen the entryway as you had been too busy either staring at his face or kissing it to take notice. 
You wondered how much it mirrored yours, if he had any windows, if he kept it cold but had fuzzy warm blankets like you do, what his bed looked like and how much you wanted to be in it with him.
Maybe this was all too presumptuous of you, based on stories you've heard of relationships from officers who like you enough to dish about their love life to you, since Kylo and Phasma were not the best people to give you any sort of relationship insight.
You assumed Hux was inexperienced, his father was strict, the academy was strict and now he was so strict himself, so busy upholding his position as general that you had never seen him being close with anybody, you couldn't imagine him inviting an officer to his quarters for dinner. You hoped he had never looked at anyone the way he looks at you, never blushed so cherry red the way he does because of you, never cooked anyone else dinner like he was doing right now for you.
Hux was probably rushing around his kitchen, stressed beyond belief and trying not to trip over a Milicent who had never seen him move so fast around his quarters except when he was chasing after her.
This was so strangely new to you too, you had spent your whole life fighting to survive, not trusting anyone to let them close enough until now. You couldn't help but hope he was as inexperienced as you were.
You crawled out of bed and dropped your towel to the ground, slipping on your underwear and looking at yourself in the mirror hoping that what you saw in the reflection was something he would like, running your hands up your thighs to your hips, across your stomach and then doing a spin before walking to the closet to grab your dress, it was easy to slip on and after pulling your hair free from the braid and slipping on your sandals you only wore indoors on the ship, you walked your way to Hux's door. 
Knocking just as you had earlier, still just as nervous, the queasy feeling in your stomach had returned and before you could knock a second time Hux opened the door, face already pink and blushed at the thought of you, his face heating up the longer he looked at you before grabbing your hand and inviting you inside.
Hux was wearing his uniform, though it somehow looked neater as if he had pressed it more than usual which seemed impossible, his hair gelled back the way he usually does it and he looks so professional, exactly how you would expect.
When he sees you, with your hair down, a sheer dress and sandals, no cape or lightsaber to be seen, something Kylo would highly disapprove of, he feels underdressed. He wishes he had something more for this occasion, but he always had to wear his general uniform, he didn't have fancy suits to wear to galas and he never had to go undercover. He wished he could be more for you.
You walk up to him and his hands quickly fall to your sides holding you close as he waits to see your actions.
Your hands travel up the front of his smooth uniform, the cold pins brush against your fingertips as you make your way up. You may be the same rank as him but he has so many accomplishments marked with pins and patches, more than you could ever have. Even if you had no feelings for this man you would argue forever with Kylo about how no one else could do Armitages job, no one as skilled as him existed in this line of work, the First-order was thriving because of him and Kylo could deny it all he wanted but it’s the truth.
Your hands slide up his neck and his cheeks, they are baby soft without a stray hair of facial hair at all. He hoped for a moment that you would kiss him, pull him by his cheeks and meet your lips to his.
Instead, and much to his dismay, you fingers continue their travel, sliding between his hair and his scalp and pulling gently messing up the prim and proper hairstyle with a shake of your fingers.
He frowns and is about to complain when you pull his hair gently, bringing him closer to you and finally give him the kiss he was hoping for. It's forceful and messy as you continue to ruin his hair, which is an improvement in your eyes.
By the time you pull away his lips are red and he seems to have forgotten about his appearance.
“Hungry?” he asks, still holding you close.
“Of course.” You reply sweetly as you make your way to the table.
“How was training with Ren?” He asks as he brings you a plate and sits across from you.
“Rough, but worthwhile. I talked to him about us, I think he was most angry about the fact that he didn't see it coming, that I hid my feelings from him for so long.”
“How long?” Hux blurts out, instantly wanting to know how long these feelings have existed for.
You tried to hide your amused smile as you spoke, “The exact moment of realization and acceptance of my feelings for you is hard to pinpoint to a specific time, but I suppose I had thoughts about you, different from anyone else on this ship, that I felt I had to hide since I first met you.”
This admission was too much for Hux's heart to take, he tried to think about the first time he met you, how he had also been enamoured with you since that very moment, trying and failing to keep his emotions concealed until he geniusily wrote them down for the entire ship to get their hands on and be made aware of.
“And I hid them well until you decided to write your feelings down and manage to let the whole ship in on it.”
Hux smile faded, clearly missing the joking sweet tone of your voice, “I'm sorry about that,” he was mentally punishing himself again.
“Oh, don't be stupid Armitage, if you hadn't I wouldn’t be here right now, eating dinner with you, I wouldn’t be able to mess up your hair or kiss you. I wouldn't be here patiently waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend so we have a title to tell people when they inquire about us,” you tease and he looks up at you from across the table, he stands and walks over to your chair kneeling beside you so your faces are level.
“General Y/L/N, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend, an official title to add to your many others.”
“Mhhm it does sound like it will be my favourite of them. Not quite as much as when I steal your last name but it will do for now.” You tease knowing the thought will make him perfectly flustered.
“So that's a yes?” He asks nervously holding your hands in his.
“Only if you kiss me.” You say with a wide smile, as he leans closer and kisses you.
You’re not one to wait around, now that feelings and titles have been established you might as well act on how you feel and what you want, you’re in a floating piece of space junk that could be blown up any second so risks were something you took often.
Right now all you wanted, or felt as though you needed, was for him to be closer, to touch him in every way you ever thought of late at night. You grabbed his shoulder pushing him away from you, half using a bit of the force so he would be pushed to the floor. You crawled onto of him, straddling him and feeling the cool tile of the floor against your knees, your dress bunched up and your lace panties pressed against the growing tent in his pants.
When Hux was making dinner, getting ready for tonight, he never thought he would wind up in this position with you. He's thought about it before, but it didn't seem realistic to him that you would want him this way. He knew what he wanted, but he had no experience with any of this to think up and accurate timeline. How do two people confess their feelings, establish a relationship, mention marriage and do whatever this is or whatever it ends up leading to, all in one day?
Maybe it was the feelings being held back for so long, the mutualness of it all, the similar feeling of need and impatience, the trust they had already established with one another, that made everything so easy to click into place.
He isn’t sure what to do next, he wants to touch you but he's shy and he isn't sure what he is allowed or not allowed to do so he settles on keeping his hands on your waist where he knows he's allowed to.
You lean down and kiss him feverishly, your hands sliding up his chest and messing up his smooth uniform, running your fingers through his hair and tilting his head back against the ground so you can kiss down his neck and around the collar of his pressed shirt. You kiss and bite and lick the soft skin of his neck and he stares up at the ceiling, finding it hard to breathe, his hands squeeze your hips to stop him from moving them. He tries to focus on the feeling of your lips on his skin instead of how much wants to touch you but it only makes his fingers dig into the skin of your hips harder, pushing against the silk and sheer fabric he wishes wasn't there.
You feel his fingers, you stop your kisses for a moment to see his face and his eyes are screwed shut which makes you worry that you're doing this all wrong.
“Am I hurting you?” You ask quietly hovering over his face.
His eyes open up wide, like that's the most ludicrous thing you have ever said.
“Oh kriffs no, not at all I'm just...I’m...I don't know what I'm doing.”
Though the hold on your hips isn't as tight his hands are still there so you take his wrists in your hands and bring them to your knees on either side of him, sliding them up and underneath the materials on your dress until he’s holding your hips again, only a faint trace of lace against his fingertips and your soft supple skin.
“You can touch me,” you say softly as you take your hands away placing them on the ground to support your weight as you lean down and begin to kiss up to his neck again, “however you'd like.” You finish as you grind your hips down on him making him almost bite his tongue trying to hold in a moan.
He clearly wasn't expecting that.
You continue your movements against him in a timed rhythm grinding up and down against him as he slides his hands under your lace underwear grabbing at your ass pulling you down harder against him.
This time you moan as you kiss under his ear and the sound is so sweet he feels like he couldnt melt at this moment. You kiss him heavily, tongue and teeth clashing in the messy attempt of making out while both of you are only half focused on kissing and mostly focused on the feeling of you grinding against him.
“Armitage,” you whisper into his ear, a sultry tone, “take me to your bed please?” You ask and he quickly fumbles to get up, removing his hands and flattening down his uniform out of habit. You giggle to your self at this, him tidying himself up as if you aren’t about to take every piece of that uniform off of him. He looks at you for a moment before you jump into his arms, he quickly grabs the back of your thighs holding you in place and you hold yourself up by wrapping your arms behind his neck. 
Kissing up his neck and using one hand to start unbuttoning his uniform as he tries to walk to his room placing you on his bed, he goes to let go of you but you pull him down with you by the back of his neck. The buttons are intricate and you don't want to rip them, so as he kisses you, his hands sliding up under your dress again, making it pool at your hips that were wrapped around his waist, you use the force to undo his buttons one by one until you can push the uniform off his shoulders and throw it onto the ground, he pauses for a moment to see his uniform in a piled mess but you place a hand on his cheek and direct his attention back to you. 
“Take mine off now,” you tell him and his hands that were at the sides of your stomach continue their journey, his fingers tremble when he feel no lace or material across your ribs, meaning your only wearing lace panties underneath. He manages to continue with shakey fingers until your dress is easily pulled over your head. He barely gets a moment to admire you, careful not to touch yet even though he has your permission before you grab his undershirt pulling it over his head and begin to unbutton his pants, pulling at his belt.
He helps you a bit, kicking off his pants until he’s just in his underwear. You dig your heal into his back pulling him flush against you, grinding as you had done before.
“If you keep doing that, I'm gonna, I mean I'm not gonna be…” he struggles to find the right words, a man with the vocabulary like his and he can figure out how to tell you your about to make him come in his underwear.
You just smile up at him mischievously and he's so nervous he can’t even smile back. “So you're telling me to just get on with it then, stop messing around?” You ask, completely ready to have him inside you but his eyebrows furrow.
“No, not rushing you I just, I wanna touch you a bit first?” He asks.
“Well, how can I deny a request like that?” You tease and bring him down for a kiss as his hands brush against the skin of your ribs before he cups your breasts in his hands, his fingers travel across the skin tickling you and making you smile into the kiss. His thumb brushes against your nipple and you can’t help but arch your back into him.
He takes that as a sign that he's doing good so he copies your earlier ministrations and moves his kisses to below your jaw, down your neck, sucking and biting lightly just as you did. His kisses a trail down further than you did, kissing around your collar bone and then down to your chest where he licks shyly testing what you like and don't. When your head tilts back and you grip his hair harder between your fingers he gets his answer. 
While his mouth continues kissing your breasts his hand travels down sliding under the front of your lace underwear not really sure where to go after that. You grab his wrist with one hand and guide his fingers as he slides two inside of you, his palm rubbing against your clit making you close your eyes and bite down on your bottom lip.
When you grab his briefs and begin to pull them down he stops and pulls your underwear down too, sort of hopelessly following all of your actions to try to get this right.
You offer him an awkward but sweet smile before pulling him closer, kissing him and then guiding him between your legs. You grab his hip and push him in slowly, it’s easy even though he was larger than you thought he would be, he had you soaking before you even made it to his bed. The feeling is strange though, he stretches you blissfully inch by inch as you pull him in by his hip. 
Once he's fully in you wrap your legs around him and he slowly and nervously begins to move his hips in motion, he stops kissing you, his sweaty forehead now placed against yours and you watch his delicate face, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his cheeks red and flushed. You watch as his look of frustration is taken over by a look of pleasure and bliss before he hides his face in the crook of your neck, attempting to kiss your skin but doing too many things at once is very hard when he feels this good, sliding in between your legs like this.
It's slow but filled with pleasure and love and need. He doesn't last long but neither do you, it isn't long before you're squeezing around him, causing a groan to escape his throat and the air leaving his mouth the tickle your neck.
You let out a series of moans as well, a mixture of pitchy sounds and murmurs of his name. You can tell he's about to whisper something into the skin of your neck as you feel him twitch inside of you, your stomach twisting tighter and tighter with each thrust. He doesn't manage any words though he just moans agaisnt your neck as he comes, you pull his hair as gently as you can manage as you do the same.
His hands slide underneath you to hold you close as he keeps his face hidden, perhaps a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal. You only move away to pull him out of you and let him pull you both onto your sides instead of him lying on top of you.
He still doesn't look at you, he is sort of frozen, holding you tightly is all he knows how to do right now. He isn't sure what comes next, he knows you're his girlfriend now, that was established before all of this happened, but he doesn't want you to leave and he fears if he let’s go that you will.
You are not frozen at all, completely content being held in his arms as your breathing calms, you gently play with his hair, and scratch his scalp, your fingers glide over his back tracing circles and shapes, trailing his shoulder blades and spine with tiny tickling touches. This helps him relax and you can feel that the way he sort of becomes less rigid and slumps in your arms.
“We should get up,” you say quietly and he holds you tighter.
“I don't want you to leave,” he whispers against your neck.
“Who said I was leaving, I just said we should get up.”
“What if I don't want to?”
“Well, if you don't want me to leave and you don’t want to get up then that leaves me having to shower all by myself and that doesn't seem much fun does it.
Armitage moves back and looks at your face for a moment before asking, “You want me to shower with you?”
You smiled and kissed his slightly swollen pink lips, “well we can have a bath if you'd prefer that, I assume your refresher is equipped with both like mine?”
“Yes it is, and that sounds rather nice,” he says and then smiles against your lips.
He watches as you stand up and walk over to the kitchen instead of the direction of the refresher.
“It’s that way,” he says loud enough for you hear before you walk back into the room with the bottle of wine from dinner and two glasses.
“Oh I know,” you say with a smile before gesturing for him to follow you.
Meanwhile, Kylo is sat in his room, brooding, he can sense that you’re in Hux’s chambers, that you feel very happy and so does Hux, and he hates every second of it.
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crowned-ladybug · 5 years
So I said I wanted to see demon AUs that aren’t smut and that I sadly don’t have the energy to make my own rn, and then I went ahead and accidentally made one anyway
So here’s some incomplete notes on it. It’s 2.7k words. I’m so sorry.
Local dumbass heir to the throne (Joseph) doesn’t Wanna be a heir to the throne bc it’s Boring he’s always wanted to be an Adventurer but here he is anyway. Then one night he gets drunk off his ass and manages to?? accidentally summon a demon??? in his friend’s Magic Lab???
(The friend is Avdol and he’s v v tired of Joseph’s shit)
fuckin Joseph made a drunk deal with a demon who Absolutely saw nothing against making a deal with the royal heir currently drunk off his ass bc hey, free deal
luckily the deal wasn’t for Joseph’s soul or firstborn child or half his kingdom or whatever. Instead the deal is a magical bond between Joseph and the demon that allows the demon to share in Joseph’s life energy/general basic human magic and thus be able to exist in the human world in a stable form without having to go home to rest every once in a while or having to maintain like ten spells Just In Case
the demon is doing this whole deal thing bc 1) he Has to, it’s kind of his Job and 2) he’s looking for vengance on a gang of demon hunters who have killed his family but since they’re human, he needs a way into the human world for a longer term to be able to hunt them down
the demon is Caesar in case you haven’t figured that out yet
Joseph is a lot less concerned about having made a deal with a Literal Demon than he should be. He thinks it’s p hilarious actually and Caesar immediately starts having regrets (he’d bond with Avdol over it if he were willing to lower himself to the level of Measly Mortals)
the fun thing is that bc he’s tied to Joseph magically to allow him to freely exist in the human world, Caesar can’t get out of a few mile radius of him, which kinda makes his plans to hunt down the demon hunters (*cough* Pillar Men *cough*) a lot harder and Joseph even more annoying to deal with
the logical solution to that is to pass Caesar off as a servant Joseph befriends, so that he can stay in the castle, and then eventually they can go off on some adventure together to defeat the Pillar Men (or, well, so that Caesar can defeat the Pillar Men while keeping Joseph at arm’s length) which would also mean that Joseph can Finally get his big adventure he’s been dreaming about
then Joseph gets the genius idea to kill even More birds with one stone and decides that Caesar should pretend to be his bf bc all the annoying ass nobles and shit won’t leave him alone about not having a partner and “oh no, you’re of age now, what will happen if you have to take the throne but have no queen by your side?” and everyone keeps trying to woo him and it was fun at first but now it’s just goddamn Tiring
Caesar agrees to it eventually bc Anything as long as Joseph lets him do his research on the Pillar Men in peace. He doesn’t really realise what fake-dating the annoying bastard entails until he’s already too deep into it and he kinda literally can’t go back on his promises to Joseph, being a contract-bound demon
(Caesar looks like a proper demon normally but he Can disguise himself as p much entirely human-looking if he needs to. It takes energy tho, so he reverts back to his demonic looks whenever he’s safe from prying eyes, or if he’s unconscious)
they’re essentially fake-married for magic tax benefits it’s so great
there’s Definitely some Magic Soulbond Shenanigans along the line of “if one gets hurt the other also feels it”
they find out that Caesar reverts to his demonic form when asleep when he pulls two all-nighters in a row looking for information on the Pillar Men and passes out in Avdol’s study, scaring the shit out of poor Avdol. After that they manage to land a room for him in the castle with some lie about him having travelled here from faraway lands (technically true) and having nowhere else to stay (also technically true), but he also spends a lot of his time in Avdol’s study and Joseph’s room without his disguise, solely for convenience’s sake
they ofc have to fool Everyone with the fake dating, including Joseph’s family, bc No One else can know that Caesar is a demon on a quest for vengeance. The worst, most unexpected part for Caesar is that Queen Erina and Lord Speedwagon actually seem to like him?? they’re just genuinely nice to him??? simply bc he’s around Joseph and bc they find him likeable??? he did Not expect Anyone to be nice to him in the human world, what the Fuck, he doesn’t know how to Deal With That
Suzi is Technically a servant but she’s been Joseph’s friend since they were lil kids so she was essentially raised alongside him and they’re best friends and Suzi can only keep Joseph out of dumb shit like half the time bc the other half she’s right there in it with him
she is Entirely unfazed by Caesar, sees through the pretend relationship in like two minutes and knows immeditely that Something Is Up. When she accidentally catches Caesar in his demon form while checking to make sure he’s not stacking all-nighters again, she doesn’t even bat an eye (meanwhile Caesar’s thoughts are entirely “oh fuck do I have to kill her now, Joseph’s gonna kill me if I do, oh fuck, oh fuck”) just tells him to go to sleep on time and then leaves (to call Joseph out on getting himself into even deeper shit than she’d originally thought)
look idk what he does or what relevance he ends up having to the plot but Polnareff is also there, he’s a dumbass knight who’s the reason Joseph knows how to Not fight properly (bc Polnareff has a shitton of dumb tricks and Joseph knows all of them) and has a giant crush on Avdol
god there’s just. A Shitton of dumb shenanigans during their time in the castle, both with the fake-dating (like having to teach Caesar proper royal etiquette and him getting Very confused and flustered when Joseph casually flirts with him) and with hiding Caesar being a demon (they have so many stupid close calls and make so many dumb decisions they Really Shouldn’t, it’s great)
when the time comes to go and find and kill the Pillar Men, it’s only Caesar and Joseph going bc Caesar doesn’t want any more ppl in this mission than absolutely necessary, totally not bc they’re his friends and he worries about them or anything
they get some tips on where to look and how to get there from this weird adventurer dude who passes through the castle on his travels every once in a while. Joseph’s only met him in passing but he thinks he seems fun and has his own dumbass theory that he’s totally some runaway royalty or something. Instead turns out that the dude is half demon and actually related to Caesar and Caesar, being an orphan and all, had thought finding a remaining member of his family would be Way more thrilling but no this dude is just as weird and annoying as Joseph so he’d like a refund pls
(the dude’s Gyro. Ofc it’s fuckin Gyro. Johnny’s there too somewhere I just haven’t figured that out yet. He might actually be the top horse trainer/caretaker/whatever of the castle and the True reason Gyro travels this way every time is bc he’s smitten as hell)
while Gyro gives them some advice he also tells them that hey. Maybe you shouldn’t do this?? esp not just the two of you??? Considering the Pillar Men are known to be ruthless and Very good at killing demons
ofc these idiots Don’t Listen and go after them together anyway
the plan technically is that Joseph stays a safe distance away while Caesar goes and fights the Pillar Men and Totally wins but like. ofc he doesn’t listen and refuses to stay on his ass and let Caesar leave so they go in together anyway
they manage to find Santana alone and Actually Kill Him but it’s a close one, much tougher than anticipated bc as I said before, these dudes are Really Good at killing demons and also just killing in general. It’s also when Caesar realises the full scope of the “if one gets hurt, the other also feels it” part of his bond with Joseph bc Joseph gets hurt worse during the battle and Caesar is so shocked by his own reaction to it that he’s frozen for a moment and it almost costs him his life
that night when they’re camping out after the battle, Joseph reveals that a long while ago he figured out how to break their magic bond without it hurting either of them or sending Caesar right back to his own world. it’s some old spell he found in one of Avdol’s books or something, idk, and at first he’d kept it hidden from Everyone bc he was starting to really like Caesar but knew that Caesar was only around him out of necessity (not true actually but Caesar hid and denied his growing fondness for v v long) and he didn’t want him to leave the moment he realised he Could, even if it was v v selfish of him and he feels like shit about it now. And then later on when it turned out that they’re gonna see this quest through together anyway, he figured it didn’t matter anymore and so he kinda just forgot about it
but he’s remembered it again before they left and packed what he needs for it as a grim Just In Case (and it may or may not be a weird red gem bc yknow, but idk yet) and now he offers to break the bond already bc of how him getting hurt almost got Caesar killed. But Caesar tells him not to, bc it doesn’t matter now and a spell like that would probably take a lot of energy out of both of them when they need everything they’ve got for the upcoming battles
in reality he doesn’t want the bond broken bc it makes him feel like he’s got a right and a reason to stay, without having to fully face just how much he cares about Joseph, and bc it makes sure that Joseph is never far from him and lets him know if he’s hurt and maybe like this he can somehow protect him from getting hurt again
spoiler alert: he can’t
the fight with the other three Pillar Men doesn’t go their way at all. I mean it’s 3 vs 2 and the 3 are Very Good at killing so it should be Expected, but they’re young and dumb and Caesar is stubborn and still thirsting for revenge and if Joseph can’t hold him back then at least he can stay with him
they both get badly hurt and when it looks like it’s just it for both of them, Joseph brings out that spell again and breaks their bond before Caesar could tell him to stop and tells Caesar to run, to get away and don’t even fucking look back, just Go. When Caesar tries to object, Joseph tells him that he’s not dying just so Caesar can get himself killed too and Caesar is too scared to do anything but listen and run as Joseph leaves himself no escape and takes another two of the Pillar Men down with him before Caesar could figure out a way to save him
Joseph survives, Somehow, minus a hand anyway. He wakes up again in his own room in the castle and he has No Idea how he got back or who even found him and his best guess is that Gyro and Johnny have followed them and lbr Avdol’s magic has probably had a part to play in it too
and Caesar is just. Gone. Separated from Joseph and already weak from the fight, he didn’t have enough magic left to remain in the human world for long and thus got pulled back into his own world, and being just a normal demon, he can’t even cross back over without being summoned. But Joseph doesn’t know any of that, he just knows that Caesar is Gone and he strongly doubts he’s coming back bc he hasn’t already and he’s p damn heartbroken about it
meanwhile Caesar isn’t having much better of a time in his own world either. Bc nothing went well, Nothing, but he realises that he doesn’t even care about his revenge plan anymore, he doesn’t care about hunting Kars down and avenging his family. But he’s just lost the only family he’s had Again, the ppl in the castle this time, and he’s stuck here without any way back unless someone accidentally summons him again, and for what he knows Joseph had died to save him and Caesar didn’t even get to say goodbye or bury him
this v shitty state lasts until Joseph’s desperation + a lil nudge from Avdol and Suzi gets him to try summoning Caesar again (bc Joseph decides that if he gets no response at all, if the spell fails, it means Caesar’s really just Gone and he hadn’t made it out alive after all, but having definite knowledge of that will still be better than just Not Knowing and hoping for the rest of his life)
Avdol lets him take his study all to himself and so Joseph settles in during the afternoon and gets to finding the spell which is Not Easy bc he’d been drunk off his ass when he’d first found and performed it. He’s starting to lose hope and think that maybe the spell doesn’t even Exist in Avdol’s books, he’d just butchered a completely different spell and that’s how he got to Caesar, when he Finally finds it, and it’s almost midnight at that point and he’s Exhausted and Scared and Sad and he just Wants This To Work
the spell asks for an offering for the demon’s services, and the first time around Joseph had said something like “idk name your price” which is how Caesar had got the bond he needed (tho Joseph doesn’t actually remember this)
this time he just says “anything” which is a p dumb thing to offer when making a deal with a Literal Demon but he doesn’t care, this is Caesar, he trusts him and he loves him and he’d damn right give anything to just know that he’s okay and maybe get to see him again
and the spell Works it fuckin Works even if it takes a moment and there’s a flash of light and then suddenly there’s Caesar, sitting on the ground in Avdol’s study in all his demonic glory, blinking as his eyes adjust to the dim light and until he sees Joseph sitting on the ground in front of him, crying. And from then on it’s just a big “i thought I lost you” reunion moment that’s so happy it Hurts. They stay sitting on the floor for Hours despite it being late at night, just pressed together and talking about anything and just enjoying each others presence bc they’ve missed each other and thought they’d never see each other again
the next morning Avdol finds them sitting against the wall in a pile and fast asleep and decides to take the day off and goes to find Suzi and Polnareff to tell them the news
idk where the rest of the plot goes yet bc Kars is still out there and Erina and Speedwagon still don’t know about the whole demon thing but have this for now
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megamanxfanfics · 5 years
The Hiatus
I’ve been dreading the idea of writing this, but the fact that I am at all means that I’m coming out of my funk and am looking onward towards moving ahead, and hopefully forward, once again with this project in the future.  I’m afraid I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.  Wouldn’t you know it?  Life got in the way again.
It seems that every new Writing Season, something always happens to me to shift things around and make it near-impossible towards writing Mega Man X.  I’ve been mulling over how to talk about all of this without getting too personal on an MMX blog.  But the fact is that what happened to me is very personal.  And very complicated.  So I’m gonna just go for it, while keeping it in simplest terms.
I broke up with my girlfriend last month.  Which means I had to move out...
I can say that with dry eyes now, and without a heavy heart.  It was a smooth break.  Very mutual.  We both knew it needed to happen, because we weren’t happy at all. (Always doing our own thing, making separate plans... etc. etc. etc.)
But back to this.
I recall back in November I had posted a Writing Exercise - What X Remembers, in an attempt to kick-start my motivation for this project.  Needless to say, it didn’t work.  I can tell you right now that I wasn’t exactly busy.  I was burnt out.
Yes, I’ve been wanting and wanting to start this thing, but in the planning phases, I’ve also been afraid of it.  Because I don’t want to mess this up. Or it’s too confusing, or disjointed.  And I know how I get.  I harp and harp on things until it’s perfect, or feels good enough to present.  And... frankly, I was in a position where things were so bad at home, that I just wanted to spend time with her to keep everyone happy.
I would also take advantage of ‘Me-Time Monday’ as I used to call it when she’d be out doing her own thing.  Except my creative outlet for those days would be working on music, which is my first passion.  I’ve taken on a massive project of adding vocals to a lot of old music I had written, and even now I’m maybe half-way through that.  And there were definitely certain Mondays that I wasn’t even in the mood for music...  I certainly wasn’t in the mood for X.
I was depressed...  She was depressed...  But why?
Well... this blog, isn’t exactly about that.  But what I can tell you is that we were just going through this mundane routine every day.  Even our weekends became routine.  And neither of us were fun to be around any more.  Even upon realizing it and trying to do different things.  ‘Go out on a date, Dummy!’  That’s what I would tell myself.  But even nice events didn’t work.  She’d complain about being tired, or full or we wouldn’t talk at all.  That... was the extent of our interactions.  Outside of that, we’d just watch our shows, which would entertain us, and make us laugh.  We’d hold hands and stuff, sometimes.  But even then... it didn’t really feel romantic.  As one friend put it best, “It sounds like a friendship...”
And we both realized that last month.
So you could say that from November-February, I had slowly been working at getting my motivation toward this project back up.  Despite my daily toils, I was driven to bring myself to do the things that make me happy.  I had even reread most of the Writing Diaries, all the way up to Season V again, which took me down a nice bit of Nostalgia Road.  Reading about the Process of this Project is just as fun as reading the actual episodes for me.  It’s the Journey, not the Destination, after all.
But like I said, then February happened and we just imploded.  Everything immediately broke down.  My living space, my comfort zone.. where I was going to be!!  I didn’t know what to do.
In week 1 I took out the time to hang out with all of my closest friends.  I told everyone who needed to know first.
In week 2, I started seriously looking for places.  And that was equally exciting as it was exhausting.  However, I did find one thing that wouldn’t be ready for the next 2 months!  And that also freaked me out.  Now I had a pseudo-time table on my hands, but it was a little too long.
In week 3, I cracked.  We absolutely got into a fight in our shared space.  Things were so smooth as friends and roommates.  We had still shared our King Size Bed, and kept it completely civil, since nothing romantic was happening in the bedroom anyway...  But, at some point, some Social Media Drama occurred and I actually started acting like an Ex.  It was becoming very clear to me that living together any longer was going to destroy my Mental Health.  So I made the choice to get out of there, sooner than anticipated.  That Friday, I put a bag together and stayed at my parent’s house.
The original plan was to ride this out as long as possible and move into the 2nd Bedroom while I start to leisurely pack, as I keep looking for places.  But instead, all this drama accelerated my schedule and forced me out of that house.  That weekend, I came back to grab the rest of my clothes and relocate my TV back to my Parent’s house... Which takes me to week 4.  
In week 4, I focused on helping my brother with an After-school play.  I changed my work hours for him and everything, but on top of that, I had an unexpected interview which could’ve changed everything!!!  You see, I’ve been looking for better jobs at the same time as looking for new places.  And that’s what made this so stressful.  That’s even partially what caused all this drama, because one night I tried complaining about it to her, and she didn’t really seem to care much.  We were acting like exes to each other, and I really couldn’t handle it.  So once we got into a fight, that was the wake up call.  We’re not together anymore.  We can’t do this any more! Literally.  It was time to get out of there and move on.   Well, the job interview wasn’t in the cards... but it’s for the best, because it would’ve made this new place that I’ve been hoping for, not make sense any more.   That weekend, I got together all of my books/movies/games/comics, electronics, pictures, etc. etc. while she had put together boxes of the kitchenware I get to take.  By Sunday Night, basically all of my stuff was out of there. I couldn’t believe it.  It was very therapeutic and bittersweet.
This takes us to Week 5 - last week.  The commotion has slowed down to an abrupt halt.  I’ve been very tired.  Technically I have all the time in the world for MMX now, but I’m just not there yet.  And I probably won’t be for another month.  And I say that now, because I’m literally in between places.  All of my stuff is in boxes at my Parent’s house, but this other place that I saw is in the process of coming through.  Their time table accelerated a little bit.  I got news yesterday that the place has been painted, and that new carpets will be installed on 3/23.  As I am basically move-in ready, but also really want this to be the place, I worked with my new Landlord and asked him if I can start to leave boxes this weekend.
And that’s what I did today.  Today I left the first installation of boxes into that house’s basement.  It will be the new location I call my home, and the best part about it is that it’s only 5 minutes from Work.  That’s HUGE.  [But that too is temporary, as I still need a better job.]. One day at a time though, right?
This is primarily the reason why I’m writing today.  I feel that the brunt of this Transition Period has reached it’s Apex, and from here, it’s gonna be pretty smooth sailing into the next place, as I become acquainted with my New Normal of 2020.
I’m also writing, because admittedly, I have been thinking about MMX6 again, and rather than catch up with the rest of the diaries, I just read the last one.  Where I actually regressed into plot points again and still couldn’t answer certain questions, like what those stupid teleport portals are.  I mean, how much of an explanation do I really need?  It’s Mega Science!
I’ll be honest.  I could start tomorrow, and I’d probably feel pretty good about it, until I hit my first slump.  Which will most likely be the Central Museum stage.  And then I won’t want to do anything.
No, my heart’s just not in it yet.  I don’t want to start MMX6 on my laptop.  I want to be fully set up and Comfortable in my New Place when I start Season VI properly.  The silver lining is that I have all the time in the world for this and my music, now.  And I’ll have to feel out that situation too, because I desperately want to do both.  And that’s part of the conflict too.  Both projects literally interfere with each other, because I only have enough time and energy for one or the other on any given night.
Keep in mind, once I have my own place, everything’s on me.  That’s cooking, dishes, laundry and of course self-care, right?  So that involves the necessary shower, and of course entertaining yourself.  And that means yes, actually pulling myself away from my hobbies that I tend to wrap myself in so much.
I’m not blaming this project for losing my girl, or my music.  Hell, I’m not even blaming myself.  We just weren’t a good fit for each other, but we sure tried to be.  For 5 Years!  There was a lot of good in those 5 years too.  But she changed a lot.  Me too.  But her, more...  In a less fun way.  Very easy for me to say, of course.
These things happen.  People change.  And we truly made the healthiest choice to end it when we did.  It was really just a logical conversation about what isn’t working, and both of us literally agreeing that this doesn’t make sense any more.  My friend last night put it best.  “I think your relationship just ran its course.  You both saw it through to a complete end, and it was really good that you chose to end it when you did, because neither of you were happy any more...”
And there it is.  I suppose I’m ending this on that note.  One day I’ll be ready for MMX6 again.  But today is not that day.  And instead, I’ll be playing the MMZ/ZX Legacy Collection in the meantime.  =P.   And no.  Don’t get any ideas.  I have NO intention of writing an MMZ Anime.
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mianix · 6 years
"Mine" ~ A Gift Fic for LukeLemon-Art
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I have been among the DBH community for a few months now and the one thing I love most about it is how supportive everyone seems to be. It doesn’t matter if you are an artist, writer, animator, video editor, cosplayer etc. You are welcomed here with open arms and encouraged to do your very best.
The best example of this I can give is @lukelemon-art. I have watched them encourage people of all mediums and fandoms to do well. I’ve experienced their fun nature and their generosity myself when they reblogged my friend @bunnylove56’s Reed900 fic when they weren’t sure anyone would like it. They gave her the confidence to keep going and I adore Luke for conspiring with me to get her to keep going. I never expected it and it only proves my point further.
The above artwork was recently done by Luke with an amazing backstory of Connor, discarding his LED and Gavin chooses to keep it, worn by a leather strap around his neck. Not only did this warm my heart, but inspired me to write my first Convin story as a gift to Luke for all their kindness, not just to me, but the community. Their art makes me happy, as I imagine it does a lot of you. So here’s me supporting their art and repaying them for too many kindnesses to count. 
Note: This gift fic is rated M and contains a big old lemon…lol Because of Tumblr’s new rules and to be safe, the preview will end with a link to finish the story on AO3 instead of the typical cut to read the entire thing on my blog. So if you aren’t into reading something a bit smutty, go back now, gentle reader.
Connor wondered, honestly, what frustrated him more: the idea of Detective Reed disobeying Hank’s direct orders, or the fact that Connor had made a deal with him to get them to this point.
He had been trying diligently over the past year to find ways of endearing himself to the bitter Detective, but nothing he did seemed to quell the man’s hatred for him. No amount of help, kind gestures, or careful consideration had changed a thing between them.
They fought constantly on the job and it had shown its own wear on Connor over time. He recalled how, in a fit of frustration, he had pulled off his own LED and tossed it at the Detective’s feet.
“THERE! Since it bothers you so much! Now you can stop complaining about it and actually get some work done. Oh, wait. That’s right! I mean sit on your damn phone instead of actually helping us for once!”
Everyone had looked shocked to see such anger come from him, but they often forgot he was no longer a thing who took orders. It had all just boiled over and he couldn’t take it anymore. A part of him felt guilt at the look that crossed Reed’s face, but he walked away before he could worry on it too much. In that moment, he felt justified, but later he regretted it.
If for nothing else, he had taken pride in wearing his LED once he’d deviated to remind him of their struggle and to never be ashamed of who he was. Because it made him into the man he was now, who had friends, family and a life that was entirely his own.
This, naturally, was how he found himself helping assist Detective Reed into his apartment.
“Last door, on the left.” Gavin groaned as he stumbled a bit.
They’d been in a scuffle only an hour before, all thanks to Detective Yells-Too-Much. Hank, in some disturbing thought to force them to into being civil, had downright ordered them to work together.
“Frankly, everyone is getting tired of listening to you two argue all the time. It’s not productive and seriously hurts office morale. We’re fucking homicide. We see gruesome death and tragedy on the daily and somehow you two bitching every day is making it even worse.” Hank had said, frustrated when the two had yet another blow up.
“What about Nines?” Gavin had asked. It seemed the further from friendly he got from Connor, the more he stopped harassing the RK900 model. He’d actually started working with him, to Connor’s surprise.
“We’re swapping partners for the week. Nines will work with me and you two need to learn to work together. Fowler’s down my neck about this and if you two can’t work this out there’s the possibility of reassignment to a different department.”
That had gotten a reaction, from both of them. Because it would likely be one or the other, which meant Connor would have to leave Hank or Gavin would be losing his position in his preferred field. Neither of these were an option.
Connor moved to the door, pressing Reed to the wall to help him stand better.
“Keys?” Connor asked.
“Pocket.” Gavin replied with a twinge of pain. They’d been staking out a warehouse, helping out the drug division on a red ice case, but couldn’t seem to not fight. They were completely hopeless being stuck in the confines of Gavin’s car and their inability to ignore one another got them caught.
They were set upon by some low level lackey’s who luckily were too stupid to be properly armed. Connor had sustained some damage to his arm, but had come out holding his own. Reed, on the other hand, had not. A quick glance at the wound on his abdomen told Connor the glass bottle had cut Gavin as he tried to dodge it. He would be okay, but he would need stitches and proper medical care.
“Fuck that. I don’t have the money to pay for an ER visit. I’ll just do it myself, like always.” Gavin had said with labored breathing as Connor drove them away from the warehouse, the sound of gunfire finally breaking the air as more lackeys came to their friends’ aid. It was fight or flight for Connor and at seeing his human companion bleeding and exhausted, he chose to live and fight another day.
“What do you mean like always?” Connor asked incredulously. It was purely rhetorical though as he didn’t need to consider it much to know Gavin Reed refused to go to the hospital unless he was taken there by force… or unconscious. Connor considered that as a valid option, but cast it aside at the thought of the assault charges that might accompany it when Gavin gained consciousness.
But Reed was stubborn and finally they’d come to a compromise: Gavin would allow Connor to do it for him. He could locate the proper programs to accomplish the task of patching Reed up. If he could not get him proper medical help, then this was the next best option.
Connor stared at the Detective, whose free arm hung a bit limply at his side. Blood could be seen staining his shirt there, as well. Wonderful. Without much thought, Connor plunged his hand down into the Detective’s jean pocket to feel around for keys. He felt Gavin stiffen at his shoulder.
“Fuckin’ careful, dipshit. You’re grabbing my keys, not playing pocket pool.” Gavin bit out between clenched teeth. Connor ignored him and pulled the keys out, setting about the task of opening the door. Once he did, he heard a loud mewling getting closer.
The small, furry head of a cat peeked through the crack of the door, it’s tiny paw pulling at it to further open it.
“Don’t let him out. He’s a fucking escape artist.” Gavin groaned as he pushed the door in and pressed the cat inside. Connor followed behind him, closing the door and entering into Gavin Reed’s apartment for the first time.
Gavin went directly for his cabinets as the first room they entered was the kitchen. Off to the right was an open archway into what Connor considered was the living room. He didn’t have much time to consider it though as he watched Reed pulling out more medical supplies then he figured most humans would keep in their homes.
“How often do you get injured on the job?” Connor asked at the fully stocked cabinet of disinfectants, gauze, bandages and other medical supplies.
“Enough to be prepared.” Gavin replied as he opened a drawer to his left and pulled out a partially full bottle of whiskey and a small, unmarked kit. Connor eyed him for a moment, but decided it wasn’t worth the headache.
Gavin sat on the counter with some difficulty and Connor had no choice but to help him, as his arm was of no real use. Once there, Gavin opened the whiskey bottle with his teeth and took a deep dram of the amber liquid. Connor immediately took hold of the bottle and pulled it away.
“What the fuck, Connor? You gonna make me go through this stone cold sober?” Gavin asked bitterly.
“You’re the one who refused to go to the hospital, where they could ease the pain you’re about to feel. You have no room to complain and I need you lucid.” Connor said simply. Perhaps a small part of him enjoyed mocking Reed, but he tried not to think on it too much.
Connor turned to look at the supplies he was given and felt his eyes flutter as he downloaded the necessary program to properly sew stitches. He considered asking how Gavin also had access to the items required to do this, but was certain he’d probably either not get a response or would get a bullshit one.
Connor lifted the hem of Gavin’s shirt, glancing to assess the damage, but knowing full well his first instinct was correct. He did his best to clean the wound, having Gavin hold his shirt up so he could work. Connor noticed he was in pain, but he gritted his teeth against it.
“Since we have some quiet time, are you ready to tell me why you hate me so much?” Connor asked, figuring anything that distracted Gavin would be better than letting the man suffer.
“Because you’re a brown nosing cunt who - FUCK! The hell Connor?” Gavin roared when Connor threw caution to the wind and straight up applied the chemical cleanser without care to the wound.
“Sorry. My hand slipped.” Connor replied stiffly as he grabbed another piece of cloth and tried to be more gentle. Gavin glared at him, still tensing for the pain he no doubt anticipated, but Connor was content with letting the snide remark go.
“What do you care whether or not I like you anyway? We’re not partners, so why the hell should you give a damn?” Gavin asked, choosing his wording more carefully this time as Connor dabbed around the edge of his cut.
“I’ve only been trying to figure it out since day one. You’d think I personally wronged you in some way.”
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m an asshole to all androids.” Gavin replied. Connor’s eyes lifted and he noted Gavin had been watching him, but the moment their eyes met he quickly looked away.
“That’s not true, actually. What about Nines? You show him more regard than you ever have for me.” Connor said pointedly, not faltering in his look. Something passed over Gavin’s face, it was minute, but it was there. A moment of panic, then recovery.
“Nines does as he’s told. He doesn’t get in my way or stop me from doing my job.” Gavin replied and his eyes came back to Connor, side glancing him, then looking down to where the small cat was perched on the floor, watching them. It moved gracefully, wiggling its tiny behind before it jumped on the counter beside Gavin and stepped on his thigh. Gavin opted to focus there.
“Nines also is still an android. It’s very simple Detective. I. AM. ALIVE. I’m not a piece of furniture for you to do with as you please and until you learn this, it will be the primary cause of our arguments.” Connor said in quick succession. How many times must they have this conversation, re-worded in so many different ways?
“I’m in fucking pain here. Can’t you give me a break, just once?” Gavin asked and Connor noted his voice sounded weary. The cat at his thigh pressed its face into Gavin’s palm and he gave it such a momentary look of tenderness that It shocked Connor. Then it walked further up Reed’s leg, jumped effortlessly onto his shoulder and stood there.
“That’s not really sanitary for what we’re doing Reed.” Connor began, but found himself intrigued by how the cat walked behind Gavin’s head and laid itself around his neck and shoulders so casually. Its foot disturbed the leather strap that usually hung around the Detective’s neck, dipping down into his shirt. Connor had always wondered what that was, but opted to not pry.
“The cat stays. He’s more of a comfort than you are.” Gavin said, but it wasn’t as mean spirited as it might’ve normally been, because the cat was rubbing its face against the stubble on his chin. Connor just watched, forgetting himself momentarily. Who the hell is this and what did he do with Gavin Reed?
When Gavin’s eyes came back to Connor he seemed to remember himself and that look of indifference came back. It broke the momentary spell and Connor continued working.
Silence hung between them as he worked, except for the purring of the cat on Gavin’s shoulders and the occasional groan or gasp of pain from him as Connor used skilled hands to suture up the cut. He preferred the silence, not remembering a time when the two of them had been so close and not blowing up into a full argument.
He wasn’t sure why this gentler side of the Detective intrigued him. He did not even know he had a pet and never would’ve guessed he could be affectionate with anything. But as long as Connor pretended not to notice, Gavin lavished the animal with attention. Had he ever seen the Detective smile where it didn’t feel like he was baring his teeth as a threat? No, not around Connor. In the pain, he sought comfort in the animal and it seemed to sense his need of it. It never left his shoulders, nuzzling and pawing at the man the more his discomfort seemed to peak.
When he was done with his side, Connor moved to roll up the sleeve on Gavin’s shirt. This wound was superficial in comparison to the other and needed nothing more than a bandage. He stepped into Gavin, the Detective’s knee brushing the inside of Connor’s thigh. Gavin jumped, startling the cat, but did not remove it.
“Careful.” Gavin said in a low tone. Connor tilted his head, trying to figure out what exactly had set the Detective off. Gavin moved his knee, unable to meet Connor’s eyes and with a slight blush filling his cheeks.
“You do realize I have no genitalia to injure, correct?” Connor said innocently enough, but Gavin’s face went a bright shade of red almost instantly at his words.
“Why the fuck would you tell me that?” Gavin asked, obviously startled by this admission.
“You feared hurting me, didn’t you?” Connor asked in reply.
“That is so fucking weird.” Gavin continued with a groan as he covered his face with his one free hand.
“I’m a prototype, Detective. What use would I have for - “
“STOP talking. Please? Just, stop.” Gavin begged, still not looking at him. Silence hung between them, awkward to say the very least. Then Reed broke the silence. “Your arm. It’s injured.”
Connor looked down to observe the blue blood soaking through his jacket arm. He pulled his arm out of it and found his white dress shirt was covered in blue as well. Connor shrugged his jacket off, laying it neatly over the kitchen chair. When he turned back, Gavin was moving tenderly off the counter.
“Wait.” Connor called out as he went to help the man down. Reed waved his hands away, the cat still laying around his neck like a scarf. It yawned, unbothered, and Connor wondered if this was a natural thing for these two with how contented it was soaking up the Detective’s warmth.
“Get on the counter.” Reed said suddenly as he reached for the small, unmarked kit he’d had hiding with the whiskey bottle. Connor eyed it curiously, but when Reed turned and noticed him not moving he added, “Get a move on.”
“I’ll be fine. Once I’m back at the office I can use one of the android repair kits to patch up my arm. You needn’t worry.”
“What the hell do you think this is?” Reed asked as he opened the small container. To Connor’s surprise, it was an android repair kit. A crudely put together one, yes, but still exactly what was needed for superficial wounds like what Connor had. He stared at Gavin, who seemed to be getting flustered by Connor’s sudden attentions. “What?”
“I’m just surprised you’d have something like that so readily available.” Connor responded truthfully. He wouldn’t think that Gavin would even care enough to keep something like that around.
“I have an android partner. Why wouldn’t I?” Gavin asked, glaring at him. But there was something else there and for the first time, in a long time, Connor saw something in his peripheral vision. It was faint, but unmistakable as it ghosted into his vision.
Software instability ^^
It had been over a year since he’d deviated, since he’d broken free from his programming. These programs were gone and yet, for whatever reason, it had shown on his periphery screen.
Without knowing why, Connor obeyed and sat on the counter without any argument. Reed moved close and looked awkwardly at his arm, stared, then looked away.
“You’re gonna have to remove your shirt. I can’t get to it and if we need the soldering iron I wouldn’t recommend putting it close to fabric.” Gavin said simply. He wasn’t looking at Connor, but focusing on the cat on his shoulder instead.
“Of course.” Connor responded and began undoing the buttons on his shirt. Connor didn’t know why, but there was static in the air that seemed to intensify with each button he undid. Gavin wasn’t looking at him, but he felt like he was being watched anyway.
Once the shirt was open, he slid his arms out of it and laid it neatly beside him. He turned to look at the cut and as he figured it wasn’t anything to worry about. He would likely be scarred from the soldering, but that wasn’t important. He turned back to look expectantly at the Detective, but stopped.
Gavin was still looking away from him, arms crossed at his chest. Connor noted something else of interest. Gavin’s pulse was elevated. He’d attributed this to stress and pain as he worked on Gavin’s wounds, but now he wasn’t so sure. His eyes could see piloerection forming on the man’s forearms; goosebumps. And the red hue that had been on his face had traveled down his neck to the skin peeking out from the v neck shirt he wore.
“Gavin?” Connor asked when the man did nothing. He saw him take a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily, exhaling. Then his eyes turned, focused hard on Connor’s and faltered. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just a little light headed from blood loss. I’ll be fine.” Gavin responded. But when he moved towards Connor, he caught a downward glance that became fixated on his thirium pump regulator. As if involuntary, Gavin’s hand came out and moved as if to touch it, but recoiled after a moment. As if he didn’t realize he was doing it.
The static intensified and made Connor’s skin prickle.
“Are you sure you’re okay Gavin? The wound is superficial and can wait if you’d like to sit down.” Connor offered, completely confused by this sudden change in demeanor. The whole time his cat perched, unbothered and suddenly unnoticed by Gavin as his eyes focused on Connor’s bare torso. Connor saw the man’s eyes dilate.
Software instability ^^
Gavin moved closer, setting the kit to one side of Connor’s hip, then taking his hand in his own to position Connor’s arm where it would be easiest to work on it. All Connor could do was watch, oddly fascinated by whatever phenomena was taking over the Detective and possibly…himself. This was new and fascinating to him. Exciting, even.
At one point, not wanting to focus so much of his attention on Gavin, Connor lifted his hand and stroked the back end of the cat as it purred happily. He saw Gavin’s eyes glance towards his hand, stiffening slightly until he realized its destination. He shook his head, blinking with a short breath as he set back to task.
“Okay. That should do it. Grip my hand.” Gavin said as he lifted his hand in front of him. Not in a handshake, but in fully open palm in front of Connor. He pressed his open palm to Gavin’s, entwined their fingers and gripped. “No malfunctions or weakness?”
“No. It feels just fine, actually. Thank you.” Connor replied genuinely, but Gavin was not quick to release his hand. Connor eyed him, that curiosity itching so much to be scratched. What was this? He felt his own thirium pump shift, more static. This was having a physical effect on him he could not place, the longer Gavin held his hand like that. “Gavin?”
In an instant, he hand let his go and he turned back to the table to place everything back into the kit.
“You should be good now. Probably best if you left. I should get some rest.” Gavin said quickly, but something else caught Connor’s attention as Gavin turned his back on him. Blood on the back of the Detective’s shirt. Another wound he hadn’t seen.
“Gavin. You’re still injured.” Connor said as he hopped down off the counter and walked over to him. He felt Gavin tense as he took the rim of the neckline on his shirt and pulled it down a bit.
“It’s okay. I can do it.” Gavin said quickly.
“It’s on your back. You can’t reach there. Take off your shirt and I’ll get it for you.” Connor offered. When Gavin didn’t move, he added “As soon as I make sure it’s nothing bad I will leave. You agreed to this earlier, remember?”
Gavin sighed, lifted his hands to gently remove the cat from his shoulders. He sat it onto the floor where it remained, staring up at them as if disappointed to no longer be a part of the situation. Then, begrudgingly, Gavin put his hands to the hem of his shirt and tugged upwards. For a moment, Connor caught the flash of something blue glint as it moved at the base of Gavin’s neck, then he realized that it was an LED. Unmistakably, his LED.
Gavin’s eyes followed his no doubt startled looking ones to the necklace at his chest and realization dawned there as he turned away, scrambling to get back into the shirt. Maybe hoping Connor didn’t notice?
“Gavin…” Connor began, but Gavin just started walking away from him. Without thought, he pursued the man as he entered his bedroom off the living room. Gavin tried to close the door, but Connor pushed it open easily as Gavin stumbled backwards. “Is that my LED?”
“It’s not what you think.” Gavin said quickly as he stood by the bed, arm out as if Connor might punch him. But Connor didn’t feel anger. He didn’t know what to feel, because he didn’t know why a part of him was hanging around Gavin Reed’s neck.
“Is that my LED?” Connor asked again. “Let me see it.”
He stepped forward, hand outstretched to pull at the leather straps that held it up, but Gavin smacked his hand away. That startled him, but did not stop his pursuit. Gavin grabbed at his hands, trying to prevent him from seeing it again and Connor found himself struggling with the Detective, being pulled towards him, hitting the bed and straddling over Gavin as he yanked the man’s shirt down. It was his LED, still glowing a dim blue as it pulsated against Gavin’s chest as his heart rate elevated quickly.
Gavin was breathing heavily and that red hue was more apparent on his chest as Connor held the shirt collar open. Gavin’s eyes were lidded and suddenly Connor realized something. Like all the puzzle pieces were falling into place.
“You-” He began, but Gavin leaned up quickly and pressed his lips against his. Connor’s eyes widened, unsure of what to do, but finding himself intrigued. Fascinated. He could analyze the alcohol still left on Gavin’s tongue as it ghosted between his lips. His body temperature peaked, the open eyes watching him fully dilated and a scent lingered between them, coming from the Detective’s skin. Gavin took his bottom lip between his own and tugged. Connor felt something at this, but could not define it and that only made him pursue it more.
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javathewildone · 6 years
Ty Chronicles - A Walk to Remember (Pt. 12)
Summary: Meghan Donovan is a girl no one pays attention to until the day Ty Borden discovers something about her that so closely relates to his own life he finds himself becoming attached to her. But the closer he gets, the worse things become. And no one makes it through unscathed. The first installment of the Ty Chronicles saga. Set pre-Heartland/pre-juvie/pre-group home. Told in first-person through Ty’s point of view. Rating: M for adult themes Author’s Notes: Y’all better hang tight. This is taking a darker turn than I anticipated. Trigger Warning: adult content including prostitution Parts: P | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8  | 9 | 10 | 11
The first week of summer was agony. I spent most of the nights staring at the ceiling resisting the urge to sneak out to the fort. I once even entertained the idea of going straight to Meghan's house and scaling the drain pipe to her window. The fact that I didn't know which room was hers was a secondary deterrent. The primary being caught at the losing end of a shotgun when her crazy stepfather decided to make good on his promise.
One of my biggest faults was spitefully doing the opposite of what I am told. On the other hand, when I make a promise, I generally keep it. So promising Meghan that I wouldn't pursue her over the summer because she made me do so was tearing me apart. I coped by pounding the pavement in search of a summer job. My previous employer who used to pay me under the table was no longer in business. Rumor was he got caught for tax evasion and disappeared. Any other place I tried was too law-abiding to hire a minor not yet old enough for even a work permit. Those that were usually delved into some shady black market dealings that, while catered to my qualifications, weren't necessarily smart options. There was no telling how the summer was going to go. I could wake up tomorrow and my mother could finally come to her senses about leaving Wade for good and we'd pack the car and be halfway to Ottawa by dark. That was something I wouldn't be able to control. But if I could keep my nose clean this summer and try for honest work, maybe come next school year I will have acquired enough discipline to put forth a real effort. A long shot, but still an achievable goal. Assuming, that is, I could actually find a job.
Dusk after another fruitless day found me climbing the ladder of the water tower, a pint of whiskey I swiped from inside my mom's nightstand in my back pocket. I settled on the catwalk, legs dangling over the edge to watch the sun set behind the Vancouver skyline. Plucking the bottle from my pants, I took a sip, savoring the heat that slid down my throat to settle in my stomach. Draping my arms over the railing, I stared at the amber liquid in my hand. Little more than half the bottle remained. Was this the night I finally broke down and got drunk to ease my pain? Would I black out and find myself in the vacant lot anyway? Or hammering on Meghan's door in a bold gesture of unadulterated stupidity? Maybe I would just mope home and pick a fight with Wade. Or curl up there on the catwalk and sleep until morning. Either option was viable. After a second swallow, as I felt the warmth spread through my limbs, I reached out and tipped the bottle to drain it of its contents. I couldn't risk my liquor addled mind making bad choices without my knowledge.
"Dude!" An incredulous yell had me peering down.
Seth stood gaping at the small puddle, looking up when I stopped wasting perfectly good liquor. He shook his head, hoisting a brown bag in offer. "No worries, I've got more."
"Great," I mumbled, twisting the cap back on the single swallow that remained of my own bottle while Seth climbed up to join me.
I hadn't been in contact with any of the guys since the end of school. We usually had a standing tower date a few times a week but this was the first night in some time I bothered to come by. I hadn't been in the mood to bullshit around their prying. We weren't the kind of friends that sought, or even offered, relationship advice. We were the kind of friends that used each other as sounding boards about our wretched lives like an AA support group, except alcohol was mandatory. For the last several weeks, I instead spent that time with Meghan.
Seth reached the top and slid into the space next to me. "I thought I was going to be up here by myself tonight. At least now if I fall, someone will be here to find my body."
"That's not funny, Seth," I shook my head, realizing for the first time how morbid we could all sometimes be. None of us really believed we were going to make it far into adulthood, if we got there at all. If we did, we'd be spending it behind bars for one reason or another. So our philosophy was to enjoy our free time while we still had it.
"Yeah, well…" he shrugged and drank from his paper bag, wiping his arm across his mouth. "Donovan finally get smart and give you the heave-ho?"
"In a manner of speaking." I twisted my bottle between my fingers, not really wanting to talk about Meghan. "Where's everyone?"
"Tommy got picked up by the cops trying to use his fake ID at that liquor store on Vine. Told him the old coot was getting suspicious but does he listen to me? Of course not." Seth shook his head. "And Jase is in Banff again for the rest of the week. His sister just popped out another kid."
"What is that, three now?"
"Four, I think."
I chuckled, gazing out at the view. We settled into a companionable silence for a time. Unlike Jason, Seth wasn't much for chatter. And unlike Tommy, he didn't have a taste for gossip which meant he wouldn't press about Meghan unless I brought it up.
I felt the shift in atmosphere when Seth eventually turned to me. I could feel it radiating off of him like a rank sweat.
"What?" I asked without looking at him.
"Tommy didn't think we should tell you but…"
I looked at my friend, the indecision and unease in his eyes. "Tell me what?"
Seth took another drink for courage. "We saw Meghan."
"How was she? Where?" He now had my absolute attention, which made him shift uneasily and drink again, which made me uneasy in turn while he purposely took his sweet time.
Scowling, I reached out to snatch the bottle from his hand. "Hey!"
"Spit it out or I'll drop it," I threatened, holding my arm out over the edge. Seth eyed it thoughtfully, deciding whether my wrath was worth losing his buzz.
Finally he sighed. "On the Eastside."
My stomach dropped.
"She was getting out of this big black Cadillac. She…" Seth swallowed, looking to the bottle I still held over open air. "She looked pretty banged up."
"When was this?" I could feel my mind starting to peel apart in layers, shredding through emotions.
"The other night. Around two in the morning. When we realized it was her we hung around for a little reconnaissance. Another girl told us she'd been around every night for the last week. Dex - her stepfather, I guess - they said he usually dropped her off the same time every night. Some nights she'd be out until dawn, others he'd pick her up if he found the right client."
The liquor I drank burned as it began to come back up. I swallowed hard. "So she is working for him," I whispered in disbelief.
"Just started, from what we gathered."
I handed Seth back his bottle and got clumsily to my feet, feeling ill. Was that why Meghan was so persistent about keeping my distance through the summer? Had she known what she was going to be forced into? Maybe she had been trying to save me from myself, knowing what I would do if I knew. Well, we were all about to find out.
"Where are you going?"
"To the Eastside."
"Are you crazy?!" Seth jumped up. "Pimps linger to keep an eye on their assets. You said Dex caught you outside his house. If he catches you out there looking for Meghan, you're a dead man."
"I appreciate the concern." Though I didn't care and continued my way toward the ladder. It was hardly nightfall, but if I got to the Eastside before Meghan was dropped off there was less chance of her stepfather, so-called Dex, seeing me saunter in when I could already be there, blending in and laying in wait. Anyway, I wanted to do reconnaissance of my own. I trusted what my friends heard and saw, but wanted first hand confirmation and other questions answered.
"At least let me come with you to watch your back."
"I can take care of myself. Stay here." I hoped the remaining two feet from the end of the ladder to the ground.
"I don't doubt it, but what about her? If you get caught what do you think is going to happen to her?"
I stopped. Seth made a valid point. The last time I was stupid enough to be seen, Meghan was put under house arrest. Anyway, I wasn't stupid enough to think that as soon as I found her I would be concerned with who else may or may not be in the shadows watching.
Seth dropped down behind me. "Also, I know exactly where she'll be."
Heaving a sigh, I turned around to face his sly grin. "Fine. Lead on."
"She really got to you." Seth broke the silence after we entered city limits. It wasn't a question but an observation.
I didn't answer, too lost in my own thoughts of what I would say when we found Meghan. Or what I would do if she ended up not being there at all that night.
"So, what are you planning to do?"Seth went on. "Steal her away and start a new life together somewhere?"
"Huh?" I finally acknowledged my friend was even trying to speak to me. "Uh, I don't- no. I mean, I've thought about it. We even talked once about just living in this old tree house together. But, obviously that wouldn't realistically work out. I just… I want to make sure she's all right."
"She's being sold to the highest bidder by her own stepfather," Seth stated rather bluntly. "I very much doubt she's 'all right.'" He frowned, shoving his hands deep into his pockets as we walked. "Man, isn't that some shit, though? I mean, we've all been through a lot of shit but that's… that's just a whole new level of fucked up."
"Believe me, I know." It killed me inside to know that poor girl was being used and abused and I could do nothing about it. That I spent so long asking what I did to deserve the hell of a life I had that I didn't even consider there were people out there in worse situations that were even less deserving of them. Learning about Meghan's life made me see mine in an entirely new light.
"Hang on," Seth said, making a sudden detour into a convenience store. I lingered outside impatiently until he returned with a grocery bag.
"What is that for?"
"Trust me." Slinging the bag over his shoulder, we carried on.
It was full dark by the time we made it to the red-light district, but not yet so late that the night prowlers emerged from their caves. This was a part of the city I set foot in only once before and even then it made me feel unsettled. This was a dangerous part of Vancouver where law and order became a morally grey area. Where every reputable looking business was a front for something more profitable and genuinely sinister.
"Do you get the feeling we're being watched?" A chill rattled down my spine as I did a quick sweep around us.
"Probably because we are." Seth gestured to a pawn shop across the street with a subtle tilt of his head. The only indication of life was the glowing end of a cigarette as a man leaned against the front of the closed building.
I watched the figure from the corner of my eye as we continued on by knowing he was just one of many. Dread seeped through my veins at the thought of Meghan out here on these streets.
A few blocks later we stumbled upon the heart of the Eastside and what I always expected the most immoral area of the city to look like. Strip clubs, bars, and adult shops lit up in blazing red neon. Signs flashed "nude" "live sex" "erotic" enticing patrons into their dark interiors where anonymity was the highest form of trade. Through open doors I caught glimpses of girls swinging on poles and dancing in window displays wearing nothing but lacey lingerie. The male part of me involuntarily awakened from the sheer insinuation that blanketed this part of town. It was heavy in the air and impossible to ignore. Shamed as I felt, I realized that was the intention. Otherwise, this bawdy area of the city would cease to exist.
"Little young to be hanging around here." A voice came from above, causing Seth and I to pause and glance up. A woman leaned over a fire escape wrapped in a silk robe, pulling on a cigarette. Her hair fell around her face in wild waves, casting it in shadow as she gazed down at us, turning a matchbook in her fingers.
"We're looking for someone," I said, receiving a jab in side from Seth. I shot him a testing look.
The woman chuckled. "Take it from me, darling, you won't find them here." She bent a delicate, bare, leg back lazily.
"Yes ma'am. You have a good night now," Seth said hurridly. In my shock at his politeness, I didn't protest as he grabbed my jacket to drag me further down the street.
"What was that about?"
"Don't engage unless you're willing to pay. We don't need some 'roid-rager coming down to knock out our teeth."
Too stunned by Seth's unsettling knowledge of this area of town, I didn't argue and merely allowed him to guide me, now rather relieved I allowed him to come along. Who knew what sort of scuffle I would have gotten myself into trying to weasel scraps of information from anyone I met in hopes they knew enough about Meghan to be useful. Oddly enough, it turned out Seth was a much better bet.
"Exactly how much reconnaissance did you and Tommy do when you were here?"
"Enough to be worth it. Here." Having dug into his bag he produced a carton of cigarettes, opening the pack and handing me one. We lit up and continued our stroll. While I didn't think we had any real destination, Seth casually directed our path until we were just a couple of blocks beyond the red light limits.
"Spare a smoke?" A woman leaning against a street lamp, one shoe off in her hand as she massaged her foot, nodded toward us. She was a pretty brunette, not lithe and sexual like the blonde on the balcony, but a humble beauty encased in soft curves.
Seth didn't utter a word as he reached into his pocket for the carton.
"She's not here," the woman murmured, returning her shoe to her foot and standing up again to take a cigarette.
I was startled to realize she and Seth knew each other. Perhaps this was one of the women he and Tommy spoke to the last time they were here. I bit my tongue to keep from jumping at her with a ton of questions. Also because Seth shot me a warning look to be quiet.
"Was she?" Seth asked, taking his time to dig for a lighter.
"No. But her handler was just a few minutes ago." The woman put the cigarette between her lips and leaned in to the open flame in Seth's hand. Her eyes, rimmed with dark eye shadow flickered up to my friend's face. The smoldering look in them made me look away, feeling as if I was intruding on a private moment. What were my friends doing in this area of town, exactly?
The moment gone, she stood erect and blew a stream of smoke into the air. "It's early. I'll bargain he'll be back with her in a few hours."
Seth nodded. "We'll be back."
She studied him with a faint smile. "Bring your wallet so we can finish what we started."
"One for later?" Seth offered her the pack of cigarettes, ignoring the invitation.
She extracted a second one and nodded, throwing a glance my direction. "Sixth and Temple."
And we continued walking, me frustrated and confused, as Seth steered us to the next street.
"Okay, what the hell was that about? Who was she?"
"Maisie. Not sure if that's her real name, but that's what she told me to call her. She's the one we talked to last time we were here. It took a while to… convince her to open up about Meghan." I could have sworn Seth's face flushed. If it weren't so dark I'd have bet on it.
"Convince her how?"
"Well, now that is none of your business. The point is, she knows your girl and agreed to help us." Dropping his butt to the ground, Seth stomped it out.
"Sixth and Temple?"
"Our rendezvous. You gonna finish that?"
I handed over my half-finished cigarette, somewhat awed. "You would make a great Jason Bourne."
Seth took a long toke, dramatically tilting his head to exhale. "Don't I know it."
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ebonyphotographs · 6 years
Hello. Could you do Ignoct and 38 please? :)
Anon, I have delivered. 
The ask was for the 50 Kisses prompts, and 38? A Kiss… Because They’re Running Out of Time
You can read this jazz beneath the cut, or you could click here to see it on my AO3. This was so nice to make so thank you for giving me the chance to create it. I’m glad it has a place in the fandom. Yes it was nice. Nice and sad :’) *spoiler alert* angst at the end
“Nowthen,” the Advisor cleared his throat. “Again. From the top.”
Ignis readjustedhis arms for his Highness’ ease of reach. The pouty Prince hadn’t seemed soexcited to try again though. This had to be the tenth time they had started‘from the top’ this session. Arguing the matter did very little to reassureNoctis that there was a chance for improvement.
“I can’tdance,” he tried telling the determined Chamberlain. Seems he was notgoing to take ‘no’ for an answer - at least not until he could be sure HisRoyal Highness had memorized something from today’s practices. Anything woulddo. He knew Noctis was stubborn. But he could be persistent, too.
Again the stringquartet raised their fingers to the correct notes of their instruments. Theymust have been so sickeningly familiar with this piece that they didn’t want toplay it anymore. Noctis didn’t blame them. He was starting to hate it too,mockingly anticipating each note, strum and chord. Though he picked up theband’s perfection of synchronicity - it’s timing in all its rehearsal - he justcouldn’t get himself to match that rhythm. And he knew it would happen again.Even still he laced his hand with Ignis’, pausing ever so slightly to stare,and came close. He glanced down to be certain he aligned their feet togetherproperly. The same each time; if only he could just stand still in thatposition then he’d be good at something. Oh, if only.
Then the motionscame. Before the third step, the Prince felt he’d already failed.
“It doesn’tmatter how many times you demonstrate this, Specs. That left foot is alwaysgonna be clumsy.”
Calm and collectedthe duration of their waltz, Ignis upkept his pace in the lead. “Nevermind that,” he instructed. His flow failed to skip a beat. “One step at atime.”
“You make thisseem so perfect,” Noctis growled. He lifted his leg and dipped down intoIgnis’ forward bend. Being led like this pissed him off for some reason. It wastoo intimate. Too premeditated. Schedules were a drag enough as it was but thiswas just ridiculous. Ignis knew right where to go without faulter or flaw witheverything he did anyway. This occasion was no exception. He was courteous and(to his own degree) he was nearly seductive. There was charm in his everygesture. His lovely dancing did more than just discourage his partner. He wasdownright embarrassed.
The motions gotaway from Noctis here and there, and Ignis had to pull him in by his waist. “Don’tstray too far,” he’d say. “Stay close.”
“Yeah,right,” Noctis shakily replied. Though he was about as angry as could be,he couldn’t help but obviously gawk at Ignis. He truly was good at these poshinteractions. The routine must have been imbedded in him since he had studiedthese dances for long hours with his father, the King. From the way his lipslightly parted for air in-between spins and the freed look in his soft greeneyes as he twirled, Noctis believed he was actually enjoying this.
Great, well at least one of us is, he thought.
“Oh no. I don’tlike this part.” Noctis dread the chorus. How was he going to get thisdown if he could barely make it a fourth of the way through?
“It’salright,” Ignis stated. “Just focus on the steps. You can strengthenyour technique after committing the steps to memory first.”
“Specs, youknow I can’t do this part. I suck at it.”
“Mind yourlanguage if you would, Highness.” Ignis was sharp to remind him of hismanners though he seamlessly returned to his generous etiquette an instantlater. “Push onward.”
“Ignis comeon-”
“You needn’tuse fear as an excuse to quit. ‘Come on’ yourself, Noct. I believe inyou.”
Where had thischeer come from? Utterly upsetting.
The anxietypressured Noctis’ footwork. And just as he’d foreseen (not at all forced by hisown doubts - by sheer accident) his shoe lifted early above Ignis’ and when itcame down with all its force, the weight of his leg smashed the top of hisoxfords.
“Dammit,”Noctis grunted. He hadn’t wanted the band to hear his vulgar outburst, but thisrepetitive error was just unacceptable. He watched his Advisor give off visualpain. It spread across his face as he cringed his nose and arched his thineyebrows into a frown. “I can’t keep this up,” he winced. “Let’s just faceit. Can we please just stop?”
“No time to stop,”Ignis returned. “That’s what practice is for. You’re doing fine. Justmatch me like you’ve been shown. There’s endless room to grow.”
Noctis made hisbest effort to calm down and adapt. This couldn’t go on much longer. He hadn’tmade it this far into the song before, had he? He didn’t know. His head wasgetting foggy. Relax. What the hell comesnext? A series of agitated sounds escaped the Prince’s mouth in slurs. Themethod vanished. There was no next step; he’d stomped Ignis’ foot but he hadn’tacted offended or slowed at all. Not in the slightest. This was just too much.He didn’t want to think - he just wanted to stop moving.
Ignis laughed atthe noises his Highness made. “You’re falling behind. Does this melody notinspire you? Does it not make you feel beautiful?”
Suddenly, Noctisjerked his body away from their link. “I feel stupid!”
The music skippedand began to fade. Finally, as the silence crept over, Ignis showed hisdisappointment. Noctis turned his head away from everything and folded his armsover his chest in frustration.
After some time ofstanding frozen peering at him in a vex, Ignis sighed out. Seemed pleasantrywas not the way to address this issue. He faced the quartet at the corner ofthe wide-open ballroom knowing all too well that they would hear him in thepitched quiet. “If you wouldn’t mind giving some privacy?” he askedof them. “I’ll send for you…”
Noctis ignored theservants as they bowed their heads in respect and escorted themselves out in anorganized line. Once the heavy double doors creaked closed, Ignis fixed hisglasses and took a breath. Before he could speak anything other than his namein the serious tone he used to get him to mind, Noctis cut him quickly down tosize.
“Being alonewith you isn’t going to change my mind.”
Another sigh cameaggressively from the Chamberlain’s lungs. “Do you really see no purposein growth?” Ignis pinched his brows together and rested his other handagainst his hip. “Mistakes aren’t proof of failure. Rather, theydemonstrate your better ability to learn.”
Noctis peeked athim from the corners of his eyes. His disposition remained protected beneathhis angry guise.
“If you trulyfeel ‘stupid’ as you’d said, then I would like to know why. Can you explain itto me?”
Noctis fidgeted.“…I stepped on you.”
“This is noreason to lose your temper.”
“I stepped onyou each time.”
“Though thatmay be,” Ignis went on, “I still wish to see you try again, your Highness.”
Noctis shook hishead, groaning loudly and unfolded his arms. “No, no not again. I’m notdoing this a hundred more times.”
Ignis managed a chuckle.“The exaggeration is a little unnecessary-”
Two stern eyespointed fiercely in his direction. “After the end of this month, I knowfor a fact we’ll have done this over a hundred miserable times!”
Ignis snapped backinto his professional disposition. He poised himself with certitude as here-approached the royal heir. “I know you’re striving for an end to thepractice. I can guarantee despite your attitude that you are improving.Vividly. Can’t you see that? …Can’t you see what I see?”
“No. I don’tbelieve you.”
Ignis extended ahand out to him. Patiently his fingers intertwined with his. This was no timefor him to lose his temper either. This was just the right time to show love.This was a calling for compassion, not belligerence.
“Do you remembersome years ago when you were small and you had tripped in front of your father?The King and I were standing right there looking at you when it happened. HisMajesty had wanted to coddle you, you know - he forced himself to refrain fromrunning right to you that day. Did you know that? You were fresh from yourwheelchair, walking on your own for the first time since the unfortunatehappening. You had feared our reactions when you sat up and looked to us afterthe fall.”
Noctis recalled theinstance and found himself easing from his tension just a bit. His father wasworried about that?
Ignis raised Noct’shands and massaged his nervous, sweaty palms. “You scrapped your tinyhands. Skid and landed square on your nose. I went to cover my mouth as Igasped, but then I looked to King Regis. I discovered then that he wastranquilly smiling. Your father pat my shoulder and he explained that I shouldnot be afraid, and that I should convince you the same.”
He bat his eyes atIgnis. A personal tale of his father was as rare to hear as it was important.For Ignis himself, the memory of the fall was still clear as ever. So clear infact that it took him away from the ballroom to the day itself when the shadowsof rainwater pelting the windows washed over the Prince as he was inches fromcrying out.
“Yourexpression is still like a photograph in my mind. Our eyes met. I knelt down,arms open, and I encouraged you to get back up and make your way to me. I triedto encourage you that you were going to be okay; that there… was no need to weep.”
Yes, that was whathappened wasn’t it? Ignis was there. He hadn’t left, he was the face he turnedto. The arms he reached towards. Suddenly, Noctis was feeling silly. He feltguilt taking over. Sighing out, his Highness shamefully took a seat on one ofthe cushioned chairs alongside the cello where it had been left behind by itsplayer.
Now he really didfeel stupid.
“Augh… Dad.He cared, huh? Wish he’d said so.”
Ignis bent over infront of Noctis’ lap. He used his fingers to fix his lenses one more timebefore he took his both his hands in his own and lowered his tone to a tenderhush. “He tried to, Noctis. The one he wanted you to care about wasyourself. He left the role of parenting with someone… who,” he started to struggleexplaining the concept, “…could be more present for you in your time of need.”
Noctis grasped forwords to respond. “I don’t know if I believe that. I couldn’t just… Imean, I don’t…”
“I believed inyou, Noct. Just as he did. Don’t you understand? You had all the strength youneeded within you to get to your feet and walk again. And you did. You were sorelieved once you came into my arms. Just as you did then, you can do now. WhatI saw that day was a young man who was learning from the bottom up. It’s notyour fault that you feel at the bottom in this case. You learned from yourprevious handicap and have all you need to do well with this dance, have younot?”
“I guess,”Noctis showed his teeth through a grin. “I expect all the right answers tocome out of you anyway. You might not be holding my hand, but…” Hesoftened. “You still take care of me.”
Ignis giggled.“I’ve seen you trip many times. I’ve seen you get hurt and hurt again Ihave. Even with bruises on your skin you keep moving onward.”
“That doesn’tmean it doesn’t hurt on the inside. What it doesmean though is that, well, I guess I’ve grown kinda… dependent on you. Y-youknow, kn-knowing you’re there and stuff. I don’t know…”
Bashful. How sweet.Ignis beamed with good energy.
“So then,”he lifted Noct’s hands to clench them close to his face. “Know that justas I always have, I understand your struggles. As a part of you, I grow whereyou grow and where you feel pain or anger, I am there alongside you the verysame.”
He took a breathand hesitated a moment. Sometimes he doubted whether he was saying all theright things. Had his advice turned more affectionate than educational? Wasthat really alright? It was almost coming off in a cheesy way.
“Continue todepend on me then,” he nodded. He wasn’t sure he should be saying it, buthe wasn’t stopping himself either. It was impossible to just put it all back inhis mouth like he could pretend it never happened. “I promised to be here.No matter if you’re dancing or falling, my purpose is to guide you. Joy orsorrow, sun or rain, I am here for you.” Ignis lifted his hands up to hislips where he pressed a loving kiss against his fingers. “Could we tryjust a few more times to get the rhythm? Please?”
Noctis’ cheeks hadflushed by the Advisor’s kiss. His pupils trailed upward following Ignis’ bodyas he stood. He lifted Noctis up along with him. It was unfortunate to have toforce him like this - he didn’t exactly want to. For the sake of their timetogether, it had to be done. If it had felt one hundred percent right to teachhis liege to depend on his lead in such ways, he might not have felt soculpable for the inevitable repercussions. There was still plenty of time forhim to grown on his own: to be independent without his hand to hold. But therewas sadly less and less time every second for them to live it out.
Second by bloodysecond…
A prayer to thegods alone would not be enough to save Ignis from the fear of his own handslowing the Prince down. What an awful thought that was. It was as if he couldalready hear the Shield telling him 'you can’t baby him forever’. It was true,and yet…
What if Noctis wasthe one to tell him those things instead? Someday he may very well do so, solong as he had a good reason. Even if he didn’t, Ignis would never want that tohappen. Ignis had to be strict. His elements hadn’t fully prepared him tosustain a proper balance of emotion. Hopefully he had spurred some kind of confidence in his Highness.
“It seems nowthat we are running out of time…”
“Yeah. Iknow.” Noct straightened himself and huffed his cheeks.
“Please tellme that’s not false confidence.”
“I-It’snothing. Please.” Ignis offered him his hand again.
“From thetop?” he asked. He rolled his eyes at first when Ignis said nothing else,but upon placing his arms along the outline of his body, he found himselffeeling safer.
“Can we try itwithout the music? Maybe I can do better if I just… not get the hang of thesong, but, maybe you?”
“Well I mean,I just wanna dance with you. No instruments and maybe no steps for a while. Youknow, free-style it. If I’m gonna have any comfortability, because I know thegala’s gonna blow no matter what, I wanna be comfortable with at least you. Ican hide how sucky I feel around others but I can’t really hide much of that fromyou, huh?”
Ignis stretched hisneck and re-positioned himself. “Maybe this was the wrong direction afterall.” His raised smile suggestedhe wasn’t so upset anymore.
“What do youmean?” Noctis stressed. He was turning red again from having Ignis’ handson him, one around the waste and one still locked with a hand of his own.Touching Ignis’ neck, looking straight into his eyes. Still just as intimate asbefore. Did nothing really change?
“The playerscan wait. They’ll be disband accordingly once our time is through. For now, Ican honor your request. But do you really think you can dance withoutmusic?”
“Nope. But Idon’t need to. It’ll make me uneasy no matter what I do. But it’s whatever.Besides, I can still hear the damn song in my head without hearing it out loud.”
“Right then. Andafter I curve your waltz, your language is next.”
A tapping soundreached Ignis’ ears, slamming him up from his dreams. The absence of rest was afamiliar sensation, even after setting duties as Retainer on the backburner toput survival to top priority.
The world wasblack. There was no difference between the world of unconsciousness and the remnantsof their darkened star. The reduction of Eos - along with all its life andlight - had cast everything into blindness. None knew such struggles as Ignis’actual blindness. Though it hadn’t been a crutch he leant on, those who aidedhim had seen for themselves first-hand the sheer strength he possessed. Heendured this loss of direction, the uncertainty and all its burdens,shouldering perseverance all the way through for ten years.
Ten long years.
Ignis was on hisfeet instantly when he heard the knocking. His ears were always listeningclosely. His lack of vision didn’t give him the need to open his eyelids. Hewouldn’t admit it aloud, but he was still so exhausted from the night before.He could fake it. The effort to do so was there. He hadn’t needed any sensesother than trust to know who was at his tiny motel door.
“Prompto,”Ignis tried to sound wide awake. Maybe it sounded a little too labored. It musthave been obvious that it was fake.
“HeyIggy,” Prompto’s voice came from the other side of the door. From wherethe blonde stood, he heard Ignis practically collide with the door in a rush,unlocking the latches and opening it fast.
A brief burst ofcool air swung from the corners of the door, but Prompto wasn’t hoping to beconvinced of anything. He knew better. By the way of his knock, the situationwas already evident. Even still the scarred man held the breath in his chestuntil it stung him.
“He’s readyfor you.”
And that was all heneeded to hear.
Within minutes,Ignis was dressed as well as he could be. He straightened out what he could anddidn’t bother to make himself look flawless, if he could even truly judge thatanymore. He was sure the one who summoned him would understand. He knew hecouldn’t get himself down to the same key as he once had before. His best wouldhave to be good enough even if it wasn’t the best he’d wanted to present.
Once he was sure hehadn’t foolishly overlooked anything basic (socks, shoes, jacket… yes, he wasindeed wearing clothes) he left behind his room and used the mental map of theLeville he’d memorized - through hours he spent wandered its halls, touchingits frame and tracing its outlines - to make haste for the streets and venturedown to the outlook.
Hurriedly hemarched until the vibrations of the open viewing area made its graveled scrapeson the underneath of his shoes. Grass was starting to grow through the cracksthere. There was a presence awaiting him that he detected immediately, and itmade itself known once he had come close. Ignis could swear his heart wasstopping at the sound.
“Ignis.”It was Noctis. His voice was solemn, Ignis could tell, but then the grownPrince – now a King – laughed. “Slow down. You’re gonna break aheel.”
“You’re hereafterall,” Ignis remarked, pulling a look. He’d so obviously been shakenat the knowledge of being asked for a private moment with him.
“I wasn’tgonna stand you up,” he said soothingly.
Noctis must havebeen fidgeting. He would do that sometimes when he was shy about something, andit wasn’t as if Ignis hadn’t taught his senses to sharpen. Now of all times,his senses were interrupted by the pounding of his veins. His shoulders sankand he tried to make himself relax. He knew there was something sensitive aboutto be unveil.
“As if youhadn’t done so before,” he casually teased. “Your Majesty, if youwouldn’t mind-”
“I’d like tojust say first what I came here to say, before I lose my moxie.”
Ignis heard Noctput his hands into his pockets. He was facing him. Staring directly at him; ifhe wasn’t mistaken. “Even I don’t use that lingo much anymore.”
“Heh, that’sprobably true. Ignis…”
The man swallowed.“Yes?”
Harsh air pooledthrough his teeth as he inhaled deeply. “Tonight, would you uh, please, um…”
The stalling wasdestroying Ignis. He wondered if it was destroying them both. It had been solong since Noctis initiated a serious topic or any sort of emotionalconversation. And since he’d given his word to discuss what was on his mind thenight earlier – not to mention the fact that he sent Prompto as a messenger forthe very sake of the circumstance – he’d been anticipating the outcome. Itstung. It burnt. It brought back feelings in places Ignis had believed to beshut down. Parts of himself he had abandoned. Noctis brought those sensationsback.
He called his nameagain, slowly, with meaning. “Ignis.”
He remainedgrounded and attempted with his best effort to maintain composure as Noctiscame inches closer. “I’m here.”
“I know youare,” Noctis said. “You always have been here for me, even when Icouldn’t be for you.” There was silence. Blind or not, he knew Noct musthave been gazing at the scars painted along his brow beneath the lenses of hisvisors. “Now that we have time, and we’re alone…” the Kingoutstretched a hand towards his Advisor. “I want you to dance withme.”
Ignis blanked. Washe in shock? He knew he’d heard correctly; why in gods’ names was hequestioning it. “A-A dance?” he tilted his head forward.“Now?”
“It’s now ornever. You know I can’t dance, so just say yes. Make this easy for me.”
“Hah, I don’tbelieve this… a dance. Now.”
“Yes. Please?I’m only asking. You don’t have to. And… if you do,” he added kindly,“I’d like you to dance with your Prince, not with the King.”
“So, this iswhat you called me for. To dance.” Ignis grinned softly at first. Itwasn’t long before it blossomed into a blissful smile, wide and honest. He toostretched out his hand and found Noct’s. It was bare and so warm it must havebeen sweaty. “Are you nervous?” he asked.
“What?” Asmidge of fear peeked through his tone. “Why would you-”
“It’s alright,your-… your, Highness… Take my hands. I would be honored to have my feetstepped on again.”
“You are taking this seriously aren’tyou?”
“How could Inot? I’ve longed you in my arms ever since you’d left them.”
So naturally as itwould happen to be, the two had conversed the offer. And just as before, somany many times before, Noctis came close. Perhaps even closer than Ignis had expected.Their chests touched, and soon he felt Noctis’ nose against his. Their fingerslocked, twirling considerately with a delicate hold. Their feet matchedposition. And when Noctis moved, Ignis recognized the steps.
A laugh came out.Really, he’d wanted to cry. Not now. He couldn’t. This was their routinepractice. And the song… even here a million miles away from peaceful galasand royal engagements Ignis could still hear the strings. Every note that had enthusedhim to move and sway.
It all came back.
By the texture ofNoct’s chest, Ignis could feel the fabric of a sleek suit. Had he dressed upjust for this? Noctis was so near, smelling so finely. It was home again. As ifthe endless hell they had suffered never came between them. Noctis spun withgrace and returned promptly. He dipped down as Ignis bent forward over him. Thesame delightful flow. Impressively enough, the lessons had stuck. So he coulddance afterall-
“Dammit,sorry! That was an accident I swear!”
“Foot up, your Highness.” Ignis was sofast on scolding him, he hadn’t even grasped that he had until he felt Noctislean his head far backwards to belt out in laughter. His cheer was socontagious suddenly. So suddenly, the world was fading from its infinite shadesof black, and worlds of color began to return. Here: where they danced with oneanother unafraid. The golds of the ballroom pillars bled into view. The tileson the floor shone and glittered by the light of the tall windows as they movedhand in hand, their shadows whirling through their brilliant rays. All thatmattered was that they were together where they felt timeless. They felt safe.
They feltbeautiful.
As their patternsbegan to slow, repeating one final time before the dreaded end, the dream ofthe Prince started disappearing. It was getting dark again. Everything was beingswallowed by blackness once more. Facts reformed: Ignis was blind and there wasno youth before him. This was the present. The world was in ruin, the Citadelhad been stolen, and their lives were permanently changed. And though he wishedhe could treat this moment as a gift, it was ending. Just as the world was ending.Fate had its place among them and it was closing in over their every lastsecond. Yet again they were running out of time.
He felt Noctis’hand start to slip. It was time for the bow. They’d practically never made itto a proper bow in those years of the past when their anxious Prince forged hisway through dances. The bow was significant, a sign that the experience wasworthwhile for both involved. And it was. But…
This would be thepart where everything would be over and he would have to let go of his hand forthe final time. He couldn’t hold onto it forever. Forever was no longer anoption.
Ignis gripped it.His dearly beloved must have felt the tug. But he pulled away, and pulled likehe meant it. In a cruel way, Noctis was doing him a favor. Had his handsspoken, they might have been begging him to let go. Ignis’ heart was no longerin a state of threatening to cease beating, but it may have been ready tocrumble and break. The hand was gone. It wasn’t coming back.
The two faced oneanother at a distance and lowered their torsos to close their dance. A prayeralone could not hide Ignis’ choked up cries no matter how he may have forcedthem down. What would it take not to hide his face in his hands and wail? Whatwould it take not to embarrass himself now?
This was it. It wasthe end. It was over.
“Anotherkiss?” Noctis whispered. “Would you let me?”
Ignis straightenedhimself out. Upon standing upright, the tears flowed out the corners of hiseyes and dripped down his cheeks. He cursed them all the way for revealingeverything he hadn’t wanted them to. Without answering, his King, his Highness,his friend returned and wrapped his arms around him. He held Ignis close enoughthat he could be rocked by the throbbing of his heart. They held onto oneanother tightly for a long, long while.
It couldn’t erasethe future, but when he kissed him, it was all it took to preserve their past.A kiss upon his lips to remind him of the taste of life and love and all thelessons they’d learned from it. To the last bitter touch, his kiss stainedIgnis’ mouth, and it remained there, somewhere it would be protected by the fulfillmentof a single promise.
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chokememrstark · 6 years
The Soulmate Sam Never Asked For // Part 11
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2411 (Chapter 11 / 12)
Fic Summary: Sam knows it's a long shot, but he really wants to help Lucifer and his brothers, so he contacts an old friend of his dad. Bobby, whom he has not seen in years but has fond memories off, turns out to be a true life savior and with his help, Sam actually begins to think everything will turn out to be good in the end.
college!AU, human!AU, soulmates!AU, dysfunctional families, abusive parents, dramatic romance, or romantic drama, your choice, big brother!Lucifer, soulmates hating each other, referenced alcoholism, death and abuse, some violence, and lots of feels, fluff and cuteness, some drama but not too much, lots of bickering, and two damn stubborn soulmates (!!)
Note: One chapter to go after this! Are you ready?
Tagging: @shebahda   @sassysupernaturalsweetheart    @spnyoucantkeepmedown  @brieflymaximumprincess @multifandomhcsforinsanity @etysky @justasmalltownsuperwholock @humongouscandycoffee @daddycasstiel @nnegann @blakechaos08
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
 It took Sam a few minutes after Lucifer had left to fully compose himself and his thoughts, but eventually he managed to focus back on what he wanted to do. There was a lot he had to tackle and even though he wasn’t sure about succeeding, he wanted to give it a try at least. After all, they were friends by now - probably more but Sam was still very much in denial about that - and seeing a friend suffer like this was enough reason to try and help him. Soulmates or not, he wasn’t going to let Lucifer go back to that human trash that called himself his father, no way.
 First, Sam went to see Ellen, the school counselor, again to talk about his current living situation. As it turned out the fact that he usually had no roommate was very helpful. Ellen assured him that Lucifer could stay for up to four weeks, because he was a student himself. After that he had to look for a different place to stay, but Sam hoped that there wouldn’t be a need for that by this time anymore. He thanked her and told her he’d attend classes again the next week, before going back to his room for the next thing on his list: call his brother.
 Dean was surprised that Sam called him this early, but more than that he was very happy and relieved. He monologued for a while about how Sam had to take it easy for a while and look after himself and the younger brother listened to everything patiently before finally asking the question he desperately wanted to ask.
 “You don’t happen to still have Bobby’s number, do you?” Bobby was an old friend of their dad, the only one that was actually reliable and nice, and Sam remembered that he had lived in Stanford a few years ago.
 “Bobby? Why do you want Bobby’s number?” Dean asked suspicious and Sam could almost hear his brother raise a brow at him.
 “It’s a long story. To keep it short: I need to talk to him about something important. Nothing to worry about, really.”
 “Wanna pay the old man a visit, huh?” Dean laughed, making Sam smirk slightly. “You’re lucky, I still have his number, but I don’t know if it’s still active.”
 “Just give it to me, I’ll find out soon enough.”
 Sam quickly wrote down the number Dean gave him after a few minutes of searching and thanked his brother. He promised to call back soon, but right now he was too focused on trying to reach Bobby to chat any longer - he didn’t say that of course, just that he was busy.
 After Sam dialed the number Dean gave him he felt a stone drop in his stomach when an electronic voice told him that it was unavailable. He already saw all his hopes vanish while checking the number again, only to realize he had switched two digits in his haste and anticipation. Relieved, he dialed the right number and this time it actually rang.
 “Singer Auto Salvage,” a grumpy voice answered the phone and Sam sank back onto his bed feeling ten pounds lighter already. “How can I help you?”
 “Bobby? It’s me, Sam. Remember me?”
 “Sam?” Bobby asked surprised, but not without a hint of recognition in his voice. “John Winchester’s boy?”
 “The one and only,” Sam grinned. “Okay, not the only one, but yeah, that Sam.”
 “Now that’s what I call a surprise!��� Bobby said and laughed deep and rough. “What gives me the honor, boy?”
 “I’m in a little dilemma right now and wondered if you might be able to help me out,” Sam said and bit his lip. “Are you still in Stanford?”
 “Never left the place after coming here,” Bobby huffed with a hint of pride. “What dilemma are we talking about? Car broke down, drugs, police?”
 “No no no!” Sam quickly said and sat back up. “None of that, really! It’s more of a… living situation… I guess?”
 “Alright boy, stop dancing around the fire and spit it out.”
 And so Sam did. He told Bobby as much as he had to without digging into the soulmate thing too much, just telling him that Lucifer was a very good friend and about the horrible conditions he lived under. He felt stupid for taking so much time to explain, but it was a long story and Bobby was the only one who might be able to help him at the moment. After he was done the phone was silent for almost a minute before he finally heard a deep and long sigh at the other end.
 “Oh boy, you really know how to get yourself into trouble, don’t you?”
 “You know who my brother is, do you really have to ask?”
 “Don’t get me started on that one,” Bobby growled. “He      would    have called because he sat in jail.”
 “Probably, yeah,” Sam laughed. “So, can you help me out somehow? I don’t really know who else to ask…”
 “You’re lucky, boy,” Bobby said, raising Sam’s hope for the first time that day. “You remember the house I lived in when you visited me with your dad as a kid?”
 “The one you sold when you bought your salvage yard?” Sam asked surprised.
 “That one, but I never sold it. It’s still mine, it’s just been empty for a few years. You can have it if you want to, but there’s a few things that need to be done. It’s not in the best shape anymore, but better than nothing.”
 “Really?” Sam couldn’t believe it. “Bobby, you’re saving my ass, thank you!”
 “Don’t thank me yet, as I said, there’s some things to do. The stairs need to be repaired and the electricity is a bitch, but if you wanna take it, I’ll help you with that.”
 “I don’t know what to say, that’s awesome! Where is it? I can’t remember anymore. Is it far from college? Can I take a look at it?”
 “Whoa, slow down, boy,” Bobby laughed. “It’s about half an hour away if you walk,I can show it to you today if you want to, the yard is closed anyways. How about we meet there in an hour? I need to find the keys first, haven’t been there in a while.”
 “Of course, yes! Can you give me the address? I’ll be there!”
 “Eager as always,” Bobby laughed and Sam joined in immediately. “Get some paper, I’ll tell you where to go.”
 Sam already had that luckily, so he quickly wrote down the address and thanked Bobby again before hanging up. He didn’t dare to be too excited yet, after all the house could be a huge mess, but this was more than he had hoped for. He debated for a moment whether he should tell Lucifer already or not, but given this concerned him too he decided to go for it. When he broke the news to him, Lucifer was very confused.
 “Wait, what are you talking about?”
 “Okay, sorry, I’m not making sense, I know.” Sam scratched his head and took a deep breath. “I talked to a family friend, Bobby, who lives here too. He owns a house that he used to live in a few years ago, as far as I remember it’s rather big too. He said he can show me today but there will be a few things that need to be done. But I can have it, he said.”
 “Wow, that’s… wow…”
 “Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, it won’t be perfect, but I wanted to ask if you wanna come and take a look at it with us? Maybe this could be a way out. It’s half an hour away from campus, so not that far, what do you say?”
 “I can’t say no, can I?” Lucifer asked and Sam heard him chuckle. “Alright, give me the address and I’ll come over. Afterwards you can come with me and visit Raph, he’s asking for you already.”
 “Of course, yes!” Sam agreed excited and gave Lucifer the address. “See you in an hour, okay?”
 “I’ll be there. And do me a favor; don’t wet your pants yet. From all you know it could be a disaster.”
 “Yeah, but a disaster is still better than being homeless, right? See you later!”
 Sam hung up and finally allowed himself to breathe again. If this would turn out to be a place they could stay in, things might turn out good somehow. He wasn’t sure how bad the state of the house truly was, Lucifer was right with that, but he knew Bobby and how good he was when it came to repairing things - with his help they’d be able to manage.
 Waiting was almost like torture, so in the end, Sam called a taxi after just half an hour and arrived at the house fifteen minutes early. This, however, gave him the time to take a look at it from the outside already. It wasn’t as bad as he had expected. One of the window blinds was hanging off, a window was cracked and it desperately needed a paint job, but overall it seemed to be in a rather solid condition. Sam also noticed that there was apparently a yard in the back of the house that he didn’t remember, which looked like a little jungle from all the neglect, but definitely had a certain charm to it. He was still leaning over the small iron gate that led into it when he suddenly felt a strong grip on his shoulder and nearly jumped out of his skin as he spun around.
 “Bobby!” Sam yelped at the sight of the man in front of him - visibly older than he remembered him but recognizable right away with his worn trademark basecap and the beard that covered half his face. “Don’t scare me like that!”
 “You’ve grown quite a bit,” Bobby said and Sam saw a smile under his beard. “Last time I saw you you barely reached my head when jumping.”
 “It’s been a while, yeah,” Sam laughed awkwardly and the next second he was pulled into a big hug that nearly pushed the air out of his lungs.
 “Good to see you again, boy,” Bobby said and patted Sam’s back roughly. “Good to see you again.”
 “Same here, Bobby,” Sam gasped and returned the gesture weakly. “It’s been way too long.”
 “So, wanna take a look inside?”
 “In a minute, my friend comes over too, is that alright?” Sam asked a bit embarrassed. “I thought he might wanna see it himself, you know.”
 “No problem, we have time after all,” Bobby smiled. “What do you think so far?”
 “Looks good,” Sam smiled back and turned towards the house again, bracing his hips. “I expected worse to be honest, but it looks almost like all those years ago.”
 “You know I take good care of my belongings,” Bobby laughed, crossing his arms. “I would have stayed here but the Salvage Yard was too good of a deal to pass on it. Still come here from time to time to dwell in memories.”
 “You sure loved this place, didn’t you?”
 “Of course,” Bobby nodded slowly. “Karen fell in love with it when she first saw it and there was no way I couldn’t have bought it. I tried to keep it all in good shape after she died, that was the least I could do for her.”
 “You did a great job, Bobby,” Sam said and laid a hand on the older man’s shoulder in sympathy. “We’ll take good care of it, I promise.”
 “I know you will. You’ve always been the responsible one in your family, even as a kid. I trust you with this.”
 Sam smiled when he heard a car drive up to them, making the two turn around. A minute passed before the passenger’s door open and Lucifer stepped out, which made Sam’s smile widen a bit as the other walked over to them.
 “Lucifer, finally! This is my old friend Bobby,” Sam introduced the two. “Bobby, this is Lucifer, the friend I told you about.”
 Lucifer held out his hand and shook Bobby’s, both eyeing each other extensively.
 “Pleasure to meet you;” Lucifer smiled, to which Bobby nodded slowly.
 “Same here, son. Now that everyone’s here, how about we take a look inside?”
 The old man let go of Lucifer’s hand and fetched a bundle of keys from his pocket while the two boys walked up behind him. Lucifer gave Sam a weird and amused smile, to which Sam had a hard time suppressing the urge to laugh.
 Bobby made sure to show the boys every inch of the house, from the basement to the attic it took around an hour to see everything. The stairway needed a new rail and had a few broken steps, the electricity did act up from time to time as Bobby had told Sam and one of the toilets didn’t work, but other than that all the house really needed was a good clean up and some new paint. Sam was surprised how big the house actually was, with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big living room and a big kitchen with a dining area it was the perfect size for their needs. And the garden, even though wild and untamed right now, was a great addition to the whole place.
 “What do you think? A bit of work and it should be as good as new,” Bobby said after they walked back out.
 “It’s a great house indeed,” Lucifer agreed and looked up at the building. “And you really want to offer it to us?”
 “Of course,” Bobby nodded. “It’s a shame no one is living here anymore and I’d be glad to know it in good hands.”
 “It will be, promised!” Sam assured him immediately. “I’m sure Raph will love it too, not to talk about Gabriel.”
 “Oh yes, I’m sure they would love it,” Lucifer smiled. “I’m out of words, really. I can’t thank you enough for your offer, I promise you we will take good care of it.”
 “You better,” Bobby laughed and eyed Lucifer closely again. “I’ll know where you live, remember that.”
 At that, all three of them laughed and Sam hadn't felt this content in a very long time. Yes, maybe things would turn out good after all. He really hoped so at least.
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mayumi-sato · 7 years
Thin Ice.
For the 15th day of @pruausadventcalendar! Theme: Winter Sports!
To sit on a bench at the skating rink, drink a glass of espresso watch Gilbert's skates ripping the ice surface was pretty much everything Roderich Eldestein did during his week.
That wasn’t a bad routine, though, and he didn’t regret his choice to retire from professional skating and become a coach. After all, he no longer had the energy he had had in his early teens and he always wanted to have more time to devote to his hobbies, anyway. He wanted to have more time to play the piano, to watch operas and to sleep without having to worry about having to wake up early to practice.
However, there was still pressure, of course. Preposterous rumors on him abandoning skating as if it never matter to him and that he had never liked the sport in the first place spread all around. Absurd. While all that was indeed completely true, Roderich didn’t like people pointing fingers at him. How dared them accuse him of things that he actually did? So rude.
Under all this pressure, eventually he decided to become a coach. However, he chose to coach a figure skater with such an egomaniac, awkward, ungraceful and unfunny personality that he would definitely never get anywhere in his career. Nobody believed in his potential and nobody invested on him.
Roderich was no exception to that.
Gilbert’s lack of popularity  also meant lack of work to be done by Roderich, which was pretty convenient for him. Instead of having to invest time and effort into his training, Roderich only came up to see a few of his practices and still kept reading romance novels in a corner, only occasionally raising his face to make criticisms of what he saw wrong in his technique so that Beilschmidt wouldn’t get too cocky.
Yet, Gilbert Beilschmidt being the annoying unbearable prat that he was, won a gold medal for Germany in the Grand Prix, without any of Roderich’s help. It was simply outrageous. Roderich was so shocked that he barely managed to say a word to the reporters who surrounded him after the competition. Not that he needed to say anything because Gilbert bragged about the victory enough for both of them.
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. How did it happen? It was possible that Gilbert, despite being pretty much a clown and having no elegance at all… Was still good at skating? It was possible, in fact, that those personality traits had nothing to do with someone’s ability to do a good work?  
From that first victory, Roderich decided to look a little better at the person he was training and try to understand how the hell that complete moron had won a Grand Prix.
And who would have guessed? Watching again his presentation, it was clear to Roderich that Gilbert had won because he deserved it. Apparently, there were many things that you could complain about Gilbert Beilschmidt, but being lazy and not going well in the competitions were not among them. His presentation at the Grand Prix was quite impressive in technical terms. He jumped to incredible heights and made complex sequences of movements that were truly hard to archive.
If Roderich had to point out a fault in his presentation, it would be the fact that Gilbert seemed disconnected from the song when he skated. His notes on the artistic side of the presentation were always his lowest. Something ironic considering that those marks were always Roderich's highest ones.
As a good artistic skater, Roderich felt obligated to tell that to Gilbert.
To his surprise, Gilbert's reaction to this observation was not "Well, then I'm just going to jump higher!" but actually…
"Yeah, I also thought so. I'll try harder. I can only be in peace with myself when, despite having the worst coach in the world, I manage to destroy his world record,”  he said with a bright smile that had almost the same effect of a glove thrown in Roderich’s face. The nerve!
Roderich couldn’t continue to neglect him after such a provocation. It would be far better to take credit for that fool's victory than to have to hear that Gilbert got it without his help.
That’s how we come to be point of the beginning of the story. Now, Roderich came to watch Gilbert's practice almost every day, analyzing in detail what he was doing and giving him instructions about every step of his practice.
Roderich always did that, sat on his bench, always drinking some hot drink during this, because no, he did not want to get up to do something. That was too much.
And surprisingly, he found himself watching Gilbert's progress and even admiring it... a little bit. Gilbert was so fast, so confident in himself, so strong... It was a little exciting to watch him, Roderich had to admit. Sometimes simply observing him was more effective at warming up his body than his coffee.
Gilbert's personality also seemed more bearable over the months. Roderich could appreciate the artistic references in some of Gilbert’s jokes, his punctuality in getting to practice, his determination, the way he laughed loud and clear, the great smell of his cologne, his honesty in all circumstances and etc.
After a year of working with him, he might even be an affable fellow, if not for something that irritated Roderich the most in his behavior.
Gilbert made many jokes. Most of them stupid, but easy to be rebutted in a way that was fun for Roderich as well. Some of these jokes, however, were very suggestive and very annoying.
"You know, skating isn’t the only thing I’m good at! Wink wink!” “Don’t say ‘wink wink’ out loud. No one does this in the real world.”
Usually, Roderich really wouldn’t bother to be courted by a man, let alone one with whom he had had some suggestive dreams lately. Still, it was incredibly annoying to have Gilbert jokingly flirting with him not because of the flirting but because of the joking part of it.
It was annoying because he knew Gilbert was joking when he said "Can I triple axel over the rules of first dates and kiss you already?" and other similar lines, looking at Roderich during his practices. That wasn’t funny. In fact, Roderich thought it was almost offensive that Gilbert saw as something so hilarious the idea that there might be some chemistry between them.
Most of the time, he would retort these jokes with a simple "idiot" or a long silence of disapproval. One day, though, when they were really close to Gilbert’s next competition, that idiot made the following joke:
"If I win this competition, can you take me on a date? I want a premium date, young lord. With champagne, roses and a declaration of your eternal love for me at the end of the night.”
And this time, Roderich, pretty tired of helping Gilbert with his intense practices before the competition and from decoding his jokes as if he were a decryptor machine,  simply couldn’t take it anymore.
"Yes," he said flatly and completely serious. "If you win, I'll take you on a date."
Now, the answer that Roderich was expecting was "oh, I wasn’t being serious about it. Did you think I was being serious? Sorry, but I'm heterosexual and I already have plans to sleep with thirty girls after the competition."
Yet, instead, he saw Gilbert blush, giving him a long glance that emitted something in the spectrum between disbelief and mistrust, with his mouth hanging slightly open.
“Are you serious right now? I don’t enjoy those sort of jokes, young lord.”
I don’t enjoy those sort of jokes, he said. Gilbert said it.
“What are you talking about?! You ALWAYS make such jokes, you loud baboon!” Roderich snapped, getting up at once and almost knocking his coffee over his clothes.
“They’re not jokes! I'm sorry if you didn’t understand the clever subtlety of my flirtations but I'm extremely serious about this, Rod! In fact, few people in this world can say that they are as serious as I am!” Gilbert approached him, pointing at his chest. He looked almost affronted, which was incredibly unfair.
"You were laughing this morning because of that article about a parrot who learned to swear and screamed when thieves broke into its house. Roderich pointed back, accusingly.
“Did you read the full article? The parrot kept yelling ‘fuck, fuck’ while thieves were invading the house! I’m a serious person but I’m still a person, aristocrat!  If I didn’t laugh at that, I would be a total robot. That article should be a Turing test or something.”
Roderich was rolling his eyes, about to list for Gilbert every time he had laughed at ridiculous things in front of him, even if that would take days, when…
"A-Anyway, I'm serious about this! I swear to you that I can make the best jokes in the world in a few minutes, but now I have to know this! Rod! If I win this medal, can we go on a date?!”
It only took a longer, more attentive look so that Roderich could see that this time Gilbert was serious. His breath was racing, his fists were closed, his face was red... He had the same look of anticipation that he had while waiting for his results after a contest. Oh… So Gilbert wanted to go out with him. That was fortunate considering that Roderich wanted the same for months but was too proud to say anything. “... I can manage the roses but If we drink champagne, you will pay for it.” Roderich answered, offering his hand to seal the deal, and he felt his heart flutter a little at the genuine, almost dumb smile that spread across Gilbert's face when he heard it.
"Heh, I should have guessed you'd be stingy even in that context," He laughed, covering his mouth with his hand and giving Roderich a genuinely amused look. Offended, Roderich wanted to tell him to forget anything he had said, but Gilbert raised his hand first and interrupted him with a appeasing voice. "All right, all right. I didn’t become a renowned athlete for nothing. I had to impress the aristocratic coach for whom I had a crush and pay for a fancy dinner with him. That was the goal, you know.”
… Really?
“So… Are we going on a date when I win?”
“If you win.”
“We have a deal!” he said excitedly, pulling Roderich's hand so hard that he fell in his arms.
And all that can be said after this is that this was far from the last time Roderich Eldestein would fall into his arms.
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desktopgargoyle · 7 years
the road trip series - chapter 2
so this took a little longer to write than i would have originally liked, but what can i say? i’m a student, i have deadlines. anyway, here’s chapter 2 of the road trip series! reviews and criticism are always appreciated :)
i’d like to credit @captainlittlegrasshopper for nino’s playlist in this chapter (which you can listen to here)
ff.net version
chapter two
“This is the Worst. Trip. Ever.” Alya folds her arms and sinks even lower into her seat, propping her feet up on the dashboard as she does so. They’ve been stuck in traffic for around two hours now and she’s willing to bet that they’ve moved about three feet at most.
“Hey, hey, hey! Feet off the dash, Al!” Nino exclaims a little too loudly. “I had the car cleaned last week, there’s no way I’m paying for another clean this week!”
“Calm down, Lahiffe. They’re just socks, they’re not gonna leave footprints or marks or anything.” Alya brushes him off and grabs her phone. She might as well scroll through Instagram for the dozenth time, even if it ends up being the same posts that she scrolled through not even twenty minutes ago.
As expected, nothing new has happened since she last checked. She scrolls through the same pictures of Chloé’s sushi (artfully taken by Sabrina, of course), Rose and Juleka in Amsterdam, Nathaniel’s latest half-completed painting for his upcoming gallery show. Everyone is doing awesome things (apart from Chloé because, in Alya’s opinion, there is nothing particularly interesting about raw fish) and Alya is stuck in traffic. She’s about to check Snapchat when Adrien suggests that they play ‘I Spy’.
“Not that I have anything against ‘I Spy’, but we’re not seven, Adrien.” Alya glances at him in the rear-view mirror and it takes all her willpower to look away because he’s making that face. That face is the face he pulls whenever he really wants someone to agree with him and it’s so, so much more powerful than his pouty face. His eyes widen and this childlike grin splits across his face and he looks so much like a stupid baby kitten that Alya just wants to squish him and boop his nose.
Damn her maternal instincts.
“Please, Alya? Pretty pretty please with sprinkles and a cherry on top?”
She resists pointing out that she actually hates cherries and, against her better judgement, agrees. “Fine. We’ll play ‘I Spy’. But be warned, Agreste. I will end you.” If she’s gonna play, she’s gonna play right.
Adrien does a little happy dance before declaring that he’ll go first. “I Spy with my little eye…something beginning with...T?”
“Really, Agreste? T?” Alya throws him a disbelieving look over her shoulder. “It’s a tree. You can see trees.” She facepalms as he nods sheepishly. “Look, Adrien. I know you didn’t really play this game that much as a kid, but come on! You gotta be more original and inventive than that.”
Adrien huffs and has a quiet strop while Alya begins her turn.
“…something beginning with…S.”
Adrien looks around. “Sky?” Alya shakes her head. “Seat?” Alya shakes her head again. This is turning out to be a lot more difficult than Adrien anticipated. Whenever he had played with Chloé when they were kids she’d always use the same thing: M for ‘Me’! I’m the only thing worth looking at around here, Adrikins.
After fifteen minutes, Alya’s already shot down ‘seatbelt’, ‘steering wheel’, and ‘stereo’ and at this point Adrien is losing the will to continue. On the plus side, traffic has started moving so he’ll try to focus on the positives.
“Nope.” Alya responds, popping the ‘p’ smugly. Adrien scowls as she sticks her tongue out at him.
“Sun?” Marinette has woken up from her nap at this point. Adrien glances at her and chuckles at the indent on her cheek from the door. She’s completely oblivious to this, however, as she rubs her bleary eyes and stretches her arms out, yawning languidly and almost whacking Adrien in the face as she does so.
“You guys are the absolute worst at this, how have you not guessed –”
“Socks.” Nino cuts Alya off mid-sentence, smirking at her as he watches all previous satisfaction drain from her face. He shoots her a wink and she squeaks in indignation.
“How –”
“Psychic, babe. C’mon, you know this already, Al.” He watches with a sly grin as Alya huffs and crosses her arms, muttering about how her stupid boyfriend is an idiot and never lets me win anything I should just break up with him now.
“You know you love me, Al. You’re contractually obligated to love me forever and ever and ever.”
“And I regret that decision more and more each day.”
“Liar.” Nino leans over and kisses Alya’s cheek, smiling widely as her cheeks flush slightly.
Adrien shakes his head fondly at his two idiot friends in the front seats. They’re good for each other, no matter how much they annoy each other, and they fit together so well in a way that Adrien has never really seen before. Healthy relationships haven’t exactly been a big part of his life and watching Nino and Alya together gives him just the slightest sliver of hope that maybe, one day, he’ll have something just as special. If his eyes happen to flick towards Marinette for even just a couple of seconds, Adrien doesn’t dwell on it.
He’s so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice Marinette’s eyes lingering on him, the same sentiment of hope reflecting in them. By the time he shakes off his reverie and looks over at her properly, the shining look from moments ago has passed and he finds her instead sketching diligently what appears to be a new coat design.
“So, do I get a turn at this game or have we all stopped playing?” Nino asks. “Because I think I could be really good at this, y’know?” He drums his fingers lightly on the steering wheel in a weirdly complex rhythm.
Alya nods begrudgingly, still mumbling under her breath.
“Right, here we go, my dudes. I spy with my little eye something beginning with…”
“HOLY SHIT NINO WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” Alya screams as the car careers close to the central reservation of the motorway and jolts suddenly as Nino suddenly swerves back onto the lane, away from the metal dividing strip.
“I don’t think that’s a letter, babe. Did you forget the rules of the game?” Nino jokes weakly, trying to cover the situation with some questionable humour.
Alya raises an eyebrow at him, evidently unimpressed. “That’s it. Switch with me, there’s a service station in ten minutes and I don’t want any arguments from you. You’ve been driving for four hours and you’ve only had three hours sleep.” She pats his knee softly in reassurance.
Nino sighs and agrees, albeit reluctantly.
“Hey, if you want you can switch seats with me so you have more room to nap in the back here?” Marinette suggests. She knows only too well the struggle of staying awake with a sleeping pattern like Nino’s. It’s part of the reason she naps so much in car journeys; any rest she can get is valuable.
“Thanks, Maribro, I think I’ll take you up on that.” Nino shoots her a grateful look.
Thirteen kilometres later, they pull into the service station and get out of the car in order to look for food. The road trip snacks have been helpful in keeping them mostly satisfied, but after four hours it’s a unanimous decision that they need some real food right about now.
The service station is, to be quite honest, a bit of a dump. Sure, it’s got good parking but, other than that, there really isn’t anything positive to say about it. Nino sighs. When they had agreed on ‘real food’, they’d been hoping for more options than just a hotdog stand, a McDonald’s, and a Starbucks. And not even a good Starbucks, for that matter.
“I guess there’s only really one option then.” Nino says as he locks the car, unlocks it, and then locks it again. “What? I do that for security reasons, Mari. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Remind me again why we decided against packing our own lunch?”
“We didn’t decide against packing lunch, Agreste. You just decided against waking up early enough to do so.” Alya pokes Adrien in the side.
Adrien gives a long-suffering sigh. “I regret that. I regret that very much.”
“I guess now would be a good time to say that I packed lunch for everyone anyway, right?.” Marinette chirps, snatching Nino’s keys and unlocking the car again in order to grab her picnic basket from the boot. “Impromptu picnic, anyone?”
The looks on her friends’ faces are perhaps the funniest Marinette has seen in a while. Alya’s face is a mix of relief and ‘why-didn’t-I-think-of-this’, Nino is staring at the picnic basket with what can only be described as adoration (she thinks that he may be drooling slightly), and Adrien- well. Adrien’s face has lit up with possibly every happy emotion and he’s looking at her in such awe that she thinks she might burst (although she’s pretty sure that he is just very hungry and he’s really thinking about food).
“Marinette you’re a genius! I could just kiss you!” Adrien shouts, racing over to her and throwing his arms around her. Yep. He’s definitely just really hungry. There’s no way on earth he’d say something like that to her in any normal situation.
Nevertheless, Marinette’s face turns a million different shades of red. “Uh, it was – I mean, and well…you know – I – um – no problem, it was – not deal big – Wait! I mean, not a dig beal- big deal! Uh, yeah.” Out of the corner of her eye she can see Alya facepalming and Nino laughing hysterically, but she decides to ignore them as she always does when she makes a fool out of herself in front of Adrien. “What I meant to say was, it’s not a big deal and, to be honest, I kinda saw this coming.” Marinette breathes a sigh of relief, having finally managed to complete her sentence like an actual functioning human being.
The end up sitting inside of the car, passing food around and chatting about nothing in particular. Maybe ‘picnic’ wasn’t exactly the right word for…whatever this is. But, Marinette reasons to herself, they’re happy and relaxed and more awake with all the food.
“Bro, chill out with the cheese there, would you?” Nino laughs, slapping Adrien on the back and causing him to almost choke. “Get some variation in your diet!”
“What? I like cheese, okay?” Adrien says, mouth still full. Nobody really knows why Adrien loves cheese so much but it’s always been a thing. He says that it’s his cat’s fault because Plagg just really loves cheese and I end up buying so much of it that it’s all I have in my fridge.
Marinette has always found this explanation slightly suspicious, since she’s pretty sure that she read somewhere that cats are lactose intolerant but, then again, she knows Plagg only too well.
Nino has stopped questioning the Cheese Thing because he has, for a fact, seen that cat devour half a wheel of camembert. It was slightly unnerving the first time it happened but he has since gotten used to Plagg’s strange eating habits.
Alya is the only one to make sure that Plagg gets actual cat food. It’s not that Adrien doesn’t ever buy actual cat food, it’s just that he forgets. A lot. But Alya makes sure to buy the massive bags so that Adrien rarely runs out.
Nino, from where he is now seated in the back seat, reaches forward to grab his phone. He clicks onto a playlist and grins to himself. It’s a playlist that Marinette doesn’t recognise and now she’s certain that he’s broken Rule Number 1 of the Road Trip Playlist Committee Rulebook. She has reason to believe that this is, in fact, the second time Nino has done so. This has yet to be confirmed. He winks at her and Marinette suddenly has the feeling that Nino knows something she doesn’t. She scowls and watches as he grins at her, all his annoyingly perfect teeth on display. Yep. He definitely knows something.
Nino is squealing on the inside as he looks down at his phone. His newest playlist, the ‘omg-adrien-is-looking-at-mari-like-/that/-again-and-it’s-so-FRICKING CUTE’ one, is currently blasting in the car and, honestly, he never thought he’d see the day. Both Marinette and Adrien are completely oblivious. Which, he supposes, isn’t necessarily new with them because he’s been trying to get them together for forever and they’re too caught up in pining for each other to realise. Maybe Marinette more so than Adrien.
From: the idiot I’m in love with To: the light of my life AL AL AL AL AL GUESS WHAT
From: the light of my life To: the idiot I’m in love with Babe, I’m sitting directly in front of you. Why are you texting me?
From: the idiot I’m in love with To: the light of my life LOOK FRICKING_CUTE_playlist.jpg
From: the light of my life To: the idiot I’m in love with Are you telling me you made a playlist especially for when Adrien looks at Mari?
From: the idiot I’m in love with To: the light of my life affirmative that is exactly what I’m telling you
From: the light of my life To: the idiot I’m in love with This is genius. But you’re still an idiot.
From: the idiot I’m in love with To: the light of my life go on…say it!!!11!!
From: the light of my life To: the idiot I’m in love with fine. You’re my idiot.
Alya groans audibly at the sound of Nino’s satisfied laugh. Nevertheless, she smiles and glances back down at her phone. Nino is always so incredibly sweet and she wonders how on earth she managed to get this lucky. Sure, he may cause her to roll her eyes more times in a day than is strictly necessary, but she loves him. It took her a long time to admit that, to both herself and Nino. Far longer than it should have, if she’s being honest with herself.
When they first started dating, it wasn’t actually on purpose. It was the week after Alya’s 16th birthday. The plan had been for all four of them to go to the cinema to see some horror film that she no longer remembers the name of. It was supposed to be a pretty standard hangout, which it was, until Adrien and Marinette both found reasons to back out. Adrien supposedly had a photoshoot and Marinette was apparently given a last-minute shift at the bakery. It was all rather fishy to Alya at the time, but she didn’t think anything of it.
She and Nino had never really hung out without either Marinette or Adrien present. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to hang out without the others, but they’d just never really found occasion to. Of course, it was a little awkward at the start but, they soon found that they had a natural rhythm and that they clicked in a way that they never had before. It wasn’t necessarily in a romantic sense, but there was something there.
After the movie, food seemed like the logical option. Nino suggested that they pay for each other’s food. “I have a very logical reason for this so we’re gonna run this like a lab experiment.” He had said as they headed in the direction of the pizza place opposite the cinema. “Here’s the hypothesis: by paying for each other’s meals, rather than our own, we still have the option to split the bill but we can also still do something nice for the other person. That way I can afford bubble gum tomorrow morning, you can afford coffee tomorrow morning, and we’ll still have paid for something that isn’t for us.”
Alya had readily agreed, as coffee always took priority in her life, and that was that. Nino had walked her home from the bus stop, they’d deliberated over whether or not to hug before eventually settling on a high-five, and then the not-quite-a-date was over. Neither of them really expected anything to happen between them. They were just friends.
The next morning Alya, in what is perhaps still recognised as her most uncharacteristic act, decided to forego her morning coffee from the small café three streets over in favour of buying bubble gum. It was just meant to be something small and nice, to let Nino know that she would be up for hanging out again, if he wanted.
Nino texted her to meet him by the Trocadero. She eventually found him, small-café-three-streets-over-coffee in hand, and the rest was history. She may have fallen a little bit in love with him in that moment. But he is never allowed to know.
“What are you thinking about?” Marinette pokes Alya sharply in the ribs, causing her to jump.
“Nothing important,” Alya hisses in pain, rubbing her side and shooting a glare at Marinette. “Just thinking about the not-quite-date.”
Marinette giggles. “You are so sappy, you know that, right? You get this weird dreamy look in your eye and I swear I heard you sigh at least twice.”
“No way! I’m not sappy, Nino’s the sappy one!” Alya huffs. It’s true; she is the sappy one. Marinette knows it, Alya knows it, they all know it.
“Oh yeah? Well when is you guys’ anniversary, huh?”
“Six days, four hours, and twenty-seven minutes.” Alya mumbles, somewhat embarrassed.
“Wait, you seriously remember –”
“I have a countdown on my phone.”
Marinette raises an amused eyebrow as Alya turns an even brighter shade of red. She leans over and envelops Alya in a hug.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed about it, Al. I think it’s cute.”
Alya laughs. “Thanks, Mari. I just – it’s coming up to five years, you know? And I guess it’s just – I don’t know. I wanna make it more special this year.”
“It’ll be great, Alya. Don’t worry about it. I will do everything in my power to make sure everything goes perfectly. Scout’s honour!” Marinette raises her hand to her head in an overdramatic salute.
“Mari, you were never a Scout.”
“It’s the thought that counts, right?”
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gilbertandanne · 7 years
Tumblr media
AU College Fic. Farkle never figured out how Riley really felt about Lucas, so it never got out. Now she’s turning 21 and the gang decides to go to Las Vegas to celebrate. Sometimes what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas.
Rating: M
Pairing: Rucas
Word Count: 8,708
Cross-posted at ff.net            
Soundtrack (although not at all organized and subject to edits)
A/N: This song got dropped today, but it’s P E R F E C T to listen to as you read this chapter: “It Won’t Kill Ya” by The Chainsmokers.  
Also, 21 is now rated M.  And yes, I do take a little advantage of that switch in this chapter.  This chapter is dedicated to @gmwpluto because she held my hand and kicked my butt throughout multiple rewrites and edits.  She is the best sounding board ever cause she makes you kinda fight for what you’re doing and explain the reasoning behind it and yeah, I’m gonna get killed for this chapter, but I stand by everything that happens and considering the meltdown I had about it, I’m pleased with the result. Thank you Amy.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | J | Q | K | A | J |
                                      Chapter Ten: Tension
Her brain couldn’t process anything that was running through her chaotic mind.  She had hurt him.  She knew that much, but he had hurt her too.  He accused her of trying to pit Asher against him, of trying to create this buffer between whatever was growing between them, but that wasn’t true.  It wasn’t true because she knew that whatever this was couldn’t possibly last longer than the next few days.  He had always been non-committal when it came to his girlfriends.  A few weeks or even a few months would be the most she could possibly hope for.  She wasn’t willing to sacrifice her friendship with him when they were in middle school, and as strained and practically non-existent as it was now, she still didn’t think she could bear it if he completely vanished from her life.  That’s what would happen next, wouldn’t it?  They would go out for a while and he would realize that she wasn’t what he was looking for, so he would break up with her.  Afterward, she wouldn’t be able to be around him because it would hurt too much.  Their friends would be forced to take sides, and the entire group would fall apart.  She couldn’t let that happen.
As tears streamed down her cheeks, she knew that one day, she’d look back on this whole experience and know that she made the right decision by walking away from this before it was too late.  As she watched the fountains dance to the beat of the music, her heart finally declared war on her brain.
She wasn’t sure how long she stayed on the patio by herself.  Part of her had hoped that he would come back outside so they could go ahead and completely annihilate one another with more accusations and resentment.  Maybe it would be better to get it over with in one fell swoop as opposed to prolonging the inevitable.  It was her fault, anyway.  She was the one who suggested they play ‘seven minutes in heaven’ for real.  She was the one who could have walked away after her alarm went off the first time.  Maybe then, they wouldn’t be like this.  Maybe then they wouldn’t act like two complete idiots who, if she didn’t know any better, seemed to be completely in love with one another.
She scoffed as she wiped her eyes.  That was impossible.  While she knew that it was true on her end, she knew that if he wanted to figure everything out, if he really wanted to work through it, that he wouldn’t have left her the way he did.
She didn’t even want to have the stupid conversation in the first place—not now anyway.  She was drunk.  He was drunk.  She knew it would end badly, but he kept pushing her until he finally figured it out.
As Riley turned away from the show to go back inside, her head was spinning.  He knew now.  After seven years of hiding it from him, he now knew that she didn’t step back from him because her feelings for him had changed.
She took a deep breath as she made her way back to the table.  She had never felt more sober in her entire life.  She hated it.  She was never a huge drinker, and didn’t anticipate that trend changing just because it was suddenly legal for her to do so, but the battle her heart and brain waged was beginning to take its toll on her.  All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep through the next 48 hours.  She wanted to wake up in her dorm room in New York and chalk this whole trip up to being a bad dream—a cautionary tale about the perils of giving into temptation.
Her eyes locked on to Maya’s as she slowly approached the table.  She wrapped her arms around her body as a shiver rippled through her.
As soon as Maya saw Riley, she stood up and quickly made her way toward the quaking brunette.  “Riley?”  When Maya reached her, she rubbed Riley’s arms in an attempt to warm her up.  “You’re freezing.  Are you ok?”
Riley shook her head.  She was the complete opposite of ok.  How did everything get this complicated?  She just wanted to go out and have some fun and now she wasn’t even sure which way was up anymore.
“What happened?”
Riley shook her head once more.  She didn’t want to talk about it, not now anyway.  “Maya, I-I need…I…” She looked all around them.  What she was in search of, she didn’t even know.  She suddenly wanted to claw through her own skin, shed herself of her own body and simply float away.  This was all too much right now.  
As her frantic eyes continued to search the room, she spotted him.  He was seated at the main bar, and he wasn’t alone.  He wasn’t with the same woman as before, but it was another blonde woman and she wasn’t alone either.  A brunette woman had her arm looped through the blonde’s as they giggled at something Lucas said.  Riley felt a fresh batch of tears sting her eyes as her mouth fell open.
Maya furrowed her eyebrows together when she noticed anguish slowly seep into Riley’s eyes.  “Riley?  Riley, what is it?  Do we need to leave?”
Riley blinked several times as she stared at the three people who didn’t seem to have a clue that they were being watched.  Lucas seemed completely unfazed by their earlier conversation.  He laughed at something the blonde woman said, and made no move to remove the hand that the brunette woman had placed on his arm.  Riley’s throat ran dry as the blonde slid onto the barstool on the other side of him.  He was perfectly nestled between both girls now.
What a happy little threesome they seemed to be.  
The agony Riley felt when she stood outside rapidly faded.  Her desire to finish their conversation evaporated as she watched him take a sip of his scotch.  From where she stood, their conversation was over and he seemed more than content enough with the outcome.  
She’d be damned if she’d ever allow him to see how deeply he had gotten underneath her skin and into her heart.  If he was about to fulfill his quest to bring multiple women back to the suite, then she was hell bent on doing what she had set out to do the entire night—not think and not second-guess a single move she made.
But first, she needed to reclaim the buzz she had before she stepped outside with him.
“No,” she finally answered as she turned back to Maya.  She wiped her eyes.  “I want to stay.  I-Is my makeup ok?”
Maya wiped underneath Riley’s eyes to get rid of the slightly smudged eyeliner.  “Yeah.  You’re fine.  Why?  Riley, if you’re upset, then maybe we should—“
“Drink,” she offered even though she knew that wasn’t what Maya had in mind.
“No.  Maybe we should call it a night?”
Riley shook her head.  “No,” she answered as a slow smile tugged at the corners of her lips.  “The night’s only just begun.”  She glanced at the bar.  “I just need to find my buzz again.”
Maya was grateful that Riley’s master plan only seemed to consist of more vodka and dancing.  She had no idea what had transpired during Riley’s dance with Lucas, and while she wanted nothing more than to lock both of them in a closet and let them duke it out, she also knew that tonight wasn’t the best time to do it.  Everyone was intoxicated and she knew that Riley’s emotions were at an all time high.
Although Riley had taken to dancing with any guy who showed a remote interest in her, Maya knew that it could only go so far as long as she were nearby.  She was grateful that Zay and Farkle had joined them a few songs in.  Initially, Farkle had only shown up to give them each another drink, but Riley insisted that he stay with them and dance for at least a few songs.  She batted those beautiful brown eyes and told him that all she wanted for her birthday was to dance with her friends.  Farkle never stood a chance.  Her entire group of friends always ended up giving in when she pouted.
Maya noticed that not once since they hit the dance floor did Riley look back at Lucas.  She considered it a small victory.  She wanted nothing more than to see Riley and Lucas give it a shot, but she also knew nothing good would come out of a drunken conversation right now.  They had a lot to work through and discuss.  If they could make it through tonight, then maybe, just maybe, they would be able to work it out when their heads were a little clearer.
Riley laughed as she wrapped her arms around Zay’s neck and pressed her body against his.  “Dance class has really paid off, huh,” she grinned as they moved to the beat of the club music.
“You all laughed at me in middle school, but it’s always been a lady magnet,” he answered a he focused on the best place to hold Riley.  The last thing he wanted was to get in between whatever was going on with her and his best friend.  Incurring the wrath of Lucas Friar was one thing he did not want to do tonight.  He glanced over his shoulder as Maya cozied up behind him.  He turned back to Riley as he gestured at the blonde behind him.  “See?  Total lady magnet.”
“You’re in the middle of a Riley and Maya sandwich,” Riley laughed as she wrapped her arms around Maya as the trio rocked to the beat of the moderately slow R & B song.  “Do you know how many men would kill to be in your shoes right now?”
Zay chuckled nervously.  She was right.  He was nestled in between two beautiful women, and he knew damn well that if Lucas caught a glimpse of him right now that he might not live to see the sunrise.  “I know of one guy who probably would like to kill me right now if he saw this.”
“Make way for me,” Farkle announced as he ducked in between Riley and Zay.  The entire group laughed as Farkle slithered in between his friends.
“Farkle, I’m not that drunk yet,” Zay smiled before he spun around to dance with Maya.  The genius was one of his best friends, but his dance moves could prove to be lethal.  Farkle needed space to dance, and in his currently inebriated state, Zay wasn’t sure that he would understand that he only had a small space to work with.
Riley laughed as she placed her hands on Farkle’s shoulders.  “Oh Farkle…how are you doing?”
“Pretty good right now,” he smiled as he placed his hands on her waist.  He wasn’t really sure what he had been drinking or even how much he had.  He had placed Zay in charge of everything he consumed since he had never been much of a drinker.  “I can’t really feel my face right now.”
Riley’s eyes widened for a moment before she nearly doubled over in laughter.  “Oh my God,” she snorted as she gasped for air.  He couldn’t feel his face?  She had never been that drunk in her life.  That couldn’t possibly be normal, could it?  “I am so not on your level yet, Farkle.”
“Try me,” he grinned.  “I’m not kidding.”
“So, you can’t feel this?” She lightly touched his cheek.
He shook his head.  “Not at all!”
She tapped his cheek as her smile widened.  “And that?”
He shrugged.  “Nope.”
She lightly smacked his cheek.  “Still nothing?”
He laughed.  “Not a thing.”
“Wow.”  She was more than a little impressed.  Maybe she should get Zay to dictate the rest of her drinks for the night?  She moved her hand back down to his shoulder.  “If you were ever going to get into a fight, tonight would be the night to do it, Farkle.  Only…please don’t do that because then the night would be over and I’m having way too much fun to get kicked out of this club.”  She spun around before she placed her hand over top of his as she moved her hips from side to side.  “I love that you’re dancing right now,” she called out over her shoulder to him.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had been able to dance with him.  It had to have been high school.
“I told you guys that I would loosen up once we got here tonight,” he called out from behind her.
“I know, but I haven’t seen you have fun in a long time.”  She spun back around to face him as the song ended.
He shrugged as a more upbeat song began to play.  “Comes with the territory, I guess.”  He leaned in to speak directly into her ear as the DJ increased the volume of the music.  “I know you wanted this trip and it was your idea, but I needed it.  I needed to spend time with you guys…get out of New York for a few days.”
Riley frowned at his words.  He never talked about the breakup—not since the night it happened.  She turned her head to speak in his ear.  “Does it hurt?  Seeing places that you shared with her day after day?”
He nodded.  “Not as much as it used to, but sometimes I’ll walk past a coffee shop or restaurant or even somewhere that we only went to once, but I’ll think about her and it’s like…it’s like I can’t breathe.”  He sighed.  It was the worst form of torture he could possibly think of.  “For six months I felt so claustrophobic everywhere I went.  I thought I was going crazy.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “Maybe I am.”
“That’s how you know it was real.  I know it doesn’t help anything, but we’re here for you.  We’re all here for you, Farkle.”
“You know, the worst part is that…she’s gone.  She’s still in the city, but Riley, she might as well be in another country.  I haven’t talked to her since it happened…I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to be friends again.”
Riley nodded slowly.  It made sense.  Even in her muddled thoughts, it all made perfect sense.  Her heart broke when he called her that night and told her that Smackle broke up with him.  There wasn’t any build up or longstanding issue between them.  She simply told him that her feelings for him had changed and while she wasn’t sure how or in what way, she needed to take some time for herself to figure it all out.  Six months later and Farkle hadn’t heard a word from her.  “So you not only lost someone you loved, but you also—“
“I lost my best friend.”
Riley’s eyes scanned the club.  She couldn’t see much of anything past the dance area.  Was he still here?  Had he already left with those girls?  She had easily been on the dance floor for half an hour, maybe longer than that.  As Farkle’s words echoed through her hazy mind, her heart ached.  Her brain was winning the battle, despite the fact that she had subconsciously turned off both organs the moment she saw Lucas with those women.
It wouldn’t take her long to find out where he was.  As the small group made their way back to the table, she spotted Lucas, the blonde woman, and the brunette woman at their table with Asher and Dylan.  Instead of sitting down or even acknowledging the strangers who seemed to be latched onto him, Riley headed directly toward the bar.  The conversation with Farkle still rang in her ears as she ordered a shot.  As soon as she downed it, the bartender smiled at her.  “You’re the birthday girl, right?”
She cringed as her throat burned.  She nodded as she sat the glass back down.  “Yeah, I’m Riley.  And you are?”
“Mark,” he smiled.  “Listen, I know this might sound a little weird, but are you willing to help us out with something?  I can guarantee you that you’ll have fun and you won’t have to pay for another drink tonight.”
She raised her eyebrows.  She came here to have a memorable birthday.  Judging by the smile the bartender gave her, she knew that she had to do whatever it was he wanted her to do.  She needed some fun.  “Mark, you had me at fun.  What do you need me to do?”
Lucas looked up at the bar as he watched one of the bartenders whisper in Riley’s ear.  When he saw her laugh in response, his jaw twitched.  He couldn’t stand this.  The air around them felt so thick.  How was she able to laugh and carry on like this when the entire future of their already fragile friendship seemed so uncertain?  He reluctantly looked away from her when he heard the cackling of the brunette seated next to him.  Why did Dylan insist on inviting them back to their booth?  He had hoped to pawn the women off on Asher and Dylan and kill two birds with one stone, but Dylan didn’t quite get the hint that Lucas had no interest in either woman.  How could he when the one woman he wanted was so close, yet so far away from him?  
He hated the way they left things outside.  He hated that he stalked off, but he was so frustrated and so mad that she would think, for even a second, that if they became something more, that he would eventually end it.  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that he had earned the reputation he had for a reason, but she didn’t know the whole story.
“Why is she standing on top of the bar,” Zay suddenly asked as he watched one of the bartenders help Riley climb on the bar.
“Seriously?”  Maya stood up as she turned toward the main bar.  “I thought she was only going to get a drink…not let the whole world see up her dress,” she groaned as she watched Riley run a hand through her hair.
Lucas snapped his head up to look at Maya.  “Excuse me?”  He turned his head toward the brunette.  Sure enough, Riley Matthews had climbed on top of the bar.  Apparently the members of their table weren’t the only ones to notice as a group of guys crowded around her.
Maya glared at the back of Lucas’s head before she walked toward Riley.  The others followed closely behind.
“Tonight at Hyde, we are very fortunate to help celebrate this beautiful woman’s 21st birthday!”  Mark gestured to Riley who grinned when the crowd cheered.  “And she has so graciously decided to help us deliver a round of shots for anyone who might be interested.  It’s an apple pie shooter and the way it’s gonna work is that Amber will pour some apple juice into your mouth.  After that, I’ll come by and add in some vodka, then Miss Riley over here will top it off with a dab of whipped cream!”
“Well,” Farkle smirked as he watched the bartender hand Riley a can of whipped cream, “She said she wanted to have fun tonight.”
“She’s making memories that she might not actually be able to remember tomorrow.”  Zay glanced at Lucas.  He could practically feel the anger and jealousy billowing from his best friend.  At least that anger couldn’t possibly be directed at him.
As Mark grabbed a bottle of house vodka, he gestured to the area around them.  “So, line up around the bar if you want one.  First come, first served!”
“I don’t know about you guys,” Maya smirked as she slid up to the middle of the bar, “But I’m getting a free shot.”  She couldn’t believe what was happening, but she had to admit that it would definitely make one hell of a story.  Riley Matthews was serving whipped cream to a bunch of strangers on her 21st birthday.  As she heard Riley laugh, Maya figured that maybe doing something a little crazy like this could be good for her.  She had played it safe for her entire life.  She was due for a semi-wild night—as long as it didn’t involve some sort of exchange of bodily fluids with a random stranger.  
Most of the group followed Maya’s lead as they stood in front of the bar.
Lucas didn’t want to do it, but he knew there was no way she would willingly climb down and forget the whole thing.  If he could prevent her from spraying whipped cream into just one stranger’s mouth, then he’d stomach what was sure to be a disgusting shot.  Instead of lining up with the rest of his friends, he moved to the end of the bar.  If he had any luck, he would be the last one.  If he had a little more than luck—and if his brain hadn’t been completely thrashed by the jealousy he knew he’d have by watching her doing this—then maybe he could get her attention long enough to apologize for running away from her earlier.
He watched her slowly bend down to spray the whipped cream in the first few guys’ mouths.  Lucas noticed that there were a few women by the bar, but most of the patrons consisted of guys—guys he knew couldn’t wait to get their chance to hit on Riley.  Lucas’s focus never wavered as she moved from person to person.  She laughed when she saw Maya and the guys about midway through her trek around the bar.  After she squeezed some of the contents of the can into the blonde’s mouth, she kissed her cheek.  Both girls giggled as Maya swallowed the shot.
Lucas noticed that Riley seemed to be getting more and more into what she was doing as she skipped down the line.  He clenched his fist as she slowly slid her index finger down Asher’s cheek before she squeezed the whipped cream into his mouth.  Did she know he was watching her?  Was she purposefully trying to drive him insane with jealousy?
It was a great exercise in patience and test of his growth as a person to watch her casually flirt with about twenty-five random strangers.  It felt like an eternity had passed by the time she reached him.  Luckily, their friends had retreated back to the table, as had most of the other people who had gotten a shot.
As he opened his mouth for the apple juice and vodka, he wondered if she even noticed that he was there.  As the two bartenders turned back to make drinks for the crowd that awaited them, Riley’s eyes finally locked onto his.
She was surprised to see him.  She thought that if he had wanted a shot, he would have been lined up with the rest of their friends and the two girls he had been with for nearly an hour.  She had never been so tempted in her life to drown the two women in whipped cream, but she managed to avoid a murder charge as she breezed by them.  Now, as she looked down at Lucas, she wasn’t so sure she’d be as successful with him.  She crouched down as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.  She wasn’t sure that she had ever been this angry with him.  It was new territory for her, but she gladly welcomed it compared to the agony she felt when she first saw him with the two girls.  “Thanks for proving my point by walking away earlier,” she snarled before she sprayed the substance into his mouth.
Lucas swallowed the shot the moment she began to spray the cream into his mouth.  He thought for sure she would try to use up whatever was left in that can on him in an attempt to cover him in the frothy concoction.  While she did end up giving him more whipped cream after he swallowed, it wasn’t nearly enough to make him choke on it.
As she turned to leave, all thoughts of an apology escaped him.  He wanted to apologize, but he couldn’t remember the speech he had formulated as he watched her dance around the bar.  So, he acted completely on instinct when he grabbed her arm and gently tugged her back down to him.  He lifted his head slightly as his lips met hers in a searing kiss.
The first thing Riley could taste was the whipped cream in his mouth.  She was shocked that he had pulled her to him, but as she felt his tongue slip into her mouth, her anger melted into an unbridled passion that she had no idea how to subdue.
When she heard herself moan into his mouth, she snapped herself out of her daze.  She pulled back from him without saying a word and turned to the bartenders.  “Is that it,” she asked as she wiped a little bit of the whipped cream from her mouth.
“Not quite,” Mark smiled.  “It is your birthday, and what good is a birthday without a birthday cake?”
Riley smiled as she spun around to see one of the other bartenders bring a cake over to her table.  She quickly climbed down from the counter as she walked over to the chocolate cake lit up with sparkler candles.  Lucas trailed several feet behind her as her friends sang “Happy Birthday” to her.
She pushed the brief interlude with Lucas to the back of her mind as she looked at the friends who surrounded her.  This was the moment she knew she’d remember for the rest of her life.  She had made it to twenty-one.  She had no clue what the future held, but if this group of people remained in her life, she knew she’d be ready for anything.
After the song was over, Riley closed her eyes as she made a wish.  Her wishes over the last eight years hadn’t changed, but this one was slightly different.  It still centered on the Texan she had just kissed, but instead of wishing to be with him, she wished for some sort of sign to know what to do, whether to let go or to hang on.  She pulled her hair back as she leaned over and blew out the candles.
Everyone around her cheered as she raised her head back up.  “This is so incredible,” she happily smiled as she sat down in the booth.  She turned to Farkle.  “It’s perfect, Farkle.  The place, the cake…everything.”  She glanced around the club.  “You know…if I had to pick anywhere in Vegas to celebrate my 21st, it would have been here…the fountains, the dancing, the ambience…it’s perfect.”
He smiled.  “I wish I could take the credit for it, but I can’t.”
She frowned.  “What are you talking about?”  She thought Farkle had planned the entire trip out.  If he didn’t set all of this up, then who did?
Farkle searched the club for his friend.  He couldn’t believe that after everything, Lucas missed the cake being brought out, especially after how specific he had been about where and what cake to get.  “I thought for sure he would have told you, but it makes sense why he didn’t.  He’s not one to really brag, but…Lucas set up the whole thing.”
Riley glanced at Maya before she looked back at Farkle.  “What are you talking about?”
“I had no idea where to even begin to look for a place.  Lucas told me that he wanted to plan your birthday celebration.  He’s the one who booked the table here, got us all into VIP, and he even picked out the cake.”
“He planned it?”
Farkle nodded.  “I thought I knew you better than anyone…well, except for Maya, but…I think Lucas beat me on this one.  This place screams Riley to me.”
Just then, Lucas walked around the table as he sat down at the other end of the booth.  Riley couldn’t help but to stare at him.  He planned the whole night?  How did he pay for this?  Riley didn’t even want to think about how much it all must have cost him.  
She watched as the two girls she still didn’t know the names of turn their attention away from Dylan and back to Lucas.  As she reached for the drink Maya ordered for her while she was on the bar, her inebriated brain began to weigh her options.  On the one hand, she could continue to ignore him to the best of her ability and watch him accomplish the mission he had set out for himself at the beginning of the night—or—maybe she could be the mission.
As the vodka slipped past her lips, she figured that it would actually be pretty poetic to lose her virginity to him in Las Vegas on her 21st birthday.  He had been her first everything—first date, first kiss, first boyfriend, first love.  Why not complete the circle?  Why couldn’t she be the hookup he craved tonight?  It was only sex, right?  If she could keep her heart silent, then maybe it would actually help her begin to move on.  Maybe they wouldn’t be physically compatible?  Maybe this was the first step to letting go?
She smirked as she continued to consume the contents of her glass.  There wasn’t enough liquor in the world to convince her that sex with Lucas wouldn’t be good.  A few heated kisses told her everything she needed to know about their physical compatibility.  Still, she was feeling completely light and free.  Maybe she needed one night of passion with him in order to finally close the door on her first love.
Once she finished the drink, she slowly stood up and walked to the other end of the booth.
Lucas’s attention immediately shifted to Riley the moment she stood up.  He was more than a little surprised when she stopped right in front of him.  He had no idea what to expect.  Was she going to yell at him in front of everyone?  Was she going to get back on the bar and do something else that would surely test his self-control?
“Hey Huckleberry,” she smirked as she casually drummed her fingers on top of the table.  “Are we dancing or what?”
He knit his eyebrows together in confusion.  He knew that he must have misheard her.  She wanted to dance with him?  After their argument outside and after everything that had transpired between them in the last 24 hours, she actually wanted to dance with him?
“It is my birthday.”  Her smile never wavered as she watched him reach for his drink.  She raised one inquisitive eyebrow at him as she waited for him to finish drinking the amber substance in his glass.
Lucas finished off his scotch and sat the glass down next to her hand before he looked back up at her.  “Lead the way.”
He thought for sure that she would take him to where she had spent the better part of the night with most of their group.  Instead of going to the dance floor, she led him back outside, back to their hidden corner, back into the darkness.  Only a few people mingled outside, as the temperature must have dropped another five degrees in the hour since they were last out there.  Riley felt a chill ripple through her as soon as she stepped outside, but she didn’t care.  This was the only place she knew of that they could have a little bit of privacy.  They were nowhere near the music, although they could still hear the bass beat as clear as day.  
Riley didn’t say a word as she spun around and placed his hands on her waist.
“Riley, what are you doing?”
She wrapped her arms around his neck.  “I don’t want to talk.”  She knew that this would go a lot better if neither of them said a word.  Every time one of them opened their mouths, they ended up in some ridiculous fight.  If they could just somehow float together, let things happen naturally without having to discuss the past or what it all meant, then maybe they could work this out without a fight.
“What do you want to do?”  Lucas swallowed as he stared at her.  He had no idea what was going through her mind.  She didn’t want to talk.  That was fair enough.  Every conversation they attempted in the last 24 hours was disastrous to say the least.  He never wanted to ruin her birthday.  If she wanted to dance with him in silence, then he would take that time trying to commit every millisecond of it to his memory.
“Have fun.  Not think.”  She shrugged her shoulders as she glanced at the fountains for a moment before she looked back at him.  “I’ve spent the first twenty one years of my life thinking about every move I made…doing the right thing…saying the right things.”  She shook her head.  “I don’t want to do any of that tonight.”  She was tired of having to be perfect all the time.  She was tired of her brain stopping her from doing the things she wanted to do.
He sighed.  Despite the canyon between them, he knew who she was.  He had always known.  “And what happens tomorrow when you wake up?”  She was saying all of this now, but he knew that once she sobered up, she would regret it if she did something completely reckless.
She shrugged.  “I don’t want to think about that.”  Didn’t he understand?  She wanted to give into her emotions for once.  Maya always led with her heart while Riley had always led with her brain.  Leading with her brain had only made a huge mess of everything, so why couldn’t she simply give into her feelings for one night?  What was so terrible about that?
“But I do.”  He wanted to step back from her.  He wanted to remove his hands from her waist and go back inside, but he couldn’t.  He wasn’t strong enough to separate himself from her right now.  He was a man who had been starving for a third of his life over the woman who stood before him.  At this second, he was holding the only thing he had ever really wanted.  He couldn’t let go.  Maybe if he was a little more sober, he could.  Maybe if she wasn’t looking at him in the way he had always wanted her to, he could let her go and walk away.  
“You’re not pulling away from me,” she murmured as she stepped forward and pressed her body against his.  She lowered her right hand to the nape of his neck as her fingertips brushed through his hair.  She bit her bottom lip as her eyes lowered to his lips.
“I need to,” he groaned as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek.  The alcohol in his system worked against him as he felt himself slowly give into whatever she wanted to do.  He knew that he was wrapped around her finger, but he never knew how much until tonight.  He’d die to try to give her the world if she wanted it.  He’d move heaven and earth for her if she asked him to.
“You don’t need to do anything,” she responded softly before she began to plant open-mouthed kisses along his jawline.  
Lucas felt his earlier anger dissipate with every connection her lips made to his skin.  It wasn’t fair.  None of this was fair.  Every single emotion he had felt tonight was placed into extremes.  He was certain he had never been angrier with someone in his entire life, but at the same time, he knew that he had never loved her more.  It wasn’t just the fact that she was stirring up every single hormone he possessed, but it was the fact that for the first time ever, he finally realized that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.
He swallowed as she moved her attention to the other side of his neck.  He craned his neck back and stifled a moan as she scraped her teeth against the base of his neck.  He was rapidly becoming putty in her hands.  Whatever she wanted, he was prepared to give her.  Anything—everything.  He just had to know that she wanted him and only him.  
Finding some inner strength that he didn’t know he possessed, he slowly moved his hands up to her shoulders as he nudged her back slightly.
Confused, Riley lifted her head.  “Isn’t this what you want?”
The way her eyes had darkened nearly set off an explosion in the Texan’s mind.  Dear God, he knew that no matter how much alcohol he consumed, he would never forget the way she looked at that exact moment.  Her cheeks were slightly flushed, her breathing had become slightly labored, and the way she pursed her lips immediately made a certain body part of his throb in sheer anticipation.  He knew he had to maintain his composure for at least another minute.  He had to know she really wanted this and she wouldn’t claim it was some drunken mistake tomorrow.  “Is it what you want?”
She smiled as she slowly, purposefully so, closed the space between them once more.  “Yes,” she purred as her lips quickly covered his.  She wanted to silence him before he had a chance to think, a chance to ruin whatever moment they could have together.  
Lucas felt most of his remaining defenses slip away as her fingers slowly danced down his chest.  As her tongue slipped into his mouth, his hands slid up her back as he quickly guided them further into their little oasis.
As soon as her back hit the wall, she shoved one of his hands down to her thigh.  “I want to feel your hands all over me,” she murmured as she hooked one of her legs around his waist.  She smashed her lips to his once again as she wanted nothing more than to feel him explore her entire body.
He squeezed her thigh as her tongue met his once more.  When she moaned into his mouth, he felt the last shred of ‘Lucas the Good’ slip away.  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that while whatever they were doing was completely and utterly right, the timing of it and the location of it was not at all how he had imagined it.  Still, the alcohol in his system and eight years of dreaming about the woman in his arms night after night tipped the scales into Lucas the not-so-Good’s favor.  When she placed his hand on her thigh and told him that she wanted his hands all over her, he nearly took her right then and there.  As soon as she moaned into his mouth, ‘Lucas the Good’ ceased to exist all together.  His hand slowly crept up her thigh.  He knew that if she didn’t want this, she would push his hand down, pull away from him and tell him that they were going too far.
But she didn’t.  As her nails scraped across his back, she wiggled against him in a desperate attempt to get his fingers toward their destination quicker.  She needed to feel him. She needed him to touch her in a way that no one else had before.
Up until that moment, Lucas didn’t know that his brain possessed an off switch.  As his fingers slowly disappeared under her dress, Riley whimpered in sheer anticipation.  How many times had he dreamt about them like this?  How many times had he woken up and taken a cold shower because the woman he fantasized about wasn’t next to him?
“Please,” she murmured desperately in between kisses.  “I want you to.  I need you to.”  Goose bumps peppered her entire body as she felt his fingers graze the outside of her underwear.  “Please, Lucas.”
All he wanted to do was to make her happy and to make her feel good.  She wanted this.  He wanted this.  As he opened his eyes, he noticed that hers were already opened as they continued to kiss one another.  He looked for a sign of hesitation, any indication that it was merely the alcohol talking and not something she really wanted.  It was the only thing that could possibly hold him back from doing this.  A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she lightly bit his bottom lip.  “Please,” she begged once more.
At that moment, no one on Earth could have resisted her.  
She gasped as soon as she felt his fingers slide into her underwear.  She dug her nails further into his back when his lips reclaimed hers while his fingers slowly explored a new uncharted territory.  Was this real?  As his fingers paid homage to her most private of regions, Riley sighed into his mouth.  God, it felt so much better than she imagined, and it wasn’t even the real thing.  Her entire body felt completely electrified by his motions.  As insanely wonderful as it felt, she wanted more.  This was becoming an addiction.  He was becoming an addiction.   She had to have more of this.  She had to have more of him.
Lucas wished that she had left with him earlier when he mentioned it.  It was a mile and a half back to their hotel, but with traffic, it could easily take 20 minutes to get back to their suite.  He wasn’t sure about her, but he knew he couldn’t wait that long.  He wasn’t even sure they could make it to a room at the Bellagio at the rate they were going.  
Riley couldn’t stand it anymore.  She thought she could be placated with a tease, with a glimpse into a world that had been forbidden for so long, but it only made her demand more.  She dragged her fingernails down the length of his back before she brought them in between their bodies.  As she lowered her lips to his neck, her fingers grazed the outside of his pants.
He groaned the moment he felt her fingertips against him.  Did she have any clue how close he was to taking her right then and there?  All it would take is one word, one indication of consent and he would happily spend the rest of the night—the rest of forever—worshipping her like the goddess she was.
He used his free hand to run through her slightly tangled hair.  As she lifted her head up, he pulled her face to his in a scorching kiss.
Lucas quickened his pace as his mouth desperately sought contact with hers.  Riley could hear her heart race in her ears as the pressure within her began to build more and more rapidly.  She wasn’t exactly sure how she was able to pull in any oxygen between the breath Lucas commanded and the fact that his ministrations had already labored her breathing.  She felt like she could pass out at any moment from sheer pleasure.  If she died right here, she would die the happiest woman in the world.  She never wanted this feeling to end.      
He kissed her with every single feeling she was giving him in return.  A lethal combination of love, lust, anger, jealousy, and passion swirled within him as he desperately tried to tell her everything she was doing to him without ever saying a word.  He was a man possessed.  He couldn’t control anything anymore.  “Tell me,” he commanded as he slid his lips across her bare shoulder.  His free hand fell to her lower back in order to support her when she threw her head back and desperately gasped for air.  “Tell me that I’m the only one you want.  Tell me you don’t want him.  Tell me, Riley,” he pleaded as his lips brushed against her collarbone.  “Tell me that when we wake up tomorrow, we’ll be together.”  He kissed his way toward the base of her neck as he waited for her answer.
Riley’s heart pounded even harder as she listened to his pleas.  As her mind desperately tried to fight through the thick fog of alcohol and lust, she replayed his words again.  Be together as in dating?  Her mind raced as the logical side of her brain tried to dissect his words and the meaning behind them.  She couldn’t do this right now.  She was hammered.  She told him that she didn’t want to talk.  She didn’t want to make a life altering decision while they were intoxicated.  
She thought this would be easy.  She thought that maybe they could get whatever this was out of their system tonight—chalk it up to the city, to the alcohol, to being young.  She knew that on some level, she had waited for him, had wanted him to be her first because he had been her first everything else and that maybe she could begin to move on if she got some sort of closure from the last seven years.  She knew that at least for her, it wouldn’t be so simple to walk away, but maybe it would be for him.  Maybe getting the tension out of the way could somehow pave the way for them to repair their friendship.  At least, that was what the inebriated side of her had foolishly thought.  
She closed her eyes a newfound embarrassment filled her.  For one moment, she had successfully turned off her brain.  For one moment, she led with something other than the sense that had kept Lucas Friar at arm’s length for a third of her life.  In one foolish moment of weakness, she might have just wrecked an eight-year friendship.  
She slowly opened her eyes when she felt his lips slowly pull away from her neck.  They weren’t on the same page at all.  She knew that couldn’t risk this anymore than she already had.  Her body still cried out for him, but her mind had finally taken control once again.  She thought she could give into this for one night, but she wasn’t that kind of girl.  She never was.  “I can’t,” she answered weakly as she braced herself for the fallout she knew she deserved.
It felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on the Texan.  He felt completely paralyzed as the weight of those two words fell on his shoulders.  She had driven him completely insane.  He never would have allowed things to get this far between them if he thought that she didn’t want to be with him when morning came.  As he slowly pulled away from her, it felt as if a thousand knives had penetrated his heart.  He couldn’t do this anymore.  He couldn’t be around her while he was still in love with her.  If the last seven years were any indication, he knew that trying to get over Riley would be nearly impossible.  As he shoved his hands into his pockets, he knew that he had to get away from her, but first, before he threw himself off a cliff, he had to know why.  “Why,” his voice cracked with the weight of emotion that flowed through his heart, “Why is it so hard for you to understand that I want to be with you?”
Riley slid her dress back down before she wrapped her arms around herself.  She wanted to tell him it was because of what she had overheard earlier that night, but the real problem extended beyond that.  “Because,” her voice shook, “it was so easy for you to accept what I told you we were and move on.”  She looked down.  “If you did it back then, I know that you’ll do it now.”
“But I didn’t accept it!”  His eyes widened as he waited for her to say something else.  Was there no other reason than the stupid label that she put on them when they were in middle school?  “Don’t you get it, Riley?  Everything that’s happened since then has been because of this ridiculous idea you got into your head that Maya and I liked one another.”
She cut her eyes up at him.  “Didn’t you?  Even for just a second?”
“No!”  He shook his head as he tried to pull himself together long enough to explain to her what actually went on in his confused fifteen year old mind.  “I thought that…that maybe there was…or that there could be…but I realized later that I only thought about that after you told us there was something there.”  He scoffed when she said nothing in response.  “Do you not understand that Maya and I only dated because the person we loved the most in this world told us that we had to see how we felt about one another?  I’ve been chasing you ever since then.”  He shook his head as he looked away from her.  This was completely ridiculous.  Was he supposed to pay for her decision for the rest of his life?
Riley furrowed her eyebrows.  “What did you say?”
His eyes fell to the ground.  “I’ve been chasing you, Riley.”  Was she going to laugh in his face?  Was she going to completely pulverize the last shred of hope he had for them?
She shook her head.  “Before that.”
He took a moment to think about what he had actually revealed to her.  When his words came back to him, he realized that after seven years, he finally told her how he felt.  As he lifted his gaze, he knew that he had never intended for it to come out like that.  He had always imagined some huge romantic reveal—something that would rival the white horse he rode in the gymnasium at John Quincy Adams Middle School—but perhaps some of the purest moments didn’t need to come with pomp and circumstance.  Maybe they were best received when spoken from the heart, even if it’s outside of a club at 2:00 in the morning.  “Maya and I only went out because the person we loved the most in this world told us that we had to see how we felt about one another.”
Riley was convinced that the entire earth was currently spinning at a rate that would perplex scientists for the rest of eternity.  She swallowed in a desperate attempt to ensure that her voice didn’t shake when she finally asked him the most important question she had ever asked anyone.  “You loved me?”
“Yes!”  He looked all around them as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  Had she not been listening to anything he had said or done in the last 24 hours?  Could she not see it before then?  Did she never suspect how destroyed he was over what happened to them in middle school?  Did she never catch on to the fact that his gaze always seemed to stay on her no matter where they were, who they were with, or what they were doing?  Did the woman before him have zero clue that he not only wanted to give her the world but that she had been his entire world for the last eight years?  “I loved you then,” he finally declared.  As she lifted her eyebrows in surprise, he realized that she really had no idea what he had sacrificed just to be able to continue to orbit around her.  “I love you now,” he confessed.  She had to know.  She had to see that this wasn’t some random hookup to him.  She had to know that this was the culmination of seven years of emotional repression.  “I never stopped loving you, even for a second…even though you told me that you only saw me as a brother.”
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survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #5: "my wig is scalped. i am ascending, friends." - Jake
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Just realised I forgot to confess about my winner pick yet. I have predicted correctly both the the times I have done this. Looks like this is the only thing I am good at in ORG's so why not keep the trend going. With that said, my winner pick for this season is Zac...wait nooo. I said I am done with playing nice. Gotta give myself a chance , so my winner pick is Karthik. GG
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Okay so the swap continues to be great! Basically my relationship with Zach has improved a lot so hopefully he is down to work with me! And it would depend on what he wants if they wanna eliminate Jake or not, I personally don’t care lmao but I think that maybe keeping Jake might help me to have options with the original Kato aswell (who Idc about but as I said I can’t close that door) but anyways I really don’t wanna have to decide yet so I wanna win this challenge more than anything right now.
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We going full crackhead
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not much has changed. we are immune again, and so i'm final 12 (which is the common # for merge, but i anticipate otherwise this game). it's exciting because my main goal right now, bar winning/jury, is just single digits, and i think that's achievable.
on my current tribe, i think i trust karthik the most. i speak to him daily & we have fun conversations, and he likes to mock me which is really fun for me. tim i trust but we have been lacking conversation (though i believe that's due to inactivity opposed to us being weird). i already went through miguel & jake in my last confessional so i'm not going to regurgitate that. i love all 4 of these men so much.
i can't help but think i'm majorly fucking up with my physical side. i really carried in the puzzle immunity, which was a public immunity. this means that other tribes are going to notice me. on top of that, i was in a majority like i deadass could've lost and have been fine (afaik). i sent ally/liam to tribal in the minority (luckily they thrived) & i sent another og-takagi majority to tribal and i lost one. odd, but whatever. i'm just paranoid i think because my biggest thing is skewering others perceptions of me and i think i'm making it much harder by performing exceptional in most challenges.
i'm thriving tho. i lost my trail of thought but... king. love u all. i am talking to a friend about driving n life but there was something i wanted to fucking talk about im STRESESDDDDDD. idk. yeehaw.
oh i remembered - the exile decision. though this wasn't for the complete round, it was so stupid for tim to suggest 'jess' and 'stephen' or something. like???? sister???? either send alyssa so she lacks connection & they boot her or send someone else. idk. it made no sense to weaken the social game of one of our own, but maybe he's playing it odd. regardless, miguel and i spoke in pms about it and we were on the same page (and i made a mistake of saying ''hope they vote alyssa out'' or something similar, which isn't ever my game (to elaborate: i never directly say anything but rather insinuate because im ditzy n dmubb :p)). it was just annoying like maybe i'm overthinking it but ... bye.
im getting like 7th-10th i know it.
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I’m ecstatic right now, my tribe won immunity and I have officially broken my Survivor ORG record. It’s also looking like an og Takagi is goi g home tonight which helps as going into merge I want as many og kato as possible. I’m a little wary of Stephen at this point but that’s the game of Survivor. Stephen is a strong player and while I like working with him, I think he needs to be voted out down the road because he is definitely a strong strategic player like me, maybe a stronger one. Right now I need to focus on getting back into the game as I definitely was limited for the past few challenges. It showed in this challenge as I helped my tribe win the challenge. The merge is coming soon and I’m hoping to make the merge and continue showing a new side of myself, like David did in Milennials vs Gen X. Doing this helped David excel in his game and it’s helping me excel in my season of Survivor. I’m pushing myself to see just how far I can go and see if maybe I can win this competition.
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So glad we won, tribals are dumb. Would’ve liked to vote out Liam though. Still, can’t wait to be the only Stephen left in the game, Stephen Prime, Stephen Supreme.
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It just feels like a repeat of my previous ORG where I make the merge without ever going to tribal council and get voted out soon after. I am not so sure if this is a good thing for me. Its getting a bit boring. I want to play the game, be part of strategy talks, organize a blindside. get blindsided etc etc. These are the fun parts of the game imo and I feel these are about to happen as I am expecting the merge soon.  Hope I do not flop like my last game and last for a longer while this time around. Zach seems to like Miguel and Miguel has been feeding a lot of info to Zach. Probably they know each other from the past or something but either way they appear to be close. Zach had been planting seeds in my mind, saying more than once that Miguel seems to be cool and loyal whereas Jake is sketchy. I personally seem to connect better with Jake and feel like he is a better person to work with for me personally. He is a strong competitor and even if he doesnt happen to be the loyal kind of player, he is more of a threat and its likely that he would be targeted later in the game which are the kind of players I need around whereas I find Miguel to be a less threatening player who could slip under the radar and steal your spot at the end. I believe there would have been a push for Jake to go if we had lost but glad that didn't happen coz I do not wish to create any waves yet and cannot afford to go against King Zach's words. Fun fact - Zach has added me in 4 alliances within the past 2 days but none of those are with people in the game :)
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Daniel leaving at the last vote has been a big blow to my game, but it wasn't the worst-case scenario. With me and Jess still in I still have my most trusted ally on the tribe. I questioned Alyssa about having the idol since apparently I do that to all of my allies now, but she said she didn't have it. She brought up the possibility that there was only one Hallway idol available for everyone, and while I'm not sure I totally believe that explanation she did admit that she has reached 100.
We came up with a plan last night, where she convinces Isaac that the plan is to flip me and vote Jess out. Assuming Alyssa is loyal to the plan and Isaac buys it, I shouldn't be getting any votes tonight. I'll tell Jess everything when she gets back and hopefully this vote will be 3-1. But even if Alyssa is lying to me, there's a chance Jess might find something in the basement. And if she does, well.... I'll be trying to use it to "both" of our benefits ;)
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So woahhhh that double tribal huh!! I did not see either vote out happening. TJ went out on a unanimous vote and Ratboi played an idol into a split vote!!! I wonder what TJ did or failed to do in order to get voted out. Did his enemies end up on the tribe with him? And what about Ratboi. When did he get an idol? Was this from Kato or the basement?? Who split the vote in the first place? I have many questions and not too many answers as of now.
Ok so here is what I concluded so far. TJ, Jake, Alyssa, and Stephen W (The Australian) are one side of the old Kato and the other side was Miguel, Fredrico, Isaac, and Luke.
TJ ended up with Luke in the swap but Stephen W on his side so I am confusion??? Ally and Liam were there as well so idk.
So we win the challenge and I am PUMPED. Our tribe managed to work together and draft some potential questions as well as help one another out during the challenge. I managed to get a score of 7 which is dope!! Oh and our tribe also finished in first place meaning we got to send someone from the losing tribe into the basement.
The losing tribe was Atila 2.0 which consisted of Jess, Alyssa, Isaac, and Stephen Z. Now I initially thought the person going into the basement was immune so I suggested Alyssa because I know that she is aligned with Jake and I wanted to try and work with them at merge potentially. However, once I discovered that the basementee would return I switched up and supported Jake in wanting to send Jess. This was great for me because Jess is my ally and I didnt immediately suggest her so that sheds some weight off my shoulders. But umm I was also kinda rude and I stiff armed Miguel from trying to send Isaac back there. I know that they are aligned so I could not allow that to happen. I made the decision for the tribe and @'d Anna to let her know that the tribe (Aka me....) had decided on Jess. Now this could hurt my game because this could make me seem like I am hard to work with or not willing to compromise but only Miguel would think so and he's one of my targets so lol.
Hopefully at Attila's tribal Isaac goes home and the merge happens so I can slay it.
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What isn't going on? That is the real question...
Let's take it back to BEFORE Daniel's departure.
Prior to the vote ( literally 20 minutes before) I went on call with Alyssa and I can't tell if I'm just sipping Paranoid Bitch Juice™ or not.... BUT the first thing she asks me is if I have the idol. I was thrown off because.. 1) Why are you asking me this BEFORE A VOTE...AM I BEING VOTED OFF?. 2) Why do you have a SMILE on your face while asking me this. Anyways.. I've come to the conclusion that she may have an idol and isn't telling me because I want to kill her in this game. The purpose of this call was to warn her that I was actually voting out Isaac so she wouldn't be blindsided. I was trying to sugar coat it. Telling her I was conflicted and that Isaac may or may not have an idol but then the Google Hangouts link was sent and I didn't have enough time to tell her. After this Chaos and Daniel going I was hella shook. Alyssa seemed pissed at me and at that point I had no regrets. An idol was flushed and someone who would potentially come after me was gone. It was a major win/win situation for me personally. Then TJ going on the other tribe.. someone who potentially would have came for me... also: another freaking win.
THEN my night gets turned upside down and I'm summoned to the basement. I can't tell if the other tribe sent me there so I could find something and they LOVE ME or because they wanted to MURDER me in this game. It's still up in the air tbh. Being away from my tribe for a long period of time was scary. I'm kind of just hoping my relationship with both Stephen and Alyssa are solid and we can bo$$ this game up. However, am I afraid of Isaac possibly finding two idols in the basement? yes? do I want to be a paranoid bitch once again in a game? no? am I dying on the inside and thinking it could be me tonight? yes? am I going to drink wine before tribal? basically.
My game plan is simple. I'm going to be straight up with Alyssa and say I'm NOT doing Stephen. She either will vote out Stephen and we tie and we can go to rocks. 50/50 odds. Or she can keep Stephen. That's it. If an idol is played and I'm who they vote out.. I'll probably cry.
I refuse to even look ahead to after this tribal because I'm sort of extremely uncertain.
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Fuck this week, man. I'm so glad that Ally and I went from a minority to a tie at the best, but I'm just not super confident in much right now. Hopefully we just keep winning.
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hi i literally don’t have anything to say because nothing has changed since last round
i’m rly glad tj left i liked him but i liked everyone else more... and he VOTED me i’m glad daniel left in the tie on the other tribe cos we never spoke and i’m close to stephen z it’ll be interesting to see how their tribal goes this time with 2-2 tribal lines. i’m excited. i love jess and stephen so i’m rly hoping nothing happens to them that’s p much it. i got nothin. sry.
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Sisters this might be the end of the road for me. I hope it’s not because I’m having a blast but this 2-2 fuckshit is annoying. If I go I have a successful idol play to my name and a few iconic one liners, see y’all in All-Stars. Rotten Luck.
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Isaac is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
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